Assessment-Cell@nmcindia Gov in
Assessment-Cell@nmcindia Gov in
Subject : Processing of applications for starting of New PG Medical courses and Increase of seats in PG
Medical courses for Academic Year : 2024-25 - Issue of Communications to the Medical
Institutions/Colleges concerned-Regarding.
In continuation of MARB’s Public Notice of even number dated 11th March 2024, 12th March 2024,
15th March 2024, 21st March 2024, 22nd March 2024, 27th March 2024, 28th March 2024 and 29th March
2024 with reference to applications from medical institutions for start or increase of PG courses/seats, it
is informed that communications in respect of 119 more online applications (for starting of New PG
Medical courses and Increase of seats in PG Medical courses for the Academic Year : 2024-25) have been
sent through the email IDs (as mentioned in online applications) to the Medical Institutions/Colleges
concerned for information and necessary action by them within the stipulated timeline. A list containing
application number of each of the aforesaid 119 more online applications is attached with this Public
Notice for general information.
2. It may be recalled that vide MARB’s Public notice of even number dated 11th March 2024, 12th March
2024, 15th March 2024, 21st March 2024, 22nd March 2024, 27th March 2024, 28th March 2024 & 29th March
2024, it was informed that communications in respect of 238 + 214 + 202 + 218 + 205 + 209 + 102 + 100 =
1488 online PG Medical course applications had already been sent through the email IDs (as mentioned
in online applications) to the Medical Institutions/Colleges concerned.
3. Communications in respect of remaining applications received online will be sent in due course.
Medical Assessment and Rating Board (MARB)
National Medical Commission
Encl. : As above.
All the Medical Institutions/Colleges concerned.
Copy to :
Director (IT), NMC with request to upload this Public Notice on the website of NMC today itself.
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Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
Annexure – 1
Office order (16) regarding your online applications for Start PG Medical Seats, 31st March
S. Type of
College Name Application ID Course Name
No. Application
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MS - Starting of New
1 college/institute is not there
25/000421 Opthalmology PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MD - Starting of New
2 college/institute is not there
25/000508 Biochemistry PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical MD -
NMC/PG/2024- Starting of New
3 college/institute is not there Community
25/000510 PG Course
in the application. Medicine
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MD - Starting of New
4 college/institute is not there
25/000512 Paediatrics PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MD - Radio - Starting of New
5 college/institute is not there
25/000513 Diagnosis PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MS - Starting of New
6 college/institute is not there
25/000514 Orthopaedics PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical MD -
NMC/PG/2024- Starting of New
7 college/institute is not there Respiratory
25/000515 PG Course
in the application. Medicine
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MS - General Starting of New
8 college/institute is not there
25/000516 Surgery PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MS - Starting of New
9 college/institute is not there
25/000517 Orthopaedics PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- Starting of New
10 college/institute is not there MD - Pathology
25/000518 PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MS - Obstetrics Starting of New
11 college/institute is not there
25/000519 & Gynaecology PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MD - General Starting of New
12 college/institute is not there
25/000520 Medicine PG Course
in the application.
The name of the medical
NMC/PG/2024- MD - Starting of New
13 college/institute is not there
25/000521 Anaesthesiology PG Course
in the application.
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
Office order (103) regarding your online applications for increase PG Medical Seats, 31st
March 2024
Type of
S. No. College Name ApplicationID Course Name Application
U.P. Rural Institute of
Medical Sciences & Research
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh
University of Medical Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Bio-
1 Sciences (Prev. UP Rural Intake of
25/000313 Chemistry
Inst.of Med.Sc&R) PG seats
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh
University of Medical
Sciences Etawah
Shri Sathya Sai Medical
College and Research
Institute Kancheepuram,Shri NMC/PGI/2024- MD - General
2 Intake of
Satya Sai Medical College and 25/000315 Medicine
PG seats
Research Institute
U.P. Rural Institute of
Medical Sciences & Research
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh
University of Medical Increase
3 Sciences (Prev. UP Rural MD - Physiology Intake of
Inst.of Med.Sc&R) PG seats
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh
University of Medical
Sciences Etawah
U.P. Rural Institute of
Medical Sciences & Research
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
4 University of Medical Intake of
25/000318 Pharmacology
Sciences (Prev. UP Rural PG seats
Inst.of Med.Sc&R)
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
University of Medical
Sciences Etawah
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
Etawah,Uttar Pradesh
University of Medical
Sciences Etawah
MD -
Teerthanker Mahaveer NMC/PGI/2024- Dermatology
17 Intake of
Medical College Moradabad 25/000353 Venereology &
PG seats
Teerthanker Mahaveer NMC/PGI/2024-
18 MD - Psychiatry Intake of
Medical College Moradabad 25/000354
PG seats
Teerthanker Mahaveer NMC/PGI/2024-
19 MD - Paediatrics Intake of
Medical College Moradabad 25/000356
PG seats
Teerthanker Mahaveer NMC/PGI/2024- MS - General
20 Intake of
Medical College Moradabad 25/000358 Surgery
PG seats
Teerthanker Mahaveer NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
21 Intake of
Medical College Moradabad 25/000361 Ophthalmology
PG seats
MD - Radio Increase
Teerthanker Mahaveer NMC/PGI/2024-
22 Diagnosis/Radiol Intake of
Medical College Moradabad 25/000362
ogy PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
23 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000366 Anaesthesiology
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Radio
24 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000367 Diagnosis
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MD - General
25 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000368 Medicine
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
26 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000369 Dermatology
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MS - Obstetrics
27 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000370 & Gynaecology
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024-
28 MS - ENT Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000371
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024-
29 MD - Psychiatry Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000372
PG seats
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
30 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000373 Orthopaedics
PG seats
KPC Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- MS - General
31 Intake of
Jadavpur Kolkata 25/000374 Surgery
PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
32 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000375 Orthopaedics
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MD - General
33 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000376 Medicine
Bangalore PG seats
MD -
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- Dermatology
34 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000377 Venereology &
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MS - General
35 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000378 Surgery
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
36 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000379 Ophthalmology
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
37 Hospital & Research Centre MS - ENT Intake of
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
38 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000381 Anaesthesiology
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College MS - Obstetrics Increase
39 Hospital & Research Centre and Intake of
Bangalore Gynaecology PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
40 Hospital & Research Centre MD - Paediatrics Intake of
Bangalore PG seats
The Oxford Medical College Increase
NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Radio
41 Hospital & Research Centre Intake of
25/000384 Diagnosis
Bangalore PG seats
Christian Medical College Increase
42 Ludhiana,Christian Medical DM - Neurology Intake of
College Ludhiana PG seats
MKCG Medical College NMC/PGI/2024-
43 DM - Cardiology Intake of
Berhampur 25/000393
PG seats
MKCG Medical College NMC/PGI/2024-
44 MS - ENT Intake of
Berhampur 25/000395
PG seats
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
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File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
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File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
MD -
Rangaraya Medical College NMC/PGI/2024- Dermatology
70 Intake of
Kakinada 25/000464 Venereology &
PG seats
Dharwad Institute of Mental Increase
71 Health and Neuro Sciences MD - Psychiatry Intake of
Dharwad PG seats
BGS Global Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MS - General
72 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000469 Surgery
PG seats
Agartala Government NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Obstetrics
73 Intake of
Medical College Agartala 25/000470 & Gynaecology
PG seats
School of Medical Sciences & NMC/PGI/2024- MS - Obstetrics
74 Intake of
Research Greater Noida 25/000471 & Gynaecology
PG seats
BGS Global Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MD - General
75 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000473 Medicine
PG seats
MD -
BGS Global Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- Dermatology
76 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000477 Venereology &
PG seats
School of Medical Sciences & NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
77 Intake of
Research Greater Noida 25/000478 Orthopaedics
PG seats
Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Increase
78 Institute (Regional Cancer DM - Oncology Intake of
Centre) Guwahati PG seats
School of Medical Sciences & NMC/PGI/2024- MS - General
79 Intake of
Research Greater Noida 25/000482 Surgery
PG seats
Agartala Government NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
80 Intake of
Medical College Agartala 25/000484 Anaesthesiology
PG seats
SDS Tuberculosis Research
Centre and Rajiv Gandhi NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Pulmonary
81 Intake of
Institute of Chest Diseases 25/000487 Medicine
PG seats
Agartala Government NMC/PGI/2024-
82 MD - Paediatrics Intake of
Medical College Agartala 25/000489
PG seats
BGS Global Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Radio
83 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000491 Diagnosis
PG seats
Agartala Government NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Radio
84 Intake of
Medical College Agartala 25/000492 Diagnosis
PG seats
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
Integral Institute of Medical NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
85 Intake of
Sciences & Research Lucknow 25/000498 Anaesthesiology
PG seats
Integral Institute of Medical NMC/PGI/2024- MS - Obstetrics
86 Intake of
Sciences & Research Lucknow 25/000503 & Gynaecology
PG seats
Integral Institute of Medical NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
87 Intake of
Sciences & Research Lucknow 25/000505 Ophthalmology
PG seats
St. Johns Medical College NMC/PGI/2024-
88 DM - Cardiology Intake of
Bangalore 25/000506
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024-
89 MD - Psychiatry Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000508
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Radio
90 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000510 Diagnosis
PG seats
M.Ch - Plastic
Surgery/Plastic Increase
St. Johns Medical College NMC/PGI/2024-
91 & Intake of
Bangalore 25/000511
Reconstructive PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
92 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000515 Ophthalmology
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MS - General
93 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000517 Surgery
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MS -
94 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000521 Orthopaedics
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024-
95 MS - ENT Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000523
PG seats
MS - Obstetrics Increase
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024-
96 and Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000527
Gynaecology PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024-
97 MD - Paediatrics Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000530
PG seats
MD -
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- Dermatology
98 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000536 Venereology &
PG seats
MD - Radio Increase
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024-
99 Diagnosis/Radiol Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000541
ogy PG seats
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM
N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) I/3664224/2024
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Emergency
100 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000546 Medicine
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MD - Pulmonary
101 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000553 Medicine
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024- MD -
102 Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000555 Anaesthesiology
PG seats
Kempegowda Institute of NMC/PGI/2024-
103 MD - Pathology Intake of
Medical Sciences Bangalore 25/000563
PG seats
File No. N-19011/10/2023-AssessmentCell/MARB(Part-I) (Computer No. 8268878)
Generated from eOffice by JL MEENA, Member-JLM(MARB)-NMC, MEMBER, NMC on 01/04/2024 12:29 AM