Castle On The Hill - Form 1

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BY: ED SHEERAN Morgan Brown

Form Ed Sheeran's Castle On the Hill

captures some of the most
Verse 1
Pre-Chorus 1
memorable moments of
Chorus 1 Sheeran's childhood. By utilizing
Post-Chorus 1 popular form, Sheeran is able to
Verse 2 incorporate various energy level
Pre-Chorus 2 shifts throughout his song to
Chorus 2 assist in his musical storytelling.
Post-Chorus 2 Some of the most prominent
Bridge energy shifts can be found at the
Pre-Chorus 3 Verses, Pre-Choruses, Choruses,
Chorus 3 Post-Choruses, and the Bridge.
Intro Verse 1 Pre-Chorus 1
*utilizes an energized pattern in
*beginning *the beginning of Verse 1 marks
the first ascending shift on the the drum set
instrumental energy level graph before *introduces background
introduction plateauing vocables
*this shift is emphasized with *the entirety of the Pre-Chorus
*the fade-in effect of
the vocal entrance and the can be represented with a
the introduction continuation of the steady bass continuing ascending shift in the
conveys a lower level of drum pulse that accompanies energy level graph by creating a
the initial recollection of the sense of anticipation in the
energy overarching "story" of the song
song's "story"

Chorus Post-Chorus 1 Verse 2

*hoarse singing accompanies the *significant drop in *re-entrance of a single voice
rise in energy instrumentation *return of the steady bass
*prominent energizing drumset drum pulse
(drops to Electric guitar and
*steady eighth note pulse from
the steady bass drum pulse) *the beginning of this Verse
the electric guitar
*can be represented with a marks an ascending shift on
*can be represented with an
ascending trend in the energy significant dip in the energy the energy level graph before
level before plateauing to level, emphasizes the repeated plateauing, accompanying the
represent the main theme and to instrumental rendition of the progression of the song's
emphasize the emotional nature electric guitar's melodic hook "story"
of the section

Pre-Chorus 2 Chorus 2 Post-Chorus 2

*introduction of drum set fill *hoarse/passionate singing *repetition of the song title
*more involved instrumental *greater emphasis on the at various tempos and
parts (eighth note subdivision is
driving eighth note rhythmic patterns
quite prominent)
*return of background vocables *increased volume (more
*volume gradually increases
*the entirety of the Pre-Chorus amplified vocal projection)
can be represented with a
*can be represented with an
ascending trend in the energy *can be represented with a
continuing ascending shift in the
level before plateauing, slight increase in the
energy level trend, continuing to
build anticipation to the Chorus portraying the emotional energy level before
intensity of the piece plateauing

Bridge Pre-Chorus 3 Chorus 3 Outro

*provides contrast with a *re-entrance of the single *introduced with drumset *most instrumentation
significant drop in kickstart
vocal line (distant and/or dropped
instrumentation (allowing for *most passionate singing in the
contemplative because it entire song (portraying the *guitar fadeout to nothing
*steady bass drum pulse (similar resembles talking to oneself) emotion-packed nature of the *can be represented with a
to a heartbeat) with subtle electric *piano/synth Chorus) sudden decrease in the
guitar chord changes accompaniment *the volume and energy level
energy level trend followed
*energy increases slightly with the *one of the lowest energy continually increase with the
reintroduction of the steady by a continual decrease
introduction of the "ooh" vocables
levels in the whole song, yet
*slight steady increase in the bass drum pulse, electric guitar, with the guitar fadeout
still anticipates the Chorus synth, and vocables
energy level trend

So what?
This song demonstrates a significant number of
energy shifts with a span of 4 minutes and 22 seconds,
emphasizing the importance of popular form in
conveying the message/story behind a song.

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