Nouns Gender Worksheets Masculine Feminine Common Neuter Gender PDF
Nouns Gender Worksheets Masculine Feminine Common Neuter Gender PDF
Nouns Gender Worksheets Masculine Feminine Common Neuter Gender PDF
Manasi Dey
Gender is a system of noun classification. The gender of a noun (or pronoun) informs
about the sex of that noun. The word “Gender” comes from the Latin “genus” which
means kind or sort. In the English language, there are four noun-genders. They are:
Masculine gender
Feminine gender
Common gender, and
Neuter gender
Masculine gender relates to living things. But there are few objects without life that are
often spoken of (personified) as if they are living beings and then considered as male
objects. For example objects of remarkable strength and violence are considered as the
masculine gender. Summer, Time, Sun, Death, etc are examples of personified masculine
Feminine gender also denotes living beings. But few objects of beauty, gentleness,
gracefulness, etc are personified as feminine gender. Examples, Moon, Spring, Nature,
Peace, Charity, etc are examples of personified feminine genders.
Author Authoress Poet Poetess
Gender Worksheets
Let’s practice various gender worksheets given below to update your understanding on
the subject.
Q1. Masculine and Feminine gender worksheets: Fill the table below with
the proper form of applicable masculine or feminine genders:
Boy Brother
She King
Lady Woman
Landlord Hunter
Monk Bull
Doe Horse
Husband Son
Policewoman Hen
Nephew Witch
Empress Founder
Actor Authoress
Czarina Hero
Sultan Host
Princess Tiger
He Peahen
Hen Uncle
Poet Vixen
4. duck
a. feminine b. common c. neuter
5. wife
a. neuter b. masculine c. feminine
6. Grandfather
a. neuter b. masculine c. feminine
a. feminine b. common c. neuter
8. Priest
a. neuter b. masculine c. feminine
9. Patron
a. neuter b. masculine c. feminine
10. Niece
a. feminine b. masculine c. common
Q4. Identify the genders in the following sentence and write which
gender it is.
a. Grandmother makes ladoo for me.__________
b. The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery.____________
c. The boy stood on the burning deck._______________
d. The girl is fond of music._________________
e. The rose smells sweet.___________________
f. Iron is a useful metal.______________
g. Who threw a stone?_______________
h. The old crow tried to sing.______________________
i. There is no picture in the book.______________
j. The ship sustained heavy damage._______________
k. The child fell down from the great height.____________________
l. The doctor says it is hopeless case._______