Family Planning Counseling
Family Planning Counseling
Family Planning Counseling
Family planning counseling is a process that Furthermore, it plays a vital role in promoting
involves healthcare professionals or trained gender equality, reducing maternal mortality, and
counselors engaging in discussions with addressing population growth challenges. Family
individuals or couples regarding their planning counseling is not just about providing
reproductive goals and contraceptive options. information; it’s about creating a supportive
The primary goal of this counseling is to provide environment where individuals and couples can
information, support, and guidance to help make choices that align with their values, goals,
people make informed choices about when and and circumstances. In doing so, it enhances the
how to have children or prevent unintended overall quality of life for countless individuals and
pregnancies. contributes to the development of healthier and
more sustainable societies.
1 2 3 4
Promoting Informed Empowering Individuals Supporting Reproductive Preventing Unintended
Decision-Making and Couples Health Pregnancies
Optimize health before Assist in planning and Ensure equal involvement Address unplanned
conception for safer spacing pregnancies in reproductive decisions pregnancies to mitigate
pregnancies and based on emotional and to reduce disparities. maternal health risks.
childbirth. financial capacity.
9 10 11 12
Mitigating Population Preventing STIs and HIV Providing Emotional Tailoring Services to
Growth Support Individual Needs
Barrier Hormonal
Barrier contraceptive methods all work by blocking the entrance to
the uterus so an egg cannot unite with sperm. All barrier methods
work well if used correctly and consistently, but the user must take Reversible
the initiative to use the method each time she or he has sex. contraceptive
Barrier : Condom
Mechanism Advantage Side effect
Indicidually Sized Typical use: 83% It can be inserted hours before Increase risk of urinary
Diagphram effective. sex. For the exact number of tract infection (UTI)
Which must be fitted by a healthcare hours, read your diaphragm’s
professional. If you gain or lose 10 pounds, instructions.
have a baby, or have surgery on your Toxic Shock Syndrome
abdomen or pelvis, you should be refitted
because the size and shape of your cervix
and vagina may change.
One- Size
which fits most women.
Contraceptive Barrier
method methods
Hormonal Hormonal
methods methods
Hormonal methods of birth control (contraception) contain either
estrogen plus progestin or progestin only; they are a safe and
reliable way to prevent pregnancy for most people. Hormonal Reversible
methods include an implant, an intrauterine device (IUD), contraceptive
injections, pills, vaginal rings, and skin patches.
Hormonal : Birth Control Pills
Mechanism Effectiveness Advantage Side- effect
The combined birth control pill Birth control pills are Non-invasive: The birth control pill is Birth control pills may
is a pill you take by mouth. over 99% effective at a convenient and easy-to-use cause side effects for
preventing pregnancy method some women, although
when taken correctly.
It contains synthetic hormones . not all women
similar to estrogen and Reversible: Once you stop taking the experience them.
Potential side effects
progesterone, the female pill, your fertility returns to normal.
hormones that regulate
Skin discoloration
ovulation (egg release). Headaches
Breast tenderness
The pill helps women control Breast enlargement
their ovulation cycle. Changes in sex drive
Weight gain
Hormonal : Birth Control Patch
Mechanism Effectiveness Advantage Side effect
Reduced menstrual bleeding and
A small, adhesive patch worn Perfect use: 99% Tender breasts
on the arm, back, lower belly, effective at
Fewer PMS symptoms: May help Nausea or throwing up
etc. preventing
alleviate mood swings, bloating, and
pregnancy. breast tenderness. Rash or redness where you
Releases hormones similar to place the patch
birth control pills or vaginal Regular periods: Periods become
more predictable and start around
rings through the skin. Mood changes
every 28 days (unless worn during
the 4th week).
Also called a transdermal patch Menstrual cramps
or transdermal contraceptive. No spotting
Contraceptive injection (also Very effective at preventing pregnancy. Changes in menstrual bleeding:
called Depo) is an injection of
the hormone progestogen. Periods may become more frequent,
Reduced bleeding
Progestogen is like the irregular, or stop altogether.
hormone produced by the
ovaries. Reduced pain: Periods may be less painful.
Weight gain: Around 20% of users
experience weight gain.
Long-lasting: Effective for 12 to 14 weeks.
Reversible Hormonal
contraceptive methods
Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) is the most effective
form of reversible birth control. There are two types of LARCs, IUDs
and implants. IUDs are inserted into your uterus and implants are Reversible
inserted into your arm. They can prevent pregnancy for several contraceptive
Reversible IUD
Mechanism Advantage Side effect
An intrauterine device (IUD), also It can be used by almost any woman including Menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, and
known as an intrauterine nulliparous polymenorrhea, which are
contraceptive device (IUCD), is a common reasons people stop
small T-shaped plastic device with Its action lasts for ten years if it is not removed using them.
copper banded around the in between No STI protection
transverse arms, which is inserted The onset of action is immediate Infection risk: There's a small
into the uterus to prevent It is independent of sexual activity chance of infection during
pregnancy insertion, and STIs can lead to
It doesn’t interfere with intercourse pelvic inflammatory disease if left
It is suitable for lactating women untreated.
Effectiveness Fertility returns promptly on discontinuation IUDs can expel from the uterus,
especially early on.
It can be used by women who are on any type
Very rarely, an IUD can puncture
It is highly effective, with a 98-99 of medication the uterus during insertion,
percent success rate. It is not associated with cancer of any organ requiring surgery.
unlike hormonal contraception If pregnancy occurs with an IUD,
it's more likely to be ectopic
It does not cause weight gain (outside the uterus).
It does not usually affect mood or sex drive
Reversible Implants
Mechanism Advantage Side- effect
A birth control implant is a Effectiveness. It’s one of the most effective birth control
type of hormonal birth control. methods available. Some people experience side effects
The implant itself is a very from the implant, but many people
small plastic rod about the Longevity. Once inserted, the implant lasts 3 years don’t.
size of a matchstick. A doctor before needing to be replaced.
or other healthcare Irregular menstrual bleeding is the
professional inserts it into the Convenience. No pre-sex prep or reminders. most common side effect. Periods
upper arm, right under the ski may also become lighter, heavier, or
Cost effective. It can be a bit costly upfront, but there stop altogether.
are no costs beyond that for 3 years.
At over 99 percent effective, Reversible. You can remove it at any time and your
the birth control implant is one fertility will return as soon as it’s removed.
of the most effective birth
control methods available. No estrogen. It’s safe for people who can’t use birth
control that contains estrogen.
Contraceptive Barrier
method methods
Sterilization Hormonal
methods methods
Sterilization is a permanent form of birth control that is extremely
effective at preventing pregnancy. But it is difficult to reverse if
you change your mind, and it does not protect against STDs. Both Reversible
men and women can be sterilized. For women, a tubal ligation is contraceptive
performed; for men, a vasectomy is performed.
Sterilization :Tubal Ligation
Mechanism Advantage Side effect
Tubal ligation is a procedure that Highly effective: Tubal ligation is 99% Shoulder pain.
provides permanent birth control. effective at preventing pregnancy, offering
It’s commonly called “getting your long-term peace of mind.
tubes tied.” In this surgery, your Abdominal cramps.
fallopian tubes are cut, blocked or Convenient: No need to remember pills,
sealed off to prevent pregnancy. change anything, or revisit healthcare Nausea.
Tubal ligation is safe and effective providers for birth control. Sore throat (from the breathin
and can be done at any time. tube).
Non-hormonal: This method doesn't affect
your hormones, periods, or cause menopause.
It’s about 99% effective in preventing Potential health benefit: Studies suggest a
pregnancy. reduced risk of ovarian cancer.
Sterilization : Vasectomy
Mechanism Advantage Side- effect
preparation The calendar method uses
Before using the calendar method, your cycle history to predict
you need to track your menstrual your fertile window (days
cycles for at least 6 months to you're most likely to get
understand your cycle pattern: pregnant).
Track Period Length: Mark the Knowing your cycle length
first day of each period on a helps estimate when
calendar or period tracking ovulation (egg release)
app. might occur.
Count Cycle Length: Count the
total number of days between why tracking is
the first day of each period.
The BBT method tracks your basal body temperature (lowest
temperature during rest) to identify ovulation (egg release).
How it works
Take your temperature every morning before getting out of bed.
Record your daily temperatures on a chart.
Basal Body
After ovulation, your BBT typically rises slightly (0.5-1°F) and stays
elevated until the end of your cycle.
Your fertile days are the 2-3 days leading up to this temperature
temperature increase.
limitations overall
Retrospective: Identifies ovulation only after Not a reliable standalone
it happens, not predicting it. birth control method.
Inaccurate with illness: Fever can disrupt More effective when
BBT patterns, making it unreliable. combined with other FAMs
Limited effectiveness alone: Doesn't tell you like the cervical mucus
when ovulation will occur, making it less method
effective for preventing pregnancy on its
The Cervical Mucus Method is a fertility awareness method (FAM) that
helps you predict your fertile window by observing changes in your Cervical Mucus
cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle.
How it works
Track your cervical mucus daily and record observations on a chart.
MucuAs changes consistency throughout your cycle, indicating fertile
and infertile days.
Have unprotected sex on safe (infertile) days and use another birth
control method or abstain on unsafe (fertile) days.
Benefits challenges
No hormones or Requires daily tracking and interpreting
medications involved. mucus changes (sticky, creamy, stretchy).
Can be used while Less effective than other methods when
breastfeeding. used alone.
More reliable when combined with basal
body temperature tracking
Higher failure rate
(irregular cycles, etc.).
Chance of pregnancy even with
perfect use.
Preconception Health refers to the health of men and
women during their reproductive years, or the years they
can have a child (CDC,2023). It addresses risk factors that Preconception
may occur throughout pregnancy and promotes good
health for the mother and child through preconception
health care.
health Physical
Preconception health is crucial for controlling and making
informed decisions, reducing birth abnormalities, improving
avoidance of
maternal outcomes, and supporting a healthy pregnancy and
birth. Furthermore, it fosters a supportive environment for Harmful
conception and pregnancy, encouraging people and couples substance
to communicate openly with healthcare practitioners and seek
help as required. It promotes a proactive approach to Pre-existing
reproductive health, allowing people to make informed
decisions and have access to tools that aid in conception and
Factors to Consider:
diet &
Benefits before, during, and
Nutrition and diet are important for health after pregnancy
and development especially if you plan to
get pregnant. Our body needs all the Strengthens the immune system against
nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for a safer infections.
pregnancy and a healthy baby. Reduces risks of pregnancy complications like
gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.
Eating a variety of healthy foods with a Enhances overall well-being for both parents.
balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole Promotes healthy fetal growth and
grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can development.
help you in many ways. May improve chances of perinatal (around the
time of birth) survival.
Benefits before, during, and after pregnancy
Regular physical activity offers numerous advantages for women who
are planning for pregnancy, expecting, or have recently given birth.
Well-being Benefits
Improved Physical Health Reduced Back and Pelvic Pain
Enhanced Mood Weight Management
Increased Energy Levels Lower Risk of Complications
Stress Relief Stronger Body
postpartum benefits
Faster Recovery: Physical activity can
aid in faster postpartum recovery.
(Consider consulting your doctor before
resuming exercise after childbirth.)
avoidance of
Preconception care isn't just about diet and exercise.
Discussing your medical history with your healthcare
substance provider is crucial.
Planning a pregnancy? Avoiding harmful substances
like tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs is crucial. This
Chronic Disease Management: Healthcare providers can
simple step significantly improves your chances of a address existing chronic health conditions like diabetes, high
healthy pregnancy and baby. blood pressure, or thyroid issues.
Behavioral &
Baby Spacing
Avoid Alcohol Screen and treat for all Hypertension
Quit Smoking psycho-social issues Obesity
Avoid Illegal Drugs Waiting 2 years or longer Consult the healthcare
Domestic Violence before your body will be provider before attempting
ready for another pregnancy to concede
How do you put your body in the healthiest
condition possible?
ABCDE’ S can help you!
Diet, Drugs
& Dads
STI’s, Shot, &
Include fruits and vegetables This means avoiding harmful Get tested and treated for
in the diet exposures that can be found at sexually transmitted
Take a multivitamin
Take only medication home and at work. infections (STIs)
prescribed by the doctor Screen for genetic disorders
Talk to the doctor about Immunizations
medications and their
effects on pregnancy Go to the dentist to treat any
Have a supportive partner dental infection
Myth &
Fertility VS. Truth
For women, fertility decreases with age due to a
Age Doesn't Affect Fertility fall in the quantity and quality of eggs produced.
Stress Leads to Infertility For women, fertility decreases with age due to a
fall in the quantity and quality of eggs produced.
It's Always a Woman's Problem Infertility is not caused by birth control pills. After
stopping the pill, fertility usually returns; however,
menstrual cycle regulation may take some time.
Fertility Increases with Daily While engaging in sexual activity around ovulation,
within the fertile window, can boost the likelihood of
Intercourse conception, daily sexual activity is not required.
Myth &
Fertility VS. Truth
Fertility Issues Are Inherited Although a number of causes, including age, lifestyle,
and environmental factors, can contribute to infertility,
some fertility problems may run in families.
Fertility Treatments Always Although extremely successful, IVF and other fertility
treatments do not ensure conception.
Hindus have differing opinions on
According to Church doctrine,
family planning. Large families are
using artificial contraception is
encouraged in many Hindu
immoral. Rather, it encourages the
religions, which see children as a
use of natural family planning
blessing. Individual Hindu views on
techniques, such as monitoring a
contraception might vary, though,
woman's menstrual cycle, to steer
and there is no one-size-fits-all
clear of fertile times.
methods of contraception are
commonly used, others might not
be advised.
Procreating and carrying on the
Large families have a high
family line are extremely valuable
demand, and fertility is highly
in traditional Chinese culture.
valued in many African societies.
However, official initiatives like the
However, opinions on family
one-child policy (which has since
planning may be greatly different
been lifted) have shaped how
Traditional African
across various tribes and cultures.
Traditional Chinese
people feel about family planning
in the modern day.
beliefs beliefs
many sects of Judaism.
have their roots in spiritual and
cultural traditions.
When it comes to family planning counseling, there's a wealth of resources available to support
both healthcare providers and individuals seeking information and guidance. These resources
encompass a variety of organizations, agencies, and online platforms dedicated to promoting
reproductive health and informed decision-making
American College of
Guttmacher Institute National Institutes of
Obstetricians and
Health (NIH)
Gynecologists (ACOG)
Conducts research and provides Offers clinical guidelines, patient Provides research findings, clinical
evidence-based resources on education materials, and guidelines, and educational
family planning, including reports, professional resources on family materials on various aspects of
fact sheets, and policy analysis. planning and reproductive health. family planning and
Supportive Resources
When it comes to family planning counseling, there's a wealth of resources available to support both healthcare providers
and individuals seeking information and guidance. These resources encompass a variety of organizations, agencies, and
online platforms dedicated to promoting reproductive health and informed decision-making this includes:
1.World Health Organization (WHO) WHO offers guidelines and resources for family planning counseling, including training
manuals and reports.
2.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - CDC provides educational materials, training modules, and
guidelines for healthcare providers on family planning counseling.
3. Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood offers comprehensive information on family planning options, including
contraception methods, pregnancy options counseling, and reproductive health services.
4. Guttmacher Institute - Guttmacher Institute conducts research and provides evidence-based resources on family
planning, including reports, fact sheets, and policy analysis.
5. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) - ACOG offers clinical guidelines, patient education
materials, and professional resources on family planning and reproductive health.
6. National Institutes of Health (NIH) - NIH provides research findings, clinical guidelines, and educational materials on
various aspects of family planning and contraception.
Empowerment Message