Deekshith Project (CSE320-SRS)
Deekshith Project (CSE320-SRS)
Deekshith Project (CSE320-SRS)
‘360 security -
Internet security’
Submitted by:
Name: G. Deekshith
Reg. No: 12306943
Section: K23HT
Roll No: 43
1. Introduction
1. Purpose
Thisdocument describes the software requirements and specification for a360Total Security
Antivirus bydefiningthe problem statement in details. . Nevertheless, it alsoconcentrates on
the capabilities required by stakeholders andtheir needs while defining high-level product
features. Thedetailed requirements of the 360Security are provided in this document.
3. Definitions
• Computer
Acomputer is adevicethat accepts information andmanipulates it for someresult based on
aprogram or sequence of instructions on howthe data isto be processed.
• Virus
Acomputer virusisaprogram or piece of codethat isloaded onto your computer
without your knowledge andruns against yourwishes.
• Antivirus
Antivirus (anti-virus) software isaclassof program that will prevent, detect and remediate
malware infections onindividual computing devices and ITsystems.
• Internet
Ameans of connecting acomputer to anyother computer anywhere inthe world
via dedicated routers and servers.
• Customer
Theperson whousesthe software. Acustomer canconsist of oneor more persons or
corporations, the correspondence isnot relevant to this problem.
• VirusScan
Atype of antivirus program that searches asystem for virussignatures that have attached to
executable programs andapplications.
1.4Project Scope
Antivirus software isaprogram that isdesignedto find andneutralize malware and
viruses. Theseprograms are able to scan your computer's hard drive and identify files that
are malicious or suspicious. Theantivirus software canattempt to delete, quarantine, or
trigger analert whenit detects files that are harmful. Additionally, manyantivirus software
suites also havesettings that canprevent your computer from downloading or executing
harmful files inthefirst place.
2. Overall Description
1. Product Perspective
Theantivirus works independently. The software carries out essential functions with ease and
hasaclean user interface that hasamodern, yetsimpleandintuitive feel.
Software interface:
It carry out essential security functions, and it haveaclean user interface that hasamodern,
yetsimple and intuitive feel to it.
User interfaces
Customer: The customer user interface should beintuitive, suchthat 99.9% of all new 360
antivirus users are ableto scanandclean their computers without any assistance.
Maintainer: The maintainer is responsible for adding new features to the software and
updating existing360antivirus. Amaintainer should be possible to update the changesin the
existing 360antivirus software.
Maintainers must be experienced Ethical hackers, to be able to add new features to the
software according to requirement of the security of the systems.
4. Operating Environment
Thehardware, software and technology used should havefollowing specifications:
• Ability to scanthe virus inthecomputer.
• Ability to remove the virusfrom the computer.
• Supported by windows (All Versions), MAC, Android.
• Ability to clean upjunk files
• Ability to speedupcomputer
• Ability to connect to Facebook to compare your check upwith your friends.
• Enhanced user interface.
FullCheck(Check Now):
• Check now button runs four scans.
• Speedup
• Virus scan
• Clean up
• Wi-Fi Security Check
Virus Scan:
• Display amessage attop of the interface, “Regular virus scan will help youremovethreats
• Display amessage attop of the interface, “It identifies anddisable unnecessary startup
programs and background tasks.”
• It contains Easyspeedup, Boottime, Manual, History.
• Boottimecontains the record of the boottimeof the system.
• Manual helps the user to enable or disable asoftware manually.
• History holds the record of changes made.
Clean up:
• Clean up plug-in and junk file with one click.
• It savesdiskspace and improve the performance of the computer.
• Contains different tools.
• 360connect
• Browser protection
• Firewall
• Sandbox
• System Backup Cleaner
• Patch-up
3. Specific Requirements
1. Functional Requirements
Thefunctional requirements of the 360Total Security antivirus.
Functional requirement 1:
• Description: Install 360Total Security in the system.
Functional requirement 2:
• Description: If the operating system does not support 360Total Security software, anerror message
• Input: Setup isinstalled.
• Processing: The operating system does not support the setup.
• Output: Display an error message. Abort installation process.
Functional requirement 3:
• Description: The software mustcheckif the entered license keyisavalidlicense key.
• Input: Customer enters the license key.
• Processing: Check if it isavalidlicensekey.It willbe valid if Theinformation onthelicense keycan
• Output: Display error message andaskthe customer to re-enter the license key if it is invalid.
Functional requirement 4:
• Description: If the license keyis valid, the 360Total security setup should beinstalled
• Input: Valid license key.
Functional requirement 5:
• Description: The theme isto be selected bythe user.
Functional requirement 7:
• Description : The user hasdifferent options to use i.e. Full Check, Virus Scan, Speed up, Clean
up, Tool Box
Functional requirement 8:
• Description: When the user selects Virus Scanthen it provides three options quick scan, full
scan, custom scan.
Functional requirement 9:
• Description: If the software isrunning out of validation, noextra features should be
accepted. Anerror message isdisplayed.
• Input: Software is run.
• Processing: The requirements of software are lessthan total validity of antivirus.
• Output: Display an error message. Terminate the run task.
• Authorization: Theauthorization starts after auser hasrun the software in the device
• Description: If the license keyis valid, the 360Total security setup should beinstalled
• Input: Valid license key.
Functional requirement 5:
• Description: The theme isto be selected bythe user.
Functional requirement 7:
• Description : The user hasdifferent options to use i.e. Full Check, Virus Scan, Speed up, Clean up, Tool
Functional requirement 8:
• Description: When the user selects Virus Scanthen it provides three options quick scan, full scan,
custom scan.
Functional requirement 9:
• Description: If the software isrunning out of validation, noextra features should be accepted.
Anerror message isdisplayed.
• Input: Software is run.
• Processing: The requirements of software are lessthan total validity of antivirus.
• Output: Display an error message. Terminate the run task.
• Authorization: Theauthorization starts after auser hasrun the software in the device
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