Module 9 Web Page Designing

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Module 9:
Web Page Designing

2 Basic Web Page Creation

The purpose of this module is to introduce the web-based application so that

the learners can understand more about the design of a website. The learners will
also learn about the use of web-based applications.

What’s In

Assessing Web design

Directions: In this activity, you will study a given Web page to assess how the
developer applied concepts of Website design. After studying, write your
answers to the questions below on your answer sheet.
NOTE: The questions posed in this activity are intended to help
understand the discussion.

1. Does the design of the Web page deliver an appropriate message to users?

2. What message do you think it delivers?


3. The main goal in Web design is giving users what they want, instead of what
the developer thinks they want. Do you think this page achieves that goal?
Why or why not?
What’s New

Directions: Write down 3 things that you think a website can do.


What is It

What does Web Page mean?

A Web page is a document for the World Wide Web that can be accessed and
displayed on a monitor or smartphone using any web browser. Web pages are made
up of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and can be created and modified by using
basic application like Notepad and professional HTML editors.

HTML is Easy to Learn and Use

HTML is easy to learn and understand. For someone who wants to learn web
development, HTML is the first and foremost computer language that you need to
take note but do not worry, it is not a sensitive case and as simple as it is. It already
has some tags that serve a specific purpose to make. One can easily understand
others’ code and make changes in it when required without reading a whole book of
a manual. Moreover, it does not throw any error or create any problem like other
programming languages do when the developer forgets to close the tags or makes
mistakes in coding.

HTML is Free
One of the biggest advantages of HTML is that it is free of all cost and there is no
need to purchase specific software for it to be used.
Online Website Builder - Easy Use of Drag-And-Drop Interface
For those who love to make changes to their website, a drag-and-drop interface is

WYSIWYG is the acronym for What You See Is What You Get. This means that
whatever you will type, insert, draw, place, rearrange, or whatever you do on a web
page is what the audience will see. Just like using the Microsoft Word, WYSIWYG
shows and prints whatever you will type on the screen.

• HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
• HTML describes the structure of a web page
• HTML consists of a series of elements
• HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
• HTML elements are represented by TAGS
• HTML TAGS label pieces of content such as “heading”, “paragraph”, “table”
and so on...
• Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content
of the page

Requirements in creating a web page using the html

1. Editor – using the Notepad (source
code) in text and extension name -
.html or .htm.

2. Browser – responsible for

reading HTML instruction
and displaying the web page
output. (ex. Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
Google Chrome)

Creating a Website Using Notepad

Web pages can be created and modified using professional HTML editors. However,
in learning HTML, it is better to use a simple text editor like Notepad.
Follow the steps below to create your first web page with Notepad.

Step 1: Open Notepad

For Windows 8 or above computers:

a. Open the Start Screen (the window symbol at the bottom left on your
b. Search and open the Notepad

Step 2: Write the following HTML:


<title> My First Website </title>
<h1> Hello World </h1>

HTML document is divided into two main sections the head and the body.
Each section contains specific information. The head section contains information
about the documents like title, search engine or keywords but is not visible to the
reader. The body section contains the information or content that you want to appear
on the web page.

Step 3: Save the HTML Page

Save the file on your computer. Select File > Save as in the Notepad menu.

Name the file "MyfirstWebsite.html"

Step 4: View the HTML Page in Your Browser

Open the saved HTML file in your browser (double click on the file, or right-click -
and choose "Open with").

Creating a Website Using an Online Website Builder is a WYSIWYG cloud-based web development platform that was first

developed and popularized by the Israeli company also called Wix. It allows users to
create websites and mobile sites through the use of online drag-and-drop tools.

For this topic, you will create your own personal

website that focuses on your passion or hobby.

1. Create an account on Wix through their website and click GET
2. Select “Create a New Site” from the drop down menu in the top right corner of the
dashboard. Once it’s clicked, Wix will ask what type of website do you want to
create. There are options for everyone, from online stores to personal portfolios.

3. Customize your website with the Wix Editor.

Once you select a template, you can be able to customize it in the Wix Editor
using simple drag-and-drop editing.

4. Update the Texts and Images

At this point, you can get to see a preview page of your chosen template. This is
where you can play around with simple but brilliant editing features, like the drag-
and-drop design and text boxes.

5. Personalize the Background

If small images are still not enough, you can also change your template background.
The left-hand sidebar features a ‘Background’ button, which you can use to click and
change with ease.

6. Add Pages

Once you created a stunning homepage, there are few other more pages you can add
to ensure that your website has everything visitors are looking for. For example,
make sure to include a “Home”, “About” and a “Contact Us” page.
7. Publish your Wix website

To make your website publicly accessible, you need to publish it. To do so, click
“Publish” from the top menu. However, before Wix will publish your site, the last step
in the process is to create your own subdomain or connect a custom domain. For a
serious website, you should connect your own custom domain name, rather than
using a Wix subdomain.

What’s More

Activity 1.1 Adding Content to Your Website

It is now the time to add the content to your website. Here are some site pages and
elements that you should add:
1. Home Page Content – entice your visitors with contents like photos of your
hobby or interest plus text content.
2. About Me/Contact – add a page containing a form element which allows
visitors to email you. You may also add links to your social media accounts.
3. Photo Gallery – a page that contains photos from your social media
4. Community – a page that contains links to ten of your classmates’ websites
including a short description.
What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete each sentence with information from the module. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. HTML is short for __________ and is the language of the World Wide Web.
2. HTML web pages can be read and rendered by _________.
3. Tags and texts that are directly displayed on the page are written in _____
4. __________ site is a creation tool which enables you to create web pages directly
on the web host's computer with drag-and drop function.
5. __________ is a single online document that contains information.

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question. Write the letter of your
answer on a separate sheet.
1. What section that holds the most of the page's information or content?
2. What application used to convert HTML codes and display the webpage
a. Browser c. Internet Explorer
b. Text Editor d. Source
3. What web page editors works on a ____ principle.
a. www c. WYSIWYG
b. HTML d. Browser
4. What is the name of the address of the hypertext documents?
a. URL c. domain name
b. Server d. Web address
5. What are shared on the Internet and are called as Web pages?
a. Programs c. Hypertext documents
b. Cables d. None
6. Which tag is used to display text in title bar of a web document?
a. Body tag c. Meta Tag
b. Title Tag d. Head Tag
7. What computer language that instructs the browser on how to display the
hypertext, and adds pictures to the document is __?
a. Browser c. Internet Explorer
b. Text Editor d. HTML
8. What does HTML stand for?
a. Hypertext Markup Language c. Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
b. Home Tool Markup Language d. None of the above
9. What is the correct sequence of HTML tags for starting a webpage?
10. What does markup tags tell the web browser?
a. How to organize the page c. How to display message box on page
b. How to display the page d. None of these
11. Which of the following tags is the start of web pages?
a. <Body> c. <HTML>
b. <Title> d. <Form>
12. Which one of these is the basic web-designing program?
a. Dreamweaver c. Notepad++
b. Wix d. Notepad
13. Which website tool enables you to create Web pages directly on the online
editor and automatically update the site, without the need to upload files?
a. An online site builder c. HTML
b. An offline site builder d. FTP content autoloader
14. Which of the following statements is false?
a. You can make a website without using HTML
b. You can make a website without using PHP
c. You can make a website without using CSS
d. You can make a website without using Javascript
15. Which of the following statements is true
a. It shouldn’t just be concerned about the looks but also about user
b. Usability is very important in web design
c. a and b
d. None of the above

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