School Rules and Regulation For IGCSE

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School Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations have been crafted to help students
develop self-discipline and to imbibe a sense of accountability to self
and others in the school and community.

• Discipline in DIMENSIONS rests on a foundation of respect and
responsibility that are anchored on the values of Faith, Service and
• The system of correction in DIMENSIONS is a positive and nurturing
one that seeks to help build sound character and support effective

• Every teacher and student has
respect for every person and the
school environment.
• Every teacher and student is
responsible for the discipline of
the school.
• Every student is clear about
what is asked of him/her, why it
is asked of him/her and the
consequence of irresponsible

• Latecomers who report to school after 9:15 am, will be considered
late for school.
• Latecomers who report to school late are required to register their
• Demerit point will be given for late arrival at school without a valid

• The school uniform is an important means by which a student
expresses his/her belonging and pride in his/her school.
Therefore, the wearing of the correct school uniform should be an
important concern for every student.
• Each student in DIMENSIONS is a representative of the school each
time he/she dons the school uniform and appears in public as a part
of this school’s family.
• Students are not allowed to wear other top (e.g. Soccer jersey).

• For Boys’:
The hair must be kept short, neat and tidy with natural colour. There
is to be no tinting, dyeing and highlighting of the hair.

• For Girls’:
Girls with shoulder-length hair or long hair must have it neatly tied up
with accessories that are inconspicuous. Their fringe must be neat
and not cover the eyebrows. There is to be no tinting, dyeing and
highlighting of the hair.

• Students are prohibited from using their
phones in class to minimize distractions and
maintain a focused learning environment.
• Mobile devices can disrupt the flow of class,
and social media and messaging apps can be
particularly distracting.
• Phone usage in class can lead to academic
dishonesty and unfair advantages.

• No usage of Handphone and any other
electronic devices during the lesson or
in the school premises.

Students have to put their handphones in the handphones’ pouch in the classroom prior to the start of the lessons.
• If any students caught use handphones in class, it will lead to
confiscation of the handphones.

Demerit Points
• Students will receive demerit points and disciplinary consequences
for offences committed in accordance with the Table of Offences

Not doing assignments Not turning in class work, homework, project work, etc. 1
without a valid reason

Improper attire & grooming Not in keeping with school rules on attire, hairdo, 1
jewellery, etc.
Disruptive behaviour Act or conduct which interferes with the smooth 2
running of class or school events
Mischief Act or conduct that causes trouble or disturbance in 2
school premises or public spaces

Demerit Points

Late-coming (3 times or more) Late arrival at school without a valid reason 2 (for each late
coming after the
2nd time)
Skipping classes Absence from lessons without a valid reason despite 2
being present for school

Inappropriate usage of mobile Usage of mobile phones for non-learning purposes 3

phones during lesson time (More during lessons and without first seeking the teachers’
than 2-3 times) permission
Leaving school grounds without Leaving the school before the end of the school session 3
permission without approval

School Discipline
• Any significant breach of discipline is to be recorded; Less
serious offences will be given a Verbal warning (letter of
advise as attached in the next page) and more serious offences
will be given warning letters along with Parents’
acknowledgment letters.
• Negative behaviour requires appropriate school response to
give a clear signal to students that the school does not
tolerate ill-discipline and expects good, positive behaviour
from all.
• School corrective action is carried out according to the
nature of the offence. A more serious offence warrants a
more serious school response (suspension or termination
• If a student has received more than 5 demerit points, corrective
action will be taken against them.
Letter of Advice
RE: In breach of DIC rules & regulations
Date: _________________

Student: _________________ FIN NO: _________________

Class : _________________

Dear _________________ (student’s Name),

This is to remind you that the Management of DIMENSIONS International College takes a serious view of students’ misconduct and will take the necessary actions. All students are
expected to abide by the laws of Singapore and the college rules & regulations as stipulated in the Student Handbook.
Despite our repeated verbal warnings, our recent record shows that you have been committing the following offence(s):

The Department of Customer Support Services takes a serious view of students' misconduct and will take disciplinary action or proceed to report to the relevant authorities accordingly if
a student pays no heed to this note of advice.
Please do not hesitate to contact anyone in this Department for advice and assistance.
Yours truly,

Academic Executive / Customer Support Services Executive/ Year Head / Assistant Year Head
Corrective Action Plan
Level 1  Improper school Attire & Grooming 1st Time – Verbal warning

 Minor Discipline offence : 2nd time – Letter of advice by form teacher

 Running around, Talking loudly, non- obedience and etc. 3rd time- Warning letter, Demerit points by Level DM.

Level 2  Rudeness/ Vulgarity /disruptive behavior/provocation/ 1st Time – Letter of Advice by form Teacher.
 Minor altercation :
 Leading to verbal arguments or quarrel 2nd Time – Warning letter, Demerit points by Level DM.
 Discipline offence
 Bullying/intimidation/teasing
 Fighting- Physical
 Racism
 Cyber bullying

(Depend on case to case)

Level 3  Smoking within school premises or with school uniform Immediate Actions:
 Theft/ Outrage of modesty Warning Letter and Demerit points -Parents must be immediately notified.
 Vandalism-Damaging of school property

If student found guilty:

Cheating during examination- 1.Invigilator to email Heads, Discipline IC, Level DM, Form teachers of the incident
details on the same day of occurrence.

2.Warning letter by level DM.

(Depend on case to case )
. 3. No marks will be awarded for the paper.
Conduct in the Classrooms
• The classroom is the main venue where
learning and teaching take place. It is the
‘homeroom’ of the class and reflects the
unique identity of the students who use it.
As such, it must always be conducive to
learning and teaching.
• The Class form teacher and Class
Committee/Prefects are responsible for the
proper use and management of the
classroom but every student in that class
must take ‘personal interest and pride in
classroom cleanliness and good order’.
Cleanliness in the Classrooms
• Furniture is to be arranged neatly at all times
and chairs are must be placed under the
desks when not in use. Students should not
sit or stand on the tables.
• We will be giving out the ‘ Tidiest Class
award’ every Month.


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