R17.0 DTN and DTN-X Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide

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Infinera DTN and DTN-X

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide

Release 17.0
Version 001

Document ID 1900-001796

Infinera Corporation
140 Caspian Court
Sunnyvale, California 94089

- Please refer to the Infinera Customer Web Portal for the most recent version of this document. -
Copyright © 2017 Infinera Corporation. All right reserved.
This Manual is the property of Infinera Corporation and is confidential. No part of this Manual may be reproduced for any purposes
or transmitted in any form to any third party without the express written consent of Infinera.
Infinera makes no warranties or representations, expressed or implied, of any kind relative to the information or any portion thereof
contained in this Manual or its adaptation or use, and assumes no responsibility or liability of any kind, including, but not limited to,
indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages, (1) for any errors or inaccuracies contained in the information or (2) arising
from the adaptation or use of the information or any portion thereof including any application of software referenced or utilized in the
Manual. The information in this Manual is subject to change without notice.

Infinera, Infinera Intelligent Transport Networks, IQ NOS, FlexILS, DTN-X, DTN, ATN, FastSMP, FlexCoherent, What the Network
Will Be, iWDM, Enlighten and logos that contain Infinera are trademarks or registered trademarks of Infinera Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
All other trademarks in this Manual are the property of their respective owners.

Infinera DTN-X, DTN, FlexILS, Cloud Xpress, XT, and ATN Regulatory Compliance
FCC Class A
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation. Modifying the equipment without Infinera's written authorization may result in the equipment no longer
complying with FCC requirements for Class A digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limited by FCC
regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expense.

DOC Class A
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the
interference-causing equipment standard titled “Digital Apparatus," ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
Cet appareil numérique respecte les limites de bruits radioélectriques applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe A prescrites
dans la norme sur le matériel brouilleur: "Appareils Numériques," NMB-003 édictée par le Ministère des Communications.

Class A
This is a Class A product based on the standard of the VCCI Council. If this equipment is used in a domestic environment, radio
interference may occur, in which case, the user may be required to take corrective actions.

This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be
required to take adequate measures.

This product complies with the DHHS Rules 21CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50,
dated June 24, 2007.
About this Document......................................................................................................................................i
Document Organization.............................................................................................................................................i
Documents for Release 17.0.................................................................................................................................... ii
Technical Assistance............................................................................................................................................... vi
Documentation Feedback....................................................................................................................................... vii

Chapter 1: Alarms......................................................................................................................................1-1
Alarm Overview.....................................................................................................................................................1-2
Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures......................................................................................................... 1-5

Chapter 2: Alarm Masking Hierarchy.........................................................................................................2-1

Chapter 3: Events......................................................................................................................................3-1
Event Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Event Description.................................................................................................................................................. 3-6
Appendix A: Alarm Index...........................................................................................................A-1
iv Contents

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List of Tables
Table 1-1 Alarm Categories.............................................................................................................................1-2
Table 1-2 Alarm Detailed Conditions.............................................................................................................1 -45
Table 1-3 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using BMM headend node.................................................. 1-302
Table 1-4 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using FRM headend node...................................................1-306
Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy................................................................................................................ 2-1
Table 3-1 Event Categories............................................................................................................................. 3-2
Table 3-2 Alphabetical Admin Events Index.................................................................................................... 3-2
Table 3-3 Alphabetical Security Events Index................................................................................................. 3-3
Table 3-4 Alphabetical Audit Events Index...................................................................................................... 3-4

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vi List of Tables

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About this Document

This document provides an overview of the Fault Management inventories and Alarm Manager. It also
provides the procedures to perform diagnostic tests on network elements.

This guide describes the Infinera Graphical Node manager (GNM) client user interface. It also provides
procedures to use the GNM to perform Fault Management and Diagnostics functions on the
network elements.

The primary audience for this guide includes network operation personnel and administrators responsible
for maintaining network elements and provisioning services using InfineraGNM. This guide assumes that
the reader is familiar with the following topics and products:
■ Microsoft Windows 2000
■ Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows Vista
■ Web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla
■ Internet and networking terminology and concepts
■ Optical networking

Document Organization
The following table describes each chapter in this guide:

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ii Documents for Release 17.0

Chapter Number: Title Descriptio

Alarms Describes the alarms raised by the network element and
the corrective procedures to perform to clear the alarms.
Alarm Masking Hierarchy Describes the alarm masking hierarchy, in which a
network element masks (suppresses) reporting of higher
layer failures associated with the same root cause as a
higher priority, lower layer, failure.
Events Describes the events raised by the network element and
the conditions under which each of the events are

Documents for Release 17.0

The following documents are available for the Intelligent Transport Network™ systems:

Document Name Document ID Description

DTN and DTN-X Site Preparation and Hardware Installation Guide Portfolio
XTC Site Preparation and 1900-001773 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the XTC at any
Hardware Installation Guide given site. Includes procedures for site preparation and site
testing, system cabling, safety procedures and hand-over to
provisioning activities.
XT Site Preparation and 1900-001774 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the XT chassis
Hardware Installation Guide at any given site. Includes procedures for site preparation and
site testing, system cabling, safety procedures and hand-over to
provisioning activities.
Line Systems Site Preparation 1900-001775 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the Line
and Hardware Installation Systems at any given site. Includes procedures for site
Guide preparation and site testing, system cabling, safety procedures
and hand-over to provisioning activities.
DTC/MTC Site Preparation 1900-001776 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the DTC/MTC
and Hardware Installation at any given site. Includes procedures for site preparation and
Guide site testing, system cabling, safety procedures and hand-over to
provisioning activities.
Passive Equipment Site 1900-001777 Describes the procedures for initial installation of the Passive
Preparation and Hardware Equipment at any given site. Includes procedures for site
Installation Guide preparation and site testing, system cabling, safety procedures
and hand-over to provisioning activities.
DTN and DTN-X Hardware Description Guide Portfolio

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About this Document iii

Document Name Document ID Description

XT Hardware Description 1900-001778 Provides the hardware description of the XT chassis which
Guide includes the description of chassis, common modules and circuit
packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
XTC Hardware Description 1900-001779 Provides the hardware description of the XTC which includes the
Guide description of chassis, common modules and circuit packs. It
provides hardware block diagrams, functional descriptions,
mechanical and electrical specifications for each module.
Line Systems Hardware 1900-001780 Provides the hardware description of the Line Systems which
Description Guide includes the description of chassis, common modules and circuit
packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
DTC/MTC Hardware 1900-001781 Provides the hardware description of the DTC/MTC which
Description Guide includes the description of chassis, common modules and circuit
packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
Passive Equipment Hardware 1900-001782 Provides the hardware description of the Passive Equipment
Description Guide which includes the description of chassis, common modules and
circuit packs. It provides hardware block diagrams, functional
descriptions, mechanical and electrical specifications for each
DTN and DTN-X Task Oriented Procedures Guide Portfolio
XTC Task Oriented 1900-001783 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Procedures Guide the XTC.
XT Task Oriented Procedures 1900-001784 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Guide the XT chassis.
Line Systems Task Oriented 1900-001785 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Procedures Guide the Line Systems.
DTC/MTC Task Oriented 1900-001786 Provides the routine task oriented procedures used in support of
Procedures Guide the DTC/MTC.
DTN and DTN-X Turn-up and Test Guide Portfolio
DTN-X Turn-up and Test 1900-001787 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
Guide the installed DTN-X network element. Includes the description of
circuit activation and end-end system testing procedures.
DTN Turn-up and Test Guide 1900-001788 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
the installed DTN network element. Includes the description of
circuit activation and end-end system testing procedures.

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iv Documents for Release 17.0

Document Name Document ID Description

FlexILS ROADM Turn-up and 1900-001789 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
Test Guide the installed FlexILS and FlexROADM network elements.
Includes the description of circuit activation and end-end system
testing procedures.
Optical Amplifier Turn-up and 1900-001790 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
Test Guide the installed OTC-based Optical Amplifier network elements.
Includes the description of circuit activation and end-end system
testing procedures.
XT Turn-up and Test Guide 1900-001791 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
the installed XT network element. Includes the description of
circuit activation and end-end system testing procedures.
Optical Line Amplifier Turn-up 1900-001792 Describes procedures for turning up, commissioning and testing
and Test Guide the installed MTC-9/MTC-6 based Optical Line Amplifier network
elements. Includes the description of circuit activation and end-
end system testing procedures.
DTN and DTN-X Reference Guides Portfolio
SNMP Agent Reference Guide 1900-001793 Describes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Agent for network elements. It provides detailed instructions to
configure and operate the SNMP Agent from the network
DTN and DTN-X System 1900-001794 Provides an overview of the Intelligent Transport Network and its
Description Guide principal elements, including the network elements. Includes a
description of the IQ Network Operating System and an overview
of the management interfaces for products.
NETCONF Agent Reference 1900-001795 Describes the Network Configuration (NETCONF) Agent.
DTN and DTN-X Alarm and 1900-001796 Describes the alarms raised by the network elements and the
Trouble Clearing Guide corrective procedures to perform to clear the alarms. It also
describes about Event Log.
DTN and DTN-X User Guides Portfolio
GNM Overview Guide 1900-001797 Describes the Graphical Node Manager user interface. It also
describes the new features, the hardware and software
requirements required to launch the GNM. It also provides
procedures to install and upgrade the software and database on
the network elements.
GNM Fault Management and 1900-001798 Describes the Fault Management inventories and Alarm
Diagnostics Guide Manager. It also provides the procedures to perform diagnostic
tests on network elements.
GNM Configuration 1900-001799 Describes the procedures to use the GNM to configure the
Management Guide network elements and the network topology. It also provides a
description on the Equipment Manager and Facility Manager.

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About this Document v

Document Name Document ID Description

GNM Performance 1900-001800 Describes the procedures to use GNM to view performance
Management Guide monitoring (PM) data and modify PM thresholds for network
elements. It also provides the PM parameters details reported by
the network elements.
GNM Security Management 1900-001801 Describes the procedures to perform security and access
Guide management tasks such as creating, deleting and managing user
accounts on the network elements.
GNM Service Provisioning 1900-001802 Describes the procedures to provision cross-connects,
Guide subnetwork connections (SNCs) and protected services on
network elements. It includes a description of the various
inventory managers displayed in the GNM.
CLI User Guide 1900-001803 Describes Command Line Interface (CLI) for the MTC-6/MTC-9
based FlexROADM and Optical Line Amplifier network elements.
It includes the description of the supported CLI commands and
the procedures for the commonly performed OAM&P functions.
DTN and DTN-X TL1 User 1900-001804 Describes the TL1 interface supported by the DTN-X, ILS, DTN,
Guide XT and Optical Line Amplifier network elements. It includes the
description of the supported TL1 commands and the procedures
for the commonly performed OAM&P functions.
Acronyms 1900-001806 Lists the acronyms used in documentation.

The table below lists the conventions used in this guide.

Convention Item Example

bold default font Menu command paths Select Fault Management-> Alarm
Button names Click Apply
User interface labels Click Summary panel
Window/dialog box titles In the Dial-Up Networking window

courier font User-entered text In the Label enter EastBMM

Command output Database restore from local or remote

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vi Technical Assistance

Convention Item Example

Directory path /DNA/EMS

Note: If the directory path or

command is spanning across two
lines, copy the directory path or
command to notepad and execute
in editor.

default font, italic Document titles Refer to the CLI User Guide
Default font Icon names Click Node icon
Window names not in the user interface In the DNA Main View
Helpful suggestions
Note: Note: The window is refreshed only
after making all the changes.

Technical Assistance
Customer Support for Infinera products is available, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (24x7). For
information or assistance with Infinera products, please contact the Infinera Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) using any of the methods listed below:
■ Email: [email protected]
■ Telephone:
□ Direct within United States: 1-408-572-5288
□ Outside North America: +1-408-572-5288
□ Toll-free within United States: +1-877-INF-5288 (+1-877-463-5288)
□ Toll-free within Germany/France/Benelux/United Kingdom: 00-800-4634-6372
□ Toll-free within Japan: 010-800-4634-6372
■ Infinera corporate website: http://www.infinera.com
■ Infinera Customer Web Portal: https://support.infinera.com

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About this Document vii

Please see the Infinera Customer Web Portal to view technical support policies and procedures, to
download software updates and product documentation, or to create/update incident reports and
RMA requests.

Documentation Feedback
Infinera strives to constantly improve the quality of its products and documentation. Please submit
comments or suggestions regarding Infinera Technical Product Documentation using any of the following
■ Submit a service request using the Infinera Customer Web Portal
■ Send email to: [email protected]
■ Send mail to the following address:
Attention: Infinera Technical Documentation and Technical Training
Infinera Corporation
140 Caspian Court
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
When submitting comments, please include the following information:
■ Document name and document ID written on the document cover page
■ Document release number and version written on the document cover page
■ Page number(s) in the document on which there are comments

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viii Documentation Feedback

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The DTN, DTN-X, FlexROADM and Optical Line Amplifier network elements report alarm conditions
through local alarm indicators. This chapter describes the alarms reported by the network elements and
the corrective procedures to be performed to clear the alarms in the following sections:
Alarm Overview on page 1-2
Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures on page 1-5

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1-2 Alarm Overview

Alarm Overview
The following section describes the alarm attributes and provides pointers to alarms in the following
Alarm Attributes on page 1-2
Alarm Configuration on page 1-3
Alarm Severity on page 1-2

Alarm Attributes
Alarms are reported with sufficient information so that users can take corrective actions. The following
sections describe some of the important attributes which are reported with each alarm.

Alarm Categories
Each alarm is assigned an alarm category as described in Alarm Categories.

Table 1-1 Alarm Categories

Alarm Category Description
“Communication Alarms“ Communication alarms are associated with faults which impact the communication
between modules within the network element and between network elements. For
example: No Communication with OSC Neighbor, OLOS on OSC channel.
“Environmental Alarms“ Environmental alarms are caused by the change in the state of the environmental
alarm input contact.
“Equipment Alarms“ Equipment alarms are associated with hardware faults. For example: Equipment
Failure, Equipment Unreachable
“Facility Alarms“ Facility alarms are associated with line and tributary facilities, and incoming signal.
For example: OLOS, LOS, AIS, BDI
“Software Processing Alarms“ Software processing alarms are associated with software processing errors. For
example, Software Upgrade has Failed, Persistence space less than 2%-critical

Alarm Severity
The alarm severity indicates the level of degradation that the alarm causes to the services provided. The
following are the severities displayed:
■ Critical (CR) alarms generally indicate severe, service-affecting trouble that needs immediate
■ Major (MJ) alarm is a serious alarm, but the trouble has less impact on the network
■ Minor (MN) alarms are used for troubles that do not have a serious effect on service to customers
or for troubles in circuits that are not essential to the network element operation

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Alarms 1-3

■ Warning (WN) alarms are used to provide information regarding special precautions
■ Unreachable (UR) events are raised by the DNA when the DNA server is not able to establish a
session with the network element

Service Code
Telcordia standard service codes: Service-Affecting (SA) and Non-Service Affecting (NSA) are supported.
■ SA fault is one which actually or potentially interrupts the customer traffic through the system or the
network. A fault is defined to be SA if the fault affects a hardware or software entity in the data
plane and the affected hardware or software entity is administratively enabled
■ NSA fault is one which does not or cannot interrupt the customer traffic through the system or the

Probable Cause
This is a descriptive string that gives the probable cause of the problem corresponding to the generated
alarm. The probable cause is displayed as an alarm condition by the management interface.

Alarm Configuration
Users can customize the alarm reporting as described in the following sections. Refer to the DNA, GNM
user guides and/or DTN and DTN-X TL1 User Guide for details on using the management interfaces
( GNM).

Alarm Severity Profile Setting

The Alarm Severity Profile Setting (ASPS) feature allows users to modify the default severity of an alarm
type per managed object entity basis. The severity cannot be modified per managed object instance
basis. For example, when the severity of Loss of Signal (OLOS) of an Optical Carrier Group (OCG)
termination point is modified, the new severity is applied to the subsequent generation of alarm and to the
OLOS alarm reported by all instances of the OCG termination point. Users can modify the default severity
according to their fault-handling strategies. The ASPS is provisioned through the management interfaces

Alarm Reporting Control

The Alarm Reporting Control (ARC) feature allows users to silence a managed object instance that is
administratively unlocked, but which is being serviced or is awaiting valid signal flow. A typical example is
a tributary port in administrative in-service state or administrative unlocked state that is awaiting
interconnection to client equipment. In such cases, users would like the alarms inhibited on this resource,
as it is not yet providing service to the clients. Although the managed object instance may be detecting
alarms such as OLOS, they are not transmitted to any client, or reported to the management interfaces
The inhibited alarms do not change the status indicators, such as LEDs, audio, and visual indicators.
Inhibited alarms are logged in the Event Log and are viewable via the TL1 interface. The ARC is
provisioned through the management interfaces (GNM). Users can enable the ARC per managed object

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1-4 Alarm Overview

instance basis. When ARC is applied to a managed object instance it is propagated to all the dependent
managed objects also. For example, when alarm reporting is inhibited for the chassis object instance,
alarm reporting is inhibited for all the circuit pack object instances within that chassis. The alarms are
inhibited for the duration the user has enabled the ARC. On disabling ARC, the standing alarm conditions,
which were inhibited due to ARC, are reported to the management interfaces (GNM).

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Alarms 1-5

Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures

Alarms are listed according to the category. The description and common procedures that are frequently
used when troubleshooting, accompany each alarm. Alarms are described in the following sections:
“Facility Alarms“
“Communication Alarms“
“Software Processing Alarms“
“Equipment Alarms“
“Environmental Alarms“
“Threshold Crossing Alerts“

Note: Unless specifically noted otherwise, all references to the “line module” will refer to either the
DLM, XLM, OLM, ADLM, AXLM, and/or SLM interchangeably. All references to the “LM- 80” will refer
to the ADLM-80, AXLM-80, and/or SLM-80 interchangeably.

Note: All references to the "IMM" will refer to both IMM and IMM-B.

Facility Alarms
Facility alarms are associated with the line and tributary facilities, and any incoming signal. For example:
OLOS, LOS, AIS, and BDI. By default, the appropriate chassis level LED is illuminated when facility
alarms are raised.

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1-6 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Alarm Indication Signal - DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTPCTP
■ Detailed Conditions - Alarm Indication Signal
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF Path termination point.
This alarm is generated when the line module (DLM/XLM/ADLM/AXLM/SLM) in the upstream network
element detect a Loss of Frame (LOF) for the corresponding Optical Channel (OCh) on its receive path.
The upstream network element sends an AIS-DTP maintenance signal to this network element which is in
the downstream direction. Failure is declared when this defect persists for 2.5 +/- 0.5 seconds.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the upstream network element or the network

Clearing Procedure

■ Identify if the problem is in some digital network element upstream of this network element

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Alarms 1-7



Backward Defect Indication - Payload

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DLM Optical Channel, Digital Channel,OLDPSCH
■ Detailed Conditions - Backward Defect Indication

Description and Causes (BDI on Channel CTP)

This alarm is generated by the channel termination point (OCHCTP) on the line module.
This alarm is generated when the downstream DTN detects a channel fault condition on the channel and
transmits BDI maintenance signal to this upstream DTN.
This alarm is most likely caused when:
■ The BDI maintenance signal on the digital channel persists for more than 2.5 seconds

Description and Causes (BDI on DCHCTP)

This alarm is generated by the digital termination point (DCHCTP) on the TAM-2-10GT.
This alarm is generated when the downstream TAM-2-10GT detects a AIS condition on the digital
channel and transmits BDI maintenance signal to this upstream TAM-2-10GT.
This alarm is most likely caused when:
■ The BDI channel maintenance signal persists for more than 2.5 seconds
Description and Causes (BDI on OLDPSCH)

This alarm is generated by the OLDP termination point (OLDP SCH) on the line module.
This alarm is generated when the downstream DTN-X detects a channel fault condition on the channel
and transmits BDI maintenance signal to this upstream DTN-X.
This alarm is most likely caused when:
■ The BDI maintenance signal on the digital channel persists for more than 2.5 seconds

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for faults between this node and the downstream node, and clear them. Faults can be
Optical Loss Of Signal (OLOS) or LOF

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1-8 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Facility Loopback Enabled

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Digital Channel, GFPTP, GbE Client, ODUk Client/CTP, Clear Channel,
OTUCLIENTCTP, SDH, ODUki CTP, GFP Client, SONET, Fiber Channel Client, DTF Path

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when a facility loopback is enabled on the Line DTF path and/or Client Trib
termination point for the SONET, SDH, GbE, 10G DTF, 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC, OTU, ODUki and
ODUi clients.

Clearing Procedure

■ Release the facility loopback at the corresponding termination point

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Alarms 1-9



Terminal Loopback Enabled

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Fiber Channel Client, GFPTP, SONET, Clear Channel, ODUk Client/CTP,
GbE Client, SDH, OTUCLIENTCTP, Digital Channel, DTF Path, GFP Client, XTOCGPTP,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when a terminal loopback is enabled on the Line/Trib DTF path and/or Client Trib
termination points for the SONET, SDH, GbE, 10G DTF, 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC, OTU and ODUk

Clearing Procedure

■ Release the terminal loopback at the corresponding termination point

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1-10 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss Of Frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - LMOCHPTP, Digital Channel, DLM Optical Channel
■ Detailed Conditions - Loss of Frame

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the channel termination point on the line module and/or LM-80 and termination
point on the TAM-2-10GT and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the line module and/or LM-80 is unable to lock on to the frame of the
incoming channel.
This alarm is generated when the TAM-2-10GT is unable to lock on to the frame of the incoming tributary
side DTP signal coming from the interconnected far end TAM-2-10GT and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Noisy received signal
■ Very low optical power received (OPR)
■ Hardware faults in the channel data path of the line module and/or LM-80s in this network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Verify that the OPR is within the valid range.

2. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the line module and/or LM-80s in the upstream digital
network element.
3. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the line module and/or LM-80s in this network
4. Cold reset the TAM.

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Alarms 1-11



Loss Of Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - XT-500S OChCTP, XT-500F CarrierCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XTOChCTP or XTCarrierCTP.
This alarm is generated by Loss of Rx Acquisition.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when Rx Acquisition is successful.

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1-12 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Loss of Signal - Payload

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GAM OCG Port, BMM OCG Port, Band Port, XTOCGPTP, XTSCGPTP,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCG on the BMM and/or GAM.
This alarm is generated when the Optical Power received (OPR) (received from the line module) on this
OCG is equal to or below the pre-defined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
□ Failure in connection (dirty, bent or cut fiber) between the line module and the BMM
□ Cold reset or administratively locked line module or GAM
□ Hardware failure in the line module or the GAM in this network element
□ Failure of the optical receiver in the BMM
□ Incomplete BMM and line module Auto-discovery
□ Provisioned OCG configured, but the fibers not connected between expressed BMM
□ Provisioned OCG configured on the expressed BMM OCGPTPs on the local node, but
Auto-discovery between the line module and the BMM not complete
□ Failure in connection (dirty, bent or cut fiber) between the line module and the GAM
□ Cold reset, or administratively locked line module
□ Hardware failure of line module in this network element
□ Incomplete Auto-discovery between a line module and GAM
□ Provisioned OCG configured, but the fibers not connected between the line module and the

Clearing Procedure for a BMM OCGPTP OLOS

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

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1. Check the connectivity between the line module and the BMM and expressed BMM OCGPTPs.
2. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the line module.
3. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the BMM.
4. Check the Auto-discovery state on the node between the BMM and line module.

Clearing Procedure for a GAM OCGPTP OLOS

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the connectivity between the line module and the GAM OCG.
2. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the line module.
3. Check the Auto-discovery state on the node between the line module and the GAM.

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1-14 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of Multi-frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP
■ Direction- Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU Client CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the OTUk layer's Multi-frame Alignment Signal overhead is in a persistent
out-of-multiframe state for at least 3 ms as a part of a multi-frame alignment procedure. This alarm is
most likely caused by:
■ Hardware defect on the equipment (local/remote)
■ A problem in the network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for symptoms of a hardware defect such as equipment fault conditions and historical
performance statistics for the OTUk layer.

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Alarms 1-15



PRBS Generation Activated

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DLM Optical Channel, DTF Path

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when a PRBS pattern is enabled. This alarm can be generated by any of the
following objects: channel termination point, OTUk client CTP, Trib DTF Path, SONET Client Trib
termination point, or the SDH Client Trib termination point.

Clearing Procedure

■ Disable the PRBS generation on the termination point or port that raised the alarm

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1-16 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PRBS Out of Sync

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTF Path, DLM Optical Channel
■ Detailed Conditions- PRBS-OUT-OF-SYNC

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the line module detects that the received PRBS pattern is out of synch on
the Optical Channel, DCH Client termination point, OTUk client CTP, Trib DTF Path termination point,
SONET Client Trib termination point, or the SDH Client Trib Termination point.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check and ensure that the PRBS was setup correctly.

2. Check and ensure that any SNC on the affected termination point was setup correctly.

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Alarms 1-17



Power Adjustment Incomplete

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - LMOCHPTP, DLM OCG Port, BMM OCG Port, OLM OCG Port, CMM OCG
■ Detailed Conditions - PWR-ADJUST-TIMEOUT

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCGPTP on the line module and BMM, or between the CMM and the
On a line module and BMM OCGPTP, this alarm is generated when the Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC)
on a line module is unable to complete the power adjustment between the LM OCGPTP and the
On a CMM and BMM OCGPTP, this alarm is generated when the CMM is unable to complete the power
adjustment between the CMM OCGPTP and the BMM OCGPTP.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty connectors
■ A pinched BMM patch cable
■ Failure of optical components on the line module
■ Failure of optical components on the CMM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the state of the line module OCGPTP and each of its channels, at this network element and the
far-end digital network element (this failure may be service-affecting, but not necessarily).

Note: If the OCG or any of its channels is healthy and passing traffic, extra care must be taken in
executing the following steps, since these steps might inadvertently affect that traffic.

2. Inspect line module OCG OPT PM and BMM OCG OPR PM to determine the loss between the line
module and BMM, or between the CMM and the BMM.
3. Check for a pinched fiber.
4. Check for dirty connectors and clean the connectors.

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1-18 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures

5. Replace the fiber between the BMM and the line module, or between the CMM and the BMM.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the line module.
7. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the CMM.

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Alarms 1-19



Optical Loss Of Signal - OSC

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Critical (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OSCCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSCCTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE, TIM-1-100G,
This alarm is generated if the OAM is configured as booster or OAM/ORM is configured as per-amp has
OSC pin loss.
This alarm is generated when the OSC optical patch cord between the two OAMs/ORMs or between an
OAM and ORM fails.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Loosely connected optical patch cord
■ Bent or damaged optical patch cord

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. If the optical patch cord is loosely connected, re-connect the optical patch cord.
2. Replace the optical patch cord.

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1-20 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Backward Defect Indication-DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTFCTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF Path termination point on the TAM, DICM.
This alarm is caused when:
■ The BDI-DTP maintenance signal persists for more than 2.5 seconds

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for faults between this node and a downstream DTN and clear them. Faults can be OLOS,

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Alarms 1-21



Loss Of Frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical/Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTFCTP
■ Detailed Conditions - LOF

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the DTF Path termination point on the line module and TAM, DICM.
This alarm is generated when the line module and the TAM are unable to lock on to the frame of the
incoming channel.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Noisy received signal
■ Hardware faults in the DTF path of the line module/TAM/DICM in upstream network element
■ Hardware faults in the DTF path of the line module/TAM/DICM in this network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the line module/TAM/DICM in the upstream
network element.
2. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the line module/TAM/DICM in this network
element. If any, replace the line module/TAM/DICM.
3. Cold reset the TAM.

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1-22 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss Of Frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTUki Section CTP, OTUCni Section CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP, SDH, SONET
■ Detailed Conditions - LOF

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SONET and SDH client port, and OTU client termination points on
TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the SONET and SDH ports or the OTU termination points are unable to
lock on to the incoming signal frame from the client equipment.
This alarm is generated when the downstream interface is unable to lock on to the frame of the incoming
optical signal for the SONET/SDH/OTU clients.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A defective upstream transmitter
■ Degradation of a fiber connection
■ Incorrect frame format from the client equipment
■ Bent or dirty fiber connection between the Trib port and the client equipment
■ Low optical power received

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check that the client equipment is sending the SONET/SDH/OTU frame format that is expected by this
network element port.
2. Check the fiber connection between the Trib port and the client equipment.
3. Ensure the optical power received is within documented parameters.

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Loss Of Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTUki Section CTP, OTUCni Section CTP, Clear Channel, OTUCLIENTCTP,
Digital Channel, Fiber Channel Client, GbE Client, SDH, SONET, OCHCTP, CarrierCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the client termination point on the TOM, TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE. This
alarm is reported in the receive direction.
This alarm is generated when the TAM Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) unit has detected the Loss of
Lock defect for 2.5 seconds. Loss of lock defect = inability to lock for 100 microseconds.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Low OPR at the client facility
■ Client facility sending an unexpected signal framing
■ Client facility sending an unexpected data rate
■ Transmitter failure in the client equipment

Note: For client ports configured for 1.25G Clear Channel services, users must verify that the
incoming signal is 1.25GCC data rate. Ports configured for 1.25GCC services will not report a
client LOS alarm when a signal of a higher rate is received on the port.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check OPR on the trib port.

2. Ensure that the received signal framing is correct.
3. Ensure data rates are correct.
4. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.
5. Check for failures in the client equipment.

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1-24 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Loss Of Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility/Communication

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)/NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OLOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Dispersion Compensation Module (DCM) port on the
BMM/OAM/ORM/DSE that provides the mid-stage DCM access, or by the CMM OCG port.
This alarm is generated when the BMM/OAM/ORM/DSE detects loss of receive optical power from the
DCM, or when the CMM detects loss of receive optical power from the BMM.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A fiber cut, a loose connector or a dirty fiber between the DCM and the BMM/OAM/ORM/DSE
■ A fiber cut, a loose connector or a dirty fiber between the CMM and the BMM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the connectivity of the fiber between the BMM/OAM/ORM/DSE and the DCM port, or between
the CMM and the BMM.
2. Clean and reconnect the fiber between the BMM/OAM/ORM/DSE and the DCM port, or between the
CMM and the BMM.
3. Replace the fiber between the BMM/OAM/ORM/DSE and the DCM port, or between the CMM and the

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Trace Identifier Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTF Path
■ Detailed Conditions - TIM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF Path termination point in the TAM and Line DTF Path termination
point on the line module.
This alarm is generated when the expected trace message does not match the received trace message
from the upstream DTN.
This alarm is generated when the transmitted DTF Path TTI from the ingress network element does not
match the expected DTF Path TTI at the egress network element.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration of transmit DTF Path TTI in the ingress network element or expected DTF Path
TTI in the egress network element
■ Mis-connection between the line module, or TEM and BMM in the upstream network element or in
this network element
■ Mis-connection between the network elements

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the transmit configuration in the upstream network element and the expected TTI in this
network element. If there is a mismatch, correct the configuration.
2. Ensure the fiber connection between the line module, TEM and BMM in the upstream network element
or in this network element is correct.

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1-26 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Payload Label Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ Applicable Facilities - DTF Path

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the Trib DTF Path.
The criterion for alarm reporting is based on the mismatch between the provisioned cross-connect
payload in the source node and the destination node.
If the source cross-connect payload is SONET and destination cross-connect payload is something other
than SONET i.e. SDH, CLEAR CHANNEL, GbE LAN then Payload Mismatch will be reported in both the
source and destination nodes.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Different payloads provisioned manually at the either end of the circuit utilizing matching line side or
channel resources

Clearing Procedure

■ Manually restore the client Trib termination point payload type to that of its service type. This
requires the user to delete the cross-connect and rebuild the cross-connect in either of the nodes
(source node or destination node) to match the same payload

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Alarms 1-27



Optical Loss of Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - RX-OLOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the line port on the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/SCM/OPSMPTP/DSE.
This alarm is generated when the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/SCM/DSE loses all of the receive optical power
for all expected bands and the Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC).
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A loose, bent or broken fiber connector at a patch panel, or inside a
BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/SCM/DSE in the local network element or the upstream network element
■ Physically severed fiber between local network element and the upstream network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check fiber connectivity on the line port of the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/SCM/DSE on both ends of the
2. Check for equipment failure at the upstream network element.

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1-28 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Loss Of Signal - Payload

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DLM OCG Port, OLM OCG Port, CMMOCHPTP, CMM OCG Port,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the line module OCG port.
This alarm is generated when the optical power received is below the expected threshold for the OCG.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ The BMM OCG-line module OCG fiber is removed/missing on local end or far end
■ The OTS OLOS/C-Band OLOS/DCF OLOS or when all 10 channels in the line module have an
LOF condition
■ Failure of the optical components on a BMM
■ Failure of the optical components on a line module
■ A BMM OCG OPR-OOR-HIGH Alarm present in the upstream BMM when the upstream network
element has Optical Express connectivity between BMM OCGs
■ A MIS-CONN Alarm present in the upstream BMM when the upstream network element has Optical
Express connectivity between BMM OCGs
■ Auto-discovery at the far end line module is not complete
■ The far end line module is locked or removed

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for the connectivity between the BMM and the line module.
2. Check for equipment alarms on the line module on the network element and the upstream digital
network element (that is, at the upstream line module).
3. Check for the equipment alarms on the BMM.
4. Check for an OPR-OOR-HIGH alarm on the upstream expressed OCGs.

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Alarm Indication Signal - Line

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - AIS
■ Applicable Facilities - SONET

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the downstream SONET client termination point on the TAM.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the SONET client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper fiber connectivity between the TOM and the SONET equipment.
2. Check for problems in the SONET client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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1-30 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Alarm Indication Signal - MS

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the downstream SDH client termination point on the TAM and
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF in its
receive direction.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the SDH client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper fiber connectivity between the TOM and the SDH equipment.
2. Check for problems in the SDH client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-31



Trace Identifier Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH, SONET, OLDPSCH, SCH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SONET/SDH client port on TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the expected trace message does not match the trace message received
from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Incorrect configuration of the expected or transmit trace messages
■ Improper connectivity between the SONET/SDH client equipment and the Trib port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the SONET/SDH J0 transmit configuration in the client equipment and the expected J0 in this
network element. If there is a mismatch, correct the configuration.
2. Check the connectivity between the client equipment and this network element.

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1-32 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Loss of Signal - Payload

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OLOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Band CTP on the BMM, OAM, TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE,
This alarm is generated when the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM detects loss of all receive optical power for the C
band, while the OSC continues to have incoming optical power.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Hardware failures in the upstream network element or connection faults in the C band data path
■ Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) conditioning on the OTS link by an upstream network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper fiber connectivity from the DCM port on the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM.
2. Check for hardware failure(s) in the upstream network element.
3. Inspect all the line connections to the BMM on the upstream DTN.

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OPR Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OPR too high

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Band layer on the BMM,OAM, ORM, RAM, OLM OCG Port ,GAM
This alarm is generated when Infinera’s Automated Gain Control (AGC)-based computed target gain is
equal to or greater than the Infinera defined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A fiber crimp between the upstream network element and this network element
■ Improper configuration of the link or too much attenuation
■ Misconfigured/damaged DCM at the upstream network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that there is proper attenuation between the upstream network element and this network
2. Check for misconfigured DCM at the upstream network element or improper configuration of the link.
3. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/GAM.
4. Check for a faulty photodiode/optical power monitor. To check if the photodiode is faulty remove the
fiber and check if the power value displayed changes. If the value changes, the photodiode is not
faulty. If the value remains the same, the photodiode is faulty. If the photodiode is faulty replace it.

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1-34 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



OPR Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OPR too low

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Band layer on the BMM, OAM, ORM, RAM, OLM OCG Port, GAM
This alarm is generated when Infinera’s Automated Gain Control (AGC)-based computed target gain is
equal to or less than the defined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A fiber crimp between the upstream network element and this network element
■ Power loss upstream
■ Improper configuration of the link or too much attenuation
■ Misconfigured/damaged DCM at the upstream network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that there is proper attenuation between the upstream network element and this network
2. Check for misconfigured DCM at the upstream network element or improper configuration of the link.
3. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/GAM.
4. Check for a faulty photodiode/optical power monitor and. To check if the photodiode is faulty remove
the fiber and check if the power value displayed changes. If the value changes, the photodiode is not
faulty. If the value remains the same, the photodiode is faulty. If the photodiode is faulty replace it.

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OPR Out of Range - High

■ TCC Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OPR too high

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing condition (TCC) is generated by the Trib Port.
This TCC is generated when the optical power received is equal to or greater than the defined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ The input power received is too high
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure there is proper attenuation between the client equipment and the TOM.
2. Check the client equipment for faults.
3. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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OPR Out of Range - Low

■ TCC Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OPR too low

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing condition (TCC) is generated by the Trib Port.
This TCC is generated when the optical power received is equal to or lower than the defined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ The signal from the client equipment is too low
■ There is a crimped fiber between the client equipment and the TOM
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the fiber is not crimped.

2. Check the client equipment for faults.
3. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-37



OPT Out Of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OPT-OORL

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the optical channel termination point on the line module.
Optical power transmitted (OPT) must constantly be equal to or above (below) the High (Low) threshold
for 3 ms. Failure is declared when this defect persists for 2.5 +/- 0.5 secs. The thresholds are pre-defined
and are not user configurable.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the line module-BMM association is correct.

2. Ensure that Auto-discovery has been successfully completed.
3. Clean and reconnect the fiber between the line module and the BMM.

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Trace Identifier Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes (TIM-S)

This alarm is generated by the channel termination point in the line module.
This alarm is generated when the transmitted DTF Section TTI from the ingress network element does not
match the expected DTF Section TTI at the egress network element.
This alarm is also generated when the transmitted digital channel (DCH) CTP TTI from the ingress
network element does not match the expected DCH CTP TTI at the egress network element.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration of transmit DTF Section TTI in the ingress network element or expected DTF
Section TTI in the egress network element
■ Mis-configuration of transmit DCH CTP TTI in the ingress network element or expected DCH CTP
TTI in the egress network element


This alarm is generated by the digital channel termination point in the TAM-2-10GT.
This alarm is generated when the received DCHCTP TTI does not match the expected DCHCTP TTI.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration of fiber connection between the TAM-2-10GT cards installed in the customer side
network and provider side network of L1 OPN application

Clearing Procedure (TIM-S)

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the DTS transmit configuration in the upstream network element and the expected TTI in this
network element. If there is a mismatch, correct the configuration.
2. Check the connectivity between the line module and BMM from the upstream network element and in
this network element.
3. Check the connectivity between the network elements.

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■ Check the fiber connectivity between the TAM-2-10GT installed in the customer side network and
provide side network of L1 OPN application

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1-40 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Remote Failure Indication - Line

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - RDI

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SONET client termination point on the TAM and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when a RDI-L maintenance alarm is received for greater than 2.5 seconds.

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for a failure downstream of this network element (toward the client equipment).

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Remote Failure Indication - Multiplex Section

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - RDI

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SDH client termination point on the TAM and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when a RDI-MS maintenance signal is received for more than 2.5 seconds.

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for failure downstream of this network element (toward the client equipment)

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1-42 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Loss Of Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OLOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib port on the TOM, TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE,
This alarm is generated when the received optical power is below the receiver sensitivity.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A physically severed fiber between the Trib port and the client equipment
■ A faulty transmitter in the client equipment

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the fiber connectivity between the Trib port and the client equipment.
2. Check for equipment failures in the client equipment.

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Alarms 1-43



Auto-discovery Timed Out

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - BMM OCG Port, DLM OCG Port, CMM OCG Port, FSMSCGPTP,
■ Detailed Conditions - AUTODISC-TIMEOUT

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCGPTP on the line module or BMM OCGPTP (OUT port), in case of an
optical express connection. In the case of a CMM to BMM interconnection, this alarm is generated by
OCGPTP on the CMM. In the case of an LM OCH to CMM interconnection, this alarm is generated by the
LMOCHPTP on the LM-80.
This alarm is generated when autodiscovery does not complete within the specified time.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ CRC check failure
■ Failure of the optical components on the line module and/or LM-80
■ Failure of the optical components on the CMM
■ Failure of the 40G transponder on the LM-80
■ Dirty fiber between the BMM and the line module and/or between BMM OCGPTPs
■ Dirty fiber between the CMM and the BMM
■ Dirty fiber between the LM-80 and the CMM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Perform the Auto-discovery operation manually from any of the management interfaces.
2. Clean or replace the fiber.
3. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the line module and/or LM-80.
4. Ensure that the OCGs of same type are connected together appropriately. In the case of a CMM to
BMM interconnection, ensure that the OCGs of same type are connected together appropriately.

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5. Ensure that the connected OCG matches with the provisioned OCG.
6. Ensure there is a proper association between the line module OCG and the BMM and the BMM
OCGPTPs. In the case of a CMM to BMM interconnection, ensure this is a proper association between
the CMM OCG and the BMM OCG.

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Alarms 1-45



Inter-module Mis-connection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GAM OCG Port, Band Port, BMM OCG Port, Span, C-Band, CMMOCHPTP,
■ Detailed Conditions - LINK-MISMATCH

Table 1-2 Alarm Detailed Conditions

Detailed Condition Description
PeerNotFound Discovered AID is not valid
NotUserExpectedAssociation Own port is already provisioned to some other port
OwnCardDetected Discovered port is on its own card
PeerAlreadyAssociated Discovered port has already been provisioned to some other port
IncompatiblePorts Discovered card/port-type is not compatible with this card/port-
UnsupportedPeerTpType Discovered port-type is unknown
PreProvisioningMandatory Pre-provisioning is mandatory to successfully complete
LosClearedWithoutAutoDiscoveredAssociation LOS is cleared without any Discovered port
AnotherPortIsAlreadyAssociatedToTheSameFru Same FRUs have already been associated via another set of
OwnPortConfigInvalid Port configuration on own port is not correct (eg. Port that has
detected the AID is configured as ASEIdler
OwnEqptConfigInvalid Own equipment configuration is not compatible with the detected
port equipment (eg. If AOFx is connected to FRM equipment in
SLTE mode)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCG port on the BMM or OCH port on the CMM.
This alarm is generated when the line module type does not match the connected OCG port on the BMM,
that is, the provisioned OCG type does not match the discovered OCG type. For example, DLM/XLM-1-
C1 is connected to OCG 3 port on the BMM, instead of connecting to OCG 1 port.

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This alarm is also generated when the LM-80 OCH does not match the connected OCH port on the CMM,
that is, the provisioned OCH type does not match the discovered OCH type. For example
AXLM-80-T1-C5 port 1 is configured for OCH 1 and connected to OCH 2 on the CMM, instead of
connecting to OCH 1.
This alarm is most likely caused:
■ When a BMM is connected to another BMM of the same type (both are either 40 or 80 channel) but
the max channel configuration is different in each (for example, one BMM is set to 40 channels and
the other is set to10 channels)
■ By mis-connection of the fibers between the line module and the BMM
■ By mis-connection of the fibers between the LM-80 and CMM
■ Installing the wrong line module type
■ Mismatch between the provisioned OCG type and discovered OCG type
■ When a mis-connection is created in GAMOCGPTP, for example when a GAM receives a signal
from a different line module when compared to the provisioned line module
■ When the BMM2-8-CH3-MS and BMM2H-4-R3-MS cards receive some valid power in the BAND
CTP and if the association is not completed with Expansion BMM2
■ When BMM2-8-CEH3 and BMM2H-4-B3 expansion cards receive some valid power in the BAND
CTP and if the association is not completed with the Base BMM2
■ When a BMM2-8-CH3-MS (Base BMM2) is configured for 160 channels and the Neighbor BMM
has not been configured.
This alarm can also be generated by the Band layer on a BMM, OAM, ORM or RAM. It is most
likely caused:
■ When the configured channel numbers on BMMs installed at either end of the span do not match.
This alarm can also be generated by the network element on the DSE PTP. It is most likely caused
■ The DSE PTP detects a signal with a power level above the OLOS threshold value and if this DSE
PTP is not provisioned to a corresponding ORM (or OAM/BMM) DCF PTP

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the provisioned OCG type and discovered OCG type are the same.
2. Ensure that the correct line module OCG (in slot and chassis) is connected to the appropriate BMM
3. Check if the configured number of channels match in the BMMs installed on either end of the span.

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4. If the alarm is raised on the DSE PTP, ensure that the provisioning of the DSE PTP is done
5. If the alarm is raised on the CMMOCHPTP, ensure that the OCH ports of the LM-80 and CMM are
provisioned for the correct (same) channel.

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1-48 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



OPR Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - BMMOCG, GAMOCG, CMMOCH

Description and Causes

■ In the case of a BMM OCG:

□ This alarm is generated by the OCGPTP on the BMM
□ This alarm is generated when the OPR is below the pre-defined threshold value
■ In the case of a GAM OCG:
□ The alarm is generated by the OCGPTP on the GAM (Trib side)
□ This alarm is generated when the OPR is below the pre-defined threshold value
■ In the case of a CMM OCH:
□ The alarm is generated by the OCHPTP on the CMM (OCH side)
□ This alarm is generated when the OPR is below the pre-defined threshold value
In the case of a BMM OCG, this alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent) between the line module and the BMM
■ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent) between the line module and the GAM OCG
■ Fault in the line module
■ Fault in the BMM
■ Power received by the BMM OCGPTP is not within specifications
In the case of a GAM OCG, this alarm is most likes caused by:
■ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent) between the line module and the GAM OCG
■ Fault in the line module
■ Fault in the GAM
■ Power received by the GAM OCGPTP is not within specifications
In the case of a CMM OCH, this alarm is most likes caused by:
■ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent) between the LM-80 and the CMM OCH
■ Fault in the LM-80

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■ Fault in the CMM

■ Power received by the CMM OCHPTP is not within specifications

Note: During OPR-OORL condition even if the alarm is raised correctly, the received power in
management interface is shown as -55dBm.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

In the case of a BMM OCG:

1. Check for hardware failures in the line module and the BMM.
2. Check the fiber connectivity between the line module and the BMM.
3. Remove, inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber between the line module and the BMM.
4. Check the power received by the BMM OCGPTP. Ensure attenuation between the express OCGs
does not exceed Infinera specifications (22dB).
In the case of a GAM OCG:
5. Check the fiber connectivity between the line module and the GAM.
6. Remove, inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber between the line module and the GAM.
7. Check for hardware failures in the line module and the GAM.
In the case of a CMM OCH:
8. Check the fiber connectivity between the LM-80 and the CMM.
9. Remove, inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber between the LM-80 and the CMM.
10. Check for hardware failures in the LM-80 and the CMM.

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OPR Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - BMMOCG, GAMOCG, CMMOCH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCGPTP on the BMM and the GAM, or between the LM-80 and CMM.
This alarm is generated when the OPR is above the pre-defined threshold value.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Fault in the line module
■ Fault in the LM-80
■ Fault in the BMM
■ Fault in the GAM
■ Fault in the CMM
■ Power received by the BMM OCGPTP exceeds the specified values
■ Power received by the GAM OCGPTP exceeds the specified values
■ Power received by the CMM OCHPTP exceeds the specified values

Clearing Procedure
In the case of a BMM OCG:
1. Check for hardware failures in the line module and the BMM.
2. Check the fiber connectivity between the line module and the BMM.
3. Remove, inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber between the line module and the BMM.
4. Check the power received by the BMM OCGPTP. Ensure attenuation between the express OCGs
does not exceed Infinera specifications (22dB).
In the case of a GAM OCG:
5. Check the fiber connectivity between the line module and the GAM.
6. Remove, inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber between the line module and the GAM.
7. Check for hardware failures in the line module and the GAM.
In the case of a CMM OCH:

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8. Check the fiber connectivity between the LM-80 and the CMM.
9. Remove, inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber between the LM-80 and the CMM.
10. Check for hardware failures in the LM-80 and the CMM.

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1-52 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



OPR Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the DCM port on a BMM/OAM/ORM with a DCM port.
This alarm is generated when the OPR is less than the pre-defined threshold value.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Improper fiber connection between the DCM and the DCM ports on the BMM/OAM/ORM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the fiber connectivity between the DCM port on the BMM/OAM/ORM and the DCM.
2. If no DCM is present, ensure the fiber loop is present on the DCM port on the BMM/OAM/ORM.

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Alarms 1-53



Post-FEC BER-based Signal Failure

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the DTPCTP, OCHCTP, CarrierCTP and the channel termination point.
This alarm is generated when the bit error rate (BER) as measured by DTP BIP-8 field exceeds the
predefined threshold value of 1E-5.
If it is part of a protection or an unprotected restorable scheme, the alarm is raised with a severity of Minor
and non-service affecting. However, if the BER exceeds the predefined threshold on an unprotected
circuit, the alarm is raised with severity as Critical and service-affecting.
The severity and service-affecting fields of this alarm are based on the protection switch state. If the DTP
has a failure and a successful protection switch is performed or if the failure was associated with the non-
active PU (thus no protection switch was done/needed), the alarm’s severity is Minor and is non-service

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the OPR to the line module OCGPTP.

2. Check for problems in the affect channel’s digital span.

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De-encapsulated Loss of Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Clear Channel, SubClient, GbE Client, Fiber Channel Client, SDH,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the client CTP of TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE.
This alarm is generated when the upstream network element receives optical power below the receiver
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A physically severed fiber between the Trib port and the client equipment
■ A faulty transmitter in the client equipment

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the fiber connectivity between the Trib port and the client equipment.
2. Check for equipment failures in the client equipment.

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De-encapsulated Loss of Frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SubClient, SDH, OTUCLIENTCTP, SONET

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SONET/SDH/OTU client port on TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This defect/failure is declared on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network side--the
extracted DTP payload. A de-encap SEF/LOF defect is raised when the condition persists for 3ms. A de-
encap SEF/LOF defect is declared when the incoming signal has a minimum of four consecutive errored
framing patterns.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A defective upstream transmitter
■ Degradation of a fiber connection
■ Incorrect frame format from client equipment
■ Bent or dirty fiber connection between the Trib port and the client equipment
■ Low received optical power

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check that the client equipment is sending the SONET/SDH/OTU frame format that is expected by this
network element port.
2. Check the fiber connectivity between the Trib port and the client equipment.
3. Ensure the OPR on the Trib port is within documented threshold.

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De-encapsulated Loss Of Sync

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GbE Client, Fiber Channel Client
■ Detailed Conditions - DE-ENCAP-LOSYNC

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GbE Trib CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE and the
FCClient CTP.
This alarm is generated when the upstream network element detects a LOSYNC.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Client equipment sending the wrong signal format
■ Equipment fault

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the correct signal format is being received.

2. Check for equipment failures in the client equipment.
3. Check for equipment failures at the upstream network element.

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De-encapsulated Alarm Indication Signal - Line

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - DE-ENCAP-PL-AIS
■ Applicable Facilities - Sonet Client CTP, SubClient

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the downstream client termination point on the TAM.
This alarm is generated on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives an AIS-L from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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De-encapsulated Alarm Indication Signal - MS

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH Client CTP, Sub Client

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the downstream SDH CTP on the TAM and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives a AIS-MS alarm from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the SDH client network
■ AIS-MS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the SDH client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-59



Test Signal Generation Activated, toward Client

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GbE Client, Fiber Channel Client

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM), 10GFC
client (TAM-2-10GM), TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE and TIM-1-40GE.
This alarm is generated when the trib test signal generation is enabled (toward the client) for this
termination point.

Clearing Procedure

■ Manually clear the trib test signal generation (toward the client)

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Test Signal Generation Activated, toward Network

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM), 10GFC
client (TAM-2-10GM), TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE and TIM-1-40GE.
This alarm is generated when the line test signal generation is enabled (toward the Infinera network) for
this termination point.

Clearing Procedure

■ Manually clear the line test signal generation (toward the Infinera network)

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Test Signal Out of Sync, from Client

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - TRIB-TESTSIG-OOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the system has detected that the trib test signal received from the client is
out of sync.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the trib test signal pattern has been properly configured.
2. The alarm will clear when the system detects that the received trib test signal pattern from the client is
in synch.

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Test Signal Out of Sync, from Network

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - LINE-TESTSIG-OOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the system has detected that the line test signal received from the Infinera
network is out of sync.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the line test signal pattern has been properly configured.
2. The alarm will clear when the system detects that the received line test signal pattern from the Infinera
network is in synch.

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Loss of Sync

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Fiber Channel Client, GbE Client
■ Detailed Conditions - LOSYNC

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM), 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM), 40GbE client (TAM-1-40GE/
TAM-1-40GR), 100GbE client (TAM-1-100GE/TAM-1-100GR), TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-40GE and
This alarm is generated when a Loss Of Sync is detected from the client signal.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A physically severed fiber between the Trib port and the client equipment
■ Physically severed fiber between local network element and the upstream network element
■ A faulty transmitter in the client equipment

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the fiber connectivity between the Trib port and the client equipment.
2. Check for equipment failures in the client equipment.

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Trib PRBS Generation Activated, toward Client

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Digital Channel, GFP Client, SDH, SONET

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when a TRIB PRBS generation is applied on the digital channel (DCh)
termination point, SONET client trib termination point, the SDH client trib termination point, Fiber Channel

Clearing Procedure

■ Disable the PRBS generation on the digital channel termination point, SONET client trib termination
point, the SDH client trib termination point, Fiber Channel client termination point, OTU client
termination point or ODUKT Client termination point

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PRBS Generation Activated, toward network

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SONET, GFP Client, Digital Channel, SDH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the line module has detected that PRBS generation is activated on the
digital channel termination, SONET client trib termination point, the SDH client trib termination point, the
Fiber Channel client termination point, ODUKT client termination point or OTU client termination point.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check whether PRBS generation is activated in the far end client equipment.
2. Check whether PRBS monitoring is activated in the near end client equipment.
3. Check the SNC setup.

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Trib PRBS Out of Sync from Client

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GFP Client, Digital Channel, SONET, SDH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the line module detects that the received TRIB PRBS pattern is out of
synch on the digital channel termination point, SONET client trib termination point, the SDH client trib
termination point, Fiber Channel client termination point, ODUKT client termination point or OTU client
termination point.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check whether PRBS generation is activated in the far end client equipment.
2. Check whether PRBS monitoring is activated in the near end client equipment.
3. Check the SNC setup.

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Alarms 1-67



PRBS out of sync, from network

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GFP Client, SDH, SONET, Digital Channel

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when a PRBS pattern is applied on the SONET Client Trib termination point, the
SDH Client Trib termination point, Fiber Channel client termination point, ODUKT Client termination point
or OTU Client termination point.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check whether PRBS generation is activated in the far end client equipment.
2. Check whether PRBS monitoring is activated in the near end client equipment.
3. Check the SNC setup.

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1-68 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of Alignment

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical/Major
■ Applicable Facilities - GbE Client, VCG, SDH and SONET for TIM_1-40GM

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the system has detected one or more of the constituent members of virtual
concatenation group (VCG) or GigE Client CTP of TIM-1-100GE and TIM-1-40GE are out of alignment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ One or more of the members of the VCG or GigE Client CTP are not able to achieve performance
threshold for the skew limit budget (skew limit is 5.7 microseconds)

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure all members of the VCG or GigE Client CTP are able to achieve performance threshold for
the skew limit budget.

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Alarms 1-69



OCG Loss Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor (user customizable)
■ Applicable Facilities - OLM OCG Port, BMM OCG Port, CMM OCG Port, DLM OCG Port, GAM
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

■ In cases where a GAM is not used:

□ That is, when the DLM/XLMs are connected to BMMs only, this alarm will be raised when the
optical loss difference between OCGOPT on the line module (DLM/XLM) and the respective
BMM OCGOPR is greater than 1.5dB
□ That is, when the ADLM/AXLMs in Gen 2 operating mode are connected to BMM2s only, this
alarm will be raised when the optical loss difference between OCGOPT on the line module
(ADLM/AXLM) and the respective BMM2 OCGOPR is greater than 1.5dB
■ In cases where a GAM is used (that is, when DLM/XLMs are connected to BMM2s via GAMs) this
alarm will be raised on:
□ The OCGPTP on the DLM/XLMs when the optical loss difference between DLM/XLM
OCGOPT and the GAM Trib OCGOPR is greater than 1.5dB
□ The GAM OCGPTP when the optical loss difference between GAM Line OCGOPT and
BMM2 OCGOPR is greater than 1.5dB
■ This alarm is raised on a BMM2 OCGPTP when the optical loss difference between the BMM2
OCGPTP and BMM2 OCGPTP optical express is greater than 3dB. However, it will not be raised
on the BMM2 OCGPTP for which only ASE is present
■ This alarm is raised when the fiber patch loss between the BMM2/BMM2P OCGPTP to GAM
OCGPTP and between the GAM OCGPTP to the ADLM/AXLM OCGPTP is greater than the
Infinera defined threshold values (1.5dB) for each of these segments
■ In the case of an LM-80 to CMM or CMM to BMM interconnection, this alarm is raised when the
optical loss difference between the LM-80 and CMM or between the CMM and BMM exceeds the
pre-defined threshold value:
□ 1.5dB between LM-80 OCH and CMM OCH
□ 1.5dB between CMM OCG and BMM OCG (Gen 2/2P)
□ 18.0dB (15.0dB attenuator pad + 3.0dB) between CMM OCG and BMM OCG (Gen 1)
This alarm is most likely caused by:

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■ When a GAM is not used:

□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between the line module and a BMM
■ When a GAM is used:
□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between the line module and a GAM Trib
□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between the GAM OCGPTP and a BMM
■ When an LM-80 and CMM are used:
□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between the LM-80 and the CMM
□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between the CMM and the BMM
■ When AOLx/AOLx2 is connected to BMM2:
□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between the OLM and BMM2
□ Failure in the fiber connection (dirty or bent fiber) between BMM2 and OLM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure fiber is fully connected.

2. Inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber.
3. Replace bad fiber.

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Alarms 1-71



Administrative Maintenance

■ Alarm Type - Facility/Communication

■ Severity - Not Reported (User Provisionable)
■ Applicable Facilities - Optical Channel, Digital Channel, GFP Client, IDLERCHANNELCTP, OTUki
CARRIERCTP, DLM Optical Channel, IDLERPTP, Clear Channel, ODUk Client/CTP, TRIBPTP,
SubClient, ODUki CTP, SDH, OTUCLIENTCTP, ODUkT, VCG, GbE Client, Fiber Channel Client,

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the user has administratively put any of the applicable facilities into
maintenance state by using the management interface command.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared by unlocking the managed object using the management interface command

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1-72 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Administrative Locked

■ Alarm Type - Facility / Communication

■ Severity - Not Reported (User Provisionable)
Optical Channel, DTF Path, BMM OCG Port, CMM OCG Port, SA, Band Port, SCHCTP,

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the user has administratively put any of the applicable facilities into the locked
state by using the management interface command.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared by unlocking the managed object using the management interface command

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Power Control Loop Disabled

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major

Description and Causes

This Alarm is raised when the OCG/SCG Power Control Loop feature is disabled by means of the
management interface.

Clearing Procedure

■ Enable the OCG/SCG Power Control Loop feature by using the management interface command

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Automatic Laser Shutdown Disabled

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ Applicable Facilities - BAND CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the user has disabled the ALS feature by using the management interface

Clearing Procedure
1. Enable the ALS feature by using the management interface command.
2. The alarm will clear once the ALS-disabled timer has expired (the timer is user configurable).
3. The BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM has been made to do a warm reset.

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OPR Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility/Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the RAM modules (RAM-1, RAM-2-OR, REM-2), DCF PTP and/or DSE (OSA
In case of RAM modules, this alarm is generated when the received OSC optical power falls below a
predefined Infinerathreshold. It is most likely caused by:
■ Fault in the fiber connection between the BMM Line OUT port, and the RAM-1 or RAM-2-OR
■ Fault in the fiber connection between the RAM-2-OR LINE OUT port and the REM-2's RAM-2-OR
IN port
In case of a DCF PTP, this alarm is generated if the mid-stage optical power received by the DCF
PTP falls below a predefined Threshold.
In case of a DSE (OSA PTP), this alarm is generated if the OSC optical power received by the DSE
(OSA PTP) falls below a predefined Threshold.

Clearing Procedure
1. Check the fiber connections.
2. Check the power received by the OSC port on the RAM module generating the alarm.
3. Compare to the OSC transmit power levels from the connected BMM or OAM, or in the case of the
REM-2, the OSCT OPT power of the attached RAM-2-OR.
4. In case of this alarm reported on DCF PTP, check for dirty fiber connector, fiber crimp, or other
unexpected attenuation on DCF/DCM and take appropriate actions to rectify the fault in the connector
or fiber.

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OPR Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility/Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the RAM modules: RAM-1, RAM-2-OR, and/or REM-2.
This alarm is generated when the received OSC optical power falls above a predefined Infinera threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Incorrect fiber connection between the BMM Line OUT port, and the RAM-1 or RAM-2-OR
■ Incorrect fiber connection between the RAM-2-OR LINE OUT port and the REM-2's RAM-2-OR IN

Clearing Procedure
1. Check the fiber connections.
2. Check the power received by the OSC port on the RAM module generating the alarm.
3. Compare to the OSC transmit power levels from the connected BMM or OAM, or in the case of the
REM-2, the OSCT OPT power of the attached RAM-2-OR.

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OPT Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility/Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the RAM modules: RAM-1, RAM-2-OR, and/or REM-2.
This alarm is generated when the transmitted OSC optical power falls below a predefined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Fault in the fiber connection between the BMM Line OUT port and the RAM-1's BMM/OAM IN port
■ Fault in the fiber connection between the RAM-2-OR LINE OUT port and the REM-2's RAM-2-OR
IN port
■ Failure in the OSC regeneration circuitry of the RAM-2-OR module

Clearing Procedure
1. Check the fiber connections.
2. Check the power received by the OSC port on the RAM module generating the alarm.
3. Compare to the OSC transmit power levels from the connected BMM or OAM, or in the case of the
REM-2, the OSCT OPT power of the attached RAM-2-OR.

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OPT Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility / Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the RAM modules: RAM-1, RAM-2-OR, and/or REM-2.
This alarm is generated when the transmitted OSC optical power falls above a predefined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Fault in the fiber connection between the BMM Line OUT port and the RAM-1's BMM/OAM IN port
■ Fault in the fiber connection between the RAM-2-OR LINE OUT port and the REM-2's RAM-2-OR
IN port
■ Failure in the OSC regeneration circuitry of the RAM-2-OR module

Clearing Procedure
1. Check the fiber connections.
2. Check the power received by the OSC port on the RAM module generating the alarm.
3. Compare to the OSC transmit power levels from the connected BMM or OAM, or in the case of the
REM-2, the OSCT OPT power of the attached RAM-2-OR.

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Backward Defect Indication DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTPCTP
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF Path termination point on the TAM and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is caused when:
■ The transmit BDI-DTP maintenance signal is received for more than 2.5 seconds

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for faults between this node and a downstream DTN. Faults can be OLOS, LOF, or AIS-DTP

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Alarm Indication Signal DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTPCTP
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF path on a TAM-2-10GT and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the line module in the upstream network element detects a Loss of Frame
(LOF) for the corresponding Optical Channel (OCh) on its receive path and sends an AIS-DTP
maintenance signal to this network element which is in the downstream direction. Failure is declared
when this defect persists for 2.5 +/- 0.5 seconds.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in upstream network element or the network

Clearing Procedure

■ Identify if the problem is in some digital network element upstream of this network element.

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Trace Identifier Mismatch DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTPCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF path on a TAM-2-10GT when the expected trace message does
not match the received trace message from the upstream DTN.
This alarm is generated when the transmitted DTF Path TTI from the ingress network element does not
match the expected DTF Path TTI at the egress network element.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Noisy received signal
■ Hardware faults in the DTF path of the TAM-2-10GT in upstream network element
■ Hardware faults in the DTF path of the TAM-2-10GT in this network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TAM-2-10GT in the upstream network element.
2. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TAM-2-10GT in this network element. If any,
replace the line module/TAM/TOM.

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1-82 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Post-FEC BER-based Signal Failure DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF path on a TAM-2-10GT when the bit error rate (BER) as
measured by DTP BIP-8 field exceeds the predefined threshold value of 1E-5.
If it is part of a protection scheme, the alarm is raised with a severity as Minor and non-service affecting.
However, if the BER exceeds the factory default on the working line, the alarm is raised with severity as
Critical and service-affecting.
The severity and service-affecting fields of this alarm are based on the protection switch state. If the DTP
has a failure and a successful protection switch is performed or if the failure was associated with the non-
active PU (thus no protection switch was done/needed), the alarm’s severity is Minor and is non-service

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the input power level to the line module.

2. Check for problems in this channel’s digital span.

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Loss of Frame DTP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DTPCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Trib DTF path on a TAM-2-10GT and TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A defective upstream transmitter
■ Degradation of a fiber connection
■ Incorrect frame format from the client equipment
■ Bent or dirty fiber connection between the Trib port and the client equipment
■ Low received optical power

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TAM-2-10GT in the upstream network element.
2. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TAM-2-10GT in this network element. If any,
replace the TAM-2-10GT.

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OPR Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facility - DLM OCG PTP, OLM OCG PTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the DLM OCG PTP.
This alarm is generated when Infinera’s Automated Gain Control (AGC)-based computed target gain is
equal to or less than the Infinera defined threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A fiber crimp between the upstream network element and this network element
■ Power loss upstream
■ Improper configuration of the link or too much attenuation
■ Misconfigured/damaged DCM at the upstream network element

Note: During OPR-OORL condition even if the alarm is raised correctly, the received power in
management interface is shown as -55dBm.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that there is proper attenuation between the upstream network element and this network
2. Check for misconfigured DCM at the upstream network element or improper configuration of the link.
3. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/GAM.
4. Check for a faulty photodiode/optical power monitor and. To check if the photodiode is faulty remove
the fiber and check if the power value displayed changes. If the value changes, the photodiode is not
faulty. If the value remains the same, the photodiode is faulty. If the photodiode is faulty replace it.

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OPR Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility/Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OPR-OORH
■ Applicable Facility - DLM OCG PTP, OLM OCG PTP

Description and Causes

The network element supports the OPR-OORH facility alarm on the ADLM/AXLM/SLM OCGPTP when
the corresponding Infineraset threshold for this alarm is crossed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Fault in the line module (ADLM/AXLM/SLM)
■ Fault in the BMM2
■ Power received by the OCG (ADLM/AXLM/SLM) is exceeding the specifications
■ Power control loop is disabled on the BMM2

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for hardware failures in the ADLM/AXLM/SLM and BMM2.

2. Ensure the OCG power control loop on the BMM2 is enabled.

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1-86 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Connectivity Verification Failed

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - CONNECTIVITYFAIL

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the digital channel termination point (DchCTP) as a result of connectivity
failure in the provider network. This alarm is cleared when the connectivity is restored in the provider
For this mechanism to work effectively, Connectivity verification must be enabled on the DchCTP at the
Customer Edge (CE) devices and disabled at the Provider Edge (PE) devices.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
When a fault in the provider network is detected, then the DchCTP at the Customer Edge(CE) device will
raise the Connectivity Verification fail alarm. This alarm will also be reported by the DchCTP at the
Customer Edge (CE) device when bandwidth is not provisioned in the Provider Edge device.

Clearing Procedure

■ Rectifying the fault in the provider network would clear this alarm

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Optical Loss Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OL-OORH
■ Applicable facilities - DSEPTP, Span, FRMSCGPTP, OFXSCGPTP, FSMSCGPTP,

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the total (combined) optical loss of the two fibers connecting the mid-stage
client card (ORM, OAM, BMM) to the DSE exceeds threshold value. The threshold supported is 1.5dB.
The alarm is also raised during the following condition:
■ OL-OORH alarm is applicable between ORM-CXH1 and booster amp. Threshold supported is
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Faulty optical attenuator
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Replace the faulty optical attenuator.

2. Ensure the fiber is fully connected.
3. Replace the fiber.

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Band Loss Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - OL-OORH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Band layer on the BMM2E when the set threshold is crossed.
This alarm is most likely caused when:
The optical loss on the fiber from BMM2E to base BMM2 exceeds the threshold-optical loss which is the
difference between the measured power launched from the BMM2E (approximately 1.5dB) towards the
base BMM2, and the measured received power on the base BMM2 expansion port.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Clean the faulty fiber.

2. Ensure the fiber is fully connected.
3. Replace the fiber.

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OCG Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Pack - ADLM/AXLM/SLM
■ Applicable Facilities - DLMOCG PTP, OLM OCG Port, XTOCGPTP
■ Detailed Conditions - OCG Mismatch

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when there is a mismatch between the provisioned OCG number in the MCM
database and the installed OCG number on the line module (the last known OCG number to which the
line module was tuned to).

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Modify the tunableOcgNumber attribute to match that (OCG number) of the installed line module.
2. Re-provision the OCG number of the line module to match the current value of the
tunableOcgNumber. Do one of the following:
■ In GNM, launch the corresponding properties window. In the Tunable tab, select the Apply OCG
Number check-box without editing the Provisioned OCG Number field. Click Apply
■ In TL1, execute the command, ed-eqpt retaining the same value for PROVOCG

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Alarm Indication Signal - OTU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU client CTP and OTUki Section CTP / OTUCni Section CTP on
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for problems in the client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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Backward Defect Indication - OTU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical/Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP, OTUKiSectionCTP, OTUCniSectionCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU Client termination point on the GM TAM(TAM-2-10GM or
TAM-8-2.5GM), TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G, TIM-1-40G and OLM.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for problems in the OTU client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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Trace Identifier Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP, SCH CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODU and OTU Client termination points on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G
and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated by the ODU client termination point on a GM TAM (TAM-2-10GM or
TAM-8-2.5GM) and OLM when the expected trace message does not match the received trace message
from the upstream DTN.

Clearing Procedure

■ TIM monitoring mode is off or there is no mismatch with the expected value of SAPI (DAPI/SAPI-

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De-encapsulated Alarm Indication Signal - OTU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU Client termination point.
This alarm is generated on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives an AIS from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-94 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



De-encapsulated Backward Defect Indication - OTU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives an AIS from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-95



Signal Degraded

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTUki Section CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX, ODUki Path CTP, ODUk Client/
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the current BER value exceeds the predefined threshold value.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Improper autodiscovery attenuation level
■ Improper input power level to the line module

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-96 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Alarm Indication Signal - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP, ODUki Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client termination point on TIM-5-10GM/GX,TIM-1-100G and
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for problems in the client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-97



Backward Defect Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP, ODUki Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for problems in the client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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1-98 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Open Connection Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX,
TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
The alarm is generated when the ODU client in the upstream node has not been cross-connected.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Unprovisioned or deleted cross-connect on the upstream equipment

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-99



Locked Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Note: For detailed information about alarm type, severity, SA/NSA and direction for each
managed object of this alarm, refer to Table “Default Alarm Settings for each MO Type“.

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX,
TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
The alarm is generated when the user has administratively locked the ODU entity.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-100 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



De-encapsulated Alarm Indication Signal - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is raised when the client equipment receives an AIS from the upstream network element.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network before the signal enters the Infinera network
■ AIS received from the client network at Infinera equipment ingress

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-101



De-encapsulated Backward Defect Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is raised at a downstream node when an upstream node signals a signal failure in its receive
direction towards the downstream node.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A unidrectional fault between a pair of nodes
■ A BDI received from a client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-102 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



De-encapsulated Open Connection Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is raised when the upstream network element receives an OCI from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the missing or deleted cross-connection on that client facility
■ OCI received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-103



De-encapsulated Locked Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives an LCK from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the ODU client that has been administratively locked
■ LCK received from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-104 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Receive Trace Identifier Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP, OTU Client CTP,
OTUki CTP, OTUCni CTP, SCH CTP, Digital Wrapper CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client termination point and the OTU Client termination point on
TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G when the terminal side receives TTI which does not match
the expected TTI.

Clearing Procedure
1. Ensure TIM monitoring mode is enabled.
2. Ensure TTI is configured correctly on both end points with the expected SAPI (SAPI/DAPI).

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Alarms 1-105



Loss of Tandem Connection

■ Alarm - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUkT Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated against specific/separate TCM object instances after the detection of the Loss of
Tandem Connection. This is caused when one side of a tandem connection facility is provisioned for
monitoring and does not receive an 'in use' signal on that tandem layer.

Clearing Procedure

■ Make sure that the TCM signal being transmitted by the Client side

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1-106 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Inter-module mis-connection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - TRIBPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the provisioned neighbor and the discovered neighbor do not match. This
alarm is valid only for TAM-2-10GT.

Clearing Procedure
One of the following steps can be used to clear the alarm condition:
■ Ensure that the fiber connection is correct
■ Change the provisioned neighbor

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Alarms 1-107



Facility PRBS generation activated

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities: ODUk Client/CTP, ODUki CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the PRBS generation is enabled in the receive direction.

Clearing Procedure

■ Disable the PRBS generation in the receive direction

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1-108 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Terminal PRBS generation activated

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client/CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP, ODUki CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by OTU Client termination point when the PRBS generation is enabled in the
transmit direction.

Clearing Procedure

■ Disable PRBS generation in the transmit direction

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Alarms 1-109



Facility PRBS out of Sync

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities: ODUki CTP, ODUk Client/CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUki CTP, ODUk Client/CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX,
TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the line module has detected that the received PRBS pattern is out of
synch on the OTU Client termination point.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the PRBS setup is correct.

2. Ensure that any SNC associated with the two endpoints is setup correctly.

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1-110 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Terminal PRBS Out of Sync

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUki CTP, ODUk Client/CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUki CTP, ODUk Client/CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX,
TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the line module has detected that the transmitted PRBS pattern is out of
synch with the OTU Client Termination Point.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the PRBS setup is correct.

2. Ensure that any SNC associated with the two endpoints is setup correctly.

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Alarms 1-111



Laser Shutdown Active - ALS

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTSPTP, TribPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the ALS condition is active. This is raised against the network element on
its OTSPTP whose transmit EDFA is shutdown down for eye safety. It implies that the system has
detected a condition on the line that is unsafe in the transmit direction for this EDFA, such as a uni-
directional or bi-direction fiber break.

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for faults between this node and the downstream node. Faults can be Optical Loss Of Signal

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1-112 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Laser Shutdown Active

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - TRIBPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is raised when the user has enabled the ALS feature by using the management interface

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for faults between this node and the downstream node. Faults can be Optical Loss Of Signal

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Alarms 1-113



Configuration Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OAM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
The adjacent OAM operating mode is not configured to SLTE-MODE1.

Clearing Procedure

■ Make sure both the OAMs in the OTC have the same operating mode

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1-114 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Channel (OCH) Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - LMOCHPTP, CMMOCHPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is raised when the modulation format is different for the peer LM-80 channels at the other end
of the link. Specifically, this alarm is raised when there is a mismatch between the provisioned OCH
wavelength in the MCM database and the installed OCG wavelength for the LM-80’s optical channel port
(for example, the last known OCH wavelength to which the LM-80’s OCH port was tuned (if any)).

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the modulation type matches the LM-80 OCH at the other end of the TE link.
2. Change the provisioned OCGx (x=1-16), OCHy (y=1-10), and modulation (QPSK, BPSK) values to
match the installed OCGx, OCHy, and modulation values or apply the currently provisioned values (for
OCGx, OCHy, and modulation) to the LM-80

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OCH Loss Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - LMOCHPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by LMOCHPTP.
This alarm is raised when the fiber loss or patch cable loss between LMOCHPTP Tx port and
CMMOCHPTP Rx port is out of range.

Clearing Procedure
If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure fiber is fully connected.
2. Inspect, clean and re-insert the fiber.
3. Replace bad fiber.

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1-116 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of Lane Marker Lock

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet client CTP of TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE.
This alarm is raised when the system has detected that any of the physical coding sublayer (PCS) lanes
(4 for 40 GbE interfaces and/or 20 for 100 GbE interfaces) have not achieved an alignment marker lock
state (valid alignment markers received) in four consecutive iterations of receiving 16384 blocks of 66 bits
each while in a block sync lock state. The LOLM alarm is a composite alarm and is not available for
alignment marker lock on individual PCS lanes.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ TOM equipment receiver intermittent failure
■ Faulty transmitter in the client equipment

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

2. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
3. Check for problems in the client network.

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Alarms 1-117



De-Encapsulated Loss of Lane Marker

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GIGE ClientCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GIGE Client Termination point of TIM-1-100GE, TIM-1-40GE.
This alarm is raised when a PCS alignment marker lock process operates independently on each PCS
lane. Each alignment marker lock process looks for two valid alignment markers 16384 66b blocks apart
to gain alignment marker lock. Once in lock, a PCS lane will go out of alignment marker lock if four
markers are received in a row that do not match the alignment marker that the PCS lane is currently
locked to.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

2. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
3. Check for problems in the client network.

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1-118 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Payload Label Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the Client Trib at the ODU layer.
This alarm is raised when there is a mismatch between the provisioned cross-connect payload in the
source node and the destination node.
If the source cross-connect payload is ODU and destination cross-connect payload is something other
than ODU i.e. SONET, SDH, CLEAR CHANNEL, GbE LAN then Payload Mismatch will be reported in
both the source and destination nodes.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Different payloads provisioned manually at the either end of the circuit utilizing matching line side or
channel resources

Clearing Procedure

■ Manually restore the client Trib termination point payload type to that of its service type.
This requires the user to delete the cross-connect and rebuild the cross-connect in either of the
nodes (source node or destination node) to match the same payload.

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Alarms 1-119



Remote Fault

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - NR (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GigE Client Trib Termination Point

Note: This alarm is raised on network elements running version R6.0.6, R8.0 and R8.1.3.

Description and Causes

This alarm is reported by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE,
This alarm is raised when a remote fault is received at the ingress network element. This alarm is most
likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-120 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Local Fault

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - NR (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GigE Client Trib Termination Point

Note: This alarm is raised on network elements running version R6.0.6, R8.0 and R8.1.3.

Description and Causes

This alarm is reported by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE,
This alarm is raised when a local fault is received at the ingress network element. This alarm is most likely
caused by:
■ A problem in the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-121



DeEncap Local Fault

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - NR (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GigE Client Trib Termination Point

Note: This alarm is raised on network elements running version R6.0.6, R8.0 and R8.1.3.

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE,
This alarm is generated on the de-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives an LF from the client equipment. This alarm is most
likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for problems in the client network.

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1-122 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



DeEncap Remote Fault

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - NR (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GigE Client Trib Termination Point

Note: This alarm is raised on network elements running version R6.0.6, R8.0 and R8.1.3.

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100GE,
This alarm is generated on the d-encapsulated client signal recovered from the network. This alarm is
raised when the upstream network element receives an RF from the client equipment. This alarm is most
likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network

Clearing Procedure

■ Check for problems in the client network.

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Alarms 1-123



Loss of Frame Delineation

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GFP Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by GFP Client termination point. This alarm is raised due to loss of GFP framing.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure the GFP provisioning at both ends of connection are compatible.

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1-124 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Client Signal Failure

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major / Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GFP Client, ODUk Client/CTP, ODUki Client/CTP, OLDPSCH
■ Direction - Transmit, Receive (OLDPSCH)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client/CTP, ODUki Client/CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G,
OLDPSCH and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm condition originates from the ODUk TP which adapts the client signal (SONET/SDH/GbE/SCH)
into an ODUk frame.

Clearing Procedure

■ Clear the far-end client signal failure condition.

■ For OLDPSCH, ensure that client signal is present at circuit head-end node.

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Alarms 1-125



UPI Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GFP Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GFP Client termination point.
This alarm is raised when the received User Payload ID does not match with the user-provisioned
expected User Payload ID, during encapsulation mode.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure the GFP provisioning at both ends of connection are compatible.

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1-126 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



EXI Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GFP Client Termination Point

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GFP Client Termination Point
This alarm is raised when the received Extension Header ID does not match the user-provisioned
expected Extension Header ID.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure the GFP provisioning at both ends of connection are compatible.

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Alarms 1-127



Multiplex Structure Identifier Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUki CTP, ODUk Client/CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client Termination Port.
This alarm is generated when the detected/received TPN value on relevant TSs (the supporting OPU
tributary slots) for the ODUk does not match the expected TPN value (if TPN value matching is user-
enabled via setting of Expected TPN), or the detected/received ODTU-Type (or Occupied Not-Occupied
Indication) does not match the expected ODTU-Type (or expected Occupied | Not-Occupied Indication)
(pertaining to the ODUk’s type), or because the same TPN value is not detected on all TSs for the ODUk.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Correct the (local) expected TPN value on desired TSs and/or the (local) expected ODU-Type.
2. Correct the (remote/far-end) transmitted TPN value on desired TSs and/or the (remote/far-end)
transmitted ODU-Type.

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1-128 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Alarm Indication Signal - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUi Client CTP, ODUk Client TP
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client termination point on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS transmitted from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ Ensure proper connectivity.
■ Check for problems in the client network.
■ Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-129



Backward Defect Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUi Client CTP, ODUk Client TP
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ A BDI transmitted from a client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ Ensure proper connectivity.
■ Check for problems in the client network.
■ Check for problems in the network.

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1-130 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Open Connection Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUi Client CTP, ODUk
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by ODUi Client CTP, ODUk on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is raised when the upstream network element receives an OCI from the client equipment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the missing or deleted cross-connection on that client facility
■ OCI transmitted from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ Check for problems in the client network.
■ Check for problems in the network.

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Alarms 1-131



Locked Indication - ODU

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUi Client CTP, ODUk
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A problem in the client network
■ AIS transmitted from the client network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ Check for problems in the client network.
■ Check for problems in the network.

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1-132 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



RX EDFA Input Power Exceeded its limit

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non - Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the DLM OCG PTP, OFXSCGPTP and OLM OCG PTP.
This alarm is raised when the RX EDFA input power (Pin) exceeds its high threshold.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ Check for auto clearence as the system automatically adjusts the RX EDFA gain
■ Check for a manual adjustments to cause RX EPDA gain or Pin fall below its high threshold

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Remote Equipment OCH Modulation Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OCHCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCHCTP.
This alarm is raised when the remote equipment OCH has different modulation format than the local end.

Clearing Procedure
Re-provision local or remote OCHCTP(s) such that they have same modulation format including lane
shuffling and channel grouping mode configuration.

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1-134 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



OSC Inter-module misconnection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OSCCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSCCTP.
This alarm is raised with a detection of light on the receive interface of OSC port on the pre-amplifier
when the pre-amp is connected to a BMM2C. The OSC Rx port of a pre-amplifier connected to the
receive port of the BMM2C is not expected to be connected. Only the Tx port of the pre-amplifier is to be
connected to the OSC port of the BMM2C.

Clearing Procedure
Remove the connected fiber on the receive interface of the OSC port.

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Alarms 1-135



De-Encapsulated Loss of Alignment

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GbE Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the GbE Client CTP.
This alarm is raised when the system has detected one or more of the constituent members of virtual
concatenation group (VCG) or GigE Client CTP of TIM-1-100GE and TIM-1-40GE are out of alignment.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
One or more of the members of the VCG or GigE Client CTP are not able to achieve performance
threshold for the skew limit budget (skew limit is 5.7 microseconds)

Clearing Procedure
Ensure all members of the VCG or GigE Client CTP are able to achieve performance threshold for the
skew limit budget.

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1-136 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of Frame or Loss of Multi-frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUki

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUKi on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the TIM-5-10GM/GX is unable to lock on to the frames of the ODUk and
ODUki CTPs signal received from the far end.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Noisy received signal
■ Very low optical power received (OPR)
■ Hardware faults in the channel data path of the ODUki in this network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Verify that the OPR is within the valid range.

2. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the ODUki in the upstream digital network element.
3. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the ODUki in this network element.

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Alarms 1-137



Loss of Frame or Loss of Multiframe

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client CTP on the TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the TIM-5-10GM/GX is unable to lock on to the frames of the ODUk Client
CTP signal in transmit direction.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Noisy received signal
■ Very low optical power received (OPR)
■ Hardware faults in the channel data path of the ODUk Client CTP in this network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Verify that the OPR is within the valid range.

2. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the ODUk Client CTP in the upstream digital network
3. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the ODUk Client CTP in this network element.

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1-138 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Client Signal Failure

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major / Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk client, ODUk CTP, ODUki Client, ODUki CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the ODUk Client/CTP, ODUki Client/CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G
and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is raised due to the loss of Client Signal at ingress into the network.

Clearing Procedure

■ Clear the far-end client signal failure condition.

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Signal Degraded

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client, OTU Client on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the current BER value exceeds the predefined threshold value.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Improper autodiscovery attenuation level
■ Improper input power level to the line module

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check for problems in the client network.

2. Check for problems in the network.

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1-140 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of Multi-frame

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP
■ Direction - Transmit

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU Client CTP on TIM-5-10GM/GX, TIM-1-100G and TIM-1-40G.
This alarm is generated when the OTU layer's Multi-frame Alignment Signal overhead is in a persistent
out-of-multi-frame state for at least 3 mili seconds as a part of a multi-frame alignment procedure. This
alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Hardware defect on the equipment (local/remote)
■ A problem in the network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for symptoms of a hardware defect such as equipment fault conditions and historical
performance statistics for the OTU layer.

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Alarms 1-141



Loss of Frame - Logical Lane

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU3, OTU3e1, OTU3e2 and OTU4 Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU3, OTU3e1, OTU3e2 and OTU4 Client CTP.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Noisy received signal
■ Very low optical power received (OPR)
■ Hardware faults in the channel data path of the line module and/or LM-80s in this network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Verify that the OPR is within the valid range.

2. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the line module and/or LM-80s in the upstream digital
network element.
3. Check for equipment failure alarms reported by the line module and/or LM-80s in this network

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1-142 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of OPU Multi-Frame Identifier

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU4 Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised by the TIM-1-100GX when the OPU4 Multi-frame Identifier overhead (OH) received is
not in sync and contiguously increments for consecutive 3 ms.
This alarm is most likely caused by
■ A noisy received signal
■ The third party Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) connected to TIM-1-100GX is not generating a
stable OPU4 Multi-frame Identifier overhead (OH).

Clearing Procedure
This fault is cleared if TIM-1-100GX receives OPU-4 OMFI OH in sync (contiguous increments) for two

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the channel is noise free

2. Ensure the third party Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) is generating a stable OPU4 Multi-frame
Identifier overhead (OH).
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-143



Loss of Lane Alignment

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU3, OTU3e1, OTU3e2 and OTU4 Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTU3, OTU3e1, OTU3e2 and OTU4 Client CTP.
This alarm is raised when the system has detected one or more of the constituent members OTU Client
CTP are out of alignment.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure all OTU Client CTP are able to achieve performance threshold for the skew limit budget.

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1-144 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Alarm Indication Signal -ODU-IPATH

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the line side of ODU on TIM-5-10GM/GX.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused:
■ In case of a problem in the Infinera network
■ In case of switching between restorable and revertive-restorable SNC's

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for problems in Infinera network.

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Alarms 1-145



Backward Defect Indication - ODU-IPATH

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the line side of ODU.
This alarm is generated when the client equipment in the upstream direction detects a LOS or LOF.
This alarm is most likely caused:
■ In case of a problem in the Infinera network
■ In case of switching between restorable and revertive-restorable SNC's

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure proper connectivity.

2. Check for problems in the client network.
3. Check for problems in the network.

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1-146 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Remote Eqpt FEC Type Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OLM2 OCG Port, OFXSCGPTP, OLM OCG Port, XTOCGPTP, XTSCGPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OLM2 OCG Port, OFXSCGPTP, OLM OCG Port.
This alarm is generated when the remote line module has a different FEC type as compared with the local
line module.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Re-connect line modules with the same FEC type on both ends.

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Alarms 1-147



Remote Eqpt Encoding Mode Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCGPTP.
This alarm is generated when the encoding mode on the remote end PTP is different than the local.

Clearing Procedure

■ Re-configure local or remote OCGPTP such that the encoding modes on remote and local ends

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1-148 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PMD Out of Range High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OCHCTP, CarrierCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCHCTP.
This alarm is generated when the measured Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) value for optical carrier
crosses above the user defined threshold.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when the measured PMD value for optical carrier crosses below the user
defined threshold.

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Pre-FEC-Q value Out of range low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OCHCTP, CarrierCTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OCHCTP on AOLM/AOLX/SOLM/SOLX/AOLM2/AOLX2/SOLM2/SOLX2.
This alarm is generated when at least one of the following conditions is attained:
■ the measured Pre-FEC-Q value for optical carrier goes below the user defined threshold.
■ the measured Pre-FEC-BER value for optical carrier exceeds the user defined threshold.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ This alarm is cleared automatically when the measured Pre-FEC-Q value for the optical carrier
crosses the user defined threshold.
■ This alarm is cleared by configuring a PreFecQSigDegThreshold value that is below the
measured Pre-FEC-Q value.

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1-150 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Remote Equipment SCH parameter Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SCHCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SCHCTP.
This alarm is generated due to more parameters included for Remote Equipment SCH like Super-
Channel Number, Modulation, Encoding Mode, CarrierGroupMode, OTNContainerRepresentation than
the local.

Clearing Procedure
Re-configure the same parameters on both local and remote SCH CTPs such that they have same set of
parameters like Super-Channel Number, Modulation, Encoding Mode, CarrierGroupMode,

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Alarms 1-151



Client Equipment Misconnection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SCHCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SCHCTP.
This alarm is raised when one or more of the following conditions are met.
■ Channel-plan-type in O-XCONN is not supported by provisioned/pre-provisioned AOLM/AOFM
■ Super Channel for O-XCONN is not supported by connected LM (outside the tunable range of LM)
■ Super Channel chosen for O-XCONN is supported by LM but the specific provisioned super
channel on LM does not match with the O-XCONN super channel
■ When the modulation of the LM is not the same as indicated by the OEL.
■ When the spectrum type provisioned on the LM is different than the one indicated by the OEL.
■ When the equipment type+reach (indicated by the CTYPE) mismatches with the provisioned LM
FRU and the CTYPE is not provisioned with the compatible CTYPE list.

Clearing Procedure
The alarm is cleared by matching the properties between AOFM and the O-XCONN provisioning.

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1-152 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Super Channel Optical Power Transmitted Too Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - FRM Line side SCHCTP
■ Direction - Transmit
■ Location - Near End

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the FRM Line side SCHCTP.
When DAMP determines the carrier count as 0 for the super channels and triggers to 2.5/10 sec, this
alarm is raised as the DAMP marks super channels as inactive.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when DAMP determines the super channel as active.

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Alarms 1-153



Forward Defect Indication - Payload

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OLDPSCH
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OLDPSCH.
This alarm is reported when the upstream node detects OPT-TOO-LOW (Tx) on SCHCTP due to a
datapath failure.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the upstream node clears OPT-TOO-LOW (Tx) on SCHCTP and is functioning

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1-154 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Forward Defect Indication - Overhead

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OLDPSCH
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OLDPSCH.
This alarm is raised when FDI-O bit is set under OSC failure scenarios by peer node.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the upstream OSC is functioning properly.

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Alarms 1-155



Open Connection Indication

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OLDPSCH
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OLDPSCH.
This alarm is raised when there is no SCH XCON configured on the peer node.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the XCON is configured properly at upstream node(s).

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1-156 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Backward Defect Indication - Overhead

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTSPTP, Band CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTSPTP and Band CTP.
This alarm is reported when there is a OSC failure in the downstream direction.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure OSC is received properly on the far end node.

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Alarms 1-157



Payload Missing Indication

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTSPTP, Band CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OTSPTP and Band CTP.
OTS-PMI: This alarm is generated by IAM (OTS) when the band signal is absent and can be raised due
to one of the following reasons:
■ Super channel cross-connects are not present
■ Failures in FRM
■ Fiber cut between FRM-IAM in add-drop nodes or IAM-IAM in Optical Amplifiers
■ FRM is locked
■ IAM is under Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) condition
OMS-PMI: This alarm is generated by IAM (OMS) when there are no super channel cross-connects

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared in both OTS and OMS layers when the above mentioned causes are fixed

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1-158 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



OPR in the Mux direction Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - FRM Line side SCH CTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the FRM Line side SCH CTP.
This alarm is raised when the OPM received or detected in the mux direction, is below the Infinera
defined threshold.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. When the OPM detects input power within normal operating range.
2. Ensure proper fiber connectivity with upstream equipment.

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Alarms 1-159



Idler Channel Separation Out of Range

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SCM-2

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SCM-2.
This alarm is raised when the offset difference between both the idlers on the SCM-2 is less than 10 GHz.
This can happen under either of the following conditions:
■ Hardware degrade-Provisioned idler channel offsets do not match with hardware read values and
are drifting towards each other.
■ Provisioning error-The SCM-2 was provisioned with defaults or values on the idlers that are not
conformant to the 10 GHz separation. This can happen only over an NE upgrade.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the Idler Channel Numbers should be the same and the Idler frequency offset difference
between the two idler CTPs is at least 10 GHz.
2. Lock and unlock any Idler CTP.

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1-160 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



SBS Suppression Not Enabled

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SCM IDLERPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the SCM IDLERPTP.
This alarm is raised in either of the below mentioned conditions:
■ SBS Mode is set to OFF
■ SBS Mode is ON and the SBS frequency width is set to 0 GHz

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that SBS Mode is set to ON.

2. Ensure that the SBS frequency width set to a value other than 0.

Note: This procedure can be performed only by field engineer and hence contact the Technical
Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-161



Insufficient Output Power

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - IAM BANDCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the IAM BANDCTP.
This alarm is raised when the desired Target Output Power is not achieved.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the Target Line Output Power is met.

2. Ensure that Input power is within the operating range.

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1-162 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Service State Out Of Service-Autonomous

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - GbE Client CTP

Description and Causes

This Alarm is generated by the GbE Client CTP if:
■ The Service State Out-of-Service flag is enabled to report OOS-AU alarms and
■ Service state of the GbE client CTP transitions to Out-of-Service (OOS-AU) state or the client CTP
is already in OOS-AU state.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the GbE Client CTP transitions to In Service state to clear this alarm.
2. Disable the Service State Out-of-Service flag to disable reporting and clear this alarm.

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Facility ODUk Path Latency Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the facility ODUk Path latency is greater than the Infinera defined

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service.

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1-164 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Facility ODUk Path Latency Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the facility ODUk Path latency is lesser than the Infinera defined threshold.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service

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Terminal ODUk Path Latency Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the terminal ODUk Path latency is greater than the Infinera defined

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service.

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1-166 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Terminal ODUk Path Latency Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the terminal ODUk Path latency is lesser than the Infinera defined

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service.

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Facility ODUk Path Segment Latency Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the facility ODUk Path Segment latency is greater than the Infineradefined

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service.

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1-168 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Facility ODUk Path Segment Latency Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the facility ODUk Path Segment latency is lesser than the Infinera defined

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service

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Terminal ODUk Path Segment Latency Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the terminal ODUk Path Segment latency is greater than the Infinera
defined threshold.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service

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1-170 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Terminal ODUk Path Segment Latency Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the terminal ODUk Path Segment latency is lesser than the Infinera defined

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
1. Ensure service latency is within the specified threshold by adjusting the fiber length or threshold
■ Change Latency Mode from Initiator to Responder or Disabled.
■ Delete the ODUk service

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Loss of Ethernet Link

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - Ethernet Interface

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated due to loss of Ethernet link occurring in the following conditions:
■ During an existing Tributary PTP OLOS condition
■ When the fiber connection is pulled out
■ During an existing equipment fault condition on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. When the Ethernet link is up again.

2. Check fiber connectivity and peer transmitter.

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1-172 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Facility PRBS Payload Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive
■ Location - Near End

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on HO-ODUk and LO-ODUj corresponding to a TIM-1-100GX in the following
■ If PRBS-MON is enabled, the Payload Type (PT(PSI[0])) of the ODUk/ODUj is expected to be
0XFE. This alarm is raised if the overhead value is not 0XFE.
■ If the peer network element does not source a valid PRBS signal

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the peer network element is sourcing a valid PRBS signal and the Payload Type (PT) byte
(PSI[0]) value is 0xFE.
2. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Facility PRBS Payload Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP
■ Direction - Receive
■ Location - Near End

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on LO-ODUj corresponding to a TIM-1-100GX in the following cases:
■ If PRBS-MON is enabled, the Payload Type (PT(PSI[0])) of the ODUj is expected to be 0XFE. This
alarm is raised if the overhead value is not 0XFE.
■ If the peer network element does not source a valid PRBS signal

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the peer network element is sourcing a valid PRBS signal and the value of Payload Type (PT)
byte (PSI[0]) is 0xFE.
2. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-174 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



OCG Type Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - BMM OCG PTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when:
■ The system detects that one of the head-end BMM OCG in an L0 OPN application is configured in
Open Automated mode, while the tail-end BMM OCG is configured in Normal or Manual Mode

Clearing Procedure

■ Configure the same OCG Type on the head-end and tail-end BMM OCGs.

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Optical Power Received Too Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SCHCTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when:
■ Optical power received in the Mux direction is too low for supporting the service.

Clearing Procedure

■ Check and clean the Fiber patch connection and upstream module operation.

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1-176 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Optical Power Received Too High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SCHCTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when:
■ Optical power received in the mux direction is too high for supporting the service.

Clearing Procedure

■ Check and clean the Fiber patch connection and upstream module operation.

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CCM Loss of Continuity

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity does not receive CCM PDUs from the peer MEP for K (3.25 <=
K <= 3.5) times the CCM interval.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when at least one valid CCM message is received from remote MEP.
■ Associated RMEP(s) which are the cause of this alarm are manually deleted

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CCM Unexpected MD Level

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with an MD Level
which is lesser than its own MD Level.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 CCM PDUs with invalid MD Level in K * received CCM
Period (where 3.25 <= K <= 3.5)

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CCM Mismerge

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with correct MD
Level but invalid MAID.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 CCM PDUs with correct MD Level and invalid MAID in
K * received CCM Period (where 3.25 <= K <= 3.5)

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1-180 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



CCM Unexpected MEP

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with correct MD
Level and MAID but unexpected MEPID or Remote MEP's ID is same as receiving MEP's ID.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 CCM PDUs with correct MD Level, MAID Level and
unexpected MEPID in K * received CCM Period (where 3.25 <= K <= 3.5)

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CCM Unexpected Period

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with correct MD
Level, MAID and MEP ID but invalid transmission period.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 CCM PDUs with correct MD Level, MAID, MEPID and
invalid ransmission period in K * received CCM Period (where 3.25 <= K <= 3.5)

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1-182 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



CCM Unexpected Priority

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with correct MD
Level, MAID and MEP ID but invalid Priority.

Clearing Procedure

■ Verify connectivity and remote MEP's CCM Priority.

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CCM Remote MAC Error

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with correct MD
Level, MAID, MEP ID and time period but Port or Interface Status indicating Service affecting fault on the
Remote MEP end.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 CCM PDUs with correct MD Level, MAID, MEPID,
Period and Port-Status-TLV or Interface-Status-TLV not indicating any remote faults in K * received
CCM Period (where 3.25 <= K <= 3.5)

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1-184 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Remote Defect Indication

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives CCM PDUs from the remote MEP with correct MD
Level, MAID, MEP ID and time period but with RDI bit set.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives valid CCM PDU with RDI bit unset.

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Alarm Indication Signal

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MEP.
This alarm is generated if the MEP entity receives AIS PDU(s) with the same MD Level and VLAN
Configuration as per the local MEP.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 AIS PDUs in K * received AIS Period (where 3.25 <= K
<= 3.5)

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VSI Failure

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - VSI

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the VSI.
In a VPWS or VLAN Crossconnect VSI, this alarm is generated at the VSI when any of the supporting
have any fault or are operationally out of service due to any reason. In a VPLS VSI, this alarm is
generated on the VSI when all ACs and PWs endpoints associated with the VPLS VSI have fault or
operationally out of service due to any reason.

Clearing Procedure

■ Correct all reasons for endpoints being out of service.

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■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - VSI
■ Detailed Conditions - VSI-PARTIAL-FAIL
■ Direction - NA

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the VSI.
This alarm is generated by the VSI when even a single endpoint associated with the VPLS VSI has a fault
or is operationally out of service due to any reason.

Clearing Procedure

■ Correct all reasons for endpoints being out of service.

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1-188 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Flap condition detected

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ACs, PWs

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on ACs and/or PWs.
This alarm is generated when the count of MAC Addresses being learned on different interfaces (i.e, ACs
and PWs) exceeds the configured threshold within the configured duration.

Clearing Procedure

■ Rectify any misconfiguration causing the MAC Flap, admin-lock the flapping interface(s) and re-
enable the interface(s).

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VSI MAC Limit Exceeded

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - VSI

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the VSI.
This alarm is generated when the number of learned MAC addresses reaches the configured limit for the

Clearing Procedure

■ The alarm is cleared when the number of learned MAC addresses either falls below the configured
limit for the VPLS VSI or the user configures a new value which is greater than the current number
of learned MAC addresses.

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1-190 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



SCH TTI Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - XTSCGPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised on the XTSCGPTP
This alarm is generated when Expected SCH TTI and Received TTI from far-end SCH do not match.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

■ Rectify the TTI string at the remote-end to send TTI matching the expected value
■ Disable TTI by setting Expected TTI to “None”

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Intra Super Channel Carrier Ripple

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Line SCHCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the carrier power difference cannot be compensated by the WSS in the
This alarm is generated at the FRM-9D, FRM-4D and FRM-20X system ports (SCHPTP on FRM-9D/
FRM-4D/FRM-20X)in native mode.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when Intra Superchannel Carrier ripple value is lesser than the Intra
Superchannel Carrier ripple threshold plus hysteresis.

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1-192 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures


ETH Client Signal Failure

Ethernet Client Signal Failure

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - MEP

Description and Causes

This alarm is reported against MEP entity if it receives any ETH-CSF PDU.

Clearing Procedure

■ Verify upstream connectivity of the client

■ This alarm is cleared when MEP receives 0 CSF PDUs in K * received CSF Period (where 3.25<=
K <= 3.5) or it receives an ETH-CSF with C-DCI CSF type.

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Version Mismatch With upstream/downstream Node
■ Alarm Type - Facility
■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTSPTP
■ Direction - Receive
Description and Causes
This alarm is generated if the peer span OSC OLDP version does not match with the local OLDP version
configured by software.

Note: This alarm is seen on upgrading to IQ NOS Release 16.2

Clearing Procedures
This alarm is cleared when Peer Span OSC OLDP version matches the local OLDP version configured by

Note: During an outstanding OLDP Version mismatch condition, any release below IQ NOS R16.2
that communicates with a R16.2 Peer OSC, receives an invalid signal from the IQ NOS R16.2 node
leading to clearing of all outstanding OLDP alarms. This issue exists until the upgrade to IQ NOS
R16.2, when the OLDP version is also upgraded .

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OCG TTI Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - XTOCGPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XTOCGPTP.
This alarm is generated when the OCG TTI Received from far-end OCG termination point does not match
the expected TTI.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

■ Rectify TTI string at the remote-end to send TTI matching the expected value
■ Disable TTI by setting Expected TTI to "None"

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Reach Lower threshold Exceeded

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Warning
■ Applicable Facilities - OCG
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is a raised when the actual span is at 90% of the Infinera recommended threshold.

Clearing Procedure

■ Reduce the Span between the OCGs.

■ Contact the Technical Assistance Center.

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1-196 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Reach Upper Threshold Exceeded

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Critical
■ Applicable Facilities - OCG, XTOCGPTP, XTSCGPTP
■ Direction - Receive

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the optical reach between the OCGs exceeds the Infinera recommended
threshold. The traffic is likely affected on the client ends affecting the service.

Clearing Procedure

■ Reduce the Span between the OCGs.

■ Contact Technical Assistance Center.

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Lockout of Protection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SNGLTAMDSNCPPG, TRIBPTPYCABLEPG, Local SNC, Remote SNC,
Cross-connect, XOSNCPG

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in the following:
■ Single TAM Digital SNCP
■ Dual TAM Digital SNCP
■ SNCs and cross-connects that are part of a Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG)
This alarm is generated when a lockout of protection command has been executed for this
protection group (PG). Traffic cannot be switched to the protection unit until the lockout is cleared.

Clearing Procedure

■ Manually clear the lockout of protection request

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Lockout of Working

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SNGLTAMDSNCPPG, TRIBPTPYCABLEPG, Local SNC, Remote SNC,
Cross-connect, XOSNCPG

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in the following:
■ Single TAM Digital SNCP
■ Dual TAM Digital SNCP
■ SNCs and cross-connects that are part of a Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG)
This alarm is generated when a lockout of the working command has been executed for this PG.
■ In case of Single TAM DSNCP and Dual TAM DSNCP, the traffic cannot be switched back to the
working line until the lockout is cleared.
■ In case of SNCs and cross-connects that are part of a Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG),
traffic cannot be switched to any line until the lockout is cleared.

Clearing Procedure

■ Manually clear the lockout request

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Protection Unit Active

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Not reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in Single TAM Digital SNCP and Dual TAM Digital SNCP.
This alarm is generated when the traffic is on the protection unit.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the working unit is fault free, then manually switch the traffic back to the working unit.



Switched to Protection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in Single TAM Digital SNCP and Dual TAM Digital SNCP to indicate that, an
automatic switch to protection has been completed.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the working unit is fault free, then manually switch the traffic back to the working unit

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Manual Switch to Protection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in Single TAM Digital SNCP and Dual TAM Digital SNCP to indicate that a
manual switch to protection has been initiated by the user.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the working unit is fault free, then manually switch the traffic back to the working unit

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Alarms 1-201



Switched to Working

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in Single TAM Digital SNCP and Dual TAM Digital SNCP to indicate that a switch
to working has been completed.

Clearing Procedure

■ None. To initiate a switch to protection, ensure that the protection unit is fault free, then manually
switch the traffic to the protection unit

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1-202 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Manual Switch to Working

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in Single TAM Digital SNCP and Dual TAM Digital SNCP to indicate that a
manual switch to working has been initiated by the user.

Clearing Procedure

■ None. To initiate a manual switch to protection, ensure that the protection unit is fault free, then
manually switch the traffic to the protection unit

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Alarms 1-203



Wait to Revert

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated in Single TAM Digital SNCP and Dual TAM Digital SNCP.
This alarm is generated when a wait to revert (WTR) is triggered on a revertive protection group (PG) for
this Digital SNCP.

Clearing Procedure

■ None.

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1-204 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Forced Switch to Protection

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SMPG

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG).
This alarm is generated when traffic switches from a healthy work path to protect path.s

Clearing Procedure

■ None.



Forced Switch to Working

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SMPG

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on Shared Mesh Protection Group (SMPG).
This alarm is generated when traffic switches back from a protect path to a healthy work path.

Clearing Procedure

■ None. To initiate a forced switch to protection, ensure that the protection unit is fault free, then
forcefully switch the traffic to the protection unit.

Communication Alarms
Communication alarms are associated with faults which impact the communication between the modules
within the network element and between network elements. For example: No Communication with OSC
Neighbor and GMPLS neighbor down.

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Alarms 1-205



Configured NTP Server(s) Unreachable or of Low Quality

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element object on the Node Controller chassis AID.
This alarm is generated when
■ At least one NTP instance is configured and the network element has not synchronized with any of
the configured NTP servers
■ Synch is achieved but with a server whose clock quality has fallen below stratum 5 level
The network element polls the NTP server every 16 seconds and performs an NTP synchronization
status check every 192 seconds. Upon configuration of a new NTP server, this timer is reset.
During each status check up to four retries are attempted. After four failed retries this alarm is
raised. However, the alarm is cleared once synchronization is detected.
The chassis level LED is not lit when this alarm is raised. However, this behavior can be changed
using the Alarm Severity Assignment Profile Settings window in GNM.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the NTP servers configured and the connectivity between the network element and NTP server.
2. All configured NTP instances are disabled.
3. All the configured NTP instances are Administratively Locked
4. Any one of the configured NTP instances becomes operationally enabled again and starts providing
valid timing to the network element.

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1-206 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



DCN Loss of Enet Link from Controller A

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM on the network element object.
This alarm is generated when the XCM in XTC-4 and XTC-10, MCM in slot 7A or OMM in slot 1A is
unable to communicate with the external network through the DCN link.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Failure of the DCN port on the MCMOMM/XCM
■ Failure of the Ethernet cable connected to the DCN port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the DCN A port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. If the link is fine and the alarm persists, check for equipment alarms on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

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Alarms 1-207



DCN Loss of Enet Link from Controller B

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM on the network element object.
This alarm is generated when the XCM in XTC-4 and XTC-10, MCM in slot 7B or the OMM in slot 1B is
unable to communicate with the external network through the DCN link.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Failure of the DCN port on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM
■ Failure of the Ethernet cable connected DCN port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the DCN B port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. If the link is fine and the alarm persists, check for equipment alarms on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

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1-208 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



AUX Loss of Enet Link from Controller A

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the AUX port on the network element object.
This alarm is generated when the XCM in XTC-4 and XTC-10, MCM in slot 7A or the OMM is slot 1A is
unable to communicate with the external network through the AUX link.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Improper AUX port configuration
■ Failure in the AUX link

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the AUX A port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. If the link is fine and the alarm persists, check for equipment alarms on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

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Alarms 1-209



AUX Loss of Enet Link from Controller B

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the AUX port on the network element object.
This alarm is generated when the XCM in XTC-4 and XTC-10, MCM in slot 7B or the OMM in slot 1B is
unable to communicate with the external network through the AUX link.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Improper AUX port configuration
■ Failure in the AUX link

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the DCN A port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. If the link is fine and the alarm persists, check for equipment alarms on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

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1-210 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



NCT1 Loss of Enet Link from Controller A

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Nodal Control and Timing (NCT) port.
This alarm is generated when the chassis has detected a NCT Ethernet loss of link. By default, this alarm
is reported if the Ethernet cables are not connected to any other chassis.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Removal of Ethernet cable from slot NCT1 A
■ Faulty Ethernet cable
■ Removal of MCM from slot 7A of a chassis that has a Ethernet cable connected to this NCT port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the NCT1 A port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. Check for equipment alarms on the MCM.

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Alarms 1-211



NCT1 Loss of Enet Link from Controller B

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the NCT port.
This alarm is generated when the chassis has detected a NCT Ethernet loss of link. By default, this alarm
is reported if the Ethernet cables are not connected to any other chassis.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Removal of Ethernet cable from slot NCT1 B
■ Faulty Ethernet cable
■ Removal of MCM from slot 7B of a chassis that has a Ethernet cable connected to this NCT port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the NCT1 B port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. Check for equipment alarms on the MCM in slot 7B.

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1-212 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



NCT2 Loss of Enet Link from Controller A

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the NCT port.
This alarm is generated when the chassis has detected a NCT Ethernet loss of link. By default, this alarm
is reported if the Ethernet cables are not connected to any other chassis.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Removal of Ethernet cable from slot NCT2 A
■ Faulty Ethernet cable
■ Removal of MCM from slot 7A of a chassis that has a Ethernet cable connected to this NCT port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the NCT2 A port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. Check for equipment alarms on the MCM in slot 7A.

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Alarms 1-213



NCT2 Loss of Enet Link from Controller B

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the NCT port.
This alarm is generated when the chassis has detected a NCT Ethernet loss of link. By default, this alarm
is reported if the Ethernet cables are not connected to any other chassis.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Removal of Ethernet cable from slot NCT2 B
■ Faulty Ethernet cable
■ Removal of MCM from slot 7B of a chassis that has a Ethernet cable connected to this NCT port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the Ethernet cable connectivity to the NCT2 B port.

2. Replace the Ethernet cable.
3. Check for equipment alarms on the MCM in slot 7B.

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1-214 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Node with Duplicate Name Found in Routing Domain

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network elements.
This alarm is generated when this network element detects another network element with the same name
within the same signaling domain.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration

Clearing Procedure

■ Change the name of the network elements in conflict so that each network element has a unique

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Alarms 1-215



Node with Duplicate Generalized Multi Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) Router ID Found in Routing Domain

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element when it detects that this network element shares the
same GMPLS Router ID as some other network element(s) within the GMPLS routing domain.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration

Clearing Procedure

■ Reconfigure one of the network elements in conflict, to give unique router IDs in the GMPLS routing

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1-216 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Neighbors’ Router ID in Conflict with Each Other

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element when it has detected that two (or more) neighbors in the
GMPLS routing domain share the same router ID.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration

Clearing Procedure

■ Reconfigure the network elements in conflict, to give unique router IDs in the signaling domain

Note: The alarm is cleared one hour after the router ID is reconfigured.

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Alarms 1-217



GMPLS Neighbor Adjacency Lost

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSC along which the neighbor’s adjacency is lost.
This alarm is generated when this network element loses control path to the adjacent network element.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Invalid IP configuration between the network element and it’s neighbor
■ Reboot of the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM of the adjacent network element

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Provision a valid IP address between the network element and the neighbor.
2. Ensure GMPLS signaling is enabled on both ends of the link.

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1-218 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Neighbor OSC IP Address in Different Subnet

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSC along which the neighbor is found to be in a different subnet.
This alarm is generated when the discovered remote OSC IP address is in a different subnet.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration
■ Incorrect fiber connection between the adjacent network elements
■ IP address configuration is invalid

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the current network element and the neighbor are in the same subnet.
2. Check the fiber connections.
3. Check with the network administrator to ensure the configuration is valid.

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Alarms 1-219



Node with Duplicate OSC/GCC IP Address Found in Routing Domain

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element when it has detected that it shares the OSC IP Address
or the GCC IP Address with two (or more) network elements within the same GMPLS signaling domain.
This alarm could take up to one hour to be raised.
This alarm is caused by:
■ Mis-configuration of OSC IP Address or the GCC IP Address for a network element within the

Clearing Procedure

■ Reconfigure the network elements to have a unique OSC IP Address or the GCC IP Address within
a single GMPLS signaling domain in case of OSC-IPADDR-DUPLICATE or GCC-IPADDR-
DUPLICATE respectively

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1-220 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Neighbors’ OSC/GCC IP Address in Conflict with Each Other

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element when it has detected that two (or more) network
elements within the same GMPLS signaling domain share the same OSC IP address.
This alarm is generated by the network element when it has detected that two (or more) network
elements within the same GMPLS signaling domain share the same GMPLS Control Channel IP address.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration

Clearing Procedure

■ In case of NBRS-OSC-IPADDR-IN-CONFLICT alarm, reconfigure the network elements to have a

unique OSC IP address within a single GMPLS signaling domain
■ In case of NBRS-GCC-IPADDR-IN-CONFLICT alarm, reconfigure the network elements to have a
unique OSC IP address within a single GMPLS signaling domain

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Alarms 1-221



Inter-OAM or ORM mis-connection

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - TX-OSC-OLOS

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSC layer on the OAM/ORM.
This alarm is generated when the OSC optical patch cord between the two OAMs/ORMs or between and
OAM and ORM fails.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Loosely connected optical patch cord
■ Bent or damaged optical patch cord

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. If the optical patch cord is loosely connected, re-connect the optical patch cord.
2. Replace the optical patch cord.

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1-222 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Loss of Communication - OSC

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - LOSS-OF-COMM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSC layer on the BMM/OAM/ORM.
This alarm is generated when the control path between the upstream network element and this network
element has failed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Low OSC receive power
■ OSC digital transmitter failure in the upstream network element
■ OSC receives LOF due to laser transmitter failure in the upstream network element
■ Span Loss out of range

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the OPR on this port.

2. Ensure the span loss for this span is within range.
3. Check for the equipment failure in the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM in the upstream network element.

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Alarms 1-223



Signaled SNC Failure

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the remote and local SNC termination point.
This alarm is generated by the SNC termination point when it has detected any of the following failures
(regardless of whether these failures are configured to be reported or masked):
■ On the associated Trib DTF Path supporting this SNC:
■ On the associated client or trib side termination point supporting this SNC:
□ Trib OLOS
□ Client LOS
□ Client LOF
□ Client AIS-L
□ Client RFI
The chassis level LED is not lit by default when this alarm is raised. However, this behavior
can be changed using the Alarm Severity Assignment Profile Settings window in GNM.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when the low-level failures are cleared

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1-224 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Signaled SNC Setup Failure

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the local SNC.
This alarm is generated when the user has configured an SNC but the network element failed to setup.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Lack of resources (for example, bandwidth) in the network

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that sufficient resources are available throughout the network to allow setup of this SNC.
2. Check the destination endpoint for proper configuration, and service type.
3. If using routing constraints, ensure the route is valid.

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Alarms 1-225



File Transfer Failed - Primary server

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the FTP/SCP transfer of a file to the primary FTP/SCP server fails.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Incorrect FTP/SCP server IP address
■ Incorrect user name / password
■ Unavailable disk space
■ Failure in connectivity to the server

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the primary FTP/SCP server’s IP address is correct.

2. Check firewall and router settings.
3. Ensure the user name/password used to access the primary server is correct.
4. Check the disk space available on the primary server.

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1-226 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



File Transfer Failed - Secondary not configured

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the FTP/SCP transfer of a file to the primary FTP/SCP server fails and the
secondary FTP/SCP server is not configured.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Incorrect FTP/SCP server IP address
■ Incorrect user name / password
■ Unavailable disk space
■ Failure in connectivity to the server

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the primary FTP/SCP server IP addresses is correct.

2. Check firewall and router settings.
3. Ensure the user name/password used to access the primary server is correct.
4. Configure a secondary server.

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Alarms 1-227



File Transfer Failed - Primary and Secondary Servers

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the FTP/SCP transfer of a file to the primary and secondary FTP/SCP
servers fail.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Incorrect FTP/SCP server IP address
■ Incorrect user name / password
■ Unavailable disk space
■ Failure in connectivity to the servers

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the primary and secondary FTP/SCP server’s IP addresses are correct.
2. Check firewall and router settings.
3. Ensure the user name/password used to access both FTP/SCP servers are correct.
4. Ensure there is enough disk space available on one the FTP/SCP server.
5. Check connectivity to the servers.

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1-228 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



GMPLS neighbors' configuration do not match

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OSC along which there is a mismatch between the local value and
received value of the Hello interval/Dead interval. This indicates that the OSPF adjacency is not up.
This alarm is cleared when the GMPLS routing detects two consecutive mismatch-free OSPF Hello
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mismatch configuration of Hello Interval/Dead Interval between this node and it’s direct neighbor

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure the Hello Interval and Dead Interval at each affected network element are the same (both
ends of a given link must have the same Hello Interval value and both ends must have the same
Dead Interval value)

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Alarms 1-229



GRE Tunnel address do not match at Local and Remote End

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This communications alarm is raised on the GMPLS Control Channel if the GRE Tunnel Remote IP
Address discovered by the GMPLS Control Channel does not match with the GRE Tunnel Remote IP
Address that is configured on the GRE Tunnel which is associated with the GMPLS Control Channel.
This alarm is most likely caused when:
■ Associated GRE Tunnel Remote Address <tunnel_remote_ip_address> does not match Discovered
GRE Tunnel Remote Address <discovered_remote_ip_address>

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the Associated GRE Tunnel Remote Address <tunnel_remote_ip_address> and
Discovered Remote Address <discovered_remote_ip_address> match. This can be achieved by
doing one any of the following:
□ By configuring GRE Tunnel Remote IP address at the local end to the same value as the
GRE Tunnel Local IP address configured at the remote end
□ By configuring GRE Tunnel Local IP address at the remote end to the same value as the
GRE Tunnel Remote IP address configured at the local end

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1-230 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Restoration Path Active

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Not Reported (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
It will be generated when restorable or revertive SNC switches from the working path to the restored path.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm will be cleared when the SNC switches from the restored path to the working path

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Alarms 1-231



General Communication Channel - Line Side IGCC Failure

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major/Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the IGCC.
This alarm is generated when none of the XGCC0-VCAT channels are in-service.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared by clearing the individual datapath related fault conditions.

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1-232 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



File Transfer to Secondary FTP Server Failed

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
In situations where simultaneous upload of a file to both primary and secondary FTP/SCP servers is
enabled, this alarm is generated when the FTP/SCP transfer of a file to the primary FTP/SCP server is
successful, but fails on the secondary FTP/SCP server.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Incorrect Secondary FTP/SCP server IP address
■ Incorrect user name / password
■ Unavailable disk space
■ Failure in connectivity to the server

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure the secondary FTP/SCP server IP addresses is correct.

2. Check firewall and router settings.
3. Ensure the user name/password used to access the secondary FTP/SCP server is correct.

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Alarms 1-233



Configured NTP Server(s) is Unavailable

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

This alarm is generated on the NTP server due to any of the following:
■ Loss of connectivity to the NTP server
■ Quality of the clock source falls below Stratum 5 level
■ NTP status (ServerStatus) is one of these values

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Delete the affected NTP instance configuration

2. Ensure connectivity is restored with the NTP server
3. Ensure the clock quality improves to Stratum 5 level (at a minimum)

Note: Performing a warm or cold reboot may temporarily clear the alarm (until the next cycle of
NTP synchronization takes place).

Note: This alarm can be suppressed by placing the NTP in Locked or Maintenance admin state.


General Communication Channel-Link Failure
■ Alarm Type - Communication
■ Severity - Minor

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■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

■ Applicable Facilities - GCC

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by GCC Link failure.
This alarm is generated if supporting equipment cannot support Trib GCC (Ex. non CR TIMs inserted in
place of CR TIM after Trib GCC was created on CR-TIM).

Clearing Procedure
■ Check the datapath and correct any issues, including GccInterOp Mode
■ Check the supporting equipment can support GCC or not

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Alarms 1-235



Unable to reach the IKE Peer

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the IKE peer.

This alarm is generated when the IGCC interface is unable to establish IKE session with the peer.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ IGCC (control channel) interface used to communicate with the Peer IKE instance being
■ Peer IKE instance not reachable

Clearing Procedure

Note: Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete

1. Check for IGCC faults or underlying OCG/SCH faults

2. Restore IGCC interface to successfully establish session with the IKE Peer

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1-236 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



IKE Peer Authentication Failed

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service- Affecting) or SA (Service Affecting) depending on the global policy

Description and Causes

This alarm is most likely caused:
■ If the IKE authentication with the peer fails
■ If the IKE peer is unreachable
■ If the IKE peer X.509 certificate is invalid

Clearing Procedure

Note: Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete

1. Check if there are any acitve PEER-UNREACHABLE, REKEY-SA-FAIL, ENCR-CONFIG-MSMT

IGCCFAIL alarms on the system.
2. Check if the IKE peer X.509 certificate is valid

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Failed to Re-key the SA

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service- Affecting) or SA (Service Affecting) depending on the global policy

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on the SecY MO , if the MACsec child security association (SA) re-key fails. This
alarm is generated on the IKEPeer MO, if the IKE SA re-key fails.
This alarm is most likely caused:
■ IKE Session with Peer is down due to IGCC interface Faults or the Peer IKE process is down
■ IKE Deamon Failure or Software issues

Clearing Procedure

Note: Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete

1. Check for fault in IGCC interface or underlying OCG/SCH faults

2. Restore IGCC interface to successfully establish session with the IKE Peer

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IKE configuration mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Communication

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised on the IKE Peer MO, if the mismatch is IKE related. This alarm is raised on the SecY
Ctrl MO, if the mismatch is MACsec data path encryption related.
This alarm is raised when IKE detects a mismatch between the near-end and far-end peers related to
either IKE or data path encryption attributes, which inhibits the proper functioning of encryption related

Note: The detailed condition of the alarms displays the specific attribute which is mismatching.

Clearing Procedure

Note: Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete

1. Check whether the IKE configurations and the data path encryption attributes between near-end and
far-end match. For example, cipher suite, authentication schemes, expect peer X.509 certificates.
2. If there is a mismatch, configure the appropriate values.

Software Processing Alarms

Software processing alarms are associated with the software processing errors. For example, Software
Upgrade has Failed, and Persistence space less than 2%-critical. The chassis level LED is not illuminated
when software processing alarms are raised.

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Alarms 1-239



DB Restore Failure

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated during a user initiated database restore operation and the network element did
not execute this successfully.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ The database to be restored was determined to be 'incoherent' (for example, failed its Error Check
(for example, Checksum))
■ There was insufficient non-volatile memory to store the database. This is generated after the
system has re-initialized with the previous database

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. If there is insufficient space in the persistent memory, clear the persistent memory and retry.
2. Down the correct database image and perform database restoration again.

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1-240 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Software Upgrade Failure, flash space problem or corrupt SW

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when a user initiated software upgrade operation has failed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Corrupted software image
■ Insufficient space in persistent memory

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. If there is insufficient space in the persistent memory, clear the persistent memory and retry.
2. Download the correct software image and perform software upgrade again.
3. If even after downloading a new copy of the software image this problem persists, contact the
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-241



Software Upgrade Failure, when loading new software

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when a user initiated software loading operation has failed during reboot.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Corrupted new software image
■ Software image not loading

Clearing Procedure

■ Delete the software load and download another copy of the image

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1-242 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Creation of Upload File Failure

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the network element failed to create a backup file (e.g. database). A
backup could have been initiated manually by the user or by the network element that has been
configured for a scheduled backup.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Insufficient memory in the persistent storage on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the available persistence space in the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

2. Delete unused software and database images on the network element.

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Alarms 1-243



DB Restore Failure, Controller Reboot

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the database restore operation fails due to a reboot.
This alarm is caused by:
■ Explicit reboot of the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM card when the database restore was in progress

Clearing Procedure

■ Attempt another database restore

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1-244 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Software Installation Failure

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element when a software installation procedure did not complete
successfully. The system has reverted to its previous software image (which in this case is the image
loaded from manufacturing).
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Corrupted new software image
■ Unable to load the image

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the persistence space.

2. Delete the software load and download another copy of the image.

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Alarms 1-245



Available Non-volatile Memory Space is Low

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the persistent storage used on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM is below 16% of
total non-volatile space.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Too many software images or database images downloaded to the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

Clearing Procedure

■ Delete the excess database and software images

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Available Non-volatile Memory Space is Very Low

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when the persistent storage on the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM is below 4% of total
non-volatile space.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Too many software images or database images downloaded to the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

Clearing Procedure

■ Delete the excess database and software images

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IP Address Conflict on NE

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing / Communication

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element when there is an IP address conflict on the network.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Mis-configuration

Clearing Procedure
1. Reconfigure the IP address on the network element.
2. Check with the network administrator to ensure the IP address is valid.

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1-248 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Software Upgrade has Failed, Controller Reboot

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the network element.
This alarm is generated when user initiated software loading operation has failed during reboot.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM reboot during software upgrade

Clearing Procedure

■ Attempt another upgrade of the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.

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Shelf database corruption detected while Upgrade

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Chassis.
This alarm is raised when the shelf chassis database is corrupted.

Clearing Procedure

■ Revert to the old software and database.

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License Assignment Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - AOLM-B, AOLX-B, AOLM2-B, AOLX2-B, SOLM2-B, SOLX2-B, XTOCGPTP,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by AOLM-B, AOLX-B, AOLM2-B, AOLX2-B, SOLM2-B, SOLX2-B, XTOCGPTP,
This alarm is generated when there is a mismatch between the serial number of the FRU associated with
the license and the serial number of the physically inserted FRU. This can happen when a FRU is
inserted in place of another FRU which had licenses activated on it.

Clearing Procedure
The user needs to perform a Re-assign operation from the License Manager in DNA to associate the
serial number of the currently provisioned FRU with the licenses associated with the FRU slot.

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Alarms 1-251



License Insufficiency

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - AOLM-B, AOLX-B, XTOCGPTP, XTSCGPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by AOLM-B, AOLX-B, XTOCGPTP, XTSCGPTP.
This alarm is generated when the licensed FRU has services provisioned beyond the default licensed
capacity. This alarm is raised only during upgrade and is visible until a reboot is performed. Once this
alarm is cleared, it will not be raised again.

Clearing Procedure

■ Activate appropriate licenses on the provisioned equipment until the bandwidth accrued from the
licenses can support the services provisioned.
■ Change the modulation of channel from modulation type with insufficient license to modulation type
having excess license, provided the modulation type on both the ends match with each other.

Note: This alarm is also cleared if the services on the modulation type that has insufficient
licenses are deleted.

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License Modulation Format Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - AOLM-B, AOLX-B, AOLM2-B, AOLX2-B, SOLM2-B, SOLX2-B

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by AOLM-B, AOLX-B, AOLM2-B, AOLX2-B, SOLM2-B, SOLX2-B.
This alarm is raised when there is a mismatch in the licenses provisioned and the carrier modulation
formats due to a change of modulation format on a carrier pair from BPSK to QPSK or vice versa by the
user when services are provisioned against the carrier.

Clearing Procedure

■ Add licenses to support the modulation format as applicable.

■ Change the modulation of channel from modulation type with insufficient license to modulation type
having excess license, provided the modulation type on both the ends match with each other.

Note: This alarm is also cleared if the services on the modulation type that has insufficient
licenses are deleted.

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License Network Audit Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated on network elements.
This alarm is triggered by DNA when there is a mismatch between the DNA and the network element with
respect to a license(s).This condition can occur after a database restore which may not reflect the current
provisioned status of the network element, leading to a mismatch.

Note: This alarm is neither affected by Alarm Reporting Control (ARC) nor Administrative Lock /
Administrative Maintenance alarms.

Clearing Procedure

■ Resolve the conflicting licenses by deleting the licenses or services or a combination of both from

Note: If any node containing line modules with activated licenses (in an audit mismatched
state) becomes unreachable after the LIC-NW-AUDIT-MISM alarm is raised, the NCT
connectivity to the chassis must be re-established and the chassis must be reachable before
any licensing operation can be done to resolve the conflicts

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1-254 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Encoding Mode Changing Pending Cold Reset

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - AOLX2, AOLM2, SOLX2, SOLM2, AOFX, AOFM, XTOCGPTP, XTSCGPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by AOLX2, AOLM2, SOLX2, SOLM2, AOFX, AOFM equipments.
This alarm is raised when the encoding mode is changed to a value other than the installed encoding
mode and the cold reset is pending.

Clearing Procedure

■ Cold reset/Power cycle the FRU.

■ Change the encoding mode to the installed encoding mode.

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Super-Channel Provisioned and Installed values do not match

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - SCHCTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by SCHCTP.
This alarm is generated when there is a mismatch between the provisioned and installed super channel
values of the AOFX/AOFM-500.

Clearing Procedure
This alarm is cleared when the provisioned and installed super channel values match.

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1-256 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Migration of DB to DTN-X failed

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - Chassis

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by chassis.
This alarm is raised due to the failure of migration of database from the system being migrated (original
database) to the new node controller. It could be because of a corrupted database or because of steps
missed during migration procedure. This alarm is raised on the node controller of the XTC chassis that
would be the node controller for the migrated system.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. A subsequent successful migration of the original database to the new node controller.
2. Fresh installation of the database on the XTC chassis.
3. Repeat the migration procedure after verifying that all the steps have been followed including the the
pre-requisite of the original database being in a migration enabled state. Verify that the backup of the
database being migrated was taken after enabling this state.
4. If the failure persists, revert the migration procedure and start from a fresh install of the XTC chassis
and initiate a migration of the original database again.
5. If failure continues to persist, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-257



Prepare for upgrade failed

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - Node

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the node when pre-upgrade check fails on one or more controller chassis of a

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Perform the PrepareForUpgrade action to re-initiate the pre-upgrade check and clear the alarm.
2. If failure continues to persist, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-258 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Supporting Transport Layer is not Provisioned

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - Network Interface

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the supporting ODU CTP/ODU Flexi CTP is not provisioned or is deleted
after Network interface is provisioned.

Clearing Procedure

■ Re-provision the supporting ODU/ODUFlexi CTP by creating an OTN SNC or cross-connect.

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Supporting Transport Layer has lesser capacity

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - Network Interface, Ethernet Interface

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when supporting ODU CTP/ODU Flexi CTP is re-provisioned with lesser capacity
than the bandwidth committed by network interface and ethernet interface Connection Admission Control

Clearing Procedure

■ Re-provision the supporting ODU/ODUFlexi CTP by creating an OTN SNC or cross-connect with
the correct bandwidth.

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1-260 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



License Type Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - AOFX-500B, AOFM-500B , SOFX-500B, SOFM-500B, AOLM-500B,
AOLX-500B, AOLM2-500B, AOLX2-500B, SOLM2-500B, SOLX2-500B

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when there is a mismatch between the FRU type in the activated license on an IB
FRU and the installed IB FRU in the slot.

Clearing Procedure

■ Re-assign operation on the existing license to have a matching installed type in the license
■ Ensure to rebrand the license as applicable to the installed FRU.

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Alarms 1-261



OtnContainer Change Pending Cold Reset

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - AOFX-500B, AOFM-500B , SOFX-500B, SOFM-500B, AOLM-500B,
AOLX-500B, AOLM2-500B, AOLX2-500B, SOLM2-500B, SOLX2-500B

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the OTN container type is changed and cold reset it pending.

Clearing Procedure

■ Cold reset/Power Cycle the FRU

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1-262 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Fec Overhead Ratio Changing Pending Cold Reset

■ Alarm Type - Software Processing

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - XTSCGPTP

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when remote equipment has different FEC overhead ratio configured than the

Clearing Procedure

■ Re-provision both remote and local ends to have same FEC overhead ratio.

Equipment Alarms
Equipment alarms are associated with the hardware faults like Equipment Failure and Equipment
Unreachable. Equipment Alarms can also be associated with alarms such as Equipment Mismatch. The
chassis level LED is illuminated when equipment alarms are raised. For equipment alarms, this behavior
cannot be changed using the Alarm Severity Assignment Profile Settings window in GNM.

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Alarms 1-263



Breaker Open 48V

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - BREAKER-OPEN

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the breaker is open and there is no supply of power to the PEM/FeedPTP.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Circuit breaker trip

Clearing Procedure
1. Check the breaker connectivity.
2. Turn breaker to the on position.

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1-264 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Equipment Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical/Major/Minor
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, Chassis, CMM, DLM, DSE, Fan, FBM, GAM, IOSHELF, MCM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/MCM/XCMH/IMM/OMM on the reporting circuit pack or fan or
This alarm is generated when a hardware component on the reporting circuit pack/fan/PEM has failed. If
the alarm is raised on any of the circuit packs, the alarm severity is critical and is service affecting. If the
alarm is raised on the XCM, fan or PEM, the alarm severity is major and is non-service affecting.
This alarm is most likely caused by a device failure.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.

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Alarms 1-265

3. Warm-reset the circuit pack (wherever applicable) on which the alarm is reported.
4. Verify that the reset is complete and error free.
5. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-266 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Equipment Partial Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical/Major
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, DLM, DSE, FAN, FBM, FMMF250, GAM, MCM, OAM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/MCM/XCMH/IMM/OMM on the reporting circuit pack or the
This alarm is generated when a few hardware components of the reporting circuit pack fail or the fan. If
the alarm is raised on any of the circuit pack, the severity of the alarm is critical and is service affecting. If
the alarm is raised on the fan, alarm severity is major and is non-service affecting.
This alarm is most likely caused by a device failure.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.
3. Warm reset the circuit pack on which the alarm is reported.
4. Verify that the reset is complete and error free.
5. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-267



Equipment Type Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, Chassis, CMM, DLM, DSE, FAN, FBM, FMMF250, GAM, MCM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM on the reporting circuit pack.
This alarm is generated when a circuit pack is inserted in the slot that has been provisioned for a different
type of circuit pack. In case of ILS3 cards, this alarm is generated when a circuit pack is inserted into a
different slot other than the pre-provisioned slot.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. If the slot has been improperly configured, delete the provisioned configuration of the slot. This allows
the reporting circuit pack to automatically come into service.
2. Edit the provisioned card type to be the same as the installed type.
3. If an incorrect circuit pack has been inserted, install the correct circuit pack in the correct slot.

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Equipment Improper Removal

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical/Major/Minor
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, DLM, DSE, FAN, FBM, FMMF250, GAM, MCM, OAM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/MCM/XCMH/IMM/OMM in the chassis on any of the circuit
packs, fan or PEM.
This alarm is generated when the circuit pack, fan or PEM is removed from the slot without changing the
administrative state to Maintenance or Locked. If the alarm is raised on any of the circuit packs, the
severity of the alarm is critical and is service affecting. If the alarm is raised on the fan or PEM, alarm
severity is major and is non-service affecting.

Clearing Procedure

■ Insert the circuit pack into the slot from where it was removed, or using the GUI delete the
configured module from the database

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Alarms 1-269



Equipment’s Control Plane is Unreachable

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, Chassis, XCMH, CMM, DLM, DSE, FBM, FMMF250, MCM, OAM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/XCMH/MCM/IMM/OMM on the reporting circuit pack.
This alarm is generated when the XCM/MCM/XCMH/IMM/OMM cannot communicate with the reporting
circuit pack and is not able to exchange control plane messages.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Rebooting or faulty circuit pack
■ Bent pin in the backplane

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.
3. Warm reset the circuit pack on which the alarm is reported.
4. Verify that the reset is complete and error free.
5. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-270 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Database Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, DLM, DSE, FBM, FMMF250, OAM, OLM, ORM, OTM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the serial number of the active/stand-by XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM stored on the
line card does not match the serial number of the active/standby XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM installed in the
chassis. The Additional Text field in GNM displays the serial numbers.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Download and install the correct database from the FTP server to the existing XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM
installed in the chassis.
2. Replace the correct XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM into the chassis, that is, the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM that
matches the serial number present on the line cards.
3. Force synchronize the line cards with the database on the active XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM.
4. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-271



Equipment's Control Plane is Warm-resetting

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, DLM, DSE, FBM, FMMF250, MCM, OAM, OLM, OMM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the managed object.
This alarm is generated when the control plane has been warm reset.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm will clear once the applicable circuit pack has completed the warm reset.

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1-272 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Power over voltage

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - PEM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the PEM.

This alarm is raised on Feed PTP when input voltage exceeds the configured threshold.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure the input voltage on PEM is normal and below the set threshold level.
■ Replace the PEM equipment if found faulty.

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Alarms 1-273



Power under voltage

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - PEM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the PEM object.
This alarm is raised on feed PTP when input voltage drops below the configured threshold level.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure the input voltage on PEM resumes to normal and with in the set voltage threshold range.
■ Check for the PEM module and replace the PEM equipment if found faulty.

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1-274 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx PIC Temperature Out of Range - High - Auto Shutdown

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by DLM, OLM, OLX, and XLM.
This alarm is generated when the Tx PIC temperature exceeds the predefined threshold value.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.
3. Ensure that ambient temperature is sufficiently low.
4. Check that system fans are working properly.
5. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-275



Rx PIC Temperature Out Of Range High - Auto Shutdown

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by DLM, OLM, OPSM, OTXM, OLX, and XLM.
This alarm is generated when the Rx PIC temperature exceeds the predefined threshold value.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.
3. Ensure that ambient temperature is sufficiently low.
4. Check that the system fans are working properly.
5. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-276 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Ambient (inlet) Temperature Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the chassis when the ambient temperature (detected upon inlet to this chassis
by at least one circuit pack) is greater than or equal to the pre-defined high-inlet-temperature onset
threshold and has remained above it for 2.5 +/- 0.5 seconds. The network element does not automatically
power down any circuit pack as a result of reaching this threshold.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that the environmental issues are corrected

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Alarms 1-277



Temperature Out Of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA(Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - MCM, OPSM, BMM, CMM, DLM/ADLM/ADLM-80, XLM/AXLM/AXLM-80,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the temperature of this circuit pack is greater than the predefined threshold
value in spite of the ambient temperature being within range.
This is due to some combination of system fan problem or Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC) failure on the

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the air filter is clean.

2. Ensure that the system fans are functioning properly.
3. Check the detailed condition information.
4. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-278 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Power 48V Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - POWER-FAIL

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM on the PEM object.
This alarm is generated when the PEM is unable to detect power and breaker is closed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Faulty / severed power wires coming into the PEM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check cabling coming into the PEM.

2. Check the power distribution system feeding the PEM.

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Alarms 1-279



Equipment Degradation

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, Chassis, CMM, DLM, DSE, FAN, FBM, FMMF250, GAM, IOShelf,
■ Detailed Conditions - BPOST_FAIL, GAM_TX_EDFA_GAIN_ERROR,

Note: BMM2 module reports EQPTDEGRADE alarm with detailed condition text as “RX-EDFA-
STAGE-POWER-LIM”, when Q NOS R9.0.x is upgraded to R10.0.X or R11.0.X .

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active XCM/MCM/XCMH/IMM/OMM on the applicable circuit packs or fan
or PEM.
This alarm is generated when the service offered by the circuit pack is degrading. The circuit pack will
continue to be functional for some more time before it completely goes out-of-service.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server (if applicable).

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1-280 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures

2. Check the detailed condition information.

3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-281


Maintenance Required - contact Infinera customer support

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - DLM, TEM, and XLM

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised on the circuit packs when a communication failure alarm is present on the circuit

Clearing Procedure
Contact Technical Assistance Center.

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1-282 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Equipment Protection Control Bus Failure with Slot n

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - line module (DLM, OLM, XLM, ADLM, AXLM, and/or SLM), LM-80
(ADLM-80, AXLM-80, and/or SLM-80), and/or TEM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the line module, LM-80, and/or TEM.
This alarm is generated when there is an internal system fault that affects the line module, LM-80, and/or
TEM. After this alarm is raised no further protection switch will occur for a Digital SNCP on this slot. All
external requests will be rejected with error indication ‘protection switching operationally disabled’.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ The problem is either on one of the slots or line module, LM-80, and/or TEM
■ Bent pin in the backplane

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-283



Insufficient Gain

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, OAM, ORM, IAM, IRM, FMMC, FSM, FRM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the BMM/CMM/OAM/ORM/IAM/IRM/FSM/FRM.
This alarm is generated when the EDFA device cannot achieve the target gain.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ EDFA hardware degradation
■ Too much loss on the DCM port

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Check the connectivity of the fiber coming in/out of the DCM port.
2. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.
3. Check the detailed condition information.
4. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-284 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Unknown Firmware Present

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, DLM, DSE, FAN, FBM, FMMF250, GAM, MCM, OAM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the BMM, CMM, DLM, XLM, ADLM, AXLM, SLM, ADLM-80, AXLM-80,
This alarm is generated when the firmware version is incompatible with the software version currently
This alarm is most likely caused when:
■ A rollback of software version is performed after software upgrade and the firmware version is not
compatible with the older software version. Software revision operation does not automatically
revert firmware

Clearing Procedure

■ Upgrade the version of software or revert the firmware by cold reboot

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Alarms 1-285



Brand Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OMM, IMM, MCM, XCMH and XCM.
This alarm is raised when an OMM, IMM, MCM, XCMH and XCM, which was commissioned earlier in a
different chassis is inserted into another chassis.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Right click the MCM and select Make Standby.

2. Perform the procedure to re-sync all line cards to the IMM/XCM/XCMH/MCM/OMM.
3. Cold reboot each module.

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1-286 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Initialization Failure

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the standby IMM/XCM/XCMH/MCM/OMM.
This alarm is generated when the IMM/XCM/MCM/OMM has failed to intialize as standby.
This alarm is most likely caused when :
■ The IMM/XCM/XCMH/MCM/OMM has failed to intialize the database

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Pull out the IMM/XCM/XCMH/MCM/OMM partially and re-insert it. Refer to the DTC/MTC Task
Oriented Procedures Guide.
2. If re-inserting the IMM/XCM/XCMH/MCM/OMM does not solve the problem, contact the Technical
Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-287



Older Revision Controller present in invalid configuration

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Managed Type - MCM/XCM/IMM/XCMH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by MCM/XCM/IMM when more than 32 line cards are pre-provisioned or
installed, and the active MCM is MCM-B.

Note: The OLDREV-CTRLR alarm is raised by the management interfaces (GNM) on nodes with an
MCM-B node controller when the node is provisioned with 32 line modules, although the maximum
number of line modules supported for an MCM-B node controller is 48. The OLDREV-CTRLR alarm
has no functional impact and this discrepancy will be resolved in a future IQ NOS software release.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Replace MCM of the Node Controller with MCM-C.

2. Remove some of the line cards to make their count less than or equal to 32.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-288 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



CP to Controller A Internal OSC Ethernet Link Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, OAM, RAM, ORM, IAM, IRM, FRM
■ Detailed Conditions - OSC-A-LINK-DOWN

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the MCM in slot 7A or the OMM in slot 1A on the BMM/OAM/RAM/ORM/IAM/
This alarm is generated when the OSC control link from the BMM/OAM and the MCM in slot 7A or the
OMM in slot 1A has failed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A bent pin in the backplane
■ Faulty MCM/OMM/IMM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed condition information.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-289



CP to Controller B Internal OSC Ethernet Link Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major, not user customizable
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, OAM, ORM, RAM, IAM, IRM, FRM
■ Detailed Conditions - OSC-B-LINK-DOWN

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the MCM in slot 7B or the OMM in slot 1B on the BMM/OAM.
This alarm is generated when the OSC control link from the BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM/IAM/IRM and the
MCM in slot 7B/OMM/IMM in slot 1B has failed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Bent pin in the backplane
■ Removal of MCM/OMM/IMM
■ Faulty MCM/OMM/IMM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed description information.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-290 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



CP to Controller A Internal Comm Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, line module (DLM, XLM, ADLM, AXLM, and/or SLM), LM-80
(ADLM-80, AXLM-80, and/or SLM-80), DSE, FBM, FMMF250, MCM, OAM, OLM, OMM, ORM,
■ Detailed Conditions - CARD-A-LINK-DOWN

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XCM/MCM/OMM/IMM in slot 7A or the OMM in slot 1A for this BMM/CMM/
line module/
This alarm is generated when the Ethernet control link between the BMM/CMM/line module/
slot 7A or the OMM in slot 1A or IMM has failed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Faulty Ethernet transmitter on the BMM/CMM/line module/
■ Bent pin in the backplane connecting BMM/CMM/line module/LM-80/TEM and MCM in slot 7A or

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed description information.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-291



CP to Controller B Internal Comm Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major, not user customizable
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, CMM, line module (DLM, XLM, ADLM, AXLM, and/or SLM), LM-80
(ADLM-80, AXLM-80, and/or SLM-80), DSE, FBM, FMMF250, OPSM, MCM, OAM, OLM, OMM,
■ Detailed Conditions - CARD-B-LINK-DOWN

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the MCM in slot 7B or the OMM in slot 1B for this BMM/CMM/line module/
This alarm is generated when the Ethernet control link between the BMM/CMM/line module/
LM-80/TEM/OAM/ORM/RAM/REM/SCM/DSE and the MCM in slot 7B or the OMM in slot 1B has failed.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Faulty Ethernet transmitter on the BMM/CMM/line module/LM-80/TEM/OAM/RAM/REM/SCM/DSE
as on the XCM/MCM/OMM/IMM
■ Bent pin in the backplane connecting BMM/CMM/line module/LM-80/TEM and MCM in slot 7B or

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.

2. Check the detailed description information.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-292 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Internal Ethernet Link Failure to Peer Controller Module

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - MCM, OMM, XCM, IMM, XCMH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the active IMM, MCM, OMM, XCHM and XCM. This alarm is generated when
there is a loss of internal Ethernet-layer communication between the MCMs/OMMs. Loss of
communication between MCMs: MCM in slot 7A and MCM in slot 7B. Loss of communication between
OMMs: OMM in slot 1A and OMM in slot 1B.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Faulty Ethernet transmitter on the BMM/line module/TEM/OAM
■ Bent pin in the backplane connecting BMM/line module/TEM and MCM in slot 7B
■ Bent pin in the backplane connecting OAM and OMM in slot 1B
■ Removal of MCM in slot 7B
■ Removal of OMM in slot 1B
■ Faulty MCM
■ Faulty OMM
■ Reboot of the XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM (for example warm or cold reboot, XCM/MCM/IMM/OMM
switchover, software upgrade, and/or database restore)

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Upload the debug information to an FTP server (if applicable).

2. Check the detailed description information.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-293



Air Filter Replacement Required

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor (User Provisionable)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Air Filter

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the air filter needs to be replaced.

Clearing Procedure
1. Reset the Declaration Offset Policy.
2. Set a new alarm declaration date and time.
3. When the value of the parameter Alarm Status is changed to Disabled.
4. When the alarm reporting is inhibited using “Alarm Reporting Control” (ARC).

Note: The conditional description (air filter replacement) is user configurable.

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1-294 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



User Configured Probable Cause

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor (User Provisionable)

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the alarm condition is reached.

Clearing Procedure
1. When the parameter Declaration Offset Policy is reset or a new alarm declaration date and time is set.
2. When the value of the parameter Alarm Status is changed to Disabled.
3. When the alarm reporting is inhibited using “Alarm Reporting Control” (ARC).

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Alarms 1-295



Air Filter Replacement Required

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor (User Provisionable)

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the alarm condition is reached.

Clearing Procedure
1. When the parameter Declaration Offset Policy is reset or a new alarm declaration date and time is set.
2. When the value of the parameter Alarm Status is changed to Disabled.
3. When the alarm reporting is inhibited using “Alarm Reporting Control” (ARC).

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1-296 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Administrative Maintenance

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Not Reported (User Provisionable)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis, BMM, CMM, DLM, FBM, FMMF250, XLM, ADLM, AXLM, SLM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the user has administratively put the managed object into maintenance state by
using the management interface command.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared by Unlocking the managed object by using the management interface

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Administrative Locked

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Not Reported (User Provisionable)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis, MCM, BMM, CMM, DLM, FBM, FMMF250, XLM, ADLM, AXLM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the user has administratively put the managed object into locked state by using
the management interface command.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared by Unlocking the managed object by using the management interface

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1-298 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Power Draw / Chassis power draw exceeds configured maximum value

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor (User Provisionable)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised when the chassis power draw exceeds the configured maximum value as set in the
attribute configuredMaxPowerDraw.
This alarm is cleared when the chassis power draw drops below the value set in the attribute

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Change the attribute configuredMaxPowerDraw to a higher value.

2. If this alarm is raised after installing a circuit pack, perform the following:
a. Remove the circuit pack from the system (ensure that the circuit pack has been deleted from the
database if provisioned).
b. Change the attribute configuredMaxPowerDraw to a higher value.
c. Install the circuit pack into the system.
d. Verify that the alarm is clear.
3. If this alarm is raised unexpectedly and no circuit packs were recently installed, contact the Technical
Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-299



Temperature Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - DLM, GAM, OLM, OTM, TEM, AOFM, XLM, AOFX, OLX

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the temperature of this circuit pack is lower than the Infinera predefined
threshold value in spite of the ambient temperature being within range.
This is due to some combination of system fan problem or Thermo-Electric Cooler (TEC) failure on the

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the air filter is clean.

2. Ensure that the system fans are functioning properly.
3. Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-300 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Excessive Channels

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM (all BMM types)

Description and Causes

This alarm indicates an excessive channel count alarm condition and is raised when the number of BMM
OCGs provisioned (either auto-provisioned or pre-provisioned) on a BMM exceeds the OCG equivalent
value configured for numberOfChannels attribute.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared when the number of BMM OCGs provisioned (either auto-provisioned or pre-
provisioned) on a BMM is equal to or less than the OCG equivalent value configured for
numberOfChannels attribute

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Alarms 1-301



Power control initiated - maximum allowed fan speed reduced

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Pack - Chassis

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the chassis power control action is initiated and maximum allowed fan
speed is reduced.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

This alarm is cleared on disabling the power control (power reduction) algorithm. Do any of the following
to clear this alarm:
1. Disable the chassis power control algorithm by setting the “ChassisPwrCtrl” attribute on the chassis to
2. Change the chassis configuration such that the power consumption on the chassis is within the worst-
case limit set, that is remove or delete or un-provisioned equipment as appropriate to reduce the
chassis power consumption.

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1-302 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



AGC not Functioning

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - BMM, FRM

This alarm is generated by the BMM/FRM head node.
This alarm is generated when Infinera’s Automated Gain Control (AGC) is not functioning or there is a
downstream loss of signal (after soaking the AGC failure condition in the network element for 2 hours).
List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using BMM headend node - lists all the detailed conditions of AGC-
NF alarm using BMM headend node.
List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using FRM headend node - lists all the detailed conditions of AGC-NF
alarm using FRM headend node.

Table 1-3 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using BMM headend node
Sl.No Current AGC abort additional Detailed explanation Probable root cause
text (New)
1 AGC Link Discovery Timeout ADAPT is unable to discover the 1. OSC failure in downstream
entire link end to end ( BMM to node
BMM) 2. OSC crossover cable is not
connected properly
3. One/more intermediate
OAM/ORM is unreachable
4. One/more intermediate
OAM/ORM is rebooting
5. Improper association (pre-
amp to BMM)
2 Automatic Gain Control (AGC) ADAPT is disabled in the user User initiated configuration
is Disabled interface disabled AGC from user

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Alarms 1-303

Table 1-3 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using BMM headend node (continued)
Sl.No Current AGC abort additional Detailed explanation Probable root cause
text (New)
3 Headend OCG Channel Num is ADAPT is unable to get add/drop, 1. Frequent power fluctuation in
Unknown for OCGs < list of express OCG information for one/ previous link with optical express
OCG's> more OCG's associated with the configuration
Head End BMM 2. One/more LM/peer
BMM/CMM card is unreachable/
warm rebooting
3. Chassis housing one/more
LM/peer BMM is unreachable
4. OCG OOR-H/L present in any
of the discovered add/drop
5. OCG OOR-H/L present in any
of the discovered optical express
6. OCG OOR-H present in any
of the optical express
7. Extender BMM card in
unreachable/warm rebooting
8. Chassis housing extender
BMM card is unreachable
9. High patch loss in extender to
base BMM card
10. Equipment degradation for of
the Head End BMM due to R|b
PLC Access Failure, CMM
Access Failure
4 Headend Local Signal Ratio ADAPT encountered error while Link parameters are out of range
Calc Error signal ratio calculation
5 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT gain commit failed Link parameters are out of range
Phase Id: <zz>: Gain Commit
6 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT is taking longer time to Unknown error encountered
Phase Id: <zz>: Gain Calc calculate gain in any FRU
7 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT is taking longer time to Unknown error encountered
Phase Id: <zz>: Gain Commit commit gain in any FRU
8 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT is taking longer time to Unknown error encountered
Phase Id: <zz>: Ack-timer return ADAPT status in any FRU

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1-304 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures

Table 1-3 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using BMM headend node (continued)
Sl.No Current AGC abort additional Detailed explanation Probable root cause
text (New)
9 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT is unable to get 1. Raman card unreachable
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: information of the associated 2. Raman card is not in service
Associated Raman Card Not Raman card 3. Chassis housing Raman is
Ready unreachable.
4. Link parameters are out of
10 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT is unable to get 1. Raman card unreachable
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: information of the associated far 2. Raman card is not in service
Far end Tx Raman card not end Raman card 3. Chassis housing Raman is
ready unreachable.
4. Link parameters are out of
11 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, Head End Tx EDFA is shutdown 1. Head End BMM is in locked
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: state
Head end Tx EDFA Disabled 2. Head End BMM is disabled
due to ALS
12 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, Any downstream OAM/ORM or 1. Any upstream card is in
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: TE-BMM is in LOL state locked state
Rx EDFA is in LOL 2. Span loss too high
3. DCF OLOS in upstream
4. High DCF loss in upstream
13 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, Any downstream OAM/ORM or 1. TE BMM is locked
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: TE-BMM is in disable state 2. EDFA disabled due to ALS
Rx EDFA is disabled
14 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, Any downstream Raman FRU is in 1. Raman card is in locked state
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: disable state 2. Raman pumps are disabled
RAMAN pumps are disabled due to ALS
15 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, One/more Rx fiber type is set as User configured Tx fiber type as
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: unknown unknown to the upstream node
Rx fiber type is unknown
16 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, One/more Tx fiber type is set as User configured Tx fiber type as
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: unknown unknown to the current node
Tx fiber type is unknown
17 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT getting invalid signal ratio Link parameter are out of range
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: from previous node
Invalid previous signal-ratio
18 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, ADAPT is not doing gain commit Link is not doing gain commit
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: due to AGC-NF in previous link
AGC is not doing gain commit

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Alarms 1-305

Table 1-3 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using BMM headend node (continued)
Sl.No Current AGC abort additional Detailed explanation Probable root cause
text (New)
19 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, One/more DSP component of the 1. EDFA DSP access fail alarm
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: downstream OAM/ORM/BMM is in in the node
DSP access failure access failed state 2. RAMAN DSP access fail in
the node
3. Hw fault
20 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, SLTE_Mode_1 is enabled in the 1. SLTE Mode 1 is enabled in
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: BMM any BMM2 in link
SLTE_Mode_1 is enabled in the 2. SLTE Mode 1 is enabled in
link any OAM-CXH1-MS in link
21 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, Third Party Amplifier mode is 1. Third Party Amplifier mode is
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: enabled in the BMM enabled in any BMM in link
Third Party Amplifier mode is 2.Third Party Amplifier mode is
enabled in the link enabled in any OAM-CXH1-MS
in link
22 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, Static mode is enabled in one/ 1. Static mode is enabled in any
Phase Id: <zz>, Abort Commit: more down stream FRUs ORM-CXH1, ORM-CXH1-
Static mode enabled in the link LL,ORM-CXH1-MS-LL in link
2. Static mode is enabled in any
OAM-CXH1 in link
23 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, DSE Communication Failed 1. DSE is warm/cold rebooting
Phase Id: <zz>, DSE Status: 2. Chassis housing DSE is
Comms failed unreachable
3. Pre-provisioned DSE is
24 Node Id: <xx>, Hop Id: <yy>, DSE control loop is not running 1. DSE in faulted state
Phase Id: <zz>, DSE Status: 2. Invalid mode is configured in
CtrlLoop Not Run DSE (SLTE Mode 1 in native
automated link etc.)
3. DSE control loop is disabled
4. High loss in fiber connecting
the OSA in port of DSE
5. Connection ports are unclean
6. Alarm OSAPTP LOL or
in the DSE
7. High patch loss between
8. Any upstream band level
faults for which channel power is

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1-306 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures

Table 1-4 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using FRM headend node
Sl.No Current AGC abort additional Detailed explanation Probable root cause
text (New)
1 DAMP LinkDisc timeout ADAPT is unable to discover the 1. OSC failure in downstream
entire link end to end ( FRM to node
FRM) 2. OSC crossover cable is not
connected properly
3. One/more intermediate
IAM/IRM is unreachable
4. One/more intermediate
IAM/IRM is rebooting
5. Improper association
(between AMP'S and/or FRM's)
6. Incomplete/mismatch IPSEC
2 Automatic Gain Control (AGC) ADAPT is disabled in the user User initiated configuration
is Disabled interface disabled AGC from user
3 Headend SCH Slice count is ADAPT is unable to get add/drop, 1. Frequent power fluctuation in
Unknown express SCH information for one/ previous link with optical express
more SCH's associated with the configuration
HE FRM 2. Frequent power fluctuation
between LM/FSM with FRM in
ADD/DROP configuration
3. One/more LM/peer FRM/FSM
card is unreachable/warm
4. Chassis housing one/more
LM/peer FRM/FSM is
5. SCH OPT-OOR-H/L present
in any of the SCH of HE FRM
6. SCH OPR-OOR-L present in
any of the SCH of HE FRM
7. Equipment degradation for of
the associate LM/FSM due to
DSP Access Failure
4 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>: ADAPT gain commit failed Link parameters are out of range
5 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>: ADAPT is taking longer time to Unknown error encountered
GainCalc timeout calculate gain in any FRU
6 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>: ADAPT is taking longer time to Unknown error encountered
Commit timeout commit gain in any FRU
7 AckTimer expired ADAPT is taking longer time to Unknown error encountered
return ADAPT status in any FRU

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Alarms 1-307

Table 1-4 List of detail conditions for AGC-NF using FRM headend node (continued)
Sl.No Current AGC abort additional Detailed explanation Probable root cause
text (New)
8 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, HE Tx EDFA is shutdown 1. HE FRM is in locked state
Abort Commit: 2. HE FRM is disabled due to
9 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, Any downstream IAM/IRM or TE- 1. Any upstream card is in
Abort Commit: EDFA_LOL FRM is in LOL state locked state
2. Span loss too high
10 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, Any downstream IAM/IRM or TE- 1. TE FRM is locked
Abort Commit: FRM is in disable state 2. EDFA disabled due to ALS
11 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, One/more Rx fiber type is set as 1. User configured Tx fiber type
Abort Commit: unknown as unknown to the upstream
12 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, One/more Tx fiber type is set as 1. User configured Tx fiber type
Abort Commit: unknown as unknown to the current node
13 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, ADAPT is not doing gain commit Link is not doing gain commit
Abort Commit: AGC is not due to AGC-NF in previous link
doing gain commit
14 Node Id: <xx>, Phase Id: <zz>, one/more DSP component of the 1. FRE DSP access fail alarm in
Abort Commit: downstream IAM/IRM/FMM/FSM the associated FRU
DSP_ACCESS_FAIL is in access failed state 2. FRW DSP access fail alarm in
the associated FRU
3. EDFA|RAMAN DSP access
fail alarm in the associated FRU
4. Hw fault

Note: The AGC-NF alarm with any condition mentioned above in Table 5-5 and Table 5-6 can be
cleared by clearing at least one of the probable root causes provided. For more information refer to
the detailed condition on the Span Properties window.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Manually enable the AGC.

2. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

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1-308 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Redundant Controller Module not Physically Present

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Not Reported
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis when there is no redundant IMM/MCM/OMM/XCM physically
installed in the DTC/MTC/XTC.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Install a redundant IMM/MCM/OMM/XCM in the DTC/MTC/XTC.

2. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-309



Incompatible DSE

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - DSE

This alarm is generated when an older version DSE containing an unsupported modulation format signal
is detected in a link requiring baud rates higher than 11.1Gbps.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Install a known compatible DSE (with revised OPM calibration) in the DTC/MTC/XTC.
2. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

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1-310 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Temperature Out Of Range High-Device Auto Shutdown

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - DLM, XLM, TEM

This alarm is generated by the DLM, XLM, TEM.
This alarm is generated when the temperature of this circuit pack is greater (or lesser) than the
predefined threshold value. Allowing the device to function at the same temperature will result in damage
and hence will be powered down.
This alarm is most likely caused due to a combination of ambient temperature and system fan problem.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center

1. Ensure that ambient temperature is within expected range.

2. Check that the system fans are working properly.
3. Ensure the air filter is clean.
4. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.
5. Check the detailed description information.
6. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-311



DSE Output Spectrum not Attained

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - DSE

This alarm is generated by the DSE.
After an equalization event trigger, if the DSE is not converged within 3 cycles, this alarm will be
generated. The alarm is applicable irrespective of whether the DSE is operating in Native Automated or
SLTE mode and will continue to be reported as long as the condition exists and will be cleared only after
a successful equalization event.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure that the per-channel and/or per-OCG offsets for the head-end node are set properly.
2. Ensure that the channel map changes for the head-end/express node are set properly.
3. Ensure that the power difference between adjacent channels provided in the power profile for the DSE
does not exceed 3dB.
4. If a change was recently made to the relative power profile for the DSE, re-adjust the power profile
5. If this problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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1-312 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Switch Fabric Fail

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis.
This alarm is raised against the chassis when there are less than 8 active OXMs in a XTC-10 or 4 active
OXMs in a XTC-4 chassis.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure minimum number of 8 active switch modules are present in the chassis for XTC-10.
■ Ensure minimum number of 4 active switch modules are present in the chassis for XTC-4.

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Alarms 1-313



Switch Fabric Protection Unavailable

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non - Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis.
This alarm is raised when there are no redundant switch modules available in a standby state for a

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Insert at least one standby switch module which can be switched in case of failure on any of the active
2. Change the OXM status Lock to Unlock state.

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1-314 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Timing Source Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis.
This alarm is raised when there is a mismatch of actual timing source latched on the equipment (OLM,
OTM, switch module, TSM and XCM slots) against the evaluated acting timing source of the system.
This alarm is raised on a periodic audit of the timing sources or on every equipment failure or removal.

Clearing Procedure

■ Use the correlation of internal status of the timing sources, the equipment status and CSTS
commands to switch the source or locking of specific timing sources to effect a timing source

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Alarms 1-315



Timing And Synchronization Module Unavailable

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis.
This alarm is raised if chassis has no TSM FRU available as active clock source.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Insert a TSM module into a TSM slot.

2. Check for at least one TSM ready to go active and not faulted.

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1-316 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Timing And Synchronization Module not redundant

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis.
This alarm is raised when a chassis has TSMs in a non-redundant configuration.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Insert a redundant TSM into the XTC- 10 chassis.

2. Insert or unlock a redundant TSM.

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Alarms 1-317



Chassis power protection failed

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the chassis.
This alarm is raised when the system does not have power redundancy, where the number of active
feeds on groupA and groupB are not equal.

Note: There are 3 Power Entry Modules in each the group (A and B) in XTC 10 and 2 Power Entry
Modules in each group (A and B) in XTC-4. Each module has 2 feeds.

Clearing Procedure

■ Insert the active feeds into group A and group B.

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1-318 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Remote Equipment Channel Plan Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - OLX, OLM, AOFX, AOFM

This alarm is generated by the OLX, OLM, AOFX, AOFM.
This alarm is raised when the remote line card has different channel plan than the local line card.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Insert same channel plan on both line cards (local and remote)
2. Re-provision local or remote such that they have same channel plan.

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Alarms 1-319



Power Control: System needed power is more than available power

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the Chassis.
This alarm is generated when there is no enough input power (from PEM/Feed) to power up all FRU's
installed in the chassis, or when the input power is less than the minimum recommended power (which is
4558W for XTC-10 and 2389W for XTC-4).

Clearing Procedure

■ Insert (or Add) more PEM’s/FEED’s.

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1-320 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Locked Sync Source Active

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - Chassis

This alarm is generated by the Chassis.
This alarm is raised when a timing source that has been locked has been selected as the active timing
source for the system. This alarm is seen when the system in the absence of any other timing source,
uses a locked timing source as the active timing source overriding the administrative state.

Clearing Procedure
Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-321



Equipment Communication Fail

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - FMMC, FBM, FMMF250, OPSM, OXM, OTXM, XCM, XCMH, OTM,

This alarm is generated by the OXM, XCM, OTM, OLM, OLX, OTXM, TSM, FAN, PEM, AOFMAOFM,
This alarm is generated because of the communication failure between the XCM and the different slot
entities (cards). This alarm can also be raised due to hardware failures or malfunction.In case of PEM,
this alarm is raised due to the failure of all 48V inputs.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Initiate a warm reset of the card (if supported)

2. Cold reboot of card
3. Card reset
4. If the condition does not go away, it is an indication of a hardware failure and the card needs to be
returned back to Infinera via a RMA procedure.

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1-322 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Locked Switch Module Active

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - OXM

This alarm is generated by the OXM.
This alarm is generated when an administratively locked switch module has a redundancy status of
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A conflict between provisioned information (Locked/Unlocked) and switch redundancy status
information (Active/Standby).

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.
■ Unlock the admin status of the noted switch modules from the management interface
■ Issue a manual switch on this switch module.

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Alarms 1-323



Operating Mode Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - GAM-1

This alarm is generated by the GAM-1.
This alarm is generated when there is a mismatch between the provisioned operating mode and the
installed operating mode.

Clearing Procedure

■ Take steps such that provisioned operating mode matches the installed operating mode.

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1-324 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Degraded Configuration

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Circuit Packs - TOM-10G-SFPP-IR2, TOM-10G-SFPP-LR2

This alarm is generated by TOM-10G-SFPP-IR2 and TOM-10G-SFPP-LR2.
This alarm is generated when a 2 Port 10G TIM D-SNCP is provisioned on an DTN-X node configuration
that does not support sub-50ms switching time. Note that only the TOMs with the CLEI WOTRCUPLAA
and WOTRCURLAA for TOM-10G-SFPP-IR2 and TOM-10G-SFPP-LR2 respectively are affected.

Clearing Procedure
Contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC). See for contact details.

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Alarms 1-325



Initialization Under Progress

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - BMM, DLM, DSE, Fan, FBM, FMMF250, OAM, OLM, OLX, OMM, OTM,

This alarm is generated by BMM, DLM, DSE, Fan, OAM, OLM, OLX, OMM, OTM, ORM, TAM, DICM,
This alarm is generated when an equipment is placed back in a slot and the equipment improper removal
alarm is cleared before the equipment is completely up.

Clearing Procedure
It is cleared automatically when the card is fully operational/in -service.

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1-326 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Flash Device Failed

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - FMMC, IMM, IOSHELF

This alarm is generated by FMMC, IMM and IOSHELF.
This alarm is generated when a write operation to the flash device on IOSHELF panel fails.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Replace the IO Panel.

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Alarms 1-327



Ground Lug Not Available

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Equipment - PEM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated when the NE detects that a DC PEM is inserted into the XT chassis which does
not support ground lug.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Replace DC-PEM with AC-PEM

2. Replace XT Chassis with a chassis which supports ground lug.

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1-328 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



AGC Partially Functioning

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - FRM

This alarm is generated by FRM.
This alarm is generated when ADAPT’s Link Discovery State Machine in unable to complete LD within an
OSG specified time interval.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure ADAPT LD can discover ADAPT link from HeadEnd to TailEnd.

2. Check OSC connectivity from Head End to Tail End Node and any associated fiber connectivity.

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Alarms 1-329



Main Power failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - PEM

This alarm is generated on the AC PEM’s feed input.
This alarm is generated when the PEM is unable to detect power and breaker is closed. This alarm is
most likely caused by:
■ Faulty/severed power wires coming into the PEM.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check cabling coming into the PEM.

2. Check the power distribution system feeding the PEM.

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1-330 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PEM Type Mismatch

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - PEM

This alarm is generated by PEM.
This alarm is generated when PEM types mismatch within a group.

Clearing Procedure
1. Replace the mismatched PEM type with the same type PEM.

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Alarms 1-331



User has not provisioned the Frequency

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable facilities - TOM

This alarm is generated by TOM.
This alarm is generated when the user has not provisioned the tunable frequency on the TOM.

Clearing Procedure
1. Provision the tunable frequency on the TOM with a valid value within the XTM range.

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1-332 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Node Config Changed

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - IMM, MCM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the Chassis.
This alarm is raised if LTS or RSTP Bypass flag is set in Syspvt or Syscfg file. Node checks for these
flags during booting. If either of these flags is set, then the alarm is raised.

Clearing Procedure
To clear the alarm, check which of the flags is set. Remove the flag and reboot the node to clear the

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Alarms 1-333



EQPT USB Misonnection

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - FBM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the FBM.
This alarm is raised when the serial number of FBM provisioned on a MTC-6/MTC-9 chassis is detected
on another MTC-6/MTC-9 chassis on the same node due to USB misconnection.

Clearing Procedure

■ Ensure that USB connection of the FBM is connected to the correct extension shelf of MTC-6/
MTC-9 chassis that is provisioned.
■ Disassociate the serial number of the FBM provisioned on the original chassis.

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1-334 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Access to USB ports will be lost when module becomes active

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Warning
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - XTMM, XCMH, IMM, MCM, OMM, XMM, XCM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XTMM, XCMH, IMM, MCM, OMM, XMM, XCM.
This alarm is raised when IMM-A/IMM-B is standby in slot 8 of MTC-9 OR when IMM-A is standby in slot

Clearing Procedure

■ Remove IMM-A/IMM-B from slot 8

■ Rreplace IMM-A with IMM-B in slot 9.

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Alarms 1-335



No access to USB ports on IO-PANEL

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - XMM, IMM, MCM, XCM, OMM, XTMM, XCMH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XMM, IMM, MCM, XCM, OMM, XTMM, XCMH.
This alarm is raised when controller card on slot 8 is active or IMM-A in slot 9 is active.

Clearing Procedure

■ Remove IMM-A/IMM-B from slot 8

■ Replace IMM-A with IMM-B in slot 9.

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1-336 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Software Initialization Failure

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - FBM

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the FBM.
This alarm is raised when software fails to initialize even after 5 restarts within an hour.

Clearing Procedure

■ None

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Alarms 1-337



Equipment is USB power-resetting

■ Alarm Type - Equipment

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - XM, XLM, XCMH, OAM, OTDM, CMM, IAM, IMM, DSE, OLM, OTM, FBM,

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the XM, XLM, XCMH, OAM, OTDM, CMM, IAM, IMM, DSE, OLM, OTM, FBM,
This alarm is raised when the USB has been power reset.

Clearing Procedure

■ This alarm is cleared once the applicable circuit pack has reset the power.

Environmental Alarms
Environmental alarms are caused by the change in the state of the environmental alarm input contact.

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1-338 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures


PTIN-1 through PTIN-16

Alarm Contact Closure Input 1 through 16

■ Alarm Type - Environmental

■ Severity - Info, not user customizable
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

There are 16 different input contacts that the user can define to detect various environmental changes.
This alarm is generated when there is a change in the state of an input contact.

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Alarms 1-339



Temperature Out Of Range - Device Auto Shutdown

■ Alarm Type - Environmental/Equipment

■ Severity - Critical
■ SA/NSA - SA(Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is raised by the IAM, TSM, OLM, CMM, IRM, OAM, FMMC, FSM, FRM, FSE, GAM, ORM,
OLX, BMM, RAM, OFM-500, OFX-500, OTM, XCM, OXM, and/or REM. This alarm is generated when the
temperature of this circuit pack is greater (or lesser) than the predefined threshold value. Allowing the
device to function at the same temperature will result in damage and hence will be powered down.
This alarm is most likely caused due to a combination of ambient temperature and system fan problem.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

Note: Always ensure that the collected debug information is sent to Technical Assistance Center.

1. Ensure that ambient temperature is within expected range.

2. Check that the system fans are working properly.
3. Ensure the air filter is clean.
4. Upload the debug information to an FTP server.
5. Check the detailed description information.
6. Contact the Technical Assistance Center.

Threshold Crossing Alerts

The network elements performs thresholding on some of the optical PM parameters by utilizing user
configurable high and low threshold values. A threshold crossing alert is reported when the measured
value is above the high threshold or below the low threshold values.

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1-340 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Span Loss Out of Range - High

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - SPAN-LOSS-HIGH

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OAM/BMM/ORM/RAM.
This alarm is generated when the actual span loss exceeds the user defined high span loss threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ A fiber crimp between the upstream network element and this network element
■ Misconfigured or damaged DCM at the upstream network element
■ BMM/OAM/ORM/RAM failure
■ Power loss upstream
■ Improper configuration of the link or span

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the received optical power on this port.

2. Check fiber connectivity on the OAM/BMM/ORM/RAM line port.
3. Ensure the DCM is properly connected.

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Alarms 1-341



Span Loss Out of Range - Low

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Detailed Conditions - SPAN-LOSS-LOW

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the OAM/BMM/ORM/RAM.
This alarm is generated when the actual span loss is below the user defined low span loss threshold.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Misconfigured or damaged DCM at the upstream network element
■ BMM/OAM/RAM failure
■ Improper configuration of the link or span

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the received optical power on this port.

2. Check fiber connectivity on the OAM/BMM/ORM/RAM line port.
3. Ensure the DCM is properly connected.

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1-342 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Pre-FEC BER-based Signal Degrade

■ Alarm Type - Facility

■ Severity - Minor
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - DCHCTP, OCHCTP
■ Detailed Conditions - PRE-FEC-BER-SD

Description and Causes (PRE-FEC-BER-SD on OCHCTP)

This alarm is generated when the BER prior to the FEC exceeds the predefined threshold value.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Improper autodiscovery attenuation level
■ Improper input power level to the line module
Description and Causes (PRE-FEC-BER-SD on DCHCTP)
This alarm is generated when the BER prior to the FEC exceeds the pre-defined threshold value.

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Check the input power level to the line module.

2. Check for impediment in this channel’s digital span.

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Alarms 1-343



Tx Octets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the PMGigE Client Trib Termination Port and FC Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of octets of data received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

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1-344 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Code Violations, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the DTS.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-345



Code Violations, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTS.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-346 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTS.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-347



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTS.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-348 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTS.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-349



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTS.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-350 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Code Violations, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-351



Code Violations, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-352 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-353



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-354 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Unavailable Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds received exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-355



Unavailable Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds received exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-356 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-357



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the DTPCTP.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-358 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Block Errors, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of background errors received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-359



Block Errors, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of background errors received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-360 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-361



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-362 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-363



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24- Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-364 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Out of Frame Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of out of frame seconds received exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-365



Out of Frame Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of out of frame seconds received exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-366 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



LOS seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of loss of signal seconds received exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-367



LOS seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of loss of signal seconds received exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-368 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Block Errors, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of background errors transmitted exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-369



Block Errors, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of background errors transmitted exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-370 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET/SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-371



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET/SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-372 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET/SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-373



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24- Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET/SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-374 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Out of Frame Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of out of frame seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to an SDH client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an SDH signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-375



Out of Frame Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SDH Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of out of frame seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to an SDH client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an SDH signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-376 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Code Violations, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations errors received exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-377



Code Violations, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violation errors received exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-378 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-379



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-380 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-381



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24- Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds received exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-382 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Frame Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored frame seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-383



Severely Errored Frame Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored frame seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-384 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Code Violations, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-385



Code Violations, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-386 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Frame Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored framed seconds transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a SONET client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an SONET signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-387



Severely Errored Frame Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the SONET Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored framed seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a SONET client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an SONET signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-388 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Invalid Code Group, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS Invalid Code Group received exceeds the number set for
a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-389



PCS Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS errored framed seconds received exceeds the number
set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-390 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored framed seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-391



PCS Severely Errored Sync Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored sync seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to an GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-392 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Invalid Code Group, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS Invalid Code Group received exceeds the number set for
a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-393



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored seconds received exceeds the number
set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-394 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored seconds received exceeds the number
set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-395



PCS Severely Errored Sync Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored sync seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-396 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Jabber Seconds 15-Minutes Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC Jabber seconds received exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-397



MAC Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC severely errored seconds received exceeds the number
set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-398 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Error Octets, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC error octets received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-399



MAC Jabber, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabbers received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-400 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Fragment, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC fragments received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-401



MAC CRC Aligned, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC CRC aligned received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-402 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Undersized, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC undersized packet errors received exceeds the number
set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-403



MAC OverSized, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC oversized packet errors received exceeds the number
set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-404 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Jabber Seconds 24-Hours Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabber seconds received exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-405



MAC Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC severely errored seconds received exceeds the number
set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-406 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Error Octets, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC error octets received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-407



MAC Jabber, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabbers received exceeds the number set for a 24-hour
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-408 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Fragment, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC fragment packets received exceeds the number set for
a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-409



MAC CRC Aligned, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC CRC aligned errors received exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-410 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Undersized, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC undersized packet errors exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-411



MAC OverSized, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC oversized packet errors received exceeds the number
set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-412 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Invalid Code Group, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS invalid code group received exceeds the number set for
a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-413



PCS Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-414 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored seconds received exceeds the number
set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-415



PCS Severely Errored Sync Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored sync seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-416 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Invalid Code Group, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS invalid code groups received exceeds the number set for
a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-417



PCS Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS errored seconds received exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-418 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



PCS Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-419



PCS Severely Errored Sync Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G), 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR),
1GFC/2GFC/8GFC client (TAM-8-2.5GM) and 10GFC client (TAM-2-10GM).
This TCA is generated when the number of PCS severely errored sync seconds transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a valid client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is a valid signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-420 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Jabber Seconds 15-Minutes Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabber seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-421



MAC Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-422 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Error Octets, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC error octets transmitted exceeds the number set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-423



MAC Jabber, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabbers transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-424 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Fragment, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC fragment packets transmitted exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-425



MAC CRC Aligned, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC CRC aligned packet errors transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-426 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Undersized, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC undersized packet errors transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-427



MAC OverSized, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC oversized packet errors transmitted exceeds the number
set for a period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-428 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Jabber Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabber seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-429



MAC Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-430 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Error Octets, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC error octets transmitted exceeds the number set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-431



MAC Jabber, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC jabbers transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-432 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Fragment, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC fragments transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-433



MAC CRC Aligned, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC CRC aligned packet errors transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-434 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



MAC Undersized, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC undersized packet errors transmitted exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-435



MAC OverSized, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC oversized packet errors transmitted exceeds the number
set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an GigE signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-436 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 64 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64
octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds the number set for a 15-minute

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-437



Rx 65 to 127 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-438 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 128 to 255 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-439



Rx 256 to 511 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-440 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 512 to 1023 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-441



Rx 1024 to 1518 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-442 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 1519 to Jumbo size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1519 and Jumbo octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-443



Rx Octets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port and FC Client Termination
This TCA is generated when the number of octets of data received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-444 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx Broadcast packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets received that were directed to the
broadcast address received exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-445



Rx Multicast packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast
address exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-446 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx In Pause Frames,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC Control frames on this interface with an opcode
indicating the PAUSE operation exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-447



Rx 64 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64
octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds the number set for a 24-hour

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-448 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 65 to 127 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-449



Rx 128 to 255 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-450 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 256 to 511 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-451



Rx 512 to 1023 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-452 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 1024 to 1518 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-453



Rx 1519 to Jumbo size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1519 and Jumbo octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-454 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx Octets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port and FC Client Termination
This TCA is generated when the number of octets of data received exceeds the number set for a 24-hour

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-455



Rx Broadcast packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets received that were directed to the
broadcast address received exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-456 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx Multicast packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast
address exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-457



Rx In Pause Frames,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC Control frames on this interface with an opcode
indicating the PAUSE operation exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-458 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 64 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 64
octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds the number set for a 15-minute

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-459



Tx 65 to 127 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-460 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 128 to 255 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-461



Tx 256 to 511 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-462 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 512 to 1023 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-463



Tx 1024 to 1518 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-464 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 1519 to Jumbo size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1519 and Jumbo octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-465



Tx Broadcast packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets received that were directed to the
broadcast address received exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-466 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx Multicast packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets received that were directed to a multicast
address exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-467



Tx Out Pause Frames,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC Control frames on this interface with an opcode
indicating the PAUSE operation exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when the subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-468 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 64 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) transmitted that were 64
octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds the number set for a 24-hour

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-469



Tx 65 to 127 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-470 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 128 to 255 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-471



Tx 256 to 511 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-472 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 512 to 1023 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-473



Tx 1024 to 1518 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-474 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 1519 to Jumbo size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1519 and Jumbo octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-475



Tx Octets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of octets of data transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-476 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx Broadcast packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets transmitted that were directed to the
broadcast address received exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-477



Tx Multicast packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the total number of good packets transmitted that were directed to a
multicast address exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-478 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx Out Pause Frames,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the GigE Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of MAC Control frames on this interface with an opcode
indicating the PAUSE operation exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-479



Rx Packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of packets received exceeds the number set for a 15-minute
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-480 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx Packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of packets received exceeds the number set for a 24-hour
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-481



Tx Packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of packets transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-minute
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-482 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx Packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GbE (TAM-8-1G) and 10GbE client trib termination point (TAM-2-10GR).
This TCA is generated when the number of packets transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-hour
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Facility is not connected to a GigE client signal
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty receiver on the client equipment
■ Faulty transmitter on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Ensure client signal is an Ethernet signal.

2. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.
3. Clean the fiber.
4. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
5. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
6. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-483



Code Violations, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-484 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Code Violations, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of code violations transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-485



Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-486 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-487



Unavailable Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-488 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Unavailable Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-489



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set
for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-490 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the Trib DTF path of a TAM-2-10GT and represents
the error in the line side (Tx direction).
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored seconds transmitted exceeds the number set
for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-491



Rx 1024 to 1522 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1024 and 1522 octets in inclusive length exceeds the threshold value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that network element.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-492 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 1523 to Jumbo size packets,15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 1523,
or more, octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute hour interval passes with the threshold
not reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-493



Rx 1024 to 1522 byte size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were
between 1024 and 1522 octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-494 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Rx 1523 to Jumbo size packets,24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were 1523
or more octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 24-hour minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when the subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-495



Tx 1024 to 1522 byte size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) transmitted that were
between 1024 and 1522 octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-496 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 1523 to Jumbo size packets,15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) transmitted that were
1523 or more octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-497



Tx 1024 to 1522 byte size packets,24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) transmitted that were
between 1024 and 1522 octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-498 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Tx 1523 to Jumbo size packets, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (user customizable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - Gigabit Ethernet Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the Gigabit Ethernet Client Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the total number of packets (including bad packets) transmitted that were
1523 or more octets exceeds the threshold value set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-499



Unavailable Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element on the SDH client termination point..
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds transmitted exceeds the number set for
a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-500 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Unavailable Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element on the SDH client termination point.
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds transmitted exceeds the threshold
seconds set for a 24-hour period.By default, this alert is disabled.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-501



Unavailable Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element on the SDH client termination point..
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds received exceeds the threshold value
set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TAM, DICM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TAM, DICM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-502 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Unavailable Seconds, 24-Hours, RX TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - SDH client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element on the SDH client termination point..
This TCA is generated when the number of unavailable seconds received exceeds the threshold value
set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TAM, DICM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TAM, DICM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-503



Errored Octets, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored octets received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-504 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Octets, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored octets received exceeds the threshold value set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-505



Errored Octets, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored octets transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-506 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Octets, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This alarm is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored octets transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-507



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of severely errored frame seconds received exceeds the
number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-508 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of Fiber Channel Severely Errored Seconds received exceeds
the number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-509



Severely Errored Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Port.
This TCA is generated when the number of Fiber Channel Severely Errored Seconds transmitted
exceeds the number set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-510 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Severely Errored Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of Fiber Channel Severely Errored Seconds transmitted
exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-511



Frames, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of frames received exceeds the number set for a 15-minute

Clearing Procedure

■ Increase the threshold value set for this event to considerable value

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-512 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Frames, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - NSA (Non-Service Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of frames received exceeds the number set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ Increase the threshold value set for this event to considerable value

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-513



Frames, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of frames transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-minute

Clearing Procedure

■ Increase the threshold value set for this event to considerable value

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-514 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Frames, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of frames transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-hour

Clearing Procedure

■ Increase the threshold value set for this event to considerable value

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-515



Errored Frames, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored frames received exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-516 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Frames, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored frames received exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-517



Errored Frames, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored frames transmitted exceeds the number set for a 15-
minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-518 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Frames, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User provisionable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the 1GFC/2GFC/8GFC/10GFC Client Trib Termination Point.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored frames transmitted exceeds the number set for a 24-
hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-519



Errored Blocks, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP, OTU Client CTP,

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks received exceeds the threshold value set for a
15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-520 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Blocks, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP, OTU Client CTP,

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks received exceeds the threshold value set for a
24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-521



Defect Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP, OTU Client CTP,

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received exceeds the threshold value set for a
15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-522 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Defect Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, ODUkT Client CTP, OTU Client CTP,

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received exceeds the threshold value set for a
24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-523



Errored Blocks, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks transmitted exceeds the threshold value set for
a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-524 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Blocks, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks transmitted exceeds the threshold value set for
a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ A 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-525



Defect Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received exceeds the threshold value set for a
15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-526 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Defects Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting), OTUki CTP
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received exceeds the threshold value set for a
24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-527



Backward Error Indication Counts, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client CTP, OTUKi CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of Backward Error Indication received exceeds the threshold
value for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes without the Backward
Error Indication count for that network element reaching or exceeding the threshold value

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-528 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Backward Error Indication Counts, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User Customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUkT Client CTP, OTUKi CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of Backward Error Indication received exceeds the threshold
value for the 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes without the Backward
Error Indication count for that network element reaching or exceeding the threshold value

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-529



Transmit Backward Error Indication Counts, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of Backward Error Indication received exceeds the threshold
value for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure
The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes without the Backward Error
Indication count for that network element reaching or exceeding the threshold value.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-530 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Transmit Backward Error Indication Counts, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Major
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUki CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of Backward Error Indication received from network side
exceeds the threshold value for the 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure
The 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes without the Backward Error
Indication count for that network element reaching or exceeding the threshold value.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-531



Defect Seconds, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUkT, ODUki CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP, ODUk Client, OTUki Section CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received on the far end exceeds the threshold
value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure
The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

1-532 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Defect Seconds, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUki CTP, OTUCLIENTCTP, ODUk Client, OTUki Section CTP, ODUkT

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received on the far end exceeds the threshold
value set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V001 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarms 1-533



Defect Seconds, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTUCLIENTCTP, ODUk Client CTP, ODU Client CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received on the far end exceeds the threshold
value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

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1-534 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Defect Seconds, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTUCLIENTCTP, ODUk Client

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of defect seconds received on the far end exceeds the threshold
value set for a 24-hour period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 24-hour TCA is cleared when a subsequent 24-hour interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

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Alarms 1-535



Errored Blocks, 15-Minutes, Rx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODU Client CTP, ODUi Client CTP, OTU Client CTP, OTUKi CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks received on the far end exceeds the threshold
value set for a 15-minute period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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1-536 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Blocks, 24-Hours, Rx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - ODUk Client, OTU Client CTP, ODUki CTP, OTUki Section CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element. on the far end
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks received on the far end exceeds the threshold
value set for a 24-hour period.
This alarm is most likely caused by:
■ Dirty fiber
■ Pinched fiber
■ Fiber not fully connected
■ Faulty transmitter on the client equipment
■ Faulty receiver on the TOM

Clearing Procedure

Note: If any one of the below steps clears the alarm then the clearing procedure is complete.

1. Inspect fiber and ensure it is not pinched in a fiber tray.

2. Clean the fiber.
3. Ensure the fiber is fully connected at both ends.
4. Check for alarms on the client equipment.
5. Check for the equipment failure alarms reported by the TOM.

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Alarms 1-537



Errored Blocks, 15-Minutes, Tx TCA

■ TCAA15 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP, ODUk Client

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks transmitted on the far end exceeds the
threshold value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

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1-538 Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures



Errored Blocks, 24-Hours, Tx TCA

■ TCAA24 - Facility
■ Severity - Event (User customizable)
■ SA/NSA - SA (Service-Affecting)
■ Applicable Facilities - OTU Client CTP, ODUk Client/CTP

Description and Causes

This TCA is generated by the network element.
This TCA is generated when the number of errored blocks transmitted on the far end exceeds the
threshold value set for a 15-minute period.

Clearing Procedure

■ The 15-minute TCA is cleared when a subsequent 15-minute interval passes with the threshold not
reached or crossed for that managed object.

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy

IQ NOS provides an alarm masking feature, in which a network element masks (suppresses) reporting of
higher layer failures associated with the same root cause as a higher priority, lower layer, failure. Table
2-1: Alarm Masking Hierarchy on page 2-1 documents the alarm masking hierarchy in tabular format.
Note that Table 2-1: Alarm Masking Hierarchy on page 2-1 lists the alarm masking hierarchy in tabular
format and uses the following conventions:
■ In the ‘Masked Alarm(s)’ column, an italicized alarm indicates the alarm masks additional lower
layer failure alarms
■ In the ‘Masking Alarm(s)’ column, an italicized alarm indicates the alarm is masked by higher layer
failure alarms
For a complete description of each alarm, refer to Alarm Description and Clearing Procedures on
page 1-5.

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
ADMIN-LOCK (on base card) C-Band OLOS None
ADMIN-LOCK (on ORM-CXH1-MS/ OTS/C-Band/OSC facility alarms OTS/C-Band/OSC alarms due to
ORM-CXH1) OLOS on C-Band
ADMIN-LOCK on BMM2P OTS/C-Band/OSC facility alarms on
OAM booster amp

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
AIS - DTP (Tributary-side)a DE-ENCAP-LOS Client CTPa, TIM - LOF - DTP (Tributary-side)a
DTP (Trib side)a, POST-FEC-BER-
SF DTP (Trib side)a
AIS - La TIM - Sa LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTPa
AIS - MSa TIM - Sa LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTPa
AIS-ODUk (Trib Side) TIM - ODUk, PLM - ODUk LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
AIS-ODUkT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkT LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
AIS-ODUki (Trib Side) TIM-ODUki (Trib), PLM-ODUki (Trib) LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
AIS-ODUkiT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkiT LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
AIS-ODUki (Line Side) TIM-ODUki (Line), PLM-ODUki (Line) LOS OTUki CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTUki CTP (Line Side)
AIS-ODUkiT (Line Side) TIM-ODUkiT LOS OTUki CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTUki CTP (Line Side)
Client CTP
AIS-OTUki (Line Side) TIM-OTUki LOS OTUki CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTU CTP (Line Side)
AMBIENT TEMP OORH (Chassis) TEMP OORH (Any slot/module) None
BDI-ODUk (Trib Side) None LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP,
LCK-ODUk, TIM-ODUk if TimActDis
is false
BDI-ODUkT (Trib Side) None LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP,
BDI-ODUki (Trib Side) LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP,
BDI-ODUkiT (Trib Side) None LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP,

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-3

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
BDI-ODUki (Line Side) None LOS OTUki CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTUki CTP (Line Side), AIS-ODUki
(Line), LTC-ODUki (Line), OCI-ODUki
(Line), LCK-ODUki (Line), TIM-ODUki
BDI-ODUkiT (Line Side) None LOS OTUkiT CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTUkiT CTP (Line Side), AIS-
ODUkiT (Line), LTC-ODUkiT (Line),
(Line), TIM-ODUkiT (Line)
BDI-OTUk (Trib Side) None LOS OTUk Client CTP, LOF OTUk
BDI-OTUki (Line Side) None LOS OTUki CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTUki CTP (Line Side), AIS-OTUki,
O, TIM (if TimActDis is supported and
set to False)
CCM-LOC None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR Received ETH-AIS PDU
and AIS based suppression is
enabled. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
CCM-MISMERGE None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
CCM-REM-MAC-ERR None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
CCM-UNEXP-LEVEL None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
CCM-UNEXP-MEP None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
CCM-UNEXP-PERIOD None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
CCM-UNEXP-PRIO None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR CCM Is Disabled on the
MEP OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
CTRL-COMM-FAIL-CTRLRA/B (For None IMPROPRMVL (For given controller),
any controller) IMPROPRMVL (For peer controller)

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-5

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
DB-MSMT (For any module) None IMPROPRMVL (For given module)
DE-ENCAP-AIS-L Any Tx/Rx TCA alarm - Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOS-Client CTP, DE-
DE-ENCAP-AIS-MS Any Tx/Rx TCA alarm - Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOS-Client CTP, DE-
DE-ENCAP-AIS-ODU Any Tx/Rx TCA alarm - Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOS-Client CTP, DE-
DE-ENCAP-AIS-OTUk (Trib Side Any Tx TCA alarm - Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOS-OTUk Client CTP,
DE-ENCAP-BDI-OTUk (Trib Side Any Tx TCA alarm - Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOSOTUk Client CTP,
Client CTP)
DE-ENCAP-LOS Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOF Client CTP AIS - DTP (Tributary-side)a
DE-ENCAP-LOA Any Tx TCA alarm - Client CTP DE-ENCAP-LOS Client CTPa, DE-
DE-ENCAP-LOLM Any Tx TCA alarm - Client CTP, DE- DE-ENCAP-LOS Client CTPa, DE-
ETH-AIS None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally
down. OR Any other higher severity
Alarm which is present at the same
ETH-RDI None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally down
on the MEP OR Any other higher
severity Alarm which is present at the
same time.
ETH-CSF None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally down
or Or any other higher severity Alarm
which is present at the same time.

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
EQPTCPUR - Chassis None Chassis admin-lock, chassis admin-
EQPT FAIL (ADLM/AXLM) OCG-MSMT, other Equipment Alarms None
on the ADLM/AXLM
EQPT FAIL (AOLM) OCG-MSMT, other Equipment Alarms None
on the AOLM

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-7

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
(Tributary-Side)a TAM
ETH-CSF None Supporting Interface is
administratively or operationally down
or any other higher severity alarm is
present at the same time.
FREQ_PROV_PENDING All TOM Equipment alarms
GFP-LFD Alarms on FCClientCTP, Alarms on LOS ClientCTP (ODU), LOF
GbeClientCtp ClientCTP (ODU)
GFP-CSF (far end) DE-ENCAP-LOS, DE-ENCAP- Server layer Alarms such as Alarms
GFP-UPI-MSMT Alarms on contained object - Server layer Alarms such as Alarms
FCClientCTP, GbeClientCTP on ODU Client CTP
GFP-EXI-MSMT Alarms on contained object - Server layer Alarms such as Alarms
FCClientCTP, GbeClientCTP on / ODU Client CTP

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
Sidea TAM
IntraSchCarrierRipple None SCHCTP alarms : OLOS, OPT-
LIC-MF-MISMATCH None License Insufficiency

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-9

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
LFD None ODUk Client CTP, SONET Client
LOF/LOMF None Server layer alarms (OTUk, ODUk
LCK-ODUk (Trib Side) TIM-ODUk, PLM-ODUk LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
LCK-ODUkT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkT (Trib) LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
LTC-ODUkT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkT LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
LCK-ODUki (Trib Side) TIM-ODUki (Trib), PLM-ODUki (Trib) LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
LCK-ODUkiT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkiT (Trib) LOS Client CTP, LOF Client CTP
LTC-ODUkiT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkT LOS Client CTP, LOFClient CTP
LCK-ODUki (Line Side) TIM-ODUki (Line), PLM-ODUki (Line) LOS OTUki Client CTP, OTUki LOF
Client CTP
LCK-ODUkiT (Line Side) TIM-ODUkiT (Line) LOS OTUki Client CTP, OTUki LOF
Client CTP
LTC-ODUkiT (Line Side) TIM-ODUkiT LOS OTUkiT CTP (Line Side), LOF
OTUkiT CTP (Line Side)
LOA Client CTP (TIM-1-40GE and ODUk (Trib Side) alarms LOLM, EQPTFAIL, IMPROPRMVL,
or TIM
or TIM
LOA-VCG Client CTP (TIM-1-40GE ODUk (Trib Side) alarms EQPTFAIL, IMPROPRMVL,
LF Ethernet LOS, Ethernet LOSYNC

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
LOF - Channel LOF - DTP (Tributary-side)a, PRE- OLOS OCG (DLM/XLM)a
BER-SF Channela, TIM - DTP (Line-
side)a, TIM - DTSa
LOF - OTUki (Line Side)a BER-SD- OTUki (Line Side)a , TIM- LOS OTUki (Line Side)a ADMIN-
LOF - OTUk (Line Side)a BER-SD- OTUk (Line Side)a , TIM- LOS OTUk (Line Side)a ADMIN-
LOF - Client CTPa RFI - L Client CTP, RFI - MS Client LOS - Client CTPa
CTP, AIS - L Client CTP, AIS - MS
Client CTP
LOF - DTP (Tributary-Side)a AIS - DTP (Tributary-side)a LOF Channela, EQPTFAIL - TOM,
LOOMFI Client layer TP alarms (such as LO- Server (OTUk) layer alarms, ODUkP
ODUj or ODUjT alarms) layer failure alarms (such as AIS,
LOS (on Optical Clear Channel None EQPTFAIL, IMPROPRML
LOS - Client CTPa LOF - Client CTPa OLOS Trib PTPa
LOS - OTUki (Line Side)a LOF - OTUki (Line Side)a OPT-OORL-OChCTP, MOD-MSMT-
LOS (XT-500S OChCTP/XT500F LOS on Carrier/OChCTP shall mask XT-500S OCGPTP/XT-500F
CarrierCTP) other Carrier/OchCTP facility alarms SCGPTP OLOS
like Pre/Post FEC SD/SF, PMD
related alarms.

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-11

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
MOD-MSMT OLOS-OChCTP OTUki layer alarms
OCI-ODUk (Trib Side) TIM-ODUk, PLM-ODUk LOS, LOF Client CTPs
OCI-ODUkT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkT (Trib) LOS, LOF Client CTPs
OCI-ODUki (Trib Side) TIM-ODUki (Trib), PLM-ODUki (Trib) LOS, LOF Client CTPs
OCI-ODUkiT (Trib Side) TIM-ODUkiT (Trib) LOS, LOF Client CTPs
OCI-ODUki (Line Side) TIM-ODUki (Line), PLM-ODUki (Line) LOS, LOF OTUki (Line Side)
OCI-ODUkiT (Line Side) TIM-ODUkiT LOS, LOF OTUki (Line Side)
ODUk-MSIM (Trib Side) ODUk-PLM
(Trib Side)
Server layer (Client CTP alarms)
ODUki-MSIM (Trib Side) ODUki-PLM (Trib Side)
Server layer (Client CTP alarms)
ODUki-MSIM (Line Side) ODUki-PLM (Trib Side)
ODUki-PLM (Line Side) ODUki-MSIM ODUki-AIS (Line), ODUki-LCK (Line),
ODUki-OCI (Line), Server layer
(OTUki CTP alarms)

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
OLDREV-CTRLR (Any controller) None IMPROPRMVLc
OL-OORH (on C-Band CTP of OPR-OORL (only on express OLOS (on C-Band CTP of BMM2-8-
OLOS (BMM2-8CH3-MS) None OTS-OLOS, Associated DLMOCG
Extender Card, DSE PTP and OSA
PTP OLOS if associated with a DSE
OLOS (on C-Band CTP of BMM2-8- OL-OORH (on respective C-Band Nonee.
CH3-MS/BMM2H-4-R3-MS) CTP of BMM2-8-CEH3/BMM2H-4-B3)
Banda, OLOS - DCF
OLOS (DCF PTP on base card) C-Band OLOS None

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-13

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
OLOS OCh (LM-80) None LOF - DTP (Tributary-side), PRE-
FECBER-SD Channel,
DTP Line-side), TIM - DTS
OLOS OTS (BMM2-8-CH3-MS/ OLOS (on respective C-Band CTPs None(5)
BMM2H-4-R3-MS) of BMM2-8-CEH3/BMM2H-4-B3)
OLOS (OTS on ORM-CXH1-MS/ Facility alarms of OTS/C-Band/OSC None
OPR OORL - Banda None OLOS - Banda

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
PLM - DTP (Trib side)a None TIM - DTP (Trib side)c,d
POST-FEC-BER-SF Channela PRE-FEC_BER-SD Channela, POST- LOF - Channela
FEC-BER-SF DTP (Tributary-side)a
POST-FEC-BER-SF DTP (Trib side) None AIS - DTP (Tributary-side)a, POST-
FEC-BER-SF Channela
PRE-FEC-BER-SD Channel None LOF - Channela
MAINT (Chassis)
PWR-PROT-FAIL None Chassis Admin Lock, Chassis
admin Main
RF Ethernet LOS, Ethernet LOSYNC
RFI - L (Client CTP)a None LOF - Client CTPa
RFI - MS (Client CTP)a None LOF - Client CTPa
RX-TIM-ODUk (Trib Side) AIS-ODUk (Trib), LCK-ODUk (Trib),
OCI-ODUk (Trib),
RX-TIM-ODUkT (Trib Side) AIS-ODUkT (Trib), LTC-ODUkT
(Trib), OCI-ODUkT (Trib),
RX-TIM-ODUki (Trib Side) AIS-ODUki (Trib), LCK-ODUki (Trib),
OCI-ODUki (Trib),
RX-TIM-ODUkiT (Trib Side) AIS-ODUkiT (Trib), LTC-ODUkiT
(Trib), OCI-ODUkiT (Trib),
RX-TIM-OTUk (Trib Side) AIS-OTUk (Trib Side)
RX-TIM-ODUki (Line Side) AIS-ODUki (Line), LCK-ODUki (Line),
OCI-ODUki (Line),

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Alarm Masking Hierarchy 2-15

Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
RX-TIM-ODUkiT (Line Side) AIS-ODUkiT (Line), LTC-ODUkiT
(Line), OCI-ODUkiT (Line)
RX-TIM-OTUki (Line Side) None AIS-OTUki (Line Side)
SL-OORH - Banda None OLOS Banda
(Any module)
TEMP-OORH (Any module) None AMBIENT TEMP OORH(7) ,
(Any module/slot)
TIM - Channela None LOF Channela
TIM - DTP (Line side)a None LOF Channela
TIM - DTP (Trib side)a PLM - DTP (Trib side)a AIS - DTP (Trib side)a
TIM - S None AIS - L Client CTP a, AIS - MS Client
TX-TIM-ODUk (Trib) None AIS-ODUk (Trib), LCK-ODUk (Trib),
OCI-ODUk (Trib)
TX-TIM-ODUkT (Trib) None AIS-ODUkT (Trib), LTC-ODUkT
(Trib), OCI-ODUkT (Trib)

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Table 2-1 Alarm Masking Hierarchy (continued)

Alarm Type Masked Alarm(s) Masking Alarm(s)
TX-TIM-ODUki (Trib) None AIS-ODUki (Trib), LCK-ODUki (Trib),
OCI-ODUki (Trib)
TX-TIM-ODUkiT (Trib) None AIS-ODUkiT (Trib), LTC-ODUkiT
(Trib), OCI-ODUkiT (Trib)
OR Supporting entity is
adminstratively down
VSI-MAC-LIM-DNL-DNF None EQPT-FAIL, OR Supporting entity is
adminstratively down
OR Supporting entity is
adminstratively down
(1) EQPTCPUR alarm only masks failures below it (in hierarchy) on supported termination points contained in the
module, and not on termination points contained in downstream modules. Further, the EQPTCPUR alarm only
masks higher layer alarms in the cold-reset case.
(2) For the specific module associated with the masking/masked alarm.
(3) For the associated module’s peer module, if the peer exists.
(4) The OLOS OCG (DLM/XLM) alarm is not masked by the IMPROPRMVL - BMM/OAM or EQPTFAIL - BMM/OAM
alarms. This is true, even though a direct path may be traced from the OLOS OCG (DLM/XLM) alarm to the latter
alarms in the alarm masking hierarchy.
(5) OL-OORH and OLOS (on C-Band CTP) is masked on the extender card unless the peer Band PTP association
(6) OL-OORH (on C-BAND CTP of BMM2-8-CEH3/BMM2H-4-B3) masks OPR-OORL on OCGPTP (on express
OCGs only) of the same card. This alarm does not mask OPR-OORL/H on an add/drop OCGPTP and OPR-OORH
on express OCGPTPs.
(7) For associated chassis.

None of the license alarms can be suppressed/masked by any other alarms.


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The DTN, DTN-X, FlexROADM and Optical Line Amplifier (referred to as the network element) network
elements report events that indicate an informational condition that does not require troubleshooting.
This chapter describes the events reported by the network element and the conditions under which the
events are reported in the following sections:
Event Overview on page 3-2
Event Description on page 3-6

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3-2 Event Overview

Event Overview
The following section describes the event categories and provides pointers to events in the following
■ Event Category on page 3-2
■ Alphabetical Event Index on page 3-2

Event Category
Each event is assigned an event category as described in Event Categories.

Table 3-1 Event Categories

Event Category Description
Admin Events on page 3- Administrative events are internal communication events between network elements
6 and management clients such as GNM. These events are used to communicate the
event queue status and processor activities (reboot, switchover, active).
#unique_2637 Audit events are records of user actions that modify the state of any of the managed
objects within the network element. Only those user initiated operations that modify the
network element are audit logged. Any monitoring or Read-only operations are not
audit logged.
Security Events on page 3- Security events are generated when there are security violations in the managed
19 network element.

Alphabetical Event Index

Alphabetical Admin Events Index gives the name and page number of the admin events listed
alphabetically, with the corresponding message text and the source object on which the events are

Table 3-2 Alphabetical Admin Events Index

Alarm Indication Signal - DTP Automatic Switch to Protection Automatically Reverted Back to
Backward Defect Indication - DTP BMM DAMP Status Update Circuit Pack Operationally Ready
Circuit Pack Plug-In Circuit Pack UnPlug Command Completed Successfully
on Expansion Chassis
Database restore in progress DB Rebranding was done DLM ID Already Provisioned to Other
GAM OCG DLM ID Already DLM ID Not Found DLM ID Not Found
Provisioned to Other GAM OCG

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Events 3-3

Table 3-2 Alphabetical Admin Events Index (continued)

DLM OCG Time Out on Auto DSE Output Spectrum Achieved Expected Span Loss Change
File Transfer Failed File Transfer Failed Because of File transfer partially succeeded
MCM/Controller Card Reboot
File Transferred Process Started File transferred successfully Install Failed
Install in Progress...Unpacking the Install: Done Unpacking the Tar Invalid DLM ID CRC fail
Tar File File...Rebooting...
LM OCH ID Already Provisioned to LM OCH ID Not Found Local Backup Done
Local Backup Failed Because of Make Standby Completed Manual Switch to Protection
Manual Switch to Protection Failed Manual Switch to Working Migrate Completed Successfully
Database Migrate Failed MSA firmware upgrade completed MSA firmware upgrade in progress
NC System is Active Now Restore Completed Successfully Revert Failed
“PrepareUpgrade Completed “Prepare For Upgrade error“
Revert in Progress Revert: Done Unpacking the Tar Scheduled Transfer Request
File...Rebooting... Dropped
Software Install Failed Because of Software Revert Failed Because of Software Uncompress Failed
Reboot Reboot Because of Reboot
Switched to Protection Switched to Working Time Set Backward by More than 10
Time Set Forward by More than 10 Transfer Request Dropped Uncompress Completed
Uncompress Failed Uncompress in progress Upgrade Completed
Upgrade Completed Successfully Upgrade in Progress...Unpacking the Wait to Revert Cancel
Tar File

Alphabetical Security Events Index gives the name and page number of the security events listed
alphabetically, with the corresponding message text and the source object on which the events are

Table 3-3 Alphabetical Security Events Index

Intrusion Detected Reserved Session Limit Reached
Session Limit Reached

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3-4 Event Overview

Alphabetical Audit Events Index gives the name and page number of the Audit events listed
alphabetically, with the corresponding message text and the source object on which the events are

Table 3-4 Alphabetical Audit Events Index

AC MAC Limit Exceeded AddPu Failed
AddPu Successful ApplyAlarmOffsetDays Failed
ApplyAlarmOffsetDays Successful ApplyOcg Failed
ApplyOcg Successful ApplyOch Failed
ApplyOch Successful CancSCMigrate Failed
CancSCMigrate Successful ClearLockout Failed
ClearLockout Successful Compress Failed
Compress Successful Creation Failed
Creation Successful Delete Failed
Delete Successful ForceSync Failed
ForceSync Successful InactivityAuthetication Failed
InactivityAuthetication Successful Install Failed
Install Successful InstallWithEmptyDB Failed
InstallWithEmptyDB Successful LocalBackup Failed
LocalBackup Successful Login Failed
Login Successful Logout Failed
Logout Successful MakeStandBy Failed
MakeStandBy Successful Manual Switch Failed
Manual Switch Successful MigrateSC Failed
MigrateSC Successful NCMigrate Failed
NCMigrate Successful PasswordChange Failed
PasswordChange Successful PasswordReset Failed
PasswordReset Successful PLck Failed
PLck Successful ReleaseDynamicConnections Failed
ReleaseDynamicConnections Successful RemPu Failed
RemPu Successful ResetCard Failed
ResetCard Successful ResetRx Fail
ResetRx Successful Restore Failed
Restore Successful Revert Failed

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Events 3-5

Table 3-4 Alphabetical Audit Events Index (continued)

Revert Successful SessionTermination Failed
SessionTermination Successful StartAutoDiscovery Failed
StartAutoDiscovery Successful Update Failed
Update Successful Upgrade Failed
Upgrade Successful VSI MAC Limit Exceeded
WLck Failed WLck Successful

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3-6 Event Description

Event Description
Events are listed according to their category. The description and the causes for the generation of each of
the events accompany each event.
The events are described in the following sections:
Admin Events on page 3-6
Security Events on page 3-19

Admin Events
Administrative events are internal communication events between network elements and management
clients such as GNM. These events are used to communicate the event queue status and processor
activities (reboot, switchover, active). The following section provides the description and cause for the
generation of Admin events.

Alarm Indication Signal - DTP

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated when the attribute dataplane transparency is set on DCH and an AIS
condition is present on either receive or transmit direction.

Automatic Switch to Protection

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by:
■ Digital SNCP or
■ Network element to indicate that a automatic switch to protection has been complete on a Shared
Mesh Protection Group.
This message is generated when:
■ The Digital SNCP is switched from working to protection
■ Traffic switches from automatically from work path to protect path of a Shared Mesh Protection
■ Traffic switches from one protect path to another protect path due to failure or user operation.(in
case of SMPG)

Automatically Reverted Back to Working

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the Digital SNCP.

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Events 3-7

This message is generated when:

■ The Digital SNCP is switched back from protection to working. The Digital SNCP waits for the wait
to revert time (specified by the user) for the digital SNCP to switch from protection to working if the
working remains fault free for this time.

Backward Defect Indication - DTP

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated when the attribute dataplanetransparency is set on DCH and a BDI condition
is present on either the receive or transmit direction.

BMM DAMP Status Update

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active BMM to report the DAMP status.
This message is generated when:
■ The BMM is improperly provisioned.

Circuit Pack Operationally Ready

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active BMM, CMM, OAM, ORM, RAM, SCM, DSE, line module (DLM/
XLM/ADLM/AXLM/SLM), LM-80 (ADLM-80/AXLM-80/SLM-80), TEM, GAM, TAM, and/or TOM equipment
when the operational state of a circuit pack changes from disabled (non-operational) to enabled
Starting in Release 10.0, a circuit pack operationally ready (CPOR) event is generated even if the
administrative state of a circuit pack is set to Lock or Maintenance. However, for any installed child cards,
a CPOR event is generated only after the parent card is administratively set to Unlock. Additionally, a
management module (XCM) reset and/or switchover will no longer generate a CPOR event.
This message is generated when:
■ Any of the line module/LM-80s and/or TEMs are cold reset
■ The administrative state of a circuit pack is set to Unlock causing the operational state to transition
from disabled to enabled. CPOR events are generated for all child cards that transition to enabled.
Refer to the following examples:
□ Example 1—a pre-provisioned circuit pack is administratively set to Lock and a circuit pack is
physically inserted (the operational state of the circuit pack transitions to enabled generating
a CPOR event for the circuit pack). The circuit pack is then administratively set to Unlock
causing CPOR events to be generated for all installed child cards that transition to enabled.
□ Example 2—a failed circuit pack is administratively set to Lock and subsequently replaced
(the operational state of the circuit pack transitions to enabled generating a CPOR event for
the circuit pack). The circuit pack is then administratively set to Unlock causing CPOR events
to be generated for all installed child cards that transition to enabled.

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3-8 Event Description

Circuit Pack Plug-In

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the system when the circuit pack is plugged in.
This message is generated when:
■ Circuit pack is plugged in.

Circuit Pack UnPlug

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the system when the circuit pack is unplugged.
This message is generated when:
■ The Circuit pack is unplugged.

Command Completed Successfully on Expansion Chassis

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the system when Prepare/Revert migration operation is issued, and
command completes successfully on SC.
This message is generated when:
■ The command is run and completed successfully on the expansion chassis.

Database Migrate Failed

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate the failure in migrating the database.
This message is generated when:
■ The migration of the database is failed.

Database restore in progress

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the system when the database restore is in progress.
This message is generated when:
■ The database restore is in progress.

DB Rebranding was done

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the system when the database rebranding is already done.
This message is generated when:
■ The database rebranding is already done.

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Events 3-9

DLM ID Already Provisioned to Other BMM OCG

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active MCM to report that a request for Auto-discovery is dropped
when the BMM OCG reports a DLM ID which is already provisioned to some other BMM.
This message is generated when:
■ The DLM ID is improperly provisioned to the BMM.

DLM ID Not Found

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active MCM to report that a request for Auto-discovery is dropped
when the BMM OCG reports a non-existent DLM ID (that passes the CRC check) that is not known to the
MCM during Auto-discovery.
This message is generated when:
■ A DLM from some other network element is plugged in
■ An unreachable DLM (DLM is not communicating with the MCM) is in Auto-discovery mode

DLM OCG Time Out on Auto Discovery

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the DLM when the OCG is timed out on auto discovery.
This message is generated when:
■ The DLM OCG is timed out on auto discovery.

DSE Output Spectrum Achieved

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the DSE to report that the output spectrum has been achieved following a
successful equalization attempt where spectrum convergence has been obtained.
This message is generated when:
■ The DSE output spectrum has been successfully achieved.

Expected Span Loss Change

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate an update to the Expected Span Loss
(ESL) values. The updated ESL high and low thresholds, as well as the previous values for ESL high and
low thresholds are indicated.
This message is generated when:
■ The Expected Span Loss values have been updated.

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3-10 Event Description

File Transfer Failed

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to report unsuccessful completion of a file transfer.
This message is generated when:
■ The process of file transfer to or from the network element has failed / abruptly ended.

File Transfer Failed Because of MCM/Controller Card Reboot

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to report unsuccessful completion of a file transfer.
This message is generated when:
■ The XCM is rebooted while file transfer is in progress.

File transfer partially succeeded

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to report partial completion of a file transfer.
This message is generated when:
■ The file is partially transferred.

File Transferred Process Started

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to report that a file transfer has started.
This message is generated when:
■ A request for file transfer is accepted and file transfer to or from the network element is in progress.

File transferred successfully

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to report successful completion of a file transfer.
This message is generated when:
■ The desired set of files have been successfully transferred to or from the network element.

FRM DAMP Status Update

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active FRM to report the DAMP status.
This message is generated when:
■ The FRM is improperly provisioned.

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Events 3-11

GAM OCG DLM ID Already Provisioned to Other GAM OCG

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active MCM to report that a request for Auto-discovery is dropped
when the GAM OCG reports a DLM ID which is already provisioned to some other GAM.
This message is generated when:
■ The DLM ID is improperly provisioned to the BMM.

Install Failed
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the failure of a software install process.
This message is generated when:
■ The software image corresponding to the software version does not get installed or
■ A fresh database is not created.

Install in Progress...Unpacking the Tar File

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the progress of a software install process.
This message is generated when:
■ The software image corresponding to the software version is being installed.

Install: Done Unpacking the Tar File...Rebooting...

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the progress of a software install process.
This message is generated when:
■ The software image corresponding to the software version is being installed.

Invalid DLM ID CRC fail

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the circuit pack to report the invalid DLM ID.
This message is generated when:
■ Circuit pack reports invalid DLM ID.

License Activated
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated to report that the license is activated.
This message is generated when:

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3-12 Event Description

■ The license is activated.

License Deactivated
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated to report that the license is deactivated.
This message is generated when:
■ The license is deactivated.

License Reassigned
A+ccess Type - Admin This message is generated to report that the license is reassigned.
This message is generated when:
■ The license is reassigned.

LM OCH ID Already Provisioned to Other CMM OCH

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active MCM to report that a request for Auto-discovery is dropped
when the CMM OCH reports an LM OCH ID which is already provisioned to some other CMM.
This message is generated when:
■ The LM OCH ID is improperly provisioned to the CMM.

LM OCH ID Not Found

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the active MCM to report that a request for Auto-discovery is dropped
when the CMM OCH reports a non-existent LM OCH ID (that passes the CRC check) that is not known to
the MCM during Auto-discovery.
This message is generated when:
■ An LM-80 from some other network element is plugged in
■ An unreachable LM-80 (LM-80 is not communicating with the MCM) is in Auto-discovery mode

Local Backup Done

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the MCM circuit pack to report that the local backup of the database is
This message is generated when:
■ The local backup of the network element database is successfully complete

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Events 3-13

Local Backup Failed Because of Reboot

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the MCM circuit pack to report that the local backup of the database failed
because the MCM circuit pack was rebooted.
This message will be raised on the object if the MCM circuit pack is rebooted while a local backup of the
database is being performed.

Make Standby Completed

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to complete the standby process.
This message is generated when:
■ The user standby action is not complete.

Manual Switch to Protection

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that a manual switch to protection has
been complete along with source and destination of switch as part of the details.
This message is generated when:
■ The user completes a switch from working to protection from one of the management interfaces.

Manual Switch to Protection Failed

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that a manual switch to protection has
This message is generated when:
■ The user initiates a switch from working to protection from one of the management interfaces but
the switch fails to initiate.

Manual Switch to Working

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that a manual switch from protection back
to working has been initiated.
This message is generated when:
■ The user initiates a switch from protection back to working from one of the management interfaces.

Migrate Completed Successfully

Access Type - Admin

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3-14 Event Description

This message is generated by the network element to indicate the successful completion of migration.
This message is generated when:
■ The migration is completed successfully.

MSA firmware upgrade completed successfully

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate the sucessful completion of MSA firmware
This message is generated when:
■ The MSA firmware upgrade is completed sucessfully.

MSA firmware upgrade in progress

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that the MSA firmware upgrade is in
This message is generated when:
■ The MSA firmware upgrade is in progress.

NC System is Active Now

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that the system is ready now.
This message is generated when:
■ The XCM is rebooted
■ The system comes up

OPM SCAN Completed

Access Type - Admin
This event is raised by the network element.
This event is raised when FRM OPM scan is completed.

PrepareUpgrade Completed Successfully

Access Type - Admin
This is raised on the node, when the user action prepare for upgrade is successfully completed.
This message is generated when:
■ Prepare to upgrade procedure is completed successfully.

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Events 3-15

Prepare For Upgrade error

Access Type - Admin
This is raised on the chassis to notify failure of the prepare to upgrade procedure on the individual shelf.
This message is generated when:
■ Prepare to upgrade procedure fails on the shelf.

Restore Completed Successfully

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the MCM circuit pack to report that the restoration of the database is
This message is generated when:
■ The database restoration process is complete.

Revert Failed
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the failure of a software revert process.
This message is generated when:
■ The software fails to revert to an older version or
■ The corresponding older database is not picked up

Revert in Progress
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the progress of a software revert process.
This message is generated when:
■ The software of the network element is being reverted to an older version from the current version

Revert: Done Unpacking the Tar File...Rebooting...

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the progress of a software revert process.
This message is generated when:
■ The software of the network element is being reverted to an older version from the current version.

Scheduled Transfer Request Dropped

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that the scheduled file transfer has been

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3-16 Event Description

This message is generated when:

■ A scheduled backup is initiated when a manual file transfer is in progress.

SNC WTR Started

Access Type - Admin
This message will be raised on the object when a SNC wait to revert is started.

SNC WTR Canceled

Access Type - Admin
This message will be raised on the object when a SNC wait to revert is canceled.

Software Install Failed Because of Reboot

Access Type - Admin
This message will be raised on the object if the MCM circuit pack is rebooted while software is being

Software Revert Failed Because of Reboot

Access Type - Admin
This message is raised on the object if the MCM circuit pack is rebooted while software revert is in

Software Uncompress Failed Because of Reboot

Access Type - Admin
This message will be raised on the object if the MCM circuit pack is rebooted while software is being

Switched to Protection
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated when the active timing source for the chassis is switched from one TSM/XCM
to another.
This message is generated when:
■ The active timing source for the chassis is switched from one TSM/XCM to another.

Switched to Working
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that a switch from protection back to
working has been completed.
This message is generated when:

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Events 3-17

■ A switch to working has been completed.

This message is generated by the network element to indicate that a automatic switch to work has been
complete on a Shared Mesh Protection Group.
This message is generated when:
■ Traffic switches from protect path to work path of a Shared Mesh Protection Group due to
automatic or manual reversion
■ Manual or forced switch is released in revertive mode.

Time Set Backward by More than 10 Secs

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element.
This message is generated when:
■ The network element time is set backward by more than 10 seconds.

Time Set Forward by More than 10 Secs

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element.
This message is generated when:
■ The network element time is set forward by more than 10 seconds.

Transfer Request Dropped

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the network element to indicate that the file transfer has been dropped.
This message is generated when:
■ A backup is initiated when a manual file transfer is in progress.

Uncompress Completed
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the successful completion of a software
uncompress process.
This message is generated when:
■ The newer software has completed the uncompress process.

Uncompress Failed
Access Type - Admin

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3-18 Event Description

This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the failure of a software uncompress
This message is generated when:
■ The newer software has failed to complete the uncompress process.

Uncompress in progress
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report that the software uncompress process is in
This message is generated when:
■ The newer software is in progress to complete the uncompress process.

Upgrade Completed
Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the successful completion of a software
upgrade process.
This message is generated when:
■ The network element has been upgraded to a newer software version
■ The current version of the database has been migrated to the newer version
■ The system comes up

Upgrade Completed Successfully

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the successful completion of a software
upgrade process.
This message is generated when:
■ The network element has been upgraded to a newer software version
■ The current version of the database has been migrated to the newer version
■ The system comes up

Upgrade in Progress...Unpacking the Tar File

Access Type - Admin
This message is generated by the XCM circuit pack to report the progress of an upgrade.
This message is generated when:
■ The software of the network element is being upgraded from the current version to a newer version

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Events 3-19

Wait to Revert Cancel

Access Type - Admin
This event is generated by the network element to report when a wait to revert (WTR) is stopped or
canceled as a result of a fault condition on the protection unit.
This event is generated when:
■ A WTR has been stopped or canceled.

Security Events
Security events are generated when there are security violations in the managed network element. This
section provides description and causes for Security events.

Intrusion Detected
Access Type - Security
This message is generated by the network element to report a system intrusion or security violation in the
network element.
This message is generated when:
■ A user tries to log on to the system more than three times with invalid password.

Reserved Session Limit Reached

Access Type - Security
This message is generated by the network element to report that the maximum number of permissible
sessions have been used.
This message is generated when:
■ All the permissible 30 sessions have been used and no more users can log in.

Session Limit Reached

Access Type - Security
This message is generated by the network element to report that the maximum number of permissible
sessions for a non security administrator have been used.
This message is generated when:
■ All the permissible 28 sessions have been used and no more user other than the security
administrator can log in.

Access Type - Security

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3-20 Event Description

This message is generated by the network element when the system attempts to establish a connection
with the configured TACACS+ servers.

Access Type - Security
This message is generated by the network element when the system successfully connects with the
configured TACACS+ servers.

Access Type - Security
This message is generated by the network element when the system fais to connect with the configured
TACACS+ servers.

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Alarm Index

Table Default Alarm Settings for each Managed Object (AID) Type the alarms for each of the AID types
(i.e., managed objects types) on the DTN, DTN-X, XT, FlexROADM, Optical Amplifier and Optical Line
Amplifier. The table lists the managed object types supported for ASPS, as well as the alarm ID, condition
type, default severity level (Sev.), service affecting or not service affecting type (SA/ NSA), location (Loc.),
direction (Dir.), and whether the alarm has an associated chassis-level LED.

Table List of Threshold Crossing Alerts for FlexROADM, DTN-X, DTN, XT, and Optical Amplifiers lists the
threshold crossing alerts (TCAs) for each of the managed object types on DTN, DTN-X, XT, FlexROADM,
and Optical Amplifier.

Default Alarm Settings for each Managed Object (AID) Type

Applies to Object Alarm Probable Cause Severity Type Locati Directi Affects
Unique Id on on Chassis
AC FAC0464 AC MAC Limit Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Reached (MJ) Servi
FAC0463 MAC flap Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
condition (MJ) Servi
detected ce
Band Port FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e

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A-2 Alarm Index

EQP0063 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0024 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
BASESCGPTP FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
BMM EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0066 Excessive Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Channels (MJ) ce
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec

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Alarm Index A-3

EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0054 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal OSC (MJ) Servi
Ethernet link ce
failure Affec
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0069 AGC not Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
functioning (MN) Servi
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi

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A-4 Alarm Index

EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0055 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal OSC (MJ) Servi
Ethernet link ce
failure Affec
EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
BMM OCG Port FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0024 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0115 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd e

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Alarm Index A-5

FAC0229 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE

Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
FAC0448 OCG Type Warning Non‐ NearE Receiv FALSE
Mismatch (WN) Servi nd e
FAC0227 OCG Loss Out of Minor Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi mit
FAC0059 Power Major Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
adjustment (MJ) Servi mit
incomplete ce
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi
FAC0114 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
CARRIERCTP FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0421 PMD Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range High (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0033 Rx Backward Not Servi FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Defect Indication Reported ce e
(NR) Affec

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-6 Alarm Index

FAC0117 Post‐FEC BER‐ Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE

based Signal (CR) ce nd e
Failure Affec
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0422 Pre‐FEC‐Q value Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Out of range low (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0021 Loss Of Frame Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0022 Loss Of Signal Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0282 OPT Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd mit
C‐Band FAC0426 Forward Defect Not Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ Reported ce nd e
Payload (NR) Affec
FAC0427 Forward Defect Not Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ Reported Servi nd e
Overhead (NR) ce
FAC0231 Automatic Laser Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Shutdown (MJ) Servi nd mit
Disabled ce
FAC0062 Span Loss Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd e

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-7

FAC0095 OPR Out of Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE

Range ‐ High (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0006 Backward Defect Not Servi FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ Reported ce e
Payload (NR) Affec
FAC0429 Backward Defect Not Non‐ FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ Reported Servi e
Overhead (NR) ce
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0282 OPT Out of Warning Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ Low (WN) Servi nd mit
FAC0283 OPT Out of Warning Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (WN) Servi nd mit
FAC0301 BAND Loss Out of Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0096 OPR Out of Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0430 Payload Missing Not Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Indication Reported Servi nd e
(NR) ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-8 Alarm Index

FAC0444 Insufficient Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Output Power (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0061 Span Loss Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd e
Chassis EQP0082 Power Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Control:System (MN) Servi
needed power is ce
more than Affec
available power ting
EQP0093 Mismatch of PEM Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
types within a (MN) Servi
group ce
EQP0064 Chassis power Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
draw exceeds (MN) Servi
configured ce
maximum value Affec
EQP0013 Equipment's Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (CR) ce
unreachable Affec
EQP0093 Registration Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
RequiredMJ (MJ) Servi
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0080 Chassis power Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
protection failed (WN) Servi

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-9

EQP0070 Redundant Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
controller Reported Servi
module not (NR) ce
physically Affec
present ting
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0079 Timing And Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Synchronization Reported Servi
Module not (NR) ce
redundant Affec
EQP0068 Power control Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
initiated ‐ (MJ) Servi
maximum ce
allowed fan Affec
speed reduced ting
EQP0083 Locked Sync Critical Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Source Active (CR) ce
EQP0077 Timing Source Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) ce
EQP0078 Timing And Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Synchronization (WN) Servi
Module ce
Unavailable Affec

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-10 Alarm Index

EQP0034 Ambient (inlet) Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

temperature Out (MJ) Servi
of Range ‐ High ce
EQP0010 Equipment type Critical Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (CR) Servi
EQP0075 Switch Fabric Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Protection (WN) Servi
Unavailable ce
EQP0091 Registration Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Expired (CR) ce
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0074 Switch Fabric Fail Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
(CR) ce
EQP0092 Registration Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Required (MN) Servi
EQP0102 Power Over Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Current (MN) Servi
EQP0024 Power over Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
voltage (MN) Servi
EQP0025 Power under Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
voltage (MN) Servi

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-11

EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec
EQP0051 Initialization Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (MJ) ce
Clear Channel FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0118 De‐encapsulated Not Servi NearE Trans FALSE
Loss of Signal Reported ce nd mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0067 Loss Of Signal Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
CMM EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-12 Alarm Index

EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE

partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-13

EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
CMM OCG Port FAC0227 OCG Loss Out of Minor Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi mit
FAC0083 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi LocNA Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce e
FAC0229 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
FAC0059 Power Major Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
adjustment (MJ) Servi mit
incomplete ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-14 Alarm Index

FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
CMMOCHPTP FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi
FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0114 OPR Out of Major Servi LocNA Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MJ) ce e
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0115 OPR Out of Major Servi LocNA Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MJ) ce e
FAC0372 OCH Mismatch Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi
FAC0083 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi LocNA Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce e
Digital Channel FAC0117 Post‐FEC BER‐ Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
based Signal (CR) ce nd e
Failure Affec
FAC0299 Connectivity Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Verification (MJ) ce nd e
Failed Affec

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-15

FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning

Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN)
Servi nd
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0021 Loss Of Frame Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0067 Loss Of Signal Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0006 Backward Defect Not Servi FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ Reported ce e
Payload (NR) Affec
FAC0225 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from network (MJ) ce nd
FAC0223 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated, toward (WN) ce nd
network Affec
FAC0222 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated, toward (WN) ce nd
client Affec
FAC0224 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from client (MJ) ce nd
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0106 Pre‐FEC BER‐ Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
based Signal (MN) Servi nd e
Degrade ce

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-16 Alarm Index

FAC0105 Trace Identifier Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi nd e
DigitalSNCP‐1‐port PROT0005 Protection Unit Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Active Reported Servi
(NR) ce
PROT0004 Lockout of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
working (MN) Servi nd e
PROT0003 Lockout of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
protection (MN) Servi nd e
DigitalSNCP‐2‐Port PROT0004 Lockout of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
working (MN) Servi nd e
PROT0005 Protection Unit Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Active Reported Servi
(NR) ce
PROT0003 Lockout of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
protection (MN) Servi nd e
DIGITALWRAPPERCTP FAC0332 Trace Identifier Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-17

DLM EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0046 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
protection (MJ) Servi
control bus ce
failure with slot 6 Affec
EQP0046 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
protection (MJ) Servi
control bus ce
failure with slot 3 Affec
EQP0046 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
protection (MJ) Servi
control bus ce
failure with slot 4 Affec
EQP0046 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
protection (MJ) Servi
control bus ce
failure with slot 5 Affec
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0072 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range High‐ (CR) ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-18 Alarm Index

Device auto Affec

shutdown ting
EQP0028 Tx PIC Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
temperature Out (CR) ce
Of Range High ‐ Affec
auto shutdown ting
EQP0045 Maintenance Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
required ‐ (MN) Servi
Contact Technical ce
Assistance Center Affec
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0029 Rx PIC Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
temperature Out (CR) ce

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-19

Of Range High ‐ Affec

auto shutdown ting
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0065 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range ‐ Low (MJ) Servi
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
DLM OCG Port FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
FAC0227 OCG Loss Out of Minor Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi mit
FAC0420 Remote Eqpt Major Servi FarEnd DirNA TRUE
Encoding Mode (MJ) ce
Mismatch Affec
FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0302 OCG Mismatch Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-20 Alarm Index

FAC0394 RX EDFA Input Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Power Exceeded (MJ) Servi nd e
its limit ce
FAC0059 Power Major Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
adjustment (MJ) Servi mit
incomplete ce
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0419 Remote Eqpt FEC Major Servi FarEnd DirNA TRUE
Type Mismatch (MJ) ce
FAC0083 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0298 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0297 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd e
DLM Optical Channel FAC0021 Loss Of Frame Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0117 Post‐FEC BER‐ Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
based Signal (CR) ce nd e
Failure Affec
FAC0032 PRBS out of sync Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
(MJ) ce nd

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-21

FAC0030 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE

activated (WN) ce nd
FAC0102 OPT Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0105 Trace Identifier Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0106 Pre‐FEC BER‐ Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
based Signal (MN) Servi nd e
Degrade ce
FAC0006 Backward Defect Not Servi FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ Reported ce e
Payload (NR) Affec
DSE EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0071 Incompatible DSE Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
(CR) ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-22 Alarm Index

EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-23

EQP0073 DSE Output Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Spectrum Not (MN) Servi nd mit
Attained ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
DSEPTP FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi
FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ LocNA Receiv TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi e
FAC0068 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi LocNA Receiv TRUE
Signal (CR) ce e
DTF Path FAC0073 Trace Identifier Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0293 Alarm Indication Not Servi NearE Trans TRUE
Signal‐ DTP Reported ce nd mit

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-24 Alarm Index

FAC0063 Backward Defect Not Servi FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Indication ‐ DTP Reported ce e
(NR) Affec
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0004 Alarm Indication Not Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ DTP Reported ce nd e
(NR) Affec
FAC0294 Trace Identifier Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0292 Backward Defect Not Servi FarEnd Trans TRUE
Indication‐ DTP Reported ce mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0030 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated (WN) ce nd
FAC0117 Post‐FEC BER‐ Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
based Signal (CR) ce nd e
Failure Affec
FAC0032 PRBS out of sync Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
(MJ) ce nd

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-25

FAC0074 Payload label Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE

Mismatch (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0296 Loss Of Frame Warning Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
(WN) Servi nd mit
FAC0295 Post‐FEC BER‐ Critical Servi NearE Trans TRUE
based Signal (CR) ce nd mit
Failure Affec
FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0064 Loss Of Frame Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
ETHINTF FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0224 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from client (MJ) ce nd
FAC0223 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated, toward (WN) ce nd
network Affec
SWP0049 Supporting Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Transport Layer (CR) ce
has lesser Affec
capacity ting

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-26 Alarm Index

FAC0222 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE

activated, toward (WN) ce nd
client Affec
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0225 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from network (MJ) ce nd
FAC0445 Loss of Ethernet Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Link (CR) ce nd e
EXPNPTP FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0361 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
EXPNSCGPTP FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
Fan EQP0009 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (MJ) Servi

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Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-27

EQP0008 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (MJ) Servi
EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
EQP0012 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (MJ) ce
removal Affec
FBM EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0100 Software Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Initialization (MJ) Servi
Failure ce
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-28 Alarm Index

EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0097 EQPT USB Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Misonnection (MJ) Servi
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-29

EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
FBMSCGPTP FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-30 Alarm Index

FEEDPTP EQP0000 Breaker open MinorNon‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

48V (MN) Servi
EQP0043 Power 48V Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (MN) Servi
EQP0024 Power over Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
voltage (MN) Servi
EQP0025 Power under Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
voltage (MN) Servi
Fibre Channel Client FAC0067 Loss Of Signal Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0128 Test signal out of Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
sync, from (MJ) ce nd
network Affec
FAC0125 Test signal Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
generation (WN) ce nd
activated, toward Affec
network ting
FAC0123 Test signal Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
generation (WN) ce nd
activated, toward Affec
client ting
FAC0120 De‐encapsulated Not Servi NearE Trans FALSE
Loss Of Sync Reported ce nd mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0118 De‐encapsulated Not Servi NearE Trans FALSE
Loss of Signal Reported ce nd mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-31

FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0129 Loss of Sync Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0127 Test signal out of Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
sync, from client (MJ) ce nd
FLEXCARRIERCTP FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0068 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal (CR) ce nd e
FAC0281 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0280 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd e
FMMC EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-32 Alarm Index

EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-33

EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
FMMCSCGPTP FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0281 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd e

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-34 Alarm Index

FAC0280 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
FAC0282 OPT Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0283 OPT Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FMMF250 EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-35

EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-36 Alarm Index

EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
FMMFSCGPTP FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-37

FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
FRM EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0091 AGC Partially Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Functioning (WN) Servi
EQP0069 AGC not Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
functioning (MN) Servi
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-38 Alarm Index

EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec
EQP0054 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal OSC (MJ) Servi
Ethernet link ce
failure Affec
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-39

EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE

improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0055 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal OSC (MJ) Servi
Ethernet link ce
failure Affec
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi
FRMSCGPTP FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-40 Alarm Index

FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE

mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FSE EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
(MJ) Servi mit
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-41

ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE

Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FSM EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0013 Equipment's Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
control plane is (MJ) Servi
unreachable ce
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-42 Alarm Index

EQP0021 Equipment's Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

control plane is (MN) Servi
warm‐resetting ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
(MJ) Servi mit
EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0084 Equipment Major Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MJ) ce
Fail Affec
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-43

EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE

Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
FSMSCGPTP FAC0110 Auto discovery Critical Servi LocNA Trans TRUE
timed out (CR) ce mit
FAC0230 Power Control Major Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
Loop Disabled (MJ) Servi nd mit
FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi nd e
FAC0229 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0300 Optical Loss Out Minor Non‐ NearE Trans TRUE
of Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd mit
FAC0088 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
GAM EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce
EQP0044 Equipment Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
degradation (MJ) Servi
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-44 Alarm Index

ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE

Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec
EQP0010 Equipment type Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0012 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
improper (CR) ce
removal Affec
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0086 Operating Mode Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0065 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range ‐ Low (MJ) Servi
GAM OCG Port FAC0227 OCG Loss Out of Minor Non‐ LocNA Trans TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi mit

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-45

FAC0112 Inter‐module Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
mis‐connection (MJ) Servi
FAC0024 Optical Loss Of Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Signal ‐ Payload (CR) ce nd e
FAC0096 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ Low (MN) Servi nd e
FAC0095 OPR Out of Minor Non‐ NearE Receiv TRUE
Range ‐ High (MN) Servi nd e
GbE Client FAC0380 DeEncap Local Not Servi NearE Trans TRUE
Fault Reported ce nd mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0398 De‐Encapsulated Major Servi NearE Trans TRUE
Loss of Alignment (MJ) ce nd mit
FAC0118 De‐encapsulated Not Servi NearE Trans FALSE
Loss of Signal Reported ce nd mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0379 Local Fault Not Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Reported ce nd e
(NR) Affec
FAC0125 Test signal Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
generation (WN) ce nd
activated, toward Affec
network ting
FAC0127 Test signal out of Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
sync, from client (MJ) ce nd

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-46 Alarm Index

FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE

Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0375 Loss of Lane Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Marker (MJ) ce nd e
FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0128 Test signal out of Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
sync, from (MJ) ce nd
network Affec
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0378 Remote Fault Not Servi FarEnd Receiv TRUE
Reported ce e
(NR) Affec
FAC0376 De‐Encapsulated Major Servi NearE Trans TRUE
Loss of Lane (MJ) ce nd mit
Marker Affec
FAC0123 Test signal Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
generation (WN) ce nd
activated, toward Affec
client ting
FAC0381 DeEncap Remote Not Servi FarEnd Trans TRUE
Fault Reported ce mit
(NR) Affec
FAC0129 Loss of Sync Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(CR) ce nd e
FAC0120 De‐encapsulated Not Servi NearE Trans TRUE
Loss Of Sync Reported ce nd mit
(NR) Affec

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-47

FAC0067 Loss Of Signal Critical Servi NearE Receiv TRUE

(CR) ce nd e
FAC0226 Loss of Alignment Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(MJ) ce nd e
FAC0435 Service State Critical Servi NearE DirNA FALSE
OOS‐AU (CR) ce nd
GCC COM0053 General Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Communication (MN) Servi
Channel ‐ Link ce
Failure Affec
GFP Client FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0222 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated, toward (WN) ce nd
client Affec
FAC0225 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from network (MJ) ce nd
FAC0387 EXI Mismatch Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(MJ) ce nd e
FAC0384 Loss of Frame Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Delineation (MJ) ce nd e
FAC0386 UPI Mismatch Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(MJ) ce nd e
FAC0223 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated, toward (WN) ce nd
network Affec

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-48 Alarm Index

FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE

loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0224 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from client (MJ) ce nd
FAC0385 Client Signal Major Servi FarEnd Trans TRUE
Failure (MJ) ce mit
FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
GFPTP FAC0228 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce
FAC0387 EXI Mismatch Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(MJ) ce nd e
FAC0223 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
activated, toward (WN) ce nd
network Affec
FAC0385 Client Signal Major Servi FarEnd Trans TRUE
Failure (MJ) ce mit
FAC0224 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from client (MJ) ce nd
FAC0384 Loss of Frame Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
Delineation (MJ) ce nd e
FAC0225 PRBS out of sync, Major Servi NearE DirNA TRUE
from network (MJ) ce nd

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-49

FAC0222 PRBS generation Warning Servi NearE DirNA TRUE

activated, toward (WN) ce nd
client Affec
FAC0386 UPI Mismatch Major Servi NearE Receiv TRUE
(MJ) ce nd e
FAC0019 Facility loopback Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
enabled (WN) Servi nd
FAC0020 Terminal Warning Non‐ NearE DirNA TRUE
loopback enabled (WN) Servi nd
adjacency lost (MJ) Servi
COM0033 Neighbors' GCC Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
IP Address in (MN) Servi
conflict with each ce
other Affec
COM0031 Neighbor GCC IP Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
address in (MJ) Servi
different subnet ce
FAC0229 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
COM0032 Node with Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
duplicate GCC IP (MJ) Servi
address found in ce
routing domain Affec
COM0044 GMPLS Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
neighbors' (MJ) Servi
configuration do ce
not match Affec

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

A-50 Alarm Index

COM0045 GRE Tunnel Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

address do not (MJ) Servi
match at Local ce
and Remote End Affec
GRE SWP0036 IP address Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
conflict on NE (CR) ce
IAM EQP0088 Initialization Warning Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Under Progress (WN) Servi
EQP0101 Equipment is USB Minor Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
power‐resetting (MN) Servi
ENV0029 Temperature Out Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
Of Range ‐ device (CR) ce
auto shutdown Affec
EQP0055 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal OSC (MJ) Servi
Ethernet link ce
failure Affec
EQP0057 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
B internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0015 Database Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Mismatch (MJ) Servi
EQP0009 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
partial failure (CR) ce
EQP0048 Unknown Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
Firmware (MJ) Servi
present ce

Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1 Infinera Corporation

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

Alarm Index A-51

EQP0056 CP to Controller Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE

A internal comm (MJ) Servi
failure ce
EQP0008 Equipment Critical Servi LocNA DirNA TRUE
failure (CR) ce
EQP0047 Insufficient gain Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
(MJ) Servi
EQP0036 Temperature out Major Non‐ LocNA DirNA TRUE
of range (MJ) Servi
EQP0063 Administrative Not Servi LocNA DirNA FALSE
Lock Reported ce
(NR) Affec
EQP0062 Administrative Not Non‐ LocNA DirNA FALSE
Maintenance Reported Servi
(NR) ce

Infinera Corporation Alarm and Trouble Clearing Guide Release 17.0 V0.1

Infinera Proprietary and Confidential

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