Senior Survey Spring Semester - Google Forms

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4/15/24, 6:11 PM Senior Survey (Spring Semester)

Senior Survey (Spring Semester)

Dear Senior,

Congratulations on nearing the end of your high school journey! As you prepare to embark on the next
chapter of your life, we would greatly appreciate your feedback to help us understand how you are
feeling about your post-secondary plans. Your responses will remain confidential and will be used to
improve our support systems for future seniors.

Thank you for your participation!

- SEA Counseling Team

* Indicates required question

1. Name (Last Name, First Name) *

2. What are your current post-secondary plans? *

Mark only one oval.

Attending a four-year college/university

Attending a two-year community college

Joining the workforce

Enlisting in the military

Taking a gap year/traveling

Other: 1/4
4/15/24, 6:11 PM Senior Survey (Spring Semester)

3. How do you feel emotionally about your post-secondary plans? *

Mark only one oval.







4. Are there any specific concerns or anxieties you have about your post-secondary plans? *
Please describe:

5. On a scale of 1 to 5, how prepared do you feel for your chosen post-secondary path? *

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Not prepared at all Extremely prepared 2/4
4/15/24, 6:11 PM Senior Survey (Spring Semester)

6. I can effectively manage my personal finances including budgeting, paying bills, and saving *
for the future.

Mark only one oval.

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

7. How confident are you in prioritizing tasks and managing your time effectively? Please rate
yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being 'Not at all' and 5 being 'Extremely well.

Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Not at all Extremely Well

8. You've had a rough first semester in college. You got sick once. You miss home. Your *
classes are harder than you expected. Everyone on social media looks like they're loving
college. What should I do?

Mark only one oval.

Acknowledge feelings

Seek support

Find Balance

Adjust expectations

All of the above 3/4
4/15/24, 6:11 PM Senior Survey (Spring Semester)

9. At first, your roommate asks to borrow your stuff (your shampoo, your school supplies, *
your clothes, etc.), but then they eventually stop asking. You're starting to get frustrated.
What should I do?

Mark only one oval.

Set boundaries

Address the situation

Find alternatives (label your stuff)

Seek help from resident advisor

All of the above

10. What are some topics you would like to further your knowledge on, in thinking about *
graduating high school and continuing your post-secondary journey? Click all that apply.

Check all that apply.

Financial literacy skills, including budgeting and understanding financial aid.

Time management and organizational skills to balance academic, work, and personal
Problem-solving skills to navigate challenges and make informed decisions.
Emotional intelligence and self-awareness to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain
mental well-being.
Interpersonal skills for building positive relationships, collaborating with others, and resolving
Career exploration and awareness of various career paths, industries, and job opportunities.
Skills for resume writing, interviewing, and professional networking.


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