IGDSNo.212 Version1 23feb2011 Principal Functions
IGDSNo.212 Version1 23feb2011 Principal Functions
IGDSNo.212 Version1 23feb2011 Principal Functions
IGDS Number 212 (Version 1)
23 February 2011
3. This Announcement applies to all staff within the meaning of article 9 of the
Constitution and its terms apply in accordance with the duties assigned to them by
the Director-General.
4. Further to the changes introduced to the field structure in 2010, a review was
undertaken of the roles and responsibilities of senior managers in the ILO. These
were clarified in the Director-General’s Announcement, Roles and responsibilities of
senior managers in the ILO, IGDS No. 192 (version 1), dated 20 September 2010.
6. The principal functions of each of the components of the ILO structure are set down
in the attached appendix. These are based on article 10 of the Constitution of the
International Labour Organization and such other functions as have been assigned
by the International Labour Conference and the Governing Body.
7. The International Labour Office (“the Office”) is the permanent secretariat of the
International Labour Organization and its operational headquarters is based in
Geneva (“ILO headquarters”). The Office also operates through a global network of
regional offices, country offices and DWTs in the regions as elaborated in the
8. All organizational entities which make up the ILO global structure contribute to
reinforcing the image and work of the ILO as a coherent whole at both the policy and
operational levels thereby reflecting the inseparable, interrelated and mutually
supportive nature of the four strategic objectives as described in the Declaration on
Social Justice for a Fair Globalization (2008). A better understanding and greater
clarity of the respective principal functions of the different organizational entities
should also contribute to enhanced services to constituents and more effective and
efficient delivery of services.
Juan Somavia
Additional references
Appendix: Principal functions of headquarters, regional offices, country offices and Decent
Work Technical Support Teams
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Principal functions of ILO headquarters, regional offices, country
offices and Decent Work Technical Support Teams
Principal functions
The principal functions of staff at headquarters are listed below. These functions are
undertaken under the leadership of the Director-General and the day-to-day guidance and
direction of Executive Directors under the authority delegated to them by the
Director-General and in accordance with the responsibilities corresponding to their
I. Strategic direction
I. Strategic direction
1. Provide inputs in the development of ILO’s vision and overall programme direction
within the framework of decisions of the International Labour Conference and the
Governing Body, taking account of ILO goals and regional priorities and
constituents’ needs.
4. Collaborate with the technical specialists in the Decent Work Technical Support
Teams (DWTs) in the regions to ensure policy coherence and quality control of ILO
technical work and related global products on the world of work.
7. Support and advise ILO staff and constituents on promoting and advocating for
gender equality in the world of work.
9. Provide support and service to the ILO supervisory bodies, and collaborate with
DWTs to promote the ratification and effective application of international labour
standards in member States.
10. Develop and promote tools to enhance the visibility of ILO standards.
12. Develop and implement strategies, in consultation with the regions, to achieve
programme and budget outcomes within the framework of outcome-based
13. Contribute technical advice and resources to the delivery of results as defined in
Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) and assist the regions, where needed,
in monitoring their progress against stated outcomes, indicators, targets and quality
15. Design and implement technical cooperation activities related to global policy
development and collaborate with the regions in the design and implementation of
extra-budgetary technical cooperation at regional and country levels.
18. Develop high-quality research and contribute to public debate on emerging issues of
strategic importance to the ILO and its constituents which can contribute to
evidence-based policy advice and formulation in these areas.
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19. Work with country offices and DWTs to identify policy information to be collected
systematically as part of the ILO’s knowledge system.
20. Contribute to the ILO’s knowledge system to ensure that knowledge is developed,
managed and communicated internally and externally to advance ILO objectives
and influence thinking and policy on issues and themes of relevance to the Decent
Work Agenda, including those related to priority setting, systematic and timely
information collection and policy monitoring and analysis.
21. In collaboration with DWTs in the regions, support ministries of labour, employers’
and workers’ organizations in developing their institutional capacity for research,
analysis and policy formulation in economic and social fields.
23. Lead and manage the development cooperation and partnership activities of the
ILO, including its relations with other UN System and multilateral organizations and
its participation in UN coordination mechanisms (such as the UN Chief Executives
Board for Coordination (CEB), High Level Committee on Management (HLCM), the
High Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) and associated networks).
24. Establish partnerships with donors and develop resource mobilization strategies
based on prioritized needs assessment and established resource gaps.
25. Lead and manage the ILO’s participation in the UN System and other multilateral
fora and its engagement in global policy debates to promote the Decent Work
Agenda and its mainstreaming into outcome conclusions and documents.
26. Coordinate the ILO’s contribution to UN reform processes at the global, regional and
country levels, including through participation in designated fora, and provision of
advice and support to the regions and country offices to facilitate their active
engagement in “Delivering as One” and other UN reform processes at the regional
and country levels.
27. Collaborate with ILO constituents to develop and maintain partnerships with
non-state entities and economic and social actors at the sectoral and global levels to
promote the Decent Work Agenda.
30. Organize, support and service the International Labour Conference and its
associated committees and activities.
31. Assume responsibility for the efficient, effective and transparent use of all ILO
resources through the application of appropriate regulations and rules related to
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finance (Financial Regulations and Rules), staffing (Staff Regulations), physical and
technological resources of the Office; and the setting up and maintenance of sound
systems of internal controls.
32. Identify and assess, in collaboration with the regions, key risks across the Office and
actively manage and mitigate these risks through appropriate measures.
33. Apply and monitor the implementation of the ILO Security Management Framework
in collaboration with the regions and the UN Department of Safety and Security
(UNDSS) to ensure the safety and security of all ILO staff.
35. Assist ILO management and staff on programme planning, resource allocation and
implementation reporting, and analyse and recommend improvements in
management systems and procedures.
37. Develop, implement and monitor appropriate human resources policies, systems
and services to respond to the evolving needs of the Office.
38. Assume responsibility for the oversight of budgetary, financial and accounting
policies; establish and monitor the application of policies and procedures relating to
all financial operations.
39. Provide financial services to headquarters and the regions and maintain effective
internal financial controls in line with agreed budgets and targets.
40. Ensure the effective and efficient use of IT, computers and communications and that
they fully support all the Office’s technical, administrative and financial functions.
41. Provide other central administrative services to headquarters and the regions, as
may be determined by the Director-General from time to time.
Regional offices
Regional offices have overall responsibility for the operations of the ILO’s network of
country offices, DWTs and other representations in their regions.
Principal functions
Staff in regional offices carry out the principal functions listed below under the day-to-day
guidance and direction of regional directors under the authority delegated to them by the
Director-General and in accordance with the responsibilities corresponding to their
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IV. Relations, partnerships and development cooperation
5. Coordinate, monitor and advise on issues related to the design and implementation
of technical cooperation programmes and projects to support DWCP outcomes in
the region. Coordinate the preparation of multi-bilateral project submissions from the
region. Coordinate the planning, formulation and implementation of inter-country
technical cooperation activities, including regional projects. Supervise and manage
programme development, and project and resource oversight.
6. Coordinate and advise on matters of programme and project evaluation in the region
for all sources of funds consistent with ILO policies and donor requirements.
7. Liaise with PROGRAM to support country offices and DWTs in the region in
establishing appropriate mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on activities and
performance to meet the requirements of the Office.
9. Provide final approval of the DWCPs within the region and high-level oversight of
their implementation.
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10. Coordinate the design of workplans across the region to ensure that there is a
coherent and consistent approach to the implementation of the Decent Work
Agenda and that there is effective collaboration within the region and across regions
and headquarters in keeping with the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair
12. Monitor resource use from all sources of funds against planned activities and
approved allocations. Work with country offices and DWTs to identify problems and
recommend adjustments and corrective actions.
13. In the context of competing priority demands from constituents and to encourage the
optimal use of staff resources, broker the timely provision of services including
through the flexible deployment of ILO technical specialists across the region.
15. Promote effective partnerships within the UN System and multilateral fora in the
region to strengthen ILO operational programmes and activities and further ILO
objectives at the regional level. Advise on, and coordinate, relations with regional
development banks.
17. Collaborate with ILO constituents to develop and maintain partnerships with regional
structures and non-state entities and economic and social actors at the sectoral and
country levels to help them gain greater access to regional and national policy-
making fora.
18. Build strategic partnerships with development partners and donors at the regional
level and mobilize resources in support of the implementation of DWCPs within the
framework of the ILO’s global technical cooperation resource mobilization strategy.
Collaborate with the Department of Partnerships and Development Cooperation
(PARDEV), country offices and DWTs to ensure that technical cooperation is
managed and delivered according to international and internal quality standards.
20. Facilitate and support the development and maintenance of knowledge networks in
the region and promote the sharing of knowledge within and between regions within
the framework of the ILO Knowledge Strategy.
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21. Promote and facilitate intra- and interregional exchanges of knowledge and
experience to respond to priority needs.
24. Identify and assess strategic regional risks and ensure that they are properly
managed through mitigation measures. Support all offices in the region in
embedding risk management in their core processes and functions.
26. Oversee and administer, in consultation with country offices and DWTs in the region
and the Human Resources Development Department (HRD) at headquarters, all
aspects of human resource management throughout the region. This includes
recruitment, administration of contracts and other HR administrative processes, staff
induction and briefing, staff training and development and staff performance
management in accordance with ILO rules and regulations and applicable
procedures and agreements.
27. Determine, in consultation with the relevant DWT directors, headquarters units and
HRD, the technical composition of DWTs in the region, taking account of regional
and country priorities and cooperate with these units in the selection of the technical
specialists to be assigned to the region according to applicable procedures and
29. Monitor and provide, with the support of FINANCE, oversight of all budgetary,
financial and accounting operations in the region including banking arrangements,
and monitor their compliance with ILO financial regulations, rules and applicable
procedures. Ensure appropriate and timely follow-up to internal audit
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adequately maintained and function effectively to support the work of the offices in
the region.
31. Ensure, in collaboration with the Office of the Legal Adviser (JUR) and FINANCE
that all lease, insurance, procurement and other legal arrangements in the region
conform to ILO rules and procedures. Ensure that these arrangements are regularly
updated so that they remain valid.
32. Ensure that all offices in the region maintain proper and up-to-date records of all
physical assets in accordance with established procedures.
33. With the support of the Department of Facilities Management (FACILITIES), ensure
regular maintenance of ILO premises and the proper functioning of facilities to
provide a safe and productive working environment for staff in the region.
Country offices
Country offices cover one or more countries, and are responsible for all ILO activities in
the countries covered.
Principal functions
Staff in country offices carry out the principal functions listed below under the day-to-day
guidance and leadership of country office directors.
2. Liaise and negotiate with DWTs, regional offices, and headquarters units to obtain
the necessary support from technical specialists in the design and implementation of
3. Collaborate with the regional office and the relevant headquarters units to design
and implement technical cooperation programmes and projects to support
programmed country/DWCP outcomes. Ensure that these comply with the ILO goals
and agreed strategy and that the ILO’s rules and procedures are correctly applied.
4. Mobilize and programme resources to meet identified funding gaps so that outcome
priorities can be implemented consistent with agreed targets, indicators and quality
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5. Contribute to the formulation of regional objectives and priorities and the preparation
of relevant reports, including the regional programme and budget proposals.
9. Facilitate the evaluation of programmes and projects consistent with ILO and/or
donor requirements. Ensure appropriate dissemination of findings and follow-up of
recommendations. Incorporate lessons learned in design and implementation of
future programmes.
11. Contribute to “Delivering as One” and/or other UN reform processes at the country
level. Engage with other UN agencies in the design and implementation of joint
programmes which support priority outcomes of DWCPs. Assist other UN agencies
in their efforts to mainstream the goal of full and productive employment and decent
work for all in their policies, programmes and activities.
12. Collaborate with the regional office and headquarters units to ensure that technical
cooperation is managed and delivered according to international and internal quality
13. Collaborate with ILO constituents to develop and maintain partnerships with
non-state entities and economic and social actors at the sectoral and national levels
in order to promote ILO objectives.
14. Build and sustain strategic partnerships with development partners and donors at
the national level and mobilize resources in support of the implementation of
DWCPs within the framework of the ILO’s Technical Cooperation Strategy.
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16. Promote the exchange of experiences between the countries within the
geographical coverage of the country office, within the wider region and across
regions, as relevant.
18. Provide local access to recent and historical published work of the ILO to meet the
information needs of ILO staff, constituents and external clients.
20. Identify and assess key risks and work with the regional office to ensure that these
risks are actively managed. Embed risk management in core processes and
22. Under the guidance of the regional office and HRD, manage all aspects of human
resources for the staff in the country/countries covered. This includes recruitment,
administration of contracts and other administrative processes, staff induction and
briefing, staff training and development and staff performance management in
accordance with ILO rules and regulations and applicable procedures and
23. Under the guidance of the regional office and FINANCE, ensure that all budgetary,
financial and accounting operations, including banking arrangements, are
undertaken in compliance with ILO financial regulations and rules and other
applicable procedures and within agreed budgets and targets. Put in place adequate
internal controls and ensure appropriate and timely follow-up to internal audit
24. Under the guidance of the regional office, FINANCE and JUR, ensure that all
leases, insurance, procurement and other legal arrangements conform to ILO rules
and procedures. Ensure that these arrangements are regularly updated so that they
remain valid.
25. Maintain IT equipment and services in collaboration with the regional office and
ITCOM and ensure their proper functioning to support the work of the country office.
26. Maintain proper and up-to-date records of all physical assets in accordance with
established procedures.
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27. With the support of the regional office and FACILITIES, ensure regular maintenance
of premises and the proper functioning of facilities to provide a safe and productive
working environment for staff.
The DWTs provide technical and policy advice, information, and analysis to assigned
country offices and constituents within their respective geographical area on the
promotion of the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda.
Principal functions
Staff in DWTs carry out the principal functions listed below under the day-to-day guidance
and leadership of DWT directors.
Where DWTs are stand-alone entities, they also undertake the day-to-day management
and administrative functions associated with the operation of country offices.
2. Adopt an integrated approach to the promotion of the four strategic objectives of the
Decent Work Agenda in the countries covered as required by the ILO Declaration on
Social Justice for a Fair Globalization. Ensure that there is a coherent and
consistent approach to the implementation of the Decent Work Agenda in the
3. Assist regional and country offices in leveraging expertise from technical units at
headquarters and other networks to bridge identified gaps in ILO technical capacity
so that outcome priorities can be implemented within the framework of outcome-
based workplans and consistent with agreed targets, indicators and quality
4. Provide technical inputs and advice to regional and country offices in designing
technical cooperation programmes and projects to support programmed country and
DWCP outcomes. Ensure consistency with ILO goals and agreed strategies and that
the ILO’s rules and procedures are correctly applied. Provide policy advisory
services and technical support services for the substantive backstopping of technical
cooperation projects in the countries covered by the assigned country offices within
the framework of agreed workplans.
5. Cooperate with country offices to adapt global policies and products to match
national realities and contexts and to respond to the needs of ILO’s constituents in
the countries covered.
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II. Programme implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting
6. Liaise with the regional office, country offices and headquarters units to obtain
necessary funding support so that outcome priorities can be implemented consistent
with agreed targets, indicators and quality standards.
10. Contribute to the evaluation of programmes and projects consistent with ILO and/or
donor requirements. Incorporate lessons learned in design and implementation of
future programmes.
13. Prepare and/or contribute to the preparation of policy briefs, position papers and
technical country, regional or global studies on issues of strategic importance to the
implementation of the Decent Work Agenda within the framework of the ILO
Knowledge Strategy. Contribute to peer review and quality control processes.
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