Creative Writing First Quarter Examination

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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

San Remigio District 1
S.Y. 2023-2024


Name:________________________________ Grade and Section: ___________________________________ Date:______________________

I. Identification.
A: Identify the figures of speech used in each statement. Choose the best answer from among the given
choices: Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Alliteration, Allusion, Onomatopoeia.
________________1. She is the apple of my eye.
________________2. Father Anthony cried a river of tears.
________________3. My mother is like a star in the sky.
________________4. The trees are dancing together with the wind.
________________5. You are the sunshine of my life.
________________6. Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said this butter's bitter.
________________7. His smile is like kryptonite to me.
________________8. The clanging pots and pans awoke the baby.
________________9. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
________________10. She was so happy; her smile was a mile wide.

B: Identify the types of drama being described in each item. Write your answer in the space provided.
________________1. This type of drama is usually full of exaggerations and characterized by the use of
slapstick humor with its sole purpose of making the audience laugh.
________________2. Instead of dialogue and acting, this drama makes use of dancing and singing to tell the
________________3. The use of sensational incidents and spectacular staging coupled with the music and
singing are what makes this drama wonderful to watch on stage.
________________4. This kind of drama typically shows human limitations against the forces of destiny.
________________5. The ancient Greeks employed this type of drama as a comic relief in between acts of a
tragic drama.

II. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call a story enacted on a stage before a live audience?

A. Poetry B. Drama C. Fiction D. Short Story
2. The sequence of action and events in the story.
A. Metaphor B. Plot C. Characters D. Theme
3. Writers make events happen with this element that could either be a person, an animal, or animated object to do
the actions in the story. What is this element of a drama?
A. character B. plot C. theme D. setting
4. Writers show time, place, and culture in their piece of writing. What do you call the element that tells when and
where the story happened?
A. character B. plot C. theme D. setting
5. In a drama, the series of events is called on plot. What part of the plot mountain or story mountain is that which
introduces the characters, the setting as well as the situation where the characters are in?
A. climax B. resolution C. exposition D. setting
6. The recurrence of sounds, words, phrases or line in poetry is
A. rhythm B. repetition C. beat D. meter
7. The structure of poetry is written in
A. lines and stanzas C. sentences and stanzas
B. lines and paragraphs D. sentences and paragraphs
8. Poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the writer or speaker, songlike quality or set to a beat.
A. free verse B. ballad C. lyric poem D. narrative
9. A poetry that has no regular rhythm, meter, rhyme or structure is___________
A. free verse B. ode C. haiku D. prose
10. Descriptions that appeal to the five senses
A. refrain B. imagery C. variations D. meter
11. Which among the following is NOT a major element of drama?
A. literary element B. technical element
C. performance element D. poetic element
12. What do you call the conversation between characters in a drama?
A. dialogue B. style C. suspense D. theme
13. What do you call the author of a play or drama?
A. writer B. poet C. playwright D. playwrite
14. In a story, it is the narrator’s position in the description of events.

A. tone B. point of view C. diction D. setting

15. A type of literature that uses the sounds, rhythm and meaning of words to describe the world in striking and
imaginative ways.
A. lines B. rhymes C. poetry D. imagery
16. The writer of the poem is called _______.
A. poet B. illustrator C. author D. smart person
17. All are found in poetry except
A. rhyme scheme B. rhythm C. stanza D. paragraphs

Test III. Enumeration

Directions: Give what is asked in each item. Utilize the space given below.

1. Five Types of a Plot: (5)

1. 3. 5.

2. 4.

2. Three Types of Poetry :(3)




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