Topical Prebiotics and Microbiome Metabolites A Systematic Review of The Effects of Altering The Skin Microbiome in Atopic Dermatitis
Topical Prebiotics and Microbiome Metabolites A Systematic Review of The Effects of Altering The Skin Microbiome in Atopic Dermatitis
Topical Prebiotics and Microbiome Metabolites A Systematic Review of The Effects of Altering The Skin Microbiome in Atopic Dermatitis
Review Article
Skin microbiome dysbiosis plays a large role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis
(AD). The metabolic pathways of the skin microbiome provide a potential target for AD
treatment by altering microbial diversity and decreasing inflammation.
This systematic review synthesizes findings of the current literature, which investigate
topical prebiotics and metabolites of the skin microbiome’s influence on AD.
Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) guidelines, a search was performed on PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science
databases from earliest records to March 2022. After screening based on predetermined
inclusion criteria, outcomes were extracted, and risk of bias assessments were performed
on the included studies.
The search yielded 1,124 publications. Five studies published were found to fit the
inclusion criteria. Four studies investigated the efficacy of a topical prebiotic in treating
AD, and three indicated improvement of AD severity with topical prebiotic use. The sole
study on metabolites suggest that a tryptophan metabolite may decrease AD severity.
The most significant risks of bias were found in the selection process, determination of
treatment efficacy, and statistical analyses.
Current literature suggests that topical prebiotics hold promise in AD as they may
beneficially modify the skin microbiome, which can lead to improvements in AD.
Metabolites of the skin microbiome demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects that may
provide a novel target for AD treatment. However, further investigation with improved
and standardized protocols are required to validate the efficacy of topical prebiotics and
the initial results on metabolites of the skin microbiome.
9 Other studies have found that specific bacteria such as the case of disagreement, a third reviewer made the deci-
Roseomonas mucosa,10 Vitreoscilla filiformis,11 Lactobacillus sion to include or exclude a publication after reviewing the
johnsonii NCC 533,12 and Streptococcus thermophilus13 ap- study. Studies were included if they met the following in-
pear to reduce inflammation and may decrease AD severity clusion criteria: not a review or published abstract, pub-
as well. lished in a peer-reviewed journal, published in English,
Metabolic pathways provide another potential target in subjects with atopic dermatitis, and investigated the effect
altering the skin microbiome for AD treatment. Metage- of metabolites of the skin microbiome or prebiotics on
nomic studies suggest that alterations in the skin micro- atopic dermatitis. An exclusion criterion based on type of
biome’s metabolism may influence AD severity.14,15 Pre- study was not included due to the lack of research in this
biotics are substrates in the metabolic pathway that can field.
selectively increase or limit the population of beneficial
and detrimental microbes, respectively.16 Postbiotics are QUALITY ASSESSMENT
the metabolites produced by the microbiome that can in-
fluence microbial diversity and inflammation.14,15,17 Many Two independent reviewers assessed the quality of each
studies demonstrate the positive effect of oral prebiotics publication using the appropriate quality assessment tool.
and postbiotics on the gut microbiome in a variety of condi- Randomized controlled trials (RCT), quasi-experimental
tions and found potential benefit towards AD,17‑20 but few studies, and case-control studies were assessed with the re-
studies have investigated the effect of topical prebiotics on spective Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical appraisal tool.
the skin microbiome of AD patients. To determine the risk of bias in an animal study, the SYR-
While the literature suggests that the skin microbiome CLE’s risk of bias tool was used (Hooijmans). Reviewers
plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AD, there judged if the publication had a low, moderate, or high risk
have not yet been larger studies analyzing the effects of al- of bias based on the criteria of each tool. In the event that
tering the metabolic pathways of the skin microbiome in there was a discrepancy in score between the two reviewers,
the setting of AD. This systematic review aims to assess a third reviewer made the final judgment for that publica-
the current literature investigating the effects of prebiotics tion.
and metabolites of the skin microbiome on AD. The present
study also evaluates the current literature’s quality to help OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS
guide investigators in designing and effectively conducting
For the purpose of this study, treatment outcome was de-
future studies such that protocols are optimized to reduce
fined as any statistically significant change in AD severity
reported by the authors. Treatment was considered clini-
cally relevant if the mean change in SCORAD was 8.7 or
MATERIALS AND METHODS higher.21 Adverse effects were identified and recorded.
Figure 1. Flowchart depicting selection process of publications for this systematic review, number of publications
Number decrease
of Treatment Treatment in AD
Author Subjects Age Treatment Prebiotics Regimen Length severity1
Noll et 22 NR Synbiotic Maltodextrin, 10 mins 14 days Y
al. bath (n = 7) inulin, apple daily
(2021) Prebiotic pectin
bath (n = 8)
Placebo bath
(n = 7)
Rigoni 26 1.5-45 Prebiotic Alpha-glucan- 2-3 times 8 weeks N
et al. years emollient oligosaccharide daily
Antao 60 3-36 Prebiotic face Alpha-glucan- Cream: 2 56 days Y
et al. months cream and oligosaccharide times
(2017) prebiotic and inulin daily
body wash (n Wash:
= 30) daily
body cream (n
= 30)
Seité 60 6 Prebiotic Mannose and 2 times 28 days N
et al. months-63 emollient (n = thermal spring daily
(2017) years 26) water
emollient (n =
Atopic dermatitis (AD), double-blinded (DB), no (N), not reported (NR), open label (OL), yes (Y)
1 Decrease in AD severity is considered clinically relevant if it is statistically significant (p < 0.05) and mean difference in SCORAD is 8.7
Double blind (DB), intention to treat (ITT), open label (OL), per protocol (PP), SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD)
SCORAD at study end minus SCORAD at first visit) between ness and less inflammatory infiltrates, suggesting that IAId
the treatment and placebo group was significant.23 decreased the inflammatory process associated with AD.26
actually reported that 77% (20/26) and 33% (6/26) of sub- DISCUSSION
jects rated the prebiotic emollient as very good and good,
respectively.25 Historically, there has been a debate concerning whether
AD follows an “outside-in” hypothesis or “inside-out” hy-
RISK OF BIAS pothesis.27 That is to say, whether immune dysregulation
causes skin barrier dysfunction or that skin barrier dysfunc-
The studies demonstrated varying levels of bias (Figure 2). tion is primary with resultant secondary inflammation. Re-
One study was judged to not have high risk of bias in any gardless of which aspect may come first, it is now abun-
criteria but did have moderate bias in two criteria.22 All dantly clear that AD is characterized by both intrinsic and
other studies had high risk of bias in 8% (1/12) to 25% (5/ extrinsic factors, and that the skin microbiome is intimately
20) of the graded criteria in their respective quality assess- entwined with these processes. An emerging area of re-
ment tools.24 search focuses on the metabolic pathways of the skin mi-
Table 3 summarizes the risk of bias for each criterion. crobiome and demonstrates potential treatment avenues.
The JBI checklist for RCT was used to assess two publi-
cations.22,23 Both demonstrated moderate risk of selection THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL FOR TREATMENT
bias in randomization and allocation concealment. Of the
two publications, one also had high risk of attrition bias be-
cause they chose to analyze patients because they did not PREBIOTICS
include every randomized subject in their analysis.23
The JBI checklist for quasi-experimental studies was All studies found that AD severity decreased with topical
used to assess two publications.24,25 Both lacked a control prebiotic treatment, but the difference between the treat-
group and were open label. Furthermore, one study demon- ment and placebo group at endpoint was not clinically
strated moderate risk of selection bias in the baseline char- meaningful in two studies.23,25 Rigoni et al (2018) reported
acteristics of their subjects. a statistically significant change in SCORAD, and Seite et
Yu et al (2019) required evaluation based on both the JBI al (2017) found a significant SCORAD variation between
checklist for case-control and SYRCLE’s risk of bias tool be- the two groups such that the calculated decrease in SCO-
cause their publication included multiple study designs.26 RAD from initial to final treatment was significantly dif-
There was moderate risk of selection bias in subject re- ferent between patients using topical prebiotics and those
cruitment, but they appropriately matched subjects in both on placebo. These results suggest that topical prebiotics
groups. In the animal study, there was high risk of se- + emollients may provide more clinical improvement than
lection bias in randomization and allocation concealment, emollients alone.23
high risk of performance bias, and some moderate risk of Although all four studies suggest some therapeutic ben-
attrition and reporting bias. efit from topical prebiotic use, the results may not be gen-
eralizable to the entire population of AD patients because
three out of four studies included only patients with mild to Most commonly, studies lacked controls against selec-
moderate AD. In fact, one study had patients treated for 15 tion bias or did not adequately describe their protocol for
days between screening and baseline visit and disqualified selection. In two studies, the authors explicitly stated that
any patients whose SCORAD did not improve at least 25%, their study was double-blind and randomized, but they did
excluding patients that may be treatment resistant.23 The not detail how subjects were randomized.22,23 As a result, it
results of these current studies indicate that topical pre- is not possible to determine whether the subjects were ran-
biotics may be efficacious in reducing AD symptoms, but domized and allocated into groups appropriately to prevent
more studies are required to conclude if topical prebiotics bias. In a third study, it is unclear if the mice were random-
provide any benefit for patients with more severe or hard- ized at all.26
to-treat AD. Yu et al (2019) also did not mention if the investigators
The vehicle of a topical prebiotic may or may not in- were blinded to whether the mice in the AD model were
herently affect its efficacy, given the results of a recent given treatment or not, which could lead to performance
study that reported no difference in efficacy between lo- and detection bias.26 However, the authors attempted to
tions, creams, gels, and ointments.28 One study comparing decrease detection bias by preparing more objective out-
prebiotic body wash to body cream found no significant dif- come measurements including quantitative measurements
ference in the AD severity of the two treatment groups.24 of ear and epidermal thickness.
However, the actual ingredients within a preparation Some studies potentially had attrition bias due to their
clearly matter. A recent meta-analysis found that combin- chosen method of statistical analysis. Seite et al (2017)
ing emollients with a topical active treatment provides a and Antao et al (2017) followed a per protocol (PP) rather
clinically significant improvement in comparison to regular than intention-to-treat (ITT) protocol.23,24 With this pro-
emollients alone.29 Topical prebiotics are promising alter- tocol, data analysis only includes subjects who completed
native active ingredients that may make emollients more the treatment according to the protocol and disregards sub-
efficacious in treating AD. Studies comparing topical prebi- jects who were non-adherent or lost to follow-up. Although
otics to vehicle controls suggest that topical prebiotics may it is acceptable to use a PP principle for statistical analysis,
help decrease AD severity more than other emollients,22,23 it does have the potential to overestimate treatment effect.
but more randomized, controlled trials with larger sample
sizes are required. LIMITATIONS
The studies did not report any severe adverse effects
with topical prebiotic use. Because the results of these This study did not use any criteria that excluded studies
comparative studies suggest that topical prebiotics may based on study design as research in this field of study is
have some additional benefit over emollients, this is clearly relatively new and there were few studies found. Conse-
an approach worthy of more investigation. quently, a meta-analysis was not conducted because of the
variations in study design, including open label versus dou-
ble-blind studies along with differences in statistical analy-
sis methods.
IAId is a tryptophan metabolite produced by the skin mi-
crobiome that was shown to decrease the inflammatory re-
sponse and subsequent barrier dysfunction related to AD.26 CONCLUSION
It was able to decrease epidermal thickness, suggesting
that it may even be efficacious in patients suffering from The studies included in this systematic review suggest that
chronic AD with lichenification.26 IAId acts by modulating topical prebiotics may be a valuable therapeutic modality
expression of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) in ker- for patients with mild-to-moderate AD. They have demon-
atinocytes, which is a cytokine implicated in Th2-mediated strated potential in modifying the skin microbiome to de-
inflammation in AD.26 These novel findings suggest that crease AD severity, but many questions remain about the
modulating microbial metabolites may be another potential specific prebiotic or prebiotics, dosing, administration, and
method of treating AD, including direct administration of optimal patient selection. Current results highlighting the
microbial metabolites in topical or systemic treatment, or influence of metabolites of the skin microbiome provide
altering the skin microbiome to promote production of spe- the basis for developing multiple new methods of AD treat-
cific beneficial metabolites. ment. However, both areas of study require more investi-
gation. Future studies on prebiotics should aim to perform
more randomized, controlled trials with larger patient pop-
ulations and double blinding, and further investigation is
required on the skin microbiome’s metabolism before po-
Although the current literature does not generally suffer
tential treatments can be developed.
from high risk of bias, several components of their study
design have the potential to introduce bias. Based on the
quality assessment performed, there was a risk of bias in
the selection process, determination of treatment efficacy,
and statistical analyses.
Table 3. Summary of risk of bias in each criterion for included studies. Red denotes high risk, blue denotes
moderate risk, and green denotes low risk of bias.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST royalties paid and is a Board member and Scientific Advi-
sory Committee Member of the National Eczema Associa-
Dr. Lio reports research grants/funding from AOBiome, Re- tion and an investor at LearnSkin. The other authors de-
generon/Sanofi Genzyme, and AbbVie; is on the speaker’s clare no conflicts of interest.
bureau for Regeneron/Sanofi Genzyme, Pfizer, Incyte, Eli
Lilly, LEO, Galderma, and L’Oreal; reports consulting/advi- FUNDING
sory boards for Almirall, ASLAN Pharmaceuticals, Bristol-
Meyers, Concerto Biosciences (Stock Options), UCB, Der- This research did not receive any specific grant from fund-
mavant, Regeneron/Sanofi Genzyme, Merck, Pfizer, LEO ing agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
Pharmaceuticals, AbbVie, Eli Lilly, Micreos, L’Oreal, Pierre- sectors.
Fabre, Johnson & Johnson, Level Ex, KPAway (Stock),
Unilever, Menlo Therapeutics, Theraplex, IntraDerm, Ex- Submitted: September 22, 2022 PDT, Accepted: June 14, 2023
eltis, AOBiome, Realm Therapeutics, Altus Labs, Galderma, PDT
Verrica, Arbonne, Amyris, Bodewell, Burt’s Bees, My-Or Di-
agnostics, Sibel Health, and Kimberly-Clark. In addition,
Dr. Lio has a patent pending for a Theraplex product with
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(CC0). View this license’s legal deed at and legal code at https://cre- for more information.
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