1as Test 3term Albert Einstein

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Read the text carefully and then do the activities.


Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know
him as the most intelligent person who ever lived. His name has become part of many
languages when we want to say someone is a genius, as in the phrase, “She’s a real Einstein”.
He must have been pretty brainy to discover the Theory of Relativity and the equation
In 1999, ‘Time’ magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century. No one could
have guessed this would happen when he was at school. He was extremely interested in
science but hated the system of learning by heart. He said it destroyed learning and creativity.
He had already done many experiments, but failed the entrance exams to a technical college.
He didn’t let this setback stop him. When he was 16, he performed his famous
experiment of imagining traveling alongside a beam of light. He eventually graduated from
university, in 1900, with a degree in physics. Twelve years later he was a university professor
and in 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific
Einstein is the only scientist to become a cult figure, a household name, and part of
everyday culture.
Breaking News English


1. Choose the best answer.

A. Albert Einstein was:
a) an inventor b) a physicist
B. Physics is the study of:
a) matter, energy, light and sound b) earth’s surface, climate and population
C. According to Einstein learning by heart destroyed:
a) creativity b) the Nobel Prize
D. “A real Einstein” means:
a) a professor of physics b) a genius

2. Are the following statements true or false?

A. Albert Einstein was an excellent student at school.
B. He performed his famous theory at the age of 16.
C. He became a university professor in 1912.
D. He was named the person of the century in 1900.

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

A. When did he graduate from university?
B. What was his most important theory?
C. For which subject was he awarded the “Nobel Prize”?
D. How many papers did he publish?

4. What do the underlined words refer to in the text?

Who: (§1) it: (§2)
B. Text Exploration (7pts)

1. Match the words with their synonyms.

words synonyms
Genius Mastermind
Papers Problem
Setback Reports
brainy intelligent

2. Find in the text words opposite in meaning to

Stupid (§1)# succeeded (§2)#

3.Fill in the blanks with the following words:

sense, small, years, invented, away, allow, better, means

Through the …………..man has ………………many instruments to help him see………..and

understand more. The telescope, for example was invented to…………..him to look at
far……………planets, to see the very………things in the world. Radio, telephone and
telegraph are………….by which man has extended the range of his ………….of hearing and

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