Po 300000009299396 Pur-In318101-0000002127 0

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PO No : PUR-IN318101-0000002127
PO Date : 9-Mar-24
PO revision : 0
NO-31,SECONDSTREET Revision date :
PERUNGUDI Payment Terms : 30 Days
Tamil Nadu Delivery Address:
600096 Somerset Greenways Chennai
INDIA No 94, Sathyadev Avenue, MRC Nagar
Chennai 600028
Attn : INDIA
Tel : 91-9381045883
E-mail : Tel : -+91 044 71000001
E-mail : [email protected]
GST Number : 33AEVPP9710R1ZG
Billing Entity
Rattha Somerset Greenways (Chennai) Private Limited
Somerset Greenways Chennai
No 94, Sathyadev Avenue, MRC Nagar
Chennai 600028

Tel : -+91 044 71000001

E-mail : [email protected]

TIN Registration No : 33270702708

GST Number : 33AAACO8538J1Z9

No Item Description HSN/ CGST SGST Quantit UO Unit Price Amount

SAC RATE RATE y M (Pre-Tax) (Pre-Tax)
% %

1 Shower fitting chrome 6 6 5.00 SET 2,250.00 11,250.00


2 Handle chrome plating 6 6 5.00 NO 300.00 1,500.00

3 Cubical door pentagon 6 6 8.00 NO 600.00 4,800.00


4 cubical door rod clamp 6 6 6.00 NO 120.00 720.00

chrome plating

Note to Supplier:

INR Total (Pre-Tax) 18,270.00

Total CGST 1,096.20
Total SGST 1,096.20
Total PO Value 20,462.40

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This is a computer generated purchase order, no signature is required
1. Definitions
In these Conditions: -
1.1. "Buyer" shall mean The Ascott Limited (TAL), any of its Related Corporations (as defined below), associates, joint ventures, any Real Estate Investment
Trusts (REIT) or private funds managed by TAL or its Related Corporations, and includes any serviced residence properties (owned or managed by TAL or its
related corporations) as indicated in the Order.
1.2. "Conditions" means the standard terms and conditions set out in this document and include any special terms agreed in writing between the Buyer and the
1.3. "Contract" means the contract for sale and purchase of the Goods and/or the supply and acquisition of the Services.
1.4. "Delivery Address" means the address stated in the Order.
1.5. "Goods" means goods described in the Order.
1.6. "Order" means the Buyer's purchase/work to which the Conditions are annexed.
1.7. "Services" means the services described in the Order (if any).
1.8. "Vendor" means the person described in the Order.

2. Basis of Purchase
2.1 The Order constitutes an offer by the Buyer to purchase the Goods and/or acquire the Services subject to the Conditions. Upon acceptance of the Order, the
Vendor shall be deemed to have accepted the Conditions.
2.2 The Conditions shall apply to the Contract and supersede any other terms and conditions on which the quotation has been given to the Buyer or subject to
which the Order is accepted by the Vendor.
2.3 No variation to the Order or the Conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing by the authorised representatives of the Buyer and the Vendor.
2.4 The Order is personal to the Vendor. Performance obligations shall not be assigned or transferred by the Vendor without prior written approval by the Buyer,
and any attempted assignment or transfer without such consent shall be void. Vendor shall not subcontract any substantial portion of the work to be performed by
it under the Order without the prior written consent of the Buyer.

3. Order
3.1 All orders for the Goods and/or Services must be confirmed by the Order issued by the Buyer. The Buyer shall assign a Purchase Order No. for the Order.
3.2 All amendments to any Order have to be endorsed by the Buyer.

4. Specifications/Quality
4.1 The quantity, quality and description of the Goods and/or Services shall be as specified in the Order and/or any available specifications supplied by the Buyer
to the Vendor or agreed in writing by the Buyer (the "Specification").
4.2 The Goods shall be: -
(a) of merchantable quality and fit for the purpose held out by the Vendor or specified to the Vendor in writing at the time the Order is placed; and
(b) free from defects in design, material and workmanship; and
(c) correspond to the Specifications.
4.3 The Services will be performed by appropriately qualified and trained personnel, with due care and diligence to such high standards and quality as it is
reasonable for the Buyer to expect the circumstances.

5. Delivery
5.1 The Goods must be delivered to, and the Services performed at, the Delivery Address on the date or within the period stated in the Order during the Buyer's
business hours
5.2 The delivery dates indicated by the Buyer for the Goods and/or Services to be supplied under the Order are of the essence. Failure to meet agreed delivery
dates shall be considered a breach of contract. The Vendor agrees to pay to the Buyer any costs, expenses and damages imposed upon or incurred by the Buyer
for failure on the part of the Vendor to deliver the Goods by such delivery date(s) or performance of Services on such delivery date(s).
5.3 The Buyer is entitled to reject the Goods and Services not delivered or performed in accordance with the Contract.
5.4 In the event of any strikes, accidents, contingencies or causes beyond the control of the Buyer which renders the acceptance of the delivery of the Goods or
performance of the Services impracticable, the Buyer is entitled to require the Vendor to suspend delivery of the Goods or performance of the Services. The
Vendor shall have no claim for loss, damages, costs and expenses against the Buyer where the Buyer requires the Vendor to suspend delivery or performance.
5.5 If the Goods are to be delivered, or the Services to be performed by instalments, the Contract will be treated as a single contract and not severable.

6. Shipping
6.1 Where the Goods are not available ex-stock and the Buyer agrees in writing that the Goods will be delivered on an indent basis, a notice of shipment must be
sent to the Buyer stating the Specifications of the Goods, quantity of the Goods, the name of the Vendor and the route of shipment.
6.2 The Purchase Order No. and shipping marks must appear in all relevant correspondence and documents, including but not limited to invoices, bills of lading,
airway bills, packing lists etc.
6.3 A copy of the packing lists must accompany each delivery or consignment of Goods and be displayed prominently so that the Goods can be checked when
received at each destination.

7. Risk and Property

7.1 The property to the Goods shall pass to the Buyer upon the delivery and acceptance by the Buyer.

8. Payment
8.1 The price of the Goods and Services shall be stated in the Order (the "Price") and shall (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Buyer) be inclusive of all
charges for packaging, packing, shipping, carriage or insurance and delivery of Goods to the Delivery Address.
8.2 No payment shall proceed until the Vendor submits the Delivery Order and Invoice (both referencing the Purchase Order No.) to the Buyer's Finance
Department. Unless otherwise stated in the Order, the Buyer shall pay the price of the Goods and Services within thirty (30) days from the date of the receipt of the
invoice from the Vendor.
8.3 Where the Buyer has agreed to bear charges for packaging, packing, shipping, carriage or insurance, such charges must be substantiated by the invoice from
the relevant parties, bill of lading, airway bills and any other documentation as required by the Buyer.
8.4 The Buyer reserves the rights to withhold payment in the event of any of the foregoing conditions of the Order not being compiled with.

9. Confidentiality
9.1 The Vendor shall ensure that all information, matters and working policies in connection with the Contract and the Order or any information relating to the
business activities, finances or confidential matters of the Buyer or its related corporations which may be disclosed to the Vendor's employees are kept confidential
by the Vendor and its employees and not be revealed, divulged or disclosed to any person, firm or company, unless with the prior consent in writing of the Buyer.
The provisions of this Clause shall continue to apply notwithstanding the termination of this Contract for whatever reason or the completion of the performance by
the Vendor of its obligations prescribed herein. Any knowledge or information which the Vendor may disclose to the Buyer shall not be deemed to be confidential
or proprietary information and shall be provided to the Buyer free from any restrictions as to use or disclosure thereof.
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This is a computer generated purchase order, no signature is required
10. Indemnity
10.1 The Vendor shall indemnify and hold the Buyer, its officers, employees and agents, harmless against all loss, costs, claims, liabilities, expenses and/or fines:

• arising as a result of the Vendor's, its employees', officers' or agents' acts or omissions, including gross negligence, wilful default or fraud of the
Vendor, its officers, employees and agents, including but not limited to the employment of foreign illegal workers by the Vendor;
• arising out of the death or injury to any person, property damage or loss, or economic injury due to the Vendor's, its employees', officers' or agents'
acts or omissions; and
• for actual or alleged infringement of any patent invention, design, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights, except where such
infringement or alleged infringement arises solely by reason of designs originally furnished to the Vendor by the Buyer.

11. No waiver
11.1 No failure or delay to exercise or in exercising any right or remedy under this Contract and/or Order by the Buyer and/or Vendor shall be construed as a
waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy under this Contract preclude the exercise of any other right or remedy or preclude the
further exercise of such right or remedy. The rights and remedies provided in the Contract or any Order are cumulative and are not exclusive of any rights or
remedies provided by law.

12. Acceptance and Warranty

12.1 Final acceptance of any Goods by the Buyer will not be made until after arrival at the Buyer's premises from which the Order originates, unless otherwise
specified herein. The Vendor warrants that all Goods supplied by and the Services rendered by the Vendor under the Order conform to the requirements,
specifications, drawings, samples or other descriptions furnished or adopted by the Buyer and that they are of good material and workmanship and free from all
defects in manufacture or design, and are of merchantable quality and fit for their intended purpose. Such warranties by the Vendor shall run to the benefits of the
Buyer its employees and purchasers from the Buyer. Buyer's approval of designs furnished by the Vendor shall not relieve the Vendor of its obligation under this
warranty. The Vendor's warranty shall be effective for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the Goods by the Buyer, or for such longer period as
specified by the Buyer. All Goods returned to the Vendor for breach of warranty hereunder shall be at the Vendor's expense, including expenses and penalties
incurred by the Buyer in recalling such Goods which have been delivered to the Buyer's clients and/or customers and expense of redelivery. The Vendor agrees
that shipment of Goods against the Order constitutes certification that all Goods included in the shipment conform in all respects to the applicable requirements,
specifications, and drawings. The Vendor will make process control data, inspection, and test reports covering the Goods available for review and subject to
examination by the Buyer or its authorised representative to verify conformance to such applicable specifications and drawings. However, a certificate of
conformance must accompany individual shipments when so specified on applicable drawings, or on the front of the Order. Any Goods not accepted by the Buyer
may be returned to the Vendor at the Vendor's expense for full credit of the purchase price. Inspection may be performed at the Buyer's option on a statistical
sampling basis. The entire lot may be rejected based on defects revealed by such sampling. At the Buyer's option, the rejected lot will be either returned to the
Vendor for replacement or credit or 100% screened by the Buyer with cost of screening paid by the Vendor. The initial inspection performed by the Buyer on
receipt of the Goods is a conditional acceptance, and shall not constitute a waiver of the right of the Buyer to return the Goods to the Vendor which exhibits or
develops defects due to the latent causes during or after installation or testing of the end product. The Vendor shall preserve all special drawings, plans, design,
patterns or other items supplied or paid for by the Buyer in good condition; and they are the property of the Buyer unless otherwise specified, and the same such
items shall be returned in good condition when the Services rendered under the Order has been completed or terminated, or at any other time as requested by the
Buyer. No special drawing, plan, design, pattern or other item supplied by the Buyer or made by the Vendor for the use of or delivery to the Buyer, or for use by the
Vendor in supplying to the Buyer, shall be used by the Vendor for any purpose other than supplying the Buyer, without the Vendor first obtaining the written
consent of the Buyer thereto. If material, equipment, special drawings, plans, designs, patterns, or other items are furnished by the Buyer for performance of the
Order, all risk of loss thereof or damage thereto shall be borne by the Vendor from the time of shipment to the Vendor until redelivery to and receipt by the Buyer.

13. Changes
13.1 The Buyer may change from time to time any of the drawings, specifications or instructions for Goods and/or Services covered by the Order and the Vendor
shall comply with such change notices. If such changes result in a decrease or increase in the Vendor's cost or in the time for performance, and adjustment in the
price and time for performance may be made by the parties in writing, provided, however, that the Vendor notifies the Buyer of the request for such adjustments
within thirty (30) days after receipt by it of the change notice.

14. Termination
14.1 In the event that the Vendor fails, neglects or refuses to perform any of its obligations under this Contract, the Buyer shall give the Vendor a notice to remedy
or rectify the breach within fourteen (14) days or such other period as stipulated by Buyer; upon the Vendor's failure to remedy or rectify the breach within the
stipulated period, Buyer shall be at liberty to serve the Vendor a written notice of termination whereupon this Contract shall forthwith be terminated immediately
and absolutely without prejudice to the rights of Buyer in respect of any antecedent breach or liability to the Vendor.
14.2 The Buyer can terminate this Contract by giving one (1) calendar month's notice in writing to the Vendor without any obligation to inform the Vendor of any
reason therefor and the Vendor shall not have any claim or demand against the Buyer for any costs, compensation, damages, penalty or otherwise in respect of
such termination, and without prejudice to the right of the Buyer to claim damages if there is a breach of contract.
14.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Contract, in the event the Buyer and the Vendor fail to agree on the Schedule of Rates in respect of out-of-scope
services, parts, equipment, procedures, the Buyer shall be entitled to terminate this Contract by providing the Vendor with two (2) calendar month's notice in
writing and the Vendor shall have no right to claim for compensation in connection therewith.
14.4 Upon the termination of the Contract, the Vendor shall:
(a) only be permitted to remove any of its apparatus and equipment which have been placed by it within the site after satisfaction of all debts owed by it to the
Buyer, failing which the Buyer shall have the right to dispose of them by sale or auction immediately and deduct from the proceeds of sale all and any monies due
to the Buyer including all costs and expenses incurred by the Buyer in respect of such sale or auction; and
(b) forthwith yield and deliver possession to the Buyer of all documents, premises, plants, equipment, machinery, facilities, monies, etc belonging to the Buyer.

15. Personal Data

15.1 Vendor shall comply with the provisions of Schedule 1 in relation to personal data.

16. Suppression of Corrupt Practice

16.1 CapitaLand Group is committed to conducting its business in an ethical manner and expects all its employees and parties with which it has contractual
relationship to conduct themselves with high ethical standards and to comply with applicable laws for the suppression of corrupt practices ("Anti-Corruption Laws").
16.2 The Vendor represents and warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, neither it nor any person who (by reference to all relevant circumstances) performs
services or acts for or on its behalf in any capacity (including, without limitation, employees, agents, related corporations and subcontractors) ("Representatives")
has contravened, or procured or encouraged third parties (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Buyer's employees or any person acting on the Buyer's behalf)
to contravene, any Anti-Corruption Laws in connection with the Contract.
16.3 The Vendor shall immediately notify the Buyer if any person employed by the Buyer or acting on the Buyer's behalf or any of the Vendor's Representatives,
has contravened or attempted to contravene any Anti-Corruption Laws in connection with the Contract, and shall take adequate steps to protect the interests of
both the Buyer and the Vendor. All notices to the Buyer in this regard should be sent to Chairman of the Audit Committee c/o Head of Internal Audit of CapitaLand
Limited at the following email address [email protected].
16.4 The Buyer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract forthwith if the Vendor or any of its Representatives has contravened or attempted to contravene any
Anti-Corruption Laws, whether in connection with the Contract or otherwise. Such termination shall be without prejudice to the Buyer's other rights and remedies
whether under the Contract or otherwise.

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This is a computer generated purchase order, no signature is required
17. Applicable Law
17.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract, the validity, interpretation, and performance of the terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of the
country from which the Order is issued, in force at the date of the Order for the contracts made and to be performed in such country.

18. Corporate Sustainability

18.1 The Vendor acknowledges that the Buyer's group of companies subscribe to certain principles and practices to ensure that it does business in a socially
responsible manner by promoting sustainable development in its business. In this regard, the Buyer encourages its Vendor to be socially and environmentally
responsible. The Vendor shall comply with the Supply Chain Code of Conduct Initiative as set out in Schedule 2. For the avoidance of doubt, the CapitaLand
Supply Chain Code of Conduct Initiative shall form an integral part of this Contract.

19. Compliance with Law

19.1 The Vendor agrees that at all times it will comply with all applicable state, municipal and local laws, orders and regulations of the country from which the
Order is issued, including but not limited to those affecting or limiting prices, production, purchase, sale, and use of material. If requested by the Buyer, the Vendor
agrees to promptly certify compliance with such laws in such forms as the Buyer may request

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This is a computer generated purchase order, no signature is required
Schedule 1
Personal Data
1. General

1.1 For the purposes of this Schedule:

1.1.1 "Buyer Group" shall refer to CapitaLand Limited and its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, and "Buyer Group Member"
shall refer to any member of Buyer Group;
1.1.2 "Buyer Indemnitees" means Buyer, Buyer Group, and Buyer's and each Buyer Group Member's respective directors, employees,
representatives, agents, sub-contractors and advisers;
1.1.3 "Data Protection Legislation" means all laws, regulations, guidelines and practice notes which may be promulgated or issued by the
relevant data protection authorities from time to time in applicable jurisdictions, including the jurisdictions in which the Services are provided
or received, which relate to:
(i) the collection, disclosure, use or processing of Personal Data, personally identifiable data (or such other equivalent terms which may be
used in applicable data protection legislation); or
(ii) privacy;
1.1.4 "PDPA" shall refer to the Personal Data Protection Act (Act 26 of 2012 of Singapore) as modified from time to time, and any
capitalised terms used in this Schedule which are not defined herein but are defined in the PDPA shall bear the same meaning as set forth
in the PDPA;
1.1.5 "Personal Data" means all information which identifies or which relates to an individual, whether true or not, in any form, including:
(i) all data which is defined to be "personal data" under any applicable Data Protection Legislation; and
(ii) all information, the collection, disclosure, use or processing of which is subject to Data Protection Legislation.
1.1.6 "Subcontractor" means a subcontractor of Vendor; and
1.1.7 "Vendor Personnel" means Vendor's and any Subcontractor's employees, personnel, agents, principals and contractors, who are
individuals, and includes such other individuals as may be notified in writing to and approved by Buyer from time to time in advance of their
assignment to perform the Services.

1.2 For the avoidance of doubt:

1.2.1 Vendor and Vendor Personnel shall not claim for any payment, cost, compensation or reimbursement of any kind in connection with
Vendor's compliance with the obligations in this Schedule; and
1.2.2. the provisions of this Schedule are in addition to and without prejudice to any other provision of the Contract.

2. Vendor Personal Data

2.1In the event that Vendor provides Buyer with Personal Data of Vendor Personnel ("Vendor Personal Data") as requested from time to time in connection with
the provision of the Services under the Contract, Buyer may collect, use, disclose and process such Vendor Personal Data for the purposes of identity verification,
access, ensuring the continuing safety and security of its premises and/or the premises of any Buyer Group Member and such other purposes which are
reasonably related to these purposes ("Buyer Purposes").

2.2 Vendor represents, warrants and undertakes that:

2.2.1 the necessary and appropriate consents will have been obtained from the relevant parties for the collection, use, disclosure and
processing of Vendor Personal Data by Buyer for Buyer Purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation and any other relevant
applicable data protection legislation from time to time; and
2.2.2 Vendor shall keep and maintain complete and proper record of the consents obtained in accordance with the terms herein and shall
upon request by Buyer provide copies of such consents to Buyer.

3. Obligations of Vendor
3.1 Vendor acknowledges that in providing the Services, Vendor will come into contact with Personal Data.

3.2Vendor agrees and undertakes, and shall procure that all Vendor Personnel agree and undertake to Buyer and Buyer Group as follows:

3.2.1for the duration of the Contract, Vendor and Vendor Personnel shall collect, process on Buyer's behalf and/or use Personal Data
provided by the Buyer and strictly for the provision of the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract ("Permitted
3.2.2(i) Vendor shall not without Buyer's prior written consent and instructions independently collect, process, use or disclose or permit the
collection, processing, use or disclosure of such Personal Data whether for the Permitted Purposes or otherwise, unless required to do so
by applicable law (and in such case Vendor shall inform Buyer of such legal requirements in advance, to the extent permitted by such
applicable law);
(ii) Vendor shall further ensure and procure that any such collection, processing, use or disclosure must not in any event exceed any
consents provided by any person in connection therewith to whom such Personal Data relates, unless otherwise permitted by applicable
(iii) Vendor shall, in respect of such collection, use or disclosure, comply with, and shall provide all assistance to Buyer as reasonably
necessary for Buyer to meet its obligations under, the applicable Data Protection Legislation and with any requests, directions or guidelines
which Buyer may provide to Vendor from time to time. Vendor shall immediately inform Buyer if, in its opinion, such requests, directions or
guidelines infringe the applicable Data Protection Legislation;
(iv) Vendor shall ensure that full disclosure of all required information under the applicable Data Protection Legislation has been made to the
individuals at the point of collection of Personal Data from them, including the rights of the individuals to request for access to, rectification
or erasure of, and restriction of processing of their Personal Data, and the right to data portability (the "Data Subject Rights"). Where such
information is provided in Vendor's privacy policy, such privacy policy shall be made publicly available; and
(v) Vendor shall ensure that it has implemented the appropriate technical and organisational measures to be in a position to handle all
requests from individuals who wish to exercise their Data Subject Rights.
3.2.3to the extent that Vendor collects, uses or discloses Personal Data where the consent therefor has not been obtained directly from the
individuals to whom the Personal Data relates, Vendor agrees and acknowledges that Vendor does so at Vendor's own risk, and Vendor
shall at Vendor's own expense ensure that all necessary consents in accordance with the applicable Data Protection Legislation, have been

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This is a computer generated purchase order, no signature is required
obtained from the individuals;

3.2.4 Vendor shall keep all Personal Data confidential and not disclose Personal Data to any person unless:
(i) Vendor shall have obtained Buyer's prior written consent, which consent may be subject to such reasonable conditions that Buyer may
impose; or
(ii) such disclosure is made in response to a valid court order, to the extent legally required in response to a request from a law enforcement
agency or in order to comply with applicable laws, in which case, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Vendor shall immediately notify
Buyer when Vendor becomes aware that such disclosure of Personal Data may be required;
3.2.5Vendor shall conduct a risk assessment to evaluate the risk associated with the Services it provides and implement appropriate
technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk and in compliance with the applicable Data
Protection Legislation, including the establishment of an audit trail to document actions taken in relation to the Personal Data;
3.2.6Vendor shall from time to time upon Buyer's request provide to Buyer evidence of industry standard attestation and/or certification of,
or a copy of an up-to-date audit report by an independent auditor on the security management systems in place in its organization and
Vendor's compliance with the relevant Data Protection Legislation, failing which Buyer shall have the right to engage an independent
auditor, at the expense of Vendor, to conduct periodic audits on Vendor's data protection measures and security management systems.
Vendor shall provide full cooperation and reasonable assistance to Buyer and/or the independent auditor in the completion of such audits;
3.2.7 Vendor shall immediately notify Buyer of:
(i) Any complaint by or request received from any individual in relation to their Personal Data or any supervisory authority or agency in
relation to the Personal Data;
(ii) any breaches of security that may, will or which have resulted in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised
disclosure of, or access to, or processing of, Personal Data transmitted, collected, used, disclosed, stored or otherwise processed ("Data
Breach Incident"); or
(iii) any investigation by any supervisory authority or agency in relation to any Data Breach Incident.
3.2.8In respect of a Data Breach Incident, Vendor shall, at its own expense, immediately make all reasonable efforts to assist Buyer in
relation to the investigation and remedy of such Data Breach Incident and any claim, allegation, action, proceeding or litigation with respect
to this Data Breach Incident, including complying with Buyer's directions and all reporting and notification requirements under the applicable
Data Protection Legislation. Vendor agrees to adhere to and implement the steps set out in the incident response plan enclosed in the
Annex, and shall not without Buyer's prior consent make any reports to any supervisory authority. Vendor shall provide to Buyer a copy of
any report submitted to the relevant supervisory authority by Vendor;
3.2.9Vendor shall ensure the reliability of any Vendor Personnel who have access to Personal Data collected, used, disclosed and/or
processed in connection with the Contract, including ensuring that all Vendor Personnel who are handling the Personal Data or handling key
processing activities in relation to the Personal Data are contractually bound by the appropriate confidentiality, non-disclosure and non-
compete provisions in their employment contracts, and shall be fully responsible for all acts or omissions of its employees in the same
manner as for its own acts or omissions;
3.2.10Vendor shall appoint an officer to address all requirements of the Data Protection Legislation, and ensure that all Vendor Personnel
are fully trained to ensure compliance with the requirements herein and at law relating to Personal Data; and
3.2.11upon the termination or expiry of the Contract, Vendor shall deliver to Buyer, as Buyer may direct in writing and in a form specified by
Buyer, all records relating to or containing any Personal Data which Vendor has collected, used, disclosed or processed in connection with
the Contract, together with all documentation, books, records and evidence of any and all consents or agreements with third parties relating
to such Personal Data. Vendor shall thereafter, at Vendor's own cost and expense and in accordance with Buyer's requirements and
specified methods, delete or destroy any such copies of such Personal Data and all records thereof which may be in Vendor's possession or
under Vendor's control and provide upon Buyer's request such evidence of deletion or destruction as Buyer may require, unless applicable
law requires storage of such Personal Data.

3.3 Vendor shall keep complete and proper books, records and documentation relating to all collection, use, disclosure and/or processing of Personal Data and
relating to Vendor's compliance with the terms of the Contract and with the requirements under relevant Data Protection Legislation. Vendor shall upon reasonable
notice by Buyer provide unrestricted access to such books, records and documentation (including information stored in computerised form) to Buyer and/or its
employees, agents, sub-contractors, advisers and/or representatives, and allow Buyer and/or its employees, agents, sub-contractors, advisers and/or
representatives to make copies thereof. Vendor shall further provide such information as Buyer may from time to time require in order for Buyer to verify Vendor's
compliance with Vendor's obligations under the Contract or at law.

3.4 Vendor shall not transfer any Personal Data to a country or territory outside the country where it is providing the Services without Buyer's prior written consent.
Where Buyer has given prior written consent, any transfer of Personal Data by Vendor shall be in accordance with (1) the requirements prescribed in all applicable
Data Protection Legislation, and (2) Buyer's documented written instructions. Vendor shall ensure that it provides a standard of protection to Personal Data so
transferred that is comparable to the protection provided to that Personal Data under the relevant Data Protection Legislation.

3.5 Vendor shall not engage any sub-contractors for the processing of Personal Data in relation to the Services without Buyer's prior written consent. Where
Buyer has given such written consent to the Vendor, Vendor shall enter into a written binding contract with the sub-contractor requiring the sub-contractor to
process the Personal Data in accordance with the same standards and obligations as are set out in this Schedule. Notwithstanding the engagement of any sub-
contractor by Vendor for the processing of Personal Data, the Vendor shall remain fully liable for the performance of all the obligations in this Schedule.

3.6 Vendor agrees to fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Buyer Indemnitees from and against any claim, action, demand or complaint, as well as all
liabilities, judgments, penalties, compounds, losses, costs, damages and expenses that the Buyer Indemnitees may suffer or incur in connection with any breach
of this Schedule and any failure to comply with any applicable Data Protection Legislation, whether arising on account of the actions of Vendor or Vendor
Personnel or otherwise howsoever. Vendor shall take out an insurance policy with a reputable insurer covering all liabilities, losses and costs arising from any
breach of this Schedule and any failure to comply with any data protection or privacy laws in any relevant jurisdictions, for as long as the Services are provided
(including the applicable retention period for Personal Data). Such policy shall include a loss payee clause, stating that the relevant Buyer Indemnitees are the sole
loss payees and any payment to be made under the policy shall be paid to the relevant Buyer Indemnitees. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause 3.6 does not
preclude Buyer from bringing any claim against Vendor for a breach of any of its obligations under this Schedule.

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This is a computer generated purchase order, no signature is required
Incident response plan in the event of a data breach
(referred to in clause 3.2.8 of the Personal Data Schedule)

S/N Action to be taken

1. Contain the breach

Notify Buyer and your Data Protection Officer of the data breach

immediately and takes steps to rectify the damage and minimize the effects of the data breach.

2. Assess the risks and impact to individuals

Some of the considerations to be taken into account when assessing the risks and impact to individuals:

a) how many people were impacted by the data breach?

b) what type of personal data was disclosed? (e.g. is there any risk of identity theft or financial loss to the affected individuals?)

c) who was affected by the data breach? (e.g. the loss of the personal data of minors

or other vulnerable individuals might place such persons at greater risk of harm)

d) were there any security measures in place which might minimize the harm caused? (e.g. strong passwords or encryption)

3. Report the data breach to the relevant authorities (where required under applicable law).

Consult with Buyer before deciding whether to report the data breach to the relevant authorities and individuals.

The following information should be provided to Buyer when informing Buyer of the data breach:

a) How and when the data breach occurred;

b) Types of personal data involved in the data breach;

c) What Vendor has done or will be doing in response to the risks brought about by the data breach; and

d) Specific facts on the data breach where requested by Buyer.

If such report is made, provide a copy of the report to Buyer.

In certain situations, Buyer may decide to notify the relevant authorities and the affected individuals of the data breach as well,

and Vendor shall assist Buyer in all investigations and provide full cooperation with Buyer and the relevant authorities in the
investigation and notification process.

Vendor shall provide all information requested by Buyer within 24 hours of request.

4. Evaluate the response and recovery

After steps have been taken to resolve the data breach,

Vendor should review the cause of the breach together with Buyer and evaluate if the existing measures are sufficient.

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Schedule 2
CapitaLand Supply Chain Code of Conduct Initiative
CapitaLand Limited ("CapitaLand") is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact ("UNGC"), and is committed to the UNGC principles by incorporating it
into its business strategies, policies and company cultures. CapitaLand expects companies in its supply chain (known as "Vendor") to comply with all applicable
legal requirements and endeavour to implement appropriate measures to aid CapitaLand in meeting the following basic principles of this code of conduct ("Code"):

1. Labour
The Vendor shall comply with the relevant local laws and regulations and relevant codes of practice administered by the local authorities with regard to child
labour1, forced labour, non-discrimination and other labour requirements in the jurisdictions in which it operates.

i. The Vendor shall not engage in unlawful employment or exploitation of children in the workplace.
ii. The Vendor shall not engage in any form of forced labour in the workplace.
iii. The Vendor shall strive to maintain an inclusive workplace free of harassment and discrimination based on a person's status such as gender, race, religion, age
or other characteristics protected by applicable local laws of the jurisdictions in which it operates.
iv. The Vendor shall comply with all applicable local laws and regulations relating to wages and benefits, and the existing practice in the industry and local labour
market of the jurisdictions in which it operates.

1 Please refer to the following URL on United Nations Global Compact notes on Child Labour and Forced or Compulsory Labour.

2. Environment
The Vendor shall comply with the relevant local laws and regulations and relevant codes of practice administered by the local authorities with regard to
environmental protection and other environmental requirements.

i. The Vendor shall strive to promote greater environmental responsibility and support CapitaLand in the use of goods and services to mitigate CapitaLand's
environmental impact, as well as to better manage and utilise resources such as energy and water, and waste management.
ii. CapitaLand may request for, and the Vendor shall provide, evidence that the Vendor has implemented or is in the process of implementing an environmental
programme or policy. In the absence of such a programme or policy being in place, the Vendor shall provide a statement describing their incumbent position with
regard to the protection and preservation of the environment.

3. Business Integrity and Ethics

The Vendor will conduct itself ethically and respect local laws and regulations, and strictly prohibit bribery and corruption in any form. The Vendor is encouraged to
report all actual breaches or concealment of any forbidden acts including but not limited to the following:

i. Anti-bribery and corruption

ii. Unfair business practices
iii. Conflict of interest
iv. Gifts and gratuities
v. Data privacy and information security
The email is [email protected].

4. Health and Safety

The Vendor shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant codes of practice administered by the local authorities with regard to health,
safety and security, and to implement adequate precautions to protect the health and safety of its workers, in accordance with the nature of the industry and other
health and safety requirements in the jurisdictions in which it operates.

Application and Enforcement

This Code is applicable to all Vendors of CapitaLand and its subsidiaries. The Vendor shall undertake reasonable efforts to encourage its own Vendors and sub-
contractors (if any) to comply with the principles of this Code.

In the event that this Code conflicts with the terms of any contract entered into by the Vendor and CapitaLand and/or its subsidiaries, the Vendor shall comply with
this Code or the contract, whichever is more stringent.

Depending on the circumstances and the gravity of violation of this Code, failure to adhere to this Code may be a ground for CapitaLand and/or its subsidiaries to
terminate the contract for supply and delivery of Goods with the Vendor. CapitaLand and/or its subsidiaries may, at its sole discretion, give time to the Vendor to
remedy its breach of this Code. If such breach cannot be remedied within thirty (30) days or such other period as agreed by CapitaLand and/or its subsidiaries,
CapitaLand and/or its subsidiaries reserve the right to terminate the contract for supply and delivery of Goods with the Vendor.

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