Graph Structure From Point Clouds: Geometric Attention Is All You Need

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Graph Structure from Point Clouds: Geometric

Attention is All You Need

Daniel Murnane
Scientific Data Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA USA
arXiv:2307.16662v1 [cs.LG] 31 Jul 2023

The use of graph neural networks has produced significant advances in point
cloud problems, such as those found in high energy physics. The question of
how to produce a graph structure in these problems is usually treated as a matter
of heuristics, employing fully connected graphs or K-nearest neighbors. In this
work, we elevate this question to utmost importance as the Topology Problem. We
propose an attention mechanism that allows a graph to be constructed in a learned
space that handles geometrically the flow of relevance, providing one solution to
the Topology Problem. We test this architecture, called GravNetNorm, on the task
of top jet tagging, and show that it is competitive in tagging accuracy, and uses far
fewer computational resources than all other comparable models.

1 Introduction
Relational neural networks such as transformers and graph neural networks (GNNs) have pushed
the limits of ML performance on many tasks, and the attention mechanism has been shown to be a
key ingredient for achieving these state-of-the-art (SotA) results [1]. In natural language processing
for example, attention-based transformers treat sentences as graphs, where words are represented
by nodes and are "fully connected" (FC) - that is, all nodes are connected to all other nodes [2].
Attention-based GNNs have also been successfully employed in high energy physics (HEP) [3–12], a
domain where data is often represented by point clouds of objects in space. The choice of how to
connect point-cloud nodes into a graph is often non-obvious. The FC topology scales poorly with the
complexity of the problem, possibly being prohibited by hardware constraints. Additionally, attention
in many models is handled in a separate stage from the construction of the graph (the "choice of
topology"), and is usually obtained as a learned function of pairs of node features (as in [13]), which
can be computationally expensive. In short, if not handled carefully, an attention mechanism applied
to a fully-connected point cloud scales as O(Nnodes ).
In this work, we seek to address both of these hurdles - the choice of topology and the cost of
attention - with a single solution. By adapting an existing architecture called GravNet [14], we
propose an attention mechanism that is entirely dependent on a learned embedding space, and in
doing so construct the topology of the graph in that space, at each iteration of message passing. The
resulting network is called GravNetNorm as it extends GravNet to handle a subtle shortcoming of the
original implementation, where the relevance of neighboring nodes was diffused through a mixture
of geometry and node features. This required the use of a K-nearest-neighbor graph construction to
function well. Our updated model instead learns the appropriate neighborhood size node-by-node,
and in doing so uses fewer computational resources and performs with better accuracy than the
original GravNet. Additionally, we apply GravNetNorm to a classic point cloud problem - jet flavor
tagging - and show it is competitive with SotA methods, while taking an order of magnitude less
memory, and a factor of four less time. We propose several extensions to this model that may improve

Originally presented at Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop, NeurIPS 2022.
accuracy further, while still retaining the learned geometric attention that makes it desirable for point
cloud applications.

2 Geometric Attention and the Topology Problem

2.1 Constructing a Graph

Much work has been done in applying machine learning techniques to point cloud problems[15],
and in particular attention models, typically for 3D points [16–19]. We take as a case-study the
problem of tagging jets of reconstructed particles as coming from either a top quark or a lighter
hadronic particle [20]. In this case as in most point cloud problems, we are given only a set of points
(herein called "nodes"), each with a feature vector, but without any notion of inter-node connections
or relationships (herein called "edges"). To apply a GNN to these problems, there are two limiting
approaches. The first is to treat the nodes as unconnected - that is, as a set. The DeepSets architecture
[21] has been used in jet tagging with, at the time, SotA results [22, 23]. The other limit is to to
treat the point cloud as fully connected, and this is the approach taken in transformer models, such
as the Particle Transformer [24], which outperforms the set-limit approach in top tagging, although
with significant computational overhead. A happy medium is struck by ParticleNet [25], a model
that applies a GNN to neighborhoods of K=16 neighbors and achieves very good results1 . Given
these three working points (unconnected, fully-connected, and sparsely connected), we therefore
suggest that including graph structure benefits a model’s predictive power, but that most node-pair
connections are not relevant to the prediction task.
The attention mechanism addresses exactly this hypothesis. A multilayer perceptron (MLP), applied
to pairs of nodes, learns which neighboring nodes carry relevant features and up-weight them in the
message passing aggregation. The catch-22 is that nodes must be connected somehow in order to
apply the weighted aggregation. The question of how to form edges we refer to as the Topology

Given a variable sized set of nodes (a “point cloud”) and a loss function, then
aside from a set of optima achieved by the learned GNN MLP weights, there is also
a set of optima achieved by the topology of the attention based message passing.

For a sparsely connected GNN, for a particular message passing step, it is non-obvious which nodes
are most informational or relevant to other nodes. Many construction approaches, such as that used in
ParticleNet, assume the best topology to be homophilic - that is, nodes with similar latent features
should be topologically close. However, this is an arbitrary constraint, and some message steps
may benefit from connections with dissimilar nodes2 . The solution is partly provided by having a
second, independent latent space in which the graph is constructed. This is the mechanism adopted
by GravNet and GarNet, two models proposed for GNN learning on point clouds.
In the elegant approach suggested by the authors of GravNet, two latent spaces are learned for each
node update step. The first is the hidden features to be aggregated, hi . The second is an embedding
space vector ⃗si ∈ S to be used to calculate the KNN neighborhood K and attention weights Aij .
Both latent spaces are learned by MLPs applied independently to the input features of each GravNet
convolution layer. The aggregated node features are thus given as
X 2
h′i = A(dij , hj ) · ĥj , where A(dij , hj ) = |hi |L1 e−Gdij , dij = |⃗si − ⃗sj |L2 (1)

where G is a hyperparameter that acts like a gravitational constant. We define normalized hidden
vectors ĥi = hi /|hi |L1 , using L1 norm.

2.2 Geometry as Attention: GravNetNorm

We are motivated to refine the GravNet architecture by the Topology Problem: Is the attention given to
each neighboring node completely captured by the embedding space, and thus is an optimal topology
Apples-to-apples comparisons are subtle, as training dataset size is a large factor in performance. See [24]
for a comprehensive analysis.
See [26] for a review of heterophily in graph neural networks.

(a) Original GravNet (b) GravNetNorm
Figure 1: Sketch of the GravNet attention mechanisms. The original GravNet node update propagates
features h proportionally to |h|/d, such that a node is affected by nearby (in embedded space S) and
heavy nodes. GravNetNorm constrains information to flow only through a function of distance, and
therefore the geometry fully captures the attention mechanism. Thus only nearby nodes need to be
considered in the node update function.

constructed? Intuitively, we look at which information or relevance flows from one node to the
next in message passing3 . In the original GravNet model, nodes are influenced proportionally to
both the closeness of a neighbor dij and the size of a neighbor |hj |L1 . This is sketched in fig. 1a.
The latter |hj |L1 factor means that a distant neighbor may still have an oversized influence if it is
an "important" node (whatever this may mean in the problem being considered). Thus, a graph
constructed according to nearness in S will not necessarily reflect the attention function, leading to
important connections possibly being missed, and a suboptimal solution to the Topology Problem.
Flow of information as a function of both neighbor size and distance is well-defined in a FC graph,
hence the excellent performance of transformers. However if we require a sparse topology, we need
to know which neighbors to connect. In the GravNet case, they will be connections that maximize
distance - an expensive calculation needing to be made across all pairs. Instead, if the weighting of
information is only a function of distance, we only need to consider neighbors within a radius r in S,
which can be calculated efficiently and scales well with graph size.
The solution is simple: Normalize hidden features such that all nodes have a total size of 1, and
therefore constrain the GNN to pass all relevance through the geometry of S alone. That is, we take

A(dij , hj ) = exp(−G ) (2)

Although a seemingly minor alteration, this produces a most-minimal implementation of geometry-

constrained attention mechanism. We also introduce a factor r12 in the attention function. This new
hyperparameter r appears in the following training procedure: Assuming now that all attention is
constrained to the neighbourhood of each node in S, we should train and inference our model using
topology built from that neighbourhood only. That is, we construct a radius graph in each message
passing step, with radius r. Once this r hyperparameter is set, e.g. to r = 1, then the gravitational
constant G can then be used to tune the sparsity of the topology. E.g. a choice of G = 3 means that
nodes at distance r = 1 will be given an attention weight of around 0.05. For the problem considered
here, this seems to be the choice of G above which performance plateaus. The effect of normalizing
node sizes is sketched in fig. 1b. Note that the embedding space S need not be normalized, so we
continue to use Euclidean distance as the learned attention function. The details of the implementation
and the training procedure are available in a public Github repository [29].
One can formalize this intuition using Layerwise Relevance Propogation (LRP) analysis. An introduction to
this is given in [27] and an application to GNNs developed in [28]. The full calculation of LRP in geometry-
constrained attention will be provided in an upcoming study.

Model Acc AUC ϵ−1
B |30%
P-CNN 0.936 0.9837 1174 ± 58
PFN 0.932 0.9819 888 ± 17
Gravnet 0.937 0.9844 1340 ± 69
ParticleNet 0.940 0.9858 1615 ± 93
GravnetNorm 0.939 0.9850 1438 ± 35

Table 1: Comparison of top tagging physics performance for a selection of DNNs [20, 31, 23].
The performance of the first three models is quoted from [25], and all results are averaged across
five training runs. Variation across these runs is given for background rejection, while variation of
accuracy and AUC is negligible. Other high-performing taggers ([32, 24]) are not compared here as
they contain features orthogonal to geometric attention, such as equivariance. Future work will seek
to combine these mechanisms.

3 Results
3.1 Top Tagging Problem

The dataset used in this study is made available in [30], which contains a set of 1.4m training jets,
and 400k each of validation and test jet samples. A jet contains up to 200 constituent reconstructed
particle 4-vectors, which we take as nodes. A further 17 hand-engineered features are attached to each
node, taken to match those described in [25]. The task of top tagging is to classify each jet as either
originating from the decay of a top quark, or from the decay of a lighter quark or gluon. We thus
treat this as a graph-level binary classification problem, where the GNN must output a classification
score between 0 and 1 for each graph, which is used in a binary cross entropy loss function, with no
positive weighting as the dataset is well-balanced.

3.2 Physics Performance

An initial study of the physics performance of the original GravNet and GravNetNorm is presented in
table 1, along with several other high-performing deep neural networks4 . Both the accuracy and area
under the ROC curve (AUC) are given, as well as the background rejection rate ϵ−1B (where ϵB is the
false positive rate) at a working point of 30% efficiency.
One can see that GravNetNorm outperforms all other models, except for ParticleNet. This shortcom-
ing in performance can be attributed to several factors. The first is that layer sizes are heuristically
taken from existing models, and may not be optimally suited to this new architecture. Additionally,
in training, we note significant overfitting even on the full training set of 1.2 million jets and with
a dropout of 0.2. Performance plateaus above this dropout rate. As such, we propose in an upcom-
ing work to use a larger dataset such as that created in [24], to fully explore the predictive power
of GravNetNorm. One can also see in the table that the original GravNet performs well, but not
equivalently with the updated variant.
Further improvements are being studied, and will be presented in a near-future work, to boost the
physics performance of GravNetNorm. These include dividing the spatial vector to use as a multi-
headed attention (a mechanism implicit in the ParticleNet architecture), and learning dynamically the
number of message passing steps each node requires, just as we do with the number of topological
neighbors. These will both add expressiveness without losing the geometry-constrained attention

3.3 Computational Performance

Inference performance is here measured by both the peak memory usage (taken as a proxy for the kind
of hardware limitation these models may impose), and the average jet inference time in microseconds.
A note on ParticleNet performance: This is the published performance. We were not able to obtain this
result. The training techniques used in that work could also be used to improve GravNetNorm performance.

Model # Parameters Max. memory (Gb) Time (µs per jet)
P-CNN 348k - 110
PFN 82k - 120
ParticleNet 467k 3.1 88
Gravnet 545k 0.87 37
GravnetNorm 545k 0.23 22

Table 2: Comparison of memory and time requirements of top taggers. Best performances are given
in bold. Performance is measured on an Nvidia 40Gb A100, with batch size 1000. Timings are given
per jet, that is tjet = tbatch /1000. The first two model timings are quoted from [32].

Presented in table 2, we see that GravNetNorm is by far the most computationally efficient. Despite
having a comparable number of parameters to other DNNs, this model has two features that allow
superior performance. The first is the geometric attention mechanism. Since attention is learned
node-wise in embedded space, the embedding step (i.e. the forward pass from hi → ⃗si ) scales as
O(Nnodes ). We see that both GravNet variants benefit from this. Compare this with the standard
edge-wise attention, such as that employed in ParticleNet, which scales as O(Nedges ).
The second feature is that the topology is completely learned, so neighborhoods are only as large
as required for good performance5 . This allows GravNetNorm to consume fewer resources than
GravNet. In particular, a radius graph construction scales naively as O(kNnodes ) (where k is the
average neighborhood size), while a KNN construction requires neighbors to be sorted and scales
naively as O(Nnodes )[33]. The particular implementation used here is from Pytorch Cluster [34], but
performance can be boosted further for large point clouds with dedicated radius-graph algorithms
Additionally, K values are set arbitrarily by hand, but GravNetNorm learns to build neighborhoods of
mean size [3, 8, 13] (in the top tagging case, in order of node update step), significantly improving the
throughput of both the graph-building and aggregation operations. While hyperparameter tuning of K
may improve a KNN-based model throughput - as there appear to be optimal choices of neighborhood
size - this would still be a static value, rather than dynamic from point-to-point and event-to-event.

4 Conclusion
In this work, we have explored a long-standing obstacle in the application of graph neural networks
to point clouds, which we term the Topology Problem. We present one set of solutions to this, in the
form of a geometry-constrained attention. In particular, we alter the pre-existing GravNet architecture
to construct a minimal geometric attention model, and show how it intuitively leads to a topology
that captures the node connections with highest attention. We have taken an example use case to
be graph-level top tagging, however the use of geometric attention could be applied to node-level
or edge-level prediction tasks, and we will present results on those tasks in upcoming work. We
show that our GravNetNorm variation is competitive in tagging accuracy with other state-of-the-art
taggers, while requiring far fewer computational resources. As this is the "most-minimal" geometric
attention model, future work will present techniques to combine geometric attention with other SotA
architectures to further boost tagging accuracy. The codebase is available on Github [29].

It is indeed the case that the attention varies smoothly with the geometry, so some arbitrary choice of radius
still needs to be made. However, we can quantify exactly the relevance of nodes outside this radius by e−G ,
which is less than 5% for G = 3

5 Impact Statement
In this work, we propose several ideas that we hope will stimulate further discussion and research
directions. These include:

• A presentation of the Topology Problem - an oft-overlooked issue that is usually solved

ad hoc in graph neural network application to point clouds. In reality, as high energy
physics datasets grow in size and complexity, a careful analysis of how graph topology
is constructed will be essential to scaling up production-ready models in collider and
astroparticle experiments.
• A geometry-constrained attention operator, as applied in an amended version of the
GravNet architecture. This can be seen as a most-minimal construction of a GNN that
propagates all relevance entirely through geometry, and may open the door to more sophisti-
cated attention geometries. Regardless, the operation as presented here can be dropped into
existing architectures to greatly improve computational efficiency.
• Some suggestions are given of further exploration of geometric-constrained attention, in-
cluding multi-headed attention and learned number of message passing iterations.

We do not expect this work to have any negative societal or ethical impacts.

6 Acknowledgements
This work is supported by the US DoE’s Office of Science, under contract # DE-AC02-05CH11231
(CompHEP Exa.TrkX) and the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC). This research used
resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department
of Energy Office of Science User Facility located at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, operated
under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. I am grateful to Paolo Calafiura for comments on this
work, as well as Ryan Liu, Gage DeZoort and Tuan Pham for discussions.

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