Influence of Age and Apical Diameter On The

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Regenerative Endodontics

Influence of Age and Apical Diameter on the

Success of Endodontic Regeneration Procedures
Bishoy Safwat Estefan, BDS,* Kariem Mostafa El Batouty, PhD,* Mohamed Mokhtar Nagy, PhD,*
and Anibal Diogenes, DDS, MS, PhD†

Introduction: Treatment of immature permanent teeth
with necrotic pulp and apical pathosis constitutes a chal-
lenge for endodontists. The present study was done to
T reatment of immature
permanent teeth with
necrotic pulp and apical
Pulp regeneration is a biologic treatment modality
for immature teeth with open apices. Regenerative
evaluate the effect of age and apical diameter on the pathosis constitutes a
ability depends on both age and apical diameter.
regenerative potential of young permanent immature challenge for endodon-
teeth with necrotic pulps. Methods: Immature necrotic tists. Such cases are
permanent maxillary incisors (n = 40) of patients commonly encountered in children because of trauma, dental anatomic variations
9–18 years old were divided into 2 groups according (eg, dens evaginatus), and untreated carious lesions. Many of these teeth develop pulpal
to the treatment protocol: group Y (younger age group), necrosis before completing root development. Such conditions are challenging not only
9–13 years and group O (older age group), 14–18 years. in root canal debridement and filling but also for the thin dentinal walls increasing the
Each group was further subdivided into 2 subgroups ac- risk of subsequent fracture (1).
cording to apical diameter, subgroup (n) (narrower Historically, immature apices have been managed with root-end closure through
diameter) between 0.5 and 1 mm and subgroup (w) apexification (2, 3). Although these procedures have excellent clinical success for the
(wider diameter) equal to or greater than 1 mm. Revas- resolution of infection and its associated symptoms, they do very little for continued root
cularization procedures were performed for all patients. development. Thus, teeth remain with thin dentinal walls after apexification procedures
Follow-up was done for up to 12 months. Standardized (4). In addition, in highly immature teeth, clinician may elect the long-term use of cal-
radiographs were digitally evaluated for increase in root cium hydroxide as the method to develop an apical calcific barrier. This technique has
length and thickness and decrease in apical diameter. several disadvantages because it requires multiple visits during long period of time,
Results: After the follow-up period, most of the cases requiring compliance, and the long-term use of calcium hydroxide might alter the me-
demonstrated radiographic evidence of periapical heal- chanical properties of dentin, making the tooth more susceptible to fractures (5).
ing. Group Y showed significant progressive increase in Therefore, even if apexification closure is successful, the long-term prognosis is ques-
root length and width and decrease in apical diameter. tionable because of eventual root fracture (6).
Subgroup (w) representing wider apical diameter Recently, the concept of immediate apical plug has been advocated. This technique
showed significant progress as well. Conclusions: It is performed by placement of artificial apical plug obliterating the apical portion of the
was found that revascularization procedures can be im- canal. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) proved to be excellent candidate for this pro-
plemented in any age ranging from 9 to 18 years; how- tocol. This protocol has the advantage of reduced number of visits, higher patient
ever, younger age groups were better candidates for compliance, and high success rate. However, the problem of thin brittle roots was
revascularization procedure than older ones. Regarding not solved (7–9).
the apical diameter, regeneration procedures were suc- An alternative approach to treating the immature necrotic permanent tooth is to
cessful with apical diameters as small as 0.5 mm. How- regenerate pulpal tissue, allowing for continued root formation. This treatment modality
ever, teeth with preoperative wider diameters ($1 mm) was introduced as a biological alternative for continued maturation of the entire root
demonstrated greater increase in root thickness, length, rather than the formation of an apical calcific barrier through apexification (10–12).
and apical narrowing. (J Endod 2016;42:1620–1625) In regenerative endodontics, one of the goals is to promote continued root devel-
opment in addition to the crucial resolution of the disease process. Therefore, the
Key Words advantage of this treatment is continued root lengthening and reinforcement of lateral
Age, apical diameter, regeneration dentinal walls with deposition of new hard tissue. Revascularization, regeneration, and
revitalization are commonly used terms to describe the regrowth of de novo tissue
within the root canal space (13–21).

From the *Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt; and †Department of Endodontics, University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Mohamed Mokhtar Nagy, Department of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, 14 Asmaa Fahmy Street,
Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. E-mail address: [email protected]
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2016 American Association of Endodontists.

1620 Estefan et al. JOE — Volume 42, Number 11, November 2016
Regenerative Endodontics
It has been appreciated in the dental trauma literature that regen- Teeth were anesthetized by using local anesthesia without a
erative potential of the dental pulp in replanted immature teeth is influ- vasoconstrictor (Scandonest 3% plain; Septodont, Saint-Maur-Des-
enced by age, stage of root development, and apical diameter (22). Fosses, France). After rubber dam isolation, access cavities were pre-
Because the patient’s age is directly related to stage of root formation pared, and root canals were irrigated by using 10 mL 2.6% sodium
and apical diameter, it is likely a modifying factor in regenerative end- hypochlorite, with circumferential filling of the canal walls by using
odontic procedures. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect hand files. The triple antibiotic paste was prepared by using metro-
of age and the apical diameter on the outcomes of the regenerative nidazole (500-mg tablets, Flagyl 500 mg; Aventis, Cairo, Egypt), cip-
procedures. rofloxacin (250-mg tablets, Ciprocin 250 mg; EPICO, Cairo, Egypt),
and doxycycline (100-mg capsules, Vibramycin; Pfizer, Cairo, Egypt).
Materials and Methods The doxycycline capsule content was evacuated in a sterile mortar; a
Forty patients with immature, non-vital maxillary anterior teeth tablet of metronidazole and a tablet of ciprofloxacin were crushed
presenting with or without signs and/or symptoms of periapical pathol- and ground into homogenous powder in the same mortar by using
ogy were included in this study from the outpatient clinic of the Faculty a pestle. Saline drops were added and mixed by using the pestle until
of Dentistry, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. A detailed medical and a creamy paste was achieved. The canal space was dried by using
dental history was obtained from each patient’s parents or guardians. paper points, and 1 mL prepared paste was injected into the canals
Only systemically healthy patients were included in this research. The by using a sterile plastic syringe with a 20-gauge needle. A sterile cot-
clinical and radiographic exclusion criteria were teeth with vertical frac- ton pellet was then applied, and the access cavity was sealed by using
tures, periodontally involved teeth, and non-restorable teeth. All pro- a temporary restoration (Coltosol F; Coltene Whaledent, Altstatten,
cedures were performed after obtaining proper institutional review Switzerland) for 3 weeks. The final visit was scheduled when the
board approval that was based on the regulations of the Ethical Commit- tooth was asymptomatic with no signs of discharge. In cases of
tee of the Faculty of Dentistry, Ain Shams University. Intraoral periapical persistent infection, 1 or more visits were scheduled for further
radiographs revealed immature apices. The age of the patients ranged drainage and chemical disinfection. After anesthesia and proper
between 9 and 18 years. Informed consent including the proposed isolation, the temporary restoration and the cotton pellet were
treatment and possible outcomes or complications was signed for removed. The canal was irrigated with 10 mL NaOCl 2.6%, followed
each case by the patient’s parents or guardians. by 17% EDTA for about 1 minute. Canals were then dried with sterile
Preoperative radiographs were acquired by using the standardized paper points.
paralleling technique with the Rinn XCP alignment system (Rinn Corpo- A sterile hand file size #50 was used with sharp strokes into the
ration, Elgin, IL). Periapical radiographs were digitized by using a trans- periapical tissue 2 mm beyond the apex until bleeding was evident at
parency scanner (HP Scanjet G3110; Hewlett-Packard Development Co, the cervical portion of the canal. An MTA orifice plug was used to
Palo Alto, CA) for apical diameter measurement via ImageJ software seal the canal orifice covered by a moist cotton pellet. After 1 week, ad-
(ImageJ v1.44; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). hesive composite resin was used to seal the access cavity.
Cases were divided into 2 groups (20 patients for each group): After treatment, patients were recalled for follow-up every 3
group Y (younger age group), aged 9–13 years; and group O (older months for up to 1 year.
age group), aged 14–18.
Each group was subdivided according to apical diameter into 2
equal subgroups (n = 10): subgroup (n) narrower range, apical diam- Evaluation
eter between 0.5 mm and 1 mm; and subgroup (w) wider range, apical The clinical assessment of pain and/or swelling and standardized
diameter equal to or greater than 1 mm. radiographic assessment included the following:

TABLE 1. Summary of Patients’ Demographic Data

Group Y Group O
Patient no. Tooth no. Age (y)/sex Follow-up (mo) Patient no. Tooth no. Age (y)/sex Follow-up (mo)
Subgroup (n)
1 8 9/m 12 1 9 14/m 12
2 8 9/m 12 2 9 14/f 12
3 9 9/f 12 3 9 14/m 12
4 8 10/f 12 4 8 15/m 12
5 9 11/m 12 5 10 15/f 12
6 7 11/m 10 6 10 16/f 12
7 10 12/m 12 7 7 17/m 12
8 8 13/f 12 8 7 18/f 12
9 9 13/m Excluded 9 8 18/f Failed
10 8 12/m Excluded 10 9 17/m Excluded
Subgroup (w)
1 8 9/m 12 1 8 14/f 12
2 8 9/f 12 2 9 15/f 12
3 10 10/f 12 3 9 15/m 12
4 7 10/f 12 4 8 15/m 12
5 8 11/f 12 5 7 16/f 10
6 8 11/m 12 6 9 17/m 12
7 9 11/m 12 7 8 18/m 12
8 10 13/m 11 8 10 18/m 12
9 10 13/m Failed 9 10 18/m 10
10 7 11/f Excluded 10 10 15/f Excluded

JOE — Volume 42, Number 11, November 2016 Influence of Age and Apical Diameter on Regeneration 1621
Regenerative Endodontics

Figure 1. Representative cases. (A) Preoperative radiograph representing group O(n); (B) radiograph of same case in group O(n) after 12 months of follow-up;
(C) preoperative radiograph representing group O(w); (D) radiograph of same case in group O(w) after 12 months of follow-up; (E) preoperative radiograph
representing group Ia; (F) radiograph of same case in group Y(n) after 12 months of follow-up; (G) preoperative radiograph representing group Y(w);
(H) radiograph of same case in group Y(w) after 12 months of follow-up.

1. An increase in root length Increase in Root Length

2. An increase in root thickness A measuring scale was set in the ImageJ software (ImageJ v1.44)
3. A decrease in apical diameter by measuring a known clinical dimension to its radiographic dimen-
All measurements were performed blindly by 2 examiners and sion. The scale was calculated as the number of measured pixels per
averaged. millimeter length. Root lengths were measured as a straight line from

1622 Estefan et al. JOE — Volume 42, Number 11, November 2016
Regenerative Endodontics
TABLE 2. Increase in Length in Millimeters for All Groups during Different Follow-up Periods
Group 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Overall
Y(n) 0.21  0.2a 0.18  0.12a 0.41  0.27a 0.29  0.18a 1.09  0.5a
Y(w) 0.36  0.28a 0.43  0.4b 0.25  0.21b 0.22  0.14a 1.26  1.08a
O(n) 0.13  0.11b 0.17  0.1a 0.08  0.03c 0.05  0.02b 0.43  0.19b
O(w) 0.12  0.1b 0.08  0.06a 0.15  0.1c 0.1  0.01b 0.45  0.3b
P value .02 .036 .007 #.001 #.001
Significant at P # .05. Different letters indicate significant difference.

the cementoenamel junction to the radiographic apex of the tooth in Sciences 20.0; IBM, Armonk, NY). Two-way analysis of variance was
millimeters. Pretreatment and follow-up root lengths were measured, performed. The Tukey post hoc test was used in case of significance.
and the difference in root length was calculated (4). The percentage
of increase in length was calculated as follows:
Percentage of increase in length
Patients’ demographic data are summarized in Table 1. A total of 5
postoperative length  preoperative length patients were excluded from the study because of inadequate compli-
¼  100
preoperative length ance and failure to recall. Two cases were excluded from group
Y(n), 1 case was excluded from group Y(w), 1 case was excluded
from group O(n), and 1 case was excluded from group O(w). The per-
Increase in Root Thickness centages of recall for groups Y(n), Y(w), O(n), and O(w) were 80%,
By using the preset measurement scale, the level of the apical third 90%, 90%, and 90%, respectively. Clinical and radiographic examina-
was determined and fixed from the cementoenamel junction. The root tion during the follow-up period showed signs and symptoms of failure
thickness and the pulp width were measured at this level in millimeters. in 2 of the 35 recalled cases, with overall success rate of 94.3%. One
Dentin thickness was measured by subtracting the pulp space from the case belonged to group Y(w), and the other case belonged to group
whole root thickness (4). O(n). The failed cases were reevaluated, and the treatment plan was
Measurements were performed preoperatively and postopera- shifted to MTA apexification. Representative cases are shown in
tively at the same fixed level. The difference in thickness was calculated. Figure 1.
The percentage of increase in dentin thickness was calculated as
Dentin Thickness ¼ root thickness  pulp width
Increase in Root Length
Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the
subgroups (n) and (w) in both age groups Y and O through the whole
Percentage of increase in thickness follow-up period (Table 2). Younger age groups [Y(n) and Y(w)]
postoperative thickness  preoperative thickness showed significantly greater increase (1.09  0.5 and 1.26 
¼  100 1.08 mm, respectively) in root length than in older age groups [O(n)
preoperative thickness
and O(w)] (0.43  0.19 and 0.45  0.3 mm, respectively).

Decrease in Apical Diameter

Increase in Root Thickness
By using the preset measurement scale, the diameter of the apical
Statistical analysis demonstrated no significant difference between
foramen was measured in millimeters. Measurements were performed
the subgroups (n) and (w) in age group Y (increase 0.5  0.24 and
preoperatively and postoperatively. The difference in apical diameter
0.61  0.38 mm, respectively). However, in age group O subgroup
was calculated (23).
(n), a significantly lower increase in root thickness was observed
The percentage of apical closure was calculated as follows:
(0.14  0.11 mm) (Table 3).
Percentage of apical closure
postoperative apical diameterpreoperative apical diameter
¼ 100 Decrease in Apical Diameter
preoperative apical diameter
Group Y(w) showed the highest decrease in apical diameter at the
follow-up period, followed by group Y(n) and O(w). Conversely, group
Data were collected, tabulated, and statistically analyzed by using O(n) (older age group with narrower diameter) showed the least sig-
statistical analysis software SPSS (Statistical Packages for the Social nificant change in apical diameter (Table 4).

TABLE 3. Increase in Thickness in Millimeters for All Groups during Different Follow-up Periods
Group 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Overall
Y(n) 0.09  0.09 a
0.08  0.07 a
0.04  0.02 a
0.29  0.18 a
0.5  0.24a
Y(w) 0.09  0.08a 0.19  0.13b 0.11  0.09b 0.22  0.14a 0.61  0.38a
O(n) 0.02  0.01b 0.05  0.02a 0.02  0.02c 0.05  0.02b 0.14  0.11b
O(w) 0.18  0.16c 0.11  0.12b 0.06  0.03c 0.1  0.01b 0.45  0.23a
P value .004 .027 .002 .015 #.001
Significant at P # .05. Different letters indicate significant difference.

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Regenerative Endodontics
TABLE 4. Decrease in Apical Diameter in Millimeters for All Groups during Different Follow-up Periods
Group 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months Overall
Y(n) 0.11  0.09a 0.06  0.05a 0.11  0.04a 0.14  0.11a 0.42  0.24a
Y(w) 0.27  0.22a 0.29  0.13b 0.32  0.21b 0.23  0.14a 1.11  0.56a
O(n) 0.03  0.02c 0.02  0.02a 0.03  0.02c 0.05  0.04c 0.13  0.09c
O(w) 0.18  0.17a 0.09  0.07a 0.19  0.13a 0.22  0.16a 0.68  0.41a
P value .0031 .048 .012 .005 #.001
Significant at P # .05. Different letters indicate significant difference.

Discussion diameter, which were similar to the younger age group. The older group
Endodontic treatment of immature permanent teeth with necrotic with narrower diameter was significantly lower in root thickness in-
pulp, with or without apical pathosis, poses several clinical challenges crease. This might indicate the apical diameter is a second factor gov-
(1). There is a risk of inducing dentin wall fracture or extending gutta- erning the progress of revascularization process. The new tissue such as
percha or other restorative materials into the periapical tissue during cementum or bone itself would not grow into the canal space through
compaction of the root canal filling. Recently, regenerative endodontics the apical foramen. Cementoblasts or osteoblasts migrate into the canal
has gained much attention as a biologically based treatment alternative. space and produce cementum or bone. The sizes of cementoblasts and
Regenerative approaches differ from apexification procedures in that osteoblasts (10–100 mm) are much smaller than those of many blood
they can allow for further root maturation in length and thickness by vessels entering the apical foramen.
regenerated vital tissue (10–12). Thus, the apical diameter at the time of treatment completion ap-
Thorough disinfection of the root canal that is followed by stimu- pears to be a strong predictor of root development. Also, it was found
lation of residual stem cells gave the way to ingrowth of de novo pulp- that the greatest narrowing of the apical diameter occurred in the
like tissue (revascularization procedure), which can induce formation younger patients. For the older patient group, the narrowing was
of new hard tissue on the existing dentin wall and continued root devel- more limited than in the younger patients, and it occurred more predict-
opment (14). Revascularization is considered a simple protocol by ably when the apical diameter was greater than 1 mm preoperatively.
which pulp regeneration is enhanced by the use of the blood clot as
a scaffold for autogenous release stem cells, as stated by Lovelace Conclusions
et al (24). Under the circumstances of this study, it was found that revascu-
The outcome of revascularization procedures remains somewhat larization procedures can be implemented in any age ranging from 9
unpredictable and multifactorial. The aim of this study was to evaluate to 18 years; however, younger age groups were better candidates for
the effect of preoperative apical diameter and age on the outcomes of revascularization procedures than older age groups. Regarding the api-
regenerative endodontic procedures. The evaluation was based on cal diameter as the second factor in the predictability of the procedure
the increase in root length thickness and the decrease in apical diam- outcomes, regeneration procedures were successful with apical diam-
eter. The choice of age as a factor represented the healing capacity of the eters as small as 0.5 mm. However, teeth with preoperative wider diam-
patient, whereas the apical diameter can be a limiting factor for allowing eters ($1 mm) in both groups demonstrated greater increase in root
the influx of stem cells and apical blood vessels into the newly formed thickness, length, and apical narrowing.
tissue (22).
Disinfection of the root canal used the disinfection protocol Acknowledgments
described by Sato et al (25) and Hoshino et al (26), which was adopted
in many studies implementing the revascularization procedures. The The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
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