Explain How Spain Unwittingly Contributed To The Rise of Filipino Nationalism

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Explain how Spain unwittingly

contributed to the rise of Filipino
Filipino nationalism refers to the establishment and support of a political identity associated with the
modern nation-state of the Philippines, leading to a wide-ranging campaign for political, social, and
economic freedom in the Philippines.

2. How would you develop your sense of

nationalism and patriotism?
 Be one with your community and also be updated on what’s happening in your country,
 Vote without fail, Buy and support local,
 Support the army and active-duty military.
 Keep your surroundings clean,
 Be proud of/campaign about the pros of your country (stand with our country)
 Celebrate the diversity of your country.
 And lastly
 Pay your taxes.
1.Know what patriotism is.

A patriotic attitude is an understanding of a nation’s history, accomplishments, and positive

contributions to culture. It also recognizes a nation’s failures and negative influence. So, knowing what
patriotism includes will help conclude if your directed actions are patriotic or not.

2. Vote without fail.

In some countries, people refrain from voting since they believe none of the candidates are worthy of
the office. While that may seem like a method to make your voice heard, it actually does nothing to
keep the government honest. Rather, going to vote and encouraging honest people to fight elections
will be the healthy alternative. Vote for the lesser evil, I guess. And then work towards finding and
electing good politicians who will serve for the welfare of the masses.

3. Buy local. Prefer indigenous products.

Buying locally produced goods increases the revenue of the district and contributes to the economy of
the country as well. Small scale industries grow and provide employment to the local men and women.
This directly increases the viability of a country. Also, such products are good quality and the food crops
are generally pesticide free and healthy.

4. Support the army and active-duty military.

In my school, we used to have an event to celebrate the army men. We used to invite a particular
regiment and celebrate their contribution to our country with a cultural program and some gifts. This
inculcated in me a respect a reverence for the armed officials from a very young age. Being proud of
them and showing you care means a lot as community support is a collective effort. Actively signing up
for duty is an excellent way to literally fight for your country and show patriotism in its truest form.

5. Keep your surroundings clean.

This might seem a tad too simple to be doing this but it speaks volumes about a country when it is neat
and clean. Proper waste management, recycling and composting encourages others around you to do
the same resulting in a cleaner, greener country over all. Planting trees occasionally will also make the
air healthy, and a lot more conducive for travellers increasing tourism.

6. Be proud of/campaign abot the pros of your country.

This will increase tourism and general interest towards the country. The positive reviews of tourists and
citizens alike improves the rank of the country on the basis of viability as a place of travel. Before
travelling, everyone nowadays checks for first hand online reviews of the living conditions, safety and
dining offerings of the place they’re visiting. An all over happy vibe makes the country better in the
happiness index and contentment.

7. Celebrate the diversity of your country.

Each country is made up of people of varied ethnicities, religions and follow different cultures. But they
all bring something to the table. The country is a beautiful amalgamation of the richness of each
community that is unique in itself, yet a part of something big. The progress of each country is visible
only when everyone feels safe, welcome and happy in that country. The feeling of patriotism rises
automatically when you love your country unconditionally.

8. Pay your taxes.

Yes, well, this too! Tax is the direct link of a citizen to tu government and his country. When that money
is used to develop infrastructure, provide education, and employment is makes the country better. This
way you have given back to the country in return for so much that your birth-land does for you. Giving
to charities and health institutions is also patriotic because you’ve somehow elevated the countries

9. Volunteer.

Participate in marches to protest, to demand and to bring about change. Volunteer at night shelters, or
soup kitchens or whatever it is locally called in your city. Give to the poor all you have to spare, and
devote a few hours every week at a home for the elderly. Along with their blessings, you get a feeling of
happiness and satisfaction that is par none. This one-to-one work shows you the results instantaneously
and the smiles that you brought to every life that you touched. Empathies, and the rest will flow.

10. Fly the Flag

The most literal way of being patriotic is to hoist the flag of your country – in the right manner of course.
Every country has rule book about how you can fly the flag. It might be hard to believe but not a lot of
people do this anymore, even though it is so simple and swells the heart knowing you belong to your

3. As a student, what nationalistic and

patriotic activities will you undertake and
promote in the community?
1. Vote. One of the best ways to honor the principles upon which our nation was built is to vote.
2. Support a veteran. Do more than thank them for their service.
3. Fly the Stars and Stripes correctly. The S.
4. Support our national parks.
5. Serve on a jury.

Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism.

Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged,
but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are
involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which
one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is
of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is
inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure
more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has
chosen to sink his own individuality.

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