Career Guide 2022 3

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Career Guide

Prof Robert Balfour
Welcome note

Welcome to the 2022 Career Guide! ment in the development of informa- This Career Guide aims to create
tion technology is inevitable. Sectoral opportunity awareness and intro-
Career guidance really stems even when faced with unprece- data indicates that STEM (science, duces you to a variety of employers
from school where you first made dented disruptions. We have all been technology, engineering and math- in your field of study; who are looking
the decision on different subject affected in one way or the other by ematics) related career paths are still for open-minded, well-qualified
choices to study. The world of work the Covid-19 pandemic and during typically, highest in demand. people like you, aiming to help you
is changing rapidly and to be respon- this time, we have seen companies find out more about them in discov-
sive, the NWU aims to connect you and employees embrace new skills Our country battles high graduate ering the level of training required
with opportunities as well as possi- and develop new behaviours which unemployment rates and it is worth for your field of work. They are
bilities regarding employment. We can be said - improved the way on noting that scarcity of profession- interested in your knowledge and
hope that you will find the guide how we operate. Innovative hybrid als in some fields are evident and skills, but also in the unique contri-
useful in preparation for readiness working environments, hyflex teach- demands a proper understand- bution that you can make helping
to make future career choices ing-learning approaches are being ing from prospective and current companies to be great places to
- thinking about the career that is implemented and cloud storage for students, of skill relevancy in the work at.
right and best for you. Whether you data sharing are being incorporated, modern context. Whatever career
are starting with your university to effectively work from anywhere in you choose at this point in your I hope the Career Guide will help you
course or already a graduate, con- the world. life, remember that it’s an ongoing start exploring exciting and innova-
sideration of life after graduation is developmental process, building on tive careers and choosing one best
important. There are many exciting The recent Department of Home existing knowledge and the acquiring suited for you, to achieve your full
opportunities, with careers changing Affairs government gazette publi- of new skills in order to be employ- potential. Dedicated Career Centre
and developing continually as our cation, outlining the critical skills in able and remain relevant in the staff on your campus is there to
world confronts new challenges and short supply in the South African changing dynamics of the working help you; offering a range of services
knowledge continues to develop at labour market, can assist to guide environment. Each student and and resources to facilitate dialogue,
an increasing pace. you on possible professional graduate has distinctive qualities, address concerns, guide you to the
pathways. The NWU’s strategic values and abilities. Take in what best possible career suitable for you
It is important for NWU to engage value proposition through the interest and motivates you, know and to assist you in making decisions
with students and graduates on development and implementation your potential and passion, as you for career success.
employability and being prepared of the scarce skills strategy, priori- are setting the path that will ulti-
for workplace demands. The NWU tise the attraction and retention of mately guide your future career.
is continuously reviewing its teach- excellent staff and students. With
ing-learning strategy, ensuring that the 4th Industrial Revolution upon
our graduate attributes are attained, us, digital transformation and invest- Prof Robert. J Balfour
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching-Learning

ii CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 iii

Thoriso Ezra Maseng
Managers Introduction

I wish to express our appreciation to important for you to be familiar with

our industry stakeholders, the career the latest practices, and employment
centre team, and the publication opportunities.
designers for making it possible to
publish this 13th publication of the In conclusion, the NWU Career
NWU Career Guide. This publication Centre is always available and ready
has over 10 articles and 14 ads. This to assist you across all our three
is with the appreciation that we are campuses. The centre is responsi-
all working on limited resources, ble for the employability of NWU
from the budget etc., and for that Students. If you need anything
reason, we are really thankful for all related to career opportunities and
the contributions. are not sure how to access opportu-
nities, and need to know more about
To our customers, the NWU students potential employers etc., please do
To our employers, may this guide reach
and graduates, it is important to be visit our offices, and be in contact
out to your future graduate talent. To
ready for the world of work, and with any of our representatives. You
the students, may this guide assist you
be prepared for the new career can also subscribe to our
to widen your network of opportunities.
demands beyond Covid 19. Also,
know what the employers want, and • career service management
portal (Career Zone) On behalf of the NWU, we thank and
which skills are necessary to have a
• Efundi page; recognise everyone who made it
successful career. This publication
• Career centre webpage to possible to publish the 2022/23 NWU
is designed in such a way that you
find out more about our work Career Guide.
are aware of the opportunities that
are available, and know more about readiness events, career fairs,
and many other opportunities Reya Leboga; We thank you; Baie Dankie
the latest skills that are in demand
and the kind of skills, attributes and that can assist you to be ready,
experience that are relevant for prepared to gain a meaningful
the world of work. The life beyond employment opportunity as Thoriso Ezra Maseng
your academic life is not the same either employed or self-em- Head of Department: NWU Career Centre
as the world of work. It is therefore ployed.

iv CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 v

Table of Contents

For a career that’s as Prof Robert Balfour: Welcome note ii

Thoriso Ezra Maseng: Managers Introduction iv
dynamic as you are... Campus Liaison Officers 1
The Career Centre Team 2

We’re your go-to Student Counselling & Development: Mahikeng Campus

Student Counselling & Development: Vanderbijlpark Campus
Student Counselling & Development: Potchefstroom Campus 7
NWU Alumni Gallery 12
Future World of Work 20
IQbusiness is the leading independent
management and technology consulting Making Business Opportunities Happen 25
firm in South Africa. Our internship How to Budget for Start-Up Success 31
programme gives innovative thinkers advert
NWU Alumni in Entrepreneurship 35
and doers the space to hone their
Introducing Yourself: The Cover Letter 43
abilities and gain valuable experience
in multiple industries and roles. So you Your Curriculum Vitae: The Ultimate Marketing Tool 47
can keep discovering new ways to be Curriculum Vitae: Example 50
your best you. Curriculum vitae: Checklist 53

Be part of a team that helps companies The Fourth Industrial Revolution 56

overcome their toughest business What Do Employers Want? 65
challenges. Bring your independent Most Sought-After Skills, Competences and Traits 69
thinking, an appetite for change and
Things I wish someone had told me in my first year at university! 70
let’s do great work together.
Online Application Tips 74
Applications open 1 June 2022. What Makes You Competent? 77
Benefits of Attending Virtual Fair 80
The Job Search is Just Like Dating: 87
Sample Questions 91
Interview Tips in a Nutshell 92
Nehemiah Sikhosana - UX Designer
Tips for Getting Hired After Varsity 95
IQbusiness Graduate Intern 2021
CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 vii
Campus Liaison

M Nombulelo Malunga
Campus Liaison Officer
Mafikeng Campus Campus Liaison Officer

Building ADC Potchefstroom Campus
Office 139 Building F25
018 389 2935 018 299 4409
[email protected]
At CDH, we believe in partnering
with our Law Graduates.
Tshepiso Mothupi
From Powerful Partnerships Campus Liaison Officer
Come Powerful Solutions Vaal Triangle Campus
Building 13, SL333
016 910 3345
[email protected]

CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 1

The Career Student Counselling & Development
Centre Team Mahikeng Campus

Student Counselling & Development is the ultimate educational function. Real

Thoriso Maseng Vacant student development aims at producing graduates with quality. Student Coun-
Manager: Career Centre Information Officer selling & Development is the means to an end. SCD offers support to students
Building F25 Building F25 at all levels.
018 299 2058 018 299 2020
[email protected]
The following services are
• Do you need study skills?
provided • Are you limited by disability to
access teaching and learning?
• Supplemental Instruction (SI) – out of
Dr Peet Roos Avis Erens • Are you in first year and strug-
class peer tutoring
Career Consultant Administrative Assistant gling to read and comprehend
• Research Support
Building F25 Building F25 what you read?
• Peer Mentoring
018 299 2097 018 299 2059 • Do you have problems with
• Reading Laboratory
[email protected] [email protected] your academic writing? (assign-
• Writing Centre
ments / research)
• Study Skills
• Do you have problems with
• Disability Rights Unit (DRU): offering
services to students with disability
Lehlohonolo Putsoane • Do you have problems with
• Examination and Test taking
Employer Engagement writing your research proposal?
Consultant • Do you sometimes feel frus-
• eFundi
Building F25 trated with your studies and
wonder how other students
018 285 2498 Enquiries:
made it to graduation?
[email protected] Student Counselling and Development: • Do you need small peer
Building: B6/Health Care Centre Building support groups to improve your
Tel: 018 389 2592 academic performance in a
Email: [email protected]
Office hours module?
Operating hours: 08h00 - 16h30
Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:30 If your answer to the above
(Monday – Friday)
(The office will be closed between 13:00 – 14:00). questions is “YES”, visit ADC in
Disability Rights Unit:
the Student Academic
Building A3, Office 140
For more information visit our website: Development Section.
General Academic Building HIV/Aids:
018 389 2001

2 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 3

Student Counselling & Development
Vanderbijlpark Campus
What is student counselling and development?
Student Counselling and Development renders professional services to
What is Peer Helping? students by professional members of staff qualified in psychology, counselling,
social work and psychometry. Our aim is reflected in our motto: “OPTIMIZING
The CH@S peer helpers is a campus ical challenges that they might expe- YOU!”
society under the guardianship of rience. They will then make referrals
SCD. These are students who were to professionals on campus where
trained to render basic support to need be. What services do we offer?
their fellow students and are rep- • Individual psychotherapy and counselling
resented across residences and Peer helpers render on-going peer • Life skills and personal development
courses at the NWU Vanderbijlpark support throughout the year and • Social Support Services, including HIV/Aids
Campus. Their aim is to make sure also assist with all projects of SCD. • Poverty alleviation programs
students are helped on ground level • Psychometric assessments for both prospective and current students
with social, academic and psycholog- • Career guidance and counselling
• Enhancing the “Student Life Experience“, adjustment to campus life, and
general development for first-time entrants
CH@s • Support for students with disabilities
• Thuso 24hrs Crisis Centre
Connecting Helpers and The Students
YOU, ME…ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! What services does the Career Counselling offer?
NWU Student Counselling and Development Facebook • Career guidance
• Psychometric assessments
• Course change counselling
For professional guidance and assistance with any personal problem or
developmental area come to our offices and book an appointment. What can the Social Worker help you with?
Staff • Counselling and support to students in terms of psycho-social and
Manager: Dr Sean McCallaghan economic problems.
Industrial Psychologist: Zinhle Kunene • Crisis intervention and trauma debriefing.
Social Worker: Maggie Matsaneng • Liaison with resources in the community.
Registered Counsellor: Naledi Modise
• Planning and implementing developmental-orientated programmes
Counselling Psychologist: Harm Stavast
HIV/AIDS Coordinator: Retlotlilwe Mthimkulu
Secretary: Babita Govender

Building 13, SL 331

016 910 3195

4 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 5

Student Counselling & Development
Potchefstroom Campus
What is THUSO?
Thuso is a 24hr Crisis Centre, which resides under SCD at the NWU Vanderbijl-
park Campus. Staff members are responsible for the management of THUSO Student counselling and Services are offered in two (2)
Crisis Centre. development (SCD) buildings:
Do you experience
• emotional or personal problems Student Counselling and Devel-
Do you feel your life is not • problems with your course/
choice of profession
opment – Building F18
SCD focuses on Academic/Course/
worthwhile? • difficulties in adapting
• relationship problems
Degree support and offers the
following services:
• learning problems
• anxiety problems or
Thuso’s Crisis Help Line: • phase of life problems? Career and course
082-815-9781 Or do you need help with:
• extended writing time Help students to make responsible
• time management career and course choices with the
What is the Disability Rights Unit (DRU)? • stress management aid of psychometric tests. Students
• life skills or may also be assisted with the revising
The Disability Rights Unit in Student Counselling and Development plays an
• conflict management of their curricula and career choices if
advocacy and support role. All students with physical and psycho-logical chal-
they encounter problems during the
lenges are invited to come and talk to us. We offer disability related support ... THEN STUDENT COUNSELLING course of their studies.
and accessibility assistance to all implied students. AND DEVELOPMENT (SCD) IS YOUR
What can the HIV Coordinator do for you? Psychometric Evaluations – Subject
Choices, Career Choices, Career
• HIV/AIDS counselling SCD has a wide range of psycholog-
Changes & Selection Tests
• Addressing stigma of HIV ical services to help students grow
• Substance abuse awareness and develop optimally in academic, Comprehensive psychometric testing
• Sexual, emotional, financial, and physical abuse awareness emotional, and social areas. These and career-path guidance services
• LGBTIA+ and gender base violence services are provided free of cost are freely available to students
• Male and female empowerment to students and include a 24-hr and members of the public (fee
emotional crisis intervention service is charged). Some of the services
offered by the “Thuso1777” centre. available require prior Student Coun-
selling & Development: Potchefst-
room Campus booking and predeter-

6 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 7

mined testing dates (selection tests). Contact the DRU for more Thuso1777 – Building E14 Counselling and Support & Peer
If you are unsure about your career- information: 018 299 4431 / Helper Programme:
Thuso1777 focuses on Emotional/
path, you can book an appointment [email protected]. Psychological support and offer the
on eFundi or call us at 018 299 2893. • Students Advocating Leadership
following services: & Transformation (SALT)
• Assessment for Course and Psychotherapeutic
What can the HIV Coordinator do
Career Guidance and Changes and Counselling Services Office of the Social Worker for you?
(for NWU students). Therapeutic and counselling services Delivers the following services: • HIV/AIDS counselling.
• Grades 10–12: Career Counselling are offered by registered psycholo-
and Guidance. gists and counsellors to promote • Addressing stigma of HIV.
• Counselling and support to
• Grade 9: Subject Choices. the psychological wellbeing of the • Substance abuse programs and
students in terms of psycho-social
students to assist them with the suc- support.
and economic problems.
Disability Rights Unit cessful completion of their studies, • Crisis intervention and trauma
• Addressing sexuality issues.
and for them to experience optimal • Female empowerment.
The Disability Rights Unit (DRU) aims debriefing.
student life. • Male empowerment.
to help students registered with • Liaison with resources in the
them to gain equal access to edu- community.
Psychotherapeutic and Counselling
cational opportunities at the NWU Concessions and extended • Planning and implementing
so they can participate freely and writing time developmental-orientated
actively in all facets of university life: programmes. Therapeutic and counselling services
“If we are unable to help you, we will Visit our website for more informa- are offered by registered psycholo-
find someone who can!”. All students tion or call 018 299 2893. HIV Testing and Counselling gists, counsellors and student psy-
with physical and psychological chal- Services (HTS) chologists to promote the psycho-
lenges are invited to come and talk to Leadership, Life Skills and Personal logical wellbeing of students, assist
HIV unit related awareness and
us. We offer disability support to all Development & Workshops them with the successful comple-
education programmes:
NWU students. We support students tion of their studies, and to ensure
with the following disabilities: Students can visit SCD for leader- • First Things First and TB an optimal experience of student
ship development, mentoring and awareness campaign. life. Services include individual and
• Visual Disability. coaching, life skills development • STI and Condom week. group psychotherapy, counselling,
• Physical Disability (Permanent). or personal development. SCD • World TB day. and group debriefing.
• Hearing Disability (Temporary). also has various preventative and • World vaccine day.
• Speech Disability. developmental workshops that are • World AIDS day.
presented for the purpose of devel-
Crisis Intervention
• Learning Disability. • LGBTIQ+.
• Psychiatric Conditions. oping students into well-rounded • Health and wellness for students. Thuso1777 has a 24-hr crisis line for
• Specific Medical Conditions. and responsible members of society. • New Employee Orientation; emotional support:
• Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Substance abuse; PEP; PreP. 018 299 1777.
• Neuro-Cognitive Disorder.

8 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 9

Residence Peer-helpers
Office hours & Enquiries:
Peer-helpers is a system in which
students in the residence context Thuso1777:
receive peer-helper training in Monday to Friday: 8h00 – 16h30
order to guide students with inter- (018 299 1777)
personal problems. The main task (Building E14)
of the peer-helpers is to give support
to students and to refer them to the SCD:
appropriate support services. Addi- Monday to Friday: 8h00 – 16h30
tionally, their task is to launch and (018 299 2893)
coordinate psycho-educational and (Building F18)
awareness campaigns in residences.
The peer-helpers are not counsellors Email:
or psychologists, rather facilitators of [email protected]
emotional wellbeing. They are under
the strict supervision of a registered Join our Facebook Page: NWU
psychologist who also coordinate the Student Counselling and Develop-
system. Ask your House Committee ment (
Member for more information groups/NWUSCD)
about the peer-helpers.
Join our Instagram Page: NWU_

Book an appointment on
Do you feel your life is eFundi: http://scd-nwu-ac-za.web.
not worthwhile?

Thuso1777 Visit our website: http://services.
Emotional ling-and-development

Crisis Help Line:

018 299 1777

10 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 11

NWU Alumni What key competencies do you use in The greatest lessons were teamwork,
Gallery your workplace every day?
key competencies I use are analytical
presentations skills and technical
reporting writing skills. these have
skills, critical thinking, report writing prepared me for the work dynamics.
and working in a team.
Would you have done anything
hat do you enjoy most about your job and differently?
Ontlametse Emmanuel Montwedi please share strategies you use to handle Yes. I would have not taken a break
difficult situations. between my degrees and continued
I enjoy the fact that my work engages until I completed my PhD.
Which organization are you working for my analytical and technical abilities,
and what is your current job title? i get to see my nuclear engineer-
What advice would you give to students
I work for the South African Nuclear ing, theory and principles applied
entering the job market?
Energy Corporation (NECSA), current to a real-life nuclear reactor. Also,
Learn, learn, learn …. Look for a pro-
job Title, Senior Scientist working for the nuclear industry is very global
fessional mentor, this will make your
radiation and reactor theory section What would you say is the most and offers opportunities to travel
path in the workplace less challeng-
of research and development group important thing to do when going for an the world and experience different
interview? cultures.
After completing your studies, how was Research the company (culture, key
responsibilities etc..) and prepare The best strategy is to seek help from What are some of the positive, personal
your first interview and how many inter-
adequately, know how your set of attributes that you have gained from
views were you invited to before getting those with more experience and to
NWU during your academic years?
a job offer? skills make you a suitable candidate stick to timelines to the best of my
The ability to work in a team, leader-
My first interview following the com- for the job you applied for and be abilities.
ship abilities learned from previous
pletion of my Master's was quite able to demonstrate this.
student leadership roles, technical
invigorating as I ensured that I was What stood out for you during your years qualities such as public speaking,
thoroughly prepared, and took the Was it difficult to adapt from being a as a student at the NWU and what were technical presentations, organiza-
time to align myself with the job student to being a young professional? your greatest lessons?
tional attributes, and report writing
description. The interview was for a It was not too difficult because of What stood out for me was different
are among the beneficial traits I got
forensic analyst position at the South the way our master's programmes group work and assignments. I enjoy
at NWU. I use them on a daily basis.
African Police Service. were designed. I was already used working and learning from different
to working independently, strict people, this prepared me for the
I was invited to five (5) interviews and deadlines and reporting on progress workplace and for all the interna-
received 5 offers after which I chose regularly. tional work that I do with Interna-
the one that best suited my career tional Youth Nuclear Congress.

12 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 13

Ntlantla Lucky Kgatlhane

What stood out for you during your years What are some of the positive, personal
Which organization are you working for as a student at the NWU and what were attributes that you have gained from
and what is your current job title? your greatest lessons? NWU during your academic years?
SABC, I’M Political TV Reporter Always prepare for the world, I will • Ethical and loyal.
regards NWU as one of the best insti- • Patient
After completing your studies, how was tution as everything I learned there • Dependable
your first interview and how many inter- What key competencies do you use in prepared for where I am now. • Accountable. ...
views were you invited to before getting your workplace every day? • Diligent and organized. ...
a job offer? • Reliability Would you have done anything differ- • Punctual. ...
Well I only had three interviews • Competent ently? • Flexible. ...
that come to mind now, from the • Confident Looking at where I am now, NOOOOO • Team player. ...
national treasury, provincial treasury • Learnability I wouldn’t do anything different
and the department of correctional
service. Well I used those interviews What do you enjoy most about your job
and please share strategies you us to What advice would you give to students
obviously to prepare myself for the entering the job market?
handle difficult situations.
if I didn’t make it, but over and above give your break don’t be too hard on
Well my is amongst the interesting
that they were very fair interviews yourself when you struggle just know
job, first-hand information on issues
that affects the country, interviewing this you wouldn’t be there if you were
What would you say is the most leaders of political parties and travel- not good, and
important thing to do when going for an
ling the world meeting world leaders.
interview? .
Prepare and do thorough research
But I also get to be an opinion leader
above the place you have applied
in way..
to, and it doesn’t kill to always show
One the strategies I use always
ensuring that I’m research well
Was it difficult to adapt from being a when I do a story, and always keep
student to being a young professional? composure and trust yourself when
For me it’s the same moving being a in difficult situation , ALWAYS KNOW
child to and adult, accept now that THAT YOU WOULDN’T BE THERE IF
you are independent, accept the YOU WERE NOT GOOD.
changes that comes with it, you were
dependent now people depend on
you, and also the working environ-
ment itself…

14 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 15

Pieter Hattingh
from there on. Always remember In my opinion, forget about the
that the Heavenly Father will not put theory and focus on the practical
something on your way if you cannot element of your major.
Which organization are you working for
and what is your current job title? handle it.
I am currently the school marketer at As soon as you start at the bottom,
Hoërskool Pionier in Vryheid. What stood out for you during your years the quicker you can start climbing the
as a student at the NWU and what were ladder of success.
important planning, routines and a your greatest lessons??
After completing your studies, how If you do your work to the best of
good work ethic is. Now and then, The one and only answer should be
was your first interview and how many
that the vibrant and dynamic student your ability, and also something extra
interviews did you get invited to before there are more responsibilities of
life stood out the most, but the that is not expected from you, the
getting a job offer? being a young working professional,
empowerment of student leaders right person/company will see you
I should say that my first interview but it also has its own benefits.
is the one that satisfied me the and that can only be to the benefit
went quite well because I got the job
most. I learned that in some cases of your career.
offer and that is where I currently am. What key competencies do you use in
there are community goals, and you
your workplace every day?
cannot reach that on your own – What are some of the positive, personal
What would you say is the most • Professionalism
compromise and work together to attributes that you have gained from
important thing to do when going for an • Honesty
get the best for the institution. Be NWU during your academic years?
interview? • Care
yourself, work hard, be precise and • How to work in a group
• Be informed about the organiza- • Commitment
prepared and don’t forget to enjoy • Communication
tion/position • Respect
every moment because it all starts • Motivation and support form
• Make sure you are neat and tidy • Thoroughness
at the NWU. lecturers
(Hair, clothing, polished shoes
What do you enjoy most about your job • Practical lessons of the working
and please share strategies you us to Would you have done anything environment
• Be yourself, speak with confi-
handle difficult situations? differently? • Empowerment
dence and advertise all your best
Marketing is very interesting and Yes, I would get involved in student • Importance of community
in the same sense very challenging leadership earlier and I would attend outreach
• Be on time
because every day you get faced with more events and student life activi- • Importance of a balanced lifestyle
• Make sure that your/their expec-
new trends and competitors – that ties, because before you wipe your (Sport, Academics and Social)
tations are met
is what I love of my job because it eyes, 6 years passed. (By far the best
Was it difficult to adapt from being a keeps me updated, informed and on 6 years of my entire career)
student to being a young professional? my toes.
No not at all because as a student/
What advice would you give to students
student leader the NWU equipped Once you are facing a difficult entering the job market?
me with the necessary skills to adapt situation, take a deep breath, get It is not easy, but you will make it.
in uncertain environments. Fur- yourself a coffee, get to the roots of
thermore, I taught myself on how the problem, get advice and take it

16 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 17

Frans Maila

Which organization are you working for

and what is your current job title?
Advoca,I’m currently an Audit Clerk

After completing your studies, how

was your first interview and how many
interviews did you get invited to before What stood out for you during your years
getting a job offer? as a student at the NWU and what were
My first interview was great, I got your greatest lessons??
invited to 6 interviews. My years I survived on leadership
What would you say is the most
important thing to do when going for an The lesson I learned is that always
interview? work hard to achieve your dreams.
Be confident and just be yourself
Would you have done anything
Was it difficult to adapt from being a differently?
student to being a young professional? Nothing
Managing your finances.
What advice would you give to students
What key competencies do you use in entering the job market?
your workplace every day? Take your time when searching for
People skills and Technical skills a Job, don’t accept the first offer just
because you are to eager.
What do you enjoy most about your job
and please share strategies you us to
handle difficult situations.
Working with people,always commu- What are some of the positive, personal
nicate with your colleagues about attributes that you have gained from
things that effects your work rela- NWU during your academic years?
tionship. Studying at the NWU thought me self

18 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 19

Future World
of Work
The innovations in technologies, in of you in the world of work from this
particular, are centre stage in the starting block, with many transitions
many reports and debates on the and changes in your working life and
future. You must have heard of the career. For this marathon you will
Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) need a mindset that is growth-ori-
You have probably encountered and some of the associated tech- ented, and you will need to further
many reports on the world of work nologies such as cloud computing; develop key capabilities such as
and its present and future states. internet of things; augmented and learning to learn, critical thinking,
Some are descriptions and others virtual reality; distributed ledger complex problem-solving, futures
maybe predictions of the future by technology; advanced automation literacies, collaborating, self-man-
thought leaders or prescriptions of and robotics; additive manufactur- agement, resilience, and an appre-
the future by various consultancies. ing; 3D printing; artificial intelligence; ciation of diversity and inclusion.
These combined may seem like an data analytics; geotechnology; nan- These will help you develop richer
intimidating collage; a mixture of otechnology; biotechnology; and and broader mental models. As you
accounts of the world of work as Dr Ajay Jivan neurotechnology. All the talk of develop these you will develop your
it is in the here-and-now, forecasts SABPP: Head of Research, Quality Assurance, 4IR, exponential technologies, new vision of your place in the future and
or scenarios of its future, and fore- HR Audits and Financial Controls normal, and new ways of working execute on it. You will figure out your
warnings or signals of your place and forms of employment can be purpose, what inspires you, and your
in the possible futures. And with difficult to navigate. It can be hard path(s) forward.
the COVID-19 pandemic, it feels as This can be bewildering. It is certainly to find your bearings as these point
if both the present and future are a challenge to focus both on your to significant changes to work, the The path forward is not always a
‘knocking on our doors’ at the same employability now and your employ- workplace, and the workforce now straight line or singular path. Agility
time and both requiring urgency ability and place in the future. It is and in the future. is a common theme in the discus-
now. You may have heard, for also daunting as new reports are sions on the future world of work.
example, of the ‘great reset’, the constantly released of how indus- What can help you navigate the It requires investment of your time,
‘new normal’, and the ‘future that is tries and jobs are evolving and future world of work? First, focus on dedication, and work. A word of
now’ in response to the pandemic, changing and with it the skills that you – your head, heart, hands (which caution: many equate agility with
as well as the different possible will be in demand. These reports, is a simple model used in leader- entrepreneurship, and many assume
forms of employment and remote, such as the ones released by the ship development). Consider your that entrepreneurship is only for
flexible, hybrid, and gig working. The World Economic Forum, also point mindset, perspectives, and the way certain persons or personalities or
pandemic has accelerated the future to uncertainty regarding new you approach the future. The future that entrepreneurship only refers
and you may feel that you are now industries and the jobs that may world of work demands continuous to software or digital platforms. You
studying, living, and working in both emerge therein. This includes jobs lifelong learning, enrichment of your need to critically question these
the present and the future-now. This from green and digital transforma- mental models, and reskilling. Your assumptions and other assump-
means you need to pay attention to tions of corporates, industries, and tertiary education will serve as your tions that you will encounter. Do
and address both the present and economies as well as disruptions of scaffolding and launchpad. It is the not narrow your perspective or limit
the future-now and your place in it. them from innovations. beginning of your working life and yourself.
career. You have a ‘marathon’ ahead

20 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 21

Second, understand your context(s) drivers of change will augment or Your head, Mindset, emotional intelligence, and experimentation (see in
– the world of work as-is that you redefine your work and job, and heart, and particular page 20 of Factsheet 2020/02, March)
will confront and as it is evolving. you may need to consider how it hands Future readiness, employability, and literacy (Factsheet 2021/02,
Take what you are encountering may substitute some of your tasks March)
and reading and break it down into or lead to job reduction. This can be Future lifespan and employee life cycle (Factsheet 2021/03,
the three ‘buckets’: work, workplace, daunting and lead to anxiety about April)
and workforce. Ask yourself: what the future. However, proactively
Your Understanding 4IR and its impact (Factsheet 2020/01, February)
are the changes in work and how approaching the future can help you
context(s) Understanding the workforce transition issues for the green,
it is organised; what is driving this to navigate and transition through
digital, and crisis-led transformations (Factsheet 2020/04, May)
change; how is the workplace these changes. Again, agility and flex-
Understanding changes in work and workforce transitions
and organisation changing; what ibility are common themes in the dis-
(Factsheet 2020/04, May)
is driving this change; how is the cussion on the future world of work.
Understanding changes in work and definition of employees
workforce and forms of employ-
To help you navigate the future (Factsheet 2021/01, February)
ment evolving; and what is driving
world of work you could explore the Future employability and reskilling (Factsheet 2021/02, March)
this? Identifying and understanding
the drivers in each ‘bucket’ can help various factsheets that are published
organise your mental models of your by the South African Board for Remember you have a voice in the future. You have the agency to shape the
context(s) and provide you with a People Practices (SABPP), a HR pro- future. These need investment by you in your own self and your paths and
more structured way to engage with fessional body in South Africa, on the futures.
the debates on the future world of above themes and on the changes
work. in work, the workplace, and the
workforce. These can provide you
You need to pay attention to the an entry point and map to engage
above-mentioned changes in the further on the future world of work.
specific occupations, jobs, and indus- You can click on this link for the 2020
tries you are interested in and will factsheets and this link for the 2021
be entering in. For example, as you factsheets for example. The table
begin your career you will need to below provides specific factsheet
continuously explore how 4IR will links to explore.
impact your chosen occupation,
job, and industry by reading and
engaging with both general and
sector-specific discussions on the
impact of 4IR. In the future you will
need to evaluate how 4IR and other

22 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 23

Making Business
Opportunities Happen

A business opportunity is the chance to meet a

market need, interest or want through a creative
combination of resources.
So many people want to be entrepreneurs but do not know where to start.
Problems exist everywhere and as an entrepreneur, your main objective should
be solving those problems. Every business you know of does that, and the
better they are at providing solutions to those problems, the better they do. It
is important to start seeing problems as opportunities; the mind shift will open
your eyes to an endless flow of ideas and business opportunities.

As an entrepreneur, you should always live with your eyes wide open and learn
how to view problems as a means to create solutions.

To find business opportunities and make it happen, you need to do the following
five things: Identify problems as opportunities; be in the right place at the right
• IIE Advanced Diploma in Brand Innovation time; be quick to act without cutting corners; team up; and execute.
• IIE Postgraduate Diploma in Brand Building
• IIE BCom Honours in Strategic Brand Identify problems as opportunities
You can start your business opportunities by hunting around to see what the
• IIE BA Honours in Strategic Brand
majority of people are struggling with or what they are looking for. The most
successful entrepreneurs understand how to sniff out, test and execute unique
• IIE BA Honours in Graphic Design
opportunities more efficiently than their counterparts.
• IIE BA Honours in Interior Design
• IIE MA in Creative Brand Leadership Most opportunities disguise themselves as problems. They can arise when
• IIE MCom in Strategic Brand Leadership new technology or products enter the marketplace and other people do not
• IIE DPhil in Brand Leadership yet know how to harness those technologies.

DOCTORATE MASTER’S HONOURS DEGREES DIPLOMAS CERTIFICATES Think outside the box while knowing what is inside the box.

24 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 25

Thinking outside the box is an age-old cliché but, applied effectively, can really Make the impossible possible
be the key to business success. Analyse data to find the opportunities others Solving a problem that nobody else has a solution to will obviously put you
have missed. Finding points of pain or frustration and then finding a corre- ahead of the game, so start by recognising what the sticking points are. Write
sponding innovative solution will keep your business ahead of the game. Before down the flow of activity for a situation, recognise how this could be improved
you can think outside this mythical ‘box’, it is essential that you first need to or which ways would ease the pressure and go from there. Remember, you
know what’s inside it. This means knowing anything and everything about your need to know the problem first, but generally, there is always an answer
industry – past, present and predictions for the future. Only by knowing what somewhere.
is already available, what has worked, what has failed and what your rivals
have planned for the future, you will be able to come up with something truly
innovative and fill that market gap. In short, do your homework. Keep a journal
Recording all the opportunities and meetings you have will be helpful in the
long run. Not all of these will work out, but your journal will make sure you
Get a sense of direction don’t overlook anything that does not catch your eye at first. This will also help
When trying to find opportunities, do not be too general. You should be taking you to keep track of your progress and learn from your mistakes.
control of what opportunities you are trying to find by being specific about you
particular situation. The only way to do this is by adopting a sense of direction.
Which opportunities are you looking for? How are you going to find them? How
Positioning and timing
are you going to act on them? Write down what you want to achieve. This will It is important to be in the right place at the right time. Once you have identified
motivate you and set you on a course that will inevitably open more doors. a potential opportunity, it is important to plan ahead and prepare yourself
to act on it. You must know exactly what you need to do, for then it is just
Understand needs and wants and the fuzzy grey line a matter of execution. Leverage all your skills and experience to bring in the
right resources and be perfectly positioned to move quickly when the time is
between them
right. Gain as much knowledge and experience as possible; this helps with the
Understanding the difference between needs and wants is essential. For homework thing. By talking to your peers, you’ll gain essential industry insight
example, you need food to live, but you could survive without ice cream and the better access to information you have, the more likely you will be able
(although you might not want to). This is an issue that often causes confusion to take advantage of a situation quickly.
for consumers and you can benefit from that confusion by presenting the
benefits and values of a product or service that would usually be a luxury item
(a want) as being essential (a need) in order to achieve the desired fulfilled/ Have confidence while knowing that it is OK to fail
fashionable/healthy lifestyle. Once identified, it’s important that you take advantage of an opportunity, even
if it is not guaranteed to succeed. After all, innovation doesn’t come from certain
outcomes but from taking risks and trying new things. Taking this jump will
Do what others don’t want to do
always be scary, but the more knowledge and experience you have, the easier
Look for things that others don’t want to do. This could be because these things and less risky it will be.
are time consuming, dirty or boring but, dull as they may be, they still need to be
done. By taking that bullet and offering products or services for mundane tasks, When all is said and done, as long as you’re professional and polite, sometimes
you could soon transform your product or service from a want into a need. it’s OK to be a little bit cheeky. Don’t be afraid to aim high; after all, you might
just be surprised.

26 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 27

Be quick, but do not cut corners Find a mentor
A mentor is someone who has already achieved more than you. Do not get
Every opportunity has a window of time, so you have to be quick. Never rush, jealous, seek them out. I have always believed that a mentor is the key to getting
though, as that will lead to issues such as poor work and overlooking pitfalls. better and finding brand new opportunities. These are the people who can help
Rushing can cause big mistakes and is a sure way to fail. Cutting corners is you achieve more, but you have to be willing to humble yourself in order to
also a sure way to deliver substandard products or service and leads to poor seek out the help of someone else. Be willing to admit that you don’t know it
customer satisfaction and/or legal issues. all, even if it is tough. Mentors are important. They are there to motivate. They
are there to inspire. They are there to take you to new heights.
Be reliable
In many ways, reliability is the key that opens every door; it’s one of the big Outsource
traits you should adopt. When you start flaking out, people don’t want to work Save those precious minutes on non-essential tasks. The time saved could
with you. When you break someone’s trust, they will not be willing to share or be used to chase down and follow up on more opportunities and gain more
collaborate with you. knowledge and experience.

Time Execute
Time is limited; you cannot do all the work on your own. Assemble the right Execution is the most important point. It looks different for every business, but
team that will be able to understand the opportunity and can help you meet it is important that you should be productive and not just busy.
those goals on schedule. Together, you can build a rapidly growing business
and team, and establish yourself as the market leaders. Have you ever heard of the businessman who constantly says he is just waiting
for the right opportunity to come along? Waiting to be inspired means, poten-
Collaboration and networking tially, waiting until the end of time. I am not going to do that and you should
not either. Don’t wait for the opportunity, go find the opportunity, whether it
You may prefer to be a lone wolf, but in business, this will not get you very far.
is a trading opportunity or a simple small-business opportunity.
The fact is that you have to network and collaborate, because other people
also have a lot of great ideas. Use those great ideas to propel you to greater Opportunities can appear anywhere and at any time, but it is a myth that they
heights. Go out of your way to attend events and network. Set aside some time just pop up out of nowhere and without any warning. The biggest businessmen
every day to network on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Build those rela- in the world worked hard to make those opportunities happen. However, don’t
tionships. The only way you can start to collaborate is through networking first. start patting yourself on the back because you found an opportunity. Take
advantage of it.

28 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 29

How to Budget for
"Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them,” Virgin
Start-Up Success
Group founder Richard Branson quotes writer William Arthur Ward in a recent
blog post. Like sunrises, opportunities are fleeting and will pass if you are unpre-
pared. Branson says that they do not always come at the perfect time, either,
so you must be ready to seize them when the chance presents itself. “Oppor-
tunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize
There are many important elements to consider
them,” Branson quotes columnist Ann Landers. Ironically, hard work is the when starting a new business and one that
key to taking advantage of opportunities. If you put in the time, effort and usually gets forgotten along the way is a
commitment, you’ll open many doors for yourself. It’s only a matter of noticing
opportunities and acting upon them. budget. A budget is essential to ensure your
SME future, but to many budding entrepre-
neurs, the task of putting one together is both
daunting and unknown. Here are some top tips
for drawing up a plan to control your finances
and give your new business the best chance of
By Gary Epstein

Budget Planning
Budgeting is essential. It allows you to control your cash flow and make pro-
visions for larger costs, as well as giving you an indication of when the time is
right to invest in your idea further and expand it. You have to stay in control
of your expenditure at all times, whether you are a million-rand multinational
corporation or a small and operational start-up. The only difference? How much
and where budget is allocated.

See your budget as a plan to control your finances. You don’t want to run out
of cash and fall short of payments. Similarly, you want to know you can meet
your current goals, as well as plan for future ones.

Although it works hand in hand with cashflow projections, it is important to note

the distinction between a forecast and a budget. A forecast is a very important

30 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 31

business management tool that is essentially a cost prediction of the future, Don’t kid yourself
whereas a budget is a planned outcome of this same future based on the
objectives of your business plan. To break this down even further, a budget is There is no benefit to creating an artificial profit by overestimating earnings, or
about profit and the cash flow forecast is about cash. underestimating costs. Make sure you have built in the cost of your time and the
sensitivities of seasonality, depending on the market you are entering. When
you grow as a business, you must also consider staff holidays and how this
Your budget in practice will affect turnover. Although you may not immediately need to give yourself a
Once your business is operational, it’s essential to plan and tightly manage its salary, eventually you will and you will have to include this in your budget, too.
financial performance. Creating a budgeting process is the way to keep every-
thing on track. See your budget as the GPS for your business – it will keep you Be flexible
heading in the right direction.
Once you make a budget, you should stick to it, but be open to reviewing and
A budget should include your revenues, costs, and your profits or cash flow revising it as needed when the market, pricing, or anything else that could have
so that you can figure out whether you have any money left over for capital an impact on your business changes.
improvements or capital expenses. A budget should be tabulated at least yearly.
Most yearly budgets are also divided up into 12 months, with blank columns Budget to monitor growth
next to your estimates to fill in with your actual results as the year progresses.
You have to factor in potential market changes, customers and their demands, The great thing about budgeting is the ability to benchmark performance.
competition from rival companies, your business objectives and key perfor- Comparing your budget year on year also allows you to implement your key
mance indicators, team management, forecasts and any obstacles you may performance indicators if they do, in fact, need revision, as well as comparing
encounter along the way. figures for growth and projected margins with your market competitors.
Remember to always review and revise. Ultimately, as an entrepreneur, your

How to draw up a budget business’s budget is also your budget. Owning an SME means allowing it
to impact both your business and personal considerations. Budgeting your
Dedicate time to this process and if possible, seek assistance from your accoun- own expenditure could mean the difference between success and failure.
tant or financial team to provide you with estimates for your budget. As a So be smart with your start-up. Don’t cash out before you can cash in.
start-up business it is likely that this role will land on you, and it will be your
responsibility to ensure your budget is realistic.
GARY EPSTEIN is the MD of EasyBiz, the distributors of QuickBooks Accounting
Your budget must include projected cashflow, typically on a monthly basis. This
Software in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.
allows you to pinpoint any issues immediately, rather than waiting, running
the risk of making the problem far greater.
Entrepreneur Magazine: February 2014
A budget must also encompass costs – fixed ones such as rent and salaries,
variable expenses including materials and products, and one-off capital costs,
such as a lease or buying a computer. Finally, a budget must take account of
revenue forecasts. This means both historic sales and future sales must be

32 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 33

WANT TO BE NWU Alumni in
A CHARTERED Entrepreneurship
...but not sure how you’re
going to afford university?
Funeka Nyaqela
Let Thuthuka inspire you to success
Every year, the South Africa Institute of Chartered Accountants’ (SAICA’s)
Thuthuka Bursary places fully bursared African and Coloured students at Bravo Pro 110 services the North
selected SAICA-accredited universities in fully funded and supported
undergraduate BCom Accounting education programmes to help them reach West Department of Health, North
their dream of becoming a chartered accountant [CA(SA)]. West Department of Water and San-
itation, Ditsobotla Local Municipality,
What is Thuthuka? North West Hotel School, Mmabatho
Thuthuka is a bursary like no other. Covering more than just your tuition, Palms Hotel and national Depart-
books, meals and accommodation, Thuthuka also gives you an allowance,
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ment of Public Works.
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Management degree from the NWU’s
So if you’re an African or Coloured Grade 12 learner who is achieving a
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how to apply at - applications for
2023 close at the end of August. Funeka Nyaqela, an alumna of the Quality Management Systems, Cer-
North-West University (NWU), is tificate in Consulting Engineers South
making big moves in the logistics and Africa. Currently studying community
Let Thuthuka help you make engineering fields. safety, water and sanitation. She
your bright future happen! attributes her current success in the
The 37 year-old business woman is industry to hard work and the oppor-
the founder and director of BravoPro tunities she got at the NWU.
110, a highly competitive business
entity involved in project and con- “The Transport Economics and
struction management, transport Logistics Management department
planning services, landscaping archi- at the NWU assisted me greatly to
tecture and fuel supply. do what I do now. They arranged

Applications for 2023 close at the end of August.

Apply today - visit
CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 35
Mogau Mphahlele

networking sessions with different In the not so distant future, Funeka

industry leaders for us as students,” sees herself owning a fuel depot and
she says. expanding BravoPro 110’s footprint Which organization are you working for
and what is your current job title?
across the African continent.
I am the Founder & Chief Executive
She kicked off her career as an intern
Officer (CEO) of Vhatti Bottled Water
at the Department of Community
(Pty) Ltd
Safety and Transport Management.
She then went on to climb the
corporate ladder at Aganang Con- After completing your studies, how was
sulting Engineers, before starting her your first interview and how many
own business. My first interview went well. To my
This investigation also becomes an
surprise, I was not nervous at all, and
antidote of maximizing my self-con-
I have been short-listed for 3 inter-
fidence and get more understanding
of the position I had applied for.

What would you say is the most Step 3: I jot-down all my personal
important thing to do when going for an attributes on a paper. This is a very
interview? important exercise as it paves way
There is a personal policy I implement for me to be upfront pertaining to
before going for an interview and I my personal skills, achievement and
will duly lament it: possible weakness. I believe that this
exercise also allows me to dig deep
Step 1: I believe in conducting
and think of all my greatest qualities.
research on the company that have
short-listed me for an interview. I Step 4: I try with all my heart not to
believe it is critical to acknowledge overthink as this channel my mind
the company’s goals, culture, vision, into panic mode. I think originality is
and missions so that it can assist the best recipe to have when going
me in aligning my purpose for the for an interview, People always advice
company that one should research possible
questions that the panel might ask
Step 2: I further investigate on the
but memorizing the answers to the
duties and roles stipulated in the job
questions researched could be detri-
description. This is also important
mental or hazardous to the interview
as it assists me to have a clear idea
and perspective of what is expected.

36 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 37

Step 5: The first thing I do is I always Negotiation Skills What do you enjoy most about your job What stood out for you during your years
tell myself that “I am the best”. This Being an entrepreneur that and please share strategies you us to as a student at the NWU and what were
statement has an ingredient that provides a service to clients comes handle difficult situations? your greatest lessons??
potentially spikes my confidence. with attaining good and efficient What I love most about my business What stood out for me during my
Secondly, I smudge my face with negotiation skills. I use this compe- is having an opportunity to meet new years as a student at the North-West
a smile and look into the mirror. tency because it helps me secure people (clients) and expanding my University is the prospect of creating
Thirdly I utter a verbal confession value for the business at the bar- social network capital. and increasing my social network
and affirmation that the interview is gaining table. capital with other students, lecturers
going to go well. When coming to dealing and and University staff personnel.
Decision-Making handling difficult situations in my
Step 6: I go on my knees and seek It is important to execute this business, I often: I believe my greatest lessons in uni-
divine intervention from God. This competency very well. My imple- versity were:
Set Clear Expectations
last step always helps me calm my mentation of good decision-making
This helps me avoid misunder- • To always be kind and humble to
nerves. is essential because it helps me
standings in the future and aids me people
navigate complex challenges that
to avoid difficult interactions within • To always go out there and meet
Was it difficult to adapt from being a I encounter on a daily business
the business. new people, your future client,
student to being a young professional? in my business determining how
employer, and employee may
Not necessarily so, but it had posed to allocate resources, how to
Have Firm Boundaries be sitting right next to you in the
its challenges here and there. There implement fresh initiatives across
It is critical to have firm boundaries lecture room
also needed to be a shift in focus the business, pricing, and how to
when it comes to managing situa- • To starve my distractions and
in terms of lifestyle and creating deal with an unsatisfied client.
tions that are naturally inclined and feed my focus
proximity for my goals. I had to unmanageable • To always mind my own business
leave the status quo alone and avoid Emotional Intelligence
and stay in my own lane.
instant gratification. Attaining Emotional-Intelligence is
Commit to Professionalism
all about self-awareness, self-man- Would you have done anything differ-
When dealing with difficult situ-
agement, social awareness and cli- ently?
What key competencies do you use in ations in business, it can be easy
ent-employee relationship manage- No, not at all. I believe the manner in
your workplace every day? for my emotions to get the best of
ment. Having this competency in which I had executed my plans and
Leadership Skills me, so as a business owner, it is
my business refers to my ability to goals in my university years were
I believe attaining leadership skills important to stay calm, separate
understand my emotions and how congruent to desires and aspirations.
is vital to workplace success. business from personal affairs, and
the impact situations, as well as my
commit to a sense of professional-
Effective Communication ability to recognize the emotions of
ism in all my interactions.
In the line of business, I am others.
currently in, effective communi-
cation is important to coordinate
efforts and accomplish organiza-
tional goals.

38 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 39

Carlett Badenhorst
What advice would you give to students that in South Africa, many graduates
entering the job market? are locked and confined in spaces of
I think the question should be posed the government which follow the Which organization are you working for
more as “What advise would you system of the West. Many students and what is your current job title?
give to students starting their own with qualifications are sitting at home I have my own business called
business and embarking on their and this is because they follow the Photos@Carlett Pty Ltd, which is a
journey of entrepreneurship”. Entre- standards, system and barometers photographic studio. In a subdivision
preneurship and starting your own of the government. I believe students of P@C Studio, I have a media news
business are not such a futile exercise should be bold and start their own Youtube Channel called Project CB, After I have started my own company
to do and many students are afraid things and stop believing that the which cover news stories and events. I had to sell my services and products
to start their own businesses due to only way to start things is to follow to people, it is a different kind of
variables such as lack of opportuni- the bureaucracy of the South African I am also involved at an online radio
marketing yourself.
ties or lack of access to finance in the government. station called SA Commuter Radio,
form of equity and capital. Students which a present and produce my own
need to remember that there is show. As I believe that the community What would you say is the most
What are some of the positive, personal important thing to do when going for an
always a market out there and there is attributes that you have gained from is imported therefore making a dif-
always a problem that they can solve NWU during your academic years? ference in the community, while I
Be yourself, tell the truth and be
through conducive and extensive Some positive, personal attributes I serve on a area 14 commetee for
willing to work. If you cant do
market research. Starting your own have gained from North-West Univer- Midvaal. My faith is important and I
the skill, be honest and say
business helps you to curb the unem- sity during my academic years would serve at Delta Community Church as
I cant but Ill learn the skill. Let the
ployment rate that South Africa is be confidence, humility, empathy, their creative content creator.
employee know that you are a hard
diagnosed with and also paves way integrity, communication, creativ- committed worker, and that you
for an individual to become compet- ity, passion, emotional intelligence, After completing your studies, how would stay loyal to the job at hand.
itive in the mainstream economy. accountability, self-awareness, was your first interview and how many
It is no lie that South Africa are the openness to experience, optimism, interviews did you get invited to before
biggest consumers, which ultimately getting a job offer? Was it difficult to adapt from being a
honesty and courage.
creates a market. Students need to I was a student teacher at Midvaal student to being a young professional?
challenge the matrix and system by Primary, as I wanted to become To transgress from being a student
being manufacturers, and industri- a Educational Psychologist, and to young professional was fairly easy.
alists. Many students do not realize thought being in the education As I worked part time and
environment will serve me well. I studied part time, I was already used
only went for 2 to 3 interviews after to the working environment.
being a student teacher, got my first
official job as a teacher, then I went What key competencies do you use in
for 2 more in the same field. I was your workplace every day?
not really satisfied with educational I have my Hons Psychology degree,
system, and thought there should using the skills I gained during the
be more than just teaching. Then study time to, analyses situations,
I started my own company in 2011. and read people to set the scene for

40 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 41

Introducing Yourself
being more charismatic and defuse should carry on until you manage
difficult situations. Varsity taught to succeed.
me to work hard and accurate to
the future. Knowing that hard work
will be rewarded. Critical thinking is
Would you have done anything
The Cover Letter
an important skill, and know how to The only thing I would have done dif-
do research. Not everything is what ferently, would be to not ever stop
it seems, for me it was important to with academical work.
A CV should always be accompanied by a cover letter which conveys
understand human behaviour, and
to critically analyse the environment your personality and enthusiasm, and draws attention to your experi-
What advice would you give to students ence and suitability for the job you are applying for. Your cover letter
around me. entering the job market?
can differentiate your CV from the others – make sure that you grasp
Dont let anybody put you in a box
What do you enjoy most about your job the opportunity to market yourself. The letter should intrigue the
and limit you to your capabilities.
and please share strategies you us to Never doubt, but have a clear vision reader so that he/she would want to read the entire CV.
handle difficult situations. to what you want, and chase the
I love to be a business owner and dream. Always pursue knowledge Layout
capture memories and tell stories. because it empower.
This brings me to the communi- The letter should have only The second paragraph (the longest
cation of how to tell stories, whether three paragraphs: in the letter) should indicate the way
What are some of the positive, personal The first (very short) paragraph in which your own knowledge, quali-
it is through the written word or
attributes that you have gained from should contain the reference to fications, skills and personal qualities
digital media such at photography NWU during your academic years?
or videography. Telling the truth and the advertised post, the reference are suited to the post requirements.
To become brave and dream big. number in the advertisement, and
share the truth in situations are the Hard work goes a long way. Never
key. where and when the advertisement The final paragraph (which is also
give up on your dreams, no matter appeared. If the CV is sent after a very short) should mention your
what any person might say and or telephone conversation or personal positive expectation to hear from
I deal with difficult situations like
put you down, push through and referral, it should be mentioned them, thank them for their time and
I would deal with business, will
make it happen for you. The only here. draw their attention to your contact
my business gain or profit from. If
person looking out for you, is you. details.
so Ill pursuit it and try to work out
Creativity was sparked, and the
how we can “fix” the situa-
search for more knowledge. For
tions to benefit both parties. If the
me the varsity gave me stamina to Appearance
situation is a risk or a liability, and
endure long work hours, be excellent
will not profit my business The cover letter should:
in what I do, become an innovator
then Ill opt out. • be a formal business letter, like we all learnt at school;
with looking out for those who can
• fit on one page;
not speak for themselves.
What stood out for you during your years • be neatly and clearly printed on the same good quality paper that you
as a student at the NWU and what were used for your CV;
your greatest lessons?? • be well laid out and easy to read; and
Greatest lessons for me was that • be free of typing, spelling or grammatical errors.
not everything is what it seems. You

42 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 43

The contents should: • outline your current situation
• be brief and structured. Avoid briefly, as well as the reason why
repetition of lengthy information you are interested in the job;
that is covered in your CV; • emphasise the reason why the
• address the relevant contact (if employer may want to meet and
mentioned in the job advertise- employ you;
ment). If no contact person was • highlight your skills, achieve-
mentioned, the salutation should ments and possible contribution
read ‘The HR Manager’, ‘The to the organisation;
Advertiser’ or ‘Dear Sir/Madam’. • contain phrases that express
Don’t write ‘To whom it may your personality;
concern’; • ensure that the reader is left with
• refer clearly to the post title, any the impression that you are a
reference number, as well as potential match for the job; and
where and when the advertise- • close with a polite and positive
ment was noticed; expression of interest in further
• refer to your CV and emphasise dialogue with the employer or
relevant points; recruiter.

Cover letter tips

Always analyse an advertisement Get right to the point – assume that
and identify requirements before the reader is merely skimming your
writing your letter and updating letter and looking for a good match
your CV. for the vacancy.

The main purpose of the letter is to Your goal should be to write

motivate the recipient to read your something that resonates perfectly
CV as well. with that which is already on your
reader’s mind.
Pose short questions or develop
concise statements that entice the
employer to turn the page and take
a look at your CV.

44 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 45

Whatever your passions, we are
always seeking innovative and Your Curriculum Vitae
talented people to join our team.
The Ultimate Marketing Tool

Your CV is your marketing tool and its focus should be on your skills
that contribute to the position you are applying for. The following
should be included:

We Are Looking For Students Personal details:

Your name and surname should be
Educational information:
List brief details of your academic
and Graduates prominent and could even be the qualifications, starting with the most
title of the document. Telephone recent achievement/qualification.
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering numbers should be current. If you List the degree, diploma, matricula-
use an informal or comical e-mail tion as well as the year and name
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering
address, you may wish to create a of the institution. The older you
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science new e-mail address that includes are, the less important your school
your name. It is not always necessary information will become. It might not
to include information relating to be necessary to include the school
your nationality, age, sex, marital subjects. Indicate your interest for
status, languages or health. Ensure the immediate future. What are you
that you are easily contactable at the looking for now? It is also important
Graduate and Permanent Positions | address you provide and, if applica- to include everything you achieved
Part-Time Student Jobs | Vacation Work ble, include information regarding while you were studying. List com-
your driver’s licence. petitions won, awards received and
leadership positions you served in,
[email protected] Career objective: e.g. chairperson of committees. End
Apply Now this section with a short sentence
An objective gives focus to your CV
– the reader will know immediately about the extracurricular activities
what you are looking for and if you that you participated in.
are a good candidate for the adver-
tised position. This is the section in Work-related experience:
which you must state your career List your most recent experience
focus and impress the reader with first, continuing in reverse chrono-
Rapid Mobile is a global supplier of leading digital radio your achievements and strengths. logical order. Use short sentences,
communication technology and focuses on developing data modems, positive language and highlight
embedded modules and related technology for use with HF and
V/UHF radios. We have various employment opportunities available Copyright © 2022 Rapid Mobile (Pty) Ltd
for promising engineers, computer scientists and undergraduate All Rights Reserved

students. For more information, visit us at

46 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 47

relevant achievements. Mention the References: education, experience and achieve- The academic CV can be useful
positions you held and companies If this is your first job, it would be ments in reverse chronological when you apply for an academic or
you worked for, including the dates. wise to nominate tutors or mentors order. research career. Use appropriate
Ensure that you include your part- as your references. Always verify headings to explain your research
time, volunteer and vacation work. that references are willing to provide The skills-based CV focuses on interests, e.g. Dissertation, Research
Mention in detail the skills, abilities information about you before you evidence of your relevant skills. abstracts, Areas of expertise, Publi-
and experiences you acquired during include them in your CV. Your ref- Use headings to present your skills, cations, Presentations and/or con-
your work. Because you want the erences should be able to answer which should be focused on the ferences attended, and Awards.
reader to find information quickly, questions on your achievements, needs of the employer.
you will need to organise your work ethics and personality.
experiences in categories. Possible
category headers are the following: Presentation and layout: Do’s & Don’ts
Relevant experience, Volunteer The layout of the CV could already CV Don’ts
experience, Teaching experience, demonstrate whether you meet the
• Don’t overuse the personal pronoun I.
Lab experience, Community service, skills specified in the job advert. The
• Don’t send the same CV with every job application.
Clubs / Organisations, Awards, and CV must be easy to read and visually
• Don’t describe duties – focus on achievements.
Other achievements. appealing – avoid using excessive
• Don’t use lengthy sentences; rather use a bullet list for an easy to read format.
underlining, bold italics, long para-
• Don’t exaggerate or lie.
Skills: graphs and multiple fonts. It is a
• Don’t leave gaps in your educational and employment history.
It is important to match your skills good idea to use bullet-point lists.
• Don’t give relatives as references.
to the job you are applying for. A CV Headings are useful for scanning and
that highlights relevant skills and must be consistent in style. You can CV Do’s
experience will boost your chances even use headings taken from the • Keep it short, concise, easy to read and straightforward – focus on content, not
of getting an interview. If you are advertisement or job specification. length.
going to apply for different jobs, you First impressions matter – use quality • Check for typing, spelling and grammatical errors.
should tailor your CV to each job. paper and check for correct spelling • Adjust your CV to fit the specific job you are applying for.
Detail specific skills you have gained and grammar. • Focus on the job and ensure that your CV is relevant. Make sure that the relevant
and also their relevance to the job experience and skills are prominently displayed.
you are applying for. The ability to • Keep the reader in mind.
work on a computer is a key skill. List
CV style: • Be positive and relay your strengths.
all the programs you are able to work Which style of CV would be best for • Include a career objective.
with, as well as your proficiency level your job application? • Include a cover letter.
on each program. • Demonstrate that you understand the nature of the job being advertised and
The chronological CV is the most explain why you want to work in that area.
familiar CV format and outlines your • Highlight briefly how your skills and abilities fit the vacancy.
• Research the company before you compile your CV.
• Print on quality paper and ensure that the layout is good. Print the cover letter on
the same type of paper.

48 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 49

Curriculum Vitae
4. Academic Background
4.1 List qualifications starting from highest and include only the subjects which are
Refer to academic record for all subjects.
AWESOME STUDENT 4.2 Other courses attended and skills obtained.
4.3 Academic Achievements.
084 778 1234 | [email protected]
Postal Address: PO Box 1234; Mafikeng; 2531
5. (Life) Experience

1. Personal Information Remember: “VERBS & CONTEXT”

Typical headings are given below. It will be unique in your situation, as
Surname Student explained in the CV workshop by the Career Consultant.
Name Gifted Awesome 5.1 CULTURE - Debating; Music; Singing; Dancing; Acting; etc
I.D.number 900101 0123 456 5.2 SPORT - Soccer; Tennis; Ballet; Athletics; etc
Nationality South African 5.3 LEADERSHIP
Languages Tswana, Afrikaans and Engels 5.4 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES
Driver’s License Code A en B 5.5 ENTREPRENEURSHIP
5.6 ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES - Research; Data gathering/-processing; Student Instruc-
tion; etc
2. Personal Profile 5.7 INTEREST AND HOBBIES - Photography; Gardening; Flower arranging; etc

At least 10 words (adjectives) which will describe your personality, personal qualities or
6. Work Experience
traits which will lead to success in the specific job/career, as explained in the CV workshop
by the Career Consultant.
Name of employer; period, job title AND a description of what you did.
Remember: “VERBS”
3. Career Goal / Objective
7. References
Explain what kind of a job you are looking for at what kind of a company. Show the pro-
spective employer what you are looking for matches their job vacancy/company. You may Employer: Lecturer:
include it only in your covering letter. Refer to: Functional area (job); level in the organi- Mr. P. Wessels; Sunshine Pharmacy; Dr. J. Alison; Department of Statis-
zation; type of organization; size of organization; eventual goals and specific skills sets. Mafikeng. tics; NWU; Mafikeng.
082 123 4567 082 234 5678

50 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 51

More CV tips: Curriculum vitae
• Font should be easy to read, size should be between 10 and 12. Avoid Checklist
• Your address could also be in table format underneath your name and
• Your email address should be professional. Avoid nicknames.
Highlight briefly how your skills and abilities fit the vacancy. Organise Check the list below against your current CV to make sure that
your experiences in categories. you have the basics covered.
• Make sure you include the institution, degree, date of completion and
main subjects. Start with the most recent qualification. It might not be Your CV in General
necessary to include the school subjects. F Does your CV look attractive? Would the reader be interested in you as
• The older you are, the less important your school information will a candidate?
F Is it well organised, concise and structured into one to three pages?

Be Concise F Has the CV been checked for spelling, grammar and typing errors?
F Is the lay-out well balanced and the space used effectively with
Continue revising and fine-tuning your CV. Proofread! Don’t rely on a spell- headings?
checker. Have two or three different people proofread your CV.
F Is it easy to read, with clear font and characters that are not too small?
Ensure that your CV is well spaced and visually attractive. Check and F Does the most relevant information occupy the most space?
recheck your CV for errors. F Did you print your CV on good quality paper?
F Did you adapt your CV to suit this specific application?
F Did you create a cover letter to accompany your CV?
F Will the employer be able to contact you by using your personal details
on the CV?
F Did you use action verbs & short sentences and phrases that are to the
F Are you sure your e-mail address is professional?
F Are the pages numbered?
F Does your CV include a cover page?

52 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 53

Your References
F Did you include contact details of your references?
F Have you asked your references permission to cite them in your CV?
Your Educational Information
F Except for your tertiary and secondary education, did you include addi-
tional training?
F Did you include all your qualifications, as well as the completion dates?
F Your Work Experience and Skills
F Did you list your experience chronologically?
F Did you list the most recent experience first?
F Did you emphasise the most relevant experience?
F Did you explain any gaps in your work experience chronology?
F Did you tailor your CV to the specific position you are applying for?
F Did you include your career objective and core competence?
F Does the career objective align with the position you are applying for? STEP INTO A BRIGHT FUTURE
LDP is a renowned practice of business advisors, accountants and
auditors and offers exciting opportunities for graduates looking to
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Did you know that the average employer disciplines!
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therefore, attract attention – make the LDP offers excting opportunities for graduates looking to do their
seconds count! SAICA, CIMA and SAIPA traineeships.

To apply visit OR

send your CV to [email protected]

54 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023

The Fourth
What is an Industrial Revolution?
Industrial Revolution An industrial revolution is the Before the first revolution, most
process of change within indus- people lived in widespread rural
tries, for example from an agrarian communities, making a living off the
Introduction economy (growing food for own use land. With the advance of technolo-
with limited tools and implements) gies (e.g., implements and tools) and,
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is industries, professional practices or a handicraft economy (e.g., eventually, commercial farms and
known by different names, namely and everyday life. building shelters, sewing clothes factories, people began working for
Industry 4.0, Industrial Revolution and weaving rugs for own use companies located in urban areas.
4.0, and 4th Industrial Revolution In 2016, it was predicted that by 2020, with limited tools and implements) The wages were often low and condi-
(4IR). Later in this article, it will be 4IR would bring us advanced robotics to production processes that are tions were harsh. However, working
explained why the most recent rev- and autonomous transport, artificial dominated by technology, industry, for businesses provided a better
olution is referred to as the “fourth”. intelligence and machine learning, process controls, computers and living than farming.
advanced materials, biotechnology machines.
This fourth revolution generates con- and genomics, as well as a change
siderable interest and debate among in importance in up to one-third of
scholars, informaticists, education- the skills that are deemed important
ists, and business leaders around today (World Economic Forum
the globe. The industry shift (change Report, 2016). Many more interest-
or turnaround, as the term revolu- ing things are predicted and we start
tion implies) we are noticing, expe- to see evidence of it in every aspect
riencing and envisioning brings with of our lives.
it exciting opportunities, but also
inevitable challenges to various

Figure 1: The four industrial revolutions

56 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 57

A Brief History of Industrial Revolutions
Industrial revolutions are more than norm, stimulated entrepreneurial engineering. The revolution brought the discovery of the double helix, the
eras in which new technologies are endeavours to spur further break- a step change in standardisation, space race, and the development of
developed and introduced. Rather, throughs and gain new insights into technical complexity, and precision nuclear power. It shaped a post-war
they are times of technological emerging disciplines. in manufacturing, as well as large- world that needed new economic
change that have a particular set of scale technological infrastructure structures and had shifting con-
characteristics that are connected to, The 1st IR arose from harnessing such as electricity grids and new ceptions of the human place in the
and contemporaneous with, broader water and steam power toward more forms of public transportation cosmos, the natural world, and the
social transformation. These revolu- systematic and efficient forms of based on the internal combustion political order. It also connected the
tions lead to changes that go beyond manufacturing. Typical descriptions engine. Alongside innovations such planet’s societies through infrastruc-
discreet technological capabilities of the 1st IR mention steam engines as the steamship, the telephone, the ture and applications, creating new
and, instead, shift entire systems of applied to the mining in Cornwall gas turbine, artificial fertilisers, and flows of information and sharing
power. and the role of steam power in mass production, a far more mobile that continue to shape values,
enabling massive increases in the and cognisant international public knowledge, and culture.
The First Industrial Revolution, scale of manufacturing. In one of the was developing a desire for goods,
which first emerged in the United earliest descriptions of the Industrial travel and, perhaps most important The 3rd IR, which is generally
Kingdom in the 18th century, brought Revolution, the expansion of power for the next industrial revolution, attributed to computerisation
with it both steam power and factory and mechanical production became information. and web-based interconnectivity
politics, as women were pushed out a revolution only from its coupling that were developed in the 1980s
of manufacturing roles in favour with a “political culture which was The 2nd IR is associated with new and 1990s, is only now having
of a male-dominated workplace receptive to change,” including shifts manufacturing technologies based its rippling effects upon society,
culture. The combination of steam in financial arrangements as well as on electricity, which triggered addi- politics, economics and education.
power and mechanised production other social progress. tional changes, launching what some One of the largest ripples from the
created a step change in output. This have described as a “new economy.” 3rd IR was the move toward online
dynamic increase in capacity and The Second Industrial Revolution, The profound changes in society and education.
productivity led to urbanisation, the dated between 1867 and 1914, was a education that arose from the first
growth of regional and global market subsequent wave of systems change two industrial revolutions spanned Governments and businesses rec-
economies, the relevance of dem- that coalesced into the modern several decades, lagging well behind ognised the power of computers
ocratic governments, and a rising belief that science and technologies the initial introduction of the cata- in the performance of complex cal-
middle class in the Western Hemi- are the way forward to a better life lysing technologies of steam and culations and, eventually, for gen-
sphere. and that progress is in many ways a electricity. eral-purpose use. Rapid progress
destiny for humanity. toward increasing computational
The Industrial Revolution inspired The Third Industrial Revolution, power led to a more interconnected
scientific and technical pursuits and Entrepreneurs applied science in which began in earnest following the and complex world in many ways
the revision of academic fields. It production processes, and the era Second World War, brought a step and is still driving change across
brought new forms of literature and, saw a boom of products that were change in information theory and the sectors and regions at the beginning
as state-funded science was not the the direct outcome of science and power of data. It bloomed alongside of the 4th IR, just as the continuing

58 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 59

spread of electricity access is still fiction only a decade ago, while faster In Summary
bringing the benefits of the 2nd IR and more durable approaches to The 1st IR is defined as the changes trial Revolution.
to communities around the world. multidimensional printing will bring in manufacturing equipment.
personalised, unique, and essential In his video The best explanation of
The Fourth Industrial Revolu- objects and structures into daily life. The 2nd IR is defined as the changes the Fourth Industrial Revolution ever,
tion, like the revolutions before it, in manufacturing processes and Graeme Codrington explains that
provides incredible opportunities for The 4th IR is often described as transportation that began with fewer the Second and Fourth Revolutions
individuals, industries, and nations. the result of the integration and things being made by hand, using are similar in a very specific way, and
Artificial intelligence, the Internet of compounding effects of multiple machines in larger-scale factories some lessons for our future can be
Things, and the potential of quantum “exponential technologies” such as instead. taken from this insight. He states that
computing promise the better opti- artificial intelligence, biotechnologies the emphasis of the 2nd Revolution
misation of systems. Distributed and nanomaterials. One example of The 1st and 2nd IR changed how we was not the creation of new technol-
ledger technologies - for instance, the emerging reality within the 4thIR produced and consumed products. ogies, but rather the processes of
blockchain* - are demonstrating is the development of synthetic embedding, optimising and putting
utility far beyond the emergence of organisms (life from DNA created The 3rd IR changed how we commu- to work the technologies emanating
cryptocurrencies, for example the within computers and bio-printed) nicate. The 4th IR will change us! This from the 1st Revolution (e.g., steam,
provision of secure, digital identifi- manufactured by using robotic IR heralds a paradigm shift in how electric power and mechanisation),
cation, managing fraud and exter- assembly lines, where nanomaterials people, processes, things, data and from factories to the everyday life
nalities in value chains, and creating provide immense improvements in networks communicate and connect of ordinary people. We should use
greater transparency in government the efficiency of production. The 4th with each other. Schwab posits in his the 4th Revolution in the same way.
procurement. IR extends the paradigm of industrial book Will the Fourth Industrial Revo- Most of the technologies of the 3rd
revolution into a future where many lution Have a Human Heart? that this Revolution regarding ICTs, Artificial
*A blockchain is a decentralised, of the elements of what we might revolution differs from the previous Intelligence, automation et cetera
distributed and sometimes public, consider industry (fixed and cen- three revolutions in the fact that it (and of course those from the 1st
digital ledger that is used to tralised factories and massive labor is not based on breakthroughs in and 2nd Revolutions) are at our
record transactions across many forces within large corporations) will technology, but rather on commu- disposal (although new technolo-
computers so that any involved no longer exist. nication and connectivity. gies will continue to be developed).
record cannot be altered retroac- Our focus during the 4th Revolution
tively without the alteration of all The main features involved in the should also be on the processes of
subsequent blocks. first two industrial revolutions were embedding, optimising and putting
technological and socio-economic, to work these technologies for
Neurotechnologies are advancing comprising cultural changes and bettering our societies, economies
quickly and may soon augment improvements, which has implica- and life in general.
human cognitive and physical capa- tions for the Third and current Indus-
bilities in ways that were pure science

60 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 61

What is so different about the Fourth IR?
The 4th IR involves a fundamentally *The internet of systems consists of Whether autonomous machines expected to have the most signifi-
different range of new technolo- business-owned systems that can are a good or a bad thing depends cant impact on employment figures
gies, fusing the physical, digital and collect data from IoT networks to largely on the opinion of the person within the global workforce.
biological worlds, impacting all dis- make independent decisions about you consult. As mentioned previ-
ciplines, economies and industries, your business’ marketing campaigns, ously, some envision a dystopian, Like the electricity we take for
and even challenging ideas about sales et cetera. hellish world straight out of a sci- granted, the Fourth Industrial Rev-
what it means to be human. 4IR ence-fiction film, where robots have olution (4IR) is permeating all facets
involves the adoption of cyber-phys- As the internet of things becomes taken all the jobs, leaving humans of our lives. We may not realise it,
ical systems such as the internet of more mainstream, smart devices unemployed and miserable. Without but 4IR encompasses many of our
things* and Internet of Systems*. will have more access to data, which employment, our lives would digitally connected products and
could allow them to become more become meaningless, leading to services, advances in smart factories
*The internet of things, also known independent. Eventually, smart drug addiction, violence and wide- and cities, and the ever-increasing
as IoT, is a network of intercon- devices might have enough infor- spread public unrest. level of automation in our homes
nected smart devices that allows mation to make decisions auton- and offices. With some seven billion
each separate device to interact omously and control key business Most, though, believe that robots connected devices now in use, we
(i.e., send or receive data) from other processes such as supply chains would eradicate the rather dull are living in a hyper-connected
devices on the network. without human input. aspects of our work and allow world, one powered by essential
humans to focus on more chal- technologies such as artificial intel-
lenging, fulfilling tasks, leading to a ligence (AI), the internet of things
happier and more productive society (IoT), advanced data analytics, and
overall. Regardless, once the Fourth blockchain.
Industrial Revolution reaches full
maturity, it will impact nearly every These transformations, if managed
industry in every country. wisely, could lead to a new age of
good work, good jobs and improved
The 4th Industrial Revolution is quality of life for all, but if managed
largely driven by four specific tech- poorly, pose the risk of widening
nological developments: high-speed skills gaps, greater inequality
mobile internet, AI and automation, and broader polarization. World
the use of big data analytics, and Economic Forum, 2018 Report
cloud technology. Of these four
technologies, AI and automation are

62 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 63

What Do
The concept of the Fourth Industrial our lives easier, reflecting a funda-
Employers Want?
Revolution affirms that technolog- mental set of shifts in human identity
ical change is a driver of transfor- and a restructuring of the ways in
mation relevant to all industries which we experience the world. One of the most frustrating challenges in job-seeking and
and parts of society. Furthermore,
preparing applications for jobs is to determine exactly what
it highlights the idea that, at certain On some level, workforce changes
stages in history, sets of technologies and technological advancements are
skills and attributes the employers are looking for.
emerge and combine in ways that normal and to be expected of any
have impacts far beyond incremen- developing society. Some worry that This article aims to equip you with skills are evaluated by the clarity
tal increases in efficiency. Industrial the 4th IR could create a dystopian knowledge of some of the skills that and comprehension in your CV and
revolutions are revolutions in the world in which robots could take our employers have indicated as being cover letter, and your ability to write
systems that surround us, step jobs and there could be a massive important to them, as well as skills letters, memos, reports et cetera.
changes in the complex interplay wealth disparity between those who that knowledgeable people write
between humans and technology, own the robots and those who don’t. about. The second most important quality
and transformations that result in However, automating key tasks is drive, commitment and knowledge
new ways of perceiving, acting, and could eradicate the more tedious In one survey, where a large group of the industry. This refers to your
being. aspects of our jobs and allow human of employers were asked to list the ability to convince the employer that
employees to focus on more mean- most important selection criteria for you understand the job contents,
Technologies such as robotics, ingful, fulfilling tasks, helping people graduate appointments (in addition the outcomes you must deliver and
advanced materials, genetic mod- across every industry in completing to relevant academic qualifications, the contribution you are expected
ifications, the internet of things, their jobs to a higher standard. of course), the findings were as to make to the business (and even
drones, neuro-technologies, auton- follows: the industry). You must display a
omous vehicles, artificial intelligence, We prefer to think that the Fourth passion for doing this job and be
and machine vision, are becoming Industrial Revolution will have a The most important quality for those prepared to invest your best effort
more integrated into our physical, mostly positive impact on the future employers is interpersonal and com- in making a success of it.
social, and political spaces, altering of work and are excited about the munication skills. This refers to your
behaviours, relationships, and upcoming changes; therefore, we ability to communicate, interact and The third most important quality
meaning. The outcomes of ongoing are currently looking for ways to achieve goals with other people, and is analytical thinking and problem
research, development, and com- integrate AI technology into our to act responsibly and professionally solving abilities. Especially in
mercialisation and the adoption of workplace. at all times. It includes listening skills, positions where academic qualifica-
emerging technologies are relevant as well as positive body language, tions are required, employers expect
far beyond the products that make eye contact and gestures. Your you to have the ability to apply
verbal skills are rated by the way in theoretical knowledge in practice,
which you ask or answer questions, solve difficult problems, or improve
give or receive instructions and processes and outcomes.
speak to larger groups. Your written

64 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 65

In her book, “What employers want as well as reliable and polite. (For Here are eight qualities of such remarkable employees:
– The work skills handbook”, Karen more on attitude, please refer to the
Holmes confirms these findings article What makes you competent?) 1. They ignore job descriptions. The smaller the company, the more
when she describes the following important it is that employees can think on their feet, adapt quickly to
four skills as the most important Jeff Haden, in an article called “8 shifting priorities and do whatever it takes, regardless of role or position,
ones for employers: Qualities of Remarkable Employees”, to get things done. When a key customer’s project is in jeopardy, remark-
takes it further by distinguishing able employees know without being told that there’s a problem and they
• Communication between great and remarkable jump in without being asked – even if it’s not their job.
• Team-working skills employees.
• Problem-solving and deci- 2. They’re eccentric... Remarkable employees are often a little different:
sion-making skills quirky, sometimes irreverent, even delighted to be unusual. They seem
He says that great employees are
• Numerical and computer skills slightly odd, but in a really good way. Unusual personalities shake things
reliable, dependable, proactive,
up, make work more fun, and transform a plain-vanilla group into a team
This fourth skill refers to the diligent, great leaders and great
with flair and flavour. People who aren’t afraid to be different naturally
confident use of electronic technol- followers ... They possess a wide
stretch boundaries and challenge the status quo, and they often come up
ogy, rather than the understanding range of easily-defined – but hard
with the best ideas.
of typical mathematics. Employers to find – qualities.
value skills in electronic data-man- 3. But they know when to dial it back. An unusual personality is a lot of fun...
agement, such as finding data, inter- A few hit the next level. Some until it isn’t fun anymore. When a major challenge pops up or a situation
preting it, presenting it and storing/ employees are more than great – gets stressful, the best employees stop expressing their individuality and
retrieving it. It also includes effective they are remarkable, possessing fit seamlessly into the team. Remarkable employees know when to play
use of the internet, word processing, qualities that may not appear on and when to be serious; when to be irreverent and when to conform; and
spreadsheets, presentation software performance appraisals, but make a when to challenge and when to back off. It’s a tough balance to strike, but
and databases. major impact on performance none- a rare few can walk that fine line with ease.
theless (not only performance of the
The author adds the importance of employee, but performance of the 4. They publicly praise... Praise from a boss feels good. Praise from a peer
having the right attitude to the above whole company). feels awesome, especially when you look up to that person. Remarkable
four skills. The right attitude includes employees recognise the contributions of others, especially in group
being passionate, focused, driven, settings where the impact of their words is even greater.
committed, willing, determined,
motivated, adaptable and devoted, 5. And they privately complain. We all want employees to bring issues
forward, but some problems are better handled in private. Great
employees often get more latitude to bring up controversial subjects

66 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 67

Most Sought-After

in a group setting, because their performance allows greater freedom. Skills, Competences and Traits
Remarkable employees come to you before or after a meeting to discuss a
sensitive issue, knowing that bringing it up in a group setting could set off
a storm.
F Adaptability/Flexibility F Judgment
6. They speak when others won’t. Some employees are hesitant to speak
up in meetings. Some are even hesitant to speak up privately. Remark- F Analytical thinking F Leadership
able employees have an innate feel for the issues and concerns of those F Attention to detail F Leveraging diversity
around them, and step up to ask questions or raise important issues when F Business acumen F Listening
others hesitate.
F Career motivation F Negotiation
7. They like to prove others wrong (especially doubters, pessimists and F Commercial awareness F Numeracy
negative people). Self-motivation often springs from a desire to show
F Communication F Organisation
doubters that they are wrong. Potentially, the kid without a college degree
or the woman who was told she didn’t have leadership often possesses a F Compliance F Organisational awareness
burning desire to pull other people down to his or her level. Remarkable F Conflict management F Planning
employees are driven by a deep and personal belief in truth, honesty,
F Consulting F Problem solving
positivity and perseverance.
F Creativity/Innovation F Public speaking
8. They’re always fiddling. Some people are rarely satisfied (in a good
F Customer focus F Resilience/Tenacity
way) and are constantly tinkering with something: reworking a timeline,
adjusting a process or tweaking a workflow. Great employees follow F Decisiveness F Responsibility
processes. Remarkable employees find ways to make those processes F Dedication/Commitment F Results orientation
even better, not only because they are expected to… but because they just
F Delegation F Risk-taking
can’t stop believing that continuous improvement is always possible.
F External awareness F Sense of self
These eight qualities give us a further insight into what employers might
F Independence F Sensitivity
value and what they look for in graduates.
F Influencing F Teamwork
If you can present and emphasise these skills and attitudes in your CV, and you F Information seeking F Trustworthiness/Ethics
are able to speak about them with confidence in the interview, you are well
F IT appreciation
equipped to “sell” your competences to the employer of your choice.
F Instruction (give and receive)
F Integrity

68 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 69

Things I wish
someone had told
me in my first year
2021 Graduate Destination Survey
at university!
Bright-eyed and bushy tailed, I walked 3. You won’t make friends on your The purpose of the survey was to determine
onto campus! Books were piled into first day; you will be too worried
my shiny new bag and I was wearing about finding your lecture employment trends of NWU Graduates with regards
spanking-new jeans, clean All Stars and venues. to main activity (continued study or employment)
carrying a pencil bag with every colour 4. Coffee is a prerequisite and it’s EMPLOYED
highlighter you could imagine. I was cheap. NORTH-WEST PROVINCE
ready to take on the world, one faculty
at a time. Ambition was my name and
5. Buy your textbooks second
hand, because it’s more eco-
a BA in Journalism was my game.

They gave me lists of books, classes,

nomical than buying new ones.
6. Remember, unless you decide
to stand out, you are only a
2,576 PARTICIPATED 53% 2% 14%
lecturers, maps... and a student card number to the lecturer.
(with a dorky picture of me on it). What 7. Join a society – you’ll meet

they didn’t give me, though, was every- people, get involved in 6 MONTHS AFTER COMPLETION OF STUDIES
thing that I learned and earned in my something you love and learn
R20 000
first year: valuable skills.
8. Your education is yours and 14% STUDYING
1. Smile on your student card yours alone. Don’t expect any 27% ONLY MONTHLY SALARY
photo – you don’t want to look hand-outs. STUDYING BEFORE DEDUCTION
like a criminal for the next four 9. Love what you do; if you don’t,
80% 83%
no one else will.
2. Buy a pair of tekkies or flip flops
for those flights of stairs.
10. Most of all, be willing to grow in
many other ways over the next 53%
few years, other than just your POTCH STUDENTS FOR CONTINUED OVERALL
degree. Keep an open mind! 27% ONLY
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they don’t define who you are;
varsity is so much more than textbooks and marks. 31% WHILE STUDYING

70 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023

20 2 1 RESU LTS
Here's what 8 125 NWU students had to say

Female students' expected first salary Male students' expected first salary

ZAR 266 223 ZAR 310 268

Annually Annually

Top attributes associated with North West University

1. Safe campus environment
2. Educational excellence
3. Friendly and open environment

Students' most important attributes for future employment

1. Ethical standards
2. Leadership opportunities
3. Professional training and development

Most used career services at the

1. Career/job/internship fairs
2. Career counselling
3. Trainings for resume/CV writing and

Thank you for making your voice heard. If you have any questions, send an email to [email protected]
72 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 73
Application Tips

(Windows) or Simpletext (Macintosh) your chances of obtaining the

Recruitment on the internet is growing extremely fast. There are already
and consider the following sugges- position.
thousands of recruitment agencies publishing vacancies on their tions: • If there is a field for a cover letter
websites. Newspapers, online publications and company websites also or notes, use this to write a short
carry vacancy advertisements. If you neglect to use this vast range of • For bullets, use asterisks, plus cover letter.
potential vacancies, you will be missing out on potential opportunities. signs or dashes. • If you want to keep some infor-
• For underlining text, use capital mation private, compulsory detail
letters. can be noted as ‘on request’.
• Use a line of dashes or asterisks • Remember to update your
Online job application advantages same technology and are not able to to separate sections. details frequently to keep your
A job-seeker process it. Companies receiving your • Redo all spacing, using only the CV near the top if a date sort is
• can apply quickly and easily for CV may also use another method or space bar. used in the recruiter’s database.
many jobs; computer and could therefore have • End each line with an ‘enter’.
• can store his/her CV online difficulties in reading your CV. • Check for special characters, as E-mailing a CV
where potential employers might they may have been translated Company websites do not always
see it; In some cases, you will have to into symbols. use online recruitment agencies to
• has 24-hour access to vacancies; convert your CV to a text version advertise their vacancies. Many of
• can track his/her applications; that can be read on any computer. Recruitment sites these sites request that you send
• has fast response; ‘Plain’ text (also called ASCII text) Some recruitment and job websites your CV via e-mail.
• obtains automatic notification of is the safest and most common provide electronic forms that can be
vacancies according to his/her Internet format. A .txt file will be used for entering your CV details.
profile; and recognised by any technology – it is The completion of e-forms can be
• finds job hunting easier and also commonly used for email com- very time-consuming. Consider the
more effective. munication. following tips:

Preparing for online job hunting Plain text gets rid of italics, bullets • Cut and paste information from
Most people prepare their CV by and all fancy formatting. your text (.txt) file, not the word
using word processing. Unfortu- processor.
nately, this may cause your CV to be • It is not necessary to complete a
The question now is: What can you do to
unsuitable for the internet. It may field unless it is compulsory – just
enhance this plain text version?
happen that recruiters do not use the remember that the more
Open your text (.txt) file in Notepad
• information you add, the better

74 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 75

What Makes You
Keep the following in mind when you A job search strategy
e-mail your CV to a company: • How to write a CV Understanding Your Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes
• Use the content of the e-mail as • How to write a cover letter
your cover letter. • How to prepare for an interview If you want to be successful, you should try to absorb as much knowledge
• State that you are attaching your • Research companies
as possible, right? Well, not quite. At least, not only knowledge! I believe
CV in MS Word and also as a text
file – name the Beware! – security and privacy success, whether we talk on a professional or personal level, derives
• attachments with your own You are giving personal details on from three factors: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Most people,
name. the internet – never give references however, pay excessive attention to the knowledge component, while
• Ensure that you have included on your e-form CV. There can be no neglecting the development of the other two. Before discussing the
your name and the job that you guarantee that your information will argument further, we need to define what we mean by each of these
are applying for. remain private. factors.
• The subject of the e-mail should
already give an indication of Knowledge is practical information that is gained through learning,
the content, e.g. Application – experience or association.
Librarian, your reference job
#76693. Examples of knowledge:
• Job-hunting advice on the • Second-degree equations
internet • Human anatomy
• The rules of monopoly
(Some information was adapted from ‘Job hunt on the net’by Julie-Ann Amos.) • How to change a wheel
• The capital of Zimbabwe is Harare

Skills refer to the ability to perform specific tasks and to apply


Examples of skills:
• The ability to communicate effectively
• The ability to write clearly
• The ability to play an instrument
• The ability to solve problems
• The ability to dance

76 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 77

Attitude involves how people react to certain situations and how they because they are sometimes services company. Both of them
behave in general. necessary to understand the subject are eager to succeed, so they both
matter and can be applied to many spend lots of time trying to grow
Examples of attitudes: different situations. professionally. John uses his time
• Being proactive gaining only knowledge and as much
• Being able to get along with other people Job-specific skills, however, are of it as possible. He studies balance
• Being optimistic the practical application of the sheets, financial reports, accounting
• Being critical towards other people knowledge that has been learnt, like practices, read financial news, and
• Being arrogant preparing financial statements or the like.
drafting a contract, and are therefore
Now, if you can imagine a pyramid from the truth. While most people developed simultaneously with the Mark, on the other hand, gets the
with three horizontal levels, and are naturally inclined to behave in development of the knowledge. knowledge that is necessary to
you picture attitudes at the base certain ways – we call that person- carry out his job. Other than that, he
of the pyramid, skills in the middle ality – we can still change radically The top part of the pyramid is the invests time to develop his creativity
and knowledge right on top, you or develop specific attitudes at will. knowledge. Now, whilst I argue and innovative thinking, to improve
will notice that attitudes form the that prior to getting the knowledge, his insight into people’s behaviour,
important foundation. One should, Developing or changing an attitude one should develop attitudes and to develop a more positive outlook
therefore, focus on developing the will sometimes require more delib- competencies, I am not saying that on life, to improve his pro-activeness
right attitudes before attending to erate effort than developing a skill or knowledge is not important. Far and to become more organised and
the skills and the knowledge. gaining some knowledge, but that is from it, knowledge is essential. But goal focussed.
exactly why it is also more valuable. if you consider the information and
If you take a look at the five attitudes The second reason why people fail communication technologies rev- Should the financial services sector
we have used as examples, it is clear to focus on attitudes is because they olution that we live in, you can see enter a downturn someday, who do
that one would desire to develop and are not aware of the benefits they that virtually anyone in the world has you think will have a harder time to
acquire the first three, but not the would derive from them. Common access to all the information that has keep his job? I am sure you have
last two. Distinguishing between a sense states that the more knowl- ever been produced. guessed it.
desirable and a problematic attitude edgeable someone is, the more suc-
is actually an easy task. cessful he or she will be. While this I know that information and In summary: Success at personal
affirmation might be true, it is only knowledge are two different things, or professional level will inevitably
Why then do we fail to dedicate so if that person also has the right but the process of transforming one derive from three factors: attitudes,
enough energy to the development attitudes. into the other is not that complex. skills and knowledge. Most people
of valuable attitudes? First, because What I am saying, therefore, is that pay excessive attention to the
we might think that attitude is After developing the attitudes – a knowledge alone will not be suffi- knowledge component, while
affected by genetics, meaning that lifelong process, by the way – one cient. It does not represent a com- neglecting the development of skills
some people are born optimistic, should focus on skills. Basic – general petitive advantage per se. and attitudes. Make sure that you
while others are naturally pessi- or common – skills, such as the are focusing on all three compo-
mistic and that there is nothing ability to communicate and to solve Consider two different men, John nents – it is the best strategy in the
one can do to change it. This is far problems, come before knowledge, and Mark, working for a financial long run.

78 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 79

Benefits of Attending Attending virtual career fairs is an important part of your job
Virtual Fair search strategy, because it opens up the opportunity for you to:
• join any booth chat and meet many people in the chat box from any
company of your choice. Each booth represents a specific company with a
set of career opportunities to explore;
• ask questions in the chat box (i.e., information about the employer) and
form an opinion regarding the type of employers they seem to be;

ATTENDING CAREER FAIRS • ask prompting questions on the chat box and gather relevant information
about different career opportunities – jobs, internships and graduate
HAS BEEN MADE EASIER development opportunities offered by the different employers; and

DO NOT MISS OUT! • be active in the chat box and gain knowledge regarding the various possi-
bilities existing within the specific degree or study field(s) you have chosen.

How will I attend the virtual career fair? The goals of virtual career fairs are to give students the opportu-
A link with login credentials will be sent to all participants, requesting them to nity to:
join the virtual platform. Companies will have up to 10 members in their booth, • get in touch with potential employers and contact persons in the future;
engaging with students who visit them there. Remember that there is no limit
to the number of students whom they will interact with. • learn more about companies and organisations;
• discover more about careers and potential job opportunities;
Students can login from anywhere in the world via smartphone, laptop or
desktop. They also have an opportunity to visit as many companies as they • have a good look at careers relating to their studies, as well as other fields
wish and will have full access to the event until it closes. and careers;
• receive advice on what employers are looking for;
At the end of the event, the Career Centre will be able to extract statistics that
indicate the number of student visitors and this information can be analysed • learn more about current internships; and
as required. • gain valuable interview experience, get job search advice and possibly
even obtain an invitation to an interview.
As a student, how do I connect?
How do I prepare to benefit most from a virtual career fair?
Enrolled NWU students can secure the link to join the virtual fair a week before
from: • Be well prepared and make a good impression by greeting the person in
the chat box and introducing yourself with your name and your field of
• the Career Centre Facebook page; study.
• Efundi – The Career Centre page;
• Write down the questions that you want to ask before joining the chat box.
• Career Centre website;
It is helpful to reflect on what it is you want to achieve from this engage-
• Academic Student Society WhatsApp groups; and
ment with the employer: Do you want to find a job or an internship?
• many other NWU internal e-platforms.

80 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 81

Are you looking for information about organisations? Do you want to build Net-Etiquette
your network?
• Students should bear in mind that their net-etiquette should be of the
• Towards the date of the fair, please visit the NWU Career Centre page for same high standard of behaviour as when they would have been in an
a list of companies that are attending the fair; review and do research on office or a professional physical space.
those companies. Visit their websites to find out who they are and what • Students can start with greetings and then introduce themselves to the
they do. Gather basic information about the company (its size, organi- persons in their choice of booth.
sation, location and products). Make a list of the ones you would like to • Students must be mindful and show respect when replying to or engaging
approach. Be prepared – if you can ask focused and specific questions, it with companies in various booths.
will impress the employer’s representatives, because it shows a genuine • Students should pay attention when a person is speaking and should
interest. acknowledge that they have listened to what have been said.

• If you do get the opportunity for a follow-up or a one-on-one e-discussion,

ask yourself how you will further introduce yourself. Develop a 30-second
Do not make mistake of
introduction to market yourself. Tell the person who you are, what makes • not asking any questions;
you unique and the benefits you can provide. Be enthusiastic and explain • having a poor or unprofessional attitude or approach;
your strengths, skills, experience and interests. Be prepared to answer • not being willing to relocate;
questions regarding your career goals and prepare a few questions to • not being polite in your questioning; and
ask the recruiters. In these changing times, employers are looking for • not greeting the person when you join the chat box.
graduates who are flexible and critical thinkers with superior cognitive • lacking communication skills with inappropriate questions;
abilities and able to adapt to the changes. It is important to show that you • asking about salary;
are flexible in your career prospects and are open to learning and relearn-
ing new skills et cetera.
• Remember to have a pen and paper at hand for jotting down contact
information and notes, or to have your mobile phone ready to take a
screenshot function to capture information that is shared.
• Ensure that your online/social media presence (especially LinkedIn, but
also others such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) is up to date; create
a professional image of yourself. You must also make certain you know
how to use LinkedIn optimally as the basis for the networks you will make
and expand during the virtual career fair. Even before the date of the fair,
link with the companies and their individual representatives.

82 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 83

Empowering Institutions CONNECTING STUDENTS

with the right tools to develop At Symplicity, we believe the “I cannot speak highly enough about
career-ready graduates
career center provides critical
services and fosters lasting
the Client Services team; they are so
connections with students accommodating with their time and
and employers. We have the
largest network of students willing to work with us to adjust the
and employers in the space. system to meet our needs”
Laureate Australia


When it comes to the CSM platform, we’ve built and enhanced a platform Simplicity firmly believes in pro-
with deep configurability and functionality. Our platform enables schools tecting student data - whether
to measure and report on critical KPIs around student engagement and it’s now or five years from now. FEATURES
outcomes, streamline student and employer outreach, and run robust OCR Our business model will never
and experiential learning programs. These values are core to our mission require students to give up Student CRM
and drive our decision-making in everything we do - today and in the future. their data in order to access
a core university service. Our Recruiting Toolkit
mission is to help institutions
connect students with the Appointment Scheduling
people they need to launch
successful careers. We do that On-Campus Recruitment
by equipping institutions with
an enterprise-scale employabil-
ity platform they leverage to
engage students, employers,
Swipe Card Kiosks
staff, and administrators in the
career-readiness process.
Advanced Metrics &
Outcomes Reporting
Virtual Mock Interviews
Custom Dashboards

The platform and all branding

Mobile Interface
belong to the university - not
Simplicity. We feel this is com-
WHAT OUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING pletely critical to the success
Curated Jobs (U.S. only)
of the career center and the
“Simplicity has formed a true partnership university at large in order
for it to develop long-lasting
with our Career Center and as users we relationships with students and
feel valued and heard.” employers. Since the enterprise
layer allows CSM to integrate
Penn Sate University with countless other partner We don’t just “comply” with security standards. We’re
apps, every institutional office UNMATCHED the only service provider in our space who has achieved CONTACT:
can use their own individual apps SECURITY a level of security, accountability, and process maturity Symplicity sales
underneath the same umbrella to achieve ISO-9001, SSAE-1 and CMMI Level 3 and [email protected]
of one system. ISO27001 certifications. We are also compliant with
GDPR requirements.

84 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 85

The Job Search
is Just Like Dating:

Five tips for recent graduates

Most university students think about dating every day, some more
often than they think about job search! Many have become experts
in the process, because it comes naturally to them, while others are
not successful, because no-one has ever told them how to go about it.
When it comes to the job search, some new graduates can feel even
JOIN THE SNG GRANT THORNTON more inexperienced than in dating.
Listed below are five lessons from dating that can help you to secure your
dream job:
Your friends set you up, you search The supermodel icebreaker: Recent
online or you look around for oppor- graduates should treat hiring
@sng_gt @snggrantthornton tunities in your daily routine. Just managers and HR recruiters like
like you do when you want to date, supermodels or celebrities. The @snggrantthornton employers also look at their social reason is that hiring managers, like
networks long before posting a supermodels and celebrities, get
job advertisement. New graduates approached countless times each
should network with their friends, day and become very selective. One
At SNG Grant Thornton, we Go Beyond to set the standard for quality, expertise and innovation. professors, alumni and acquain- way to be noticed and remembered
tances about open positions in their is to give a gift. In the job search, this
SNG Grant Thornton offers you more than just a graduate programme. We offer you a dynamic desired field. The best way to do this equates to a portfolio, consisting of
environment, challenging work as well as exposure to a wide range of audit, tax and advisory is by having a complete LinkedIn a cover letter, your CV, letters of rec-
services. You’ll also benefit from a meaningful training experience, a range of social activities,
secondments and the opportunity to shape your career.
profile, adding as many contacts as ommendation and a sample project
possible and asking people to write (where applicable). Such a portfolio
Apply for our graduate programme and give your career the right start. you a recommendation on your does for the recruiter what a bunch
LinkedIn Profile page. Having several of red roses does for your date.
Visit today and apply for articles.
recommendations builds credibility When a hiring manager receives
Rustenburg and Mahikeng | Charmaine Naudé Pretoria | Kim Vlietstra and trust, both of which are very a neat, relevant, easy-to-read and
E [email protected] E [email protected] attractive to potential employers. complete portfolio, they spend more

Audit | Tax | Advisory

86 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 87

time looking through it. If all they Make a good impression. Dress up Research your dream date. Find half of all job seekers do this and it’s
receive is a CV (or worse, only their and drop off your portfolio in person. out as much as you can about an easy way to shine. Not knowing
own application form), they spend Remember the supermodel compar- your dream employer and know anything about your interviewer or
on average only 10 to 15 seconds ison? You stand your best chance if their mission. You will become his/her company makes you seem
reviewing it. Let your portfolio be a you look your best and hand-deliver an appealing and desirable job average and a “bad date.”
surprising gift! your portfolio. If this is not possible, applicant by doing so. Less than
send your dream employer a hard
Tell amazing stories. On a first copy of your portfolio. If the appli- These five tips, namely network, give a gift, tell amazing and relevant
date, you should talk about common cation process only allows electronic stories, make a good impression and research work for getting a job
interests, experiences, passions and submission via internet or e-mail, or an internship, whether during your studies or right after graduation.
your background. In an interview, you strive for a personal touch to the
need to tell stories about past edu- words you use in the e-mail or in any See, you are much more of a job than you were ever before. In
cational and professional successes open field (i.e. “Type comment here”). job-hunting expert than you the process, there’s a good chance
and experiences. The reason is that Applicants who do this and create a thought! And it is not so difficult. that you will become more confident
when employers are convinced that positive and lasting first impression Just remember to treat your dream and have a pleasant interaction –
you were “amazing” during a project, are the ones who get noticed, get employer like a special date and pleasant for both the recruiter and
an assignment, a group task or an the interviews and rise to the top of you will be a lot closer to securing yourself.
internship, they will predict that you the applicant list. It’s also smart to a lasting relationship in your dream
will be “amazing” with them. Your be nice to every receptionist/agent
stories should always be relevant you encounter, either in person or
and interesting, just like on a date. telephonically. Many times they are
In essence, you want to demonstrate the ones who will distribute your
that you meet the requirements of portfolio to the hiring manager or HR
the job description and that you representative.
make a good “(work) partner.” Doing
this will make you a strong candidate
when decision time comes.

88 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 89

Sample Questions

Prepare a list of your own questions for your

informational interview.
MarKetinG ManagemenT businesS ManagemenT
1. On a typical day in this position, for jobs in this field?
what do you do? 14. Which professional journals and
2. What training or education is organisations would help me
pRojecT ManagemenT conStRucTiOn ManagemenT required for this type of work? learn more about this field?
3. What personal qualities or 15. What do you think of the expe-
abilities are important to be rience I’ve had so far in terms of
HOW TO APPLY successful in this job? entering this field?
Submit your cover letter, CV and academic record here: 4. What part of this job do you 16. From your perspective, what are
find most satisfying? And most the problems you see working in
challenging? this field?
5. How did you get your job? 17. If you could do things all over
6. What opportunities for advance- again, would you choose the
ment are there in this field? same path for yourself? Why?
7. What entry level jobs are best for What would you change?
learning as much as possible? 18. With the information you have
8. What are the salary ranges for about my education, skills and
various levels in this field? experience, what other field or
9. How do you see jobs in this field job would you suggest I research
changing in the future? further before I make a final
10. Is there a demand for people in decision?
this occupation? 19. What do you think of my CV?
11. What special advice would you Do you see any problem areas?
give a person entering this field? What changes would you
12. What types of training do suggest?
companies offer persons 20. Who do you know that I should
Visit our company website for more information: 13.
entering this field?
What are the basic prerequisites
talk to next? When can I call him/
her? May I use your name?

CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 91

Interview Tips
in a Nutshell

The information that is contained in your CV has created in the employer The interview: • Avoid asking questions about
enough interest in you to want to meet you and find out more about salary and benefits during
• Be early.
the interview. Leave those
you. An interview gives you the opportunity to showcase your qualifi- • Learn the name of your inter-
questions for when the job offer
cations, abilities and personality to an employer, so it pays to be well viewer and greet him or her with
is discussed.
prepared. a firm handshake.
• Thank the interviewer when you
• Use good manners with everyone
leave and shake hands with him
Be prepared to explain everything Personal appearance: you meet.
or her.
that you have written in your CV in • Relax and answer each question
• Be well groomed.
such a way that you convince the concisely.
interviewer that your
• Dress appropriately.
• Use proper language – avoid Do not:
• Do not chew gum. • spend much time talking about
• qualifications and knowledge are • Make eye contact. money and fringe benefits;
• Be cooperative and enthusiastic.
applicable and relevant to the • Use body language to show • act uninterested in the company
position that you have applied Preparation: interest – use eye contact and or job;
for; • Learn about the organisation. don’t slouch. • act defensively when questioned
• experience in formal work, as • Have a specific job or jobs in • Ask questions about the position about anything;
well as in voluntary activities, has mind. and the organisation, but avoid • speak badly about past col-
equipped you with the skills that • Review your qualifications and questions whose answers can leagues or employers;
are required in the position that experience for the job. easily be found on the company’s • answer with only a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.
you have applied for; and • Be ready to describe your expe- website. Always motivate your answer;
• personality traits and personal rience briefly, showing how it • Show your knowledge. • interrupt the interview, even if
drive, passion and interest will relates to the job. • Explain what you are able to do. you have to use the bathroom;
contribute to success in the • Be ready to answer broad • Show what type of person you and
position that you have applied questions, such as “Why should are, what it is that drives you and • let you cellphone ring or beep
for. I hire you?”, “Why do you want what you are passionate about. during the interview.
this job?” and “What are your
strengths and weaknesses?”.
• Practice an interview with a
friend or relative.

92 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 93

Tips for Getting
Hired After Varsity
Your future
is in good hands.

Consider me a cautionary tale. I was one of many misguided

university graduates who underestimated how difficult it
Kick-start your career to becoming
would be to find a job after graduation. I didn’t expect
a CA(SA) by joining PKF as a
to collect my degree and walk into a sea of headhunters
SAICA trainee accoutant in 2023 or
waiting to hire me, but I had no idea that it would take me
2024. a year after graduation to find a job in my field.

PKF is one of the largest mid-tier

accounting networks in the world I thought I was doing things right. I took my classes really seriously,
and in South Africa. got good grades and built relationships with my professors. I paid my
own way through school, so I had to balance a full-time job with being
a full-time student. Unfortunately, my crazy schedule left no time for
internships (or sleep).
We want You!
My younger sister is at university now and I’m determined to make sure
Visit our website at
that she doesn’t go through the same post-varsity struggles that I did. Varsity students, please heed the following advice (your wallet and your
sanity will thank me later):
contracts/ and complete
the application form.

Find us on
Facebook & Instagram:

CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 95

One of my friends from varsity had a company create a position for her after
1. Don’t wait until graduation to start your job search
graduation because they were so impressed with her as an intern. It isn’t
It sounds obvious, but this is a common mistake. I told myself that I was too enough to land an internship. Make yourself indispensible.
busy, which was true. But I should have made the time.

Job-hunting is a long process that takes patience. In fact, when I finally got an 4. Apply high
interview for my current job, it was after months of checking the company’s One of my favourite professors advised me not be afraid to “apply high.” She
website for an appropriate opening. I knew I wanted to work here, so I kept said this after I complained that every job I wanted required years of experi-
checking until a position opened up that I was qualified for. Start making your ence that I did not yet have. She told me that just because a job had specific
post-university career plans as soon as possible. requirements, didn’t mean I shouldn’t try for it if I believed I was capable of
2. Show off your skills
I admit, I thought my CV would get thrown away as soon as employers realised
A CV can only say so much, particularly when you don’t have a lot of experience that I didn’t meet every requirement. Yet, when I found out about the opening
yet. Consider starting a blog, creating a website or making a video to show off for my current position, I went for it, despite my minimal experience. I wrote
your specific talents. Listing “strong writing skills” on your resume isn’t nearly a strong cover letter that got my application through the door. I came to the
as effective as showcasing those skills with particular examples of your work. interview confident and well-prepared, and even though I didn’t meet each job
requirement on paper, I still got the job.
To really capture a company’s attention, try making your site or blog tailored
specifically to your dream job. This will give you an opportunity to show how As a newbie to the workforce, you have to be ready to prove that you can do
much you’ve researched the company and the requirements of your desired it – but it’s well worth the fight.

For example, if you want a technical writing position, put together a sample 5. Network here, there and everywhere
proposal as if you already had the job. This not only shows what you can do, Though the job market isn’t ideal right now, new graduates have an incredible
but also gives the company examples of the ideas that you would bring to the array of networking tools at their disposal. Use every single one of them.
position. Maximise every possible resource.

Streamline all of your social media pages to reflect your job search. Use your
3. Be an active intern
Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook contacts to connect to new people in your field
The “go get me some coffee” internship stereotype exists for a reason. Just or people that work at companies that you’re interested in.
because you’re assigned menial tasks, doesn’t give you an excuse to be
passive. Ask for more difficult tasks. Offer your ideas. Find out about what Don’t make the mistake of thinking that networking ends on the computer.
the company’s hiring process is like. Talk to your superiors and seek out a Talk to anyone and everyone you can that might be able to help you. Use your
mentor. Get descriptions of entry-level positions within the company and work internship, your job, your professors and the friends of your mom. Job-hunting
towards gaining the necessary skills to land them. is not the time to be timid.

96 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 97

6. Be a realistic dreamer
People always advise “do what you love” and students often apply this philos-
ophy when deciding what to study. The truth is, certain majors are more likely
to lead to a job. I believe that people should chase their dreams, but I’m also
a realist. If you major in esoteric knowledge, your job options will be far more
Career Centre
limited than those of someone who majors in accounting. You have to figure
out a way to make your dream job work in the real world. CONNECT WITH US
I majored in writing, so I’m no stranger to disdainful comments about my job Career Advice
prospects. If I had a rand for every person who made a writing major joke CV Training
to me, I wouldn’t even need a job; I could retire early and work on my novel. Preparation for Interviews
Job Search Process
Though fiction is my one true love, I took every possible writing class while I
was in college. By graduation, I had experience in fiction, nonfiction, technical Opportunities
writing, journalism, publication editing and design, writing for advertising, Career Fairs
writing for public relations and writing for broadcast. I wanted to be as well- Employer Presentations
rounded as possible to increase my job options. Work Readiness Seminars
Guest Lectures
Though I now write in a corporate environment, I love my job. I might not
be on the shelves of a big publisher (yet), but I am getting paid to write. I am Resources
pursuing my dream and paying my bills at the same time. It might have taken Career Guide & CareerZone
a year after graduation to get here, but I’m here now. Information Centre on each Mahikeng Campus
Student Centre
Tel: 018 389 2935
NWU Career Centre
The lesson: Don’t wait for the perfect job to land Email: [email protected]

in your lap. Work hard, network and don’t give Potchefstroom Campus
up on your dreams – just be smart about them.
Building F25
Tel: 018 299 4409
Email: [email protected]

Vanderbjilpark Campus
Building 13, SL 334
Tel: 016 910 3345
Email: [email protected]

98 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 CAREER GUIDE 2022/2023 99

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