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UMS20401T / UMS20G03T




A Project such as setting up of a new milk plant, research and development in an organization,
development of a new milk product, marketing of a product etc. is a combination of interrelated
activities (tasks) which must be executed in a certain order before the entire task can be
completed. The activities are interrelated in a logical sequence in such a way that same
activities can not start until some others are completed. An activity in a project usually viewed
as job requiring resources for its completion. The objectives of project management can be
described in terms of a successful project which has been finished on time, within the budgeted
cost and to technical specifications and to the satisfaction level of end users. Normally for any
project, one may be interested in answering questions such as

i) What will be the expected time of project completion?

ii) What is the effect of delay of any activity on the overall completion of project?
iii) How to reduce the time to perform certain activities in case of availability of
additional funds?
iv) What is the probability of completion of project in time?

The OR techniques used for planning, scheduling and controlling large and complex projects
are often referred to as network analysis. A network is a graphical representation consisting of
certain configuration of arrows and nodes for showing the logical sequence of various tasks to
be performed to achieve the project objectives. Around five decades ago the planning tool was
Gantt bar chart which specifies start and finish time for each activity on a horizontal time scale.
The disadvantage is that there is no interdependency among the many activities which control
the progress of the project. Now-a-days we use a technical tool for planning, scheduling and
controlling stages of the projects known as Critical Path Method (CPM) and Project Evaluation
& Review Technique (PERT). The techniques of PERT and CPM prove extremely valuable in
assisting the mangers in handling such projects and thus discharging their project management
responsibilities both at planning and controlling stages of the projects. Commonly used project
management techniques are:
a) Critical Path Method (CPM) and
b) Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Historical Development

CPM/PERT or Network Analysis as the technique is sometimes called, developed along two
parallel streams, one industrial and the other military. CPM was developed in 1957 by J. E.
Kelly of Remington Rand and M. R. Walker of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. PERT was
devised in 1958 for the POLARIS missile program by the Program Evaluation Branch of the
Special Projects office of the U. S. Navy, helped by the Lockheed Missile Systems division
and the Consultant firm of Booz-Allen & Hamilton.

Both are basically time oriented methods laid to determination of a time schedule for project.
The major difference between these two techniques is that PERT is a Probabilistic approach
for the determination of time estimates of different activities not exactly known to us. In the
case of CPM, different estimates are known as they are deterministic in nature. But now a
days both these techniques are used for one purpose. Initially the PERT technique was applied
to research and development projects while the CPM was used towards construction projects.

Methodology in CPM/PERT Technique

The methodology involved in network scheduling by CPM/PERT for any project consists of
the following four stages:


It is started by splitting the total project into small projects. The smaller projects are further
divided into different activities and are analyzed by a department or section. The relationship
of each activity with respect to other activities are defined and established.


The objective of scheduling is to give the earliest and the latest allowable start and finish time
of each activity as well as its relationship with other activities in the project. The schedule must
pinpoint the critical path i.e. time activities which require special attention if the project is to
be completed in time.
Allocation of resources

Allocation of resources is performed to achieve the desired objective. Resource is a physical

variable such as labour, finance, space, equipment etc. which will impose a limitation for
completion of a project.


The final phase in the project management is controlling. After making the network plan and
identification of the Critical path, the project is controlled by checking progress against the
schedule, assigning and scheduling manpower and equipment and analyzing the effects of
delays. This is done by progress report from time to time and updating the network
continuously. Arrow diagram and time charts are used for making periodic progress reports.

Basic Terminology used in Network Analysis

Network analysis is the general name given to certain specific techniques which can be used
for the planning, management and control of projects. A fundamental method in both PERT
and CPM is the use of network systems as a means of graphically depicting the current
problems or proposed projects in network diagram. A network diagram is the first thing to
sketch an arrow diagram which shows inter-dependencies and the precedence relationship
among activities of the project. Before illustrating the network representation of a project, let
us define some basic definitions:


Any individual operation, which utilizes resources and has a beginning and an end is called an
activity. An arrow is used to depict an activity with its head indicating the direction of progress
in the project. It is of four types:
a) Predecessor activity: activity that must be completed immediately prior to the start of
another activity.
b) Successor activity: activity which cannot be started until one or more of other activities
are completed but immediately succeed them are called successor activity.
c) Concurrent: Activity which can be accomplished concurrently is known as concurrent
activity. An activity can be predecessor or successor to an event or it may be concurrent
with the one or more of the other activities.
d) Dummy activity: An activity which does not consume any kind of resources but merely
depicts the technological dependence is called a dummy activity. Dummy activity is
inserted in a network to classify the activity pattern in the following situations:
i) To make activities with common starting and finishing points distinguishable.
ii) To identify and maintain the proper precedence relationship between activities
those are not connected by events.

Let us consider a situation where A and B are concurrent activities and activity D is dependent
on B and C is dependent on both A and B. Such a situation can be handled by use of dummy

When two or more activities are exactly parallel such that they would start at the same node
(event) and finish at the same node. A dummy would be inserted between the end of one of the
activities and the common finishing node.
This is to ensure that each activity has a unique description when refer to by its start and finish
node number. Dummy are often used to improve the layout of network. When they may not
strictly necessary to represents the logic involved. This often happens at the start or finish of a
network where a number of activities either start from a certain point or converge to particular


The beginning and end points of an activity are called events or nodes or connector. This is
usually represented by circle in a network.

Here, A is known as the activity.

The events can be further classified into three categories:

a) Merge Event: When two or more activities come from an event it is known as merge
b) Burst Event: When more than one activity leaves an event is known as burst event.
c) Merge & Burst Event: An activity may be merged and burst at the same time.

Difference between event and activity

An event is that particular instant of time at which some specific part of project is to be achieved
while an activity is the actual performance of a task. An activity requires time and resources
for its completion. Events are generally described by such words as complete, start, issue,
approves, taste etc. while the word like design, process, test, develop, prepare etc. shows that
a work is being accomplished and thus represent activity. While drawing networks, it is
assumed that
a) The movement is from left to right and
b) Head event has a number higher than the tail event.

Thus the activity (i-j) always means that job which begins at event (i) is completed at event (j).

Network representation is based on the following two axioms.

a) An event is not said to be complete until all the activities flowing into it are
b) No subsequent activities can begin until its tail event is reached or completed.



A fundamental ingredient in both PERT and CPM is the use of network systems as a means of
graphically depicting a project. When a network is being constructed, certain conventions are
followed to represent a project graphically, for it is essential that the relationship between
activities and events are correctly depicted. Drawing a network diagram is a relatively easy
task, and can be accomplished by listing each task on a piece of paper and representing the
sequence in which the tasks take place. Lines and arrows are drawn between the pieces of paper
to show which tasks follow on from others. The diagram aims to portray how the tasks relate
to one another i.e. which tasks have to be completed before others begin and which tasks can
be performed simultaneously. Creating the network is an iterative process and may involve a
number of revisions before an optimum solution is found.

The initial step in project scheduling process is the determination of all specific activities that
comprise the project and their interdependence relationships. In order to make a network
following points should be taken into consideration.

• What job or jobs precede it?

• What job or jobs run concurrently?
• What job or jobs follow it?
• What controls the start and finish of a job?

Since all further calculations are based on the network, it is necessary that a network be drawn
with full care. There are many ways to draw a network, in this lesson we will describe the
method which follows the precedence table. The following example of preparation of Paneer
(Cottage cheese) shows the basic steps required in drawing a network.

Example 1

For preparation of Paneer (Cottage Cheese) the following list represents major activities
i) Receive whole cow/buffalo milk
ii) Standardize milk to obtain desired level of fat percentage
iii) Take citric acid and prepare 1% solution
iv) Heat the citric acid to 70 o C
v) Bring the standardized milk to boil on medium heat
vi) Cool the milk to 70 o C and add slowly the solution of citric acid till yellowish
whey separates
vii) Strain the mixture through a clean muslin cloth.
viii) Hold it under running water for a minute and then press out the excess water.
ix) Hang the muslin for 15-20 minutes so that all the whey is drained out.
x) Prepare mould to form Paneer block
xi) Fill the mass into the block and tie the muslin
xii) Place it under something heavy for up to two hours
xiii) Cut the paneer into chunks and used as required.
Based on above list of different activities a precedence table may be formed which is given
in Table 19.1
Precedence table

Activity Description Preceding Activity

A Receive whole cow/buffalo milk -

B Standardize milk to obtain desired level of fat percentage A
C Take citric acid and prepare 1% solution -
D Heat the citric acid to 70 o C C
E Bring the standardized milk to boil on medium heat B
F Cool the milk to 70 o C and add slowly the solution of citric acid D,E
till yellowish whey separates.
G Strain the mixture through a clean muslin cloth. F
H Hold it under running water for a minute and press out the excess G
I Hang the muslin for 15-20 minutes and drain out all the whey. H
J Prepare mould to form Paneer block H
K Fill the mass into the block and tie the muslin J
L Place it under something heavy for up to two hours. K
M Cut the paneer into chunks and use as required. L

In the above table due consideration has been given to precedings of an activity. While drawing
the network, other factors will be considered. The activity A has no preceding activity and it is
represented by an arrow line (Fig. 19.1). Likewise activity C has no preceding activity and both
activities A and C can be done simultaneously so they are shown as concurrent activities.
Activities B and D are preceded by the activities A and C respectively. The complete network
is shown in Fig 19.1

Network diagram
Guidelines for Drawing Network Diagram

There are number of rules in connection with the handling of events and activities of a project
network which are given below:

a) Each activity is represented by one and only one arrow in the network. This implies
that no single activity can be represented twice in the network. This is to be
distinguished from the case where one activity is broken into segments. In such a case
each segment may be represented by a separate arrow.
b) No two activities can be identified by the same beginning and end event. In such cases,
a dummy activity is introduced to resolve the problem as shown in Fig. 19.2

Using a dummy activity

c) In order to ensure the correct precedence relationship in arrow diagram following

question must be checked whenever any activity is added to a network.

What activity must be completed immediately before this activity can start?

What activities must follow this activity?

What activities must occur simultaneously with this activity?

d) Thus a network should be developed on the basis of logical or technical dependence.

e) The arrows depicting various activities are indicative of logical precedence only; hence length
and bearing of the arrows are of no significance.

f) The flow of the diagram should be from left to right.

g) Two events are numbered in such a way that the event of higher number can happen only after
the event of lower number is completed.
h) Arrows should be kept straight and not curved. Avoid arrow which cross each other.
i) Avoid mixing two directions vertical and standing arrows may be used if necessary.

j) Use dummy activity freely in rough graph but final network should have only reluctant dummy.

k) The network has only one entry point called the start event and one point of emergence called
end event.

l) Angle between the arrows should be as large as possible.

Error in Drawing Network

There are three types of errors which are common in network diagrams

Dangling error

To disconnect an activity before the completion of all activities in a network diagram is known
as dangling.

Dangling error

In Fig. 19.3 the activity 5 to 8, 6 to 7 are known as dangling error. These are not last activities
in the network.

Looping error

Looping error is also known as cyclic error in the network. Drawing an endless loop in a
network diagram is known as error of looping as shown in Fig. 19.4
Appearance of a loop in the network

Reductancy error

Unnecessarily inserting the dummy activity in a network diagram is known as error of

reductancy as shown in Fig 19.5 in which putting an dummy activity from 10 to 12 is a
reductancy error.

Reductancy error

Labeling of a Network Diagram

For network representation it is necessary that various nodes be properly labeled. For
convenience, labeling is done on a network diagram. A standard procedure called i-j rule
developed by D.R.F Fulkerson is most commonly used for this purpose.

Fulkersons i-j Rule

Step 1: First, a start event is one which has arrows emerging from it but not entering it. Find
the start event and label it as number1.

Step 2: Delete all arrows emerging from all numbered events. This will create at least one new
start event out of the preceding events.
Step 3: Number all new start events 2, 3 and so on. No definite rule is necessary but numbering
from top to bottom may facilitate other users using the network when there are more than one
new start event.

Step 4: Go on repeating step no. 2 & 3 until the end reached.

These rules are illustrated by taking into consideration the Example 19.1 and network diagram
as shown in Figure

Network diagram of preparation of paneer

Example: 3

After the project network plan is constructed and activity times are known, the time analysis
of the network becomes essential for planning various activities of the project as well as
obtaining answers to questions like when the various activities are scheduled to be performed,
how long it will take the project work to be completed and what are the crucial activities. In
this lesson we will learn about computation of time estimates and determination of critical path.

Time Estimate Analysis

Time estimates analysis is a critical path in network analysis once the network of a project is
constructed. Time analysis of network becomes essential for planning various activities of the
project. An activity time is a forecast of the time and activity expected today from its starting
point to it completion point (under normal conditions). The main objective of time analysis is
to prepare a planning schedule of a project. Planning schedule should include the following
i) Total completion time of the project.
ii) Earliest time and each activity start.
iii) Latest time each activity can be started without delaying the total project
iv) Float for each activity i.e. the amount of time by which the completion of an activity
can be delaying the total project completion
v) Identification of critical activities and critical path.

Basic Notations

The following notations for basic scheduling computations will be used

( i−j) = Activity (i, j ) with tail event i and head event j.
TE or Ei = Earliest occurrence time of event (j).
TL or Lf = Latest allowable occurrence time of event (j).
Di j = Estimated completion time of activity (i, j).
(ES) i j = Earliest starting time of activity (i, j)
(Ef) i j = Earliest finishing time of activity (i, j).
(Ls)i j = Latest start time for activity (i, j).
(Lf) i j = Latest finish time for activity (i, j).

Forward Pass Computation (For Earliest Event Time)

Before starting computations, the occurrence time of the initial network event is fixed. The
forward pass computation computes the earliest start time (Es) and earliest finish time (Ef) for
each activity. The earliest time indicates the earliest time that a given activity can be scheduled
and earliest finish time indicates the time by which the activity can be completed at the earliest.
This is done in following three steps:

Step 1: The computations begin from the start node and move towards the end node. For the
convenience in the forward pass computation start with an assumed earliest
occurrence time equal to zero for the initial project events i.e. E1=0
Step 2: i) Earliest starting time of activity (i, j) is the earliest event time of the tail event i.e.

ii) Earliest finish time of activity (i, j) is the addition of earliest starting time and the
activity time i.e.

Step 3: Earliest event time for activity j is the maximum of the earliest finish time of all
activities ending into that event. That is
The computed values of Ei are put over the respective circles representing each event.

Backward Pass Computations (For latest allowable time)

The idea of the backward pass is to compute the latest allowable times of starting and finishing
of each of the activities of a project without delaying the completion of the project. These can
be computed by reversing the method of calculation used for earliest event time. This is done
by using following steps
Step 1: For ending event it is presumed that E = L where all Es are computed by previous
Step 2: Latest finish time for activity (i, j) is equal to the latest event time of event j. i.e., (Lf)

Step 3: Latest starting time for activity (i, j) is equal to latest completion time of (i, j) minus
activity time (Ls)ij = (Lf)ij Dij
Step 4: Latest event time for event i is a minimum of the latest start time of all activities
originating from that event.

All the computed L values are put over respective circles representing each event.

Determination of Floats and Slack Times

When the network diagram is completely drawn, properly labeled and earliest (E) and latest
(L) event times are computed, the next objective is to determine the floats and slack times
defined as follows. There are three kinds of floats as given below :

Total float

The amount of time by which the completion of an activity could be delayed beyond the earliest
expected completion time without affecting the overall project duration time. In other words,
total float of an activity (i-j) is the difference between latest start time and earliest start time of
that activity. Hence total float for activity (i-j) , denoted by (Tf )ij is given as

(Tf)ij = (Latest start-Earliest start) time for activity (i-j)

(Tf)ij = (Ls)ij (Es)ij = (Lf Dij) - Ei

It refers to the amount of free time associated with an activity which can be used before, during
or after the performance of this activity. This is the most important type of float because this is
concerned with the overall project duration. Total float on critical activities is always taken as
zero. The value of total floats for any activity is useful for drawing the following conclusions.

Free float

The time by which the completion of an activity can be delayed beyond the earliest finish time
without affecting the earliest start of a subsequent (succeeding) activity. This is that value of
the float which is consumable when the succeeding activities are started at their earliest starting
times. Mathematically, free float for activity (i-j) denoted by (Ff)ij is calculated as (Ff)ij = (Ej
Ei) Dij
Free float for (i-j) = (Earliest time for event j Earliest time for event i) Activity time for (i-
j).Thus free float is concerned with the commencement of subsequent activity.
(Tf)ij = (Lj− Ei) - Dij ,but Lj ≥ Ei as latest event time is always greater than equal to earliest
event time. Therefore for all activities free float can take values from zero up to total float but
will not exceed total float. Free float is always useful for rescheduling the activities with
minimum disruption of earliest plan.
Independent float

The amount of time by which the start of an activity can be delayed without affecting the
earliest start time of any immediately following activities, assuming that the preceding activity
has finished at its latest finish time. Mathematically, independent float of an activity (i ,j)
denoted by (If)ij can be calculated by the formula (If)ij = (Ej Ei) Dij. The negative independent
float is always taken as zero. This float is concerned with prior & subsequent activity. The
independent float thus provides a measure of variation in starting time of a job without affecting
preceding and succeeding activities.

 It can be observed that Independent float ≤ Free float ≤ Total float.

 The concept of float is useful for the management in representing underutilized

resources and flexibility of the schedule and the extent to which the resources will be
utilized on different activities.

 Float can be used for redeployment of resources to label the same or to reduce the
project duration. Whenever a float in a particular activity is utilized the float of not
only that activity but that of other activities would also change.

Slack of an Event

The basic difference between slack and float times is that slack is used for events only whereas
float is applied for activities. For any given event, the event slack is defined as the difference
between the latest event and earliest event times. Mathematically, for a given activity (i-j)

Head event slack = Lj Ej and Tail event slack = (Li Ei)

All the floats defined earlier can be defined in terms of head or tail events slack as under:

Total float = Lj Ei Di

Free float = (Ej Ei Dij) = (Lj Ei Dij) (Lij Eij) = Total float Head event slack

Independent float =Ej Li Dij= (Ej Ei Dij)(LiEi) = Free float Tail event slack
Determination of Critical Path

After determining the earliest and latest scheduled times for various activities, the next step is
to find the minimum time required for the completion of whole project. Before defining this
let us first discuss about the meaning of critical event and critical activity.

Critical event

The slack of an event is the difference between latest and earliest event time i.e. Slack (i) = Li
Ei. The event with zero slack time is called critical event. In other words, the event (i) is said
to be critical when Li = Ei

Critical activity

Since the difference between the latest Start time & earliest start time of an activity is usually
called as total float. Activity with zero total float are known as critical activities. In other words,
an activity is said to be critical if its delay in its start will cause a further delay in the completion
date of entire project.

Non-critical activity

A non-critical activity is such that the time between its earliest start and its latest completion
date is longer than its actual duration.

Critical path

The sequence of critical activity in a network is called a critical path. This path is the longest
path in the network from the starting event to the end of event and defines the minimum time
required to complete the project. The term path is defined as a sequence of activities such that
it begins at the starting event and end at the final event. The length of the path is the sum of the
individual time of the activities lying on the path. If the activities on critical path are delayed
by a day, the project would also be delayed by a day unless the time of the future critical activity
is reduced by a day by different means. The critical path is denoted by double or darker lines
in order to distinguish from the other non critical path.

Main features of critical path

 If the project has to be shortened then some of the activities on that path must also be shortened.
The application of additional resources on other activities will not give the desired results
unless that critical path is shortened first.
 The variation in actual performance from the expected duration time will be completely
reflected in one to one fashion in anticipation completion of the whole project.

 It plays an important role in scheduling and controlling large projects.

 It identifies all the critical activities of the project.

The computation procedure used for the time analysis of the project is described in the
examples 1and 2

Example 1

Draw a network diagram of the following schedule of activities and find its critical path. Also
calculate slack time for each event

Activity 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-6 3-7 3-5 4-5 5-9 6-8 7-8 8-9
Duration 2 2 1 4 5 8 3 5 1 4 3

(in days)


First construct the network diagram which is depicted in fig. 20.1

Network diagram
To determine the critical path, compute the earliest start Ei and latest finish Lj for each
activity (i, j)

Forward Pass Computation (For earliest time event): As shown in fig. 20.1 assuming E1=0 and
E2=E1+D12=0+2=2, E3=E1+D13=0+2=2 and E4=E1+D14=0+1=1

E6=E2+D26=2+4=6, E7=E3+D37=2+5=7

From this computation it can be inferred that this project will take 15 days to complete.

Backward Pass computations (For latest allowable time): In backward computation

method assign the latest allowable time determined in forward pass computation method i.e.
put L9=15

L8=L9-D98=15-3=12, L6=L8-D86=12-1=11, L7=L8-D87=12-4=8


L4=L5-D54=10-3=7 L2=L6-D62=11-4=7

The path 1-3-5-9 is the critical path which is shown in Fig. 20.1 with double lines joining all
those events where Ei=Lj The total duration of project is equal to 2+8+5=15 days

Computation of Float: For each non critical activity, the total float, free float and independent
float calculations are given Table 20.1
Calculations of time estimates and floats

Activity Duration Start Finish Float

Earliest Latest Earliest (5) Latest Total Free Independent
(i-j) Dij
−(2) (7) (8) (9)= (8) - [(3)-
(3) = (3) + (2) (6) (2)]
(1) (2)
=(4) - =(5) -
(3) (3) -
1-2 2 0 5 2 7 5 0 0
1-3 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0
1-4 1 0 6 1 7 6 0 0
2-6 4 2 7 6 11 5 0 0
3-7 5 2 3 7 8 1 0 0
3-5 8 2 2 10 10 0 0 0
4-5 3 1 7 4 10 6 6 0
5-9 5 10 10 15 15 0 0 0
6-8 1 6 11 7 12 5 4 0
7-8 4 7 8 11 12 1 0 0
8-9 3 11 12 14 15 1 1 0

Example 2

Draw the network diagram for the following project and find the critical path and maximum
time for completion of the project.

Activity A B C D E F G H I J K L
Preceded by - A A B B C C F D G, H E I
Duration (weeks) 10 9 7 6 12 6 8 8 4 11 5 7


Network diagram of the above problem is shown in

Network diagram

To determine the critical path, compute the earliest start Ei and latest finish time Lj for each
activity (i,j).The calculations are given below

Forward Pass Computation (For earliest time event): As shown in fig 20.2 assuming E1=0
and E2=E1+D12=0+10=10, E3=E2+D23=10+9=19, E4=E2+D24=10+7=17, E5=E3+D35=19+6=25,
E6=E3+D36=19+12=31, E7=E4+D47=17+6=23,


From this computation it can be inferred that this project will be completed in 42 weeks.
Backward Pass computations (For latest allowable time): In backward computation method
assign the latest allowable time determined in forward pass computation method i.e. put L10=42

L9=L10-D109=42-7=35, L6=L10-D106=42-5=37, L8=L10-D108=42-11=31,

L5=L9-D95=35-4=31, L7=L8-D87=31-8=23


The path 1-2-4-7-8-10 is the critical path which shown in Fig. 20.2 with double lines joining
all those events where Ei=Lj The total duration of project is equal to 10+7+6+8+11=42 weeks

Activity Duration Start Finish Float

Earliest Latest (4) Earliest (5) Latest Total (7) Free (8)= Independent (9)=
(i-j) Dij (8) - [(3)-(2)]
(3) = (6)−
−(2) =(3)+
+(2) (6) =(4) - (3) (5) -(3) - (2)
(1) (2)
A(1-2) 10 0 0 10 10 0 0 0
B(2-3) 9 10 16 19 25 6 0 0
C(2-4) 7 10 10 17 17 0 0 0
D(3-5) 6 19 25 25 31 6 0 0
E(3-6) 12 19 25 31 37 6 0 0
F(4-7) 6 17 17 23 23 0 0 0
G(4-8) 8 17 23 25 31 6 6 0
H(7-8) 8 23 23 31 31 0 0 0
I(5-9) 4 25 31 29 35 6 2 0
J(8-10) 11 31 31 42 42 0 0 0
K(6-10) 5 31 37 36 42 6 6 0
L(9-10) 7 29 35 36 42 6 6 0
Critical Path Method (CPM)

Critical Path Method (CPM) , was developed by M.R.Walker and J. E. Kelly. They came up
with arrow diagram as the most logical representation of the interrelationships between the jobs
in a project to be executed in a well defined sequence. The arrow diagram designed by them,
as well as the method of calculating the critical path are the same as in PERT network, except
that they used the single time estimate and did not enter the problem of uncertainty of the
duration of time for the individual jobs.

CPM emphasizes the relationship between applying more men or other resources to shorten
the duration of given jobs in a project and the increased cost of these additional resources. With
CPM the amount of time needed to complete various parts of the project is assumed to be
known with certainty. Moreover, the relation between the amount of resources employed and
the time needed to complete the project is also assumed to be known. The interactive procedure
of determining the critical path involves the following steps:

i) Break down the project into various activities systematically. Label all activities. Arrange all
the activities in logical sequence. Construct the arrow diagram.

ii) Number all the nodes (events) and activities. Find the time for each activity considering it to
be deterministic. Indicate the activity times on the arrow diagram.

iii) Calculate earliest start time, earliest finish time, latest start time and latest finish time. Tabulate
activity normal times, earliest time and latest time.

iv) Determine the total float for each activity by taking difference between the earliest time and
the latest time for each node.

v) Identify the critical activities (the activities with zero float) and connect them with the
beginning node and the ending node in the network diagram by double line arrow. This gives
the critical path.

vi) Calculate the total project duration.


The network method discussed so far may be termed as deterministic, since estimated activity
times are assumed to be known with certainty. While this assumption holds for the CPM
analysis. In most of the projects, these activity times are random variables. A new technique
known as Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) was devised in 1958 for the
POLARIS missile program by the Program Evaluation Branch of the Special Projects office
of the U. S. Navy, helped by the Lockheed Missile Systems division and the Consultant firm
of Booz-Allen & Hamilton.

Project Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT)

In research project of designing a new machine or development of a new dairy product, various
activities to be performed are based on judgment. A reliable time estimate is difficult to get
because the technology is changing rapidly. Time values are subjected to variation. The main
objective of the analysis through PERT is to find out the completion for a particular event
within specified date. What are the chances of completing the job? This approach takes into
account uncertainties. In this approach three time values are estimated with each activity:
Optimistic time, most likely time and Pessimistic time. The three time values provide a measure
of uncertainty associated with that activity.

Optimistic time

It is the shortest possible time in which the activity can be finished and assumes that everything
goes very well. In other words, it is the estimate of the minimum possible time, which an
activity takes to complete under ideal conditions i.e. no provision are made for breakdown,
delays etc. They are generally denoted by (t0) or (a).

Most likely time

This is estimate of the normal time the activity would take. This assumes normal delays. It is
denoted by (tm) or (m). If a graph is plotted between the time of completion and frequency of
completion in that period, the highest frequency of occurrence is denoted by most likely time
as shown in Fig. 21.1.

Fig. 21.1 Time distribution curve

Pessimistic time

The longest time, the activity could take if everything goes wrong. In other words, it is the
longest time the activity can conceivably take. This is generally denoted by (tp) or (b).

The three time values are shown in Fig. 21.1.

The PERT technique makes the following assumptions:

 Activity times are statistically independent and usually associated with beta distribution.

 There are enough activities involved in the network and totals of activity times based on their
means and variances will be normally distributed.

 The three estimates of the activity duration can be obtained for each activity.

In PERT calculation, all values are used to obtain the expected value.

Estimated time

This is the average time an activity will take if it is to be repeated large number of times and is
based on the assumption that the activity time follows Beta distribution.


Variance of each activity is given by formula:

where to (a) , tp (b) and tm(m) are optimistic , pessimistic and mostly likely times respectively.

Once the expected times of the activities are obtained, the critical path of the project network
is determined using three time estimates. Having found the critical path, the PERT
methodology assumes that the aggregation of the mean times and the summation of the
variances of critical jobs would yield the expected project duration and its variance. PERT uses
the variance of critical path activity to help in determining the variance of the overall project.
Project variance is computed by summing variance of just critical activities.

PERT Algorithm

The various steps involved in the PERT network for analyzing any project are summarized
i) Develop a list of activities involved in the project including the immediate predecessors.

ii) Draw the network diagram using the rules and conventions as discussed before.

iii) Number the events in ascending order from left to right

iv) From the three time estimates compute the expected time (te) for each activity using the formula

Using the expected activity time estimates, determine the earliest start time and earliest
finish time for each activity .

v) Compute the latest start time and latest finish time and the float associated with each activity.
Find the activities with zero total float which are known as critical activities. From these critical
activities find the critical path.

vi) Using the value for tp (b) and to(a) , calculate the variance (σ2) by using the formula

vii) Use the variability in the activity times to estimate the variability of the project completion
date; using this estimate compute the probability of meeting a specified date by using the
standard normal equation

where Z is a standard normal variate

Illustrative Examples on PERT

The computation procedure used for PERT is described in the examples 1and 2

Example 1:

A small project is composed of nine activities whose time estimates are listed in the
following table:
Activity t0 tp tm
1-2 5 10 8
1-3 18 22 20
1-4 26 40 33
2-5 16 20 18
2-6 15 25 20
3-6 6 12 9
4-7 7 12 10
5-7 7 9 8
6-7 3 5 4

a) Find the expected task time and their variance.

b) Earliest and latest expected time of each node.

c) Critical path

d) Probability that project will complete in 41.5 weeks and 44weeks.


The expected task time and variances of different activities are computed by the following


and these values are given in following table

Activity t0 tp tm

1-2 5 10 8 47/6 25/36

1-3 18 22 20 20 16/36
1-4 26 40 33 33 196/36
2-5 16 20 18 18 16/36
2-6 15 25 20 20 100/36
3-6 6 12 9 9 36/36
4-7 7 12 10 59/6 25/36
5-7 7 9 8 8 4/36
6-7 3 5 4 4 4/36

Construct the network diagram showing earliest and latest expected time of each node.

Rule to find out variance of Events:-

We take initial value of variance V1 = 0

NOTE: At merge point the variance is computed along the longest path in case of two path
having the same length the larger of the two variance of that event.

Critical path is 1-4-7 and total duration is 257/36 = 42.833 weeks with variance = 221/36

Now probability that project will complete in 41.5 weeks is

Hence, there are 29.81% chances that project will be completed before 41.5 weeks.

Now probability that project will complete in 44 weeks is

Hence, there are 99.81% chances that project will be completed before 44 weeks.
Example 2

The following table gives the estimates of optimistic time (t0), most likely time (tm) and
pessimistic time (tp) of different activities of a project.

Activity t0 tm tp
1-2 4 8 12
2-3 1 4 7
3-4 8 12 16
3-5 3 5 7
4-5 0 0 0
4-6 3 6 9
5-7 3 6 9
5-8 4 8 6
6-10 4 6 8
7-9 4 8 12
8-9 2 5 8
9-10 4 10 16

i) Construct the network diagram when it is given that scheduled completion is 40 days.

ii) Calculate the probability of finishing the project

a) within the scheduled time
b) less than 45days
c) less than 38 days.

Solution :

The expected task time and their variances are given in following table
Activity t0 tm tp te σ2
1-2 4 8 12 8 64/36
2-3 1 4 7 4 36/36
3-4 8 12 16 12 64/36
3-5 3 5 7 5 16/36
4-5 0 0 0 0 0
4-6 3 6 9 6 36/36
5-7 3 6 9 6 36/36
5-8 4 8 6 7 4/36
6-10 4 6 8 6 16/36
7-9 4 8 12 8 64/36
8-9 2 5 8 5 36/36
9-10 4 10 16 10 144/36

From the table it is clear that the activity 4-5 is dummy activity.

The network diagram with earliest time and latest times are given below
Rule to find out variance of Events:

We take initial value of variance V1 = 0

The critical path is 1-2-3-5-7-9-10 with expected time for completion of the project is 41
days with variance =10.

a) Probability that project will complete in given time i.e. 40 days is

Hence, there are 37.83% chances that project will be completed in the stipulated time of 40

b) Probability that project will complete in 45 days is

Hence , there are 89.62% chances that project will be completed before 45 days.

c) Probability that project will complete in 38 days is

Hence ,there are only 17.36% chances that project will be completed before 38 days.
Comparison between PERT and CPM

As stated earlier both PERT and CPM techniques were developed independently with different
set of objectives. However, the basic differences between the two are given below:

1. It is probabilistic model with uncertainty in A deterministic model with well known
activity duration. The duration of each activity activity (single) time based upon the past
is normally computed from multiple time experience. It does not deal with uncertainty
estimates. with time.
2. PERT is said to be an event oriented as the It is an activity oriented as its results are
result of analysis are expressed in terms of calculated on the basis of activities.
3. It uses dummy activities to represent project It does not make use of dummy activities to
sequencing of the activities. represent the project sequencing.
4. PERT is usually used for those projects where This is commonly used for those projects
time required to complete various activities is which are repetitive in nature and here one has
not known a priori. prior experience of handling similar projects.
5. PERT is generally applied for planning and CPM is generally used for construction and
scheduling research program and developing business problems.
6. PERT analysis usually does not consider cost. CPM deals with the cost of project schedules
and their minimization.
7. PERT is an important control device as it assists It is difficult to use CPM as controlling device
the management in controlling a project by because it requires repetition of the entire
constant review of such delays in the activities. evaluation of project each time the changes
are introduced in the network.
8. PERT helps the manager to schedule and CPM plans dual emphasis on time cost and
coordinate various activities so that project can evaluates the tradeoff between project cost
be completed on scheduled time. and time.
9. It makes use of the statistical devices in the It does not make use of the statistical devices
determination of time estimates. in the determination of time estimates

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