UK Parliamentary Sovereignty: Definition, Challenges & Limitations
UK Parliamentary Sovereignty: Definition, Challenges & Limitations
UK Parliamentary Sovereignty: Definition, Challenges & Limitations
UK Parliamentary Sovereignty
UK Parliamentary Sovereignty
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However, with the UK's decision to leave the EU and the eventual
enactment of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, the
supremacy of EU law in the UK has ceased, restoring the full
scope of Parliamentary Sovereignty. Nevertheless, the impact of
EU membership on Parliamentary Sovereignty during the UK's
membership remains an essential aspect of understanding the
limitations placed upon it in certain periods.
Although the HRA does not grant the courts an outright power to
invalidate primary legislation, it restricts the scope of
Parliamentary Sovereignty by imposing obligations to adhere to
the ECHR's human rights framework. The impact of the HRA
serves to place the protection and promotion of human rights at
the forefront of legislative and governmental action, shaping the
boundaries of Parliamentary Sovereignty in the contemporary UK
legal landscape.