Icse 2023 - 681 HSC
Icse 2023 - 681 HSC
Icse 2023 - 681 HSC
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ].
Question 1 [20]
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only.)
(a) Balanced
(b) Deficit
(c) Surplus
(d) Excess
(iii) A type of kitchen which is usually found in small apartments and occupying
less space:
(a) it is flexible
(b) it is prefabricated
(v) ____________ is a disorder that causes children to lose focus on a task very
(a) Dyscalculia
(b) Dysgraphia
(c) ADHD
(d) Dyslexia
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(vi) Development is related to:
(c) is exotic
(a) cleaner
(b) whiter
(c) crisper
(d) smoother
(a) jute
(b) cotton
(c) silk
(d) linen
(a) Semolina
(d) Raisins
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(xvi) MNREGA is a scheme applied:
(xviii) ___________ is not only a form of entertainment but they are also involved in
creating special awareness.
(a) slogans
(c) posters
(d) flyers
(a) wool
(b) synthetic
(c) cotton
(d) silk
(viii) State any two precautionary measures to be followed while drying woolen [2]
(ix) List any two reasons for child labour in our country. [2]
Question 3
(ii) State any five important features of the cooking centre in the kitchen. [5]
(iii) List any five points to be kept in mind while selecting curtains and draperies. [5]
Question 4
(i) Discuss the role of parents in handling children with learning disabilities. [5]
(ii) Explain any five characteristics of gang age among middle childhood. [5]
(iii) State any five learning disabilities observed in school going children. [5]
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Question 5
(i) Discuss the nutritional contribution of the five food groups. [5]
(ii) Mention any five ways of maintaining hygiene while handling food. [5]
(iii) How do sugar and salt contribute to the preservation of food? [5]
Question 6
(i) List any five considerations to be kept in mind while selecting clothes, within [5]
a budget and for an occasion.
(ii) Explain any five steps incorporated while laundering a white bedsheet. [5]
(iii) State any five precautionary measures to be followed during the bluing process [5]
in laundry.
Question 7
(ii) Discuss any two ecological problems that the world is facing. [5]
Question 8
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