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Days of the Week

The days of the week have special names, but do you ever stop and wonder where they came from?
This blog will explain all of that and more!

Days of the Week

Days Original Name Day Origin Story1 Day
Tuesday Tiw’s Day Tiw was a Norse god known for his sense of 1
Wednesda Woden’s Day Woden or Odin was the most powerful 2
y Norse god
Thursday Thor’s Day Thor was a Norse god who wielded a giant 3
Friday Frigg’s Day Frigg was a Norse god equal to Odin 4
Saturday Seater’s day or Saturn’s Saturn was a Roman god 5
Sunday Sun’s day They named the last day of the week after 6
the Sun
Facts about the Days of the Week
The days of the week were named after Norse gods and giant objects in the sky. These names come
to us originally from the Greeks and Romans, who named the days of the week after their gods. The
Anglo-Saxons, who invaded Britain hundreds of years ago, adopted this idea but substituted their own
gods. The English language has inherited and changed those names a bit, but the ones we use today
those names.

Facts about Saturday and Sunday

It wasn't until the Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s that the concept of a two-day “weekend"
began to take shape. At this time, large factories that produced consumer goods were beginning to
transform the traditional farming economy into an industrial one.



This information provided by
Moaning about Mondays

Monday is probably the most hated day of the week

resemble. Below is a list of some not so fun facts about
Mondays and some fun to optimistic facts about Mondays. At
least it most likely won’t rain that day! Also, to get over the
Monday blues, people tend to do a lot of online shopping that
day. Here are some interesting facts (positive and negative)
about Mondays:

Which day of the week is the favourite?

Based on a popular vote that was taken recently, it would appear that everyone’s favourite day of the
week is Saturday! This might be because it is because it is right in the middle of the weekend.
People who are very active tend to like Saturday’s the best out of all the days of the week. On the
other hand, those who were less active in the study claimed to enjoy Sundays the most. Also, those
who were the most industrious tended to enjoy Fridays the most because they could finish what they
needed to at work, and then enjoy the weekend

 Sunday: 10%
 Saturday: 59%
 Friday: 27%
 Thursday: 3%
 Wednesday: 0.0000002%
 Tuesday: 0.0000001%

NOTE: The names of the days are based on the seven celestial bodies (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn), believed at that time to revolve around Earth and influence its events. Most of
Western Europe adopted the Roman nomenclature. The Germanic languages substituted Germanic
equivalents for the names of four of the Roman gods: Tiw, the god of war, replaced Mars; Woden, the god
of wisdom, replaced Mercury; Thor, the god of thunder, replaced Jupiter; and Frigg, the goddess of love,
replaced Venus.

: The seven-day week originated in ancient

Mesopotamia and became part of the Roman
calendar in C.E.321.

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