Industrial Psychology 1

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Conflict represents opposite beliefs or behaviors on the part of various individuals resulting in
antagonistic situation{Tschannen,2001:3}

Team is a group of people from different specialities who come together to perform a task by
merging their skills {Donnollen 1998:48}

According to Myers,(2013), Team dynamics are the unconscious, psychological forces that
influence the direction of a team's behavior and performance.

Conflict Resolution is the process of identifying and resolving disagreements or conflicts

between individuals groups in a constructive and positive manner .it involves finding a solution
or reaching an agreement that is mutually acceptable



• Team dynamics and conflict resolution increase productivity and profit .Since no
organization runs for charity targets must be met, and revenues must be generated tasks
must not be kept pending for a long time and ought to be completed within the structured
timeframe .this depends on how an industry operates clear communication
,discipline,hardwork,peace and dedication create a healthy environment which enable
people to work harmoniously .again a single brain cannot come up with solutions .in a
team every member has an equal contribution and each team member comes out with the
best suited to the problem
• Team dynamics and conflict resolution promote relations among employees at workplace
individuals perform tasks in close coordination with each other is an avenue
where trust is built and the chances of unnecessary conflicts among the employees are
reduced .every team member tries to support their teammates the absence of an individual
is covered by the rest of he team and work goes on in organizations where tasks are
isolated and assigned to individuals could mean the work has to halt.
• Team dynamics and conflict resolution help increase the wellbeing of employees
motivational activities such as promotion employee survey giving out incentives among
others help to improve employee satisfaction .whereby people love to feel good
individuals might Have worked for years in an organization and when here is no
promotion they feel unappreciated .again when there is discrimination against certain
tribes and people they feel offended and irritated
• Team dynamics and conflict resolution help influence decision making and influence how
leaders emerge. team dynamics helps in decision making and how authority is distributed
within the team .understanding team dynamics helps industrial psychologists identify
effective leadership styles and decision making processes that optimize team performance


The historical background of team dynamics dates back to the late modern period which was
the 18th century and was initiated by Gustave le bon in the year 1895.Sigmund Freud responded
with group psychology and the analysis of the Ego in 1922. Team dynamics originates from the
concept of group dynamics .Kurt lewin who was acknowledged as the founder of social
psychology coined the term team dynamics . Kurt lewin conducted a research on the interaction
between individuals and considered team dynamics to describe both the positive and negative
forces within a group .He also established the group dynamics research center in 1945 at the
Massachusetts. He later relocated to the university of Michigan in 1948 .these dynamics play a
crucial role in teamwork and organizational success ,emphasizing the importance of
understanding the complexities of group behavior. Historically ,successful tools for managing
interstate conflict included arbitaration direct intermediaries and others this means there were no
clear conflict resolution measures the first world war destroyed many millions of live afterwards
the united states Europe and other organizations renewed their efforts to establish institutions to
reduce the causes of war many societal developments in the period between the outbreak of the
one and two were the precusors for contemporary conflict resolution .they include research and
social innovations that painted to alternative ways of thinking about and conducting conflicts
and ending them between 1946 and 1969 many developments provided the materials with which
contemporary conflict resolution was built


significance of the history of team dynamics and conflict resolution in industrial psychology;

It exams the nature formation and reasons of forming a groups .it studies how groups affect the
behavior and attitudes of members and organization .As Kurt lewin conducted a research on the
interaction between individuals and considered group dynamics to describe both the positive and
negative forces within a group when members trust respect and support each other they are likely
to collaborate communicate effectively and work hard together


First, team dynamics and conflict resolution are essential to achieve organizational goals
and desired outcomes .when team members work together effectively ,they can achieve more
than they would individually .this is because every member brings his unique skills and
perspective on board .team action impacts future performance .the most effective teamwork leads
gto team performance gains that are greater than the sum of each individual members effort

Also,team dynamics and conflict resolution is relevant in todays work environment

because it creates team effective decision making .when conflict rise in a team and its being
resolved peoples view are taken into consideration and acted upon to make sure that the
occurrence of conflict does not show up again

Again,Team dynamics and conflict resolution is relevant in todays work environment

because it helps infuse diverse scope of knowledge and skills towards the achievement of an
organization st goals that is ,it allows room for several view from various background
,transforming individual talents into a symphony of productivity and innovation

The topic analyses individual behaviors at the workplace and how best these behaviors can be
channeled to effective productivity at the workplace ,radiating an atmosphere of employee
satisfaction as well conducive work enivironment .In effect team dynamics and conflict
resolution is essential in knowing the attitude and behavior of employees and how best to
manage them for the better of the both th employees and the organization

Understanding team dynamics and conflict resolution at the work place especially today it
provides an avenue for free flow of communication , essential for the establishment of clear roles
and responsibilities of employees ,giving every member a centre of focus and of accountability
.this transcends into extracting an all round involvement of people at the work place.


There are four models namely the Grip, the Disc, the Tuckman model and the Thomas killman
model that are involved when it comes to team dynamics and conflict resolution which we
would like to elaborate on Three key models that are the GRIP model ,DISC model and the
Tuckman team model


This model outlines how a diversified team can achieve a highly effective teamwork .since the
team is dynamic ,these components need special attention to develop the team and improve
outcome. the model outlines for irrelated components of a highly effective teamwork::
• GOALS every team members personal goals must be in alignment with the overall goals
and objectives of the team
• ROLES each and every team member must know the specific takes assigned to them and
must perform it accordingly
• INTERPERSONAL it is key to pay attention to how members of the team communicate
or relate with each other


It is the acronym for dominance,,inducement, submission and compliance the disc model can be
used to resolve conflict as it prescribes four key personality traits can aid in resolving conflict


People who score high in dominance tend to be assertive ,ego driven problem solver and are
driven to overcome obstacles they also can be argumentative and very ambitious


People with such traits are enthusiastic,persuasive optimistic a treal people person and are more
concerned with popularity than tangible results


Such people are reliable predictive easy going ,dependable and are resistant to change


Cautious people have high standards ,values precision great researcher offers realistic
perspective and can get bogged down


The model highlights the stages a team go through as they journey towards attaining a high
performance .these stages starts with team members getting to know each other and how
individual works .
The first stage is forming this is the period where team members get to know each other and
,their strength and weaknesses. this is also a stage where individuals also become sure of the
teams objectives

The second stage is storming .This is a stage where individuals try to push against boundaries
and as a result can amount to tensions.

Norming is the third stage .with this stage conflicts are resolved and the specific roles of the
teammates are spelt out woith individuals performing their roles independently and meeting
someone as a team to check the progress of the work

The Performing stage is the next after the norming stage .This is a pointing time when the team
gets on with their tasks .here members are now conversant with their roles and are accountable to
it .

The adjourning stages is the final stage and the stage where the team is resolved


CASE STUDY THE DISC Model of conflict resolution


This case study focuses on a hypothetical scenario in a workplace setting


KINGS TECH is a technology company known for good and long lasting products the companys
marketing department is responsible for promoting and selling their products worldwide with
good prices .the team that produces these massive products are Sandra ,Alex, Ella and Andraina
each and every individual posses a unique personalities and communication styles as evident
from what the disc profile assessments talks about Sandra is a high dominance individual
characterized by assertiveness and a desire for power Alex is an influence type outgoing and
sociable .Ella is the submissive type driven by stability ,harmony and loyalty ,Andraina is the
compliance type known for being detail oriented and cautious about every move of the group.
The marketing team is assigned a significant project to develop a new marketing strategy for
launching a new product Sandra the team leader presents a high level plan essential to get the
product on board Alex suggests a more social media driven strategy Ella feels the plan should
incorporate element that foster long term customer relationships, while insists on conducting
through market research and analysis before implementing any strategy during the stages of
finding a marketing strategy these people find it difficult to accept each other view which leads
to intolerance towards group members and also because of their diversity in their behavioral
patterns and communication styles .


Individuals in the team should understand that each and everyone has different ways of doing
things and come to a conclusion to tolerate each and every other person view and that everyone
shares the common goal of achieving successful product marketing and by tolerating each one
view they come together to agree on a balanced marketing strategy that would be ideal with
elements of aggression community building customer relation and thorough research


By utilizing the DISC model of conflict resolution the marketing team at KINGS tech
successfully resolved their initial conflict and developed a well rounded marketing strategy the
team leaders understanding of each members communication style and needs played a crucial
role in creating an inclusive and balanced strategy.Overall the DISC model helped the team
leverage their diverse strengths and perspectives ,leading to effective conflict resolution and
positive outcomes.


Real life case study: a hypothetical scenario.

In an crude oil production company known as BESS the company has been running losses for
over a year now and want to show an uprise in the market so they select a team of intellectuals
from each department of the company. The team's success hinges on the teammate's ability to
adapt and tolerate the views of one another, produce a thorough research and showcase how the
industry would rise in it market sales .
In this team you observe a unique dynamics due to the different backgrounds of the
teammates. There is a clash of personalities: Sandra, the detail-oriented marketer, Alex the
diplomatic marketer Ella the unexperienced marketer and andraina the not so good marketer the
Each teammate brings invaluable skills to the table but clashes occasionally on approaches and
The teams marketing strategy involves a tight deadline which is halfway due, and high
stakes because the company is on the verge on losing it biggest stakeholders Sandra is keen on a
more structured approach provided by the market analyst In recent years emphasizing thorough
research before the work is delivered to the board Ella, Andraina on the other hand prefer on
exploring new methodologies that they know will yield a thorough and effective work done.
Alex, faces difficulty as he aims to decide between the perspectives of both sides as he is tasked
to make the submission strategy to the board as the vocal one
The team mates are at loggerhead and this has become a force hindering the effectiveness
of the team's goal. How should Alex navigate this situation to ensure both innovation and
efficiency while maintaining a cohesive team dynamics?

An Industrial Psychologist, after carefully making observations and studying the situation,
she identifies team dynamics as the force behind the conflicts and goes ahead to use one of the
models of team dynamics and conflicts resolution called The Tuckman Team Model. This model
highlights the stages a team goes through as the members journey towards attaining a high
performance, and resolving conflicts simultaneously.
The first stage is called forming. This is the period where teammates get to know one
another, their strengths and weaknesses. This means that the team being talked about, should
have taken some time to study one another before sharing roles. So here, the industrial
psychologist, will suggest that the team takes some time to study one another's strengths and
weaknesses before sharing roles and duties. Therefore, proper and clear demarcation of roles and
duties must be implemented.
The second stage is storming. This is the the stage where individuals try to push against
boundaries and as a results amount to tensions or conflicts. The diverse perspectives on how the
work should be done brings loggerhead among the teammates. The industrial psychologist, will
suggest mixed methodologies as a solution to the problem of this stage. Here, open
communication is encouraged among teammates prevent them from breaking the boundaries of
one another. Blend of methods will encourage innovation and precision of work.
Norming is the third stage. In this stage, earlier loggerhead tension that caused the
conflict is resolved and now specific roles of teammates are spelt out again with individuals
performing their roles independently and meeting sometimes as a group to check progress in
work. Hence, effective communication is implemented by the industrial psychologist attain this
The performing stage. This is a pointing time when the team gets on with the tasks.
Here, teammates are conversant with roles and are accountable to it so that together, they can
achieve the team's goal effectively. The industrial psychologist spells out clear team goal and
makes sure all teammates are in line with it when performing their research tasks to avoid
The adjourning stage is the final stage where all research contributions are compiled,
submitted, and the group presentation is done effectively. This is the stage where the team is



In the process of promoting the regional culture inheritance in China, a number of self-
management organization emerge as the times require. Many citizens learn knowledge and show
themselves by participating in these teams. The organizations promote community cultural
prosperity and play an important role in the construction of a harmonious community. It is
defined as Community Folk team.
Community Folk Team is a non-profit organizations, which aim to improve the quality of life by
learning in community. The Community also performs some social function such as
entertainment, sporting activities and public services. The team members are from the
community residents who have common interests, hobbies and form a team voluntarily. The
group contains five to forty members ordinarily with a trainer or a leader.
However, these organizations are facing some problems in the development. The problems faced
by the community are: community folk teams have “inherent problems", such as lack of
management system, no plan and long-term goal. Secondly, there are lack of facilities for
activities. Because the leaders are from the locality, they lack the spirit of innovation and art,
slowing down development.

1. Contribution towards the development of learning of organizations.
2. Diversity in discharging activities in the educational system.
3. The learning organization should have a long term effect on members in terms of goals.

Cultivating Strategy of the Community Folk Team based on the Tuckman Model

Management Strategies of Forming Stage

Clearing Objectives, Giving Support in the Capital, Site and Personnel.

In the primary stage of team development, most residents of the community for the same hobbies
organize to make activities together. Members have high motivation to entertain. Objective,
structure, leadership of the team are uncertain and the team has no planning and long-term
objectives. Lack of resources and location of activities, activity time is not regular and cannot be
guaranteed, condition of activities and facilities is very simple and crude.The main focus of this
phase is to clear the team's expectations, encourage and help the team to make goals and work
plans and to develop team activities.

Management Strategies of Storming Stage

Building Platform, Guiding in Classification, Highlighting the Characteristics.

In the second stage, the objectives of the team begin to get agreed on by team members. In this
process, the belonging to the team and a sense of identity of members is further strengthened.
The expectation of serving the community will rise, but the team culture has not yet formed.
According to these characteristics, managers should encourage the team leader and team
members to develop a clear plan for self-development, which should be consistent with team
development goals. Consciously creating conditions to help them to grow, creating a platform,
expanding its space activities, attracting them to participate in community construction. Guiding
the team in classification forms the unique culture of the each team.

Management Strategies of Norming Stage

Training the Core Members, Encouraging Innovation.

In the third stage, team members begin to form a close relationship between themselves. They
will have a strong team sense of identity and friendship. The motivation of team members who
joining the team is changed from enjoyment to get happiness though service to others. This stage
focuses on formatting team spirit. During the formation of team cohesion and team spirit, team
leader and backbone play an important role. So it is important to pay attention to train team’s
core members. In this stage, the teams become matured, can be lead to keep pace with the times,
be closed to the residents’ lives. In this stage, the members in the community should develop
mutual help and improvement among the different team. Gradually, they will innovate the
learning style of the team; lift the learning efficiency of the team.

Management Strategies of Performing Stage

Using the Method of Evaluation to Encourage, Lifting the Self-Manage Ability of the Team.
In this stage, the ability and high cohesion of the team is obviously enhanced. The team makes a
contribution in building civilized communities, plays a role for the maintenance of community
harmony and stability, and wins the recognition of the society. According to Maslow's hierarchy
of needs, respect and self realization need become the main motivation of this stage of team
members to participate in activities. The incentive should reward team achievement, also
recognize individual contributions. In this stage, a lot of loose and highly arbitrary groups have
gradually grown up to the folk teams having some self-management ability and discipline after

Management Strategies of Adjourning Stage

People-Oriented, Strengthening Humanistic Care.

After several years of cultivation, the management systems of some community folk teams
become more perfect, which produces a batch of brand team with well- known characteristics in
the community, the city and even in the country. They integrate the existing resources of
community and adopt a variety of novel form to guide the community residents to participate in
community construction by using the propaganda position in community; however, some team
also appear phenomena such as disorganized, loss of members, dissolution etc.. It is encouraged
that the team do succession planning and actively recruit new members. In the adjustment phase,
it should pay attention to strengthen the humanistic care, highlight the concept of people-
oriented, understand the change of emotion of members, improve the enthusiasm and creativity
of the team and stimulate the potential of team members



1. Goal Clarity: Clearly defining and aligning team goals is essential for minimizing conflicts
and promoting a shared sense of purpose. By ensuring that all team members have a clear
understanding of the project objectives, conflicts arising from divergent goals can be reduced.

2. Role Definition: Establishing clear roles and responsibilities within the team helps to minimize
role-related conflicts. By clearly defining expectations and boundaries for each team member,
conflicts arising
3. Effective Communication: The GRIP model emphasizes the importance of effective
communication in reducing conflicts. Open and transparent communication channels, active
listening, and adapting communication styles to accommodate different preferences can enhance

team dynamics and minimize misunderstandings.

4. Improved communication skills : The disc model helps individuals gain a better understanding
of their own behavioral styles and preferences it enables self reflection allowing individuals to
identify their strengths weaknesses and how they interact with others
5.More effective leadership the disc model assists leaders in understanding their team members
strengths motivations and communication styles .it enables leaders to adapt their leadership
approach to meet the needs of individual team member,leading to higher levels of
engagement ,motivation, overall team performance
6.Improving decision making each stage in the Tuckman model presents different decision
making recognizing and addressing these challenges groups can make more
informed and effective decisions


1. Cross Cultural conflict: in diverse workplace cultural conflict can arise due to difference way
the employees communicate, their styles and values. Teams with diverse backgrounds have
greater difficulty coordinating their efforts than team with members who have homogeneous
2.Lack of trust between team Members: A mutual trust between team member is the foundation
to success. When there is lack of trust between team member in a company, it create a toxic
culture. Communication and collaboration becomes harder this may lead to the breakdown of the
3. Ineffective team meetings: unnecessary, time wasting and unproductive meetings is one major
challenge in team work
When team meetings lack structure, focus or clear objectives, it can lead to confusion and a lack
productivity. This can frustrate team members when their valuable time is diverted from getting
on with more productive tasks.


1. Building of Trust: This is one major Solution to the challenges of team dynamics and conflict
resolution. When there is an existing trust among team members. It create a strong foundation for
effective collaboration and communication. When there is trust, team members are comfortable
to share their ideas.
2.Team meetings should be well planned and effective: When team meetings are organised and
purposeful, they provide a platform for effective communication, collaboration and decision
making. By setting clear objectives, creating an agenda and allocating time for each agenda
item, team members can stay focused and make most of their time together.”
3. Tolerating other's view: This is one great solution to the challenges of conflict resolution and
team dynamics. This improves team work. Tolerance promotes understand and acceptance.
When we are tolerant, we become more open to people's different perspectives and willing to
find a common ground.


First of all.; Team dynamics is the psychological forces that affect team behavior and with
conflict resolution it is described as ways of resolving disagreements some of its relevance is
improving employee wellbeing and increase productivity and finally help improve decision
making in an organization. Team dynamics was coined by kurt lewin and conflict resolution
developed during the first world war and stated that these historical background help to develop
nature formation and groups it did not end there in the introduction we elaborated the current
relevance of the topic and said they help in effective decision making also help infuse diverse
knowledge from different scope of life
Secondly in the body it talked about three theories namely the grip model the disc and the
Tuckman model which were the key models for our topic and long the line we introduced our
case study and our real life scenario which were solved with the disc and Tuckman model
respectively .in our research findings on the models we should a Chinese organisation ability to
solve their organizational problem with the Tuckman model
Thirdly to the discussion stage we elaborated on what these theories imply or are deduced in
our real life setting making points that enhance communication skills improve self
awareness and others and in the same paragraph we gave a deep insight on the challenges and
solutions to team dynamics saying the challenges include cross cultural conflicts lack of trust and
others and moving on to the solutions we stated building of trust and tolerance as a step in
solving team dynamics and conflict resolution


1.Team dynamics and conflict resolution is seen as the basis or the foundation of every
organization success because with it as the basis the team is geared towards success and
achievement of goals
2.Team dynamics and conflict resolution brings about innovation and creativity because through
this individuals are able to bring out new ideas and bring the best out of individuals
3.It helps individuals know the type of leadership styles to introduce in a team with the aid of
team dynamics and conflict resolution people get to know the communication skills to infuse in a
team in order to bring the best in the team helps improve employees wellbeing with this individuals are able to get a better quality of
life because they get to live in a peaceful environment and have a good way of living
5. it helps bring about cohesion and unity


1. Resolving Conflicts at Work: Ten Strategies for Everyone on the Job

By: Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith

Who’s it for: Business leaders of all levels

In this book, Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith offer insight into the psychology of conflict
resolution. They provide strategies for overcoming difficult conversations and potential problems
in the workplace. With their guidance, you can develop a comprehensive plan that identifies
issues, addresses them quickly, and encourages employees to work together harmoniously.

2. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni.

Even in the best situations, leading a team is a challenge. In times of trouble, skillful and
empathetic leaders steer teams toward success.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team outlines obstacles modern teams face. The book tackles topics
such as:

Absence of trust
Fear of conflict
Lack of commitment
Avoidance of accountability
Inattention to results
By exploring the roots of these problems and sharing specific examples, the book suggests
strategies and solutions to help leaders avoid these common pitfalls.

“If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could
dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.”

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