SQL Server For C Sharp Developers Succinctly

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SQL Server for C#

Developers Succinctly
Sander Rossel

Foreword by Daniel Jebaraj

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Table of Contents

The Story behind the Succinctly Series of Books ................................................................. 6

About the Author ..................................................................................................................... 8

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 9

Tools ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 1 SQL Server Management Studio..........................................................................10

Chapter 2 ADO.NET ...............................................................................................................18

Establishing a connection .....................................................................................................18

The connection string.......................................................................................................18

Creating a connection ......................................................................................................19

Configuring your connection string ...................................................................................20

Building a connection string .............................................................................................21

Querying your database .......................................................................................................21

Reading data ...................................................................................................................22


Create, update, delete .....................................................................................................29

Stored procedures ...........................................................................................................32

Data sets .........................................................................................................................33

ADO.NET abstractions .........................................................................................................36

Chapter 3 Entity Framework Database First ........................................................................38

Database First ......................................................................................................................38


Expression trees...................................................................................................................45

CRUD ...................................................................................................................................47

Chapter 4 Entity Framework Code First ...............................................................................50


Automatic migrations .......................................................................................................54

Code First migrations .......................................................................................................56

Seeds ...................................................................................................................................58

Chapter 5 SQL Server Data Tools .........................................................................................61

Database Project ..................................................................................................................61

Publishing ........................................................................................................................63

Updating ..........................................................................................................................63

Comparing .......................................................................................................................64

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................67

Profiling ................................................................................................................................68

Query plans ..........................................................................................................................70

Indexing ...............................................................................................................................73

Parameter sniffing ................................................................................................................75

Chapter 7 Interception, Locking, Dynamic Management Views .........................................82

Interception ..........................................................................................................................82

Locking and deadlocks .........................................................................................................83

Dynamic management views ................................................................................................86

Chapter 8 Continuous Integration ........................................................................................91

Source control ......................................................................................................................91

Testing .................................................................................................................................92

Deployment ..........................................................................................................................94

Conclusion ..............................................................................................................................96

The Story behind the Succinctly Series
of Books
Daniel Jebaraj, Vice President
Syncfusion, Inc.
taying on the cutting edge

S As many of you may know, Syncfusion is a provider of software components for the
Microsoft platform. This puts us in the exciting but challenging position of always
being on the cutting edge.

Whenever platforms or tools are shipping out of Microsoft, which seems to be about
every other week these days, we have to educate ourselves, quickly.

Information is plentiful but harder to digest

In reality, this translates into a lot of book orders, blog searches, and Twitter scans.

While more information is becoming available on the Internet and more and more books are
being published, even on topics that are relatively new, one aspect that continues to inhibit us is
the inability to find concise technology overview books.

We are usually faced with two options: read several 500+ page books or scour the web for
relevant blog posts and other articles. Just as everyone else who has a job to do and customers
to serve, we find this quite frustrating.

The Succinctly series

This frustration translated into a deep desire to produce a series of concise technical books that
would be targeted at developers working on the Microsoft platform.

We firmly believe, given the background knowledge such developers have, that most topics can
be translated into books that are between 50 and 100 pages.

This is exactly what we resolved to accomplish with the Succinctly series. Isn’t everything
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About the Author

Sander Rossel is a professional developer with working experience in .NET (VB and C#,
WinForms, MVC, WebAPI, Entity Framework), JavaScript, Git, Jenkins, Oracle, and SQL

He has an interest in various technologies including, but not limited to, functional programming,
NoSQL, Continuous Integration (and more generally, Software Quality), and software design.

He’s written another e-book in the Succinctly series that you can download for free: Object-
Oriented Programming in C# Succinctly.

He seeks to educate others on his blog, Sander's bits - Writing the code you need, on his
CodeProject profile, and through his continuing book-writing.


When writing many applications, you will almost certainly need some kind of database. And
when you use a database, you’re going to have to work with it. Whether you have database
administrators (DBAs) or develop both the database and the application, a little database
knowledge always comes in handy.

This book is for everyone who develops C# applications with a SQL Server database. In this
book, we’re going to connect to a database using classic ADO.NET, and using the Entity
Framework, we’re going to look at different methods to develop your database. We’ll see
common pitfalls, why your database is running slow, how we can troubleshoot performance
issues, and how we can test and deploy our SQL Server database. The first half of the book has
a focus on C# and development. The second half of the book has a focus on troubleshooting
using the SQL Server tools.

C# and SQL (the query language) knowledge is assumed.

In this book we’ll make use of Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition and SQL Server 2014
Express on a Windows machine (I’m using Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows 10). You will need a
Microsoft account to download these files. When prompted for a specific SQL Server Express
version, pick SQL Server Express with Tools (or SQL Server Express with Advanced
Services, if you want to play around with Reporting Services and Full Text Search, which aren’t
a part of this book).

The provided links take you to the product website and will probably let you download the
newest version of the respective tool. You may download the newest version at your own risk
(the examples in this book probably still apply), or you may search for the version I have used
throughout this book. Most of the examples also apply to older versions of the tools, so if you
already have something installed, just continue and see if it works.

Installation is pretty straightforward. When installing Visual Studio, make sure you select the
SQL Server Data Tools check box, and when installing SQL Server, make sure you select
Management Tools - Complete. When prompted for an instance name in the SQL Server
installer, pick any name you like, or choose Default instance (my instance is called
SQLEXPRESS). Other than that, you can leave on all the defaults, accept the license terms,
and just click Next, Next, Next.

Chapter 1 SQL Server Management Studio

If you followed the steps in the introduction, you now have a clean installation of both Visual
Studio and SQL Server. So let’s open up SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS for short).
Log in to your default instance, which is localhost\name_of_your_instance (default name is
MSSQLEXPRESS) with Windows Authentication if you followed the defaults. You should now
see the following window:

Figure 1: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

I’ve always found SSMS very intuitive to use. To execute any script, simply click New Query in
the toolbar. Make sure you select the correct database (if applicable) in the upper-left corner (or
put USE [database_name] GO in your script). Now let’s create a database to use in future
examples. In the Object Explorer, open up the Databases node. It’s probably empty, so right-
click on the Databases node and click New database. Pick a name (for this book we’ll use
SuccinctlyExamples), leave all the defaults, and click OK. Now that you have a database, you
can open that node and view all tables, views, and stored procedures.

So let’s create a table. Right-click the Tables node and click Table. Now create the table in the
following figure. Make sure to set the Id column as Primary Key and make it auto-increment
(which is what the Identity Specification property does).

Figure 2: Person table

When saving, name the table Person. To see the table in your Object Explorer, you may have to
refresh (right-click the Tables node and click Refresh). Notice that I’ve picked datatype int for
GenderId, which seems a little odd at first. However, I’d like to create another table that has all
the possible genders and refer to that table here.

Note: I’ve called the table Person (singular) and not Persons or People (plural). The
naming of tables can be rather religious for some. One compelling reason for singular
naming is that it will make your life a lot easier when you’re going to use an Object

Relational Mapper (ORM). For more arguments (for and against), check out this thread
on StackOverflow.

Note: Related is the naming for GenderId in Person (rather than just Gender). One
reason for this naming is that it really is an ID referring to a gender. And again, this
naming convention will make your life easier when using an ORM. That said, I’ve seen
(and used) just Gender many times as well.

In the same manner as before, create the following table (no Identity Specification on Id this

Figure 3: Gender table

When saving this table, name it Gender.

Now go back to your Person table. If you’ve closed the tab, you can right-click the table and
click Design. Now right-click anywhere, and then click Relationships. Add a new one, click
Tables and Columns Specification, and make sure it looks as follows:

Figure 4: A foreign key relationship

SSMS will automatically name your foreign key FK_Person_Gender, so you can leave all the
rest and save. You have now told SQL Server that the GenderId column in the Person table
may only contain values that are also a value in the Id column of the Gender table.

Note: Many people believe that relational databases are called so because it is
possible to define foreign key relationships between tables. That is not true though. A
foreign key is nothing more than a constraint, guaranteeing data integrity. The actual
reason relational databases are called so is because the mathematical term for a table
is a relation. A relation is an unordered set of values. A set is a collection of unique
values. A value in SQL Server is a tuple, which is a collection of values. Uniqueness
of a value is guaranteed by a primary key. That also means that any table (or view)
without a unique primary key is actually not a relation!

Now, right-click the Gender table and click Edit Top 200 Rows. It doesn’t really matter what you
insert, but maybe you should follow my example.

Figure 5: Genders

Now we can also insert one or more people in the Person table.

Figure 6: People

So that was easy. We’ve set up two tables, created a foreign key, and inserted some data. We
are missing one thing though… the scripts! You’re going to need the scripts if you ever want to
do these steps on a different database (or the same database on another environment). Luckily,
SSMS has a few options for generating scripts.

The first method is to right-click an object, select Script [Object] as >, and make your pick. This
only scripts out entire objects, though. This is probably fine for everything but tables (which can’t
be overwritten without losing data). For example, the Person table CREATE script is as follows:

Code Listing 1: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](

[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,

[LastName] [varchar](256) NULL,
[DateOfBirth] [smalldatetime] NULL,
[GenderId] [int] NULL,
[Id] ASC





REFERENCES [dbo].[Gender] ([Id])

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Person] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Person_Gender]


That’s awesome, but do note that we need the Gender table first, or this script will fail. We
added the foreign key constraint later, but it’s all here in this one script.

For updates to tables, we can go into the Design window, add a column, change a type, add a
constraint, and then right-click, and choose Generate Change Script. For example, I’ve added
a LastLoginTime column, and I’ve changed GenderId to be non-nullable.

Figure 7: Save Change Script

As you can see, SQL Server actually creates a temporary table, drops the table, and makes the
changes. It does more than you’d think! You can save this script and then execute it on another
environment effortlessly (or even automated). Unfortunately, dropping and recreating a table is
pretty slow and resource-heavy, so you might want to write your own change scripts anyway.

You can open a new query window using the New Query button in the menu near the upper-left
side of the screen, or by using Ctrl + N. Be mindful to make sure you execute scripts (using the
Execute button or F5) on the correct database—a common mistake is executing scripts on the
master database, which is selected as default.

The following simple script will also add the LastLoginTime column and make GenderId non-

Code Listing 2: ALTER TABLE

ALTER TABLE dbo.Person


ALTER TABLE dbo.Person


Tip: It is possible to execute only certain parts of scripts in a single query window.
Simply select the part of the query that you want to execute and hit F5. This is
especially handy when you’re testing some software and you’d like to inspect the
data, reset the data, run your code again, and repeat. Write a SELECT statement and
an UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE statement in a single window, and you can execute the
two (or more) statements independently, without having to switch windows all the

Last, but not least, you can script a database with all or some selected objects, and with or
without data. Right-click your database, go to Tasks >, and then choose Generate Scripts. Go
through the wizard and experiment with it (it’s not very complicated, but it has a lot of options).
Here is the generated script for the Gender table, including data.

Code Listing 3: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Gender] including data

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Gender](

[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Code] [varchar](16) NOT NULL,
[Description] [varchar](64) NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC

INSERT [dbo].[Gender] ([Id], [Code], [Description]) VALUES (0, N'UNKNOWN',
N'Not saying')
INSERT [dbo].[Gender] ([Id], [Code], [Description]) VALUES (1, N'MALE',
INSERT [dbo].[Gender] ([Id], [Code], [Description]) VALUES (2, N'FEMALE',

That was a brief introduction to SQL Server Management Studio. The tree view combined with
right-click context menus work very well. Of course, you can use all kinds of shortcut keys if you
want; just look them up in the menus. We’re going to use SSMS more often throughout this

Tip: When creating new objects in your database, you will not get full design time
support when writing queries against these newly created objects. They won’t show
up in autocomplete, and SSMS will tell you these objects don’t exist if you manually
type them in your query. Your queries will run successfully, though. Even a database
refresh will not help you here. For a long time, I thought restarting SSMS was the only
way to load new objects into the SSMS object cache. It turned out Ctrl + Shift + R also
does the trick—no more red squiggly lines under objects you’ve just created!

Chapter 2 ADO.NET

Now that we have a database, let’s see how we can get data from that database into our
application, or from our application into our database. An obvious choice nowadays would be an
Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that automatically creates classes from our tables and knows
how to read and store data with a simple, single command. It can be that easy. However, a lot is
still happening that you do not know about. It is my belief that you can’t truly understand an
ORM if you haven’t done the same thing without an ORM. In fact, I’ve met developers who have
never used anything other than an ORM, and were absolutely clueless when it didn’t support
some feature they needed. Or who were amazed when their ORM spewed out huge queries at
100 times a second! If you don’t really understand your ORM, you’re going to have a hard time
(and a slow application). So let’s work without an ORM first, and see what happens at a
(somewhat) lower level.

Open up Visual Studio and create a new Console Application in C# (or Visual Basic if you like,
but my examples will be in C#). The .NET Framework has a set of components for working with
data sources (such as databases or spreadsheets), collectively called ADO.NET. Microsoft first
introduced ADO, which is short for ActiveX Data Objects, long before the .NET Framework.
Most of ADO.NET is in the System.Data namespace, which is automatically available when you
create a new project.

Let’s say we want to retrieve a person from the database and use it in our software. The first
thing we’d need is a connection to the database. For now, we’re assuming we’ll always use a
SQL Server database. In this case, we’re going to make extensive use of the
System.Data.SqlClient namespace.

Establishing a connection
The first thing we’ll need is an actual connection. Without a connection, we’ll never be able to do
anything with our database.

The connection string

In order to set up a connection, we’ll need a connection string: a text value specifying various
options necessary to set up a connection, such as the server on which our instance is running,
the database to connect to, login credentials, a name for the connection, timeout, language, and

You can connect to any type of database using a connection string, and every database vendor
has their own format. Luckily, we have websites such as connectionstrings.com to help us out.
The typical connection string looks as follows:

Server=server\instance; Database=database; User Id=username;


Or, in case you choose integrated security, instead of User Id and Password you can put in
Trusted_Connection=True; or Integrated Security=True; or even Integrated
Security=SSPI (they’re all the same).

Likewise, Data Source=server\instance is a much-used alternative to

Server=server\instance, and Integrated Security=database is a much-used alternative
to Database=database.

So let’s fill in the blanks and create a connection. My connection string looks as follows:
Server=Laptop23\SQLEXPRESS; Database=SuccinctlyExamples; Integrated

Creating a connection
Now let’s create a connection in code and open it. A short note on the code: I’m using $”…”
syntax for strings, which is a new feature in C# 6.0. It’s basically a shorthand for

Code Listing 4: Creating a SqlConnection

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(
@"Server=LAPTOP23\SQLEXPRESS; Database=SuccinctlyExamples;
Integrated Security=SSPI"))
// The database is closed upon Dispose() (or Close()).
Console.WriteLine("Successfully opened and closed the database.");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong while opening a connection to
the database: { ex.Message }");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close.");

The first line of code creates a new SqlConnection instance (found in

System.Data.SqlClient) and passes in the connection string. A lot of objects we will use
need to be properly disposed to release resources (in this case the database connection), so we
will properly wrap the SqlConnection in a using block. The connection is automatically closed
when the Close() or Dispose() method is called (by the using block). The
connection.Open() opens the connection.

A lot can go wrong in these few lines of code, hence the try-catch block. Try making a typo in
the connection string (for example, SServer), use a non-existing database (any random value),

supply invalid credentials, or try to open the connection twice (without closing in between). All of
those will result in an Exception being thrown.

Configuring your connection string

Having the connection string hard-coded in C# may be convenient during development, but is
not very practical (or secure) in a production environment. You will need to change it, rebuild,
and redeploy every time your database or environment (development, test, production)

Connection strings are often stored in config files. The configuration file for your application is
usually different for each environment. The big advantage to storing various settings in a
configuration file is that you can change the behavior of your application without actually
changing and redeploying your application, allowing different settings in multiple environments.
Storing configuration strings in configuration files is so common that the .NET config file actually
has a connectionStrings section. I’ve added the SuccinctlyDB connection string to the
app.config file.

Code Listing 5: connectionStrings section in config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<add name="SuccinctlyDB" connectionString="Server=LAPTOP23\SQLEXPRESS;
Database=SuccinctlyExamples; Integrated Security=SSPI"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6" />

We can now easily retrieve the connection string from the config file. First we will need to add a
project reference to System.Configuration. Now we can easily replace the first line of code to
use the value from the config file.

Code Listing 6: Use connection string from the config file

string connectionString =
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

Notice that when the connection string is not present in the config file, connectionString will
be empty and an Exception will be raised when trying to open the connection (“The
ConnectionString property was not initialized”). Without the ?. null-conditional operator, we
would get a NullReferenceException when trying to get the ConnectionString property

Building a connection string
In some use cases, you might want to edit the connection string or create it from scratch (for
example, when writing the SSMS login form). For this use case, we can use a
SqlConnectionStringBuilder. The SqlConnectionStringBuilder does pretty much what
its name implies; it creates connection strings using various input parameters. Let’s look at a
simple example.

Code Listing 7: The SqlConnectionStringBuilder

SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();

builder.DataSource = @"LAPTOP23\SQLEXPRESS";
builder.InitialCatalog = "SuccinctlyExamples";
builder.IntegratedSecurity = true;
using (SqlConnection connection = new

Notice that the SqlConnectionStringBuilder actually uses the terms DataSource and
InitialCatalog instead of Server and Database. Also, IntegratedSecurity is set to true
instead of SSPI (or Trusted_Connection).

We can also use the SqlConnectionStringBuilder to edit connection strings. The constructor
is overloaded, so you can insert a connection string to be used as a base.

Code Listing 8: Editing a connection string

string baseConnectionString =
SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new
builder.IntegratedSecurity = false;
builder.UserID = "sander";
builder.Password = "password";
using (SqlConnection connection = new

In this example we’re setting UserID and Password in favor of Integrated Security. Of
course, trying to open the connection will now fail, as these credentials are clearly invalid.

Querying your database

The next step is using our connection to retrieve some data. This requires a SqlCommand to hold
and execute our queries. Let’s select our Person table using the query SELECT Id,
FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM Person. To do this, we’ll need to
create the SqlCommand, pass it our query and a SqlConnection, and have it execute the query.

Tip: Never use SELECT * in your production code or SQL queries. SELECT *
retrieves all columns in a table, which is not always what you want. By using SELECT

* you’re losing control over your code and what it retrieves. SELECT * may yield
unintended results. For example, when used in a view, SELECT * will select all fields
that were present at the time the view was created, not all fields that are present when
the view is queried (so removing a column will still break your view). Overall, it’s best
to avoid SELECT * except for some simple, ad-hoc queries.

Reading data
When using the ExecuteReader function on a SqlCommand instance, its select query is
executed and we get a SqlDataReader that holds the retrieved data. A SqlDataReader,
unfortunately, is not very easy to work with. I don’t know why, but it requires quite a bit of typing.
The SqlDataReader reads the result set row by row (forward only), and you can access
columns by index or name. Obviously, selecting by index is not very readable, especially in big
queries (who knows what column index 43 is?), but getting the index by name returns the value
as object and requires the programmer to make the proper conversions. You can get the index
of a column by name as well, and then use the SqlDataReader methods to get the correct
values. Then, if no value is present (some say the value is NULL), you will have to make a
conversion to a default value or null yourself. Fun fact: NULL from your database is a whole
different something than null in C#. A database NULL is represented in C# by the static
DBNull.Value. Tedious, to say the least. We’ll probably want to store the results in some
custom objects too, so we’ll need to create a Person class. Let’s see what this looks like.

First, let’s create a simple Person class.

Code Listing 9: A Person class

public class Person

public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public int? GenderId { get; set; }

And now for the code to get all people from the database:

Code Listing 10: Usage of the SqlDataReader

List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM

using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
var p = new Person();

// Get Id by index...
object idByIndex = reader[0];
// ...And make the correct conversion.
int idByIndexCast = Convert.ToInt32(idByIndex);

// Get Id by name...
object idByName = reader[nameof(Person.Id)];
// ...And make the correct conversion.
int idByNameCast = Convert.ToInt32(idByName);

// Or get the Id index by name...

int idIndex = reader.GetOrdinal(nameof(Person.Id));
// ...And use the SqlDataReader methods.
p.Id = reader.GetInt32(idIndex);

int firstNameIndex =
p.FirstName = reader.GetString(firstNameIndex);

int lastNameIndex =
if (!reader.IsDBNull(lastNameIndex))
p.LastName = reader.GetString(lastNameIndex);

int dateOfBirthIndex =
if (!reader.IsDBNull(dateOfBirthIndex))
p.DateOfBirth = reader.GetDateTime(dateOfBirthIndex);

int genderIdIndex =
if (!reader.IsDBNull(genderIdIndex))
p.GenderId = reader.GetInt32(genderIdIndex);


// The database is closed upon Dispose() (or Close()).
Console.WriteLine("Successfully opened and closed the database.");

foreach (Person p in people)

Console.WriteLine($"{p.FirstName} {p.LastName} was born on
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong while opening a connection to
the database: { ex.Message }");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to close.");

First of all, notice that I’m declaring my List<Person> at the top so I can use it outside of the
using blocks. It’s generally best practice to open a connection, get your data right away, and
immediately close your connection. Your database connection remains open until it is explicitly
closed, and when using a SqlDataReader, you can’t close it until everything is read. So just
read, close, and use your data later!

Creating the SqlCommand is pretty straightforward. And as promised, the SqlDataReader is a

little less straightforward. The SqlDataReader works with a table, of which a single row is
accessible at a time. The first row (if any) will become accessible when SqlDataReader.Read is
called. Any subsequent call on Read will move to the next row, if any. If no (next) row is
available, Read will return false. To check if any rows are available, you can use the
SqlDataReader.HasRows property. The GetOrdinal function returns the index of the column
name (nameof only works here because I’ve named my properties the same as my database
columns; if one of them changes, this code will break, but if both change, all your code will keep

In this example we see GetInt32, GetString, and GetDateTime. There are more Get[Type]
methods, like GetInt16, GetInt64, GetBoolean, GetChar, and more. They convert the SQL
type to the appropriate CLR type. If a value is missing, the Get[Type] methods will throw an
Exception. So for nullable fields, we’ll need to check for NULL using IsDBNull. Alternatively,
there’s a GetValue function that will just return an object. You can use it if you don’t need the
type of a value. To check for NULL, use DBNULL.Value.

Code Listing 11: SqlDataReader.GetValue(string)

object value = reader.GetValue("SomeColumn");

bool isDbNull = value == DBNull.Value;

Now here’s another interesting one. What if we wanted to return multiple result sets? Say we
change the select query and retrieve all genders. The SqlDataReader can retrieve multiple
result sets and access them in the same manner it can access rows. The reader is on the first

result set by default, but if you have any subsequent result sets, you can call NextResult and
the reader will move to the next result set. You can call Read again to move to the first row (if

Code Listing 12: SqlDataReader with multiple result sets

List<Person> people = new List<Person>();

List<Gender> genders = new List<Gender>();
string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM
+ "SELECT Id, Code, Description FROM Gender;",
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
// Process people...
while (reader.Read())
Gender g = new Gender();
g.Id = reader.GetInt32(0);
g.Code = reader.GetString(1);
g.Description = reader.GetString(2);

So does it have to be this difficult to read data from a database? There are some alternatives,
which we’ll look at later in this book. Using a SqlDataReader is, however, the best-performing
way (when done correctly) to read data from a database.

By the way, if your query returns a single value (a table of one row and one column), you can
use ExecuteScalar instead. This will return an object that can be cast to the correct type.

Code Listing 13: Usage of ExecuteScalar

public string GetPersonName(int id)

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT FirstName FROM dbo.Person WHERE Id = @Id", connection))
command.Parameters.Add("Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id;
object result = command.ExecuteScalar();
string firstName = null;
if (result != DBNull.Value)
firstName = (string)result;
return firstName;

Before we continue, I’d like to address a very, VERY important topic: parameterization. I can’t
tell you enough how important it is to use parameters. This is the “practice safe sex” of
programming. Unfortunately, just as people have unsafe sex, programmers still don’t always
use parameters. The result is slow queries, and even more important, security breaches and
leaked data. The worst part is that it happens to really big IT companies like Sony, Symantec,
and SAP. There is this fun SQL Injection Hall of Shame that you really don’t want to be in.
Really—use parameters.

Now that you know parameterization is really important, let’s look at what it is exactly, and how
to implement it. Usually, when working with a database, you’re not selecting entire tables. Most
of the time you’re going to use some filter, like WHERE Id = x, where x is a variable. With the
knowledge I’ve shared so far, you might be tempted to implement a GetPeopleByName function
as follows.

Code Listing 14: Non-parameterized query

public List<Person> GetPeopleByName(string firstName)

List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM
dbo.Person "
+ $"WHERE FirstName = '{ firstName }'",

using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
Person p = new Person();
// Read the data...
return people;

Sure, it gets you a list of people with the given first name. It also generates the exact SQL
statement that you would use in SSMS to get people with the given first name. So what’s the
problem? The firstName variable is probably a value the user entered in some text field, either
on the web or in a desktop application. If the user enters a name like “D’artagnan,” this will
break your code because the apostrophe ends the string in SQL Server (pretty annoying). Don’t
go around and escape names yourself (replace ‘ with ‘’ or some such); that’s just a lot of hassle.

Far more dangerous is if a user (or more likely, a malicious hacker) enters the first name
“John’; USE master; DROP DATABASE SuccinctlyExamples; GO --”? Try it out and bam!
There goes your database (yes, it’s really gone). This is called SQL Injection. A user is now able
to alter SQL statements directly, and by doing this, can get access to sensitive data and destroy
that data. There is actually a legendary xkcd comic about SQL Injection that I think every
developer should have hanging in the office.

This is really just database basics, yet many people get it wrong—and not just beginners. SAP,
Yahoo, LinkedIn, and even the FBI and NASA have fallen victim to this simple yet so dangerous
exploit. All in all, tens of thousands of applications (and programmers) have been left unsecure
because people don’t parameterize their queries. Unbelievable, right?

Let’s see how we can parameterize in .NET. Luckily, this is very easy (making it even more
amazing that so many people don’t do it). We can simply place a parameter in the SQL query
and add its value using the SqlCommands (Sql)Parameters collection.

Code Listing 15: Parameterized query

public List<Person> GetPeopleByName(string firstName)

List<Person> people = new List<Person>();
string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM
dbo.Person "
+ "WHERE FirstName = @FirstName",

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("FirstName", firstName);
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
Person p = new Person();
// Read the data...
return people;

Notice that the query now has a placeholder, @FirstName (parameters in SQL Server start with
@), where the name is supposed to be. As an added bonus, we don’t have to remember to put
quotes around it (since it’s a string) because SQL Server will do that for us. The actual value for
@FirstName is pushed to the SqlCommand using
command.Parameters.AddWithValue(“FirstName”, firstName); (the @ in the parameter
name is optional in this context). Not often do I see a more self-explanatory piece of code. If you
push in a value like D’artagnan now, everything will be fine because SQL Server knows this is
a single value, and will escape it for you. The same goes for “John’; USE master; DROP
DATABASE SuccinctlyExamples; GO --”.

Yet this is still not completely right. It’s safe, but not optimal. The thing is, and I’ll get back to it,
SQL Server creates an execution plan for each query. This plan basically contains instructions
for the SQL engine to get the queried data in a manner that’s probably pretty fast. The creation
of an execution plan takes some time, but luckily SQL Server caches the plan and will reuse it in
the future if the same query comes along. This is a double-edged sword, but I’ll get back to that.
For now, we want to reuse query plans as much as possible.

So for a query “SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.Person” this is straightforward. If

the same query comes along, the cached plan will be used. But what if the plan contains
parameters such as “SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM dbo.Person WHERE Id = @Id”?
The value for @Id will probably be different the next time we call this query. Still, as long as @Id
has the same type, but not necessarily the same value, the query plan will be reused. And
there’s the crux: we never specified a type for our parameter. The AddWithValue method infers
the type, but does so from the data passed in to it—not the type of column in the database. The
problem here is that the value “Sander” gets inferred to an nvarchar(6) while the value
“Bill” becomes an nvarchar(4).

Another problem, and one possibly more devastating to performance, is if a type gets inferred
incorrectly. For example, the FirstName database field is a varchar(256), but your parameter
has the value “Sander”. This will be converted to nvarchar(6) by .NET. Those are different
types, and in order to compare values of these types, SQL Server will have to implicitly cast
every value in the FirstName column to nvarchar(6) before comparing. Although SQL Server

can optimize some of these differences, there comes a time when this is going to bite you in the

So in order to fix this issue, we should call Parameters.Add instead. Unfortunately, Microsoft
didn’t leave us with an easy overload where we can specify type, size, precision, and scale
along with the value. In varchar(5), varchar is the type and 5 the size. In decimal(10, 5),
decimal is the type, 10 the precision, and 5 the scale. Parameters.Add has a few overloads;
most will create the SqlParameter for you, and one simply takes a SqlParameter as input. All
of them return the added SqlParameter.

Code Listing 16: A SqlParameter with the correct type and size

command.Parameters.Add("FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =


So you see, parameterizing your queries is not only secure, robust, and performing, but also not
very hard.

Create, update, delete

Inserting, updating, and deleting data goes pretty much the same way. Instead of
ExecuteReader, we use ExecuteNonQuery, which only returns the number of rows affected.

Code Listing 17: Insert statement

public int InsertPerson(Person person)

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"INSERT INTO dbo.Person (FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth,
GenderId) "
+ "VALUES (@FirstName, @LastName, @DateOfBirth, @GenderId)",
command.Parameters.Add("FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =
object dbLastName = person.LastName;
if (dbLastName == null)
dbLastName = DBNull.Value;
command.Parameters.Add("LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =

object dbDateOfBirth = person.DateOfBirth;

if (dbDateOfBirth == null)

dbDateOfBirth = DBNull.Value;
SqlDbType.SmallDateTime).Value = dbDateOfBirth;

object dbGenderId = person.GenderId;

if (dbGenderId == null)
dbGenderId = DBNull.Value;
command.Parameters.Add("GenderId", SqlDbType.Int).Value =
return command.ExecuteNonQuery();

Again, the whole null to DBNull.Value conversion is pretty annoying. Here are two nifty
(extension) methods that can make this kind of code a lot shorter. Unfortunately, they work on
ALL types, whether they’re database-compatible or not, so wrong usage will result in an

Code Listing 18: Some parameter utils

public static class DbUtils

public static object ToDbParameter<T>(this T? value)
where T : struct
object dbValue = value;
if (dbValue == null)
dbValue = DBNull.Value;
return dbValue;

public static object ToDbParameter(this object value)

object dbValue = value;
if (dbValue == null)
dbValue = DBNull.Value;
return dbValue;

The usage now looks as follows.

Code Listing 19: Usage of the utils

command.Parameters.Add("FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =

command.Parameters.Add("LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =
command.Parameters.Add("DateOfBirth", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime).Value =
command.Parameters.Add("GenderId", SqlDbType.Int).Value =

This looks a lot nicer.

The UPDATE method looks pretty much the same; the biggest difference is that we now also
need an Id parameter for the WHERE clause.

Code Listing 20: Update statement

public int UpdatePerson(Person person)

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"UPDATE dbo.Person "
+ "SET FirstName = @FirstName,"
+ " LastName = @LastName,"
+ " DateOfBirth = @DateOfBirth,"
+ " GenderId = @GenderId "
+ "WHERE Id = @Id",
command.Parameters.Add("Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = person.Id;
command.Parameters.Add("FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =
command.Parameters.Add("LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 256).Value =
SqlDbType.SmallDateTime).Value = person.DateOfBirth.ToDbParameter();
command.Parameters.Add("GenderId", SqlDbType.Int).Value =
return command.ExecuteNonQuery();

And finally, the DELETE method.

Code Listing 21: Delete statement

public int DeletePerson(Person person)

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"DELETE FROM dbo.Person "
+ "WHERE Id = @Id",
command.Parameters.Add("Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = person.Id;
return command.ExecuteNonQuery();

Stored procedures
Executing stored procedures is really not that different from all the previous examples. Whether
you need to call ExecuteReader, ExecuteScalar, or ExecuteNonQuery depends on the nature
of the procedure. You can pass in the name of the procedure to the command and change the
CommandType to StoredProcedure. Suppose we created a stored procedure, GetFirstName,
that returns the first name of a person based on ID. The call would look as follows.

Code Listing 22: Calling a Stored Procedure

public string GetPersonName(int id)

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetFirstName", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add("Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id;
object result = command.ExecuteScalar();
string firstName = null;
if (result != DBNull.Value)
firstName = (string)result;
return firstName;

Stored procedures can make use of output parameters, which are also easy to implement.
Suppose we used an output parameter for the first name. Simply create a parameter, set its
Direction to Output, and read the value after execution.

Code Listing 23: An output parameter

public string GetPersonName(int id)

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetFirstName", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add("Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id;
SqlParameter param = command.Parameters.Add("FirstName",
SqlDbType.VarChar, 256);
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
string firstName = null;
if (param.Value != DBNull.Value)
firstName = (string)param.Value;
return firstName;

Data sets
Retrieving data and manually mapping to your own C# classes is quite a bit of tedious work. An
easier method of getting the data from your database directly into memory is by using the
SqlDataAdapter. The SqlDataAdapter is pretty much obsolete technology, but I want to
briefly discuss it for completeness, and because you might still find code that uses it. It’s also a
little introduction to the next chapter, Entity Framework.

The SqlDataAdapter maps the data in your database to a DataSet or DataTable. A

DataTable is like your database table in C# memory. A DataSet is a collection of DataTables
with references, constraints, etc. What’s awesome is that CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE
statements can be generated automatically. Using DataTables, you can also pass table
parameters to SQL Server.

To populate a DataTable with people from the database, we simply call the Fill method on
the SqlDataAdapter and give it a DataTable.

Code Listing 24: Populating a DataTable

public DataTable GetPeople()

DataTable people = new DataTable();
string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM
dbo.Person", connection))
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
return people;

The SqlDataAdapter takes a SqlCommand in its constructor. The SqlCommand is the command
that’s used to select the data. There are a few overloads, one taking the SQL SELECT statement
and a connection string. The adapter manages the connection, so there is no need to open and
close it explicitly.

Now this looks wonderful. The code is a lot shorter than what we had previously, but how can
we read the data from a DataTable? Unfortunately, the DataTable is a collection of rows,
which in turn is a collection of columns. So to read everything, we have to loop through the rows
and then loop through the columns. The columns can be accessed by index or name. The
values are all objects—so there is still (un)boxing, and we still need to cast—and even DBNull
is still DBNull. So basically, mapping to custom C# objects is just as hard as with the

The strength of DataSets becomes apparent when you use them directly in your code. This
makes sense, for example, in WinForms environments with binding. You can update your
DataSet directly and the DataSet keeps track of changes.

Code Listing 25: Update, insert, and delete with the adapter

public void UpdatePeople()

DataTable people = new DataTable();
string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, GenderId FROM
dbo.Person", connection))
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
using (SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter))

// Creates columns, defines primary keys, foreign keys, etc.
adapter.FillSchema(people, SchemaType.Source);


// If you followed my examples, I am the first

// person in the database, let's change my name.
people.Rows[0]["FirstName"] = "John";

// Delete Bill.

// And add Satya.

people.Rows.Add(new object[] { null, "Satya", "Nadella", new
DateTime(1967, 8, 19), 1 });

// Sander is updated, Bill is deleted, Satya is added.

// All in a single line of code!

First, I’ve added the SqlCommandBuilder and passed it the SqlDataAdapter. The
SqlCommandBuilder builds CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE SqlCommands based on the SELECT
query. It doesn’t do this particularly well, by the way, so you may want to do this manually (the
commands are properties of the adapter). After that, we must fill the schema using FillSchema,
of the DataSet or DataTable. This will fetch the table’s schema from the database and provide
the DataTable with information on columns, types, primary keys, etc. The Fill method gets
the data. After that we can update, delete, and insert rows to the DataTable. Each DataRow will
keep track of its own state and changes. Last, but not least, the SqlDataAdapter is able to
insert, update, and delete the data (in that order) from the DataTable.

As I mentioned, you can use DataTables to pass in table-valued parameters to stored

procedures. You can create the following type and procedure in your database to try this one

Code Listing 26: Create type and stored procedure


FirstName VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
LastName VARCHAR(256) NULL


@People FirstAndLastName READONLY


INSERT INTO dbo.Person

(FirstName, LastName)
SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM @People

Now, to execute this stored procedure from code, we can pass in a DataTable.

Code Listing 27: DataTable as parameter

public void ExecInsertPeople()

string connectionString =

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("InsertPeople", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

DataTable people = new DataTable();

people.Columns.Add("FirstName", typeof(string));
people.Columns.Add("LastName", typeof(string));
people.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Tim", "Cook" });
people.Rows.Add(new object[] { "Mark", "Zuckerberg" });

command.Parameters.Add("People", SqlDbType.Structured).Value =


There’s a lot more you can do with DataTables and DataSets, but I wouldn’t recommend using
this technology for database access unless you absolutely have to.

ADO.NET abstractions
As you’ve seen, I’ve used SqlConnections, SqlCommand, and SqlDataReaders in the previous
examples. They work well with SQL Server, but what if you’re using Oracle, MySQL, or another
relational database?

One thing you should know about ADO.NET is that there are a lot of abstractions. The
SqlConnection, for example, inherits from DbConnection, which implements the

IDbConnection interface. If you’re working with Oracle, you’re probably going to make use of
an OracleConnection, which inherits from DbConnection. Likewise, we have an
OleDbConnection and an OdbcConnection. They work together with OracleCommand,
OleDbCommand, and OdbcCommand, which all inherit from DbCommand. Other vendors have
implemented their own versions of these classes.

So you see, if you know how to use one, you pretty much know how to use them all. You can
use one of these base classes throughout your software and get the correct type using
Dependency Injection instead. The DbProviderFactory class is a base factory for constructing
specific types of connections, commands, parameters, etc.

Chapter 3 Entity Framework Database First

Everything in the previous chapter was a lot of typing, a little tedious, and not very easy to do.
It’s not very hard to create an abstraction layer that automatically maps fields from your select
statements to properties on C# objects, but it won’t be very pretty. To do something like that
properly is a little harder, but fortunately a few such abstraction layers already exist. In this
chapter we’ll take a look at Microsoft’s Entity Framework (EF), an Object Relational Mapper
(ORM) that does everything we did in the previous chapter, but a lot easier.

An ORM, as the name implies, maps objects from a relational database to objects in your code.
The Entity Framework has two modes of development. First, and most traditional, is that EF
generates C# classes from an already-existing database. Second is that you code out your
classes with properties, foreign key relations, and primary keys, and have EF generate the
database for you. These two modes are called Database First and Code First, respectively. A
third option exists where EF creates C# classes from an existing database, but pretends that
you’ve used code first, allowing you to use Code First with an existing database. In this chapter
I’m going to show you Database First and Code First. From there it shouldn’t be difficult to use
the Code First from an existing database option as well.

To extensively discuss EF, we’d need a not-so-succinct book. In fact, I’ve got a book counting
over 600 pages from an older version of EF when Code First wasn’t even an option. Add to that
the LINQ queries you can write, for which you can read a completely different book, and the T4
Template technology that EF uses, and you’ll understand that I can really only scratch the
surface of EF in this chapter. The goal of this chapter is not to make you an expert of EF, but to
apply the lessons from the previous chapter to an ORM and discuss some of the finer “gotcha!”
details of EF that will save you a lot of gray hairs later on.

Database First
Let’s start with Database First, as it is pretty straightforward. Create a new C# Console
Application Project, save it, and install EntityFramework through NuGet. In the menu, go to
Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manage NuGet Packages for Solution. Browse and
search for EntityFramework, select your project in the list of projects on the right side of the
window, and install it. Now, add a new item to your project and choose ADO.NET Entity Data
Model, and name it SuccinctlyExamplesModel.

The Entity Data Model Wizard presents you with a few options; select EF designer from
database. In the next screen, you can set up your connection properties and pick a database.
Pick the SuccinctlyExamples database you created. After you’ve created your connection,
you get a tree view with database objects. Check the tables (dbo.Gender and dbo.Person),
make sure you check Pluralize or singularize generated object names, and click Finish.

You’ll see a file called SuccinctlyModels.edmx added to your project. The edmx (Entity Data
Model eXtension) file holds all your mappings from database to code. Right-clicking the edmx
file and selecting Open with allows you to select an XML Editor and view your mappings in
XML. You should never need the XML, but if you get deeper into EF, you’ll find yourself editing

or inspecting it more than you’d like. For this tutorial, though, we’re not going to look at it. So if
you double-click on the edmx file, you’ll get a diagram showing all the database objects you
imported earlier. If you want to import more objects or update existing objects, simply right-click
somewhere in the model and click Update Model from Database. Unfortunately, if you import a
table, you will always get all properties, and an update will also update all already imported

Figure 8: Entity Framework diagram

Notice that Gender has a People attribute and Person has a Gender attribute (if you named
GenderId just Gender, the Gender attribute would’ve been named Gender1, yuck!). The thin
line between the entities describes the relation. A Gender has 0 to n People (the * part, 0..n)
and a Person has 0 or 1 Gender (the 0..1 part, 0 because it’s nullable). As you can see, these
are called Navigation Properties. You can rename everything here if you like (for example,
if you had Gender1, you could rename it to GenderEntity, or you could rename Gender to
GenderId and Gender1 to just Gender). You may also remove properties from the model if
they’re nullable, but if you ever want them back, you’ll have to add them manually. The best part
is that these are now C# classes you can use.

Code Listing 28: Using your entities in C#

Person p = new Person();

p.FirstName = "Mark";
p.LastName = "Zuckerberg";
p.Gender = new Gender();

The generated code can be found when you expand the edmx file. This is where you will find
two T4 files (Text Template Transformation Toolkit); they have the .tt extension. You can
expand those as well. One will have your generated entities, and the other will have your
Context class, the code representation of your database. The T4 files are templates that will
generate your classes using the edmx file. Remember, you can edit the generated files, but
once they’re regenerated, your changes will be overwritten. If you want to generate some
additional code, your best bet is to edit the T4 files.

The connection string, as you might have guessed, is added to your app.config file. The EF
connection string has some extra metadata included. It’s good practice to put your entities in a

separate project and reference that project from other projects. The App.config or Web.config of
the startup project will need this connection string, or you’ll get a runtime error. So be sure to
copy it (including metadata).

Figure 9: T4 files

If you want to add some code to a single class, you can make use of the partial keyword. All
your entities are created as partial classes. That means you can “extend” them in a different file.

Code Listing 29: A partial class

public partial class Person

public string FullName
// FirstName and LastName are defined
// in this class, but in another file.
return $"{FirstName} {LastName}";

Let’s get some data from our database. The first thing we need is our context class, which
inherits from DbContext. It has a property for each of our tables and a method for each of our
stored procedures.

Code Listing 30: Use the DbContext

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

// Access the database.
List<Person> people = context.People.ToList();

That’s how easy it is to fetch all people from your database and load them into memory!

Unfortunately, there’s a lot going on in that one line of code, so let’s elaborate. First of all,
context.People doesn’t really do anything yet—it’s the ToList that forces database access.
This is a VERY important detail. The context.People property is a DbSet<Person>, which in
turn is an IQueryable<Person>. The IQueryable<T> interface looks like any collection
(IEnumerable) on the outside, but acts very differently. When using IQueryable, a query is
built for the data source, in this case SQL Server. The query is only executed when the
IQueryable is enumerated, like when ToList or foreach is called. That allows you to create
queries using Where, OrderBy, or Select without ever going to the database. If we had to
access the database many times, you could imagine this becoming very slow indeed!

Let’s build a more advanced query.

Code Listing 31: An IQueryable<Person>

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

// Don't access the database just yet...
IQueryable<Person> query = context.People
.Where(p => p.GenderId == 2)
.OrderBy(p => p.LastName);

// Access the database.

List<Person> women = query.ToList();

This also allows you to create queries based on conditions.

Code Listing 32: Build queries using conditionals

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

bool orderResults = false;

// Don't access the database just yet...

IQueryable<Person> query = context.People
.Where(p => p.GenderId == 2);

if (orderResults)
query = query.OrderBy(p => p.LastName);

// Access the database.

List<Person> women = query.ToList();

As you can see, this is a lot less code than we used in Chapter 1. As an added bonus, the code
reads a lot easier, too (well, once you get used to the LINQ syntax). Creating different queries,
depending on your needs, becomes a breeze, as you can reuse parts of your queries (like
object-oriented SQL queries!).

Another concern here is parameterization. Don’t worry, everything is parameterized just fine. It’s
just that in the previous example there are no parameters. We query for the people with a
GenderId of 2. The value 2 is a constant, so our query won’t have any parameters. If,
somewhere else in the code, we query for a GenderId of 1, we’ll get a new query with a new
plan. So suppose we want to parameterize this query. What would we need to do? Easy—
create a variable!

Code Listing 33: A parameterized query

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

// Not parameterized.
context.People.Where(p => p.GenderId == 2).ToList();

int female = 2;
// New, parameterized query.
// Doesn't re-use the previous plan.
context.People.Where(p => p.GenderId == female).ToList();

int male = 1;
// Parameterized, uses same query plan as above.
context.People.Where(p => p.GenderId == male).ToList();

Of course there are a few downsides to IQueryables as well. You don’t have any influence on
what queries are generated. Some queries are so monstrous that it really pays off to just write
them yourself, and this is where some SQL knowledge really comes in handy. Sometimes EF
just can’t generate clean SQL queries from your IQuerable, for example, when joining two
completely unrelated tables. EF will generate a query and it will get you your data, but it won’t
be fast or elegant. Speaking of performance, using EF comes with a performance penalty. If
those few milliseconds matter (and often they don’t), use the techniques we discussed in
Chapter 2.

Another thing you cannot do in an IQueryable is use any function or property that is not known
to the data source. That makes sense, as the query will have to be translated to SQL. The
following code, for example, will not work.

Code Listing 34: Invalid query

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

Person sander = context.People.SingleOrDefault(p => p.FullName ==
"Sander Rossel");

Unfortunately, it compiles just fine. Only at runtime, when actually compiling the query, will you
get an error because there is no FullName column in your table, so be sure to always run your
queries against your actual data source. You might be surprised that the following query will
work as expected.

Code Listing 35: Valid code

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

List<Person> peopleWithS = context.People
.Where(p => p.FirstName.ToLower() == "sander")

The ToLower function is known in SQL Server, and the EF team made sure that this function
translates correctly. In theory, the StartsWith function could be translated to SQL (using SQL’s
LEFT) as well, but this is not supported. For some additional supported functions (such as LEFT,
RIGHT, DIFFDAYS, etc.), check out the System.Data.Entity.DbFunctions and
System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlFunction classes. It’s also possible to add your own
functions to EF, but this is outside the scope of this book.

There’s another pitfall to the code in the previous example. Consider the following code.

Code Listing 36: Lazy-loading

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

List<Gender> genders = context.Genders.ToList();
foreach (Gender g in genders)
foreach (Person p in g.People)
Console.WriteLine($"{p.FirstName} is a {g.Description}.");

How often will this code access the database? The only correct answer is “I don’t know.” We
first get all the possible genders, which is one database call. But then we loop through the
genders and we’re accessing the People of that Gender. Guess what? The People are not yet
loaded into our memory, so each time we access People, EF will access the database to get all
people for that Gender.

In this case we have three genders, so we have the call to get all genders, and then an
additional call for each gender to get the people, which is a total of four database calls. In many
scenarios you really don’t know how many entities you’re getting, and before you know it, you’re
doing thousands of database calls! This is called lazy-loading, and can be turned off in your EF
diagram. However, with lazy-loading turned off, your People will not be loaded and it may seem
you have no people at all. I’ve seen systems get very slow because of lazy-loading, but when
used correctly, it’s pretty awesome. Luckily, EF does some caching for us, so once a Navigation
Property is loaded, EF won’t access the database again. “Think before you query” is the

Let’s take a look at some cool extensions, which make working with IQueryable a lot easier.
Working with dates is always a pain, so let’s create an OlderThan extension method. I must
confess I got the SQL query from Stack Overflow and just converted it to LINQ. It’s accurate
enough for the example.

Code Listing 37: OlderThan extension method

public static class Extensions

public static IQueryable<Person> OlderThan(this IQueryable<Person> q,
int age)
return q
.Where(p => (DbFunctions.DiffHours(p.DateOfBirth,
DateTime.Today) / 8766) > age);

The usage is simple and readable. The original query would be unreadable to anyone, but it’s
clear what it does from the name, (OlderThan). It’s a win-win situation.

Code Listing 35: OlderThan usage

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

List<Person> people = context.People.OlderThan(45).ToList();

Remember that the function or property you’re using in an IQueryable must be present in the
data source. That means creating an interface and using that on different types to reuse your
extension method is only possible when the interface member has the same name as your
entity member. So if you have multiple entities with a DateOfBirth and you want to reuse your
extension method, that’s possible, but only when you implement the extension method as a
generic function (after all, IQueryable works on entities, not on interface types). The generic
must be a class, because a struct may never be an entity.

Code Listing 36: Using an interface

public interface IDateOfBirth

DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }


public partial class Person : IDateOfBirth

{ }

public static class Extensions

public static IQueryable<T> OlderThan<T>(this IQueryable<T> q, int age)
where T : class, IDateOfBirth
return q
.Where(p => (DbFunctions.DiffHours(p.DateOfBirth,
DateTime.Today) / 8766) > age);

If you have multiple entities with different property names (for example, Machine with
ManufacturedDate), you’re out of luck. Maybe Expression Trees can help you there.

To get the query that is generated by EF and send to the database, you can use your
DbContext.Database.Log property, which is an Action<string> and outputs any generated
SQL to the delegate. You could, for example, log to the Console.

Code Listing 40: Output SQL to the Console

using (CodeFirstContext context = new CodeFirstContext())

context.Database.Log = Console.Write;
context.People.Where(p => p.GenderId == 1).ToList();

Expression trees
Another detail in working with IQueryable is that it contains many extension methods that are
also defined on IEnumerable. Or so it seems. The following code looks the same for the
IEnumerable and the IQueryable, but only one of the two will make your application come to a
grinding halt!

Code Listing 37: IEnumerable vs. IQueryable

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

IQueryable<Person> peopleQuery = context.People;
IEnumerable<Person> peopleEnumr = context.People;
peopleQuery.Where(p => p.FirstName == "Sander").ToList();
peopleEnumr.Where(p => p.FirstName == "Sander").ToList();

The two Where methods differ in input parameter, and in what they return. The IQueryable
takes an Expression<Func<Person, bool>> as input and returns an IQueryable, whereas
the IEnumerable takes a Func<Person, bool> as input and returns an IEnumerable.

Figure 10: IQueryable.Where

Figure 11: IEnumerable.Where

The Expression<Func<SomeType, bool>> is basically a representation of the

Func<SomeType, bool> in an object graph. So instead of passing in a method like in the
IEnumerable.Where, you pass in some object that represents the method. In this case the
compiler creates the object graph, so you don’t need to worry about that.

In the previous example, that means the IEnumerable.Where enumerates over the collection,
forcing a roundtrip to the database (after all, the IEnumerable variable is actually an
IQueryable), and only after that does it execute the Where function. As a result, you’ll get ALL
people from the database instead of just those with the FirstName “Sander”. So be very careful
that you don’t accidentally break your IQueryable chain.

Just for fun, here’s the Expression<Func<Person, bool>> the compiler actually created from
that lambda expression.

Code Listing 38: An Expression<Func<Person, bool>>

ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Person), "p");

Expression property = Expression.Property(parameter,
Expression constant = Expression.Constant("Sander");
Expression binary = Expression.Equal(property, constant);
Expression<Func<Person, bool>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Person,
bool>>(binary, parameter);

This means that when you want to add your own (extension) methods, you’ll have to keep in
mind that you’re dealing with Expressions. And if you want to create some extra layers of
abstraction, you might even need to create your own Expressions manually. Creating
Expressions manually is a little too advanced for this book, but let’s take a look at an extension

What happens if you want to include, for example, additional select logic in your extension
method? Just be sure to put in an Expression. Failing to do so will give no errors or warnings,
but will call the method on IEnumerable, forcing a database call before your action executes.

Code Listing 39: Extension with selector

public static List<T> SelectOlderThan<T>(this IQueryable<Person> q, int

Expression<Func<Person, T>> selector)
return q
.Where(p => (DbFunctions.DiffHours(p.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Today) /
8766) > age)

Usage is, again, pretty straightforward.

Code Listing 40: Usage of SelectOlderThan

var people = context.People.SelectOlderThan(45, p =>

Name = p.FirstName,
DateOfBirth = p.DateOfBirth

Let’s check out the CRUD operations. You won’t believe how easy it is.

Code Listing 41: CRUD operations

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

// Update Sander.
Person sander = context.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FirstName ==
sander.FirstName = "John";

// Create Google CEO.

Person sundar = new Person();
sundar.FirstName = "Sundar";
sundar.LastName = "Pichai";
sundar.DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1972, 7, 12);
sundar.GenderId = 1;

// Delete Mark Zuckerberg.

Person mark = context.People.FirstOrDefault(p => p.FirstName ==


That’s all there is to it! It’s so easy, you don’t really need further explanation.

Remember that I said “SELECT * …” can be very harmful to a system. What we’re doing now is
basically that. If we update our model and Person gets 100 new fields, our system suddenly
gets a lot slower. We can fix this using Select.

Code Listing 42: Using Select

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

// Using an anonymous type.
var satyaAnon = context.People.Where(p => p.FirstName == "Satya")
.Select(p => new
Id = p.Id,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName
// Use the anonymous type here...

// Using a known type.

PersonModel satyaKnown = context.People.Where(p => p.FirstName ==
.Select(p => new PersonModel
Id = p.Id,
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName
// Use the known type here,
// pass it to other functions,
// or return it from this function.

Using this style of querying makes a difference for your update and delete statements as well.
Since you don’t want to get the entire entity anymore, you’ll have to get the ID (given you don’t
have it yet) and use that to do your updates and deletes. In most scenarios, you’ll have the IDs
at your disposal, so the selects are not necessary.

Code Listing 43: CRUD without getting entire entities

using (var context = new SuccinctlyExamplesEntities())

// Update Sander.
// Get Sander's ID.
var sander = context.People.Where(p => p.FirstName == "Sander")

.Select(p => new { Id = p.Id }).SingleOrDefault();

// Create a new Person, but set the Id to an existing one.

Person update = new Person();
update.Id = sander.Id;

// Attach Person with the given Id.


// Fields that are set after attach will be tracked for updates.
update.FirstName = "John";

// Delete Mark Zuckerberg.

// Get Mark's ID.
var mark = context.People.Where(p => p.FirstName == "Mark")
.Select(p => new { Id = p.Id }).SingleOrDefault();
Person delete = new Person();
delete.Id = mark.Id;


That was a quick overview of the Entity Framework. We’ve addressed creating a model,
importing tables, creating queries, parameterization, lazy-loading, and CRUD operations.
Unfortunately, as you’ve seen, there are many “gotchas” when working with EF (or any ORM,
for that matter). I know these things because I’ve done them wrong in the past. I’ve seen entire
teams, with years of experience, still fall for some of the pitfalls laid out in this chapter. Often
have I heard “EF sucks because it is so slow,” but more often than not, this was the result of not
parameterizing, not knowing when IQueryables are executed (or even just not knowing about
IQueryable at all), lazy-loading, and selecting too much data (or just poor database design, but
that’s another subject altogether).

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Chapter 4 Entity Framework Code First

Now that we’ve seen EF Database First, how to use it, and some of its quirks, let’s try Code
First. You can simply write the classes that would be generated by Database First yourself.
Code First is especially awesome when you’re working in a team and everyone has their own
local copy of the database. Updating databases and inserting data is very easy, and can even
be done automatically—no more having to run and update scripts manually. Once again, create
a new Console Application and install EF (using NuGet).

Now, add the following classes to your project. Also make sure you add the CodeFirst
connection string to your config file (without EF metadata, just a “plain” connection string).

Code Listing 44: EF Code First classes

public class Person

public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public int? GenderId { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }

public class Gender

public int Id { get; set; }
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Person> People { get; set; }

public class CodeFirstContext : DbContext

public CodeFirstContext()
: base("CodeFirst")
{ }

public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }


Those classes may look familiar. It’s pretty much what EF database first generated for us
earlier. Please note the virtual keyword for the ICollection. At runtime, EF will create a
proxy class for Gender, overriding the People property, and have it return some ICollection
that supports lazy-loading. Now simply run your application with the following code.

Code Listing 49: Run EF Code First

using (CodeFirstContext context = new CodeFirstContext())

context.People.Add(new Person
FirstName = "Sander",
Gender = new Gender
Id = 1,
Code = "MALE",
Description = "A true man!"

This will actually create your database and insert a new person and a new gender.

If you take a look at the database, you’ll notice your tables are called dbo.People and
dbo.Genders. Genders is not a DbSet in your DbContext, but it is still a table in the database.
EF figured that out through Person. There is also a table called dbo.__MigrationHistory
(note there are two underscore characters); we’ll look at that in a bit. Let’s first fix the plural
naming by overriding OnModelCreating in the DbContext.

Code Listing 50: Non-pluralizing DbContext

public class CodeFirstContext : DbContext

public CodeFirstContext()
: base("CodeFirst")
{ }

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }


There are a lot of conventions like that, and you can add your own. Delete the database by
right-clicking on it in SSMS and click Delete. In the dialog, check Close existing connections.
When you run the application again, your tables will now be named dbo.Person and
dbo.Gender. If you don’t delete your database, you’ll get a runtime exception—we’ll fix that in a

Looking further at the database, you’ll notice that all string properties are translated to
nvarchar(max). You probably don’t want this. Furthermore, FirstName is non-nullable, so let’s
fix that too. This is actually pretty easy using data annotations (in the

System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace). Simply add some Attributes to
your model.

Code Listing 45: DataAnnotations

public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }

Again, delete your database and run the code again. These fields will now be generated as
nvarchar(256) not null and nvarchar(256) null, respectively. You can tweak a lot more,
for example, by not having an autogenerated key, mapping to another column name in the
database, changing generated types, or making properties named Key a primary key by default.

Code Listing 52: Non-autogenerated key

public int Id { get; set; }

By overriding OnModelCreating of Dbcontext, you have a lot of flexibility in customizing


Code Listing 46: Customizing in OnModelCreating

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)


.Property(p => p.DateOfBirth)

.Where(p => p.Name == "Key")
.Configure(p => p.IsKey());

By using the NotMappedAttribute, a property is ignored by EF altogether (for example, a

FullName property that you’re going to compose using FirstName and LastName).

Code Listing 47: A property that's not mapped to the database

public int FullName { get; set; }

You probably get the gist of Code First: write code and configuration and have EF create a
database for you.

Up to now, we had to delete the database every time we made a change to our model. That, of
course, won’t work very well in the real world. EF has a few options for the creation of a
database: CreateDatabaseIfNotExists (the default), DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges,
and DropCreateDatabaseAlways. These are called DatabaseInitializers. You probably
see some trouble with those. If you have any data or nonmapped entities in your database,
you’ll lose them when EF drops the database and recreates them (imagine that happening in
production). Newer versions of EF introduced the MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion. Up to
now that hasn’t worked so well—after all, you get an exception when your model changes.

To enable Migrations, use the NuGet Package Manager Console. In the menu, select Tools >
NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console. Make sure the console targets the
project that has your DbContext class. Next, type enable-migrations.

Figure 12: Enable Migrations using NuGet Console

You’ll find that a class called Configuration will be created for you.

Code Listing 48: Generated Configuration class

namespace CodeFirst.Migrations
using System;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;
using System.Linq;

internal sealed class Configuration :

public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;

protected override void Seed(CodeFirst.CodeFirstContext context)
// ...

Automatic migrations
For now, you’ll want to change AutomaticMigrationsEnabled to true.

Code Listing 49: Enable automatic migrations

AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;

The next thing we need to do is use this configuration in our DbContext. We can set it in the

Code Listing 50: Configure the DbContext for migrations

public CodeFirstContext()
: base("CodeFirst")

Now add a new class, Company, and give Person two new properties, CompanyId and Company.
Make sure CompanyId is nullable, or you might get an error saying that an already existing
person cannot be updated (after all, it would have NULL for non-nullable CompanyId).

Code Listing 51: Make a change to the model

public class Person

// ...
public int? CompanyId { get; set; }
public Company Company { get; set; }
public class Company
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

Now, run the application using the following code (the previous code won’t work, as Gender 1
will be re-inserted, but it already exists and we do need some query, or EF won’t update the

Code Listing 52: Force automatic migration

using (CodeFirstContext context = new CodeFirstContext())


Now, do a few migrations (make some more changes) and check out the
dbo.__MigrationHistory table. That’s where everything is stored, so you can check if some
migration was successful.

You may have noticed that adding classes and properties is no problem, but when you try to
delete something, you will get an AutomaticDataLossException. That may not come as a
surprise, as you don’t expect that removing a property in a model leads to data loss in a
database. However, that may still be exactly what you want. You can configure this in the
Configuration class.

Code Listing 60: AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed

public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;

Because automatic migrations may be dangerous (after all, you have little control over what’s
happening), there is an option to disable database initialization (including migrations) in your
app.config (or web.config) file. It’s actually not a bad idea to disable automatic migrations on
your production environment. Chances are that your customers don’t even allow it because
database changes must go through a DBA or be requested in writing.

Code Listing 53: Disable database initialization in config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<context type="CodeFirst.CodeFirstContext, CodeFirst"
disableDatabaseInitialization="true" />
<!-- ... -->

Another option is to disable it in code.

Code Listing 54: Disable database initialization in code

public CodeFirstContext()

: base("CodeFirst")

By doing this, you must update your database manually. We’ll look at some deployment options

Code First migrations

An alternative to automatic migrations is Code First migrations. Disable your automatic
migrations by setting AutomaticMigrationsEnabled on false in the Configuration class.
Now make some changes to your models, for example, by adding FullName to your Person

Code Listing 55: FullName property

public string FullName { get; set; }

Now open up the NuGet Package Manager Console again, make sure the project with your
DbContext is selected, and type add-migration “Add Person.FullName”. In the Migrations
folder, you now get a new file called [current_date_and_time]_Add Person.FullName
containing a class named AddPersonFullName. In it, there’s some C# update “script” since your
last migration. It also has a “script” to revert those changes.

Code Listing 56: A code first migration

namespace CodeFirst.Migrations
using System;
using System.Data.Entity.Migrations;

public partial class AddPersonFullName : DbMigration

public override void Up()
AddColumn("dbo.Person", "FullName", c => c.String(maxLength:

public override void Down()

DropColumn("dbo.Person", "FullName");

In the Package Manager Console, type update-database, and your database will be updated.
You can run your code and query again against an updated database. Make sure you don’t give
two migrations the same name, or you will get name conflicts in your C# code.

Now add another property on Person, for example, int Age, and run another add-migration
“Add Person.Age” and update-database. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, your last
database change has to be rolled back. Luckily, Up and Down methods are generated, so this
should be easy. To revert updates, simply update to an older migration and newer migrations
will be rolled back. In the console, type “update-database -TargetMigration:”Add
Person.FullName”. Run it and Add Person.Age will be reverted.

As I was playing around with migrations, I created FullName, removed it, added it again, and as
a result I was left with two C# classes AddPersonFullName. No problem, I just deleted the
oldest and ran my migration. However, when rolling back, I got a conflict as Add
Person.FullName was ambiguous. Luckily, everything you do is saved in
dbo.__MigrationHistory and you can easily get the unique ID for every migration from there.
Simply run “update-database -TargetMigration:”2016052111803411_Add
Person.FullName” instead to remove the ambiguity. That said, it’s best not to mess up your
migrations too much, or you’ll find yourself doing a lot of tedious manual fixing.

Figure 13: dbo.__MigrationHistory

Another option for you to consider is to get the actual SQL script that Migrations generates. For
example, I added Person.FullName and generated the script. You can generate the script
using update-database -Script from the Package Manager Console. You’ll get something
like the following script.

Code Listing 57: Generated SQL script

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Person] ADD [FullName] [nvarchar](512)

INSERT [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]([MigrationId], [ContextKey], [Model],
VALUES (N'201605221001289_AutomaticMigration',
N'CodeFirst.Migrations.Configuration', 0x1F/*...*/ , N'6.1.3-40302')

Another thing that makes Code First pretty awesome is the ability to seed your database with
some initial data. You may have already noticed it when we created the Configuration class,
but there is a Seed method with some example in a comment. So let’s make sure that we at
least have our Genders in place and a Person to use for testing.

Code Listing 58: The Seed method

protected override void Seed(CodeFirstContext context)

new Gender { Id = 0, Code = "UNKNOWN", Description = "Not saying"
new Gender { Id = 1, Code = "MALE", Description = "Male" },
new Gender { Id = 2, Code = "FEMALE", Description = "Female" }
context.People.AddOrUpdate(p =>
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName
new Person
FirstName = "Sander",
LastName = "Rossel",
GenderId = 1

We can simply insert our three Genders. EF will check if the ID is already present in the
database and do an insert or update based on that. The Id of Gender is not an autonumbering
field, so we have to set it ourselves. The Id of a Person is not known to us, though, since it’s
autonumbering. With autonumbering, there is no way for us to insert a Person with a specific
Id, and EF will just happily insert the same Person every time (giving it some autonumber Id).
We can, however, specify an alternative means of looking up a specific entity. This is the first
parameter to AddOrUpdate, which takes an anonymous object containing all the fields that
make up for a unique Person. In this example, I’ve taken the combination of FirstName and
LastName to be the alternative key. If the combination of FirstName and LastName isn’t present
in the database, EF will insert the Person, otherwise it will do an update. Now if you run the
code, these rows will be inserted into the database if they’re not already present.

If you would like to start with a fresh database (including an initial test set) every time you start
your debug session, you may opt for a custom IDatabaseInitializer. I already mentioned a
few, so let’s simply create one. The following initializer will always recreate a database and seed
some data.

Code Listing 59: A custom DatabaseInitializer

public class CleanDbInitializer :

protected override void Seed(CodeFirstContext context)
new Gender { Id = 0, Code = "UNKNOWN", Description = "Not
saying" },
new Gender { Id = 1, Code = "MALE", Description = "Male" },
new Gender { Id = 2, Code = "FEMALE", Description = "Female" }
context.People.AddOrUpdate(p =>
FirstName = p.FirstName,
LastName = p.LastName
new Person
FirstName = "Sander",
LastName = "Rossel",
GenderId = 1

To get it working, simply go to your DbContext and change the constructor. Make sure you
don’t have any migrations (delete the Migrations folder), or your database won’t actually get
deleted, and you will get an exception.

Code Listing 60: Usage of CleanDbInitializer

public CodeFirstContext()
: base("CodeFirst")
Database.SetInitializer(new CleanDbInitializer());

It is also possible to change the initialization using your App.config or Web.config file. Simply
remove the SetInitializer from your DbContext constructor and add the following value in
your config file.

Code Listing 61: MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion with Configuration in config

<context type="CodeFirst.CodeFirstContext, CodeFirst">

rstContext, CodeFirst],
[CodeFirst.Migrations.Configuration, CodeFirst]], EntityFramework"/>

Now we’re switching to our custom initializer.

Code Listing 70: Custom initializer in config

<context type="CodeFirst.CodeFirstContext, CodeFirst">
<databaseInitializer type="CodeFirst.CleanDbInitializer, CodeFirst" />

As you can see, by using Code First, Migrations, and Seeds, working with multiple local
database instances while still making daily database updates becomes a breeze.

Chapter 5 SQL Server Data Tools

Using the Visual Studio SQL Server Data Tools, you can create databases in pretty much the
same way you can in SQL Server Management Studio. It gets better though—you can compare
and deploy databases with ease. For this chapter, I have undone all the changes we made to
the SuccinctlyExamples database in the previous chapters, so I’m starting fresh again.

If you followed all my steps during the Visual Studio installation, you should have the SQL
Server Data Tools. If you haven’t, you can change your installation by going to the Windows
Control Panel, then Programs and Features. In the list of programs, look for Microsoft Visual
Studio X (with Update Y), select it, and click Change. Now make sure you select the Data

I should mention that I got a new laptop between writing the previous chapters and this one, so
instead of LAPTOP23\SQLEXPRESS, you’ll see CSS1446. All the above still applies, of course;
it’s just a name change.

Database Project
Start Visual Studio—you don’t even have to start or open a project. In the menu, go to View and
then SQL Server Object Explorer. You should now get a window on the right or left side of the
screen (depending on your settings) showing two nodes, SQL Server and Projects. Right-click
SQL Server and then click Add SQL Server. You should now see a tree view similar to that in

As you right-click on the objects, you’ll notice that you can add tables, columns, and other
objects. You can generate scripts of objects, execute scripts, and add or alter data. It’s all pretty
cool that you can do this in Visual Studio, but you could do this in SSMS as well.

Now here comes the awesome part—right-click the SuccinctlyExamples database, and click
Create New Project. Choose a name for your project, ideally the name of your database (I was
lazy and kept the default, Database1). You’ll probably want to check Create new solution, and
possibly Create directory for solution; they’re off by default, so I’ll leave it to you. Click Start,
and a new database project will be created. In the new solution, your Solution Explorer should
now look something like this.

Figure 14: Database project Solution Explorer

An alternative method for creating a database project, even when you don’t have an existing
database, is by simply starting a new project and choosing SQL Server Database Project from
the installed templates. In the new project, you can create objects and deploy them, or import an
existing database by right-clicking your database project in the Solution Explorer, selecting
Import, and then selecting Database.

Figure 15: The SQL Server Database Project template

Let’s continue with the Database1 project. By double-clicking on a table, you get to the
designer, which is pretty similar to that of SSMS. Here you can add new columns and foreign
keys, change columns, etc. In the lower part of the screen you’ll see the SQL script for the table;
it changes as you change the table.

Before you do anything, let’s assume the SuccinctlyExamples database is production ready, so
we want to deploy it. Right-click your database project in the Solution Explorer and choose
Deploy. In the Publish Database window, select a database connection. The following window
is a bit confusing, as you’re presented some recent connections, but your current connection is
hidden. To show your current connection details, click Show Connection Properties. You can
just pick the SuccinctlyExamples database for now.

Figure 16: The Connect window

Back in the Publish database window, pick a database name. We’re going to create a new
database, so let’s pick a name that doesn’t exist yet. I’ve called it ProductionDb. In a real
environment you’d probably have the same database name, but another server instance. Since
we don’t have spare servers lying around, we’re going to use the same server instance, but
using a different database name. You can choose a name for the generated script as well. You
can enable or disable numerous options under the Advanced menu as well, most notably if data
loss is allowed. Unless you uncheck Block incremental deployment if data loss might occur,
you’ll never be able to delete columns in tables that have rows. There are too many options to
discuss them all, but be sure to look at them.

Now you can either view the script, examine it, change it, and run it (in the upper left), or just run
the script directly. If you run the script directly, it will be placed in the bin folder of your project.
Also, a Data Tools Operations window opens, allowing you to open the script directly.
Whichever method you choose, you should now have a new ProductionDb database that is the
same as the SuccinctlyExamples database. That’s pretty awesome!

Now that we have deployed our database, we’re going to get change requests. Let’s add a
column to the Person table. Double-click the Person.sql script in the Visual Studio Solution
Explorer. You can right-click in the white space of the table designer to add or remove designer

columns such as Length, Description, and Identity. Now simply add a column, let’s say
Title. Save it.

Figure 17: Title column

Now publish the database again, but this time, simply publish to the SuccinctlyExamples
database. Instead of a CREATE script, Visual Studio will now generate an ALTER script. If you run
it (directly or by generating the script and then running), your database will now have the new
Title column.

Updating a table or column—that is, changing it—results in a refactorlog file (or an update
thereof). This file is necessary for Visual Studio to figure out that it has to rename the table or
column rather than drop the table or column with the old name and create the table or column
with the new name. Once you publish the change, a system table is created on your database
called __RefactorLog (note the two underscores). The table contains a single column
indicating which schema changes have been published.

Another cool feature of the Data Tools is to compare databases. We have a few options:
compare database schemas against other databases, compare schemas against database
projects, and compare data between databases.

Let’s start with comparing schemas between databases. Right-click on the database project and
then click Schema Compare. In the window that opens, you can now choose a source and a
target. The source is your current project by default. Change the source to the
SuccinctlyExamples database and the target to the ProductionDb database. Now simply click
Compare in the upper-left corner, and Visual Studio will visually show you the differences. You
can now, again, update the target automatically or generate a SQL script and run it manually.
You can also pick objects to exclude from the generated script in the Action column. So now,
simply update the ProductionDb any way you want.

We can also compare a project to a database, which is basically an alternative to Deploy
(except it won’t recognize renames). It works exactly the same as a compare between
databases, except that your source is now a database project. Things get interesting when you
put the database as your source and the project as your target (you can easily switch them with
the button between source and target). This enables you to make changes to your database
from an external source and then import them into your project.

So let’s open up SSMS and make a change to the Person table. The Visual Studio table
designer has no support for Computed Columns, so we’re going to add one. In SSMS, open the
designer for the Person table and add the following column.

Figure 18: A Computed Column

The formula is the same as the one I used in the IQueryable<Person> OlderThan extension
method in the Entity Framework chapter. Now go back to Visual Studio and do a compare
between the SuccinctlyExamples database and your database project. The column shows up as
being added. You cannot generate a script this time, which kind of makes sense as you’re not
updating a (scripted) database, but a Visual Studio SQL Database Project. Simply click Update,
and the column gets added to your project.

The data compare is a little different. Let’s make sure we have some data in our database. Run
the following script on the SuccinctlyExamples database to insert some data.

Code Listing 62: INSERT data

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Gender] ([Id], [Code], [Description]) VALUES (1,

N'UNKNOWN', N'Not saying')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Gender] ([Id], [Code], [Description]) VALUES (2,
N'MALE', N'Male')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Gender] ([Id], [Code], [Description]) VALUES (3,
N'FEMALE', N'Female')

This is the kind of data you want to keep synchronized between your databases. Users, even
admins, may not be able to enter this data anywhere in the application, and without it your
application does not work correctly. So let’s make sure we have all the data we need. For some
reason we can’t do a data compare from our database project, so go to the SQL Server Object
Explorer instead. Right-click on either the SuccinctlyExamples database or the Gender table
and select Data compare. Set the SuccinctlyExamples database as your source (it probably
already is) and the ProductionDb as your target. Click Next to pick the tables and views you
wish to compare, and then click Finish. You now get an overview of tables that were compared.
Only tables and views that have matching names, column names, column types, and primary
keys can be compared. Names are case-sensitive. Once compared, you can (as always) create
a script and manually execute it, or automatically update the target database.

Figure 19: SQL data compare

While what we’ve seen here is incredibly useful, it comes at a cost, and with certain dangers.
There was a time when I did all my deployments manually using schema compare. And then I
accidentally deployed a change that was not meant to go into production yet, and caused an
entire factory to go down for about five minutes. Oops! If you’re not careful, you might execute
scripts that you didn’t quite mean to execute. A lot of scripts are generated, and they can be
executed with a single button press, so be careful.

Last, but not least, I wanted to mention the data-tier application (for some reason abbreviated as
DAC). A DAC is basically a sort of database project. The difference between the two is mostly
the way in which it is published. In data-tier applications, publish packages are created by
developers, which can then be used by DBAs to perform the updates. If you right-click on the
Databases node in the Object Explorer in SSMS, you’ll notice the options “Deploy Data-tier
Application…” and “Import Data-tier Application.” It is possible to convert a database project to a
DAC, and vice versa. I must confess I’ve never used it, so I won’t say much about it. If you want
to know more about them, I suggest you read about it on MSDN and try it out for yourself.

Chapter 6 Troubleshooting

Once in a while queries go awry. Unfortunately, there can be many reasons for this. Maybe your
database has grown to the point where a query that always worked well is now very slow.
Maybe one of your environments is missing an index. Maybe a query is using a cached query
plan that is not optimal for the current parameter value. In this chapter we’re going to look at
how we can identify troublesome queries and how we can solve these issues.

For a few examples, we’re going to need a database with a little body. Microsoft has a sample
database we can use called Adventure Works. You can download it from CodePlex.
Alternatively, you can Google (or Bing) AdventureWorks2014 and see what shows up.
Download the Adventure Works 2014 Full Database Backup.zip file and unzip the .bak file. In
SSMS, right-click the Databases node in your Object Explorer and then click Restore
Database… in the context menu. In the Restore Database window, enable Device, click the
button “…” and add the .bak file you just unzipped. Then simply click OK, and the database
should now be available.

Figure 20: Restoring Adventure Works

First of all, we’ll need to know which queries are running slowly. For this (and many more) we
can use the profiler. I recommend using the profiler often when developing, as it shows you just
about everything that happens in a database. For example, you may have a well-performing
piece of code, but maybe it only performs well because you’re testing locally with few data. The
profiler may show you that you’re actually sending thousands of queries to your database
(maybe because of EF lazy-loading, or because you’re executing queries in a loop). I’ve often
run into such scenarios that run smoothly on a test environment, but bring the database to a
grinding halt in production (and that’s never fun).

To start the profiler, start up SSMS, and in the menu, go to Tools and then SQL Server
Profiler. You can also run it as a stand-alone application from your start menu (or wherever you
have it installed). If you start it from SSMS, it will automatically start a new trace. If you’re
starting it from Windows directly, you can find New Trace under the File menu. Next, you will
have to log in to the instance you want to trace. Be careful when tracing a production
environment, as it will put a load on the system. Connect to your local instance, and you should
get a window captioned “Trace Properties.” On the General tab, you can name your trace, save
to file, or pick a template. We’re going to ignore this tab. Instead, go to the Events Selection
tab. On this tab you can find all kinds of events that are raised by the database. A few are
already selected for you, but there are many more. Check the Show all events and Show all
columns boxes, and you’ll see what I mean. For now we’re interested in the following events:
“Stored Procedures -> RPC:Completed and SP:StmtCompleted” and “TSQL ->
SQL:BatchCompleted”. Now click Run to run the trace.

Figure 21: Events Selection tab of Trace

If you now go into SSMS and query a table, or you run the application we created in the
previous chapter, you will see the queries in the profiler. And, unfortunately, you may see a
whole lot more (I’m also seeing queries from my Report Server and some other stuff I’ve got
running). You can pause the trace and put some filters in place.

Figure 22: Trace Pause and Properties

In the Events Selection tab, go to Column Filters… and filter on ApplicationName like
“EntityFramework”. If you haven’t manually changed the Application in the connection string of
your DbContext, you will now only see queries that are fired from your application. A filter on
LoginName and/or NTUserName can also come in handy, especially when you have millions of
queries a day and you’re only interested in a single user. Another filter I use quite often is
Duration Greater than or equal; set it to 5000 (milliseconds) and you’ll get all the queries that
take at least five seconds. If one query pops up a lot, you may need to have a look at it.
Anyway, with your ApplicationName filter in place, run some query from your application and
look it up in the profiler. I ran context.People.Where(p => p.GenderId == 1).ToList();.

Figure 23: Query in the profiler

As you can see, EF has some overhead, and only the fifth row is my actual query. By looking at
the generated query, I can see 1 = [Extent1].[GenderId] was not parameterized (as I
intended in my query). Looking further at the columns, we can see the database needed 18
reads, a single write, and 19 milliseconds to come up with the result. When looking for
troublesome queries, you might want to keep an eye on those values. Higher isn’t necessarily
bad, but it may be an indication that something can be optimized. Now we can also copy and
paste the query and run it in SSMS manually.

The profiler can be used for many things, for example, trace deadlocks (event “Locks ->
Deadlock graph”). Just look at all the events and columns and you’ll see that we’d need another
book to fully understand just this one tool. For my day-to-day activities, the BatchCompleted
and StmtCompleted events, together with the Duration filter, prove to be invaluable.

Sometimes you might just want to run the trace for a while. Luckily, you can set up your trace
and then in the File menu, go to Export and then Script Trace Definition and For SQL Server
2005 - 2014… Save the script somewhere and open it. Be sure to replace InsertFileNameHere
(for example, C:\Traces\MyTrace will do, but make sure the folder exists) and run the script.

Now it doesn’t matter whether the profiler is running or not; everything will be saved to the trace
file. Of course you could do this using the Trace Properties, but I wanted to show you the script
as well. By the way, if you’re having trouble opening the file, try to run the profiler as

To see which traces are running, you can use the following script.

Code Listing 63: View SQL traces

SELECT * FROM fn_trace_getinfo(default)

To stop, start, and delete a trace, you can use the following.

Code Listing 64: Stop, start, and delete a trace file

SELECT * FROM fn_trace_getinfo(default)

-- The file we created got traceid 3.
-- Yours may be different, check first.
DECLARE @TraceId INT = 3

-- Stop the trace.

EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceId, 0

-- Start the trace.

EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceId, 1

-- To delete the trace, first stop it.

EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceId, 0
EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceId, 2

Query plans
Now that you know how to get the queries that may cause trouble, you want to find out why
exactly they cause trouble. The most obvious way to do this is by looking at the query plan.
Before a query is executed, SQL Server determines the approximate quickest way to fetch all
the data. I say approximate because SQL Server knows how to do one thing in different ways,
so for example, a JOIN can be realized internally by a LOOP, MERGE, or HASH JOIN. Take two
JOINS in a single query and we can have 3 * 3 = 9 different ways to execute this query. Add a
WHERE clause, and things grow exponentially. A single query can have hundreds or even
thousands of different plans. SQL Server takes an educated guess as to what plan might be
optimal. We’ve already talked a bit about this a bit in the parameterization chapter, but now
we’re going to look at some actual plans.

Unfortunately, Syncfusion doesn’t have a Succinctly e-book on query plans (yet?), but you could
always check out this free e-book on query plans by SimpleTalk.

For now, open SSMS, browse to the AdventureWorks database, and open a new query
window. Right-click on the empty query window, and in the context menu, check Include Actual

Execution Plan. For some extra information, run the following statements in your query

Code Listing 74: Enabling statistics


These statistics will be shown in your Messages tab after you run a query. You can delete the
statements from your window; they will be active in this window until you close it or until you
explicitly turn it off again (SET STATISTICS X OFF). Now run the following query (in the same
query window).

Code Listing 75: A SQL query with JOIN

SELECT p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS FullName, *

FROM Person.Person p
JOIN Person.EmailAddress e ON
e.BusinessEntityID = p.BusinessEntityID

You now get the Results, Messages, and an additional tab, the Execution plan.

Figure 24: An execution plan

You should read the execution plan from right to left (the SELECT is executed last). The thicker
an arrow between two nodes, the more data that was handled by that node. SQL Server starts
by doing a scan on the Person table (using the primary key). It then computes the scalar
FullName. It does another scan on EmailAddress using the primary key for that table. It then
does a merge join between Person and EmailAddress. Finally, it selects the data. To interpret
this, you must have a little knowledge on the inner workings of SQL Server, and quite possibly,
algorithms. Knowing the alternatives is a must. So let’s dissect this plan and check out the

We first start with an Index Scan. The alternative is an Index Seek. An Index Scan simply reads
through the rows in your input (in this case an index table) and takes out the rows that match
the queries criteria. In this case we want all rows, so we can’t really get faster than just fetching
all rows like we do now. Let’s say we expect only one row to be returned because we filter on an
ID—surely an entire table scan would be a waste of resources. That’s when SQL Server uses
an Index Seek, which only goes through pages and rows that contain qualifying data.
Somewhere in between all rows and none or one row is a turning point where one of the two is
faster than the alternative.

The MERGE JOIN is the fastest join around. It only works when two sets of data are ordered in
the same way, and when two rows have to match on a key. In this case, both tables are ordered
on BusinessEntityID. MERGE JOIN reads a row from one input and compares it with a row
from the other input. If the rows don’t match, the row with the smaller value can be discarded
and the next row is read until all rows have been read. The maximum number of reads
necessary for this operation is the number of rows in the first input, plus the number of rows in
the second input.

The alternatives here are LOOP JOIN and HASH JOIN. LOOP JOIN loops through all rows in the
first input, and for each row, it loops through all rows of the second input until a match is found.
This is less efficient than a MERGE JOIN, as the maximum number of reads is now the number of
rows in input one times the number of rows in input two.

The HASH JOIN can require the most processing behind the scenes, and if you encounter it, you
probably should check your design. The HASH JOIN algorithm creates a hash table for the
smaller input of the join (and possibly writes this to disk if short on memory), and then compares
them to the other values using a hash match function. For small inputs this can be very efficient,
but if you have bigger inputs, this might slow down your query considerably.

As we can see, this query is optimal; we have the optimal search algorithm and the optimal
JOIN algorithm. The next query is far from optimal, and since the data set is relatively small,
even though it’s not giving us any troubles, we’re going to optimize it for the sake of practice.

Code Listing 65: A query with a suboptimal plan

SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Title

FROM Person.Person
WHERE MiddleName > 'Z'

I have added the OPTION (RECOMPILE) so that we’re sure SQL Server always generates a new
plan for this query (so we’re not looking at cached plans). Here is the generated plan.

Figure 25: A suboptimal query plan

Here we see that we’re doing an Index Scan, but when we execute the query, we only get one
result. So we’re scanning the entire table (almost 20,000 rows) for just one row. Also notice the
Key Lookup. This happens when an index is used that does not have all the requested values.
In this case, the Index Scan is done on IX_Person_LastName_FirstName_MiddleName, but
we’re requesting more fields than just those three because we also want Title. The Key

Lookup searches for the row index and retrieves all missing fields. Of course, SQL Server
needs to join the results of the Index Scan and the Key Lookup, which costs even more time
and resources.

Tip: The problem with slowly executing queries is that sometimes they run very
slowly (like maybe an hour or more). In such cases, “Include Actual Execution Plan”
is not an option, as it requires you to run the query, but you can’t wait for hours for it
to finish, taking up resources and possibly blocking other queries. For such cases,
SQL Server has an option in the context menu, “Display Estimated Execution Plan.”
This option does not run the query and only creates the estimated plan. It may not
give you the actual plan, but more often than not it’s pretty accurate, and you can at
least inspect the plan and identify possible bottlenecks.

So we have this query that uses an index, but still needs to look up the master row in the
primary key index. That happens when an index is not covering. When all requested fields from
a table are contained in a single index, this index is called a covering index. In this case, Title
is missing from the index. So let’s add Title to the index. We can do two things: add Title to
the actual index, or include it in the index.

To understand the difference, we must understand that an index is a virtual sorting of one or
more fields. IX_Person_LastName_FirstName_MiddleName is sorted on LastName, then
FirstName, and then MiddleName. That means SQL Server can use the Binary Search
algorithm to quickly find all rows with a specific LastName, then for all people with that
LastName, it can quickly find all people with a specific FirstName. Finally, for people with that
LastName and FirstName, it can find all people with a specific MiddleName.

If we added Title to the index, we could find people with a specific name and specific Title as
well. Unfortunately, indexing comes with a price. Every time one of the fields is updated, the
index must be updated as well. Adding Title to the index means the index must be updated
when any LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, or Title is updated. So inserts, updates, and
deletes on this table will now take the performance hit. We’re probably never going to query for
such a specific name with a specific title, so we’d rather not do that.

Luckily we have a second choice: include Title as an included field. It’s not included in the
sorting, but it is included in the index, meaning that whenever Title is updated, the index
doesn’t have to update. The only cost we have then is that of some extra memory usage, a fair
price to pay if it speeds up our query. To include a field in an index, find the index in the Object
Explorer, right-click, choose Properties, and add the field on the Included columns tab (and
NOT the “Index key columns” tab). Now let’s execute the query again.

Changing the index worked, since our plan no longer requires a Key Lookup.

Figure 26: Key Lookup eliminated

Unfortunately, we still have an Index Scan instead of an Index Seek. Apparently our current
indexes just don’t cut it. You might as well remove the Title from the included columns now, as
we’re going to create an index that’s completely optimized for this query. Simply add an index
and put MiddleName in the Index key columns, and FirstName, LastName, and Title in the
Included columns.

Code Listing 66: Index on MiddleName


ON Person.Person
INCLUDE (FirstName, LastName, Title)

If we run the query again, we will see that we have eliminated the Index Scan as well, and the
query is now optimal.

Figure 27: Optimal query plan

In some cases, SQL Server may suggest indexes for you. For example, run the following query
and inspect the query plan.

Code Listing 67: Non-indexed query

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate = '20120101'

Obviously it would be nice if we had an index on OrderDate. The SalesOrderHeader table has
over 30,000 rows, and currently OrderDate has no index, and an index scan is performed. A
specific order date never returns huge result sets, though, so scanning the entire index is never
optimal for this query. Luckily, SQL Server sees that, too, and gives you a hint. You can right-
click it and select Missing index details, and it will open a new query window with the index
script. Be sure to take a good look at it, as it will not always be a desired index! For example, a
SELECT * may result in an index having all columns that are not part of the ordering to be
included in the index. In such cases, it’s probably better to not include any columns at all, and
just stick to the index columns.

Figure 28: A missing index hint

Now, you may think it’s a good idea to optimize every query, but it’s not. Imagine a query taking
five minutes to complete—surely that must be optimized, right? What if the query runs only once
a month? Suddenly those five minutes are not so important anymore. Optimizing it may take
hours of work that you’ll have back after years of running the query. If the five minutes is a daily
routine and users are waiting for it, by all means, optimize! Even a query that takes an hour can
be fine if it is, for example, an automated job that runs at night. Optimizing it might mean that
other processes that run constantly during production may incur a performance hit. Finally, as
we will see in the next section, an optimization may not always be optimal for all cases.

Parameter sniffing
Sometimes your query runs really slow when executed from your C# code, while other times it
completes in a few milliseconds. Multiple things can happen here. First, and we’ll get to this, is
blocking queries. Another option is parameter sniffing. What SQL Server does when it
encounters a new query that uses parameters is that it creates a query plan that is
(approximately) optimal for the current value of the parameter. Remember that query plans are
cached and reused if the same query is executed again. However, if the same parameterized
query now has a different value for its parameter, the plan may now be suboptimal. Luckily we
can replicate this issue quite easily (although we won’t see the performance hit, as our database
is still too small).

First we need some parameterized query. An ad hoc query in a query window is not
parameterized unless you use sp_executesql, an in-built procedure that runs a string as SQL
and can optionally take parameters. This is what C# sends to the database if you run a
parameterized query. Running a string isn’t very easy to type, though (as you have to escape it
yourself), so let’s go with the alternative, a stored procedure. Create the following procedure in
the AdventureWorks database (never mind that this procedure is pretty useless and becomes
literally unusable after some million orders).

Code Listing 68: SP GetOrdersByDate



FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate < @OrderDate


You have to know one thing about SQL Server when dealing with plans. SQL Server keeps all
kinds of statistics internally. When you’re going to execute this procedure, SQL Server will
inspect @OrderDate and make some assumptions based on its statistics. That makes things a
little easier for us, too. At this point we know there is no index on OrderDate. As a result, with
so many rows, SQL Server will probably just scan the table for each value we assign to
@OrderDate. We can simply test this by executing this query with a few values and inspecting
the plan.

Code Listing 80: Multiple plans for the same query

EXECUTE GetOrdersByDate @OrderDate = '20100101'
EXECUTE GetOrdersByDate @OrderDate = '20120101'
EXECUTE GetOrdersByDate @OrderDate = '20150101'

DBCC FREEPROCCACHE clears all query plans from the cache, so we know SQL Server isn’t
reusing any plans. We get the same plan for each parameter.

Figure 29: Equal plans

That isn’t helping our example very much. It also seems, since @OrderDate = ‘20100101’
returns 0 rows, that a table scan isn’t optimal. So let’s make SQL Server know this, too. Let’s
put an index on OrderDate.

Code Listing 81: Index on OrderDate


ON Sales.SalesOrderHeader

[OrderDate] ASC

With this index in place, run the previous query again, with all the DBCC FREEPROCCACHE, and
surely the first query plan will look a little different! It now does an Index Seek on
IX_SalesOrderHeader_OrderDate, which is a lot better for this particular query.

Unfortunately, we can’t go around and execute DBCC FREEPROCCACHE before every query. In
fact, never run DBCC FREEPROCCACHE on a production server unless you know what you’re
doing. Run the following query, check the query plans, and you will see the effects of parameter

Code Listing 69: Parameter sniffing

EXECUTE GetOrdersByDate @OrderDate = '20100101'
EXECUTE GetOrdersByDate @OrderDate = '20120101'
EXECUTE GetOrdersByDate @OrderDate = '20150101'

The query plans are now equal again for each execution. Unfortunately, this is far from optimal
for order dates 2012 and 2015. At this point you may be wondering, “Why did it use such
suboptimal plans?” or “Why is my query so slow?” When you hover over a node in the query
plan, you get to see all kinds of statistics that may be helpful in figuring out what went wrong.

Figure 30: Plan step statistics

The really interesting values here are the Estimated Number of Rows and the Actual
Number of Rows. When SQL Server expects no rows to be returned, the estimated number will
be 1, and SQL Server will optimize for that. However, the actual number of rows returned was
31,465. That’s a huge difference, and it’s an indicator that you’re probably missing an index,
your statistics are out-of-sync, or you’ve become victim of parameter sniffing.

Parameter sniffing isn’t a bad thing by itself, but it has its quirks. There are a few things we can
do to solve parameter sniffing. First, when you’re pretty sure each plan will be different, you can
recompile your queries. Recompilation makes sure that a new plan is created every time the
query is executed. You will get an optimal plan for order dates 2010, 2012, and 2015, but every
execution will incur a performance hit for the addition plan creation. You can recompile single
queries or entire procedures.

Code Listing 70: Recompiling queries and procedures



FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate < @OrderDate
-- OR

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate < @OrderDate

Another option is to tell SQL Server to optimize for a specific value. In this case, we’re pretty
sure this procedure will be called with an order date that’s pretty close to today, so 99 out of 100
times we expect to fetch thousands of rows.

Code Listing 71: Optimize for value



FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate < @OrderDate
OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (@OrderDate = '20150101'))

Order date 2010 will have a suboptimal query, but 2012 and 2015 run fine and don’t incur the
performance penalty for creating the plan. In case you’re not sure about an ideal value, you may
optimize for unknown. SQL Server will generate a plan based on some statistical average of
your data distribution. The downside, of course, is that this optimization is unpredictable and
may still result in parameter sniffing issues.

Code Listing 72: Optimize for unknown


In some cases, SQL Server makes a wrong call considering the index to use. Or maybe it’s not
wrong, just not what you’d like it to be. A while ago I found myself in such a situation. A
coworker had created a rather lengthy stored procedure and the execution wasn’t all that it was
supposed to be. Sure enough, we were missing an index. We added the index and cleared the
query cache, but nothing happened. A quick look at the execution plan revealed that SQL
Server wasn’t using our index! In this instance, we just wanted it to use our index.

Code Listing 73: Forcing an index

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetOrdersByDate]


FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WITH (INDEX(IX_SalesOrderHeader_CustomerID))
WHERE OrderDate < @OrderDate

Surely that index makes no sense! The fun part is that if you run it now and look at the query
plan, SQL Server will give you a hint that you’re missing an index on OrderDate (with all other
fields included, which we don’t want).

Yet another option is to make a local variable from your input parameter. The idea is that SQL
Server optimizes queries for a given value: the one that is passed to the stored procedure.
However, when you use a local variable, SQL Server cannot know the value of that variable in
the query plan building stage. As a result, using a local variable will create the same output as

Code Listing 74: Using a local variable

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetOrdersByDate]


DECLARE @LocalOrderDate DATETIME = @OrderDate

FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE OrderDate < @LocalOrderDate

As you can see, there are some solutions to parameter sniffing when working in SQL Server.
You can apply the same methods in C# when working with ADO.NET. You’re building the query,
so you can also include hints like OPTION (RECOMPILE), OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR …), or WITH
(INDEX(…)). Unfortunately, when using Entity Framework, you’re not building your own queries.
But you have a few options. You can use stored procedures for troublesome queries (in fact,
some people always use stored procedures for everything, but that’s another discussion). You
can also use plain ADO.NET for troublesome queries. If you’re stuck with EF, you can use EF
Interceptors (EF6 and onwards only), as discussed in the next chapter.

Chapter 7 Interception, Locking, Dynamic
Management Views

In this chapter we'll look at three relatively advanced topics: customizing default behaviors by
intercepting SQL execution from C# code, the issues around SQL locking, and performance
tuning using Dynamic Management Views.

SQL interception using C# is not easy, and is probably best avoided. It does give you some low-
level control over the generated SQL and additional actions EF should take when it’s executing,
or has executed, queries. Interception is based around a couple of interfaces, most notably

There are different interceptors for different use cases, such as executing queries
(IDbCommandInterceptor), working with transactions (IDbTransactionInterceptor), and
connections (IDbConnectionInterceptor). For our case, we need the
IDbCommandInterceptor, but we derive from the base class DbCommandInterceptor (which
implements IDbCommandInterceptor).

As you can see, each method (SomethingExecuting or SomethingExecuted) gets a

DbCommand, which can be manipulated, and a DbCommandInterceptionContext. Now we can
simply concatenate “ OPTION (RECOMPILE)” to any SELECT query.

Code Listing 75: RecompileInterceptor

public class RecompileInterceptor : DbCommandInterceptor

public override void ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command,
DbCommandInterceptionContext<DbDataReader> interceptionContext)
base.ReaderExecuting(command, interceptionContext);
AddOptionRecompile(command, interceptionContext);

public override void NonQueryExecuting(DbCommand command,

DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext)
base.NonQueryExecuting(command, interceptionContext);
AddOptionRecompile(command, interceptionContext);

public override void ScalarExecuting(DbCommand command,

DbCommandInterceptionContext<object> interceptionContext)

base.ScalarExecuting(command, interceptionContext);
AddOptionRecompile(command, interceptionContext);

private void AddOptionRecompile<T>(DbCommand command,

DbCommandInterceptionContext<T> interceptionContext)
// DbContexts.Any indicates the query is not EF overhead.
if (interceptionContext.DbContexts.Any() &&
command.CommandText += " OPTION(RECOMPILE)";

To use an IDbInterceptor, we can use the DbInterception class. Unfortunately, this class
registers IDbInterceptors globally, so once registered, an interceptor will be used for every
query in your entire application (including other threads). You can, of course, also unregister

Code Listing 76: Add an interceptor

RecompileInterceptor interceptor = new RecompileInterceptor();

using (CodeFirstContext context = new CodeFirstContext())
context.Database.Log = Console.Write;
context.People.Where(p => p.GenderId == 1).ToList();

Interceptors are powerful tools. They can be used for logging, additional security, canceling
queries, or altering queries, among other things.

Locking and deadlocks

Another issue you may be facing when queries run slowly is locking. I’ve been in situations
where queries such as SELECT Field FROM Table WHERE Id = X were running very slowly.
We know now that such queries should be very fast, and that parameter sniffing shouldn’t be a
problem since the plan should be the same for every value of X. Chances are this query is
simply not running because some other query is blocking access to the specified table. We can
easily simulate such scenarios. First of all, I want to remind you that it’s possible to run only
parts of a script in a single query window. Simply select the part you want to execute, and
execute it.

Let’s create a blocking query. Open up a query window and execute the following.

Code Listing 90: A blocking query


UPDATE Production.Product
SET Name = 'Adjustable Racer'
WHERE ProductID = 1

SQL Server locks the row for ProductID 1. Different kinds of locks exist, and SQL Server will
determine the best locking strategy, depending on your query. For example, not specifying a
WHERE clause would probably end up in a table lock. While a certain object is locked, rows,
pages, tables, and other objects can’t usually access it. Usually a lock is lifted when a
transaction completes, but in this case we started a transaction and never committed or rolled
back. So the transaction will just stay open and lock this row. Locking is not a bad thing, though;
it prevents other processes from querying data that is not committed yet, preventing dirty reads.

Open up a new window and execute the following query.

Code Listing 91: A blocked query

FROM Production.Product
WHERE ProductID = 1

You will notice this query will start executing and simply never complete. It’s actually waiting for
our first query to complete.

There are a few fixes here. First of all, we should examine why our first query is taking so long
to complete and see if we can rewrite it so it finishes sooner. Second, we could set our
SQL Server locks a resource, it makes a copy of that resource and then uses the copy when
selecting data, so your SELECT queries aren’t blocked, but still return committed data.

SNAPSHOT ISOLATION is not in the scope of this book, but a quick Google search will no doubt
give you a lot of resources on the subject. The solution I’m going to show you here is to set the
ISOLATION LEVEL of the SELECT query to READ UNCOMMITTED so that it will read uncommitted
data. In many cases this is a fine solution, since the chances of dirty reads (reading
uncommitted data) are very small, and dirty reads may even be acceptable. If your SELECT
query is still running, you can stop it by hitting the Cancel Executing Query button or with Alt +
Break. Alternatively, you could return to the UPDATE query window and there execute ROLLBACK
TRAN, causing the transaction to end and the SELECT query to finish. If you decide to end your
transaction, be sure to start it again for the following example.

So, assuming you have a lock on ProductID 1, you can tell a SELECT query to do dirty reads by
giving it the NOLOCK hint.

Code Listing 77: Dirty reads WITH (NOLOCK)

FROM Production.Product WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE ProductID = 1

If you have multiple statements and would like to execute them all using dirty reads, you can set

Code Listing 78: Dirty reads with READ UNCOMMITTED


FROM Production.Product
WHERE ProductID = 1

Both queries will return instantly, even when your other transaction is still running. However,
both queries will return Name Adjustable Racers, which isn’t yet committed. Now, rollback
your UPDATE query, and no one will ever be able to get Adjustable Racers ever again.

A connection string usually has a timeout defined (the default is 30 seconds). This means that
when a query is started from C# and takes over 30 seconds to complete, or is blocked for at
least 30 seconds, you’ll get a TimeoutException.

When one transaction is waiting for another transaction, and then that other transaction
requests a resource that is locked by the first transaction, you’re having a deadlock. The
concept of deadlocks should be familiar to programmers, as multithreaded applications can run
into the same problems.

Let’s fake a deadlock. Open up a query window and execute the following query.

Code Listing 79: A locking query


UPDATE Production.Product
SET Name = 'Adjustable Racer'
WHERE ProductID = 1

Now open up another query window, make it wait for the open transaction, and lock another

Code Listing 80: A locking and waiting query


UPDATE Production.Location
SET Name = 'Tool Cribs'
WHERE LocationID = 1

FROM Production.Product
WHERE ProductID = 1

Go back to the first window, where the transaction is still open, and request LocationID 1,
which is locked.

Code Listing 81: Deadlock ensues

FROM Production.Location
WHERE LocationID = 1

One of the two query windows should now return an error: Msg 1205, Level 13, State 51, Line 7

Transaction (Process ID 54) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been
chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

The transaction of that query is automatically rolled back. In the other window, you can manually

You can track locks and deadlocks using the SQL Server Profiler. Open up a new session,
unselect all events, and select the Deadlock graph event under Locks. If you repeat the
previous steps, you will get an event and a graph. It should look something like as follows.

Figure 31: A deadlock graph

The ovals are the queries involved in the deadlock, and the rectangles are the objects that were
locked and requested. Deadlock graphs can get very complicated, having tens of ovals and

We have already seen two methods of fixing locks that will also fix deadlocks: using SNAPSHOT
ISOLATION, and lowering your ISOLATION LEVEL to READ UNCOMMITTED. Another method that
will prevent deadlocks is to always access database objects in the same order. Unfortunately,
that’s not always easy or even possible. Try keeping transactions short so the chances of
(dead) locking are minimized.

Dynamic management views

Knowing a little more on how to get a grip on queries, plans, and other data may be very useful.
SQL Server has what are called dynamic management views, or DMVs. The structure of your
database, tables, procedures, and practically everything in your database is stored in these
views. For example, the following query lists all tables in your database (twice).

Code Listing 82: List all tables

SELECT * FROM sys.tables


You can find the views in the Object Explorer under Views and then System Views. You’ll find
views called sys.something and a few INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SOMETHING views. The
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are ISO standards, and using them in your queries should, in
theory, make them work in Oracle, MySQL, or any other SQL database that adheres to ISO
standards. There are about twenty INFORMATION_SCHEMA DMVs, and (I’m guessing) well over a
hundred sys DMVs, so you just go with the sys views, as they have all you need.

Next to the DMVs, there are system SPs and functions, as well. You can find them under
Programmability > Stored Procedures > System Stored Procedures > Programmability>
Functions > System Functions. You can simply scroll through them and try them out. You’ll
probably find you’ve been using many functions already, such as CAST, MAX, and

Let’s move on to the good stuff. We were talking about query plans. There is a view called
sys.dm_exec_cached_plans, which has a list of all cached plans. The data in it is a little
cryptic, though. In its current form, it’s of no use to us.

Figure 32: sys.dm_exec_cached_plans

The plan_handle is very useful, however. We will need this once we know which plan and
query it actually belongs to. We can get the actual plan with the function
sys.dm_exec_query_plan, which takes a plan_handle as parameter. For some reason this
also returns the database ID, which is nice if we want to filter on database (which we do, as it
also has plans of the master database).

Now that we have the plan_handle and the query_plan, we want the actual query. This is
another function, called sys.dm_exec_sql_text, which also has a plan_handle as input
parameter. We now also have the text and, again, database ID. We can get the database ID
from a database name using DB_ID(database_name).

Code Listing 83: List query plans

SELECT cp.plan_handle, qp.query_plan, st.[text]

FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) AS st
WHERE qp.[dbid] = DB_ID('AdventureWorks2014')

Now here is a most peculiar thing: open up a new query window and run DBCC FREEPROCCACHE.
Remove it and, in the same window, run SELECT * FROM Person.Person (or whatever you
like). Empty the query window again and run SET ARITHABORT OFF. Clear the query window
and run SELECT * FROM Person.Person again. Now list the query plan, and you will see that
SELECT * FROM Person.Person is listed twice! But how could this be? Isn’t a query plan

SQL Server reuses query plans, but only if the query is exactly the same, and certain settings
are the same as well. ARITHABORT is a setting that will trigger SQL Server to create a new plan
if the setting value is different from a currently stored plan. These settings can be retrieved
using the function sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes. There are a lot of attributes, and their
values are stored together in a single value, so it’s completely unreadable. Luckily for us, SQL
Server MVP Erland Sommarskog has written a rather lengthy (but very good and detailed)
article about this phenomenon. This part is especially relevant in his “Different Plans for
Different Settings” section. I’m going to use his trick to get all these attributes on one line; you
can read his blog to make sense of it all.

Code Listing 84: List plan attributes

SELECT cp.plan_handle, qp.query_plan, st.[text], attrlist

FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle) AS qp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY (SELECT epa.attribute + '=' + convert(nvarchar(127),
epa.value) + ' '
FROM sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes(cp.plan_handle) epa
WHERE epa.is_cache_key = 1
ORDER BY epa.attribute
FOR XML PATH('')) AS a(attrlist)
WHERE qp.[dbid] = DB_ID('AdventureWorks2014')

The takeaway here is that SQL Server creates a plan based on certain settings. ARITHABORT is
a very nasty one, too. When you’re running a query from C# code, be it through ADO.NET or
Entity Framework, ARITHABORT is set to OFF by default. However, if you run a query in SQL
Server, ARITHABORT is ON by default. So whenever your application is running slowly because of
some query, and you run the query in SSMS, it will probably be lightning-fast—it will create a
new plan because the ARITHABORT setting is different. I have been stumbling around in the dark
for years not knowing about this!

Now that you know how to get the query plan for a single query, it is also possible to delete this
plan from the cache. We have used DBCC FREEPROCCACHE to delete all plans from the cache,
but you can use the plan_handle to delete just that one plan. Just grab the handle and pass it

Code Listing 100: DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (plan_handle)


Another DMV we can use is sys.dm_tran_locks. It shows currently active requests to the lock
manager. Additionally, sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks shows all sessions that are currently
waiting on a lock resource. So combining the two, we get the sessions that are currently waiting
to acquire a lock along with the lock information.

Code Listing 101: List blocked sessions

FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl
JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS owt ON tl.lock_owner_address =

The most interesting columns right now are the request_session_id in dm_tran_locks
(which should correspond to the session_id in dm_os_waiting_tasks) and the
blocking_session_id in dm_os_waiting_tasks. We can use these columns to get the
associated sessions from sys.dm_exec_connections.

Code Listing 85: List blocked connections

FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl
JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS owt ON tl.lock_owner_address =
JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec_waiting ON ec_waiting.session_id =
JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec_blocking ON ec_blocking.session_id =

The dm_exec_connections view has a column most_recent_sql_handle. This is the last

query that was executed by the session, and must be the queries that are currently blocking and
waiting. We have already seen how to get the query text and plan from a sql_handle, so we
can apply that here as well. Furthermore, a lock is requested on some partition, as indicated by
the resource_associated_entity_id in dm_tran_locks. The partition belongs to an object,
so this is where we get the object ID, which we can then use to get the object name. If we filter
out some fields, we’re left with a resulting table that’s actually pretty readable.

Code Listing 86: List blocked queries

SELECT tl.request_session_id
,waiting_text.[text] AS WaitingText
,blocking_text.[text] AS BlockingTest
,OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS ObjectName
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks tl
JOIN sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks AS owt ON tl.lock_owner_address =
JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec_waiting ON ec_waiting.session_id =
JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec_blocking ON ec_blocking.session_id =

CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec_waiting.most_recent_sql_handle) AS
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec_blocking.most_recent_sql_handle) AS
JOIN sys.partitions p ON p.hobt_id = tl.resource_associated_entity_id

Figure 33: Currently blocked query

If you decide that the blocker is less important than the waiter, or that the blocker is breaking too
much, you can easily kill the blocker if you want to.

Code Listing 87: List and kill a session

EXEC sp_who -- Lists all sessions.

EXEC sp_who2 -- Lists all sessions+.

KILL 54 -- Kill a session.

DMVs are an invaluable tool when trying to troubleshoot problems. Unfortunately, there are a
whole lot of them, and most of them just don’t make sense when you don’t know exactly what’s
going on. One person who does know what’s going on, and who has helped me and my
coworkers a lot, is Pinal Dave. I’ve never met him in person, but luckily he shares his knowledge
in his blogs. No doubt you’ve already come across him—he’s the (self-proclaimed) SQL
Authority. Hopefully, next time you’re troubleshooting some query, you know what to do.

Tip: We have seen various methods of finding out what’s going on in your SQL
Server database. Another way of seeing what’s up is by using the Activity Monitor. It
shows processor time, waits, I/O, and recent expensive queries. It’s less detailed than
the methods laid out in this chapter, but gives a nice overall picture of your database
performance. To open it, simply right-click on your instance in the Object Explorer
and choose Activity Monitory from the context menu, or click Activity Monitor on the top

Chapter 8 Continuous Integration

Up to now, we have seen how we can develop applications using C# and SQL Server using
ADO.NET and the Entity Framework. But developing applications is only one aspect of the
typical developer’s job. At the start of the day we check out the newest code, at the end of the
day we commit our own changes, and we probably do that a few times in between as well.
Source control has been an invaluable tool in our day-to-day lives. Next to that, we have to
make sure that our changes don’t break any existing code, and if they do, we want to know as
soon as possible. Writing unit tests for our code—whether upfront, using test-driven
development, or after we’ve written the code—has become a big part of our jobs. Last, but not
least, we want to deploy our application to any environment, and the fewer manual actions we
have to take, the better.

Yet, when we do all this, the database is usually just a bunch of scripts that we have to save,
test, and deploy manually. I have to admit that’s how I do it, too. Unfortunately, databases aren’t
just a bunch of code files that can easily be compiled and copied for deployment. Even though I
have little experience with the topics in this chapter, that doesn’t mean I can’t point you in the
right direction.

Source control
When you’re using Entity Framework Code First or Database Projects to develop your
database, you already get some sort of database source control. After all, it’s pretty easy to
update a database or go back to a specific version. However, when you’re not using either of
those, you’re probably stuck saving SQL scripts, and they probably go one way only, so going
back to a previous version isn’t really an option. None of those are examples of true source
control, though. Unfortunately, all SQL source control systems I could find were paid ones, and
I’m not discussing paid products in this book. So although SSMS has an options page for
source control, this is only to select a third-party plugin, and the choices are limited.

It is possible to put your database into source control systems such as SVN or Git. Probably the
best one out there is SQL Source Control by Redgate. I have used Redgate products in the
past, and they’re very good tools. Unfortunately, they aren’t cheap.

Other tools I’ve found are GitSQL, ApexSQL (I’ve used their Diff tool), AgentSvn, and Liquibase.
All have free trials or (very) limited free versions, so you can try them at your own risk and

For now, it seems database projects are the easiest and, most of all, cheapest method of
maintaining some sort of source control for your database. And that’s only your schema—
getting (some) data into source control seems, for now, impossible.

When it comes to testing our code, we usually mock our data access layer. After all, our tests
should run independent of the database. We test if our logic is correct, if 1 + 1 really equals 2.
But what we often don’t test is whether the database really returns what we expect it to return.

Once again, Redgate has a rather pricey testing tool for SQL Server unit testing. I’m not
discussing it here, but if you really want a good testing tool, that’s probably the way to go. For
testing, however, we don’t need a third-party tool. The Visual Studio Database Project includes
testing tools.

Start Visual Studio and create a new SQL Server Database Project. I’ve called mine DbTest,
but name it whatever you like. Now add a table, and call it Person. Make the default Id field an
auto-incrementing field by setting Identity Specification to True in the options pane. Then
add a non-nullable field, FirstName varchar(256), and a nullable field, LastName
varchar(256). Next, add a stored procedure to the project, call it GetFullName, and change
the contents of the created file to the following.

Code Listing 88: GetPeople stored procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetFullName]

@PersonId INT
SELECT FirstName + ' ' + LastName
FROM Person
WHERE Id = @PersonId

Now publish the database. If it fails, you may need to set the Target Platform to SQL Server
2014 in the project properties. If everything went well, you should now have a database with a
single table and a single stored procedure.

To create a unit test, right-click on the stored procedure, and in the context menu, choose
Create Unit Tests… You now get a window where you can pick stored procedures to test,
select a type and name for your test project, and pick a name for your test class. Be sure to
change the default VB project to a C# project. Call the project whatever you like; I’ve called it
DbTest.Tests. I’ve called my unit test GetFullNameTests. In the next part, you can pick a
connection, a secondary connection, and whether or not your changes should automatically be
deployed before a test run. Set the connection to your new DbTest and select Automatically
deploy… Pick your DbTest project as Database project and debug as your Deployment

You now get a Test Project with a SQL Server unit test and a regular unit test class. You can
delete the regular unit test class. The SQL Server unit test contains a SQL script that says “--
database unit test for dbo.GetFullName” at the top. It should be shown by default after
you create the project. Underneath the script are the test conditions. You will want to delete the
default Inconclusive condition, as it will always make your test fail. Now change the script to
the following.

Code Listing 89: SQL unit test

EXEC GetFullName 1

Add a test condition of the type Scalar Value. In the options of the condition, set Null
expected to False and Expected value to Sander Rossel (or your own name). You can
rename your test in the top right above your query; I’ve renamed it FirstAndLastName.

Now, in SSMS, add some data to your database. If you didn’t test for Sander Rossel in the
condition, make sure you change the value in the following script as well.

Code Listing 90: Insert test data


(FirstName, LastName)
('Sander', 'Rossel'),
('Satya', NULL)

Now you are ready to run your test. In Visual Studio, go to the menu and select Test >
Windows > Test Explorer. In the Test Explorer, simply click Run All. Your test should now run
and pass, if you did everything correctly.

Now let’s add a failing test. Go to your GetFullNameTests again, and add a test by clicking the
green plus sign somewhere in the bar above the query. Name your test OnlyFirstName. Again,
remove the Inconclusive condition add a Scalar Value, and test for Satya. Change your script to
the following.

Code Listing 91: Failing unit test

EXEC GetFullName 2

Now run your tests again, and OnlyFirstName should fail. It will tell you that value Satya was
expected, but the returned value was null. That’s right, because the procedure simply
concatenates FirstName and LastName, but LastName is NULL, and by default, anything + NULL
= NULL. We should use the CONCAT function instead. So in Visual Studio, go to the GetFullName
file and change the SELECT line with the following.

Code Listing 92: Fixed procedure

SELECT CONCAT(FirstName, ' ' + LastName)

Run your tests again, and this time they should both pass. The change is automatically
published because that’s what we specified when we created the project. If someone changed
this procedure back to what it was, because it has less verbose syntax, and he doesn’t quite get
CONCAT, our test will fail again. More likely, if someone adds MiddleName, we’ll know pretty soon
if their change broke our cases where MiddleName is NULL. Likewise, they can add unit tests for

Deploying a database is often a manual task. DBAs want to keep total control of their database.
The IT department doesn’t trust automated deployment, or is afraid it’s triggered at a wrong
time. They’re not confident that the development team has their scripts in order so that an
automatic database update goes exactly as planned, always. When the database goes awry, it’s
often a costly exercise to get everything running again. In short, automated database updates
make a lot of people very nervous. Manually running scripts is the way to go. We have seen that
(semi-) automatic deployment is pretty easy using Entity Framework Code First or Database
Projects. When using a Database Project, you could even go for (manual) deployment using a
Data-tier application package.

Be that as it may, it is possible to just automate database deployment. Perhaps you’d like this
for noncritical environments, such as a test environment. Again, Redgate has a good, but
expensive, solution. We’ve talked about Database Projects, so I’m skipping that here. One last
thing I’d like to discuss is the SQL Server command line tool, or the sqlcmd. Chances are you
need to download it, especially when you’re using a separate server that handles updates. You
can download the Command Line Utilities for SQL Server in the Microsoft Download Center.
With this tool, you can execute scripts from the command line, batch scripts, and your favorite
CI tools. The sqlcmd tool was introduced with SQL Server 2005, when it replaced the
functionally similar isql and osql tools.

Once you have the sqlcmd installed, open up a command window. Now, in the command
window type the following (hit enter for a new line).

Code Listing 93: SELECT using sqlcmd

sqlcmd -S [servername\instancename] -E -d AdventureWorks2014

FROM Person.Person
WHERE BusinessEntityID = 1

On the first line, we connect to our database. Each line after that makes up your query, which is
executed after a GO command. The -S parameter is the name of your server, -E indicates we’re
logging in with a trusted connection, and -d specifies the database. To exit the sqlcmd, simply
type exit. Note that all parameters are case sensitive. If you’re not on a trusted connection and
you would like to log in using a username and password, you can use the following command

Code Listing 94: sqlcmd using SQL Server login

sqlcmd -S [servername\instancename] -U username -P password -d


When you run the sqlcmd from the command prompt, you can stretch your query over multiple
lines and execute using GO. When you’re not in the command prompt, you need to use -q
(query) or -Q (query and exit) and a single line query.

Code Listing 95: sqlcmd using a direct query

sqlcmd -S [server\instance] -E -d AdventureWorks2014 -Q "SELECT * FROM

Person.Person WHERE BusinessEntityID = 1"

Of course, you can also specify a script file to run using -i. Create a file somewhere (I put it in
C:\Temp), name it something (like SelectPerson1.sql), and then you can run the following

Code Listing 96: sqlcmd using an input file

sqlcmd -S [server\instance] -E -d AdventureWorks2014 -i


Now the results are a little hard to read in the command prompt. You can also output them to a
file using -o.

Code Listing 97: sqlcmd using an output file

sqlcmd -S [server\instance] -E -d AdventureWorks2014 -i

C:\Temp\SelectPerson1.sql -o C:\Temp\result.txt

Another option you may like to use is -b, which terminates the job if an error occurs. You can
find all options in the sqlcmd documentation.

Using the sqlcmd, you can automate certain SQL tasks by running them from the command
line. I should mention that this in no way replaces the SQL Agent, which also runs automated
SQL jobs. The thing is, you can’t run the SQL Agent from your CI tool, while you can run the
sqlcmd utility. The sqlcmd tool still does not automate your deployments, but it may be useful in
running scripts automatically before your tests start off, or after you commit some new scripts to
your source control system.


The tools laid out in this book do not make you the best C# developer around, nor do they teach
you how to be an awesome DBA. They give you the middle ground of both. I’ve seen many
developers who lack even the most basic database skills. SQL injection still happens way too
often. Software becomes slow after a year of production because the SQL queries are
everything but optimal. Companies have to invest in expensive server hardware because
developers put queries in loops, get surprised by the lazy-loading ability of ORMs, or just write
plain awful SQL queries. While this book has not helped you much in the ways of writing your
queries, it hopefully helped in giving you a broader perspective on the database in general.
Parameterize your queries, but be wary of parameter sniffing. Know that your one query that
takes five minutes to run is possibly blocking the entire system. Identify such bottlenecks and fix
them, or prevent them from ever happening.


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