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Physics Grade 8

By - Ved Kulkarni
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 14

Kinetic energy:

Energy stored in an object because it is moving

Potential energy:

Energy stored in an object because of its position

When an object is in the middle of its trajectory it has kinetic and

potential energy

Law of conservation of energy:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only change forms

the total amount of energy remains the same

Energy dissipation:

Whenever energy changes forms always some energy is given to

the surroundings this is called energy dissipation


-The unit of energy is joules(J) - total energy input = total

Energy output + waste energ
1 kilojoule(kJ) = 1000 J
1 megajoules(mJ) = 1,000,000 J 1000 kJ

Thermal energy:

It is the energy stored in an object because of its temperature


It is the average amount of thermal energy of the particles in the

substance ,it is related to how hot or cold an object is
Movement of thermal energy

When two object of different temperatures come into contact

thermal energy flows from hotter object to colder object until their
temperatures are the same.when both objects are at the same
temperature there is no overall flow of thermal energy


Conduction occurs when thermal energy is transferred through a

substance,it occurs mainly in solids.
In conduction thermal energy moves from one particle to it's
neighbouring particles and it occurs mostly in solids as the
particles are spaced closely together.conduction happens when
one particle vibrates more than before it makes the particles next
to it vibrate more than those particle repeat the process

Liquids and gases are not good conductors of thermal energy as

their particles are spaced out making it difficult for thermal
energy to transfer from one particle to another


In convection when a fluid is heated the particles move around

faster when they move around they spread out more this makes
the substance less dense the hot fluid fluid floats to the top it then
cools down and the particles slows down and then they come
closer together and the substance becomes more dense now that
it is more dense it begins to sink.
The sun heats up the ground that heats the particles above it the
air becomes less dense than floats to the top it then becomes less
dense and goes back to the bottom this is called wind


It it the transfer of energy using infrared waves that have no mass

and travel at the speed of light they belong to a family of waves
called electromagnetic waves
- It is the only heat transfer that can occur without any


A liquid is made out of particles that move around. Not all are fast
the others.when the ones with the most energy reach the surface
of the liquid they break off the surface and fly off into the air

1. It happens slowly and on it's own

2. It can occur at any temperature below a liquids boiling
3. It causes cooling


When a liquid is heated its particles have more energy and they
the move faster when the temperature reaches the boiling point
the particles break of the surface and form a a gas

1. It's faster than evaporation

2. It needs an external source of heat
3. It can only occur when a liquid reaches its boiling points
Cooling by evaporation:

When water reaches a surface it absorbs the thermal energy from

the surface and then those particles fly away and the particles left
behind don't have enough energy so they cold down the surface


The upwards from the liquid or gas the object is in in which it is


How does it occur:

When the downwards force is lesser than the upwards force which
causes an unbalanced force downwards which causes upthrust

How do objects float:

When an object is in water the particles hit the surface of the

object and exert a pressure on it the vertical forces are not equal
but opposite and the sideways forces are balanced

The upthrust always acts in the opposite direction to the weight

of the object
- If the upthrust is equal or greater than the weight of the
object , it will float
- If the upthrust is lesser than the weight,it will sink
Density =

Voltage: - V:

Voltage is a measure of how much the energy the electrons haver

at different points in the circuit

It is measured using a voltmeter

Resistance: - Ω

How difficult it is for current to pass through

Measured in ohms/omega (Ω)

A resistor is a component added in circuits to control the flow of

These are made of carbon or thin metal wire which conducts
electricity not that good tho

Ldr ( light dependent resistor)

- Changes resistance according to light intensity
- Changes resistance according to temperature


Resistance: - I

How much charge flows through the circuit

Series circuit:

Circuit with only 1 loop

- All components are connected in series
- Current stays the same
- Voltage = sum of voltage across components
- If one component breaks all will break

Parallel circuit:

Circuit with multiple loops

- Current gets divided between loops

- Components are arranged parallel to each other
- Sum of Current flowing through each component = source of
- Voltage remains the same
- If one component breaks down all can still work


Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations.when an object

vibrates it causes a pressure wave this pressure wave causes the
particles in the medium to vibrate as well , as they vibrate they
move surrounding particles transmitting the sound further
through the medium creating alternate compressions high
pressure/low pressure region
Sound is an eg of longitudinal wave:
- These are the waves in which the particles move parallel to
the propagation of the wave

Light is an eg of a transverse wave

- Transverse waves are the waves in which the particles move
perpendicular to the direction of the wave
→ sound requires a medium to travel in it cannot be passed
through a vacuum

→ Sound travels fastest through solids as particles are close

together making it easier for vibration

→ sound travels slowest in gas as particles are far away


- Number of waves per second

- Unit of frequency is hertz(Hz)
- Larger unit of frequency is kilohertz

Human ear can hear frequencies as low as 20hz to 20khz

- Soundwave with frequency less than 20 Hz are called
infrasound we can not hear them but vibrations are still there

- sound wave with frequency more than 20 Khz are called
ultrasound we cannot hear them but many animals can

Proportion of pitch and frequency

More frequency = higher pitch

Less frequency = lower pitch

The maximum height of the wave(could be from centre to top or
vice versa)
- Higher the amplitude louder is the sound
- Lower the amplitude lower the sound

Measured in Metres(m)
However usually sound waves have low amplitude much less than
a millimetre


The length of one complete wave is wavelength usually measured

in metres
symbol is λ

It is measured by 1 point on one wave to another point on another


More frequency = less wavelength

Crest :
Highest point in a sound wave or point where particles are moving
with largest amplitude

The lowest point of the wave


The device that displays the electrical signals on a graph on the

- The graph is called traces
- The shape of the waves are called waveform

How can you change the pitch of the sound of an instrument:

We can do this to instruments with strings eg ig we shorten the

string we decrease the wavelength increase frequency and
increase pitch


It occurs when 2 or more waves come together and their effects

are added together

Constructive interference:

It occurs when two or waves meet together and their waves are
added together to create a wave with a greater amplitude
- When 2 crests meet the particles move upwards twice as far
as the waves are pushing the particles in the same direction
at the same time.similar thing with the trough
Destructive interference:
This occurs when 2 or more waves meet together and make a
smaller wave or cancel each other out altogether
- The movements are equal in size but opposite in direction
So there is no overall movement up or down this means they
have cancelled each other out

Ideas about how the moon formed:

The moon formed 100 million years after the sun and our planets
formed we know this because of analysed samples of the moon

1. Capture Hypothesis:
A rocky object such as an asteroid was pulled by earth's
gravitational force

Evidence for Evidence against

Some rocks that make up - There are more

the moon and earth are similarities than
similar but they have differences between
differences moon and earth rocks
- The moon is round
compared to asteroids
that have been
captured by other
- The moon is much
bigger than earth so it
is unusual for large
object to be captured
by earth

2. Co-formation hypothesis:
The moon formed at the same time as earth from the dust
and gas of the solar nebula and was pulled into orbit around
the earth

Evidence for Evidence against

- Some rocks that make - Some rocks on the

up the moon and earth moon are different to
are very similar earth if they formed at
- The moon is much the same time they
bigger than the earth would be the same
compared to other - The moon is less dense
moons and their than the earth
planets meaning it may have
formed in different
ways or places
3. Collision hypothesis
A large object roughly the same size of mars that had
formed the same time as earth crashed into the early earth
And split the mass of rock into two objects - earth and moon

Evidence For Evidence against

- Scientists have presumed - Many tests suggests that

that the early solar 60% of the moon should
system was a violent be made of earth
place with many collisions however studies show
this supports this idea much less than 60% of it is
- The object would have not this way
caused the earth's outer
layer to be pushed
backed until the force
gravity replenished it this
means some rocks would
be the same and some

The Moon:

● The moon is evenly round

● The surface is grey and rocky
● Some areas are smooths and some areas have craters
● From earth we can only see one half of the moon

- -the roundness suggests that the moon has formed and been
made stable mainly due to its own gravity
- It has no surface water or any life of any kind
- It has no atmosphere
- There are no volcanoes or tectonic plates
- The craters show that many small objects have collided with
the moon
- The moon must rotate on its axis the same speed it orbits
around the earth which suggests the orbit of the moon
around earth has been stable for a long time

Visiting the Moon! :

Most famous moon missions are apollo in 1960 and 1970

Most of the probes sent to the moon are robotic so they don't
need to be robotic


Asteroid that enters the earth's atmosphere

Asteroid collisions:

When a meteor enters the earth's atmosphere most of it burns

away as due to friction between the fast moving rock and the air.
Some of the original rock can be left behind after the collision as a
piece of rock and is called a meteorite

Effects of asteroid collisions:

● Melting or exploding rocks thrown large distances from point

of impact
● Blast of intense heat radiating outwards
● Shock waves
● Sudden gusts of wind
● Shaking of earth's crust
Dino death evidence:

Fossil records suggest that huge areas of forests were destroyed

at the same time maybe bcos of massive fires

Around 75% of the animal species on earth died out leaving

smaller species

Alvarez hypothesis

A large asteroid the size of a large mountain collided with the

earth 66 million years ago the effects would been catastrophic as
lots of dust gas and rock must have been thrown high into the
atmosphere the amounts produced would have changed earth's
climate to change significantly


1. Unusual amounts of iridium in rock layers iridium is rare on

earth but very common in meteorites
2. Images from satellites who a large impact crater in the town
of chicxulub and rock samples suggest it was made 66
millions years ago
3. Fossils from north dakota suggest an entire ecosystem of
plants died 65 million years ago and fossils alsop contained
glassy rock which is formed when rocks are rapidly melted
then cooled down


Most of the matter in our universe is found in the form of gas and
dust most of the gsa we can observe between the stars contains
two elements hydrogen and helium there is 3x more hydrogen
than there is helium a much smaller part of the matter that exists
between stars forms dust containing carbon,silicon and oxygen

Some of this gas and dust clump together in clouds called nebulae

Some nebulae are produced when a very large star explodes at

the end of it's life.other nebulae are produced when the force due
to gravity causes interstellar gas and dust to gather together

We can observe a nebula when light from nearby stars reflects of

it or is blocked by it sometimes radiation that passes through the
nebula causes the particles to gain energy which then emit light

Star formation:

When a nebula is formed due to the force of gravity pulling

interstellar gas and dust together some parts of the nebula
become denser and atoms of hydrogen are pulled close together.
Eventually there is a very strong attraction in which the nuclei of
pairs of hydrogen fuse together in a process called nuclear fusion
this process releases huge amounts of energy in the form of
electromagnetic waves including visible light and infrared
radiation the dense parts of nebula where stars are formed are
called stellar nursery

Red supergiant:

A huge red coloured star that is formed when an star expands at

the end of its life


The red supergiant collapses creating a massive explosion

After the explosion amounts of gas and dust are thrown off at
large speeds this forms a nebula centred at the original position
of the star

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