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A Bug-Sized Role-Playing Game

By Jim Hall

Brooklet Games
In Beetle Knight, you play as arthropods designated by the
Iridescent Order as protectors of the realm of Litterfall. You are
thus duty-bound to travel the world, helping those in need.
Unexplained phenomena and deep history permeate the world of
Beetle Knight. Arthropod characters with diverse cultures based on
every bug imaginable populate the cracks and hollows of Litterfall.
Litterfall is a patchwork of territories. Every centimeter of the ever-
changing land is spoken for and each has several ancestral
claimants. As a member of the Iridescent Order of Knights you are
driven by honor to investigate the mysteries of the realm.

Writing, art, and layout by Jim Hall, Game Design Editing by Chris
Shorb, Art by Perplexing Ruins (6, 33, 34), Species by Daria James
LeFevre, Footer Art by Amanda Lee Franck.
Version 5.5. The full text is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0.
Deep in the rotting log that is the Millipede’s fortress, a disease
spreads like wildfire. No one knows the source. Perhaps they
discovered something left by the Termites long ago?
Innocent Flies have been disappearing, many seem to know
something, but are too scared to speak. All the while, moss covers
once clean nests.
Mantises have suddenly begun uncharacteristically blocking all
passage through their territory. All, that is, but the strongest
The Water Skater Clan has stopped delivering cargo. Nobody knows
why. Though recently, iridescent waves of a strange gas waft
through the air over the pond.
The feared Fire Ant nation has been quiet for a very long time. Now,
they have started incursions into the peaceful lands to the East.
Rumor has it they bear powerful new weapons.
The Summer Web Festival was canceled suddenly and the Orb
Weaver Queen has stopped talking to everyone. Has the brash new
leader of the Court of the Katydid spoken too brazenly?

1. About 17. Special Items

2. Histories & Mysteries (Story Prompts) 19. Resolve
3. Key Terms 20. Emblems
4. Create a Knight / Player Guidance 21-24. Emblems Table
5. Abilities / Defense / Expertise 25. Equipment
7. Species 27. Contests
8. Movement 29. Combat
9-14. Species Details 31. Resting / Advancement / Death
15. Health / Call to Knighthood 33. Foes

KNIGHT - An arthropod character that is controlled by a Player
PLAYER - The human Player who controls a Knight
ARBITER - The human Player who controls the world and any
creatures other than the Knights that inhabit it
CREATURE - Any living being within the world including Knights
TURN - A turn is 10 seconds and is most commonly used during
CONTESTS - When attempting something uncertain, the Player
rolls an ability die and the Arbiter rolls a challenge die. The highest
result is successful. A tie yields a failure that presents another
PROMOTE/DEMOTE - During a dice roll, if the player has some
sort of advantage, the Arbiter can let the player “Promote” their die.
Promoted dice are increased by 1 size along the dice array (d2, d4,
d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, d100). I.e. A Player with d6 Presence that uses
a disguise to deceive the Moth Mother may be allowed by the Arbiter
to promote their Presence from d6 to d8.
Abilities can be Demoted as well. I.e. from d6 to d4. If a d2 is
Demoted, its an automatic failure.

1. SET STARTING DICE. (p. 5) Assign dice to each Ability from a
pool of d4, d6, d6, and d8.
2. SET DEFENSE (p. 5) to the higher of Might or Agility.
3. SET EXPERTISE. (p. 5) +1 to any ability or Defense.
4. SET EMBLEM DEFAULTS. (p. 19, 20) 2 Attunement Slots, 2
Emblems, and 3 Resolve.
5. PICK SPECIES. (p. 7) Update abilities, note special abilities,
and update Emblems and Resolve based on the result. Note
movement speeds.
6. ROLL HEALTH. (p. 15) Roll your Might die 4 times and sum the
highest 2.
7. SELECT CALLING. (p. 15) Roll for your Call to Knighthood.
8. CREATE SPECIAL ITEM. (p. 17) Roll for your Special Item and
update Abilities based on the result.
9. SELECT EMBLEMS. (p. 21-24) Roll for your starting Emblems.
10. SELECT EQUIPMENT. (p. 25) Roll for your starting items.

LEARN AND ACT. Explore your surroundings and the bugs and
factions that inhabit them. Use this knowledge to make decisions
and take action.
PLAY CREATIVELY. Use your details from your Calling, aspects of
your Items, details about your surroundings, and information that
you have gathered to give you and your fellow Knights advantages
during play. You may be rewarded with dice Promotion or automatic
COLLABORATE. Build on other’s ideas, you may be rewarded with
an Assist roll.

ABILITY DICE are rolled when attempting something with
an uncertain outcome.
Distribute a d4, d6, d6, and a d8 among your abilities, 1 die
per ability. These will be used in Contests.

• MIGHT - Lifting, climbing, wrestling, etc.

• INTELLECT - Insight, lore, investigation, mending,
casting, etc.
• PRESENCE - Persuading, performing, befriending,
casting etc.
• AGILITY - Running, jumping, sneaking, stealing, etc.

Your starting Defense Die is your Might or Agility, whichever

is highest. Roll your defense die to defend from an attack.
After determining your starting Defense Die, it is leveled
independently from Might or Agility dice.

Choose one Ability as an expertise. Add a +1 modifier to rolls

made with that ability including attacks with weapons and
spells. You may apply expertise to Defense.

Roll a d20 to pick your species. Each arthropod has their own

1. Assassin Bug 11. Horse Fly

2. Bee 12. Imposter Fly
3. Beetle 13. Jumping Spider
4. Bombardier Beetle 14. Lightning Bug
5. Carpenter Ant 15. Monarch Butterfly
6. Cricket 16. Moth
7. Dubia Roach 17. Nerite Snail
8. Fire Ant 18. Orb Weaver
9. Garden Slug 19. Pill Bug
10. Harvestmen 20. Scarab

Species details can be found on the following pages.

Fig. 1

• Crawl
There are 4 types of movement. • Fly
When flying, your wings unfold to take • Burrow
up 3 cm space, 1 cm on your right and
left. You can only fly for 1 minute at a • Swim
time. After 1 minute you have 10
seconds to get to the ground or risk taking damage from the
fall equal to your height in cm.
During combat, you may use an action to move using 1
movement type. You can split your movement throughout
your turn. (See Combat for information about using actions)


Promote: Might Promote: Defense

Lethal Instincts: Promote your Bonus: +1 Emblems, Slots and
first attack each turn. Resolve.
Crawl: 5 cm Burrow: 2 cm Rude Surprise: As an action
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 3 cm you can make a D10 chemical
blast against each creature
within a 3 cm cone (defend as
normal). Once you use this
ability you cannot use it again
Promote: Agility until you complete a Safe or
Risky rest.
Sting: d8 melee weapon
Crawl: 5 cm Burrow: 2 cm
Crawl: 3 cm Burrow: 2 cm Fly: 3 cm Swim: 0 cm
Fly: 6 cm Swim: 0 cm

Promote: Might
Promote Might
Core Strength: +1 on any might
Horns or Jaws: d8 melee checks you make to push, pull,
weapon lift or throw things.
Crawl: 5 cm Burrow: 3 cm Construction Expert: Promote
Fly: 3 cm Swim: 1 cm Intellect checks made to
identify secret doors or traps.
Crawl: 5 cm Burrow: 5 cm
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 0 cm

Promote: Agility Promote: Might
Jump: While crawling crickets Spit Fire: D8 Ranged attack.
can jump 4 cm through the air. Spicy: Demote any damage you
Sonic Kick: D6 melee attack, or take from fire or heat.
D8 if you made a jump action Crawl: 5 Burrow: 5
right before it. Max damage gives Fly: 0 Swim: 0
you an extra action this turn.
Crawl: 8 cm Burrow: 1 cm
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 0 cm

Promote: Presence
Bonus: +3 Emblems, Slots and
Promote: Defense
Thick: Promote maximum
Bonus: +1 Emblems, Slots and starting HP.
Slime Trail: While crawling you
Survivor: Whenever you would can produce a trail of slime at
gain resolve in a contest, you will. Any non-Slug or non-Snail
may choose to restore D4 HP creature who attempts to crawl
instead. through your trail must succeed
Roach Body: Your flat dense on a moderate agility contest or
body can squeeze through get stuck in the slime for 1
openings as narrow as ¼ cm, and round, immediately ending their
you take -1 damage from cold, turn on a failure.
heat, poison and chemicals. Crawl: 4 Burrow: 0
Crawl: 5 cm Burrow: 4 cm Fly: 0 Swim: 3
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 0 cm

Promote: Intellect
Bonus: +3 Emblems, Slots and
Resolve. Promote: Intellect
Long Legs: +1 cm on melee Bonus: +2 Emblems, Slots and
attacks, and you can attack over Resolve.
or around another creature or Disguise: As an action you can
obstacle. disguise yourself to appear as
Crawl: 7 Burrow: 0 another bug.
Fly: 0 Swim: 1 Haltiers: While flying, you
provoke no opportunity attacks.
Crawl: 3 Burrow: 0
Fly: 5 Swim: 0
Promote: Agility
Dive Bomb: While flying,
promote your first melee attack
each turn against a crawling or Promote Agility
swimming creature.
Jump: While crawling Jumping
Haltiers: While flying, you Spiders can jump 4 cm through
provoke no opportunity attacks. the air
Crawl: 3 Burrow: 0 Dragline: Jumping spiders can
Fly: 7 Swim: 0 leave a dragline of silk that can
catch them in a fall.
Crawl: 8 cm Burrow: 1 cm
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 0 cm

Promote: Presence
Bonus: +3 Emblems, Slots and
Glow: Can light up at will,
distracting the unwary and
drawing attention
Crawl: 4 cm Burrow: 0 cm
Fly: 5 cm Swim: 0 cm
Promote: Intellect
Bonus: +2 Emblems, Slots and
Promote: Presence Magician: Can create small
illusions at will with an action.
Bonus: +2 Emblems, Slots and No light, sound or smell.
Crawl: 4 cm Burrow: 0 cm
Monarchs Blessing: As an
action you can touch a living Fly: 5 cm Swim: 0 cm
wounded creature and roll their
Might die to restore that much
HP. Once you use this ability
you cannot use it again until
you complete either a Safe or Promote: Defense
Risky rest. Bonus: +1 Emblems, Slots &
Crawl: 4 Burrow: 0 Resolve.
Fly: 5 Swim: 0 Shell: +1 Defense. Whenever
you roll max success on a
defense check, gain 1 resolve.
Crawl: 4 Burrow: 0
Fly: 0 Swim: 4

Promote: Intellect
Bonus: +3 Emblems, Slots &
Sticky Webs: You can create
threads of sticky silk as strong as
fiber. In the right place with
appropriate time you can use
these webs to lay non-lethal
Crawl: 6 cm Burrow: 1 cm Promote: Presence
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 1 cm Bonus: +2 Emblems, Slots &
Scarab Charm: Once each day
you can charm a non-knight
creature for 1 hour. Promote any
Promote Defense presence check made to persuade
Bonus: +1 Emblems, Slots & or deceive the charmed creature.
Resolve. Attempting to harm the creature
will end this effect immediately.
Roll Up: Pill bugs can roll up
defensively. It costs 1 action to Crawl: 4 cm Burrow: 2 cm
roll up. You get an additional +1 Fly: 3 cm Swim: 0 cm
defense when rolled up. When
rolled up you can only use the
following actions:
Unroll, and Rolling Attack:
Costs 2 actions. Use your crawl
speed in a straight line. Make a
d6 agility attack or a d10 agility
attack when rolling down hill.
Crawl: 5 cm Burrow: 6 cm
Fly: 0 cm Swim: 0 cm

To determine starting Maximum Health roll your Might die 4
times and sum the highest 2.
When you take damage, reduce your Health by the amount of
damage you took.

As a Knight you have had an experience of great stress,

willfulness, or deep meditation that has caused you to
become a traveling Knight. Creatures call this a “Call to
Knighthood” or simply a “Calling.” Players must describe the
moment of their Knight’s “Calling.” This can be done in three
steps: Before, Then, and Seeks. If your roll doesn’t appeal to
you, feel free to make up your own Call to Knighthood.

What was your Knight doing
before their Calling?
1. Aphid Rancher
2. Leaftop Troubadour
3. Mosslight Scholar
4. Lichen Sculptor
5. Cloverden Council Bug
6. Fungal Farmer

What does your knight seek

because of their calling?
1. Revenge against the
What caused everything to perpetrators
2. Prevent others from
1. Toxic flood feeling your pain
2. Locust Invasion 3. Healing what was
3. Inferno
4. Escape from your sorrow
4. Betrayal by a friend
5. Meaning from the event
5. Curse of Killing Frost
6. Collecting the displaced
6. Cruel coup

If your roll doesn’t interest you, feel free to pick another or

create your own background. Your background may provide
advantages during play if you can describe how.

You begin with 1 Special Item. Roll d4 for a descriptor group
and d4 for a descriptor. Then roll d4 for a special item group
and d4 for a special item. Each item includes a benefit when
worn or wielded. You are encouraged to consider creative
ways to use Special Items and their characteristics. The
Arbiter may allow you to Promote a roll as a result.

1. Mossy (+1 Presence) 1. Leaf (+1 Presence)

2. Moldy (+1 Intellect) 2. Crystal (+1 Intellect)
3. Bark (+1 Defense) 3. Rusty (+1 Might)
4. Ceramic (+1 Emblem 4. Carapace (+1 Emblem
slots) slots)

1. Wing (+1 Agility) 1. Silken (+1 Presence)

2. Root (+1 Max Resolve) 2. Waxy (+1 Agility)
3. Claw (+1 Might) 3. Webbed (+1 Defense)
4. Antenna (+1 Intellect) 4. Stone (+1 Might)

1. Sword (d8) 1. Circlet (+1 Emblem and
2. Scimitar (d10) Slot, +2 Max. Resolve)
3. Mace (d12) 2. Amulet (+4 Max. Resolve)
4. Dagger (d6, +1 Emblem 3. Wand (+2 Emblems and
and Slot, +2 Max. Slots, +4 Max. Resolve)
Resolve) 4. Staff (d8, +1 Emblem and
Slot, +2 Max. Resolve)

1. Musical Instrument (+2 1. Boots (+1 to movement

Emblems and Slots, +4 types)
Max. Resolve) 2. Bow and arrows (Ranged,
2. Cape (+1 Emblem and d10)
Slot, +2 Max. Resolve) 3. Knives (Roll d4+d4 for
3. Jewelry Set (+2 Max. each attack, cannot be
Resolve) demoted)
4. Mask (+2 Emblems and 4. Shellarang (Ranged, d8,
Slots, +4 Max. Resolve) +1 Emblem and Slot, +2
Max. Resolve)

During your adventures you may find places where you can
enhance your weapon. When you do, roll an additional
descriptor for your item.

Resolve is what Knights use to tap into the powers of their
magical Emblems.
MAX RESOLVE - By default, all Knights have a maximum
resolve of 3. It can be increased with Special Items and
GAINING RESOLVE - Whenever you roll a tie during a
Contest a new opportunity presents itself and you gain 1
USING RESOLVE - You may use Resolve to activate your
Emblems (see “Emblems”). During combat, this takes 1
action or happens when you roll a tie instead of gaining
REST RECHARGE - During a Safe Rest, your Resolve
recharges to your Max Resolve. During a Risky Rest, your
Resolve recharges to half of your Max Resolve, rounded

Emblems are small badges or trinkets that are sources of
power to Knights and other creatures. You must attune to
them in order to activate them, then you may expend Resolve
to activate them. On your journey you will find Emblems
traded, concealed, or wielded.
STARTING EMBLEMS - By default, all Knights begin with 2
Emblems. To determine each Emblem, roll d6 for a power
group and a d8 on the Starting Emblems table. You may re-
roll if you get the same Emblem twice.
ATTUNEMENT SLOTS - To begin, can attune to 2 Emblems
using attunement slots. Roll on the Emblems table for two
Emblems. Emblems can be switched in and out of attunement
or traded with other Players during a safe rest.
ATTUNING EMBLEMS - You may switch your Emblems
with others you find in your travels. To do this you must rest
in a safe place overnight. If you have an empty Attunement
Slot, you may attune to a new Emblem while resting in a safe
place overnight.
USING EMBLEMS - Emblems use 1 (♦), 2 (♦♦), or 3
(♦♦♦) actions and Resolve to activate. You may have an
active Emblem for each Attunement Slot you possess. Once
an Emblem is used, it cannot be reused without ending it’s
effect. You may end an Emblem’s effect early at any time
with a thought.
CASTING DIE - Some Emblems mention the use of a
“Casting Die.” This is your Presence or Intellect, whichever
is higher.

sound. It is revealed as an
illusion when touched.
1. Blinding Beam. ♦ Range 8. Heal. ♦♦ Range 5 cm.
12 cm. A creature of your Roll Casting. Heal one
choosing cannot see on target creature by the
their next turn. result.
2. Healing Light. ♦ Range
touch. A creature you can
touch heals by 1d4 HP.
1. Imbue fire. ♦ Range 6 cm.
3. Revealing Light. ♦ Range Imbue a weapon or item
6 cm radius. Any hiding with a layer of flame.
creatures within 6 cm of Flammable targets catch
you are revealed to you. fire. Weapons gain +2 to
4. Blinding Burst. ♦ Range 6 attacks within the next 3
cm. A bright burst of light rounds.
distracts all creatures 2. Imbue stone. ♦ Range 6
within 3 cm for 1 round. cm. Target creature or item
Each affected creature gains +2 to defense for the
demotes melee, ranged, or next 3 rounds.
spell attacks for 1 round.
3. Imbue water. ♦ Range 6
5. Shadow. ♦ Range self. You cm. Target creature is
are shrouded in darkness. washed with a sudden
Melee or Ranged Attacks splash of water. Flame is
against you are demoted for doused and paint or residue
3 rounds or until you are away.
4. Imbue air. ♦ Range 6 cm.
6. Extinguish. ♦ Range 12 Target creature is
cm radius. Turn off any enveloped in swirling air.
light sources you can see Attacks against the target
within 12 cm for 3 rounds. are demoted for 2 rounds.
The light sources turns
back on after Extinguish 5. Imbue lightning. ♦♦
ends. Range 3 cm line. Target
weapon shoots a straight 6
7. Illusion. ♦ Range 6 cm. cm long beam of lightning
Create an illusion that is on its next attack. When
1/2 cm or smaller. It cannot the weapon is next used,
move but it can cast a dim make a single attack roll.
light and make a faint All creatures in the beam

roll defense against the result 3. Push. ♦ Range 1 cm.
of the roll attack roll and Push the target 3 cm
take damage accordingly. away from you. The target
6. Earth shape. ♦ Range 5 cm. does not get a reaction
Move a 1 cm cube of earth for 1 turn.
within 5 cm into any shape. 4. Slow. ♦ Range 12 cm.
7. Spark. ♦♦ Range 5 cm. A 1 One target within 12 cm
cm diameter spherical flame has their movement cut in
appears within 1 cm of a half for three turns.
target within range. Make an 5. Pull. ♦ Range 10 cm.
attack roll using Casting vs. Target creature within 10
the target’s Agility. Spark cm is pulled towards you
persists in place for 1 turn. If by 3 cm. They get -1
a creature ends their turn action on their next turn.
within 1 cm, make an attack
roll using Casting vs. the 6. Gravity Ring. ♦♦ Range
target’s Agility. 6 cm. The area of effect is
2 cm in radius and 6 cm
8. Pins. ♦ Range 20 cm. 4 pins tall cylinder centered on
shoot up 4 targets within a point within range. Any
range. Attack with d6 for creatures within the area
each pin. of effect are pulled
towards the earth by 6
7. Primal burst. ♦♦ Range
1. Vibrate. ♦ Range 2 cm. Roll 2 cm radius. Any creature
Casting vs. Might. On a around you within 2 cm is
success, the target drops pushed rapidly back 2 cm.
what they hold in their claws. They do not take an
If the target is an object, it attack of opportunity
vibrates. If the object is from you.
fragile, it may break. 8. Crack ♦♦♦ Range 5 cm
2. Bind. ♦ Range 12 cm. radius. Make a single
Adhere two touching items attack roll with Casting.
together within 12 cm of the All creatures within range
target. This lasts 3 rounds. roll Might against the
With 2 actions, any creature result.
may pull the items apart.

8. Gnat ♦♦ Permanently
enchant a passing gnat as a
companion with d4 for
1. Vine. ♦ Range 6 cm. The stats and 2 health. Max. 2
target within range is gnats.
entangled in a vine. They
get -1 actions on their next
2 turns.
2. Poison protection. ♦
Range touch. Target cannot 1. Stun. ♦ Range 1 cm. A
be poisoned for 10 turns or target within range cannot
they are cured of poison. attack on their next turn.
3. Rotting visage. ♦ Range 2. Diminish. ♦ Range 6 cm.
10 cm. A target that can The target demotes their
see you must use 1 action attack die for 2 turns.
to move away from you in
fear with their full 3. Mind Lock. ♦ Range 6 cm.
movement on their next You and the target are
turn. psychically locked in place
for up to 3 turns. You may
4. Siphon. ♦ Range 2 cm. release the lock at any time.
Costs no resolve. Target
within range loses 2 The target may attempt to
Resolve. Another Target of break the lock at the end of
your choice within regains each of their turns by
2 Resolve. succeeding on a intellect vs
casting roll. While the lock
5. Antimagic Blip. ♦ Range 6 is active, neither you nor
cm. Cause an anti-magic the target can take any
field in a 1 cm radius
sphere around any spot actions.
within range for 1 turn. 4. Short teleport. ♦ Range 3
6. Bark shell. ♦ Range 3 cm. cm. You disappear and
Target creature within reappear at any point
range promotes their within range
defense die for 3 turns.
5. Delayed Luck. ♦ Range 6
7. Stink. ♦♦ Range 5 cm. cm. Promote and reroll any
Creatures you choose single roll you or an ally
within range roll Intellect make before the beginning
vs. Casting. On a failure of your next turn.
they cannot move towards
you. 6. Over Here. ♦ Range any

creature you can see. Pick a Target creature within
creature that can see you. It range doesn’t demote
fixates on you. It cannot ranged attacks for 2
make opportunity attacks for rounds.
the next 2 rounds.
4. Rush. ♦ Range 3 cm.
7. Incorporeal. ♦♦ Become a Target creature within
shadow of yourself for 10 range gets 1 extra action
seconds. Take no damage for 2 rounds that can be
from non-magical attacks for used for melee or ranged
10 seconds. You can move attacks.
through walls.
5. Diminishing attack. ♦♦
8. Charm. ♦♦ Creatures you Range 5 cm. The target
choose within 2 cm roll demotes their defense die
Intellect against your for 1 turn. Make a melee
Casting. On a failure or a tie, or ranged attack.
they are susceptible to your
non-lethal suggestions. Lasts 6. Distracting attack. ♦♦
5 turns, targets can Roll Range 3 cm. The target
Intellect against your Casting gets -1 actions next turn.
at the end of each of their Make a melee or ranged
turns to break the charm. attack.
They know they have been 7. Extend ♦ Range self. For
charmed after the Emblem’s 1 turn, your melee attacks
effect ends. reach 2 cm instead of 1
8. Divebomb. ♦♦♦ Range
self. Can only be cast in
1. Weapon master. ♦ Range the air. Slam with your
self. For your next melee or weapon straight down to
ranged attack, roll your the ground to attack all
attack die 3 times and sum creatures within 1cm of
the results. your landing. Make an
attack roll against against
2. Confidence. ♦ Range 3 cm. each creature’s defense in
Target creature within range range. Any creature
doesn’t demote melee attacks directly under you takes
for 2 rounds. 2x your attack die. Fragile
3. Keen eye. ♦ Range 3 cm. ground breaks on impact.

Roll d12 twice for Equipment.
You may pick either a Ranged or a Melee weapon
• Melee. You may pick a Melee weapon with a die less than
your Might or Agility or the Splinter by default.
• Ranged. You may pick a Ranged weapon with a die less
than your Agility or Intellect or the Sling by default.
You can use Melee weapons equal to or beneath your Might
or Agility and Ranged weapons equal to or beneath your
Agility or Intellect. Trade or search for better weapons.
Make your weapon unique by adding your own description
while keeping the damage the same.

1. Acorn Canteen 1. Splinter - d4
2. Fiber, 10 cm 2. Needle - d6
3. Reflective stone 3. Thorn - d8
4. Sap Glue 4. Mantis Blade - d10
5. Spider web net 5. Talon - d12
6. Reed Flute 6. Obsidian - d20
7. Chalk, 10
8. Bag of Ashes
9. Sack
1. Sling - d4
10. Proboscis straw
2. Blow dart - d6
11. Lodestone
3. Shellarang - d8
12. Leaf cards
4. Javelin - d10
5. Seeds of the
Flying Blade - d12

When attempting something uncertain do a Contest roll. A
Player and the Arbiter both roll a die to determine the
outcome. If the Player’s roll beats the Arbiter’s roll, the
Player succeeds.

There are three main types of Contests.

• CHALLENGE CONTESTS - When a Player tries
something challenging, the Arbiter rolls a Challenge Die
for the task. For Challenge Dice, d4 is very easy, d6 is
easy, d8 is moderate, d10 is somewhat difficult, d12 is
difficult, d20 is heroic, and d100 is epic.
• CREATURE CONTESTS - Contests can occur between
two creatures. I.e. Grappling is a Might vs. Might contest.
Both creatures roll their Might die and the higher result
• COMBAT - See “Combat.”

For all Contests, the following rules apply.

SUCCESS/FAILURE - When the creature’s die is higher than
the opposing die, the action is successful. Less, and the
action is unsuccessful.
face uncertainty over a task, they can automatically succeed
without rolling a contest. Similarly, an impossible task will
automatically fail.
MAX. SUCCESS/FAILURE - When the creature’s die hits its
maximum value the creature gains an unexpected advantage.
When the opposite is true, the creature gains an unexpected

TIE - On a tie, the creature’s attempt fails, but a new
opportunity presents itself and you gain 1 Resolve (see
Resolve). I.e. You try to pick-pocket a Nightwing Moth but tie
during the Contest and draw the attention of the Moth without
succeeding. Due to the tie, the Moth doesn’t seem to notice that
you were stealing and asks, “Say, don’t I know you from
ASSIST - A Player may choose to assist another creature who
is attempting an action. Before the other creature makes a
Contest roll, the assisting Player must describe how they
intend to help. If the Arbiter approves, the Player can roll the
relevant Ability Die, demoted once, and add the result to the
other creature’s Contest roll. During combat, this occurs as a
Reaction to another creature’s action.

INITIATIVE - Combat happens in turns. Each turn is 10
seconds. To determine turn order, all combatants roll Agility.
Sort the combatants in descending order. In the case of a tie,
the Knight with the highest Agility goes first, otherwise roll
Agility for a tie breaker.
ACTIONS - During combat each creature has 3 actions from
the list below each turn. Creatures may use the same action
up to 3 times, but must temporarily Demote the die used for
each additional action.
• MOVE - Creatures may use an action to use 1 movement
type; Crawl, Fly, Burrow, or Swim depending on their
ability (See Movement). You can split your movement
throughout your turn. The Distance you can travel is
reduced by 2 cm each time you use the same movement
during 1 turn. If this would take your movement to or
below 0, you cannot move using that movement type this
turn. I.e. My Fly speed is 4 and my Crawl speed is 6. I use
1 action to fly 4 cm, then I use another action to Crawl,
so now I can only crawl 4 cm.
• ATTACK - When attacking, the attacker rolls their
Damage Die, and the defender rolls their Defense Die. If
the Damage exceeds the Defense, subtract the difference
from the defender’s Health. If the Attack roll is less than
the Defense roll, the attack fails. A tie follows the Tie
rules. I.e. The attacker rolls a d6 and gets 5. The defender
rolls a d8 and gets 3, so the defender takes 5-3 = 2
• MELEE ATTACKS - Melee attacks are close-combat
attacks using melee weapons such as such as swords or
maces. To make a melee attack you must be within 1 cm
of your target.

• RANGED ATTACKS - Ranged attacks are attacks from a
distance with ranged weapons such as a bow and arrows
or a shellarang. To make a melee attack you must be over
1 cm away from your target and under 12 cm from your
target. If your target is 1 cm away, demote your ranged
• ACTIVATE EMBLEM - You may use Resolve to activate
an Emblem (See Emblems).
• DISENGAGE - You may use 1 action to Disengage. After
doing so, you may use the Move action without receiving
an Opportunity Attack from nearby enemies.
• ABILITY CONTEST - During combat you may use 1
action to attempt something with an uncertain outcome
that would require an Contest roll. I.e. Lifting a boulder
REACTIONS - Some abilities are triggered when another
creature takes an action. Each turn you have 1 reaction.
• ASSIST - A Player can assist another creature who is
attempting an action during combat. See “Assist” under
“Contests” for more information.
• OPPORTUNITY ATTACKS - When a creature is within 1
cm of an enemy and moves away, the enemy gets to do one
melee attack.
SPEAKING - You can speak in short phrases without
expending an action.
FLANKING - When two allies are on opposite sides, and
within 1 cm, of an enemy both creatures promote their Melee
RISKY REST - After resting Rather than advancing in
for a few hours in a wild and level like you would in
dangerous place you heal by traditional RPGs, Knights
your Might die rolled twice. gain more power by gaining
Recover half of your Resolve. new Special Items, enhancing
SAFE REST - After resting their existing items, and
for a few hours in a safe and gaining new Emblems on their
homey place you heal travels. Arbiters should
completely. Recover all provide many opportunities
Resolve. You may attune to for players to find these
different Emblems. throughout the dense forest

When you die, if you choose

to, your spirit collects into a
glowing marble attached to
your forehead. Other players
may return this marble to a
welcoming home and revive
you with a prayer.

HP 8. DEF d8.
MIG d8. INT d4. PRE d4. AGI d6.
Crawl 4 cm. Swim 2 cm.
Rabid hungry besties that grow in
piles upon rotting material. Their tiny
cute voices rarely make any sense
except when they start chanting “Eat!
Eat! Eat!”
Nibble 3d4.
Consume 3d6. If maggots succeed in
grapple contests or cover their
HP 12. DEF d8. target the maggots may attack with
Consume. -1 Resolve for each turn
MIG d12. INT d8. PRE d6. AGI d8. covered. Multiple swarms can pile
upon the same target.
Crawl 6 cm. Burrow 3 cm.
A goliath territorial hunter who can
be reasoned with but not trusted.
Claims dominion over all in it’s land.
Bite d12.
Trample 3d4.
Resolve 4.

Distracting attack. ♦♦ Range 3

cm. The target gets -1 actions next
turn. Centipede makes a melee or
ranged attack.

HP 12. DEF d8. Shadow. ♦ Lurking Cicada is
shrouded in darkness and may
disengage without an additional
MIG d12. INT d6. PRE d6. AGI d8. action. Melee or Ranged Contests
against it is demoted for 3 rounds.
Crawl 2 cm. Fly 6 cm when molted.
Burrow 6 cm when a nymph. Shriek. ♦♦ (Molted only) Each
creature within 15 cm rolls a Might
As a nymph this hungry predator contest against Lurking Cicada’s
burrows under ground sensing its prey Intellect.
through the ground. Once it molts its
exoskeleton, its wings allow it to fly Molt. ♦♦♦ (Nymph only) Break
and attack quickly. Adult cicadas out of the Nymph shell to become a
desire one thing, true love. fully formed Cicada. Restore all
Bite d12.

Claws 2d8.

Resolve 6.

Deep in the rotting log that is the
Millipede’s fortress, a disease spreads
like wildfire, no one knows the
source. Perhaps they discovered
something left by the Termites long
ago? Innocent Flies have been
disappearing, many seem to know
something, but are too scared to
speak. All the while, moss covers once
clean nests. Mantises have suddenly
begun uncharacteristically blocking
all passage through their territory.
All, that is, but the strongest diggers.
Unexplained phenomena and
deep history permeate the worlds of
Beetle Knight with a cast of every bug
imaginable and each of their distinct
cultures. As members of the ancient
order of Knights you are driven by
honor, or obligation, to investigate
the mysteries of the realm.
The world is a patchwork of
territories. Every meter of land is
spoken for and every one has several
ancestral claimants. Whose path will
you cross? What will their need be?

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