Recommendation Reportbracewell2010

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Biotechnol. J. 2010, 5, 359–367 DOI 10.1002/biot.201000031 www.biotechnology-journal.


Biotech Highlight

Report and recommendation of a workshop on education and

training for measurement, monitoring, modelling and control
(M3C) in biochemical engineering

Daniel Bracewell1, Krist V. Gernaey2, Jarka Glassey3, Volker C. Hass4, Elmar Heinzle5, Carl-Fredrik Mandenius6,
Ing-Marie Olsson7, Andy Racher8, Arne Staby9,10 and Nigel Titchener-Hooker1
1 Department of Biochemical Engineering, University College London, London, UK
2 Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
3 School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK
4 Hochschule Bremen, University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany
5 Biochemical Engineering, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
6 Division of Biotechnology/IFM, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
7 MKS Umetrics AB, Malmö, Sweden
8 Lonza Biologics Inc., Slough, UK Received 10 February 2010
9 Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsvaerd, Denmark Revised 10 February 2010
10 Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Accepted 25 February 2010

Keywords: Bioprocesses · Biopharmaceuticals · Chemometrics · Process analytical technology · Quality-by-design

The following article is the report from a workshop 1 Background of the workshop
on education and training for measurement, moni-
toring, modelling and control (M3C) in biochemical Measurement, monitoring, modelling and control
engineering organised by the M3C working group methodologies (M3C) are critical for many applica-
of the European Section of Biochemical Engineer- tions of biochemical engineering in industry and
ing Science in the European Federation of Biotech- medicine. The relatively recent interest in M3C
nology. The aim of the workshop was to provide an methodology from the regulatory authorities has
update on the present status of the subject and to been clearly stated in U.S Food and Drug Adminis-
identify critical issues for the furthering of suc- tration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency
cessful education and training according to the (EMEA) guidance and recommendation docu-
needs in industry and the public sector. The report ments [1] as well as in the quality guidelines from
focus is on the European situation but is also rele- the International Conference on Harmonisation
vant globally. It concludes with recommendations (ICH). Although these documents are directed to-
for further work and development. wards the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical
manufacturers, who are expected to adopt them, it
is also stated that the academic community has an
important role as inventors and as educators.
Thus, the preparedness of the academic educa-
Correspondence: Professor Carl-Fredrik Mandenius, Biotechnology/IFM, tion and training (E&T) systems for realising M3C
Linköping University, 581 83 Linköping, Sweden competences seems a crucial step towards its suc-
Fax: +46-13-281399 cessful implementation in manufacturing. Obvi-
E-mail: [email protected]
ously, it concerns both basic education at under-
Abbreviations: DoE, design of experiments; E&T, education and training;
graduate and graduate levels but most probably
M3C, measurement, monitoring, modelling and control; MVDA, multivari- should also include post-university training for
ate data analysis; PAT, process analytical technology; QbD, quality-by- those in industry. Overall, both would improve the
design efficiency of knowledge and competence transfer

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Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2010, 5, 359–367

between academia and industry and probably also processes other than those specific to biotechnolo-
stimulate scientific development in M3C. gy-related pharmaceuticals. Bio-manufacturing of
In this context, an expert panel was set up to fo- food ingredients, specialty and commodity (bio)-
cus on mapping how the academic competences in chemicals, bio-energy products, and applications in
M3C education and training are distributed in Eu- sewage treatment are all examples of manufacture
rope, how these are made available efficiently and resulting in biologicals or bioactivity that are obvi-
what further specific needs can be identified. This ous objects for M3C. The principles of PAT and the
expert report is the output of that panel meeting methodologies of M3C are thus applicable to any
and provides an overview of the situation and bioprocess either for quality control or for achiev-
makes recommendations and suggestions for ing process economics.
meeting current needs, identifying gaps and mis- Measurement in biochemical engineering M3C
matches, with strategies for closing these. covers all forms of analytical detection of biochem-
ically relevant analytes – physical, chemical or bio-
logical as well as data generated by omics tech-
2 Topics of education and training in M3C niques. From the quality viewpoint methodological
developments of measurement techniques should
Applications of M3C in biochemical engineering focus on increasing sensitivity, accuracy and selec-
cover a wide range of diverse techniques and tivity. However, such highly sophisticated and pow-
methodologies [2]. Figure 1 shows an overview of erful measurement techniques can only deploy
M3C subjects in relation to their utility in process their full potential if their connection to the actual
analytical technology (PAT). The fact that PAT as process comprising sampling, sample storage and
well as M3C brings a wider interpretation of the an- treatment procedures is of high quality as well.This
alytical science than usual enables the establish- is particularly important when applying omics
ment of a much closer relationship between these techniques for intracellular components [3–5]. The
areas. Although PAT is primarily shaped from a ultimate goal is to improve the ability to reliably
regulatory perspective, it mentions typical M3C is- measure critical concentrations of bio-compounds
sues, such as the need for sensitive detection meth- in complex media – in particular in industrial me-
ods, on-line and real-time monitoring, models for dia or environments.
prediction and identification, feedback control Monitoring commonly refers to the surveillance
methods and risk management, as its main tools for of states or composition of industrial media and
achieving quality and efficiency in pharmaceutical presupposes that the information so-gained will be
processing [1]. Indirectly, this serves as a compre- useful for certain actions and/or immediate or
hensive frame work for E&T since it envisages the timely decisions – during manufacture or other in-
direct industrial use of the concepts of PAT and dustrially relevant processing. Quite often it con-
M3C. cerns process control. Monitoring is therefore nor-
M3C in biotechnology, however, has a signifi- mally understood to be carried out on-line, or at
cantly wider scope since it also includes bio- least just-in-time, in order to effect a suitable con-
trol strategy.
M3C competence areas On-line monitoring may also be categorised as
being in situ, in-line or at-line, thereby indicating
• Quality analysis the character of the sampling technique being ap-
• Advanced instrumentation
• Omics methods
plied. The intention to use on-line monitoring for a
control purpose highlights the value of good
Monitoring process models.An accurate mathematical descrip-
• Process Sensors tion of the bioprocess where on-line signals can be
• On-line sensors
• Biosensor fed back for control is the goal [6]. Modelling of bi-
Analytical ological systems opens up for the need for a variety
Modelling Technology of mathematical methods such as proportional-in-
• Chemometrics
• Mechanistic modelling
tegral-derivative (PID) controllers, estimators and
• Modelling for data analysis model-based control algorithms for which theoret-
• Modelling for control
ical understanding has long been a key subject in
Control several branches of engineering education. The
• Basic control methods
• Automation complexity of biological systems makes these
• Advanced control methods methodologies especially demanding and thus re-
quires qualified practitioners and appropriate E&T
Figure 1. M3C competence areas. for their formation and application in practice [6].

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Another well-established application area of With the increased attention to the use of QbD
on-line monitoring is on-line process estimation. methods in this industry, a mindset change is evolv-
This is, of course, also an integral part of process ing, and so is the need for education in the method-
control. Topics such as software sensor methods, ologies covered by M3C.
which combine hardware sensors and software- In R&D, methods for the production of active
based models, represent challenging opportunities pharmaceutical ingredients (API) are now devel-
for biological applications where state-of-the-art oped with intensive application of QbD elements.
measurement technology can be upgraded by the Design of experiment (DoE) tools [9] and statistical
use of a deeper model-based understanding. Re- models are all important elements in the develop-
cent attempts to carry out on-line estimations us- ment and control of fermentation and cultivation
ing basic mechanistic models for describing the bi- processes, and on-line monitors, i.e. PAT, have al-
ological process systems seem promising. ways been necessary and used for feedback control
A third area of application of measurement, of a number of variables like pH, conductivity, pO2,
monitoring and modelling in biotechnology is pre- etc. Chemical and enzymatic reactions and synthe-
diction based on statistical methods. Chemometrics sis are now characterised by DoE and are the sub-
encompasses a range of powerful methods that can ject of feedforward control by mechanistic rate
be directly applied to biosystems if data are of suf- models, e.g. based on fairly simple Arrhenius ex-
ficient quality. Also when the certainty of the bio- pressions. Purification covers a number of unit op-
logical process data is low, the statistical treatment erations, including chromatography, membrane
has a potential for analysing the data in a more ro- processes, crystallisation, precipitation, and cen-
bust way. Multivariate data analysis (MVDA; e.g. us- trifugation. Here DoE, mechanistic models and PID
ing principal components analysis), cluster analy- control are more widespread tools. For example,
sis, as well as different types of artificial neural net- mechanistic models for chromatography have re-
works and other similar data-driven modelling cently been applied for industrial purposes [10],
methods can be valuable assets for use in bio- while PAT tools like pH, conductivity, UV and even
chemical engineering [7]. on-line HPLC are used to monitor and control the
Clearly, the attention to PAT has in many ways process. Finally, formulation processes exploit DoE
propelled the development of M3C significantly [2, for gaining a better knowledge of the process chal-
6]. The close connection to quality-by-design lenge and robustness, and various PAT tools are ap-
(QbD) principles, for defining design space and plied for monitoring/control of mixing, pH, etc. [11].
control space, and of using design of experiments Robotic technologies now play an increasingly
on the manufacturing bioprocess data, has further central role in the implementation of QbD for the
emphasised the usefulness of good M3C method- generation of parameters for mechanistic models
ologies [8]. [12] as well as in experimental DoE set-ups. These
Given the extent and the complexity of the QbD methodologies are typically developed in
scope of M3C methods, a coherent E&T platform small or lab-scale environments and then trans-
that meets the requirements for the industrial ferred and implemented in pilot plants, and later in
users seems timely and justified. production. Transfer procedures are highly de-
pendent on the extent of process knowledge that
exists. The mathematical models of some unit op-
3 Needs in the biotechnology industry for erations are easily scalable, like chromatographic
education and training in M3C topics steps, while others are not, such as fermentation
and mixing processes. Mathematical models are
The application of M3C tools is widespread in the crucial to ensuring that any process developed at
biotechnology industry; however, the specific small scale translates effectively to that used at
needs depend on the industry category, the size of large scale, as any changes and deviations may
the company, and the type of area within each com- have a significant impact on both the yield and
pany, e.g. production and R&D. quality of the product. In biopharmaceutical pro-
Pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical indus- duction, LEAN/Six Sigma tools are increasingly
tries are traditionally quite conservative business- implemented and mathematical models and PAT
es with respect to production technologies due to a tools are perfect elements for production plan-
high degree of regulation from authorities. Conse- ning/optimisation and reduction of off-line meas-
quently, changes to existing facilities and methods urement and control, respectively. Finally, robust
have been difficult to implement. Most processes mathematical models are extremely useful for
are thus run at predefined set points, often with lit- trouble-shooting in pilot plants and production en-
tle degree of monitoring, control or use of models. vironments.

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The ability to evaluate QbD methodologies is partment, be that life science or engineering. This
also an important need, e.g. uncertainty analysis by strongly affects how M3C skills are delivered.
Monte Carlo simulation of mathematical models Where an engineering background prevails more
[13] and measurement system analysis (MSA) of emphasis tends to be placed on processing and sys-
PAT tools, and an increased demand for personnel tem analysis, modelling and control, often using
capable of mastering mechanistic modelling and engineering nomenclature not naturally applied in
chemometrics is foreseen as an industrial pre-req- the life sciences. Equally, a life sciences back-
uisite. ground will usually result in superior consideration
of measurement principles for biologicals and
some practical exposure to these but coverage of
4 Educational organisations with capacities monitoring and control will generally be less es-
for M3C E&T tablished. On the one hand it is easy to point out
such a weakness, though on the other hand it is a
Organisations providing E&T in M3C include uni- real challenge to find suitably trained teaching staff
versities, companies offering E&T services and and the quality teaching materials expected by stu-
company in-house training.Thus, a complex flow of dents in a global education marketplace. This gap
trained people between different types of training has not gone unnoticed; US academics have creat-
facilities is involved (Fig. 2). ed a Bioengineering Educational Materials Bank
(BioEMB) ( as a step
4.1 Universities towards meeting this need. For the European Uni-
versities to create a balanced, well-supported M3C
Today a variety of university departments and cen- skills provision it is perhaps necessary to develop a
tres exist that have developed in response to the similar collection of teaching materials and also to
advances in the life sciences. Their areas of focus provide a forum for educators to develop their own
are correspondingly diverse; from bio-refining, skills in complementary areas.
bioremediation and food to biopharmaceuticals As the manufacture of biologicals becomes
and regenerative medicine. Even the largest only global, certain regions have sought to attract facili-
cover subsets of the above in any depth. These ed- ties and investment in manufacturing capacity. So
ucational centres provide a range of undergraduate for example, Ireland in Europe, Singapore in Asia
and postgraduate programmes addressing the and Puerto Rico in the Americas have each demon-
challenges posed by relevant industries. The post- strated a succession of high-profile biotech indus-
graduate programmes usually align with the try investments over the past decade. Local univer-
providers’ areas of expertise, while the undergrad- sities have developed courses to support the mover.
uate courses tend to reflect the origins of the de- However, the multinational companies involved
will draw key staff from further afield as required
to get the best. Consequently, the market for stu-
Industry dents from leading universities is also increasingly
MSc Pharmaceutical global and, as a result, many students often wish to
University industry
MSc and PhDs PhDs
use the opportunity of studying in another country
as one during which to broaden their experience.
industry In-house

External Post-
4.2 Education by companies
university Courses/ Biotech supplier
Re-education firms
In parallel with the university E&T approaches,
Other different types of teaching and educational servic-
Education service
es related to M3C subjects are offered by private
companies. For example, some companies offer
courses on different topics within their own train-
Public sector ing centres or in collaboration with universities.
associations Such courses are sometimes also offered by non-
profit organisations at moderate fee levels. In addi-
tion to this, most biotech companies offer opportu-
Figure 2. Diagram showing the flows of competence and human re-
sources in E&T. The diagram illustrates the generation and flow of compe-
nities for their own staff through internal in-house
tences in M3C from different educational organisations to industry and training programmes, workshops and symposia on
public sector. Dark arrows represent knowledge and competence transfer. particular monitoring, measurement, modelling
Lighter arrows represent human resources. and control topics (see also below) (see Table 1).

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Table 1. Examples of commercial providers of E&T in M3C subjects

Type of provides E&T product Provider

Commercial provider Training product software Sartorius Stedim Biotech S.A
Commercial provider Cell culture analysis, biostatistics PromoCell Academy
Non-profit provider Haus der Technik
Non-profit provider DECHEMA
Non-profit provider Europäisches Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft
In-house training Training product software COMSOL AB
In-house training Training product software Endress+Hauser
In-house training Training product software Pepperl+Fuchs
In-house training Training product software Hach-Lange
In-house training Training product software Siemens
In-house training Training product software ABB
In-house training Training product software Rockwell Automation
Supportive products for E&T Tutorial software Armfield
Supportive products for E&T Tutorial software LD Didatic
Supportive products for E&T Tutorial software Landgraf Laborsysteme GmbH
Supportive products for E&T Tutorial software s&h Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Supportive products for E&T Tutorial software Ingenieurbüro Dr.-Ing. Schoop GmbH
Training simulators Plant operation training Siemens: SIMIT SCE
Training simulators Plant operation training Siemens: SIMIT OTS

However, many of these training services are eral offer such training. Courses are also offered by
closely related to commercial soft- or hardware specialised training companies who have agree-
products rather than focusing on the special needs ments with a software provider. As a result the par-
for a comprehensive M3C education specific to bio- ticipants of these courses learn both the necessary
chemical engineering. Additionally, supportive theoretical basics and also how to use the tech-
products for education and training such as soft- niques encoded within the specific software tool
ware, hardware or educational plants are available, used in their company. There is also an increasing
sometimes equipped with special elements cover- trend for targeted courses that provide the partici-
ing M3C topics. Most companies offering products pants with the knowledge they need for applying
in the field of measurement, monitoring, modelling chemometric tools in their specific application.
and control also offer training versions of their
products. However, although the products are fre- 4.3 In-house education at biotech companies
quently used in biotechnological production, very
often tutorials or teaching aids with a particular Small and medium-size biotech companies may
emphasis on biochemical engineering are missing. have difficulties, both financially and due to lack of
More introductory and general education is pro- in-house competences, in establishing their own
vided by dedicated textbooks covering many as- educational platform and hence creating a pool of
pects, from material and energy balancing to on- in-house trained personnel.As such, far greater re-
line measurement and control, as well as bio- liance has to be placed on recruiting personnel al-
process technology that are also used in dedicated ready strained within companies or from universi-
post-university training courses [14, 15]. ties providing education or self-studies. For larger
Of particular interest for M3C is post-graduate companies these approaches may also apply, but
E&T in chemometrics. Post-university education in typically larger companies have established their
chemometrics [16, 17] for those already working in own internal education departments and/or organ-
industry or for PhD students is today available from isations.
a number of companies. Of necessity these courses Education in M3C areas as well as other scien-
are limited in time, typically 2–3 days, and provide tific and engineering fields is usually handled in
a basic, general view of the topic and are designed one or several ways depending on the level need-
to provide the skills to use the techniques confi- ed. As an example, applied industrial levels of
dently. For this type of training, access to software mathematical modelling education may be (i) tech-
is vital and explains why software providers in gen- nician/operator level, e.g. use models to run

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processes through simple user interfaces; (ii) sci- taking place in them is the object for the E&T at
entist/engineer level, e.g. apply models to develop, universities and companies. Tools, either hardware
optimise or trouble-shoot unit operations; and (iii) or software-based simulators where the theory can
expert level, e.g. change and optimise model com- be represented and the time course and 3D envi-
puter codes, etc. Several education approaches are ronment visualised in training sessions are useful.
applied, but high-level plans are mostly used for The further development of such tools seems to be
those typically in production areas optionally in- at the core of the E&T of most M3C methodologies.
volving education departments, while more specif-
ic approaches are taken for higher level education, 5.1 Software programs for modelling
e.g. custom-designed courses, invited experts, and
use of consultants. Special sessions and mini- Access to appropriate software programs is an es-
courses/seminars by internal experts for knowl- sential prerequisite for successful E&T on model-
edge-sharing and transfer are also widely used, as ling and simulation (Table 2). A broad range of pro-
is secondment of key personnel. grams is available and can be subdivided into (i)
software for general process applications and (ii)
simulator packages that are dedicated to specific
5 Educational tools for training in M3C bioprocesses. For the first group, modelling and
simulation are typically offered for one type of
Efficient training requires good teaching tools.This functionality, while the user usually has to imple-
includes access to laboratory bioreactors and ment the models based on available process exam-
downstream operations, sensors and control ples. The latter has the advantage of offering great
equipment and analytical instrumentation. Some flexibility, but requires skilled users. Moreover, er-
of these may be computerised and/or based on ror-free model implementation is a crucial issue –
user-interfaces linked to mathematical models.The normally this requires multi-site testing by differ-
theory and handling of the equipment, based on ent users who implement the same model inde-
these models and the operation of the processes pendently.

Table 2. Examples of software tools useful for M3C training

Main use Tool/product name Functionality Refs/website

Modelling MapleSimTM Wide applications
Matlab SimulinkTM Wide applications
MathematicaTM Wide applications
SciLabTM Wide applications
OctaveTM Wide applications
AspenPlusTM Simulation package
ComsolTM Simulation package
DymolaTM Simulation package
gPROMsTM Simulation package
SuperPro DesignerTM Simulation package
Open ModelicaTM Simulation package
BioSolv Simulation package
WinErsTM Simulation package [19],
Chemometrics MODDETM, SIMCATM-P+ DoE and MVDA packages
Design-ExpertTM DoE package
JmpTM DoE package
StatisticaTM DoE and MVDA package
MiniTabTM DoE and MVDA package
RTM DoE and MVDA package
MatlabTM MVDA package
Control MatlabTM Control toolbox
WinErsTM Linking software [19],
LabViewTM Linking software [20],
SimApp Control simulation

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Examples of commercial softwares for general 5.3 Simulator tools for automatic control
applications currently used in academia are
MapleSim™, Matlab™-Simulink™ and Mathemat- Different groups of automatic control simulators
ica™. In addition to that, a number of free multi- and software tools assisting the development of au-
purpose software products can be downloaded, e.g. tomation strategies and controllers are available.
SciLab™ and Octave™. Examples of commercial An important group of simulators has its origin in
simulator packages are Aspen Plus™, COMSOL™, the automation and control industry. The simula-
Dymola™, gPROMS™, BioSolv™ and SuperPro tors may be used to simplify and assist the devel-
Designer™ [18]. Commercial software is frequent- opment and to test complex automation strategies.
ly used in industry, and comes with the advantage These tools are also useful for the development of
that the code is validated, i.e. should contain a min- specific operator training systems for the education
imum of coding errors. An example of free simula- and training of engineers and plant personnel in
tor packages is OpenModelicaTM (see also Table 2). the field of plant operation (Table 2). Educational
versions are often derived from this type of simu-
5.2 Tools for chemometrics lator and these are particularly suitable for higher
Depending on the required level of training to be A second group of simulators has their origin in
achieved different tools for chemometrics educa- universities and the scientific community.Tools like
tion are necessary. DoE and MVDA [18] can only be the Matlab™ control tool box or the software Win-
taught to a limited extent by practice without losing Ers™ [20] are also useful for developing highly so-
deeper theoretical understanding. Therefore a bet- phisticated controllers and control strategies. In
ter approach is to conduct the basic theoretical addition, they offer a great variety of mathematical
training by hand, or in tools such as Excel™, and functions, such as solvers for systems of differen-
move over to specialised software packages when tial equations. Thus, they may also be used as mod-
the applications become more complex. elling software (see above).
DoE is a fairly specific and well-developed top- Recent developments close the gap between au-
ic where many commercially available software tomatic control systems, simulators and modelling
packages exist, which, when it comes to basic DoE software. A new interface between LabVIEW™ and
theory, are similar. The differences in these soft- Matlab™-Simulink™ [21] enables the develop-
ware packages are in terms of the ease of use, visu- ment of operator training systems or automatic
alisation of results, data analytical tools and diag- control test systems with a broad variety of func-
nostics, which differ depending on target group. tions. With the software WinErs™ numerous inter-
Examples of software are MODDE™ (MKS Umet- faces and drivers are offered, which also allow the
rics AB), Design-expert™ (Stat-Ease Inc), Jmp™ inclusion of modelling software, or even dynamic
(SAS Inc.), Statistica™ (StatSoft Inc.) and Mini- link libraries (DLL), compiled from “C” or “FOR-
tab™ (Table 2). TRAN” source codes [20].
MVDA is a broader topic where different soft- With respect to biochemical engineering educa-
ware packages are specialised for different types of tion the software packages may be used for the de-
multivariate modelling. For instance, the multivari- velopment of branch-specific training and educa-
ate projection techniques – principal component tion simulators. Examples for such simulators,
analysis (PCA), partial least square (PLS) and ex- specifically designed for the training and education
tensions of these – are available in specialised soft- in biochemical engineering, have been published
wares. These techniques are especially suitable for [22–24]. However, further development of these
advanced process modelling and monitoring of simulators in combination with didactic concepts
both continuous and batch processes and there is a on different levels would be of great value.
high demand for people with skills in this area.
There are other multivariate techniques such as ar- 5.4 Databases as a training resource
tificial neural networks, and which technique to
teach depends on the expected challenges for the E&T would certainly benefit from publicly avail-
students in their future. For statistical experts there able databases or datasets that could be consulted
is the group of major statistical software packages and used as a teaching resource. One type of such
Statistica™, SPSS™, Minitab™ and for researchers a database would be repositories of implemented
Matlab™ and R™ based toolboxes. Matlab™ and and validated models. In particular, this could be
R™ are vital tools in the search for new algorithms useful for teaching process modelling and simula-
but for the basic user and during training they can tion techniques, or be used as process models in the
be overwhelming. teaching of process control. The fact that many

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published models are only partly documented, or efit and encourage private as well as public in-
even contain model errors, makes it difficult to in- terest, providing new job opportunities and
terpret data correctly when developing the model strengthening the quality of life. It should be of
code [24]. Access to validated datasets in a reposi- particular interest for international grant pro-
tory would strengthen the quality of training mod- grammes such as EU Framework, National Sci-
els considerably and could, for example, be created ence Foundation, NATO-supported research as
as the result of academic collaborations or network well as for national research and technology de-
actions. velopment programmes to stimulate the indus-
A second type of database, which is currently try in this field.
lacking, is a repository of validated, or at least doc- 4. Academia and other E&T suppliers would ben-
umented, bioprocess data. This could be used for efit from the creation of new educational tools.
the purposes of E&T of process monitoring appli- This includes better software programs, access
cations and model parameter estimation. Estab- to databases with industrial data, visualisation
lishment of this type of repository would require of processes, videos, materials and modern text
substantial industrial support. However, if compa- books of a good standard and at an affordable
nies could make such data sets available, the im- price. Other areas in life science have been sig-
pact of E&T quality would benefit greatly. nificantly more successful with this. There is a
As noted earlier, important simulators for plant potential in industry to provide non-confiden-
design are computer-aided engineering (CAE) tial data and collections of case studies for stim-
tools such as Aspen™, ChemCad™ and SuperPro ulating teaching and to bring a higher degree of
Designer™. In recent developments, these simula- realism into the basic studies.
tors allow the use of customer-developed models as 5. Dedicated workshops to develop the constituent
well as dynamic models. However, some further de- subtopics of M3C on a number of areas, such as
velopment of these simulators is necessary to be competences of students and young profession-
able to use them as tools for the development of als, and E&T didactics, are needed.
plant operation and control strategies and thus for 6. Establishment of a short international M3C
the education in this field. master course (with a modular version for real-
isation at training sites or embedded into cur-
rent university-led programmes) would raise
6 Conclusions and recommendations awareness and the general level of competences
in the M3C field.
1. This report attempts to crystallise the current 7. A set of tailor-made post-university E&T mod-
definitions of the M3C core competences.This is, ules for technicians, management, non-engi-
however, a much more extensive task than a neers, at BSc/MSc and PhD levels, would pro-
short report allows. Additional general work- vide a vital resource for this field and an up-
shops in which fundamental issues and defini- skilling of staff across the EU. The result would
tions are discussed and developed will be need- be a gain in industrial competitiveness.
ed for this key aspect to progress from words to
biochemical engineering practice. The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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