Β-galactosidase Biotechnological Applications in Food Processing
Β-galactosidase Biotechnological Applications in Food Processing
Β-galactosidase Biotechnological Applications in Food Processing
DOI: 10.1111/jfbc.12564
Food Biotechnology Division, Defence
Food Research Laboratory, Defence
Research and Development Organization, b-Galactosidases produced by microorganisms are being used in food technology for hydrolysis of
Mysore, Karnataka, India lactose in milk and milk by-products. The enzyme has attracted much attention in view of lactose
Defence Food Research Laboratory, intolerance in human population and due to importance of milk in human diet. b-Galactosidases
Defence Research and Development
hydrolyze b-galactopyranosides, that is, lactose, and form a range of trans-galactosylation products
Organization, Mysore, Karnataka, India
or galactooligosaccharides (GOS) capable of providing several health benefits as prebiotics. In addi-
Correspondence tion, the enzyme also finds applications in production of lactose based sweeteners from high
Mrs. Janifer Raj Xavier, Food Biotechnology lactose containing effluents of cheese manufacturing industries. Currently, the enzyme is mainly
Division, Defence Food Research
obtained from Aspergillus niger and Kluyveromyces lactis, however, they are thermolabile with opti-
Laboratory, Defence Research and
Development Organization, Mysore mum pH between 4.0 and 6.0 accompanied by low chemical resistance and high product inhibition
570011, Karnataka, India. properties. Thermostable enzymes are suitable to perform the hydrolytic process at relatively high
Email: [email protected]/jennipal@gmail. temperatures, minimizing microbial contamination. Psychrophilic b-galactosidases are preferred for
the treatment of milk under refrigerated conditions (<158C), without maintenance of temperature
Funding information of milk. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a potential source of food grade enzymes and other metabo-
Defence Research and Development lites. Although reports on the use of b-galactosidase of LAB in pure form is reported for hydrolysis
Organisation of lactose in milk and production of fermented milk products for reduced lactose content, methods
of immobilization for use in continuous bioreactors are less explored. Furthermore, recombinant
DNA technology has attained much significance to reveal molecular aspects of enzyme catalysis,
protein structure, gene organization for expression, and enhancement of enzyme activity of ther-
mophilic, psychrophilic, and mesophilic b-galactosidases. Heterologous expression of
extremozymes with b-galactosidase would help in overcoming the limitations faced within the bio-
process technology.
Practical applications
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) producing extracellular cell bound b-galactosidase have been isolated
and enzyme production was carried out using modified MRS medium incorporating lactose as
enzyme inducer. Process for growing probiotic lactic acid bacteria for b-galactosidase from fer-
mented milk products has been patented (Indian Patent No. 247904). Thermostable
b-galactosidases were also extracted from Kluyveromyces lactis a yeast, isolated from curd samples
and Bacillus sp. MTCC 864. An Indian patent has been granted for a simple, cost effective perfo-
rated two compartment immobilized enzyme bioreactor was designed and fabricated for lactose
hydrolysis (Indian Patent No. 264609). The bioreactor can be operated continuously at tempera-
ture between 5.0 and 75.08C, employing different immobilized enzyme preparations for different
operational temperatures. b-galactosidase of cell confined LAB and yeast have been immobilized
in agarose and galactooligosaccharides (GOS) production was observed at 40% lactose concentra-
tion in 0.05 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.5. Immobilized bioreactor preparation could be used for
lactose hydrolysis of milk between 45 and 708C with 75% efficiency.
beta-galactosidase, food and industrial applications, lactose hydrolysis
1 | INTRODUCTION various pioneering works that took place in finding novel enzyme sour-
ces, novel means of enzyme preparations and production of GOS and
Microbial enzymes are useful in a wide range of applications in food applications to enhance the efficiency and productivity, and bioprocess
processing industry. Enzymes derived from microorganisms are used as developments that turned out to be more practical on industrial appli-
important tools in basic research, synthesis of organic molecules, pro- cations and also aimed at addressing some of the constraints currently
duction of pharmaceuticals, and in various biotransformation processes encountered in the enzyme production, utilization and reuse by
for production of bulk chemicals. Glycoside hydrolases are capable of enhancing the half-life of various enzyme forms. In the present review,
hydrolyzing glycosidic bond between two or more carbohydrates or various biotechnological aspects of b-galactosidases are also discussed
between a carbohydrate and a noncarbohydrate moiety and are classi- with emphasis on hydrolysis of lactose and production of oligosaccha-
fied into 133 families (www.cazy.org/Glycoside-Hydrolases.html).b- rides using enzymes produced by lactic acid bacteria, yeast, molds, and
Galactosidase galacto hydrolysase, (EC commonly referred as extremophiles. Biochemical properties of b-galactosidases with respect
lactase is one of the predominantly occurring hydrolytic enzymes in to pH, temperature, and their food processing implications are also
higher plants, animals, and microorganisms. The worldwide production reviewed based on different methods of permeabilization and enzyme
of b-galactosidase is estimated at around 5.75 million metric tons per immobilization.
annum. The enzyme has two main applications; the removal of lactose
from milk products and production of galactosylated products (Husain, 2 | MICROBIAL SOURCES OF
2010). In mammals the small intestine brush border cells produce b- G A L A C T O S I D A S E
b-galactosidase or “lactase-phlorizin hydrolase” and its complete
absence or insufficient production in child hood is referred to as pri- b-Galactosidases can be obtained from microbial sources such as bac-
mary lactase deficiency. In adults it is known as adult type hypolactasia teria, yeasts, and filamentous fungi (Oliveira et al., 2011). While the
or lactase nonpersistence. The absence or inadequate production of previous reviews mainly focused on b-galactosidases obtained from
lactase in human beings usually leads to an intestinal symptomatic yeast and fungal genera, during the last few years several develop-
problem “lactose intolerance” with clinical symptom manifested in form ments have took place in the area of enzyme production from psychro-
of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, and bloating after intake philes, mesophiles, and thermophiles and hyperthermophilic bacteria,
of lactose containing foods. Estimates showed that 70% of the world isolated from geographically distributed areas. Commercial production
population, comprising various age groups, is lactose intolerant. How- of GOS using b-Galactosidases has been reported from Kluyveromyces
ever, dairy produce is the major source of calcium for individuals, and a lactis, Bacillus circulans (Vivinal GOS), Bifidobacterium bifidum (Bimuno),
low intake of those products is associated with a higher risk of frac- Aspergillus oryzae, and Streptococcus thermophilus (Oligomate55)
tures or even of osteoporosis. Lactose hydrolysis in milk prior to con- (Torres, Gonçalves, Teixeira, & Rodrigues, 2010). b-Galactosidase of
sumption has been suggested to help in the absorption of microorganisms display a great diversity in their functional properties
monosaccharide constituents of the disaccharide. New technologies to which could be further improved, by isolating suitable strains of micro-
produce lactose-reduced or lactose-free dairy products have therefore organisms, producing enzymes amenable to immobilization, receptive
been developed, including lactose hydrolysis or separation. Thus, appli- to chemical mutagenesis, enhanced enzyme secretion, and gene
cation of hydrolytic activity of b-galactosidase in food industry has expression by recombinant DNA techniques is constantly increasing
attracted worldwide importance over the last few decades, for reducing nowadays. Further, products obtained from certain microorganisms
the lactose content in milk transglycosylation reactions for the synthe- such as Kluyveromyces lactis are generally recognized as safe (GRAS sta-
sis of galactooligosaccharides (GOS) in recent years (Oliveira, tus) for human consumption, which is significant for food processing
Guimar~aes, & Domingues, 2011; Park & Oh, 2010). The hydrolysis of applications (Kosseva, Panesar, Kaur, & Kennedy, 2009). Currently,
lactose acquires great significance from clinical, technological, and envi- recombinant DNA technology can be used to express and optimize the
ronmental perspectives. Apart from providing relief to lactose intoler- production of interesting b-galactosidases from the most diverse sour-
ant subjects, hydrolysis of disaccharide increases its solubility, and ces, presenting tedious growth conditions and productivities including
sweetness of product due to monosaccharides glucose and galactose microorganisms with no GRAS status, in heterologous microbial hosts
thereby utilizing vast quantity of whey constitutes. Lactose a renew- for highly efficient protein production. Furthermore, using state-of-the-
able carbohydrate and a disaccharide could also find application as a art protein engineering tools novel microbial b-galactosidases with
starting material for the production of bulk chemicals, food, and feed enhanced features such as higher product yield, reduced product inhi-
additives and in preparation of value added functional food products. It bition etc. could be produced (Gosling, Stevens, Barber, Kentish, &
is also added to several nondairy foods such as breads, beer, frozen Gras, 2010). The interest in exploiting recombinant enzymes as biocata-
vegetables, salad dressings, soups, nutritive breakfast diets, and in pro- lysts is constantly increasing nowadays due to plausible advantages
duction of other low-calorie foods. In the background of these applica- involved with their use including their (1) rigidity and permeability, (2)
tions of lactose and its hydrolyzed products, that is, glucose and hydrophobic/hydrophilic character, (3) ease of purification and large-
galactose, the preeminence has been attributed to the b-galactosidase. scale production, (4) immediate separation from the reaction mixture
The aim of this review is to discuss the developments on after completion of reaction without using any chemicals or heating, (5)
b-galactosidases in a more comprehensive form, amalgamating the regenerability as they impart stability to enzymes by protecting their
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1. Pseudoalteromonas Antarctica soil Cold active b-galacosidase Singh & Ramana, 1998
sp. DFR1
2. Pseudoalteromonas Antarctica soil Cold active b-galacosidase Singh & Ramana, 1998
3. Candida sp. Antarctica soil Active pH range 5.0–8.5 Active Ramana & Singh, 2000
temperature range 0.0–55.08C
5. Bacillus sp. MTCC 864 MTCC, Optimum pH 7.0 Patil et al., 2011
Chandigarh Optimum temperature 50.08C
b-galacosidase, resistant to organic
solvents and stable at 5–68C for
12–18 months on immobilization
using agar
6. Design of bioreactor for lactose hydrolysis in milk and other Ramakrishna et al., 2005
liquids that contain lactose as constituent sugar (Indian Patent No. 264609) Ramana et al., 2015
active sites from deactivation, and (6) convenience in tailoring within pH 3.5–4.5 which is close to acid whey is used in treatment of acid
utility limits (Ansari & Satar, 2012) (Table 1). whey from cottage cheese. Lactose hydrolysis also permits more
These prospects of modifying the b-galactosidase producing whey to be fed to cattle and other domesticated animals (Holsinger
microorganisms play a major role in economical and effective utilization & Kligerman, 1991).
of industrial processes involving the enzyme. On the other hand, 4. For the production of concentrated milk, hydrolysis of lactose is
growth of the microorganisms could be manipulated under semi-batch essential to minimize lactose crystallization. Lactose is the largest
or continuous fermentation conditions during bioprocess development. component in milk and whey which imparts sandy or gritty texture
Enzyme production can also be increased by incorporating suitable to dairy products such as condensed milk, evaporated milk, frozen
media ingredients and extraction of the enzyme by suitable modifica- milk, ice cream, and in confectionery products with high milk con-
tions of downstream processing protocols (Scheme 1). tent (Zarate & Leiva, 1990).
4 | b- G A L A C T O S I D A S E F R O M L A C T I C A C I D
1. Hydrolysis of lactose in milk for enhancing stability of milk and for
lactose intolerant population. A fungal lactase capable of reduction
of lactose content in fermented milk products and to enhance its
Lactic acid bacteria are highly preferred for the production of enzymes
sweetness during distribution period of 3–5 days at 108C (Wilde,
in dairy and food processing application and have an important role in
Baumgartner, Fertsch, & Hinrichs, 2001).
production of fermented dairy products, owing to their technological
2. Sweetener and functional protein production from hydrolyzed whey and health benefits. Optimal b-galactosidase production medium
lactose could be achieved in form of concentrated syrup containing required for lactic acid bacteria comprised of whey, skim milk, or whey
70–75% solids for sweetening ice creams, bakery, and confection- permeate supplemented with 1.0% whey protein or 0.2% yeast extract
ery products. Deproteinized, demineralized, and lactose hydrolyzed or 1.2 de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) broth. Skim milk alone was also
whey concentrated to 60–65% solids can be used as sugar syrup as found to support b-galactosidase production of 5.49 U/mL (Vasiljevic
replacement to corn syrup (Dziezak, 1991). & Jelen, 2001). b-Galactosidases extracted from pure cultures of Bifido-
3. Recovery of proteins, enzymes, and lactose from whey is not eco- bacterium angulatum, B. bifidum BB-12, B. adolescentis ANB-7, B. infan-
nomical and the release whey, obtained as by-product of cheese tis DSM-20088, and B. pseudolongum DSM-20099 were investigated
production is often banned in several countries due to the polluting for glycosyl transfer reactions for synthesis of GOS from lactose and
constituents contributing to high content of biochemical oxygen GOS was comparable to commercially available oligosaccharide Oligo-
demand (Zarate & Leiva, 1990). Aspergillus niger lactase with optimal mat 55 (Rabiu, Jay, Gibson, & Rastall, 2001). The induction of a- and
4 of 15 | XAVIER ET AL.
b-galactosidases production by six strains of Lactobacillus reuteri using expressed a b-galactosidase gene of Bifidobacterium breve in E. coli and
six carbohydrate and four protein sources were studied. L. reuteri CF2– found that the Km value for its natural substrate, that is, lactose is 52.5-
7F grown on raffinose showed highest a-galactosidase activity (10.55 fold higher (95.58 mM) than the synthetic substrate ONPGC
Gal U/mL), while lactose exhibited the highest b-galactosidase activity (1.82 mM). The enzyme was optically active at pH 7.0 and 458C.The
(43.82 Gal U/mL) while L. reuteri CF2–7F grown on yeast extract exhib- enzyme resulted in 42.0% of GOS in the presence of 1 M lactose.
ited the highest a- and b-galactosidases activities (15.27 and 12.88 Gal Another merit of the enzyme was nearly 97.0% lactose was hydrolyzed
U/mL, respectively). Thus, L. reuteri strain CF2–7F could be a good pro- in milk at 458C a desirable property for its industrial scale applications.
biotic candidate with applications as beneficial food additive or food
supplement (Alazzeh, Ibrahim, Song, Shahbazi, & AbuGhazaleh, 2009). 5 | FUNGAL AND YEAST ENZYME SOURCES
Carnobacterium sp. isolated from meat and fish samples is a O F b- G A L A C T O S I D A S E
recently reported genus of lactic acid bacteria. Psychrotrophic C. pisci-
cola strain BA with three b-galactosidase genes with homology to glu- Although, several organisms are known to produce b-galactosidase,
cosidases were detected in fragment cloned from the C. piscicola. The currently it is mainly obtained from a few Generally Recommended As
a-galactosidase gene agaA was followed by two genes of Safe (GRAS) status microorganisms such as, Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae,
b-galactosidase genes in the same orientation. The bgaB was a 2 kb and Kluyveromyces lactis. Lactase from K. lactis shows an optimum pH
b-galactosidase gene while bgaC encoded a structurally distinct 6.8–7.0 and optimally active at 358C whereas a lactase from K. fragilis
b-galactosidase protein with 1.76 kb base sequence. This gene arrange- displays optimum activity at pH of 4.8 and at 508C. K. lactis lactase is
ment was found to be unique to this bacterium and not found in any suitable for treating milk (pH 6.8) and sweet whey (pH 6.2). Lack of sta-
other lactic acid bacteria, including the Lactococcus lactis, for which the bility below pH 6.0 precludes its use for treating acid whey at pH 4.6.
entire genome sequence is known. The b-galactosidase bgaC showed K. fragilis lactase and A. niger lactase with pH optimum 4.0–4.5 and
its optimum activity at 408C with a half-life of 15 min at 458C. Activity good stability at pH 3.0–7.0 and a temperature optimum at 558C are
of a- and b-galactosidase declined in the C. piscicola in the presence of suitable for hydrolysis of lactose in acid whey (Holsinger & Kligerman,
glucose or lactose media (Coombs & Brenchley, 1999). The 1991). b-Galactosidase production and ethanol fermentation from
b-galactosidase from L. bulgaricus L3 synthesized GOS and through whey was reported using K. marxianus NCIM 3551 at laboratory scale.
beta galactosyl transfer to the OH-30 and OH-60 of lactose (Lu et al., Optimum b-galactosidase production and ethanol fermentation were
2012).The b-galactosidase gene from L. bulgaricus L3 was cloned and obtained with 16 hr old culture at an inoculum size of 10% for 20 hr at
expressed in Escherichia coli using the pET-21b vector. The purified pH 5.0 and at 258C (Gupte & Nair, 2010). Lactose-free, low cost
recombinant enzyme could catalyze glycosyl transfer from lactose to medium containing wheat bran 0.5% (w/v), corn steep liquor 1% (w/v),
sucralose, one of the most popular sweeteners. The dominant product and NaCl 5% (w/v) was optimized using response surface methodology
reached a maximal yield of 41.0% at the lactose/sucralose ratio of for production of b-galactosidase by a halo tolerant A. tubengensis GR1
1.5:1 for 15 hr. In another study, Yi, Alli, Park, and Lee (2011) have (Raol, Vimal, & Raol, 2014). The enzyme production was maximum
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(352.0 6 2.0 U/mL) after 96 hr of incubation and feasible for large scale 6 | PERMEABILIZATION OF BACTERIA AND
production on an industrial scale. b-Galactosidase obtained had a YEAST FOR ENZYME EXTRACTION
molecular weight of 93 kDa and was also found to be stable over wide
pH range and thermally stable at 60–658C up to 60 min of incubation Several chemicals including solvents, surfactants and emulsifying
while maximum activity was exhibited at 658C with pH 3.0. However, agents have been recognized to permeabilize yeast, fungi, and bacteria
the enzyme activity was found to be significantly activated in the pres- for utilizing their intracellular b-galactosidase for lactose hydrolysis.
ence of 15–30% NaCl concentration. In another study, b-galactosidase Among them, sodium dodecyl sulfate, triton X-100, sodium deoxycho-
exhibiting high activity in an extremely acidic pH region to neutral pH late, ox gall, ethanol, chloroform, toluene, acetone, and cetyl trimethyl
region was efficiently purified by Isobe, Naomi, Serina, Miho, and Taka- ammonium bromide were found to preserve the enzyme activity and
humi (2013) from an acidophilic fungus, Teratosphaeria acidotherma to limit the cell viability. In addition to the ease of preparation, perme-
AIU BGA-1isolated from an acidic and high temperature hot spring. abilized cells provide stability to enzymes in intracellular environment
Four intracellular b-D-galactosidases were produced with different pH against several chemical and physical inhibitors in complex milieu of
activity profiles, in which three were acidophilic and one was alkalo- process. L. reuteri was permeablized using 0.15% (v/v) ox gall and
philic in nature. The enzyme was stable in the pH range from 1.5 to enzyme activity of whole cell preparation was noticed to increase sev-
7.0, and exhibited optimal activity at pH 2.5–4.0 and 708C. 2-Nitro- eral fold after lyophilization of bacterial biomass (Valdez et al., 1997).
phenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside, 4-nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside, Once the enzyme is produced, down-stream processing becomes a
and lactose were rapidly hydrolyzed, and apparent Km values of the potential and significant factor depending on the location of enzyme,
enzyme were found to be 0.19, 1.2, and 170 mM, respectively. The as they are sometimes found to be cell wall bound only for a certain
molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 140 kDa with two period during growth cycle and after a particular growth phase is
hetero subunits of 86 and 50 kDa. The enzymes were remarkably dif- released into the culture medium (Rapp, 1995). L. delbrueckii subsp bul-
ferent from those of previously known fungal b-galactosidases and garicus 11842 produced intracellular b-galactosidase, hence lysis of
could be used in a wide pH range for hydrolysis of lactose. cells for extraction of intracellular pool of enzyme is the primary step
Recombinant Aspergillus b-galactosidases are robust glycomic and for extraction. Sonication or homogenization at high pressure and use
biotechnological tool, the recombinant expression and purification of of bead mill for disruption of cell biomass were found suitable for intra-
two previously uncharacterized b-galactosidases from A. nidulans as cellular enzyme extraction. Three passages through a homogenizer at
well as one from A. niger suitable for various glycobiological and bio- 135 MPa or a onetime 200 MPa pressure resulted in maximum enzyme
technological applications was reported by Dragosits et al. (2014). The extraction (Bury, Jelen, & Kalab, 2001). In another study, production of
recombinant enzymes were active toward p-nitrophenyl-b-D- b-galactosidase by an autolytic strain of Streptococcus salivarius sub. sp.
galactopyranoside as substrate and digested various complex sub- thermophilus 11F was noticed on cell lysis immediately after cessation
strates containing terminal galactose b-1,4 linked to either N- of growth of organism. The lactic acid bacteria were found suitable for
acetylglucosamine or fucose, such as N-glycans derived from bovine lactose hydrolysis as they are known to produce thermostable
fibrin and Caenorhabditis elegans. Comparative study of the recombi- b-galactosidases and methods exist for their permeabilization and for
nant galactosidases with the commercially available galactosidase from hydrolysis of lactose (Vasiljevic & Jelen, 2001).
Aspergillus oryzae, displayed various degrees of activity toward complex
oligosaccharides containing b-1,3-linked terminal galactose residues. 7 | T H E R M O S T A B L E b- G A L A C T O S I D A S E S
The enzymes were found to be robust in the presence of various
organic solvents, temperature variations, and freeze/thaw cycles and Extremophile organisms are a valuable source for production of
were able to synthesize GOS. Furthermore, the use of fermenters con- enzymes and development of various biotechnological processes (Agui-
siderably increased the yield of recombinant galactosidases. Moreover, lar, 1996). The glycoside hydrolase family 42 (GH42) consists of ther-
fungal b-galactosidases have also been successfully engineered in order mostable b-galactosidases that display significant variations in their
to achieve decreased product inhibition by galactose (Hu, Robin, Con- temperature optima and stabilities. b-Galactosidase is one of the rela-
nell, Walsh, & Wall, 2010; Kim & Rajagopal, 2000). In this regard, A. tively few enzymes that have been used in large-scale processes to
nidulans rlacA with high Ki for galactose, is a very interesting and suita- perform lactose hydrolysis and galacto-oligosaccharide production.
ble candidate for future protein engineering studies. The availability of Thus, the b-galactosidases obtained from various mesophilic, psychro-
crystal structures of closely related enzymes, including the recently philic, and thermophilic sources and their potential applications in bio-
reported structure of A. oryzae b-galactosidase (Maksimainen, Lampio, technology industry are discussed. Thermostable enzymes are wide
Mertanen, Turunen, & Rouvinen, 2013) could facilitate the directed spread among plants, animals, and microorganisms. They are optimally
engineering of fungal galactosidases toward decreased product inhibi- active between 60 and 1258C. These enzymes are unique in terms of
tion and engineering toward other relevant improved activities such as their protein structure and stability toward temperature, pH and chemi-
fucosidase (Zhang, Dawes, & Stemmer, 1997), glucuronidase (Xiong cals. Although thermozymes are predominantly found in thermophilic
et al., 2007), or glycosynthase activity (Shim, Chen, Rich, Goddard- microorganisms their growth temperature is in the range of 60–808C,
Borger, & Withers, 2012). for instance some of the food spoilage psychotrophic bacteria are
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found with thermostable proteases. Novel thermostable enzymes are and to the lactose hydrolyzed products such as galactose and glucose.
being investigated to make bioprocesses more efficient. In general ther- The study also explained the importance of metagenomic approach for
mostable enzymes are resistant to various chemicals and solvents in microorganisms containing 99% of the natural microflora. The investi-
addition to a higher optimum temperature, indicating their rigid protein gators produced b-Galactosidase optimally active at pH 6.8 and 788C;
conformation attributed to lower hydrogen exchange rate and lower however, displaying considerable activity between 40 and 708C. Sub-
susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. Molecular cloning has made it strate binding modes of 2 GH42 b-galactosidases, Bga B from Geobacil-
possible to express thermophilic and hyper thermophilic genes in meso- lus stearothermophilus, and A4-b-Gal from Thermus thermophilusA4
philic bacteria such as E. coli. Novel b-galactosidases derived from were compared with know the basis of the catalytic efficiency of the
recombinant vectors and by protein engineering approach are impor- enzyme. The A4-b-Gal has a catalytic triad (Glu312-Arg32-Glu35) with
tant for efficient recombinant microbial production systems and an extended hydrogen bond network that has not been observed in
thereby applications of recombinant enzymes as a relevant synthetic BgaB (Dong, Hai-Qin, Yan-Hui, Hao, & Wei, 2015).
tool in biotechnology. The union of specific physical and chemical prop- Biochemical studies were carried out in our laboratory on thermo-
erties of recombinant proteins with specific recognition of catalytic stable b-galactosidase extracted from yeast, Kluyveromyces lactis iso-
properties of biomolecules has led to their appearance in myriad novel lated from curd. The enzyme was optimally active at pH 6.8 and
biotechnological applications. temperature 408C. The divalent cations (Mn12, Mg12) increased the
b-Galactosidases from Aspergillus oryzae was used as a model enzyme activity maximally followed by monovalent cations (Na11, K11,
enzyme to study the effect of amino-epoxy (amino-epoxy-sepabeads) Li11) Activity of the enzyme could be enhanced by providing reducing
supports for enzyme immobilization and compared with conventional environment to the assay mixture (Pal, Pal, Ramana, & Bawa, 2009).
epoxy supports. The layer of high density epoxy groups are embedded b-Galactosidase from Bacillus sp. MTCC 864 was extracted, partially
over a layer of ethylene diamine on the substrate with great anionic purified and characterized in our laboratory revealed intracellular
exchanger strength. Rapid immobilization of enzymes at moderately b-galactosidase was a metalloenzyme with strict divalent metal ions
low ionic strength with improved enzyme stability over 12-fold was such as Mg11 and Mn11 to enhance its activity. The optimum enzyme
also noticed which could be attributed to some multipoint covalent activity was found at 50.08C and pH 7.0 and was found to be thermo-
attachment between the enzyme and the support (Mateo et al., 2003; stable and retained 70% of its original activity after 30 min of incuba-
Torres et al., 2003).The immobilization of a thermophilic tion at 60.08C. The properties of this enzyme is suitable for hydrolysis
b-galactosidase on Sepabeads support to decrease product inhibition, of lactose in milk around neutral pH and other dairy operations (Patil,
immobilization conditions for strong reversible immobilization of large Ramana, & Bawa, 2011).
beta-galactosidases from E. coli and Thermus sp. proteins, on tailor-
made anionic exchangers by controlling the nature of support were 8 | C O L D - A C T I V E b- G A L A C T O S I D A S E S
studied by Pessela et al. (Pessela et al., 2003; Pessela et al., 2006). Pes- FROM PSYCHROPHILIC AND
sela, Fernandez-Lafuente, et al. (2007) also cloned and overexpressed PSYCHROTROPHIC MICROORGANISMS
aglA gene from Thermus sp. strain T2 of a thermostable alpha-
galactosidase, in Escherichia coli strain MC 2508 and the purified Cold active enzymes are widely produced by marine bacteria that are
enzyme proved to be thermostable, retaining high levels of activity naturally either psychrophiles or psychrotrophs. Dalmaso, Davis, and
even after incubation at 708C. The b-galactosidases from hyperthermo- Alane (2015) reported that cold-adapted enzymes unfold at moderate
philes such as Thermotoga maritima (BgalC), Pyrococcus woesei, and temperatures due to the lower intramolecular stabilizing interactions
Thermus sp. IB-21 (BgaA) were reported to be highly thermostable and necessary for flexibility at low temperatures. Cold-adapted b-galactosi-
typically exhibit optimal activity between 80 and 958C and from dase obtained from marine bacteria have diverse biofunctional charac-
pH5.5–6.5 using o-NPG or p-NPG as a substrate. Recombinant teristics and could hydrolyze lactose producing low-lactose or lactose-
b-galactosidase from T. naphthophila RUK-10 of GH family 42 has free dairy products at low temperatures (48C). Bacteria which grow at
been cloned and expressed in E. coli. The enzyme showed maximum o- 0–58C and even at temperatures exceeding 258C are considered psy-
NPG hydrolysis activity at 908C and pH 6.8, and showed optimum lac- chrotrophic/cold-active. Cold-active microorganisms profusely grow at
tose hydrolysis activity at 708C and pH 5.8. The excellent thermostabil- low-temperatures in comparison to mesophiles. These bacteria could
ity and promising transglycosylation activity of this enzyme suggests its be isolated from sub-zero temperature habitats of Antarctica and Arctic
usefulness for industrial applications, especially for the synthesis of pole as well as from marine and fresh water lake sediments, which are
alkyl galactopyranosides (Katrolia et al., 2011). A gene encoding an permanently or temporarily exposed to extreme cold-habitats (Singh &
extremely thermostable b-galactosidase from Pyrococcus furiosus (Pflac- Ramana, 1998; Ramana, Singh, & Dhaked, 2000; Ramana & Singh,
tase) cloned and expressed in E. coli BL21. The enzyme exhibited both 2000; Ramana, Sulekha, & Bawa, 2003). Initially these microorganisms
b-galactosidase and b-glucosidase activity and displayed optimal activ- have been isolated for elucidating their basic mechanism of cold-
ity at 908C and pH 7.0 in phosphate buffer (Dong, Xufan, Minhui, & tolerance.
Ziwen, 2014). An ideal b-galacosidase should be able to hydrolyze the substrate
A metagenomic investigation was carried out by Zhang et al. at pH 6.7–6.8 with substantial activity at lower temperature (4- 88C) to
(2013) for the production of b-galactosidase with high thermostability achieve enzymatic hydrolysis of lactose during shipping and storage of
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milk. In principle b-galactosidases produced by yeast and fungi are during storage in aqueous solution which could be attributed to the
active in acidic range of pH 5.0–6.5, whereas the b-galactosidase pro- larger inner/surface pores of the calcium matrix (Fan, Jiang, Xiao,
duced by cold-active Candida sp. had displayed activity between pH Yuzhu, & Ruijin, 2017).
5.0 and 8.5 and was active over a wide range of temperature from 0.0 b-Galactosidase from the Antarctic marine bacterium P. haloplank-
to 55.08C. The ability of the cold-active bacteria and yeast such as Can- tis was studied for hydrolysis of lactose in whey permeate. Whey per-
dida sp., Pseudoalteromonas sp. DFR1, and Pseudoalteromonas DFR6 to meate contains a valuable amount of lactose, which is an interesting
grow in nutrient broth supplemented with 1.0% (w/v) lactose shows source for d-galactose production, which in turn can be converted into
that the enzyme containing biomass can be readily obtained for its the alternative low-calorie bulk sweetener d-tagatose. Optimal hydroly-
large scale application. The hydrolytic activity of these enzymes in very sis efficiencies were reached at an incubation temperature of 238Cand
dilute buffer systems or even distilled water indicates that these at a pH of 7.0 and 8.0, although a higher production of GOS was
enzymes can be functional in the absence of buffer. We suggest that it observed in whey permeate at 238C compared with 158C, indicating
is useful property for this enzyme application in food processing, where the promotion of GOS formation at a higher temperature in whey per-
buffer addition is impractical. Psychrophilic bacteria can grow on lac- meate. These results indicated lactose hydrolysis of whey permeate at
tose as a sole carbon source at less than 58C. b-Galactosidase of refrigeration temperatures reducing the risk of microbial contamination,
Arthrobacter psychrophilus was active even at 08C, while some strains an important factor during dairy products processing and for produc-
were capable of producing isozymes (Ramana & Singh, 2000). tion of GOS at higher temperatures (Voorde, Goiris, Syryn, Van den, &
A cold-active b-galactosidase was isolated from Paracoccus sp. 32d Aerts, 2014).
by Wierzbicka et al. (2011). The enzyme was found suitable for the A gene encoding a novel b-d-galactosidase from the psychrotoler-
hydrolyzing lactose at refrigerated temperatures in milk. Hydrolysis of ant Antarctic bacterium Arthrobacter sp. 32cB was cloned and
lactose is also needed to reduce its hygroscopicity in addition to expressed in E. coli. Two units of the enzyme hydrolyzed 90% of the
increasing sweetness and reducing lactose intolerance. The cold active lactose in 1 mL of milk at 108C in 24 hr. GOS were also synthesized in
b-galactosidase is found to reduce mesophile contamination during the temperature range from 10 to 308C along with heterooligosaccharides
hydrolysis of lactose in milk and to save energy in industrial scale proc- such as lactulose, galactosyl-xylose and galactosyl-arabinose, alkyl gly-
esses. A novel bgaL gene from Paracoccus sp. 32d encoding a novel cosides, and glycosylated salicin from lactose and the appropriate
cold-active b-D-galactosidase and expressed in E. coli and enabled effi- acceptors at 308C. b-d-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB is an
cient production of soluble form of BgaL Paracoccus sp. 32d, a new interesting candidate for industrial removal of lactose from milk and a
industrial biocatalyst for efficient lactose hydrolysis in milk. A novel promising tool for the glycosylation of various thermosensitive accept-
gene encoding a cold-adapted b-galactosidase (R-b-Gal) belonging to ors (Anna et al., 2014).
GH 42 from a psychrophilic gram-negative bacterium Rahnella sp. R3
isolated and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3) by Fan et al. (2015). In 9 | CELL AND ENZYME IMMOBILIZATION
solution, the enzyme was found to be a homo-trimer and was active at AND PROCESS OPTIMIZATION
temperatures as low as 48C while the purified enzyme displayed Km val-
ues of 6.5 mM for ONPG and 2.2 mM for lactose at 48C. Another cold Application of soluble enzymes for industrial scale production of lac-
active b-galactosidase from Planococcus sp-L4 (bgal) was optimized for tose hydrolyzed milk is limited in view of high enzyme costs. Logistics
expression of recombinant “BGalP” in Pichia pastoris (Mahdian et al., of large scale preparation of lactose hydrolyzed milk could be improved
2016). It was active at temperatures ranging from 0.0 to 558C and using immobilized enzyme preparations in continuous reactors. Enzyme
denatured at or above 608C with an optimal activity at pH 6.5. The immobilization methodology offers various advantages such as efficient
enzyme aids in breakdown of lactose in chilled milk and gets deacti- reuse of the enzyme, continuous operation, enhanced stability, under
vated on pasteurization which would minimize energy consumption storage and operational conditions, trouble-free separation from the
and also found to be useful in preservation of nutritional elements of reaction medium, minimizing, or eliminating protein contamination of
milk. Cold active b-galactosidase had a strong preference toward tiny the product, low or no allergenicity, due to the inability of since an
and small amino acids with more of a -helix region attributed for tem- immobilized enzyme to penetrate the skin easily (Sheldon & Van Pelt,
perature tolerance, whereas high temperature inhabitants had higher 2013). Enzymes immobilized in various matrices facilitate enzyme reus-
content of basic and aromatic amino acids with higher percentage of ability, continuous bioprocessing, better control over the biochemical
sheet and coil region. Rao, Rao, Vimal, and Kamlesh (2015) reported process, and product formation along with automation. Immobilized
preference or prevalence of certain amino acids in primary and second- enzymes are preferred over free enzymes owing to their stability at
ary structure of psychrophilic, mesophilic, and thermophilic b–galacto- over a wide range of pH and temperatures. The immobilized enzymes
sidases. Cold-adapted b-galactosidase capable of producing low- are easy to handle and are essential to avoid product contamination
lactose or lactose-free dairy products at low temperatures (48C) was with enzymes when the products are intended for application as foods
extracted from Rahnella sp. R3. The enzyme was encapsulated using and pharmaceuticals. It is widely reported that immobilized enzymes
gellan gum using calcium and magnesium based hydrogel beads to are robust and can be functional in organic solvents owing to protein
increase stability and usage. b-Galactosidase was found to release stabilization in the process of immobilization. Broadly enzyme immobili-
more rapidly from the Ca21 hydrogel beads than the Mg21 hydrogels zation is achieved by adsorption, covalent bonding, entrapment, or
8 of 15 | XAVIER ET AL.
through cross-linking of enzyme molecules. All the above process has substrates such as micro porous sheets, glass beads, and carbon for
been employed for immobilization of b-galactosidase for application in packed bed reactors and alginate, cellulose acetate, and titanium diox-
process of lactose hydrolysis in milk and whey products as well as for ide for process applications may result in increased activity by provid-
the preparation of oligosaccharides (Razi & Sardar, 2016). The moder- ing a suitable microenvironment and better thermostability, and pH
ate stability of enzyme b-galactosidase is a major limitation for its appli- tolerance for the enzyme. Covalent attachment of enzymes to chitosan,
cations in food and dairy industry which could be stabilized by using polyurethane foam, alginate, and gelatin have been investigated to a
strategies such as enzyme immobilization. The increase in the enzyme
large extent (Garcia-Galan, Angel, Roberto, & Rafael, 2011). An immobi-
stability in order to facilitate repetitive usage in diverse processing con- lized Kluyveromyces lactis lactase entrapped in cellulose triacetate fibers
ditions including continuous reactors is the major advantage of immobi- was the first commercial application of immobilized enzyme by the firm
lized enzyme technology. Subunit-subunit interactions of multimeric Centrale del Latte of Milan, Italy. Sumitomo Chemical, Japan, also
enzymes could be stabilized or enhanced by covalent immobilization immobilized b-galactosidase on a amphoteric ion exchange resin of
using various supports (Fernandez-Lafuente, 2009; Mateo, Urrutia, Gui- phenol formaldehyde polymer and is used for producing lactose free
san, Wilson, & Illanes, 2013). The covalent immobilization of enzyme milk and hydrolyzed whey (Parmjit, Panesar, Shweta, & Reeba, 2010).
also protects it from high temperature, microbial contamination, and Pessela et al. (2008) have used a battery of new heterofunctional
oxidative inactivation. Intermittent rinsing and sterilization by method epoxy supports to immobilize beta-galactosidase. The capability of a
of pasteurization using acetic acid solution or quaternary ammonium standard Sepabeads-epoxy support to immobilize beta-galactosidase
salt such as benzalkonium chloride along with changing in direction of from Thermus sp. strain T2 can be equal with other Sepabeads-epoxy
medium feeding would be helpful in reducing the problems of microbial supports partially modified with boronate, iminodiacetic, metal che-
contamination, protein adherence and channeling (Honda et al., 1987; lates, and ethylenediamine. Immobilization yields depended on the sup-
Honda et al., 1993; Honda & Takafuji,1987). Increased heat stability of port, ranging from 95% using Sepabeadsepoxy-chelate, Sepabeads-
lactases through immobilization methods were reported (Zhou & Chen, epoxy-amino, or Sepabeads-epoxy-boronic to 5% using Sepabeads-
2001). Moderate stability of b-galactosidase is one of the limitations epoxy-IDA. Modulation of catalytic properties of multimeric enzymes
that hamper its implementation for industrial scale applications. For lac- using various immobilization strategies were studied using
tose hydrolysis, addition of immobilized b-galactosidase directly to b-galactosidases obtained from E. coli by using substrates such as
whole milk during large scale industrial applications is cost-effective glyoxyl, epoxy, or BrCN groups or by glutaraldehyde crosslinking on
due to the possibility of reuse of the enzyme after complete lactose matrices containing primary amino groups were studied.
hydrolysis. Centrale del Latte of Milan, Italy, utilized the SNAM Progetti b-Galactosidase was used as a model multimeric enzyme, whose active
technology for cellulose triacetate fiber entrapped Kluyveromyces lactis center may be determined by the exact assembly of various enzyme
lactase. subunits, which causes alterations in catalytic properties by slight dis-
Microenvironment of enzymes tend to get altered due to varied tortion in the enzyme subunit. Although, yield and activity recoveries
interactions of matrices and substrates/products based on physical and were 100% for immobilized enzyme the specificity was altered. Euper-
chemical properties and pH is one of the important factors which gets git C immobilized b-galactosidases indicated the possibility of obtaining
altered due to immobilization thus changing the optimum pH for enzymes with different properties using various immobilization meth-
enzyme activity. The change in acidic and basic amino acid side chain ods (Pessela et al., 2007). Lactose hydrolysis by covalently immobilized
ionization around its active site and surrounding microenvironment b-galactosidase into carrageenan coated with chitosan was accom-
results in shift in optimum pH, that is, broadening of pH range or shift- plished by Elnashar and Yassin (2009). Immobilized cold-active
ing to acidic or basic range. The charge and surface area of the matrix recombinant b-galactosidase of Antarctic marine bacterium Pseudoal-
plays a crucial role along with the type of matrix used for immobiliza- teromonas sp. 22b on glutaraldehyde-treated chitosan beads was
tion. A positively charged matrix leads to repulsion of protons and reported by Klein et al. (2013). The immobilized preparation was not
attracts electrons thus shifting the optimum pH toward the basic side. inhibited by glucose and optimum temperature for activity was 508C,
In the same way, negatively charged matrix shifts the optimum pH to optimum pH range was pH 6–9 and was stable in a broad range of
the acidic side. The surface charge density of the matrix is important NaCl concentrations (up to 3 M). The immobilized b-galactosidase was
for the shift in pH. The optimum pH range is broadened when a large active for 40 days and continuously hydrolyzed lactose at 158C and
quantity of enzyme activity is available per unit of matrix resulting in was shelf stable at 48C up to12 months. Immobilization of the yeast K.
increased concentration of products, due to high intrinsic specific activ- lactis NRRL Y-1104 in agar was also found to impart remarkable and
ity termed as Zulu effect. The substrate molecules would be hindered prolonged enzyme stability over a period of 12–18 months. The K. lac-
from reacting with active site due to increased enzyme concentration tis b-galactosidase covalently immobilized by Ansari, Rukhsana, San-
at surface or inside of the matrix used for immobilization. This mecha- desh, and Mohd (2013) on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
nism leads to constant reaction rates for longer duration despite varia- functionalized by glutaraldehyde increased binding of enzyme and was
tions in pH of the reaction mixture (Dwevedi, 2016). found to be an ideal matrix for enzyme immobilization. The optimal pH
For food applications, polymers of biological origin are favored for soluble and immobilized b-galactosidase was observed at pH 7.0
while simple methods and inexpensive supports are important for while the optimal operating temperatures were 40.0 and 50.08C,
industrial applications. The enzyme immobilization methods using respectively. Moreover, the immobilized b-galactosidase retained
XAVIER ET AL. | 9 of 15
greater biocatalytic activity at higher galactose concentration and upon processing applications. The food grade chitosan–genipin particles
repeated uses as compared with enzyme in solution. b-Galactosidase showed increased operational stability maintaining 100% of the initial
from K. fragilis immobilized on chitosan coagulated with KOH and acti- activity of enzyme after 25 batches of lactose hydrolysis in comparison
vated with glutaraldehyde, showed immobilization yield and recovered to the traditional methodology of immobilization using glutaraldehyde
activity up to 100%. Immobilized b-galactosidase was 3- to 5-fold which is not food grade. Pectinex Ultra SP-L,a commercial preparation
more stable than the soluble enzyme at 40 and 208C, respectively. The of b-galactosidase extracted from Aspergillus aculeatus was covalently
immobilized biocatalyst was capable of efficiently hydrolyzing lactose immobilized using glyoxyl-modified mesoporous silica supports and
into the whole milk at 258C, and showed similar performance even assayed for production of GOS. The yield of GOS was 20.2% by trans-
after four consecutive batches (Vieira et al., 2013). galactosylation activity of enzyme within the porous support frame-
In recent times, even nanoparticles are investigated as efficient work whereas yield was only 11.2% in free conditions. In addition,
enzyme immobilization matrices. Furthermore, magnetic nanoparticles these silica-based biocatalysts were reusable for three times even at
have attracted much attention for enzyme immobilization as they are 508C the thermal deactivation temperature of the enzyme (Gonzalez-
readily recoverable from reaction milieu. Biospecific adsorption of A. s (2017) also
Delgado et al., 2018). Guerrero, Carlos, and Andre
oryzae b-galactosidase on glutaraldehyde functionalized nanodiamonds reported highest yields of lactulose using Aspergillus sp. b-galactosidase
(NDs) of 20 nm size with enzyme activity of 7,420 U/g was reported. immobilized in glyoxyl-agarose (GA-bG), amino-glyoxyl-agarose (Am-
The optimal pH and temperature for soluble and immobilized GA-bG), and chelate-glyoxyl-agarose (Che-GA-bG) in comparison to
b-galactosidase was observed at pH 4.5 and at 508C, respectively.
free enzyme. Immobilized b-galactosidase on macrospheres of chitosan
Modified NDs bound b galactosidase showed improved hydrolysis of
synthesized products such as lactosucrose (79 g/L), GOS (37 g/L), and
lactose from solution in batch processes at various temperatures even
250 g/L of total oligosaccharides at pH 7.0 and 308C. The immobiliza-
after 10 hr even after 2 months of storage, thereby suggesting its use
tion also increased the thermal stability up to 260-fold. The maximal
for hydrolyzing lactose in dairy products. The use of packed-bed reac-
lactosucrose synthesis occurred for 30 cycles on substrate composition
tor (PBRs) for lactose hydrolysis and GOS synthesis may replace batch
of 300 g/L of sucrose, 300 g/L of lactose, and 8.5 mg of chitosan per
reactors, with several cost reductions and operational advantages,
mL which fulfills the important criteria of enzyme reuse through immo-
including reduced reaction inhibition by substrate and products (Ansari
bilization (Duarte et al., 2017).
et al., 2015). Immobilization of b-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lac-
b-Galactosidases produced in our laboratory using Kluyveromyces
tis on glutaraldehyde-activated chitosan and used in a PBR for continu-
lactis NRRL Y-1104, Pseudoalteromonas sp. DFR1, and Pseudoalteromo-
ous hydrolysis of lactose and synthesis of GOS was studied.
nas DFR6, were found to be suitable for lactose hydrolysis at sub-
Immobilization increased the range of operational pH and temperature.
ambient temperatures. Whereas another K. lactis sp. isolated from curd
Almost complete lactose hydrolysis was achieved for both milk whey
sample was found to be thermostable but inactivated in the presence
and lactose solution at 378C at flow rates up to 2.6 mL/min. Maximal
of acetone. The K. lactis N-1104 was particularly suitable for immobili-
GOS concentration of 26 g/L was obtained at a flow rate of 3.1 mL/
zation as it could with stand treatment with ethanol and acetone (Pal,
min, with a productivity of 186 g/L/h. Steady-state operation for 15
Pal, & Ramana, 2007). The enzyme from B. coagulans was also found to
days showed the reactor stability concerning lactose hydrolysis (Klein
be thermostable as well as resistant to treatment with organic solvents
et al., 2013). In a recent study, b-galactosidase was immobilized on chi-
such as acetone and ethanol (Patil et al., 2011). We have been working
tosan coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles with or without tris(hydroxymethyl)
with lactic acid bacteria, Antarctic bacteria, Bacillus sp. and K. lactis and
phospine, the immobilized enzyme was found with high activity in a
Kluyveromyces sp. to produce the cell bound (intracellular and extracel-
wide range of temperatures and pH of in the case of immobilized
enzyme preparations. The enzyme was used for the production of GOS lular) b-galactosidase resulting in the development of processes for
using 36% (w/v) lactose resulting in 50.5% GOS on dry weight basis. their utilization to lactose hydrolysis. Because these microorganisms
Immobilization of b-galactosidase on magnetic nanoparticles are mainly could produce cell bound b-galactosidase various permeabilization
for feasible recovery of the enzyme and reuse for economic considera- methods have been developed using ethanol/CTAB in buffer, toluene–
tions (Chen, Qiaojuan, Zhengqiang, Yu, & Yuchen, 2015). Peirce et al. chloroform mixture, and acetone in phosphate buffer. The permeabl-
(2016) reported coimmobilization of b-galactosidase from Aspergillus ized lactic acid bacterial biomass was utilized for the preparation low-
oryzae and lipase B from Candida antarctica, where the combi-catalyst lactose containing milk products. Various immobilization methods such
provided optimum conditions for lipase immobilization on octyl- as agar, cellulose acetate, and cellulose sheet have been developed
agarose. The reduced stability of b-galactosidase even after multipoint which are the prominent for their real time applications for the cell
covalent attachment permitted the reuse of the most stable enzyme bound enzyme. The enzyme activity in permeablized whole cells dis-
after inactivation of the least stable b-galactosidase used for coimmobi- played remarkable stability in agar entrapped yeast cells over a period
lization. The combi-catalyst could be inactivated using 300 mM NaCl at of 12–18 months when stored at 5–68C. The yeast biomass immobili-
608C and pH 7, to rapidly inactivate b-gal without altering the activity zation in cellulose acetate demonstrated remarkable stability wherein
of coimmobilized lipase. Klein et al. (2016) reported immobilization of the entrapped enzyme was found to be highly suitable for multiple
b-d-galactosidase obtained from Aspergillus oryzae on a chitosan sup- uses (as high as 60 times on repeated washing buffer and incubation
port with genipin, a naturally occurring cross linking reagent for food with substrate mixture) over a period of 9–10 days (Pal et al., 2009).
10 of 15 | XAVIER ET AL.
10 | LACTOSE HYDROLYSIS USING was 69.7%. Al-Qodah, Al-Shannag, Al-Busoul, Penchev, and Orfali
BIOREACTORS (2017) recently reviewed the usage of immobilized enzyme bioreactors
utilizing magnetic field where the magnetic supports or beads with
Application of soluble b-galactosidases on industrial scale is limited immobilized enzymes as the solid phase. The magnetic field was found
mainly due to the logistics involved in use of enzymes. Immobilized to be employed in bioreactors for purposes such as mixing, attracting
enzymes and cells enable the optimum utilization of their activity in a the particles to prevent their washout from the column and to operate
bioreactor resulting in increased overall process efficiency. GOS pro- with higher substrate velocities to enhance mass transfer processes.
duction in a continuous packed bed reactor (PBR) using immobilized b- The magnetic field enhanced the activity and conversion rates of the
galactosidase could be an alternative for GOS production. Fed-batch immobilized enzyme which could be due to the intensive mixing or the
fermentation (3,694.6 U/L) and semi-continuous fermentation (5,551.9 operation with higher medium flow rates leading to improved mass
U/L) strategies further enhanced b-galactosidase production by 1.8 transfer between the medium and enzyme.
and 2.8 fold, respectively (Choonia & Lele, 2013). A highly active and We have designed and developed a bioreactor for lactose hydroly-
stable derivate of immobilized B. circulans b-galactosidase was sis in milk and other liquids that contain lactose as constituent sugar.
prepared for the synthesis of GOS under repeated-batch operation. Bioreactor technology for the hydrolysis of lactose in milk through an
B. circulans b-galactosidase was immobilized on monofunctional glyoxyl immobilized enzyme was developed in our laboratory (Ramakrishna,
agarose and three hetero functional supports: amino-carboxy-, and Ramana, & Bawa, 2005). An Indian patent titled has been granted for
chelate-glyoxyl agarose. Glyoxyl agarose was the support with highest the development of temperature controlled immobilized enzyme bio-
immobilization yield and stability being selected for central composite reactor (Ramana, Ramakrishna, & Bawa, 2015). The bioreactor has
rotatable design for optimization of immobilization conditions and been developed for the retention of immobilized enzyme preparation
application in GOS synthesis. Optimal conditions of immobilization for continuous operation at selected temperature between 5.0 and
were 28.9 mg/g and 36.4 hr of contact, resulting in a biocatalyst with 75.08C, employing different immobilized enzyme preparations for dif-
595 IU/g and a half-life 89-fold higher than soluble enzyme. Immobili- ferent operational temperatures. The bioreactor temperature is adjusta-
zation process was found not to alter the synthetic capacity of ble by continuous circulation of cold or hot water to maintain the
b-galactosidase, obtaining the same GOS yield and product profile than temperature. The bioreactor is intended for use at lower, ambient and
the free enzyme. GOS yield and productivity also remained unchanged high temperatures and comprises of three concentric cylinders of dif-
along ten repeated batches, with values of 39% (w/w) and 5.7 g GOS/ ferent diameters. The lower and high temperatures are preferred for
g of biocatalyst per batch. Total product obtained after 10 batches of reasons of minimizing the microbial contamination. Most of the bio-
reaction was 56.5 g GOS/g of biocatalyst (1956 g GOS/g protein). reactors reported previously by various workers are simple columns for
Cumulative productivity in terms of mass of contacted protein was use as packed bed columns without much concern for temperature
higher for the immobilized enzyme than for its soluble counterpart control of the reactor.
from the second batch of synthesis onward (Mateo et al., 2013). War-
merdam et al. (2014) reported that the product composition of GOS 11 | PREBIOTIC OLIGOSACCHARIDE
obtained on using immobilized enzyme in a PBR was on par with GOS SYNTHESIS
composition obtained using a batch reactor with free enzyme, and the
productivity of GOS was six times higher. The immobilized enzyme Transgalactosylation is inherent property associated with
was stable at a lactose concentration of 38% (w/v) and at 508C while b-galactosidase and oligosaccharide formation occur during lactose
the half-life time of the immobilized enzyme was around 90 days. hydrolysis. The transfer of galactosyl moiety of lactose into acceptor
Carević et al. (2016) reported immobilization protocol for molecules containing hydroxyl groups other than water yields, prebiotic
b-galactosidase extracted from Aspergillus oryzae using Purolite® A- GOS with varied degree of polymerization and different glycosidic link-
109, a polystyrenic macroporous resin for GOS synthesis in a bioreac- ages (Park & Oh, 2010). b-linked oligosaccharides with a degree of
tor. The immobilized enzyme retained 73% activity after 10 cycles of polymerization (DP) of 2–9 that are composed of galactose and may
usage and yielded GOS of 100 g/L in a fluidized bed reactor in a contain one glucose unit, typically at the reducing end are termed as
medium containing 400 g/L lactose, pH 4.5, 508C. The immobilized GOS (Van Leeuwen, Kuipers, Dijkhuizen, & Kamerling, 2016). Depend-
enzyme was found to have higher affinity toward catalyzing transgalac- ing upon the substrate, transgalactosylation of lactose by
tosylation than hydrolysis and shift of pH optimum toward more acidic b-galactosidase yields a mixture of glucose, galactose, lactose, and
conditions. Vasileva, Yavor, Stanka, Iliana, and Tzonka (2016) studied GOS. Production of delactosed milk and dairies has been traditionally
the covalently immobilization of b-galactosidase using a polypropylene carried out by the hydrolytic activity of b-galactosidases, while transga-
membrane modified using glutaraldehyde. The lactose hydrolysis and lactosylation activity is used for synthesis of lactose-derived oligosac-
stability for the immobilized enzyme was found to be 1.6- and 2.0-fold, charides. Transgalactosylation takes place at elevated temperatures
respectively. Glucose–galactose syrup from waste whey was obtained from concentrated lactose solutions so b-galactosidases acting at ele-
by lactose hydrolysis in a bioreactor using the immobilized enzyme on vated temperatures would be helpful in achieving high reaction rates
a spirally wound membrane. After 10 hr, the degree of lactose hydroly- and higher GOS yields (Hsu, Yu, & Chou, 2005; Park & Oh, 2010).The
sis increased to 91% and even after 20th cycle the yield of bioreactor prebiotic properties and increasing the yield of GOS through process
XAVIER ET AL. | 11 of 15
engineering were reviewed by Gänzle (2012) and Macfarlane et al. productivity of GOS production using immobilized enzyme in a PBR
(2008) while the structure of GOS has been elucidated by Van Leeu- could be more than six times higher than that of GOS production with
wen et al. (2016). Chen, Hsu, and Chiang (2002) reported that the free enzyme in a batch reactor as reported by Warmerdam et al.
amount of GOS formed in milk is much less in comparison to the con- (2014).
centration of lactose in buffer solutions. Two protocols were used for GOS were synthesized by enzymatic transgalactosylation in
making low-lactose and high-oligosaccharide milk. In the first method skimmed milk permeate fortified with lactose 40% (w/w) using
b-galactosidase was used to transform lactose in evaporated milk into b-galactosidases derived from A. aculeatus, A. oryzae, K. lactis, and B.
oligosaccharides, while in the second ultra-filtration was used to sepa- circulans. The GOS yields expressed as a percentage of the initial lac-
rate the lactose from milk and the permeate devoid of milk proteins tose content were 41.0%, 21.0%, 13.0%, and 11.0% under optimal con-
was concentrated by evaporation. Furthermore, GOS production was ditions. B. circulans enzyme also revealed highest affinity to
investigated by an immobilized enzyme preparation by Neri et al. transgalactosylation relative to hydrolysis. HPAEC-PAD/MS results
(2009). The enzyme immobilization was achieved using magnetic poly- showed similarities in GOS are mainly di-, tri-, and a few tetra-
siloxane–polyaniline particles. saccharides, especially with b-galactosidases from A. oryzae, A. aculea-
b-Galactosidases from A. oryzae and B. circulans exhibited high tus, and K. lactis with a preference toward b-galactosyl residues b(1–6)
transgalactosylation activity, while those from Kluyveromyces exhibited (Frenzel, Katja, Clawin-Rädecker, & Peter, 2015). Some of the enzyme
high hydrolytic activity but quite low transgalactosylation activity. The properties play a crucial role for development of optimal bioprocesses
effect of enzyme to substrate ratio, initial lactose concentration and based on b-galactosidases for lactose hydrolysis and GOS formation
temperature has been studied for the kinetically controlled reaction of are listed below:
lactose transgalactosylation with A. oryzae b-galactosidase, to produce
prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) was reported. Highest yield of (a) Extensive screening to find suitable microorganisms with superior
29 g GOS/100 g lactose added was obtained at a lactose monohydrate enzyme traits.
initial concentration of 50% (w/w) and 47.58C. Highest specific produc- (b) Identification of renewable and readily available media
tivity of 0.38 g GOS hr21 mg enzyme21 was obtained at lactose mono- ingredients.
hydrate initial concentration of 40% (w/w) and 558C, where a
(c) Availability of thermostable and cold active enzymes for reducing
maximum yield of 27 g GOS/100 g lactose added was reached. When
the chances of contamination during the process.
lactose precipitation occurred, values of yields and specific productiv-
(d) b-galactosidase preparations free from contaminating proteases
ities lower than 22 g GOS/100 g lactose added and 0.03 g GOS hr21
and lipases to ameliorate the quality of the product.
mg enzyme21 were obtained, respectively (Vera et al., 2012).
Galactosidase from A. oryzae was immobilized in glyoxyl-agarose (e) Immobilized b-galactosidase preparation for continuous
for the synthesis of GOS from lactose at high concentrations. In the operation.
sequential batch production of GOS, biocatalyst efficiency was (f) Constitutive production of b-galactosidase in microorganisms
increased by 190% with respect to the free enzyme in solution, and without the need for incorporating inducers and to overcome
8,500 g of GOS per gram of enzyme preparation were produced after complex regulatory mechanisms.
ten batches (Huerta, Carlos, Cecilia, Lorena, & Andres, 2011). Enzy-
(g) Protein engineering and heterologous expression of enzyme for
matic transgalactosylation of lactose in presence of fructose using
enhanced stability and to scale-up of production.
b-galactosidase from K. lactis leading to the formation of oligosaccha-
(h) Screening for enzymes with low feedback-inhibition in the pres-
rides was investigated in detail by Shen et al. (2012). The reaction mix-
ence of high concentrations of glucose and galactose.
ture discovered two main transgalactosylation products such as allo-
lactulose as the major transgalactosylation product and lactulose the (i) Solvent tolerant version of b-galactosidase for organic synthesis
minor one. The maximum yields of allolactulose and lactulose were in organic solvents.
47.5 and 15.4 g/L, respectively, at 66.5% lactose conversion. (j) Effective use of aqueous-two phase systems for enzyme purifica-
Palai et al. (2014) immobilized b-galactosidase enzyme on a hydro- tion or single step methods such as expanded bed chromatogra-
phobic PVDF membrane by cross-linking via glutaraldehyde and inves- phy for enzyme purification which may lead to cost effective
tigated GOS formation feed under recirculation loop. Maximum GOS production of enzymes thereby leading to their large scale appli-
formation was observed to be 30% at 50 g/L ILC, a 0.5 mL/min feed cations in food processing.
flow rate (1.5 mL/min recirculation rate), and 408C. The immobilized
enzyme could be stored for longer periods of time without losing much
initial activity as compared with the native enzyme. The usage of 12 | CONCLUSIONS
immobilized enzyme in a continuous packed bed reactor (PBR) is a
good alternative for GOS production instead of the traditional use of b-Galactosidase is a widely occurring enzyme in plants, animals, yeast,
free enzyme in batch reactor. The stability of the immobilized enzyme and molds, and bacteria in the nature with varied biochemical proper-
at a lactose concentration of 38% (w/v) and at 508C was very high ties and production pattern in each genus. Although the purified
with a half-life time of approximately 90 days. The enzymatic enzyme from yeast and molds is already in use, the lactic acid bacteria
12 of 15 | XAVIER ET AL.
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