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Programming XML Toolkit

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Programming XML Toolkit

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Programming XML Toolkit

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page

This edition applies to IBM® i 7.2 (product number 5770-SS1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC) models nor
does it run on CISC models.
This document may contain references to Licensed Internal Code. Licensed Internal Code is Machine Code and is
licensed to you under the terms of the IBM License Agreement for Machine Code.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2013.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.

XML Toolkit........................................................................................................... 1
PDF file for XML Toolkit................................................................................................................................ 1
XML introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Advantages of XML................................................................................................................................. 2
Uses of XML............................................................................................................................................ 3
XML standards and extensions.............................................................................................................. 4
XML Toolkit introduction.............................................................................................................................. 5
Available XML Toolkit components........................................................................................................ 6
Installing XML Toolkit............................................................................................................................. 7
API documentation.................................................................................................................................9
Samples................................................................................................................................................ 10
XSL introduction.........................................................................................................................................11
Uses of XSL........................................................................................................................................... 11
XML Scripting for IBM i introduction......................................................................................................... 12
Getting support.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Related information for XML Toolkit..........................................................................................................12

Programming interface information.......................................................................................................... 16
Trademarks................................................................................................................................................ 16

XML Toolkit
The IBM XML Toolkit for IBM i, licensed program offering (LPO) 5733-XT2, V1R2M0, is designed to
provide key development enablement components, XML parsers, to assist in the use of XML for general
application or business-to-business (B2B) solutions. The XSL transformer allows you to reformat or
reorganize XML documents to other formats (for example, XML or HTML).
The XML Toolkit for IBM i is based on cross-platform, open-source code that is designed to be compliant
with industry standards. Parser version 5.6.3 corresponds to Apache Software Foundations' Xerces-C
Version 2.6 with fixes. The XSL transformer corresponds to Apache Software Foundations' Xalan-C
Version 1.10.2. In addition to providing the XML for C++ parser and the XSL transformer for C++, a unique
interface called XML Procedural parser is provided to the XML for C++ parser that allows applications
written in RPG, C, or COBOL to access an XML parser.
Also included with the XML Toolkit is XML Scripting for IBM i. XML Scripting for IBM i provides an XML
based build tool.

PDF file for XML Toolkit

You can view and print a PDF file of this information.
To view or download the PDF version of this document, select XML Toolkit (about 303 KB). Note that
the PDF version of the XML Toolkit information does not contain the API documentation. The API
documentation is an installable option of the XML Toolkit licensed program offering.

Other information
• IBM Redbooks® publications:

– The Ins and Outs of XML and Db2® for i (about 3 MB)
– The XML Files: Using XML for Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Applications (about 3


– XML in Action: PDML and PCML (about 3.5 MB)

– Integrating XML with DB2® XML Extender and DB2 Text Extender (about 4.5 MB)

Saving PDF files

To save a PDF on your workstation for viewing or printing:
1. Right-click the PDF link in your browser.
2. Click the option that saves the PDF locally.
3. Navigate to the directory in which you want to save the PDF.
4. Click Save.

Downloading Adobe Reader

You need Adobe Reader installed on your system to view or print these PDFs. You can download a free
copy from the Adobe Web site (www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html) .

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2013 1

XML introduction
Extensible Markup Language (XML) allows you to describe and organize information in ways that are easily
understandable by both humans and computers. You can then share that information and its description
with others over the Internet, an extranet, network, or in other ways.
XML, like Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), is a metalanguage. A metalanguage allows you
to define a document markup language and its structure. For example, both XML and Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) are derived from SGML.
You can use XML to create your own markup language that includes a set of rules and tags that describe
information suited to your needs, for example, name, title, address, and zip code. You define this markup
language in a document type definition (DTD) or XML Schema file that functions as the standard way to
describe your information. Using XML to share standardized information means you are no longer required
to write programs to focus on proprietary software or convert and translate different data formats.
You and others can use the DTD or XML Schema definition to tag information that you can then use in
a variety of ways: printed on an address label, business card, or stationary; displayed in a Web page; or
sorted in a list of data with similar attributes. For example, you might want to create an efficient way to
share information (such as purchase orders, shipping acknowledgments, order status, and stock status)
with your partners and suppliers. You can use XML to share that information by creating and using XML
documents that conform to your DTD or XML Schema, in which you specify the standard for the electronic
exchange of information.
Although both XML and HTML use tags to describe content, they are also very different:
• HTML describes how to format information for display and is meant for computer-to-human interaction.
• XML describes what the information is and is meant for computer-to-computer interaction.
There are many other sources of information regarding the advantages and uses of XML that are readily
available on the Internet and through commercial publications. For a complete and comprehensive
understanding of the capabilities of XML, you should consult these sources.

Advantages of XML
Using XML to exchange information offers many benefits.
Advantages of XML include the following:
• XML uses human, not computer, language. XML is readable and understandable, even by novices, and
no more difficult to code than HTML.
• XML is completely compatible with Java™ and 100% portable. Any application that can process XML can
use your information, regardless of platform.
• XML is extendable. Create your own tags, or use tags created by others, that use the natural language of
your domain, that have the attributes you need, and that makes sense to you and your users.
The following example illustrates, in a simplified way, the readability and extensibility of XML:

2 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

HTML example XML example

<H1 ID="MN">State</H1> <?XML VERSION="1.0" STANDALONE="yes" ?>
<H2 ID="12">City</H2> <STATE STATEID="MN">
<DT>Name</DT> <NAME>Johnson</name>
<DT>Population</DT> </CITY>
<DD>5000</DD> <CITY CITYID="15">
</DL> <NAME>Pineville</NAME>
<H2 ID="15">City</H2> <POPULATION>60000</POPULATION>
<DL> </CITY>
<DT>Name</DT> <CITY CITYID="20">
<DD>Pineville</DD> <NAME>Lake Bell</NAME>
<DD>60000</DD> </CITY>
</DL> </STATE>
<H2 ID="20">City</H2>
<DD>Lake Bell</DD>

HTML tag names reveal nothing about the meaning of their content. The example above uses an HTML
definition list, but the problems inherent in using HTML occur if the data were contained in a table or
some other kind of HTML tags. Examples follow:
• Many of the HTML tags are acronyms, so they are not as readable as common language.
• HTML tags represent data (in this example, city names and populations) as items to display, for
example, as definitions in a list or cells in a table. This makes it difficult to manipulate the data or
to exchange it between applications.
The XML tag names are readable and convey the meaning of the data. The information structure is easily
discerned by both humans and computers as each XML tag immediately precedes the associated data.
The data structure follows a noticeable and useful pattern, making it easy to manipulate and exchange the

Uses of XML
XML has a variety of uses for Web, e-business, and portable applications.
The following are some of the many applications for which XML is useful:
• Web publishing: XML allows you to create interactive pages, allows the customer to customize those
pages, and makes creating e-commerce applications more intuitive. With XML, you store the data once
and then render that content for different viewers or devices based on style sheet processing using an
Extensible Style Language (XSL)/XSL Transformation (XSLT) processor.
• Web searching and automating Web tasks: XML defines the type of information contained in a
document, making it easier to return useful results when searching the Web:
For example, using HTML to search for books authored by Tom Brown is likely to return instances of the
term 'brown' outside of the context of author. Using XML restricts the search to the correct context (for
example, the information contained in the <author> tag) and returns only the information that you want.
By using XML, Web agents and robots (programs that automate Web searches or other tasks) are more
efficient and produce more useful results.
• General applications: XML provides a standard method to access information, making it easier for
applications and devices of all kinds to use, store, transmit, and display data.
• e-business applications: XML implementations make electronic data interchange (EDI) more
accessible for information interchange, business-to-business transactions, and business-to-consumer

XML Toolkit 3
• Metadata applications: XML makes it easier to express metadata in a portable, reusable format.
• Pervasive computing: XML provides portable and structured information types for display on pervasive
(wireless) computing devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellular phones, and others.
For example, WML (Wireless Markup Language) and VoiceXML are currently evolving standards for
describing visual and speech-driven wireless device interfaces.

XML standards and extensions

Other standards and extensions to XML work together to make your information more portable and useful.
You need to know about these standards and extensions in order to do the following:
• Use XML with your Java, C++, C, RPG, and COBOL programs.
• Perform complex data searches in XML documents.
• Display XML data on different types of devices.
• Provide your XML documents with hierarchical linking capabilities.
• Produce standard structures for related DTDs.
XML is good for describing information, but it cannot do everything. For example, XML documents do not
contain the kind of information that current browsers and many other devices require to display it in a
useful way. The same is true for linking to other information, transporting XML data so that it can be used
in a meaningful way by the receiving application, and so on.
The XML community has and continues to develop standards and extensions to expand the capabilities of
• DOM and SAX APIs
• Namespaces
• XSL and XSLT
• XLink
• XPath and XPointer
• XML Schema

Application programming interfaces (APIs) allow applications to work with XML information using a
standard set of portable interfaces.
DOM 1.0 and DOM Level 2.0
The Document Object Model (DOM) API enables you to build XML documents as well as parse them.
These interfaces enable you to access, manipulate, and create XML documents (and the data within) as
programming objects that have methods and events. Your programs can construct or change a DOM tree
in memory and then persist that DOM tree to a file or stream. DOM is best suited for instances where you
will parse few XML documents but require extensive control over the contents.

Namespaces are pointers that enable you to differentiate between duplicate XML elements or attribute
names, a situation that can occur when using XSLT style sheets or more than a single DTD. For example,
the <code> element from one DTD might mean something different from a <code> element in another
DTD. To avoid name collisions and ambiguity, give each pointer a unique local name. This makes it simple
to distinguish between the different namespaces.
SAX 1.0 and SAX 2.0
The Simple API for XML (SAX) is a read-only, single-pass interface best suited for processing many
documents or very large documents. You can use this API to extract information from the XML
documents, but you cannot use it to add new data to or to change the content of the XML documents.

4 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

The SAX API is event-driven, notifying your application when certain events happen as it parses your
document. For example, your application might need to know when the parser encounters the start or
end of an element node. Note that it is your application that must keep the necessary state information to
determine the content and context of these XML events.


Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) and XSL Transformation (XSLT) work in combination to enable you
to display XML data in a variety of ways, for example, displayed in a browser or on a PDA, or printed in a
brochure. XSL and XSLT processing also enable you to transform an XML message or document from one
XML markup language to another, which has key applications in e-business.
See “XSL introduction” on page 11 for more information.

XML Linking Language (XLink) enables you to link your XML document to other resources on the web,
including files of just about any format, database searches, and so on. Moreover, you can link to the
structure of the resource, not a predetermined place holder, like an HTML <A NAME> anchor tag. Multiple
links allow users to traverse the linked information in any order according to restrictions that you specify.

XPath and XPointer

XML Path Language (XPath) and XML Pointer Language (XPointer) enable you to search for and identify
data in the hierarchical XML document structure.
XPath defines a syntax for locating data in an XML document. Both XSLT and XPointer use XPath. XPath
defines an XML document as a hierarchy of nodes, with the top node being the root. Just like using a
regular expression finds one or more patterns in text, using XPath finds patterns in data within the nodes
of one or more XML documents.
XML Pointer Language (XPointer) extends XPath to enable locating specific portions of data, called
fragments, based on XML attribute values, types, content, or relative position. These fragments can be
discrete pieces of data, a range of information between two points, or a continuous series of elements.

XML Schema
XML Schema Language defines the logical structure of an XML document, much like a document type
definition (DTD).
The significant difference between DTDs and XML Schemas are that schemas do the following:
• Are written as XML markup language itself, making them extensible, unlike DTDs
• Focus on the problem of cardinality, enabling the enumeration of minimum and maximum allowed
• Allow constraints on values
• Allow additional data types and definitions of data types that can be inherited
All of these enhancements give you more control over the allowable content of the XML document or
message. For example, you can add a different type of element to an existing schema as long as your
addition does not break the original schema. Schemas also have many more available data types than do
DTDs, making importing and exporting data somewhat easier.

XML Toolkit introduction

To ensure the availability of the latest versions of the XML parsers, XSL transformer, and XML Scripting for
IBM i, the XML Toolkit for IBM i (5733-XT2) was developed. Each available version of the XML parser for

XML Toolkit 5
both the C++ and the procedural languages and the XSL transformer consists of two installation options in
the 5733-XT2 product.
The first installation option provides the service programs that support that parser version and the XSL
transformer. The second installation option provides include files, samples, API documentation, and
bind instruction associated with the parser version and transformer. XML Scripting for IBM i contains a
program, service program, samples, and documentation.

Available XML parsers, XSL transformers, and XML Scripting functions

The XML Toolkit currently consists of the XML parser, XSL transformer, and XML Scripting function
versions listed on the table below.
Each version of the parser consists of two installation options: service programs (parsers and
transformers) and development environments (API documentation, samples, and include files). The
product will be periodically refreshed as these new parsers are released. This provides a single point
of contact for the latest in i5/OS XML-related technologies.
Options 4 and 5 of 5733-XT2, detailed below, may be installed on systems running IBM i V5R3 and later.
Options 6 and 7 may only be installed on systems running V6R1 and later. Other than the differences in
target releases, the functionality of these two sets of options is the same.
Options 6 and 7 are available for those who want to run XML Toolkit on V6R1 and avoid initial
retranslation costs.

Install option in Contents Minimum target release Apache Software

5733-XT2, supported version
XML parser version 5.6 and
2.6 with fixes (XML),
1 XSL transformer version 1.10 V5R4M0
1.10 (XSL)
service programs
Include files, API
documentation, and samples
2 V5R4M0 Not applicable
of XML parser version 5.6 and
XSL transformer version 1.10
XML Scripting for
IBM i includes C+
+ code that uses
Apache Software
3 XML Scripting for IBM i V5R4M0
Foundation's Ant
version 1.5.4, which is
written in Java as a
XML parser version 5.6.3
2.6 with fixes (XML),
4 and XSL transformer version V5R3M0
1.10.2 (XSL)
1.10.2 service programs
Include files, API
documentation, and samples
5 of XML parser version 5.6.3 V5R3M0 Not applicable
and XSL transformer version
XML parser version 5.6.3
2.6 with fixes (XML),
6 and XML transformer version V6R1M0
1.10.2 (XSL)
1.10.2 service programs

6 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

Install option in Contents Minimum target release Apache Software
5733-XT2, supported version
Include files, API
documentation, and samples
7 of XML parser version 5.6.3 V6R1M0 Not applicable
and XSL transformer version

Related information
XML for i5/OS home page

Installing XML Toolkit

The XML Toolkit allows multiple XML parsers, XSL transformer versions, and XML Scripting to be installed
on the same system simultaneously.
The installation procedures are structured to allow you to separately install the parsers and transformer
(service programs) or the development environment (API documentation, include files, and samples) or
both for each XML parser and XSL transformer version you want.

XML Toolkit V1R2M0 Options Contents

*BASE Base code functions
XML version 5.6 parser service programs.
This option is installed as QXML4C560 and
QXML4PR560 in library QXMLLIB.
Option 1
In addition, XSL version 1.10 transformer
service program is installed as service program
QXSL4C110 in library QXMLLIB.

• XML version 5.6 parser API documentation,

sample, and include files. The C, RPG,
and COBOL development environment is
installed in library QXMLDEV560. The C++
development environment is installed in the
integrated file system directory /QIBM/ProdData/
Option 2
• XSL version 1.10 transformer API
documentation, sample, and include files. The
development environment for this is installed
in library QXSLDEV110. The C and C++
development environment is installed in the
integrated file system directory /QIBM/ProdData/

XML Scripting for IBM i program and service

This option is installed as QXMLSCR10 for
Option 3 both the program and the service program
in library QXMLLIB. The supporting files and
documentation are installed in the integrated
file system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkit2/

XML Toolkit 7
XML Toolkit V1R2M0 Options Contents
XML version 5.6.3 parser service programs.
This option is installed as QXML4C563 and
QXML4PR563 in library QXMLLIBV4.
Option 4
In addition, XSL version 1.10 transformer
service program is installed as service program
QXSL4C112 in library QXMLLIBV4.

• XML version 5.6.3 parser API documentation,

sample, and include files. The C, RPG, and
COBOL development environment is installed
in library QXML563V4. The C++ development
environment is installed in the integrated file
system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/
Option 5
• XSL version 1.10.2 transformer API
documentation, sample, and include files. The
development environment for this is installed in
library QXSL112V4. The C and C++ development
environment is installed in the integrated file
system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/

XML version 5.6.3 parser service programs.

This option is installed as QXML4C563 and
QXML4PR563 in library QXMLLIBV6.
Option 6
In addition, XSL version 1.10 transformer
service program is installed as service program
QXSL4C112 in library QXMLLIBV6.

• XML version 5.6.3 parser API documentation,

sample, and include files. The C, RPG, and
COBOL development environment is installed
in library QXML563V6. The C++ development
environment is installed in the integrated file
system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/
Option 7
• XSL version 1.10.2 transformer API
documentation, sample, and include files. The
development environment for this is installed in
library QXSL112V6. The C and C++ development
environment is installed in the integrated file
system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/

All samples and documentation are distinguished by the XML parser, XSL transformer, and XML Scripting
version. For XML, this is library QXMLDEVnnn and integrated file system directory /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkit2/XMLn_n_n, where nnn and n_n_n refer to the XML version.
For XSL, this is library QXSLDEVnnn and integrated file system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkit2/
XSLn_n_n, where nnn and n_n_n refer to the XSL version.
For XML Scripting, this is integrated file system directory /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkit2/scriptingn_n,
where nnn and n_n refer to the XML Scripting version.

8 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

To install XML Toolkit, use the Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) command. Install the *BASE
option and any other required options. For example:
Installs the *BASE code required for all other options.
Installs the XML version 5.6 parser service programs and the XSL version 1.10 transformer service
Installs the XML version 5.6 parser development environments and the XSL version 1.10 transformer
development environments.
To delete a portion of the XML Toolkit, run the Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) command. For
Deletes Option 2 (development environment for XML version 5.6 parsers).

API documentation
The documentation for each XML parser version is available in browser format when you install the
appropriate licensed program development option for the XML parser version of your choice.
To view the documentation, map a network drive to your target system and, using your browser, open the
file location specified in the table below.
The documentation includes API descriptions, information about how to create and run the sample
programs, some programming information, and frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Table 1. Documentation locations

Option Version Documentation location in the integrated file
2 XML4C version 5.6
2 XML4PR version 5.6
2 XSLT4C version 1.10
XML Scripting for IBM i /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkit2/scripting1_0/docs/
5 XML4C version 5.6.3 /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/xml5_6_3/doc/xml4c/
5 XML4PR version 5.6.3 /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/xml5_6_3/doc/
5 XSLT4C version 1.10.2 /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/xsl_1102/doc/xsl4c/
7 XML4C version 5.6.3 /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/xml5_6_3/doc/xml4c/
7 XML4PR version 5.6.3 /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/xml5_6_3/doc/
7 XSLT4C version 1.10.2 /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/xsl_1102/doc/xsl4c/

XML Toolkit 9
For information about mapping network drives, see Accessing file shares from a Windows client.
Related concepts
Accessing file shares from a Windows client
Samples for each XML parser, XSL transformer, and XML Scripting version provided with the XML Toolkit
are available by installing the appropriate development option for each.

Samples for each XML parser, XSL transformer, and XML Scripting version provided with the XML Toolkit
are available by installing the appropriate development option for each.
For XML, C++ samples are provided through integrated file system files. RPG, C, and COBOL samples are
provided through source physical files.
For XSL, the C and C++ samples are provided through integrated file system files.
For XML Scripting, the samples are provided through integrated file system files.
The version for these is indicated in either the integrated file system path location (n_n_n or n_n) or in
the name of the tools development library (QXMLDEVnnn for XML or QXSLDEVnnn for XSL). Information
describing the function of each sample and how to create, bind, and run the samples for a given
supported language are provided. See the “API documentation” on page 9.
A source file, QCLSRC, is provided in the tools development library and contains members that create the
samples provided for each language version.

Table 2. Samples locations

Option XML parser version Samples location
Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkit2/xml5_6_0/samples. The include files
2 XML4C version 5.6
are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkit2/
xml5_6_0/include/xercesc directory.
Library: QXMLDEV560. This library contains the
QRPGLESRC, QCBLLESRC, QCSRC, and H source files.
2 XML4PR version 5.6
The include files are contained in the corresponding
file member QXML4PR560.
Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkit2/xsl_1100/samples. The include files
2 XSLT4C version 1.10
are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkit2/
xsl_1100/include/xalanc directory.
XML Scripting for IBM i Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
5 XML4C version 5.6.3 Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkitv4/xml5_6_3/samples. The include files
are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/
xml5_6_3/include/xercesc directory.
5 XML4PR version 5.6.3 Library: QXML563V4. This library contains the
QRPGLESRC, QCBLLESRC, QCSRC, and H source files.
The include files are contained in the corresponding
file member QXML4PR563.
5 XSLT4C version 1.10.2 Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkitv4/xsl_1102/samples. The include files
are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv4/
xsl_1102/include/xalanc directory.

10 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

Table 2. Samples locations (continued)
Option XML parser version Samples location
7 XML4C version 5.6.3 Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkitv6/xml5_6_3/samples. The include files
are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/
xml5_6_3/include/xercesc directory.
7 XML4PR version 5.6.3 Library: QXML563V6. This library contains the
QRPGLESRC, QCBLLESRC, QCSRC, and H source files.
The include files are contained in the corresponding
file member QXML4PR563.
7 XSLT4C version 1.10.2 Integrated file system location: /QIBM/ProdData/
xmltoolkitv6/xsl_1102/samples. The include files
are located in the /QIBM/ProdData/xmltoolkitv6/
xsl_1102/include/xalanc directory.

Related concepts
API documentation
The documentation for each XML parser version is available in browser format when you install the
appropriate licensed program development option for the XML parser version of your choice.

XSL introduction
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) allows you to format and reorganize existing XML documents into
another format (for example, XML or HTML).
You can use XSL to reformat an XML file to specify the how the data is to be presented on the web via
XSLT stylesheets. You can also write XSLT stylesheets to reorganize an XML document to remove or add
elements or to change it into another XML document. XSLT stylesheets are written in XML to achieve this.
This process has two basic components:
• Use XSL stylesheets to define a set of patterns and templates you want to use to replace XML elements.
A pattern identifies the XML element, and the corresponding template is used by an XSL processor to
actually replace the XML element. For example, you can transform data elements in an XML document
to display appropriately in a browser or mailing label.
• Use XSLT documents to transform the hierarchy of XML data into a different kind of tree, reordering
elements as you prefer. For example, you can add a table of contents or an index to a set of data
that does not have one. You can also use XSLT to transform the grammar of XML documents. For
example, you can transform the grammar for a set of incoming XML request documents to a different
XML grammar required by the receiving application.
These technologies do more than format the display of an XML document. They change it so that it
becomes a different kind of document. In conjunction with other XML tools and extensions, such as
parsers and XML Linking Language (XLink), you can produce new documents formats such as specific
word processing formats, portable document format (PDF), HTML, and more.

Uses of XSL
XSL can be used for many XML transformation and reformatting tasks.
The transformation and reformatting tasks that you can do with XSL include the following:
• XML to HTML rendering
• XML vocabulary conversion
• XML to plain text conversion
• Simple XML queries

XML Toolkit 11
XML Scripting for IBM i introduction
XML Scripting for IBM i uses an XML formatted file to accomplish a set of tasks on the system. These tasks
are grouped in "targets" which allow a different set of tasks to be run in different invocations of the XML
Scripting tool. The targets can have dependencies on each other.
The XML Scripting for IBM i tool is inspired by Apache Ant, but it is not compatible with that product and
has a different focus. Currently, the tool is available only in the English language and has no extension

Getting support
Review the statement of support for the XML Toolkit.
Support services for the XML Toolkit are provided under the typical terms and conditions for IBM software
products. Support services include program services, voice support, and consulting services. Use the
online information provided at the System i5® Home Page under the topic Support for more information,
or contact your local IBM representative. These terms and conditions include the following:
• You may, at IBM direction, be required to obtain a more current level of the XML Toolkit and move to
a newer version of the XML parser, XSL transformer, or XML Scripting to receive Continued Program
Services (CPS) support.
• Resolving defects with the XML Toolkit parsers are supported under program services or voice support.
Resolving application programming or debugging problems is supported under consulting services.
• XML Toolkit application programming interface (API) calls are supported under consulting services
– It is clearly an XML Toolkit API defect as demonstrated by recreation in a relatively simple program.
– It is a question that asks for documentation clarifications.
– It is a question about the location of samples or documentation.
• All programming assistance is supported under consulting services. This includes the program samples
that are provided in the XML Toolkit licensed program.
• If you believe that there is a potential defect in the XML Toolkit APIs, a simple program that
demonstrates the error is required.
Related concepts
System i5 Home Page

Related information for XML Toolkit

The XML community continually improves existing tools, adds new tools, and helps evolve new standards
and extensions that increase the usefulness and flexibility of XML.
Use these IBM Redbooks publications and Web sites to keep up to date on developments in the
XML community and to see more information about XML, including introductory information, tutorials,
advanced and reference materials, evolving XML standards, and XML tools that you can download.

IBM Redbooks publications

• The Ins and Outs of XML and Db2 for i (about 3 MB)
• The XML Files: Using XML for Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Applications (about 3


• XML in Action: PDML and PCML (about 3.5 MB)

• Integrating XML with DB2 XML Extender and DB2 Text Extender (about 4.5 MB)

12 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

Web sites
• W3C - XML
• www.xml.org
• www.xml.com

Other information
• developerWorks® XML Zone
• XML on System i®

XML Toolkit 13
14 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit
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Notices 17
18 IBM i: Programming XML Toolkit

Product Number: 5770-SS1

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