Mid Term Revision Worksheet 2023-24 Grade 8 SOLVED 2
Mid Term Revision Worksheet 2023-24 Grade 8 SOLVED 2
Mid Term Revision Worksheet 2023-24 Grade 8 SOLVED 2
V. Read the sentences below and then match the idioms in bold with the correct
1) Anna isn’t coming with us because she feels a little under the weather. (not feeling well)
2) Don’t worry about me, I’m as right as rain after my knee operation. (to feel fine and
3) He has his head in the clouds if he seriously think he’s going to get an award today.-
(to be out of touch of reality; to have ideas that may not be sensible or practical)
4) I thought my cake would win the bake –off until Jo turned up with a triple chocolate
gateaux and stole my thunder (when someone takes attention away from someone
else )
5) I’m snowed under at work right now because two of my colleagues are on holiday.. (to
have so much to do that you are having trouble doing it all )
6) It was awkward in my new class until Arshan broke the ice – (to say or do something to
make someone feel relaxed or at ease in a social setting )
7) Our science exam was a breeze. I’m sure I’ll get top marks – (to be very easy to do)
8) Thanks for inviting me to play tennis but I can’t this week. Can I take a rain check –
(decline something now but offer to do it at a later date)
2) Why is the old man sent to his room when there are guests in the house?
Ans The old man is usually sent to his room to control the grand children from
mischief and naughtiness.
3) Who gives ’friendly punches to the chest’? To whom? Who gives the damp kisses? Who
has scrubbed cheeks? Why?
Ans The grand children give friendly punches to the chest of the old man and in
return, he gives them damp kisses. The old man had the scrubbed cheeks because of
his old age.
4) What do you think is meant by phrase ‘living on memories’?
AnsIt means that the old man has no other activity or any job to spend his free time.
So he is always lost in the happy memories of his glorious past and tries to live his
present old age days.
II. Answer the following with reference to context
And only this has kept intact
His pride and self-respect.
1) What does intact mean?
Ans ‘Intact’ mean complete and has not been damaged or changed.
2) What has kept his pride and self-respect intact?
AnsThe friendly attitude of the grand children kept his pride and self-respect intact.
3) What metaphor is used to describe what he might have been without this?
AnsThe metaphor ‘dry stream-bed’ is used to describe what might have been without
They sail to the harbour of his knees
1) Who are they?
Ans They are the grand children of the old man.
2) When do they sail to his knees and why?
AnsThey sail to his knees when there are guest in home. They sail because they love
Workbook pages-60,61,64
I. Word Meanings:
1) Arena- Central part of a stadium, in which contests take place.
2) Treacherously- Deceptively
3) Dexterous- Deft; clever
4) Enraptured- Delighted
5) Obstinate- Stubborn
6) Persistently- Continuing determinedly
7) Ruthlessly- In a pitiless way
8) Clenched- to hold tightly
9) Thrust – To push forcibly
10) Gingerly- With extreme caution so as to avoid making noice.
‘The golden air should have been full of their shrieks and groaning.’
1) What time of day was it?
Ans. Afternoon.
2) What sounds were there in the air, if any?
Ans. The water flowing from the creak makes a noise.
3) Whose shrieks and groaning would these have been?
Ans. Those of the ant-lion and the meat – lion.
4) Why should there have been any shrieking?
Ans. The ant-lion is attacking the meat-ant.
5) What happened immediately after this?
Ans. The meat-ant dies.
IV. Similes: Complete these well-known similes. Use the list below.
Pupils can come up with plausible alternatives. Example: as brave as a lion
1) as bright as a button
2) as fat as a hippo
3) as brittle as glass
4) as fierce as a lion
5) as brown as a berry
6) as fit as a fiddle
7) as changeable as the weather
8) as happy as a clam
9) as dead as a doornail
Workbook Page 73
V. Use the idiomatic expressions in sentences.
1) Aunt had been so difficult we were glad to see the back of her.
2) Because they were late home, Hashim sent his younger brother into the house first to
see how the land lay.
3) When the teacher explained it again, I suddenly saw the light.
4) Mr. Ahmed thought he could see his way clear to help launch the boat by Saturday.
VI. What do you think the following abbreviations stand for? Alternatives are possible.
Here are some examples.
1) care of c/o
2) Automobile Association department AA
3) Her/His Royal Highness HRH
4) Justice of Peace JP
5) General office GO
6) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children SPCC
7) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals SPCA
8) United Nations UN
9) Telephone Tel
10) Greenwich Mean Time GMT
11) verb V
12) Through videlicet (meaning namely) VIZ
I. Word Meanings:
1) Crater – A large bowl- shaped cavity
2) Faker- someone who fakes or pretends.
3) Spindly – tall and slender
4) Agile- quick and well coordinated in movement.
5) Squeaked- a short ,sharp,shrill cry.
V. Make adjectives from the following by adding the suffix –ic. (Watch the spelling
Cycle Acid Anaemia Patriot Nationalist
Mania Paranoia Philosophy Romance Atom
5) The teacher came into the room. The students stood up smartly.
The students stood up smartly as soon as the teacher came into the room.
6) He visited his parents. He took them presents.
Whenever he visited his parents he took them presents.
7) The shopkeeper went home. There were no customers.
The shopkeeper went home because there were no customers.
8) The problem was difficult to solve. The clever boy had the answer very soon..
Although the problem was difficult to solve, the clever boy had the answer very
9) The shopkeeper kept the shop open. The last customer left..
The shopkeeper kept the shop open till the last customer left.
10) You don’t like chocolates. Don’t buy any.
If you don’t like chocolates, don’t buy any.
VII. Join the following sentences to form compound sentences.
1) She shouted to her friends but they did not hear her.
2) The man could neither see (us) nor hear us.
3) Not only did he take the children to the theatre but he also paid for their tickets.
4) Aamir is very tired for he has been working very hard.
5) We don’t have any food in the house, therefore we cannot give you a meal.
6) She is rich and beautiful, yet she is not happy.
7) It was raining hard so we decided to stay at home and play some games.
8) You may either stay with us or stay at a hotel.
9) Noman, you must finish your work soon or your teacher will be angry.
10) He knows he is not welcome here, nevertheless he comes and tries to talk to us.
11) He failed the examination; still he was given a place in that college.
** Unseen Reading Comprehension Passage
I. Letter Writing
1. Write a letter to a book seller requesting him send you some books by post.
Examination Hall
City A.B.C15TH October,2020.
The Manager
X.Y.Z Publishers
Dear Sir,
I am in need of the following books urgently. I shall be very thankful if you send the latest
addition of these books to me by post.
1. English Grammar and Composition for class VIII.
2. Everyday English Grammar for class VIII.
3. Tenses made easy.
I am therefore attaching herewith a draft of KD 20/- as per the cost of the books. Kindly release
the balance and send the books at your earliest possible.
Yours Sincerely,
Write an email to your friend thanking her/him for hospitality during your visit to
her/his house
From: [email protected]
To:[email protected]
Date : 07-10-20
Subject : hospitality
I reached home last Sunday. I had a comfortable journey and reached home safe. I miss you
very much. I spent very good time with you. I enjoyed your company. I shall never forget the
taste of pizza and pasta you cooked one day .I must thank you for the trip to Murreethat you
specially arranged for me.
Convey my thanks to aunt and uncle for their kindness and love. They really made me feel at
With love.
Yours sincerely
Races, nationalities and countries speak English in both the hemispheres especially in those
non-European countries where the British sun never set once upon a time. English is very
prominent channel of communication in the fields of medicine, technology, architecture, and
Today in Pakistan, English is the link language of different semi-educated and educated groups.
It is the language of opportunities. Most jobs require knowledge of English. In most of the
interviews, a candidate is questioned in English as he might be required to work anywhere in
our multilingual country or could even be posted in foreign country.
Hence the place of English language as a communicating language is well established, whose
speakers are found all over the world.
Global warming has become a grave problem which needs undivided attention. It is not
happening because of a single cause but several cause. These causes are both natural as
well as man-made. The natural causes include the release of greenhouse gases which are
not able to escape from Erath, causing the temperature to increase.
The excessive use of automobiles and fossil fuels results in increased level of carbon
dioxide. In addition, activities like mining and cattle rearing are very harmful to the
environment. One of the most common issues that are taking place rapidly is
Global warming can be stopped when combined efforts are put in. we must begin with
the reduction of greenhouse. Furthermore, there is need to monitor the consumption of
gasoline. Switch to hybrid car and reduce the release of carbon dioxide. Moreover,
citizens can choose public transport or carpool together. Subsequently, recycling must
also be encouraged.
In short, all of us must realize the fact that our Earth is not ell. It needs treatment and we
can help it heal. The present generation must take up the responsibility of stopping
global warming in order to prevent the suffering of future generations.