HYROX Affiliate Programming Block 1

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Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon Notes

For Time:
2 Mile Run
Day 1 Movement Review 150 Wall Balls You can choose to go straight through or break up into rounds
75 Push Ups
50 KBS (70/53)
*Partition reps any way
4 RFT:
500m Row
Day 2 Deadlift: 15 Deadlift @ 75% For DL, use 75% of your "heavy 8" from strength portion
Build to a heavy 8 12 Box Jumps Farmer Carry should be HEAVY- 1 break acceptable
100m Farmer Carry
PRO (70/53x2)
OPEN (53/35x2)
2:00 on/1:00 off Intervals: strategize
200m Sprint You will continue to work until you have reached 60 headcutters
Day 3 Back Squat: Max Headcutter Each efforts starts with the 200m Sprint
10-8-6-4 Continue until 60 Headcutters are completed Shoot for 10-15 headcutters each round,
PRO (70/53) if you're getting more than 10-15 reps your KB is too light
OPEN (53/35)
Goblet Squat x 20 Movements are meant to be supersetted
DB Bench Press x 15 Don't rest until the end of each set
Chin Ups x Failure Not for time, for quality
Max Bike sprint x 30 sec
Day 4 Accessory Work 90 sec rest

Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 Each Leg Loaded carry- First 100m, both KBs at shoulders
DB Shoulder Press x 15 Secont 100m, both KBs at sides
DB curls x 12 each
200m Loaded Carry 100m FR/100m Farmer Carry
For Time:
800-400-200m Run
Alt DB Snatch Shoot for unbroken reps with the KB
Day 5 Movement Review Goblet Squat Load sled AHAP (As Heavy As Possible)
Goblet Lunge Practice running immediately after sled is finished- no walking!
PRO (50/35)
OPEN (35/20)
*50ft Sled Push after each round
Weekly Hybrid Endurance Workout
1000m Row/Ski

4x Accumulate the 400ft Sled Push any way throughout the entire workout
150ft DB Lunge PRO DB (50/35 x 2) Complete sled push in at least 50ft segments
25 Wall Balls OPEN DB (35/20 x 2) Wall Balls should be unbroken
400m Run DB Lunges should be maintained in 50ft sets

100/75 Cal Bike

Accumulate 400ft Sled Push
Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
For Time:
100m Farmer Carry
Day 1 Back Squat: DB Hang Clean
3 x 8 Building DB Push Press
DB Front Squat
PRO 50/35 x 2
OPEN 35/20 x 2
20 Min AMRAP
KB Deadlift
Day 2 Deadlift: 10-20-30-40-50-etc
Build to a heavy 5 Wall Balls
*200m Run after each round
PRO (70/53x2)
OPEN (53/35x2)
4:00 on/2:00 off
400m Run
Day 3 Strict Press: 12 Headcutters
3 x 8 Building Max Cal Bike
PRO (70/53)
OPEN (53/35)
100 Cal Row
Every 2:00 10 x Bench Press

Day 4 Accessory Work 25 Back Squats (Unbroken)
10 Cal Bike Sprint
-2:00 Rest after each round
400m Suitcase Carry (switch arms as
needed – go heavy)
100ft Lunges
25 Wall Balls
100/75 Cal Bike
Accumulate 400ft Sled Push
Day 5 Movement Review (8 Lengths)

Sled weight AHAP

(As Heavy As Possible)
PRO: (50/35x2)
OPEN: (35/20x2)
Weekly Hybrid Endurance Workout
Cal Bike or Ski
Alt DB Snatch
Wall Balls

800m Run

400ft S/A OH DB Lunge

*Every break 10 x burpee
1 Mile Run

DB Weight should be the same throughout.

Choose a weight that you will have to break at least once on sets 21 & 18
One DB each hand

Try to go unbroken on deadlifts and wall balls

Use the run as your recovery
Continue adding reps following the same pattern until you have reached 20 mins

Interval Training: each round should be a 90%-max effort

Choose a weight where you can go unbroken on the Headcutters
Score= number of calories each round. Try to stay consistent

Choose a weight you can go unbroken on Bench Press

Build each round if able

Each 10 Cal bike is an all out effort

Only 1 KB or DB (single arm)

Lunges should be weighted (modify to unweighted if needed)

Choose goblet hold, front rack (2 KBs/DBs), or arms to the sides

ALWAYS push sled AHAP (As Heavy As Possible)

You should have to break at least once every 50ft


Shoot for 1 Endurance specific workout per week

Should be 40-60 mins of straight work

S/A = Single Arm

It is considered a break every time the DB comes below the ear
Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
For Time:
50ft Sled Push
Day 1 Push Press: 800m Run
Build to a heavy 8 15 Headcutters
PRO: 70/53
OPEN: 53/35
For Time:
Pull Up Strength: Alt DB Snatch
(Choose one) 50ft Sled Pull
200m Farmer Carry
Day 2 3 x 5 Strict Weighted Pull Ups
DB Snatch:
3 x Max Set Unweighted PRO: 50/35
Open: 35/20
3 x Max Set Inverted Bar Row Farmer Carry:
PRO: (70s/53s)
OPEN: (53s/35s)
20 Min Alt EMOM
Front Squat: :50 on/:10 off
3x5 Front Rack KB Lunge
Day 3 Back Squat: 15 Push Ups/Strict Pull Ups
1 x 15 200m Run
Accessory Work:
Barbell RDL x 8
DB Split Squat Jump x10
100ft Sled Sprint (half normal weight. Run
with it)
Day 4 Accessory Work 90 sec rest between rounds
Accessory Work

Bench Press x 20
KBS x 20
10 Cal Ski Sprint
90 sec rest between rounds
For Time:
Wall Balls
Day 5 Movement Review 21-18-15-12-9
400m Run
PRO: (70/53)
OPEN: (53/35)
Weekly Hybrid Endurance Workout
100m Farmer Carry
400m Run
100ft Front Rack Lunge
100ft Burpee Broad Jump
100ft Sled Push
100ft Sled Pull
1000m Ski or Row

Sled Push AHAP (As Heavy As Possible)

This workout is quick, treat it as a sprint
Headcutters should be heavy and unbroken

DB Snatch weight should be moderately heavy

Sled Pull- Arms only, no walk back
Farmer Carries should be heavy enough that you have to set down the KB/DBs at least twice

For Strength, use the same weight for your heavy 5 FS as for your set of 15 BS
Add weight appropriately for Lunges- should be :50 sec unbroken
If you can't do strict Pull Ups, do as many push ups as possible

Movements should be done back to back

Not for time, but don't fully rest until the end of each round
Adjust weight as needed throughout
Bench Press should be unbroken

Try to go unbroken on the wall balls & KBS

Use 400m run as active recovery
KBS should be heavy- go all the way overhead (American) if comfortable


Farmer Carry should be HEAVY, one break is acceptable

Use run as active recovery
Front rack lunge = 2x KB/DB on shoulders. Should be able to go 50ft before breaking

Sled Push AHAP

Sled Pull- Arms only

Finish strong on last 1000m

Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
4 RFT:
400m run
Day 1 Front Squat: 10 DB Thrusters
10-8-6-4 50ft Burpee Broad Jump

PRO (50/35)
OPEN (35/20)
4 RFT:
Day 2 Strict Press: 100m Farmer Carry (70/53)
5 x 5 Building 100ft Sled Push
15 HR Pushups
4 x 4 Min AMRAP
Back Squat: 4:00 on/1:00
4x off
Day 3 10-8-6-4 10/10 Split Squats
500/350m Ski
20 KB Deadlifts
12 Alt DB Snatch
20 DB Bench Press
Max Wallballs
60 sec rest
Day 4 Accessory Work
For 4x
20 Cal Bike
50ft Sled Push
Mile Run
60 secBroad
50 Burpee rest Jump
Day 5 Movement Review 600ft KB Lunge
1000m Ski
30 Burpee Pull Ups
400m Farmer Carry
75/50 Cal Bike
100 Wall Balls
Weekly Hybrid Endurance Workout
3 Rounds:
1:00 on/1:00 off
Sled Push
Sled Pull
DB Box Over
Push ups

DB Thrusters HEAVY & Unbroken

Focus on distance during Burpee Broad Jump

Farmer Carry- one break is acceptable

Sled Push AHAP
Focus on tight core/STRICT push ups

Intervals: Each round is max effort

Score = number of wall balls each round
Try to stay consistent each round
Split Squats: 10 Each leg. Do not alternate
KB Deadlifts should be unbroken
DB Bench should be unbroken
Focus on running immediately after sled push- no rest
Lunges (53/35 x 2)
Farmer Carry (70/53 x 2)
Wall Balls (20/14)

Lunges (35/20 x 2)
Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2)
Wall Balls (14/10)
*Shoot for 2x PFT time

Rotate movements each minute

Focus is more on strength than speed
Lower volume than usual due to PFT+
Quality movement>Quantity movement
Day Hybrid Strength Hybrid Metcon
For Time:
DB Push Press
Day 1 Push Press: Strict Pull Up
4 x 8 Building 30-20-10
Alt DB Snatch
400m after each round
PRO: (50/35)
OPEN: (35/20)
3 RFT:
200m Farmer Carry
15 KBS
Day 2 Goblet Squat
Back Squat: *Increase Goblet Squat reps each round
Build to a heavy set of 5 10/20/1930
PRO: (70/53)
OPEN: (53/35)
20 Min Alt EMOM
-200m Run/Ski
Day 3 Strict Press: -10 Headcutters
Build to a heavy set of 3 Bench Press-12xPush Upseccentric)
6 (3 sec
DB Bench-Maxx 20Wall Balls Tension
30 sec-Rest
Ski Sprint
Day 4 Acessory Work 60 sec rest
In Teams
100ft Sled (50ft of 2 orBackwards
Push/50ft Solo: Walk)
20 Squat
2 RFT:Jumps
30 Sec BikeRow
40 Cal Sprint
60 Sec Rest
40 Burpees Over Rower
Day 5 Movement Review 4 Rounds:
12 Goblet Lunge
12 KBS
12 Headcutters
Weekly Hybrid Endurance Workout
100/75 Cal Bike or Ski
100 Back Squat (135/95)
1 Mile Run
100 KBS (53/35)
100/75 Cal Bike or Ski
100 Headcutters
*Every break 100m Farmer Carry (70/53 x 2)

Push Press weight break 1x or less each set

If you can't do strict pull ups, sub inverted bar rows or ring rows (double reps), or other pulling movment

Use a different set of KBs for the Farmer Carry

Go heavy- you should have to set down the weight at least 2x during the 200m
KB weight stays the same for squats and KBS, increase reps each round

Intervals: Focus on intensity

Run or Ski should be a sprint effort
Headcutters unbroken
Score = number of Wall Balls each round. Goal is to stay consistant
3 sec eccentric is during the lowering phase of the bench press
Constant tension= don't pause on lockout
Backwards walkof= 2,
If doing a team pull while
focus walking
should be backwards
on sprint efforts
If doing solo, focus should be on consistant pacing
1 round= 1 x 40 Cals + 40 Burpees
THEN complete 1 more full round

Choose a weight on the BS that you can do at least 25 reps tired

Choose a weight on KBS that you can do at least 40 unbroken
Choose a weight on Headcutters that you can do at least 25 unbroken
Farmer Carries, one break is acceptable

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