Edward Grabowskis The Blue The Gray - Misc - DOS - EN - Technical Supplement

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— IBM PC ce purchased he Aen vrton of gate stallion ‘sselin cette chee one ee) ‘Tis game cannot be run from a floppy dive — i mst be installed toa hard isk. When fly isle, fil ake ples than four megabytes of Bad dive space, Hard Drive Installation ‘on er, nd wa Ds prog (et) — ext Windows oD ‘Shell if they ran automatically on startup. Insert ik 1 nthe appropri Nop dive, and acne that dive by typing, A ENTERS Bs: at the DOS prompt, and fellow the on-soen instructions. The procedure is selene Atte end of te procedure yu can eis infra foe 9 soundear, if you have one, ‘When done, the game wil be ready t rn, your ha drive. Playing from the Hard Drive yon do not have the computer on, do so now, and ext Windows or Bos: ‘Sha they nun automaticaly on startup. om the DOS prompt, type (C ENTERS to see the decry which contain the game. shouldbe the Sie ciety nae you gave wen isang te progam mins te dive GESigation tat sara off (Por cxample, occas CHM, anesthe dive and ype CDLCIVI) ‘hen ype avn. copay. Changing your Soundcard Setup Ifyou change your eompuer’s sound sep afer asta the game, you can {oatgue Jour computer by acesing te decor whet the ga sed indopas seTuP ENTE ‘This confguaton pcg wks identical ote one you ed when insaling he game Sound and Soundcards ‘th ke pope sound sep sated in you compute, this game can produce 2 valey of Sounds (indong mise nnd tt sod etc. Nowevey, jos iend to use your compliers nema sper instead ofa sounded, Jen ty nd the game's sda ee ob ie ori. tate ‘Se oucan em by gn he Sound onan on he ods me, Memory Requirements ‘The memory requirements for runing this game wil bested n he tet fle -README"TXT ineluded wh the game. For instructions on viewing this fle, 22 "Addsonal Features and Documentation,” below. ‘you cannot run this peogram on your machine, you may not be fling the geese mame pmemans Volcan dee ie mang hero het {fe inuded with Dos; CHRDSK or MEMK. Both wil display toe amount of ‘available conventional memory you have. To ram one ofthese utes, ust ‘ype is name from te DOs prompt ox const your DOS manual Ifyou regulre more memory, the fst thing to dois try modifying: AUTORXEC EAT and CONG es. (NOTE: Copy hem opp dik Defore making any changes, 3 you can undo them if you make a mistake.) if pisjae ay npc Terloate- and Say Reset (SW) pagans loaded by these fs, by fetoving them. If you have DOS 6.0.0 hight, make ‘sre that you have loaded DOS and as rman” diversas possible info high mea- ‘ry. See Your DOS manual for more inmation on these ems. ‘Aer you have done thi, eboo the computer nd tora he game it ‘Sede not ran: tie neste sto make a boot isk which you wl ux to Start the compte clean” of al extaneous programs ad ves. Prins fon on mag aboot disk, see your OS mata TT Additional Features & Documentation Some game eames have ben edo mode snc this game's docureta- SerinGar lo pes timation on these ew features hasbeen ngage the {ext le README Tho acon ns load to any txt dor (ce ‘Windows: NOTEPAD or Dos S' EDIT uly, or acces the Grecony where his ae was nga and pe ‘TYPE README:TXT | MORE ‘he character before the word "MORE i @ vertical bar, which s generated by ‘ing cos he Shy ao pres he backslash ey. This test can obec dey fom Jou ge dt, Game Setup ‘When you sa the ame the ishing that appears the game's te screen: Sisk hema ocp thea apie aon vl en eyes eon {opof thar wl be an options panel wi he olin thee cles Play Standard Game Begin a game at the start of the Civil We Load Saved Game Resume a game stated eater. Historical Battle Play ase-conained Miro Miniatures histoical Sa: oun nnd coe fae fo . panel ht epee chapter on Same option in eter nual fo blood oe slag be Det pane! Clck.on techie that you wish wo play, Another panel wil ppet, et you choose play cic te Federal and Confederate side of te contlee ‘Aer you econ your cho, te panel wil cea and the game Wl eg NOTE: Ifyou chose “Historical Bate," then you should ook to the aliero ‘Miniatures Manval, for information on how to ght a bale. Otherwise, look ‘othe Campaign Manual for guidance. Controlling Difficulty "There area few ways that you can control the dificult level of this game: Federal vs, Confederate — Because the North had more resources to work ‘with than the South, you vil find the game easier to wn f you pay the Federal side, Conveisaly, you are ioking fora harder fight you should play ‘the Confederates, Theelor, we recomend that you psy asthe Ulog (sony, Southern enthusiasts) unl you get the hang ofthe game. Fogof war & Supplies — Yu can a to he calene of ts game by ‘swiching on and ofthese tw dificuly opdons; the game works the same as before, except that you will alo have t contend fo itues of Vsilty and malin supe ines fr us des in enemy ey, Soe te Daly ‘Options chapzrsin both the Micro Miniatures Battle Manual and ‘Campaign Manual for deta, re Campaign Tutorial Ths secio il guide you rough he mag ‘the campate tel of Tigi fd wold theo arn abo te cw Maries eo ofthe ‘gaigft Sp to tenet chapter ete Bale Tutorial Whe ou con Syeitue he gene yo start nthe aril e recomend hay begin @ ina ge nee hae rap oh conespt covered oor ‘To start your tral, you must ft instal andor lead the gare on your Tachi) PC users shuld read the intallation and Loading caster of his ‘anal or Inston, wile ses of Arias and other yes of mactunes ‘felon ar oa yor pe aca. Sar he ‘me sig the nstucions you find tere; thee sequence should sppet, cater that you wil be rough to the main game sien. NOTE: Get the reference card from your game package now, so you. vwilhave ithandy. Setting Up a Game ‘Athi point you can ee potons of map, men bars and icons filing the ‘cen but what we're init no isthe ray paral eae iin the middle of eveytang This pal alows yout etupaa ge, and has three options, Play Standard Game, Load Saved Game and Historical Battle, We have pepared a special saved game fr is ttotal s0 you should Sele the mide opion, Load Saved Game. Selecting Items with the Mouse Ifyou move your mouse, you'l ee a white arow mining your movement gain pasa ore, ical comps hes he mote pote. ‘Yo wll use his throughout te game to ees tems and ress butons on fzreen, "Tod Wis, empl move te mouse so tha he acow pls f the fem tof your cot, then pes the left mote buon "Win you eae the Buton, {th tem wil besieged ‘Do this now to select the Load Saved Game selection onthe Game Set panel In genera, do this wnenever this tatocal or the game manuals es Suto “selec” "press" or “click on” someting Ate Loading a Game ‘Anew pane! shoul appear, with te name “Diewory.” We'luse tis to seat the prepared tata game, bat you can also use It cave or load games while ‘you paying. ‘Look ac the white window inthe midlle ofthe panel: his is the File Window As themes ofsoved ges th ae eva ing so the fist time the game has been played sinoe you loaded i, there should only ‘bea couple of names in thls window. The nae you are Loong fore TUTO- [RIAL.SAV; Ifyou can't find this the rile Window, press te Up arrow and down arrow buttons next to the window to see more names, ‘When you've found the le you want, simply select i with the mouse; should appear inthe box below the Fil Window. Then press the Load button aki eam oft pane sal ae ll reas yo > ors ‘lek on Yes to actualy load the game. One lat pane! wil en appear to tell Yyou that the lozd was successful Soon all of the panels il disappear and you ‘be shown the Campaign Screen. NOTE: cenely speaking if txt messege kets one appeas on theese ts, you ct clear tu by ecg tek me nto In this game, you wil be playing asthe Federal se (also known 3s “The Union” ot "te Nort), and the computer wil pay te Confederates (or "The South’), Historically, te Noth had the advaniage of en, industry and teh nology inthe Gi War, and this simulation reflects that advantage in the levels ‘of recruitment and weapons avaiable w ele side, Therefore, iis betes fo lay asthe North when you ae leaming the game. Campaign Screen "The screen you see now is vided into four sections the menu bar atthe tp ofthe see, whic lists the rames of mer that you can acess, an Informa- tion bar just below the menu bat, which Kentifes which unit you have select ced andthe current weather, the display window on the let side ofthe seen, ‘which shows a scroling view ofthe game's main map; and the control panel ‘on the ight sie of the steen, through which you aootss most ofthe game's commands, ‘By the time you fish tis tuo, youl be familar with most of| ‘he features on this scree ‘Take a look atthe date located atthe ight end ofthe men be ‘This saved game begins on August 1, 1861, approximately one month ater a regular begins. some of your teops have been moved, and some new tects ave been made avaiable to you; but youl lea absut all hat ater, Accessing a Menu ‘Tete are a couple of gum options that canbe used to make the game moce challenging fo pay We soul ceck fo make sure that they are cel {urged Sof "Yo dos, move the mouse pln ovr te ment baat the to othe sten, and sel: the word “Options.” When you cick on thi, asa ‘white mera Wl appear below i. ok for teenies on the mena called Fog ‘of War snd Unit Supply, and make sur that they ae sto OFE. ean ent {Bectto on, changeit by cekng on The men Wl dapper wen you rake the change so you vil need to scors he menu agate you nee ‘ange mote tha one option. ‘Also, there is an option here called Quichght that allows ero Miniatures batts {covered in a separate tuoi) tobe resolved more quickly. Make sure that this tured off ab wel NOTE: The campaign lve ofthis game is ttn based, so tie fs not paging ek ound anda charge. Thine, dont at rshed to complete the tutorial quick ake your time. Reviewing Overall Stats ‘evs start by taking a look atthe overall state for both sides of the wa, Move te mouse pelner onto the menu bar and ccc on the word “Stats”. Theres no men adsocate with tls command wl jump you staigt info the Campaign Statistics Screen, ‘This sceen shows you the mumber of men fighting fr both sides ofthe wa, listed in a table on the lef ede of th seen. Take a ook athe figures now. ‘Yui can see how troops ate divided ino thse sepa pes: Infante, cavalry ————$fij}-—___ sn arin infty ae your ese des, ame wi es, caval ‘Es aero hha which ay ter b me e desie he ‘eng sae Ailey ot Saw ovina wi a en nba inn he oc types re coving hen ering fe een slong anges these te tes cages aaah a ‘You cau see how there are two dicen statistics next to each troop type. The larger number represents the number of men you have ofthat type, buta much smaller number indeates the numberof divisions ia tht category. The ‘ass of sles that you have of a given type ae divided ino a ube of ‘nls called visions. You can move and give oder o each vision as sine le uit, without worying abou te Indvidlcolers within k, Neat all ese actions that you take in this game are done by manipulating dv slo However, youl em about note Kind of ul cal transports ster) you compare your active statistics (those troops wich ae alive an fight. ing to those ofthe Confederates, youl see that they curently have more sok tas ys, But ont wey You ve ons re ecu avalible is ‘tum, and as time goes on you will ev ve more men than they (urkss you lose too many’ of them in bat). Before we lave this sten, you should note the Losses statstics on elther side these wil ack the foal number of ftaltes inthe wa dus to bate and disease. They srt at er0 now, but the game has just bezun. _We'e ready to leave this streen now, s0 click on the Finished button at the bottom of the screen to return tothe Campaign seen. Divisions and Transports Nowe’ see how your foes are represented onthe campaign map. Ifyou take ek atte display window on hee side ofthe serra, you wil ee a ‘bunch of ie and ray markers catered onthe map. ‘These ae Zale! units, they a he ie a you move and ve rea tagont ie ate. The ‘nate Nes cane gay ane a te outs he ‘ueny’). There ae ve ds oF uns he game, which are seperated nt {io extort; wel lca each ype of uni nw “heft egy are dvstons, which a he sae divsons you saw onthe Cpa tse screen. Ther are hte ypes of cuss, one fr each meee 5 type of solder each has ts own dltincsive markings. Look foca unit with an ‘Sin hat an infantry so, Find aoe nin single sls across that ig. a eavalry division, "aen finda unit with a square anda dot ‘entered oni that is an artillery division. “he second cgay of uns transports, Which ae uns that can cary your divisors around fer than tiey caa move alone. Tee ae to Opes of {fanspors train and ships You shoul be abe Bnd one walt and one ‘Sup ou te map, hey sre asked with eal tan and chip symbel, Shey arcengy to eon, Selecting Units ‘Wile al vision ofthe same ype ok he same, they have many ferences Sore ae ways of fang ou hore nformation abot a dvon” The sine fest ways wih he bformation bar ard control panel, wich (as ou cn Fe) dplays eof fboration about oe ison. ‘See the one division thats culined with a whit: Jo? This ie the cur- ‘ently selected unt. The convol panel always shows information about the ‘urrendy selected unt, whether risa division or anspor. La’ ty this ou: find the infanay alison located just eouth of Pinsourg, then point to Itand res the right mse bution, NOTE: Do not pres ie ft mouse baton when eting us, ‘le you wil end up giving moversent commands to nltsby accent. ifyoumae is mie, es he Uy on te keyorfomndo When you sect the fat dvi, Infomation onthe sceen wil change. Fist ofl, the information bar val show the nae of te dlvison, ineuang [is von mame), corpe ume) and army ame (Arye he Potomac. ct division can be assigned fo one of ewenty armies, can on & Corps win tat amy, and has sown unig von murber wa tat. fey were me feb opten The one wil cn don. hunters, and you can pat everyone in one amy you want (Por owe Information of aay etzaniean, se the Campaign Manual} ‘Seoondly, the comtrol panel as several splays that show infomation on ‘yout sleteddlvison At the top ofthe panel (ext to the small icc-map) is ———(5}—___ oes the oft ected tis cen, Seow at ep ae fa rte un on our Ps ays ona ces a Tein anes how guy yout vals cn ne ‘Below the tera dlapay isthe mumber of movement points the unit has to spend, Bech typeof unt has a certain numberof movement points to spend ech tum by moving: elec spends al of them Inthe curent tn (moving 2s fastest can), oritoses them atthe end ofthe tum. ‘The campaign fap is every ott fentol modes you give —maily to movement ‘commands and orders © engage or fie es. (All ofthese ate explained later.) Hers an station ofthe thee modes, Find he “Mode” bo nthe lower et Cores of thecal ar yee ee thas nc fr the ono tmeces.Clckon Single, and youl ce that one ofthe hoes (Cav ose) rounded we rtmgle, sth only poe tat vil feu yougves mover Nw ce row ou at eve Serf se sued with gray recta, Ij give te nme move tent ter now ale oe ples (wich ae ite ane oop nue) oul mre msn vical ee ty area in 0 no, thy wal ove sea Nw ose Aad ie gy eager. Hogue he nme oder ote ct ps, allt our ree welt ove inane NOTE: From now on, f ths toil wells you to make sure ae in a particular “mode,* iis refering to the sting in ths "Mode" box, Viewing the Battlefield ‘There's a fot more battlefield tose, so lets use some ofthe commands that let oui te et of, "Thefetopion Overviews unk he atte ef so that tal fis onthe scorn at once. Find the bution macked “Over.” near the op of the Contrel Panel, and eck on This dspays one of ‘30 Overview maps the Smal (which i only @ coupe of inches across), and the Large (which fs bal the seen). Ifthe small maps showing. press the ‘Magnify bution below it to display te large one. You'l notice tht the map is iat however, Irmeasures 100 map-scuaies by 100, so technically Is "square" for game purposes. ate en yu meen ae, ae si ae ne eae ere Sats Bee a aren create ihe SG Uni aaa stiaenoase tee teratataking and defending. (Se he How the System Works chapter of {ie Me hin bate inal ee ec ofthe emma es) ‘With dis in minds there a place onthe batted winete you'd lke te the enemy (etaps wi your cs onal, andi ene in font ig Ifyou think ofa location, remember for late. Press the Done buon. ‘when You want exit the Overview map. ‘era tvo otter ways see theres of the bated. Fis, you can use the seo bars lng the boo abd ght edges ofthe play window, ach Sol bar eatnes a White gtol box ee th gray paces on each ae, arrow buttons aead end. cickon the tind atow buon of he ‘atom sal ae nd your view map ls ne map-squsr to the let. To sol tg ha te gentle eof chong ee a Scroll contanows)Alteatvely, you ca lek in Detween the let sow bution and esc box, and he day wl all a halfsaeen tothe lt Natural, de gh-hand scl br wets ental. Second, you can use the sal ren recargle nthe top-efcomer of the onto nats scat miro-map Se he whit rangle on? ‘hat shows wha pat of te bauettd Rag shown on the ay window. ‘Wecan we te miro osha view, ont alecaon Seat the bot tomo the cange aut ck te et moe baton. The whe ecg Wl Jump fo center on ha pot, andthe view onthe play widow wil lew {fyouraim ws acy, you maybe ooking as some gaoated exe sold Nowy hang own the he mouse baton and roving che mous slow ‘veri ecg is alowe yout ser smoothly and coadauonsy ove the mp. Use these techniques to get a god close-up look at the ene batleeld, You' Aco that your ogy are sranged ae op ofthe allel, whe te enemy's Fores ata the Doom. Ya lo noc wth eel that eer side's foes are moving. Thats becuse whenever he contol panel, sal bas and => ibrar payed tine onthe batddelds panged co you can give com rand thtefoe tis scaled command mode. Setup Mode ‘Because tis bate has just started, you are in aspeil version of cmmmand ‘mode caled setup mode. In this ode, you can arrange your forces in any LTA er salary enone es ora 7 ists You stp yous fo a uc ts possible Seu mod uses these commands aster ofthe gme for maring pecs, upg hey, sg maton and wo own you er te lyon oe Selecting Pieces Before you can cortmand apiece, you have to select isthe one to be con- woe, Slog a plc spl sil point is head and cee ight [NOTE: Male sure that you do not click the lft mouse button when you ae tying to selet; that button is used to give movement ozs Foray ant fry you capa heck nl nd, es hee pes atta erin nye hea pags ect these ees, eh ck at head level bu hee sie fs you have woubl finding tis spo, pres te GRID baton located at the botio- comer of the display window, Cavaly and Ari pecs tae up out -squaes, and you want t lk onthe topleft square) ‘When yu sel place, formation on wl be dspayed onthe Cons Pana: this information shows the average rags forall tne sodas that te bee represents. Ate tp of the panelist pleces number (fom Isto 125i) and type (ether ify, Cavalry or Acliy). Blo tha sche Weapon tat the psc uses thre area vauety of weapons in the ge exch ‘wis own ange and damage tats. Next ste quality ting fe the ee; his menses te piece’ alin combat, ab allected by taining and Expeenc. (Right nom al your eres are of poor quay — reer recat) ‘And below hat moral, which stows the pete vlingoes to ener hand torhand combat, ands sucess when hag. Below the morale ratings the number of men inthe pece. Ifyou ae in sin- sleet allconsal moe, hig stats shows the numbe of mena the ie: se this asa “health Indicator” sine pec loses men when damaged and des ven ey az all gc, ypu a group coat mec tis sie shows the numberof ment inthe selected group, followed by a de, then ellowed by the numberof pleces in that group. Belo the mbt of men ting the He's group number. Wen you re Jin group mode, yeu contol every pec that shares te sare soup mabe as thgdeted pec. You can change group number in any way YOu pa, c- ‘ting whatever group orgatzations you pref. ‘Below this is a box marked “rmngs, which displays the pece's ang in ‘ita antl camoge), Defense (iets and ‘repover (bac damage eed by eile oreannen. another to below {Hb med oka te arth caren eat eden xe choca jee rega coting ail or cana athe enemy) and engage- Sear (eahng oa socby cy psa cogging is bat nando ia. ‘You wil legen more about these vavious statis as they come up ln the tuod- al ityou lke, you can select various plees to compare their tastes. You an even select enemy pleces to display some of ther statistics ina box over the Gontol Panel. Your Battleplan Before you stat mving pleces onthe bate, t would be helpful to decide ‘ona general plan of aac. Ifyou ate't experienced at pleying tis fypeof| game, here ba basi plan fot out + Move apwoxinatly 1/5 of you infantry tops into one ow thro deep: ibe our far in vh icy wl ep the enenty fom geting hereto + ‘Kiaige test ofyour ity ups shod os bled hee ott hype rare. + ange you fassmoving cavalry ino two othe column ES tay ove ava, ck ond pal back ‘Wat inking ihe est of yout oes. “he rest ofthe rato wil assume that you follow tis baste plan. or ada tional posses, you should read the Tips and Tactics chapter ofthe Miro Miniabes Batle Manual Combining and Rearranging Groups eeepc ose ein em ge at scree ste capa aes Eom pincer eles py ear ia Sea Let's sat with the Cavalry. Mate sure you ae in group mode, and select (ih the right mouse button) one of the rp-lftmose cavalry peces. You can ‘20 the ene group, highlighed with gay equate; check the Group Number splay on the Control Fanel to mae sure you have Group zero selected. Now press the List Groups buton, lead below the micro-map net the top ofthe Eonizl Panel. The Black rectangle in the mide. of the seezn that a ‘epreseas the batlefleld, and the orange line (or ines) on it shows | tion ofthe curently selected group. Pres the Transfer buton atthe bottom of he stren; you can then look for nether group to combine with group zero. Press the Next button fo sles the ‘ext group on the fed, group one. he orang lines wil shit onthe black rc- tangle to show its locaton, When you have selected groap oe, pres the Yes bation a fe boom ofthe seeen fo oxdr the wansle A small gray query panel will appear asking you to confrn the command dk on Yes a the ‘Eansfer wil occur. If ye Toak atthe Back reetanele, you can ee that the orang ins om ihe io groups have been combi The tase comand ts ll ofthe peces into the sacond group you choose, hs new group Is group ne. Using the above steps, mae the folowing adddonal ransfxs: ‘© Transferboth groups 2 and $ into group 4, to cea a second + Fates 1,12 and Sino gap 14 cent thease Tioarine gp. oc ‘When you have fished reorganizing your groups, click on Fnished to rtum tothe man baie sseen. Moving Pieces ‘oy you ate eal oyu sl rar ami rou ‘ators one bate a see ofthe ss ofeach Bo, del yor ose nt where thy shod elated in ean a For our purposes, the best contol mode todo this ins group mode. Selecta ce in wht was ether group zero or group one; you wil notice that al the ‘embers of both goups are now highighted, since they re alin group one ‘ow, ind a location south ofthe other cavalry peces, and sghly futher the tight than where they aze now. click with ie lft mouse burton on that location, and a group of X's" wil appear there. ‘These mark the destinations of the pects in the selected gop, with the white °X° marking the destination of the Selected pice. These X's are aranged go thatthe pletes in the group will 27 inde sae clave postions hey had each ote elo the move [you dont lice these destination, simply lt-click somewhere else ntl you fie the ones you like. (You can se tac the pleces arent arcanged in & salgat ne, but we'l tha ater) NOTE: Wile in setup made, you will nly beable to scect destin tions on your end of the bate. ‘When you have picked the right location, find the Mlove Pleces button in the bodontight comer ofthe Contol Panel and press Any movement com- ‘mands iu ce pong in Setup Mode wile Inmet cae ot 0 your group will jump" tos destination. You don’ have to press tis button a very move, but if you do you'l have less to Keep tack of. NOTE: ifyou ty to move a group oo cose to the edges ofthe ate- fel you may ind that some of your pltes don't go othe locations poses, ts hppa eet deat ther aay the edges and ty apn Now selec group 14, which she lange infant grou acted along the bot- tomof ne cae “lad of sider ove Its can sbow fe ap. Sates south ofthe oer nan pees thls ives you rom © Work Wi ae protects the ther groups rom mest ene tacks. ‘You can use these same procedures in single mode, but naturally you will oni move the selected pies. Or you can use it in all mode, bt that wll move the Ente amy a onc. These contol modes wi be mote ust afer te bare aval begin. NOTE: From now on tis assumed that ‘mouse button is used to selec poss, choose destinations, Creating New Formations ‘4s you move your groups argu, you noted they re no oy aeange nents lk pct, Howe, thera oration ‘oma you to aang ex group i a vey ofactaly use. ways. Welluse ee now to ‘dea up your groups and prepare thet or bate, The fomaton commands only ek a group mode, 80 make sure tat its sted before coaung Select group 14, he lage infant group se asd tom he rest. Make sure You suet tt moa pes In fe rou, beease net meio you oder he Hight o (ad below) the selected pee. Now takes look at {he tte eons in the "Fmaton” bones tne bot ofthe Cato Pat ‘Each of tese cools one spect ofa groups frmason: the fet one ses the Alecton in which the formation willbe anange, the econd one ses te {hickness of he ine that the foraton seats ad the ed ses facing of the ple inte formation, Le whieh dst they shoul face. You alee each con by pressing the sal up and down butions next tench of them, “The bt way tam wha thes ons do toh emeene, Make sue ‘hatte fir rection on set wi a hoctannal for fs is wl ese a feat that techs fom esto west nthe bated. Change the econ ‘ icon so that Faye fo broken ines acevo ted ies), {istwitecete Tomato thats 0 os oy Fly, ake ut tha thet facing) fon an row pons toa ht te nls in the mat soa ce oth ove enn Click onthe empty space aroun the formation ons now, several "X's" ‘appear on te batted to inate wher the fmation wi appear. Ifyou ess the hove Pieces too, he gop wil actualy mow io tat or — 6} otha te ig ila ten eto re ee oe aan ae 2 eras Sane cote er mene mie courte aeie ee eee lente lie! Sens eats, ‘Now use these loon n same way with your Cavaiy groups, co tht they are aranged in suaigh nes. ‘We recoamiend that you atange the top group into ‘ror running east-to-west and the botom group info a column rarniig ‘ort-o-oulh. For simply’ sake, you can leave the reserve infantry _oups the ones behind the on ina} in the cig formation. Changing Firing and Engagement Orders 7 Each pece has ls own specie orders regarding how and when it should fre at any awh Sl engl hn h combat these ores shown in a display near the middle of the Contre Pane; ‘change an ont, simply clk on the arrow button near it epeatedly unl the ‘der You wants show. This change may affect one plee, one group, of ‘every piece depending en which control mode you are in. ‘Allof you pieces are cusenly cetto re at will (at anyone within so sey cet ate ego compan ape ‘ie orto map-squres away), Since we Want ote ‘Dave into the enemy forest stack, we shout make them os auesive a posable te do thar wel setter Engage arr to AC Wil (hich ears “atack ay bieces win five map-square). Make sre youateIn group mode, then BEC one caval reap Claktopeatly on te row ator vss te the ‘Engage order doplay so that “Ar Wil appears. The orders aucomatically fo. [owed by everyone the group. Sle: he eter casey group and repeat is on. Ending Setup Mode Now tat ves prepa and in poston I's tne end stp mode and sar the battle for fel. Press the button matked nd Setup, lested in the bot- ‘omeright commer of the Contol Panel. ca the surface, the only tng dat changes is thatthe Move Feces and End Setup buttns are replaced withthe ‘Autoplay and Play butions. You ran even give the same orders and comm- ‘mands that you used in seup mode. However, there isa bg differences now ns they wil ‘hen jou rr ou pan moe ern cen ly eshte nea mean i ony pen vale Toving athe sare ma. Nove, you mst Kep the enemys beatin a movenen: mind when yon wave nereomane ‘What you do you do now? Te simplest fst step you could take fs to move yout entire force towards the enemy. To do tis mate sue you ae in all ‘mode, then select a pice in the fon ie group. ‘Then chook afocatlon more Ea te of Wey dea nha map ening nd it yout oe ‘ake up places behind ard to che sides of ts ep Battle Mode Now we'e going et the game unin real-time fo a while, so thet your Pies cn aves hen dala. rd te ay tanec tao, fight comer ofthe Conca Panel. Before you press hte a explanation of Bale mode o you now whet you are geting nt Battle modes a illscreen view of the bali thas no menus or ‘eons. + Pleces move in real-time, taking the positons you ordered them totale, + To change your view ofthe batefiell, imply move the mouse In the

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