User Guide

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User Operational Guide

HR Recruitment
Prepared for the Health & Family Welfare Department,
Government of West Bengal

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Purpose of this manual ............................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Who should use this manual ................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Structure of this manual .......................................................................................................... 3
2. Registration.............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Continue for Registration ........................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Process Flow ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Detailed Steps .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Screen Details .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Continue After Registration ..................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Process Flow ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.7 Detailed Steps .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.8 Screen Details .......................................................................................................................... 9
3. Payment ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Process Flow .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Detailed Steps ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.3 Screen Details ........................................................................................................................ 14
4. Filling up the Application form .............................................................................................. 19
4.1 Process Flow .......................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Detailed Steps ........................................................................................................................ 19
4.3 Screen Details ........................................................................................................................ 20

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this manual

This manual is designed to provide the User with an understanding of the „Online Application
System‟. The manual lists the various features and functions that are available whilst assisting
you in carrying out each task with step by step instructions and guidance. Visual screens are
captured to improve clarity and understanding of a function.

1.2 Who should use this manual

This manual is intended for Users looking to apply online for various posts in the Health
Department of Government of West Bengal.

1.3 Prerequisites

Users should have knowledge of using and navigating to a different „Tab‟ when required. Many
of the terms and functions however are common across the Software including buttons such as
„Submit‟, „Edit‟, „Update‟ and „View‟. Users will require having a basic understanding of using a
computer, keyboard and mouse. In addition, being able to understand basic functions of a web
browser will be beneficial as well as elements such as pop-up windows.

1.4 Structure of this manual

This manual will be organized in line with the Software menu screen and in the same
hierarchical structure. Chapters within this manual are sequenced in the same order as the main
menu headings and have the precise title names as the headings.

2. Registration
This is the place for those Candidates who are aspiring to serve in the health department of the
State Government of West Bengal. It is from here that these Candidates will be able to apply for
various posts in the Health department of the State Government of West Bengal.
In order to arrive at the home page of this application the Candidate will be required to type the
website address in any browser and search. The Candidate will be navigated to the „Home‟
page of “Online Application”.
This is the „Home Page‟

2.1 Continue for Registration

The Candidate after arriving at the home page will view the list of applications. The candidate
will select a post and click on „Continue for Registration‟ adjacent to it in the Register column.
Next he/she will be navigated to the application form. The candidate will fill in the details and
click on „save‟ to successfully submit the application and generate the „Application Id‟. Along
with the id a hyperlink message will be displayed asking the candidate to click on it to go on the
next stage that is Payment.

2.2 Process Flow

The candidate will select

The Candidate after a post and click on Next he/she will be
arriving at the home page ‘Continue for navigated to the
will view the list of Posts Registration’ adjacent to application form
it in the Register column

Along with the id a

The candidate will fill in
hyperlink message will be On submission the
the details and click on
displayed asking the ‘Application Id’ will be
‘save’ to successfully
candidate to click on it to generated
submit the application
go on the next stage.

2.3 Detailed Steps

 The Candidate after arriving at the home page will view the list of Posts.
 The candidate will select a post and click on „Continue for Registration‟ adjacent to it in
the Register column.
 Next he/she will be navigated to the application form.
 The candidate will fill in the details and click on „save‟ to successfully submit the
 On submission the „Application Id‟ will be generated.
 Along with the id a hyperlink message will be displayed asking the candidate to click on
it to go on the next stage that is Payment.

2.4 Screen Details
The Candidate after arriving at the home page will view the list of Posts.

The candidate will select a post and click on „Continue for Registration‟ adjacent to it in the
Register column.

Next he/she will be navigated to the application form. The candidate will fill in the details and
click on „save‟ to successfully submit the application.

On submission the „Application Id‟ will be generated. Along with the id a hyperlink message will
be displayed asking the candidate to click on it to go on the next stage that is Payment.

2.5 Continue After Registration
The candidate will find this option in the „Applicant Login‟ column adjacent to „Register‟ column
on the Home Page. The candidate on selecting this option will be navigated to a table where he
/she would be asked to fill in the generated „Application Id‟ and date of birth. It may happen that
the candidate forgets the Application Id. In such cases the there is an option below „Forget
Application ID‟ with a small box beside it. The candidate clicks on this box and another table
opens where the candidate is asked to enter his/her name, date of birth and registered mobile
no. On entering the details and clicking on Submit a pop up appears with the Application Id. On
filling up the Application Id and date of birth the candidate is navigated to Payment.

2.6 Process Flow

It may happen that the

The candidate will find The candidate on selecting
candidate forgets the
this option in the this option will be navigated
Application Id. In such
‘Applicant Login’ column to a table where he /she
cases the there is an
adjacent to ‘Register’ would be asked to fill in the
option below ‘Forget
column on the Home generated ‘Application Id’
Application ID’ with a
Page and date of birth
small box beside it.

The candidate clicks on

On entering the details this box and another
On filling up the
and clicking on Submit a table opens where the
Application Id and date
pop up appears with the candidate is asked to
of birth the candidate is
Application Id enter his/her name,
navigated to Payment
date of birth and
registered mobile no.

2.7 Detailed Steps

 The candidate will find this option in the „Applicant Login‟ column adjacent to „Register‟
column on the Home Page.
 The candidate on selecting this option will be navigated to a table where he /she would
be asked to fill in the generated „Application Id‟ and date of birth.
 It may happen that the candidate forgets the Application Id. In such cases the there is an
option below „Forget Application ID‟ with a small box beside it.
 The candidate clicks on this box and another table opens where the candidate is asked
to enter his/her name, date of birth and registered mobile no.
 On entering the details and clicking on Submit a pop up appears with the Application Id.
 On filling up the Application Id and date of birth the candidate is navigated to Payment.

2.8 Screen Details
The candidate will find this option in the „Applicant Login‟ column adjacent to „Register‟ column
on the Home Page.

The candidate on selecting this option will be navigated to a table where he /she would be
asked to fill in the generated „Application Id‟ and date of birth.

It may happen that the candidate forgets the Application Id. In such cases the there is an option
below „Forget Application ID‟ with a small box beside it. The candidate clicks on this box and
another table opens where the candidate is asked to enter his/her name, date of birth and
registered mobile no.

On entering the details and clicking on Submit a pop up appears with the Application Id.

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On filling up the Application Id and date of birth the candidate is navigated to Payment.

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3. Payment
This is the final stage of the application where the Candidate selects method of payment, pays
the amount and finalizes the application. The candidate can proceed to payment by either
clicking on the hyperlinked message that comes along with the generated Application Id or the
through Continue after Registration. Both are discussed above.

3.1 Process Flow

The candidate will click on
The candidate will click ok. The Candidate
Submit again.A popup is
will be redirected to the Application Id and
supposed to appear but it
Date of Birth submission page.
is blocked.

The User selects “Show

The candidate will The User is then ‘
select method of navigated to cantLogin/PaymentMode.aspx’” from
Payment payment options. options.

On successful
If the cndidate chooses payment the A popup will be
online payment he/she candidate will be dispalyed showing
will be navigated to Bill redirected to that the payment is
Desk Payment portal Applicaion Online done.

The candidate will If the candidate

take aprintout of chooses offline
the challan and go payment he/she will
nearest UBI to view the challan
complete payment.

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3.2 Detailed Steps
 The candidate will click ok.
 The Candidate will be redirected to the Application Id and Date of Birth submission page.
The candidate will click on Submit again.
 A popup is supposed to appear but it is blocked.
 The User selects “Show
„‟” from options.
 The User is then navigated to payment options.The candidate will select method of
 If the candidate chooses online payment he/she will be navigated to Bill Desk Payment
 On successful payment the candidate will be redirected to the „Application Online‟
 A popup will be displayed showing that the payment is done.
 If the candidate chooses offline payment he/she will view the challan.
 The candidate will take a printout of the challan and go nearest UBI to complete

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3.3 Screen Details
The candidate will click ok.

The Candidate will be redirected to the Application Id and Date of Birth submission page as the
popup is blocked. The candidate will click on Submit again.

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A popup is supposed to appear but it is blocked here.

The User selects “Show „‟”

from options to allow the pop up.

The User is then navigated to payment options.

15 | P a g e
If the candidate chooses online payment he/she will be navigated to Bill Desk Payment portal.

On successful payment the candidate will be redirected to the „Application Online‟ website.A
popup will be displayed showing that the payment is done.

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If the candidate chooses offline payment he/she will view the challan. The candidate will take a
printout of the challan and go nearest UBI to complete payment.

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4. Filling up the Application form
The candidate after payment will fill up rest of the application form. Once the payment is done
the candidate is navigated to the Application form. Here he/she fills up all details (personal,
professional, educational etc.). Note the mandatory fields (the fields which cannot be left empty)
are marked in red. The candidate clicks save after filling up details and can also take out a print
out of the application from application print out option on the Home page.

4.1 Process Flow

Once the payment is Here he/she fills up all Note the mandatory
done the candidate is details (personal, fields (the fields which
navigated to the professional, educational cannot be left empty) are
Application form etc.) marked in red

The candidate can take

out a print out of the
The candidate clicks save
application from
after filling up details
application print out
option on the Home page

4.2 Detailed Steps

 Once the payment is done the candidate is navigated to the Application form.
 Here he/she fills up all details (personal, professional, educational etc.).
 Note the mandatory fields (the fields which cannot be left empty) are marked in red.
 The candidate clicks save after filling up details.
 The candidate can take out a print out of the application from application print out option
on the Home page.

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4.3 Screen Details
Once the payment is done the candidate is navigated to the Application form. Here he/she fills
up all details (personal, professional, educational etc.).Note the mandatory fields (the fields
which cannot be left empty) are marked in red. The candidate clicks save after filling up details.

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The candidate can take out a print out of the application from application print out option on the
Home page.

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