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Pearl Grace A.

Thales, a Greek, observed that amber attracted feathers and other light items when silk
600 BC was rubbed against it. Static electricity is what is happening. Words like ‘electricity’ and
‘electron’ derive from the Greek word for amber, which is ‘ëelectron’.
The word "electricity" was created by Queen Elizabeth I's physician and scientist,
1600 William Gilbert. He was the first to recognize the connection between electricity and
magnetism and the first to describe the Earth's magnetic field.
Machines that produce static electricity were initially created in the 1700s. They were
1700s once referred to as "parlor trick machines" and used for fun only. They improved and
developed over the century.
Francis Hauksbee in November this year he came up with a rotating glass sphere. Where
he removes the inside air with a new machine the air pump. When spun a glowing blue
light would appear where he put his hand. This invention coincided with the birth of a
new movement called the enlightenment.
Stephen Gray built a wooden frame where he suspended two swings using silk rope. He
orphan boy who lived in the Charterhouse to lie down in the swing and place a gold leaf
in front of him then charged him with static electricity using of huskbee’s invention
through a connecting rod. He concluded that electricity could move, which meant that
electrical fluid could flow through something but not through others. He divides the
world into two different kinds the insulators and conductor.
Pieter van Musschenbroek invented the Leiden jar, where electricity is stored in a jar
with water that was powered with the use of Huskbee’s invention.
Benjamin Franklin tried to explain through the power of reason the lightning where he
1750s proposed that lightning is electricity with the use of a kite. Franklin saw that electricity
can be like a money in the bank like credit, positive, or debit, negative.
George Louis Leclerc and his friend Thomas Francois Dalibard, erected a 40-ft metal
1752 pole held in place by three wooden staves just outside Dalibard's house here in the
Marly La Ville. This revealed that lightning is the same as electricity made by man.
Henry Cavendish discovery of the difference between the amount of electricity and its
intensity marked a crucial turning point in science, leading to the development of the
concept of "electric charge" and the intensity is what we call the potential difference or
Luigi Aloisio Galvani believed that this kind of examples revealed that the body worked
using animal electricity. Alessandro Volta saw animal electricity as superstition and
magic, while Galvani believed it revealed something new. Volta believed the legs were
only twitching due to the artificial electricity from the Hauksbee machine.
Volta copied Galvani's two wires by building his own artificial version of the torpedo
fish, using a copper metal plate and a piece of card soaked in dilute acid. His invention
became known as the pile. He created the first battery. Volta's electricity generated was
continuous, like water in a stream, and was known as an electrical current.
During the same year, Sir Humphry Davy discovered electrolysis. When he passed an
electrical current through some substances, they'd begin to decompose. This became
known as electrolysis. Davy's experiments later led to the discovery of a range of
elements, including calcium, magnesium, strontium, and barium.
1803 Giovanni Aldini, a nephew of Galvani, performed a macabre experiment on George
Forster, a convicted murderer. Using a voltaic pile, Aldini applied an electric current to
the dead man's body, then placed two electrical conductors in his anus and spine.
Forster's body sat bolt upright and his spine arched and twisted.
Humphry Davy built the world’s largest battery where it takes place at a lecture in the
1808 royal institution. It filled an entire room underneath the Royal Institution. Davy
connected his battery to two carbon filaments, creating a constant and bright spark.
Michael Faraday greatest breakthroughs... were the invisible forces of electricity and
Hans Christian Oersted who'd made an extraordinary discovery. Oersted demonstrated
that an electric current can create a magnetic force, leading to the development of
electro-magnetism. Faraday created a circuit using a battery, wires and a mercury bath,
which created a circular magnetic force-field around the wire, which interacted with a
permanent magnet to force it to move. This device was the first to convert electric
current into continuous motion. Basically, it's the earliest ever electric motor.
Faraday's discovery of electromagnetic rotations revealed a relationship between
electricity and magnetism and motion.
In the same year, Thomas Johann Seebeck discovered thermo-electricity. He found that
when the junctions of certain metals are heated, electricity flows through them.
The electro-dynamic theory was explained by André Ampère in his published theories
1826 on electricity and magnetism. He was the first to explain this theory in detail. Ampere or
amps, the unit for electrical currents, is named in his honor.
George Ohm, a German college teacher, published his complete mathematical theory of
electricity. His name is now associated with the electrical resistance unit (ohm).
Faraday used a magnet to detect an electric current in a coil of wire, which he replicated
by moving a conducting copper plate through the magnetic field. The spinning disk
caused billions of negatively charged electrons to drift towards the edge. Faraday
created electrical power from mechanical power, creating a continuous flow of current.
The first electromagnets were developed independently by William Sturgeon and
Joseph Henry, who discovered that by coiling their wires, they could increase the
current produced by the moving magnet.
Charles Wheatstone and William Fothergill Cooke also created the first telegraph
Charles Wheatstone was able to measure the velocity of electricity using a revolving
mirror and four miles of wire.
Samuel Morse had developed a messaging system, based on how long an electrical
1840s circuit was switched on or off. A short pulse of current was used to send and receive
messages using a simple code.
Thomas Edison built a DC (direct current) electric generator. After this, he provided all
of New York's electricity.
1876 Alexander Graham invented the telephone using electricity.
Joseph Swan, a British scientist, used a carbon filament lamp to demonstrate the first
electric light. A few months later in America, Thomas Edison made the same discovery.
1880s Nikola Tesla created an AC (alternating current) motor and an AC power generation
system. Thomas Edison spread stories that this was unsafe to use because he saw it as a
threat to his supply to DC. But, after Tesla's system was used to power 100,000 electric
lights at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, AC grew to lead the US power market.
The Tesla Coil was also created by Tesla. With the use of this coil, he was able to
produce extraordinarily high-frequency currents from regular home currents. Some of
the first neon and fluorescent lights were created with this.

Between 1880 and 1883, the Wimshurst machine (an electrostatic generator) was
developed for generating high voltages of electricity. It was invented by a British
inventor named James Wimshurst.
In Godalming, Surrey, a waterwheel at a mill was used to produce the first public
electrical supply in the UK.
The first electric railroad was built by Magnus Volks. It opened on the seaside of
1883 Brighton. The Volks Railway is a one-mile long, built-only-for-pleasure-ride railroad
that still operates in the summer.
The first turbine, a type of engine that runs on jets of high-pressure gases, was created
1884 by Charles Parsons. Later versions of this type of engine were created to power boat
propellers, including those aboard the Titanic.
1886 Heinrich Hertz produced and detected electric waves in the atmosphere.
Westinghouse made an offer for Tesla's patents, which has become part of the mystery
1888 and folklore surrounding the story. Tesla was paid 75,000 for his patents and offered
2.50 for every horse power his motors generated.
1890 Turbine driven generators were introduced to produce electricity.
Tesla had been developing a method of generating very high frequency alternating
currents, at a meeting of top electrical engineers, he demonstrated it.
1892 A Dutch physicist named Hendrik Lorentz published his electron theory.
Oxford's Natural History Museum was hosting the annual meeting of the British
Association for the Advancement of Science.
Wilhelm Fein invented the first electric hand drill.
German physicist Wilhem Roentgen made the discovery of invisible rays that could
flow through things and illuminate a screen. These were X-rays, these rays.
The new power station was completed at Niagara Falls, using Westinghouse AC
generators to produce Tesla's polyphase current.
A radio message is sent by Guglielmo Marconi from the Isle of Wight to Poole, which is
1897 located about 32 kilometers (20 miles) away. Later, he sends a message across the
1905 Albert Einstein demonstrated that electricity could be generated from light energy.
1918 Electric refrigerators and washing machines first become available.
1926 The Electricity Supply Act introduced the first mention of the National Grid.
Even though burning coal was still the primary source of electricity in Scotland and
Wales in the 1930s and 1940s, hydroelectric power plants were constructed there.
Electrical household appliances were first introduced, and by the 1940s, nearly every
home had a mains-powered radio, vacuum cleaner, fridge, and iron.
1936 The television was invented by John Logie Baird.
The first massive nuclear power plant in the world was opened at Calder Hall in
Cumbria. The reactors were a model of the Magnox gas-cooled reactor.
1960s To surpass the earlier Magnox stations, the UK created cutting-edge gas-cooled
reactors. The technology of water-cooled reactors was adopted by France and the USA.
In Sizewell B in Suffolk, the country's first pressurized water reactor (PWR) was
launched. Construction had taken seven years.
On the Scottish island of Islay, the first wave power station in the world to generate
power began operating. Wave motion is used to compress air and drive a turbine or
hydraulic pumps in equipment on land or at sea. It has enough energy to power about
400 households.

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