Vii. The Accounting Cycle

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University


A School of Management and Accountancy Student Government


Accounting Cycle
● A step-by-step process to record business activities and events to keep financial
records up to date.
● The process occurs over one accounting period and will begin the cycle again in the
following period.
● A period is one operating cycle of a business, which could be a month, quarter, or

Steps in the Accounting Cycle:

The Accounting Cycle. (attribution: Copyright Rice University, OpenStax, under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

1. Identify and Analyze the Transactions

● This takes information from original sources or activities and translates that
information into usable financial data.
● Transactions are identified after analyzing all events.
● Example: Sales invoice as an original source, activities would include paying a
worker and selling goods.

2. Record Transactions to Journal

● Organize the analyzed data from Step 1 into a comprehensive record of every
company transaction.
● Recorded in the primary book of accounts as debit and credit in chronological order.
● Example: ABC Co. purchases supplies worth $6000 from Fairy Company and pays in

Accountancy Academic Organization Tutorials 2018

PAGE \* Arabic \*
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
A School of Management and Accountancy Student Government

3. Post Journal Information to Ledger

● Posting - is the procedure for transferring journal entries to the ledger accounts. The
following steps are used om posting:
a. In the ledger, enter the appropriate columns of the account(s) debited the date,
journal page, and debit amount.
b. In the reference column journal, write the account number to which the debit
amount was posted.
c. Perform the same steps in a and b for the credit amount.
● Example based on the given in Step 2:

4. Prepare Unadjusted Trial Balance

● Trial Balance - is a list of accounts and their balances at a given time. The trial
balance proves the mathematical equality of debits and credits after posting.

5. Adjusting Entries
● This step is made for:
a. Revenues to be recorded in the period in which services are performed and
for expenses to be recognized in the period in which they are incurred.
b. The revenue recognition and expenses recognition principles are followed.

Accountancy Academic Organization Tutorials 2018

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University
A School of Management and Accountancy Student Government

● Adjusting entries are required every time financial statements are prepared. This can
be classified as
a. Deferrals – prepaid expenses or unearned revenue
b. Accruals – accrued revenues or accrued expenses

6. Preparing the Adjusted Trial Balance

● The purpose of the adjusted trial balance is to prove that the total debit balances are
equal to the total credit balances in the ledger to be free from any error to provide
correct information to complete the next steps of the accounting cycle.
● There are two methods for preparing the Adjusted Trial Balance
a. Adjusting Entries to Ledger Accounts - this method is time-consuming but
more systematic. The ledger accounts were first adjusted for the end of the
period by adjusting entries, and then the account balances (based on the
adjusting entries) are listed to prepare the adjusted trial balance.
b. Adjusting Entries to Unadjusted Trial Balance - This method is simple and
fast but less systematic usually used by small companies. The adjusting
entries are directly incorporated into the unadjusted trial balance to convert it
to an adjusted trial balance.

7. Preparing the Financial Statements

● The balances in the financial statements are found in the adjusted trial balance.
● There are four kinds of financial statements:
a. Income Statement / Statement of Comprehensive Income
- This statement includes all the revenue and expense accounts.
- It summarizes both the standard net income and other comprehensive
- It shows the organization’s financial performance for a specific period
of time.

b. Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity / Statement of Retained Earnings

- It measures the changes in owner’s equity throughout a specific
accounting period.
- It covers the Net Income / Loss, Dividend Payments, Equity
Withdrawals, Effect of accounting policies changes, Effect of prior
period corrections, and Accumulated reserves and retained earnings
- It is increased by income and owner’s contributions and decreased by
losses and owner’s draws.

Accountancy Academic Organization Tutorials 2018

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University
A School of Management and Accountancy Student Government

c. Statement of Financial Position / Balance Sheet

- This statement lists the assets, liabilities, and equity of a company on
a specific date.

d. Statement of Cash Flows

- Summarizes the amount of cash and cash equivalents entering
(inflow) and leaving (outflow) a company during a specific period of
- This financial statement complements the balance sheet and the
income statement and has three components/areas: Operating
Activities, Investing Activities, and Financing Activities.

8. Closing Entries
● After having the adjusted accounts at the end of the accounting period, the company
makes the accounts ready for the next period. This is called “closing the books”.
● Temporary / Nominal accounts include:
- All revenue accounts
- All expense accounts
- Owner’s drawings
- Income statement / Drawing accounts
● Permanent / Real Account includes:
- All asset accounts
- All liability accounts
- Owner’s capital account
- Balance Sheet accounts
● Only temporary accounts are closed and must have zero balances at the end of the
accounting period. Permanent accounts are not closed from period to period rather,
the balances are carried forward to the next accounting period.
● Closing entries are usually done at the end of an annual accounting period.

Accountancy Academic Organization Tutorials 2018

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University
A School of Management and Accountancy Student Government

9. Prepare Post-Closing Trial Balance

● The purpose of this trial balance is to prove the equality of the permanent (statement
of financial position) account balances that are carried forward into the next
accounting period.

10. Reversing Entries

● This is an optional step in the accounting cycle.
● These are made at the beginning pg the next accounting period which is to simplify
the recording of a subsequent transaction related to an adjusting entry.

Ne-Yo Agency
Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the Month Ended December 31, 2018
Service Revenues P 4,700
Salaries and Wages expense P 900
Rent expense 600

Accountancy Academic Organization Tutorials 2018

PAGE \* Arabic \*
Ateneo de Zamboanga University
A School of Management and Accountancy Student Government

Advertising expense 250

Utilities expense 200 1, 950
Net Income P 2,750
Ne-Yo Agency
Statement of Changes in Owner’s Equity
For the Month Ended December 31, 2018

Owner’s Capital, November 1 P -0-

Add: Investments P 15,000
Net Income 2,750 17,750
Less: Drawings 1,300
Owner’s Capital, December 31 P16,450

Ne-Yo Agency
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2018
Cash P 8,050
Accounts Receivable 1,400
Supplies 1,600
Equipment 7,000 P 18,050
Liabilities and Owner’s Equity
Accounts Payables P 1,600
Owner’s Equity
Owner’s, Capital 16,450 P 18,050

Ne-Yo Agency
Statement of Cash Flows
For the Month Ended December 31, 2018
Cash flows from operating expenses
Cash receipts from revenues P 3,300
Cash payments for expenses (1,950)
Net cash provided by operating activities 1, 350
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase equipment (7,000)
Cash flows from financing activities
Investments by owner P 15,000
Drawings by owner (1,300) 13, 700
Net increase in cash 8,050
Cash at the beginning of the period 0
Cash at the end of the period P 8,050

Accountancy Academic Organization Tutorials 2018

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