06-2005 Newsletter

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June 2005

Kevin Trudeau’s

The only health newsletter that takes NO advertising and promotes NO products!

Kevin Trudeau's newsletter THE NATURAL WAY

contains the opinions of Kevin
Trudeau and its writers. It is not
intended to be used as medical
advice. All opinions are believed If you are not concerned about cancer you should be. In America more
to be accurate at the time of people are being diagnosed with cancer than ever before in history. If you
printing. Many people violently get cancer you have a higher chance of dying of cancer than ever before in
disagree with Kevin Trudeau's history. Cancer rates continue to rise. Cancer fatalities continue to rise.
conclusions. If you do anything The war on cancer has been a dismal failure. Over $250 billion has been
recommended or suggested in
spent on trying to allegedly prevent and cure cancer. How in the world can
this newsletter without the
supervision of a licensed health $250 billion be spent, yet cancer rates and fatalities continue to rise? The
care practitioner, you do so at answer, in my opinion, is cancer is an industry. Billions of dollars in profits
your own risk. The publisher and are made in the treatment and testing of cancer. In my opinion, the
writers present this information pharmaceutical industry simply does not want cancer to be prevented or
for educational and informational cured. The evidence of this goes back over fifty years when Jonas Salk
purposes only. No attempt is
cured polio. Let's think for a moment about how many diseases have been
being made to prescribe any
medical treatment or diagnose cured in the last fifty years. The answer is no disease has been cured! Every
any medical disorder. All mat- single disease is on the increase. The last disease that was ever cured was
erial contained in this newsletter polio. How did it get cured? Well, at the time polio was a billion dollar a
is protected by copyright. year business. The treatment of polio was very profitable. The pharma-
Reproduction in any form and for ceutical industry continued to state that they were working on a cure for this
any reason is strictly prohibited
dreaded disease. Billions of dollars were being funneled into the
by law and protected by your
honesty and integrity. Kevin pharmaceutical companies' coffers by foundations and the government, all
Trudeau's newsletter is published trying to research and come up with a way to prevent and cure the disease of
by: polio.
Natural Cures, Inc. As I have stated before, any time a pharmaceutical company does
research, it is simply conducting research to try to find a patentable drug that
Customer Service:
(847) 403-7498 it can sell and make millions of dollars. It does not want to cure disease or
prevent disease; doing so would put the companies out of business. This
Please send questions, comments, was the case with polio. It wasn't until Jonas Salk's wife developed polio
or suggestions to: that a cure was developed. When Jonas Salk's wife developed polio, Jonas
Kevin Trudeau Salk simply said enough is enough. He went into a laboratory and within
C/O Natural Cures Newsletter
six months developed the cure for polio. He never made a penny on his
P.O. Box 342
Elk Grove Village, IL 60009 discovery. Polio was cured, never to be the horrible menace that it once
Or Fax to: (847) 545-8192 was. People would no longer fear getting polio and suffering a lifetime of
Or email: illness due to the horrible disease. The problem was the polio industry
[email protected] virtually went bankrupt overnight. At that time, a secret meeting was held
with the heads of the major pharmaceutical companies, the American
The statements made may not be
supported by scientific proof and Medical Association, and past commissioners of the FDA. This “cartel”
are the opinion of the author. discussed the financial implications of curing disease. It was at this
Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures Newsletter June 2005


secret meeting that the decision was made that curing 100 percent of the cases without chemotherapy,
disease was unprofitable and it would not be radiation, drugs, or surgery. Unfortunately, in many
tolerated. That is why there has never been a cure for states in America it is a criminal offense to cure
any disease since that time. The decision was simply someone of cancer without using chemotherapy,
made to convince people that “We are so close to radiation, drugs, and surgery. There are doctors in
America who are being imprisoned for committing
finding a cure.” when nothing could be further from
the crime of curing a patient of cancer without using
the truth.
chemotherapy, drugs, radiation, and surgery. How
The fact is there are ways to prevent disease, and
insane. What causes cancer? Here are the basic
there are ways to cure disease with natural means. causes of cancer:
The most important thing for you to consider is the
pharmaceutical cartel wants more people to get
cancer. Cancer is the most profitable industry in the 1. Toxins. As I mentioned in my Natural Cures
entire field of medicine and health. There are major book, the number one reason people get sick or
financial incentives to increase the percentage of have any disease is; too many toxins in the body.
people getting cancer. In my opinion, this cartel is Toxins are the number one cause of cancer as well.
knowingly producing products that give us cancer, The basic or main toxins that cause cancer
therefore increasing their profits. This cartel has been include:
incredibly aggressive at trying to discredit and wipe a. smoking;
out any person who exposes the causes of cancer and
b. mechanical, physical, and chemical irritation;
educates people on ways to prevent and cure cancer.
This is not new. Back in 1972, a book was written c. food additives, such as DES or diethyl-
called Cancer: Causes, Prevention and Treatment by stilbestrol, which is used in food production
Paavo Airola. In his introduction Paavo Airola states, prim-arily in meat products. Eighty-five
“First, I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not percent of all meat in the United States
contains dangerous residual amounts of this
offer a cure for cancer. I only report how cancer is
poison. This is why many countries around the
successfully treated in several of the biological clinics world refuse to import American meat. This
in Europe. I do this mainly to protect myself against particular food additive also speeds up sexual
prosecution by overzealous government agencies maturity in young women;
who, in the name of protecting the public, mercilessly
d. artificial sweeteners, such as saccharine and
attack anyone who not only dares to advise but even
to report on unorthodox cancer therapies that work.”
The causes of cancer are known yet suppressed. e. nitrites used in processed meat products;
If you ask anyone what causes cancer, no one knows! f. hexachlorophene, which is used in many
Ask a man, “What is the cause of prostate cancer?” cosmetics, soaps and deodorants;
No one knows. Ask a woman, “What is the cause of
breast cancer?” No one knows. Ask anyone, “What g. food dyes;
causes liver cancer, lymphatic cancer, or stomach h. nonprescription and prescription drugs;
cancer?” No one knows. The reason no one knows is
i. almost all oil used in cooking in restaurants
the pharmaceutical industry continues to state the lie because it is rancid;
that the cause of cancer is not known! This is a lie.
The cause of cancer is known, and the cure of cancer j. chemicals used in cleaning products;
is also known. The cure for cancer is; simply stop k. and many other types of toxins.
doing the things that are causing the cancer! This is
an oversimplification, but the fact is that there are So the number one reason you have cancer is the
clinics around the world that cure cancer in virtually toxins that are purposely being put in our food, our

The Only Unbiased Newsletter of Natural Health Information in the World


water, our air, our cosmetics, soaps and cleaning As I mention in my book Natural Cures, the
supplies that all wind up in our bodies. natural cure for all disease is simply stop putting
toxins in the body, and cleanse the toxins that are in
your body out of the body; handle any nutritional
2. Nutritional Deficiencies. The second cause of all deficiencies you have; eliminate, neutralize or reduce
cancers is nutritional deficiencies. Even the U.S. electromagnetic chaos; and reduce emotional stress.
Government states that at least one-half of all When you do these things the body comes back into
Americans suffer from varying degrees of balance and you virtually can never be sick.
nutritional deficiencies. In hundreds of studies I want to talk in this article specifically about some
from around the world, it is conclusive that even a of the toxins that specifically relate to cancer. In my
deficiency in just one vitamin or mineral, or other book I mentioned that if you can't eat it you shouldn't
nutritive substance lowers resistance to infection put it on your skin. This is something that many
people blow off as not that important or significant,
and disease, and increases risk of cancer. From
but I want you to re-evaluate this. Many of the
these studies it states that:
products used in cosmetics, skin care, soaps,
· even a mild deficiency of choline produces cancer detergents, shampoos, etc. contain ingredients that are
of the liver; categorically cancer causing. Here are a couple of
· Vitamin E deficiency increases the risk of DEA or diethanolamine. This particular
leukemia; ingredient has been found in over 600 home and
· iodine deficiency leads to cancer of the thyroid; personal care products. These products include
shampoos, conditioners, bubble baths, lotions,
· deficiencies of various B vitamins result in liver cosmetics, soaps, laundry and dishwashing deter-
damage, as well as cancers; gents. It is just one of an estimated 125 ingredients
· deficiencies in zinc lead to cancer of the prostate; used in home and personal care products that have
been proven to cause cancer. Dr. Samuel Epstein,
· Vitamin A deficiencies lead to tumor author of The Safe Shopper's Bible, and founder of the
developments; American Coalition to Prevent Cancer, is considered
the world's leading authority on toxicology. He
· and on, and on, and on.
believes that DEA categorically causes cancer. Yet
3. Electromagnetic Chaos. The next cause of all even though the FDA knows that this ingredient, as
well as many others, leads to cancer, it remains in the
cancers is electromagnetic chaos. I have men-
products you buy. Why? Because the multinational
tioned this in previous newsletters, such as cell
conglomerates that own these companies want you to
phones, microwaves, high-definition TVs, laptop
get cancer. They need to make their products as
computers, and any and all wireless devices cheaply as possible to increase their profits and they
categorically, 100 percent lead to and cause the know that if you use their products cancer rates will
body to be susceptible and prone to developing continue to rise and they will make billions more on
cancer. all the cancer treatments that they have a monopoly
4. Emotional Stress. The last reason people develop Consider this: propylene glycol is the main
cancer is emotional stress, which makes the body ingredient in antifreeze, yet go into your household
turn acidic, creating an environment where cancer cabinets and look at your toothpaste, underarm
can develop rabidly. deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, soaps, or
what have you and you will be amazed when you see

Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures Newsletter June 2005


propylene glycol. You will also see something called also is a toxic substance that does not leave the body,
sodium lareth sulfate. Propylene glycol is but continues to build up residual effects. It's in your
everywhere, yet it gives you cancer! It is a colorless, toothpaste, your shampoo, and your soaps. This is
viscous liquid used in antifreeze solutions and just the tip of the iceberg. Ingredient, after ingredient,
hydraulic fluids, and as a solvent. It is not only used after ingredient that are commonly used in not only
in brake and hydraulic fluids, paints and coatings, foods that you eat, but in the lotions, shampoos, soaps,
floor wax, pet food, tobacco products, and laundry toothpastes, deodorants, etc. categorically cause
detergents, but also in cosmetics, toothpastes, cancer and suppress your immune system causing all
shampoos, deodorants, lotions and processed foods. types of other diseases.
You will even find it in baby wipes. Check the labels, One of the reasons why we are sicker today than
you will be amazed. This is why pets are getting more ever before is that the use of these toxic chemicals is
cancer than ever before. Pet food companies are increasing at an astounding rate. We put more poisons
using it in pet food. This is why children are getting in our body today than ever before in history. Some
cancer at a higher rate than ever before. In addition to researchers suggest that people today are putting ten
causing cancer, propylene glycol also causes times more toxins in their body than they were just ten
dermatitis, kidney damage, and liver abnormalities. years ago, and the rate continues to go up. This is why
It can cause skin rashes, dry skin, and skin damage. It if you want to be healthy, you absolutely must
is a major irritant to the skin. It also can cause nausea, understand that you are loaded with toxins, and that
headaches, vomiting, depression, and gastrointestinal you must clean these toxins out. You must do a colon
disturbances. The other big problem with propylene cleanse, a liver/gallbladder cleanse, a kidney/bladder
glycol is that it doesn't leave your body. It stays in the cleanse, a Candida cleanse, a parasite cleanse, a heavy
tissues and continues to build up, causing more and metal cleanse, and a full-body cleanse - it is
more damage down the road. Keep in mind that there imperative. I say this to you again; if you really want
has never been any long-range testing on the effects of to be healthy, do not buy products from publicly
these types of toxins used in various products. traded companies. Do not buy brand name products.
The same holds true with the toxic ingredient You can buy shampoos and conditioners, and soaps,
sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS. This is another cancer- toothpastes, antiperspirants, moisturizers, lotions,
causing agent. Go look and find it in the products in cosmetics, and skin care products all without the
your cupboard. Not only does it cause cancer, it can toxins. They are available. I am looking at a hand
change the genetic structure of cells. It induces soap right now that says right on the label “no lauryl
mutations in the cells. It irritates skin cells, and sulfates.” It is all-natural and mostly organic. I am
impairs ability for hair to grow. It has adverse affects looking at a skin moisturizer made with natural oils
on the heart, liver, lungs, and brain. It affects eyes; and emollients. This product is great, it will not give
damages the immune system; and causes you cancer, and it will not make you sick. If you want
inflammation of the skin. All of these problems arise to be healthy, stop putting toxins in your body. Read
simply by putting this on the skin because once you the labels of the food you eat and everything you put
put it on the skin it gets absorbed into the body. This on your skin.

The Only Unbiased Newsletter of Natural Health Information in the World


Aspartame is marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, and Somebody will ask, “Why isn't something being
Spoonful. If it says sugar-free on the label, don't even done about this?” The answer is for you to remember
think about it! Aspartame is so dangerous that when “It's always all about the money.” Here is a prime
the temperature of this sweetener exceeds eighty-six example of how the money flow works to keep the
degrees, the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to truth hidden from you. Monsanto, the leading manu-
formaldehyde, and then to formic acid, which in turn facturer of aspartame and the patent holder, funds the
causes metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is the poison American Diabetic Association, the American
found in the sting of fire ants. The methyl toxicity Dietetic Association, and the Conference of the
mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis American of Physicians. This means that Monsanto in
and systemic lupus. This is why MS is being effect owns these associations. Because these associa-
diagnosed more than ever before. This is also why tions are dependent on the money they receive from
lupus is being diagnosed more than ever before. In Monsanto, they have made a deal with Monsanto to
my opinion, these symptoms are being misdiagnosed not criticize aspartame to the food industry and, more
and the problem is simply aspartame. Aspartame also shockingly, they are actually required to endorse
gives you symptoms of Fibromyalgia, spasms, Monsanto's products! Can you see why you can never
shooting pains, numbness in your lungs, cramps, believe anything you hear from any of these
vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, “associations”? Every single association, from the
depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred American Medical Association, the American Cancer
vision, memory loss, and leads to other major Society, the American Heart Association, the
diseases. American Diabetic Association, and on and on and on
Keep in mind that diet products use aspartame so all receive money from special interest groups. When
that they can claim that these are good to help you lose they receive the money from these special interest
weight. The exact opposite is true. These chemically groups they are told what products to endorse and
altered products make your body crave carbo- which ones to criticize. These associations are
hydrates. When you are eating or drinking diet nothing more than mouthpieces for the multinational
products using aspartame you are almost assured to corporations that are secretly giving them the money
gain weight. The poison in aspartame stores in the fat to operate. Stay away from aspartame and every
cells, particularly in the hips and thighs. When the artificial sweetener. Stay away from Splenda. I will
poison stores in the fat cells; the fat cells need to dilute write more on Splenda later, but if you want to get the
the poison by retaining fluid. This is why people who inside scoop on Splenda go to www.thetruthabout
drink lots of diet sodas have bigger hips and thighs. splenda.com. The bottom line here is, as I always
Aspartame is also extremely dangerous for diabetics state, do not buy any product from a publicly traded
because it drives the blood sugar out of control. This corporation. Do not buy any name brand products.
also causes the body to convert food to fat much more Every product that you want is available from a small
easily. Children, pregnant women, and diabetics are independent producer who is making a good quality
especially at risk for neurological disorders and product that will not make you sick.
should never be given artificial sweeteners,
particularly aspartame.

Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures Newsletter June 2005


In my book I mention that the sun does not cause by the Associated Press. Immediately, the manu-
skin cancer, but actually prevents it. I mention in my factures of sunscreens put out their PR campaign to
book that sunscreens actually cause skin cancer. The squash the truth because they did not want to lose sales
research is clear. The five main ingredients used in all for sunscreens. It pains me when I see parents
sunscreens categorically have been proven to cause slathering sunscreen all over their young children. If
cancer. The sun does not cause skin cancer, the they only knew they were giving their kids cancer.
sunscreens do. Certainly you do not want to get a They think they are doing the right thing. They think
sudden burn. When you go out into the sun wear a hat, they are helping their children, but the exact opposite
wear long sleeves, and don't stay out in the sun that is true. Never, ever, ever use sunscreen. If you must
long so you don't burn your skin. However, getting use sunscreen, go to your local health food store and
sun on your skin is very important. It is so important read the ingredients and get a sunscreen without
that it is now being reported that if you want to prevent chemicals. They are available. However, the best
cancer you absolutely need at least twenty minutes of thing to do is simply wear a hat and long sleeves.
sun on your exposed skin. This was recently reported


My book Natural Cures “They” Don't Want You agencies. This new revised edition of Natural Cures
to Know About has become a runaway best seller. “They” Don't Want You to Know About is sure to send
Over 1.5 million copies have been sold in hardcover. shockwaves through the FTC, FDA, and the major
It is one of the fastest selling books in publishing pharmaceutical companies around the world. I highly
history. Because of the incredible demand, I have encourage you again to tell your friends, relatives, and
updated the book and added over 250 additional pages neighbors about the new book and encourage them to
of information. The new book is now almost 600 go to the bookstore and buy it. Because you are a
pages! It still will sell for $29.95. Starting in the first subscriber to my newsletter, I will offer you the book
week of July it will also be available in the book- at a special discount. I will sell you the new book for
stores. It is vitally important that you tell your friends, only $9.95, and I won't even charge you shipping.
relatives, and neighbors about this book and You can buy a maximum of five books. If you want to
encourage them to go to the bookstore and buy it. The buy the new book simply send a check or money order
new book also contains the entire “No Hunger Bread made payable to Alliance Publishing for $9.95 for
story.” No Hunger Bread is a true FDA horror story. It each book you want. Send a check to Alliance
is included in its entirety in my new Natural Cures Publishing, P.O. Box 92271, Elk Grove Village, IL
book. It is one of the greatest exposés of corruption at 60009 and enclose a piece of paper with your full
the FDA and various agencies. It also exposes the name, address, city, state, zip code, telephone number,
pharmaceutical cartel and the food industry cartel, and and make sure you put how many books you want. At
how they work together to squash anyone that will this price I cannot accept credit cards or accept orders
potentially interfere with their profits. No Hunger over the phone. Checks and money orders only, and
Bread was a revolutionary discovery that helped you must mail in your order. This is a limited time
people lose weight. It was a bread you simply made at offer, and I must receive your order no later than July
home that tasted great, but when you ate it, it virtually 1, 2005. Let's help spread the word and get this book
eliminated your appetite and helps you to lose weight on the New York Times bestseller list.
In the new Natural Cures book we name names,
and point out the corrupt individuals in the various

The Only Unbiased Newsletter of Natural Health Information in the World

One of the basic premises in the Natural Perkins. The latter book is what I would en-
Cures book is that it's “always all about the courage you to read. This will give you a
money.” The reason that that is so important is perspective on how the money and the money
because unless you really understand how brokers around the world operate; controlling the
government works with corporations, and are information you receive from news organi-
controlled by a small group of multibillionaire zations to what ingredients go in the products you
families, then it really is difficult for you to buy.
understand everything else I say. Even if you Economic hit men, as described in John
don't believe that greed and making money is Perkins' book, are highly paid professionals who
really more important than anything else for the cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of
majority of the wealthy people in the world, at dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial
least for you to consider it is important for you to reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex,
understand how “it all works.” There are several and even murder. John Perkins should know
great books published by Berrette-Koehler because he, in fact, was an economic hit man!
Publishers, such as When Corporations Rule The Read this true story and have your eyes opened to
World; Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate the fact that it's always all about the money!
Power And The Disabling of Democracy; and You can purchase the book by calling 1-800-
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John 929-2929, or go to www.bkconnection.com.


The most important thing you can do if you take 100 percent personal responsibility. When you
want to prevent and cure illness and disease without do, you will see absolutely miraculous changes in
drugs and surgery is to take personal responsibility for your life. I am in the process of writing a book called
your health! Truly, the miracle for every illness and The Five Minute Miracle. In this book I talk about
disease, and virtually every problem you will ever how in just five minutes a person's life can completely
experience in your life, is to take personal respon- change if they simply take personal responsibility. I
sibility. You need to know that the government is not point out and show all the facts backing up the
going to take care of you. Your friends are not going to statement that everything that's wrong in your life you
take care of you. Your family does not have the are the cause of. That is hard for most people to
responsibility to take care of you. Your boss does not understand because they want to point the finger at
have the responsibility to take care of you. Society is society, the government, the weather, the situ-
not going to take care of you. No one is coming to the ation, their living conditions, their parents, and
rescue. everything else around them. They want to believe
If you want to live a happy, successful life that they are not the cause of what is happening in their
the number one most important thing you could ever life. This is untrue. You are the “cause” of everything
do is to take personal responsibility for everything that happens in your life. Most people live a life totally
that happens in your life. You can not have victim at the “affect” of everything that goes on around them.
mentality. You can't have “oh, poor me” mentality. Most people live a life like a ship on the high seas
You can't have “everything bad happens to me” without a rudder and without an engine, simply going
mentality. You need to take charge of your life. You wherever the wind blows and wherever the tide
need to be the leader in your own life first. You need to takes them. Most people live a life believing they

Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures Newsletter June 2005


have no control over what happens in their life; that all several opinions and understand that you are only
the situations around them are in control of their life. getting OPINIONS. You must gather the information
This is not true. You are 100 percent in control of your yourself, listen to the various opinions, review the
various viewpoints, and you make the decision of
life and your destiny. When you wake up and apply the course of action that YOU feel most
The Five Minute Miracle, which is taking personal comfortable with. Remember, it's your body, it's your
responsibility, everything in your life changes for the health, it's your life. You take charge and take
better! In relation to health, the first thing you must responsibility.
do is take responsibility for finding natural cures for In order to help you find a licensed health-
care practitioner you can go to www.natural
your disease. It is your responsibility to find the cures.com. On my website I will be listing thousands
CAUSE of your disease. It is your responsibility to of licensed healthcare practitioners from all around
investigate and seek out the answers. It is your the world. It is my intention to also have these
responsibility to find the solutions. Many people see individual healthcare practitioners and clinics
miraculous cures in their health when they simply reviewed so that you can see what other people have
experienced when they were treated by these
wake up one morning and make the decision that they licensed healthcare practitioners or clinics. You can
are going to beat their disease, and they are going to also go to your local Yellow Pages and look under
find the cause and the cure. I've seen people simply naturopath, chiropractor, massage therapist, colon
make that decision and within days their disease is therapist, oriental medicine, homeopathy,
cured. It seems miraculous, but the fact is once they acupuncture, holistic medicine, or any of the other
modalities that are in the “natural health care” arena. I
made up their mind, once they made the DECISION am also providing here a list of some references that
that they were going to beat the disease their own could be helpful. This certainly is not a complete list,
mind and belief cured the disease! but a good starting point. Even if you are not sick
I believe the first, most important thing you can do or experiencing any negative symptoms, I would
is take personal responsibility and make the decision strongly encourage you to see several licensed
healthcare practitioners now! It is better to prevent
that you are going to find the cause and cure for your disease than to worry about trying to cure it once you
disease. In order to do this, in my opinion the first have it.
thing you must do is seek out licensed healthcare
practitioners to help you achieve this goal. I believe it Acupressure
is vital that you get treated by licensed healthcare www.acupressure.com
practitioners and do not attempt to treat yourself. I,
myself, know huge amounts of information when it Acupuncture
comes to the cause and curing of illness and disease. I
believe I know a lot about preventing disease. www.aaom.org
However, I still go and seek the advice and opinions of www.nccaom.org
licensed healthcare practitioners on a REGULAR www.tai.edu
BASIS! I do this to prevent disease, gain more
knowledge, and get other people's insights and Alexander Technique
viewpoints. I do not believe I'm the smartest guy in the www.alexandertech.com
world. I do believe that two heads are better than one.
If you truly want to prevent disease, and if you truly
want to cure disease, it is vital that you seek advice
from licensed healthcare practitioners. It is equally Aromatherapy
important that you do not look at these people as www.naha.org
gods or “all-knowing.” It is important that you seek www.pacificinstituteofaromatherapy.com

The Only Unbiased Newsletter of Natural Health Information in the World


Asthma Detoxification and Cleansing
www.sorvinoasthmafound.org www.wecarespa.com
Aston Patterning
www.aston-patterning.com Drug Rehab
Ayurvedic Medicine
Www.ayurveda.com Energetic Rebalancing
Bioenergetic Bodywork
www.bioenergetic-therapy.com www.energeticbalancing.us

Biological Dentistry Feldenkrais

www.biologicaldentistry.org www.feldenkrais.com
www.nihadc.com Gentle Wind Project
Bowen Therapy Technique
www.bowendirectory.com Hakomi
www.boweninfo.com www.hakomiinstitute.com

Callahan Technique Healing Touch

www.tftrx.com www.healingtouch.net
Candida Cleansing
www.lifeforceplan.com Herbal Medicine
Chelation Therapy www.americanherbalistguild.com
www.acam.org Homeopathic Medicine
www.centurywellness.com www.homeopathyusa.org
Chiropractic www.homeopathic.com
www.10ac.com www.homeopathic.org
www.amerchiro.org www.homeopathy.org
International Chiropractors Association
Colon Therapy
www.i-act.org Kinesiology
Craniosacral Therapy www.icak.com
www.upledger.com www.uskinesiologyinstitute.com

Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures Newsletter June 2005


Magnetic Field Therapy Reiki
www.naam-heart.lle.org www.reiki.org
Massage Therapy www.rolf.com
www.amtamassage.org Rosen Method
www.aobta.org www.rosenmethod.org

Music Therapy, Sound Therapy SunlightTherapy

www.musictherapy.org www.solarhealing.com
www.soundlistening.com www.sungazing.com
Naturopathic Doctors
Total Integration Therapy
Trager Approach
Neuro-Emotional Technique www.trager.com
Other Helpful Websites
Organic Information www.commondreams.org
www.organic-center.org www.drrathresearch.org
www.organiccomsumers.org www.tolifeonline.com
www.ota.com www.therealessentials.com
Orthomolecular Medicine www.eatwell.org
www.orthomed.org www.davidwolfe.com
Osteopathic Medicine www.lifeforceplan.com
www.cranialacademy.com www.thetruthaboutsplenda.com
Reflexology www.naturalcures.com
www.reflexology-usa.net www.thewhistleblower.com
www.reflexology-usa.org www.kevinfightsback.com
Dr. Bruce Fong www.whatthebleep.com
Sierra Integrative Medical Center www.thecorporation.com
380 Brinkby Avenue www.corporatewatch.org
Reno, NV 89509 www.personsinc.org
(775) 838-5388 www.prwatch.org
www.centurywellness.com www.tvnewslies.org

The Only Unbiased Newsletter of Natural Health Information in the World

Since I read Kevin's book it has changed every Candida cleanse, followed by the full body cleanse. I
aspect of my life. I don't think the same and I don't eat feel so light and happy and at peace by just eating
the same. It has truly been an instrument to get me better and knowing that it makes a very big difference!
and my family on the path to a vibrant, abundantly My body is happier!
healthy life. I am totally off any medications for Thank you so much Kevin for caring enough to
allergies and headaches, which I never dreamed could share your knowledge with the world.
happen. I can't quit talking about this book and I have - Deborah S.
passed it, along with the DVD, around to everyone
that would have an ear to hear the truth. I owe Kevin Kevin Trudeau has my support. I have been sick
big time because that little $30 book has saved me almost all my life with different aliments. Now I have
thousands of dollars in medical bills, etc. I can't say been uplifted through his internet site. Looking up
enough about Kevin. Kevin, we love you and we look different sources to read about and learn from has
up to you tremendously for the work you are doing. helped me and my family out in a number of different
-Carol and David B. areas. Thanks for the True Information on how to get
better and live longer.
I have read Natural Cures They Don't Want You - Kathy A.
to Know About. I love this book, and I have been
following as much advice from this book as much as I Using the suggestions and information from
possibly can, and I have seen an incredible difference. both the website and the Natural Cures book by
Mostly my asthma is in control, and I am not taking Kevin Trudeau, I have managed to lose 75 lbs in the
any medications!! I have lost weight without trying to. past year and have improved my overall health.
Just by changing my food to all organic (without the In fact, I have missed only one day for sickness in
chemicals, growth hormones, hydrogenated oils and the past year when most people I know missed 3 to 5
dairy products) my family and I are already seeing just on a single bout of flu and I have clients, friends
great changes in our health in just 4 months. I have and family all telling me I look no older than 38 years
always believed that nutrition plays a big role on your old.
well-being, and Kevin just confirmed it for me. Thank I just celebrated my 50th birthday.
you so much for writing the book and putting the Thanks, Kevin. You're a bright light in an
knowledge out there. I tell all my friends and family to otherwise dismal quest for better health for all of us.
read the book. Good Luck - Kimberly S.
- Bruni W., Norwich, Connecticut.
I had known for a long time something wasn't
When I read Kevin's book, it changed my life right I have gone on many yo-yo diets but the weight
forever. keeps coming back in spades. When I heard Kevin
I learned so much. After I read the book, I went speak on TV it rang with some resonance. I have just
through my kitchen cupboards and discarded every recently begun changing my life but the effects were
thing that was bad for me and replaced them with immediate. I am resting better and I have more energy.
whole and organic foods. I can't say enough how I am hoping the weight will follow. I have begun to
much better physically I feel. I have even lost a few walk at my pace, not a racer's pace, and we have a
ponds. I was already taking Chi Gong when I trampoline I plan to try. Kevin will be a big change in
discovered the book, and now I feel that my body will the status quo I believe. He is making a difference and
benefit even more from it. I am getting ready to do the hopefully he won't be silenced.
- Kenneth S.

Kevin Trudeau’s Natural Cures Newsletter June 2005


No book has ever influenced me more than the these pills. This is just the beginning of the new way of
Natural Cures book. I am convinced that I will have a eating and trying to get off these pills that I take that
better quality of life because of the information here are slowly killing me. Thank You Kevin
as well as live a longer, more prosperous life... no S.B
author has ever given so much, so selflessly as Kevin
Trudeau and I thank God every day that I was home Since reading Kevin's book I now longer have to
sick the day Kevin's program was on TV. It changed take cholesterol, high blood pressure or heart
my life. medications. I'm doing it with all natural herbs and
- Liz A., Riviera Beach, Florida. things. I am being monitored very carefully by my
holistic doctor who is a DO. Thanks to Kevin I no
Since I read Kevin Trudeau's book, Natural longer have to take prescription drugs that do as much
Cures, I am starting a new way of life. I am 62 years harm if not more than good. Thank you from the
old and I got more from reading Kevin's book than I bottom of my heart.
did before. I am now starting to eat the right foods and - Terry K.
I am starting to reverse my diabetes so I could get off

If you have any health questions you may contact the following health care practitioners:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Visit: naturalcures.com and thewhistleblower.com

Email your Questions to:
Kevin at [email protected]
Or Mail to: Kevin Trudeau C/O Natural Cures
P.O. Box 342
Elk Grove Village, IL 60009

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