Msword&Rendition 1

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Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

Chapter -1
With the development of technology, more and more challenging problems are faced by the
scientists and technologists in the field of manufacturing. Although the electric discharge
machining (EDM) process is not affected by material hardness and strength, it is a much
slower process compared to other processes. To increase its speed, a large electrical current
discharge is normally used [1]. But, this will inevitably compromise the dimensional
accuracy of the machined component. Extensive research has been done till date to improve
the performance of EDM machining. In the past few years, the Taguchi method has played an
important role in the optimization of process parameters. However, many of the studies have
focused on static or single-quality characteristics such as smaller-is-better, larger-is-better,
and nominal-is-best [2]. Furthermore, since Taguchi method deal with designing quality
rather than correcting for poor quality, they are applied most effectively at early stages of
process development [3]. The application of this method using functional quality provides
solutions to all three aspects of technologies, flexibility and reproducibility. To meet the
challenges of a rapidly changing world, the EDM technology must have the process
capabilities of high speed, high accuracy and precision, versatility and robustness. However,
other optimization techniques have been employed in many engineering problems which
overcomes the limitations of Taguchi method these are Grey relational optimization (GRA)
and fuzzy logic. Hence, the purpose of this study is an attempt to apply an GRA, fuzzy Logic
and combination of Grey and Fuzzy logic for optimizing the EDM machining process so as to
achieve the above goals.

1.2Working principle of EDM

EDM process is carried out in presence of dielectric fluid which creates path for discharge.
When potential difference is applied across the two surfaces of workpiece and tool, the
dielectric gets ionized and an electric spark/discharge is generated across the two terminals.
The potential difference is applied by an external direct current power supply connected
across the two terminals. The polarity of the tool and workpiece can be interchangeable but
that will affect the various performance parameters of EDM process. For higher material
removal rate (MRR), workpiece is generally connected to positive terminal as two third of the


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Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

total heat generated is generated near the positive terminal. The inter electrode gap has a
significant role to the development of discharge. As the workpiece remain fixed by the fixture
arrangement, tool helps in focusing the discharge or intensity of generated heat at the place of
shape impartment. Application of focused heat raises the temperature of workpiece in the
region of tool position, which subsequently melts and evaporates the metal. In this way the
machining process removes small volumes of workpiece material by the mechanism of
melting and vaporization during a discharge. The volume removed by a single spark is small,
in the range of 10-6-10-4 mm3, but this basic process is repeated typically 10,000 times per
second [4]. Fig.1.1 shows the layout of EDM process which indicates the working of EDM.

Fig.1.1 Layout of Electrical Discharge Machining [4]

1.3 Process Parameters

In order to perform efficient machining, it is necessary to identify the process and

performance measuring parameters and its optimized values. The input parameters of EDM
process are voltage, discharge current, spark-on time, duty factor, flushing pressure, work
piece material, tool material, inter-electrode gap, quill-up time, working time, and polarity
which affects the performance of machining process. So, the suitable selection of process
parameters is required to achieve optimal machining conditions. Response variables are used
to evaluate the machining process in both qualitative and quantitative terms namely Material
Removal Rate (MRR), Surface Roughness (Ra), Electrode Wear Rate (EWR), Over Cut,
White Layer Thickness and Surface Crack Density. MRR, surface finish, and accuracy are
influenced mainly by the choice of electrical parameters. As the current is increased, each
individual spark removes a larger crater of workpiece material, which increases the metal
removal rate but also increases the surface roughness. Similar effects occur with increased
spark voltage. Increasing the sparks frequency, while keeping the other parameters constant,


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Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

results in decrease in surface roughness, because the energy available is shared between more
number of sparks, and smaller-sized surface craters are produced in the workpiece. The
accuracy of the process is closely related to the spark gap width, the smaller the gap the
higher the accuracy, but a smaller gap result in a lower working voltage and a lower removal
rate. Increase in power supply voltage, peak current, increases single discharge energy, which
facilitates removal of material. Increasing the discharge current and pulse on time increases
MRR to certain degree and electrode wear is also decreased with an increase in current and
decrease in pulse on time. EDM pulses can be classified into open, spark, arc, off or short
pulses, which are dependent on the ignition delay time, and have a direct influence on the
MRR, SR and accuracy of the part [5].

Other factors affecting the accuracy of the process are the accuracy of the tool electrode itself
and the allowance made on it for the spark gap. The causes of inaccuracy when deep parallel-
sided cavities and holes are produced by spark occurring between the sides of the electrode
and the sides of the cavity. This sparking is assisted by any eroded particles that pass between
the electrode and the sides of the cavity and effectively reduce the breakdown voltage of the
dielectric fluid. Besides electrical parameters, non-electrical parameters such as the flushing
of dielectric fluid together with the rotational movement of the workpiece and electrode also
play a critical role in delivering optimal performance measures. The stochastic thermal nature
of the EDM process makes it difficult to explain experimentally all the effects of electrical
parameters on the individual performance measures. The flushing of the dielectric during the
sparking process has an adverse effect on the EDM performance measures. Flushing during
the roughing operation affected the MRR and TWR, while in the finishing operation, it
influenced the SR. The flushing rate also influences the crack density and recast layer, which
can be minimised by obtaining an optimal flushing rate. In addition, the different properties
of the dielectric fluid also play a vital role in flushing away the debris from the machining
gap. Tool wear and material removal rate are dependent on the breakdown resistance,
conductivity, viscosity, flash point, health and safety factors of dielectric fluids [5].

1.4 Need of optimization of the process

The quality of a product is the main factor for showing growth of a company. The quality of
the product mainly depends upon the material and process parameters. Optimization
technique plays a vital role to increase the quality of the product. Optimization is one of the
techniques used in manufacturing sectors to arrive for the best manufacturing conditions,


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Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

which is an essential need for industries towards manufacturing of quality products at lower
cost. Optimization of operating parameters is an important step in machining, particularly for
operating unconventional machining procedure like EDM. The various techniques available
are genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, grey relational analysis, analytic hierarchical
process, artificial neural network and particle sworm optimisation, fuzzy logic.

1.5Motivation and objectives of work

The basic aim of the project work is to apply the optimization techniques to the available
experimental data in rotary EDM of SKD11 steel. The experimental data collected in the
earlier work has been used to apply different optimization techniques. The goal of this work
is to determine the possible effects of rotary EDM machining parameters on SKD11 steel.
With the input parameters such as rpm of electrode, duty factor and current pulse and
corresponding output parameters like MRR, EWR, SR, depth average radial overcut
(DAROC), standard deviation (STDEV) and hole quality factor (HQF) we have to optimize
the multi objective process parameters. Therefore, overall objectives of the project are as

1. To minimize EWR, maximize material removal rate and minimize surface roughness
simultaneously in formation of through holes in rotary EDM
2. To implement and compare multi objective optimization techniques like GRA, Fuzzy
Logic, GRA-Fuzzy Logic.
3. To obtain the optimal process parameters in formation of through holes in rotary
4. To obtain the contribution of each factor towards variation in responses by
applications of ANOVA (Analysis of variance)


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The chapter presents the review of past work in the area of application of optimization
techniques to the experimental data in EDM process. It includes the study of grey relational
theory-based parameter optimization, fuzzy logic, and survey on rotary EDM process of
SKD11 steel.

2.1 Past work in rotary EDM

Chow et al. [6] performed rotary EDM on Ti-6Al-4V alloy with copper as a electrode and
found that RDE-EDM improved MRR by locating the workpiece above the RDE, thus
efficiently increasing the debris removal rate. EWR also decreases uniformly around the
periphery of the disk electrode. In this, optimized discharge current is essential because the
temperature during discharge is extremely sensitive to the discharge current due to the small
area of the micro slit. A greater MRR and lower EWR can be obtained by properly
optimizing the discharge current. As shown in Fig.2.1 gravitational force causes the
conventional RDE to discharge the debris from the gap, thus reducing the material removal
rate. The gravitational force in the new design facilitates, contrarily, a greater contribution to
the improvement of the debris removal rate.

Fig.2.1 Schematic diagrams of EDM with: (a) a conventional rotating disk electrode RDE
and; (b) a modified RDE [6]

Soni and Chakraverti [7] studied that the orbital motion of the electrode permits one to
improve, to some extent, form and dimensional accuracy in the machining process, performs
roughing and finishing operations with the same tool and helps to stabilize the erosion


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Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

process. The MRR improved with the rotating electrode due to improved flushing action and
sparking efficiency. The MRR is better in through-hole machining than in blind-hole
machining at all rotating speeds. Fig.2.2 indicates EDM with stationary electrode, rotating
electrode and rotating electrode with orbital motion.

Fig.2.2 EDM with (a) stationary electrode, (b) rotating electrode, (c) rotating
electrode with orbital motion [7]

Ghoreishi and Atkinson [8] reported that the vibro-rotary electrode compared with the
separate rotary or vibratory electrodes gave satisfactorily results when most common
combinations of requirements, maximum MRR, minimum TWR and surface quality. The best
result of employing a vibro-rotary electrode was achieved in finishing regime when the gap
was narrow and current was low. They studied the effects of axial vibration along with the
rotation of electrode on the material removal and electrode wear during electrical discharge
machining. They have reported that the introduction of high frequency axial vibration on a
rotating electrode improves MRR significantly for a specified surface finish. Fig.2.3 shows
vibratory, rotary and vibro-rotary electrode.

Fig.2.3 Vibratory, rotary, vibratory & rotary electrode [8]

Koshy et al. [9] presented a rotating disk type electrode in Fig.2.4. The electrode is rotated
and sunk simultaneously to machine a rectangular slot in a plate workpiece. The rotation
would impart a velocity to the dielectric in the gap and effectively flush the gap resulting in


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Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

increased MRR and the machined surface is better than that obtained with a stationary
electrode. Because the tool wear is not localised and is evenly spread over the entire
circumference of the disk, shape degeneration of the electrode is not acute and better
reproduction of corners is viable.

Fig.2.4 (a) Rotary electrode and (b) conventional electrode [9]

Chattopadhyay et al. [10] investigated the machining characteristics of EN-8 steel with
copper as a tool electrode during rotary EDM process. The empirical models for prediction of
output parameters have been developed using linear regression analysis by applying
logarithmic data transformation of non-linear equation. A rotary electrode holder
arrangement was developed to study the effect of rotation of electrode at different cutting
conditions. Electrode was rotated by worm and worm wheel mechanism whose speed was
controlled by variable regulated power supply as shown in Fig.2.5. The electrode was rotated
and sunk simultaneously to generate cylindrical profile on workpiece. A mechanical
tachometer is used to measure the speed of rotating electrode.

Fig.2.5 Schematic diagram of rotary EDM [10]


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2.3 Past work on Taguchi, GRA and fuzzy logic applications

Xie et al. [11] reported the parameter optimization of the EDM to Ti–6Al–4V
alloy considering the multiple responses using the Taguchi method and GRA. The optimized
process parameters resulted to a lower EWR and higher MRR are then verified through a
confirmation experiment. The experimental result showed that for the optimal setting there is
considerable improvement in the process.

Kolahan et al. [12] presented the multi objective modelling and optimization of
SR, TWR, MRR in EDM of 40CrMnMoS86 hot worked steel and cylindrical copper as an
electrode. The proposed approach is based on GRA and Genetic Algorithm (GA). They
employed GRA and regression modelling to establish the relations between machining
parameters and process output responses. The results showed that the combination of Taguchi
technique, GRA and GA is quite efficient in modelling and optimization EDM process
parameters. The application of GRA technique converts the multi response variable to a
single response Grey Relational Grade (GRG) and therefore, simplifies the modelling and
optimization procedure. The experimental result for the optimal setting concluded that there
is considerable improvement in the multiple performance characteristics such as MRR, EWR
and SR.

Tang and Du [13] presented a combination of GRA and Taguchi methods to solve
the problem of EDM parameters optimization. They carried out experiments based on
Taguchi L9 orthogonal array and GRA and then the results were verified through a
confirmation experiment. They reported the application of the Taguchi method and GRA to
improve the multiple performances of the EWR, MRR and SR in the EDM. They concluded
that method of combining Taguchi and GRA was efficient and effective for multi-objective
parameters optimization in green EDM of Ti–6Al–4V with tap water.

Kao et al. [14] reported the parameter optimization of the EDM process to Ti–6Al–
4V alloy considering multiple performance characteristics using the Taguchi method and
GRA. EWR, MRR, SR were chosen to evaluate the machining effects. The normalised
experimental results of the performance characteristics were introduced to calculate the


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coefficient and grades according to GRA. They optimised process parameters simultaneously
leading to a lower EWR, higher MRR and better SR which were then verified through a
confirmation experiment. An application of the Taguchi method and GRA was employed to
improve the multiple performance characteristics of the EWR, MRR, SR in the EDM of Ti–
6Al–4V alloy. This simplified the optimization of complicated multiple performance

Lin and Lin [15] presented a new approach for the optimization of EDM process
with multiple performance characteristics based on orthogonal array with GRA. They used
GRG obtained from the GRA to solve EDM process with multiple performance
characteristics. They concluded that the performance characteristics of EDM process such as
MRR, EWR and SR were improved together by using this method.

Jung and Kwon [16] utilized Taguchi method to determine the optimal EDM conditions in
several industrial fields which was designed to optimize only single performance
characteristics. They further used GRA for multiple performance characteristics to determine
optimal machining parameters.

Chandrasekaran et al [17] presented the literature review on soft computing

techniques used for optimization of process parameters of various machining processes.
Major soft computing tools discussed here were neural networks, fuzzy sets, genetic
algorithms, simulated annealing, ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization.
The paper reviewed the application of these tools to four machining processes—turning,
milling, drilling, and grinding. The paper highlighted the progress made in this area and
discussed the issues that need to be addressed.

Hasan et al [18] discussed the application of the Taguchi method and grey
relational analysis to determine the optimum factor level to obtain optimum multiple-
performance characteristics of a diesel engine run with different low-percentage thumba
biodiesel-diesel blends. Four factors, namely, low-percentage thumba biodiesel-diesel blend,
compression ratio, nozzle opening pressure and injection timing were each considered at
three levels. An L9 orthogonal array was used to collect data for various engine performance-
and emission-related responses under different engine loads. The signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio
and grey relational analysis were used for data analysis. The results of the study revealed that
the combination of a blend consisting of 30% thumba biodiesel (B30), a compression ratio of
14, a nozzle opening pressure of 250 bar and an injection timing of 20o with minimum


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multiple emissions from the engine, produces maximum multiple performance of a diesel

Hang and Huang [19] developed a method that optimizes the multi-objective
properties of Zr-DLC coatings. For statistical purposes, the experimental parameters for the
Zr-DLC coatings were put in place with a L18(35) orthogonal array. In order to optimize
these properties, a method combining the grey, fuzzy and Taguchi approaches was
established. While using the developed grey-fuzzy Taguchi method (GFTM), the
experimental results from four properties were integrated into a performance index. A
comparison of the integrated performance index between the initial and optimal conditions
showed that the magnitude increased from 0.46 to 0.81. The gain for each property by the
GFTM from the initial condition was reported as 35% positive.

Tzeng and Chang [20] described the application of the fuzzy logic analysis
coupled with Taguchi methods to optimise the precision and accuracy of the high-speed
electrical discharge machining (EDM) process. A fuzzy logic system was used to investigate
relationships between the machining precision and accuracy for determining the efficiency of
each parameter design of the Taguchi dynamic experiments. From the fuzzy inference
process, the optimal process conditions for the high-speed EDM process was determined as
A1B1C3D1E3F3G1H3. In addition, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also employed to
identify factor B (pulse time), C (duty cycle), and D (peak value of discharge current) as the
most important parameters, which accounted for about 81.5% of the variance. The factors E
(powder concentration) and H (powder size) were found to have relatively weaker impacts on
the process design of the high-speed EDM. Furthermore, a confirmation experiment of the
optimal process showed that the targeted multiple performance characteristics were
significantly improved to achieve more desirable levels.

2.4 Conclusions from literature survey

 From the review of literature, it is observed that the GRA has found wide application
areas for determining optimal parameters through different machining processes.
GRA is useful for multi-input, discrete data and uncertain experimental study. This
method can effectively solve problems that are uncertain or incomplete or which
involve systems with incomplete information, using system relational analysis


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 Very less work is reported on fuzzy logic and the other parameters such as DAROC,

STDEV and HQF is not studied.



The aim of the present work is to apply latest optimization methods to derive the best
possible experimental conditions that will give better performance of the rotary EDM process
in terms of MRR, EWR, SR, DAROC, STDEV and HQF. The optimization technique that
includes Fuzzy Logic, GRA are applied one by one and the experimental conditions resulted
into higher process performance. EDM involves a series of complex physical process
including heating and cooling. The electric discharge energy affected by sparks plasma
channel raiding discharge time will determine the crater size which in turn will influence the
machining efficiency surface quality. Hence, the machining parameters including pulse on
time, pulse of time, pulse current, % duty factor, rotation of electrode, polarity and flushing
pressure is used.

However, selection of appropriate machining parameters for EDM is difficult and relies
heavily on the operators experience and machining parameters table provided by the machine
tool manufacturer and hand book for the EDM process. There is no complete data base
available on the rotation of electrode generally significant parameters and increasing EWR
and increase in roughness of surface. Hence, research incorporating physical principles
experimental techniques, mathematical analysis optimization and computer is the trend of
EDM optimal machining parameters study. There are many machine parameters affecting
EDM machine performers and the real mathematical models but machine performance and
machining parameters are not easy to be desired because of the complex machine
mechanisms. By considering all aspects discussed above, it is decided to use pulse current, %
duty factor, electrode rotation with circular electrode on SKD11 work piece and copper
electrode is used for experimentation with low cost rotary attachment.

3.1 Planning of Experiments

3.1.1 Design of Experiments


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To use the statistical approach in designing and analyzing an experiment, it is necessary to

have a clear idea in advance of exactly what is to be studied, how the data are to be
collected, and at least a qualitative understanding of how these data are to be analyzed.
The present experiments were designed on the basis of these guidelines. The step-by-step
procedure which was used in designing these experiments is outlined below:

1. Define problem statement

The objective of the experiments is to determine the influence of various process parameters
and their interactions on the response in rotary EDM by developing mathematical models.

2. Selection of response variables

In selecting the response variables, it should be ensured that these variables provide useful
information about the process performance under study. Following measures of performance
(response variables) were chosen

 Metal removal rate (MRR)

 Electrode wear rate (EWR)
 Surface Roughness (SR)
 Depth averaged radial over cut (DAROC)
 Standard deviation for hole diameter (STDEV)
 Hole quality factor (HQF)

3.1.2 Selection of process variables

Experiments were conducted for selection of input parameter with electrolytic copper
electrode on local SKD11 work material of four different shapes. Based on the trial
experiments conducted, the following process variables are selected for further
experimentation with circular electrode.

Table 3.1 Process variables and their levels Input Parameter Level Unit

1 2 3
1 Electrode Rotation (r) 80 155 Rpm
2 % Duty cycle (t) 4 8 12
3 Peak Current (Ip) 8 16 24 amp
4 Electrode Shape Circular
5 Gap voltage (v) 85 volt
6 Polarity +


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7 Work time 1.2 Sec

8 Flushing Pressure 0.7 Kg/cm3
9 Pulse on Time (Ton) 100 µs
10 Retraction Distance 4 Mm
11 Asen and sen 6

Table 3.2 Control factors and their levels for experiment

S. N. Control Factors Level 1 Level 2 level 3

1 Electrode rotation (rpm) 80 155 -
2 Duty factor (%), t 4 8 12
Current (ampere), Ip 8 16 24

3.2 Workpiece material

Material removal is directly related to electrical parameters like pulse current, duty cycle.
Debris removal is enhanced with electrode rotation thus improving MRR and geometrical
accuracy which is clean, high quality, homogeneous, uniform hardness alloy used for cold
working tools and dies. Electrolytic copper as electrode (99.536 %) and commercial grade
kerosene is used as dielectric fluid.

Table 3.3 Properties of SKD11 (unit: wt. %)

C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Cu

1.59 0.13 0.18 0.020 0.01 11.5 0.81 0.27 0.28 0.045

Chemical compositions are adjusted to meet a specific size of tool block, and the hardness is
controlled uniformly throughout the tool block, regardless of its size. Even after re-sinking,
the block can be used under the same conditions as before, and extended service life is
assured. The material has excellent wear resistance, high strength features and is used for
various high precision, long-life cold works mould, like: punch, mould, cold squeezing


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3.3 Experimentation
3.3.1 Equipments
The experiments were conducted earlier on EDM (Make-Electronica, leader 1 ZNC) with
constant servo gap head facility was used for conducting the experiments as shown in Fig.3.7
(a). EDM is used with low-cost rotary attachment shown in Fig.3.7 (b). The machining
parameters are controlled during the experiments. DC motor combined with reduction gear
box giving speed range of 80 -155 rpm is fitted to the plate with insulator. Electrode
rotational speed is varied with control separately attached.

(a) EDM (b) Low cost rotary attachment

Fig.3.1 Equipment and instruments used during experiments

3.3.2 Rotary attachment

The rotary attachment using belt drive is more beneficial. Rotating electrode is housed in the
needle bearing. The current is passed to rotating electrode by stationary electrode through
needle bearing. This attachment will be used as actual attachment for further experimentation,
as it is easy to manufacture. The benefits of rotary attachments are as follows;

i) The mechanism is simple

ii) System is automated
iii) Overall cost of assembly is low
iv) Weight of attachment is low


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Figure 3.2 Low cost rotary attachment

3.3.3 Experimental design matrix

Taguchi Method

Taguchi method is very effective to deal with responses influenced by multi-variables. This
method is a powerful DOE tool, which provides a simple, efficient and systematic approach
to determine optimal machining parameters. Compared to the conventional approach to
experimentation, this method reduces drastically the number of experiments that are required
to model the response functions. Traditional experimentation involves one-factor-at-a-time
experiments, wherein one variable is changed while the rest are held constant. The major
disadvantage of this strategy is that it fails to consider any possible interactions between the
parameters. An interaction is the failure of one factor to produce the same effect on the
response at different levels of another factor. It is also impossible to study all the factors and
determine their main effects (i.e. the individual effects) in a single experiment. Taguchi
technique overcomes all these drawbacks. The main effect is the average value of the
response function at a particular level of a parameter. The effect of a factor level is the
deviation it causes from the overall mean response. Taguchi method is devised for process
optimisation and identification of optimal combinations of factors for given responses. In
Taguchi method, a loss function is used to calculate the deviation between the experimental
value and the predicted value. This loss function is further transformed into signal-to-noise
(S/N) ratio. Three types of S/N ratios are available depending upon the type of characteristics.
These are smaller-the-better (SB), larger-the-better (LB) and nominal-the-better (NB). The
loss functions for both the characteristics are expressed as below


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S 
  10 log ratio 
N  (3.1)

S 1 1 1 1 1 
LLB  ratio  2  2   2  2  .......  2 
N  n  y1 y2 yn 

ratio  2

2 
1 2
 2
y1  y2  .......  yn

Regardless the category of the performance characteristics, a greater η value
corresponds to the better performance. Therefore, for optimum level of the machining
parameters η value must be larger. Generally, parameter design starts with the factors
involved with the product or process development. Noise Factors are certain parameters that
cannot be controlled by the designer. In addition, they are called as special variables that
affect system function, and are either controllable or too expensive to control. Signal Factors
are the factors set by user or operator of the product to express the intended value for the
response of the product. Design engineer based on the engineering knowledge of the
product/process being developed selects the signal factors. Two or more signal factors are
used in combination to express desired response. The steps involved are

1. Identify the response functions and the process parameters to be evaluated.

2. Determine the number of levels for the process parameters and possible interaction
between them.

3. Select the appropriate orthogonal array and assign the process parameters to the orthogonal
array and conduct the experiments accordingly.

4. Analyse the experimental results and select the optimum level of process parameters.

5. Verify the optimal process parameters through a confirmation experiment.

The total number of degrees of freedom (DOF) needs to be computed to select an appropriate
orthogonal array for the experiments. The degrees of freedom are defined, as the number of
comparisons that needs to be made to determine which level is better.

Table 3.4 Experimental design matrices

Sr.No Rotation duty cycle pulse current

1 80 4 8
2 80 4 16
3 80 4 24


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4 80 8 8
5 80 8 16
6 80 8 24
7 80 12 8
8 80 12 16
9 80 12 24
10 155 4 8
11 155 4 16
12 155 4 24
13 155 8 8
14 155 8 16
15 155 8 24
16 155 12 8
17 155 12 16
18 155 12 24
3.3.4 Machining set-up

First step of experiment selects L18 orthogonal array for experimentation. Pulse current, duty
factor and electrode rotation with three levels. Total eighteen experiments for shape of
circular electrode were conducted. Flushing pressure 0.7kg/cm2, pulse on time 100 µs,
electrode lift 4 mm, polarity positive, gap voltage -85 volts, anti arc sensitivity 6,retraction
distance-4 mm, work time 1.2.

3.4 Performance Measurement

The response parameters are measured as following manner

3.4.1 Material removal rate

MRR is the material removed in a given amount of time. It is formulated as below and is
expressed in grams per minute. The MRR will decide the speed of machining. Generally, the
MRR is increased with the intensity of current and will cause more surface damages in the
machined surfaces. However, lower MRR is not feasible since it lowers the production rate.
Hence, an optimum value of current that will produce higher surface integrity in optimum
time is necessary. The MRR improves with the rotating electrode due to improved flushing
action and sparking efficiency. Rotary disk electrode improves the productivity of EDM.
MRR is superior to stationary electrode [9]. Weights before and after machining is measured
on precision weighing balances shown in Fig.3.7 (d). The MRR can be calculated by the
equation as


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where wb and wa are the weights of the work piece before and after machining and tm is the
machining time.

3.4.2 Electrode wear rate

EWR affect the dimensional accuracy of machined component. It can be calculated by the
ratio of weight difference of the sample and electrode and after EDM process to the
machining time. EWR increases with increasing speed, but the wear ratio is not significantly
affected. Electrode corner wear and hole corner radius in blind-hole machining are lower with
the rotating electrode [7]. EWR is expressed by the following equation


where wtb and wta are the weights of the electrode before and after machining respectively and
tm is machining time. The EWR is either increased by peak current or decreased by pulse

3.4.3 Surface roughness

As surface roughness and the material removal rate are inversely proportional to each other, it
is necessary to correlate the machining parameters, which produce machined component with
good surface finish at high MRR. Many researchers have conducted experiments to achieve
better surface finish with appropriate MRR. Before measurement of surface finish, the
specimen were cleaned and dried. Surface roughness of each specimen was assessed using
the stylus method. All the measurements were carried out with portable roughness measuring
instrument make (MITUTOYO).The cut off length for each specimen was 0.8 mm.


Engineering 18
Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

Fig.3.3 Surface roughness measurement (MITUTOYO)

Surface Finish is a function of three parameters that is peak discharge current, discharge
voltage and pulse on time all of which power supply settings.

3.4.4 Depth averaged radial overcut (DAROC)

It is the term used to specify the quality of the drilled hole in terms of overcut. It is specified
in mm. it is determined using equation 3.4 as

DAROC, mm: mean value of radial overcut along 12 mm diameter hole, depth 6 mm

DAROC = 1/n (Hole diameter –Tool diameter) (3.4)

where n = number of locations along the depth of the hole where hole diameter has been
measured. In this experiment entry diameter and exit diameter, two locations with three
reading of each are taken and average is used for calculation.

3.4.5 Standard deviation (STDEV)

It is also a parameter used to represent the quality of hole in terms of hole dimensions. It is
calculated using equation 3.5 as

Standard deviation = (3.5)

Where ͞x is the average of six reading (n=6)


Engineering 19
Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

3.4.6 Hole quality factor

For any hole to be of good quality, it should have minimum possible DAROC and
minimum possible STDEV. Minimum DAROC will make the hole a replica of the tool
shape, and minimum STDEV will minimize variation in the hole diameter along the hole
depth. Hence, a hole quality factor (HQF) can be calculated as follows. It is expressed in
terms of equation 3.6 as

HQF= (3.6)



4.1 Observation table

Table 3.5 Circular shape electrode

Rotation duty cycle pulse current MRR EWR SR DAROC STDEV HQF
80 4 8 4.39 0.035 2.66 0.083 0.062 194.32
80 4 16 6.2 1.26 3.12 0.157 0.054 117.95
80 4 24 11.29 3.077 4.86 0.194 0.068 75.8035
80 8 8 8.81 1.12 3.26 0.132 0.055 137.741
80 8 16 10.124 2.839 3.92 0.145 0.068 101.4198


Engineering 20
Comparison of Mult objective Optimization Technique in Machining of SKD11 Steel by Rotary EDM

80 8 24 13.68 3.12 4.1 0.134 0.048 155.472

80 12 8 8.16 0.025 3.32 0.124 0.038 212.224
80 12 16 9.21 0.045 4.41 0.159 0.068 94.489
80 12 24 11.35 1.213 4.89 0.153 0.076 85.999
155 4 8 4.4 0.007 3.35 0.090 0.072 154.320
155 4 16 15.25 2.54 5.64 0.148 0.054 125.125
155 4 24 17.13 3.618 6.61 0.168 0.070 85.03
155 8 8 23.248 0.024 4.42 0.159 0.064 98.270
155 8 16 27.12 1.13 3.65 0.136 0.052 141.402
155 8 24 33.29 3.87 4.74 0.174 0.062 92.695
155 12 8 8.3 0.026 2.75 0.127 0.055 143.163
155 12 16 15.5 1.56 3.02 0.163 0.043 142.673
155 12 24 42.77 2.65 3.54 0.192 0.046 113.224


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