Pick Up Man Wrecked Universe Book 4 Jodi Payne Ba Tortuga All Chapter

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Pick Up Man (Wrecked Universe Book

4) Jodi Payne & Ba Tortuga

Visit to download the full and correct content document:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

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About Jodi
About BA
Available from Jodi & BA
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

Pick Up Man
Copyright © 2024 by Jodi Payne & BA Tortuga

Edited by LC Hinson

Cover illustration by AJ Corza

Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

ISBN: 978-1-951011-94-9

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Electronic edition published by Tygerseye Publishing, LLC, March, 2024

Printed in the USA

Jack Boers and Hudson James had a wild affair one long weekend many years ago. But their lives were too different then to
even think about something more. They’ve kept in touch, meeting up every year when the bull riding tour is in Anaheim to pick
up where they left off, and spending every moment Jack isn’t in the arena in bed together.

But this year, Hudson has a plan. He’s in love with Jack, and even though he knows the cowboy has a man at every stop along
the tour, he’s decided to ask for more.

Jack is an experienced, handsome cowboy, and he’s earned his reputation as a bad boy. He knows he can have any man he
wants. But the last couple of years, he’s been looking forward to seeing Hudson more than he can understand. He’s really not
the rambling man he used to be, and he wonders sometimes if there’s anything out there for him once he retires.

When Hudson’s plan backfires, he’s not sure how to handle the situation. Jack is just keeping his head down and working,
unable to understand what is, or what’s not, happening between them. Can they figure out their communication issues before the
weekend is over? Or will they be left with “see you same time next year”?

Read the Wrecked Novels


Flying Blind

Special Delivery

Seeds and Sunshine

Pick Up Man

J ack lived for the Anaheim events—seriously. He got to see the kids, but then they all went to Disneyland. There was a ton
of affordable food, decent hotels, and…Hudson.
For years, he’d had his own personal hot little bastard in Anaheim. Hours in bed, making the bedsprings scream.
Pizza delivery twenty-four-seven. Four nights of bliss with one of the ones he never once got tired of.
He’d spent more time with Hudson in bed than out, and it was easy to picture the man with a lock of blond hair plastered
across a wide forehead, and half-lidded blue eyes staring up from the pillows. That was the first image that came to mind, but
Hudson knew how to wear a pair of jeans, too, the arms of a polo stretching around muscled biceps.
Not bad for a geek.
Hudson couldn’t ride a horse or throw a loop, and Jack was fairly sure he didn’t know what a piggin’ string was, but the
fine motherfucker did make his eyes cross.
He had driven down in a convoy with Mackey, Sid, and Tommy—and they had been having a ball on the pretty drive along
the coast from Portland. He’d expected to hear from Hudson by now; he’d even texted twice, which was once more than he
usually would for any other booty call, but nothing. Not even those little dots.
Shit, he hoped Hudson was okay. It wasn’t like the man not to return his texts, but if Jack didn’t hear something soon, well,
he’d just call.
It was the decent thing to do, after all. What if Hudson had been in an accident or something?
“So we won’t be seeing you at dinner, I hear.” Sid winked at him as Mackey was checking in.
“Oi.” Tommy laughed. “Only place you’ll see Jack this weekend is on the dirt. He always has plans in Anaheim.”
“Plans?” Sid asked, and Mackey nodded.
“Plans plans. Pervy dirty many-condom plans.”
“Wait.” Sid gave him a confused look. “How is that different than every other weekend?”
That got a laugh from Mackey and Tommy, and he was about to say something snarky himself when his phone vibrated in
his hand.
[Plane was delayed and traffic in LA sucks.]
Oh, hell yeah. That was the best possible answer. [Got a room at the Hilton Anaheim. 322. CUSoon]
[Sounds good.]
Tommy peered over his shoulder. “Is lover boy standing you up?”
“He is not, thank you. Nosy.” He couldn’t help his grin, though, not for love or money. “His flight was late.”
“He flies in for you?” Sid asked, and his grin just got wider.
“I’m that good.”
“Every year, so fucking smug. It’s disgusting.” Mackey clapped him on the shoulder. “Speaking of disgusting, see you on the
dirt. I’m taking Sid upstairs for a nap before showtime.”
Tommy sighed. “Sounds like my cue to find the twins. We should have made them drive with us.”
“You should just get your own hotel room, man.”
“Oi, the twins would cause a disaster. Can you imagine? They’d be bouncing off the walls like a ‘roo.”
“Quick before he changes his mind.” Mackey laughed and steered Sid toward the elevator. “Later, y’all!”
“Mother needs a day off.” Tommy winked at him. Grainger and Hayden—the twins on the bull-fighting team—stumbled into
the hotel lobby looking wide-eyed and lost. “Oi! Boys!” Tommy waved. “Off to babysit, mate. Later.”
“See ya.” Jack waved and headed for the bar, getting a beer while he waited for Hudson. He loved watching the fine son of
a bitch walk into a room.
Or out of a room.
And it wasn’t long before Hudson showed, wearing jeans, a checkered button-down that tugged at his shoulders, and that
unforgettable wide smile. Hudson gave him a lazy wave and headed his way, long legs and tight hips weaving around the
dining tables.
“Can you get me two Bud Lights, please, honey?” he asked the bartender, eyes on that taut belly.
“Well, Jack Boers. Fancy seeing you here.” Hudson stuck a hand out and pulled him into a bro-hug when he took it, the
familiar light cologne filling his nostrils. “And at the bar no less.”
“I ordered you a Bud. Good to see you, darlin’.” Oh, maybe they could take their beers up to their rooms. He could order
room services.
“Thank you. I need a beer after that flight.” Hudson settled on a stool. “You’re looking healthy. Everything good?”
“Doing great. You know how it is. I got my dream job.” He rode for three events a weekend whenever he wanted, his
horses were happy and healthy, and he had both his thumbs.
“I do know how that is, since I got mine too.”
“Two Buds. Are you running a tab?” The bartender set out cocktail napkins, then set the glasses on top.
“Just the one for me, thanks.” Hudson put a twenty on the bar.
“So, you looking forward to the weekend? Feels like forever since I got to hang out with your happy ass.” Jack wrote his
room number on his receipt. “Want to find a seat?”
“Well, it’s been about a year, like always. A long one.” Hudson stood, and his sharp blue eyes scanned the room. “There’s
a table over there that’ll work.”
“You been okay? You don’t text like you used to.” And he hated to bother Hudson if he was… doing whatever he did now.
Hudson was way quicker to change than he was. Way.
“Yeah. Sorry, I… I’ve been busy. I got an incredible offer on my company, and I sold it. Now I work for them.” Hudson did
some kind of work with medical technology that he didn’t completely follow, but he knew the company had been important.
“But it’s good. I’m consulting now, so I have way more time than I used to, you know?”
“So you sold the place so they could hire you?” Jack guessed the taxes on that were good? He didn’t know. “Time is good.”
He could give Hudson something to do for a few hours.
“Sort of? I sold it for over three times what I put into it and now I don’t run it anymore. I just work there. It was a good
deal.” Hudson leaned back in his chair. He might only see Hudson once a year, but he could tell there was something off,
something in Hudson’s eyes. “I’m turning my talents to my favorite sport.”
“Yeah?” Surely that was rodeo, right? It needed to be rodeo. Rodeo rocked.
Just ask him, he’d tell you.
“Yep. I’m working on a glove. I’ve been working with a couple of riders off circuit, but we’re trying to find some pros to
try it out. I’ve got a prototype with me. I’ll show you.”
“No shit? Go you, man! I’d love to see it.” He was all over that. “What does it do? Protect the hand or keep them in the
Hudson smiled and seemed to like the questions. “It’s safety gear, so protection mostly, but the riders seem to like the grip
too.” Hudson shrugged. “We’ll see. It’s just nice to have the time to focus on things I enjoy.”
“I hear that. I been staying with Mackey and his new guy for a bit. It’s nice to be able to just get out and ride.” He could
outrun the world on the back of Ghost or Princess, either one.
“He bought a place in Colorado, right? He has a guy? That’s amazing, good for him.” Hudson sipped his Bud, then studied
the glass. Hudson hadn’t ever talked about wanting someone steady, and Jack knew the guy wouldn’t be here if he had someone
Neither one of them were cheaters.
Jack didn’t promise anyone monogamy. He knew how that worked out.
“Sid’s okay. Smart like you. I like him for Mackey.”
Hudson chuckled. “You don’t like smart people for yourself.”
He frowned over because he surrounded himself with smart guys. He loved fucking the hot, smart ones because they had
“Just curious.” Hudson finished his beer. “I can’t believe how long we’ve been doing this.”
“Long time, and every year it gets better.” He loved the California air, yessir he did.
“You think so? Must be all the practice you get in between.” Hudson gave him a wink.
“You got to use it, so they say.” He wasn’t getting it every weekend these days, but he wasn’t a fucking monk.
Hudson watched him, then pushed his chair back from the table. “You wanna show me what you got?”
“You know it.” He stood and offered Hudson his best smile. Thank goodness Hudson seemed more… normal. “I got us a
nice room.”
“Mhm. Okay. I’ve got a room down the hall too. I just dropped my suitcase in it.”
Weird. “You don’t want to stay with me? You know you’re welcome as the flowers in May.”
Hudson gave him a smile, but it seemed… complicated. “Oh, I know, cowboy. Thank you. But I’m here on business too this
time, so it just seemed… I just got my own space.”
That sorta made sense, he guessed. He wasn’t much for business. “Well, you want to cancel your room, I got you a key
made. First, though, I want to get you somewhere I can kiss the fire out of you.”
Hudson’s blush was answer enough. “Let’s go to yours.”

H udson had spent the entire flight from Denver rehearsing how he was going to handle this meeting.
Listen, cowboy. We need to talk.
Talk. He was going to talk first. Set some ground rules and tell Jack what he needed. He’d chosen his words
carefully, made sure they weren’t mean, and that he wasn’t being unfair. But after over ten years of these meet-ups he wanted
more, and he was finally in a position to get it.
If Jack would give it to him.
But fuck him, Jack Boers was hotter than a city sidewalk in July, and as much as he wanted more, what he really wanted
was Jack.
He didn’t care that he was blushing; it wasn’t a secret what the cowboy could do to him with a look or the right words. And
Jack had said a lot of very right words.
“C’mon, darlin’. I do love the look in your pretty eyes.” Jack stood back, waiting on him to come around, and Hudson
could almost feel the gaze on his ass.
He shook his head but couldn’t help his smile. Jack was usually more discreet and saved things like that for when they
were alone. “You’re killing me.”
“Oh, that’s the farthest thing on earth from what I want, now.” No. He knew full well that Jack wanted him—in every way
He swallowed as they stepped onto the elevator with a handful of other people and kept himself in check by gripping the
railing behind his back. Jack leaned up against the wall beside him, heat radiating toward him. God, the cowboy smelled good.
He didn’t know anyone else that wore that cologne—he didn’t even know what it was—it was just Jack.
Jack smiled over at him, so tanned and easy in his skin that he could hardly bear it. The flat belly was punctuated by an
open neck on the white button-down at the top and a big silver buckle at the bottom.
Somewhere on the other side of this evening was the conversation they needed to have, but he understood now that this had
to happen first. They’d both been waiting a year for it. This was the promise they’d made to each other last year, and every
year before that.
The doors opened and he’d never been so relieved to follow the cowboy off an elevator before. “Thank fucking God.”
“Mmhmm…” Jack managed to get the door open and dragged him into a fancy hotel room before that hungry mouth fell on
his, devouring him like he was a buffet.
His knees went to jelly, and he hooked a hand behind Jack’s neck, mostly to hold himself up while every nerve and every
muscle he had responded at once. His cock pressed up against his fly, his skin broke out in goose bumps, and there suddenly
wasn’t enough oxygen in the room. He groaned and let Jack’s tongue do as it pleased, searching and claiming every bit of him.
“Fuck, baby. You taste so good.” Jack growled low and dragged them together, fingertips digging into his ass.
“You kiss like a fucking beast.” And he loved it. He hauled on Jack’s shoulders and rocked into those big, strong hands.
Jack was laser focused, watching him like he was the entire world, like there was nothing else on earth Jack wanted but
He twisted in Jack’s arms making enough room to unbutton his shirt and give Jack something more to look at it. He had no
idea if Jack was this engaged with all of his lovers, but it had always been like this between them. There was never any
question he was the center of Jack’s universe when they were together like this. He tossed his shirt and flexed his shoulders—
he knew how to keep Jack’s attention.
“Fucking perfect.” Jack found his nipples unerringly, tugging and twisting, pushing him just hard enough to make him want
to scream.
Caught between begging Jack to stop and begging him for more, he yanked the hat off Jack’s head and flung it at the dresser,
then fumbled with the buckle on Jack’s belt. “Fuck, yeah.”
Jack’s heavy club of a cock was hard and full for him, a promise that he was more than willing to believe in. “Want you. I
want every single bit of you, darlin’.”
“We’ve got all night, and I don’t have to ride tomorrow.” He left the jeans open, then tugged Jack farther into the room by
the crotch, fingers bumping up against that stunning cock. “Let me show you what you’re getting.”
“Hell, yes.” The button-down shirt was carefully removed, hung on the back of the chair. “Boots first, huh? That’s such a
pain in the ass.”
“I haven’t forgotten, cowboy. Sit down.” He kicked his sneakers off first, then knelt and looked up at Jack before working
off the first boot. This was part of their ritual, his little moment on his knees, making it clear he understood their dynamic. Jack
just ate it up.
“Dammit, I’ve missed your face.” Jack let him remove the other boot, and then curled down to capture his lips again,
holding his face between those callused fingers.
Fuck, he needed to hear that. I’ve missed you too. More than Jack knew, probably more than Jack wanted to know. He
whimpered into the kiss; he couldn’t keep it in.
Jack pulled him into his lap, quick enough that their bellies slapped together, and it was so frigging hot, so fierce and
He rocked into Jack and groaned. “Want you. Get these fucking jeans off.” He slid off Jack’s lap long enough to get his own
off and watch Jack kick his Wranglers to the floor as well.
Every time he saw Jack, there was a little something that had changed—a new scar, a new tattoo, a little more silver in his
hair. Such a strange way to mark the time. He moved back into Jack’s lap and slid his finger over a deep scar he didn’t
recognize in the cowboy’s chest. “New one.”
“Bar fight. Sucked, and I ended up in the hospital, but the other guy left in a cop car.”
Hudson snorted, dropping one hand between them and palming the head of Jack’s hot cock. He wouldn’t mess with Jack in
a bar, or anywhere. “Obviously he didn’t know who he was up against,” he said, teasing. “But I do.”
“Do you now?” Jack leaned back on his elbows, exposing himself, baring himself and letting Hudson see as much as he
Jesus, he knew, but right now, he had a hard time believing it. He slid both hands over Jack’s hips and up over hard abs.
“Mhm. And I want all of it.”
“Hell yes. I’ll make sure you’re bowlegged and aching tomorrow. You’ll remember me every second.”
“Fuck, yes. Please.” That’s what he wanted. That’s why he showed up here every year. Nobody understood what he needed
like Jack. He lined up their cocks and tugged hard, barely able to hear Jack’s rough groan over his own. “Where’s the lube?”
“My ditty bag. I brought two tubes.”
How could two short sentences sound so hot in that rough, hungry voice?
“Ditty bag. Way over there?” He sighed as he let their cocks go, but slid off the bed, and made a point of giving Jack a good
look at his bare ass on the way to the bathroom, and a view of his aching cock on the way back. “Rubbers and lube.” He set
them down on Jack’s chest, then bent over the bed and kissed the tip of Jack’s fat prick.
“Mmhmm…” Jack’s thighs tightened and actually moved his whole body before easing back down.
He reached for the lube, then straddled Jack’s hips. “Enjoying the view?” He opened the lube and slicked Jack’s fingers
with it, raising up high to give the cowboy easy access.
“You know you’re fine to me.” It didn’t take any time for those rough, wet fingers to push into him, spreading him with a
wild burn. “Fucking tight, darlin’.”
He knew. And he could watch Jack move all fucking day long. Graceful and strong, every twitch deliberate… he should
have said that out loud—he wanted to, but it went through his head so fast and the pressure from Jack’s fingers was so fucking
right he’d already forgotten how to make words. What came out was “Mrrugh,” followed by a long, needy moan.
Close enough.
“Yeah. Let’s light you up and make you scream.” Jack could play his body like a guitar, and the tips of Jack’s fingers started
dancing on his gland, sending shock after shock through him.
Fuck, Jack was going to make him pop off like a teenager. “Jack, don’t. Jack… you’ll make me… oh, fuck.” Like any of that
was going to stop him. The asshole knew exactly what he was doing. Hudson ducked his head and fought the urge to arch into
that perfect touch.
“I will, and then I’ll make you do it again. I know you have it in you.” Demanding son of a bitch.
“Jack!” He gasped, eyes going wide as another shock shot through him. Fuck it. He grabbed his needy cock desperately and
arched back to ride those fingers.
“That’s right, darlin’. Show me how good it is. I want you to let me have you.” Jack’s voice poured over him.
“Have me,” he whispered. His belly filled with fire, and he shot hard enough to make him dizzy.
“Pretty baby…” Jack’s touch gentled, but it didn’t disappear, and the aftershocks didn’t let up. It was like being caught in a
tornado, like he could barely catch his breath.
He shivered reflexively and lifted up a little, trying to escape the intensity of the touch. Jack’s fucking patience was going to
drive him insane.
“Breathe through it, darlin’. Ride it out. I got you, and I won’t let you down.” Jack caught his gaze, and fuck, he seemed like
he meant it.
He nodded, suddenly finding a real breath as he held that gaze and let it steady him. Another breath, and he was able to
relax and let out a soft moan. “Fuck, cowboy.”
“Yes, sir. That is the idea.” Jack pulled back and added more slick to his fingers, easing three in this time, and he could
barely breathe again.
It wasn’t what he wanted either—it wasn’t nearly enough. He wanted Jack inside him, the full length of that thick cock.
Unable to get the words out, he grunted in frustration, fingers going after one of Jack’s ruddy nipples.
“Pushy, pushy.” That gasp and grin proved that he was on the right track, so he kept right on going. He pinched and tugged
firmly on one, and then the other, loving how it made Jack squirm just a little—a tiny crack in the armor.
Jack pushed in, a little harder, a little more firmly, and he almost lost his focus, but not quite. Not fucking yet.
He slid his hand back and circled it around Jack’s prick, stroking firmly, teasing the head with his thumb on each pass.
“Even you can’t hold out all day,” he whispered roughly, slicking his thumb with the liquid at the tip of Jack’s cock.
“Not gonna. I need in your—” Jack bared his teeth. “Sweet fucking ass.”
He bore down on Jack’s fingers and moaned. “Want you.”
“Then ride me. I’m ready to watch you come on my cock. More than ready.” Jack handed him the condom.
“Lazy bastard. Making me do all the work.” He knew better, Jack was the least passive lover he’d ever had, but he liked to
taunt. He shifted and grinned as he smoothed the condom on.
“Yep. I’m getting old, lazy, soft.” Jack waggled his eyebrows at him, teasing him mercilessly.
He reached back and shoved at Jack’s wrist, forcing those fingers away, and replaced them quickly with the head of Jack’s
decidedly not-soft prick. “Never soft. Literally almost never.” He sank down easy, eyes rolling with the sweet stretch and burn.
“Fuck yes…” Jack’s expression went blissful, but those eyes never once left his. So pretty. So fine.
He sighed as Jack slid deeper, filling him in the best way. Everything was right in his little fucking world. He stared back,
willing Jack to see it. To understand. “So good. Fuck.”
Jack nodded, hands landing on his hips, the pressure as tight as iron bands. “You are perfect.”
He didn’t like to admit to himself how much he craved that praise from Jack. He swallowed hard as his ass met Jack’s
hips. Jack held him there for a long few seconds, both of them breathing together, and all he could do was breathe and wait for
Jack to shift him.
When it happened, his eyes rolled back in his head, and time stopped until Jack slammed back up into him. And that was
that. He was Jack’s.
Hudson gripped Jack’s hands, holding on as Jack took everything he wanted, exactly how he wanted it. It was fucking
He gulped for breath when he could, exhaling with grunts and groans in a haze of sensation, loving how Jack filled him
over and over.
Jack moved him and dragged him down, sweat beginning to make his lover shine.
“Yeah. So good. Give me more, cowboy.” He tightened up when he could, giving Jack a little resistance, making them both
moan. Jack responded by nailing that hot spot and sending bolts of electricity up his spine. “Fuck…”
“Oh, right there, hmm? I like that sound.” Jack’s grin was pure wickedness, pure sex as he repeated the move.
“Smug asshole.” That was a term of endearment at this point. His eyes crossed, and he cried out as Jack did it again. He’d
be damned if he was taking this trip alone again, though, so he clenched hard, making Jack work for it the next time.
“Uhn…” Jack’s shoulders rolled up, lifting up off the mattress. “Fuck, that’s hot.”
“Uh-huh.” Everything was lit up. He was going to lose his mind. He reached for a nipple again, fingers fumbling across
Jack’s chest, and gave it a twist when he finally found it. “Show me, Jack.”
“Everything. Every fucking thing I got.” Jack spun them, the fucking becoming a desperate rutting.
Fuck yeah. He had no hope of holding out now, but neither did his cowboy, so he pushed back to meet Jack’s body and
gave in, his climax overtaking him in shuddering waves.
Jack leaned down, biting his shoulder, teeth sinking in just enough to sting.
“Fuck!” Hudson couldn’t move, torn between the instinct to pull away and needing to relax and let that sting settle into his
body. He curled his fingers into the sheets and held on, knowing this wild side meant Jack was close.
Jack let go, grunted, and slammed in deep, eyes rolling back in his head.
Jack let them stay there for a bit while they found air, and the room came back into focus. He pulled Jack down for a kiss,
one much less heated than their last. Jack always left him wrung out and exhausted in the best fucking way. He pulled away just
enough to whisper, “Better every year.”
“Hell, yes. You blow my mind.” Jack grinned at him. “Every fucking time.”
Then why don’t you ever ask me to stay?
Every time… this time… and Jack still wasn’t asking.
He shoved the feelings, the things he wanted to say away for later. Tonight, he could enjoy this.

J ack headed downstairs to grab a couple of coffees and something sweet and rich to share with Hudson. Maybe chocolate
flaky things.
He liked those.
He’d left Hudson crashed out on his stomach in bed, sweet bare ass peeking out from under the sheets, so he wasn’t in a
hurry. That was good, because he could see across the lobby that there was a decent line at the little hotel cafe.
“Jack! Save me a spot!” Mackey’s Sid came out of the elevator. “Mack is needing a cup.”
“You got it.” He chuckled and winked at one of the twink riders behind him. “Y’all don’t mind, do you?”
“No, sir.”
He didn’t think so.
Sid slipped past them and got in line beside him, grinning. “Thanks. You know how Maverick is when he hasn’t had much
Jack chuckled deep in his chest. In fact, he had been on the receiving end of Mackey’s need for caffeine. “Indeed I do, my
Sid squinted at him. “And… how did you sleep?”
He couldn’t help his grin for love or money. “Sleep is for the weak.”
That got him a good laugh. “I got the whole story about this guy last night. A yearly booty call? And Mav says he barely
knows this guy because you basically keep him in your hotel room all weekend.”
“He’s special.” And Jack didn’t want to waste a second of it on anything but riding. Hudson was one of the best.
“But not special enough to want to see him more than once a year?” Sid winked at him. “Gotta keep those options open.”
“Shut up, asshole.” He winked back over, because Hudson had asked once for a commitment, and he’d said no. He’d been
hurting bad and hadn’t been in a space to be a good man for more than a few days in a row back then.
Sid chuckled. “Damn, order your coffee, man. You’re grumpy.”
“Just wanting to get back upstairs, or maybe you two just make my butt itch.”
Sid cracked up, bumping into him with a grin.
“Well, I am from the dark side of event management.” Sid stepped up and ordered first, asking for a nice strong, black
coffee for Mackey and some sweet caramel something-er-other thing too.
He was going to get a hazelnut latte and a cinnamon dolce dealio. Those rocked.
“I’m gonna run these up before they get cold. You got enough cash?” Sid loved to poke at him.
“You gonna cover me if I don’t, suit?” he poked right back.
“Sure. It’s the bull riders that never pay you back.”
“Hey!” Twink-rider said. “That’s not fair.”
He was going to lose his shit laughing.
Sid giggled and gave a wave, then picked up his coffees. “See you tonight, Jack.”
“I’ll be there. I’m the one on the horse.”
“There are horses in bull riding? Who knew?” Sid was still giggling as he walked away.
“Hazelnut latte and a cinnamon one with the cream on top.” He pulled out his phone to pay, which still felt just a little
“Dolce. Yes sir, Mr. Boers.” The barista smiled shyly at him, then got busy making his drinks. He let himself grin at the
recognition, but didn’t make a big deal of it.
“Mr. Boers,” one of the kids behind him teased, and he shot over a glare. He didn’t mean it, but a little respect didn’t hurt,
“Ooh. You’re in trouble.” The other kid elbowed his friend.
He could squish those tiny bull riders with one boot. He was thinking about how fun it might be to try when his coffees
landed on the bar. “Thank you. Looking forward to watching you tonight.”
“I’ll be the one on the horse.” He winked and gave her a warm smile, just pouring it on.
She blushed and smiled back.
“I’m riding tonight.” One of the baby bull riders told her.
“Me too.”
“O…kay. And who are you?” he heard her ask as he walked away.
It was good to be the safety man with the hot man in his hotel room.
“Is that my coffee?” Hudson slipped out of bed as he came in and wandered his direction, slowly and buck naked.
“You know it, darlin’.” God, he did love this view.
Every inch of it.
He let Hudson come to him, all the way to the door.
That got him a grin and an eye roll. “What is this? Is there a toll? Give me that, cowboy. Which one’s mine?”
“No toll, just watching you walk.” And letting himself jones on it.
Hudson took a coffee and sniffed it. “Got it. Now you can watch me walk away.” And he did. Hudson sipped his coffee,
then crossed the room again. “Mm. Sore.”
“Yeah? You need me to rub it for you?” He followed, licking his lips as he reached for that taut butt.
“No…” Hudson batted his hand away. “It’s just fine as it is, thank you. And I do mean thank you.” After another sip,
Hudson set his coffee down and started fishing clothing off the floor.
Huh. He had been hoping for another go-round. “You got somewhere to be this early?”
“It’s not early, you know.” Hudson winked. “But yeah. I’ve got a meeting with the sports medicine team.”
“Shame. I could totally make sure you need to see them…”
Hudson pulled his briefs on, then turned around to show him a fucking hot purple bruise. His mark. “Yeah? You think I
should get them to look at this bite for me? Some animal got me.”
“Mmhmm… It suits you.” He traced the bite, humming deep in his chest. “I like it.”
That was an understatement and a half.
Hudson took a deep breath and nodded, turning to look into his eyes. “I like it too.”
Those blue eyes made him shiver, made him want to grab Hudson up and just fuck him until neither of them could bear it.
“Jesus. When you look at me like that…” Hudson took a step back and looked away, finding his jeans. “What’s your call
time tonight?”
“I’m due at the arena around five-thirty so I can warm up. Want to have room service for lunch after your meeting?” Want to
have a long, hot shower, fuck again, then have a nap?
“Well, I don’t know how long the meeting will go. Maybe I’ll see you after the event.” Hudson pulled his shirt on and
buttoned it.
“Maybe?” One of his eyebrows lifted like it was attached by a string to the ceiling. What the hell?
Hudson bent to tie his sneakers with a groan. “I mean, we’ll see how the night goes, right?”
“Well, I ain’t likely to bruise my balls in the saddle, darlin’. I’ll be ready to turn you inside out by ten p.m..” In fact, he
might be ready by nine forty-five, but it was a drive from the arena.
“I’ll find you.” Hudson picked up his coffee. “How are Ghost and Princess? Still riding well?”
“Always. They’re good babies, both of them.” And he loved them to death.
“Good, good. Looking forward to seeing them too.” Hudson sat on the bed. “And Mackey? How is he?” It said something
about how well Hudson knew him that the guy asked about his horses before asking after Mackey.
“In love. Living with his guy. Dream house, dream guy, dream job.” He stayed there quite a bit—there was room for his
horses and plenty of work to do.
“So… living the dream.” Hudson shook his head. “Jealous?”
“You know it.” But when was he going to be able to just buy a house? He had horses, and no one that wanted to live with
his happy ass.
Hudson glanced at him curiously, then got up and found his shoes. “Yeah. Me too.”
“You ain’t got a house? Like a fancy one?” He thought for sure Hudson had told him that. Some condo deal with high
ceilings and big windows.
“Yep. I do have a house.” Hudson looked in the mirror next to the dresser and fixed his hair with his fingers.
“I thought so.” He’d never been, because he traveled with his horses. It was a thing. Horses weren’t fancy.
Or condo-friendly.
Hudson sighed. “Right. Well, I better get going.” He got a quick peck on the cheek and a soft smile. Hudson looked tired,
but they’d earned their sleepless night. “Thanks for the fuck, cowboy. And the coffee.”
He hauled Hudson in for a kiss, making sure his lover knew they weren’t done. “I’ll see you tonight. Holler when you’re all
done with your meeting. We can lunch.”
Hudson flushed deep and nodded as he backed toward the door. “See you later.”
Jack frowned, but let Hudson go. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well.
Maybe the whole business thing wasn’t as good as he’d let on.
Jack wasn’t sure, but he would be here to help, if Hudson wanted it.

H udson missed the live show. He watched a lot of bull riding on TV on Sundays and kept up with the riders, but that was
nothing like being here to see it in person.
And he didn’t have to stay glued to the screen hoping for a glimpse of his favorite pickup man, he could watch all he
wanted from his seats in the family section, and he had a great view.
“Excuse me. Sorry. Thanks.” He scooted past a few people to get back to his seat, carrying two beers. “Hey.” He held one
out for the woman sitting next to him. Ellie. She was married to Scott Hamish, one of the veteran riders.
“You rock, man. Thanks.” She beamed at him. “This is the first time in a few of these I haven’t been pregnant, man. Yay
He laughed and sat. “It’s the little things. How many have you guys got now? Where are they?”
“They are in the hotel with my mom. We have two boys and three girls, and I’m done. Done-done.”
That was a lot of kids in a hotel room. Someone would have to blackmail him or something to set foot in that room. No,
thank you. Kids were not his thing, and five kids sounded like unimaginable hell.
But he knew cowboys. “Is Scott on board with that?”
“Scott is totally on board. At some point, we want to travel somewhere not here, and my folks are overwhelmed with five.
Five, Hudson. What was I thinking?”
“I have no idea. But, in your defense, I find when I’m in that moment, I’m not really thinking much at all.” He winked at her.
“Well, you do have Jack. I mean, he’s a legend.” She winked back, teasing hard. She was one of the most open- and dirty-
minded women he knew.
“I don’t really have Jack. I don’t think anybody has Jack.” He sure as shit has me though. That was the truth. But he
couldn’t go on like that anymore. He’d let his plans go last night, but he wouldn’t tonight.
Probably. Okay, possibly at least.
“But you’re… you’re adorable, man, and smart. And you care about people. You text me on my birthday!”
He gave her a big grin. “Well, you have to celebrate the fact that those little parasites—I mean children—haven’t killed you
yet.” And what had Jack told him? Smart guys were creative in bed. It hadn’t helped him much out of bed. Yet.
“They’re still young.” She bumped shoulders with him. “You should totally make a hard play for him. He watches you, all
the time.”
He leaned closer, not that anyone was going to hear him over the cheering. “I’m kind of trying to, but…” But. But this
morning when he asked if Jack was jealous of Mackey, all Jack seemed to register was that he already had a house.
Yeah, the house he had. He had the job too, in fact. It was the dream guy part that he needed.
The dream guy he wanted.
The crowd went nuts after an eight-second ride scored high enough to bump another rider out of the top spot. He applauded
with everyone, but his eyes were on Jack as he went roaring by on Ghost, making it look easy like always. “Damn it, he’s so
fucking sexy.”
“He rides like the wind. Like he was made for the saddle.” She shook her head, eyes scanning the rows of cowboys as she
searched for her husband, he was sure. “You ever wonder what it would look like if he could just take Ghost or Princess out
and just run?”
He nodded. He couldn’t imagine Jack any happier than that. “Sounds like maybe he has done that out at Mackey’s new
place. Scott’s looking good too.” Bull riders were adorable, fresh-faced, young. Not his type, but he liked to look.
“He’s the hottest thing on earth.” And it wasn’t like Ellie was blowing smoke. Her eyes proved she meant it.
“I believe you. Five kids and all.” He chuckled and sipped his beer.
Someday he’d look at Jack like that in public. Sooner than later, he hoped.
He just had to… well, he had to do what he knew worked. Make a plan, stick to it, and work for his goal. This weekend,
he’d keep his promise. He’d spend his nights with Jack because that was only fair—that’s why he was here after all. And fuck
him, he wanted to have that time with Jack too. But he did have a job to do, and at the next event in Las Vegas? Well, Jack
wouldn’t be expecting him to be there then, would he? And that could work to his advantage.
He needed Jack, and Jack needed him.
“So, talk to me. How’s life? How’s you?”
He blinked at the question. How long had it been since someone asked how he was? Like, someone that was actually
“I’m fine. I sold my company, and now I’m an employee—well, a consultant—instead of an owner. I make my own hours; I
work where I want. I get to pick pet projects. It’s great.” He shrugged. “But life? Life is kind of on hold for the moment.” He
tilted his head toward Jack. “Or maybe for the last few years.”
“Yeah. I think—well, I just… he doesn’t smile like he used to, huh?” Okay, what was she trying to say?
“What you mean?” Jack had smiled a lot since he showed up. When Jack wasn’t giving him smoldering hot looks or making
fucking gorgeous grimaces of pleasure. He was… totally Jack.
“I just remember that he used to light up, all the time. Now, he’s relaxed when he’s riding, and he laughs, but it’s not as
He frowned and found Jack in the ring, hanging back waiting for the next ride. Did he look less… easy? “You think he’s
She shrugged for him. “I think so? I mean, I can ask Scott, if you want.”
“Yeah? Yeah. I guess, if you could. If you don’t catch me, just text me.” Should he worry? Should he ask Jack himself? He
wasn’t sure Jack would tell him the truth anyway.
“Totally.” She squeezed his hand, just a casual pressure of the fingers. “You going to make a play for him?”
He looked at her. He might as well be honest, even if it felt like he was telling a secret. “If I can figure out what play to
“Good for you, man. I’m rooting for you.” She glanced up, then stood. “Scott’s getting ready to ride. Time to cheer my baby
He would cheer, but he stayed sitting. She was the one Scott wanted to see, not him. He watched the chute and could see
Scott’s helmet and an antsy bull.
“You don’t let that bastard crouch, now. I don’t want you going down in the chute!” For a little blonde mom of five, she had
the mouth of a trucker.
“He loves the feisty ones. He’s not going down anywhere.” Scott was cool as a cucumber on an animal’s back. “Hang tight,
cowboy!” he shouted too, more for her sake than Scott’s.
“You listen to Hudson! Hang tight and buy momma a new pair of shoes!” She glanced down at him. “Am I embarrassing
“Hell, no.” He stood then and clapped his hands. “Forget the shoes, momma needs a cruise and a nanny!”
“I’m totally bringing you with me on spa day, lovely.” She winked at him, and then her attention snapped back to the chute
as the gate opened.
The bull went spinning out, right into Scott’s riding arm.
“Come on, baby! Ride! Ride!”
It was almost like this bull was born to make Scott look good. A couple of spins that way, a good buck and then a couple
the other direction, and all the while that free arm was up, and Scott’s butt might as well have been glued to the animal’s back.
“Making it look easy!”
“Look at him spur! There you go, baby! Ride! Ride!”
Scott hit that eight seconds like he was taking a walk in the park. He had a moment of trouble getting his hand free but not
enough to make them nervous, and then he hit the dirt, stumbling at first and then booking it for the fence.
Mackey jogged over, handing him his bullrope, but most of Hudson’s focus was on Jack. The rope swung, that cowboy butt
fit in the saddle like he was born to it, and then Jack threw the loop, catching the bull by the horns and leading him around the
arena and back to the chutes.
He did love to watch Jack ride.
Ellie went nuts along with everyone else when Scott’s score went up and he was distracted from Jack, clapping and
whooping along with her. “What a ride!”
“I’m so getting laid tonight.” Her wink was pure-D wicked, but he got it.
Especially since Jack searched for him, those laser-focused eyes scanning the crowd until they found him.
That felt good. Jack was usually in the zone and didn’t seem to know or care who was watching. Hudson smiled and
clapped in Jack’s direction to make sure Jack knew it was for him. “Me too.”
“We’re lucky bastards.” She popped him in the upper arm. “He’s at the top of the leaderboard and there are only four rides
to go.”
“Momma’s cruising to the Bahamas!” He hugged her shoulders. “He’s really at the top of his game right now, huh?” At least
two of those four riders were serious contenders, but Scott’s ride had been spectacular. Anything could happen.
“Yeah. Now if he just sticks and stays healthy? We might end up in the money.”
“I’m rooting for him.” Of course he was. Ellie was his only friend on the circuit right now. “We better finish our beer.” He
plopped back into his seat to watch the next rider.
“Yeah. You want to have lunch tomorrow? There are a ton of good restaurants close by.” She sat and crossed her legs.
“Sounds good. I have a meeting with some of the riders in the afternoon, we could meet up before. I’ll text you.” The next
rider busted out of the gate and went down in the well, and they watched the bullfighters go to work. “Ooh. Ow.”
Mackey went flying, and Jack pulled Ghost back out of the way, hand on his rope. When the bull started running, the rider’s
hand twisted in the rope, everyone stood.
The rider was out, flopping around, and Mackey and Tommy were fighting to get to him. Jack and Ghost stepped in, the
rope flying, catching the horns.
Together, cowboy and horse got the bull slowed, just enough for the bullfighters to jump on the back.
The bull didn’t seem to notice at all, but he sure saw Jack, and he lowered his head to charge. Ghost danced out of the way,
and Jack threw another rope, tangling him up so that Mackey could get the rider down.
“Shit.” Hudson perched on the edge of his seat, fighting the urge to jump to his feet. “Shit shit shit.” Mackey and Tommy cut
the cowboy free, and the rest of the team—a pair of twins—ducked in to pull him out of harm’s way. Jack was still hauling on
the bull’s head, keeping it down until Mackey jumped from its back.
Then Jack started fighting him, dragging the wild bastard behind the chutes.
Hudson took a deep breath and relaxed back in his seat. “He’s so fucking good at what he does.”
“He’s the best. I’ve heard Scott say so. Everyone wants him to work for them.” Ellie shook her head. “Apparently the suits
are scared he’ll go to another league.”
He snorted. Jack wasn’t going anywhere. These were his friends. But it would be just like Jack to worry the suits into
keeping him happy. “He knows how to work the system.”
“Good for him. He has horses to feed. That’s not cheap. I know. My horses are eating machines.” And she loved it, Hudson
could tell. “Did I tell you Jenny is starting to race barrels already?”
“No.” He shook his head. “Already? Is she a daredevil like her dad?”
Buck Williams rode next. It was a great ride, and the score was close, but didn’t quite beat Scott. Ellie had to be losing her
“She’s amazing. She’s going to be our rodeo princess.” Ellie was bouncing on the seat. Boing. Boing. Boing.
“I believe it.” He leaned closer. “One more rider. Jim Dorry.” Jim was good. And he was a nice guy. Scott couldn’t pick
anyone better to beat him—if Jim beat him.
“I hope he rides. For fewer points than Scott.” She stuck her tongue out. “Is that evil?”
“Nope. That’s backing up your boy.” He took her hand as the gate flew open, and Dorry shot out of the chute.
He didn’t make it three seconds before butt and dirt met, and Ellie squeezed his hand.
“We won the night!”
“Yeah, baby!” He jumped up and hugged her, cheering. He was happy for Scott, and her too. In a sport this dangerous, it
could be a win just to stay on the bull, but to win the night? “Woo!”
“You know it! And you’ve got someone’s eyes on you. I can see him watching.”
“What?” He let her go and looked out toward the dirt. It took him no time at all to find Jack and lock eyes with him. His
cheeks heated, and he got butterflies in his stomach. “Right. I see him.” The look was so intense he could almost feel Jack from
where they stood.
“Where are you meeting him? I bet he can… give you a ride.”
Evil woman.
“Naughty.” He laughed. “We didn’t say where. I told him I’d find him. I guess I should wander back there.” He hadn’t met
Jack for lunch; he’d ended up eating early with the med guys and talking about injuries. So he’d made Jack wait all day.
Need a ride? Loading the horses

And there he was.

He glanced at his phone. “Yep. I better go. Lunch tomorrow, right? I’ll text you.” He gave Ellie a hug. “If you’re out of bed
by then anyway.”
“Ditto. If not, we’ll meet before the event. Love you, man!” She waved to Scott behind his shoulder. “Baby! Congrats!”
“Great ride, man.” He shook Scott’s hand and got out of the cowboy’s way. Scott was on a mission.
He was too.

He texted Jack, then picked his way through the crowd toward the back and the parking lot.
Ghost and Princess were in their fancy trailer, nickering and shifting around, and Jack was locking them up for their trip
back to the hotel. “Hey, darlin’. Have a good day?”
“I did. Busy. Good show. Ellie was excited for Scott.” Did you miss me? Even a little?
“Good deal. Hop in the truck.” Was that a growl? A rumble? Maybe Jack just needed water?
Was he mad about lunch? Shit. Maybe Jack was mad.
He jogged around to the passenger side and climbed in, just trying to be cool. “You looked great out there. As usual.”
“Thanks.” Jack leaned over the console, grabbed him, and kissed him hard enough his head spun.
Damn. Okay, not mad.
He caught the fabric of Jack’s shirt to steady himself and let it happen, moaning into the kiss.
Jack didn’t back off until they were both breathing hard. Then he leaned back, licking his lips. “Better.”
“Fuck,” he managed between breaths. Better? “For you maybe. I think my balls are on fire.”
“Better. I wanted that kiss all fucking day.” Jack started the truck. “You want me to jack you off here, or can I fuck you
senseless before we order room service?”
“Don’t rush it, cowboy. Can we eat our steaks naked?” They’d eaten many a room service meal in bed.
“I will order you filet, medium rare, and feed you every damn bite. You got my word.”
“Right on.” He was still catching his breath as Jack left the parking lot, thinking about Jack wanting to kiss him all day. He
probably could call that a win, but really, he was just so damn happy that he’d been missed. He rested a hand on Jack’s thigh
and the little shiver he got in return made him smile.
This was going to be an epic night.

J ack checked on his horses, made sure they were both good, and then grabbed coffees and headed back upstairs where he
undressed and slipped back into bed and cuddled up against Hudson.
He liked this part, and he was tired this morning. Sleepy.
He pulled the covers over them and dozed, his nose against the back of Hudson’s neck.
Even after their evening activities, Hudson still smelled like hotel shampoo—they’d shared a shower when they got back—
and didn’t seem any more ready to get up than he was.
It suited him to the bone. He needed a morning of rest. Maybe one with Hudson.
“I smell coffee,” Hudson said softly, stirring a little and pressing back against him. “When did you get up? I must have
really been out.”
“Mmm… had to check the horses.” He kissed the shell of Hudson’s ear.
Hudson took the hand Jack had around him and tucked it tighter with a sigh. “All good?”
“Perfect.” He loved the way Hudson smelled, as a matter of fact. It suited him to the ground.
“You’re awfully snuggly for a non-snuggler.”
“Mmm.” Was he? Probably. Jack liked to hold on. He didn’t indulge it often, because that was an easy way to a broken
He’d tried that whole being-in-love thing, and he’d sucked at it.
Hudson rolled to face him. “I like it.” He got a kiss—a lazy, gentle one followed by a sleepy smile.
He nodded, his eyelids going heavy. Hudson and Mackey—they were the two people on earth he could sleep with.
“That’s it. You close your eyes. We can have brunch later.” Hudson nuzzled into his chest. “I’ll stay right here.”
“Mmm…I like brunching with you.” He liked the flavor of cantaloupe on Hudson’s lips.
“I meant food, you one-track cowboy.” Hudson kissed his chest. “Don’t make my romantic moment sound so dirty.”
“I make everything sound dirty, darlin’. It’s a talent.” He relaxed, though, and let the morning happen around them. This was
the way to do it, long mornings where nothing hurt, and the bed was soft.
The sun had shifted, and the room was brighter when he felt Hudson slip out of bed and disappear into the bathroom. He
heard the flush and running water, and then the sound of the microwave.
“Oh, you are a brilliant bastard, aren’t you?” He had intended to drink his coffee and, to be honest, he’d drink it cold, but
he preferred it hot.
“Maybe. You’re the one that got the snazzy room with the microwave.” It beeped and the scent of coffee filled the room
when Hudson opened the door. Hudson set one down on the nightstand for him, climbed back into bed with the other and sat up
against the headboard.
“Mmm… mornin’.” He kissed Hudson’s shoulder, tongue flicking out to taste.
“Almost afternoon.” Hudson bent and kissed his forehead. “I was supposed to have lunch with Ellie, but I texted that I
couldn’t make it… She said she had to cancel too.” That made Hudson chuckle. “I guess she had a good night after Scott’s good
“Good on them. You reckon we’ll end up with baby number six?” He didn’t get it, but folks sure liked having them.
“She insisted no more, and she swore he’s on board.” Hudson grinned at him. “This narrator is skeptical.”
“Well, I swear I ain’t never got anyone pregnant, and that’s a fact.”
Hudson nearly choked on his coffee. “The last thing this world needs is Jack multiplied by three or four or five anyway. I’ll
take the original, thank you.”
“Preach it. There ain’t but one of me in all the world, thank the Lord.” His only brother had died in the arena, and that had
been that. He was alone.
“That’s plenty for me.” Hudson stroked his jaw with warm fingers. He knew that story, and a few other stories Jack didn’t
just up and tell other people.
“I’m a lot to deal with.” And he knew it. He loved sex. He loved making a lover need. And no one wanted that, long-term.
“Yeah, I hear that. I think you’re the only person that didn’t bat an eyelash when I shouted, ‘do me harder, asshole’.”
Hudson partly hid a grin behind his coffee, then took a sip.
“You do holler so pretty. I love the way you take my cock in.”
Hudson patted his cheek. “I love your cock. But don’t get any ideas right now. I’m in recovery.”
“Aww… poor baby butt. Does it need a little tender loving care?” He cupped said butt, staying gentle. This was about
teasing, not hurting.
“Maybe. But that would be weird, coming from you.”
“Weird? Moi? Are you suggesting I’m not gentle?” He pinched, just enough.
Hudson hissed so pretty. “Mm. Insisting.”
“Insisting. I can be gentle, darlin’…” He couldn’t help his chuckle, but Hudson liked things a little rough anyway.
“Drink your coffee, liar.” Hudson rolled his eyes, but he was laughing. “So… I’m going to need a shower. And then I think
you should take me to brunch. I’m talking with some of the riders later this afternoon.”
“Both of those things are totally in my realm. Shower. Cantaloupe. Bacon.” Oh, those were three things.
“And coffee. All the important food groups. You know I love cantaloupe.” Hudson set his coffee down. “You think you can
shower with me, and we’ll still make it to brunch?”
“I think I can try. I mean, that sweet heinie is special.” He patted Hudson’s cock, then rolled up to sitting. “Let’s do this.”
“That’s breaking a rule, I’m sure of it.” Hudson hovered close all the way to the bathroom and let him do everything—turn
on the lights, the water, put out towels—just watching him.
“You okay, darlin’?” His cock was filling, nice and steady, Hudson’s gaze like a touch.
“Mhm. Just admiring your scars. You have a couple of big ones that are new since I saw you last. Did you wreck, and I
missed it?”
“It was that bar fight. They brought a knife to a fistfight.” Him and Tommy had both come out worse than they’d waded in,
but they looked better than the other guys.
Hudson shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Jesus, Jack. You’re too old to be tearing it up in bars anymore.”
His mouth dropped open. Too old? Him? “I’ll have you know I kicked ass and took names!”
It had cost him a night in the hospital and thirty stitches, but he’d paid it.
“Oh, I have no doubt you did. I was talking about up here, babe.” Hudson grinned and tapped his forehead. “Cowboys.”
“Don’t make me beat you, darlin’. Your butt’s sore.” Babe, huh? Okay, he could handle that.
Hudson snorted playfully and stepped past him into the shower, fingers trailing over his hip as Hudson passed by.
“Everything is a fight with you.”
“Yeah, it’s hard being that guy.” But everyone had a role in life, he guessed.
“You don’t have to be that guy with me.” Hudson pulled him into the shower. “Not all the time anyway.”
Now that would be a thought. “What guy do I need to be with you, darlin’?”
“Right now? That guy I woke up with. The snuggly one.” Hudson kissed him, that same slow gentle kiss he’d gotten earlier.
Worked for him. He didn’t have anywhere to be for a few hours, and he was warm and happy right where he was.
Fingers wrapped around his cock and stroked slowly, teasing him as they kissed. “See? That’s nice, right?”
Nice? That wasn’t the word he’d use. Not really. “You okay, darlin’? There ain’t never been a thing wrong with your hand
on me.”
“Cowboy, you are so literal. And I can’t keep my hands off you.” That grip tightened and he got another kiss, this one to his
jaw, then to his ear, his neck.
His eyelids got heavy, and he found himself focusing on nothing but that strong, sure touch. It went on and on, steady and
knowing, and so did Hudson’s kisses, pushing him slow and easy toward something he usually liked to work hard for.
“Damn, darlin’. Making me dizzy.” His tongue flicked out, and he tried to breathe.
“Good. Lightheaded? Hot? Are you close? Gonna come for me?” The touch got a little faster, just a touch harder, just right.
“Uhn.” That was a decent answer, right. He hoped so, because it was the one he had.
“Yeah? Come on then.” Hudson stroked from the root up and pinched the tip of his cock.
He bucked up, his lips parting. Oh fuck, that was nice. He leaned back, throat working as he came.
“Hot, Jack,” Hudson whispered, stroking him through the shudders. “Jesus, you’re beautiful.”
“Blow my fucking mind…” And that would scare the fuck out of him, if he wasn’t so goddamn melted.
He floated through the rest of their shower while Hudson’s hands moved over his skin and washed his hair. Hudson didn’t
ask him for anything, just let him enjoy the touch and the hot water.
It was the oddest thing, letting someone touch him, and if it hadn’t been Hudson, he’d have found a reason to go.
That was probably a good reason to go in and of itself, but he didn’t want to.
Hudson was smiling as he shut the water off, kissed him quickly, and grabbed their towels. “Look how relaxed you are.”
“You melted my happy ass.” He was sure moving slow. “I owe you brunch.” And an orgasm.
“Damn right. I want bacon.” Hudson toweled off his hair for him, still grinning.
“Crispy bacon, over-easy egg, hashbrowns, cantaloupe fruit salad if they have it, and a cinnamon roll.” He knew what
Hudson liked.
“Gotta have my cinnamon roll.” Hudson winked and poked him in the abs, chuckling as he wrapped the towel around his
own waist and went for his toothbrush.
He got himself shaved and cleaned up. Man, he was all gray these days. Not that Hudson seemed to care. Hudson didn’t
seem to have any, but maybe the blond hair was hiding it.
Mackey said it made him look hot. He’d go with that.
Jack grabbed his jeans and tugged them on. Time to push his rubber band legs into boots and feed his man.

“E llie. EllieEllieEllie oh my God.” Hudson jumped onto the barstool beside her. They’d texted after his meeting with the
bull riders and agreed to meet before the event, and he could hardly hold in everything he needed to say.
Ellie laughed, eyes wide. “Well, hello, Hudson. I’m fine. How are you?”
Oh. Right. Manners.
“Sorry. How are you?” He took a deep breath. But he was dying to tell her, he needed another opinion. A conspirator.
“Sore. Happy. All is well. Margarita?”
“Me too and yes, please.” He felt like a little kid who’d been told to sit on his hands. “I have to tell you something.”
“Tell. Tell. I want to know all.” She lifted her glass toward the bartender and lifted two fingers.
“Well, we slept late this morning and Jack was kind of… snuggly. Which he’s not much. You know him—gruff, manly,
cowboy fucking, right? But it was awesome. And so… I… might have seduced him in the shower.” He rolled his eyes. “I
totally seduced him in the shower.”
“Ooh… he doesn’t seem like the seduced type. He reads way more seducer-y.” She chuckled. “Is that even a word?”
“I don’t know, but that’s totally right. Well, I don’t know that he does much seducing; it’s more like incapacitating, but…”
He blushed and sighed. “Anyway.”
“Okay, but that’s good, right? I mean, is there a world that’s bad?”
“No… no, it’s good. It’s all very good.” He wouldn’t be here otherwise, would he? Jack could push all of his buttons with
a look. “I made a move. One he didn’t expect, and he loved it.”
“Hey, I think that’s a great sign. I mean, you have to figure he needs a little TLC too, right?” Her voice dropped. “My guy
“For sure, but that’s not usually our MO. He doesn’t usually give me an opening, you know? He’s a cowboy with an
agenda.” And he loved it. He had zero complaints. But this morning… that was something else. It gave him some hope that
maybe Jack could be more than a once-a-year hookup—that he could convince Jack they were more than that.
“Yeah. He seems like the Marlboro man, kind of. Like he’s dear, but he’s… aloof too. Like he has a past.”
He raised an eyebrow. “A past?” He knew a little about Jack, but not as much as he probably should, considering how long
they’d known each other.
“Yeah. Don’t you get that vibe from him? Like some crazy stuff happened to him back in the day?”
“Yeah. He’s got that vibe, I guess. He’s been on the circuit for half his life, so I’m sure he’s seen some crazy shit.” The few
things he knew weren’t for him to share, though. He shrugged. He should ask, but he never did. If Jack wanted to share, he
would, right?
“I can only imagine. I mean, dude. How many close calls, and it wasn’t as easy to be gay when he was a kid. I’m not saying
he’s old and stuff, but you know…” She shrugged for him. “It’s easier, even if it’s just a few years.”
“It’s easier in most places; I don’t know about the circuit.” Jack never talked about that either. But he was getting in fights
like he had something to prove. “He’s not old, but he is getting up there for the sport, I think.”
“He’s not riding bulls, at least. So he could ride another forty years, if he keeps buying young horses and keeps most of his
He stared at Ellie. Seriously? Seriously, that was what she went with?
“Jesus, El. I like all of his fingers, thank you.” Jack should ride as long as he wanted to, even if it was forty years. Ghost
and Princess might need somewhere to retire though. “I wonder how old Ghost and Princess are. It feels like he’s had them
forever, but I have no idea.”
“I remember Ghost coming in… maybe? Princess is older. That’s why he only uses her if Ghost gets worn.”
“I don’t remember. I only get to see him ride on TV if I’m very lucky.” He took the last sip of his margarita. That was quick.
He really ought to ask Jack more questions, especially if he was trying to bring Jack in closer. “I better switch to Coke.”
“Yeah, this is number two for me. I understand. So, what happens next? Can I help?”
He kind of had a plan. But he had to think about it. “No. Or not yet, maybe? I’m going to be at the Vegas event next
weekend, but he doesn’t know that yet. I have some marketing stuff do, so I’m totally there on business.” He didn’t want to
admit to her that they only saw each other once a year for a booty call in Anaheim; she had to believe it was more often than
that. “I was thinking about being very busy. See how much he really wants me. Is that mean? It feels mean.”
“Playing a little hard to get isn’t mean, if you don’t cheat. Cheating makes it weird.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course, y’all
aren’t married.”
Cheating. That was a weird concept. Jack was with a different guy every weekend. Hudson had plenty of close calls
himself. He wasn’t jealous. They had an arrangement and it was what it was.
He just wanted it to be something else now.
“No. No, I’d never cheat. He wouldn’t either.” For some reason, he knew that. If Jack decided he was the guy, he’d be the
only guy.
“Then you need to get him and make him all yours. You love him, I can tell.” Her hand covered his. “I’ll pray for y’all.”
He picked her hand up and kissed it. “I guess we should go see your guy ride, huh?”
“We should. We’ll watch them both ride, just in totally different ways.”
He slid off his barstool and offered her an arm. “Scott’s going to kill it. He’s on a roll.”
“He so is. He’s riding high, and I’m thankful.” She took his arm and kissed his cheek.
He was feeling a little high himself. He tried to remind himself that he might be setting himself up for disappointment, but it
wasn’t working. He was ready to go watch Jack do his thing, and he wasn’t in the mood to think about anything else.


Mackey was in the hospital. Four riders were in the back at sports medicine. A couple guys rode, but the whole thing was
just fucked.
Totally fucked.
He walked Princess around, cooling her down, trying to see both where Hudson was and where they’d taken Mackey.
trying to find you

Hudson’s text came in, the notification covering the Google search he was doing for the hospital.
at the trailer. Coming? Got 2 find Mack

wait for me

Hudson was jogging his way a moment later. “Jack. Hey. You okay?”
“Worried about Mother. You’re coming with me, right? Belinda Jackson’s going to keep an eye on the horses for me so I
don’t have to keep them in the hospital.” He hated waiting in emergency rooms.
Hudson nodded, already moving to the passenger side of his truck. “Let’s go.”
“Let me put my girl up.” He tossed Hudson his phone. “Can you find out where he’s been taken? Sid will know.”
Hudson caught it easily, and thumbed in his passcode, which hadn’t changed in a hundred years. “Got it. What a fucking
night, huh?” Hudson was texting while he spoke.
“Yeah. Everything was horked. Scott ended up on top. Two more rides and he can take the event.” He got Miss Princess
settled, checked Ghost, and then unhooked the trailer.
“I thought Ellie was going to pass out worrying about him, but he stayed upright. So, Sid says UCI… I’ve got directions.”
Hudson climbed into the truck.
“Thanks, darlin’. You need anything to eat on the way? I can pull through a Mickey D’s or Taco Bell or something.” He was
less hungry than he was thirsty, if he was honest.
“I’m not hungry, but if it’s easy, I’d love a Coke.” Hudson touched his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I know you’re
anxious to get to Mackey.”
“I just want to make sure he’s good. Sid’s there for him now, but he’s my oldest friend. I’ll get Cokes.”
“I know. I don’t even know what to say. It was chaos out there tonight.”
He got them moving. “It’s like that sometimes. Some nights are just fucked up. I used to try and figure it, but you know, I
don’t know that I can. I’m not smart like you. I’m more… from the gut.”
Hudson’s hand dropped to his thigh. “I don’t think smart figures into this, babe. It’s just a… vibe thing. Every sport has off
nights. It’s just that most aren’t this dangerous when that happens.”
“No shit on that.” Hudson’s hand was warm, solid as hell, and he liked feeling it. “How’d your meeting deal go?”
“Good. I’m getting great feedback, some new ideas… the riders know what they want for sure. I figured everyone would
have different priorities, but mostly they all have the same issues. But I need to get back to the lab and work on custom fit. It’s
early in development so, all good stuff.” Hudson sounded pretty jazzed about what he was doing.
“Good for you. I bet you’ll be famous in rodeo circles in no time.” And he’d deserve it too. Hudson was a smart cookie.
“Nah.” Hudson chuckled as they pulled into the drive-through. “I’m not trying to be famous, just trying to be… involved.
Maybe help a little. I don’t need famous.”
“Me either.” He loved his job—riding, roping, helping. No one knew who he was but the cowboys.
“You’re famous among the riders, the families… that’s enough, right?”
“Yes. It’s more than enough.” And he was happy as a pig in shit.
He got their Cokes, and he stuck a thing of French fries on the dash, which Hudson immediately reached for. Hudson could
never resist fries.
“Sid says they’re still evaluating Mackey,” Hudson said, looking at his phone, mouth full of fries.
“Dammit. He’s awake though, right?”
Hudson texted and his thumbs went still as he waited for a response. “Uh. Sid says ‘mostly’.” Hudson glanced at him.
“Well, mostly isn’t no, I reckon. His poor brain gets jostled around a lot.”
“I guess that’s what happens when that gene for self-preservation is missing. He’s brave I guess, but… damn.” Hudson
shrugged. “Take a left up here, and your first right. Almost there.”
“On it.” He could see the hospital now, and his muscles started to clench. Lord, he hoped Mackey wasn’t real addled.
“He’s going to be fine.” Hudson’s hand settled on his leg again, heavy and warm.
“Yeah. I hope so.” He huffed out a breath. “Thanks for coming with. I appreciate it.”
He hated waiting alone.
“Of course. Where else would I be? He’s your oldest friend, right?”
“Yeah. We’ve been together on the road a lot of years.” And he thought there was only another two or three years left in
Mackey’s career, if he was honest.
They parked, and Hudson handed him back his phone once he shut off the engine. “I’ll follow you.”
Follow him? Hudson had no reason to follow—not at all. “Grab your Coke. I ain’t ashamed of having you with me.”
Hudson stared at him for a second, looking confused, but that disappeared and he got a smile instead. “Okay.” Hudson
grabbed his Coke and hopped out of the cab.
They headed in, finding Sid and Tommy waiting together, the twins heading in with candy bars and Cokes.
“Y’all. How is he? Y’all know Hudson?”
“Hudson.” Tommy nodded.
Sid stuck out his hand. “We haven’t met. I’m Sid.”
Hudson shook it. “I’ve heard about you though. Good to meet you. Mackey took quite a hit.”
“I was just with him, and he’s a little rattled. They’re putting in a couple stitches, and he’s grumpy, but I think they’ll let him
go soon.” Sid sighed. “Right after I texted you, he was cursing, and he tried to get up.”
“Puked all over the damn floor too.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “Bet they’re going to try and pull him for tomorrow.”
“Glad he’s sleeping with you, Sid.” Because Jack wasn’t interested in dealing with pissed-off Mackey.
“Lucky me!” Sid laughed, but it wasn’t really genuine. Jack could sense the tension underneath it. Puking wasn’t good, not
for Mackey, and if sports med didn’t pull him, Sid would probably insist anyway.
It wasn’t his to handle.
A roar sounded from the back, and Jack knew that sound. “Sid, buddy, you’d best go get him before he tears out his IV.”
“Yep,” Sid answered and took off at a jog.
“Wow.” Hudson’s gaze followed Sid down the hall.
Tommy let out a laugh so loud every head in the waiting room turned to stare. “Wow…”
“He has a temper, does our Mackey.” Jack rolled his eyes. Not that he was gentle or nothing, but still…
Tommy shook his head. “He does not like anyone, especially doctors, telling him what to do.”
“Mmm. Stubborn. Who else do I know who is like that?” Hudson winked at him.
He fluttered his eyelashes. “Moi? I’m as easygoing as…” He couldn’t think of a single thing. “…an easygoing thing.”
Sid texted him, the phone vibrating in his hand.
He’s fine. You guys go ahead. He appreciates that you’re here, but he doesn’t want to see anybody tonight. Not
sure yet about tomorrow, Doc is saying no.

He glanced at Tommy. “You get that?”

“Should we stay?” He didn’t want to be a shit, but he didn’t want to be a bad friend either.
“I’m not going anywhere, but I think you’re okay to go.”
Hudson was looking between them. “He wants us to leave?”
“That’s what he says.” He grabbed his phone.
Can I run in and see him or no?

The dots popped up on his screen and stayed there for a while, then Sid finally texted,

“I’m going to see him. I’ll be right back.” He winked at Hudson. “Be right back, darlin’.”
Then he headed to reception. “Ma’am, I just got a text to go back to see my buddy.”
She rolled her eyes. “Cowboys.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She pointed down the hall. “Curtain seven.”
Sid was standing in the hall when he got there. “Hey. He’ll be okay, but he’s mad. He’s even mad at me.”
“Fair enough.” Mackey couldn’t hurt his feelings. He didn’t have any of those. He walked in, grinned at Mack. “Hey,
“Fuck you, Boers.”
He blew Mackey a kiss. “You gave that up when you got all taken. Besides, I don’t bottom.”
“You might have for me.”
He snorted, because they both knew better. “Right.”
“They ain’t gonna let me work.” Mackey pinned him with a serious look. “I need you to look after my team tomorrow.”
“You know I always do, Mother. I got them.” He held one hand out to shake. “I’m the one you can count on.”
Mackey reached for Jack’s hand to shake, and if he missed it on the first try, no one else would ever know. “I know. Jesus,
my head hurts.”
“You need to rest, Mother. You ain’t got a whole lot of brain cells left to destroy.” God, he hated seeing Mackey down.
Mackey gave him a lopsided grin. “Got that right. Sid’s got me. I’ll be fine.”
“Of course you will. You’re my ride or die.”
“No shit on that, my man.” Mackey winked at him. “Go hang with your guy.”
His guy? Was Hudson his?
Hudson was waiting for him when he got back, sitting in a chair and scrolling on his phone. “Tommy took Sid to get some
decent coffee and some food.”
“Oh, good deal. I’ll just wait here with you until they get back.” Mackey needed someone to watch him.
Hudson patted the seat beside him. “You okay? How is he?”
“Bad headache enough that he’s knowing they won’t let him work tomorrow.” That was never good. Just never.
Still, at least Mackey was admitting it.
“Well, he’ll have a week before he has to work again. That’s good, right?” Hudson shook his head. “He’ll be okay. He
might actually be more stubborn than you are.”
“Maybe.” Jack winked over. He knew better, though. Mackey was way more stubborn than him, when it came right down to
it, but that could be their secret.
“Did he throw you out?” Sid crossed the waiting room with a cup of coffee in one hand and Tommy on his heels.
“I think he was going to close his eyes. He seemed to me like he needed it.” Mackey had told him to come sit with his guy.
“Thanks, Jack.” Sid gave his shoulder a squeeze. “I’ll call you in the morning.”
“Fair enough. I’ll be keeping an eye on his team, like he asked.”
Sid seemed to relax. “Oh. Oh good. Thank you.” Sid took a few steps down the hall and toward Mackey’s room. “Thanks,
Jack. See you soon.”
“Anytime, friend. Anytime at all.” He nodded to Sid, then winked at Hudson. “Wanna?”
Hudson stood and smiled at him. “Yeah. I wanna.”
“Me too.” And he did. Whatever it meant. He wanted, and he thought Hudson could give it to him.

S id told Jack this morning that even though Mackey was feeling good, Doc wasn’t having it and didn’t clear him to work
the last day of the event.
Tommy was perfectly capable of running the bullfighter team without Mackey, and the team swing was solid, but that
didn’t stop Ellie and a lot of the family members in the VIP seating from being a little nervous.
Hudson wasn’t nervous though. Jack was focused on the work, and the show had gone pretty much as they all did.
Plus, Scott Hamish rode well and won the weekend.
“So… Louboutin or Prada?” He grinned at Ellie as they made their way from the stands to the cages.
“Oh, honey. Lucchese.” She winked at him, shimmying. “I want the ostrich ones in the burgundy.”
“That had better be the least you get after that nail-biter of a ride.” He hugged her shoulders. “Tell him congrats for me. I
want to find Jack before he leaves town.” Sometimes Jack liked to get on the road; sometimes he stayed another night. They
hadn’t discussed plans, but usually they’d go their separate ways a few hours after the Sunday event.
“He worked his butt off. I bet he’s headed to Mackey to debrief him.” Scott surprised them both, kissing his wife with
Okay, that was adorable.
He slipped away, knowing full well he’d see them both in Vegas, and went looking for Jack. Ellie was right; Jack would
probably want to see Mackey, and that meant going back to the hotel, so he jogged out toward Jack’s truck.
To his shock, Jack was waiting there in the late-afternoon sun. “I got them loaded up and had a Coke. Helluva short-go.”
“Right? A lot of good rides. I bet you want to tell Mackey all about it. I’m glad I caught you.” He leaned up against the truck
next to Jack.
“I figured you might be here tonight. I didn’t know.” That smile was slow and easy, but Hudson saw exhaustion in the lines
written there.
“I’m here. I uh… I have an early flight tomorrow. I thought you might want to have dinner.” In the room. In bed. After he let
Jack have an appetizer.
“I do. Hop in. I’ll give you a ride.” Jack winked once, teasing him. “You’ll get a re-ride too, I reckon.”
He pushed off the truck, whispering as he brushed past Jack to the passenger door. “Promise?”
“Swear to God, darlin’. I will make sure you don’t forget me.”
As if he could forget Jack. He’d spent years wishing they could spend more time together, be in the same place at the same
time for a while, anything. And he was starting to feel like if he played this right, he could tie down the cowboy for good.
Not only that, but he believed Jack would be into it, would be happier with someone who loved him, that wanted something
more than a weekend a year.
He just needed to make Jack believe it.
“Don’t worry. You are unforgettable.” He climbed up into the truck and shut the door before Jack could comment on that
Although, that grin?
Man, that said a lot.
That smile suited him down to the bone.
Jack didn’t smile a lot. He was smiling as well when they left the parking lot. “Are you taking your time to get to Vegas or
heading right through?”
“I’m going from here to Barstow, spending the night there and looking at a new horse; then I’ll head to Las Vegas. So I’ll be
there Wednesday.”
“Oh yeah? Are you retiring someone? Princess?” Jack had had Princess longer, but he wasn’t sure which horse was older.
“Maybe? She’s getting a little long in the tooth, and Mackey says she can stay with him, but…” Jack shrugged one shoulder
with a frown. “I don’t know.”
He understood. For Jack, leaving Princess with Mackey was leaving a friend behind. He’d miss her. He kind of thought
Jack missed horses more than people. “She’d be happy there, right? It’s a nice spot from what I hear.” And there was a rumor
that Mackey might retire soon.
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re probably right. It is a sweet little spot in the mountains, but⁠—”
“But… you keep saying but. What’s wrong?” He could guess, but he wanted to see if Jack would say it.
“I mean… she’s my best girl. What if she thinks I deserted her?”
He kept his smile to himself. He wasn’t happy that Jack was worried; he was proud of Jack for admitting it. “She’ll have
lots to explore to keep her busy. You’ll have to visit, that’s all.”
“Yeah. I guess so. Maybe I’ll just get a better trailer and keep her with me.” Jack sounded… worried.
“You do what you need to do.” He wasn’t sure that was a good life for a retired horse, riding around in a trailer, but if Jack
was going to be distracted without her… he’d figure it out.
When they got there, the hotel lobby was busy with cowboys checking in, and Jack shook a few hands on their way to the
elevator. “Mackey first?”
“Mackey first. Sid said he was grumpy as hell, but that’s a thing.”
He could only imagine. Concussions sucked. But that meant they wouldn’t stay long. “I’m sure he is.”
Jack pushed the elevator button, leaned back against the wall, and closed his eyes. “I was glad you were here.”
“I bet you say that to all your regulars.” He took Jack’s hand and gave it a squeeze because he knew that wasn’t true. He
didn’t think Jack had other regulars for one thing. And even if Jack didn’t say it, he implied things like that with a touch or a
cup of coffee just how Hudson liked it.
Something was up. Jack didn’t seem to be himself with Mackey out of the game.
“If you think that, darlin’, you ain’t been paying attention.” Jack rolled himself up off the wall as the bell dinged. “Let’s go
enter the lion’s den.”
“Right with you.” He let go of Jack’s hand reluctantly and followed him off the elevator.

Jack had thought and worried and fretted and shit long enough. They’d seen Mackey, so he was on his own time now.
He wanted to fuck.
The door shut behind Hudson, and Jack spun, shoving him back against it and slamming their lips together.
Hudson didn’t even try to slow him down, letting his tongue push past willing lips. Their hips bumped together, and Hudson
pressed right into him, fists tangling in his shirt.
Fuck, yes. Jack tangled one hand in Hudson’s hair and tilted his face to plunder those open lips. Hudson tasted like lime
and need and a hint of salt.
Hudson moaned into the kiss, tugged his shirt from his jeans, and pushed hot fingers against his skin. They slid around to his
back, and Hudson used the leverage to grind into him, a hard cock moving against his own.
He pressed one leg in between Hudson’s, giving that sweet prick a little solid pressure. The gasp he got was perfect, so he
pushed a little harder, demanding more.
“Fuck that’s good.” Hudson curled a leg around his thigh and rocked into him, shamelessly giving him the little show he
It was. It was better than good. It burned. He bit Hudson’s bottom lip and pulled it out, tugging it enough to sting. He wanted
Hudson wild.
He got a beautiful whimper in response, but at the same time, Hudson’s fingers slid higher to his chest, found one of his
tingling nipples and pinched it.
Oh, he did love when Hudson played back.
Jack grabbed that tight ass and pulled, dragging Hudson all along his body, dry-humping them together in a frank promise of
what was to come.
Hudson groaned and buried his face in Jack’s neck, panting hot breath against his skin. “This is… better naked.”
Damn. Everything was better naked. Everything.
“Bed,” he growled, and carried Hudson over, proving to both of them that he was still the stud he had always been, and that
he was still able to turn Hudson inside out.
“Damn, Tarzan. That was hot as fuck.” Hudson knelt on the bed and yanked his T-shirt over his head, then flopped on his
back to kick off his sneakers and jeans.
Jack tugged off his boots and his belt. Hudson could strip the rest off for him, but those were just an irritation.
“Not naked enough, man.” Hudson was back on his knees on the bed, reaching for his shirt. The snaps let go easily and
Hudson slipped the shirt off his shoulders. He got rid of his undershirt, and the touch of the air conditioner on his skin was icy,
a little dizzying.
When Hudson laid one hand in the center of his chest, the sudden heat damn near made him cream his jeans.
“Do you know how much I love to watch you ride, cowboy? All that confidence. So fucking sexy.” Hudson spread his
fingers wide and leaned in for a kiss.
He leaned forward and slowly angled Hudson all the way back onto the bed, keeping him arched and hungry, rubbing that
bare cock against his jeans.
“Fuck, that burns, Jack.” Hudson squirmed, but he couldn’t get free; Jack had him bent and off-balance.
“Mmhmm…” He eased back, dragging nice and slow and making Hudson feel him before he stood and lost the jeans.
“About time.” Hudson shifted his feet out from under him and stretched out long, cock standing up tall and proud.
“Listen to you.” He carefully swatted that fine prick, just a gentle tap to start revving them up to the main event.
“That’s how you treat me, huh?” Hudson bit his lip, but it didn’t hide his grin.
“I do. I give you what nobody else can.” He swooped down, sucked the tip of Hudson’s cock in and pulled hard, just a
couple hard swallows, before letting go.
Hudson gasped, his hips lifting off the bed, fingers scrabbling to reach him. “Mother of—! Fuck, Jack.”
“Yes, darlin’.” He grabbed a condom and the slick. “Get yourself ready. I want to see you fuck yourself.”
He watched the blush cover Hudson’s chest and shoulders, but Hudson didn’t hesitate, flipping over to hands and knees and
opening the little bottle. “You’re a pervy asshole, aren’t you?”
“You know it, and you love it.” This time, he popped that sweet little hole, tapping it and the line of flesh leading to
Hudson’s balls. He knew how that jostled everything in the best way.
Hudson groaned and froze for a second, then let out a breath. “Again, baby.”
Jack tilted his head, tongue flicking out to wet his lips, his finger tapping hard again, even as that little nickname bounced
inside him. “You like that, darlin’?”
He got a nod and another luscious, needy moan. Hudson pushed two slippery fingers inside that pretty hole and, after a
moment of adjustment, started to ride his own hand.
Jesus, that was fine. He growled, baring his teeth and bent to nip Hudson’s upper arm, intending to leave a mark.
“Yeah.” Hudson turned his head and craned his neck to see, still moving on those fingers.
He touched the tiny bruise, then bit again, needing to leave his mark. Again.
“Fuck, yes.” Hudson arched into his own hand with a groan. “Need you so fucking bad, Jack.”
He heard that. He needed the buzz that Hudson gave him, and he intended to get it. Now.
Jack yanked Hudson’s fingers away and lined up, arching so that he could sink into the most perfect place on earth.
The sound Hudson made was loud and long; nobody he’d ever been with made a sound like that for him. “So perfect, oh my
God.” Hudson pressed back, taking him deeper, body begging for more.
“Yeah. Yes, darlin’. I got you. Gon’ make you fly.” Jack leaned down, hands sliding along Hudson’s arms, twining their
fingers together.
Hudson whimpered and squeezed his hand, that lean body constantly moving, rocking under him, wanting everything.
Wanting him. The little jolts told him Hudson was getting close, trying to hold on as long as he could.
“Feel fucking perfect. Nothing better. Damn.” He rested his forehead against Hudson’s nape, giving his lover everything he
“Nothing.” Hudson didn’t hide a thing, letting Jack know exactly how much he liked it, how good it felt.
How close he was.
“Jack… baby…”
“Come on my cock, darlin’.” He licked the sweat off Hudson’s neck. “I want to feel you.”
Hudson’s head hung between his shoulders, and he pushed back, rocking into his hips before letting go and trembling with
the orgasm, ass going tight around Jack’s prick, clenching and letting go over and over.
Hudson couldn’t see him, so he didn’t bother controlling his face. He just let himself go for it, slamming into Hudson until
he had no control left.
His orgasm liked to blow the top of his skull clean off.
He leaned harder as Hudson dropped to his forearms and held their weight there, both of them breathing hard and riding the
Jack kissed Hudson’s lips, mouthing, “Thank you.”
He got a slow nod and a worn-out grin, but Hudson didn’t seem to have words yet.
That was good with him. Words weren’t his friends, but this?
This was where he said what he needed to.
Hudson shifted finally, stretching under him and rolling onto his back. “Mmm. I’m wrung out.”
He snuggled in. “Good. Wait until round two.”


Hell yes

P aul, the corporate sales guy wasn’t his best friend, but his stomach was gnawing on his backbone, and he needed to eat.

Meet you downstairs at that Italian place
Give me 5

He shoved his feet into his sneakers and checked his hair in the mirror, then grabbed his wallet and his room key. He could
do some damage to a big bowl of pasta.
He was a little uncomfortable because he knew he could run into Jack any time. He had a plan. He wasn’t going to go out of
his way to find Jack, but he wasn’t going to avoid him either.
It was Friday, so they’d missed last night’s show, but from what he’d seen, it had gone well. Mackey was back on the dirt,
which had to make everyone happy. Tonight, they’d eat and head over to watch. Tomorrow was some big expo thing, and they’d
have a booth and show off the gloves. It was a work weekend.
The entire hotel was buzzing with cowboys—gambling and wandering, eating and drinking and schmoozing—and Paul was
talking with one of the guys when Hudson walked out of the elevator.
Okay, showtime.
“Hudson!” Paul gave him a wave. Paul was wearing a fucking suit that screamed “I’m the money guy”. It was probably
deliberate, some marketing thing that made him the guy who could talk bull riding and Paul the guy you went to and made the
deal. At least he didn’t have on a tie too.
“Hey, Paul. What’s good?”
“I’m just talking with⁠—”
“Hudson! I didn’t know you’d be in town this weekend.”
“Hey, Cy. You rode well last night.” They shook hands.
“Thanks, man. Jack on his way down? I can get us a big table at one of the restaurants.”
Shit, what did he say to that? And had they been that… out? “I don’t know. Paul and I are having a business dinner.”
“Oh. Oh, dude. Sorry. My bad. I was just hoping to hang with the cool kids.” Cy waved and pushed himself off the wall.
“Y’all have fun.”
Paul watched the guy go. “What was that about?”
“Nothing. I just know a bunch of the riders.” And the pickup man. Cy probably thought he’d said something he shouldn’t
“I would hope so. That name recognition will get us through the door with the riders.”
“It already has. You have to play that hand slowly though.” They wandered toward the restaurant past a sea of slot
machines and television screens. He was never sure how he felt about Vegas. He loved the energy and the constant bustle, but
got tired of it fast.
And despite just telling himself he wouldn’t, he couldn’t stop searching for Jack. He knew Jack was here, and now he had
no doubt Jack would hear he was in town soon.
He wanted to see Jack. Of course he did. He just wanted Jack to miss being able to see him.
Assuming he could pull it off. His willpower when it came to Jack was…sketchy at best.
“I’m thinking chicken parm.” Paul stuck his hands in his pockets as they strolled on their way to dinner.
“I want pasta. Maybe fettuccini.” His stomach growled.
“Yum. So how did you get into this stuff? It doesn’t seem to be your sort of thing.”
“I don’t really remember how I got into it. I was fan for a while, and then started going to events when I could and I met
some other fans, and then a few riders…” And then I let Jack take me back to his hotel room once.
And that was that. Jack was the hottest fuck ever, and they’d clicked like it was meant to be. Except Jack wasn’t looking for
more and had let him down easy but firmly.
I’m not that guy.
“It just kind of happened.”
But it hadn’t happened just one year.
Jack had found him the second year. The third. Then the fourth Jack had texted him on his birthday. He’d been embarrassed
to admit he couldn’t remember Jack’s birthday, but once Jack told him, he never forgot it.
“It’s an exciting, dangerous sport, and these riders just kinda put everything on the line, you know? Have you never been?”
“No. I mean, I’ve done my research now. I don’t want to look like an asshole, but this is new to me.” Okay, that was fair,
and decent.
“Well, cool. We’ll sit with some people who know what’s up, and you’ll learn. It’s not complicated, just fast.” He glanced
around one more time before heading to the hostess stand. Lots of cowboys, but no sign of his. “Two, please.”
“Of course.” She tapped and clicked on her iPad, then looked up and smiled. “This way, please.”
They wended through the restaurant, and he was surprised at how many riders nodded to him, recognized him.
“Wow. They like you, huh?”
He’d seen it before, but he’d always assumed they were greeting Jack. He didn’t walk around much without Jack except at
the show venue. “I’ve been around a while. I go to the Anaheim show every year, and this last time, I was working on our
glove with some of them.” That had to be it. It had to be work.
Jack was definitely going to find out he was here now. He hadn’t considered that people would know him, or care one way
or the other that he was there. He’d figured Jack wouldn’t know until they ran into each other.
“You in there?”
“Huh? Oh. Sorry.” He picked up his menu to cover while he tried to figure out if this little make-Jack-want-him-around-
more plan was going backfire on him.
By the time they’d ordered and gotten a glass of wine, he was feeling better, like he could relax. It wasn’t like Jack was
going to pounce him, right?
“My wife asked me to bring her something. I wish she’d told me what she wanted—maybe a T-shirt?”
“Shut up.”
“Maybe one of those showgirl headdress things.” Hudson could make lots of great suggestions with a straight face.
“You are no help.” Paul laughed and sipped his wine.
“I don’t really understand women very well to be honest.”
Paul snorted. “Lucky for you, you don’t have to.”
“Men have their own issues. Especially cowboys. But amen to that.” Speaking of issues and cowboys, his phone buzzed,
Cowboy Jack popping up with a text.
You rly in Vegas?

“Jesus Christ, word travels fast.”

“What word?”
He glanced up sharply at Paul. Had he said that out loud? “Sorry, someone I know is here and texted me.”
He wasn’t sure how to reply. Cool? Casual? He went with just the facts.
I have a booth at the expo tomorrow

It took a long time for Jack to respond, the dots coming and stopping and reappearing, before finally he got:

Shit. Was that the reaction he wanted? Or was he just being an asshole? He felt like an asshole. He was panicking a little
inside and swallowed against the nervous, tight feeling in his chest.
I’ll be there to watch the show tonight

He’d started to say “to watch you tonight” but changed it last-minute. God, he was bad at this hard-to-get crap. It felt more
like lying than anything else.
“Food’s here.”
He looked up from his phone. “Sorry. Oh, that looks amazing.”
“No worries, it’s a working weekend. It’s not like this is a date.”
The server set their plates down and offered them parmesan and black pepper, then was on his way.
He met Paul’s gaze. “Right. It’s not a date. We’re working.”
His phone buzzed.
Need a ride back from the arena? I’m at Mandalay Bay

Oh. Jack was in a nice hotel. He’d like a lot more than just a ride to the hotel, but⁠—
I have a colleague with me

Another long pause, then he got:

Understood. Holler if you need anything.

He sighed and read that again and again. This was— something was off. This wasn’t how he’d planned things to go. He
hated texting, he needed to see Jack’s face, understand what was going on. Jack’s words only ever said half what he was
thinking. He was much easier to read in person.
If he’d fucked up, he wasn’t going to get a chance to fix it until… maybe tomorrow after the expo? Maybe not until after the
show tomorrow.
And Paul was still sitting at the table with him so he couldn’t go find Jack right now like he wanted to.
“Everything okay, man? You look like that was bad news.” Paul leaned in and met his eyes.
He liked Paul well enough; he was a nice guy, but he wasn’t someone Hudson planned to share his love life, or lack of love
life, with. They had work to do, right? He was here for work anyway.
He took a breath. “It’s fine. Everything is fine.” He picked up his fork. “How’s your chicken? It looks really good.”
“It’s amazing. My wife would bitch at me for the carbs and the grease, but I’m into it.” Paul chuckled and rolled his eyes.
So dramatic.
Still, all Hudson wanted was for Paul to eat so he could go. He needed to talk to Jack.

J ack caught Wingnut around the horns, dragging him into the chutes, the motion as familiar as breathing. He could do that
for months. Hell, he had.
He sure hadn’t expected to see Hudson here. Of course, he hadn’t. He’d heard though, from the twins’ weird-assed
vast information system.
No one could take a shit that one of those two little fuckers didn’t know.
What was weird was that Hudson didn’t seem to want to see him. He hadn’t thought Anaheim was bad. In fact, it had
Well, Mackey had gotten hurt and all. That had been not-sexy. Maybe that had turned the guy off. Maybe it was too normal-
life shit.
No one was here for every day, after all.
“Jack, on your left.” Mackey called, and he threw his loop.
Fuck. That was a reminder that distraction was something he didn’t have time for. Hudson was a distraction for when he
wasn’t working.
Jack sighed and made himself get his mind in the middle. This wasn’t McD’s, where slipping up meant someone got one too
few chicken nuggets. This was cowboying.
“Woohoo! Who’s that sexy pickup man?” Ellie’s voice could be heard clear across the state.
“Show ‘em how it’s done, cowboy!” That was Hudson. Hudson was watching him.
He reached up, tipped his hat, and his back straightened a little bit. Now he had someone to perform for.
Someone to show off for.
That made the next ride more fun. And the one after that. Soon enough, he remembered why he did this.
Jack was playing with Stockard Manning, the clown, letting Ghost sneak up, creep up and snort in his hair, so that they
could make a game out of it. There were plenty of kids in the stands that liked this game, and they got laughs and applause.
Ghost was totally into it.
Princess wasn’t anymore. When he rode her in the ring, she would work hard and do everything he asked, but she wanted to
rest between rides these days. He never argued with her, she’d earned some rest.
Weren’t none of them getting younger.
The event was easy—up and down, no major shit, and he was happy to get the horses into the stables set up back here.
He whistled as he worked, feeding and combing, walking them out.
“Hey, Jack.”
That was a familiar voice. He turned to give Hudson a smile, but Hudson wasn’t alone. Hudson was with an idiot who
wore a suit to a bull riding event.
“Jack, this is Paul. Paul, this is Jack Boers, the best pickup man this event has ever seen.”
“Hey, Jack.” The suit held out his hand. “You were something to watch.”
He dusted his hand on his Wranglers and held it out. “’preciate it.” What the hell was this? Was this Hudson’s man? “Y’all
here for the whole event?”
Paul shrugged. “We just got in this afternoon. We have the expo tomorrow, and I think we’re leaving… Sunday?”
“Sunday.” Hudson nodded. “Not sure what time.”
“Huh.” That had to be bullshit. Who didn’t know what time they booked a flight for?
“Paul’s our marketing director. He put everything together for the booth tomorrow.” Hudson looked at him meaningfully.
“His wife said he barely slept last week getting everything together.”
Wife. Okay. That was clear as crystal. So, not a fuckbuddy.
“I’ll have to check it out. Where you stayin’? Somewhere good?” Want to come home with me, darlin’?
“We’re over at the Bellagio,” Paul answered quickly. “Have you stayed there? It’s crazy.”
“Vegas is crazy.” Hudson rolled his eyes.
“It is. I’m going to head out, grab a bite. They have a nice place for the horses.” Wanna come and play?
“Okay. Well, it was nice to meet you. We have an early morning, so we should head back to our hotel too.” Paul nodded to
“Uh. Yeah. I guess I should get back.” Hudson cleared his throat. “It’s always good to see you.”
“Ditto. Holler if you want to grab a drink or something.” He didn’t get this—why did Hudson come out to see him?
“I will. Holler. Promise. Have a good night.”
Paul gave a wave as they turned and walked back inside.
Okay, that was weird as hell.
Hudson’s ass still made his mouth dry, though.
“Is Hudson standing you up?” Mackey popped up out of nowhere, making him jump.
“Dammit, old man!” Was Hudson? He thought so, maybe. “You need a ride back? Where’s your man?”
“Something about drinks with suits. There’s an ex-po tomorrow,” Mackey said with a mocking drawl. “I could eat.”
“Shit, me too.” He rolled his eyes and grinned, because he had to. “Steak?”
“Steak.” Mackey clapped him on the back. “You’re driving. You can tell me why Hudson just ghosted you.”
“He didn’t. He came out, but he had work folks with him.” A work guy. Whatever.
“Right. He’s a safety tech guy now, huh? Thinks he’s going to keep the riders safer than I do?” Mackey chuckled.
“Shee-it. Ain’t anyone on earth could do that, Mother.” Mackey was one of the all-time greats, and Jack knew it.
“Damn right.” Mackey sighed. “It was a good night, huh? Fun.”
“It went nice and easy. I like those.” The wrecks were exciting, but he was old enough he wanted peaceful and lazy.
They started up the truck and headed out. The traffic was insane, and he was damn glad he only had to make it to the hotel,
because this shit sucked.
“Listen to all the honking.” Mackey shook his head. “It’s just gonna get worse. You ought to leave your truck there
“You think? Yeah, maybe that’s a good idea. Take a cab and let somebody else deal with it. I hate this shit.” He rolled into
another lane, getting ready to make a turn. “So, I might need somewhere for Princess to retire to for a while. You know, until
I… whatever. Find my own place.” He wasn’t looking for a place. He might never look. He was used to the road.
“You know she’s welcome at the house. I have a full-time guy. You ought to buy the acreage beside mine. You like it up
“I don’t know. It’s pretty, but… by myself? What would be the point?” Knocking around a house in the woods in the middle
of nowhere? Maybe he could do it. Maybe not.
“You want to be alone, Jack? I mean, is that your thing forever? We ain’t babies no more.”
No. He wasn’t going there. “Don’t start, Mackey.”
“It’s better to be stubborn?”
“Just because you’re all gooey in love.”
Mackey hooted. “You know it! Having daily fucking is fun, my friend.”
He rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. “Listen to you. I can have it daily if I want it.” He could. He was still a stud, and he
knew it. He was just… maybe he was bored with all of that.
“Oh man, I do know that. You’re a hot motherfucker. Watch that Porsche! He’s coming in your lane, like it or not!”
Oh, he didn’t think so. He had the right of way and a big-assed dualie.
“Fucking twat in a Porsche.” He eased on up in his lane, leaving no room for a little toy car.
“Isn’t that a rap song?”
Jack thought he might actually have heard it in the casino. “Either that or something from Cirque du So-lay-lay.”
Mackey laughed so hard he snorted. “That’s my hotel room! Cirque du get laid!”
The Porsche honked, and he ignored it and drove on, skimming past the guy’s front bumper. “Bye bye, toy car.” The road
opened up suddenly, and he made his turn onto a street that was much more manageable and led right to the hotel parking
“So, we lived.” Mackey was a little wide-eyed. “Let’s get that steak. I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Although he had been hoping that Hudson was interested in room service.
He still didn’t understand why Hudson hadn’t mentioned he was coming to Vegas. He almost wished last weekend hadn’t
been so goddamn good because now he was confused. He didn’t like being confused.
But Mackey had been his late-night dinner buddy for years, and they could laugh it up when they got going, so he could
handle this.

“W ell, Paul
that’s a wrap.”
started breaking down, putting his samples back in a big black case. Hudson grabbed the flyers and the
business cards and started packing them away.
“That rocked.”
“It was quite successful. Better than I’d expected.”
He hadn’t known what to expect, because he’d never done one of these before. But he and Paul had been a great team. He’d
talked to the cowboys, and Paul dealt with investors and they’d ended up with a good list of both to try out the next group of
It would have been perfect—professional, classy, fun—except that Jack and the entire safety team had come to visit them.
All of them.
For an hour.
He had zero idea how much trouble those five men could get into in an hour.
They’d tried on the gloves. Mackey and Tommy had ridden the twins around like bulls. Jack had excused himself to the
restroom and fucking texted him a dick pic.
Had Jack ever sent him a dick pic before?
To Paul’s credit, after his initial disbelief, he tried to play along. And the guys did draw a crowd, most of who stuck around
and had a look at the gloves themselves, so it wasn’t a total embarrassment.
It was hard not to be annoyed though. He didn’t show up on the dirt and disrupt their show.
He had no idea what Paul was going to go home and tell the brass. Jesus.
Of course, what were they going to say? The former boss had naughty friends?
He dreaded looking at his phone now, though, because his cowboy was a wicked bastard. He had no intention of doing so
until they’d finished breaking down.
“Sorry about the safety guys.”
“Oh, don’t be. Safety is what it’s about, right? Maybe a little over the top, but I had a bunch of folks to talk to after they left.
It’s all good.”
All good. Huh. “I was pretty embarrassed.”
Paul leaned closer to him and winked. “I think that was their intention.”
He snorted. “No doubt.”
“Dude, it was funny. We made sales. The tall skinny one? He likes you, I think.”
“Pfft.” He likes my ass. But I think he’s warming up to me. “I’ve known him a long while.”
He sent me a dick pic.
He should be grossed out, right? Horrified? They weren’t twenty-year-olds. He wasn’t though, and it had made him blush.
Jack had a great dick.
“Well, I think so.”
“Maybe.” He hoped.
They finished packing up and stowing everything for the flight home.
“I’ll handle the shipping with the hotel folks.” Paul was all business.
“You sure? Did you want to go to the show tonight?”
“Nah, I don’t think tonight. I want to get all the orders in, and I have some other things I need to handle. I have an early
flight tomorrow. I want to get home and see my kids before bedtime.” Paul had good priorities, but why sit in your hotel room
when you had a free ticket to bull riding?
“Ah. Cool. My flight back isn’t until later. I wanted to see the short-go.” Hudson wanted to see Jack.
“The Sunday show.”
“Oh, okay. Wow. You really do like this, huh?”
He did. A lot. And he could watch Jack ride any time. “It’s a great sport. I don’t have anyone to get home to, so there’s no
“Well, cool. Enjoy it.”
They shook hands. “See you back in Denver.”
He wandered through the emptying space, watching the hotel staff deal with all the mess and chaos like it was nothing. He
guessed to them it really wasn’t.
Lord knew Jack brought chaos into his life. Even at once a year, it was… utter⁠—
His phone buzzed again.
I got you family seats tonite and tomorrow. Want you.

I’ll be there.

That part was easy. The rest he typed a bunch of times and ended up erasing it all. I want… we really need to talk, man.
I’ve got stuff I need to say. I want to know what you want. He finally typed,
I’m yours

and sent it, figuring that said everything he could right now.
Hard-to-get was too fucking hard to keep up. He wanted what he wanted too.
Good deal. Sending tix

The digital tickets showed up seconds later, up front and next to the chutes.
Jack had some clout to come up with last-minute tickets that good.
The next text was another dick pic.
Hudson rolled his eyes.
Pretty. We’re sexting now?

There it was again dots, no dots, dots, no dots.

Weird. Jack wasn’t usually a dots guy. Jack was all quick comebacks or total ghosting and nothing in between.
He stopped staring at the dots because he was getting anxious and went in search of some dinner before the event. He had a
little time; Jack would be on his way to the venue to warm Ghost up if he wasn’t already there.
Las Vegas knew food, that was for sure, and the Bellagio was huge. He wandered and wandered and never even left the
“Pardon me.” A low voice surprised him, coming right from the elbow. “I think I talked to your business partner at the
This was an odd place to do business, but he had to be friendly. “You spoke to Paul? I’m Hudson.” He stopped and stuck
out his hand.
He got a warm smile, possibly a once-over. He couldn’t tell. “Mark Denton. I was hoping I could buy you a drink, talk to
you about your glove. I own a chain of western stores, and we do a brisk business online with rodeo gear.”
Oh, cool. He had time, and Paul was going to love this. “You know, I was just looking for somewhere to get a bite before
the event tonight. Do you know your way around this hotel?”
“I do, in fact. I have a table at the Prime on the patio. I love to watch the fountains at street level.” Mark led them toward a
down escalator, confident, moving nice and easy.
“Wow. Fancy.” He just needed something light, since he thought he might be having steak later, but he could use a drink too.
“I’d love to join you.” He couldn’t help but notice Mark had on a nice cologne.
“Excellent. They have a shrimp appetizer to die for. You have tickets for tonight?”
“I do. I’m kind of a bull riding geek. I know the pickup man; he gets me good seats. And I’m friends with Scott Hamish’s
wife so I’m rooting for him tonight.” He figured it didn’t hurt to throw around a little cred, make sure Mark knew he understood
the sport and wasn’t just in this for cash.
“Scott is a good man. We’re one of his sponsors. We’ve been lucky to help the careers of a few champions, even.” Mark
walked up to the hostess station. “Denton, for the patio.”
“Of course, sir. Right away. Your table is waiting.”
“I’m happy for Scott. He’s been riding well. I think he’s found his rhythm. Oh, wow. Look at this view.” The fountain was
right there, the water and the sky both a lovely blue.
“Yeah. I love it down here. It’s quieter than being on the street.” Mark sat, sighing deep in his chest. “Oh, this is nice. I’m
so glad I saw you.”
He picked up his water as soon as it was poured. The desert made him thirsty. “So, I guess Paul filled you in on the details.
What did you need to know from me?”
“I’m interested to know how you came up with the idea, honestly. It’s damn brilliant.”
“Oh. That was simple, really. You remember when Bo White broke his wrist two seasons ago? It was toward the end of the
season, and he was top of his game, right? And then he took that nasty pitch forward over his hand?” The injury ended an
incredible run for Bo and took him out for the rest of the year.
Mark winced. “That broke my heart. That kid was on a roll. You hate to see that.”
“Yeah. It was awful. And Jack Boers is friends with him, and Jack says to me, ‘That just shouldn’t happen’, and I started
thinking about it. I couldn’t let it go.” The whole thing came out of a conversation with Jack in bed in the middle of the night.
The bullfighters took every wreck personally, but he thought Jack did too, seeing every one of the injuries from on high.
Mark ordered the shrimp thing for each of them and two glasses of wine. He was more of a beer man before an event, but
he liked wine too. “Do you go to all of these events? Or are you here because Scott is kicking ass?”
“I come to a lot. I have a booth at every event, so I get great seats, and I love to watch the new guys.” Mark raised his glass
casually, then sipped. “I’m also into rodeo—so I attend ropings, little shows, you name it. I like to sponsor the young kids,
because that’s the sport’s future.”
He smiled and raised his glass. “Hear, hear. I love that. I’ve got my eye on some of the younger riders too. I like to see
what they do that’s different, you know?” Mark was interesting, a money guy that wasn’t all about the money.
“Oh, there are some brilliant damn kids out there. I watch those teeny gals on the barrel horses and just think, I was still
having my daddy lift me into the saddle at five.” Mark’s laugh was happy, booming out and filling the space. “You ought to go
to a few of the Mountain circuit shows if you don’t already. They’re so much fun.”
“I should; they sound like a good time.” Maybe he and Jack could go, if Jack had some time off.
Mark was great company, and he was looking forward to working with him, but the conversation stayed casual and fun and
they never got around to closing any deals. They ate their shrimp, and he made excuses for not having dinner so he could wait
for Jack. His wine was very nice though and he finished the glass before it was time to think about heading to the venue.
Mark waved for the bill, the act casual, easy. “So, I don’t know if you’re interested, but I do have VIP tickets. I mean, if
you’d like my extra, of course. No pressure.”
How did he say his VIP ticket was hand-picked by the man he was fucking without saying that? “Thank you, but Jack went
to some effort to get me a VIP ticket too, and I think it would be rude not to use it.”
“Oh, man. You know that. Would you like to share a cab?”
“Yes. That would be great.” He let Mark pay the tab without arguing, since it had been his invitation. “I’d love the
company, that drive is something else.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m not driving it. Saturday night on the strip? No thank you. I prefer a professional.” Mark tapped a few
buttons on his phone. “Okay, the car will meet us in the lobby in twenty.”
“You know how to impress, Mark.” He chuckled. “And I’m glad we’re going together because I’m not sure I know where
the lobby is right now.”
“I know, right? This place is a maze. I like staying here, though. Everyone has their favorite.” Mark paid, and it made him
happy to see the man tipped well. That was an important thing to know about a person.
Mark led the way as they cut through the Saturday night crowd and found the car. “What did you order, an Uber Elite or
something? This is nice.”
“Something like that, yes.”
A rough-looking cowboy grinned across the Lincoln. “Boss.”
“Grady. This is Hudson. He invented a new glove for bull riding.”
“Mr. Hudson. Pleased.”
A driver. Damn. “Good to meet you.” Shit, he hoped Paul was smart enough to get Mark’s business card.
“Same. You gonna order some for the website, boss?”
Mark nodded. “Thinking real serious about it, yeah. Especially if you think that I can order junior sizes.”
“We’re working on those now. Those have a few more quality control hoops to jump through because they’re for
adolescents.” He hadn’t had anyone ask him for juniors yet, but they were well into development.
“That’s what I want to hear. You get a commission for sales or are you higher up that ladder?”
The car headed out, the ride smooth as silk.
“Not me. I’m a product development guy. Paul doesn’t either; he’s in marketing.”
“Huh. Well, I’m buying because I liked what you and Paul had to say. I’ll have my people call, make sure the folks who
deserve it get the credit.”
“Thank you, I know they’ll appreciate that. And listen, I’d love whatever feedback you get, you know? So we can improve
things. I’ve got a couple of the younger riders trying it out for me to tell me what works for them and what doesn’t.” He would
love to see this be a big account. Mark was as straight up as they came.
“Yeah? Excellent.” Mark turned to face him, eyes laughing. “Have you considered working on a roping glove? It would
save a lot of fingers.”
He laughed out loud. “Name me a roper that would wear one.”
Mark blew out a raspberry. “I bet I can name you a young roper’s momma that would make him…”
“Now that I’d believe. I do think this next generation will be safer. Less self-conscious about it, you know?” Rules were
rules, and they were getting tighter.
“Yeah, and doctors are expensive. If the kids think the gloves are cool? Then they’ll wear them.”
“Right.” He peered out the window. “Okay, was that quick, or are you just very good company?”
“I am exceptional company! Are you kidding?” Mark waved to Grady. “If you need a ride back after, you can text. I mean, I
hope to see you, but if I don’t…”
“We both have great seats, so I’m sure we won’t be too far from each other.” He handed Mark his phone. “Put yourself in
there. We should definitely keep in touch.”
Mark’s fingers flew over his phone, then Mark handed it back. “There you go. It was great to visit with you. I look forward
to doing it again.”
He texted Mark a thank-you for the food. “Now you have mine. Me too. Thanks again.”
The car rolled to a stop, and Grady looked in the rearview. “Enjoy your evening.”
“I will. I so will.” He’d had a great appetizer, met a new friend, and now he was going to see Jack.

J ack had heard about Mark Denton driving Hudson to the event twelve times before the friggin’ event started.
He didn’t want to worry about this shit. If Hudson wanted that, well, it was Hudson’s choice.
Maybe the whole dick pic thing had been less funny than he’d thought.
He danced Ghost around the arena floor, just keeping her warmed up.
People were streaming in, and the family section was filling up, but Hudson’s seat was still empty. He knew they were
here; were they together? Was Denton using his sponsor status to show off for Hudson?
Why the fuck did he care?
He wasn’t Hudson’s keeper. Not even a little.
Still, they had plans. That wasn’t cool, if they were going to hook up.
The music got louder, and Mackey’s team pulled together at one end of the arena and that meant things were about to get
started. Time to get his head right and do his damn job.
He could be butthurt later.
The arena was full, the crowd rowdy and drunk, and he just hoped that the cowboys could keep the energy down, keep the
bulls settled.
There was a buzz, though, the kind that made his little hairs stand up. The kind that made Mackey glance over to make sure
he was ready.
He nodded. He was.
He wasn’t going to drop the damn ball. No way. Mackey needed him to have their backs.
The arena went dark as they introduced the riders, and Jack took a breath to keep Ghost settled. He knew better, but he
glanced into the stands anyway as the lights came back up. He found Denton easily in the VIP seats, sitting alone with an empty
seat beside him. He cut his eyes to the family seat he’d gotten for Hudson, and this time, Hudson was there, applauding and
cheering with everyone else as the event got underway.
Hudson was in his seat.
Jack tipped his hat in that direction, hoping Hudson knew it was for him, because it was. It was a hi and a howdy, and an
I’m glad you’re here.
Hudson cheered louder, and that was all he needed to know.
It didn’t change what he and Mackey had felt in the air, though, and shit went sideways from the very first ride. Dean Kane
got caught between his bull and the gate, and Mackey’s team was on it, but that was no way to begin a packed Saturday night in
By the end of the third section, there had been six bad wrecks, and Tommy was bleeding. Stock came jogging up, mic off.
“We got three more sections and the short-go. Dammit.”
“Tell me about it. Go entertain the people before they eat you.”
Stock nodded. “Watch Mackey. He’s got those eyes, if you know what I mean.” The clown took off running and did two no-
handed cartwheels in a row to huge applause, pulling out the big guns.
“Watch Mackey. Dammit.” There were only so many more hits the bullfighter could take before it was all over.
“You’ve got this, Jack!” Hudson’s voice cut through the arena dust and the cheers for the clown and hit him right where he
He and Ghost did what they needed to, hitting one loop after another, dragging bulls around the arena. Things eased up for
two sections, and then everything went to hell.
One entire section went by in a rush of wrecks and no rides, one of the bulls tried to get into the stands, and he was fixin’ to
lose his mind.
“Oi!” Tommy came jogging over between bulls. “Mother’s okay. You good?”
“Ready for tonight to be over. Shit. Twenty bucks says no rides during the short-go tonight.”
“Fuck, no. I should just hand you my money right now.” Tommy gave Ghost a pat on the neck. “Good riding, man. Let’s
finish this.” Tommy jogged away again, headed right for the twins.
“Okay, Ghost. Twelve more bull rides, and we’ve got two weeks off, you and me.” He swung his rope in a lazy arc as he
waited for the first ride.
The first one was up and down, not too scary, but not a good ride either. The next was a lot like the first. The big
contenders came up next, and a couple of them even managed to keep their asses on the bull for eight.
Good thing he hadn’t kept that bet.
Kickstarter was up next, and Joao Pedilla was on deck. That big yellow bastard bull was losing his shit in the chute,
climbing the fence and trying to kill someone.
Eventually Joao had to be pulled out, and they opened the gate. Kickstarter headed straight for him, and he kicked Ghost
into gear, zipping around the shark tank and leading the bull on a little chase.
Mackey and Tommy were waiting, the twins were waving their arms like mad, and Hudson hooted from the stands.
He turned Ghost on a dime, throwing his loop and catching one horn and tugging hard before getting him and Ghost out of
the way.
It went like that for a couple of minutes, and then he convinced that bastard to go back in the chutes and he followed. He
needed to swap Ghost out.
Ghost was tired, ready for a break, and Princess could handle the handful of rides that were left.
At least he hoped so.
If not, it was going to suck.
Princess managed her job, but the last three outs were brutal, he was soaked with sweat, and he was in need of a shot of
tequila, a bath, and a hard fuck.
Good thing he knew where to get all three.
He was leaving his truck at the arena after he got the horses settled, so he and Hudson were going to need a ride. He’d have
to check with the team to see how they were getting back.
Worst came to worst, he’d grab an Uber to take them back to the hotel. He wasn’t going to even ponder driving. Someone
would die.
“You good, man?” Mackey limped his way, not hurt, just his usual post-event hobble. “I don’t remember the last time I
wanted off the dirt so bad.”
“No shit. Ghost was getting stressed out, and that don’t hardly ever happen, you know?” Ghost was solid as stone.
“I hate Vegas. Don’t I always say that? I do. It’s always something. Ghost was right to be stressed. Princess did great
though. You could set off a bomb, and she’d wait for you to tell her whether to run.”
“She’s my best girl.” He leaned hard against the stall wall. “You seen Hudson?”
“No, but the twins said he was talking with one of the sponsors out back. I’m sure he’s waiting on you.”
“Ah.” He grabbed his phone.

Are you with Denton?

Sorry. I’m still back by the chutes. I met Mark Denton, and he’s interested in my glove so I didn’t want to blow him
off. He’s gone now. Fancy town car.

Sexy. Heading your way

They’d see how many Ubers they all needed. “Come on, Mack. Let’s get back to the hotel, huh?”
“Yeah. The twins have gone. Tommy’s waiting with Sid.”
“Good deal. We can share a car.” The two of them moved slowly, worn out from that crazy show, but they eventually found
Hudson, who’d already found Tommy and Sid.
Hudson looked him over, then smiled. “Good to see you in one piece.”
“I ordered a van. They’re coming in about fifteen.” Sid winked at Mackey. “Helluva night, huh?”
Mackey nodded and sighed. “We’re basically whole. I want room service and a shower.”
Shit, him too.
“Me too.” Hudson looked at him, the heat in those eyes making him ache. “I’m hungry.”
“I hear you, yessir.” He was going to make sure that Hudson was focused on him and him alone. All night long.

H udson blinked his eyes open when he heard voices in Jack’s hotel room. The door closed and it took him another second
to smell the coffee and bacon. Jack had ordered room service. He rolled over with a groan, sore in all the right ways,
and pushed up on one elbow. “Bacon? You’re good to me.” His voice was rough, which he’d blame on the arena dust if
anyone asked, but Jack would know better.
“Bacon. Waffles. Eggs. Coffee.” Jack’s smile was slow and lazy, eyes dragging over his body. “Good morning, darlin’.”
“Good morning to you. Stellar morning, in fact.” He loved waffles, and he loved that Jack always remembered that. He sat
up more, scooting so he could lean back against the headboard. “What time is it? Did you sleep? You deserve some after that
show last night.”
“It’s nine-thirty. I have to be at the arena by one.” Jack slid in and snuggled close to him.
“Mm. Plenty of time. My flight isn’t until tonight.” He wasn’t staying over like he normally did in Anaheim. He hadn’t
planned to be in Jack’s bed this weekend. After last night, he still didn’t know what he’d been thinking, he should have known
better. Jack was literally irresistible.
“I’ll take you to the airport, if you want. If you ain’t staying, I’ll head out too. I got me a bye next week.”
He hooked an arm around Jack. “A bye?” Where was next week’s event? He couldn’t remember.
“Yeah. We’ve all got a break. I’m picking up the new horses on the way to Colorado. Mackey’s letting me board them
“Cool. What are you planning on doing with your time off?” That was a loaded question, and he wondered if Jack knew it.
Could he convince Jack to spend some time with him? Get Jack to come to Denver? Weasel himself an invitation to Mackey’s?
“I haven’t the foggiest. I’m at loose ends. Maybe I’ll just sleep in the barn and commune with the horses.” Jack chuckled
softly and shook his head. “You going to meet with Denton?”
Denton? What did Denton have to do with anything? “Not right away, he’s looking mostly for juniors, and that product isn’t
ready yet. I’ll keep in touch with him though. He would be a huge distributor for us.”
“He was into you.” And Jack looked like he didn’t like it.
Who? Denton? That whole dinner thing was business, and Jack wasn’t even there to see it. The twins were just causing
trouble now.
But was Jack actually jealous?
That made him grin.
“How do you know that?”
“I ain’t blind. He was watching you.” Totally jealous.
Hudson let his grin actually show. “Yeah? I’m fucking hot; people watch me all the time, cowboy.”
Jack’s eyebrow lifted. “I’m fully aware how fucking hot you are, darlin’. I been hunting and catching your ass for years.”
“Uh-huh.” He tilted Jack’s chin so he could look into the cowboy’s eyes. “Denton offered me a seat next to him in VIP last
night. But I turned him down. Someone I actually want to give my hot ass to got me a seat.”
Jack smiled, eyes crinkling at the edges, and suddenly Hudson was ten times more attracted to his cowboy than before.
“Someone you actually gave your hot ass to.”
“Damn right I did. And I can’t wait to do it again.” God. Look at those eyes. That look gave him butterflies and made him
feel things. He took a breath and went for it. “Do you… want to spend some of your time off with me? Do you want to come to
Jack tilted his head, and Hudson held his breath. “When are you free?”
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. If he smiled any harder he was going to hurt something. “For real? I’m… any time. I make my
own schedule these days. What works for you?”
“I got to get the horses to Mackey’s and settled. How does Wednesday work for you?” Wednesday. Okay. That was an
actual commitment.
“Wednesday. Good. Yeah, that works.” Jack had never seen his condo, never visited him ever. “And, I mean, if it doesn’t
work out, I understand. Horses and all. I get it.”
“It should be okay. The two new mares are going to train up well, I think, but they just need to settle.” Jack fed him a bite of
waffle. “Of course, if you get busy, just text. I’m easy.”
He took the bite and shook his head while he chewed. “M-m. I won’t get busy. Wednesday is great. I’m excited.” Excited
didn’t really cover it, but he couldn’t find a better word. “The waffles are good.”
“Yeah, they do them pretty good here.” Jack bumped into his arm. “It was a great surprise, seeing you this weekend.”
“I wasn’t sure—I was here for work, and I—” He stopped talking. What was he going to say? I wanted you to tell me you
wanted me. And Jack had done just that.
“Hey, you’re cool. I didn’t mean to push. You coulda said no.”
He snorted. “No, see, I have this problem. I really, really don’t want to say no to you.”
“I cain’t see where that’s a problem, darlin’.” Jack leaned in and kissed him, slow and sweet, pushing in to taste him deep.
He accepted the kiss, loving the slow seduction that was so different and new. Maybe Jack was thinking what he was
thinking. Feeling what he was feeling. He tangled his tongue with Jack’s, exploring.
One hand covered his chest for a second, fingers splayed and hot, and he could feel each and every impression.
Hudson breathed in deep and took Jack’s hand before he could pull it away. “That’s a hot touch, baby.”
“You make me want. Bad.” They were staring into each other, beginning to pant.
“I need you, Jack.” All the time.
“Good thing I’m right here, darlin’. C’mere.” Jack pushed the tray to the bottom of the bed and drew him right in.
That was it. He was the center of Jack’s universe right now, and he intended to enjoy it. He hooked a leg over Jack’s hip
and whispered, “Anywhere you want me.”
“Yeah? You know the right things to say.” That smile grew, Jack dragging his tongue over his lips.
“That’s luck. It’s just the truth.” He caught Jack’s tongue in his teeth, teasing.
Those pretty eyes lit up, and Jack’s hands landed on his ass.
He took that as an invitation and rolled, straddling Jack, hands pressing into that muscled chest. He grinned down at Jack.
“You sure you want me to wear you out before a show?”
Jack’s hips rolled up, pushing at him with that heavy prick. “I’m sure I still want you to remember who I am on
He snorted, snatching the lube of the nightstand, not that he needed much; he’d been slick all night. That was ridiculous.
Sweet, but ridiculous. “Who are you again?”
“Just some random cowboy that’s after you and your fine self.”
“Right, I remember now.” He let Jack snap on a condom, then didn’t waste any time, lining up Jack’s thick prick and taking
it in. “Fuck, yeah. I remember.”
“Thank God for that.” Jack grabbed his hips hard enough to leave bruises. “Now, let me erase everyone else.”
Easy. There’s never been anyone else.
He’d take the bruises though. He liked them, and they hung around a lot longer than the delicious soreness Jack always left
him with.
He lifted up and sank down hard, even without Jack’s help, loving how their bodies met, and the sound of skin on skin that
rang against the ceiling.
“So fucking right.” Jack closed his eyes and started moving with him, expression pure bliss.
That was what he wanted to remember until Wednesday—and beyond—that look that he was convinced—no matter how
many other men there had been along the way—was only for him.
“Yeah. I’m gonna send you off to your show so fucking high.” Hudson moved hard and fast, encouraged by the way Jack
groaned as he hauled on his hips.
“Fuck yes. Best ride is right here, Hudson.” Jack was completely with him, and it felt so right.
Hudson liked the bit of control he had until Jack caught his cock in a tight fist, and then it was all over. He howled loud
enough they had to hear him down the hall, and his hips went wild.
“There’s my man.” That whisper seemed like it was a bellow, and Hudson grasped the words tight.
Then all he could do was hold on as Jack pounded him like a hammer with a nail.
“Fuck… fuck…” He repeated until his orgasm slammed into him, making his eyes cross and his vision tunnel. Jack
murmured praise he barely heard and didn’t let up, even as he went ragdoll heavy over Jack’s chest.
It didn’t take but a couple more thrusts before Jack was roaring, thrusts rough and crazed until he stilled, trembling under
Jack’s chest rose and fell hard under his cheek. Hudson slid a hand under Jack’s shoulder in a weak sort of hug as they
panted and groaned, both of them trying to find air.
“God, that was a fine breakfast.” Jack’s lips brushed his ear.
“Mhm.” He hauled in a breath so he could answer. “Even better than waffles.” He kissed Jack’s shoulder and pushed up,
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Accelerated. Quickened; hurried.
Acquiesced. Agreed to.
Admonished. Warned; notified to be careful, or concerning an event.
Affirmed. Proven; shown that the statement was true.
Alternative. Either one or the other.
Anointing. The rite of applying oil for the purpose of setting apart an individual for a certain
Aphasia. The disease which causes loss of memory.
Appellation. The term used to designate a name of a person.
Archeological. Relating to the science of antiquities.
Arsenal. A store house of weapons and ammunition.
Arteries. The ducts in the body which carry the blood from the heart.
Averting. The act of preventing; keeping from doing things.
Bacterial. Pertaining to the infection of the blood or system by poisonous germs.
Cavalcade. A parade; originally a troop of horsemen.
Cessation. The act of quitting or stopping.
Cementing. Bringing together; to cause to adhere.
Circulatory. The term applied to anything which has free movement.
Circulation. Applied to the movement of the blood through the arteries and veins.
Coveted. Wished for; usually applied to a wrongful desire to take something from another.
Climatic. Pertaining to the seasons or the weather.
Characterized. Named; designated.
Cohesion. Attracted; sticking together.
Consternation. Awe; fear; afraid of consequences.
Consecrated. Set apart for a purpose or a use.
Coagulated. To curdle or form into a clot.
Confederate. An ally; a friend in the same cause.
Concord. In agreement with. Having the same feelings.
Congenial. Friendly feeling; pleasant relations.
Congested. To collect in a mass; an unhealthy accumulation.
Cowered. Subdued; made to feel fear.
Cooperative. The joining together for a mutual aid or encouragement.
Concerted. Acting together.
Coalition. The term applied to the uniting of various parties to effect a purpose in concert.
Deference. Showing obedience, or willingness; to yield.
Delectable. Pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory.
Detour. Going around; making a sweeping movement about a certain point.
Detached. Taken away from; separated from others.
Decomposition. To go back into its original elements.
Derange. Out of order; not in proper condition.
Desist. To stop; to quit.
Depicted. Explained, either by words or pictures.
Depleted. To reduce; to lessen; to take away from.
Dissecting. To cut apart or to pieces.
Disorganize. To make disorderly; to badly arrange.
Diplomatic. The term used to designate the science of conducting negotiations wisely.
Discerned. Noticed; observed.
Diagnosed. The course of a disease noted and discovered.
Exuberance. Elated; exceedingly happy.
Eluding. To avoid; to get away from.
Encounter. To meet; to come into contact with.
Enveloping. A term applied to a military movement, which has reference to a force surrounding
or encircling another.
Extract. To take out of; to obtain the essence.
Execution. To perform; to carry out.
Exacted. To demand of; to require some particular thing.
Facilitate. To hurry up; speedily doing a thing.
Faction. A small party or portion of a main body or people.
Gesticulate. Bodily motions which indicate excitement, or a desire to impart information.
Gratification. Satisfaction over the outcome; agreeable feeling.
Gruesome. An object which excites loathsome feelings.
Groin. The fold or crease where the thigh joins the abdomen.
Guttural. Of or pertaining to the throat.
Hazardous. Involving danger, risk or loss.
Hemorrhages. Discharge of blood from a wounded blood vessel.
Hilarity. Being jubilant; happy; joyous.
Imperious. In a haughty manner.
Immeasurably. Beyond measure; a large amount or quantity.
Impression. An effect produced.
Initiative. To start; to make the first effort.
Instinct. A mental knowledge which precedes actual information.
Intuitively. Knowing a thing without being directly told.
Injunction. To warn; to advise concerning.
Inflamed. The term applied to a portion of the body where the blood by congestion causes
redness. Also exciting another to do a certain thing.
Infection. To communicate a thing or a disease to another.
Incautiously. Without much care; or in an unwise manner.
Intimately. Closely associated with.
Inaction. Quiet; not vigorous.
Injection. To insert into; to place within.
Interred. Buried.
Invariable. The same; without any change.
Invasion. To enter; to come into.
Incumbent. Necessary; desirable.
Inaccessible. Not easily gotten at; difficult to approach.
Insisted. To continuing a request.
Intervening. Placing between; something interposed.
Incantation. The saying or singing of magical words, in a religious ceremony.
Intercept. To go between; that which is cut off.
Infinite. Without end; continuous.
Inventory. To list; to take stock or account of.
Indignant. Anger or scorn aroused by a wrong.
Isolation. Left alone; without company.
Jargon. Confused; unintelligible speech.
Limitation. A small amount; a definite portion or part.
Malignant. Having or exhibiting extreme viciousness.
Modified. Changed to suit; newly arranged.
Momentary. For the time being only.
Numerically. Judged by numbers.
Nutriment. Substances necessary to sustain life.
Obliterate. To wipe out; to extinguish.
Obeisance. To bow to; acknowledgment of superiority.
Obnoxious. Unsavory; not pleasant; objectionable.
Parley. To talk with; conference.
Paralysis. A species of disease, wherein the motor nerves are deranged and made useless.
Pantomimic. A show wherein the features and actions are designed to describe or display words
or intentions.
Perplexities. Difficulties not easily surmounted in the mind.
Peremptory. Determined order; decision without delay.
Perceptible. Noticeable: easily seen.
Perceived. Something readily noticed.
Physique. Pertaining to the outlines of the human form.
Physical. Relating to the characteristics of the body.
Portable. That which may be moved.
Presumption. That which is judged from a certain act or thing.
Proximity. Close to; very near.
Prediction. Stating what will happen as a consequence, or in the future.
Privation. Being denied what is necessary for comfort or convenience.
Pronounced. Very evident; something that is plain.
Precaution. Taking care; the act of making sure.
Protracted. Stretching out; continuing for some time.
Putrefaction. Matter which is in a state of decomposition, or being disorganized.
Recess. A space cut out of material. Also an interim.
Refrain. To keep from; to avoid.
Reluctantly. Not willingly; drawing back.
Restraining. Holding back; to keep from.
Reciprocate. To repay; to do an act in exchange for another.
Reconnoiter. To examine, or make preliminary survey of in military operations.
Recreation. To put in its former condition.
Reinstalled. To put in the same condition it was designed to be placed; to set up again.
Reversing. In the opposite direction.
Reconciliation. To have the affections restored; an agreement.
Requisition. A demand; something that is required.
Reproachful. Looking on the act of another with sorrow.
Resentment. The act of repaying another for a wrong, or for some deed.
Rudimentary. The elements which originally form the subject of matters of things.
Ruptured. Breaking; torn; to rend asunder.
Saponify. To convert into soap by the action of an alkali.
Semi-tropical. Pertaining to or characteristics of regions near the tropics.
Septic. That which is productive of putrefaction.
Sortie. A rush upon a foe.
Spinal Column. The backbone.
Species. A group of animals or plants, which have slight changes from each other.
Speculation. The act of man to theorize on certain subjects. Also business of investing and
carrying on trade.
Surveyed. Looking over. Also to lay out or describe meets and bounds.
Supremacy. Having the power; one capable of commanding.
Stratagems. The art of arranging troops. The act of planning.
Synthetic. Making up from original elements. The opposite of analysis.
Symptoms. Indications; in illness, the appearance of the body.
Talisman. Something that produces or is capable of producing a wonderful effect.
Tissues. The parts of the body, like the flesh and muscles.
Toxic. A poison; that which has an effect like alcohol.
Tribute. To give what is due; to repay.
Trepidity. Trembling with fear.
Traversed. Traveled over.
Tracts. A term applied to the veins, pores, arteries, or any other ducts or passages in the
Tumult. An uproar; a commotion.
Unique. Something out of the ordinary.
Unstable. That which is not rigid; yielding.
Vanished. Gone out of sight; that which has left.
Vanquished. Beaten; defeated.
Vantage. A position of superiority; an advantage.
Venom. Poison; that which has an ill effect; also applied to a wish which indicates harm.
Virulent. Extreme; the desire to do wrong.
Vindictive. An act which shows a design to do a wrong.
Voluble. Very talkative.

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