PhonePe Benefits Handbook New
PhonePe Benefits Handbook New
PhonePe Benefits Handbook New
PhonePe PhonePe is India’s leading digital payments
platform with millions of registered users across
PhonePe’s vision is “To build a large, the country. Using PhonePe, users can send and
scalable & open transaction ecosystem receive money, recharge mobile, DTH, data cards,
pay at stores, make utility payments, buy gold,
that creates the maximum positive and make investments. PhonePe is accepted at
impact for all stakeholders” millions of merchant outlets across hundreds of
cities nationally.
Values of PhonePe
The PhonePe Values act as a decision-making framework that can guide us in times of ambiguity and help us push back
when these attributes are not practiced.
Egalitarian and aligned
to employee needs
Be part of building an Purpose
organization, less
hierarchical &
autonomous culture
Members Covered
Self + Any 5 dependents(Spouse/Partner
Domiciliary Cover for Covid + Dependent Children + Parents or Parents-in-law
+ Sibling (upto 25 years))
When a serious illness strikes, Critical Helps protect you from unexpected Financial support to an employee’s
Illness insurance can provide financial financial stress if you or a dependent has family in case of an unfortunate event
support to help you through a had an accident. leading to the demise of the employee
difficult time. It protects against the or spouse/partner.
financial impact of certain illnesses.
Eligibility: Employee only Eligibility : Core Benefit – Employee only Eligibility : Core Benefit – Employee
Optional Benefits – Spouse/Partner only
Optional Benefits – Spouse/Partner
Unlimited Tenure
bereavement leave leaves
Note: Actual No. of leaves will be dependent on the states one is mapped to
Career Break
This policy has been designed to enable employees to balance their careers and
other personal commitments or responsibilities outside of work by giving them
an option to take an extended period of time away from work.
When to apply for a
Career Break?
Stress Management Legal & Financial advice Onsite Medical Center Emergency Support System
Note: Campus hires will fall under Campus Hire Relocation Policy
PF Contributions & Options
● Employees will receive INR 1800 per month from PhonePe
towards their PF. Employees also make a matching
contribution which will be deducted from basic salary.
● The car lease amount will cover the EMI, fleet management charges,
maintenance charges, cost of registration and insurance of the car.
Mobile & Broadband Reimbursements
Can’t wait to
welcome you
to the Team!