Ma2161 QB

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MA 2161

UNIT I - ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PART A 1. Solve (D2 + D 2)y = 0. 2. Solve (D2 + 6D + 9)y = 0. 3. Solve (D4 + 4)x = 0 where D =
d dt

4. Find Particular Integral: (D + 2)(D 1)2 y = e2x . 5. Find Particular Integral: (D3 + 1)y = cos(2x 1). 6. Find Particular Integral: (D2 + D)y = x2 + 2x + 4.
d dy 7. Reduce to linear dierential equation x2 dxy x dx + y = log x. 2 d 8. Reduce to linear dierential equation x dxy 2
2 2

2y x


1 . x2

d dy 9. Reduce to linear dierential equation (1 + x)2 dxy + (1 + x)x dx + y = 2 2 sin x. d dy 10. Reduce to linear dierential equation (2x+3)2 dxy (2x+3) dx 12yy = 2 6x.

PART B 1. Solve
d2 y dx2

4y = x sinh x.

2. Solve (D2 1)y = x sin 3x + cos x. 3. Solve (D2 4D + 3)y = sin 3x cos 2x. 4. Solve
d2 y dx2

+ a2 y = sec ax.

dy d 5. Solve x2 dxy + 4x dx + 2y = ex . 2 d d 1 6. Solve x3 dxy + 2x2 dxy + 2y = 10(x + x ). 3 2 d dy 7. Solve (1 + x)2 dxy + (1 + x) dx + y = sin[2 log(1 + x)]. 2 d dy 8. Solve (2 + 3x)2 dxy + 3(2 + 3x) dx 36y = 3x2 + 4x + 1. 2
2 2 3 2

9. Solve dx + y = sin t; dy + x = cos t Given that x = 2 and y = 0 when dt dt t = 0. 10. Solve Dx + Dy + 3x = sin t; Dx + y x = cos t




MA 2161

UNIT II - VECTOR CALCULUS PART A 1. Find .( r ) r (rn ) = nrn2 r

2. Prove that

3. Find the unit normal vector to the surface x2 + xy + z 2 = 4 at the point (1, 1, 2). 4. What is the greatest rate of increase of = xy 2 z at (1, 0, 3)? 5. The temperature at a point (x, y, z) in space is given by T (x, y, z) = x2 + y 2 z. A mosquito located at (4, 4, 2) describes to y in such a direction that it gets cooled faster. Find the direction in which it should y. 6. If = yz i + xz j + xy k , then nd . 7. Write down in orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinates.

r 8. For what value of k is the vector rk solenoidal? 9. Determine f (r) so that the vector f (r) is solenoidal. r 10. Find a such that F = (3x2y +z) i +(4x+ay z) j +(xy +2z) k PART B 1. If is the position vector of the point P (x, y, z), prove r n2 where r = | |. nr r r (rn ) =

2. Find the directional derivative of = xy 2 z 3 at the point (1, 1, 1) along the normal to the surface x2 + xy + z 2 = 3 at the point (1, 1, 1). 3. Find the directional derivative of = 3x2 +2y +z 2 at the point (1, 1, 1) in the direction 2 i + 2 j k . 4. Find a and b such that the surface ax3 by 2 z = (a + 3)x2 and 4x2 y z 3 = 11 may cut orthogonally at (2, 1, 3). 5. Prove that divcurl F = 0. 6. Show that F = (6xy +z 3 ) i +(3x2 z) j +(3xz 2 y) k is irrotational vector and nd the scalar potential function F = . QUESTION BANK 2 MATHEMATICS II


MA 2161

7. Apply Greens Theorem in the plane to evaluate C (3x2 8y 2 )dx + (4y 6xy)dy where C is the boundary of the region dened by x = 0, y = 0, x + y = 1. 8. Apply Greens Theorem in the plane to evaluate C (3x2 8y 2 )dx + (4y 6xy)dy where C is the boundary of the region dened by y = x, y = x2 . 9. Verify Gausss divergence theorem for F = 4xz i y 2 j + yz k taken over the cube bounded by x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1. 10. Verify Stokes theorem for F = (x2 y 2 ) i 2xy j taken over the cube bounded by x = a, x = 1, y = 0, y = b.




MA 2161

UNIT III - ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS PART A 1. What is the necessary conditions for the existence of the derivative of f (z)? 2. If w = log z, then determine where w is non analytic. 3. Dene singular point of the function with an example. 4. Show that f (z) = xy + iy is not analytic. 5. Dene holomorphic function. 6. Show that v = ex sin y is harmonic function. 7. Show that v = ex cos y is harmonic function. 8. Find the invariant points of the transformation w =
z1 z+1 .

1 9. Under the transformation w = z , nd the image of |z 2i| = 2. 1 10. Show that the transformation w = z transforms all circles and straight lines to circles and straight lines in the w-plane.

11. State two important properties of Mobius transformation. PART B 1. If f (z) is a regular function of z prove that 4|f (z)|2 . 2. If f (z) is an analytic function of z, prove that 0.
2 x2

2 y 2

|f (z)|2 =

2 x2

2 y 2

log |f (z)| =

3. Show that the function f (z) = |xy| is not analytic at the origin even though C-R equations are satised. 4. Determine the analytic function whose real part is
sin 2x (cosh 2ycos 2x) .

5. Determine the analytic function whose real part is e2x (x cos 2yy sin 2y). 6. Determine the analytic function whose imaginary part is ex sin y.




MA 2161

7. Determine the analytic function whose imaginary part is ex (x sin y y cos y). 8. nd the analytic function z = u + iv, if u v =
xy x2 +4xy+y 2

9. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the points 1 + i, i, 2 i of the z-plane into the points 0, 1, i of the w-plane 10. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the points i, 1, 1 of the z-plane into the points 0, 1, of the w-plane




MA 2161

UNIT IV - COMPLEX INTEGRATION PART A 1. State Cauchys Theorem. 2. Evaluate C (z a)1 dz where C is a simple closed curve and the point z = a is (i) outside C, (ii) inside C. 3. Prove that
C (z

a)n dz = 0, [n = 1] where C is the circle |z a| = r.

1 z2

4. Find the Taylors series expansion of

in |z| < 1.

5. Find the Taylors series expansion of sin z in about z = . 4 6. Find the poles of f (z) = 7. Find the zeros of f (z) =
(z1)2 . z(z2)2 (z 2 +1)2 . (1z 2 )

1 8. What are the critical points of the transformation w = z + z .

9. State Cauchys integral formula. 10. State Cauchys Residue formula. PART B
1 1. Find the Laurents series of f (z) z(1z) valid in the region (i)|z +1| < 1, (ii)1 < |z + 1 < 2| and (iii)|z + 1| > 2.

2. Find the Laurents series of f (z) z 2z 1 valid in the region (i)|z| < 2, +5z+6 (ii)2 < |z| < 3| and (iii)|z| > 3. 3. Find the Taylors series expansion of f (z) = State the region of convergence of the series. 4. Find the Taylors series expansion of f (z) = state the region of convergence. 5. Using Cauchys residue theorem evaluate circle |z 2| =
1 2. (3z 2 +z)dz C (z1)(z 2 +9) 1 z(1z)

about z = 1. about z = i and where C is the

z (z+1)(z+2)

zdz C (z1)(z2)2

6. Using Cauchys residue theorem evaluate circle |z 2| = 2. QUESTION BANK 6

where C is the



x2 dx (x2 +a2 )(x2 +b2 ) dx 0 (x2 +a2 )3

MA 2161

7. Evaluate 8. Evaluate 9. Evaluate 10. Evaluate

using contour integration, where a > b > 0.

using contour integration, where a > 0. using contour integration, where a > b > 0.

cos xdx (x2 +a2 )(x2 +b2 ) x sin xdx 0 (x2 +a2 )

using contour integration.




MA 2161

UNIT V - LAPLACE TRANSFORM PART A 1. Dene Laplace transform. 2. State the change of scale property in Laplace transformation. 3. State the rst shifting property in Laplace transformation. 4. State the second shifting property in Laplace transformation. 5. Find the Laplace of unit step function. 6. Find the Laplace of unit impulse function. 7. Find the Laplace transforms of (a) sin 2t sin 3t (b) cos2 2t (c) sin3 2t (d) e3t 2 cos 5t 3 sin 5t (e) e3t sin2 t (f) t cos at (g) t2 sin at (h) (i)
1et t t3 e3t

(j) tet sin 3t (k) sin kt kt cos kt (l) (m)

sin at t sin2 t t

8. Find L{f (t)}, if f (t) = 9. Find L( t) and L 1 . t

sin 2t, 0 < t < 2 ; 0, t > .

10. Find L1 (F (s)) if F (s) is : (a)

1 (s+1) 2




s2 +2s+3 s3 s (s4)5 1 (3s4)4 2s+3 s2 +4 1 s(s+a) s3 s2 6s+10 1 s2 +2s+5 log s+1 s1 1 s cot

MA 2161

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

s +1 (k) log s2 +4

PART B 1. Find the Laplace transforms of (a) e3t (2t + 3)3 (b) et sin 3t cos t (c) tet cos t (d) te2t sin 3t (e) t cos 2t (f) (t sin t)2 (g) (1 + tet )3 (h) cosh at cos at 2. Find the inverse Laplace transforms of (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
s s2 +4 1 s3 +1 1 s4 +4a4 s2 s4 +64 s2 +1 s4 +s2 +1 s+1 s2 +s+1 a2 ) s2

(g) log(1 +




MA 2161

(h) tan1 (s2 ) (i) tan1 ( s+2 ) 3 3. Use convolution theorem to nd the inverse Laplace transforms of the following functions: (a) (b) (c) (d)
1 (s+1)(s+2) s (s2 +a2 )2 s2 (s2 +a2 )2 (s2 +b2 )2 1 (s4 +4)

4. Solve y 4y + 8y = e2t , y(0) = 2, y (0) = 2 5. Solve y + 4y = sin t, y(0) = 0, y (0) = 0 6. Solve y + 9y = cos 2t, y(0) = 1, y( ) = 1 2 7. Solve the simultaneous dierential equations dy dt + 2x = cos 2t, x(0) = 1, y(0) = 0. 8. Solve y + y = t cos 2t, y(0) = y (0) = 0 9. Solve y + 4y = cos 2t, y() = y () = 0 10. Solve x 2x + x = t2 et , x(0) = 2, x (0) = 3
dy dt

+ 2x = sin 2t and




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