Handbook On Compliance - Compliance Institute

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1.1 Background to compliance in South Africa

1989 South African Futures Exchange Rules - require s member firms to

have appoint a registered compliance officer. The compliance officer
was responsible for ensuring that the member firm compli ed with the
SAFEX rules.
1994 King I — highlights the importance of governance and compliance
1995 J o h a n n e sb u r g S t o c k E x c h a n g e R ul e s - r e q ui r e s m e m b e r f i r m s t o
employ the services of a registered compliance officer. The main
responsibility of the complianc e officer, at this time, was to ensure
the member firm complied with the JSE rules.
1999 Strate Rules — requires the appointment of a registered compliance
2000 South African Reserve Bank, Banking Supervision introduces
Regulation 47 to the Banks Act. This regulation required all South
African b anks and foreign banks with South African branches to
establish a compliance function. It details the roles and
responsibilities of this function, but leaves ultimate responsibility for
compliance in the hands of management.
2002 King II — again highlights the importance of governance and
2004 F i n a n c i a l A d v i s o r y a n d I n t e r m e d i a r y S e r v i c e s A c t — r e q ui r e s a l l
licensed Financial Service Providers to appoint an approved
compliance officer. The compliance officer can either be an employee
or an outsourced compliance practitioner.

1©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

1.2 Benefits
The establishment of an independent Compliance Function holds, inter a/ia,
the following benefits for the entity:
(a) Lower impact of reputational risk due to, inter alia, a specific focus on:
- maintaining the highest personal standards of integrity at all levels;
- the importance of true and fair dealing with all clients;
- the provision of qualitative and competent services;
- putting the entity's interests above those of individual employees.
(b) L o w e r i mp a c t o f r e g ul a t o r y r i s k d u e t o a c o n t i n u o u s f o c u s
and/or awareness on compliance to all applicable laws, regulations
a n d supervisory requirements.

1.3 Conclusion
The implementation of an independent compliance function is a requirement of
new le gislatio n and is in line with inte rnational de velop me nts. This w ill
de finite ly have a po sitive effe ct o n the imp act o f co mpliance risk o n an

2©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

The need for compliance
The reasons for establishing an independent compliance function include the
(a) To comply with relevant legislation
Regulation 47 of the Banks Act No 94 of 1990 and the Financial Advisory
and Intermediary Services Act No 37 of 2002 (FAIS) stipulate that an
independent compliance function must be established in banking and
financial services organisations respectively.
(b) To provide for a formal and structured monitoring of compliance A
compliance manual provides for a specific compliance monitoring
process that should not only be formal, but also structured and therefore
more visible to all the relevant stakeholders.
(c) To facilitate the establishment and enhancement of a compliance
A compliance culture can only be established effectively if staff members
perceive compliance as being more than just manuals and checklists.
Staff members must realise that an effective compliance system depends
on a continuous awareness of compliance issues, which should be one of
the Compliance Function's main responsibilities.
(d) To co-ordinate all the relevant compliance functions within the
The establishment of a central and independent Compliance Function at
Group level should enhance effective co-ordination of compliance
strategies throughout the business.
(e) To give specific focus to compliance risk within a broader risk
management framework
The Compliance Function is ideally positioned to deal with compliance
risk as part of operational risk that should fall within the scope of the
bigger risk management strategies.
(f) To be in line with international developments/trends
Compliance Functions have been established at most of South Africa's
international competitors and/or trading partners. Local business must
follow suite if they intend to retain, or improve, their international
competitive edge.
(g) Benefits
The establishment of an independent Compliance Function provides, inter
alia, the following benefits:
(i) Lower impact of reputational risk due to, a specific focus on: -
Maintaining the highest personal standards of integrity at all
The importance of honest and fair dealing with all clients;
The provision of qualitative and competent services;
Putting the business interests above those of individual
(ii) Lower impact of regulatory risk due to a continuous focus and/or
awareness on compliance to all applicable regulatory requirements.
(h) Conclusion
The implementation of an independent compliance function is a
requirement of new legislation and is in line with international
developments. This will definitely have a positive effect on the impact of
compliance risk on the business

3©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

Why comply

(a) Introduction
Broadly speaking, there are two reasons why a business should comply
with regulatory requirements.
Firstly, because it is the law, and secondly, because it makes good
business sense!
(b) It is the law
B usine ss do es no t, from a leg al standp oint, have any cho ice as to
whether they should or should not comply with the regulatory
requirements - they are obliged to comply. Failure to comply is likely to
result in appropriate sanctions being imposed.
( c ) Go o d Bu s i n es s P ra c ti c e
Compliance with regulatory requirements makes good business sense.
In the final analysis, there is a direct link between client satisfaction and
confidence and the businesses that observe the applicable regulatory
requirements. These two aspects will be considered:

(i) Client satisfaction

The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FATS), which
re g u l a te s the g i vi ng o f ad vi ce and the re nd e ri ng o f f in a n ci al
services, prescribes, inter alia, that:
 The business must conduct a needs analysis to determine what
the clients financial needs are; and
 Certain information must be disclosed to the client regarding the
financial products that are being offe red to the client, the
supplier of the financial services and the fi nancial services
provider itself.

The above requirements represent good business practice. Client

s at is f a c tio n i s li ke l y t o b e hi g he r in in s t an ce s w he re a ne e d s
analysis has been conducted, where documents have been
completed in full and the appropriate pr oducts have been
satisfactorily explained to the client. Further, satisfied clients make
referrals that will lead to improved business opportunities.

(ii) Client confidence

Business is required to comply with minimum capital adequacy and
liq uid ity re q uire m e nts. Kno w ing that a b usin e ss co mp lie s w ith
these minimum requirements provides the client with confidence
that the business they are dealing with is financially sound.
The re have be en a numbe r o f high p ro file b usine ss failure s in
recent years, notably:
 Enron
 WorldCom
 Allied Irish Bank
 Barings Bank
 Beige
 LeisureNet
 Saambou Bank

4©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008


Before addressing the regulatory environment in the broader context, it is useful to

identify the key compliance role-players.
2.1 Role Players
Although ultimate accountability for compliance with the legal and regulatory
requirements rests with the Board of Directors, compliance is a multidisciplinary
process in which, at a bare minimum, the following role-players should be involved:

Board of Directors;
Audit Committee;
Chief Executive Officer/Executive Management Committee;
Line Management and/or Boards for Divisions and Subsidiaries;
Internal Audit function
Compliance Function;
External Audit function;
All employees; and

General guidelines for the roles and responsibilities of each of these role-players,
with specific reference to compliance, are briefly described in the following sections.

(a) Board of Directors

The Board is appointed by and accountable to its shareholders to lead, control
and monitor the business of the Group and to provide effective corporate
governance, with the specific responsibility to oversee compliance with,
regulatory requirements.
( b ) Audit Committee
A special sub-committee of the Board is established to oversee compliance
matters. This Committee is a very important part of the whole compliance
system and monitors compliance at the highest level.
( c ) Executive Management Committee
The Executive Management Committee (EXCO) is appointed by the Board to
manage the business within an acceptable risk profile and to achieve
sustainable profits. Its specific responsibility regarding compliance must be to
ensure that risk processes, with regard to regulatory requirements, are
( d ) Line Management and/or Boards for Divisions and Subsidiaries
Line Management and/or Boards for Divisions and Subsidiaries accept
responsibility for the risks undertaken in their divisions and/or subsidiaries
within the confines of the overall risk control framework of the business. Their
specific responsibility regarding compliance includes the implementation of
compliance procedures to ensure adherence to relevant regulatory
( e ) Internal Audit Function
Although there is common ground between the Compliance and Internal Audit
Functions, the focus of the respective functions is different. The role of
Internal Audit in this regard, is to review the existence and adequacy of
management control systems to ensure proper compliance with laid down
policies, plans, procedures and regulatory requirements. As a result of the
work of Internal Audit, the Compliance Function can, in certain instances, rely
on work carried out by Internal Audit instead of carrying out compliance
reviews on their own. On the other hand, Internal Audit can consult with the
Compliance Function in identifying high-risk areas in the planning of audits.

5©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

An additional check would be for the Internal Audit Manager, as part of their
normal audit responsibility, to review certain aspects of the work carried out
by the Compliance Officer. Due to the overlap between the Audit and
Compliance Functions, a sound and an interactive relationship between the
two must be maintained.
(f) Compliance Function
The Compliance Function is an independent function, which is associated with
all aspects of compliance, including the monitoring of the compliance risk
processes. It is imperative that the Compliance Officer has the necessary
rights and powers to fulfil this role impartially and effectively.

Further responsibilities of the Compliance Officer can be divided into the

following main areas:

(i) St a n da rd s et ti ng
Set standards for achieving compliance with the relevant regulations;
ensure that these standards and other compliance principles are
effectively communicated; secure the commitment of Executive
Management for the application of these standards and finally ensure
consistency of approach and practice.
( i i ) P r o vi di ng a d vi c e
Provide a central point of reference and expertise in compliance-related
matters and, in particular, advise on the policy and strategic decisions
that might have compliance implications. An example of this would be to
provide an independent view in the formulation or amendment of the
policy regarding the managing of conflict of interest.
(iii) M o n i t o r i n g
The implementation of the entire compliance process and the subsequent
monitoring of the level of compliance within the business is the
responsibility of this Function — refer to Section 13 for a more detailed
description of this process.
( i v) Maintaining external relations
The Compliance Officer must strengthen the working relationship with
the Regulators appropriately by:
 Being the senior point of contact with the Regulators;
 Collating, co-ordinating and representing the business's views on
sector and industry-wide matters by direct representation to the
Regulators; and;
 Liaise with relevant internal, as well as external stakeholders.
(v) Resolving issues of non-compliance
The Compliance Officer is not only responsible for the reporting of issues
of non-compliance through to the monitoring process (refer Section 13),
but is also required to resolve issues of non-compliance efficiently and
effectively. Depending on the seriousness and impact of the specific
non-compliance, this could involve facilitating the process of ensuring the
necessary and the responsible line manager implements appropriate
corrective measures.
(vi) T r a i n i n g
The Compliance Officer is also, as part of the responsibility to enhance a
compliance culture, responsible for promoting an effective compliance
system through appropriate training interventions and awareness
campaigns. These interventions will vary from brief discussions to more
detailed and comprehensive programmes with the intention to keep

6©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

employees informed and abreast with developments in the compliance

(vii) Assisting with ad hoc investigations
Given the strategic position of the Compliance Officer and their specific
field of expertise, they may be requested to become involved in multi -
d isciplinary p ro je cts e .g . assisting in d ue d ilige nce re view s and /or
strategic planning sessions.
( g) E x t e rn a l A u di t Fu n ct io n
The External Auditors are required to review the risk processes as part of their
statutory audit duties imposed on them by the Companies Act, Banks Act and
any other applicable legislation.
( h) A l l e m p l o y e e s
Employees are the primary role -players in the process of complying with
regulatory requirements. Their specific responsibility is to be conversant with,
and to implement the specific requirements promulgated by the relevant
(i) Regulat ors
The role played by the Regulator naturally depends on the specific business
and the environment in which it functions. In general, the main objective of
the Regulators is to maintain stability in the specific environment by providing
guidelines and ensuring compliance therewith. Regular interactions between
the specific Regulator and the aforementioned role -players are imperative in
order to enhance a mutual understanding of the different perspectives on
compliance matters.

2.2 King II
The King Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa (also known as King II)
was first published in March 2002. As a result this report, a Code of Corporate
Practices and Conduct was drawn up. It is referred to as the 'King Code'.
The 'King Code', is structured under the following headings:
 Boards and directors
 Risk management
 Internal audit
 In te g r a te d su s t ain ab il i t y re p o r ti ng
 Accounting and auditing
 Compliance and enforcement

Each of the above, either directly or indirectly, addresses different aspects of


2.3 Conclusion
Co mpliance is ab out mo re than just manuals, che cklists and p ro cedure s. The
extent to which the importance of compliance is correctly perceived will depend on
the effectiveness of the interaction between the different role -players described
ab o ve. This can o nly be achieved if e ach ro le - playe r fully unde rstand s the ir
individual roles (mandate), as set out in this Section.

©Compliance Institute of
South Africa

Handbook for Members



Role-Players Compliance considerations

Board of Directors The Board is ultimately accountable

The Board is appointed by and for compliance and has the specific
accountable to the shareholders, to lead, responsibility to oversee compliance
control and monitor the business and to with regulatory requirements.
provide effective corporate governance.
Audit/Compliance/Risk Committee The Audit/Compliance/Risk
These sub-committees of the Board must committee's monitors compliance at
be established to oversee various the highest level. The compliance
compliance matters. officer typically has a reporting line to
these committees.
Executive Management Committee The Executive Management committee
The Executive Management committee is is specifically responsible for ensuring
appointed by the Board to oversee and that risk processes, including
manage the business within an compliance with regulatory
acceptable risk profile and to achieve requirements, are implemented.
sustainable profits.
Line Management and/or Boards for Their specific responsibility regarding
Divisions and Subsidiaries compliance includes the
Line management and/or Boards for implementation of compliance
Divisions and Subsidiaries accept procedures to ensure adherence to
responsibility for the risks undertaken in relevant regulatory requirements
their divisions and/or subsidiaries within within their divisions and/or
the confines of the overall risk control subsidiaries.
All Employees Each employee must be conversant
Employees are the primary role-players with, and implement the specific
in the process of complying with requirements promulgated by the
regulatory requirements. relevant Regulators, as reflected in
the business's operating procedures.

Internal Audit Function

There is common ground between the The role of internal audit is to review
compliance and internal audit functions, the existence and adequacy of
although the respective focuses are management control systems to
different. The internal audit manager ensure proper compliance with laid
could review the work conducted by the down policies, plans, procedures and
compliance officer as part of his/her regulatory requirements. The
normal audit responsibility. A good and compliance function can therefore, in
interactive working relationship between certain instances, rely on work that
the audit and compliance functions was done by internal audit instead of
should be maintained. carrying out compliance reviews on
their own, while internal audit could
consult with the compliance function
in identifying high risk areas in the
planning of audits.

8©Compliance Institute of South


Handbook for

External Audit Function The external auditors are required to
The external auditors are required by review the risk processes as part of
statute to conduct an audit on the their statutory audit duties imposed
business on an annual basis. Auditors on them by the Companies Act, Banks
also provide other services. Act and other applicable legislation.

9©Compliance Institute of South


Handbook for


Regulators Regulators monitor and enforce

The role played by the regulator naturally compliance with the regulatory
depends on the specific business and the requirements.
environment within which it functions,
but in general the objectives of
regulators include systemic stability,
financial safety and soundness and
c o n s u me r p rot e c t i on .

10©Compliance Institute of South


Handbook for

h 2008


3.1 Introduction

"Historically, financial regulation has emerged in the wake of financial

scandal." Quote Andrew Newton

The actions of rogue trader Nick Leeson, an employee of Barings Bank, which
ultimately led to the demise of the Bank, is a classic example of financial regulation
emerging in the wake of a financial scandal. The facts of the demise of Barings
Bank are as follows: Leeson, who was employed by Barings Bank, applied to
register as a trader with the Securities and Future Authority (the U.K. regulator for
the financial services industry) in London, but his application was turned down
because he had misrepresented certain information. He then transferred to
Singapore where he applied to the local regulator for registration. Not knowing that
he had been turned down in London, Singapore registered Leeson as a trader.

Although Barings Bank had a compliance function; there was no proper separation
of duties as well as ineffective and inadequate controls.

The following extract from the conclusion of the Bank of England Report on the
Collapse of Barings (paragraph 13.13) provides an indication of the inadequate
controls in Barings Bank:

"The fact that Leeson was permitted throughout to remain in charge of both front
office and back office at BFS was a most serious failing. Witnesses whom we have
interviewed on this point agreed that the need for a separation of responsibilities
was fundamental. Tony Hawes, the Group Treasurer, had relatively early on (in
February 1994) identified this as unsatisfactory. He subsequently made his views
known to James Baker, prior to James Baker's internal audit of BFS undertaken in
July/August 1994. Although the internal audit did not unearth the existence of the
unauthorized activities, the internal audit report did make specific recommendations
as to the separation of roles. These recommendations were never implemented".

The Bank of England Report (paragraph 13.11) also provides an indication of where
the responsibility for the inadequate controls in the Bank lay:

"We consider that those with direct executive responsibility for establishing effective
controls must bear much of the blame. We identify below the ways in which, we
have concluded, they failed to discharge this responsibility; and how others at lower
levels of management were also at fault for failing to act effectively in relation to
their own responsibilities".

The collapse of the bank resulted in significant changes to the way in which the
regulatory authorities were structured and in the regulatory requirements

"The Economic Secretary for the United Kingdom, Ms Helen Liddell, has
recently stated that she fails "to see the difference between over-trading
and theft, between trading on your own account to your client's
disadvantage and theft and between deceiving clients to profit from their
loss and theft." Page 18, Newton.
Other examples of financial scandals include the collapse of the banking systems in
many of the Southeast Asian countries. These Countries suffered severe economic

11©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

CCCTT/%1 '2

difficulties, which significantly impacted on their people. As a result, they now

support tougher regulation.

In South Africa, we have seen the collapse of Beige (a pharmaceutical company),

Leisurenet and Saambou Bank in recent years.

3.2 The philosophy and objectives of regulation

One of the primary functions of Government is to ensure the nation's economic
well-being. To achieve this, Government must make sure that South Africa remains
an attractive capital market for investors and consumers.

To quote Gill Marcus, at the time Chairperson of the Policy Board for
Financial Services and Regulation: "The importance of designing and
maintaining an efficient and effective system to regulate financial markets,
financial institutions and financial services lies at the very core of our
nation's well being" Foreword to Financial Regulation in South Africa

The role of Government, Regulators and other authorities is to:

 Maintain confidence in the financial system; and
 Protect the interests of consumers.

Each of these aspects will be discussed in more detail:

(a) Maintain confidence in the financial system — Prudential regulation

In order to successfully attract business to the South Africa financial markets,
investors, depositors and customers must have confidence that the financial
service providers that they are dealing with are financially sound and that they
will act with integrity. Government must guard against the risk that the whole
financial system could be impaired by the insolvency of a single financial
services provider.

An example of regulation that aims to maintain confidence in the financial

system is set out below:
 Capital adequacy requirements that serve as a cushion against
operating losses. Businesses are required to keep adequate capital to
ensure financial soundness.

This type of regulation is known as prudential regulation.

(b) Protect the interests of consumers — Consumer protection regulation

Financial and investment products can be complicated, making it difficult for
consumers to understand them and to assess their value, soundness and risk.

Government seeks to ensure that financial service providers rectify this

knowledge imbalance and thereby level the playing fields. Government does
this by regulating the industry.

The FAIS Act is an example of regulation that aims to protect consumers. The
requirements of the Act stipulate that:

o Persons who sell financial and investment products are "fit and proper";
o They adequately disclose certain information relevant to the transaction to
the client.

12©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

ccri-TnN 3

This type of regulation is known as "consumer protection regulation" or

"market conduct regulation".

3.3 Regulatory requirements

From the philosophy and objectives of regulation we see that government aims to
regulate the financial services industry to maintain confidence in the financial
system and to protect consumers. The Govern ment and other authorities achieve
this through the enacting of laws.


"Regulatory requirements" is the term that is used to collectively describe the
requirements set out in:

 A ct s o f P a rl i ame n t ( e . g . the F I C A ct )
 Subordinate legisl ation, (e.g. the regulations to the FIC Act), and
 Supervisory requirements (e.g. guidance notes issued by regulators)

T h e r e i s n o d o u b t t h a t , o n a d a i l y b a s i s , t he r e a r e m o r e a n d m o r e re g u l a t o r y
requirements with which compliance officers must comply. Some examples are:

 The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (FAIS), which

specifies that the rendering of financial advice or intermediary services in
relation to financial products is done in a competent and open manner;
 The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FIC), which requires that any
suspicions relating to unlawful activity must be reported to the Financial
Intelligence Centre.

Al t ho ug h c o mp l ia n ce w it h re g ul a to r y re q u ir e me n t s re p re se n t s a sig ni fi c an t
challenge, the purpose is not to frustrate business activity. The aim is to support
the development of business while protecting investors, depositors and consumers.

In the final analysis, co mpliance is simp ly "go od b usine ss" . Much o f w hat is
included in the regulatory requirements represents good business practice. For
example, FAIS co ntains requirements that will result in good client service, if
applied appropriately. Businesses that have effective compliance functions will
usually be seen in a positive light by stakeholders, which in turn will p rotect or
enhance their reputation.

Ho w e ve r, w ith the e ver - incre asing vo lu me an d co mp le xity o f the re g ulato ry

requirements, it is important to address the cost of compliance. The impact of
these requirements is becoming more and more onerous and, according ly, more
costly. For example, training challenges relating to a number of hig h impact
regulatory developments require ongoing expenditure.

All financial service providers who wish to operate a long -term sustainable business
must successfully manage complia nce with regard to the applicable regulatory

13©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


3.4 Regulators
Reg ulato rs are appo inted to p ro mo te/enfo rce ad he re nce to the se reg ulato ry
requirements. These regulators are created and derive their power from certain
pieces of legislation.

The two main financial services industry regulators are:

 The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) — created in terms of the South
African Reserve Bank Act/the Banks Act; and
 The Financial Services Board (FSB) — created in terms of the Financial
Services Board Act.

These Acts make it illegal to conduct a specific type of business unless the financial
service provider is authorised or licensed to conduct such business. The financial
service provider is required to undergo a process of licensing and to enter into a
relationship with the regulator in terms of which the financial services provider
undertakes to comply with the regulatory requirements.

3.5 Management of the regulatory requirements

Compliance with regulatory requirements is one of the most significant cha llenges
facing management today.

The regulatory requirements set minimum standards, for example:

 Minimum capital adequacy requirements/maintaining sufficient levels of

financial resources;
 Ensuring that individuals who are hired are adequately trained to d o
the jobs they do;
 M in im u m d i s cl o s u re o f i nfo r m a tio n;
 Controlling advertisements;
 Minimum standards for handling monies received from clients;
 Estab lishing "fit and p rope r" req uire me nts; and
 Prohibiting insider training.

The regulatory requirements also s tipulate that any licensed financial services
provider report must complete an annual compliance report for the regulator. The
purpose of this report is to enable the regulator to monitor compliance with the

3.6 Impact of non-compliance on business

As alre ady mentioned, compliance with regulatory requirements is a complex
challenge. The number of requirements is already large and growing. Part of the
challenge is the difficulty inherent in interpreting the requirements. Furthermore,
the requirements are often applied in a varied manner from business to business.

The legislation mandating a regulator will set out that regulator's powers, which
include the power to take disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action could be in
the form of:

 The imposition of fines.

 The publication of details of the misconduct in the public domain.
 The de-registering or suspending of a financial services provider.

14©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


However, not only do business owners need to concern themselves with the
perception of the regulator with regard to the manner in which the business is
conducted, but business owners must also take into account the perceptions of
clients and investors with regard to how they conduct business.

3.7 International trends

South Africa operates within the global arena. As international financial service
providers are transacting with South African financial service providers on a daily
basis, they expect the South African market to be financially sound. This will be
determined, to a large extent, by monitoring the level of prudential supervision that
the financial service providers are subjected to. If South Africa wishes to continue
to be a global player, the country must meet and maintain the standards that are
set internationally.

As is the case locally, the intensity of regulation is also increasing internationally.

Financial service providers that fail to adapt to the regulatory environment will be
subject to increasingly severe disciplinary action.

The UK and USA supervisory regimes have embraced an increasing focus on the
supervision of money laundering control requirements. This trend is also being
adopted in South Africa. (Take note: The supervisory role that is played by the
Financial Intelligence Centre, the Reserve Bank, and/or the Financia l Services
Board, regarding money laundering control is beyond the scope of this Manual).
3.8 Legislation
The table below provides an overview of some of the legislation that has been put in
place with regard to the differing types of businesses.
Acts Regulator Business

Banks Act Registrar of Banks Banks

Long Term Registrar of Long Term Long-Term

Insurance Act & Insurance (FSB) Insurers
Policy Holder
Protection Rules

Short Term Registrar of Short Term Short-Term

Insurance Act Insurance (FSB) Insurers

Pension Funds Act Registrar of Pension Funds Pension Funds


Collective Registrar of Collective Investment

Investment Investment Schemes Schemes
Schemes Act (FSB)

Financial Financial Intelligence Accountable

Intelligence Centre Institutions

15©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

Centre Act

Financial Advisory FSB, FATS Ombud Financial Services

and Intermediary Providers
Services Act

3.9 Stakeholders
The following diagram graphically represents the stakeholders within the regulatory






16©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members







Government is tasked with ensuring our nation's economic well-being and

enacts legislation to regulate the financial services industry.

Regulation takes the form of prudential supervision and/or consumer

protection regulation in order to protect the rights and interests of investors
and consumers.

Regulators are established in terms of the legislation and empowered to

monitor and ensure adherence to the regulatory requirements. These

17©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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regulators may issue supervisory requirements with which one must comply.

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Financial services providers must structure the way in which they conduct
business to meet the minimum standards set out in the regulatory

The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for compliance. This task is

delegated to senior management. Management may appoint compliance
officer to assist it in complying with the regulatory requirements.

The regulatory requirements impact on business transactions making it

necessary for all employees employed by a financial services provider to play
their part in ensuring compliance with the regulatory requirements.

3.10 Conclusion
Whether as a result of international trends or pressure from stakeholders, the
intensity of regulation is increasing. Managing compliance with these regulatory
requirements will remain a significant challenge to management.

19©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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Department of
Trade & Industry

Office of the
Registrar of
Companies Financial Advisory South African
Services Board Committees Reserve Bank
Office of the Office of the
Executive Registrar of
Officer and Financial Markets
Long term Insurers Banks
Registrar of Short-term insurers
Financial Pensions
Institutions CIS

Appeal Boards

Financial Collective Services
Providers Banks
Markets Investment
JSE Schemes

As indicated in the diagram, the South African Reserve Bank regulates banks while
other financial services institutions are regulated by the FSB.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008

22©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



4.1 The regulators in the context of the financial services industry

In order to provide an understanding of the role played by the respective regulators,
their mission statements, as published on their websites (February 2004), are
reflected below.

The South African Reserve Bank (SARB)

"The Reserve Bank is responsible for bank regulation and supervision in South Africa.
The purpose is to achieve a sound, efficient banking system in the interest of the
depositors of banks and the economy as a whole. This function is performed by
issuing banking licences to banking institutions, and monitoring their activities in terms
of either the Banks Act (No. 94 of 1990), or the Mutual Banks Act (No. 124 of 1993)."

The Financial Services Board (FSB)

"The Financial Services Board is a unique independent institution established by
statute to oversee the South African Non-Banking Financial Services Industry in the
public interest. Our mission is to promote sound and efficient financial institutions and
services together with mechanisms for investor protection in the markets we
supervise." www.fsb.co.za

The mandates of the above regulators are set out in the legislation that makes
provision for the establishment of each particular regulator.

4.2 The role of a regulator

As can be seen from the above mission statements, one of the primary roles of a
regulator is to licence financial institutions. It is interesting to note that on one hand
the focus is on depositors whilst on the other hand, the focus is on investors.

Regulators also determine whether certain persons/financial services providers meet

"fit and proper" requirements.

In order for regulators to discharge their responsibilities they require information. This
can be obtained in a number of different ways. For example:

 Routine reports received from the businesses themselves, e.g., the "DI returns"
which must be submitted by Banks to the Reserve Bank. These cover the financial
position, income statement, liquidity, capital adequacy and other risks of the bank.
 On-site inspections conducted by the regulator.
 Information requested by the regulator on matters that the regulator may be
 Information or complaints received from customers and investors.

In broad terms, regulators enforce compliance with the regulatory requirements by

taking disciplinary action against non-compliant businesses.
Regulators are, in effect, the custodians of the legislation that regulates the businesses
for which they are responsible. The regulator must consider the appropriateness of
the legislation and advise government on amendments which should be made thereto.
Further, regulators consider international trends in regulation with a view to advising
government on the way forward. The South African regulatory environment is
continually evolving in line with international developments.

They may also issue appropriate guidance notes or directives to assist in the
interpretation of regulatory requirements or to enhance the regulatory requirements.

4.3 South African Reserve Bank

The Reserve Bank's mission statement provides useful insights. The key aspects are:

 The purpose is to achieve a banking system which is:

- Sound,
- Efficient, and
 In the interest of:
- The depositors of banks, and
- The economy as a whole.
 This function is performed by:
- Issuing banking licences to banking institutions, and
- Monitoring their activities in terms of either the Banks Act, or the Mutual Banks

In view of the need to promote a sound financial system, banks are regulated to
ensure they are prudently managed. The Bank Supervision Department (BSD) of the
SARB undertakes this function, the head of which is the Registrar of Banks. Although
BSD forms part of the SARB, it operates somewhat independently from the SARB.

4.4 Financial Services Board

The key aspects of the Financial Services Board mission statement are set out below:

It is a unique independent institution established by statute to:

 Oversee the South African Non-Banking Financial Services Industry,
 In the public interest.

The FSB's mission, as reflected above, is to promote:

 Sound and efficient financial institutions and services, and
 Together with mechanisms for investor protection in the markets that it supervises.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008


5.1 Introduction

Newton writes the following in his book, 'The Handbook on Compliance', on the role
of the regulators in the United Kingdom:

"You need their continuing permission in order to conduct business. You

are obliged to be open and co-operative with them. They can ask you for
almost any information or documentation and they can inspect your
business at any time with or without notice. If they do not like what they
see your firm can be warned, fined, pilloried, ordered to pay compensation
or have its profits redistributed among claimants. Ultimately, they can
suspend or terminate your firm's authorization, and can prevent any
individual from taking up or remaining in employment in the financial
services industry in the United Kingdom and, practically speaking, in any
major financial centre in the world. Neither you nor your firm can afford to
incite them to action." Newton, Page 22.
5.2 Licensing or authorisation
In order to conduct the business of a bank, a banking licence must be obtained
from the South African Reserve Bank. A bank cannot conduct business without this

In order to obtain the relevant licence/authorisation, the business must make an

application to the authority in question. One of the requirements of the application
is that the business must establish that it is able to meet the minimum
requirements that are set out with regard to the 'fit and proper' requirements in the

There is an ongoing requirement in this regard. At any time after obtaining the
licence/authorisation to conduct business, the regulator may withdraw the
licence/authority to conduct business if certain requirements are not being met. For
example, for any registered bank, the SARB could withdraw their banking licence if
the bank no longer complies with the relevant requirements.

5.3 Business implications

The minimum standards are set out in the regulatory requirements. There is an
expectation on the part of the Regulators that the manner in which business is
conducted, is adjusted in order to meet these minimum standards.

For example, the FICA requires that accountable institutions "identify" and "verify"
their clients. This means that all account opening procedures must be adjusted to
ensure compliance.

Businesses that fall within the definition of "accountable institutions" are specified
in Schedule 1 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act. Some examples include:
 Banks
 A t to r n ey s
 Estate agents
 Any "long-term insurance business"
 Members of a stock exchange, etc

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The above list is by no means complete and is included for illustration purposes

5.4 Compliance management system

As discussed earlier, many of the regulatory requirements must be integrated into
business processes and thereafter managed. What makes it even more challenging
is that there are new regulatory requirements being issued and existing ones are
being amended on a continual basis!

Regulators expect that a business will implement a system to manage these

regulatory requirements.

For example, the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (see Section 43 of the Act)
requires that a financial services provider appoint a compliance officer to be
responsible for compliance with the regulatory requirements.
Most large organisations have employed compliance officers in their head-offices, as
well as in their business units, to assist senior management in implementing
compliance risk management systems.

5.5 Reporting
In order to monitor compliance with the regulatory requirements, the Regulators
require business to report on compliance with specific regulatory requirements
within specified timeframes, for example on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

An example of this is the "DI Returns" that are submitted to the Bank Supervision
Department of the SARB. In these DI Returns, senior management of the financial
services providers are required to confirm by signature that, for example:

 The bank holds sufficient capital; and

 The bank is complying with the money laundering control requirements.

Another example is the requirement in terms of sec 17(4) of the FAIS Act that
annual compliance reports be submitted to the FSB.

5.6 Complaints handling

Regulators also handle complaints that are lodged with them in respect of the
businesses that are licensed by them. The complaints are received by the
Regulator and his staff, investigated and then resolved.

This complaints resolution process requires interaction between the business and
the Regulator.

5.7 Monitoring
Regulators are tasked with monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Methods to monitor compliance that are imposed on a business include:
 Reporting (as discussed above).
 Complaints handling (as discussed above).
 Requests for information directly from the business:
The regulator has the power to request any information from the business in
respect of compliance with a regulatory requirement.
 On site investigations:
o The regulator has the authority to conduct an on-site investigation in respect
of compliance with the regulatory requirements. Such on-site investigations
can take anything from a few days to a couple of weeks to complete.

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5.8 Disciplinary action

The R e g ulato rs a re als o re q uire d to e nfo r ce co mp liance w ith the r e g ulato ry
requirements by taking disciplinary action against "non -compliant" businesses.
Disciplinary action can, depending on the legislation, take the form of:

 The imposition of a fine.

 The imp o sitio n o f sup e rviso ry s anc tio ns.
 The publication of details of the misconduct in the public domain.
 De-registering or suspending the offending person or business.


The playing field The financial services market
The ball Financial instruments and products
The points score Money
The player/teams Business
The referee The regulator with the power to enforce th e
rules of the game and discipline the players
The rules The regulatory requirements

5.9 Conclusion
Regulators impact on business in the following respects:

 The relevant licensing requirements of different businesses;

 M o nito ring co mp liance w ith reg ulato ry re quireme nts, thro ug h
rep o rting , investigations and complaints handling; and
 Enforcing compliance with regulatory requirements through disciplinary

Regulators also require that businesses:

 Adjusts the manner in which they conduct business to comply with

regulatory requirements; and
 I n s t i t u t e c o m p l i a n c e ma n a g e m e n t s y s t e m s a s r e q u i r e d b y t he
r e l e v a n t legislation.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008


6.1 Introduction
This section sets out the main objectives of the Compliance Function and specifies
the role of the Compliance Officer.

6.2 Objectives of the Compliance Function

The objectives of the Compliance Function, as part of an effective risk management
framework, include the following:
(a) To assist line management in discharging its responsibility to comply with
applicable statutory, regulatory and supervisory requirements;
(b) To enable the company to demonstrate to the Regulators that it is fit and
proper to undertake its business;
(c) T o f a c i l i t a t e t h e m a n a g e m e n t o f C o m p li a n c e Ri s k s ;
(d) T o a v o i d d i s c i p l i n a r y a c t i o n b y R e g u l a t o r s ;
(e) To minimise the possibility of civil and criminal action against the company.

6.3 Role of a Compliance Officer

The primary role of the Compliance Officer is to facilitate t he effective management
of the compliance risk by the subsidiaries and divisions through, inter a/ia, the
(a) S e tting o rg anisa tio n w id e p o licy and stand ard s fo r co mp liance ;
(b ) P r o v i d i ng a d v i ce o n c o m p l i a n c e r e l a t e d m a t t e r s ;
(c) Compiling of a compliance ma nual with sufficient references to relevant
operational manuals;
(d ) Establishing and maintaining a compliance culture, in conjunction with line
management, within the company which contributes to the overall objective of
prudent risk management of the company;
(e ) M o nito ring the le ve l o f co mp liance o n an o ng o ing b asis;
(f) Establishing and maintain working relationships with relevant stakeholders;
(g ) P r o v i d i n g a s s i s t a n c e t o m i n i m i s e t h e d a m a g e t o t h e c o m p a n y ' s
reputation/image in cases where material transgressions occur ;
(h) Promoting a compliance culture through effective training programmes and
compliance awareness campaigns;
(i) R ep o rt to bo ard, aud it co mmittee , line manag eme nt and re gulato rs; and
(j) Attend to recommendations from board, audit committee, line management
and regulators.

6.4 Conclusion
In striving to achieve these objectives the Compliance Officer should act proactively
and constructively and assist line management in running an efficient and profitable
business, without violating statutory, regulatory and supervis ory requirements.
Compliance Officers should also strive to gain the support of line management
without jeopardising their independence.

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Handbook for Members



7.1 Introduction
This section provides the reader with a perspective on the underlying principles that
should be taken into consideration in determining an effective compliance structure.

7.2 Background
The fostering of a culture of compliance, as well as optimising relations with the
relevant Regulators requires a multidisciplinary approach that can only be effective
if all the relevant role-players actively support the compliance system and its
objectives. Therefore it is imperative that the relations and communication channels
between the different role-players are clearly set out in an appropriate structure. (A
comprehensive list of the relevant role-players that are likely to be part of this
process can be found in section 11 of this Handbook).

Although the format of the compliance system will differ from business to business,
in order to implement an effective compliance system, it must be based the
principles as set out in Regulation 47 of the Banks Act No 94 of 1990. These
principles require that any compliance system that is implemented enables the
Compliance Officer to:
(a) Provide the Board of Directors with regular information as regards with the
level of compliance to supervisory requirements;
(b) Function independently from other functions of internal control;
(c) Ensure that no conflict of interest exists with other internal control functions,
for example, the Internal Audit Function;
(d) Report issues of non-compliance to the CEO and the Board of Directors in a
timely manner;
(e) Have direct access to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO); and
(f) Have senior executive status in the business.

7.3 Suggested compliance structure

The compliance structure will usually depend on the geographical and/or
keyactivities of the business. Therefore a large organisation with a number of
widespread business units would warrant a more complex structure for compliance
than a smaller business for which a simple structure is quite sufficient.

Large organisations may have a Compliance Officer for the holding company as well
as Compliance Officers for the different business units and /or subsidiaries.
Although the Compliance Officer for the holding company (Group Compliance Officer
(GCO)) will take overall responsible for compliance, the Compliance Officers in the
business units and subsidiaries (Business Unit Compliance Officers (BCO)) will assist
the GCO by taking on responsibility for compliance within their specific business
units. In a smaller business that has a simpler compliance structure, the
compliance function may be the responsibility of one person.

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Take note of the following with regard to the compliance structure:

(a) Role-players in the compliance process with reference to their specific roles,
authorities and responsibilities (refer to Section 11 of the Handbook);
(b) Interaction with other role-players (refer to Section 2 of the Handbook);
(c) Reporting lines (refer to section 6 of the Handbook);
(d) Details of responsible contact persons; and
(e) The positioning of the Compliance Function within the bigger risk management
7.4 Conclusion
The most important criterion for an effective compliance structure is that it must
provide the Compliance Officer with easy access to the CEO and Board of Directors
in order for him/her to discharge reporting duties independently, efficiently and

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008


8.1 Introduction
The compliance function plays an invaluable role in any business. It is relied
on to assist the business in complying with the ever-increasing obligation of
regulatory requirements. This is driven, on the one hand, by regulatory
requirements that demand compliance and, on the other hand, by business
imperatives that recognise that compliance is simply good business practice.

Sound corporate governance is essential for effective compliance.

8.2 Scope of the Compliance Function

In terms of Regulation 47 of the Banks Act No 94 of 1990 (Regulation 47), a
bank must establish an independent compliance function as part of its risk-
management framework in order to ensure that the bank continuously
manage its regulatory risk.

The responsibility for monitoring compliance risk is normally delegated to the

Head of the Compliance Function (Compliance Officer).

Compliance risk is the risk that the procedures implemented by the business
to ensure compliance to relevant statutory, regulatory and supervisory
requirements are not adhered to and/or are inefficient and ineffective.
Compliance risk consists of both a regulatory and reputational element:

Regulatory risk is the risk that a business does not comply with regulatory
requirements or excludes provisions of relevant regulatory requirements from
its operational procedures.

Reputational risk is the risk that the business might be exposed to negative
publicity due to the contravention of applicable regulatory requirements.

According to Regulation 47, the scope of a financial institution's compliance

function comprises of all the statutory, regulatory and supervisory
requirements that fall within the ambit of the compliance risk. The
recommended approach is to be inclusive rather than exclusive in determining
the scope for the compliance function. This implies that formal internal
policies, procedures and business practices should also fall within the scope of
the compliance function. (Given the role normally played by the Internal
Audit Function with regard to internal controls, it is imperative for the
Compliance Function to liaise closely with Internal Audit in order to avoid
duplication and inefficiencies).

The scope of the Compliance Function may therefore include requirements

that are already monitored by other functions. An example of this situation
would be the employment equity aspects by the Human Resource function or
computer software licence and copyright matters by the Information
Technology function.
Given the various potential role-players in the compliance function, a well-
defined and documented "scope" is imperative for managing the Compliance
Function effectively.

The scope of the Compliance Officer function must not be defined too
narrowly, as this may result in the compliance risk being unacceptably high.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


8.3 Responsibility for Compliance

The Board of Directors is ultimately accountable for compliance with the
regulatory requirements that are imposed. The governance structures will, of
ne ce ssity, add ress the d ele g ation o f re sp on sibility to manag e ment and

At the outset, it is important to note that the compliance function is not

u l t i m a t e l y r e s p o n s i b le f o r c o m p l i a n c e . T h e c o m p l i a n c e f u n c t i o n ' s k e y
contribution is to "assist management in discharging their responsibility to
comply with regulatory requirements".

It is clear that making compliance officers responsible for compliance would be

as ill-advised as:
 Making internal auditors responsible for internal controls; or
 Making risk managers re sponsible fo r operatio nal risk s.

As previously mentioned, ultimately management is responsible for conducting

b u s i n e s s i n c o m p l i a n ce w i t h a p p l i c a b le r e g u l a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t s . T h e
compliance officer's role is to assist management to achieve this.

8.4 Compliance Officers

The King II Report provides guidelines on what the role of the compliance
officer encompasses:

 Providing a service to management by assisting them in identifying and

prioritising all applicable regulatory requirements;
 Providing awareness training to enable management to manage applicable
compliance risks appropriately; and
 Conducting monitoring programs to identify and report aspects of non -
compliance to the CEO and Board.

Although this is a high-level description, it cuts to the core of the contribution

that is made by compliance officers. The King II Report also states that:

'The primary role of the compliance officer is to assist management in

discharging its responsibility to comply with statutory, regulatory and
supervisory requirements
facilitating the development, establishment and maintenance of an efficient
and effective compliance risk management process'.

The above statement is also supported by King II guidelines relating to risk

management structures. Specifically, the following is stated:

"Although management may appoint a chief risk officer or risk facilitator to

assist in the execution of the risk management process, the accountability to
the board remains with management and should be the responsibility of every

This theme is emphasised in section 60A of the Banks Act that states that:

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March 2008
(1 ) N o tw i th s t and ing an y thi ng t o the co nt r a r y in an y l aw , a b a nk s ha ll
establish an independent compliance function as part of the risk
management framework of the bank.

(2) The compliance function shall be headed by a compliance officer of the

bank, who shall perform his or her functions with such care and skill as
can reasonably be expected from a person responsible for such a
function in a similar institution.
(3) The appointed compliance officer shall perform his or her functions
subject to such requirements and conditions as may be prescribed in the
regulations relating to Banks.

Regulation 47 of the Banks Act specifies a number of requirements that

underpin the risk management approach that is encouraged by the Bank
Supervision Department of the South African Reserve Bank:

Although the FAIS Act does not recognise the compliance "risk role" to the
same extent as the Banks Act, it specifies that each financial services provider
(with more than one key individual or representative) must appoint a
compliance officer and establish compliance procedures to be followed by it
and its representatives.

It is noted that, to a large extent, the FAIS Act's focus is on monitoring. For
instance, compliance officers are required to submit a compliance report to
the Registrar of Financial Services Providers. This report is, in essence, a
"checklist" covering key compliance matters.

The specifications contained in the likes of the King II report and certain
regulatory requirements (such as regulation 47) are considered to be in line
with international practice.

Compliance is most effective when integrated into business processes. It

should not be seen in isolation and should be seen in the light of various
related role-players.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



9.1 Introduction
The first step in meeting the compliance challenge lies in setting up an appropriate
compliance structure and appointing a compliance officer to assist management in
complying with the regulatory requirements.

Every employee must also be trained in respect of the regulatory requirements that
impact upon his/her job and they must assume responsibility for compliance with
such regulatory requirements. Further, it is in the interests of the employee to
ensure that he/she effectively manages compliance, as it should be included as an
important aspect of a performance assessment.

9.2 Who is responsible for compliance?

Before considering the duties and obligations o f the co mpliance office r, it i s
important to ascertain where the ultimate responsibility for compliance lies.

"The Compliance function exists, not to take responsibility for ensuring

that a firm fulfils its regulatory obligations, but to assist the management
of the business in its responsibility to comply with the regulations."
Newton, page 92.

9.3 Accountability of Directors versus Responsibilities of Compliance

The responsibility for managing the entity's business rests with the Board of
Directors and CEO of each business un it. Accordingly, the management of each
business unit is responsible for compliance to statutory, regulatory and supervisory
requirements and is liable for the consequences of non -compliance. The Board and
CEO delegate authority to the Compliance Officer t o ensure that the compliance
process is running effe ctively and that statutory, regulatory and superviso ry
re q u i re me n t s a re ad he re d t o . T he B o a rd and CE O a re , h o w e ve r , ul ti m a te l y
accountable for compliance.

9.4 Responsibilities of the Compliance Officer

The responsibilities of the Compliance Officer will differ from entity to entity and it
could even differ within an entity, depending on the position of the appointed
co mpliance o ffice r in the e ntity. In ge ne ral it can b e expe cted that a G ro up
Compliance Officer's responsibilities will be more comprehensive than those of a
Compliance Officer for a Business Unit and/or Region.
The following are examples of the mo st b asic responsibilities that should be
included in a job description of a Group Compliance Office r.
The Gro up Compliance Office r (GCO ) is no rmally the person w ho take s on the
overall responsibility for compliance for the Group and all its Strategic Business
Units. The GCO has to work closely with the Group Chief Executive and the specific
responsibilities include, inter alia, to:

8.4.1 ensure compliance within the group or entity in line with current laws,
regulations and supervisory requirements or provisions;
8.4.2 report non-compliance to laws and regulations or supervisory
requirements to the chief executive officer, the board of directors and the
audit committee in a timely manner;
8.4.3 provide the board of directors and the audit committee with regular reports
9.4.4 information as regards the level of compliance by the entity to laws and
regulations or supervisory requirements;

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9.4.5 ensure, as far as possible, that no conflict of interest with/between

other internal control functions exists;
9.4.6 establish a compliance culture in the entity that contributes to the
overall objective of prudent risk management by the entity;
9.4.7 establish a line of communication to line management in order to
continuously monitor compliance by the entity to laws and regulations or
supervisory requirements;
9.4.8 require of line management to monitor compliance with laws and
regulations or supervisory requirements as part of their normal operational
9.4.9 require regulatory requirements to be incorporated into operational
procedures manuals where appropriate;
9.4.10 make recommendations whenever necessary to ensure that laws and
regulations or supervisory requirements are being complied with;
9.4.11 establish prompt mechanisms for reporting and resolving non-
compliance to laws and regulations or supervisory requirements;
9.4.12 ensure that resolutions are signed off;
9.4.13 document his / her findings, including any remedial action, as part of
the compliance monitoring programme;
9.4.14 recruit sufficient staff of the correct quality in order to continuously
monitor and test the entity's compliance to laws and regulations or
supervisory requirements;
9.4.15 ensure that compliance staff are trained on a continuous basis in order
to ensure that they have adequate technical knowledge in order to
understand the regulatory framework that applies to the entity as well as
the risks to which the entity is exposed to; and
9.4.16 compile and maintain a comprehensive compliance manual for the
(Adopted: Regulation 47 of the Banks Act 94 of 1990)

The Board and CEO is accountable for ensuring that the entity complies with all
applicable laws, regulations and supervisory requirements but they will rely on the
Compliance Officer to assist them in discharging that accountability.
Responsibilities for Compliance Officers can never be prescriptive, but the
aforementioned responsibilities or at least elements thereof should be present in all
job descriptions/Key Performance Areas (KPA's) for Compliance Officers.

9.5 The formal duties and obligations of the compliance officer

The appointment of a compliance officer and the formal duties and obligations of
the compliance officer are prescribed by law. Some examples are:
 Section 60/regulation 47 of the Banks Act
 Section 17 of the FAIS Act
 Section 43 of the FIC Act

Each of these requirements will be discussed in more detail:

(a) Regulation 47 (Banks Act)
The main objective of Regulation 47 is to support good corporate governance
and effective compliance.
Regulation 47(1) of the Banks Act prescribes that a bank shall establish an
independent compliance function as part of its risk management
framework, in order to ensure that the Bank continuously manages its
regulatory risk.

10©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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Regulatory risk is the risk that the bank does not comply with the applicable
regulatory requirements.

Regulation 47(2) provides that the compliance function shall be headed by a

compliance officer of the bank, who shall perform the compliance officer's
functions with diligence and care and with such a degree of competence as
can reasonably be expected from a person responsible for such a function.

Regulation 47(3) provides that the compliance function shall have adequate
resources and stature to ensure that non-compliance with laws and
regulations or supervisory requirements by the bank can be addressed

Regulation 47(4) specifies specific responsibilities of the compliance

officer. These fall under the following headings:
 Effectiveness
 Monitoring
 R epor ting
 R es o ur ce s
 Manual

It is noted that the requirements that are contained in Regulation 47 are

considered to be in line with international best practice.

(b) Section 17 (FAIS Act)

The FAIS Act introduces requirements that are designed to promote
compliance functions.

Section 17(1) of the Act specifies that any authorised financial services
provider (with more than one key individual or one or more representatives)
must, appoint one or more compliance officers to monitor compliance
with this Act.

It is interesting to note that the abovementioned section narrowly defines

the role played by compliance officers; namely, there is a predominant focus
on monitoring. Whilst this is necessary, there is a concern that this section
is incomplete by only focussing on one of the key compliance functions.

Section 17(1), read in conjunction with section 19(5), specifies that if the
appointment of a compliance officer of an authorised financial services
provider is terminated, the compliance officer must submit to the Registrar
of Financial Services Providers a statement of what the compliance officer
believes to be the reasons for the termination. The requirements relating to
compliance reporting to the Registrar are also specified.

Section 17(2) specifies that a compliance officer must be approved by the

registrar in accordance with the criteria and guidelines determined by the
Advisory Committee. The Registrar is empowered to terminate the
appointment of a compliance officer if approval requirements are no longer
met, subject to the specified notice requirements.

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Section 17(3) specifies that an authorised financial services provider must

establish and maintain procedures to be followed by the provider and any
representative concerned, in order to ensure compliance with this Act.

Section 17(4) specifies that a compliance officer or, in the absence of such
officer, the authorised financial services provider concerned, must submit
reports to the registrar in the specified manner.

For ease of reference the requirements of section 17 of the FAIS Act are
detailed in Section 10.
(c) Section 42 and 43 of FICA
A further example of regulatory requir ements relating to compliance officers
is contained in section 43(b) of FICA. This section requires an accountable
institution to appoint a person with the responsibility of ensuring compliance
 The employees of the accountable institution with the prov isions of this
Act and the internal rules applicable to them; and
 The accountable institution with its obligations under this Act.

Section 42 sets out the internal rules that must be formulated and
implemented to comply with the Act and requires that these rules be made
available to all employees.

Section 43(a) states that an accountable institution must provide training to

all its employees to enable them to comply with the provisions of the Act and
the internal rules applicable to them.

9.6 Functions and responsibilities of a compliance officer

The main functions and responsibilities of a compliance officer fall under three
 Services
 Training
 Monitoring

These functions are in line with the recommendations that are contained in the King
II Report.

The functions and responsibilities of a compliance officer are considered below:

( a ) S e rv i c es
(i) Providing advice on regulatory requirements
O n e o f t h e c o r e f u n c t i o n s o f t he c o m p l i a n c e o f f i c e r i s a d v i s i ng
management on the regulatory requirements applicable to the business

The compliance officer must assist the business to:

 Identify the regulatory requirements applicable to the business;
 Analyse and unde rstand the re gulato ry req uireme nts; and
 P rio ritise the reg ulato ry re quire me nts.
The compliance officer should also keep abreast of all changes to
legislation and advise management of any new regulatory
12©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

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Handbook for Members

March 2008
(ii) Oversee implementation of compliance procedures
The compliance officer should assist management in:
 Identifying control measures that will ensure compliance with the
regulatory requirements; and
 The implementation of these control measures.
(iii) Reporting
The compliance officer must keep the Board of Directors and
management informed of the level of compliance being achieved. This
is und e rta ke n, fo r e xa mp le , thro ug h co mp lia nce re p o rts th at a re
submitted to the respective stakeholders on a regular basis.
( i v ) Co nt a ct w it h r eg u l a to rs
The first point of contact for the Regulator is normally the compliance
office r. The compliance office r sho uld be available to resolve any
regulatory issues that may arise. The regulators expect issues to be
dealt with promptly and thoroughly.

The compliance officer also plays a valuable role in reporting

compliance issues to the regulator.
For example:
 R e g ulatio n 47 o f the B anks Ac t re q uire s that th e co mp liance
officer provide a copy of Board reports to the regulator; and
 Section 17(4) of the FAIS Act specifies that a compliance officer
or, in the absence of such officer, the authorised financial services
provider concerned, must submit reports to the registrar.

(b) Training
The co mpliance office r assists in d e velop ing a co mp liance culture. All
employees should be encouraged to not merely comply with the rules, but to
rather adopt a values-based system whereby they emb race the objectives
underlying the regulato ry requirements. This can be achieved thro ugh
appropriate training.

The compliance officer should see to it that the compliance issues are
integrated into the training received by an employee in respect of his/her

It is noted that the compliance officer need not deliver the training. This
could be done by the training department or by external training providers.
The compliance function will, however, play a key role in coordinating the
efforts to train staff members. The compliance officer is often expected to
play a "train the trainer" role in rolling out compliance training to staff

(c) Monitoring
Compliance monitoring is undertaken in order to evaluate whether business
is co nducted in co mp liance w ith re gulato ry req uire me nts. This can be
achieved through routine/ongoing monitoring procedures, or through the
application of specific monitoring techniques, e.g. adequacy, consistency or
substantive reviews.

The results of these monitoring exercises must be reported to management.

Ideally, it is recommended that management or staff members themselves
should conduct the majority of compliance monitoring.

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Handbook for Members

March 2008

9.7 Conclusion
On the one hand, the compliance officer assists manage ment to co mply with
regulatory requirements, including producing solutions to compliance challenges
faced by management. On the other hand he/she must remain sufficiently
independent to be able to discharge his/her obligations.
The quote below illustrates the challenges facing th e compliance officer today.
"Compliance professionals are often a focal point for the conflict and
frustration which regulation can generate. Every day they are called upon
to use their professional judgment to identify ways of achieving the
objectives behind the regulations without producing unnecessary
restriction on the activities of their employers, or incurring any undue
commitment of resources". Newton, Page xiv.

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Handbook for Members



Regulation 47
Regulation 47(4) sets out the responsibilities of the compliance officer and provides
that, as a minimum, the compliance officer of a bank shall-

(a) Have senior executive status in the bank;
(b) Have direct access to and demonstrable support from the chief executive officer of
the bank;
(c) Function independently from functions such as internal audit and shall be
demonstrably independent;
(d) Report non-compliance with laws and regulations or supervisory requirements to
the chief executive officer, the board of directors and the audit committee of the
bank in a timely manner;
(e) Submit a report on the level of compliance with laws and regulations or
supervisory requirements by the bank at every meeting of the board of directors or
the audit committee of the bank and provide the Registrar with a copy of such a
report; and
(f) Ensure, as far as possible, that no conflict of interest with/between other internal
control functions exists.

(g) Be responsible for establishing a compliance culture in the bank that contributes
to the overall objective of prudent risk management by the bank;
(h) Establish a line of communication to line management, in order to monitor
continuously compliance with laws and regulations or supervisory requirements by
the bank;
(i) Reauire line management to monitor compliance with laws and regulations or
supervisory requirements as part of their normal operational duties;
(j) Require regulatory requirements to be incorporated into operational procedure
manuals when appropriate; and
(k) Make recommendations whenever necessary in order to ensure that there is
compliance with laws and regulations or supervisory requirements.

(I) Establish prompt mechanisms for reporting and resolving non-compliance with
laws and regulations or supervisory requirements;
(m) Ensure that resolutions are signed off; and
(n) Document the compliance officer's findings including any remedial action, as
part of the compliance-monitoring programme.

(o) Recruit sufficient staff of suitable aualitv in order to monitor and test
continuously the bank's compliance with laws and regulations or supervisory
requirements; and
(p) Ensure that compliance staff are trained on a continuous basis to ensure
adequate technical knowledge of the regulatory framework that applies to the bank,
as well as the risks to which the bank is exposed.

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Handbook for Members


(q) Compile and maintain a compliance manual that:
(i) Adequately addresses all material risks to which the bank is exposed;
(ii) Adequately addresses all material objectives and aspects of applicable
(iii) Refers to specific legislation, rules and regulations when appropriate;
(iv) Is readily available to all relevant staff; and
(v) Is reviewed and updated at least once a year.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008


Section 17
Section 17 of the FAIS Act sets out requirements/arrangements relating to compliance

In terms of Section 17(1) -

(a) Any authorised financial services provider with more than one key individual or
one or more representatives must, subject to section 35(1) (c), appoint one or more
compliance officers to monitor compliance with this Act by the provider and such
representative or representatives, particularly in accordance with the procedures
contemplated in subsection (3), and to take responsibility for liaison with the registrar.
(b) Such person may be a director, member, auditor, trustee, principal officer, public
officer or company secretary of any such provider, or any other person with suitable
qualifications and experience determined by the registrar by notice in the Gazette, after
consultation with the Advisory Committee.
(c) The provisions of section 19(5) and (6), relating to an auditor of an authorized
financial services provider, apply mutatis mutandis to a compliance officer.

Section 19(5), as adapted to reflect a compliance perspective in terms of Section 17(1)

(c), specifies that if the appointment of a compliance officer of an authorised financial
services provider is terminated -
(a) The compliance officer must submit to the registrar a statement of what the
compliance officer believes to be the reasons for that termination; and
(b) If the compliance officer would, but for that termination, have had reason to submit
to the registrar a report contemplated in subsection (4), the compliance officer must
submit such a report to the registrar.

Section 19(6), as adapted to reflect a compliance perspective in terms of Section 17(1)

(c), provides that:
(a) The registrar may by notice require an authorised financial services provider to
terminate the appointment of a compliance officer of that provider, if the
compliance officer concerned no longer complies with the requirements considered
when the compliance officer was approved by the registrar in terms of subsection
(2) (a) or otherwise fails to comply with any provision of this section in a material
(b) A notice contemplated in paragraph (a) takes effect on a date specified in
such notice and may only be sent out after the registrar —
(i) Has given the authorised financial services provider and the compliance
officer concerned the reasons why the notice is to be issued; and
(ii) Has given the authorised financial services provider and the compliance
officer concerned a reasonable opportunity to be heard; and
(iii) Has considered any submissions made by or on behalf of the authorised
financial services provider or the compliance officer concerned.

Section 17(2) specifies that a compliance officer must be approved by the registrar in
accordance with the criteria and guidelines determined by the Advisory Committee.
Section 17(3) specifies that an authorised financial services provider must establish and
maintain procedures to be followed by the provider and any representative concerned,
in order to ensure compliance with this Act.

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Section 17(4) specifies that a compliance officer or, in the absence of such officer, the
authorised financial services provider concerned, must submit reports to the registrar in
the manner and regarding the matters, as from time to time determined by the registrar
by notice in the Gazette for different categories of compliance officers, after consultation
with the Advisory Committee.

Section 17(5) specifies that the provisions of subsections (3) and (4) apply mutatis
mutandis to any authorised financial services provider who carries on a business with
only one key individual or without any representative.

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Handbook for Members



Section 42
(1) An accountable institution must formulate and implement internal rules concerning-
(a) The establishment and verification of the identity of persons whom the
institution must identify in terms of Part 1 of this Chapter;
(b) The information of which record must be kept in terms of Part 2 of this
(c) The manner in which and place at which such records mu st be kept;
(d) The steps to be taken to determine when a transaction is reportable to ensure
the institution complies with its duties under this Act; and
(e) Such other matters as may be prescribed.
(2) Internal rules must comply with the prescribed requirements.
(3) An accountable institution must make its internal rules available to each of its
employees involved in transactions to which this Act applies.
(4) An accountable institution must, on request, make a copy of its internal rules
available to —
( a) T h e Ce n tr e ; a n d
( b) The supervisory body that performs regulatory or supervisory functions in
respect of that accountable institution.

Section 43
An accountable institution must —
(a) Provide training to its employees to enable them to comply with the provisions of
this Act and the internal rules applicable to them;
(b) Appoint a person with the responsibility to ensure compliance by -
The employees of the accountable institution with the provisions of this Act and
the internal rules applicable to them; and the accountable institution with its
obligations under this Act.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008


10.1 Introduction
This section describes the requirements for and suggested content of a
compliance manual. The various requirements in applicable legislation for the
financial service industry will provide minimum standards with which a compliance
manual must comply.

10.2 Background
The Compliance Officer should facilitate the compilation of a compliance manual
(manual) for the business in conjunction with the relevant role-players described
in Section 11 of this Handbook. The manual must be based on the standards and
norms provided by the Compliance Institute of South Africa. The manual should
not only be customised for the business and the specific environment in which it
functions, but it should also endeavor to:
(a) Address all the risks that fall within the scope of the compliance function;
(b) Address all material objectives and aspects of applicable regulatory
(c) Refer to specific legislation, rules and regulations applicable to a specific
business and, where appropriate also focus on the "spirit of the law";
(d) Be practical and easily understood to enhance implementation;
(e) Be readily available to all staff members; and
(f) Be reviewed and updated according to applicable legislation.

Given the complexity and often-diverse activities of the different business units
within a large organisation, in most cases it will be necessary to compile separate
compliance manuals for each business unit. The compilation of a compliance
manual for a business unit is the responsibility of the Compliance Officer for the
specific business unit. Furthermore, depending on the compliance policy, the
manual must:
1. Be based on the compliance manual for the organisation; and
2. Should be compiled in consultation and, in conjunction, with the Group
Compliance Officer.

Preparing and issuing a manual is an integral part of an effective compliance

system. Compiling such a manual is normally a comprehensive process that
(i) Thorough research on the applicable regulatory requirements and the impact
thereof on the business;
(ii) Consultation with relevant external and internal role-players; and
(iii) Presentations to stakeholders to introduce the manual.

The manual on its own cannot and will never ensure effective compliance, but it
serves as the basis for establishing an effective compliance culture.

10.3 Format
The manual is an area where "substance" is more important than format, because
inaccuracies and errors will most certainly cause the manual to lose credibility
with users. However, the format is important in so far as it determines the
effectiveness with which users will implement the standards and comply with the
norms contained therein. Use the following principles as guidelines when
determining the format of a compliance manual:
(a) A very theoretical and complex format should be avoided;
(b) Language should be kept simple and in cases where more complex legal
terms have to be used, explanations must be provided;

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Handbook for Members


(c) The more diagrams and practical examples that are included, the easier it is
for users to understand and implement the manual;
(d) An electronic version of the manual will not only enhance the regular
updating of it, but will also make distribution more economical; and
(e) A standard format for the manual will enhance standardisation and
consistency, as well as improve the effectiveness and efficiency of training in
this regard.

10.4 Content
The format of the manual is likely to differ from business to business; however, it
must contain at least the following elements:

(a) Introduction/Background information

The rationale behind the establishment of an independent compliance
function should be explained in this section by setting out:
(i) Management's commitment to the fostering of a culture of compliance
with relevant regulatory requirements (the following documents could be
included: Letter of endorsement from the CEO, copy of the Board
Decision in this regard, etc.).
(ii) The mandate of the compliance function (this should relate to
management's commitment in this regard and should include
information on, inter alia, definitions, policies, objectives, standards,
norms and responsibilities).
(iii) The relevance and roles of external regulatory/supervisory bodies.

(b) Board Resolution

The Board Resolution is an essential starting point for the various compliance
systems and indicates that the Directors understand their obligation under
the relevant legislation and that they have taken the necessary steps in this
Board resolutions will differ from business to business, but in general, the
following elements should be identifiable in a resolution:
(i) A clear indication that the Compliance Policy, as set out in Section 10 is
endorsed and approved by the Board;
(ii) A clear commitment to compliance with relevant regulatory
requirements; and
(iii) An indication of the process through which instances of non-compliance
will be reported to and dealt with by the Board.

The importance of a well-structured Board resolution can never be

emphasised enough. The Board resolution provides the Compliance Officer
with authority to implement the necessary compliance systems and facilitate
corrective measures when necessary. More importantly, however, it
illustrates commitment to an effective compliance system from top
management level downwards.

(c) Compliance structures/function

This section should sets out the following aspects:
(a) The roles and responsibilities of the internal role-players that are
involved in the compliance process;
(b) The structural arrangements for the compliance function (information
on the relevant structures and scope should be included); and


22©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

(c) The process to evaluate compliance - refer to Section 13 for a more
comprehensive description of the compliance process.

(Section 13 focuses on (i) The determination of the universe of applicable,

regulatory requirements for the business; (ii) The identification and
evaluation of applicable compliance risks; (iii) The optimisation of control
measures; and (iv) The monitoring of control measures, for example, by
utilising a self assessment or control effectiveness evaluation process.)

(d) Statutory, regulatory and supervisory requirements

This section, which could be seen as an operational procedures manual,
should focus on the statutory, regulatory and supervisory requirements that
fall within the scope of the compliance function. It sets out the following for
each requirement:

(i) A summary of the requirement, as well as its applicability to the

business. A brief description of the impact that non-compliance to the
requirement might have on the business should also be included. It
should be kept in mind that the original document remains the
only authoritative source for the specific requirement and that
the summary should only be seen as a synopsis.
(ii) A Risk Management Plan containing a description of the
prescribed internal procedures to ensure compliance. Please note
that the intention is only to include those
sections/provisions of a specific requirement for which it is
possible to implement an internal control measure to ensure
(iii) A description of the review procedures to evaluate the extent
of compliance (an examination checklist could be used for this purpose).

10.5 Conclusion
The manual should be comprehensive in the sense that it covers all matters
relating to compliance for the business. It should, however, be user-friendly and
easy to understand to ensure full implementation thereof by all staff members.

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Handbook for Members


EXAMPLE: Letter of Endorsement from the CEO

All Managers and Staff Members

Dear Sirs/Madams


Ongoing changes to legislation, together with the introduction of new legislation, has
placed a greater emphasis on the formal and structured monitoring of compliance to,
regulatory requirements.

Although legislative changes place an administrative burden an opportunity is provided to

commit more openly to a culture of compliance within the Group, its subsidiaries and

The XYZ Group Limited recognises its accountability and responsibilities to all
stakeholders under the legal, regulatory and supervisory requirements applicable to its
business. Therefore the Board of Directors has approved the establishment of an
independent Compliance Function as part of its current Compliance Policy.

The Board is ultimately accountable to its stakeholders for overseeing compliance

requirements. The responsibility to facilitate compliance throughout the Group has been
delegated to the Group Compliance Officer who heads the Group Compliance Function.
The Group Compliance officer is responsible for the effective implementation of the Group
Compliance Policy.

However, it must be emphasised that the primary responsibility for complying with any
regulatory requirement lies with each members of staff conducting the particular
transaction or activity to which regulation applies. All relevant staff must therefore be
conversant with appropriate legislation and subordinate regulations, conditions and rules
promulgated by Regulators as well as with the compliance manual and/or technical
guidance notes applicable to their specific area of responsibility. Your staff members
must understand that they are expected to comply both with the letter and with the spirit
of these requirements.

The Board of Directors regards compliance as a matter of high priority. All staff must
understand that failure to comply can result in exposing the Group to liabilities and/or
risk of loss of authorisation to conduct business in the financial services industry.

There is a growing need for management to have professional support from the Group
Compliance Function to identify potential problems and advise on practical solutions.
Staff need to provide a constructive service to the business and must help to protect the
reputation of the Group. This is not something that compliance officers can achieve on
their own; there must be a determined team effort together with the management and
staff of the business.

As part of this effort a compliance manual has been drafted. This manual documents
how compliance should be conducted in a specific business unit by complying with the

24©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

P ^^CRInTlf

relevant compliance policy and standards. In addition, it documents how all the
applicable laws, regulations and supervisory requirements are being managed and
controlled. Non-adherence to the standards documented in this manual can lead to
disciplinary action and dismissal.
The importance of protecting the Group's reputation in all its operations cannot be
overemphasised. An appeal is made to all staff to acquaint themselves with the contents
of the compliance manual to enable them to meet the responsibilities in their work

Yours faithfully


25©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



11.1 Introduction
Why should a business have policies and procedures in place?

Management is responsible for mitigating business risk and for ensuring

compliance with regulatory requirements. How does management mitigate
business risk and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements?

By creating a values-based compliance culture through the establishment of

policies and procedures

11.2 Policies and Procedures

(a) Establishing policies and procedures

In order to be effective, policies and procedures should be established taking
the following into account:

Policies and procedures should be:

 Up to date in order to meet the continuously changing requirements;
 Relevant to staff members in their day to day activities;
 Detailed enough to address the operational requirements;
 Established
within an appropriate governance framework, recognising that the
board is ultimately responsible for the policies and procedures;
 Supported by an appropriate level of "organisational buy-in" from both
senior management and staff.

The compliance policy should illustrate the philosophy of the business on

compliance. After reading a compliance policy, the reader should be able to
identify and understand the business' perspective thereon and commitment
thereto, as well the core values such as integrity, accountability and
transparency. A compliance policy can vary in comprehensiveness depending
on the specific need of the business. In some cases it may be fairly simple
document for a small business whilst a more comprehensive document will
be necessary for a large organisation with a complex structure.

The above is not exhaustive and is intended to serve as a high level

indication of a number of important considerations.

(b) Compliance policy and procedures

Compliance policies and procedures will be established using available
governance structures. They will serve as a cornerstone in the development
of a compliance culture.

The formulation of a compliance policy provides a platform from which to

communicate relevant compliance matters to staff members. A compliance
26©Compliance Institute of South

Handbook for

policy sets out what is expected from staff members, who are an integral
part of an effective compliance system. This will, to an extent, determine
the culture with regard to compliance.

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Handbook for

ION 11

(c) Core Elements of a compliance policy

The following serve as examples of elements that could be expected to form
part of a compliance policy.

(i) Introduction
Information should be provided regarding ownership, approval, review,
scope and implementation of the policy.
(ii) Compliance policy statement
The compliance policy statement should describe the business
commitment and approach to comply with applicable legal and
regulatory requirements. Although not always necessary, it could be
helpful to base this statement on the vision, mission and core values of
the business. An example of a compliance policy statement is as
"The business recognises its accountability to all its stakeholders under
the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to its business and is
committed to high standards of integrity and fair dealing in the conduct
of its business. It is committed to comply with both the spirit and the
letter of applicable requirements and to always act with due skill, care
and diligence."

(iii) Philosophy
The philosophy provides general background information on compliance
and usually covers aspects such as:
(1) The motivation for establishing the compliance functions;
(2) The history of the Compliance Function;
(3) The standards and norms that compliance is based on, for
example, reference to standards and norms adopted by the
Compliance Institute of South Africa (CISA); and
(4) Reference to other related philosophies in the business, e.g. the
philosophy of the sales department, human resources, etc.

(iv) Framework
The framework should provide information regarding the following
(1) How compliance forms a part of the overall risk management
framework; and
(2) A brief overview of a methodology to be followed.

(d) Responsibility for compliance policy

The setting of a compliance policy is the responsibility of the compliance
officer. The compliance officer typically prepares this with input from

It is important that the policy is approved by executive management/Board

of Directors. This will give it the status that is required for ef fective
implementation thereof.

The Compliance Policy is a very important source of information

28©Compliance Institute of
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ION 11
regarding compliance and should be widely distributed throughout
the business. Care should also be taken to make this a very user-

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ch 2008

friendly and practical document in order for all employees to be

familiar with the content thereof.

(e) Compliance Procedures

Compliance procedures should be incorporated into the mainstream
operating instructions that are in place. This process is often referred to as
embedding compliance within business processes and documentation.

This is usually undertaken in the light of the regulatory analysis that is

conducted with the assistance of the compliance officer.

Fo r e xamp le , w he re a custo me r o p e ns a ne w acco un t w ith a fin anc ial

institution, the requirements of the FIC Act should be taken into account in
the account opening process as specified in the account opening procedures
and documentation. This could include the following information gathering
(as required by the FIC Act) on the account opening form in respect of a
customer who is a natural person:
 Full names
 Date of birth
 Identity number
 Income tax registration number
 Residential address

(f) Compliance Standards

I t m a y b e b e ne f i c i a l to a b u s i ne s s t o d e v e lo p h ig h - le v e l c o m p l i a nc e
s t a n d a r d s t h a t w i l l p r o v i d e t h e c o n t e x t w i th i n w h i c h t h e c o m p l i a n ce
procedures will be applied.

It is also noted that as compliance procedures can be lengthy, it may be

difficult to achieve effective communication (especially at senior levels)
without developing a high-level document that addresses the compliance
challenges at a principle level.

Compliance standards could be structured under the following headings:

 Staff training
 Compliance manual
 Compliance monitoring
 Advisory services
 Compliance communication
 Regulators/Supervisors
 Customer complaints
 Objectivity and status
 Resources
 Access Control
 Group structure
 Accep table b usine ss p ractice s/Busine ss e thics
 Compliance procedures
 Conflicts of interest

Each standard must be clearly specified. For example , the standard covering
staff training could read as follows:

"Procedures must be established to ensure that all staff are aware of

relevant regulatory requirements. These should address actions required of

30©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


staff in terms of regulatory requirements, as well as prohibited conduct. Staff

must keep updated on any regulatory changes. This can be achieved through
appropriate staff induction programmes, ongoing training, compliance
briefings and compliance communications..."
11.3 Conclusion
The Compliance Policy is an important source of information regarding compliance
and should be widely distributed throughout the business. Care should also be
taken to make this a very user-friendly and practical document in order for all
employees to be familiar with the content thereof.

31©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



12.1 Introduction
We have seen that responsibility for complying with regulatory requirements
rests with management. The compliance officer facilitates the implementation of
a compliance system to manage regulatory risk.

Although the implementation of a compliance system will differ from business to

business, the principles underlying compliance risk management will apply.
12.2 Phases in the Compliance Risk Management Process
The phases in the compliance risk management process are identified below.

Phase 1
Compliance Risk Identification
The co mpliance o ffice r assists manage ment in ide ntifying the re gulato ry
requirements that apply to the business.
All the regulatory requirements that have been identified together form the
regulatory universe of the business.
The co mp li an ce o f fi ce r a ss is t s m an ag e me n t in an a ly s ing t he re g ul a to r y

Phase 2
Compliance Risk Assessment
The compliance officer assists management to prioritise the
regulatory requirements by rating each according to their risk.

Phase 3
Compliance Risk Management
The compliance officer assists management to develop control measures that
will ensure compliance and facilitate the implementation thereof.

Phase 4
Compliance Risk Monitoring
The compliance officer monitors the controls that have been implemented to
determine the level of compliance and whether the controls are effect.

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008

(a) Compliance Risk Identification

Phase 1
Compliance Risk Identification

How does business comply with regulatory requirements if it does not

know which regulatory requirements it must comply with?

Step 1
The first step in the compliance management process is to identify the
regulatory requirements that must be complied with.

Remember that "regulatory requirements" is the term that is used to
collectively describe the applicable "rules" set out in:
 A cts of P ar liam ent
 Subordinate legislation
 Supervisory requirements

The applicable regulatory requirements are identified with reference to

the South African regulatory universe, which is simply all of the
regulatory requirements that are imposed in the country.

The compliance officer must obtain the relevant regulatory requirements.

He/she must assist in identifying which of the requirements will impact
on the business in a way that will require active compliance
management. Once these have been identified, this will represent the
regulatory universe.

Note: As it is not practical or achievable to actively concentrate on all of

the applicable regulatory requirements, the job of the compliance officer
is to rate the requirements according to the specific risk.

It is useful to identify the so called "top 20" requirements. An example

of the aforementioned is set out below:
 Financial Intelligence Centre Act
 Ba n k s A ct
 Bills of Exchange Act
 Collective Investment Schemes Act
 Currency and Exchange Act
 Occupational Health and Safety Act
 Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination
 Securities Services Act
 Companies Act
 Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act
 U su r y A ct
 Code of Banking Practice
 King II Code of Conduct for Corporate Governance
 Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act
 Long Term Insurance Act

33©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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March 2008
ION 12

 Short Term Insurance Act

 Constitution of SA Act
 Employment Equity Act
 Protection of Constitutional Democracy against Terrorist and
Related Activities Act (POCDATARA)
 National Environmental Management Act
 Public Finance Management Act
 National Credit Act

Step 2
The next step in this phase of the compliance management process
involves analysing the regulatory requirements.

Various approaches can be adopted in this regard. When analysing the

regulatory requirements, it is important to note that different
stakeholders will require different information. From a legal
interpretation perspective, it is important to ensure that the technical
detail is appropriately addressed. However, when communicating with
management, the compliance officer should take care to describe the
regulatory requirements in accessible terms, while still ensuring that the
description represents an accurate interpretation.

In order to address the risk of misinterpreting the regulatory

requirements, the full text thereof could be included in the risk
management plan, together with a management analysis of the

Regulations 3 & 4 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act will be used to

illustrate how a risk management plan is used in the compliance risk
management process.

34©Compliance Institute of
South Africa

Handbook for

ch 2008

(b) Compliance Risk Assessment

Phase 2
Compliance Risk Assessment

Once the identification and analysis of the regulatory requirements has

been completed, they must be classified according to the risk thereof.

Why do we classify regulatory requirements according to risk? Although

business must comply with all regulatory requirements, it is necessary to
prioritise them to determine how often (the frequency) and how much
(the extent) each regulatory requirement must be monitored.

Regulatory requirements can be categorised into:

 H i gh R isk
 Medium Risk
 Low Risk

How do you rate the risk of a regulatory requirement?

In determining the risk rating of a regulatory requirement, there are two
variables that must be assessed:
 Seriousness (the potential negative impact of non-
compliance); and
 Probability (the likelihood of non-compliance occurring).

(i) Seriousness
"Seriousness" indicates the potentially negative impact that non-
compliance with a regulatory requirement will have on the business
as a whole. It is made up of the following elements:
 Monetary impact:
This refers to the potential monetary loss, as a result of fines
imposed or losses suffered due to non-compliance. The greater
the amount of monetary loss, the greater the "seriousness" of
the non-compliance.
 Impact on image:
This refers to the extent to which non-compliance may impact
negatively on stakeholders' perceptions. Stakeholders include
regulators, investors, depositors, consumers, employees and
government. The greater the potential negative impact on the
image of the business, the greater the "seriousness" of the non-

(ii) Probability
"Probability" indicates the likelihood that non-compliance with a
specific regulatory requirement might occur. This is determined by
the effectiveness of the control mea sures that have been
The seriousness and probability considerations should be rated on a
scale of high, medium and low to determine the compliance risk.

35©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

For those who prefer it in simple terms, to determine the

compliance risk, consider it in the following terms:
 How much money might be lost?
 Ho w b ad w il l the b u sin e ss lo o k ?
 What a re the chance s t hat it w ill hap p e n?

Those regulatory requirements that are rated as "high risk" require

ongoing focus on monitoring, while those that ar e rated as
"medium" or "low" risk require monitoring on a less frequent basis.

The risk rating should be included in the risk management plan.

This will be illustrated in Phase 3 below on compliance risk

36©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

(c) Compliance Risk Management
Phase 3
Compliance Risk Management

Now that the regulatory requirements have identified, analysed and

prioritised, control measures must be designed and implemented to
ensure that the regulatory requirements are complied with.

Control measures can be categorised under three headings:

 Policies and procedures;
 People; and
 Information technology systems.

Ideally, these control measures should be recorded in the risk

management plan together with a target date for the implementation of
the control measure.

In order to demonstrate the approach that could be adopted, regulations

3 & 4 of FICA are used to identify possible control measures that could be
implemented to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements.
For the purposes of simplicity, the exercise is limited to regulations 3(1)
& 4(1) (a) (i).

Risk management plans are a useful tool in implementing the compliance

risk management process.

It is noted that a typical risk management plan includes the following

 Section number and heading
 Regulatory requ irement
 Analysis of the regulatory requirement
 R i sk r a t in g
 Control measures
 Monitoring plan
 M o n it o r in g r e po r t

This could be undertaken using a multi-column table reflecting the above

headings in each column, or alternatively through the use of a database
that caters for each of these fields.

37©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

Section No and Regulatory requirement Analysis of regulatory Risk Control measures
heading requirement rating

Identification and 3(1) An accountable institution In respect of South African High All account opening forms must
Verification FICA must obtain from, or in respect citizens and residents, include fields where the following
Regulations 3(1) & of, a natural person who is a regulations 3 & 4 compel an must be completed:
4(1)(a)(i) citizen of, or resident in, the accountable institution to
Republic, that person's- obtain and verify the following  Full names
(a) full names; particulars in respect of a  Date of birth
(b) date of birth; customer:  Identity number
(c) identity number;  income tax registration number
(d) income tax registration  Residential address
number, if such a number has
been issued to that person,  Full names; A copy of the customer's identity
(e) residential address.  Date of birth; document must be obtained to verify
 Identity number; the customer's identity. Copies of
4 (1) An accountable  Residential address. documents, which verify the
institution must verify the full income tax registration number correctness of the above
names, date of birth and (note - the above has been information, must be obtained and
identity number of a natural aimed at senior management. annotated "original sighted." The
person referred to in regulation More detail would be required copy must be date stamped and the
3 (1) (a), (b) or (c)...by at an operational level) name and designation of the staff
comparing these particulars member opening the account must
with be recorded thereon.
(a) (i) an identification
document of that person; or.....

38©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

(d) Compliance Risk Monitoring

Phase 4
Compliance Risk Monitoring

Now that control measures have been developed and implemented

to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements, these
measures must be monitored to determine:
 Firstly, whether they are being complied with; and
 Secondly, whether they are effective.

The planned compliance monitoring should be recorded in the risk

management plan. An example covering regulations 3 & 4 of FICA
is set out below.
Section No Monitoring plan
and heading

Identification Select a sample of customer accounts which have

and been opened in the last 3 months and conduct the
Verification following monitoring procedures:
Regulations  Review the account opening forms for
3(1) & and determine whether the following information
4(1)(a)(i) has been captured:
o Full names
o Date of birth
o Identity number
o Income tax registration number
o Residential address

 Scrutinise the copy of the customer's identity

document and confirm that it is appropriately
annotated, date stamped and the required details
are recorded.

 Agree the customer identification details as

contained in the account opening forms to the
document provided to verify the correctness

Each of the phases of the compliance risk management process is described


The approach that is adopted in the rollout of the compliance process will
depend on the particular circumstances of the business. It is noted that some
adaptation may be required to meet the needs of each individual business.

12.3 Conclusion
The 4 phases of the compliance risk management process set out above represents an
effective structure within which to implement an effective compliance system.

39©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


The assessment scale could be calibrated as set out below, namely, ratings between 1
and 10 allocated for Seriousness and Probability. The table provides a guideline which
can be used to facilitate the ratings:

Assessment scale: S eriousness and Probability


Seriousness Probability
Scale Key Scale Key
1 Insignificant impact 1 Low Risk
2 2 (Fully effective)
3 3
4 Minor impact 4 Medium Risk
5 5 (Partially effective)
6 6
7 Material impact 7
8 8 High Risk
9 9 (Ineffective)

10 Disastrous impact 10

Regulatory risk profile: Statutory

requirements for support functions
©Compliance Institute of South A frica
Handbook for Members
March 2008
Compliance training is a key factor in achieving effective compliance with regulatory
requirements. Clearly staff members will not be able to effectively comply with
regulatory requirements if they don't understand:

 The applicable regulatory requirements; and

 What must be done to comply with them.

13.1 Objectives of Compliance Training

(a) Introduction
Why is it important for a business to undertake compliance related
 Firstly, business needs to ensure that its staff understand their
regulatory obligations to enable them to comply with the regulatory
requirements that impact on their jobs;
 Secondly, to promote a culture of compliance;
 Thirdly, to ensure that staff understand the consequences of non-
compliance; and
 Fourthly, because it is the law!

( b) T o a ch i ev e ef f e ct i v e c om pl ia n c e
Section 12 addressed the compliance risk management, as well as the
need to design and implement control measures to ensure that regulatory
requirements are complied with.

For these procedures to be effective, staff must be trained. Not only do

they need to know and understand the procedures, they must know and
understand the regulatory requirements that gave rise to the procedure.
This will promote effective compliance as staff members will better
appreciate the rationale behind the procedures.

For example: Staff should understand that all the procedures and
documents that must be completed to properly identify a customer as
required by FICA may help to identify criminals and ultimately stop crime!

In the final analysis, all staff members have a responsibility to conduct all
business in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. However,
it is submitted that it is not appropriate to place the responsibility for
compliance on any individual, unless that individual is not satisfactorily

(c) To establish a compliance culture "Involvement in the

development and delivery of compliance training is also, however,
the single most important contribution that the compliance
function can make to the implementation and maintenance of the
right culture." Newton, page 114.

One of the stated objectives of compliance training is to establish and

maintain a compliance culture where all employees are not merely
complying with the rules, but have adopted a value system whereby they
embrace the objectives underlying regulation. To achieve this, they need
to understand these objectives.

42©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


For instance, where staff members understand the rationale behind the
reporting of suspicious transactions, they will report such transactions
more effectively and frequently.

Employees cannot be expected to embrace the objectives underlying

regulation when they do not understand those objectives. Through
training, employees must be exposed to the objectives underlying
regulation and understand how these are aligned to the objectives and
values of the company.

(d) To ensure that employees understand consequences of non-

Ensuring that employees understand the consequences of non-compliance
will achieve efficient and effective compliance with regulatory
requirements. It is necessary to consider not only the consequences to the
business, but also to the individual employee.

Employees must understand the potential impact of non-compliance in

terms of both monetary loss, by way of direct or indirect fines, and the
possible impact on the reputation of the business.

Employees must also understand that non-compliance will impact upon

their performance assessment that in turn may lead to disciplinary action
and may also have legal consequences. For example, if an employee does
not report a suspicious transaction, that employee is committing an offence
and may be liable for prosecution!

Regulators have recognised the value that training adds in achieving

effective compliance and are, through legislation and supervisory
requirements, making it compulsory to train staff in respect of their
compliance obligations e.g.
 Regulation 47(4) of the Banks Act provides that: "as a minimum the
compliance officer of a bank shall ensure that compliance staff are
trained on a continuous basis in order to ensure that they have
adequate technical knowledge in order to understand the regulatory
framework that applies to the bank, as well as the risks to which the
bank is exposed."
 Section 43 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act provides that "an
accountable institution must provide training to its employees to enable
them to comply with the FIC Act and the internal rules applicable to

The above is not exhaustive and is included for illustration purposes only.
It demonstrates the increasing importance being placed on compliance

13.2 How Compliance Training could be undertaken

(a) Introduction
Now that the objectives of compliance training are understood, it is
important to consider how compliance training could be undertaken.

Training should ideally be seen as an ongoing process is implemented in a

structured/controlled way, as outlined in the following steps:

43©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


Step 1 — Identify training needs

Step 2 — Identify who requires training
Step 3 — Design/develop or source training material
Step 4 — Methods of roll-out
Step 5 — Assessment
Step 6 — Record-keeping

Step 1:
Identify training needs
As in all other areas of compliance, training resources are not unlimited.
Accordingly, a risk-based approach in prioritising training needs should be
adopted. In phase II of the compliance process (described above)
compliance risk assessment was looked at in order to determine which
regulatory requirements should be prioritised. In determining the risk
rating of a regulatory requirement, the following two elements were
 Seriousness (the potential negative impact of non-compliance);
 Probability (the likelihood of non-compliance occurring).

The greater the potential negative impact of non-compliance and the

greater the likelihood of non-compliance occurring, the greater the risk.
The high-risk regulatory requirements should be prioritised in terms of
training needs.

For example, FAIS and FICA are considered high-risk and training on both
of the relevant requirements of these Acts must be prioritised.

Training needs can also be identified by assessing information received

from the likes of:
 Complaints received;
 Monitoring undertaken; and
 Instances of compliance breaches reported by management.

Step 2:
Identify who requires training
The second step in developing a training programme is to determine who
must be trained and what they must be trained on. It is not practical or
economical to simply train all staff in respect of all the regulatory

New recruits should be given orientation training in basic compliance

principles as well as on the compliance policy and values of the business.
This is an early opportunity to instil a culture of compliance.

Most importantly, all employees must be trained in respect of those

regulatory requirements that impact on their daily operations and in
respect of which they are responsible for compliance. It is not fair to shift
the burden of responsibility for compliance to an employee who has not
been adequately trained.

44©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

Step 3:
Design or source training material
Now that the employees who must be trained have been identified, it is
important to either design and develop or source the training material

While training material can be designed and developed in-house it remains

extremely costly to produce. As compliance training is, to a large extent,
considered to be non-competitive, a solution can be found in developing
compliance-training material at an industry level. It is noted that the
Inter-Bank Compliance Training Project has been successful in developing
generic banking industry compliance training, specifically in respect of:
 Money laundering control;
 Financial advisory and intermediary services; and
 Occupational health and safety.

Step 4:
Methods of rollout
Before the various methods of rollout are considered, it is important to
decide who should deliver the training material — the compliance function
or management?

In most cases compliance training should be integrated into broader job-

related training. This is an attractive approach, as the employee will tend
to view the regulatory aspects as part of the job and not another layer of
bureaucracy. Also, it always helps to have the person who is assessing an
employee's performance deliver the training as the message may seem
clearer! Another advantage is that the line manager takes ownership of
the training material and will have to master it before he can deliver it to

If it is not practical to integrate compliance training into the business

related training of employees, for example, where the training needs relate
to generic compliance obligations, it may be necessary for the compliance
function to take charge of the design and delivery thereof.

Methods of rollout of training include:

 Facilitated training;
 S elf- study; and/ or
 CBT (computer based training).

Step 5:
It is important to assess employees in respect of the compliance training
undertaken. Not only is it important to know whether the training has
been effective and whether actual compliance knowledge has been
imparted, it also essential from a legal perspective.
As discussed earlier, certain legislation makes it compulsory to train
employees. If the accountable institution does not provide the training as
required in terms of Section 43 of FICA (see p54), the accountable
institution will be held liable in the event of a breach resulting from
45©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

inadequate training.

46©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


Another example is the FAIS Act that requires that employees who provide
advice must be 'fit and proper'. If such an employee does not pass an
assessment, the employer will be forced to suspend that employee from
providing advice or otherwise it runs the risk of exposing itself to risk as a
result of using staff that are not deemed competent.

Step 6:
Attendance registers must be kept of all employees who attend compliance
training. Further, following an assessment, the results of the assessment
should be kept.

These records are required as a means of proving who has received

training and on what they were trained. It also provides evidence of the
results of any assessment.

Compliance training is essential to the success of a compliance function.

47©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



14.1 What is Monitoring?

"A compliance function without a monitoring programme is like an
elephant without a trunk: it smells nothing and has a vastly diminished
pr o fi l e" N e wt o n

Monitoring in the compliance environment can be defined as:

'An examination of business activities to assist management and the board of

directors to understand whether business is conducted in compliance with relevant
regulatory requirements'.

48©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

The Compliance Process

The text highlighted in red indicates where monito ring applies in the compliance
process. The compliance process consists of the following four phases:

Phase I Compliance Risk Identification

Identify all the applicable requirements that fall within the scope
of the compliance risk. (This should be done first for the business as a
whole and, where applicable, thereafter for the individual

Phase II Compliance Risk Assessment

Categorise the identified requirements in terms of core, topical and
pertinent or secondary.

Prioritise the identified requirements by rating each in terms of
Probability and Seriousness. (The provisions of each requirement
should also be analysed and prioritised, if applicable, on the same

Plot the requirements according to the ratings on a scatter diagram.

Classify requirements into high, medium and low risks.

Phase III Compliance Risk Management (Control optimisation)

Based on the requirements in the high risk area as priority, develop a
Compliance Risk Management Plan for each requirement by identifying,
inter alia, the following: (i) the provision(s) for each requirement that has
to be complied with; (ii) the control measure that will ensure compliance;
(iii) the responsible person for implementing the control measure and (iv)
the target date for implementing the control measure (if applicable).

Include Compliance Risk Management Plan in the compliance manual.

Phase IV Compliance Risk Monitoring

Develop an effective review process to evaluate the implementation of
the Compliance Risk Management Plans.

Report findings of the review process to the relevant role-players.

49©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008
14.2 Why Monitor?
Brian Sharpe writing in his book, "Making Legal Compliance Work", makes the
following comments:

"Effective monitoring aims to check that people are doing what they ought to be
doing and that the system is operating satisfactorily. As monitoring is what
frequently identifies problems, a failure to monitor adequately is likely to be
regarded as showing a lack of real commitment."

The monitoring of compliance is an ongoing and potentially complex process that

will vary from business to business.

One aspect that is likely to be present in all monitoring processes is an

examination of all business activities to obtain reasonable assurance that these
activities are conducted in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.
Applicable processes should therefore be in place to identify sensitive or high -risk
areas of the business where non -compliance to these requirements is likely to
occur and monitor these continuously at various levels.

Monitoring requirements may be incorporated into regulatory requirements. The

following specifically makes reference to compliance monitoring:

Banks Act - Regulation 47

(g) Be responsible for establishing a compliance culture in the bank that
contributes to the overall objective of prudent risk management by the
(h) Establish a line of communication to line management, In order to monitor
continuously compliance with laws and regulations or supervisory
requirements by the bank;
(i) Require line management to monitor compliance with laws and regulations
or supervisory requirements as part of their normal operational duties;
(j) Require regulatory requirements to be incorporated into operational
procedure manuals when appropriate; and
(k) Make recommendations whenever necessary in order to ensure that there is
compliance with laws and regulations or supervisory requirements.


7.4.3 The primary functions of the compliance officer shall be to review - the daily monitoring, controlling and reconciling of the
uncertificated securities accounts of the CSD participant.

Policyholder Protection Rules

15.5 Insurers and intermediaries shall, within 6 months from the date of
coming into operation of these Rules, ensure that they provide -
(a) For monitoring systems to measure compliance with these Rules.

50©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act

17. (1) (a) Any authorised financial services provider with more than one key
individual or one or more representatives must, subject to section
35(1) (c), appoint one or more compliance officers to monitor
compliance with this Act by the provider and such representative or
representatives, particularly in accordance with the procedures
contemplated in subsection (3), and to take responsibility for liaison
with the registrar.

Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act- Regulations

6. An authorised financial services provider shall ensure that any employee to be
utilised as a compliance officer -
(c) Will, as regards the relevant business, have adequate resources available
to ensure proper compliance monitoring, including as regards the
activities of any representative, and have and be permitted direct access
to, and demonstrable support from, the senior management of the
business and in respect of any representative;
(f) Will be required to report immediately any instance of non-compliance to
the provider, and be able to make recommendations to the provider as
regards any aspect of the required compliance or the monitoring

Financial Intelligence Centre Act

43 Training and monitoring of compliance
An accountable institution must-
(a) Provide training to its employees to enable them to comply with the
provisions of this Act and the internal rules applicable to them;
(b) Appoint a person with the responsibility to ensure compliance
(i) The employees of the accountable institution with the provisions of
this Act and the internal rules applicable to them; and
(ii) The accountable institution with its obligations under this Act.

14.3 Who Monitors?

The role players in the monitoring process are management, the compliance
officer, regulators, board of directors, internal audit and external audit.

This section of the handbook deals with how the role players carry out their
respective functions.

Compliance is more than just manuals and procedures and the extent to which
this is correctly perceived depends totally on the effective interaction between the
various role-players in the management compliance matters. Interaction between
the role-players will only become effective once each of the role-players fully
understand their individual roles (mandate).

It is noted that Compliance Risk Management Plans should ideally identi fy

monitoring responsibilities relating to the applicable regulatory requirements, for
example, the name of the responsible compliance officer or member of
management is specified together with the time frames and details of the
monitoring to be conducted.

51©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


One of the challenges facing business is to avoid duplication of effort by the

different role players, whilst also ensuring that all the gaps are closed.

(a) Monitoring Role Players

The monitoring of compliance can take on various forms depending on:
 Th e level at w hich it is d one; and
 The business conducting it, i.e. whether it is the entire organisation or a
business unit.

This section focuses on the methodology for the monitoring of compliance by

the compliance. The monitoring by the regulators and the management
responsible for compliance is briefly mentioned.

(1) Compliance monitoring by Regulators'

Monitoring of compliance by the regulators normally takes place at the
highe st le ve l and include s all the e ntitie s sub je ct to the spe cific
regulator's supervision. The nature of the monitoring, as well as the
process followed by the regulators, will depend on:
 The m and a te o f the re g ul a to r and t he p ro file o f t he sp e ci fi c
 The proven consistency of the measures implemented to enhance a
culture of compliance; and
 The re le v a nt s up e rv is o r y re q u i re me n ts .

(2) Compliance monitoring by Management'

Compliance monitoring by management is another kind of monitoring
that should take place as part of their normal operational duties. They
are primarily accountable to the board of directors for compliance and
the format and nature of the monitoring in this regard will depend on
the specific situation, but ideally should be embedded into the systems
of the specific business unit.

(3) Compliance monitoring by Compliance Officer3

One of the compliance officer's responsibilities is compliance

The co mp l i an ce f un c ti o n m a y b e ce n t r al ise d , d e ce nt r a li se d o r a
combination of both. The structure that is put in place will clearly have
an impact on the nature of the monitoring that is conducted.

The compliance officer should promote compliance awareness, which

includes the training of business unit staff with regard to new
le g i sl a ti o n, ame nd me n t s to le g is l at io n o r ad he re n ce to e x is t ing
re q uire me nts and ac t i n a co nsulting ro le to manag e me nt in the
monitoring process.

The decentralised compliance officers are appointed by the individual

business units and will be required to have specialist knowledge of the
unit. Due to the close involvement in the business unit, the
decentralised compliance officer's monitoring role should be focused on
the day-to-day monitoring activities within the business unit, e.g.
business unit dashboard and reviewing line management's monitoring

52©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008
1 A

In a centralised compliance structure, the compliance staff works with

many business units and their role would tend to be more consultative
in nature. As a centralised compliance function is more removed from
the business unit, the independent monitoring responsibility should
ideally rest with the centralised compliance function.

A combined structure consists of both a centralised and decentralised

compliance staff that all report either directly or indirectly to the
co mp li an ce o ff i ce r. T hi s s t ru c tu re i s mo re a p p ro p r i ate to la rg e r

One of the most comprehensive South African regulatory requirements

relating to monitoring is currently Regulation 47 of the Banks Act No 94
o f 1990. Altho ug h this Act is no t ap p licab le to all e ntitie s in the
financial services industry, these provisions are ba sed on sound risk
management principles and can be applied to any business, irrespective
of size. Monitoring of compliance in this context entails the following
activities, as set out in Regulation 47:
 Establishing a compliance culture that contributes to the overall
objective of prudent risk management;
 Establishing a communication line-to-line management in order to
continuously monitor compliance;
 Requiring line management to monitor compliance as part of their
operation duties;
 Facilitating the incorporation of regulatory requirements into
operational procedures and appropriate manuals; and
 Recommending corrective steps to ensure compliance.

The above activities indicate the role that the compliance function
should play in supporting management. In addit ion to this,
compliance officers must also undertake compliance monitoring.

The level at which the co mpliance o fficer mo nito rs co mpliance

differs from situation to situation, but in general it could either be
overview based or detail-orientated. In the case of an overview-
based approach, the compliance officer will focus on exception
reports and the follow-up of detailed non-compliance issues. This
ap p ro a c h c a n b e use fu l, as lo ng a s t he re p o r ts a re p r o d u ce d
timeo usly and are accurate and co mp re he nsive e no u g h to co ve r
all the business activities.

The choice of approach will be influenced by the maturity stage of

the compliance function as illustrated in 18.4 below.

(4) Compliance monitoring By Board of Directors and Board

Comm ittees4
The board is ultimately responsible for any financial loss or reduction in
s h a r e h o l d e r v a l u e , a n d t h e r e f o r e t he y h a v e a d u t y t o m a k e t h e
necessary enquiries to ensure that the requisite systems, practices and
culture are in p lace to man ag e all co mp lian c e risks to w hi ch the

53©Compliance Institute of South


Handbook for

1 A
business is exposed. It is ultimately their responsibility to oversee that
the business complies with applicable laws, regulations and supervisory
requirements. These risk management/ control responsibilities can be
delegated to appointed individuals, committee s and functions.

54©Compliance Institute of South


Handbook for


(5) Compliance monitoring by Internal Audits

The internal audit team should be involved in the monitoring process as
monitoring can usually be combined with their normal activities. Whilst
internal audit have the necessary skills to carry out the relevant
checks, effective monitoring requires knowledge and training in the
subject being monitored. It is therefore advisable, whenever internal
audit is involved, that the compliance officer assists in the compilation
of the monitoring programme. This is due to the highly specialised
content of the regulatory requirements. In the final analysis, although
the work of internal audit may be relied on by the compliance function,
it is important that compliance reports independently to the board audit
committee or management.
(6) Compliance monitoring by External Audit 6
The role of the external audit committee is to review the risk processes
as part of their statutory audit and any other duties imposed on them
by the Companies Act, Banks Act or any other legislation. It is their
responsibility to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of internal
controls and procedures with specific reference to laws, regulations and
supervisory requirements.

55©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008





    
AUDITS   

AUDIT6   

 

This table indicates the types of monitoring typically undertaken by the respective role players.

14.4 How a d When to Monitor

56©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for

March 2008

This section covers how and when monitoring is undertaken. This is graphically illustrated in the diagram.

Management Remedial Understand your
Action business Identify all applicable

Phase I Categorise

a h E
Phase III
Review Process S
s Risk Management Plans
Control Measures
e Assign Responsibilities
 e
Classify E

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008

Although some of the control measures that will be identified in Phase III will comprise
continuous monitoring activities by management, the formal compliance monitoring
activity is the fourth phase of the compliance process.

It is typical that when a compliance function is initially introduced, monitoring will take
some time to be implemented in an effective manner.

The table below should be read in conjunction with the Compliance Process for Regulatory
or Business Environment diagram on the previous page.

The development of a compliance function could be classified into 4 stages i.e.

Stage 1 — Undeveloped
Stage 2 — Developing
Stage 3 — Developed
Stage 4 — Fully Effective

This table illustrates the possible relationship between the maturity level of the
compliance function and the implementation of the different phases of the
compliance process.



IV    


II  

I 

Effective — No significant aspect of the compliance function requires development.

Developed — Largely effective, but there may be som e aspects that require
Developing — There are considerations that require development in order to promote a
fully effective compliance function.
Undeveloped - A large component of the compliance objectives are not being achieved.
Compliance monitoring activities can be broadly categorised as Ongoing/Routine
monitoring and Independent monitoring. Ongoing Monitoring will be conducted during
all stages of the development of the compliance function whereas independent
Monitoring will usually only be undertaken in a 'Developed' and 'Fully Effective'
compliance function.

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March 2008
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14.4.1 Ongoing/Routine Monitoring

(a) Checklists
Checklists are a valuable part of monitoring and can either be utilised by
line management or the compliance officer. If utilised by line
management, checklists should be documented as a control measure. A
che cklis t sho uld b e c ar e fully co mp ile d , as the re is a d ang e r th at a
checklist may be thought of as complete and representing all that needs
to be done.

( b ) Complaints Review
A business should have written procedures for the effective consideration
and proper handling of customer complaints. Part of the compliance
process would be the monitoring of customer complaints to establish
p o s sib le a re a s o f n o n - co mp li an ce . Co mp l ai n ts mu s t b e i mp ar t i all y
considered by either the compliance officer or a member of line
management of suitable seniority.

( c ) Non-compliance Reporting/Tracking Procedure

A sug g e ste d no n - co mp liance re p o rti ng /tr ack i ng p ro ce d ure must b e
developed as part of a non-compliance database that is designed to allow
business units to report incidents of non -compliance through to
compliance. This type of datab ase sho uld be kept simple in terms of
being able to access and use and the requirements/detail should be kept
to a minimum. It is also impo rtant to take confidentiality into account
when implementing this type of procedure, namely, the business units do
not wish their issues of non-compliance to be broadcast to or accessed by
other areas. This database should only be accessed by the complianc e

An example of the fields that could be contained in the database is as


Date of occurrence
Division/business unit
Description of the incident
Person/s involved
Actions taken/to be taken
Person responsible for action
Date of resolution
A section blocked out from view to all the business units, which contains
the compliance officer's comments, follow up and date of resolution.

(d) Dashboard
The dashboard is a tool or early warning device for ongoing monitoring
that alerts the compliance officer to changes in the compliance
environment that could lead to an increased probability of non -
compliance occurring.
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On a business unit level, the dashboard will typically be more detailed
and focused on the business unit activities whereas a g roup dashboard

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will tend to be more high-level; less detailed and focussed on the group
compliance risk areas.

The success of a compliance dashboard depends on the accurate

identification of the critical indicators. These indicators can be "leading"
or "lagging."

Leading indicators monitor an increase in a certain action or activity that

may indicate a higher potential of non-compliance occurring, for example,
the level of new product development, business volumes, unusual levels
of sales, decrease in training, etc.

Lagging indicators monitor actual breaches, for example, fines,

complaints, prosecutions, etc.

Ideally, the dashboard should be automated and linked into the business
units' management information system.

(e) Issues Log

The compliance function should compile a list of all issues identified
during all types of monitoring activities. They should ensure that
management implements corrective measures and that the
implementation is followed up.

( f ) Walking Around
Line management should be actively involved with staff at all levels in
order to be able to quickly identify issues of non-compliance.

( g ) Physical Checks
Line management needs to physically check that the procedures and
other controls are being carried out.

( h ) Management Information Systems/Exception Reports

Information/Exception reports can be extracted from operational systems
to indicate possible risk areas based on any number of preset criteria.

( i ) Mystery Shopping
Compliance officers can identify exceptions through mystery shopping.
For example, this may entail the compliance officer or appointed person
actually opening an account at a bank branch to identify whether staff
members correctly follow the designated procedures in practice.

14.5 Independent Monitoring

Independent monitoring consists of control adequacy reviews, control consistency
reviews and substantive reviews and is the most extensive monitoring activity.

This compliance monitoring process requires the compliance officer to perform a series
of procedures and activities:

The main stages of this monitoring process include:

 An updating of the business background information that is to be reviewed;
 R ev iew plann in g;
 Compliance (control adequacy and control consistency) and substantive
procedures; and
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March 2008
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• Reporting the results of the review.

The methods used to obtain information to produce the aforementioned output take the
form of questionnaires, one-on-one discussion, workshops and stand-alone work, for
example, walkthrough reviews and analytical reviews.

( a ) S c o p e a n d L i m i t a t io n s The scope of any review must be defined and all

limitations must be documented.

( b ) Resources and Scheduling

A compliance review might require a multi-disciplinary team, for example, a tax or
computer expert or audit staff in addition to the usual compliance staff. The
review has to be conducted in a systematic and orderly manner to ensure the
smooth running of the assignment within a reasonable time frame. Factors such
as costs and minimum disruption have to be seriously considered.

All team members and any specialists that may be engaged on the compliance
review must be identified and documented during this phase to take the
aforementioned into account.

(c) Independent Monitoring Techniques

These involve the following:

 Adequacy and Consistency Reviews; and
 Substantive Reviews.

(d) Independent Monitoring Approach

The review of the controls begins at this stage. The compliance officer needs to
test whether the control measures that were implemented to ensure compliance
are adequate and consistent. These control measures are normally recorded in
the risk management plan.

The approach involves firstly reviewing whether a control is adequate.

(1) Adequacy Review

Adequacy review involves the review of the existence of a control and
whether it reduces the risk to a level acceptable to management.
The compliance officer can use the following methods to obtain evidence on
 Interviews or enquiry — oral evidence.
 Observation — watching a procedure, for example, observing whether an
employee, who has transgressed a rule and is to be dismissed, is asked
the appropriate questions at the inquiry to ensure that the dismissal
meets with the procedural requirements.
 Reperformance — reperforming what should have done, e.g.
reconciliation, or recalculating the client's calculation of Estate Duty to
ensure that it complies with the requirements of the Estate Duty Act.
 Vouching — comparing information in a book of record to a source
document, for example, the information in the Register of Directors
Interest in Contracts could be vouched to the direct or's written
declaration, which is circulated at or before the directors' meeting.

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 Verification agreeing information to other sources, for example, the


DIO20, which is a form that must be submitted to the Registrar of Banks

whenever a new director is appointed.
 Walk through review following a procedure through from its
- —

inception to its conclusion.

If we agree the minutes of the annual general meeting with the copy of the
return submitted to the Registrar of Banks (book of record to a source
document), this would be vouching and if we agree the minutes and return
to the confirmation letter received from the Registrar of Banks, this would be
a verification procedure (agreeing information to other sources of information
such as from a third party).

The test for existence involves selecting only one item from a population.
The adequacy test must be documented in a working paper, which serves as
evidence of the work done and any pertinent information gathered and
should state whether the control is adequate or inadequate.
If a control is adequate, then its consistency must be reviewed.

The sequence of the reviews are illustrated schematically as follows:

Test Control Implement New

. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




Substantive Review

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Handbook for Members


(2) Consistency Review

A consistency review involves reviewing whether the adequate control has
been applied consistently throughout the period under review. It may not be
practical or cost effective to test whether the control has been applied to
every item in a population throughout the period under review. A sample
that represents the population would therefore have to be selected based on
the various sampling techniques indicated below - refer Paragraph 4.2.5 (e).

The techniques referred to In Adequacy Review can also be used in

conducting consistency reviews.

Reperformance, vouching and verification are relatively reliable forms of

evidence, as these are supported by documentation.

The steps in a consistency review are as follows:

(i) Determine Scope
( i i ) S a m p l e S e l ec t io n
( i i i ) T es t in g o f I te m s
( i v ) Reporting of Findings

The abovementioned steps are illustrated in the following example:

(i) D et e rm i n e S c op e
For the purpose of this example, it would be assumed that the scope of
the review covers a reporting period, for example, the previous financial
year. (Also refer to Materiality discussed in paragraph 4.2.5 (d) below).

( i i ) Sam pl e Selection
If during a financial period, a 100 transactions have taken place, these
100 transactions, numbered 150 to 250, make up the population. A
sample must then be selected (of say 30 items), from this population of
100 items. These 30 items will be reviewed.

The items could be randomly selected by using a computer programme

that prints out the resolution numbers that have to be tested. (Please
also refer to paragraph 4.2.5 (e) below regarding Sampling for more

( i i i ) T e s t i n g o f It em s
The items are tested and the results indicate that one item is not in line
with the controls. A further sample could be selected for every item
that is not in line with the control. The reason for the increase in the
sample size is that the compliance officer requires further evidence that
the sample is representative of the population, namely, in view of the
exception found. If further sampling reveals that all items are in order,
the conclusion that could be reached is that the controls are effective.
If any of the items in the extended sample group are not in line, the
conclusion is that the controls are ineffective.

The work done, which includes the provision/requirement, control,

method of sample selection, results of the test, the computer generated

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samples and the conclusion reached must all be recorded in the working

(iv) Reporting of findings

If required, the compliance officer will bring a finding to the attention of
management. Ideally, this should include recommendations for any
challenges identified.

(3) Substantive Review

Substantive review is performed to gather evidence to support the
compliance review report, namely, to obtain evidence relating to compliance
with regulatory requirements.

Substantive procedures include computation, insp ection, reperformance,

enquiry and confirmation, analytical procedures and observation.

In the external audit environment, substantive review is used to verify the

existence, ownership and valuation of assets and liabilities.

From a compliance perspective, compliance officers will seek to substantiate

whether business activities are conducted in accordance with applicable
re g u l a to r y re q ui re me n t s. T hi s w il l in vo lve th e use o f v a r io u s to o ls o r
techniques, for example:
 Computation - computation involves performing checks for accuracy on
calculations furnished, or when a compliance officer performs
indepe nde nt calculations and co mp are s the m w ith the calculations
already done.
 I n s p e c t i o n - i n sp e c t i o n p r o v i d e s a ud i t e v i d e n c e , w h i c h i s m a i n l y
documentary. Documentary evidence can be created by the business or
b y third p artie s. Do cume ntary e vide nce that is ob tained fro m third
parties provides greater reliability to the compliance officer.
 Reperformance - reperformance involves the compliance officer repeating
a procedure originally performed by the business either completely or in
 Enquiry and confirmation - the compliance officer obtains information
from within or outside the business either orally or in writing.
 Analytical procedures - analytical procedures are the analysis of
information to identify trends, fluctuations and relationships that are
inconsistent with other relevant information or deviate from a standard
amount. An example of a substantive review is the use of graphs to
monitor fluctuations between liquid assets and reserve balances. A steep
fluctuation would serve as a detection control that would alert
management to take the necessary action to correct the situation. The
Banking Council also requires a trend analysis on personal acco unt
trading which must be reported to the board of directors. This is done by
applying analytical review procedures.
 Observation - the compliance officer observes a process or procedure
that is being performed. This technique is usually carried out where the
performance of a control procedure does not leave an audit trail.
(e) Materiality
It is not always practical and cost effective to test all items or transactions. The
compliance officer therefore has to focus the review on the prioritised risks.
Accordingly, materiality must be addressed in compliance monitoring.

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Materiality, which is very subjective, could be quantitative (amount) or qualitative

(judged by a factor other than an amount).

In determining whether an item is material, the following factors can be take n into

 The regulatory sanction;

 Fines and penalties;
 Operational losses; and
 Reputation.

P rob ab ility and se rio usne ss rating s could also be app lied to de te rmine the
materiality levels, where only items above a certain probability and seriousness
level will be reviewed.

The manner in which materiality is determined depends on the type of Act or

provision that is being reviewed.

(f) Sampling
Why is sampling used?
The compliance officer has to obtain sufficient and reliable evidence to express a
valid and credible opinion. It is virtually impossible to review every transaction,
due to the size and complexity of larger organisations and the cost factor involved
in a 100% review. The compliance officer therefore has to select a sample of
items within a population, which is then tested and the findings are evaluated in
order to draw a conclusion.

Sampling Terminology:
(i) Population: This is the entire set of data or items from which a sample
is selected and on which the compliance officer will draw a conclusio n. For
example, a population could be all Trust Departments, or all bank
reconciliation's at a branch for the 2000 financial year -end.
(ii) Sampling Risk: Is the risk that the compliance officer's conclusion,
which is based on the sample selected, may be differ ent from the conclusion
that he would have reached if he tested the entire population.
(iii)Sampling Units: These are the items that make up the population
(iv)Review Sampling: This involves the application of review procedures to less
than 100 % of the items in a population.
(v) Tolerable Error: This is the maximum number of errors in a population that
the compliance officer is willing to accept and still conclude that the result from
the sample has achieved the stipulated objective.
(vi)Materiality: The level of materiality set by the compliance officer and
management will determine the extent of the review done.

Sampling Methods
The compliance officer has different sampling methods that can be used. The
method of sampling that is chosen depends on the nat ure of the population and
the objective of the test. This is illustrated in the discussions on the various
methods below. Compliance officers may outsource the selection of sample to
internal audit, for example.
The compliance officer can use a statistical or non-statistical approach to select
his/her review sample.

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Statistical Sampling:
Statistical sampling has the following characteristics:
 Can be randomly selected (use of computer programme) where every
item in the population has an equal chance of selection; and
 Can be systematically selected (use of a computer programme) where the
first item is randomly selected and then say every 10 th item is selected.

Statistical sampling methods are:

 Monetary Unit Sampling - where every rand item in a population has an
equal chance of being selected. This technique is usually used in Substantive
Review. High rand value items are selected first until the cut-off rand value is
reached. For example, if a cut -off or materiality level is R80. There are 22
items in a population totalling R100 as follows:
1 =R 50; 2=R20; 3=R10; 4=R5; 5=R2; 6=R2; 7 to 12 =R1 each and items 13
to 22 = 50c each. Monetary unit sampling will select items 1, 2 and 3 which =
R80. Therefore the review sample will consist of only three sampling item s,
which comprise 80% of the population.

The Banks Act requires sector classification of advances from banks. Monetary
unit sampling can be applied to test whether items are classified correctly.
Selecting the largest items under each sector classification speeds up the

 Sampling for attributes - calls for yes or no, right or wrong answers is
usually used to estimate the number of errors or some other characteristic in a
population. This sampling is concerned with the number of items and not the
value of the items. For example, the number of forensic reports that are
submitted after the 7-day deadline period. The more variable the items in a
p op ulatio n, the large r the sample size need ed - this is de te rmined w ith
reference to statistical tables.

For example, if all the characteristics are either 'yes' or 'no', then there is no
great variability. A formula consisting of two parts is used in calculating the

 Discovery Sampling -This sampling method is used when a compliance

officer is examining po pulations where the existence of gross error is
suspected. These populations may include, for example, non -existent
collaterals for a loan. Here statistical tables are used to establish the
population but the number of errors in the sample size has to be s tipulated.

Non-Statistical Sampling - Non-statistical sampling methods include haphazard

and judgemental sampling techniques:

 Haphazard Sampling - this technique attempts to select randomly by

avoiding bias and predictability. The compliance officer would manually select
any item or say a sample of 30 items from a population of 100. There would
be no specific logic to the items selected.
 Judgemental Sampling - this technique is based on the compliance officer's
judgement and is subjective. For example a com pliance officer may identify a
period of high risk, i.e . the six - month period when the co mpliance staff
member responsible for the submissions of returns to the Reserve Bank was
on secondment and other less experienced staff members had to perform this

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function. The compliance officer would select their sample of items from this

Sampling methods and samples must be documented in working papers.

In principle, if the sample reveals errors or concerns, the sample size should
be expanded, taking into account the circumstances and nature of the findings.
For example, it may be appropriate to expand the sample size by one third for
each error found, however, this will depend on circumstances and is not a
general rule.

14.6 Working papers

The compliance officer must keep working papers to provide evidence that the
compliance review was conducted with the required degree of care and skill and to
support the opinion given. The end product of the review process is the compliance
review report, which is handed to senior management, the executive committee, the
audit and compliance committee, as appropriate. The compliance officer must arrange
the findings in the working papers and reference such findings in a logical way that it
easily feeds into the compliance report.

Working papers should conform to three basic rules:

 Properly organised;
 Co m pleteness; an d
 Clarity and conciseness.

Working papers should also take the following matters into account:
 Documentation — the manner in which the information is arranged should be
consistent — preformatted working papers meet this requirement.
 Objective of the test, scope and regulatory requirements, section/subsection and
provision— must be clearly stated on the working papers.
 Work done/comments — the manner in which the sample was drawn and the actual
work done etc.
 Conclusion — the conclusion reached by the compliance officer on the work done.
 Results should consist of the following:
Findings to be communicated to management (this is when non-compliance has
been identified).
Effect of this non-compliance must be explained.
Recommendation/s — the control that must be implemented to ensure
compliance to the relevant requirement/s.
Management comments - consists of the response to the above which must also
be documented.
 Indexing and cross-referencing;
 Supervisory review- to be completed in the review notes section of the working
paper; and
 Ownership — name, signature and date on every working paper.

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An example of a working paper follows:


Signature and Name:
Compliance officer
Compliance Manager

Regulatory Requirement:
Section/ Subsection:

Work Done:



©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008

14.7 Evaluating, Concluding and Reporting

(a) Introduction
During this final phase of the compliance review process, the evidence that
was gathered and committed to working papers must be evalua ted to
determine whether the evidence is sufficient and appropriate. The reported
conclusion must be based on the evaluation of the person responsible (usually
the manager) for the review.

There should be a flagging and follow -up system to ensure that the
matter/problem is resolved or dealt with properly. This system will be the
responsibility of line management. The compliance officer will facilitate and
advise on these systems.

(b) Ob je ct ive s of a Com p lianc e R ep o rt

The compliance report is the end result of the compliance review process. It is
therefore important that the objectives of this final document are clearly

Some objectives of this document are as follows:

(I) To highlight control issues to management

The compliance review report can play a major role in warning
management of the potential danger in a situation where the control
implications have not been properly addressed. This would be
particularly relevant where new legislative issues apply to the business
relating to the management's business objectives. For example, the
obligations of the business in terms of the Skills Levy Act, could adversely
affect the business's objective of maximising profit. However, with good
controls in place, management may be able to recover moneys from the

The report should address the positive and the adverse findings of the
compliance review. The reporting of positive findings provides
management with the assurance that controls are sound and are in place.
The report of adverse findings serves as a preventative tool as it alerts
management on what action needs to be taken. The adverse report on
controls may be as a result of controls falling into misuse after
management had implemented a plan of action previously. In cases such
as these, the review report must support management so that the issue
reported is not construed as criticism.

(ii) To Bring Problems To Management's Attention

The highlighting of problems would be an expectation of the compliance
review and must be brought out in the report. It is imperative that the
compliance officer keeps properly documented working papers of the
work done, the results and the conclusions reached and that the evidence
is sufficient to support the findings on certain reported matters.

When a problem is reported, the deficiency should be noted as well as the

underlying causes of the deficiency, for example, that a supervisor is
overriding the control, as well as the effect of the deficiency. It cannot
be overemphasised that the information obtained during the review must

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Handbook for Members


be clearly documented, referenced and well thought out in order to

correctly report the effect of a breach or non -compliance to management.

A few examples of issues that could feature in the effect of the deficiency
aspect of the report are cost-benefit analysis, further illustrations on how
things could get worse if the control is not adhered to and setting out a
percentage or a rand value of the breach and its effect in terms of fines
and penalties.

(iii) Recommending Change

This is a crucial aspe ct o f the repo rt w hich must be thought ab out
creatively by the compliance officer in order to find solutions to any
problems that arise. The recommendation/s must clearly state what is
recommended and reasons for the recommendation/s.

Expressing a deficiency, its underlying causes and its effect, will give the
c o m p l i a n c e o f fi c e r a lo g i c a l f o u nd a t i o n t h a t w i l l a s s i s t i n m a k i n g

Fo r e xamp le , if a no n - ad he re nce to a co ntro l is id e ntifie d and the

underlying cause of this deficiency is an o verriding of the control by a
s u p e r v i s o r . T he e f f e c t o f t h e d e fi c i e n c y i s a f i n e o f R i m f o r no n -
co mp li an ce w i t h a re g ul a tio n. T he re c o m me nd a t io ns m ad e b y the
compliance officer may include that the supervisor is given a warning to
adhere to the control and the manager oversees that the supervisor
adheres to the control.

If there is more than one option available to address the non -adherence
to the control, the alternatives should be set out in the recommendations.
However, the compliance officer must beware of providing an overload of
advice in these situations.

The reco mmend ation may attemp t to get management to do things

differently or it may attempt to remove underlying problems.

If possible, the cost of the recommendation or other resources should be

indicated. The recommendation would be particularly convincing if the
cost-benefit advantage of the re commendation is demonstrated. The
cost of a poor existing control could be used as a comparison to the one

Where a control cannot be implemented immediately, a standard may be

established that may be aimed at over a period of time.

The recommendations made must take the business environment into

account and must also be practically workable.

The following terminology may be applied, depending on t he seriousness

of the recommendations:

"We recommend that the....."

71©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

"We strongly recommend that the...."
"It is advisable for management to implement the....."
"It is essential that management puts the ......

"Management needs to urgently address the issue of ..... "

"Management should consider these possibilities..."

Recommendations should also be presented in the report in order priority

so that the matters of highest impact are read first.

(iv) Content of Report

The compliance report could contain the following:
(1) Executive Summary
All reports should start with an executive summary. The objective
of this summary is to highlight to senior management, in a nutshell,
what was identified, what was done and what action still needs to
be taken.
(2) Formal Acknowledgement
For co-operation and assistance during review.
(3) Responsibility for Compliance
It must be expressly noted that responsibility for compliance rests
with management and not the compliance officer.
(4) Objectives, Terms of Reference and Scope
The objectives, terms of reference and scope must be clearly stated
in the report. These paragraphs must be cross-referenced to
working papers for easy reference in future.
The findings and the effect of the findings must be clearly stated in
the report.
(5) Issues, Recommendations and Action
There should be a clear link between the terms of reference, issues
and recommendations. The required action steps should be stated
in descending order of importance with the highest priority being
stated first. These paragraphs must be cross-referenced to the
working papers that support them for speedy reference. The
management comments to the recommendations should also be
stated in the report.
(6) C o n c l u s i o n
This stage follows the reporting stage when the entire compliance
review is tied up and the matter may be put to rest until the next
The quality review should also be done at the conclusion stage of
the compliance review
Completed checklists and signoff sheets may be included in the file
to confirm that the matter is concluded.
(v) Quality Assurance
( 1 ) In t r o d u c t io n
Standards must be established and guidance must be provided on
the quality control policies and procedures of a compliance function.

Quality control policies and procedures should be implemented at

two levels, the compliance division as a whole and to the
compliance reviewers on an individual assignment.
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( 2 ) The Compliance Division
The compliance division should adopt the following control
• Professional Requirements - independence, integrity,
objectivity, confidentiality and professional behaviour.

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Handbook for Members


 Skills and Competence - the division should be staffed by

personnel that have attained the required degree of professional
competence to carry out their tasks with due professional care.
Furthermore, staff should keep up with regulatory changes and
have knowledge of the business and regulatory requirements.
 Assignment — the compliance assignment is to be assigned to
personnel that have the required degree of technical
competence, training and prof iciency for the specific
requirement. Information must be properly documented and
reported and followed up on where necessary.
 Delegation — there must be sufficient direction, supervision and
review of work at all levels to provide reasonable assurance that
the work performed meets the appropriate standards of quality.
 Consultation — there should be consultation within or outside
the division and with specialists where necessary.
 Monitoring — the adequacy and consistency of the quality
control policies and procedures is to be monitored.

Individual Assignments
The compliance officer should implement the quality control
procedures that are the policies and procedures of the compliance
division, to the individual reviews as well. The following could be
 Direction — The compliance team to whom work is delegated
need appropriate direction on their responsibilities and the
objectives of the procedures to be performed, nature of the
business, budget constraints etc.
 Supervision — This involves monitoring the progress of the
review, assisting the junior compliance officers with queries and
issues requiring professional judgment.
 Review — The work performed by each assistant needs to be
reviewed by personnel of at least equal competence to consider
whether or not:
> The work has been performed in accordance with the
> The work performed and the results obtained have been
adequately documented.
> Significant matters have been resolved.
> Objectives of the review procedures have been achieved.
> Conclusions expressed are consistent with the results of the
work performed and support the compliance opinion.

An independent quality assurance reviewer, not otherwise

involved in the review, should perform the review procedure
before the report is issued.

74©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

Practical examples to further illustrate Independent Monitoring techniques
Example 1
Assuming that the scope of this review is for the period 1 March 2000 to 28 February
2001. The secretarial department controls 100 companies that are subsidiaries,
associates or joint ventures of the holding company.


Section 179 of the The risks with regard to Adequacy —
Companies' Act: the provision is the 1. Enquire (enquire) from
Annual General Following: management as to whether
Meetings 1. That a meeting may a schedule exists in respect
"Every company shall not be held for some or of all the companies and
hold an Annual General other reason or that the haphazardly inspect
Meeting within not more meeting may be held (inspect) the schedule for
than nine months after but not within the period any one company for the
the financial year end, as prescribed by the act. current financial year's
with not more than
annual general meeting date
fifteen months between 2. The following control
to ensure that the date for
meetings. may exist, if it does not
the annual general meeting
exist, then the control
is within not more than nine
may be recommended
months after the financial
as a new control to be
year-end and within not
implemented. The
more than fifteen months
control is therefore the
between meetings.
2. Inspect (inspect) the
(i)A schedule, which schedule for evidence of the
clearly sets out dates manager's signature
when activities are to be confirming that the dates
carried out, exists. Once are correct.
an activity has been
If the control exists and the
carried out the planning
test has been successful
date for the next activity
then the compliance officer
or for the next year is
may report that the control
immediately entered
is adequate and move onto
onto the system.
consistency REVIEW.
(ii)The maintenance of
th i s s ch ed u le i s th e I f t h e c o n t r o l w a s n o t
responsibility of a clerk. i m p l e m e n t e d b u t t h e
(iii) A manager inspects m e e t i n g d i d t a k e p l a c e
t h e s c h e d u l e o n a within the correct time then
monthly basis and signs the compliance officer must
t h e s c h e d u l e a s also enquire as to whether
evidence that the dates t h e r e m a y b e a
are correct. compensating control in
place to ensure that the
meeting took place within
the prescribed time. The
compliance officer may then
test the consistency of the
compensating control.

75©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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If the compliance officer
finds the compensating
control to be effective, he
may report that the control
is effective.
If the control is not
implemented and there is no
compensating control, the
compliance officer may
report that the original
control will be adequate
when it is implemented.
a)- Randomly select
companies and inspect the
register for tothe
March 2000 period 1
28 February
2001; and
b)- Inspect the dates per the
schedule to ensure that the
annual general meetings per
the schedules were all held
within the prescribed
periods; and
c)-Where the meetings have
already taken place within
the prescribed periods
whether the schedule is
updated for the following

Assume that the controls are

found to be ineffective, and
then the compliance officer
has to determine whether he
needs to do substantive
The compliance officer then
needs to establish whether
the non-compliance with this
provision will result in
monetary loss to the
companies or the holding
company and quantify the
monetary loss.
Assuming that there will be
a significant monetary loss if
the provision is not followed
then the following
substantive procedure may

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Handbook for Members



be followed.
a)-Enquire (enquiry) from
the company secretary
whether the Annual General
Meeting has been held; and
b) - Inspect (inspects a
document) the attendance
register of the directors and
members to ensure that
they signed as being present
at that meeting.
c) - Inspect the minutes to
determine whether the
meetings were held on the
correct dates.

Substantive REVIEW
The Act also prescribes (1)A preformatted (1)Inspect a sample or 30
that the following agenda, which sets out minutes of meetings held to
matters must be dealt the prescribed matters ensure that all prescribed
with at the Annual to be discussed at the matters have been dealt
General Meeting: meeting. with as prescribed.
-Acceptance of the (2)A checklist which the
Annual Financial company secretary ticks
Statements at the meeting to
-Appointment and ensure that all
Remuneration of prescribed matters are
Directors discussed
-Appointment of (3)The company
Auditors secretary documents
minutes, which are
preformatted with the
issues to be discussed.

77©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


Example 2

Banks are required to submit returns to the Reserve Bank. These returns are for the Bank to
confirm that certain requirements of the Bank's Act are complied with. The compliance officer
conducts adequacy, consistency or substantive review on the controls or information in place in
order to confirm to the Reserve Bank that it complies with these regulatory requirements.
The DI 820 return A manager in charge in Adequacy Review:
that the Bank the Treasury department Select any one-day and
Compliance reviews the liquid asset inspect the register for
Fu n c t io n h a s to records as a percentage as evidence of the Treasury
complete is that well as in Rand value on a Department manager's
the Bank is daily basis and signs the signature confirming that
complying with the liquid asset register to the daily balance complies
average minimum confirm that the minimum with the Act.
amount of liquid amount of liquid assets
assets, as provided held by the Bank at the S e l e c t a n y w e e k a n d
for in section 72 of close of business on any inspect the register to
the Act? day during the holding c o n f i r m th a t t h e R i s k
period did not decrease to Management department
an amount less than an manager has signed the
amount equal to 75% of register to confirm that
the average daily amount the daily balance complies
of liquid assets required to with the Act.
be held?
Consistency Review:
The manager in the Risk Randomly select 10 days
Management department of a month in the current
monitors the balance on a financial year and inspect
weekly basis and signs the the register for evidence of
register to confirm this the Treasury Department
amount. manager's signature
confirming that the daily
balance complies with the
requirements of the Act.
Randomly select 10 weeks
of the current financial
year and inspect the
register for evidence of the
Treasury Department
manager's signature
confirming that the daily
balance complies with the
requirements of the Act.

Substantive Review:
Calculate the average
amount of the liquid
assets during a holding
Ca l c u l at e 7 5 % o f th e
average amount of the
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Handbook for Members



liquid assets.
Randomly select a sample
of 10 days and inspect the
minimum amount of the
liquid assets of the bank
on those days.
Compare the minimum
amount with your
calculations per 2 above to
ensure that the minimum
amount did not decease to
less than 75% of the
average daily balance.

Compliance monitoring is one of the cornerstones of the compliance function. The application
thereof will depend on the monitoring objectives and on the circumstances.

79©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



15.1 Introduction
The objective of this Section is to establish a compliance culture and to
facilitate a program to enhance this compliance culture.

15.2 Background
The program will be divided into two important subsections, i.e., the general
awareness program for the employees and a formalised intensive training
program of Compliance Officers or any employee whose job contains specific
compliance tasks or responsibilities.

15.3 General Awareness Program ("GAP")

The general awareness program is the ultimate responsibility of line
management. The Compliance Officer's responsibility is to advise on the
program and to facilitate the program.
The two essential elements of the GAP are EDUCATION and REGULAR

15.3.1 Education
Education ensures that employees understand the relevant topic.
Education needs to be carried out by a number of means and repeated
at intervals. The methods that could be used are:
i) Circulars
ii) Manuals
iii) Booklets
iv) Presentations
v) Briefings

A manual is an educational document and it serves as a practical day-

to-day operating document.

The presentation and briefings should be compulsory for all employees

and management. Records should be kept of the employees attending
these presentations and briefings.

A company must have adequate arrangements in place to ensure that

employees and management are educated on a continuing basis,
therefore education on new regulations and laws are important.

Compliance monitoring will indicate all the areas that the employees
do not comply with. These areas would need to be emphasised and the
education program would be adjusted accordingly to accommodate
these areas.

The content of courses presented to employees, as part of the GAP

should be in practical and simple so that it is understandable at all
applicable staff levels.

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The purpose of GAP is to ensure that all employees and management

do their respective tasks within fit and proper standards and that they
maintain high standards of integrity and fair dealing.
New employees should be educated and made aware of the company's
commitment to compliance with the law and regulations and informed
that a similar commitment will be required by them.

15.3.2 Communication
Communication reinforces the compliance system's importance to all
employees and management and ensures that they remember the
items with which they have to comply.
Communication should be brief and easily absorbed and should be
designed just to jog the memory.
The methods for communication should include:
(a) Oral presen tation;
(b) Short articles or reminders in internal journals;
(c) Messages on electronic mail system; and
(d) Even occasional posters.
Communication overlaps with education and should be two-way.
Communication from the workplace back to the Compliance Officer
should be encouraged because it will:
(i) Express ideas;
(ii) Facilitate the resolution of problems;
(iii) Note difficulties in a system that needs improving; and
(iv) Assist employees to feel comfortable about seeking help.

15.4 Formalised intensive training program

This program ensures that those who have to carry out compliance tasks and
responsibilities understand how the job fits into the wider context and they
know how to perform the necessary function.
Compliance training is needed for those whose jobs contain specific
compliance tasks or responsibilities. Compliance staff should receive specific
training in types of monitoring techniques used by internal audit. They may
also need training in matters such as scheduling compliance activities,
effective communications, and some specifics of the law in specialised areas.
Conflict resolution will also often be useful training . Others will need
compliance training to the extent appropriate to their duties. As with most
other compliance activities, training should be properly scheduled on a
periodic basis. The compliance manager will require an overview of a training
program. Most training will be conducted or arranged by line management, as
it will usually be directed at line functions.
Involvement of the business unit's Compliance Officer is desirable.
(A proposal for an intensive Training Program for Compliance Officers will be included
here once the matter has been debated)

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Handbook for



16.1 Introduction
This section sets out the disciplinary procedures for employees in cases of non
16.2 Background
Disciplined behaviour is essential both for the successful achievement of the
employer's objectives and for the safety and fair treatment of the employees.
It is the responsibility of management to maintain disciplined behaviour and it
is entitled to expect satisfactory conduct and work performance from
For discipline to be maintained fairly the employees should know what
constitutes liability as a result of misconduct and the procedures which will be
followed when dealing with misconduct. A dismissal may be unfair if it is not
effected for a fair reason and in accordance with a fair procedure. The facts of
the case and the appropriateness of dismissal as a penalty determine whether
or not a dismissal is for a fair reason.
The Labour Relations Act, 1995, recognises 3 grounds on which a termination
of employment may be legitimate:
(a) the conduct of the employee;
(b) the capacity of the employee, and
(c) the operational requirements of the employer's business.
The Labour Relations Act, 1995, further provides that dismissals for certain
reasons may be automatically unfair, i.e., if it amounts to an infringement of
the fundamental rights of employees and trade unions or if it is for a reason
listed in section 187 of the Act such as participation in a lawful or protected
strike, intended or actual pregnancy and acts of discrimination.

16.3 Disciplinary Code: Principles

A disciplinary code and procedure should be based on the following principles:
(a) Disciplinary action should be corrective as opposed to punitive, the aim
being to bring about a change in the behaviour of employees who have
indulged in undesirable actions so that such employees adhere willingly
through greater acceptance and understanding, to standards of conduct
and performance.
(b) Punitive action should only be taken when prior graduated corrective
action has proved ineffectual or when a first offence is very serious.
(c) The responsibility for imposing discipline is that of management.
Management must also adopt clear disciplinary rules that establish the
standard of conduct required of employees. Such rules must create
certainty and consistency in the application of discipline. The standards
of conduct must also be clear and made available to employees in a
manner that is easily understood.
(d) As far as is practicable, similar offences committed in similar
circumstances will be treated equally through similar disciplinary action.
Consistency in discipline is therefore of the utmost importance.
(e) Formal procedures do not have to be invoked every time a rule is broken
or a standard is not met. Informal advice and correction is the best and
most effective way for the employer to deal with minor violations of
92©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for

work discipline. Repeated misconduct will warrant warnings which
themselves may be created according to degrees of severity. More

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Handbook for


serious infringements or repeated misconduct may call for a final

warning or other action short of dismissal. Dismissal should be reserved
for cases of serious misconduct or repeated offences.
Generally it is not appropriate to dismiss an employee for a first offence
except if the misconduct is serious and of such gravity that it makes a
continuous employment relationship intolerable. When deciding whether
or not to impose a penalty of dismissal, management should in addition
to the gravity of the misconduct consider factors such as the employees
circumstances (including length of service, previous disciplinary record
an d p e r s on al ci r cu mst an c es) , th e n at u r e o f th e j ob an d th e
circumstances of the infringement itself. Prior to any disciplinary action
being taken, careful consideration of the circumstances must be given.
This must follow a thorough investigation into each incident.

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of South Africa

ook for

March 2008


17.1 Introduction
Procedures and controls to accommodate customer complaints according to,
inter alia, the Code of Banking Practice, The Financial Advisory and
Intermediary Services Bill 2000 and the Policy Holder Protection Rules, are
discussed in this section.

17.2 Background
An entity must have written procedures for the effective consideration and
proper handling of customer complaints and must also ensure:
(a) that each of its employees is aware of these procedures and of the
obligation to follow them;
(b) a proper handling of the complaints from customers are relevant to its
complaints, with the principles and the rules applicable to the conduct of
that business;
(c) that any appropriate remedial action on those complaints is promptly
taken; and
(d) where the complaint is not promptly remedied, the customer is advised
of any further avenues for complaint available to him.

17.3 Procedure
The procedures are mainly concerned with "significant complaints". The term
significant complaint includes one which cannot be settled quickly and directly
and one which involves material amounts in relation to the financial
circumstances of the complaint or one which alleges:
(a) a breach of any relevant legislation;
(b) a breach of the customer mandate;
(c) bad faith, malpractice, impropriatory, repetition or recurrence of any
matter about which there has been a recent complaint.

All significant complaints whether written or oral must be notified immediately

to the designated officer who will be responsible for entering details of the
complaint in the compliance register.

It is important that line management keep track of the complaint until it has
been completely resolved.

The complaint must be considered by an officer or employee of suitable

seniority (line management), who is impartial. If an impartial employee is not
available, consideration should be given to obtain a suitable person outside
the entity.

A letter responding to the complaint to be signed by line management should

be sent to the customer without any delay. It will be sufficient to have the
response reviewed by the Compliance Officer before it is sent to the
complainant. Remember that even a trivial complaint if left unattended or
mishandled will affect the reputation of an entity and therefore could impact
92©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for

negatively on an entity.

17.4 Evaluation of the procedure

The Compliance Officer will monitor the complaint procedure according to the
relevant regulatory requirement and advise on the adequacy of the complaint
The Compliance Officer will specifically monitor the following:
(a) that the complaint procedures are adequate to ensure that the complaints
are properly handled; and
(b) remedial action is taken promptly and unsatisfied complainants are
advised of the further avenues available to them.
It is of the utmost importance to have a proper functional customer
complaints procedure in place to minimise the entity's reputation risk.

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Ultimate responsibility for compliance lies with the Board of Directors. The
governance structures that are in place will specify management responsibilities. The
responsibility for assisting the business in complying with regulatory requirements is
delegated to the compliance officer.

The Board of Directors and management will rely on the compliance function to obtain
an appropriate understanding of the level of compliance with regulatory requirements.

In placing reliance on the function, they will need to know whether the compliance
officer is sufficiently independent.

18.1 Why the Compliance Officer should remain independent

(a) Introduction
There is, to some degree, a natural conflict between the interests of business
and complying with regulatory requir ements. For instance, where
management's performance is primarily assessed on income/profit that is
g e ne rate d , it is like ly that thi s is w he re the p rimary fo cu s w ill re main.
Compliance, on the other hand, may result in restrictions being placed on
business opportunities.

(i) Why should a compliance officer remain independent?

The Compliance Office r must at all times maintain a high degree of
professional independence.

This is reflected in regulation 47(1) of the Banks Act that provides that:

"A bank shall establish an independent compliance function as part of

the risk management framework, in order to establish that the bank
continuously manages its regulatory risk, that is, the risk that the bank
does not comply with applicable laws and regulations or supervisory

If the co mpliance officer is not independent and reports directly to

management, the compliance officer could be "captured" by
management. This could be problematic if the compliance officer reports
o n issue s o f no n - co mp liance , o r w h e re the re is a co nflic t b e tw e e n
business objectives and the applicable regulatory requirements.

For instance:
 Firstly, the compliance officer is reporting the failure directly to the
person responsible for the failure; or
 Secondly, the report may be squash ed and never reach the Board who
is ultimately responsible for compliance.

The internal and external auditor functions have gone to great lengths to
establish standards that promote independence. The compliance function
is faced with similar challenges.

92©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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However, it is also detrimental to be too independent as the compliance
officer runs the risk of becoming an "outsider." The compliance function

92©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for


must ensure that it remains part of the day -to-day business decisions
by assisting management in p laying a role of being "part of the solution"
in complying with regulatory requirements. If compliance is structured
along the lines of an internal audit function, it risks being reactive rather
the pro-active.

This represents somewhat of a challenge in th at there is a very fine line

between remaining independent whilst still being part of the day -to-day
business processes.

Let's look at how the compliance reporting lines should be structured in

order to ensure that there is adequate independence.

The diagram set out in Section 15 serves to highlight key aspects of

re p o r ti ng l ine s th a t w i ll e n h an ce i nd e p e n d e n ce . Fo r i ns t a nce , t he
diagram reflects the compliance officer with a direct reporting line to the
chief executive officer and a direct reporting line to the Board Audit
co mmittee . This e nsure s that the co mp liance o ffice r is sufficiently
independent to perform his/her duties objectively, namely, without undue
influence. In some cases, the compliance function reporting line is often
to the chief risk office r. This could be structured alongside other risk
functions e.g. internal audit.

(ii) Aspects of independence

In the final analysis, independence is a state of mind. In achieving this
s t a t e o f m i n d , t h e c o m p l i a n c e o f f i ce r s h o u ld a c t u a l l y n o t o n l y b e
independent but rather they should also be seen to be independent.

The compliance officer should not have any conflict of interest that would
impair their independence.

Independence is central to the success of the compliance function.

Without an adequate level o f independence, a compliance officer would
be faced with significant and perhaps fatal challenges.

93©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008
The diagram that is set out below serves to highlight compliance reporting lines that
could be put in place in a large organisation:



I At


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Handbook for Members

March 2008


A conflict of interest arises when more than one stakeholder has an interest in a
particular transaction.

For example, a business has a client (of 25 years standing) who is a director in a mining
company and wishes to sell a portion of the company. Another client wishes to invest in
mining. A situation arises where these clients have opposing interests. Whose
interests come first? Can the information obtained from one client be used for the
benefit of the other client?

Clearly the business should guard against committing market fraud, breaching fiduciary
duties and committing insider trading offences. More importantly, there is the risk of
reputational damage if any of the above was found out.

It is submitted that, if conflicts of interest cannot be avoided or adequately managed,

there is a risk of going out of business.

The compliance function plays a valuable role in that it assists management to ensure
that control measures are in place to avoid or manage conflicts of interest adequately.

20.1 How to Assist Management in Managing Conflicts of Interest' .

(a) Introduction
Where a business holds a particular share and wishes to sell it at the highest
possible price and another, a customer instructs them to purchase that particular
share on his/her behalf but at the lowest possible price, a potential conflict of
interest arises.

Does the trader act in the best interests of the business and sell at the highest
possible price to the customer, or does he give the customer a "good deal" and
prejudice the interests of the business?

Principle 8 of the Financial Services Authority's Handbook requires a firm

to manage conflicts of interest fairly. The principle requires that when a
conflict arises between a firm and its customer or between two customers
of the firm, that the firm "pay due regard to the interest of each customer
and manage the conflict of interest fairly."
Financial Services Authority — United Kingdom

Section 4 of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act requires that a

manager of a collective investment scheme must avoid conflict between the
interests of that manager and the interests of an investor.

How does a compliance officer assist management to ensure that such conflicts of
interest are appropriately managed?

( b ) Managing conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest may arise between:
• The interests of the business and its client;

It is acknowledged that much of the information contained in this section has been adapted from the
96©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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March 2008
Financial Services Authority — United Kingdom

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March 2008

 The interests of two different clients;

 The interests of an employee and his/her employer; or
 The interests of an employee and a client.

Where possible, conflicts of interest should be avoided. However, a business may

manage conflicts of interest by:
 Disclosing such interests to the customer;
 Instituting a policy of independence;
 Establishing Chinese walls; or
 Instituting a personal account trading policy.

( c) D is cl os e i nt eres ts to the cus tom er

Before a business advises a customer in respect of a transaction or deals on behalf
the customer in respect of a transaction, the business must disclose the potential
conflict of interest to the customer. This should be disclosed in writing.

( d) Ins ti t ut e a pol i cy of independence

The business may institute a policy of independence, which requires the employee
to remain independent when advising or dealing on behalf of a customer, thereby
representing only the interests of the customer. The business must still advise the
customer that it may have a material interest. All employees must be aware of the

( e) Establish Chinese Walls

Chinese walls are internal arrangements in terms of which information held by one
person in the conduct of business is not available to persons in the conduct of
another part of the business. An example of this is where traders and asset
managers of the same business are prohibited from sharing information.

Is this merely a state of mind, or is physical separation required?

It is impossible to compartmentalise one's mind. Once you are aware of

information from which a conflict of interest will arise, you have been
compromised. It is not possible to pretend that you don't have such information.
As a result of this, businesses often ensure that staff members such as traders
and asset managers are physically separated. This can be achieved through
access control whereby access to the physical office area is restricted to certain
employees only, and the recording of the telephone conversations of employees
located in that area.

( f) Institute a personal account trading policy

A personal account trading policy places restrictions on an employee trading for
his/her personal account. In some businesses a complete ban is placed on
personal account trading, while other businesses require prescribed procedures
including prior permission from management in respect of each trade. The FSB
and SARB have issued personal account trading policy guidelines.

( g) Decline to act for a customer

Where a business is unable to manage the conflict of interest fairly, it should
decline to act on behalf of the customer.

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Handbook for

Appropriate management of conflicts of interest is essential to maintain
stakeholder confidence in a business.

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Handbook for



21.1 Why it is Important to Keep Records

(a) Introduction
If you are asked to submit proof of an event or a transaction and you have no
record thereof, how would you prove that the event or transaction actually

A business keeps records because:

 It is sound business practice to keep records of all the business that it has
conducted; and
 The law requires it.

(b) For business purposes

There is obviously a need to keep records for business purposes. A business
that processes numerous transactions on a daily basis must keep track of the
aforementioned. This would not be possible without a permanent account of
each and every transaction?

Record keeping is an important ongoing business activity.

(c) Because it is the law!

There are numerous regulatory requirements that specify that records must be

Although a detailed analysis of all the regulatory requirements relating to record

keeping is beyond the scope of this Handbook, some of the more significant
requirements are discussed.

The following laws make it compulsory to keep records:

Regulation 47 of the Banks Act:

Regulation 47 specifically prescribes the following in respect of record keeping:

(c) Document the compliance officer's finding, including any remedial action,
as part of the compliance-monitoring programme.

Financial Intelligence Centre Act:

Section 22 of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act prescribes that certain records
in respect of business relationships and transactions must be kept for a period of
5 years, specifically:
 The identity of the customer;
 The manner in which the identity was established;
 The amount of the transaction;
 The parties involved in the transaction; and
 Any document used to verify a person's identity.
Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act:
The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act requires that the following
records be kept for a minimum period of 5 years:
 Records of advice given to customers;
 Known premature cancellations of transactions or financial products by

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008

 Complaints received, as well as an indication as to whether or not the

complaints have been resolved;
 The continued compliance with the authorisation requirements of FAIS by the
Financial Services Provider and the representatives; and
 Cases of non-compliance and the reasons for such non-compliance.

A financial services provider must also maintain a register of "representatives"

and "key individuals" which must be regularly updated and available for

Maintenance of appropriate records will achieve an appropriate business and

compliance audit trail.

21.2 The compliance activities that must be recorded

(a) Introduction
For the sake of convenience, the records that should be kept from a compliance
standpoint will be discussed under the following headings:
 Compliance services
 Compliance training
 Compliance monitoring

This is not intended to be exhaustive and serves to highlight key compliance

record keeping considerations.

(b) Services
In Section 7, various aspects of compliance services were considered which
included the provision of advice on regulatory requirements, overseeing the
implementation of the compliance process, contact with the regulators and

Each of the aforementioned is addressed below:

(i) Providing advice on regulatory requirements

The identification, analysis and prioritisation of regulatory requirements
should be recorded as part of the compliance process. This will be
incorporated into compliance-related documentation, for example, in risk
management plans.

Copies of "regulatory briefs" or "newsletters" advising management of

changes to legislation and new regulatory requirements will serve as an
audit trail of the support provided to the business.
Compliance officers play an important role in providing advice on how to
apply the regulatory requirements in a business context. Practical
considerations relating to record keeping in this regard include the
 Written record of the business's request for services;
 Record of research undertaken;
 Input from regulators;
 Record of legal advice obtained;
 Record of compliance services provided; and
 Record of compliance rulings based on the business request.

98©Compliance Institute of South Africa

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March 2008

Clearly judgment should be exercised in deciding when to keep records in

respect of compliance services provided to management.

(ii) Overseeing the implementation of compliance procedures

Control measures to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements
should be recorded in the risk management plans. As noted earlier, these
risk management plans form part of the compliance manual.

(iii) R e p o r t i n g
Compliance officers produce a number of reports in the normal course of
their day-to-day activities. These include:
 Compliance reporting;
 Management reporting; and
 Board reporting.

Clearly copies of the reports will serve as a record of the work done by the
compliance officer/function.

(iv) Contact with regulators

The relationship with regulators is an important aspect of the compliance
function. It is essential that all significant aspects of this relationship be
recorded. This includes keeping records of the following:
 Meetings held with regulators including telephonic discussions;
 Correspondence undertaken; and
 Regulatory reviews.

Copies of any and all reports to the regulator on compliance issues should
be kept on file.

21.3 Training
It is good practice to keep records (attendance registers) of all employees who have
attended compliance training. Where assessments of staff members that are trained are
undertaken, the results of the assessment should be kept.

From a compliance perspective, this will serve as evidence of the responsibility to train
staff having been fulfilled.

These records should identify who received compliance training, as well as what they
received training on and the results of any assessment conducted. Record keeping
provides evidence of compliance with regulatory requirements.

21.4 Monitoring
Compliance monitoring activities provide an essential understanding of how well the
business is complying with the regulatory requirements.

The recording of monitoring activities is essential. The nature of the records will vary
according to the type of monitoring that takes place.
The results of monitoring that is conducted should be communicated to a number of
stakeholders. These include:
 Management
 Staff Members
 Internal Audit
 Risk or Audit Committees
 Board of Directors
99©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

Importantly, the results of monitoring activities should be reported to management in

order to facilitate remedial action and records thereof kept on file. This serves as proof
of the monitoring activities. Records of the management response to the monitoring are
also important.

Compliance record keeping is essential to evidence the services, monitoring and

training undertaken.

100©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members



As discussed, accountability for compliance lies with the Board of Directors whilst
responsibility for ensuring compliance is delegated to management.

In order to assist management and the Board, they must be adequately informed of the
status of compliance. How is this achieved? One of the key means of providing the
required information is through compliance reports.

22.1 Compliance Reporting to Management and the Board Of Directors

( a ) In t r o d u c t io n
How is appropriate communication with management and the Board of Directors
achieved? Particularly with respect to the status of compliance and with reference
to instances of non-compliance and how these are handled?

Compliance reporting plays an important role in this regard.

( b ) Compliance reporting
There are a number of regulatory requirements that require business to undertake
compliance reporting.

For example, Regulation 47 of the Banks Act specifies that a bank compliance
officer must submit a report on the level of compliance with laws and regulations
or supervisory requirements at every meeting of the Board of Directors or the
Audit Committee of the bank.

Regular reporting is essential from the lowest levels of the business through to the
top levels of management and ultimately to the Board. Compliance challenges,
significant events, breaches and action taken or proposed to remedy the
aforementioned should be reported.

In large organisations, these reports are, in practice, rolled-up through the

business. For example, from section to division to business unit to group
compliance, who then submits a consolidated report to the Board of Directors.

101©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members


The roll-up of reporting within large organisation is illustrated below. This is by no means the
only way in which this can be structured and the illustration is only intended to demonstrate
key aspects of the reporting.
The compliance reporting to management and the Board of Directors provides the






necessary communication that will assist management to understand the status of


©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008


To recap briefly on a few points:

 The primary role of the regulator is to licence businesses and then monitor
and enforce compliance with regulatory requirements.
 Regulators impact on business in the following respects in that they expect
business to:
o Obtain a licence befo re they may conduct business;
o Meet prudential requirements;
o Meet the minimum standards for the conduct of business;
o I mp le me nt c o m p li a n ce m an ag e me nt s y ste m s; and
o Report on compliance with regulatory requireme nts.
 Regulators also:
o Handle complaints;
o M o nito r co mpliance w ith reg ulato ry require me nts; and
o Take disciplinary action, with may include the imposition of fines, suspension or
withdrawal of licenses.

In view of the above it is important to maintain a good relationship with r egulators.

23.1 Why it is important to liaise with regulators

(a) Introduction
"You need their continuing permission in order to conduct business. You are
obliged to be open and co-operative with them. They can ask you for almost
any information or documentation and they can inspect your business at any
time with or without notice. If they do not like what they see, your firm can be
warned, fined, pilloried, ordered to pay compensation or have its profits
redistributed among claimants. Ultimately, they can suspend or terminate
your firm's authorization, and can prevent any individual from taking up or
remaining in employment in the financial services industry in the United
Kingdom and, practically speaking, in any major financial centre in the world.
Neither you nor your firm can afford to incite them to action."
Newton on the role of the regulator.

The regulator holds the key that allows the conduct of business. A good
relationship with the regulator is critical to the sustainability of the business in
the long term. Such a relationship is only established through effective liaison
with the regulator.

It is clearly advisable that business ensures that the relationship with the
regulator is one of open and effective communication. In playing "open cards"
with the regulator, a level of trust is developed and the business will gain a
reputation of being co-operative.

The co - o rd inatio n o f c o mmunic atio n w ith the re g ulato r is no rm ally the

responsibility of the compliance officer. This is the first point of contact for the
Regulator with any business. The compliance officer should endeavour to be
a v ail ab le a t a ll t i me s to re so l ve an y re g u la t o r y is s ue s th a t m a y a ri se .
Regulators expect issues to be dealt with promptly and thoroughly.

The compliance officer is also res ponsible for reporting compliance issues to
t h e r e g u l a t o r . F o r e x am p l e , R e g u l a t i o n 4 7 o f t h e B a n k s A c t r e q u i re s t h e

103©Compliance Institute of South Africa

Handbook for Members

March 2008

compliance officer to submit a copy of the compliance report submitted to the

Board of Directors or the audit committee, to the Registrar.

Further, the FAIS Act requires the compliance officer of a financial services
provider to submit an annual compliance report to the Registrar.

Exp e rie nce has sho w n that t he w ay in w hich b usine ss is vie w e d b y the
regulator, is to some extent, a s a result of the nature of the relationship
between the business (and in particular the compliance o fficer) and the

104©Compliance Institute of
South Africa

ok for Members

March 2008


Regulatory requirements

References to the regulatory requirements that are imposed are made in the body of this

Other references

Specific references that have been used in the production of this course are set out below:

Bank of England Report on the Collapse of Barings

King II Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa - Institute of Directors in South
Africa - March 2002

- Financial Regulation in South Africa - Roy Bamber, Hans Falkena, David Llewellyn, Tim
Store - SA Financial Sector Forum - 2001

Making Ethics Work in Financial Services - Andrew Newton - 1998

LexisNexis Butterworths Money Laundering Control Seminar Handout - John Symington -
November 2003

- The Internal Auditing Handbook - K.H. Spencer Pickett - Published by John Wiley and

Dynamic Auditing - Marx Van der Watt - LexisNexis Butterworths 2001

The Handbook of Compliance - Making Ethics Work in Financial Services Newton, Andrew

- Making Legal Compliance Work — Brian Sharpe — CCH Australia Ltd 1996

- Statements of South African Auditing Standards — SAICA

©Compliance Institute of South Africa
Handbook for Members
March 2008

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