10 1109@FSKD 2018 8687165
10 1109@FSKD 2018 8687165
10 1109@FSKD 2018 8687165
Abstract—In today's society, people's living standards are getting Before the people have done a lot of work on the
better and better. At the same time, many problems have also classification, and have achieved quite good results. Pushpa BR
appeared in the diet, which has led to an increase in the incidence et al. [1] proposed a computer-aided plant species recognition
of diseases. Chinese herbal medicine has been widely used in the technology (CAPSI) method based on leaf image matching
technology, which extracted different biological characteristics,
treatment of many diseases. But it is a problem for the collection
such as diameter, long axis, short axis, area, and perimeter and
and classification of Chinese herbal medicines. There are a wide
leaf image aspect ratio. Sandeep Kumar E et al. [2] proposed a
variety of Chinese herbal medicine plants, and there are also design methodology system that gives recognition of medicinal
some Chinese herbal medicine plants that look very similar. Even plants based on their edge characteristics. Color images are
a taxonomist can hardly distinguish every herbal medicine, let converted to their grayscale images and calculated from the
alone for beginners. So we designs a method to automatically grayscale image edge histogram. The Canny edge detection
identify and classify Chinese herbal medicines by processing algorithm is implemented in this work. However, this method
images and deep learning method, which can greatly reduce the is limited to mature leaves, because the tender leaves change
workload, and improve the efficiency of work. The technology of slightly with maturity. Subsequently, in 2013 Charles et al. [3]
Chinese herbal medicine recognition and identification based on described a method that can improve the recognition rate under
image processing and deep learning method can effectively the conditions of small training set size by extracting the shape,
overcome the shortcomings of manual recognition that require
texture, and edge features of leaf, and then combining multiple
features together using a K-nearest neighbor classifier
rich experience. At present, deep learning is more and more
combined with each feature vector, and increasing the
popular, especially for image classification, so we use GoogLeNet recognition rate through density estimation. Kue-Bum Lee et
to classify 50 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine by their images al. [4] proposed a method to extract leaf vein features from leaf
under natural conditions with complex backgrounds. And the contours. First, they transformed the color image into gray
method achieved good performance. TOP-1 achieved an accuracy level and then converted it into binary image to extract the
of 62.8%, and TOP-5 achieved an accuracy of 89.4%. contour of the leaf. In order to extract the veins of the leaves,
Key words: deep learning, image processing, Chinese herbal an open operation is performed on a gray image, and gets the
medicine difference between the final image and the gray image, so as to
obtain the feature. Abdolvahab Ehsanirad et al. [5] proposed a
I. INTRODUCTION method to extract leaf texture features for classification. There
are two different ways, PCA and gray level co-occurrence
Chinese herbal medicine is the gem of the traditional matrix (GLCM), with an accuracy rate of 78%. Abdul Kadir et
culture of the Chinese nation for 5000 years. It is the al. [6] proposed a method of plants recognition, they use the
crystallization of medical practice for thousands of years and morphological opening to extract the texture, shape, and color
the essence of the excellent culture of the world. With the features of the leaves, and using probabilistic neural network to
continuous improvement of people's living standards and the classify plants. Many other people [7-11], use low-level
emergence of new health concepts, the demand for Chinese features such as color, shape, and texture to classify plants.
medicine in the domestic market has grown rapidly and the Zhang et al. [12] applied supervised local projection analysis to
competitiveness has been strengthened. The development of classify plant leaves and obtained good classification results.
Chinese medicine is facing tremendous challenges and Unger et al. [13] used a support vector machine (SVM) with
opportunities. At present, the collection and classification of Fourier characteristics and morphometric methods to identify
Chinese herbal medicine still has many problems, classification species in two test sets, one with 26 species and the other with
is a very important task, because if the classification is wrong, 17 species. In each case, 10 images per species with
it may lead to directly reduce the efficacy. Therefore, we corresponding accuracy of 73.21% and 84%. Luo Dehan et al.
require that the accuracy of the classification be improved as [14] also used the two algorithms, PCA and SVM, and made a
much as possible to avoid errors in the subsequent use. corresponding comparison. It is found that the SVM can get
In this paper, we use the GoogLeNet in caffe, the main use
of the Inception module [19] model, this model uses 3 1*1
convolution kernel and a pool layer respectively on the front
layer operation, then the operation after the convolution of two
1*1 the results of a convolution, convolution layer using 3*3
and 5*5, while using 1*1 convolution of pool layer, which
increases the width of the network, they will finally come
together and then the next step operation. This inception
module improves the performance and does not increase the
amount of calculation, and the effect is very excellent. At the
same time, in order to avoid the problem of gradient
disappearance, the network added 2 additional auxiliary
softmax for the forward gradient.
While the image is converted to LMDB format, we convert
the picture size to 256*256.
III. Experiments
Database:Our database has 50 categories of Chinese herbal
medicine, containing a total of 8500 images, we divided it into
training and test sets, the training set of 6400 pictures, the test
set of 2100 pictures, The number of pictures of each kind is
different, with only a few dozen pictures and many more than a
few hundred. The distribution ratios are also different, some are
divided into 15% and 85%, some are divided into 40% and
60%, but all are within this range.
Computer configuration: RAM:8G, processor: Intel (R)
Core (TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHZ 3.40GHz, GPU:GT730
Network parameter settings: The batch_size of our TEST is
set to 10 (this will not work if the setting is too high). Because
our data has only 50 categories of herbal images, the num_out
of all softmax is set to 50. Test_iter is set to 210, the learning
rate is 0.0035, momentum is set to 0.9, and weight reduction of Fig 4. Accuracy rate obtained by different Stepsize
0.0005., Stepsize is set to 7000 (tested to get the best results),
Max_iter is set to 35000 (the experiment shows that the
accuracy is basically unchanged after 5 iterations) and is finally IV. Discussion
set to GPU training. This article mainly solves some problems in previous
studies. The first is that the pictures we used contain more
Experimental results:We got the accuracy of TOP-1 and
TOP-5 respectively,and Fig. 3 shows the change in the complicated backgrounds, and the second is the number of
accuracy of our operation. TOP-1 means the accuracy of the species and the total number of pictures. This makes our model
one prediction,TOP-5 means the accuracy of the five can be applied to practical problems, also can overcome the
prediction. shortcomings of manual classification that require rich
experience, and can save a lot of time.
V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [12] Zhang Shan—wen, Lei Ying—ke, Dong Tian·bao, et a1. Label
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