Split-Ticket Voting in An STV System - Choice in A Non-Strategic Context

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Irish Political Studies

ISSN: 0790-7184 (Print) 1743-9078 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/fips20

Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System: Choice in a

Non-Strategic Context

Michael Marsh & Carolina Plescia

To cite this article: Michael Marsh & Carolina Plescia (2015): Split-Ticket Voting
in an STV System: Choice in a Non-Strategic Context, Irish Political Studies, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07907184.2015.1059323

Published online: 08 Jul 2015.

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Irish Political Studies, 2015

Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System:

Choice in a Non-Strategic Context
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Department of Political Science, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 02, Ireland; ∗∗ Department of
Methods in the Social Sciences, University of Vienna, 1010 Vienna, Austria

A BSTRACT This article explores the sources of weak party-voting patterns in Irish elections,
conceptualising this as split-ticket voting. Ireland provides a context where election results
show split-ticket voting is common, but the strategic interpretations of such behaviour that
have been very prominent elsewhere are not generally applicable. We employ data from the
Irish national election studies to explore the behaviour of individuals embedded in a variety
of contexts. The results demonstrate the prevalence of split-ticket voting, and they support
the validity of non-strategic explanations. One source of explanation for the patterns we
find lies in differences between individuals: partisanship and the extent to which voters are
attracted to candidates rather than parties are important. A second source is contextual: the
factors connected with the complexity of the choice facing voters have a powerful influence
on split-ticket voting.

Keywords: partisanship; split-ticket voting; strategic voting; candidates; Ireland

Liberal democracy may still be unthinkable without the presence of parties, but in
countries where they have the opportunity to do so many voters seem to vote
across party lines. Conventional wisdom suggests that the bond between voters
and parties has weakened in many advanced democracies. Arguably voters are
increasingly less inclined to use a party label to structure their vote choice (Dalton
& Wattenberg, 2000; Mair et al., 2004). This applies when we are simply looking
at voting for a single position at a single time. However, choices may be more
complex and in such situations voters are seen to split their preferences between
different parties. This happens for instance in the USA, where elections for different
positions are held at the same time, and in Germany, where voters have a vote for a

Corresponding Addresses. Michael Marsh, Department of Political Science, Trinity College Dublin,
3 College Green, Dublin 02, Ireland. E-mails: [email protected], [email protected]; Carolina
Plescia, Department of Methods in the Social Sciences, University of Vienna, Rathausstrasse 19/9, 1010
Vienna, Austria. E-mail: [email protected]

# 2015 Political Studies Association of Ireland

2 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

local candidate as well as one for a party. Historic explanations for split-ticket voting,
as it is usually termed, favoured weak attachment to parties (and strong attachment to
particular candidates) as the reason for such behaviour. In more recent years,
however, explanations have focused more heavily on strategic choices made by
voters, painting this multiple party choice less as a result of weak party affiliation
and more as a result of relatively sophisticated calculation.
In Ireland, the evidence is also that party labels seem to have less power than for-
merly thought to structure voting preferences. Election counts have shown increasing
rates of transfers across parties and decreasing rates of transfers within parties, indi-
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cating that fewer voters are giving their highest preferences to candidates from the
same party (Gallagher, 1978, 2011; Sinnott & McBride, 2011). While this is not nor-
mally described as an example of split-ticket voting (an exception in Darcy & Marsh,
1994), this article argues that it can be seen as such, and that many of the explanations
advanced for split-ticket voting are worth exploring in the Irish context. In part this is
because we should, where possible, seek to understand Irish behaviour in terms of
more general theories, but also because sometimes the Irish context is of particular
value in testing the universal applicability of such theories. We argue here that the
assumptions underlying strategic explanations have little validity in the Irish case,
and that Ireland thus provides a good test for the value of non-strategic explanations.
This is not to argue that strategic reasons do not hold elsewhere, but simply to show
that split-ticket voting can, and does, take place even in the absence of strategic cal-
culation. Our results demonstrate that there is a lot of split-ticket voting, and that the
non-strategic explanations offered elsewhere do carry real weight in explaining where
such behaviour is more typical and what sort of people vote in this way. In essence
weaker party attachments and stronger candidate attachments provide a strong basis
for split-ticket voting; moreover, where the ballot is more complex, voters are even
more likely to cross party lines.

Definitions of Split-Ticket Voting and the Irish Case

Burden and Helmke (2009: 2) outline a conceptual framework and definition
intended to further the comparative study of split-ticket voting, which is as follows:

‘a ticket is split if voter i votes for party j in contest r and votes for party j in
some other contest’.

This is inclusive enough to cover both US elections, including the filling of multiple
offices at different levels, and mixed systems, which we can see as cases of multiple
offices at the same level. This definition could exclude some other cases in which, it is
argued here, the concept of split-ticket voting is appropriate. One is the class of
ordinal voting systems, and most notable is the system of the single transferable
vote (STV). Under STV voters have a single vote to select a candidate in a multimem-
ber constituency, but are given the opportunity to designate preferences across a
number of candidates by ranking them 1, 2, 3 and so on. When the votes are
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 3

counted lower preferences are considered either when a more preferred candidate has
more votes than are necessary for election or else has fewer votes than all other can-
didates. A voter’s ranking may be structured by party, with a voter giving first and
lower preferences to the full set of candidates run by one party before moving on
to indicate a preference between candidates of other parties. But it may be that a
voter gives a second preference to a candidate nominated by a second party rather
than one nominated by the same party, thus ‘splitting their vote’.
This is analogous to the cases above, but it is covered by the Burden and Helmke
(2009) definition only if we treat each lower preference as indicating a choice in a
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separate contest; that is, if we accept that in some sense there is a contest for prefer-
ences 2, 3, . . . , n as well as for first preference votes. This has some basis in the way
campaigns are run as candidates may well seek to get a ‘No 2’ from a voter when they
accept the ‘No 1’ is promised elsewhere, and parties make efforts to get their suppor-
ters to give their first, second (and if appropriate third and fourth) preference to their
candidates. Politically, there are contests for lower preferences votes even if voters
have only one vote in the contest for a seat. Even if this definitional extension is
not accepted, it is argued here that there is a form of voter behaviour under STV
(and some other preferential systems) that is at least analogous to that in the USA
and Germany, for instance, that can be substantively important for election outcomes
and that is potentially explicable in similar ways.1
The obverse of split-ticket voting can be thought to be voting a straight ticket. This
could be defined using the structure used by Burden and Helmke (2009) as amended

a ticket is straight if voter i votes for party j in contest r and votes for party j in
all other contests.

This, however, is perhaps too demanding, since it requires the same partisan choice in
all n contests, even if n is quite large. It seems sensible to separate these three. As
defined by Burden and Helmke (2009) a vote could be split and incomplete so it
might be better to consider a straight vote in similar terms. An alternative would be:

a ticket is straight if voter i votes for party j in contest r and does not vote for
party j in any other contest.

However, under that definition a straight vote is simply one that is not split: hence a
US voter who votes just for President and goes no further could be said to cast
a straight vote.2 We suggest that it makes sense to require a voter to express a
choice in more than one of the real or theoretical contests at issue, although how
many of these might be required may depend on the case being studied.
To cast a valid vote in an STV election in Ireland a voter is required to indicate a
first preference for a candidate. This means placing a ‘1’ next to a candidate’s name.
However, voters may express further, lower, preferences for as many candidates as
they wish. In doing so, they are not constrained by the party labels of candidates.3
4 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

Consider a hypothetical example, a three-seat constituency contested by two parties

(A and B), each of them nominating three candidates.
In Table 1, voter 1 casts a complete ballot, in which party appears as the primary
determinant of the preference order, since all the candidates of A are supported before
those of B. Voter 2 also appears to be motivated by party, even though the ballot is
not filled in completely. Both should be designated as straight-ticket voters. Voter 3,
although supporting only one party, is a very different case since he does not support
all of party A’s candidates. The inference could well be that he is indifferent between
the other two candidates of A and all those of B. If A had run only a single candidate
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we could treat this case as a straight-ticket vote, but this designation could be mislead-
ing since the voter had no option to do anything else. Such cases are best left unclas-
sified in the terms used here. Voter 4 casts a split-ticket, as does voter 5. The latter
certainly fits the definition offered above, despite not completing the ballot,
because votes are cast for different parties. Of course, voter 1 also casts votes for
different parties. The difference is that he does so only once all of A’s candidates
have been ranked.
Following these illustrations it is appropriate to provide operational definitions of
these three patterns of behaviour. In what follows we use the term ‘vote’ to mean
express a preference.4

Split-ticket voting: voting for a candidate from party j and then voting for a can-
didate from party j before or instead of other candidates of party j.

Straight-ticket voting: voting for all of the candidates of party j before voting
for any other candidate.

Incomplete: voting for a candidate from party j, but neither voting for all other
candidates of party j nor voting for any candidates from party j.

Table 1. Hypothetical voting patterns under STV where there are two parties (A and B), each
running three candidates

Voter 1 Voter 2 Voter 3 Voter 4 Voter 5

Straight Straight Incomplete Split Split

Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 5

Explanations for Split-ticket Voting5

Parties and Candidates
The seminal study of voting patterns focused on partisanship (Campbell & Miller,
1957). Straight-ticket voting was seen primarily as an expression of partisanship,
but deviations from this behaviour could be expected where issues or candidate
appeals might be in conflict with partisanship. This is more likely when party attach-
ment is weak. It would be easy to see partisanship here in terms of party identification
as popularised by Campbell et al. (1960), but this is not necessary. In theory, at least,
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a voter could choose to vote for the same party across many offices without having
any long-term commitment to that party. The voter might simply feel that parties are
more important than candidates and at a given time one party is more attractive than
all others. In either case, variations in voting patterns come about because the impor-
tance of party weakens relative to issues or candidate appeals.
There are many ways in which candidate appeal can become salient. Perhaps the
most widely recognised is incumbency. This moves us away from explaining
voting patterns in terms of voter characteristics and allows room for contextual
factors to influence behaviour (Vowles et al., 1998; Burden & Kimball, 2004). The
more incentives and opportunities there are for candidates to personalise their links
with voters, the more likely it is that party and candidate appeals might conflict in
the mind of the voter, whose subsequent behaviour will reflect the cross pressures
that result. In New Zealand, Karp et al. (2002) admit that split-ticket voting in
several constituencies may be driven by misalignment between candidate and party
preferences rather than strategic voting. Burden and Helmke’s (2009) analysis of
the 2000 election in Japan, where personal voting is rather common (Reed, 1994;
Carey & Shugart, 1995), suggests that candidate features matter the most in explain-
ing the levels of split-ticket voting in Japan. And this is confirmed by Moser and
Scheiner (2005: 272– 274) who claim that strategic voting is overestimated by the
current literature because it fails to disentangle sincere voting from strategic split-
ticket voting.

The Complexity of the Task

Another factor recognised by Campbell and Miller (1957: 310) was voter indifference:
behaviour could be governed by ‘a principle of least effort’. Contemporary electoral
research tends rather to talk about ‘short-cuts’ taken by voters. Following a party
line is a solution to the problem of choice when the voter has little information
about the candidates and offices involved. If this is accepted, it is clear that voters’ pol-
itical sophistication as well as the requirements of the voting decision must also be
taken into account: what are voters asked to do; how difficult is the task, and what
other short-cuts might offer themselves. Campbell and Miller (1957: 299– 300)
show that the form of the ballot itself seems to have an influence on the proportion
of straight and split-tickets cast. While factors such as these may be more important
in explaining cross-system variation, there may still be constituency-level variations
6 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

in what voters are asked to do and how they are asked to do it (McAllister & Darcy,
1992; Bullock & Hood, 2002).

Strategic Considerations
While the previous line of explanation acknowledges that many voters may be poorly
informed about, and relatively uninterested in, politics, a rather different body of lit-
erature treats voters as more informed and acting very strategically on that infor-
mation. The ‘policy balancing’ literature argues that the choice of different parties
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for different offices is because voters see different policy priorities in different
spheres, or because they simply want to limit the control exerted by a single party
(Alesina & Rosenthal, 1995; Fiorina, 1996). Despite acceptance of this idea by
many commentators, and particularly those with a conservative inclination, this is
far from being accepted by most scholars (see Burden & Kimball, 2004: 26). It
also seems inapplicable generally outside the US context, although variations in
which people vote for a coalition are more applicable and are discussed below.
The classical formulation of strategic voting under mixed systems has been that
voters usually vote sincerely for parties on the proportional ballot, but vote strategi-
cally for a candidate on the majoritarian ballot to avoid wasting their vote supporting
a candidate with no chance of getting elected: this hypothesis is often known as
‘wasted-vote’ hypothesis (Bawn, 1999; Karp et al., 2002). More recently,
however, researchers have pointed out that proportional rules may offer similar stra-
tegic incentives and the party vote could often be seen as indicating a preferred
coalition. According to this line of reasoning, voters might split their vote to
achieve a coalition outcome by supporting a less preferred party, but likely coalition
partner, on the proportional ballot (‘coalition-insurance’ hypothesis) (Gschwend,
2007; Shikano et al., 2009).
It is worth pointing out that following each of these strategies results in observa-
tionally equivalent split-ticket patterns; that is, a candidate vote for a major party can-
didate and a list vote for the junior coalition partner’s party list. In addition, these
patterns are consistent with sincere voting as it is possible that voters may genuinely
prefer a candidate that happens to run for a different party than the one chosen with
the proportional vote (Gallagher, 1998: 209). Testing the individual-level mechan-
isms and disentangling sincere intentions from strategic intentions require infor-
mation about preferences for both parties and candidates running for elections.
However, while surveys usually ask respondents about preferences for parties, they
do not ask similar questions for candidates.
With regard to strategic voting under STV, several scholars have concluded that
the system presents such difficult calculations to voters that it seems to make little
sense to do anything other than casting a sincere preference (Bowler & Grofman,
2000: 268). Specifically, classical wasted vote calculations concerning the vote for
hopeless candidates make no sense in Ireland because STV ensures that votes are
not wasted (Marsh, 2010). However, it may well be that some voters might use
lower preferences strategically to favour a specific coalition outcome (Laver,
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 7

2000). An analysis conducted by Marsh (2010: 336) suggests that at least some voters
do appear to act strategically in line with a coalition preference, since when they vote
for candidates of a second party this tends to coincide with their expressed preference
for the nature of a coalition. Even so, while coalition preferences might influence the
choice of a second party, it makes little sense to indicate a preference for the candi-
dates of that second party before giving preferences to all candidates of the first one.
Overall, this would suggest that strategic incentives for split-ticket voting in Ireland
are very low when compared to other electoral settings such as mixed systems.
Hence, the STV case offers an opportunity to examine ticket splitting in a context
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where the conventional range of strategic explanations is – at best – much less rel-
evant. To the extent than we can explain split-ticket voting in Ireland without resort-
ing to strategic explanations, this will attest to the validity of alternatives (although of
course it would not rule out the importance of strategic voting elsewhere).6
We have argued that the literature on split-ticket voting is a useful foundation for
explanations of Irish voter behaviour. A further source of explanations could be the
literature on the use of opportunities for preferential voting, where these exist (for
some general reviews see Marsh, 1985; Karvonen, 2004; for useful country studies
see Katz, 1985; Lutz, 2011; André et al., 2012). However, we have opted to focus
just on the split-ticket literature. The primary reason for this is that most of the pre-
ferential voting literature deals just with the use of options to express within-party
preferences and we do not think it is useful to equate the use of preferential voting
per se with the patterns of cross party or string within party voting which we identify

The Data
Split-ticket voting is not easy to measure directly. Aggregate data represent the only
available source of data in many countries and this allows historical and cross-
national comparisons. However, this obscures individual-level variation and does
not allow us to investigate voters’ motivations. Of course individual-level expla-
nations can only be assessed directly and systematically only with survey data.
Here we will use data from the three Irish National Election Studies, each of
which consisted of a post-election face-to-face, in-home survey carried out after
the elections of 2002, 2007 and 2011. Interviews were conducted in all constituen-
cies, with between 10 and 99 respondents per constituency. We supplement that
with information about the choice with which the voter is faced, so as to explore
the behaviour of individuals embedded in a variety of contexts.
During the interview respondents were asked to fill in a mock ballot, essentially a
replica of the one they would have filled on election data. Respondents were asked to
mark this mock ballot as they did the real version on the day of the election. As with
all survey data there is of course the possibility that this method measures voting with
error. It is very unlikely that everyone would remember accurately exactly how he
cast each preference vote, but the main concern is that the errors made might be sys-
tematic. There has been extensive exploration of Irish data from mock ballots (see
8 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

Bowler and Farrell, 1991a, 1991b and Marsh et al., 2008). Marsh et al. argue for the
validity of the method, in terms of accurate first preference counts and comparability
of voting patterns with aggregate data and data from experiments with electronic
voting in 2002 (see also Laver, 2004). We will further address this below.
Several further points should be made here. The first is that we will restrict our-
selves to higher preferences when operationalising split- and straight-ticket voting.
A voter may cease to use party as an organising principle after, for example,
voting for both of the candidates of the first choice party. They therefore display a
mixture of straight- and split-ticket patterns. We do not treat such cases as split-
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ticket voters because it is the higher preferences that are most important, and
because most voters do not express support for more than three candidates, or
more than two parties (Marsh et al., 2008: 19– 24; Bowler & Farrell, 1991a,
1991b). Our operationalisation also seems more analogous to the usual application
of the concept. A second point is that our operationalisation excludes those who
vote for an independent candidate with their first preference vote, a choice made
by an increasing, but still tiny, number of voters (9 per cent in 2002, 6 per cent in
2007 and 9 per cent in 2011). We do so because we think it makes no sense to
treat a vote for one of the independent candidates as akin to a party vote, because
independents are such a very disparate group (Weeks, 2009). This means our analysis
is restricted to a subgroup of voters: those who vote for a party, and a party running
more than one candidate in a constituency. This however is a very large subgroup,
amounting to 90 per cent of voters in 2002, 81 per cent in 2007 and 87 per cent in

Operationalisation and Hypotheses

We now move to operationalise measures of the key explanatory concepts identified
earlier, so that we can look for the effects of partisanship, candidate appeal, the
sophistication of the voter and the varying complexity of the task. We will focus
only on split-ticket voting in these hypotheses and the subsequent analysis for the
sake of simplicity. Essentially, in the way operationalised here, straight and split-
ticket voting are two sides of the same coin.

Weak partisanship is a classic explanation for split-ticket voting. Strong partisanship
serves to reduce the appeal of individual candidates from other parties and the appeal
of parties with different issue positions or salience. In the Irish context it is worth
thinking about what is meant by partisanship. Following the party identification lit-
erature, it represents a standing commitment to one party that can be expected to
persist over time, and serves to insulate a voter from potential cross pressures.
Such attachment as measured by the Eurobarometer question on closeness to a
party is remarkably low, and in fact is below the levels of straight-ticket voting.
An alternative is to see partisanship as simply a decision to vote for a party at a
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 9

particular time; a perception that the election is party centred and a party choice has
been made.
The Irish election study offers opportunities to measure both of these concepts. The
first can be assessed using the traditional Eurobarometer question about party attach-
ment: ‘Do you usually think of yourself as close to any political party?’ Positive
responses to this item have been declining in Ireland over the last 30 or so years
and in 2011 no more than one in five voters felt close. The second is to use the
feeling thermometer battery, asked for each party. This also allows us to identify
people who ‘like’ one party over all others as against those who most ‘like’ at
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least two parties equally. The expectation is that identifiers and those with a clear
liking for a single party (and, in each case, those who vote for that party) will be
less likely to split their vote.

Parties and Candidates

A second approach is to explore the respective importance to the voter of parties and
candidates. We have done this in two ways. For the first we have employed an index
based on two questions, one asking directly whether the party or the candidate is the
larger influence on the respondent’s vote, and the second – more indirectly – asking
if the voter would still support the same candidate under a different party label. The
index collates consistent candidate responses, inconsistent responses and consistent
party responses. These are scaled as 1, 0 and 21, indicating degrees of candidate cen-
teredness. Past research has shown how this measure is associated with other
measures of partisanship (Marsh, 2007). A second approach parallels that used for
partisanship. Voters were provided with feeling thermometers for candidates. We
can identify those who like best candidates from different parties as against those
whose most liked a candidate or candidates who carried the same party label. Our
expectations for these two variables are that those who are more candidate-centred
will be more likely to split their votes.7

Information and Interest

Besides motivation concerning preferences for parties and candidates, if they are to
avoid the need for simple ‘short-cuts’ voters need a certain level of sophistication
and political knowledge (Zaller, 1992). Thus an alternative explanation for split-
ticket voting is that many voters are poorly informed, find the decision they are
being asked to make a complex one and in structuring their choice rely on a
variety of short-cuts, which are often not those of party. We examine possible
relationships using measures of knowledge about political affairs. The index of infor-
mation is based on five knowledge items for the 2002 and 2007 elections and four
items for the 2011 election where responses are coded true or false.8 Arguably
lack of knowledge may increase, or decrease, the chances of split-ticket voting.
The literature does not provide a definitive answer on this. US studies have shown
a negative association (Roscoe, 2003), a positive association (Maddox & Nimmo,
10 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

1981) and none at all (Beck et al., 1992). In mixed systems it appears that educated
and/or politically sophisticated voters are more likely to cast a split-ticket vote than
those featuring lower levels of education or political sophistication, a result that
has often been interpreted as evidence that splitters cast an informed vote decision
(Karp et al., 2002; Karp, 2006).

The Constituency Context

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In addition to examining the characteristics of individuals, researchers have explored

the context: in effect, the nature of the decision that the voter is being asked to make.
This may involve the appearance of the ballot, the extent to which the candidates are
well known, the importance of the offices being filled and so on. In the Irish context
several features are worth examining. The first is the number of candidates from the
first preference party. This varies between 0 and 4, but for our purposes in this analy-
sis it varies between 2 and 4, with 2 being the modal category. Larger sets require
more preferences to complete a straight ticket, and perhaps there is more scope for
A second is the extent to which a party’s candidates are well known. We have
measured this with two variables. One is the number of incumbents running for
the respondent’s chosen party, and the second is whether the first preference is for
an incumbent. Using incumbency as a measure in this way is commonplace
(among others Burden & Kimball, 2004; Moser & Scheiner, 2005). Of course incum-
bents do not always win, but this is a measure of visibility, not necessarily popularity.
The argument here is that an incumbent will be more likely to attract a personal, can-
didate vote, which may then leak away, perhaps to more preferred parties, so those
who support an incumbent will be more likely to split; but, where party fields
more incumbents, other things being equal, we would expect more voters to
support the whole ticket, because there are well-known candidates down the line.
Hence we expect more split-ticket voters among those who vote for an incumbent,
but fewer such voters where a party runs at least one incumbent.
In the Irish context another factor is related to the likelihood of cross-pressure.
There is a strong norm among Irish voters for their representative to work closely
for a local area, and candidates typically come from the (often small) areas they rep-
resent (Gallagher & Komito, 2010). This is less strong in urban areas, but also in
those areas – all very small in scale – the possibility of a candidate being seen to
come from a very different part of the constituency is reduced. In contrast, in rural
areas candidates do divide up the constituency between them, each canvassing sep-
arate areas; crossing dividing lines, laid down by party HQ, commonly leads to con-
flict. Hence we might expect the pressures to split would be strong for a rural voter,
asked to choose between a local candidate and a party candidate from further away.
Some constituencies also contain more than one county, a salient feature of identity
for most Irish people, and there is evidence in many of these that vote transfers are
less likely to cross county boundaries.
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 11

Table 2 shows the extent of straight- and split-ticket voting by party. It is very clear
here that split-ticket voting is widespread, and indeed the norm. As explained above,
these calculations apply only to cases where a party fielded more than one candidate,
but this accounts for the great majority of cases for Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, and for
Labour in 2007 and 2011. Across the three elections most of those who supported one
of these parties with their first preference did not do so with their second or third
where they could have done so. Table 3 shows that straight-ticket voting is much
more common where a party fields just two candidates, at least for Fianna Fail and
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Fine Gael voters. (The Labour cases are all two candidate slates.) The final row in
Table 3 shows the estimates of straight-ticket voting on the basis of vote transfers
at the counts. These are higher than those in row 1. One explanation for this is that
the two are not directly comparable because the figures in row 1 are based on
party solidarity across 2, 3 and 4 candidates, rather than just 2, as in row 2. They
are more comparable with those in row 2, based on cases where a party ran only
two candidates and serve to validate the estimates derived from mock ballots.
That split-ticket voting is common is shown by aggregate results as well as by
survey data. The great advantage of the survey data here is that we can link the be-
haviour to the individual voter. In the multivariate analysis that follows we look
only at split-ticket voting as defined above. Straight-ticket voting is typically the
obverse (as we see in Table 2), and though in preferential systems the two are not
quite opposites, the results here are effectively the same for both. Our dependent vari-
able is dichotomous: whether or not the voter casts a split-ticket vote. Consequently,
logistic regression is used to estimate our models. With regard to the independent
variables, in general what we need to do here is combine individual level and consti-
tuency measures in the same models, so we have data with a multilevel structure.
There are many ways of estimating such models. The simplest is to treat constituen-
cies as a source of error in our model of individuals, meaning that error at the indi-
vidual level may be correlated within a constituency. This involves running a

Table 2. Patterns of split- and straight-ticket voting in multi-candidate situation (%)

2011 2007 2002

First preference vote

Voting for candidates of different 51 49 54 48 56 64 51 61 70

parties without completing set of
first party’s candidate
Voting for all the candidates of first 46 49 45 50 42 35 49 39 31
preference party in sequence

Note: The table includes only instances where a party fielded more than one candidate.
12 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

Table 3. Patterns of straight-ticket voting in multi-candidate situation (%)

2011 2007 2002

First preference vote

Voting for all the candidates of first 46 49 45 50 42 35 49 39 31

preference party in sequence
Voting for all the candidates of first 57 64 47 63 62 35 55 46 35
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preference party in sequence

when just two candidates
Straight-ticket voting from analysis 58 68 56 67 64 43 63 64 48
of official results

Note: The table includes only instances where a party fielded more than one candidate.
Analysis of official results from Gallagher (2011: 163); Gallagher (2007:148) and Gallagher
(2003: 106).

straightforward logit model, but adjusting the standard errors in that model to recog-
nise that the behaviour of individuals in a constituency may vary in some way uncon-
nected with their individual level characteristics, and unconnected with the variation
in another constituency. We can do this by treating errors as clustered by
This would ignore, however, the fact that there may be some structure to cluster
(constituency) variations, and it would be better to model that more precisely.
Some, perhaps even much, of the variations between individuals may in effect be
variation between constituencies in a manner suggested by our contextual variables.
If so, a model is required that accounts for that. We estimate a multilevel logit model,
examining variations in the behaviour of individuals within constituencies as well as
across them. Table 4 contains two regression models, one using just the individual
level measures on split-ticket behaviour and the second including the constituency-
level, contextual measures. Each regression uses a random effects model, allowing
constituency means to vary in a defined manner.10 We show rho, a statistic that
tells us how much of the variation we want to explain is effectively between rather
than within constituencies. This is significant for both models, a result that clearly jus-
tifies the use of the multilevel logit model instead of a more straightforward logit
In the first model the measures of partisanship are much stronger than that measur-
ing information. Split-ticket voting seems to be down to weak partisanship and/or a
commitment to particular candidates more than it does to low levels of political infor-
mation and interest. When it comes to a comparison between parties and candidates,
having warmest feelings for more than one party is more important in explaining
split-ticket voting than having rated candidates from different parties equally. This
finding confirms just how important parties still are. In other words, to explain
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 13

Table 4. Multivariate analysis of split-ticket voting: logit coefficients and standard errors

Model 1 Model 2
Split Split

Party attachment for first pref (1/0) 20.766∗∗∗ 20.797∗∗∗
(0.103) (0.104)
Party centred (1 –3) 20.572∗∗∗ 20.595∗∗∗
(0.061) (0.061)
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Non-singular party rating (1/0) 1.011∗∗∗ 1.021∗∗∗

(0.114) (0.114)
Non-singular candidate rating (1/0) 0.457∗∗∗ 0.493∗∗∗
(0.105) (0.105)
Information level (0 –4) 20.032 20.015
(0.037) (0.037)
Incumbent first preference 0.124
Number of incumbents run by party (0, 1 or more) 20.260∗∗
Candidates run by each party (2, 3 or 4) 0.882∗∗∗
Urban constituency (1/0) 20.147
N 2,754 2,754
LL 21,642.06 21,604.51
AIC 3,298.12 3,231.02
Rho 0.135 0.075
(0.026) (0.019)

Logit coefficients. Standard errors in parentheses:

p , .05.
p , .01.
p , .001.

split-ticket voting it remains more important to look at whether or how much the voter
likes one party more than all the others rather than how much he likes candidates from
different parties.
The control for contextual factors in the second model has little or no impact on the
individual level coefficients. The number of candidates run by each party has a strong
effect, but the two candidate quality variables do not entirely fulfil expectations.
Where there are more incumbents the likelihood of splitting is significantly
reduced, but where a voter casts his first preference for an incumbent we do not
see a significant reduction in the likelihood of a voter casting a split-ticket: the
14 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

sign of the effect is as expected, but the effect is weak and not significant. The dummy
variable for urban constituencies is positive as expected with urban constituencies
featuring lower levels of split-ticket voting, but it is insignificant across all models.
Similarly, as expected, constituencies combining at least two counties to a substantial
degree were also more likely to see split-ticket voting, but the impact is not

Table 5. Multivariate analysis of split- and straight-ticket voting where a party runs two
candidates: logit coefficients and standard errors
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More than two

Two candidates candidates
Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Split Split Split Split

Party attachment for first 20.807∗∗∗ 20.794∗∗∗ 20.798∗∗∗ 20.794∗∗∗
pref (1/0)
(0.155) (0.155) (0.140) (0.141)
Party centred (1 –3) 20.644∗∗∗ 20.645∗∗∗ 20.530∗∗∗ 20.537∗∗∗
(0.086) (0.086) (0.088) (0.088)
Non-singular party rating (1/0) 0.906∗∗∗ 0.865∗∗∗ 1.357∗∗∗ 1.337∗∗∗
(0.145) (0.145) (0.199) (0.200)
Non-singular candidate rating (1/0) 0.532∗∗∗ 0.541∗∗∗ 0.439∗∗ 0.424∗∗
(0.139) (0.139) (0.163) (0.163)
Information level (0 –4) 20.044 20.030 20.009 20.001
(0.052) (0.051) (0.052) (0.052)
Incumbent first preference 0.106 0.178
(0.167) (0.155)
Number of incumbents run by party (0, 20.369∗∗ 20.173
1 or more)
(0.142) (0.099)
Urban constituency (1/0) 20.161 20.216
(0.189) (0.209)
N 1,476 1,476 1,278 1,278
LL 2865.17 2861.21 2740.83 2738.61
AIC 1,744.35 1,742.43 1,495.65 1,497.22
Rho 0.117 0.096 0.063 0.054
(0.032) (0.029) (0.026) (0.024)

Note: Logit coefficients. Standard errors in parentheses.

p , .05.
p , .01.
p , 0.001.
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 15

We estimated a further set of models controlling more closely for candidate

numbers by separating our sample according to whether a party ran two, or more
than two, candidates. We thought this would provide a better indication of the impor-
tance of measures like incumbencies. The results, again estimated with a random
effects model, are presented in Table 5. There are some differences between these
and the estimates in Table 4, but in general the individual level effects are much
the same, and are similar in both 2 and 2+ candidate situations. The individual-
level exception is that the non-singular party rating has even more impact where
there are more than two candidates. In two-candidate situations we see clear differ-
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ences in the weight of the constituency-level factors. It is notable that the rho is
smaller once this important contextual factor has been controlled for by selection.
Candidate quality no longer has such significant effect, although the patterns are
the same as in Table 4. It is evident that the missing variable here, numbers of can-
didates, did most of the constituency-level work. With that variable controlled for, the
constituency items add little.
Substantive conclusions hold when models are run separately for each year of elec-
tion. The only differences lie in the fact that the vote appears to be more party-centred
in 2002 when compared to the other elections, while in 2007 the contextual variables
perform less well than in 2002 and 2011. Significantly, the information scale results
do not differ across the three elections. Results are also broadly similar for the three
parties considered in the analysis. Finally we tried to relax the definition of our depen-
dent variable. With reference to Table 1, first we used a less demanding test of a party
vote considering any vote beginning A –A as a straight vote even if voters do not vote
right ‘down the ticket’. Another case considered is the one taking the form of A– B–
B– B. In both cases the proportion of straight-ticket voters increases. While this
increase lowers somewhat the effect of the contextual predictors it does not change
substantive conclusions.

This article explores the sources of weak party-voting patterns in Irish election. This
is of interest in an Irish context where common patterns of weak party-voting have
not generally been interpreted using theories of split-ticket voting. It is important
to understand Irish voter behaviour as part of our wider understanding of Irish poli-
tics. Parties seem to be getting weaker as a constraint on voting patterns over many
years and non-party candidates have grown in popularity in recent years. We have
also argued here that our results have a wider significance. This is first because
this pattern can be seen as analogous to those seen elsewhere and conceptualised
as split- and straight-ticket voting; so the Irish case provides another test of an
approach developed elsewhere. The second is that these voting patterns within an
STV system – and perhaps similar patterns within preferential list systems like the
Swiss – provide a way of looking at split-ticket voting in a context where the strategic
interpretations that have been very prominent as an interpretation of this pattern in
recent years, can be placed to one side. Hence the question is do we get split-ticket
16 M. Marsh & C. Plescia

voting where there are no strategic considerations; and if so, how much do we get,
and how can it be explained?
Our results demonstrate that there is a lot of split-ticket voting, and that the non-
strategic explanations offered elsewhere do carry real weight in explaining where
such behaviour is more typical and what sort of people vote in this way. This provides
very strong evidence for the validity of non-strategic explanations. Despite not ruling
out strategic voting elsewhere, the findings in this article indicate that many ticket
splitters do not act strategically. One source of explanation lies in differences
between individuals. Partisanship and the extent to which voters are attracted by can-
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didates rather than parties are important determinants of split-ticket behaviour; there
is much less evidence that either behaviour is a consequence of the amount of interest,
or information about politics. A second source, and this appears to be more powerful,
lies in what people are asked to do in the ballot box, and in factors connected with the
choices they have to make. A voter given just two candidates from his party, perhaps
in a small constituency, and with both being incumbents, is much more likely to vote
a straight ticket than the voter faced with three non-incumbents spread out across a
long ballot. The importance of such factors does validate the choice of a multilevel
estimation procedure such as the one employed here.
Further exploration, controlling by selection for the number of candidates nomi-
nated by a party, suggests that there are important interactions between many of
the constituency-level variables, but the significance here is less with whether consti-
tuency size or positional range is most important but more with whether a set of
factors which can be seen as contributing to a more or less ‘easy’ decision by the
voter matter, and it would seem that they do. This perhaps conflicts somewhat
with the evidence at individual level, and this surely deserves further exploration.
Generally speaking we find a lot of split-ticket voting that can be accounted for by
non-strategic explanations. This deserves attention in future works, and points to
the need to systematically distinguish sincere voting from strategic split-ticket voting.

Carolina Plescia gratefully acknowledges the financial support offered by the Irish Research Council for the
Humanities and Social Studies (IRCHSS) through its Ph.D. scholarship programme.

1. For instance, in Switzerland electors vote for a list which can be a party’s list, or one amended by a
voter to combine candidates from different lists.
2. Some states in the USA have an option (sometimes known as a master lever) to choose all the can-
didates of one political party with a single motion. By our definitions, a master lever vote would rep-
resent an instance of straight voting.
3. In some STV systems, such as Malta, the ballot paper is organised by party, but in Ireland there is a
single list of candidates, arranged in alphabetic order. Party labels are indicated on the ballot. Argu-
ably the Maltese structure increases the incidence of straight-ticket voting while the Irish one reduces
it (Darcy and Marsh, 1994).
Split-Ticket Voting in an STV System 17

4. Most of the previous work on these patterns of voting in the Irish case has used a different terminol-
ogy. Gallagher (1978) uses the term ‘solidarity’ to describe transfers within the same party, while
Sinnott (1995) uses the term ‘party loyalty’. We prefer to use the terms split- and straight-ticket
voting so as to fit the Irish case into more general patterns.
5. Explanations for straight- and split-ticket voting are generally the same ones, with only differences in
the direction of the effects.
6. Given that we reject the idea of strategic voting on grounds of plausibility, our regression models do
not include strategic voting variables. However, we looked at the effect of some common strategic
voting variables such as previous year candidate’s share of vote and spending by parties and candi-
dates which turned out to be statistically insignificant across all models. Additional results are avail-
able from the authors upon request.
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7. We also looked at non-singular leader rating of the sort presented for parties and candidates. However,
we decided not to include this variable in subsequent models because it was highly correlated with
party rating and statistically non-significant in any model.
8. The items are not the same in all three surveys although they are similar in substance. Mokken scaling
analysis demonstrates that each provides scales with strong unidimensional properties, but of course
they may not measure the same thing or do so with equal effectiveness. However, as we see in the
analysis, the relationships we find are very similar in each of the three election studies.
9. To some degree this will be linked with the length of the ballot. We consider also the simple count of
the number of candidates running in each constituency (ballot length) and a measure of the difficulty
of finding a party’s candidate on the ballot paper (position range). These two variables, however,
were much less powerful than the simple count of the number of candidates run by each party.
10. At the suggestion of one reviewer we also ran a further random effects model allowing random effects
at the candidate level. Results did not differ significantly from those in Table 4.

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