Task 2

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Senior High School


Practical Research 2
Quarter 1 – Week 5
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the


Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


Lesson Research Questions

What’s In
In previous lessons of this Module 3, you were taught how to design research that is
interesting and something that you are passionate about. You have learned that research
problems are actually within your environment or area of interest. You are given various
activities to learn how to come up with interesting and useful research problems.
Identification of the research problems and research questions will be furthered explained in
this lesson.

You have also learned how to craft qualitative research problems and questions
when you took Practical Research 1 In this lesson, quantitative research problems and types
of quantitative research questions will be elaborated.

What I Need to Know

Nature of Quantitative Research Problem
Once a person encountered uncertainty, being inquisitive, you will find ways for
answers or solution. Ignited by interest, curiosity, or need you will find yourself pondering
about the current problem you are facing. When you are thinking and behaving this way, you
are then confronted by a problem that can be a source of a research problem.

A research problem is simple as a problem you would like to research. Quantitative

Research Problem dealt more with the precision and specificity of the problem. Furthermore,
the quantitative research problem describes trends and patterns of a phenomenon.

When you have identified your quantitative research problem, you can now state it
and make sure to establish its place in your study. In your written paper, this can be found as
Statement of the Problem, where it formally introduces the problem that you want to
investigate or address. Then you will start specifying what you want to answer in your study.

Research Problem and Research Questions

The research questions help to clarify and specify the research problem. Research
questions are also considered as sub-problems of your research problem. These questions
are informative in nature. It specifies the method of collecting and analyzing data and the
type of data to be collected since you are exploring a quantitative research problem.

What’s New
Activity 1: That’s a Good Question

Directions: Here are some samples of research questions. Rank them on a scale of 1 to 10
(1= lowest, 10 = highest) based on its feasibility and clarity as a quantitative
research question. Then provide a brief explanation of your rating.
Quantitative Research Question Your Explanation

1. How many Grade-7 students 4 Because it is to easy to be answer i

are enrolled in blended think
learning this
School Year?

2. Is modular learning or online 5 I just give 5 because for me is the rate

learning more effective in Language or that can be appropriately to the
Science subjects? question

3. Is there a significant relationship 8 This kind of question is the most

in the number of households and correct among the others about the
COVID-19 confirmed cases in a significance and clearity .

What Is It
Characteristics of Good Research Questions

Once you have already enumerated your research questions for your study, it is
important that you consider its quality to answer and explain your research problem. The
following are good characteristics of research questions, as described by Fraenkel and
Wallen (2020).

Feasible. Consider the amount of time, energy, money, respondents, and even your
current situation as a student-researcher. Is the research problem possible? Will it not spend
unreasonable amount? Consider these examples: “How do parents feel about the blended
learning modality for elementary learners?” and “How would giving each learner their own
laptop to be used in this blended learning modality affect their performance tasks?” The first
example is definitely a more feasible research question. Considering the resources, it is
more possible to gather the data needed to answer the question.

Clear. The clarity of how the questions stated lead to agreement of meaning of the
readers of your study. Since your research questions are also considered as the main focus
in the gathering and analyzing the data, it is therefore very important that these are stated

Significant. Ask if your research questions are relevant or important to ask. Will
answering these questions provide an additional contribution to address the given research
problem? In other words, are the research questions really worth investigating?

At this point, you do not just consider the time and money that you will spend, but
more importantly, the value of what you are trying to investigate. So aside from the reason
that your chosen research problem is within your interest, you should also provide a sound
justification of your choice as a researcher.

Ethical. Always consider the welfare of people, animals or who so ever involve in
your study. Look into ways of answering the research questions without inflicting physical
and psychological harm to persons involved.

Formulating Research Questions

Research questions can be generally classified into two: general and specific. The
general question of the study is derived from the research problem while the specific
questions are anchored on the general research problem.

For example:

This study aims to determine the relationship between the types learning delivery
mode and students’ learning styles. Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following research
questions: (1) What are the different learning delivery modes of the school? (2) What the
various learning styles of the students? (3) Is there a significant relationship between the
different learning delivery modes of the school and the learning styles of its students?

Notice that a general problem was presented first. Then it was followed by the
specific questions considered as research questions of the study.

In stating quantitative research questions, you should also consider the design of
your quantitative research. Quantitative research designs will be elaborated in Module 4. For
the purpose of writing your research question, here’s a quick guide of research questions for
descriptive research, correlational research, Ex Post Facto research, Experimental, and
Quasi-experimental research.

Research Questions for Descriptive Research focuses on observing and reporting

factors or aspects of the research problem. Phrases such as how often/frequently, how
many/much, what is/are, to what extent/degree, and the likes are used in these questions.
For example, you study the use of social media among Senior High School Students, you
can ask the following questions:

What are the various social media platforms used by Senior High Students?

How many hours students spend on social media per week?

Research Questions for Correlational Research aim to determine the

relationships among two or more variables in your research problem. Correlational research
questions usually begin with the phrases “Is there a significant relationship” or “What is the
relationship between/among”. In the study of use of social media and level of digital literacy
of students following questions can be asked:

What is the relationship between the length of hours spent on social media and level
of digital literacy of students?

Is there a significant relationship between the type of social media used and the level
digital literacy of students?

Research Questions for Ex Post Facto Research attempt to identify the causes of
the phenomenon in the context of your research problem. It is also assumed that no control
or manipulation of variable has been done in order to cause the effect. It is understood that
the cause of the problem already exists before you conducted your study. For example, ex
post facto study on family background and digital literacy of students, the following questions
can be asked:

Is there a difference in the literacy level of students between their cultural and
educational family background?

Research Questions for Experimental and Quasi-experimental Research suggests that

answers to these questions are brought about by manipulation or control of a certain variable
during the conduct of the study. These questions provide explanation to the causal
relationship of variables. The following research questions can be asked on studies on
elementary student’s remedial sessions and academic performance of students:

Is there a significant difference in the posttest scores of the control group and
experimental group?
What’s More
Activity 2: The Very Good Questions

Directions: Using the same examples in your Activity 1, rank them on the scale of 1 to 10 (1=
lowest, 10 = highest) based on the given parameters in writing a good research
question. If you find that the questions are not so good, then rewrite the
questions on the last column of the table. If your think it is already good, then
write your justification also.
Quantitative Your Rating Revised Question/
Research Question Justification
Feasible Clear Significant Ethical

1. How many Grade-7 5 6 4 4 I think it's good but not

students are enrolled in too good .
blended learning this
School Year?

2. Is modular learning 7 7 8 6 Because it is aline in

or online learning more the situation right now
effective in Language the pandemic.
or Science subjects?

3. Is there a 8 8 9 7 It is more specific and

significant clear that's why I give
relationship in the
that score.
number of
households and
confirmed cases in a

Activity 2: Write the Questions

Directions: Write one general research question and two specific research questions for the
given research problem below.
Research Problem General Question Specific Questions

The Relationship What could be the impact of How could the effect of social
between Media social media on the health of media on users can lead to
Exposure and the users ? anxiety?
Health Anxiety

What is the relationship of the

media to health anxiety ?

Organization’s What can the organization do What kind of practices should

Leadership to help employees with their the employees do to get
Practices and practices in the workplace ? satisfaction?
Employee’s Job
What protocols should follow of
the employees to be good at
their jobs?

Effects of What kind of parenting style Where can they get the
Parenting Style should parents give their parenting style that is needed in
and Children
childrens? this pandemic ?
Study Habits

How could the children be able

to habitually study their learning
in their house?

Activity 3: Let’s go Online

Go to the link below and practice what you’ve learned from this lesson:


What I Have Learned

Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each question

1. What I know about research questions?

I don’t know about research question a lot, but i already encounter it so it's not new to me

and for me it is part of having subject of PR2 and its normal we use to it in so many

ways and it is how we are able to kno what is the problem and the solution we could

apply to the particular research .

2. I have learned that good questions are

That good question has a big part in every research paper and it could be the key to a

good research
3. This time, I have learned that when stating quantitative research questions?

I have learn that you need to be clear and significant in every question that you will add or

to the research questions and be unique and insufficient and make sure that it is aline in

Your research problem or research paper and to the topic of the research.

What I Can Do
State your Research Questions

Directions: Perform the following task. Referring to your background of the study and
research problem, list your research questions. When formulating these
questions, consider the design of your quantitative research.

1. What are the internal and external effects/problems associated with children

witnessing domestic violence?

2. What causes foster children who are transitioning to adulthood to become


3. How does income inequality predict ambivalence in the stereo content

model using major P.H cities as the target population ?

4. How does race impact rates of mental health diagnosis for children in foster


5. What is the relationship between sexual orientation or gender identity ?

Additional Activity

Direction: After you submit your research questions, once it is corrected in accordance to the
guidelines given, you may start incorporating your research questions to your
research manuscript.

Lesson Scope and Delimitation

5 of
the Study What’s In
In Module 1, Lesson 3 you were taught how to identify and differentiate various
research variables and its uses. Identifying your research variables is very important since it
will set the parameters of your study. Carefully selecting your research variables also helps
you to determine what will be investigated. As a result, it will be easier for you to set the
scope and delimitation of the study. This lesson focuses on how you are going to indicate
the scope and delimitation of your study.

What I Need to Know

Activity 1. Find and Form the Meaning

Directions: Find five synonyms of “scope” and “delimitation”. Then, analyze and connect the
gathered words in order to form the meaning of “Scope and Delimitation of the
Synonyms Formed Meaning
Scope 1.differentiation The act or process of differentiating.
The quality or state of being
2.distinction distinguishable .
The quality or state of being enclosed .
Something that bounds restrains.
4.limit The outside limit and adjoining surface
of something .

Delimitation 1.bonds Something that binds and restrains .

Always occurring in combination with
2.bounding another .
Fastened by or as if by a band.
To inspect ,examine, or look at
4.check appraisingly or appreciatively.
A circumscribed area or district .

What’s New
Activity 2. It’s the Scope and Limitation

Directions: Read the sample scope and limitation and identify the boundaries of the study by
writing the corresponding components on the table below.
Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to provide information about students’ knowledge and
perception of genetically modified foods and their family health practices. The study also
includes the student’s personal information and occupation of their parents and siblings.
This study is limited to the 120 Grade 12 Male and Female enrolled in the First Semester,
School Year 2019-2020 of Gusa Regional Science High SchoolG – X. Each of the
respondent is given questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from six
different sections to prevent subjective perceptions.

Components of the Scope and Delimitation

✓ Topic of the study

to provide information about students’
knowledge and perception of genetically
modified foods and their family health

✓ Objective of the study or problems to

perception of genetically modified foods
be addressed
and their family health practices

✓ Time frame in which the study will

the First Semester, School Year 2019-2020
be conducted
✓ The locale or area where the study will
Gusa Regional Science High School
be conducted

✓ Characteristics of the participants of

This study is limited to the 120 Grade 12
the study
Male and Female enrolled

✓ Other parameters
Each of the respondents is given a
questionnaire to answer. The students
selected came from six different sections to
prevent subjective perceptions.


What Is It
Scope and Delimitation

In doing research study, we make sure that we have certainty and reasons for
drawing the inclusion and exclusion of research variables. We do not write for the sake of
writing the parts of the research paper; such as setting the scope and delimitation of your
study. It is important because it draws the boundary of your study. Without doing so,
research procedures and results will not be coherent to the goal of your study.

The scope specifies the coverage of your study such as variables, population or
participant, and timeline. Delimitation cites factors of your study that are not included or
excluded or those you will not deal in your study.

In this section of your research paper, you may also state the reasons why you did
not include the variables. A clearly written scope and delimitation of the study will make it
definitely easier to answer questions which are related or not related to your study.

Components of Scope and Delimitation

In writing the scope and delimitation of your study, you are also asking the basic
profile questions of your research. The following are the components of the scope and
delimitation of the study but not limited to:

Topic of the Study. What are the variables to be included and excluded?

Objectives or Problems to be Addressed. Why are you doing this study?

Time Frame. When are you going to conduct this study?

Locale of the Study. Where are you going to gather your data?

Characteristics of the Respondents. Who will be your respondents?

Method and Research Instruments. How are going to collect the


Difference between Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The delimitation of the study describes the various limitations that arose during the
design and conduct of the study. Along the way of conducting your study, you will encounter
limitations which you have not drawn before you start – these are the delimitations of
study. Most of the delimitations arose from the applicability or usefulness of the findings of
the study to the current problem.

Variables not included in your study are also determined by delimitation of your
study. While on the other hand, limitation of the study are those variables included in your
study. Hence, limitation of the study is actually the identified scope of the study.


What’s More
Activity 3. Reshape the Scope and Delimitation

Directions: Read the following scope and delimitation about a research on sickness
prevention. Try to improve its structure and coverage. You can add some details
in revising this research section.

The current focuses on the relationship between socio-demographic background of

the family and their heath practices. Only 60 Grade 11 students were considered in this
study as respondents. The research lasted for two months.

Your revised version

This research focal point is the study between the relationship of socio-
demographic background of the family and their health procedure. and most senior high
school students exhibit healthy lifestyles and which socio demographic variables
influence healthy lifestyles .senior high school students that randomly selected were
measured by use of the healthy lifestyle scale for senior high school students
questionnaire.when controlling to other variables, the total healthy lifestyle score was
predicted by gender,grade,fathers level of education,and type of institution,exercise
behaviour partially predicted and by family monthly income.The scope of this research is
only 60 grade 11 students were considered in this study as respondents. The research
lasted for two months .

Activity 4. Let’s go online.

Practice what you have learned from this lesson. Visit the following:



What I Have Learned

Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each question

1. What I know about scope and delimitation of the study?


I know now that scope and delimitation is kind of a middle part of the research and

sometimes more explanatory of the summary of the research paper that will be passed

on to the teacher. That way you can conclude more information about the topic and about

the research .

2. I have learned that when indicating the scope and delimitation of the study


I have learned that you need to be precise about what you have to write. Being

innovative to construct the sentences or words that you will use in the scope and

delimitations of the research particularly in scope and delimitation components is


What I Can Do

Indicate your Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Directions: Perform the following task. Specify the scope and delimitation of your study why
answering the basic contents of this research section.

1. What are the variables to be included and excluded?

Answer: the variables that could be included in the study of mine could be the food I eat,
the money I spend and of course the people around me.

Answer: excluded are the non members of my family, friends, classmates .

2. Why are you doing this study ?

Answer: to be able to track my lifestyle and to be able to know what the reactions of my
family are and for self improvement purposes .

3. When are you going to conduct the study?

Answer:I'm going to conduct the study in the time that will be given to us by our teacher .

4. Where are you going to gather your data?

Answer: I'm going to gather the data in my house and through my family and of

course on the internet or google scholar to seek some references.

5. Who will be your respondents?

Answer: The respondent will be the family and some family relatives.

Additional Activity:

Direction: After you submit you have specified your scope and delimitation, once it is
corrected in accordance to the guidelines given, you may start writing a
paragraph format of this and incorporate it in your research manuscript.
This study aims to develop a personal being considered as a self improvement

and concluded the following concept and study of the gathered data , and the

assessment based on the respondent that has been asked about the saided

research . The researcher conducted a randomly selected family members in

each different family of a clan and used a questionnaire .when controlling for the

other variables , the total score was predicted by the behavior of the subject of the

research and the researchers respondents opinion and suggestion . based on the

partial score that is given in by the suggestion and opinion of each

respondents .Therefore the researcher conducts another random selection of the

each family members .until it the total score gathers.


6 Presenting Statement

of the Problem

What Is It
Getting this far means you have already completed the first part of the research
paper. The next step is to present your Statement of the Problem. The following topics were
already discussed and practiced so it is time to present your output for this Module.
Research Title
Background of the Research
Research Questions
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Significance of the Study or Beneficiaries (if applicable)

What’s More
Activity 1. Personal Work Evaluation

Direction: Rate your own paper using the rubric below. For the purpose of improvement, rate
your output as honestly as you can. Use the following scale in evaluating your
own paper.

5 – Very Good, 4 – Good, 3 – Fair, 2 – Poor, 1 – Needs Improvement

Indicator Self

1. Title Formulation 4
Variables, goal, respondents are clearly stated

2. Background of the Study 3

Rationale, basic literature background, gravity of the
chosen problem are established

3. Statement of the Problem 3

General problem, research questions are correctly stated

4. Scope and Delimitation 3

Indicators to be included and excluded are mentioned

5. Significance of the Study 3

Benefits and beneficiaries are discussed completely

Total Rating 16


Activity 3. Reflection

1. What is your highest and lowest rating? What are your reasons for giving yourself
such ratings?
My highest rating is 4 because i know myself that i need to improve my writing skill
and Critical thinking also i need to improve my self
2. Overall, do you think you are ready for a presentation of your research paper?
Explain your answer.
_i dont think i m ready but i will try my best present my research if needed even im
not that confident i could try ,my best to be able to accplich

Activity 2. Let’s go online

Visit the following links to further enhance your written problem and to improve your
preparation for presentation.



What I Have Learned

1. What the new learnings you have gained from this module in terms of skills, content,
and attitude in identifying and stating the research problem?
I learn a lot about the research and about other stuff about research and about my
weakness and about the research problem. Now I know how to do it right and be
able to get some info about it but i still need to learn more about it .
2. How will you improve your research writing skills in quantitative research?
I think only improve it when I can do my critical thinking and be able to improve my
vocabulary for more information to be gathered and to search more quantitative
research about it to be able to have a pure skill about it .


What I Can Do
Direction: Get ready for presentation of your written statement of the problem. The rubrics
below will serve as a guide on how you will be rated by your teacher. The 4C
(content, coherence, creativity, communication) technique will be used so that
you can easily remember.

Rubrics for Written Statement of the Problem

5 4 3 2 1

Content (35%)
▪ The title is concise and understandable. ▪
The Problem is relevant and well-explained.
▪ Research gap was established.

▪ The scope and delimitation of the study

is clearly stated and explained.
▪ Overall content is comprehensive.

Coherence (25%)
▪ Cohesive of devices are effectively
used. ▪ Organization of ideas is

Creativity (25%)
▪ Writer’s voice is showcased.

▪ Paper uses variety of sentence

structures. ▪ Uses appropriate language.

Communication (15%)
▪ Sentences are well structured

▪ Grammatical conventions are observed. ▪

Correct spelling and proper research format
is followed.

Legend: 5 – to a very great extent, 4 – to a great extent,

3 – to some extent, 2 – to a little extent, 2 – not at all


• Steps in developing a research topic;(1) Choose a broad topic, (2) Do a preliminary

research, (3) Define the problem, and (4) Refine the question
• Background of the study states the situation or circumstances within which your research
topic was conceptualized.
• Research Problem is the focus of investigation.

• Characteristics of good research questions are feasible, clear, significant, and ethical.

• The scope specifies the coverage of your study such as variables, population or
participant, and timeline. Delimitation cites factors of your study that are not included or
excluded or those you will not deal in your study.


Assessment: (Post-Test)
Directions: Read and analyze the statements below. Encircle the letter of the correct

1. Which of the following is NOT an essential characteristic of a researchable question?

A. The question is answerable by some sort of data that can be collected. B.
Answering the question provides a positive outcome to society.
C. The question is comprehensive.
D. The question is interesting.

2. Which of the following questions is most suitable for quantitative research? A. Will the
colors of the wall affect children’s preference and engagement during play time?
B. Is there a relationship between soil components and shape of
seeds? C. Do online materials enhance the performance of students?
D. What are the features of herbal plants in the province?

3. If you are going to look for a topic idea for your research study, what is the most reliable
source you are going to consider?
A. Review of literature C. Wikipedia
B. Folklores D. Blogs

4. Which of the following best describes the development process for a research question?
A. To focus your literature review, research topic must be refined first before doing a
preliminary research.
B. Preliminary research helps trim down a broad topic to a more manageable
C. As specific question can be broadened to make study more significant.
D. A broad topic is trimmed down to make it more interesting.

5. What refers to an issue that has not been fully addressed by previous studies?
A. Research problem C. Research question
B. Research topic D. Research gap

6. Which of the following statements is a characteristic of a good research title?

A. Short but accurate description of the content of the study.
B. Use abbreviations to shorten the number of characters.
C. All beginning letters of each word is capitalized.
D. Indicates all variables in the study.

7. Which of the following is the most common form of the research

title? A. Interrogative C. Question form
B. Phrase D. Declarative

8. What part of research expresses the context of the problem that will support the validity
and rationale of the study?
A. Research title C. Background of the study
B. Research topic D. Research problem

9. Which of the following characteristics describes a good research

question? A. Feasible, clear, significant and includes a hypothesis
B. Feasible, clear, significant, and ethical
C. Clear, significant, and ethical
D. Feasible, clear, and ethical
10. Which if the following statements is NOT true about the background of
research? A. It elaborates on the findings or information from the literature cited.
B. It explains how the research question was derived.
C. It justifies the need to conduct the study.
D. It establishes the research gap.

1. What part of the research study states rationale of the problem and basic literature
A Statement of the Problem
B. Significance of the Study
C. Background of the Study
D. Scope and Delimitation

2. Quantitative research problem dealt more with

A. description and general explanation of phenomena
B. description and explanation of situations
C. precision and specificity of the problem
D. trends and patterns of chosen group

3. “What are the various learning modalities offered in Gusa Elementary School for SY
2020-21?” This is an example of research question of what type of quantitative
A. Quasi-experimental research C. Correlational Research
B. Descriptive Research D. Ex post facto

4. “What is the relationship between time spent in texting and spelling ability? This is an
example of research question of what type of quantitative research?
A. Correlational Research C. Experimental research
B. Descriptive Research D. Ex post facto

5. “Is there a difference in the scores of group A from group B after the special tutorial
program? This is an example of research question of what type of quantitative
A. Correlational Research C. Experimental research
B. Descriptive Research D. Ex post facto


Key t


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