Finite Element Analysis of

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International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis

Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2023, pp 1 - 10

Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete

Filled Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High
Waleed Khalid Mohammed, Khamees N. Abdulhaleem, Shwan H. Said, Qais F. Hasan
Civil Engineering Department, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Department of Environmental Engineering and Pollution, Technical Engineering College- Kirkuk, Northern
Technical University, Iraq.
Email: [email protected]
Department of Surveying Engineering, Technical Engineering College- Kirkuk, Northern Technical University,
Email: [email protected]

Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Abstract: To represent the structural behavior of self-compacted concrete filled steel tube
composite columns under axial compression loading after high temperatures exposure, a nonlinear
three-dimensional finite element analysis model has been achieved to analyze these columns using
ANSYS R-15 software. An eight-node solid brick element (Solid65) is used to represent the
concrete, while a four-node isoparametric shell element (Shell63) is used to represent the steel tube
for the analyzed composite columns. A Newton-Raphson incremental-iterative approach is used to
simulate the nonlinear solution technique. The finite element method results indicated that the
predicted ultimate loads and axial deformations for the analyzed four column specimens agree well
Article – Peer Reviewed with the experimental results for normal strength and high strength concrete in static loading up to
failure, and therefore, it is sufficient to model how these columns behave. The reduction in the
Received: 1 March 2023
analytical ultimate loads compared to the experimental values ranged from 11% and 16%, while
Accepted: 24 March 2023 the reduction in the total axial deformation values ranged from 3% to 7%. The yield patterns
Published: 31 March 2023 obtained from the analyzed composite columns under axial compressive stress are comparable to
the yield patterns determined from the experimental study.

Copyright: © 2023 RAME Publishers Keywords: self-compacted, composite column, steel tube, finite element, ANSYS.
This is an open access article under
the CC BY 4.0 International License. 1. Introduction
Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) composite columns are widely used in structures
due to their excellent attitude, including superior fire resistance compared to plain steel
columns, resistance to seismic loads, efficient use of materials, better strength, higher
stiffness, larger ductility, and a noticeably shorter construction time. Composite concrete-
Cite this article: Waleed Khalid
Mohammed, Khamees N.
steel structural elements are frequently used in modern bridge and building construction
Abdulhaleem, Shwan H. Said, Qais
[1]. When a steel part, such as a steel tube, is enclosed in concrete or when a steel I-section
F. Hasan, “Finite Element Analysis
is filled with concrete, a composite member here is produced. In a CFST like this, the
of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled
high compression concrete strength matches the high-tension steel strength. Concrete that
Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High
self-compacts (SCC) is fluid and is cast without vibration [2]. This building material is
Temperatures”, International increasingly employed in flat buildings like slabs or industrial floors because of its self-
Journal of Analytical, Experimental leveling qualities. However, when concrete is uncovered to hot and/or windy
and Finite Element Analysis, RAME circumstances, this form of construction is particularly susceptible to plastic shrinkage
Publishers, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 1-10, cracking [3]. Investigations were made for the behavior of steel tubular SCC filled stub
2023. columns and exposed to a protocoled fire at the same time [4]. The temperature distribution, axial deformation, steel’s limiting temperature, and fire resistance of the SCC
202309252 filled steel tubular stub columns were all measured through a series of experiments. A
Finite Element Method (F.E.M) analysis model was also suggested and utilized to
simulate the columns’ fire behavior.

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Waleed Khalid Mohammed et. al.

A F.E.M analytical model was used to predict the load versus deformation relationships of CFST stub columns
subjected to temperature and axial compression [5]. A CFST stub columns set were tested under a variety of thermal and
mechanical loading conditions with high temperatures to ascertain the specimens’ residual strength which were heated
evenly. The tests are done on specimens exposed to fire according to the ISO-834 standard with no initial loads. These
tests were all simulated using this model. This model may reasonably accurately predict the load versus deformation
relationships, according on a comparison of the predicted and test findings. The behavior of CFST stub columns was then
investigated using the F.E.M analysis model by looking at the confinement stress development and cross-sectional stress
distribution at various loading stages, including initial loading stage in addition to heating and cooling stages. After
cooling, all of the specimens were loaded until they failed, and the residual stress index was examined in relation to a
number of factors. The ultimate strength was found to be marginally lower when temperature and loading were taken into
account than it was after being exposed to fire with no initial load. The peak strain that corresponded to the strength at
ultimate was much higher.
Investigation is done into an experimental study result that looked at the behavior of columns with SCC-filled steel
tube that had been exposed to high temperatures [6]. Twenty-eight composite column specimens were tested in the lab to
determine the during heating temperature distribution, the relationship between load and deformation besides the residual
strengths of SCC filled columns after being exposed to high temperatures are studied. The purpose of the experiment was
to determine how the behavior of the composite columns was affected by a number of different factors, such as
temperature exposure, compressive strength of concrete, diameter of steel tube, and wall thickness of steel tube. The test
findings demonstrated that when applied temperature increased, the SCC concrete compressive strength and the failure
load of composite columns dropped. After being heated to 400 and 600 oC, the compressive strength of standard SCC
reduced by around 39.77 and 64.55%, whereas the compressive strength of high SCC values decreased by 40.86, 74.38,
and 89.35% after being heated to 400, 600, and 800 oC, respectively. After high temperatures exposure, the failure loads
of the normal and high strength composite columns reduced by smaller amounts with the largest reduction ratio occurring
at 800 oC.
Many researchers investigated analytical algorithms using F.E.M to analyses for the concrete filled steel tubes [7, 8].
A F.E.M analysis algorithm was performed [9], using commercial software, to evaluate the performance of Concrete-
Filled Double-Skin Tube (CFDST) composite columns exposed to post-earthquake fires. This primary objective was to
replicate findings from a series of tests that involved firing the identical specimens in a furnace after cyclic lateral loading
which was used to subject CFDST columns to various degrees of seismic damage. In the loading sequence, the numerical
algorithm followed the experiments closely. The ability of various material models and modeling approaches to replicate
experimental findings, including local failure modes such buckling of steel tube, was evaluated based on their ability to
replicate experimental findings including local failure modes like steel tube buckling. In order to recreate the fire testing
portion of the tests, the results from the subsequent thermal stress analysis were preserved as initial conditions, including
residual deformations. The models of CFDST columns were subjected to a sequentially coupled nonlinear thermal stress
analysis to examine the impacts of exposure to a typical fire (time-temperature) curve. A reasonable comparison with
experimental results was made for both during and after the fire using numerical simulations that used material parameters
adapted from European general principles for structural fire design [10, 11].
2. Aim of research
Using a three-dimensional F.E.M analysis model and statically increased loads up to failure, the current study aims
to analyze the behavior of SCC-filled steel tube composite columns exposed to high temperatures. The developed F.E.M
model, which would be carried out using the ANSYS R-15 software, will be verified and used to simulate the behavior
and predict the ultimate load and deflection capacities of four different composite columns within the up-to-failure loading
stage due to axial compression loading after theoretically exposure to high temperatures. The obtained analytical results
will to be discussed and compared with the experimental results available in literature.
3. Finite element method analysis model
An efficient tool for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures is the nonlinear F.E.M. It represents the real
structure as an amalgamation of a limited number of components. It is conceivably a numerical laboratory procedure.
The effectiveness and precision of this artificial lab instrument mostly depend on the stiff and accurate modeling of the
particular material properties of steel and concrete. The uncracked elastic stage, the crack propagation stage, and the
inelastic stage can be used to roughly categorize the reaction of SCC filled steel composite columns. The three main
causes of nonlinearity are steel tube yielding, concrete crushing in compression, and inelastic behavior of concrete in
compression [12]. All the experimentally tested SCC steel composite columns are examined in the current study using a
nonlinear F.E.M analysis to depict the structural behavior of SCC steel composite columns under axial loading. The
analysis was completed using the all-inclusive general purpose finite element computer program ANSYS (ANalysis
SYStem Release-15) [13].

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High Temperatures

3.1 Materials modeling

Concrete is a material that exhibits distinct behavior under compression and tension because it is quasi-brittle. Fig. 1
depicts the followed model of the stress-strain relationship for concrete under tension and compression [14].

Figure 1. Concrete’s typical compressive and tensile stress-strain curves [14].

In concrete any tensile principal stress will cause the material to crack, and all compressive principal stresses will
cause crushing [15]. When a material fails under uniaxial, biaxial, or triaxial compression at an integration point, it is
assumed to have crushed at that location. Under these circumstances, it is presumable that the material strength at the
integration point under consideration has deteriorated to the point where its contribution to an element’s stiffness can be
disregarded [13]. Concrete fracture under a multiaxial situation of loads is predicted by a failure criterion that shows the
limit value [8]. Compared to concrete, steel has a considerably simpler behavior because it is a homogeneous material.
For instance, it exhibits the same stress-strain response in both compression and tension. The von Mises yield criterion,
which posits that yielding happens when the stress invariant reaches a threshold value, describes the steel tube [15]. To
infer a relationship between the plastic strain component and the stress increment, another assumption about material
behavior to manage the plastic flow after yielding should be made [16].

3.2 Materials representation

Concrete members are modeled using Solid-65 three-dimensional solid brick elements. This element includes eight
nodes, each of which has three degrees of freedom for translation in the x, y, and z axes, as shown in Fig. 2. The element
is capable of large deflection geometric nonlinearities, creep nonlinearities, crushing in compression, and cracking in
tension. The element can also be used to evaluate reinforced concrete members [13]. The output of the solution is nodal
displacements. The stress’ normal components in the x, y, and z axes, shear stresses in addition to the main stresses are a
few examples of additional element output. The element coordinate system and the element stress directions run in

Figure 2. Eight-node brick element (Solid-65) used to model concrete [13].

A bending and membrane-capable isoparamatric shell four-node element from the ANSYS R-15 program with the
name (Shell63) [13] has been used for the steel tube representation in the composite columns, as shown in Fig. 3. The
element has five degrees of freedom at each node, including the ability to deflect significantly and stiffen under load as
well as translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions as well as rotations about the x and y axes of the plane. For
application in large deflection (finite rotation) investigations, a constant tangent stiffness matrix option is obtainable [15].

3 3 ξ
Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Z(w) V2i
y Jtop
Waleed Khalid Mohammed et. al.

Figure 3. Four-node isoparametric shell element (Shell63) used to model steel tube.

3.3 Numerical integration

Analytical numerical integration, which is required to create the element stiffness matrix, is not feasible. In order to
complete the numerical analysis, a different method of numerical integration is needed, therefore, it is crucial to pick an
integration method that is accurate and computationally effective. The Gauss Quadrature approach is utilized in the
current work since finite element work has demonstrated its usefulness [13]. Brick element’s stiffness matrix is expressed
using local coordinate axes. The integration rule used in this work is the 8 (2×2×2) points rule, as shown in Fig. 4.
Location of the sampling points and the 2×2×2 integration rule weighting factors are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Integration rule locations of the sampling points and the weighting variables [12, 13].
Sampling Load Coordinates
Point    Weight

1-8  0.57734  0.57734  0.57734 1

Figure 4. Location of integration points for the 8-node brick element [13].

3.4 Nonlinear solution technique

The whole Newton-Raphson algorithm is integrated with incremental-iterative solution processes in the ANSYS R-
15 program that has been put into use. When nonlinear structural problems are discretized using finite elements, a
nonlinear algebraic equations set has the form:
[K]{U} = {Fa} ….. (1)
[K]= matrix of stiffness.
{U}= nodal displacements vector.
{Fa}= applied loads vector.

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High Temperatures

Equation (1) is used to solve for the unknown displacements {U} in linear elastic situations. The stiffness matrix [K] for
a nonlinear system is a function of the unidentified displacements (or their derivatives). Therefore the unknown
displacements {U} have to be determined precisely before computing equation (1).

3.5 Geometry of SCC filled steel composite columns

Some of SCC filled steel tube columns that have been exposed to high temperatures and experimentally tested in literature
[6] are analyzed in the present study. All the tested composite column specimens had an identical height of 500 mm.
Composite columns were tested using two groups:
1- Concrete composite columns of 76 mm external diameter with steel wall thicknesses of 1.4 and 1.8 mm, as sketched
in Fig. 5a.
2- Concrete composite columns of 101 mm external diameter with steel wall thicknesses of 1.8 and 2.8 mm, as sketched
in Fig. 5b.
All these composite columns were loaded axially in compression, and their components via the proposed analytical
method are shown in Fig. 6. Material properties and additional material parameters adopted in the F.E.M analysis are
shown in Table 2. The followed F.E.M mesh model discretization for a typical column specimen is shown in Fig. 7.

Figure 5. Composite SCC columns used in the analysis [6].

Figure 6. F.E.M components of a typical SCC composite column specimen.

Figure 7. F.E.M mesh discretization used for a typical SCC composite column.

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Waleed Khalid Mohammed et. al.

Table 2. Material properties and parameters used for the composite column specimens.
f'c Ec*
Temperature νc fy Es
(MPa) (MPa) νs
(oC) (MPa) (MPa)
25 44 49.8 31176 33167 0.2 0.2 340 200000 0.284
400 26.5 29.45 24194 25505 0.2 0.2 300 168000 0.299
600 15.6 12.76 18563 16788 0.2 0.2 260 116000 0.308
800 9.7 5.3 14638 10820 0.2 0.2 230 66000 0.316
* Ec = 4700 f c

3.6 Analysis procedure for SCC filled steel composite columns

An SCC filled steel composite columns that were exposed to axial compressive loading serves as the element model
for this investigation. The static analysis type here is applied for axial loading up-to-failure. The procedure is based on
static minor displacements for the specific instance that is being looked at in this work. The substeps were configured to
display the load increments that were used for nonlinear analysis are shown in Table 3. The commands used to control
the solution and outputs are shown in Table 4. The commands used for the nonlinear algorithm and convergence criteria
are shown in Table 5.

Table 3. Control commands for nonlinear analysis.

Analysis options Small displacement
Calculate prestress effects No
Time at end of load step 1000
Automatic time stepping On
Number of sub step 25
Maximum number of sub step 25
Write items to results file All solution items
Frequency Write every sub step

Table 4. Commands for output managing.

Equation solver Sparse
Number of restart file 1
Frequency Write every sub step

Table 5. Nonlinear algorithm and convergence criteria parameters.

Line search On
DOF solution predictor Prog. chooser
Maximum number of iteration 100
Cutback control Cutback according to predicted number of iteration
Equivalent plastic strain 0.15
Explicit creep ratio 0.1
Implicit creep ratio 0
Incremental displacement 10,000,000
Set convergence criteria
Label U
Reference value Calculated
Tolerance 0.05
Norm Infinite norm
Minimum reference Not applicable

4. Results and discussion

4.1 Load-axial deformation relationship
The top face of the SCC filled steel composite column specimens was used to measure total axial deformations. Fig.
8 illustrates the deflected shape at ultimate load of the normal strength concrete composite column CNt1D1T1 according
to F.E.M analysis findings caused by an axial force at 25 oC. This column has wall thickness of 1.4 mm and outer diameter
of 76 mm. The deflected shape at ultimate load of the high strength concrete composite column CHt2D2T2 according to
the F.E.M analysis at 400 oC is shown in Fig. 9. This column has wall thickness of 1.8 mm and outer diameter of 101

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High Temperatures

mm. A comparison between analytical and experimental load-axial deformation curves for normal and high strength
concrete for four different SCC filled steel tube column specimens are shown through Table 6 and Figs. 10-13.

Figure 8. Variation in displacement UZ along column CNt1D1T1 at ultimate load.

Figure 9. Variation in displacement UZ along column CHt2D2T2 at ultimate load.

Table 6. Analytical and experimental results comparison.

Experimental results [6] Analytical results Reduction
Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate in ultimate
Specimen Temp. in ultimate
f’c axial axial axial axial axial
No. at test axial load
(Mpa) o load deform. load deform. deform.
( C) (%)
(kN) (mm) (kN) (mm) (%)
CNt1D1T1 44.0 25 474.46 10.51 417.18 10.22 12 3
CNt2D1T1 44.0 25 436.99 11.08 370.42 10.56 15 5
CHt1D1T1 49.8 25 520.45 12.60 461.30 12.12 11 4
CHt2D2T2 29.5 400 736.49 16.61 615.41 15.38 16 7

Total Load (kN)



100 Experimental

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Axial deformation (mm)

Figure 10. Analytical and experimental load-axial deformation curves for column CNt1D1T1.

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Waleed Khalid Mohammed et. al.

Total Load (kN)


100 Experimental

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Axial deformation (mm)

Figure 11. Analytical and experimental load-axial deformation curves for column CNt2D1T1.

Total Load (kN)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Axial deformation (mm)
Figure 12. Analytical and experimental load-axial deformation curves for column CHt1D1T1.

700 CHt2D2T2
Total Load (kN)

200 Experimental
100 F.E.M
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Axial deformation (mm)

Figure 13. Analytical and experimental load-axial deformation curves for column CHt2D2T2.

In general, the computed analytical ultimate axial loads are just a little bit lesser than the recorded experimental values
for all the analyzed four column specimens. The ultimate load for the normal strength concrete of 1.4 mm steel wall
thickness composite column CNt1D1T1 is 12% less than the experimental value, while the analytical ultimate axial
deformation is reduced by 3% compared to the recorded experimental result, as shown in Table 6 and Fig. 10. This means
that the adopted F.E.M model result agrees well with the experimental result, in spite of the fact that it gives a slightly
conservative response. The load-axial deformation curves, both analytical and experimental, are shown and compared in
Fig. 11 for the 1.8 mm steel wall thickness composite column CNt2D1T1 with the same other specifications as for
CNt1D1T1 column. The F.E.M analysis ultimate load is 15% lesser than the experimental value, while the axial
deformation is reduced by 5% compared to the experimental value. The predicted ultimate load for the high strength
concrete composite column CHt1D1T1 with 76 mm outer diameter and 1.4 mm wall thickness is less than the experimental

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High Temperatures

value by 11%, while for the high strength concrete composite column CHt2D2T2, with 101 mm outer diameter and 1.8
mm wall thickness, the predicted ultimate load is 16% lower than the experimental value, and this represents the
maximum calculated difference percentage between the analytical and experimental ultimate loads. The ultimate
analytically predicted axial deformations are reduced by 4% and 7% for these columns, respectively, when compared
with the experimental result. This means that the analytical results perform with good agreement with the experimental
results, but with a relatively conservative response due to the conservative concrete model followed in F.E.M analysis
procedure. Moreover, the stiffer response of the experimental results may be attributed to the behavior of concrete inside
the steel tube which may exhibit a type of confinement which is not being considered in the F.E.M analysis.

4.2 Yielding stress pattern

The yielding stress pattern at each loading analysis can be displayed in the ANSYS computer program, as
demonstrated in Figs. 14-16, for normal strength composite columns CNt1D1T1, CNt2D1T2, and CNt3D2T3, at 25 oC, 400
C, and 600 oC, respectively. The yielding stress patterns derived from the F.E.M analysis and failure modes of the
experimental composite columns are in good agreement.

Figure 14. Analytical and experimental stress pattern of column CNt1D1T1.

Figure 15. Analytical and experimental stress pattern of column CNt2D1T2.

Figure 16. Analytical and experimental stress pattern of column CNt3D2T3.

5. Conclusions
The current study’s numerical F.E.M. analysis results led to the following conclusions:
1. The F.E.M analytical model utilized in this study is sufficient to simulate the behavior of SCC filled steel composite
columns under axial compressive force. For both normal and high strength SCC composite columns, and at normal
and elevated temperatures. The predicted behavior and ultimate load by F.E.M. analysis are in good agreement with
the experimental results. The numerical ultimate load can vary by up to 16% from the experimental value.

Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Waleed Khalid Mohammed et. al.

2. A comparison between the analytical and experimental behaviors shows a slightly stiffer response for the
experimental results, which may be attributed to the behavior of concrete inside the steel tube which exhibits a type
of confinement which is not being considered in the F.E.M analysis.
3. The load-axial deformation curves under axial compressive loading depict the behavior of the analytically studied
composite columns and exhibit good agreement with the corresponding experimental data. The composite columns
that have undergone numerical analysis, however, have a slightly softer response in both the linear and nonlinear
regimes, with 7% maximum difference in ultimate axial deformation when compared with the experimental result.
4. Under axial compressive loading, the yield patterns derived from the studied composite columns are comparable to
the yield patterns concluded from the experimental study.

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Int. J. of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis of Self-
Compacted Concrete Filled
Steel Tube Columns Exposed to
High Temperatures
by ‫ﺷﻮان ﺣﺴﻴﻦ‬

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Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled Steel
Tube Columns Exposed to High Temperatures

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Computational Mechanics ’95, 1995.
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"Evaluation of Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of
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Li Xu, Jinlong Pan, Xiao Yang. "Mechanical
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