FPMTAGChapter6 FogSeals

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MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


The contents of this guide reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and
accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or
policies of the State of California or the Federal Highway Administration. This guide does not
constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.



Fog and rejuvenating seals are two of many pavement preservation strategies used to defer surface
degradation and extend pavement surface life. The primary purpose of using a fog seal is to seal the
road surface and defer surface degradation. The primary purpose of using rejuvenating seal is to
soften the stiffness of the oxidized asphalt concrete (AC) pavement surface and to extend the life of
the pavement surface by adjusting properties of the AC mixture. Some rejuvenators contain asphalt
which also seals the surface in addition to adjusting the properties of the AC mixture.

6.1.1 Fog Seal

Fog seals are a mixture of asphalt emulsion and water applied to the asphalt surface of a road, street or
highway. The Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA) defines a fog seal as “a light
spray application of dilute asphalt emulsion used primarily to seal an existing asphalt surface to reduce
raveling and enrich dry and weathered surfaces” (Asphalt Institute, 1999b). Others refer to fog seals
as enrichment treatments or rejuvenators since they may add fresh asphalt, other additives or
combination of asphalt and additives to an aged surface and lengthen the pavement surface life (Booth,
1988). Asphalt emulsion fog seals are also useful in chip seal applications to hold chips in place in
fresh seal coats. These are referred to as flush coats in California. This can help prevent vehicle
damage arising from flying chips. The Asphalt Institute also adds that fog seals can seal small cracks
(Asphalt Institute, 1999a).

Fog seals are a method of adding asphalt to an existing pavement surface to improve sealing or
waterproofing, prevent further stone loss by holding aggregate in place, or simply improve the surface
appearance. For the seals to be effective, they must penetrate into the existing asphalt concrete
surface. However, inappropriate use can result in slick pavements and tracking of excess material.

6.1.2 Rejuvenating Seal

Rejuvenating seals are a combination of various chemicals or a mixture of asphalt emulsion and
recycling agents applied to the asphalt pavement surface. There are a variety of rejuvenating seals used
in California. Rejuvenating emulsions (e.g. Reclamite (oil emulsion), PASS (asphalt, oil and
additives) and Topein C (asphalt, oil and additives)) have additives (Malteens) that soften the existing
binder, thus reducing its viscosity. These also improve the flexibility of the binder, which reduces the
likelihood of cohesive failure. This may be beneficial in situations where the surface has an open
texture and the existing binder is brittle from age. As with conventional emulsions, if these types of
emulsion do not penetrate the surface, they may create a slippery surface after they break. Therefore,
for the seals to be effective, they must penetrate into the existing asphalt concrete surface.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


6.2.1 Fog Seal

General Considerations

The original use of the fog seal was from the Asphalt Institute around 30 years ago. A diluted SS-1
asphalt emulsion was placed each day on new AC paving on the Pacific Coast highways due to the
fact when the fog rolled in each evening, the paving contractor would experience raveling of the newly
placed asphalt on curves. When there was no fog, there was no damage from traffic. Suspecting that
the moisture penetrated the still warm AC causing this raveling, the contractor decided to seal out this
moisture with the SS-1. It worked.

Fog seals are used as a method of enrichment of a pavement surface and as a method of holding stone
in place. Thus, they are suitable to treat raveled and aged pavements. There is, at the present time, no
simple way of quantifying the degree of aging in a pavement other than by visual inspection.
Pavement will age at different rates due to mixture’s properties, traffic applications, and environment
effect. Some modified asphalts such as asphalt rubber and polymer modified asphalts will age at a
slower rate than conventional binders. Fog seals will not correct distresses such as cracking, base
failures, excessive stone already lost, or any other severe pavement defects. The experience of
individual districts is key to determination of treatment timing.

On the traveled way, fog seals should only be used where surface penetration of the emulsion can be
expected; that is, aged and raveled hot mix surfaces, chip-sealed surfaces, and open graded asphalt
surfaces. On shoulders, gores, or dikes, penetration is desirable, but it is not essential. Fog seals
darken the pavement surface and create distinct demarcation in these regions.

In general, traffic level is not a determining factor except in job set up. For situations requiring that
the sealed pavement be opened to traffic shortly after the application of the seal, a blotter coat of sand
may be used to prevent pick-up. Fog seal used on the traveled way should generally be limited to only
those locations having an open surface texture. This includes chip seals, heavily aged dense graded
and open graded. However, the seal may fill voids and reduce or eliminate the drainage function of
Open-Graded Friction Coarse (OGFC). Figure 6-1 shows a typical fog seal application, while Figures
6-2 through 6-4 shows a range of suitable and unsuitable surfaces for fog seal project selection. The
results of good fog seal applications are shown in Figures 6-5 and 6-6. It is important to always check
the application rate and ensure that the emulsion has been diluted correctly.

Figure 6-1 Fog Seal Application Figure 6-2 Suitable Surface, Heavily Aged
Dense Graded HMA

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

Figure 6-3 Unsuitable Surface, Dense Graded Figure 6-4 Suitable Surface, Open Graded
HMA With Closed Surface HMA

Figure 6-5 Chip Seal Before and After Fog Seal

a) Before Treatment b) After Treatment

Figure 6-6 Suitable Surface, Open Texture Dense Graded HMA

Fog seals (with sand blotter coats) may be used as a pavement maintenance treatment on lower speed
roads or low traffic volume roads and shoulders. This protects the hot mix asphalt or chip seal surface.
In some instances (where traffic is straight), a fog seal with a blotter coat may also be acceptable. The
sand will generally be removed by the traffic leaving a good surface texture.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

Flush coats (fog seals with light sanding) are used as a construction seal for new chip seals to lock the
chips in place. This reduces vehicle/windshield damage due to flying chips when traffic is allowed on
the new seal. These fog seals with sand blotter coats may also be used as a pavement maintenance
treatment on lower speed roads or low traffic volume roads. This protects the hot mix asphalt or chip
seal surface.

Fog seals are also suitable for sealing new shoulders, gores, or dikes. During construction on milled or
ground HMA surfaces, fog seals may be used to keep dust down and prevent rock loss before the next
surface is placed.

Fog seals may be used to protect a hot-mix asphalt (HMA) surface that is not aged significantly (i.e.,
within 1-2 years of placement after a major rehabilitation or maintenance treatment). This creates a
layer of asphalt that seals surface voids and prevents air and water ingress. Fog seal may also be
applied to a pavement that is showing severe raveling resulting from an oil shortage in the mix.

Benefits and Limitations

Fog seals are an inexpensive way of arresting raveling and adding binder back into aged surfaces.
They can also hold chips in place in fresh chip seals, (or older chip seals beginning to loose rock)
reducing the potential for vehicle damage.

Fog seals are not useful as seal coats on tight surfaces without the addition of aggregates as they will
reduce surface texture and may create a slippery surface. If the skid number of the existing pavement
is already low, the project is not appropriate for fog seal. Fog seals should not be used on Rubberized
Asphalt Concrete (RAC) or polymer modified mixes unless the pavements are over five years old as
these binders age at a different rate.

The application of fog seals is also limited by weather. Rain is a factor affecting cure; therefore fog
seal should not be used when rains. The emulsion should be fully cured before freezing conditions are
encountered. In addition, seal coats applied in the winter have less time to penetrate the pavement and
are more prone to cause slick surface conditions.


In summary, the following guidelines should be considered when selecting a fog seal project:

• Pavement Surface Condition – Dry mixes, high air voids, and surfaces showing minor and/or
moderate raveling. Fog seal can also be used on chip seals to prevent aggregate loss.
• Pavement Age – relatively newer pavement (not more than 2 years in service)
• Pavement Surface Mix – can be used on dense, gap, and open-graded mixes; however, the seal
must penetrate.

6.2.2 Rejuvenating Seal

General Considerations

All asphalts harden as they age, primarily due to oxidation, volatile loss and other aging mechanisms
(Barth, 1962). Hardening of an asphalt film takes place at different rates according to the access of air
and temperature conditions in the pavement. Permeable pavements or pavements with high void
contents can therefore age faster. Water ingress can also carry dissolved oxygen and trace elements

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

that may promote aging. This means that pavements with open surfaces tend to age faster than those
with closed surfaces. However, if modified binders are used in chip seal applications (e.g., asphalt
rubber, polymer modified asphalt), the thicker films created by the higher binder content reduce the
rate of aging.

Aging results in a binder that is more brittle. These binders eventually experience cohesive binder
failures under traffic loads and stone loss or raveling. In some cases, the asphalt produces oxidized
compounds that are acidic and bond well to the aggregate; however, these compounds may also react
with water causing adhesive failure or stripping.

Benefits and Limitations

Rejuvenating seal is one way to soften the hardness of oxidized asphalt concrete surface, making it
less brittle. The major benefit of the rejuvenating seals is to improve the flexibility of the asphalt
binder and slow down the rate of aging and oxidization.

Rejuvenating seals may not be appropriate for using on rubberized asphalt concrete or polymer
modified mixes. Rejuvenating seals may low the frictional proper of the existing pavement surface
immediately after the application of the seals. If the skid number of the existing pavement is already
low, the project is not appropriate for rejuvenating seal. The use of rejuvenating seals may also be
limited by the weather condition.


In summary, the following guidelines should be considered when selecting a rejuvenating seal project:

• Pavement Surface Condition – old and fairly oxidized surface or surface starting to oxidize or
show raveling. In addition to oxidation a pavement surface may begin to show evidence of
distress cracking; if this is the case a rejuvenating scrub seal should be used. A rejuvenating
scrub seal is the application of a rejuvenating emulsion followed by the application of
• Pavement Age – generally used on pavement over 2 years or more.
• Pavement Surface Mix – Can be used on dense-, gap- and open-graded mixes; however, the
seal must penetrate.


6.3.1 General Terminology

Essential emulsion terminologies used for fog and rejuvenating seals are defined below:

• Original Emulsion – A mixture of asphalt cement and water that contains a small amount of
emulsifying agent. Original slow-setting grade emulsions contain up to 43 percent water and
original rapid setting grad
• Diluted Emulsion – An original emulsion that has been diluted by adding an amount of
water equal to or more than the total volume of original emulsions contain up to 45 percent
• Residual Asphalt Content – The amount of asphalt remaining on the pavement surface
after the emulsion has broken and cured (after all water has evaporated).

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

6.3.2 Materials and Specifications

The materials used in fog seals are usually asphalt emulsion and water. These products are covered by
SSP-37-050. Rejuvenators may be used to soften and revitalize the aged binder in the pavement.
Rejuvenation treatments require special attention in design and application and are covered in NSSP

The emulsion types recommended for fog seals may be cationic (i.e., a positive surface charge on the
asphalt particles), or anionic (i.e., a negative surface charge on the asphalt particles). The primary
types used are CSS-1h and SS-1h. In some circumstances, CQS-1h (and LMCQS-1h) will give a
faster set.

Note that asphalt emulsions of this type contain up to 43% water. However, any dilution referred to is
additional water added to the emulsion. Residual asphalt is the binder left after all water (i.e., any
added water and the original emulsion water) has evaporated.

Rejuvenating emulsions may take several forms and should be used on pavement showing age related
distress associated with stiffening of existing binder. Generally this will take place after the first three
years of service. They may be emulsions of exclusive rejuvenating additives and may include asphalt,
polymer latex, and other additives. These are defined in manufacturer’s literature and are covered by
NSSP 37-600.

6.3.3 Design Considerations

Fog seals are designed based on the existing pavement surface condition. The design objective is to
determine the application rate and sometimes dilution rate. The actual application rates may vary
during the construction.


The majority of this section is focused on the construction of fog seal; however, some parts, such as
surface preparation and traffic control would also applicable to rejuvenating seal jobs. Construction of
rejuvenating seals should follow the manufacture’s guidelines and recommendations to achieve
desired end products.

6.4.1 General Description

A fog seal is designed to coat, protect, and/or rejuvenate the existing asphalt binder. The addition of
asphalt will also improve the waterproofing of the surface and reduce its aging susceptibility by
lowering permeability to water and air. To achieve this, the fog seal material (emulsion) must fill the
voids in the surface of the pavement. Therefore, during its application it must have sufficiently low
viscosity so as to not break before it penetrates the surface voids of the pavement. This can be
accomplished by using either a slow setting or a quick setting emulsion that is diluted with water.
Emulsions that are not adequately diluted with water may not properly penetrate the surface voids
resulting in excess asphalt on the surface of the pavement after the emulsion breaks, which can result
in a slippery surface. Figure 6-7 conceptually shows a fog seal application.

During application, the emulsion wets the surface of the aggregate and the existing binder film.
Cationic (positively charged) emulsions can displace water from the surface of an aggregate or aged

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

asphalt film. The emulsion then breaks by loss of water and chemical action, forming a film of new
binder on the aggregate and existing binder film. The rate at which the emulsion breaks is dependent
on several factors with weather conditions (e.g., wind, rain, temperature, etc.) being dominant factors.
For anionic (negatively charged) emulsions, there is no surface specific interaction with most
aggregates. The emulsion breaks due to water loss by evaporation and absorption of water by the
aggregates and surface voids of the pavement.

Asphalt Emulsion Spray

Figure 6-7 Schematic of Fog Seal Application (Hicks, 2002)

6.4.2 Site Conditions

To be effective, fog seals need to break quickly (process of evaporation of water begins; the emulsion
turns black from brown) and cure completely (lose water to form a cohesive and non tacky film). This
should be at a rate that allows traffic to be accommodated without the binder being picked up by
vehicle tires. To achieve this behavior, the film forming properties of the binder must be adequate
(i.e., the binder must be able to coalesce into a continuous film prior to allowing traffic on the new
seal). Most asphalt films do not form well at low temperatures in the absence of low viscosity
diluents. There are some rejuvenators that can be placed with ambient temperature down to 40o F. The
manufactures information should be researched. In most cases warm conditions with little to no
chance of rain are necessary to ensure successful applications. Unless otherwise specified fog seals
should not to be applied when the atmospheric temperature is below 50°F (10°C), and pavement
temperature below 59°F (15°C).

If unexpected rain occurs, prior to the emulsion breaking, the emulsion may wash out of the pores of
the pavement and break on the surface of the pavement creating a slippery surface.

6.4.3 Surface Preparation

Immediately before applying a fog seal, the pavement surface must be cleaned with a road sweeper,
power broom, or flushed with a water pump-unit to remove dust, dirt, and debris. The pavement
surface must be clean and dry before applying the fog seal. If flushing is required, it should be
completed 24 hours prior to the application of the fog seal to allow for adequate drying.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

6.4.4 Materials Preparation

Asphalt emulsions (original emulsions) contain up to 43% water, but must be diluted further before
use. This additional dilution reduces viscosity (Figure 6-8) and allows the application of small
amounts of residual binder to be adequately controlled. Generally, the supplier will dilute the original
emulsion, in the field or at the plant. A dilution rate of 50% (1:1) (equal parts water to equal parts
emulsion) is recommended in SSP 37-050 and NSSP 37-600. Dilution water must be portable and
free from detectable solids or incompatible soluble salts (hard water).

This is the "normal" rate of dilution, but not always the best. During cooler conditions, on steep
grades, tight asphalt surfaces, etc., it will be difficult to hold a .10 application of diluted seal coat on
the surface. In order to get the (normally desired optimum).03 - .035 residual asphalt on these
conditions, it sometimes takes a .08 application of 60/40 or .07 at 70/30 ratio. Using these guidelines,
a less experienced user will just cut the application rate without changing the dilution rate, sacrificing
the performance of the seal by reducing the residual asphalt. The dilution rate should be set by the
Resident Engineer. Dilution water must be potable and free from detectable solids or incompatible
soluble salts (hard water).

Viscosity cp (25°C)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percent Dilution of CSS - 1H (%)

Figure 6-8 Viscosity Change with Dilution (Hicks, 2002)

Water can be checked for compatibility with the emulsion by mixing a small amount of the emulsion
in a can (approximately 0.26 gal [1 liter]). The materials are mixed for 2 to 3 minutes with a stirrer
and the resulting mixture is poured through a pre-wetted No. 100 (150 µm) sieve. If more than 1% by
weight of material is retained on the sieve, the water is not compatible and clogging in spray jets may
result. This test is illustrated in Figure 6-9.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

Figure 6-9 Simple Water Compatibility Test Method (Asphalt Institute, 1999a)

Incompatible water may be treated with 0.5 to 1.0% of a compatible emulsifier solution (the emulsion
manufacturer can provide advice regarding compatible solutions). The emulsifier solution should be
added to the water tanker and circulated for 10 to 15 minutes via pump before adding to the emulsion.
If a water treatment is used, the compatibility test should be repeated using the treated water to ensure

The emulsion should be diluted no more than 24 hours before its intended use (AEMA, 1990). This is
to avoid settlement of the diluted emulsion. Water is always added to the emulsion and not the other
way around. The emulsion may be circulated using a centrifugal or other suitable pump to ensure
uniformity (AEMA, 1990).

6.4.5 Application Rates and Spraying

Properly calibrated distributor trucks shall be used to apply the emulsion (see Figure 6-2). Spray
nozzles with 1/8” to 3/16” (4 to 5 mm) openings are recommended (AEMA, 1990). The emulsion
may be heated to 122 °F (50°C) maximum, although, generally the emulsion is sprayed at ambient
temperature (AEMA, 1990). The emulsion is sprayed at a rate that is dependant on the surface
conditions (see Table 6-1). A test section representative of the entire surface should be chosen to
approximate application rates (see Section 4.5). Typical application rates for diluted emulsion (1:1)
range from 0.03 to 0.12 gal/yd2 (0.15 to 1.0 l/m2) depending on the surface conditions (Hicks, 2002).
A 1:1 diluted emulsion is an original emulsion that has been subsequently diluted with equal parts
water. Table 6-1 outlines the typical application rates for varying surface types and degree of dilution.

Table 6-1 Typical Application Rates


EMULSION RATE (gal/yd2) (gal/yd2)
100 0 0.01 – 0.03 0.03 – 0.05
50 1:1 0.03 – 0.11 0.09 – 0.22
40 1.5:1 0.04 – 0.12 0.11 – 0.29
* A tight surface is of low absorbance and relatively smooth (AEMA, 1990).
** An open surface is relatively porous and absorbent with open voids (AEMA, 1990).

Ideally, one-half of the application should be sprayed in each direction to prevent build up on one side
of stones only (this is particularly important in the case of chip seals) and rough surfaces. Build up on

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

one side can result in a slippery surface and inadequate binder to fully enrich the surface or hold the

6.4.6 Estimating Application Rates

To estimate the application rate, the RE shall take a one-liter can of diluted emulsion (usually 1:1
dilution rate) and pour evenly over an area of 1.2 yd2 (1 m2). This represents a diluted application rate
of 1.2 yd2 (1 m2). If the emulsion is not absorbed into the surface after 2-3 minutes, decrease the
application rate of the emulsion and apply to a new 1.2 yd2 (1 m2) area and repeat until the
approximate application rate is found. If, after the first test, the surface looks like it can absorb more
emulsion, increase the application rate of the emulsion and spread it over a new 1.2 yd2 (1 m2) area.
Repeat until the approximate application rate is found. This same procedure can be followed using
gallons and square yards to determine application rate.

6.4.7 Traffic Control

Traffic control should be in place before work forces and equipment enters onto the roadway or into
the work zone. Traffic control is required both for the safety of the traveling public and the personnel
performing the work. Traffic control includes construction signs, construction cones and/or
barricades, flag personnel, and pilot cars to direct traffic clear of the construction operation. For
detailed traffic control requirements, refer to the Caltrans project specifications and the Caltrans Code
of Safe Operating Practices.
Traffic control is also required to protect the integrity of the application. The curing time for the fog
seal material will vary depending on the pavement surface conditions and the weather conditions at the
time of application. Under ideal conditions, including increasing air and surface temperatures, it is
suggested that traffic be kept off the fog seal material for at least two hours and acceptable skid test
(CT 342) values are achieved.

6.4.8 Safety (Personal Protection Equipment)

All employees are advised to wear and use the safety gear required for a fog seal operation. This
includes, but is not limited to, items such as hard hats, approved Caltrans shirts, safety vests, earplugs,
gloves, and safety glasses (Caltrans 1999b).

6.4.9 Quality control

Quality control and workmanship are critical to the performance and life of a fog seal treatment.
There must be a cooperative effort between the Caltrans representative and the contractor’s
representative to conduct inspections of all project equipment before and during the project. The
primary pieces of equipment for a fog seal operation are the boot truck/equipment and distributor bar.
It is critical that each is functioning as required by the project specifications. The spray bar must be
set to the appropriate height (distance) from the pavement surface and the nozzles must be set at the
proper angle to assure a uniform application of material (Asphalt Institute, 1999b). The material
temperatures should also be measured for quality control purposes.
The emulsion must be certified to specification according to established sampling and testing
procedures (Caltrans, 1999a). Excess emulsion can create slick pavements.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

It is recommended that project inspections be conducted so that any deficiencies in workmanship or

materials are addressed and corrected. This process will also assist the department in identifying the
performance of various fog seal materials; how they are performing on various surface conditions and
how they are performing in various climatic zones.

6.4.10 Post Treatment

Sand blotters may be used, at approximately 0.20 lb/ft2 (1 kg/m2), to allow early opening to traffic.
Sweeping may be required. The Resident Engineer or district maintenance personnel should assess
this after application and opening to traffic. Even with sand cover, traffic control may be required to
keep speeds down.
Skid resistance (coefficient of friction) can be measured using CT 342 or a Caltrans approved test. It
is recommended that this be done after the application has cured to ensure the proper value is
measured. The final surface shall yield a coefficient of friction not less than 0.30 as determine by CT
342 or a Caltrans approved test. To insure success, it is recommended that the coefficient of friction
also be measured prior to any fog seal application. An estimate of 10% drop in the coefficient of
friction can be expected after treatment.

A treated pavement shall not be opened to traffic until an acceptable value is recorded. If a treated
pavement does not produce an acceptable coefficient of friction, see Table 6-2 for corrective action.
Permeability may be monitored by CT 341 to ensure that an effective seal has been achieved. This
should be done at the discretion of the Resident Engineer.

Table 6-2 Trouble Shooting Fog Seal Problems








Road Wet • • •
Road Too Dry • •
Road Dusty • •
Hard Water Anionic
Alkaline Water Cationic
Acidic Water Anionic
Application Too High • • • • •
Application Too Low • •
Wrong Emulsion • • • • •
Rain • • •
Cold Weather • •
Hot Weather • •

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


6.5.1 Troubleshooting Guide

This section provides information to assist maintenance personnel in troubleshooting problems with
fog seals, along with “dos and don’ts” that address common problems that may be encountered during
the course of a project.

The troubleshooting guide presented in Table 6-2 associates common problems to their potential
causes. For example, a slick surface may be caused by wet pavement, a high application rate, or rain.
Cold weather could also contribute to slick pavements as the emulsion break may be delayed. The
emulsion will be tacky and pickup if the existing road surface is dry or dusty, or the wrong emulsion is

In addition to the troubleshooting guide, Table 6-3 lists some application problems and their
recommended solutions.

Table 6-3 Common Problems and Related Solutions

• Reduce the rate of dilution.
Spattering of the Emulsion • Ensure the spray bar height is set correctly.
• Ensure the spray pressure is not set too high.
• Ensure the emulsion is not too cold.
• Ensure the emulsion viscosity is not too high.
• Ensure the nozzles are at the same angle.
Streaking of the Emulsion
• Ensure the spray bar is not too high or too low.
• Ensure the spray bar pressure is not too high.
• Ensure not all nozzles are plugged.
• Ensure the emulsion application rate is not too high.
Bleeding or Flushing of the
• Check application and dilution rate and recalibrate sprayer, if
• Apply coating of clean dry sand.
Surface Coefficient of
• Sweep sand with rotary broom to absorb excess binder.
Friction is too Low per CT
• Perform CT 342.
• Repeat process until coefficient of friction is at least 0.30.
*Do not open treated surface until coefficient of friction is at least 0.30 as determined by CT 342.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

6.5.2 Dos and Don’ts

The following list provides a quick reference to avoid making common mistakes with fog seals.

Do check water compatibility before dilution.

Do check dilution - has it been done, by whom, and when?
Do ensure that there is no contamination of the base emulsion by water, oils, or other liquids.
Do prevent contamination by other emulsions.
Do protect emulsions from freezing or localized boiling due to the application of direct heat.
Do heat emulsion gently and ensure heating coils are under the liquid level (max 122°F (50°C)).
Do load from the bottom of tankers or sprayers to avoid foaming.
Do check equipment and nozzles.
Do check application rates.
Do exercise proper traffic control.
Do ensure the know-how is available on the job.
Do add water to emulsion, not emulsion to water.
Do not store diluted emulsion longer than 24 hours.
Do not continuously stir or circulate emulsion.
Do not apply emulsion if air temperature is < 50°F (10°C) and pavement temperature < 60°F
Do not apply emulsion if rain or cool temperatures are imminent.
Do not continue application if adequate breaking period is not available.
Do not open treated surface to traffic until coefficient of friction is at least 0.30 as determined by
CT 342.

6.5.3 Field Considerations

The following field considerations are a guide through the important aspects of performing a fog-
sealing project. The various tables contain items that should be considered in order to promote a
successful job outcome. Thorough answers to these questions should be determined, as required,
before, during, and after application of fog seal. The appropriate staff to do this will vary by job type
and size. Some topics may need attention from several staff members. The field personnel should be
acquainted with its contents. The intent of the tables is not to form a report but to bring attention to
important aspects and components of the project process. Some information is product specific and
contained in the relevant standard specifications, standard special provisions, or special provisions.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

• Is the project a good candidate for a fog seal?

• What is the existing surface type?

• Has an assessment been made of the surface absorption?
• How much stone has been lost?
• How much bleeding or flushing exists?
• Review project for bid/plan quantities.
• What is the relative cost?
• Bid Specifications


Special Provisions
• Emulsion Specifications
• Traffic Control Plan (TCP)
• Material Safety Data Sheets
• What is the type and dilution rate of the emulsion selection?

• Is the emulsion is from an approved source (if required)?


• Has the emulsion been sampled and submitted for testing (if required)?
• The water to be used is compatible with the emulsion?
• Is sand required? Is it within specification and dry?
• Is the emulsion temperature within application temperature specification?



• Is the surface clean and dry?

• Have all pavement distresses been repaired?
• Has the existing surface been inspected for drainage problems?

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


• Are the bristles the proper length?
• Can the broom be adjusted vertically to avoid excess pressure on the surface?

• Is the spray bar at the proper height?


Are all nozzles uniformly angled at 15 to 30 degrees from the spray bar axis?
• Are all nozzles free of clogs?
• Is the spray pattern uniform and does it properly overlap (double or triple)?
• Is the application pressure correct?
• Is the distributor properly calibrated?
• Is there a working and calibrated thermometer on site?
• Has water been added to emulsion in correct proportion and circulated?
• Is the application rate being monitored throughout the day/project?

• Do the spreader gates function properly and are their settings correct?


Is the sand spreader’s calibration uniform across the entire head?

• Is the sand free flowing?
• Are the truck hook-up hitches in good condition?


Is the truck box clean and free of debris and other materials?
• Is the truck hook-up hitch in working order?
• Is a truck box apron or extension required for loading the sand spreader?

• Is all equipment free of leaks?


• Is all equipment calibrated and clean?

• Do the signs and devices used match the traffic control plan?
• Does the work zone comply with Caltrans traffic control policies as laid out

in the Caltrans Safety Manual?

• Do flaggers not hold the traffic for extended periods of time?
• Does the pilot car lead traffic slowly — 25 mph (40 kph) or less—over fresh
sand blotted fog seals? If not sanded, allow at least 2 hours before opening to
• Are unsafe conditions promptly reported to a supervisor (contractor or
• Are signs removed or covered when they no long apply?

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

WEATHER REQUIREMENTS • Are minimum surface and air temperatures adhered to?
• Are air and surface temperatures checked at the coolest location on the
• Do air and surface temperatures meet agency requirements?
• Are high winds expected during application of the fog seal? High winds can
create problems with the diluted emulsion application.
• Will the expected weather conditions delay the breaking of the emulsion?
High temperatures, humidity, and wind will effect how long the emulsion
takes to break.
• Is the application of the fog seal discontinued if rain is likely?


• Are the agency guidelines and requirements being followed?

• Has a check been done on the absorption ability of surface?
• Is the surface oxidized and porous? More oil can be applied to dried-out and

porous surfaces.
• Is the surface smooth, non-porous, or bleeding (asphalt rich)? Do not apply
to smooth, non-porous, and asphalt-rich surfaces.
• Is the traffic volume on the road high? Less oil must be applied on roads
with high traffic volumes.
• Does the emulsion soak into the surface? If not, application rate is too high.
• Is the surface texture coarse? If so, spray should be applied in both directions
to avoid build up on one side of stones.
• Are manhole covers and drainage inlets covered to keep binder from entering
water bodies?

Binder - Method A (Recommended for Calibration)

• The weight of a 1 yd2 (0.84 m2) carpet, pan or, non-woven geotextile material
is recorded and placed on the road surface.

• The distributor applies emulsion over the carpet, pan, or geotextile material.
• The weight of the carpet and emulsion, pan and emulsion, or geotextile
material and emulsion is recorded.
• The weight of the carpet, pan, or geotextile material without emulsion is
subtracted from the weight of the carpet, pan, or geotextile material with
• The weights applied to the area of carpet (i.e., lb/yd2 or kg/m2) must be
converted to the units of the control mechanism, which is gal/yd2 or l/m2,
through knowledge of the specific gravity of the emulsion. If the distributor
is not spraying the binder at the correct application rate, adjustments must be
made to the controls and the process described above repeated until the
correct application rate is achieved. Although this is the responsibility of the
contractor, the inspector should verify that the distributor is spraying the
binder at the correct application rate.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


Example – Checking Fog Seal Application Rate (Method A)

• Given:
Applying a Fog Seal with a 1:1 diluted emulsion.
Tight surface texture.
Recommended application rate of 0.03 – 0.11 gal/yd2 (see Table 6-1).
Specific gravity of Emulsion (GE) = 1.010.
Unit Weight of Water (γW) = 62.4 lb/ft3.
Conversion Factor (Cf1) = 7.5 gal/ft3.
Find the actual application rate (WA’).
• Measure the weight of a 1 yd2 carpet (WC).
(WC) = 4.0 lb
• Measure the weight of 1 yd2 carpet and applied emulsion (WC+E).

(WC+E) = 4.7 lb
• Calculate the weight of emulsion covering the 1 yd2 carpet (WE).
(WE) = (WC+E - WC)
(WE) = (4.7 lb - 4.0 lb)
(WE) = 0.7 lb
• The application rate is the weight of emulsion applied per unit area (WA).

(WA ) = ⎛⎜⎜ WE ⎞

2 ⎟
⎝ 1yd ⎠
(WA ) = ⎛⎜⎜ 0.7lb2 ⎞⎟⎟
⎝ 1yd ⎠
(WA ) = 0.7 lb2
Convert this application rate to gal/yd2.
• Calculate the unit weight of the emulsion (γE) by multiplying the specific
gravity of the emulsion (GE) by the unit weight of water (γW).
(γ E ) = (G E × γ w )
(γ E ) = ⎛⎜⎜1.010 × 62.4 lb ⎞

⎝ ft 3 ⎟⎠

(γ E ) = 63.024 lb
ft 3

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


Example – Checking Fog Seal Application Rate (Method A) (continued)

• Convert the unit weight of the emulsion (γE) to lb/gal (γElb) by dividing (γE)
by ( C f 1 ).

⎛ ⎞
(γ Elb ) = ⎜⎜ γ E ⎟

⎝ f1 ⎠
⎛ lb ⎞
⎜ 63.024 3 ⎟
(γ Elb ) = ⎜⎜ ft ⎟

gal ⎟
⎜ 7.5 3 ⎟
⎝ ft ⎠
(γ Elb ) = 8.4 lb

• Convert (WA) in lb/yd2 to (WA’) in gal/yd2 by dividing (WA) by (γElb).

(W A ' ) = ⎛⎜⎜ WE ⎞
⎝ γ Elb ⎠
⎛ lb ⎞
⎜ 0.7 2 ⎟
(W A' ) = ⎜⎜ yd ⎟

⎜ 8.4 ⎟
⎝ gal ⎠
(W A' ) = 0.08 gal2

Check this value against the recommended application rates given in Table 6-1. For
the given surface condition and dilution rate this application rate is acceptable.

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


Binder – Method B (Recommended for Random Checks)

• Park the distributor on level ground and measure the number of liters or
gallons of emulsion.
• Measure off a known distance for a test section.

• Have the distributor apply diluted emulsion to the test section.

• Park the distributor on level ground and re-measure the number of liters or
gallons of emulsion.
• Make necessary adjustments to volume based on temperature corrections per
Standard Specifications section 93-1.04.
• Subtract the number liters or gallons after application from the original
number of liters or gallons to obtain the number of liters or gallons applied.
• Divide the number of liters or gallons applied by the number of square meters
or square yards covered by emulsion to give the application rate in gal/yd2 or
• If the distributor is not spraying the binder at the correct application rate,
adjustments must be made to the controls and the process described above
repeated until the correct application rate is achieved. Although this is the
responsibility of the contractor, the inspector should verify that the distributor
is spraying the binder at the correct application rate throughout the project.


• Is building paper used to start and stop emulsion application for straight

• Is the emulsion within the required application temperature range?

• Does the application look uniform?
• Are any nozzles plugged?
• Is there streaking on the applied emulsion?
• Are application rates randomly checked?
• Is the speed of the distributor adjusted to match that of the sand spreader (if
used) and to avoid start-and-stop operations?
• Is the distributor stopped if any problems are observed?

• Are the trucks staggered across the fresh fog seal coat to avoid driving over

the same area?


• Do the trucks travel slowly on the fresh seal?

• Are stops and turns made gradually?
• Do truck operators avoid driving over exposed oil?

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance


• Are results from CT 342 at least 0.30?

• Does traffic travel slowly — 25 mph (40 kph) or less—over the fresh seal
until seal is broomed and opened to normal traffic? If not sanded, allow 2

hours before opening to traffic.

• Are reduced speed limit signs used when pilot cars are not used?
• Are pavement markings placed after brooming and before opening to normal
• Are all construction related signs removed when opening to normal traffic?

• Is all loose (excess) sand from brooming operation removed from travel way?
• Are binder spills cleaned up?



• Are enough aggregate trucks on hand to maintain a steady supply of sand to

the spreader?
• Is clean dry sand being used?
• Does the sand application appear uniform?
• Is sand used only once?

• Does brooming begin as soon as possible after sand is applied?


• Is initial brooming done lightly with a rotary broom to distribute and set sand
in surface?
• Is secondary brooming done to remove loose sand coated with excess binder?
• Is brooming process repeated until results from CT 342 at least 0.30?

MTAG Volume I Flexible Pavement Preservation 2nd Edition Caltrans Division of Maintenance

Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), 1990. Recommended Performance
Guidelines, AEMA, Washington, D.C., 1990.
Asphalt Institute, 1999a. Asphalt In Pavement Maintenance, Manual Series No. 16, Lexington,
Kentucky, 1999.
Asphalt Institute, 1999b. A Basic Asphalt Emulsion Manual, Manual Series No. 19, Lexington,
Kentucky, 1999.
Barth, E.J., 1962. Asphalt Science & Technology, Chapter 9 “Durability”, Gordon and Breach, New
York, 1962.
Booth, EHS, Gaughan, R., Holleran, G., 1988. Some Uses of Bitumen Emulsions in SA and NSW,
Proceedings, Australian Road Research Board, pp. 387-401, March 1988.
California Department of Transportation, 1999a. Standard Specification, Sacramento, California,
California Department of Transportation, 1999b. Caltrans Code of Safe Operating Practices,
Sacramento, California, 1999.
Hicks R.G., Holleran G., 2002. Purpose and Use of Fog Seals and Rejuvenators, Sealer Binder
Workshop, Foundation For Pavement Preservation, Federal Highway Administration,
March 2002.


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