Ace Down We Go Book 3 Kyla Faye Full Chapter

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Ace: (Down We Go Book 3) Kyla Faye

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Ace (Down We Go Book 3)
Copyright © 2024 by Kyla Faye

Published by KT Publishing
All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written
permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Cover Designer: Books & Moods

Editing: Victoria at Cruel Ink Editing + Design
Proofreading: Zainab M. at the blue couch edits
To the ones that ignore red flags, justify toxic behavior, and think morally grey men are romantic.
Ace is for you.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Also by Kyla Faye
Signed Copies
About Kyla Faye

If you have any triggers, this is not the book for you.
Your mental health matters.
You’ve been warned.

Visit for a list of trigger warnings


“Enchanted” - Taylor Swift

“Creep” - Radio Head
“Work Song” - Hozier
“Dark Things” - ADONA
“The Night We Met” - Lord Huron
“Jesus Christ” - Brand New
“Power Over Me” - Dermot Kennedy
“The End” - Blue October
“Every Breath You Take” - The Police
“i hope ur miserable until ur dead” - Nessa Barrett
“M.I.N.E (End This Way)” - Five Finger Death Punch

Twelve years old


The worst thing I'd ever done.
I killed Mommy.
I didn't mean to. We were playing. Then all of a sudden, she stumbled over the stupid Nerf gun I left on the stairs and fell…
It happened so fast. Before I could even register what was happening, she landed at the bottom of the stairs, and blood was
gushing from her head.
So much blood.
More than I'd ever seen before in my young life.
I'd seen blood from nosebleeds, and sometimes, Father made me bleed, but I'd never seen that much before.
It was everywhere, and when I tried to help her, it got on my hands.
My body acted strangely…
The reaction I had, the way everything inside of me sparked to life…
It was unlike any other feeling I'd ever had.
I wasn't exactly sure what that reaction meant, but I instinctively pulled my pajama pants down and used my bloody right
hand to stroke the hardening flesh between my legs. I'd seen Father do it before.
He'd always told me that if I wanted to become a man, I had to use it, so I guess that meant I became a man today.
My body had just experienced the best feeling. When Father had come in and seen me standing there above mommy's body,
my pants were still down around my ankles, and a pool of white fluid was on her lifeless chest.
"Ace! What the fuck did you do?!" Father yelled, his face turning pale as he took in what happened. I froze at the sight of
him. My eyes were wide as I stood before him, holding my breath, afraid to move. Reality hadn't sunk in; I was too high on
euphoria to realize the severity of the situation.
"You killed her! You killed your mother!"
He accused me of killing her, and I had, hadn't I? If I hadn't left my toys out, she wouldn't have tripped. Instead of arguing, I
remained silent.
"Your mother should've aborted you. I begged her to. I never wanted children, but she did, and I wanted to make her
happy." Father looked at me with hatred in his eyes. More hatred than usual.
"You're a bad boy. Get on your knees, and stop fucking crying." I hadn't realized I was fully crying until I tasted the salty
tears on my tongue when I licked my lips.
Father gripped my hair painfully, causing me to cry out.
"If you want to be a disgusting boy, I will show you what it's like to be dirty." Father cursed under his breath and forced me
to my knees by kicking my legs.
He looked larger than life standing before me, and all I could do was stare at him through my teary, blurred vision.
He removed his pants and forced himself down my throat, and afterward, he held a hand over my mouth. He covered my
mouth and pinched my nose, forcing me to swallow the thick, salty fluid he left behind on my tongue. My ears plugged after the
first gulp, and I could see Father's lips moving, likely spewing more hate, but I couldn't hear him because of the pressure in my
ears that made me feel as if I was underwater.
Bile rose in the back of my throat as I swallowed again, the remainder of the fluid slipping down the back of my throat. I
gagged behind his hand, my body shaking, while my mouth filled with vomit, giving me no choice but to swallow down the
Dark spots lined my vision from the lack of oxygen, and even as I scratched against his hairy thighs, he kept his grip on me.
Finally, Father shoved me away, and I gasped for air, my body shaking uncontrollably as I lay on the floor, curled in the
fetal position.
"Clean yourself up. You're disgusting." He spat, and his saliva landed on the arm I held protectively over my face.
I knew my father was evil, but I never knew how much my mother had shielded me from him.
Little did I know, without her, Father was free to act completely unhinged.


work and then come out. Ever since I killed Mommy, he doesn’t like to see me anymore.
Father only has time for me when he comes to my room in the middle of the night, smelling of liquor, to punish me.
My punishments started long before Mommy died, but since her death, they’ve become frequent.
He taught me not to cry, because when I do, he only makes it hurt worse.
We were never a religious family, but after Father would leave my room, I’d pray to God that he’d stop. That he’d realize
it’s wrong to hurt me. If he stopped, I’d be willing to forgive him.
He’s my father, and I love him.
I’ll forgive him.
God listened to me, and now, it’s been two months since Father has punished me. It’s also been two months since his new
family has moved into our home.
Father forgets about me a lot. It’s easy to do when I spend my days in the attic, keeping quiet and staying out of everyone’s
I don’t mind staying there. Father’s new wife and daughter are horrible. Mommy’s been gone for six months, but I’m the
only one who misses her.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one who ever loved her.
Father removed all the photos of her we once had on the walls of our home. Every family photo is gone, replaced by photos
of his new wife, Sharon.
In a blink of an eye, life as I knew it ended, and the Wicked Witch of the West moved in.
My stomach grumbles as I lie on my mattress on the floor.
Most nights, I’m able to sneak some snacks from the kitchen and hide them away in my room for when I get hungry during
the night.
Sharon says I’m too big and should eat less.
She’s so dang stupid.
Eating less doesn’t stop you from growing. I’m getting taller by the day, and starving me will not stop it. She controls the
amount of food I eat ever since I called her daughter fat.
If anyone needs portion control, it’s her.
I wasn’t being rude when I said it, though. I was being honest. She insulted my appearance by calling me “freakish”
because I'm tall and skinny, so I insulted her back by calling her fat and ugly.
It wasn’t a lie. Mommy taught me to never lie.
In my defense, she’s not ugly because she’s fat. She’s ugly because of her features. Her eyes are too close together, and one
is a little bigger than the other.
Sometimes when I stare at her from across the dinner table, I catch her right eye wandering off while her left eye stares at
me. Her eyebrows are furry, like an old man's eyebrows, and she’s always scowling.
She’s got buck teeth, her top lip is bigger than the bottom, and her nose resembles a pig. It doesn’t help that her name is
freaking Penny.
She looks just like her mother, and she’s hideous, too. I’m willing to bet if you investigate their family tree, you’d discover
more than one cousin fucker.
I know what that is because Father always said Mommy has a weird family line and once called her sister a cousin fucker.
Sharon and Penny are nothing like my beautiful mom.
My stomach rumbles for the fourth time in a row. I have no more snacks up here, and I’m still starving. Once again, I didn’t
get enough to eat tonight.
Unable to wait until morning, I crawl quietly across the floor until I reach the stairs.
I peek my head down the staircase and listen. I need to get food, but if I run into Father or his wife, they might punish me for
being downstairs when I’m not supposed to be.
Last time that happened, Sharon slapped me so hard my cheek stung for hours. Still, I’d prefer her punishments over his—
which I thankfully haven’t received from him in a while.
Quietly making my way down, I hold my breath as I stand on my tiptoes and tread into the kitchen. I’m just about to make it
to the glorious white fridge that’s calling my name when I hear a door creak, followed by a whimper.
Penny the Pig has my old bedroom on the main floor. When they moved in, she decided she liked the room and wanted it.
Despite there being three empty rooms upstairs, Sharon insisted Father place me in the attic. According to her, my devil eyes
scare her, and she doesn’t want me sleeping close to her.
The Witch and Father share a bedroom upstairs. It’s the bedroom he once shared with my mother. That filthy pig is now
sleeping where my mom used to and attempting to fit into her clothes. No matter how much sucking in or Healthy Choice frozen
meals she eats, she’ll never be as petite as mommy.
Leaning my back against the wall, I place a hand over my mouth to keep myself from letting out any noise, saying a silent
prayer to God that no one is awake and coming to discover me out here. I know I’ll get in trouble, and my dinner plate is
already so small that I can’t stand the portions getting any smaller.
Whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I’m able to see my ribs protruding from my skin. No wonder everyone calls me a
freak. I am one.
With my shaggy black hair, pale skin, mismatched eyes—thanks to my heterochromia—and being tall while nothing but skin
and bones. It’s true what everyone says about me. I am a freak.
Whimpers steal my attention away from my inner pity party.
“My sweet Penny. You are such a good girl; do you know that?” I hear my father’s voice, which causes the hair on my arms
to stand up and a knot to form in my stomach.
Oh no.
I recognize the dark, sultry timber of Father's voice. I’ve heard it every time he’s called me a bad boy and punished me.
“Good girls get rewards between their legs. Would you like that, my sweet Penny?” he says, and I’m unable to hear what
Penny says in response.
“Good girl. Tonight will feel just as good as all the other nights.” All the other nights? Realization sets in like a sucker
punch to the gut.
Penny is the reason why Father no longer visits my bedroom at night. He’s visiting her instead. He’s hurting her the same
way he hurt me.
Or is he?
Father calls me a bad boy before he holds me down and punishes me, but Mommy would call me a good boy while she
knelt between my legs, delivering pleasure instead of pain.
Is Father rewarding Penny like Mommy did me?
Does he love her the way Mommy loved me?
With my hands balled into fists and shaking at my sides, I sneak closer to the cracked bedroom door and peek in.
The image of my father on top of Penny, his body between her legs, his bare ass flexing as he thrusts into her small body, is
enough to make me nauseous.
No, no, no. This doesn’t look right.
My nails break skin and dig into my palms.
I probably made a noise, because Father suddenly stops, looks over his shoulder, and his dark eyes stare into mine. I think
he’s going to stop, but his mouth forms a grin, and he continues thrusting into a whimpering Penny.
“Don’t be a freak and stand there watching. Come here, boy. Let me show you how a real man takes care of his woman.”
Unable to help myself, I gravitate toward them, ignoring the blood that’s dripping down my hands. It’s going to be painful to
pull my fingernails out of my palms once I unclench my fists. Certainly, I’ll have scars from it.
I'm familiar with what Father is doing, but it doesn't feel appropriate to witness it happening to someone else. I learned
from watching shows I’m not allowed to watch that it's against the law and morally wrong.
My favorite show is about stuff like this. That pretty lady, detective Olivia Benson, puts people like my father in jail. Does
that make Penny and me special victims?
Will Olivia arrest Father? She says this is wrong. She says men who hurt children are bad.
Father is bad.
Finding courage, I speak up, “She’s not a woman.” I hiss the words with venom on my tongue. “I’m calling Detective
Benson.” Something snaps inside of me, and for the first time, this man isn’t my father; he’s my prey.
With the rustling of sheets and Penny's hissing, my father grabs the back of my hair and pulls me back against his bare,
sweaty chest.
“Good luck calling a fictional character, you fucking idiot. That damn mother of yours should’ve put your stupid ass in
school instead of choosing to homeschool you. Maybe if she had, you’d know the difference between reality and a goddamn TV
show.” Father laughs, his fist tightening in my hair.
It doesn’t matter if Law & Order and Olivia are fictional. There are real people like her who can help us.
“I’ll call the police!” I warn, silently patting myself on the back for having the courage to stand up to my father. Whether I
like Penny or not, I’ll protect her the way I wish someone would’ve protected me.
“You are not calling the fucking police, you little freak! If you do, I’ll tell them it was you. I’ll tell them you killed your
mother, assaulted her body, and then fucked your stepsister. Do you think they’ll believe you over me?” He laughs into my ear.
Tears sting my eyes, but I force them back. I’ve gotten pretty good at hiding my tears and pretending not to cry.
Gripping my shoulders, Fathers turns me around to face him, grabs my white T-shirt, and uses it to wipe the blood off his
flaccid cock. Disgust fills my stomach at the sight of Penny’s blood on my shirt.
I cautiously glance over at her lying on the bed, but instead of finding a scared, crying thirteen-year-old girl, I see her
scowling at me like I have taken her favorite toy away.
What did I do wrong?
“Go to bed, Ace. Forget what you saw here. If you speak of this again, you will spend the rest of your life in prison. And in
prison, they don’t like boys who fuck their stepsisters.” He shoves me backward and away from him, and I stumble but quickly
catch myself before I fall.
I run toward the stairs that’ll lead me to the attic. I don’t care how loud my steps are; I need to get back to my safe space.
Once back in my room, I hide under my covers, let my tears fall, and pray that hiding under my blanket will be enough to
protect me from the monster lurking below me.

Two days since I’ve seen either of them.
I’m so disgusted and unable to face them, so I’ve been staying in my room until it’s time for Father to leave for work, then I
sneak downstairs.
Sharon doesn’t work and is always home. Since it’s summer break and we don’t have school, Penny is home, too. Luckily, I
haven’t run into them, and Father hasn’t yelled up the stairs for me to join them for dinner either, like he typically does.
I’d be lying if I said it’s been peaceful. It’s been anything but, and I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I feel in my gut, just as I always have, that something is about to happen. I felt it the day my mom died too, but I ignored it,
choosing to continue playing instead.
This time, I can’t ignore it. My hunger and anxiety pushed me to take another risk and go downstairs again.
I’m standing at the fridge, shoving grapes into my mouth, when I hear Sharon scream. I don’t care about her, but if she gets
hurt and is screaming for help and I don’t help, I’ll be the one in trouble. Lately, I’ve been trying to avoid drawing any further
attention to myself.
“Penny!” Sharon screams, and I quickly shove the container of grapes back into the fridge and let the door slam closed as I
take off running toward the screaming.
In the laundry room, Sharon is on her knees and in tears in front of Penny. She has something in her hands, but I can’t see
My eyes widen once I finally see what she’s holding.
Small pink cotton underwear with hearts on them, with a blood stain on the crotch.
Oh, God.
My heart races, and my stomach aches as if it’s signaling to me that the something bad that I’ve been fearing is about to
happen now.
I can see their lips moving, but the thump of my heart trying to escape from my chest is so loud I have trouble clearly
making out what they’re saying. The bits and pieces I’m able to understand are only a few words, but enough for me to know
this isn’t going to be a good situation.
“What happened? Did you get your period?”
“N-n-no. I… was hurt.”
Finally, Sharon looks up, her blue eyes filled with rage.
“He did it. He hurt me,” Penny says, pointing directly at me.
For a moment, I hope my father has returned home and is standing behind me and that’s who she’s pointing at, but a quick
glance over my shoulder tells me I’m not that lucky.
“You hurt my daughter!” Sharon screams, standing to her feet, charging at me like a bull who has just spotted someone
waving a red banner.
“No, no, I didn’t! I swear! It wasn’t me!” My sight blurs as tears roll down my cheeks, and I hyperventilate. “Please, Penny,
tell the truth!”
“I swear it, Momma! He hurt me.” Penny bursts into tears, causing Sharon to step away from me and rush to comfort her
sobbing daughter.
I should run away. Leave this house and never return, but foolishly, I pray that when Father returns home, he’ll protect me
from Sharon and get her to calm down and believe that it wasn’t me.
In the back of my mind, I know it’s wishful thinking, but what can you expect from a twelve-year-old boy?
I’m hoping my father will protect me. But deep down, I know he won't.

hear doors slamming below me. Then, Sharon screams.
“Your freak of a son raped my sweet little girl! I want him out of this house!” Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. It
hurts my ears, but somehow, my heart hurts even worse.
I never touched Penny, and I never would. I tried to protect her by threatening to call the police, but Father is right. It’s his
word against mine. Who’s going to believe our town's beloved lawyer over a child? A child that everyone already thinks is a
Despite my height being above average for my age, I'm still a child. My mommy isn’t here to protect me anymore, and she
always did when it came to Father. Whenever I called my mother "Mommy," my father would get upset with me. He’d ask me if
I were a baby, and when I’d reply, he’d hit me in the back of the head and tell me only babies say Mommy. Then he’d tell me I
need to grow the fuck up and start talking like a man.
Sometimes, he’d throw me outside and lock the doors, telling me to go play and make friends so people would stop
thinking I was a freak.
Our neighborhood was one where, during the summer months, the adults would get together for barbecues while the other
kids played. They’d ride bikes outside, play video games inside, or even toss a ball around in the front yard.
Instead of joining them, I always preferred keeping to myself. Sometimes, I’d climb through the window when Father
would lock the door. I would stay inside and work on the computer. Before Mom had me, she worked cybersecurity. She’d told
me so many stories about her days in college and the things she did at work. She was brilliant, and often she’d do some
freelance work from home to help old friends and colleagues of hers. I think she worked for the government. Her work was
always top secret, but the times I peeked, her screens were filled with funny looking codes.
The first time I saw her in action, I knew I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. So, instead of playing, I taught myself
how to code. I still have a lot to learn, but one day, I’m going to be just as good as her. I just know it.
Father always laughs at me. He tells me hackers go to prison, and Mom's lucky they didn’t lock her up. I’m not sure why
she would’ve been taken away, but regardless, his negative words will never stop me.
“Ace! Get the fuck down here!” Father's booming voice causes me to jump at least three inches off the ground.
Uh-oh. It’s time to face him.
My face heats, and goosebumps form on my skin as a chill rushes down my back. I take my time standing from my torn and
stained mattress on the floor, stretching out my limbs. I can’t wait until I have muscles and I’m not so wimpy-looking. I’m
practically Slender Man, that creepy guy from video games.
“Ace! Get out here, now!” Father yells, followed by the inaudible screams from Sharon. It's obvious they're having an
argument, but her high-pitched and squeaky voice makes it difficult to understand.
Placing one foot in front of the other, I leave the comfort of my bedroom and make my way into the living room where I
hear the raised voices, followed by the sobs of my evil stepsister, who steps behind her mother the moment she sees me. I don’t
know why she’s crying and pretending she fears me. We both know that I’ve done nothing to her to warrant her fear.
The lump in my throat prevents me from speaking. He knows I didn’t hurt Penny, but he won’t tell Sharon otherwise, and if
I do, they’ll all accuse me of lying. Sharon never believes me anyway, and Father hates me for what I did to Mommy.
It’s three against one.
As much as I want to believe he will protect me, the knot in the pit of my stomach tells me he’s not going to.
“You little piece of shit! I knew you were a bad boy! You have the devil in you, boy,” Sharon screeches, turning her meaty
body sideways to wrap her arms around her daughter in comfort.
“James, call the police! I can’t look at him anymore. Look at what he did to my baby.” She steps back, waving her arms in
front of a crying, red-faced Penny. She looks fine, other than she’s fake crying.
“Enough, dammit. We’re not calling the police,” Father snaps, his loud voice stern and full of authority.
“Why the hell not?!” Sharon demands. “They should lock him away with other little freaks like him!”
“Ace has brought enough shame on this family. I do not want our name ruined any more than it already is.” He taps his chin
as if he’s deep in thought, his dark eyes staring right at me.
“Well then, what the hell do you plan on doing?”
“He’s going to leave this house,” Father decides, a grin spreading across his thin lips. “As of this moment, Ace, you are no
longer my son, and this is no longer your home. You killed your mother, hurt your sister, and have been a disrespectful little shit
toward Sharon. You will not be a part of this family for another day.”
My eyes burn with unshed tears at Father’s harsh words. “You do not get to speak.” He looks toward Sharon and Penny.
“I’ll be back. Go, take our daughter upstairs.”
Penny peeks around her mother’s body to look right at me. A slow, devious smile spreads across her face before she leaves
the room, disappearing with Sharon.
I turn to Father to plead my case, “Please, Father, please. Don’t send me away. You know I didn’t hurt her, and I swear I’ll
tell no one it was you. Ever! Please!” I fall to my knees at his feet, begging.
I’m a kid. I’m his kid. How can he do this? He can’t send me away, right?
“Get your ass up. You’re embarrassing yourself.” He scoffs, looking at me in disgust. “I never wanted you. Your mother
was the only one who wanted you, and I wanted her to be happy, but you took her from me. Now, you’re no longer my
Father always told me that crying was a sign of weakness. I learned a long time ago that crying only provokes him, so I
learned to keep my tears to myself. Unfortunately, this time, like many times this week, I fail, and the heavy, endless tears fall
from my eyes. Although, I’ve mastered silent crying. I can cry without movement and without a single sound.
“How can you do this? Please, Father, please.”
“It’s incredible what can happen when you want something badly enough.” He chuckles, bending down until we’re nose-to-
nose. “Your Aunt Willa helped me with the paperwork a long time ago. I’ve just been waiting for an excuse to get you the fuck
out of here.” He keeps his voice low, staring into my teary eyes as he breaks my heart.
“I-I-I’m staying with Aunt Willa?” She’s Mommy’s sister and has always been nice to me. I’m willing to stay with her until
Father loses his temper.
“Fuck no.” Father takes away my only hope of being with family, the only person who reminds me of Mommy. “You’ll
probably go to a foster home. Maybe even a group home, wherever the fuck it is. I don’t care.” He stands, brushing invisible
lint from his clothing.
“Let’s go.” When I don’t move, he grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me toward him.
I cry out, my scalp burning from the grip he has on my hair. He leaves me no choice but to shuffle after him on my knees as
he drags me away from my home.
“Father, please! I’ll be good! Please! You can punish me, but let me stay. Please!” I beg, pleading with him, but my sobs
fall on deaf ears. He doesn’t care, nor does he bother to look at me.
He allows me to stand once we’re out the door, and I follow him to his car in defeat.
“Get into the fucking car!” he yells, climbing into the driver's side. Taking one last look over my shoulder, I glance back at
the yellow house with the white door that I grew up in. My memories with my mother—my happiest moments—are all here.
Movement in the window catches my eye, and I look up just in time to see Penny standing in the windowsill with a smile on
her face. Before I turn around, the little bitch sticks out her tongue, holds up her hand, and flips me the middle finger.
With a scowl, I turn around, climb into Father's car, and dry my tears while he drives me away and into the unknown.
It’s okay. He just needs to give Sharon time to calm down.
Everything will be alright, and I’ll be back home soon.
He’s my father. He has to keep me.
This is only temporary.



Sometimes I wish I were back with Father in the attic on my faded, torn mattress on the floor. At least that was better than
sharing a room with four other boys, and only having a sleeping bag and the world's thinnest pillow to sleep on. There are two
sets of bunk beds in the room, but they’re all claimed already, leaving me to sleep on the floor.
At least the sleeping bag is new, but the pillow is as old as this house. I don’t have a pillowcase, so I get to smell the musty
stench and see the yellow stains all night. Most nights I don’t even use it, but sometimes I tire of using my arms as a pillow. It’s
not very comfortable.
One day, I’m going to have a gigantic bed with a hundred pillows. I’ll sleep like a king and get a solid eight hours every
One day.
I’ll also have so much food that my fridge overflows, and I’ll never have to experience hunger pains again.
One day, I’ll have a perfect life.
One day.
At least that’s what I tell myself to keep from crying myself to sleep every night.
One day, things will be better. I’ll be an adult and can make my own decisions.
Foolishly, I thought Father would return for me, but it’s been three months, and according to my caseworker, Stacey, they’re
looking for permanent placement for me.
The day when father had taken me to Aunt Willa, I was hopeful I’d be able to stay with her. But she said her house was too
full at the moment and couldn’t take me in. She fed me cookies and milk while she sat with me in the living room, waiting for
the caseworker to pick me up and take me to a new home.
When Stacey came, I begged Aunt Willa to keep me, but with tears in her eyes, she turned her back on me, telling me she
was sorry.
That’s how I ended up here.
Father doesn’t want me anymore. I never knew it was possible to give away your twelve-year-old child, but I’m proof that
it is.
Noise in the room reminds me I’m not alone and breaks me away from my thoughts.
“Did you see the new girl?” Jesse, my foster brother, asks Clay, who’s lying on his bottom bunk, spinning a basketball in
his hands.
I listen to their conversation from where I lie on the floor, counting spots on the faded yellow popcorn ceiling.
“What? She’s here already? I thought she wasn’t coming for another few days?” Clay responds, the bed squeaking, as he
pulls himself to sit on the edge.
“Nope, her caseworker just got here with her. They’re in the living room.” A few days ago, I overheard that we’d be getting
a new addition to this horrible house.
A girl.
She’ll be the only girl here, apart from Marla, our foster mother. Knowing my four foster brothers, I feel bad for her, but not
too bad because I know she’ll be just like them. I already know she’ll hate me without even knowing me because everyone here
Clay, Chad, Jesse, and Alex have hated me since the day I arrived. Unless they're mocking me, they don't speak to me. I’ve
tried to make friends and make the most of our situation, but they think I’m a freak. Who can blame them?
“Let’s go meet our new sis.” Clay stands, his attention turning to me. “Hey, freak, are you coming to meet the new girl?”
With a sigh, I sit up on top of my sleeping bag, looking directly at him. I open my mouth to speak, but think better of it, and
opt for shaking my head.
“Good idea. Don’t want to scare the poor girl her first night here.” He laughs. Before I can register what happens next, he
raises his hand, throwing his basketball directly at my head. It’s not the first time, and I know it won’t be the last. The first time
he hit me in the face, he gave me a bloody nose. Marla blamed me, and I got the belt that night for staining my shirt with blood.
The ball bounces off my forehead with a thud and lands in my lap. Clay leaves the room, his laughter echoing behind.
He’s right, though. I’ll likely scare the new girl, and from what I’ve heard, she’s just a kid. Well, I’m a kid, but I don’t feel
like one. I feel like I’ve lived a hundred lives already.
I’ll stay away from her. It’s for the best.

all day, and as it got later and later, I doubted that we’d get dinner tonight. She forgets to feed us a lot, and on those days we’re
lucky if we’re able to find a cabinet unlocked to sneak a snack.
Marla says she doesn’t have enough money to keep five growing boys fed, so she keeps locks on the cabinets and fridge.
I’m not sure why she says that though, considering she receives monthly checks for each of us. She doesn’t work, unless you
consider playing bingo a job and then, in that case, she’s employed full-time plus works overtime. She’s always away at the
bingo hall downtown.
Walking into the kitchen, I stop in my tracks when I see the new kid for the first time. She stands next to Marla at the island,
holding a paper plate in her small hands while Marla places two slices of cheese pizza on her plate.
The savory aroma of the pizza fills my nostrils, causing my empty stomach to growl loud enough that it catches her
The girl with the blonde halo of hair looks up, her unreal turquoise eyes staring right at me. I feel shy and feel the need to
run and hide again, like I’ve been doing since she arrived this afternoon.
I’ve had enough rejection, and I’m one more rejection away from hiding in my sleeping bag and crying. Either that or
slitting my wrists like I’ve seen Jesse do before.
The girl stares at me as I stand there awaiting her judgment, then slowly, so painfully slow, a smile lights up her face, and
her eyes brighten.
At that moment, right then and there, I decide that she’s mine. She’s my new pretty thing, and I want her to look at me like
that for the rest of my life.
“Ace! Quit being weird, boy, and come get some pizza before it’s all gone,” Marla snaps, opening the second box there on
the counter. Today must’ve been a good day at bingo if we’re getting pizza. Or she’s trying to make a good impression on the
new girl. Hopefully, she doesn’t get used to it, because tomorrow we’ll be back to stale crackers and expired cans of tuna.
Leaving the comfort of the corner, I step further into the kitchen and stand beside the girl, grabbing a paper plate from the
“Freak,” Jesse mumbles, not so quietly under his breath, earning a laugh from the rest of my foster brothers.
The blue-eyed girl doesn’t laugh. Instead, she offers a smile. “Hi. I’m Lee,” she mumbles, keeping her eyes locked on me,
looking at me as if I’m going to be the one to save her from this nightmare.
I wish I could, but I’m drowning as much as I know she will be. From things I’ve overheard about her, I know that this is
her first foster home, but it won’t be her last. That’s something I’ve come to learn, even though this is my first home. You can
never allow yourself to get too comfortable, because there’s no such thing as security when you’re in the system.
Despite the smiles she’s freely giving me, I can tell she’s sad. The first night is the hardest. It’s been months since my father
tore me away from my home, and it’s still hard. Every single stupid night here is hard.
There’s no hope of being adopted at this age, so you must suck it up and come to terms with the fact you’ll be here until the
day you age out.
backpack into the third bedroom of the small house. I’ve seen the room and know that it’s identical to mine.
That’s the girl’s room, and the blue-eyed girl will be the only one in there. According to Alex, there were two girls, sisters,
living here right before I arrived, but their parents regained custody and they got to go home. There’s been no recent additions
since me.
Those girls are lucky. Their parents wanted them, could fight to get them back, and proved they were good enough. I think
they’re stupid for losing their kids in the first place, because how do you lose something that’s already yours? It’s not like they
lost their phone or a pen. They lost their children. Someone went into their home and removed their kids because a court
decided they were unfit.
That makes little sense to me.
My mother never would’ve lost me, and if she were still alive, I’d be at home right now. Safe and in her arms, being loved
and wanted. I wouldn’t have to be here in this dirty place. But that’s my fault because I killed her.
This is my consequence.
This is what happens to bad boys who hurt pretty things.
Once upon a time, I was wanted, but not anymore, and I wish to be wanted again. There’s no one to make me feel wanted,
and it makes me sad. My heart aches all the time.
Mommy wanted me and loved me. Every time Father left for work, we had our special time together and she showed me
how much she loved me.
Until I ruined it.
When Mommy told me I hurt pretty things, I never thought that was true until that night.
The night that changed the rest of my life. If only I would’ve listened to her and cleaned up. I wish I had been a good boy
for her.
I have many regrets and replay that day in my head, wishing I had done things differently.
Unfortunately, no matter how badly I wish I could change what happened, I can’t.
Later that night, under my sleeping bag, listening to the sounds of the four boys around me sleeping, I close my eyes and
replay that day.
Except, this time, I don’t change the events of what happened. I replay everything. Mostly, I replay Mother's bloody scene
and how my body reacted at the sight of the thick crimson pouring out of her open wound.
My body reacts without my consent, and just as I did the first time this happened, I let my urges take control and wrap my
hand around the hard length between my legs and stroke until my body shakes, and I release my warmth into my boxers.
I don’t get up to clean myself. Instead, I roll over and fall asleep, sleeping the best I have since the day Mommy died.

up, two other girls did too, Jessica and Dana.
I had hoped they’d be as nice to me as Lee has been, but they took one look at me lurking in the kitchen corner one day and
decided I was weird. It didn’t help that Clay was right there to call me a freak in front of them, making them giggle and run off
I hate all of them. Every person in this house, except her. Never her.
How could I ever hate the pretty girl who never stops sharing her smiles with me? She’s the only ounce of happiness I have
in this place, and I know if I’m not careful, I’ll steal that happiness from her.
It’s what I do.
I ruin everything.
I break pretty things.
I’m a bad boy. Father told me so on the nights he’d come into my room and shove my face into my mattress, pull my pants
down, and hold me down while he hurt me.
Between his grunts, he’d tell me how much he hated me and how bad I was. His words were cruel and hurt worse than
what he’d do to me.
Bad boys get punished.
Jesse must be bad too, because this morning when I walked into our bedroom after my shower, I saw Alex behind him on
the bottom bunk of the bed giving him a punishment, making the same sounds Father made.
I’d stood there for sixty-eight seconds before they noticed me. I counted in my head, just like I did when Father would
deliver my punishment. Every time he entered my room, I’d begin counting, waiting for him to leave.
Alex had noticed me first. “Get the fuck out, you freak!” he yelled at me, his hips still moving behind a moaning and
groaning Jesse.
“Fucking freak!” Jesse hissed, throwing a pillow at me before I finally left the room, not bothering to close the door.
If he was getting punished, then everyone should know that he was a bad boy too, and he deserved it.
I’m not the only bad boy around here.
The thought of telling Marla is playing around in my head when laughter suddenly fills the silence. “I bet you’re a virgin,
huh, freak?” I sit at the kitchen table with a sandwich in my hands, but Alex chuckles and slaps it out of them. To my dismay, the
simple ham sandwich falls apart, stale bread landing on the floor.
Instead of responding or paying him any attention, I lean forward, pick up my fallen sandwich from the floor, and put it back
to together before I resume eating.
The five second rule doesn’t apply when you’re around assholes who like to mess with you. Sometimes it takes twenty or
more seconds. A little dirt doesn’t bother me because I don’t waste food. Besides, the floor is clean. I know that because I’m
the one that cleaned it this morning after Marla complained about the kitchen being filthy, even though it wasn’t because I got
stuck with kitchen duty last night.
“He probably doesn’t even know about sex,” Clay chimes in, slapping down a pornographic magazine in front of me on the
table, the page open to reveal a naked woman with the largest breasts I’ve ever seen and smooth silk between her legs. She
looks different from the only naked woman I’ve ever seen.
He’s wrong, but I’ll never tell him that. I know about sex because I’ve seen it before. I’ve seen it up close; the beads of
sweat that formed along Father's back, and the way his buttchecks would clench every time he’d thrust into Mommy. She was a
lot hairier between her legs than the woman in the magazine, and her breasts were smaller.
She was natural, and this woman isn’t.
As I chew the last bite of my sandwich, I push the magazine away and ignore them.
“Fucking freak.” Clay laughs, flicking my ear.
They’re trying to get a reaction out of me, but I won’t give them one. If I do, they’ll only torment me even worse. The last
time I made the mistake of engaging with them by standing up for myself, the three of them dragged me into the bathroom and
forced my head into the dirty toilet. My nostrils burned, and the water came out of my nose after I choked and swallowed it.
They’re looking for a reason to continue toying with me, baiting me, but I’ll never again make the mistake of showing them
how I really feel.
I’m glad Father taught me that lesson. That's the only thing I learned from the jerk.
Standing, I walk away without making eye contact, giving them my back as they continue with their insults and shit talking,
their laughter fading into the background the farther I get away from them.
When I'm outside and away from my terrible foster brothers, I hear quiet sobs and sniffles. My chest aches, the hair on my
arms standing straight up as goosebumps form.
I know it’s her without even seeing her.
There’s no way to explain it, and I don’t understand it, but I feel in sync with the blue-eyed girl. I can feel her sadness and
can tell what she’s thinking or feeling just by looking into her bottomless eyes. It’s strange, but I feel like she’s my soulmate.
I’ve had dreams about her. When I dream, I’m in a different body and so is she. We’re not stuck in this house, we’re
different people, living in a different time.
It makes little sense and maybe one day I’ll understand it.
Once I saw a movie about soulmates and reincarnation. It seemed like a silly thing mother loved, but when I’d asked, she
told me that soulmates exist and when you find your mate, you’ll continue to find each other in many lifetimes all over again.
She said it’s deeper than love, but when I asked if Father was her soulmate, she never gave me an answer.
I think Lee is mine.
Her figure comes into view as I turn the corner, watching her as she sits in the grass, her knees to her chest, her head bowed
as she uses the sleeves of her sweater to viciously wipe her tears away.
Her light eyebrows are pulled together in a scowl, as if she’s angry at herself for crying.
Before she sees me, I slip away, returning to the front of the house right to where Marla keeps her prized rosebush perfectly
trimmed and on display.
The perfect rosebush looks funny compared to the half-dead grass and raggedy green house with brown shutters and a
screen door that’s one good slam away from coming off its hinges.
Marla loves these damn roses and yells at us anytime we get too close to them, but that doesn’t stop me from finding the
perfect, fully bloomed red rose and clipping it from the bush along with the thorns using the pruning shears she keeps in a
bucket nearby along with her gardening gloves.
I think Marla only enjoys having the rose bush because she doesn’t have a man in her life buying her flowers. Not that I
blame a single man out there. She’s a troll with an equally ugly and bitchy personality.
Who wants to come home to that every day?
With the rose in hand, I march toward Lee, looking down at her as I stand in front of her.
Her blonde head pops up, surprise and sadness in her clear eyes as she stares up at me.
“Hi, Ace.” She sniffles, wiping the remaining tears from her face.
I don’t enjoy seeing her cry. She’s too pretty for tears, and I vow that as long as I live, I will do everything in my power to
put a smile on her face and never let her cry again like she is now.
She gazes in amazement as I hold the rose out to her, her eyes darting between the flawless flower and myself.
“Is this from Marla’s rosebush?” She eyes it skeptically. I can tell she wants it but won’t allow herself to have it. She’s
being cautious, and she should be, but not with me. I’d never set her up.
Nodding and stepping closer, I wave it in front of her face, willing her to take it.
Her eyes display her internal battle. She wants it, but she’s afraid. With a sigh of defeat, she reaches up and takes the rose
from my outstretched hand, her soft fingers touching my skin. The small two-second touch sends shockwaves through my body,
somehow mending my broken heart.
“Why are you giving this to me?” she asks, bringing the flower to her small button nose, inhaling its floral scent deeply. She
cradles it in her hands, holding it like it’s the most precious gift she’s ever received.
Finally, a smile replaces the sadness in her eyes and her glow is back, showing me she really is the bright light in the
middle of all this madness.
I’ve never been much of a talker, but for the first time, I want to carry on a conversation with her. The urge to speak and
have someone listen to everything I have to say overwhelms me.
Staring into her pretty eyes, I speak to her for the first time, “Pretty things deserve pretty things.”
Her cute button nose scrunches up, a pink blush stinging her tear-stained cheeks.
“Why were you crying?”
Hugging the rose to her chest, she exhales before opening her mouth to speak, but whatever she was about to say dies on her
lips at the sights of Marla’s silver Toyota Camry pulling into the driveway, ruining the first moment I’ve had alone with the
pretty golden girl.
Later that night, Marla took the belt to me for plucking one of her roses, but it was worth it. I didn’t apologize, instead I
took the beating with a smile.
Even when Lee snuck into the bathroom with me afterward and helped me rub ointment on the welts on my back, my smile
never once faded.
Little did I know that she’d be gone a few months later, and I’d spend the rest of my life obsessed with her.

Thirteen years old

isn’t around me anymore. The pretty girl with golden hair is gone, and I don't know where she went.
They made her leave. She was mine, and they took her from me.
I guess it doesn’t matter because two weeks after her departure; they sent me to a new home.
According to Marla, I was too much of a freak that made her feel uncomfortable, and she no longer wanted me in the house.
Stacey, my caseworker, picked me up, and two hours later I was on a new doorstep.
Margot has been my new foster mom for a few months now, and I don’t like her or anyone in this house. I prefer Marla’s
Everyone always takes my stuff in this house.
Like my art supplies.
Margot locked my stuff away in the garage, but she doesn’t know that I can pick a lock and plan on getting it back once she
leaves for the day.
Every Saturday at noon she leaves to get her hair and nails done, and luckily for me, she’ll be leaving soon, and I’ll be able
to break into her lockbox in the garage and get my stuff back. No one has any fucking right taking what’s mine.
It’s not considered stealing because it’s my belongings that she took from me. I’m simply taking back what’s mine.
I wait until I hear the old creaking front door close, then I stand from my twin bed and leave my room, walking into the
living room.
From where I stand in front of the window, I watch Margot’s car pull out of the driveway and disappear down the street.
She won’t be back until late, and she’ll smell like booze when she gets home. I know she’ll go straight to bed. This is why I
love Saturdays.
Like Marla, Margot takes in foster children only for the checks, and she doesn’t care about us. Sometimes she’s nicer than
Marla, at least when she’s not taking my stuff. Most of the time, she allows me to go outside and do anything I want as long as
I’m good.
I’m always good.
Except for two weeks ago, which is why she took my art supplies in the first place.
Two weeks ago, it was Lee’s birthday, and all I wanted was to see her or know that she was okay at whatever new home
she ended up at. I begged Margot to let me call Stacey and ask for an update, but she denied me. In a fit of rage, I called her a
bitch, stormed into my bedroom, and slammed the door.
I was in the middle of drawing yet another portrait of Lee when Margot, the stupid troll, ripped the photo away, so I threw
a pencil at her. I’m positive it didn’t hurt, but she still screamed at me and took my sketchpads and pencils, anyway.
Stupid bitch.
The art set was a gift from Stacey a couple months ago when she came for a visit and noticed I’d become interested in
drawing. She thought it was great that I’d found a way to express myself, so the next time she came, she brought sketchpads and
a set of sketching pencils. It was the nicest thing I owned, and I cherished it, taking care of it as if my life depended on it. Those
items are the only things I own that are truly mine. They’re brand new.
Since the day I ended up in foster care with only the clothes on my back, all they had ever given me were used items. Used
shoes that were too small—to the point that I had to duct tape back together. Pants that were too short for my long legs. Faded
T-shirts that don’t fit properly. No one at my public school makes fun of me, probably because most of them are dressed
similarly. It’s obvious my school is for the group of unwanted kids and low-income families.
I’ve been on my best behavior for the past few weeks, trying to show Margot that I deserve to have my things returned. If it
weren't for my irritating foster sister, Ashley, I would have had them back by now.
Margot had agreed that I’d been good and said she’d give me my stuff back three days ago, but when Ashley heard that,
she lied, saying I’d ripped up her homework and because of me she’d fail the assignment. Truth is, she hadn’t done her
homework, but as payback, Margot said she will not give me back my art set.
I’m not too fond of either of them right now.
Had Ashley not been a dirty little liar, I’d have my art supplies, and wouldn’t be grounded. Because of her, my precious art
kit is locked away in the garage, taunting me.
At first, I wasn’t sure where Margot had put it, but the other day she caught Ashley with a case full of makeup and took it
from her, and I saw her put it in the lockbox in the garage, right next to my art case.
When Margot took the makeup from Ashley, I had to excuse myself and go into my bedroom because I couldn’t stop
laughing. Ashley can wear all the makeup she wants, but she will never stop being the ugly hag she is. Somehow, those
products only showcase the worst parts of her face.
Once I’m certain Margot is gone, I creep into the garage without making a sound. Sunlight from the crack underneath the
garage door peeks in, providing enough light for me to locate exactly what I’m looking for.
Luckily for me, Margot didn’t hide her lockbox of stolen items, and apart from a few plastic storage containers lined up on
the metal shelves against the wall, the garage is clear. At this moment, I’m glad for Margot’s need to keep everything neat and
organized in her home. There’s never a single item out of place.
We’re alike in that way. I enjoy having things neat. Mess and being unorganized causes me to feel stressed, and makes my
mind feel jumbled.
I’m already not in control of my life but having things neat and in order at least allow me to control one part of my life,
which is why when Margot assigns the weekly chore chart, I don’t mind that I always do more than Ashley.
My plan was to pick the lock to get my art supplies, but as I stand in front of the large wooden chest on the floor of the
garage, my anger rises, and suddenly, I don’t care about Margot finding out what I’m doing or not. She’ll find out eventually
anyway—as soon as she opens the chest and discovers my belongings are missing but Ashley’s remain.
Instead, I grab a hammer from the shelf and smash the lock, hitting it repeatedly until the metal breaks away. Kicking it to
the side, I open the lid of the chest, relief instantly washing over me at the sight of my sketchpad and pack of sketching pencils.
The sight has me breathing easier, and a weight somehow feels lifted from my shoulders. This is what I needed.
With the items in hand, I go into the kitchen, flipping to the most recent page I’d been on when Margot had taken it.
Sitting at the table, I open the pencil case, remove the black pencil, and begin shading in the image, going right back to
where I had been.
Calmness stills my racing mind, my heartbeat returning to normal.
After thirty minutes, I set it aside and venture toward the pantry in search of a snack, landing on apples and peanut butter.
Another thing I like about Margot is she doesn’t mind us helping ourselves to the food in the kitchen. She doesn’t grocery shop
often, but she lets us eat whatever we want.
Grabbing a paring knife and cutting board, I set them on the counter and begin peeling the apple, removing the red skin.
“Is that your stupid art book? How the hell did you get it?” Ashley sneers, her arms crossing over her chest and eyes
squinting as she looks between the open sketchpad on the table and me.
I ignore her, keeping my hands steady as I slice up an apple to eat with the creamy peanut butter I love. Margot finally
bought it. She typically gets the chunky kind, and I hate it. I feel special when she buys things I like.
“Hello?!” Ashley stomps her foot, stepping closer to me, snapping her fingers in front of my face. “I’m telling Margot that
you stole from her. You’re going to be in so much trouble. I hope she kicks you out like the trash you are.” She laughs. “No
wonder your parents gave you away. I bet they hated you just like everyone else probably hates you. No wonder you don’t have
any friends,” she mocks, her evil high-pitched laughter becoming the only sound I’m able to hear.
My breathing becomes slow and shallow as pressure builds in my chest, tingles shooting up and down my spine. Her cruel
words are nothing new, and typically I never let her see how much she affects me, but today I can’t seem to ignore her. Her
cruelness never bothers me, but today is my birthday, and I’m alone.
“Oh wait, whoops, I forgot your mom died.” I make the mistake of finally looking over my shoulder at her, making eye
contact. For a moment I think she’s going to apologize or at least leave me alone, but of course that would be too kind for her.
She doesn’t have a kind bone in her body. She’s evil, and there’s no hope for people like her.
“Shut up, Ashley.” My shoulders slouch in defeat. I hate myself for letting her see the affect her words have on me.
Ashley steps closer to me, pressing her body firmly against the side of me. Beads of sweat form along my hairline at the
physical contact. Watching her from the corner of my eye, I witness her leaning in close to me, her breath warm against my neck
as goosebumps cover my body.
“Your mother died because she hated you so much that death was the only way to be free of you,” she whispers, her lips
dancing across my skin at the closeness of her. “You are nothing, Ace. You’re a freak and should do everyone a favor and kill
yourself.” My hands shake, my brows furrowing in confusion.
How can her words be so cruel, yet my body is reacting somehow to the closeness of her and the feel of her warm breath
on my neck? My mind and body are sending each other mixed signals.
“Shut up. Please, just shut up and get away from me,” I beg, letting my heavy eyelids close, my lips parting as my breathing
becomes uneven and raspy.
Laughter fills my ears as she finally takes a step back, the fog clearing from my brain with the more distance she creates
between us.
“Aww, are you going to cry? Let me get a good look at you so I can savor this moment.” Her fingers wrap around my
forearm, pulling me away from the counter until I’m facing her. I’m stronger than her and could’ve easily resisted, but I never
do when it comes to her or anyone else. I let everyone walk all over me all the time and never do a damn thing about it.
She’s wrong, though. I will not cry. I’m angry. So fucking angry and tired of being pushed around by everyone in my life.
Those around me laugh at me at my expense and I’ve done nothing to stop it. I’m a doormat, just like Father once told me.
People walk all over me and push me because I allow it.
Not anymore. I’m done being pathetic.
“Watch your fucking mouth, Ashley, or I swear to God⁠—”
“What? What will you do, freak?” she challenges, standing toe-to-toe with me. She’s much shorter than me and has to tilt
her head back to look at me while I stare down at her, looking into her blue eyes.
Her eyes are boring, unlike my pretty thing, whose blue eyes hold the key to the world’s greatest mysteries. Everything
about Ashley is simple. Nothing about her is special.
My trembling hands ball into fists at my side, my right hand tightening around the handle of the knife I’d been using to slice
my apple. I hadn’t realized that it’s still in my hand, but now I’m not willing to let go of it.
Anger unlike I’ve ever felt before flows through my veins, making my heartbeat so rapidly I’m afraid it’ll beat out of my
She takes my silence as her victory, a smirk spreading across her pink lips. “Whatever, freak.” She shakes her head, her
blonde ponytail shaking. “Take your shit and go into your room and draw your stupid-ass pictures.” Her eyes flick from me to
the table where my sketchpad lies open on the drawing that I’d been drawing a few weeks ago when Margot had taken it.
It's a picture of her. Every page in the book is a picture of her.
The girl with a halo of hair, turquoise eyes that got brighter when I was around. My pretty thing. The girl I’ve been
dreaming about since the day I laid eyes on her.
“Whoever that girl is, good thing she got away from you.” Her attention turns back to me, eyes full of mischief. “Does she
know what a freak you really are?” She taps her chin with her pink fingernail as if she’s deep in thought. “Hmm, I wonder if
she’s the reason you were moved here. Did you hurt her?” she gasps, and I can practically see the invisible lightbulb above her
head lighting up.
“Oh my God, that’s exactly what happened, isn’t it? Let me guess, she was your foster sister at your last home, but your
freakish self-snuck into her room after foster mommy and daddy went to sleep? You watched her in the shower, too, like you
watch me.”
“Shut the fuck up, Ashley!” I yell, surprising us both at the boom of my voice. I never raise my voice. Ever. I’m the quiet
one. I always have been.
“I’m telling Margot what a freak you are.”
“You don’t know anything!”
“Freak! Freak! Freak!” she taunts, laughing in my face as if working me up and using Lee against me is the funniest thing in
the world.
Without thinking, I act on impulse and lunge at her. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” I yell, shoving her forcefully away from me.
The room becomes silent, and I watch as Ashley’s eyes widen, her hands moving to her stomach.
The air in the kitchen becomes heavy, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I watch her movements, watching her pull her
hand away from her stomach to reveal the crimson liquid covering her palm.
“W-w-what did you do?” she stutters, looking at her hands in utter disbelief, her eyes as wide as saucers.
Oh my God. What did I do?
Holding my breath, my eyes turn from her, and I look at my right hand. I’m holding a knife that is now covered in blood.
“Ashley, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Tears sting my eyes. I’m going to be in so much trouble. It was an accident, but that
won’t matter.
“I’m calling Margot. You need to be locked up, freak!” She hiccups, turning her back on me as she hunches forward,
holding her stomach.
I’ve always been told I was a bad boy and a freak. Maybe everyone is right. Maybe I am bad because what I want to do to
her makes me feel calm.
Stabbing her the first time was an accident, but walking over to her and plunging the knife into her back isn’t an accident.
Her small body collapses to the floor with a thump, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she lies on her back, her wide
eyes full of tears.
“This is your fault, Ashley. You should’ve shut your mouth.” For the first time in a while, I feel calm. The euphoria that
courses through my body is the same feeling I had when I witnessed my mother die.
My pants grow tighter as my body reacts to the scene before me, an uncontrolled smile spreading across my lips.
Fear no longer controls me, instead, all I want to do is experience more of the beautiful crimson that’s currently pooling out
of her body. Instead of holding myself back, I allow myself to give in to the urges and allow the bliss to consume me.
Dropping to my knees beside her, I raise the knife above her chest and bring it down with force. A laugh erupts from my
parted lips as I remove the blade and stab her repeatedly.
The room is filled with the sounds of my heavy breathing and the wet squelch of the blade going in and out of her flesh.
I don’t stop until my arms are aching, and I’m out of breath. Sitting beside her, I stare at her lifeless, mutilated body until
my breathing evens, and I’m able to muster up enough strength to stand on my legs.
Margot will be home soon, and this is what she’ll find. I’ll be arrested for murder and locked up, just like everyone always
told me I will be.
Ashley’s blood splatter coats my skin, my hands covered in the beautiful crimson, the knife still held tight in my fist. I have
limited time alone. Margot will surely be home soon, but the threat of her seeing me isn’t enough to stop me from doing what I
must do.
Opening my fist, the knife drops to the floor with a thud, landing with a splatter in the pool of blood. My calm fingers work
the buttons on my jeans, and within seconds I have my hard cock freed from the denim and have it securely inside my bloody
My focus never strays from the body in front of me as I pump my hand over my shaft, applying pressure each time I get to
the tip. My body shakes with euphoria, the feeling consuming me until the point I give in and feel the tingles as they begin
climbing up my spine.
Dropping to my knees beside Ashley’s head, I continue my jerky strokes, a strangled groan climbing up the back of my
throat as I explode, spraying thick coats of cum on her face.
A satisfied smile spreads along my lips as my digits carefully trace over the white fluid dripping down her cheek and
swipe it up into her mouth. “Karma is a bitch, Ashley, just like you.” Once I’ve gotten most of my fluid into her mouth, I stand
and stare at her, admiring the masterpiece spread out before me.
The blood on my arms begins to itch as it dries, and before I go to jail, I’d like to wash myself.
I’ve seen prison movies before. I know they don’t get to take their time and enjoy a hot shower. We have that in common,
because I’ve never been able to take a long, hot shower either.
With Ashley’s corpse in the kitchen, I go into the bathroom, remove my clothes, and take an hour-long shower, scrubbing
every inch of my body until I’m positive her blood is gone.
Once I’m out, I dress myself in my favorite outfit. It’s a simple T-shirt and jeans, but they’re in good condition and don’t
have any holes or stains. Good thing I wasn’t wearing them earlier. I would’ve hated to ruin them with the blood of that witch.
I’m prepared to call 911 myself, but as I return to the kitchen where the house phone is located, the sight of my sketchpad
stops me in my tracks.
My pretty thing.
If I’m in jail, who will watch after her?
We may be separated now, but that’s temporary. If I’m locked up, I’ll never get back to her.
She’s the most important person in my life, and I won’t let her down.
Instead of doing the right thing, I sneak into Margot’s room and take the emergency fund that she keeps in a Ziploc bag under
her mattress. I know it’s there because I found it one weekend while I was meddling in her room after I moved in. I’d been
curious, so I snooped.
After packing a backpack with everything I own, along with six hundred dollars in my pocket and nowhere to go, I run.
I disappear into the stillness of the night, running as far away from that house and my crime as I can, looking over my
shoulder and hiding behind bushes every time I hear a car pass me by.
I’m not sure what’ll happen, but for now, I’m going to find her.

Twenty-four years old

the past would catch up to me and I’d be punished for what I did that day to Ashley. Except that day never came, and I’m still
here, free. If that’s not a sign that God exists, I don’t know what is.
No one cared that a fourteen-year-old foster child was murdered, the prime suspect being her thirteen-year-old foster
brother who disappeared that same night. I searched every newspaper I came across for updates, but one day, two weeks later,
the stories about Ashley stopped.
The police stopped caring, and I could breathe a little easier and sleep a little better at night. It’s sad, really. She was a
person who, because of me, will never get to grow up and have a future. I stole that from her without a care in the world. I get
to live my life, and she doesn’t. You’d think that someone out there would care, but no one does anymore. I’ve walked by
Margot’s house a few times since then, and she continues to have a regular turning wheel of kids coming in and out of her home.
Surely her license should’ve been revoked considering a kid died in her home on her watch, but that just goes to show how
little anyone cares about the children in the system. She gets more children and checks, and life goes on as if a girl hadn’t lost
her life.
Half of me feels guilty, and the other half feels relief for doing what I did. The voices in my head calmed down that day, but
that was also the day I realized more than ever that there’s something wrong with me.
I’d questioned it since I was a little boy. Blood and gore have always fascinated me.
When I was younger, I would turn on R-rated movies, typically horror movies, after my parents went to sleep and sit in
front of the television, as close as I could get, and watch in awe as the killer’s knife would pierce their victim’s skin, blood
pouring out of their wound.
Obviously, I’m aware it was fake, but I’ve never been able to get those images out of my head or stop wondering what it
would feel like if the knife were in my hands. My fascination only grew when I witnessed my mother’s death, and watched the
life slowly leave her brown eyes as she took her final breath, blood pooling from her body.
Maybe Sharon was right when she said I have the devil in me and maybe Father was right all those times he told me I was a
bad boy.
Did I deserve all those punishments? I never thought I was bad until now. I hate Father for all he did to me over the years,
but did he see something in me I’m not yet aware of?
The first time he came into my bedroom to deliver my punishment was after I’d left my backpack and homework scattered
on the living room coffee table. He’d been away all day, working late, so mother and I ate dinner without him, which was
something we rarely did. Father always got angry at her when we ate without him, but it was after eight and I was starving, so
she said we could eat.
That night, I was sound asleep in my twin-sized bed, hugging my blue racecar blanket against my chest when he came in
smelling of alcohol and pulled my pajama pants down. For several minutes, he told me I was a bad boy, telling me bad boys
deserve to be punished.
The next day, Mommy kept me home from school, let me eat ice cream for breakfast, and bought me a remote-controlled
race car. Father said nothing about my punishment, and for the next few weeks, he ignored me as he typically did.
I was a good boy for four weeks, then one day I was bad and received another punishment. It didn’t take long for it to
become a regular occurrence, but one day, Mommy told me I wasn’t a bad boy and said she could make me feel better. She
wanted me to feel loved and not so sad after Father’s punishments. That was the first day she put her mouth between my legs
and showed me how it felt to be loved.
Father would tell me I was bad; Mother would tell me I was good.
For years, I felt conflicted. Am I a good boy? Or am I a bad boy?
The question weighed heavy on my mind for years. As much as I wanted to believe I was good, that I am good, I’m
questioning myself and always have.
Sharon agreed with Father that I was bad, so if two people were saying it, is it true? Look at what I did to Ashley. That’s
not something a good boy would do.
The thoughts I have don’t make me feel good either.
How can I control what’s inside of me? It feels like a monster is living inside of me. And the only time I’ve ever felt like I
have tamed it is when I met her. The girl with golden hair and eyes as blue as the ocean I hope to experience in person one day.
The question of good and bad is one that I’ll have conflict over for the rest of my life.
For a while, I felt good when I was with her.
It took some time, but I eventually found Lee. I saved her, or so I thought. I sent her to my Aunt Willa, who promised to care
for her.
That story has already been told, so I won’t get into it again, but that ended up being a complete shit show, and something
I’ll regret for the rest of my life.
Now, she’s gone and wants to be free of me. She wants a chance to live a life of her own and get to make her own
decisions for the first time, but I can’t allow that.
She needs me. She’ll always need me, which is why I’ve been looking after her since we parted ways that day at Rachel’s
house after Olivia’s birth.
I’m looking after her the best way I can, even though I know it’s wrong to stalk someone.
It’s wrong to hide in the shadows, watching someone’s every move, ducking behind a building or car whenever they look
over their shoulder.
My pretty thing knows she’s being watched. I know she’s aware because every so often she looks over her shoulder as if
she can feel me watching her. Feel my breath on the back of her neck. Feel my heartbeat pressed against her back. Or feel my
eyes on her skin during the times I’ve hidden in her closet and watched her.
We’re connected, so I know she can feel me. Honestly, I think she enjoys being watched. Enjoys knowing that I’m only a
scream away.
It’s a never-ending game, and I love playing with her.
Lee thinks she can have space and time away from me, but she doesn’t understand that we’re two halves of the same soul.
We’re soulmates, and no matter where she tries to run and hide, she’ll never be able to escape me.
Not even in death will she be able to escape me. I’ll find her again and again, in every single lifetime.
For years, she’s been dragging me along, giving me bits and pieces of herself, and like the lovesick fool I am, I crave the
crumbs she gives me. It’ll never be enough, but I know that one day, even once I have all of her, I’ll never be able to reach my
fill. In every lifetime that’ll come after this, my soul will find hers, and we’ll repeat this game again.
Our bodies may change, but our souls will live on forever.
We’re connected as one, and you cannot live without your soul.
I gave up trying to live without her when I was twelve years old, and since then, I’ve been chasing the scraps of attention I
can get from her.
When she was seventeen and pregnant, I thought that would be our chance to be together, but I was a fool that should’ve
known better. She wasn’t ready yet, and every day since then I’ve been waiting for her to be ready.
Good thing I’m a patient man, because I’m willing to wait as long as it takes for her to realize we’re inevitable and will be
together for eternity.
She is my life. I exist solely for the purpose of obsessing over her.
I’d say love, but love feels too insignificant for what I feel for her. Love is too minor of a word to describe my obsession.
My need.
Over the years, I’ve watched her as much as possible. There were moments when we lost time because of circumstances
outside of my control, but now that I have her back in my sights, there’s no escaping me again.
She can ask for all the space and time apart she wants but look what happened last time. It’s my fault they hurt her. Lee
trusted me, and I trusted Willa, when I should’ve been the one to watch after her myself, because there’s not a soul on this
planet that can care for her the way I do.
That is why I remain in the shadows, watching her from a distance, because I never want to be responsible for her being in
harm’s way again.
My need to watch her is what led me here tonight, to Ciel Ballet.
My pretty thing is performing tonight, and I haven’t missed one performance in six months. Watching her dance is the
highlight of my life. It’s the brightest time of my day. The only thing that brings happiness in my dark, miserable life.
Seeing her on stage, gliding around gracefully, doing the thing she loves with a smile on her face brings me joy, and it’s the
reason I stay out of sight, allowing her to live her life.
It kills me to not be able to sit in the front row with roses in hand, clapping and cheering the loudest for her, waiting for
when she gets off stage so I can wrap my arms around her petite body and show her how much I love her. I fantasize about what
her expression would be if she looked out into the audience and saw me sitting there. Her eyes would light up, a wide smile
would spread across her plump pink lips, and then she’d run to me, thanking me for being there for her and would kiss me,
getting so lost in our passion that we’d momentarily forget about the rest of the audience.
As much as I want to be, I’m not the reason she smiles when she looks out into the audience. From where I sit in the back of
the darkened room, hidden in the crowd, I witness her eyes scan the audience, and I know the exact moment her focus lands on
the person she wants to see. The smile that stretches across her face infuriates me, and nearly has me ready to jump out of my
seat, wanting to rush toward the man responsible for that smile on her heart-shaped face.
The man she met three months ago is responsible for all her smiles lately. I’ve asked around about him, even used my
growing computer skills to dig into him, and every person and article I found about the man has been positive. No one has a
bad thing to say about the man who saves lives.
The local newspaper had an article on him a few weeks ago because he made a large donation to a homeless shelter, along
with volunteering when he had free time. I wonder what he’d think if he knew the woman he knows isn’t who she says she is.
She’s not the perfect girl I created her to be, and I wonder how he’d feel about her if he really knew all the things she’d
Would he think she was damaged goods?
Would he love her even more because of her flaws and scars?
I know everything about her, and I’d never leave her. I love her even more because of the things she’s been through in her
young twenty-one years of life.
Everything he knows about her is a lie, and one day I fear her lies will come crashing down around her. When that happens,
I’ll be there to catch her.
I’m always there to catch her and pick up the pieces. She’s just as broken as I am, and that’s why we belong together. I
recognized her broken pieces the first day I met her and looked into her captivating blue eyes.
After the show ends, I remain seated, watching as other guests clear out of the room, while others stick around to greet the
dancers they know.
My pretty thing is the last to appear from behind the black door that’s off toward the side of the stage. The air shifts with
her appearance. Everyone else in the room seems to disappear, and it’s only the two of us.
My focus is on her until Sebastian suddenly blocks my view. Yet again, I must remind myself that she’s with him right now
and doesn’t know I’m even here.
This is what she wants, and I shouldn’t be angry, but how can I not be? She’s my soul, and instead of us being together,
she’s parading around with another man. It’s my fault, really. I allowed her to have space away from me.
Lee’s face lights up, and she runs into his arms, wrapping herself around him like she’s done it a thousand times before.
Only this time, I noticed something I hadn’t noticed before, a diamond ring on her left ring finger.
She hadn’t been wearing it when she was dancing, or the last time I seen her, which means it’s new, and he’s given it to her
What the actual fuck?
An engagement ring.
She agreed to marry this loser.
My hands ball into fists at my sides, my vision becoming blurry with rage as I stare at the seemingly happy couple, my
stomach tightening and knotting. Bile threatens to claw its way up my throat, but I swallow it back.
How could she? How fucking could she?
I stand there, watching them, until they eventually leave with his arm around her shoulders as he guides her out of the
building. All while, that diamond ring shines and taunts me.
I came here tonight to watch her dance, and instead I’m leaving with a broken heart.
She’s making it hard to keep the faith that we’ll be together.
One day, she’ll regret it. I’ll make sure of it.
Once in the parking lot, I run to my car, barely making it to the door by the time the bile I’d swallowed earlier climbs back
up and forces me to hunch over and vomit my guts out on the pavement.
I wipe my mouth once I’m certain there’s nothing left in my stomach to upchuck. Then I drive away, trying but failing to put
the image of that ring out of my mind.

many times before, but they called it “making love.” They always told me that’s how you show someone you love them.
It’s special and you should only make love to the person you marry because that’s who you’ll spend the rest of your life
They’d tell me the same thing every single time.
I’d never known that making love was the same as sex. Father washed my mouth out with a bar of soap and hot sauce and
made me promise to never use that filthy word again.
“Sex is for whores. Making love is for two people who love each other.”
As I got older, I learned more and more about sex.
I’d met no one that I wanted to share that part of myself with until her, and unfortunately that’ll have to wait. I was going to
save myself for her, because I don’t want any other woman in this world to have that part of myself.
There’s only one woman I want to bury myself inside. And when I finally get the chance, I plan to bury myself so fucking
deep inside of her she’ll never be able to figure out where I end and she begins.
If she continues playing games with me, I may cut her open, climb inside of her body, and wear her skin like latex. She’ll
never be able to get rid of me.
We will become one.
One day, she’ll pay for what she did tonight.
Seeing her kiss Sebastian made me feel like my heart was being ripped from my chest. The thought of him getting down on
one knee and proposing to my pretty thing after only three months together has me holding my breath until my head feels dizzy.
By agreeing to marry him, Lee became a bad girl. And bad girls get punished. One day, she’ll feel the burn the same way I
feel the burn in my chest, knowing she’s wearing his ring.
She agreed to marry him.
How can she do that to me? I spend every day thinking of her while she’s living her best life, not thinking of me at all. Yes,
I want her to live a glorious life because she deserves it, but she also deserves to be miserable without me.
I have faith that one day she’ll return to me when the stars align and it’s our time to be together permanently, but her
agreeing to marry another man puts a big fucking hole in my plans. Once she becomes his wife, he’ll never let her go, and I
know this because once she’s officially mine, I won’t ever let her go either.
My aching heart drove me to International Boulevard, the part of town known for sex work.
I’ve saved myself for her, but tonight I realized it’s pointless. I’m unsure if they’ve already been having sex. Though, I can
only hope like hell that they haven’t. Once they’re married, I know for certain that they will be. There’s no way in hell
Sebastian can be married to her and living with her and not sink himself inside of her perfect pussy.
Lucky fucker.
He’ll have another piece of what’s mine if he hasn’t already. He’ll have something that I’ve yet to have.
I blame my pretty thing for making me want to do something that I’ve never wanted to do before. Before tonight, I would’ve
been fine with keeping myself pure for her, but now, I want to experience what it’s like to be buried so fucking deep inside of a
Being a virgin at twenty-four never bothered me, but now I’m ready to fuck someone out of spite. I’ll find a whore to satisfy
me, and I’ll become dirty.
With my windows rolled down, I park at the corner, watching the parade of women walking up and down the streets,
watching as they get in and out of cars, watching others exchange money on the streets. I feel dirty just being here, and even
angrier that Lee is forcing me to be here.
All she had to do was refuse his proposal. Instead, she accepted, causing my hope for us to dwindle. I know I said I was a
patient man, but how much does she expect me to fucking put up with?
My beautiful little bitch. Spreading her legs like a whore.
I’ve ignored my body anytime it’s reacted to a beautiful woman. I’ve kept my hands to myself or went some place private to
stroke my cock while visions of Lee played in my head. The point is, I never once would’ve thought about touching another
Until now.
This is her fucking fault. I’m going to ruin myself because of her.
I tell myself I’ll only do it once, and for my sake, I hope it’s true.
“Hey, baby, you looking for some company?” A woman's voice pulls me away from my thoughts and back into reality. The
strange woman leans down to my open passenger window with a smirk on her hot pink over-lined painted lips.
Straightening in my seat, I shove my shaky hands between my thighs, forcing myself to give her a smile. “Sure am.” I can do
this. It’s just sex. It’ll mean nothing, and I only have to do it once.
“You’re in luck, handsome. I can give you the time of your life.” She squeezes her arms together, her cleavage becoming
more prominent in the gold bikini top she’s wearing.
I gulp, keeping my eyes on her face rather than her breasts. She wants me to look, but that would be disrespectful when
we’re having a conversation. “I h-h-have a motel room around the corner,” I stutter, like the immature man child I feel like I
am. The pornographic videos I’ve been watching recently didn’t prepare me for this moment.
“Not so fast, Romeo. What are you looking for, exactly?”
“U-u-uh,” I stutter. Fuck, this isn’t going as I had planned in my head.
This wasn’t how it was in Pretty Woman.
The woman laughs, opening the door. “This must be your first time. Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take good care of you. Do you
have cash?”
I nod, watching in silence as she climbs into my passenger seat. “Good. Let’s go to your room, and I’ll make you feel
good.” Her tan hand reaches across and rests on my thigh, her long pink acrylic nails inching closer and closer toward my
crotch, my cock jerking at the sudden feel of another person touching it.
It’s been years since someone touched me there, but before I lose the nerve and start panicking like a little bitch, I shift the
car into drive with shaky hands and follow the speed limit for the ten-minute drive to Willow Motel where I’m staying for the
The room I rented is for this purpose only. I’m already doing something impure. I wasn’t about to take her to my apartment,
my only safe space in the world.
Once we’re in the room, the woman, who introduced herself as Candy during the drive, struts in on her six-inch gold heels
as if she owns the place. Her ass cheeks peek out of her little black leather shorts, revealing long tan legs, that I suddenly can’t
wait to have wrapped around me.
I wonder if she’ll be as sweet as her name is.
Who names their child Candy?
The thought surprises me, but I can’t deny the physical attraction my body has to her. She’s a beautiful woman and looks
like she knows how to take care of a man.
“You’ve never done this before, have you?” She breaks the silence as she stops in front of the king-sized bed and faces me.
Shyly, I remain rooted in place by the door, shifting the locks in place. The room smells musty, and the faded yellow walls
and stained carpets have seen better days, but this is the only place that accepts cash by the hour without needing identification.
It’s not exactly what I had in mind for my first time, but it’s got a bed which is all I need.
Remembering her question, my eyes land on Candy. Several breaths pass between us before I’m able to slowly nod,
confirming what she asked. She’s a professional, of course she’s able to tell that I’m a virgin.
“Come over here and lie down. I’ll make you feel good.” She holds her hand out toward me. My feet have a mind of their
own and move in her direction as my hand reaches out to accept hers.
Her skin is soft beneath my fingertips, but looking at her feels wrong. Everything about her is wrong.
From the blues eyes to the blonde hair and milky skin, it’s all wrong. She’s not the one I want. The woman I want is across
town with her fiancé.
Instead, I found this blue-eyed woman as a surrogate for the one I really want but can’t yet have.
“You have pretty eyes,” I compliment her, and her hands move to my chest, slipping underneath my shirt as her fingernails
graze my skin.
“You have weird eyes,” she remarks, commenting on my heterochromia. I have one blue eye and one brown. Everyone has
always told me it’s weird, and according to Sharon, it’s proof that I have the devil in me. Maybe she’s right, because the more I
look at the woman in front of me, the more I realize that I want to watch her bleed the same way I watched Ashley bleed out in
front of me.
Candy’s hands on my body don’t get my dick hard. Even as she removes my clothing and begins stroking me, I remain still,
completely flaccid.
The only thing that causes my dick to jerk to life is the realization that I enjoyed watching Ashley die, and I want to witness
it again. Even as much as I miss my mother and loved her deeply, I enjoyed watching her beautiful blood leave her body and
life leave her eyes.
I’m fucked up. Completely fucked up.
The devil is real, and he’s inside of me.
At some point while I’m trapped in my thoughts I must’ve blacked out, because when I finally blink back to reality, my
hands are around Candy’s throat, and I’m straddling her naked body on the bed, her pink fingernails clawing at my forearms.
My eyes widen in shock, my hands instantly falling away from her delicate throat, as she gasps for breath, tears leaking
from the corner of her eyes.
“Please,” she gasps, her hands wrapping around her chest protectively. “Don’t hurt me. Please. Let me go, and I won’t tell
It would be meaningless if she were to die from strangulation. That’s too easy, and not what I want. What I need is for her
to bleed for me. I need the ultimate sacrifice to calm me down and clear my foggy mind.
“I’m sorry, Candy. You never should’ve gotten in my car.” Placing one hand around her throat, I keep her pinned against the
bed, while my other hand reaches across to the nightstand, grabbing the black pen sitting on top of the white notepad.
Her body shakes with uncontrolled sobs underneath me. “I want you to know I’m sorry. I hadn’t planned on the night ending
up like this. I wanted to fuck you, but this is your fault.” Tracing the tip of the pen along her frightened face, I offer a smile as I
stare down at her fearful image. “You have the wrong shade of blue eyes.” I move my left hand up to her mouth and cover it,
and without hesitation, I raise my right hand that holds the pen and bring it forcefully down to her throat, piercing her tan skin
with the plastic item.
The sound of her muffled screams tickles the palm of my hand, her body shaking underneath me. My eyes remain locked on
her frightened blue orbs as I remove the pen, blood pouring out of the wound in her skin, and bring it down repeatedly, piercing
her beautiful skin over and over again with a fucking pen.
Her throat is a mangled mess by the time I gain enough control to stop myself.
Still straddling her body, I drop the pen to the floor and adjust myself so her breasts are barely visible beneath me. The
sight of the beautiful crimson liquid flowing out of her punctured skin has my cock standing at painful attention between my
legs. Swiping my hand along her throat to collect her blood, I wrap my hand around my length, stroking it and tugging a few
times to completely cover myself, using her blood as my lube. My balls tighten at the first stroke, my eyes fixated on the sight of
my blood covered cock and her gurgled sounds.
“Fuck,” I rasp, my bicep flexing while I set a steady rhythm, stroking myself furiously, chasing the release I desperately
need. Keeping the pace, I use my left hand and shove two fingers into one of the wounds on her neck, chills shooting down my
spine at the feeling of the soft warm tissue of her neck. The sight of me practically fingering her throat has me ready to paint her
blue lips in cum, but I refrain. I remove my fingers, reaching behind me, and then I shove them into her pussy.
“Holy fuck.” My eyes roll back in my head at the feel of her walls snug around my fingers. Both my hands work in perfect
rhythm, the left thrusting in and out of her pussy while the right jerks my cock, my grip around my shaft nice and firm.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh fuck,” I chant, my stomach tightening, warmth settling at the bottom of my spine as I explode, thick
white ropes of cum spraying from my head and landing on Candy’s neck and parted lips.
Gasping for air, I roll off her, lying beside her rapidly cooling body. My chest heaves as a smile spreads across my lips. A
metallic smell lingers in the air; the scent alone is enough to get my cock to come back to life despite just having reached a
Turning my head to the side, I look at the dead woman beside me.
She didn’t deserve this, but it’s not my fault. When I picked her up, my intentions were pure. I planned on losing my
virginity tonight, but something in me changed the moment we got behind the locked door and I stared into her blue eyes.
I snapped, and everything after that was beyond my control.
She’s not the one I wanted. She’s not Lee. Everything about her was wrong, and now her blue eyes that were the wrong
shade are lifeless.
It wasn’t my fault.

Twenty-five years old

remembered that yesterday was my birthday.
It’s been years since we’ve spoken, although I see her nearly every day.
Her smile was wide, and her dress was fucking ugly and unlike anything I ever thought she’d wear.
It wasn’t the white dress I imagined her wearing when she’d walk to me, vowing herself to me for eternity. But this is her
first marriage after all, so it didn’t matter what she wore or who she’s marrying, because one day, it’ll be me.
Her perfectly posh husband doesn’t realize what a perfect jewel he married. Nor does he realize what a gracious man I am.
I could’ve easily snapped his fucking fingers for touching what’s mine, or better yet, snapped his neck, but I didn’t. I haven’t
touched a single hair on his blond head.
Trust me, I’ve had many chances and have been very tempted.
I could’ve easily run him over when I followed him home one day while he was out for a run. It would’ve been an
accident. I didn’t, though, because my pretty thing thinks she loves him. Bless her little heart for being so damn confused.
She’s pretending to be someone she’s not. I helped her do it. Thanks to me, she has a clean background and could tell her
uptight husband whatever story she wanted to about her background.
Lee didn’t want to be that little girl from foster care anymore. She wanted a new life, so I gave it to her. There’s nothing too
big or too small that she could ever ask me for. I’ll give her anything.
She could ask for my heart, and I’d rip it out of my chest and serve it to her on a silver platter with my dying breath.
Lee needs to get certain things out of her system before it’s time for us to be together. We will be reunited even if it's not
today or tomorrow.
One day.
Against my better judgment, I attended their wedding.
Lee and Sebastian.
She didn’t know I was there because I’ve gotten pretty good about sticking to the shadows, but I was there, watching her
exchange vows with someone she met a few months ago.
She’s known me for twelve years and still doesn’t see what’s right in front of her. All these years and she still hasn’t
realized that we belong together. She’s clearly a little slower than what I give her credit for, but I’m willing to wait because it
needs to be her decision.
She needs more time to realize I’m the one she belongs to.
I never said I liked her decisions or agreed with any of them, but she more than earned the right to make mistakes. I
wouldn’t be able to protect her from everything, and if I tried, she’d fight against me because that’s who she is.
Which is why I haven’t pushed us into being together yet.
Despite me being ready for her, she’s not ready for me.
I had sat back in the corner of the reception venue, eating the stuffed chicken that I wanted to hate, and watched as the
seemingly happy couple shared their first dance. I felt like my cover was blown a few times and she might have seen me, but I
always slipped away when she looked toward the corner where I was sitting, and her ocean eyes would end up on an empty
Like I said, I’m pretty good at hiding in the shadows.
That’s what happens from years of staying silent and being forced into the background to avoid being abused.
Father and my foster parents have taught me valuable lessons.
Like how to lie underneath someone’s bed without them ever having any idea.
I’d been so desperate to be close to her I snuck into their hotel room on their wedding night to see what lingerie she
planned to wear for him.
I’d been so caught up sniffing the red thong on the bathroom floor I lost track of how long I’d been in the room, and before I
knew it, the newlyweds were rushing into the room, and I had no choice but to slip underneath the bed.
Not my proudest moment.
The first time I heard Lee come, I had wanted it to be for me, not for someone else, but thanks to losing track of time, that
didn’t happen.
While Sebastian fucked her into the mattress, I fucked my fist with her red thong wrapped around my face so I could smell
her while I imagined what it would be like when her hot cunt slid down onto my cock for the first time.
When she came, I came, using her panties to catch the biggest load I’d ever spilled.
I waited under their bed until their breathing deepened, then with the wet panties in my hand, I slipped out from underneath
the bed, shoved the dirty thong into her mouth, cum and all, then slipped away into the stillness of the night.
I wish I could be there in person when she wakes up in the morning with her panties in her mouth along with a mouthful of
my cum, but I’m not willing to risk being caught any more than I already have. Watching via camera will have to do.
Luckily for me, after leaving their room, I didn’t have to go very far; I rented the room right next to their suite. I’d hoped the
rooms would have adjacent doors, but that didn’t happen. It’s fine, because all it took was watching and waiting until a
housekeeper turned her back on her cleaning cart, leaving her master key unattended. I’d swiped it yesterday when I walked
past, and that’s how I let myself into their room.
This morning, I lie in the middle of the king size bed, holding my phone in front of my face as I watch the screen, watching
my pretty thing from the view of the camera that I set up in their bedroom.
Her golden hair is spread across the pillow as she sleeps peacefully, her naked body covered by the white sheets. The spot
next to her is empty, thank fuck, but I can hear Sebastian’s annoying as fuck voice coming from somewhere. If I had more time, I
would’ve been able to place cameras in each room of their suite, but thanks to being distracted by her dirty panties, I was only
able to place one, placing it above the mounted TV in their bedroom.
She looks like a fucking angel lying there. Someone too perfect for me. If I were a good man, I’d leave her alone instead of
dragging her into the depths of hell with me, but we’ve already established that I’m not a good man.
Pinching the screen, I zoom in as close as I can get, laughter unexpectedly erupting from my lips at the sight of the red thong
poking out from her parted lips. Part of me expected her to wake up during the night as some point after feeling the fabric in her
mouth, but to my delight, she didn’t. Lee has always slept like the dead. Even during our time together in foster care, nothing
could wake her until her body was ready.
Her shoulders move as she coughs, her brows furrowing as her eyes flutter open, confusion taking her.
Lee coughs, one hand clutching the sheets tighter against her bare body while the other hand comes up to her face. Her
fingers reach inside her mouth, and she slowly pulls out the red material.
“What the fuck?” she mumbles, licking her lips. She looks at the material in disgust, tossing it to the side of the room. Her
delicate throat bobs as she swallows, licking her lips repeatedly.
I know she can taste me. The scowl on her face is all the confirmation I need.
Good, that’s all I wanted to see.
Swallow it all, baby, because soon you’ll be swallowing me regularly.
One of these days, she’ll be on her knees begging me to fill her up, and I’ll have only one question.
Which hole?
Clicking off the camera app, I lock my phone, kick the sheets off, and sit up. I know from reading Sebastian’s emails that he
plans on taking her on a honeymoon to Italy for two weeks.
Lee deserves to see the world, but I should be the one taking her, which is why I cancelled their reservations and deleted
the cancellation confirmation emails from his account. They’ll arrive at the airport tomorrow, ready to board their flight, only
to discover they’ve cancelled it.
Sure, he could book another flight and another hotel, and of course I thought of that. So, to make sure they wouldn’t be going
anywhere, I hacked into his scheduling system at work and put him on the schedule.
He’d blocked time off for the two of them, but thanks to me, he’s back on the schedule with upcoming surgeries, as well as
being on call. I should feel bad because my pretty thing doesn’t deserve that, but one day when I tell her everything I’ve ever
done for her, she’ll understand. It’s for her. Everything is always for her.
I walk into the bathroom and remove my boxers before stepping inside the walk-in shower. Twisting the knob, cold water
falls down on me from the rainfall showerhead in the ceiling. I adjust the temperature, getting it to the perfect setting, then wrap
my fist around my cock and stroke it until I’m shooting cum down the drain, replaying the image of my pretty thing’s face when
she woke to discover panties and cum inside her mouth.
Once I’m out of the shower, dried and dressed in one of the fluffy hotel robes, I order room service, selecting nearly
everything that’s offered on the breakfast menu. I’ll have them charge it to Sebastian’s room later.
I let him marry my girl. The least he can do is buy me breakfast.
I spend the remainder of my day in the hotel room, rotating between watching the camera in the next room and masturbating.
They have the same idea, too, because most of the day I watch Sebastian and Lee in bed, wishing like hell it were me in that
bed with her.
When they have sex, I turn the volume up and strip out of the robe. I should turn it off and give them privacy, but I want to
hear every noise that my pretty thing will make. I don’t watch the screen, but I do set my phone on the nightstand, smiling when
the sound of Lee’s moans fills their room and mine.
“Hold on, pretty thing. Wait for me,” I whisper to no one, bouncing across the room to my duffle bag. Digging around, I find
the clear bottle I’m looking for and return to the bed, spraying the pillows and blankets with the perfume.
It’s Lee’s favorite scent—Vanilla Diorama. Ever since I gifted her a bottle of it on her eighteenth birthday, she has been
wearing it religiously. When I smelt it at the mall one day, I knew it would be perfect for her, so I stuck a bottle in my pocket
and walked out. I couldn’t afford it then, but I can now. Except, I stole it from her vanity the day I broke into her house.
The vanilla scent along with the sound coming from my speaker allows me to pretend she’s here with me instead of being
separated by a wall.
Climbing on the bed and lying down, I bend my left hand and place it behind my head and use my right hand to wrap around
my aching cock, using the dripping beads of pre-cum to lube myself up.
Had I been smart, I would’ve stolen a pair of her panties while I was in her room. That’s okay; I’ll raid her hamper for a
dirty pair when I go to their house. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll even be able to steal those tight spandex shorts she loves to workout
God, I’m practically salivating at the scent.
My imagination, along with the smell of the perfume, is enough to make me come, ropes of cum shooting from my cock onto
my abs and chest. I keep stroking, squeezing the tip until I’ve completely milked myself and the moaning coming from my phone
has ended.
Licking my fingers clean, I turn to look at the screen, ignoring the man next to my woman.
“Don’t worry, baby. We’ll be reunited soon.”

Twenty-six years old

my sixth victim, things had changed. In the moment, I told myself it was a coincidence they all had blonde hair and blue eyes,
but after claiming the life of a sixth woman, I realized I did indeed have a type.
I was using women as a surrogate for her. Doing to them what I wanted to do to her.
No, I don’t want Lee dead, but I want to watch her bleed. Punish her for making me wait and everything else she’s put me
through over the years. I want her to bleed for me, the same way my heart constantly bleeds for her. The women I’ve killed
temporarily patch a void in me that only she can fill.
It’s been a year since she married Sebastian, and much to my dismay, they’re still together. They have the perfect fucking
life while I’m still hiding in the bushes outside their house, waiting for any glimpse of her I can get.
They have everything.
They’ve got money. A nice house. Nice cars. Great careers.
Well, my pretty thing doesn’t have a great career anymore. She’s no longer dancing. She’s teaching instead. It drives me
crazy that I don’t know the reason for that drastic change. She’s always loved dancing, but she gave it up out of the fucking
The less I know, the angrier I become with her, and the longer we’re apart, the stronger the urge becomes for me to claim
another life. I can stop. I know I can. The second she comes back to me; I’ll stop because I’ll have her. The real thing.
If only she knew the deaths she’s responsible for and will continue to be responsible for.
All it would take is for my pretty thing to return by my side. For her, I can be better. I can learn to let go of the devil that has
had his claws in me since I was a child.
Today is my twenty-sixth birthday, and to celebrate, I began my day with hunting. I’d found the perfect blonde-haired blue-
eyed vision this morning, and she went willingly to a motel with me, just like they always did. All it took was the promise of
cash for her to jump in my car and whisper sweet nothings in my ear while I drove to the same motel, taking her into the same
room I had killed the first whore in.
After I’d slit her throat and coated my skin in her blood like it was some part of a spiritual ritual, I touched my cock until I
came all over her blue lips. The sight was so fucking ethereal, I couldn’t stop myself from becoming hard again, forcing her
mouth open, and fucking it until I came in her pretty little dead mouth.
My cum had gathered in a pool at the back of her throat, the sight making me go feral as I realized it would be there forever.
She’ll decompose and eventually become nothing but bone while my cum lingers, day by day fading away along with her flesh.
I marked her forever.
I had been the last thing she’d seen as she took her final breath. Meanwhile, she was simply another body to pass the time,
another name on my growing list of victims. You’d think that the women meant nothing to be, but you’d be wrong. They meant
They were my therapy. Their blood was cleansing my soul, helping me to one day rid myself of the devil that lived inside
After I was finished taking a two-hour long shower there in the motel, I’d cleaned up the scene. To make sure that not a
single drop of blood could be found, I scrubbed the room thoroughly. I’d learned to prep the room before bringing the whores
there, so after Candy, I started using a plastic sheet to protect the mattress from their blood seeping into the foam. I didn’t want
there to be any trace of them.
I’d gathered the body and bloody blanket into the back of my trunk, then disposed of her in a trash field four hours outside
of town. Her last resting place is with bags of trash, where she’ll never have a chance of being found. Seemed fitting.
I never use the same field twice. Can’t risk having their spirits plot against me, so I keep the women separated.
Right after returning home, I took another shower and got myself ready for my dinner reservations. Thanks to my unlimited
access to Sebastian’s emails, I’d found where he planned to take Lee tonight for their one-year anniversary and made myself a
reservation. This is as much my day as it is theirs.
That’s where I am now, sitting at my table in the corner of the dimly lit restaurant, with a clear view of Lee from where I
Her back faces me, her blonde hair hanging perfectly straight down her back, not a single strand out of place. An awful pink
dress covers her body, the sleeves long, and the hemline even longer. She looks like a Barbie doll that escaped the box. The
sight makes me want to laugh, but I refrain because even though she looks fake and unlike the girl I remember, she’s still the
most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing, because underneath it, I know she’s still that girl
that doesn’t mind getting down and dirty.
Lee may look like the perfect suburban wife, but I know her deepest, darkest secrets, and that’s something that her perfectly
posh husband can never say. He’ll never know her how I do.
He may know the fake made up life stories she’s told him while she pretends to love him, but I know her true heart. I know
the monsters that lurk behind those blue eyes, and the secrets she’ll never allow leave her lips.
This phase of her life is temporary. One day, she’ll come to realize that.
“Sir, are you ready to order?” The redheaded waitress interrupts my staring. Blinking, I turn my attention to the girl who
doesn’t even appear to be old enough to drink.
“I’ll take the toffee caramel cheesecake, then afterward, I’d like the ribeye steak with garlic fries. Medium rare.” Snapping
the menu shut, I hold it out toward her.
“So, you’d like the dessert first? Before your meal?” she questions, her thick eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.
“I like my dessert first,” I explain, keeping my answer simple. I could tell her that since I’ve been on my own, I prefer
eating dessert before dinner, because I have an insatiable sweet tooth and too many times in my life, I’ve been denied of
something sweet. As a child, my mother would often make my favorite dessert, chocolate cake with a homemade whipped
cream and caramel frosting that she’d top with pieces of butterfingers and toffee bits. When I was good, she’d allow me to help
her make it. I’d always lick the spoon when she wasn’t looking or dip my fingers in the mixing bowl.
I’d wait all day for a piece of cake, only to be denied by Father after I’d finish eating my dinner. To make it worse, he’d
force me to sit at the table and watch him eat the biggest piece of cake. My mouth would salivate, watching him savor every
bite. So, I vowed to myself that I will never be denied such a simple pleasure again once I have money of my own.
Besides, I know that one of these days my sins will catch up to me, and if my life is going to end, I’d rather it ends after
I’ve fed my sweet tooth. Then I can truly die a lucky man.
“Yes, sir, I’ll get your order placed and bring your cheesecake right away.” The waitress takes my menu before scurrying
off, her red hair disappearing from my sight.
The sound of sweet, feminine laughter fills my ears, and my eyes zone in on the sight of Lee as she brushes her hair from
her shoulders. She reaches a hand across the table and grabs hold of Sebastian’s open palm that’s reaching out for her.
Their lips move, but I can’t hear what they’re saying over the other voices in the room. I can only hear Lee’s loud laugh.
She pulls her hand away, and I hold my breath as I watch as her head turns over her shoulder, her eyes scanning over the
occupied room of patrons dining.
For a moment, I hope her turquoise eyes will land on me, but they don’t. Instead, she leans into her husband and says
something that makes him nod. She scoots her chair back, stands, and follows the signs toward the restrooms until I can no
longer see her.
My palms grow sweaty and goosebumps break out on my skin as I sit there, feeling more alone than ever. My mismatched
eyes scan the dining floor, hoping to see her, but she hasn’t yet returned.
Standing from my chair, I choose to follow my pretty thing, hoping for another glimpse of her. I’m not sure why, when I’m
already at risk of her seeing me, but I enjoy putting myself at risk.
Walking through the doors of the dining room, I walk along the white painted hallway, one foot in front of the other until I
get closer to the restrooms where only a door will separate me from my love.
Turning the corner, I stop in my tracks, gasping at the sight of the woman in pink.
Lee leans against the wall, her pink heeled foot tapping while she crosses her arms over her chest, emphasizing the
cleavage peeking from the sweetheart neckline of her dress.
“Ace. I thought that was you I had seen in there.” Her eyebrows are pulled together in a scowl, her eyes thin slits as she
stares at me.
“Hey pretty thing, did you miss me?” I smirk, shoving my hands in my pockets.
Her eyes narrow at me, a huff leaving her parted lips.
Oh shit. She’s fucking furious, but I will not lie and say that seeing her angry isn’t getting my dick hard.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” she whisper-shouts, her eyes widening and looking over my shoulder as if she’s
expecting to see someone else there with us.
“What do you mean, what am I doing here? Last I checked, this is a restaurant, and I’m here to eat.”
She eyes me slowly from head to toe, her arms falling to her sides as she straightens her posture. “No, you’re not.”
A smirk tugs at my lips. “No? What am I doing here, then?” Removing one hand from my pocket, I reach out and brush a
piece of silky blonde hair behind her ear, tugging on the diamond earring in her lobe.
Her breathing halts, her eyes softening at my touch. For a moment I hope that she’ll jump in my arms and tell me she’s ready
for me, instead she steps back, creating a distance between us. “You’re following me.” Her voice is a breathy whisper, and I
can practically hear how fast her heart is beating.
Closing the gap between us, I trail my fingertips along her delicate heart-shaped face, my eyes drinking in the sight of her.
Touching her feels so fucking surreal, and if I’m not careful, I’ll come in my pants like an immature boy. Nothing compares to
the feel of her soft skin beneath my fingertips.
“So what if I am? What are you going to do about it, pretty thing?”
“Don’t call me that.” Her whispered words fan across my lips, her body trembling under my touch.
“Why? You’re my pretty thing. You always will be, even if you have another man’s ring on your finger.”
“Ace, please.”
“Please, what, baby?”
Her blue eyes look from my lips to my mismatched eyes. Her perfect eyes betray everything she’s feeling. Lust. Anger.
Remorse. Confusion.
Leaning down toward her, my forehead rests against hers, my large, tattooed hands gripping her small waist. “Stop thinking
so much, just say yes.”
“Say yes to what?”
“Say yes to being mine. We both know we’re inevitable, and you’ve been playing games for far too long.”
She’s silent for a moment. Hope builds inside of me but dies as quick as it grew at the sound of her sigh. “I’m married,
“Do you think I care about that bastard out there? He doesn’t know shit about you.”
Her slim fingers push against my chest, forcing the distance between us. “He’s my husband, and I love him.” Her mouth
says one thing, meanwhile her eyes say another.
“Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?” My teeth clench, my jaw hardening. “Do you still love me?”
She avoids my gaze, looking everywhere but at me. That’s all the confirmation I need. She may be afraid to admit it, but
little does she know her reaction to the question betrays her.
She fucking loves me, which means there’s still hope for us, but she’s not ready yet.
“Don’t worry, baby. I don’t mind waiting, as long as you don’t keep me waiting too much longer.” I’ve been waiting
fourteen years already. What’s a little more time?
“Ace.” Her shoulders sag in defeat. “Leave me alone. Please, just leave me the fuck alone and let me be happy.”
Laughter rips free from my parted lips. “Happy? You really think that the fucking tool sitting at that table can make you
“I made my choice when I asked you to help me remove myself from my past. I need to move on, and you’re not letting me.
Please, if you love me, you’ll leave me alone.”
“That’s your problem, pretty thing. You like putting Band-Aids on bleeding wounds, hoping it’ll solve your problems.”
“What’s it going to take for you to let go and let me forget my past?”
“Nothing! I love you, so I’ll never let you forget it. You pretend it doesn’t exist, and that’s never going to help you heal. You
refuse to acknowledge the shit you’ve been through, and that's why you'll forever be that damaged nine-year-old girl.”
Her eyes become glossy with unshed tears. “Fuck you, Ace! You are my past, and Sebastian is my future. You—” Her
words fade on her tongue, and the second I wrap my ink-covered fingers around her delicate throat, her eyes widen.
I growl my words in her face. “He may be your fucking present, but don’t for a second think I’m not your future.” Releasing
her neck, I shove her away from me.
“I already have your past, baby. And I’ve been kind enough to share the present, but I will claim your future. Get that
through your thick fucking skull.” A smirk tugs at my lips, “Or I can fuck it through your head if you prefer.” The tears she’s
been fighting to hold back release, the drops running down her face, leaving black streaks of mascara.
“Please, Ace, please. Let me go. Just leave me alone,” she begs in defeat, tears falling from her sad eyes, reminding me of
a cloudy sky and light rain.
Placing my thumb on her lips, I apply pressure and swipe, smearing her glossy pink lipstick across her face. “Next time I
see you, you better fucking be ready. I will not be so willing to walk away again.”

Twenty-Nine years old

golden-haired beauty. The photo was one I’d taken from afar while she’d been out grocery shopping. She’d smiled at the young
worker who bagged her groceries, and I pretended it was me she was smiling at when I captured the photo from where I hid
behind a shelf. That day, I set the photo as her contact photo, and for the last few years, I’ve been waiting for my phone to light
up and showcase that photo.
Call me pathetic, but I’m a man with an unhealthy obsession. A lovesick fool, waiting for the day my lost girl finds her way
home to me.
When Lee asked for space that day at the restaurant, I granted her request. As much as it made me physically ill to be apart
from her, I quit following her. Stopped tracking the GPS in her car and cell phone, stopped reading their emails, stopped
following her every movement. Instead of fawning over her, I worked on improving my computer skills and stacking my cash,
getting everything in place for the moment she returned to me.
I spent countless hours on the dark web, chatting with other hackers who could help me grow my knowledge of codes. Even
I can admit when I need help. Thanks to my friends online, I grew my skills to the point I could become wholly untraceable
online and could hack into any system should I choose to.
It’s amazing, the things you can learn online, hidden away in the dark web. Anything your heart desires is one chat or click
away. After all, that’s how I learned. While watching my mother on the computer for years, I took every chance to learn useful
skills whenever I could use it.
After my mother died, it was my online friends that helped me to expand my knowledge. They were the ones who helped
me become the hacker I am today and would often wire me money to help me out once they knew I was homeless after running
away from my last foster home.
Because of my newfound skills, I could help my pretty thing all those years ago when she came to me, asking me to cover
up her past so she’d be able to live a normal life. Little did I know, by doing that, it would allow her to marry that Sebastian
Regardless, it’s because of my skills that led me to the phone call that I’d been waiting for. I hadn’t wanted to seem too
eager, so I waited four rings before answering, practically coming in my pants at the sound of Lee’s throaty voice in my ear.
My heart swelled with hope, wishing she were calling to say she wanted me. Instead, she was calling because she needed a
favor. Again.
Her request had left me shocked. “Help me fake my death.” That was the first thing she’d said to me when I answered the
phone. The call lasted forty-six seconds, and by the end, we set a date to meet.
She’d told me she had a plan but couldn’t yet tell me. She requested a new identity, already having a name in mind. The
urgency and desperation in her voice had me agreeing, no questions asked. She said we had to meet some place she often went
to because her husband would track her.
We meet at her hair salon with the paperwork for her new identity in my hands. Seeing her again after not having a single
glimpse for years just about gave me a heart attack. The sight of her was everything I’d been imagining in my head while I’d
spent countless nights fucking my fist.
Three minutes was all the time she granted me. She wore black sunglasses that were too large for her face, but I could see
the dark bruises peeking out from underneath the shades, regardless of how much she tried to hide it. She had a black eye but
refused to tell me anything more.
All she said was, “If you love me, you’ll give me the new identity and let me go. I promise to call when it’s safe.” That was
enough to make me turn over the documents, allowing her to continue with her mystery plan and new identity.
The moment she drove away, I went home and concocted a plan of my own.
That was seven months ago.
She still hasn’t called, but Lee isn’t as mysterious as she thinks she is. The minute the new name she wanted left her lips, I
knew precisely where she planned to go.
Back home.
She was leaving Sebastian and going back to the city where all her demons live.
It’s both poetic and therapeutic as fuck, if you ask me.
Knowing where she’d choose to go, I followed my pretty thing. Not only are her demons here in the city, but so are mine.
Being here meant it was only a matter of time until he discovered she was back.
The only other foster brother apart from me she loved, and who loved her in return.
She broke their promise to never return, and because of that, I inserted myself into his life. Which was easy to do,
considering we’d never met.
Rowen isn’t aware of what I, Ace, look like, but I know all about him. I’ve made it a habit to learn everything possible
about the men my stubborn pretty thing loves. Rowen being one of them.
Despite telling her to leave the city, he never did. He stayed, starting Hale Enterprises with Eli and King. Two men he
refers to as his brothers.
It was easier than expected to insert myself into his life, especially when a job posting opened up at their company. I wish I
could say it was luck that they were looking for a new IT tech, but I may have had something to do with the previous tech
needing to leave the company abruptly.
No, I didn’t kill him. But I may have made an anonymous call informing him he was the lucky raffle winner at his local
grocery store and needed to come in immediately to collect his million-dollar winnings. It’s not my fault the naïve sucker quit
his job right away and raced downtown to the grocery store hosting the raffle.
That part wasn’t a lie. There was a raffle, but I’m certain the prize was a free, reusable shopping bag.
What kind of idiot believes a store would give away millions of dollars?
Hopefully, he picked up a job application while he was there.
You know what they say. One man’s loss is another man’s gain.
Truth is, I didn’t want to work here for Eli, King, and Rowen. Waking up every morning, putting on my best attire, and
sitting at a desk surrounded by idiots telling me what to do isn’t my idea of fun.
The things I fucking do for my girl.
She came back here, and knowing Rowen the way I do, I know it’ll only be a matter of time until he finds her. When he
does, I need to be informed immediately, which is why I’m here, sitting at a desk with a nameplate that says Travis. My alias.
Rowen may not know my face, but he knows my name, and I couldn’t risk him connecting the dots. I’ll be here as long as
needed to keep my pretty thing safe.
Until I’m certain Rowen isn’t a threat.
“Hey, Travis.” Eli steals my attention away from the computer screen I’ve been staring at for the past thirty minutes while
lost in thought. “Can you do something for me?” He sits on the edge of my desk, and his dark eyes study me as if he’s uncertain
about what he wants to ask me.
Since the day I began working for them, I’ve been trying to earn their respect, hoping to become one of the trusted people in
their inner circle. So far, it’s been seven months, and I’ve yet to be welcomed in or hear anything about Lee from their mouths. I
know she’s here, but instead of going to her, I choose to remain working where I am, watching Rowen’s every move.
However, if they don’t trust me soon, I may have to say fuck it and get my pretty thing my damn self and get the fuck out of
town. Perhaps I’ll take her away to an island and keep her chained to the bed, forcing her to remain with me.
The thought causes a sly grin to spread across my lips, but I remember Eli is here. “Sure. What can I do for you?”
Underneath the desk, I cross my fingers, saying a silent prayer that he’ll trust me to do something important.
“This needs to stay between us. You can’t run to Rowen or King about this. Can I trust you?”
I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants, biting my bottom lip to hide the anxious grin threatening to make an appearance. I’ve
been waiting for one of them to trust me and let me in. “Absolutely. Anything you need, I’m your guy.”
“Good to know.” He pauses, looking over his shoulder to make sure we’re alone. “There’s a new dancer at Sinners. She’s
someone from Rowen’s past that seems to knock him off balance. He’s becoming obsessed, and I’m worried it’s going to
interfere with our business.”
While he speaks, I do my best to keep calm, hiding the excitement I feel knowing that he’s talking about Lee.
“How can I be of service?”
“Monitor both of them. If he tries to go near her, I want to know right away. Access the tracker on his phone if you need to. I
want to be informed if he so much as thinks about that girl.”
Nodding, I let my hidden grin break free and spread across my face. “You got it, boss. You’ll be the first to know.”
“Good. I’ll be in touch if I need anything else.” Eli stands, turns his back to me, and walks away. He leaves me sitting there
with the world’s biggest grin.
Fucking finally.

Thirty years old


I’ve watched my pretty thing go from being married to one man, to jumping into a weird relationship, if you can even call it
that, with three men.
At this point, I don’t care if I have to kidnap her and lock her in a room until Stockholm Syndrome kicks in. I’ve been more
patient than any other man would be, and it’s time for her to be where she belongs once and for all.
With me.
I’ve waited and left her alone like she asked me to that day I helped her obtain a new identity to run from Sebastian.
Although, I should’ve killed that fucker, but she begged me not to. As much as she hated him, and killing him would’ve been
easy, she wanted to see him get arrested for her faked murder. Lee wanted to have the last laugh while he was forced to sit in a
cell for the rest of his life.
While I was left with my dick in my hand, trying to remain hopeful that she’d come back to me, she was busy pretending to
be someone new, yet again.
Instead of being with me, she was alone, which resulted in getting herself kidnapped; the past always has a way of coming
back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it.
It’s ironic. She wanted to forget her past so badly, but the monster that once lurked underneath her bed found her and
wanted his pound of flesh.
Since leaving Sebastian, Lee’s actions have been so fucking stupid.
It’s a good thing I’ve been watching after her, because who knows what the fuck would’ve happened if she’d been truly on
her own.
Six months ago, I started cleaning up my act to prepare for our reunion. I’ve learned to control my urges and haven’t
claimed a life since.
I wish I could give all the credit to my obsession with my pretty thing, but I can’t.
Annie, my last victim, was partially the reason I stopped killing. She’d fought back more than all the women before her
combined. The first punch had taken me by surprise, but I ultimately subdued her and slit her throat.
Two weeks later, I’d seen her photo in the newspaper. She was a twenty-three-year-old mother, and when she didn’t come
home from work that night, her mother reported her missing.
Annie wasn’t like the other women. No one missed them, but there were people out there missing Annie—people who
would never get answers as to what happened to her.
Seeing her in the newspaper triggered something within me and made me realize I can’t continue on the path I was going
One day I want to have a daughter, just like Annie. How will I be able to look my child in the eyes after the things I’ve
done? How will I ever be able to hold my child in my hands after I’ve used my hands to claim so many lives?
I threw up every day for a week, and for the first time in many years, I got down on my knees and prayed. Even went to
church every Sunday, hoping that whatever God was in the sky listening to me would take mercy on me, relieve me of my
demonic urges, help me repent for my sins, and allow me to have happiness.
I set up an anonymous trust fund for Annie’s daughter and paid off her mother’s house. She’ll never have to worry about
making the monthly mortgage payment. Once the girl turns eighteen, she’ll have unlimited access to the funds, and she’ll be able
to afford whatever college she attends—if she goes. Regardless, she’s taken care of for the rest of her life.
Money can’t make up for the fact her mother will never be there to watch her graduate or get married, and that’s something
I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I fucked up.
I’m fucked up.
I made a horrible mistake that I regret daily.
The only thing I can do now is continue to pray that God continues to show mercy and doesn’t change his mind.
If my pretty thing knew the monster murderer I’d become, she’d never want me. That in combination with the regret from
killing Annie is what kicked my ass into gear. I’m still looking for a new hobby, but I can guarantee my next hobby will be
completely legal.
I may be pathetic, but I’ve still been holding onto hope that we’ll be together in the end.
Just the two of us.
And tonight, it looks like I’m going to get exactly what I want once and for all. I’m going to get the girl, and once I have my
hands on her, I’ll never let her go.
I’ve been tracking Lee since the moment she was taken from the back alley at Confess. I’ve been tracking and waiting,
watching from the background, waiting for my chance to come out of the shadows and claim my girl.
Following her led me here, to the red brick house where she’s being held captive. I was prepared to rush in moments ago,
but as expected, Eli, King, and Rowen arrived, ready to rescue my pretty thing.
Instead of rushing in, I remained across the street, watching from the darkness as the three of them charged into the house,
ready to rescue the damsel in distress.
That was twenty minutes ago, and now I’m growing tired of waiting.
Placing one silent, booted foot in front of the other, I sneak across the street, heading toward the back of the house. I let
myself in and observe that the house is quiet, but I know they’re here.
They’re taking too long, and I’m not sure why, but this only goes to show that they’re unable to protect her the way I can.
Perhaps they need a little incentive.
With a smile on my face, I remove the small bottle of lighter fluid that I’d placed in my waistband. Then, I squirt the liquid
over everything in the living room.
Taking quiet, careful steps, I continue squeezing the bottle of fluid around the surfaces in the outdated house, using every
drop of liquid.
Setting the empty bottle on the counter, I remove the pack of matches from my pocket and spark one to life, watching the
flame dance around on the stick in my fingertips.
I’ve held life in my hand many times. I’ve been the one to choose between life and death, and it’s never felt as good as this
moment. I know that my pretty thing is in this house, but even with setting the house on fire, I know she’ll make it out.
Either they’ll save her, or I will.
Regardless, she’ll be safe.
I’m willing to risk everyone else.
Dropping the match, the liquid instantly ignites in flames, the bright warmth spreading quickly across the floor, engulfing
the curtains and sofa in a wild glow of orange and yellow.
Covering my mouth and nose, I run out of the house, returning to my safe zone across the street.
It doesn’t take long for Eli and King to rush out of the house—or for Rowen to meet them outside. The sight of their empty
hands has me balling my hands in fists, fuming at the fact they left the most important person to me inside the burning house.
Selfish fucks.
They’d rather save themselves than the girl they claim to love.
Once they leave, I slip back inside the house, the smoke instantly burning my lungs and nostrils, my eyes watering and skin
beginning to sweat from the heat.
Fire is unpredictable, but it’s no match for a man who has already lost everything he once loved and is refusing to lose
another person.
Eli, King, and Rowen let her down. They let me down.
Instead of risking their lives, they left her behind, fucking chained to a wall in the basement.
They left her alone and bleeding, apparently not giving a fuck if she died there.
Fuck. Them.
This further proves that I’m the only savior she needs in her life. I don’t think twice about running into the basement, freeing
her from the chain around her ankle, and rescuing her from the flames that threaten to claim her as a casualty.
I risk myself because that’s what you do for those you love; besides, it was a test, and they failed. If I weren’t willing to run
into the fire to save her, I never would’ve set it. I only hoped that they would’ve been the ones to save her.
Especially Rowen.
With my girl in my arms, I run us the fuck out of the burning house, sucking in gulps of fresh night air.
The flames baptize me, absolving me of my sins. This was God’s test for me. Walk through fire to be cleansed from every
For her, I’m willing to walk through the flames of hell. I’d burn alive if it meant saving her, and now I have the chance to
make her see that.
I have her back, and this time, I will never let her go.
She won’t escape me again.

Thirty-one years old

One week since I wore the light blue suit I’d bought specifically for the occasion.
I’ll never wear it again.
One week since I held my pretty thing in my arms while she sobbed uncontrollably, begging us to end her suffering. When
we declined her request, she threw herself at the blue casket and said that we should bury her with him if we loved her.
With Eli.
Today marks one week since his funeral, and two weeks since he’s been gone.
Two weeks since his rare laughter filled the walls of our home.
Two weeks since I’ve heard his voice and seen the shit-eating grin he’d always try to hide.
Eli was a complicated man with walls so high it sometimes felt impossible to get through them. It took a lot of effort to get
to know him, and often I felt I still didn’t actually know the complicated man that was Eli Michael Hale.
One thing I know for sure is he loved deeply. He loved his brothers, and he loved our daughter.
Most of all, he loved her.
Although he tried to deny it, I know he loved me, too. Eli loved me when I didn’t love myself or know how to love anyone
else besides her. He taught me a lot during the time I spent with him.
I’ve never bothered telling Lee, King, or Rowen about the times I spent with Eli because they felt too personal to share.
They don’t need to know that every Thursday he’d lie about working just to take me to visit my mother’s grave where we’d
spend hours. Sometimes we’d talk. I’d share pieces of my childhood, and he’d share pieces of his. Other times, we’d sip our
coffee and sit in silence.
Every single Thursday, without fail, Eli would be by my side at the cemetery. When I needed to cry because I held onto so
much anger toward my mother, he’d be my shoulder to cry on. When I needed to get my anger out physically, he’d be my
punching bag.
When I needed to lose myself in ecstasy to mute the voices inside my head, he’d oblige. However I needed him, he was
That’s the thing about Eli.
He was always fucking there. For anyone. Whenever, wherever.
Now, he’s gone.
He’s gone, and there’s an endless pain in my chest. I can’t sleep because he consumes my dreams.
Lee’s a ghost. She doesn’t eat, drink, speak, and she doesn’t see me. She blinks, but stares right through me. King had to
physically force her to take a shower, and as soon as she was clean, she dug Eli’s clothes out of the hamper and put them on.
She used to fight us, but she’s given up altogether.
Being home feels haunted. I hate being there. Hate having to walk past the spot where Eli died. It kills me a little more
inside each time. The silence is too much. None of us know how to act, and except for Lee, we’re doing the best we can for the
sake of Olivia. Our daughter needs someone strong enough to be there for her to have a shoulder to cry on, which is why King,
Ro, and I have been taking shifts to care for her.
Sometimes it’s too hard, because I can’t stop myself from expecting Eli to walk through the door at any moment.
The feeling of losing someone you’re in love with is a pain I’d never wish on anyone. I’d give anything to never feel this
Another random document with
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kaksisataa vuotta aikaisemmin, olisi hän varmaankin ollut

Millainen merirosvo hän olisikaan ollut! Sittenkään ei Josephine

uskonut, että hän olisi ollut merirosvo. "Herrasmies", oli ehkä
sittenkin sopivampi nimitys hänelle, vaikka siihen olisi ollut
lisättäväkin "kerskaileva." Sillä huolimatta siitä, että Lattimer
ilmeisesti oli rohkean häikäilemätön luonne, joskaan Josephine ei
osannut sitä tarkemmin määritellä, oli hänen silmissään ystävällistä
suhtautumista kanssaihmisiin, jotakin myöntyväisyyttä, vaikka nämä
ominaisuudet olivatkin jossain määrin ristiriidassa hänen viekkaan ja
hävyttömän olemuksensa kanssa.

Ruumiiltaan näytti hän harjoittamattomalta atleetilta. Sillä hänen

villapaitansa alla paisuttelivat valtavat lihakset hänen vaatteitaan,
varsinkin hartioin seuduilla, ja kauluksen alta, joka oli huolettomasti
jäänyt auki, näkyi voimakas kaula, terveenä ja tukevana ja
pronssinkarvaiseksi paahdettuna.

Joukko rasvaa oli erääntynyt keskukseen, mutta ei kuitenkaan niin

paljon, että se olisi häirinnyt ruumiin yleistä sopusuhtaisuutta ja
Josephine huomasi että hän, huolimatta tuosta pienestä liikarasvasta
oli notkea ja joustava kuin juoksija.

Hän oli lakitta päin. Lakki oli viereisellä tuolilla rutistuneena. Hänen
päänsä oli kaunismuotoinen ja hänen lyhyeksi leikattu tumma
tukkansa oli miehekäs ja kiiltävä. Hänen kauniilla valkoisella
otsallaan riippui muutamia hien suoristansa hiuksia. Josephine
ajatteli, että se oli yksi syy, jonka vuoksi hän oli päättänyt, että
Lattimer oli häikäilemättömän välinpitämätön. Sivistynyt ja
huolellinen mies olisi pyyhkäissyt hiukset hikineen päivineen
otsaltaan naisen seurassa.
Loput hänen häikäilemättömyydestään kuvastui hänen silmissään,
suun viivoissa ja hänen voimakkaassa leuassaan.

Josephine saattoi ymmärtää miksi Bettyn sanoissa "hän on mies"

oli niin paljon kunnioitusta.

Mutta Lattimerin miehekkyys ei ollut hyökkäävää laatua. Se oli

viekkautta, joka ilmaisi itsensä juuri siinä, että hän pystyi sitä ovelasti
hallitsemaan. Josephinestä näytti kuin Lattimer olisi tiennyt olevansa
äärimmäisen miehinen, mutta ettei tuo tietoisuus sukupuolestaan
vähääkään näkynyt hänen silmissään.

Huomatessaan, ettei Josephinellä ollut vähääkään aikomusta

lähteä tuolistaan, nosti Lattimer toisen tuolin vastapäätä häntä ja
istuutui siihen.

"Te olette ennenkin tavannut Artwellin", sanoi hän. "Olen kuullut

siitä. Tehän kerrassaan sotkitte Brannonin suunnitelman siellä, eikö
niin?" Hänen silmänsä loistivat syvää leikillistä hyväksymistä
Josephinen toimiin nähden hänen vastustaessaan Brannonia.

"En tahtonut, että Brannon olisi hirttänyt viattoman miehen", selitti


"Artwell oli siis viaton? Te tiesitte sen siis, arvatenkin?"

"Hän — hän näytti viattomalta. Sitäpaitsi, hänhän oli niin nuori,

liian nuori kuollakseen hevosvarkauden tähden — jos hän
mahdollisesti oli tehnyt sen."

"Hm. Teräs Brannon vie kyllä tahtonsa perille lopultakin. Ei mikään

pysty pidättämään häntä, kun hän kerran tarttuu asiaan. 'Teräs' sopii
hänelle erinomaisesti. Oletteko tekin sen huomannut?"
"Luulen, että se on vain itsepäisyyttä."

"Niin, te ajattelette niin, silloin kun te ja hän olette vastakkain

tietysti. Mutta Brannon ei ole taipumaton. Jos te olette oikeassa, niin
hän ei pane vastaan ja jos hän on väärässä, niin hän myöntää sen."

Josephinellä ei ollut mitään sanottavaa tähän väitteeseen, joten

hän vaikeni ja katseli laajalle alangolle, jossa näkyi kimmeltävä joen
pinta ja sen takana matalat vuoret aivan alangon rajoilla.

Mutta nyt hän alkoi tulla levottomaksi sen huomion johdosta, että
hänen täytyi tehdä erinäisiä selvityksiä matkastaan palattuaan
Triangle L:ään. Oli selvää, että häntä kaivattaisiin, samoin kuin
Chesterfieldiä ja sitä hevosta, jolla Artwell oli ratsastanut. Hän mietti
harmillista asemaa, johon hän oli itsensä saattanut. Joko hänen
täytyy tehdä tiliä yöllisistä toimistaan Bettylle taikka sitten valehdella,
jonka hän luonnollisesti aikoikin tehdä, estääkseen Brannonia
ratsastamasta suoraapäätä Artwellin niskaan. Ja hän punastui ja
ilmaisi levottomuutensa tarttumalla hermostuneesti tuolin molempiin
nojiin. "Kas niin", sanoi Lattimer heti, "tehän olette aivan
suunniltanne. Mutta teillä onkin ollut kova työ tänä yönä. Istukaa
paikallanne muutama minuutti, sillä aikaa kun koetan saada kokoon
jotakin syötävää."

"En — en luule, että voin syödä palastakaan", sanoi hän hymyillen

laihasti. "Sitäpaitsi ei minulla ole aikaa. Minun täytyy lähteä —
tuossa paikassa. Betty saattaa olla levoton puolestani; hän ehkä —."
Hän vaikeni ja puristi huuliaan lujasti yhteen, vaientaakseen
mielenliikutustaan, joka oli täyttää hänen silmänsä epäilyttävällä
kosteudella. Hän ei tahtonut, että Betty ajattelisi hänestä pahaa ja
hän tunsi, ettei hän voisi kestää ystävänsä vakavaa katsetta,
selittäessään yöllistä seikkailuaan.
"Te olette huolissanne", sanoi Lattimer tyynesti. "No niin, sehän on
luonnollista. Mutta, ellette pane pahaksenne pientä valhetta, niin
voimme asian järjestää. Tuon teille vähän aamiaista ja sitten voitte
lähteä Whitmanin mökille. Kertokaa Mrs Whitmanille tarkalleen, mitä
on tapahtunut. Hän on pelastanut Artwellin useammastakin pahasta
pälkähästä ja hän tekee sen nytkin. Hän pitää Artwellista — luottaa
häneen. Kyllä hän valehtelee, pelastaakseen hänen elämänsä. Se
käy varsin yksinkertaisesti. Teidän ei tarvitse muuta kuin pyytää Mrs
Whitmania kertomaan Bettylle tai Brannonille tai kenelle hyvänsä,
että te olitte hänen luonaan koko yön.

"Mutta hevonen, jolla Artwell ratsasti"? tiedusteli Josephine. "He

kaipaavat sitä ja he ajattelevat —."

Lattimerin matala nauru keskeytti hänet.

"Ajatelkoot mitä hyvänsä, se ei merkitse paljoakaan", sanoi hän.

"Olen riisunut sekä satulan että suitset Artwellin käyttämältä
hevoselta ja ajanut sen menemään Triangle L:ään. Se saattaa
mennä sinne suoraapäätä, mutta voi myöskin päättää kuljeksia
ympäri jonkun aikaa. Sillä ei ole mitään eroa. Kun he huomaavat,
että te olette lähtenyt matkaan Chesterfieldillä, niin he arvelevat, että
te olette huolimattomasti jättänyt oven auki lähtiessänne ja siten on
toinen hevonen päässyt pujahtamaan ulos. Sellaista tapahtuu usein,
nähkääs. Minä piilotan satulan ja suitset. Jonakin päivänä löytää ne
sitten joku Trianglen mies ja ihmettelee, miksi niitä on hyleksitty. Kas
niin, rohkaiskaa mielenne. Te olette pelastanut yhden ihmisen
elämän. Te olette näyttänyt, että teillä on järkeä, älkää nyt pilatko

"Jos olette varma Mrs Whitmanista, niin —", alkoi Josephine. Hän
oli oikein innokas nyt ja ihaili Lattimerin kekseliäisyyttä.
"Joutavia!" keskeytti Lattimer hänet, hymyillen varmuudessaan.

Hän meni taloon. Josephine saattoi kuulla hänen liikuskelevan

Vähäistä myöhemmin ilmestyi hän ovelle.

"Aamiainen on valmis, Miss Hamilton", sanoi hän rauhallisesti.

Josephine nousi, epäröi, punastui ja jäi seisomaan. Hänen oli nyt

nälkä, mutta aamiaisen syönti oudon miehen kanssa talossa, jossa
paitsi heitä oli ainoastaan sairas mies, joka ei suinkaan kelvannut
holhoojaksi, oli peräti tavatonta ja aivan ristiriidassa hänen naisen
käyttäytymistä koskevan ajatustapansa kanssa.

Lattimer huomasi hänen epäröintinsä.

"Aamiainen on katettu vain yhdelle hengelle, luonnollisesti, Miss

Hamilton", sanoi hän, hieno iva äänessään. "Minä söin jo omani
vähän aikaa sitten. Ja minä aion nauttia kauniista aamusta sillä
aikaa kun te olette sisällä."

Hän astui kuistille, kumarsi syvään Josephinelle, kun tämä

punastuen ja hämillään hymyillen meni hänen ohitseen ja istuutui
kuistin nurkalle polttamaan suurta piippua ja odottamaan

Kun tämä vihdoin tuli ulos, kopautti Lattimer porot piipustaan,

nousi seisomaan ja hymyili Josephinelle.

"Tuntuuko paremmalle?"

"Paljon paremmalle."
Vaihtamistaan silmäyksistä saattoi kumpainenkin lukea toistensa
ajatukset. Josephine näki selvästi, että Lattimeria oli huvittanut
hänen hämminkinsä. Hän luki selvästi hänen ilmeestään: "Kas niin,
sinulla ei ollut mitään syytä peljätä minua loppujen lopuksi, vai mitä?"

"Te ette ole syönytkään aamiaista", sanoi Josephine.

"Kuinka sen tiedätte?"

"Olisihan siellä näkynyt merkkejä siitä — astioita ja pannuja.

Sitäpaitsi kuulin teidän tekevän tulen uuniin. Olin itsekäs", myönteli
hän punastuen, "mutta tehän ymmärrätte —"

"Minä ymmärrän monta asiaa, Miss Hamilton, muun muassa sen,

että huhut huonosta maineestani ovat tulleet teidänkin korviinne.
Betty Lawson on puhunut minusta. Hän sanoi varmaankin: 'Satan
Lattimeriin ei voi luottaa', eikö niin?"

"Ei ensinkään." Josephinen katse oli vakava. "Luuletteko, että

olisin lähtenyt tänne, jos olisin kuullut sellaista. En olisi tehnyt sitä
edes pelastaakseni Artwellin hengen! Betty sanoi, että te olette
todellinen mies. Ja te olette todistanut hänen sanansa tosiksi tänä
aamuna ja minä kiitän teitä siitä."

Josephine näki hänen silmissään oudon tulen. Lattimer vetäisi

syvään henkeä. Sitten tuli hävisi ja sijaan tuli pilkallinen epäusko,
joka sekin pian vaihtui iloisuudeksi. Hän nauroi matalaa, väräjävää

"Betty on kerrassaan ihme", sanoi hän, tullen taas vakavaksi.

"Luulenpa, ettei Betty näihin aikoihin tunne itseään liian iloiseksi",

jatkoi hän.
"Mitä tarkoitatte?" kysyi Josephine ja väri vaihtui hänen
kasvoillaan. Hän oli huolestuneen näköinen. "Oh, te tarkoitatte
varmaankin sitä, kun hän on huomaava minun poissaoloni."

"Tarkoitan Callahanin murhaa. Se ei liene yleisemmin tunnettua,

Betty pitää paljon Brannonista ja Brannonilla ei ole älyä huomata

"Oh!" huudahti Josephine, hämmästyneenä, "miten te olette

saanut siitä kuulla?"

"Cole Meeder ratsasti tästä ohi toissapäivänä. Meeder ei ole

tyytyväinen Brannonin kertomukseen, — eikä teidänkään. Nähkääs,
kertomukset eivät käy yhteen. Te kerroitte Meederille, että Callahan
oli hätyyttänyt teitä kuistilla. Brannon taas sanoo, että hän näki
Callahanin kuljeskelevan talon ympäri ja että hän ampui hänet
luullen häntä Denveriksi. Tuntien Callahanin ja Brannonin huonot
välit, epäilee Meeder, että jompikumpi teistä valehtelee."

Josephine ei voinut kestää Lattimerin lujaa katsetta. Hän painoi

silmänsä alas ja paljonpuhuva puna levisi hänen kasvoilleen. Kun
hän vihdoin uhmaten nosti päätään, oli Lattimerin suu
ymmärtävässä, huvitetussa hymyssä.

Josephine läähätti. Lattimer nauroi hiljaa.

"Te tekasitte pienen jutun, Miss Hamilton", sanoi hän. "En ole
mikään ajatusten lukija, mutta te annoitte äsken itsenne ilmi.
Nähkääs, minä tunsin Callahanin ja Callahan ei koskaan olisi tehnyt
sitä, mistä te häntä syytitte. Luonnollisesti teidän täytyi esittää jotakin
raskauttavaa kun kerran tahdoitte pelastaa Brannonin. En vain
ymmärrä miksi te tahdoitte pelastaa Brannonin Callahanin maineen
kustannuksella. Jos kerran Brannon on tehnyt murhan, niin on
hänessä kyllin miestä kantamaan sen seuraukset ilman mitään
sellaisia juttuja, joita te esititte uskottaviksi."

"Hänhän otti syyn päälleen!" sanoi Josephine. "Pari minuuttia

sittehän te sanoitte niin itse."

"Niin", sanoi Lattimer, silmät säteillen ihastusta, "teiltä ei puutu

rohkeutta puolustaessanne ystäviänne."

"Brannon ei ole ystäväni!" selitti Josephine. "Minä — minä vain

sanoin, että —"

Hän vaikeni, pelästyneenä, huomatessaan olleensa vähällä

paljastaa itsensä ja ymmärtäen sanoneensa jo liiaksikin paljon
muuttaakseen Lattimerin epäluulon varmuudeksi. Hän tuli
vakuutetuksi siitä nähdessään Lattimerin katseen.

"Miss Hamilton", sanoi hän vakavana. "Teidän salaisuutenne ei

mene minua kauemmaksi. Meillä on kummallakin salaisuutemme,
sillä jos tiedettäisiin, että suojelen Artwelliä ja jos Triangle L:n miehet
ja Brannon tietäisivät, että satula ja suitset, jotka vastikään otin
Triangle L:n hevoselta, ovat hallussani, niin tämä seutu tulisi minulle
sangen vaaralliseksi. Näyttää siltä, kuin meidän kummankin täytyisi
olla hyvin varovaisia puheissamme." Hän nauroi. "Ellemme ole
varovaisia, voi käydä niin että me, pelastaessamme
lähimmäisemme, joudumme itse ikävyyksiin."

Josephine katsoi häneen pelokkain silmin.

"Tarkoitatteko, että jos selviäisi, että te olette ottanut Artwellin
taloonne sen jälkeen kuin minä toin hänet tänne, niin Brannonilla
olisi oikeus syyttää teitä kanssarikollisuudesta?"

"Jos pidän Artwelliä luonani — kuten aion tehdä, kunnes hän

paranee niin terveeksi, että voi lähteä, niin täytyy minun vastata
myöntävästi. Niin, Brannon voisi syyttää minua siitä ja nykyisissä
olosuhteissa kannattaisi häntä luultavasti koko tämä seutu."

"Mi — missä olosuhteissa?"

"Te ette, näen mä, ole kuullut siitä. No niin, toistaiseksi ei ole vielä
mitään todistettua. Mutta ympäristön karjamiehillä on varsin hyvin
perusteltu epäluulo, että näillä seuduilla toimii hyvin järjestetty
hevosvarasjoukkue. Sangen monta miestä epäillään, ehkäpä
minuakin. Les Artwell on toinen, vaikka luulen, että hän on yhtä
syytön kuin minäkin."

"Mutta jos Artwell onkin syyllinen, ja minä olen häntä auttanut!"

Hän jäi kauhistuneena seisomaan. Hänen mieleensä ei ollut

juolahtanutkaan, että Artwell mahdollisesti oli syyllinen. Hän oli niin
nuori ja hänen synkät silmänsä näyttivät puhuvan selvää kieltä siitä,
että hän oli vainonalainen, joten hän ei voinut ajatellakaan häntä

"Artwell ei ole syyllinen", kuului Lattimerin vakuuttava ääni. "Älkää

säikähtykö, älkääkä antako kenenkään viekoitella itseänne
puhumaan Brannonista sillä tavalla, kuin äsken puhuitte minun
Josephine tunsi hänen toisen kätensä olkapäällään, kun hän
työnsi hänet hiljaa portailta maahan. Hän katsahti Lattimeriin
ihmetellen hänen vaivatonta tuttavallisuuttaan koskiessaan häneen
ja hämmästyneenä siitä, ettei hän tuntenut mitään suuttumusta teon
johdosta. Oliko siihen syynä se, että molempienkin syyllisyys oli
luonut jonkinlaisen siteen heidän välilleen, vai oliko hän jonkinlaisen
ovelasti hiipivän valtiuden lumoissa, saman jota hän oli tuntenut ensi
silmäyksellä Lattimerissa, oliko se tuota naisten voittajan valtiutta,
joka on niin varma voitostaan.

Hän ei ollut oikein varma siitä. Hän tiesi pitävänsä Lattimerista ja

hänen kosketuksensa värisytti häntä — selvemmin vielä kuin
Brannonin kosketus suuressa seurusteluhuoneessa. Ja kun hän
sitten ratsasti Whitmanin mökkiä kohti, Lattimerin tuotua hänen
hevosensa ja näytettyään hänelle tietä, tunnusti hän sydämessään,
vaikkakin hän punastuikin siitä, että hän oikein iloitsi Lattimerin
hallitsevasta vaikutuksesta häneen.

Lattimer seurasi häntä katseillaan, kunnes hän häipyi näkyvistä.

Sitten, katse kylmeten jäätäväksi, meni hän keittiön läpi ja astui
toiseen huoneeseen, jossa Les Artwell makasi vuoteella. Vuoteen
reunalla istui Denver.

Hän oli sitonut Artwellin haavan, joka paistoi avonaisen paidan alta
rinnassa. Artwell oli taas tajuissaan, vaikkakin hänen silmänsä olivat
kuumeesta kiiltävät ja kasvonsa punakat.

Denver katsahti ylös Lattimerin astuessa huoneeseen, mutta tämä

ei ollut huomaavinaankaan häntä. Hän meni suoraan vuoteen luo ja
kumartui Artwellin puoleen.

"Artwell", sanoi hän kylmästi, "miksi tapoit Tim Callahanin?"

Haavoittuneen puna lisääntyi, hänen silmänsä pälyivät ja niissä
loisti kuolettava pelko.

"Se kirottu hullu joutui aivan tielleni", tokaisi hän viimein.

"Olin tulossa tänne ja koetin pysyä näkymättömänä, kun Callahan

tulla tupsahti eräästä metsiköstä puolen mailin päässä Triangle L:stä.
Hevoseni oli pudottanut minut selästään ja oli mennä menojaan.

"Olin juuri ottamassa sitä kiinni jälleen, kun Callahan ilmestyi

metsiköstä ja tuli minua kohti. Hän oli varmaankin tuntenut minut
kuunvalossa, sillä oli sangen valoisaa.

"Piilouduin matalaan rotkoon ja luulen, että hän kadotti minut

näkyvistään, sillä kun nousin pois rotkostani, näin Callahanin
taluttavan hevostaan takaisin Triangle L:ään päin ja hevonen ontui
pahasti. Menetin mielenmalttini ja seurasin Callahania. Pääsin
ampumamatkalle juuri kun hän tuli karjatalon rappusille. Otaksuin
hänen menneen pyytämään toista hevosta.

"Annoin hänelle lähtöpassin. Sitten, tuntien itseni sangen heikoksi

ja kun tiesin, että talossa ja esimiehen asunnossa oli ihmisiä, kiersin
talon taitse ja pääsin talliin, luullen voivani satuloida jonkin hevosen
ja pääseväni sitten pujahtamaan tieheni. Varmaankin olin kierähtänyt
hevosen yli yrittäessäni satulaan, sillä seuraava, minkä tajusin, oli

"Lopun tunnen jo", kuiskasi Lattimer. "Sinä uskalsit liian paljon,

menettäessäsi siinä määrin mielenmalttisi. Tietänetkö, että Brannon
oli asunnossaan silloin, kun ammuit Callahanin?"
Lattimerin silmistä suli jää. Ne pienenivät ja niistä loisti pilkallinen

"Sinulla oli onni myötäsi", nauroi hän leveästi.

"Teit hyvää jälkeä joka tapauksessa, Les. Lähettämällä Callahanin

taivaaseen kostit vanhat vihat ja me pääsimme miehestä, joka rupesi
jo epäilemään meitä sangen vahvasti. Ja sinä olet saanut Meederin
ja kaikki muut luulemaan, että Brannon on poistanut Callahanin
elävien kirjoista, joka seikka, ottaen huomioon heidän huonot
välinsä, antaa varmasti sekä Starin, että Triangle L:n miehille yllin
kyllin työtä pitäessään toisiaan silmällä.

"Mutta Brannon on minulle arvoitus. Sinä tapoit Callahanin, mutta

luulet Brannonin tarkoittaneen, kun hän ratsasti Stariin ja kertoi
Meederille ampuneensa Callahanin? Meidän täytyy olla varovaisia.
Brannonilla on jokin juoni mielessään."

Denver naurahti katkerasti. "Se on vain hame", sanoi hän


"Betty Lawsonko?" Lattimer oli kääntynyt ympäri Denweriin päin.

Hän katsoi Denveriin tutkivin, kylmin silmin.

"Ha, ha, ha", nauroi Denver. "Brannonilla ei ole kylliksi järkeä

nähdäkseen, että Betty on häneen korvia myöten rakastunut.
Brannon on sokaissut silmänsä siinä naikkosessa, joka äsken juuri
lähti täältä."

"Mistä sen tiedät, Denver?" kysyi Lattimer matalalla äänellä. Mutta

se oli täynnä intohimoa.
"Kuinkako tiedän?" Denver nousi vuoteen reunalta ja katseli
veitikkamaisesti Lattimerin silmiin.

Välittämättä hituistakaan kertomuksensa siveellisestä

kehnoudesta ja ilmeisesti vähääkään häpeämättä omaa
konnamaista osuuttaan asiassa, kertoi hän perinpohjin miten hän oli
ahdistellut Josephineä ja joutunut sen johdosta otteluun Brannonin
kanssa. Hän kertoi myös kuinka hän oli seisonut ulkopuolella
akkunan kun Brannon oli silitellyt Josephinen päätä ja kuinka hän oli
nähnyt Brannonin luovuttavan aseensa tytölle.

"Arvaan, että kun mies tekee tuollaisia tekoja, niin on tyttö silloin
saanut hänen päänsä täysin pyörälle", lisäsi hän lopuksi.

Lattimer ei ollut muuttanut asentoaan kertomuksen aikana eikä

hänen kasvonsa olleet värähtäneetkään. Mutta kun Denver oli
lopettanut, astui Lattimer aivan hänen eteensä ja katsoi häntä

Denver oli varmaankin oikein tulkinnut hänen kasvonilmeensä,

sillä hänen kalpeutensa muuttui aivan aavemaiseksi ja hän mutisi
sekavasti ja nopeasti. "Aioin ainoastaan suudella häntä, niin totta
kuin Jumala minua auttakoon!"

"Sekin oli liikaa" sanoi Lattimer. Hänen äänensä oli kuiva ja selvä,
mutta hillitty ja siinä oli niin selvä uhka, että Artwellinkin kasvot
kalpenivat. Denverin saattoi Lattimerin uhkaava käytös aivan
hervottomaksi ja hän seisoi liikkumattomana, pelokkaana ja huulet

"Liian paljon, Denver", toisti Lattimer, samassa äänilajissa. "Älä

koske häneen, äläkä edes katso häneen kun minä olen lähellä. Hän
on minun!"

Kahdeksastoista luku.

Päivän sarastaessa nousi ohut savupatsas kiemurrellen Triangle

L:n esimiehen asunnon piipusta, yhtyen sitten paksuun
sumuverhoon, joka viisitoista mailia etelämpänä oli herättänyt
Josephinenkin huomiota.

Pian sen jälkeen ilmestyi Brannon asunnostaan, meni

tuulipumpulle vettä noutamaan ja palasi sitten takaisin. Puoli tuntia
myöhemmin oli hän hevosaitauksessa ottamassa kiinni hevostaan,
suurta mustaa.

Hän oli satuloinut sen, heittänyt toisen ohjaksen sen pään yli ja oli
juuri sulkemassa aitauksen porttia, kun hän katsahti talliin päin.
Kiirehtimättä sulki hän portin, hyväili kädellään mustaa hevostaan ja
meni tallia kohti.

Hänen mennessään asuntolan ohi huusi Lin Murray hänelle

"Tulen mukaan heti kun olen saanut vähän ruokaa."

"Syö vain tarpeeksi, Lin", vastasi Brannon.

Hän kulki edelleen, ja taas kuului Murrayn ääni.

"Chong tuli kotiin puolen yön aikaan. Hänen hevosensa on

Sanoi Mrs Whitmanin olevan paremman."
Brannonin silmät elostuivat. Ollessaan äsken aitauksen portilla ja
katsoessaan tallille päin oli hän nähnyt satuloidun ja suitsissa olevan
hevosen, joka seisoi erään romutavaroitten säilytyspaikkana
käytetyn vajan suojassa. Hänen ensimmäinen ajatuksensa oli ollut,
että Chong oli jättänyt hevosensa riisumatta koko yöksi, siten tehden
itsensä syypääksi moitittavaan laiminlyöntiin. Brannon oli myös
kuullut Chongin kotiintulon ja kuullut hänen hiljaa mutisevan
käsittämätöntä mongerrustaan.

Mutta Murrayn tiedonanto, että Chong oli vienyt hevosensa

aitaukseen, ilmaisi, että se hevonen, joka seisoi vajan suojassa ei
ollut hänen käyttämänsä ja Brannonin mielenkiinto muuttui nyt
arvostelevasta epäluuloiseksi.

Seisten aivan hevosen vieressä tutki Brannon sitä tarkkaan ja

hänen silmänsä oikein leimahtivat, kun hän huomasi, että sen
lautasella oli merkki L. Se oli Lattimerin merkki, Lazy L.

Brannon puhutteli ystävällisesti eläintä ja kiersi sen ympäri. Satula

oli paksun tomun peitossa. Korkea satulan nuppi oli kolhiintunut ja
näytti siltä kuin sitä olisi painettu syvään maan sisään, sillä siihen oli
jäänyt kiinni kuivunutta savimaata. Satulan takareuna oli myös
ruhjoutunut, aivan kuin jokin raskas esine olisi siihen pudonnut.
Ohjakset olivat poikki ja mahavyön solki oli irtautunut.

"Se on piehtaroinut", ajatteli Brannon mielessään. "Kuljeksinut

maita ilman ratsastajaa ainakin koko viime yön — ehkä
kauemminkin, päätteli hän tutkittuaan tomua ja kolhiintuneita satulan

Brannon irroitti satulapussin, asetti sen maahan ja aukaisi sen.

Sieltä tuli esiin monenlaista tavaraa, tinakulho, peilin palanen,
partasuti, saippuapala, pieni kahvipannu, tomaattiastia — ihana
janon sammuttaja — kankaalla päällystetty vesipullo ja paljon muita
esineitä, sekä ruokatavaraa ja tulitikkuja.

Brannonin mieltä kiinnitti eniten partasuti. Se oli helppohintainen ja

puuvartinen, johon oli, ilmeisesti veitsellä, piirretty alkukirjaimet "L.

Brannon ei löytänyt mitään merkkejä muissa esineissä, mutta

ilmeisesti tyytyväisenä pani hän tavarat takaisin pussiin, sulki sen
suun ja kiinnitti sen paikoilleen satulan taakse.

Sitten hän silmät kiiluen katsoi tutkivasti päärakennukseen päin,

nähdäkseen, että akkunat vielä olivat peitetyt ja ettei savua noussut
keittiön piipusta. Chong oli tavallisesti jalkeilla jo tähän aikaan, mutta
näytti siltä kuin olisi yöllinen ratsastus häntä hieman väsyttänyt.
Bettyn tiesi hän nousevan vasta auringonkin noustessa.

Taluttaen vieraan hevosen tallin taakse, jossa häntä ei voinut

talosta nähdä, sitoi Brannon katkenneet ohjat yhteen. Sitten hän
hyppäsi satulaan ja ratsasti hitaasti jokea kohti pysytellen yhä tallin
suojassa. Joki oli metsän reunustama aina aitauksen lähelle saakka.
Sitten tuli aukko, jonka yli hänen täytyi uskaltaa, senkin uhalla että
hänet talosta nähtäisiin. Mutta sen jälkeen tuli metsä ja pensaikko
taas hänen avukseen.

Hän ratsasti puoli mailia jokea alaspäin, laskeutui satulasta ja sitoi

hevosen puuhun köydellä, joka oli vyyhdessä satulan nupissa, jätti
eläimen sinne ja palasi tallille.

Karjatalolla vallitsi vielä hiljaisuus. Murraytakaan ei vielä näkynyt,

joten Brannonia ei kukaan ollut nähnyt.
Hän huomasi, että tallin ovi oli auki. Hän meni sisään, vilkaisi
nopeasti pilttuihin ja naulakoihin, joilla tusinan verran satuloita riippui.
Hänen tarkastelunsa lopputulos oli, että kaksi satulaa ja hevosta

"Billy ja Chesterfield", huomautti hän ääneen. Hänen silmiinsä

ilmaantui kyynillinen iloisuus, johon sekaantui tuota tyyntä kylmyyttä,
josta hän oli "Teräs" nimensäkin saanut.

"Hän on varmaankin taas hulluttelemassa!" mietti hän niitten

todistusten johdosta, jotka hän oli keksinyt ja jotka selvästi viittasivat
siihen, että Josephine taas oli sekaantunut asioihin, jotka eivät
hänelle kuuluneet. Brannon oli vakuutettu siitä, ettei kukaan muu
kuin Josephine ratsastaisi Chesterfieldillä. Betty ei missään
tapauksessa olisi ottanut niin vanhaa ja vakavaa hevosta. Ja jos Les
Artwellin toverina olisi ollut mies, niin olisi hän ottanut minkä muun
hevosen hyvänsä mieluummin kuin Chesterfieldin.

Mutta Brannon tahtoi päästä varmuuteen asiastaan. Ja ennenkuin

hän lähti karjatalolta etelään Murrayn kanssa, aikoi hän keksiä
jonkun syyn, jonka varjolla hän saisi herätetyksi päärakennuksen
asukkaat — joko Bettyn tai Chongin — päästäkseen selvyyteen siitä,
oliko Josephine lähtenyt jonnekin.

Hän meni tallin ovelle ja katseli päärakennukselle päin. Hänen

katseensa solui alaspäin, huomatessaan, ettei siellä näkynyt mitään
liikettä. Silmänräpäyksessä oli hän polvillaan ja tutki tarkoin punaisia
tahroja muutamissa tallatuissa oljenkorsissa oven suussa.

Hän nousi heti pystyyn ja huomasi noustessaan oven pielessä

samanlaisia punaisia tahroja, mutta nämä olivat kieltämättä naisen
sormien jättämät!
Brannon meni takaisin talliin. Kun hän taas palasi, oli hän
vakuutettu asiastaan, sillä eräässä pilttuussa oli oljilla selvät miehen
makuujäljet ja siinä vielä lisää punaisia täpliä, jotka osoittivat, että
haavoittunut oli oleillut tallissa pitemmän ajan.

Brannon sulki tallin oven ja meni ruokailu-rakennukseen, jossa

hän tapasi Murrayn juuri lopettamassa aamiaistaan.

"Siihen meni pitempi aika, kuin olin luullutkaan", murisi Murray

nähdessään Brannonin. "Eikö se ole merkillistä, aina. Jos sinulla
vain sattuu olemaan kiire, etkä tahdo, että muut joutuvat
odottamaan, niin joku kirottu asia on hullusti. Tuossa on tuo kurja
uuni esimerkiksi. Panin siihen valkean ja se sammui. Se on kurjempi
kuin —."

"Brannon", kuului Bettyn ääni ovelta, "tahdotko tulla tänne pariksi


Brannon kääntyi äkkiä. Bettyn kasvot olivat kalpeat ja hänen

huulensa olivat aivan valkoiset. Teennäinen äänen rauhallisuus oli
ilmeisessä ristiriidassa silmissä kiiluvan kiihtymyksen kanssa.

Betty ei puhunut ennenkuin Brannon oli tullut hänen kanssaan

puolitiehen päärakennusta, ja ennenkuin hän puhuikaan tiesi
Brannon mitä hän sanoisi.

"Brannon", sanoi hän, "jotakin on tapahtunut Josephinelle! Hänen

vuoteensa on koskematon ja Chesterfield on poissa! Mitä sinä luulet
tapahtuneen? Jos hänelle on tapahtunut jokin onnettomuus, niin en
koskaan voi antaa sitä anteeksi itselleni!"
"Luulen, ettei tässä paljoakaan ole tapahtunut", lohdutteli Brannon.
"Arvatenkin on hän lähtenyt ratsastamaan. Eilen oli hän levoton Mrs
Whitmanin vuoksi. On hyvinkin luultavaa, että hän on ratsastanut
Lähetän Murrayn miesten luo ja poikkean itse Whitmaneille."

"Minä lähden kanssasi, Brannon! Ethän luule, että — —"

"Denver olisi tullut takaisin — ja tavannut hänet matkalla — jos

hän meni Whitmanille", valitti hän epätietoisena. Ja kun Brannon
vain pudisteli päätään hänen mainitessaan Denverin nimeä,
huudahti hän: "Eikö sinulla ole hermoja ensinkään, Brannon. Sinä et
näy käsittävän että Jo on minun vieraani ja että minä olen vastuussa

"Varmastikin", myönsi Brannon nopeasti. "Mutta meidän ei tarvitse

molempien lähteä Whitmaneille." Hän oli varma siitä, että Betty
tapaisi Josephinen Mrs Whitmanin luona ja hän ajatteli Lazy L:n
hevosta, joka seisoi puuhun kytkettynä alempana joen rannalla.

Hän meni noutamaan Bettyn hevosen ja satuloi sen sillä aikaa kun
Betty vaihtoi pukua päärakennuksessa.

"Älä ole huolissasi", neuvoi hän Bettyä, auttaessaan häntä

satulaan. "Saat nähdä, ettei mitään ole tapahtunut. Toivottavasti
sinulla ei ole niin kiirettä, että ratsastat suoraa päätä upottavaan
hiekkaan kahlaamossa." Hän seurasi Bettyn kulkua alas pieneen
syvänteeseen ja sieltä ylös taas ja sitten kuivaa aroa pitkän matkaa.

Myöhemmin seisoi hän karja-aitauksen portilla Murrayn kanssa,

joka istui satulassa ja odotti häntä.
"Lin" sanoi Brannon, "olen muuttanut mieltäni etelään menon
Voit odottaa minua sinne huomenna."

"Aivan niin", vastasi Murray. Hän ei pukenut sanoiksi pientä

hämmästystään muutoksen vuoksi, jonka Brannon oli
suunnitelmaansa tehnyt.

"No niin, näkemiin sitten", sanoi hän. Hän ratsasti pari kymmentä
askelta, pysäytti hevosensa ja huusi olkansa yli puoleksi leikillään:

"Minä en sinun sijassasi olisi niin paljon yksin nykyään, Teräs."

"Sehän on vaan tyttö", hymyili Brannon. "Ei nyt ole kysymys Starin

Murray oli ilmeisesti utelias, mutta hän puristi huulensa pettyneenä

kiinni ja hoputti hevostaan etelään päin.

Brannon ei liikahtanut ennen kuin Murray oli vain pienenä pisteenä

taivaanrannalla. Sitten hän hyppäsi satulaan ja ratsasti alas joen
rantaa, mihin hän oli jättänyt Lazy L:n hevosen. Muutaman minuutin
kuluttua ratsasti hänkin, kuljettaen perässään toista hevosta,
epäselvää polkua lounaaseen. Murray oli ratsastanut suoraan

Ratsastettuaan useita maileja, huomasi Brannon liikkuvan pisteen

eräällä matalalla mäenharjanteella. Hän poikkesi äkkiä polulta ja
laskeutui kuivaan joen uomaan, jota hän seurasi puolisen mailia
eräälle ruohoiselle kentälle, joka yhtyi siihen rinteeseen, jonka
huipulla hän oli nähnyt tuon liikkuvan esineen.

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