NCO Concordance Table

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National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015
With Occupational Titles and Equivalent NCO 2004 Codes

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 1 Managers

Sub- 11 Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators


Group 111 Legislators and Senior Officials

Family 1111 Legislators

1111.0100 Elected Official, Union Government 1111.10

1111.0200 Elected Official, State Government 1112.10

1111.0300 Elected Official, Local Bodies 1113.10

1111.9900 Legislators, Other 1119.90

Family 1112 Senior Government Officials

1112.0100 Administrative Official, Union Government 1121.10

1112.0200 Diplomat 1121.20

1112.0300 Executive Officials, Union Government 1121.30

1112.0400 Administrative Official, State Government 1122.10

1112.0500 Executive Official, State Government 1122.20

1112.0600 Administrative and Executive Officials, Quasi 1123.10

Government (Central)

1112.0700 Administrative & Executive Officials, Quasi 1123.20

Government (State)

1112.0800 Administrative and Executive Officials, Local 1124.10


1112.9900 Senior Government Officials, Other 1129.90

Family 1113 Traditional Chiefs and Heads of Villages

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 1114 Senior Officials of Special Interest Organizations

1114.0100 Political Worker 1141.10

1114.0200 Senior Officials of Employers, Workers and Other 1142.00

Economic Interest Organizations

1114.0300 Director, Disaster Management Services 1143.10

1114.9900 Senior Officials of Special Interest Organizations, 1143.90


Group 112 Managing Directors and Chief Executives

Family 1120 Managing Directors and Chief Executives

1120.0100 Working Proprietor, Electricity 1211.10

1120.0200 Working Proprietor, Gas 1211.20

1120.0300 Working Proprietor, Water Supply 1211.30

1120.0400 Director, Electricity 1211.40

1120.0500 Director, Gas 1211.50

1120.0600 Director, Water Supply 1211.60

1120.0700 Director, Bank 1212.10

1120.0800 Director, Insurance 1212.20

1120.0900 Working Proprietor, Mines/Proprietor, Mines 1213.10

1120.1000 Working Proprietor, Quarry/Proprietor, Quarry 1213.20

1120.1100 Working Proprietor, Well Drilling/Proprietor, 1213.30

Well Drilling

1120.1200 Working Proprietor, Construction/Proprietor, 1213.40


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1120.1300 Director, Construction 1213.50

1120.1400 Director, Mines 1213.60

1120.1500 Director, Quarry 1213.70

1120.1600 Director, Well Drilling 1213.80

1120.1700 Working Proprietor, Manufacturing/Proprietor, 1214.10


1120.1800 Director Manufacturing 1214.20

1120.1900 Working Proprietor, Wholesale Trade/Proprietor, 1214.30

Wholesale Trade

1120.2000 Working Proprietor, Retail Trade/Proprietor, 1214.40

Retail Trade

1120.2100 Director, Wholesale Trade 1214.50

1120.2200 Director, Retail Trade 1214.60

1120.2300 Working Proprietor, Transport 1215.10

1120.2400 Director, Transport 1215.20

1120.2500 Director, Communication 1215.30

1120.2600 Director, Airport 1215.40

1120.2700 Working Proprietor, Storage and Warehousing 1216.10

1120.2800 Director, Storage and Warehousing 1216.20

1120.2900 Working Proprietor, Lodging and Catering 1217.10


1120.3000 Director, Lodging and Catering Services/Director 1217.20

Food and Beverage Service

1120.3100 Executive Chef 1217.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1120.3200 Working Proprietor, Recreation and 1218.10

1120.3300 Director, Recreation and Entertainment 1218.20

1120.3400 Station Director, Radio/TV 1218.30

1120.3401 Account Director ( Advertising Agency)

1120.3402 Sales Director (Media Org)

1120.3500 Working Proprietor, Other Services 1219.10

1120.3600 Director, Other Services 1219.20

1120.3700 Director, Museum/Zoo 1219.30

1120.3800 Chief Librarian 1219.40

1120.3900 Principal, College 1219.50

1120.9900 Managing Directors and Chief Executives, Others 1211.90

Sub- 12 Administrative and Commercial Managers


Group 121 Business Services and Administration Managers

Family 1211 Finance Managers

1211.0100 General Manager, Bank 1307.10

1211.0200 General Manager, Insurance 1307.20

1211.0300 Purser, Ship 1231.10

1211.9900 Finance Managers, Others 1231.9

Family 1212 Human Resource Managers

1212.0100 Personnel Manager 1232.10

1212.9900 Personnel and Industrial Relations Managers, 1232.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


Family 1213 Policy and Planning Managers

1213.0100 Manager, Automotive Service 1239.10

1213.0101 Quality Assurance Standards In-Charge

1213.0102 Manager – Customer Quality

1213.0200 Manager, Automotive Service Station 1239.20

1213.0201 Area Service Manager

1213.0202 Territory Service Manager

1213.9900 Managers, Other Services 1239.90

Family 1219 Business Services and Administration Managers

Not Elsewhere Classified

1219.0100 Manager, Import and Export 1227.30

1219.0101 Export Manager

1219.0200 Manager, Health Club/Manager, Fitness 1228.10


Group 122 Sales, Marketing and Development Managers

Family 1221 Sales and Marketing Managers

1221.0100 Sales Manager (Wholesale Trade) 1233.10

1221.0200 Sales Manager (Retail Trade) 1233.20

1221.0301 Home Delivery Manager

1221.0401 Territory Sales Manager (Broadband)

1221.0501 Territory Sales Manager (Prepaid)

1221.0601 Sales Co-Ordinator (Media Org)

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1221.0602 Sales Manager (Media Org)

1221.9900 Sales and Marketing Managers, Other 1233.90

Family 1222 Advertising and Public Relation Managers

1222.0100 Manager, Advertising and Promotion 1234.10

1222.0102 Advertising Operations Co-Ordinator (Digital)

1222.0200 Manager, Fashion/Fashion Manager 1234.20

1222.9900 Advertising and Public Relations Department 1234.90

Managers, Others

Family 1223 Research and Development Managers

1223.0101 Manager Testing Facility

1223.0102 Manager Material Testing

1223.0201 Research Associate

Sub- 13 Production and Specialized Services Managers


Group 131 Production Managers in Agriculture, Forestry

and Fisheries

Family 1311 Agricultural and Forestry Production Managers

1311.0100 General Manager, Plantation 1301.20

1311.0200 General Manager, Horticulture 1301.30

1311.0300 General Manager, Agricultural Farm 1301.10

1311.0400 General Manager, Livestock Farm 1301.40

1311.0500 General Manager, Dairy Farm 1301.50

1311.0600 General Manager, Poultry 1301.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1311.0700 Manager, Agricultural Farm 1221.10

1311.0800 Manager, Plantation 1221.20

1311.0900 Manager, Nursery 1221.22

1311.0901 Rubber Nursery Manager

1311.1000 Manager, Aerial Planting and Cultivation 1221.24

1311.1100 Manager, Orchard 1221.26

1311.1200 Manager, Horticulture Farm 1221.30

1311.1300 Manager, Livestock Farm 1221.40

1311.1400 Manager, Dairy Farm 1221.50

1311.1500 Manager, Poultry Farm 1221.60

1311.9900 Agricultural and Forestry Production Managers, 1221.90


Family 1312 Aquaculture and Fisheries Production Managers

Group 132 Manufacturing, Mining, Construction and

Distribution Managers

Family 1321 Manufacturing Managers

1321.0100 Manager, Electricity 1222.40

1321.0200 Terminal Manager 1222.45

1321.0300 Manager, Gas 1222.50

1321.0400 Manager, Water Supply 1222.60

1321.0500 Manager, Food Processing Plant 1222.65

1321.0600 Manager, Manufacturing 1222.70

1321.0700 General Manager, Electricity 1302.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1321.0800 General Manager, Gas 1302.50

1321.0900 General Manager, Water Supply 1302.60

1321.1000 General Manager, Manufacturing 1302.70

1321.9900 Manufacturing Managers, Other 1302.90

Family 1322 Mining Managers

1322.0100 Manager, Mine 1222.10

1322.0200 Manager, Quarry 1222.20

1322.0300 Manager, Well Drilling 1222.30

1322.0400 General Manager, Mine 1302.10

1322.0500 General Manager, Quarry 1302.20

1322.0600 General Manager, Well Drilling 1302.30

1322.9900 Mining Managers, Other 1222.90

Family 1323 Construction Managers

1323.0100 Manager, Construction/Manager Construction 1223.10


1323.0200 Manager, Land Survey 1223.20

1323.0300 General Manager, Construction/General 1303.10

Manager Construction Projects

1323.9900 Construction Managers, Other 1303.90

Family 1324 Supply, Distribution and Related Managers

1324.0100 Manager, Material Control/Manager Materials 1235.10

1324.0101 Manager Supplier Quality

1324.0102 Material Co-Ordination Manager

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1324.0103 Manager Vendor Development

1324.0200 Manager, Transport 1226.10

1324.0300 Station Master, Roadways 1226.15

1324.0400 Traffic Inspector, Motor Transport 1226.17

1324.0500 Manager, Traffic 1226.20

1324.0600 Traffic Inspector, Railway 1226.25

1324.0700 Traffic Inspector, Tram 1226.29

1324.0800 Manager, Flight Operation 1226.30

1324.0900 Aerodrome Officer 1226.35

1324.1000 Flight Operation Officer, Air Service 1226.37

1324.1100 Traffic Officer, Air Service/Traffic Controller 1226.39

1324.1200 Manager, Storage and Warehousing 1226.50

1324.1201 Warehouse Supervisor

1324.1300 Goods Supervisor, Railway 1226.52

1324.1400 Goods Supervisor, Road Transport 1226.54

1324.1500 Station Master, Railway 1226.60

1324.1600 Platform Inspector, Railway 1226.62

1324.1700 Rates Inspector, Railway 1226.64

1324.1800 Depot Starter, Tram 1226.65

1324.1900 Section Controller, Railway 1226.67

1324.2000 Accident Officer, Tram 1226.69

1324.2100 General Manager, Transport 1306.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

1324.2200 General Manager, Storage and Warehousing 1306.30

1324.9900 Supply, Distribution and Related Managers and 1226.90

General Managers, Other

Group 133 Information and Communications Technology

Services Manager

Family 1330 Information and Communication Technology


1330.0100 Manager, Communication 1226.40

1330.0101 Communication Analyst

1330.0200 Contract Officer, Telephone/Liaising Officer/ 1226.70

PRO/Business Executive

1330.0300 Post Master 1226.80

1330.0600 General Manager, Communication 1306.20

1330.0701 Cluster Manager

1330.9900 Information and Communication Technology

Services Manager, Other

Group 134 Professional Services Managers

Family 1341 Child Care Service Managers

Family 1342 Health Services Managers

Family 1343 Aged Care Services Managers

Family 1344 Social Welfare Managers

Family 1345 Education Managers

1345.0100 Headmaster 1229.20

Family 1346 Financial and Insurance Service Branch

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


1346.0100 Manager, Bank 1227.10

1346.0200 Manager, Insurance 1227.20

1346.9900 Financial and Insurance Service Branch 1227.90

Managers, Other

Family 1349 Professional Services Managers Not Elsewhere


Sub- 14 Hospitality, Retail and Other Services Managers


Group 141 Hotel and Restaurant Managers

Family 1411 Hotel Managers

1411.0100 Manager, Lodging and Catering 1225.10

Services/Resident Manager

1411.0200 General Manager, Lodging and Catering Services 1305.10

1411.9900 Hotel Managers, Others 1225.90

Family 1412 Restaurant Managers

1412.0100 Manager, Fast Food Service 1225.20

1412.9900 Restaurant Managers, Other 1305.90

Group 142 Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers

Family 1420 Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers

1420.0100 Manager, Wholesale Trade 1224.10

1420.0200 Manager, Retail Trade 1224.20

1420.0300 Manager, Export 1224.30

1420.0400 General Manager, Wholesale Trade/Senior 1304.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Manager, Wholesale Trade

1420.0500 General Manager, Retail Trade, Senior Manager, 1304.20

Retail Trade

1420.9900 Retail and Wholesale Trade Managers, Other 1304.90

Group 143 Other Services Managers

Family 1431 Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre


1431.0100 General Manager, Recreation and Entertainment 1309.10

1431.9900 Sports, Recreation and Cultural Centre Manager, 1309.90


Family 1439 Services Manager Not Elsewhere Classified

Division 2 Professionals

Sub- 21 Science and Engineering Professionals


Group 211 Physical and Earth Science Professionals

Family 2111 Physicists and Astronomers

2111.0100 Physicist, General 2111.10

2111.0200 Physicist, Mechanics 2111.15

2111.0300 Physicist, Heat 2111.20

2111.0400 Physicist, Light 2111.25

2111.0500 Physicist, Sound 2111.30

2111.0600 Physicist, Electricity and Magnetism 2111.35

2111.0700 Physicist, Electronics 2111.40

2111.0800 Physicist, Nuclear 2111.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2111.0900 Astronomer 2111.60

2111.1000 Metrologist 2119.10

2111.1100 Material Scientist 2119.20

2111.9900 Physicists and Astronomers, Other 2111.90

Family 2112 Meteorologists

2112.0100 Meteorologist 2112.10

2112.9900 Meteorologists, Other 2112.90

Family 2113 Chemists

2113.0100 Chemist, General 2113.10

2113.0200 Chemist, Organic 2113.20

2113.0300 Chemist, Inorganic 2113.30

2113.0400 Chemist, Physical 2113.40

2113.0500 Chemist, Analytical 2113.50

2113.0600 Chemist, Industrial 2113.60

2113.0601 Quality Control Chemist

2113.0621 Lab Chemist – Finished Product Testing

2113.0622 Lab Chemist – Incoming Raw Material Testing

2113.0623 Lab Chemist – Compound Testing – Batch


2113.0624 Lab Chemist – Cured Compound Testing

2113.0800 Chemist, Forensic Science 2113.80

2113.0901 Quality Assurance Chemist

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2113.9900 Chemists, Other 2113.90

Family 2114 Geologists and Geophysicists

2114.0100 Geologist 2114.10

2114.0200 Petrologists 2114.20

2114.0300 Palaeontologist 2114.30

2114.0400 Geophysicist 2114.40

2114.0500 Hydrologist 2114.50

2114.0600 Mineralogist 2114.60

2114.0700 Seismologist 2114.70

2114.0800 Oceanographer 2114.80

2114.1500 Geologist, Petroleum 2114.15

2114.5500 Hydrographer, Waterworks 2114.55

2114.9900 Geologists and Geophysicists, Other 2114.90

Group 212 Mathematicians, Actuaries and Statisticians

Family 2120 Mathematicians, Actuaries and Statisticians

2120.0100 Mathematician 2121.10

2120.0200 Actuary 2121.20

2120.0300 Statistician 2122.10

2120.0400 Statistician, Applied 2122.20

2120.0500 Operation Research Analyst 2122.30

2120.0501 Associate – Analytics

2120.9900 Mathematicians, Actuaries and Statisticians, 2122.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


Group 213 Life Sciences Professionals

Family 2131 Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists and Related


2131.0100 Biologist, General 2211.10

2131.0200 Marine Biologist 2211.15

2131.0300 Cytologist 2211.20

2131.0400 Botanist, General 2211.35

2131.0500 Economic Botanist 2211.37

2131.0600 Plant Breeder 2211.40

2131.0700 Mycologist 2211.50

2131.0800 Algologist 2211.55

2131.0900 Zoologist, General 2211.60

2131.1000 Entomologist 2211.65

2131.1100 Parasitologist 2211.70

2131.1200 Bacteriologist 2211.85

2131.1300 Chemist, Biological 2212.10

2131.1400 Chemist, Food 2212.20

2131.1500 Plant Pathologist 2212.70

2131.1800 Plant Physiologist 2212.80

2131.9900 Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists and Related 2211.90

Professionals, Other

Family 2132 Farming, Forestry and Fisheries Advisors

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2132.0100 Agronomist 2213.10

2132.0200 Horticulturist 2213.20

2132.0300 Soil Scientist 2213.30

2132.0400 Soil Conservationist 2213.40

2132.0500 Silviculturist 2213.50

2132.0600 Wood Anatomist 2213.60

2132.0700 Dairy Scientist 2213.70

2132.0800 Poultry Scientist 2213.80

2132.0900 Pisciculturist 2211.80

2132.1000 Farm Overseer, Crop Production 3213.10

2132.9900 Agronomists and Related Professionals, Other 2213.90

Family 2133 Environmental Protection Professionals

2133.0100 Ecologist 2211.25

2133.0200 Environment Scientist (Including Health) 2211.27

2133.0300 Taxonomist 2211.30

2133.0400 Paleobotanist 2211.45

Group 214 Engineering Professionals (Excluding


Family 2141 Industrial and Production Engineers

2141.0100 Works Inspector, Engineering/Inspection 2149.10


2141.0200 Instrument Engineer/Instrumentation Engineer 2149.15

2141.0300 Industrial Engineer 2149.76

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2141.0301 Industrial Engineer Executive

2141.0400 Packaging Engineer 2149.77

2141.0500 Planning Engineer 2149.78

2141.0501 Production Planning & Control Engineer

2141.0600 Methods Engineer 2149.80

2141.0800 Engineering Estimator/Estimation Engineer 2149.84

2141.0900 Agricultural Engineer 2149.18

2141.1000 Textile Technologist 2149.20

2141.1100 Nuclear Engineer 2149.23

2141.1200 Jute Technologist 2149.25

2141.1300 Fibre Technologist 2149.30

2141.1400 Spinning Master 2149.35

2141.1500 Weaving Master 2149.40

2141.1600 Dyeing and Bleaching Master (Textiles) 2149.45

2141.1700 Printing Master (Textile) 2149.50

2141.1800 Sugar Technologist 2149.55

2141.1900 Dairy Technologist 2149.57

2141.2000 Wood Technologist 2149.60

2141.2100 Leather Technologist 2149.65

2141.2200 Glass Technologist 2149.70

2141.2300 Ceramic Technologist 2149.72

2141.2400 Printing Technologist 2149.74

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2141.2500 Safety Engineer 2149.85

2141.2600 Occupational Health and Safety Specialist 2149.86

Family 2142 Civil Engineers

2142.0100 Civil Engineer, General 2142.10

2142.0200 Civil Engineer, Building 2142.20

2142.0300 Civil Engineer, Structural 2142.30

2142.0301 Plumbing Site Engineer

2142.0400 Civil Engineer, Irrigation 2142.40

2142.0500 Hydraulic Engineer 2142.45

2142.0501 Fire Protection Systems Design Engineer

2142.0600 Civil Engineer, Highways and Roads 2142.50

2142.0700 Civil Engineer, Railways 2142.60

2142.0800 Airport Engineer 2142.65

2142.0900 Civil Engineer, Public Health 2142.70

2142.0901 Public Health System Design Engineer

2142.1000 Engineer, Waterworks 2142.72

2142.1001 Groundwater Engineer

2142.1002 Wastewater Systems Design

2142.9900 Civil Engineers, Other 2142.90

Family 2143 Environmental Engineers

2143.0100 Solar Energy System Designer 2149.05

2143.0200 Bio-Medical Engineer 2149.17

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2143.0300 Radiation Protection Engineer 2149.22

2143.0400 Waste Management Engineer, Radioactive 2149.87


2143.0500 Pollution Control Engineer 2149.88

Family 2144 Mechanical Engineers

2144.0100 Mechanical Engineer, General 2145.10

2144.0101 Process Design Engineer

2144.0102 Process Try-Out Engineer

2144.0103 Process Try-Out Technician

2144.0104 Process Validation Executive

2144.0105 Manager, Process Engineering

2144.0106 Manager – Product Lifecycle Management

2144.0200 Designer, Machine 2145.15

2144.0201 Designer - Mechanical

2144.0300 Tool Engineer 2145.20

2144.0301 Equipment Designer

2144.0401 Mechanical Engineer, Production 2145.25

2144.0402 Product Conceptualization Engineer

2144.0403 Production Engineer

2144.0500 Mechanical Engineer, Structural 2145.30

2144.0600 Mechanical Engineer, Maintenance 2145.35

2144.0601 Service Engineer – Breakdown Service

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2144.0700 Mechanical Engineer, Automobile 2145.40

2144.0701 Prototyping Engineer

2144.0800 Automobile Designer 2145.42

2144.0801 Product Design Manager

2144.0802 Modeller

2144.0803 Product Design Engineer

2144.0804 Prototyping Manager

2144.0900 Mechanical Engineer, Aeronautical 2145.45

2144.1000 Mechanical Engineer, Marine 2145.50

2144.1100 Architect, Naval 2145.55

2144.1200 Mechanical Engineer, Air-Conditioning 2145.60

2144.1301 Layout Engineer

2144.1302 Industrial Engineer (Workstation


2144.1401 Service Engineer – Installation

2144.1402 Service Engineer – Installation and


2144.9900 Mechanical Engineers, Other 2145.90

Family 2145 Chemical Engineers

2145.0100 Chemical Engineer, General 2146.10

2145.0200 Designer, Chemical Engineering 2146.20

2145.0300 Chemical Engineer, Paints and Varnish 2146.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2145.0400 Chemical Engineer, Drugs and Acids 2146.35

2145.0500 Chemical Engineer, Petroleum 2146.40

2145.0600 Chemical Engineer, Fertilizers 2146.45

2145.0700 Chemical Engineer, Food 2146.50

2145.0800 Technologist, Food/Chemical Engineer 2146.55

2145.0900 Technologist, Fuel 2146.60

2145.1000 Oil Technologist 2146.62

2145.1100 Technologist, Paper 2146.68

2145.1200 Technologist, Alcohol 2146.70

2145.1300 Technologist, Rubber 2146.80

2145.1400 Technologist, Plastics 2146.85

2145.9900 Chemical Engineers and Technologists, Other 2146.90

Family 2146 Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Related


2146.0100 Mining Engineer, General 2147.10

2146.0200 Mining Engineer, Non-Metals 2147.20

2146.0300 Mining Engineer, Metal 2147.25

2146.0400 Mining Engineer, Petroleum and Gas 2147.30

2146.0500 Metallurgist, Extractive 2147.40

2146.0501 Manager Heat Treatment/Metallurgist

2146.0600 Metallurgists, Adaptive 2147.50

2146.9900 Mining Engineers, Metallurgists and Related 2147.90

Professionals, Other

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 2149 Engineering Professionals Not Elsewhere

2149.0100 Engineers and Related Technologists, Other 2149.90

Group 215 Electrotechnology Engineers

Family 2151 Electrical Engineers

2151.0100 Electrical Engineer, General 2143.10

2151.0200 Designer, Electrical Engineering 2143.20

2151.0201 Design Engineer

2151.0202 Electrical Design Developer

2151.0300 Electrical Engineer, Generation and Supply 2143.30

2151.0400 Illumination Engineer 2143.40

2151.0403 LED Light Design Engineer

2151.0404 LED Light Design Validation Engineer

2151.0601 System Analyst (PCB Design)

2151.0602 Systems Designer (PCB Design)

2151.0701 Design-For-Manufacture Engineer

2151.9900 Electrical Engineers, Other 2143.90

Family 2152 Electronics Engineers

2152.0200 Electronic Engineer 2144.60

2152.0301 Stress Analyst/Computer-Aided Test Executive 2144.65

2152.0400 Electro-Optical Engineer 2144.70

2152.0501 Design Engineer

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2152.0502 Design-For-Test Engineer

2152.0601 Quality Engineer

2152.0801 Electronic Hardware Design Engineer

2152.0901 Verification Engineer

2152.0902 Testing and Validation Engineer

2152.9900 Electronics Engineers, Other 2144.90

Family 2153 Telecommunication Engineers

2153.0100 Telecommunication Engineer, General 2144.10

2153.0101 Telecom Terminal Equipment Application

Developer (Android)

2153.0102 Telecom Terminal Equipment Application (Native


2153.0200 Radio Engineer, Telecommunication 2144.20

2153.0300 Microwave Engineer, Telecommunication 2144.30

2153.0400 Line Communication Engineer, Tele- 2144.40


2153.0500 Sound Engineer 2144.50

2153.0501 Sound Engineer, Media

2153.0511 Sound Designer

2153.0601 Core Engineer

2153.9900 Telecommunication Engineers, Other

Group 216 Architects, Planners, Surveyors and Designers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 2161 Building Architects

2161.0100 Architect 2141.10

2161.9900 Building Architects, Other 2141.90

Family 2162 Landscape Architects

Family 2163 Product and Garment Designers

2163.0100 Package Designer/Packaging Designer 3471.80

2163.0201 Design Merchandiser

2163.0301 Hand Sketch Designer (Basic)

2163.0400 Furniture Designer 3471.20

2163.0500 Fashion Designer 3471.40

2163.0600 Textile Designer 3471.45

Family 2164 Town and Traffic Planners

2164.0100 Town Planner 2141.20

2164.0200 Traffic Planner 2141.30

Family 2165 Cartographers and Surveyors

2165.0100 Cartographer 2148.10

2165.0200 Surveyor, Topographical 2148.20

2165.0300 Aerial – Photograph Interpreter 2148.25

2165.0400 Surveyor, Photogrammetric 2148.30

2165.0500 Surveyor, Mine 2148.40

2165.0600 Surveyor, Hydrographic 2148.50

2165.9900 Cartographers and Surveyors, Other 2148.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 2166 Graphic and Multimedia Designers

2166.0100 Commercial Artist 2452.60

2166.0111 Art Director

2166.0201 Multimedia Artist and Animator/Animator 2452.70

2166.0202 Modeller

2166.0203 Rigging Artist

2166.0204 Texturing Artist

2166.0205 Animation Director

2166.0206 Character Designer

2166.0207 Clean-Up Artist

2166.0208 Compositor

2166.0209 Storyboard Artist

2166.0210 Rendering Artist

2166.0211 VFX Editor

2166.0212 Roto Artist

2166.0300 Web Designer 2452.80

2166.0401 Designer (CAD)

2166.0501 Graphic Designer 3471.70

2166.0511 Colour Key Artist

2166.0512 Colourist

Sub- 22 Health Professionals


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Group 221 Medical Doctors

Family 2211 Generalist Medical Practitioners

2211.0100 Physician, General 2221.10

2211.0200 Surgeon, General 2221.15

2211.0300 Anatomist, Medical 2221.20

2211.0400 Anaesthetist 2221.25

2211.0500 Psychiatrist 2221.30

2211.9900 Generalist Medical Practitioners, Allopathic, 2221.90


Family 2212 Specialist Medical Practitioners

2212.0100 Neurologist 2221.35

2212.0200 Dermatologist 2221.40

2212.0300 Allergy Specialist 2221.42

2212.0400 Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist 2221.45

2212.0500 Cardiologist 2221.50

2212.0600 Radiologist 2221.55

2212.0700 Tuberculosis Specialist 2221.60

2212.0800 Ophthalmologist 2221.65

2212.0900 Urologist 2221.68

2212.1000 Venereologist 2221.70

2212.1100 Obstetrician 2221.75

2212.1200 Gynaecologist 2221.78

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2212.1300 Paediatrician 2221.80

2212.1400 Orthopaedist 2221.85

2212.1500 Pharmacologist 2212.30

2212.1600 Toxicologist (Pharmaceutical) 2212.35

2212.1700 Pathologist, Medical 2212.40

2212.1800 Malariologist, Medical 2212.45

2212.1900 Physiologist, Medical 2212.50

2212.9900 Specialist Medical Practitioners, Other 2212.90

Group 222 Nursing and Midwifery Professionals

Family 2221 Nursing Professionals

2221.0100 Nurse, Specialist 2230.10

2221.9900 Professional Nurses, Other 2230.90

Family 2222 Midwifery Professionals

Group 223 Traditional and Complementary Medicine


Family 2230 Traditional and Complementary Medicine


2230.0100 Physician, Ayurvedic 2222.10

2230.0200 Physician, Homeopathic 2223.10

2230.0300 Physician, Bio-Chemic/Bio Chemist 2223.20

2230.0400 Physician, Unani 2224.10

2230.9900 Traditional Medicine Practitioners, Other 3241.90

Group 224 Paramedical Practitioners

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 2240 Paramedical Practitioners

2240.0100 Laboratory Assistant, Clinical 3221.10

2240.0400 Dresser 3221.40

2240.0501 Emergency Medical Technician – Basic

2240.0502 Emergency Medical Technician – Advanced

2240.9900 Paramedical Practitioners, Other

Group 225 Veterinarians

Family 2250 Veterinarians

2250.0100 Animal Pathologist 2212.60

2250.0200 Veterinarian, General 2226.10

2250.0300 Veterinarian, Surgeon 2226.20

2250.0400 Animal Genetist 2226.30

2250.0500 Zoo Veterinarian 2226.40

2250.0600 Veterinarian, Poultry 2226.50

2250.9900 Veterinarians, Other 2226.90

Group 226 Other Health Professionals

Family 2261 Dentists

2261.0100 Dentist 2225.10

2261.0200 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon 2225.20

2261.0300 Orthodontist 2225.30

2261.0400 Periodontist 2225.40

2261.0500 Prosthodontist 2225.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2261.0600 Paediatric Dentist 2225.60

2261.9900 Dental Specialists, Other 2225.90

Family 2262 Pharmacists

2262.0100 Chemist, Pharmaceuticals 2113.70

2262.0101 Chemist, Pharmaceuticals

Family 2263 Environmental and Occupational Health and

Hygiene Professionals

2263.0100 Health Officer 2229.10

2263.0200 Administrator, Hospital 2229.15

2263.9900 Environmental and Occupational Health and 3152.90

Hygiene Professionals, Other

Family 2264 Physiotherapists

2264.0100 Physiotherapist 3226.10

2264.0200 Occupational Therapist 3226.20

2264.0300 Chiropodist 3226.30

2264.0400 Masseur 3226.40

2264.0401 Sports Masseur

2264.9900 Physiotherapists and Related Associate 3226.90

Professionals, Other

Family 2265 Dieticians and Nutritionists

2265.0100 Nutritionist, General 3223.10

2265.0200 Dietician, General 3223.20

2265.0201 Dietician Assistant

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2265.0300 Animal Nutritionist 3223.30

2265.9900 Dieticians and Nutritionists, Other 3223.90

Family 2266 Audiologists and Speech Therapists

2266.0100 Speech Therapist and Audiologist 3229.10

2266.0200 Speech Pathologist 3229.20

2266.0300 Voice Pathologist 3229.30

2266.0401 Speech Language Pathologist and Audiologist

Family 2267 Optometrists and Ophthalmic Opticians

2267.9900 Optometrists and Opticians, Other 3224.90

Family 2269 Health Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified

2269.0100 Naturopath 2229.20

2269.0200 Physician, Osteopathic 2229.30

2269.0300 Physician, Sidha 2229.40

2269.0400 Physicians and Surgeons, Other 2229.90

2269.0500 Orthotist and Prosthetist 3229.40

2269.0600 Orientation & Mobility Instructor 3229.50

2269.0700 Medical and Health Technicians, Other 3229.90

Sub- 23 Teaching Professionals


Group 231 University and Higher Education Teachers

Family 2310 University and Higher Education Teachers

2310.0100 University and College Teacher, Arts 2310.10

Subjects/Professors/Assistant Professors, Arts

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


2310.0200 University and College Teacher, Commerce 2310.15

Subjects/Professors/Assistant Professors,
Commerce Subjects

2310.0300 University and College Teacher, Management 2310.18

Subjects/Professors/Assistant Professors,
Management Subjects

2310.0400 University and College Teacher, 2310.20

Law/Professors/Assistant Professors, Education

2310.0500 University and College Teacher, 2310.30

Law/Professors/Assistant Professors, Law

2310.0600 University and College Teacher, Science 2310.40

Subjects/Professors/Assistant Professors, Science

2310.0700 University and College Teacher, Engineering/ 2310.45

Professors/Assistant Professors, Engineering

2310.0800 University and College Teacher, Information 2310.48

Technology/Professors/Assistant Professors,
Information Technology

2310.0900 University and College Teacher, Medicine and 2310.50

Surgery/Professors/Assistant Professors,
Medicine and Surgery

2310.1000 University and College Teacher, Veterinary 2310.60

Science/Professors/Assistant Professors,
Veterinary Science

2310.1100 University and College Teacher, Agricultural 2310.70


2310.1200 University and College Teacher, Fine 2310.80

Arts/Professors/Assistant Professors, Fine Arts

2310.9900 Professors/Assistant Professors, Other 2310.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Group 232 Vocational Education Teachers

Family 2320 Vocational Education Teachers

2320.0101 Certified Training Assessor

2320.0102 Physical Security Trainer

Group 233 Secondary Education Teachers

Family 2330 Secondary Education Teachers

2330.0100 Senior Secondary and Secondary School Teacher, 2320.10


2330.0200 Senior Secondary and Secondary School Teacher, 2320.12


2330.0300 Senior Secondary and Secondary School Teacher, 2320.15


2330.0400 Language Teacher, Senior Secondary and 2320.20

Secondary School

2330.9900 Senior Secondary and Secondary School 2320.90

Teachers, Other

Group 234 Primary School and Early Childhood Teachers

Family 2341 Primary School Teachers

2341.0100 Middle School Teacher 3311.10

2341.0200 Language Teacher, Middle School 3311.20

2341.0400 Primary School Teacher 3312.10

2341.9900 Primary School Teachers, Other 3312.90

Family 2342 Early Childhood Educators

2342.0100 Teacher, Infant School/Teacher Pre-Primary 3320.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2342.9900 Pre-Primary Education Teaching Associate 3320.90
Professionals, Other

Group 235 Other Teaching Professionals

Family 2351 Education Method Specialists

2351.0100 School Inspector 2332.10

2351.9900 Education Methods Specialists, Other 2331.90

2352 Special Needs Teachers

2352.0100 Teacher for Visually Impaired 3330.10

2352.0200 Teacher for Hearing-Impaired 3330.20

2352.0300 Teacher for Differently-Abled (Mental) 3330.30

2352.0400 Teacher for Differently-Abled (Physical) 3330.40

2352.9900 Teacher for Differently-Abled, Other 3330.90

Family 2353 Other Language Professionals

Family 2354 Other Music Teachers

Family 2355 Other Arts Teachers

2355.0100 Art Teacher 2339.10

2355.9900 Arts Teacher, Other 2339.90

Family 2356 Information Technology Trainers

2356.0100 Manual Training Teacher/Craft Instructor 3340.10

2356.0301 Master Trainer for Junior Software Developer

2356.9900 Information Technology Trainers, Other 3340.90

Family 2359 Teaching Professionals Not Elsewhere Classified

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2359.0100 Handwork Teacher/Teacher, Art and Craft 3340.20

Sub- 24 Business and Administrative Professionals


Group 241 Finance Professionals

Family 2411 Accountants

2411.0100 Accountant 2411.10

2411.0101 Associate – Transactional Finance & Accounting

2411.0200 Auditor 2411.20

2411.0201 Associate – Finance & Accounting Complex

2411.0300 Cost Accountant 2411.30

Family 2412 Financial and Investment Advisors

2412.0100 Financial Examiner 2411.40

2412.0200 Financial Analyst 2411.50

2412.0300 Budget Analyst 2411.60

2412.0400 Risk Management Analyst 2411.70

2412.0501 Agriculture Field Officer

2412.0600 Commission Agent 3411.40

2412.9900 Financial and Investment Advisors, Other 2411.90

Family 2413 Financial Analysts

Group 242 Administration Professionals

Family 2421 Management and Organization Analysts

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2421.0101 Analyst – Research

Family 2422 Policy Administration Professionals

Family 2423 Personal and Careers Professionals

2423.0100 Vocational Guidance Officer/Career Counsellors 2412.40

2423.0101 Associate – Recruitment

2423.0200 Counsellor 2412.50

2423.0500 Occupational Analyst 2412.75

2423.9900 Personal and Careers Professionals, Other 2412.90

Family 2424 Training and Staff Development Professionals

2424.0100 Manpower Officer/Area Manager, Human 2412.10


2424.0200 Employment Officer/Operation Head, 2412.20


2424.0300 Human Resource Manager 2412.30

2424.0401 Sales Training Manager

2424.0402 Sales/Service Trainer (Dealer)

2424.0501 Service Training Centre In-Charge

2424.0502 Field Service Trainer

2424.9900 Training and Staff Development Professionals,


Group 243 Sales, Marketing and Public Relations


Family 2431 Advertising and Marketing Professionals

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2431.0100 Market Research Analyst 2419.40

2431.0101 Regional Service Marketing Manager

2431.0102 Regional Service Process Manager

2431.0201 Product Brand Manager (Automotive)

2431.0202 Account Executive (Advertising Agency)

2431.0300 Caption Writer 2451.47

2431.0400 Advertisement Writer 2451.50

2431.0501 Market Research Associate – Sales &

Marketing/Business Development

2431.0502 Management Trainee – Sales &

Marketing/Business Development

2431.0503 Market Research Associate – Product Marketing

2431.0504 Management Trainee – Product Marketing

2431.0601 Product Executive

2431.0651 Sales Executive (Media Org)

2431.0671 Traffic Co-Ordinator

2431.0700 Creative Writer 2451.52

2431.0800 Propagandist 3411.30

2431.9900 Advertising and Marketing Professionals, Other

Family 2432 Public Relations Professionals

2432.0100 Publicity Officer 2419.10

2432.0200 Public Relations Officer 2419.20

2432.0201 Digital Marketing/Social Media Manager

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2432.0300 Information Officer 2419.30

2432.9900 Public Relations Professionals, Other 2419.90

Family 2433 Technical and Medical Sales Professional

(Excluding ICT)

2433.0101 Area Sales Officer

2433.0201 Medical Representative 3415.20

2433.0301 Sales Executive – Medical Electronics

2433.0401 Sales Executive – Consumer Electronics

2433.0501 Sales Executive – Solar Electronics

2433.0601 Business Development Executive

2433.0700 Field Officer, Insurance 3415.50

Family 2434 Information and Communications Technology

Sales Professionals

2434.0101 Sales and Pre-Sales Analyst

2434.0201 Sales/Pre-Sales Executive

Sub- 25 Information and Communication Technology

Division Professionals

Group 251 Software and Application Developers, and


Family 2511 System Analysts

2511.0100 System Analysts 2131.10

2511.0101 Deployment Engineer

2511.0102 Engineer – Software Transition

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2511.0103 Engineer – Packaging

2511.0104 Engineer – Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

2511.0105 Analyst

2511.0106 Support Engineer

2511.9900 System Analysts, Other 2131.90

Family 2512 Software Developers

2512.0100 Computer Programmer/Software Engineer 2132.10

2512.0201 Software Engineer 2132.20

2512.0202 Test Engineer – Software

2512.0203 Design Engineer(Product Engineer)

2512.0204 Software Developer – Application Development

2512.0205 Junior Software Developer

2512.0206 Engineer Trainee – IT Services

2512.0207 Engineer Trainee – Engineering Analysis

2512.0300 Programmer Analyst 2132.30

2512.0301 Software Developer – Product Development and


2512.0401 FPGA Design Engineer

2512.0501 Embedded Software Engineer

2512.0601 Design Engineer – Engineering Analysis

2512.0701 Application Maintenance Engineer

2512.0800 Programmer, Engineering and Scientific/System 2132.40


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 2513 Web and Multimedia Developers

2513.0101 Web Developer

2513.0201 User Interface Developer

2513.0301 Media Developer – Product Development and


2513.0302 Media Developer – Application Development

Family 2514 Applications Programmers

2514.9900 Computer Programmers, Other 2132.90

Family 2519 Software and Application Developers and

Analysts Not Elsewhere Classified

2519.0100 System Programmer 2132.50

2519.0300 Quality Assurance Analyst (Computers) 2139.10

2519.0301 Quality Assurance Engineer – IT Services

2519.0302 Test Engineer – IT Services

2519.0401 Quality Assurance Engineer – Software Products

2519.0402 Test Engineer – Software Products

2519.0501 Quality Engineer

Group 252 Database and Network Professionals

Family 2521 Database designers and Administrators

2521.0100 Database Design Analyst 2139.20

2521.0202 Junior Data Associate

Family 2522 Systems Administrators

2522.0100 Database Administrator 2139.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2522.0201 Security Analyst

Family 2523 Computer Network Professionals

2523.0100 Data Communication Analyst/Network 2131.20


2523.0200 Computer System Hardware Analyst/Hardware 2139.40


2523.0301 Tester/Test Engineer – Hardware

2523.0401 Design Engineer

2523.0501 Hardware Engineer

2523.9900 Computer Network Professionals, Other 2139.90

Family 2529 Database and Network Professionals Not

Elsewhere Classified

Sub- 26 Legal, Social and Cultural Professionals


Group 261 Legal Professionals

Family 2611 Lawyers

2611.0100 Attorney General of India 2421.10

2611.0200 Solicitor General of India 2421.20

2611.0300 Advocate General 2421.30

2611.0400 Legal Remembrancer 2421.40

2611.0500 Government Advocate 2421.50

2611.0600 Public Prosecutor 2421.60

2611.0700 Police Prosecutor 2421.65

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2611.0800 Attorney at Law 2421.70

2611.0900 Advocate 2421.80

2611.1001 Intellectual Property Executive

2611.1002 Legal Associate

2611.9900 Lawyers, Other 2421.90

Family 2612 Judges

2612.0100 Judge, Supreme Court 2422.10

2612.0200 Judge, High Court 2422.20

2612.0300 District and Session Judge 2422.30

2612.0400 Munsif 2422.40

2612.0500 Judge, Subordinate Court 2422.50

2612.0600 Magistrate 2422.60

2612.0700 Magistrate, Juvenile Court 2422.65

2612.0800 Chairman, Administrative Tribunal 2422.70

2612.0900 Member, Administrative Tribunal 2422.72

2612.1000 President, Industrial Tribunal 2422.75

2612.1100 Member, Industrial Tribunal 2422.80

2612.1200 President, Consumer Redressal Forum 2422.85

2612.1300 Member, Consumer Redressal Forum 2422.87

2612.9900 Judges and Magistrates, Other 2422.90

Family 2619 Legal Professionals, Not Elsewhere Classified

2619.0100 Prothonotary and Senior Master 2429.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2619.0200 Registrar (Appellate Side, High Court) 2429.20

2619.0300 Registrar 2429.25

2619.0400 Master Official Referee and Registrar in Equity 2429.30

and Commissioner for Taking Accounts (High

2619.0500 Taxing Master 2429.40

2619.0600 Insolvency Registrar 2429.45

2619.0700 Official Assignee (High Court) 2429.50

2619.0800 Court Receiver and Liquidator 2429.55

2619.0900 Sheriff 2429.60

2619.1000 Coroner 2429.65

2619.9900 Legal Professionals, Other 2429.90

Group 262 Librarians, Archivists and Curators

Family 2621 Archivists and Curators

2621.0100 Archivist 2431.10

2621.0200 Curator (Museum) 2431.20

2621.0300 Restorer, Painting 2431.30

2621.0400 Restorer, Lace and Textile 2431.40

2621.0500 Restorer, Ceramics 2431.50

2621.0600 Restorer, Paper and Prints 2431.55

2621.0700 Restorer, Furniture 2431.60

2621.9900 Archivists and Curators, Other 2431.90

Family 2622 Librarians and Related Information

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


2622.0100 Librarian 2432.10

2622.0200 Librarian (Film) 2432.20

2622.0300 Tape Librarian/Librarian Digital/Librarian Media 2432.25

2622.0500 News Librarian 2432.40

2622.0601 Document Coder/Processor

2622.9900 Librarians and Related Information Professionals, 2432.90


Group 263 Social and Religious Professionals

Family 2631 Economists

2631.0100 Economist 2441.10

2631.0200 Energy Economist 2441.20

2631.0300 Home Economist 2441.30

2631.9900 Economists, Other 2441.90

Family 2632 Sociologists, Anthropologists and Related


2632.0100 Sociologist, General 2442.10

2632.0200 Social Ecologist 2442.20

2632.0300 Clinical Sociologist 2442.25

2632.0400 Demographer 2442.30

2632.0500 Criminologists 2442.40

2632.0600 Penologist 2442.50

2632.0700 Anthropologist, General 2442.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2632.0800 Anthropologist, Physical 2442.70

2632.0900 Anthropologist, Cultural 2442.75

2632.1000 Genealogist 2442.77

2632.1100 Archaeologist 2442.80

2632.1200 Geographer 2442.85

2632.9900 Sociologists, Anthropologists and Related 2442.90

Professionals, Other

Family 2633 Philosophers, Historians and Political Scientists

2633.0100 Historian 2443.10

2633.0200 Biographer 2443.20

2633.0300 Epigraphist 2443.30

2633.0400 Numismatist 2443.40

2633.0500 Philatelist 2443.50

2633.0600 Political Scientist 2443.60

2633.9900 Philosophers, Historians and Political Scientists, 2443.90


Family 2634 Psychologists

2634.0100 Psychologist 2445.10

2634.0200 Psychometrist 2445.20

2634.0300 Psychologist, Engineering 2445.30

2634.0400 Psychologist, Educational 2445.40

2634.0500 Psychologist, Social 2445.50

2634.0600 Clinical Psychologist 2445.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2634.0700 Industrial – Organizational Psychologist 2445.70

2634.0800 Psychologist, Counselling 2445.80

2634.9900 Psychologists, Other 2445.90

Family 2635 Social Work and Counselling Professionals

2635.0100 Labour Welfare Officer 2446.10

2635.0200 Women’s Welfare Officer 2446.20

2635.0300 Probation Officer 2446.30

2635.0400 Medical Social Worker 2446.40

2635.0500 Child and Family Social Worker 2446.42

2635.0600 Health Educator 2446.45

2635.0700 Women’s Welfare Organizer 2446.50

2635.0800 Child Welfare Organizer 2446.55

2635.0900 Family Planning Organizer 2446.60

2635.1000 Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor 2446.80

2635.1100 Counsellor, Marriage and Family 2446.85

2635.9900 Social Work Professionals, Other 2446.90

Family 2636 Religious Professionals

2636.0100 Priest 2461.10

2636.0200 Purohit 2462.10

2636.9900 Ordained Religious and Non-Ordained Religious 2462.90


Group 264 Authors, Journalists and Linguists

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 2641 Authors and Related Writers

2641.0100 Author 2451.10

2641.0200 Critic 2451.15

2641.0300 Editor 2451.20

2641.0302 Script Editor

2641.0400 Sub-Editor 2451.25

2641.0500 Poet 2451.65

2641.0601 Script Writer 2451.70

2641.0602 Script Researcher

2641.0701 Associate – Editorial

2641.0801 Associate – Learning

2641.0901 Technical Writer – Product Documentation

2641.0902 Technical Writer – Application Development

2641.0903 Technical Writer – Technical Documentation/


2641.9900 Authors, Journalists and Other Writers 2451.90

Family 2642 Journalists

2642.0100 News Reporter 2451.30

2642.0200 Columnist 2451.35

2642.0300 Freelance Journalist 2451.40

2642.0400 Commentary Writer 2451.45

2642.0500 Radio Commentator 2451.55

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2642.0600 Commentator (Motion Picture) 2451.60

Family 2643 Translators, Interpreters and Other Linguists

2643.0100 Language Specialist 2444.10

2643.0200 Translator 2444.20

2643.0300 Interpreter 2444.30

2643.0401 Language Translator – Software Products

2643.0402 Language Translator – IT Services

2643.9900 Philologists, Translators and Interpreters, Other 2444.90

Group 265 Creative and Performing Artists

Family 2651 Visual Artists

2651.0100 Sculptor 2452.10

2651.0200 Modeller (Except Stone) 2452.20

2651.0300 Stone Modeller 2452.30

2651.0400 Painter, Fine Art 2452.40

2651.0500 Renovator, Paintings 2452.50

2651.0600 Cartoonist 2452.55

2651.9900 Visual Artists, Other 2452.90

Family 2652 Musicians, Singers and Composers

2652.0100 Music Composer 2453.10

2652.0200 Orchestra Conductor 2453.20

2652.0300 Singer 2453.30

2652.0400 Instrumental Musician, String Instrument 2453.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2652.0500 Instrumental Musician, Percussion Instrument 2453.50

2652.0600 Instrumental Musician, Wind Instrument 2453.60

2652.9900 Musicians, Singers and Composers, Other 2453.90

Family 2653 Dancers and Choreographers

2653.0100 Choreographer 2454.10

2653.0200 Nattuvan 2454.20

2653.0300 Dancer 2454.30

2653.9900 Choreographers and Dancers, Other 2454.90

Family 2654 Film, Stage and Related Directors and Producers

2654.0100 Director, Theatrical 2455.10

2654.0200 Director, Music 2455.20

2654.0300 Dance Director 2455.30

2654.0351 Live Action Director

2654.0400 Director, Research (Motion Picture, Radio & TV) 2455.40

2654.0500 Manager, Recreation and Entertainment 1229.10

2654.0600 Producer, Stage 1229.30

2654.0700 Producer, Film 1229.40

2654.0800 Production Manager (Motion Picture) 1229.50

2654.0901 Lighting Artist

2654.9900 Stage and Film Directors, Other 2455.90

Family 2655 Actors

2655.0100 Actor and Actress 2455.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

2655.0200 Extra 2455.60

2655.0301 Voice Over Artist

Family 2656 Announcers on Radio, Television and Other


2656.0100 Programme Announcer 3472.10

2656.0200 Disc Jockey 3472.20

2656.9900 Radio, Television and Other Announcers, Other 3472.90

Family 2659 Creative and Performing Artists Not Elsewhere


2659.0100 Rope Dancer 3474.10

2659.0200 Acrobat 3474.15

2659.0300 Equestrian 3474.20

2659.0400 Contortionist 3474.30

2659.0500 Circus Performers, Other 3474.35

2659.0600 Ventriloquist 3474.40

2659.0700 Buffoon; Clown 3474.42

2659.0800 Mimic 3474.45

2659.0900 Magician 3474.50

2659.1000 Juggler 3474.55

2659.1100 Snake Charmer 3474.70

2659.1200 Puppeteer 3474.75

2659.1300 Trainer, Animal 3474.60

2659.1400 Race Horse Trainer 3474.65

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 3 Technicians and Associate Professionals

Sub- 31 Science and Engineering Associate Professionals


Group 311 Physical and Engineering Science Technicians

Family 3111 Chemical and Physical Science Technicians

3111.0100 Laboratory Assistant, Physical 3111.10

3111.0200 Laboratory Assistant, Soil 3111.20

3111.0300 Laboratory Assistant, Chemical 3111.30

3111.0400 Chemical Radiation Technician 3111.35

3111.0500 Laboratory Assistant, Geological 3111.40

3111.0600 Slide Examiner, Petrology 3111.50

3111.0700 Slide Examiner, Palaeontology 3111.60

3111.9900 Physical Science Technicians, Other 3111.90

Family 3112 Civil Engineering Technicians

3112.0100 Overseer, Civil Engineering 3112.10

3112.0200 Permanent Way Inspector 3112.20

3112.0300 Plain Tabler 3112.30

3112.0400 Topographical Auxiliary 3112.40

3112.0500 Computer Topographical 3112.50

3112.0600 Surveyor, Tidal 3112.60

3112.0701 Assistant Laboratory and Field Technician

3112.9900 Civil Engineering Technicians, Other 3112.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3113 Electrical Engineering Technicians

3113.0101 Electrical Engineering, Technician/Maintenance 3113.10

Technician Electrical

3113.0102 Maintenance Technician Electrical

3113.0111 Technician Furnace Transformers: Ferro Alloys

3113.0200 Electrical Technician (High Voltage) 3113.20

3113.0300 Energy Auditor 3113.30

3113.0401 Machine Maintenance Technician

3113.0501 Maintenance Executive

3113.0601 Maintenance Technician

3113.0701 Customer Inspection Technician

3113.0801 In-Process and Final Quality Engineer

3113.0802 Final Testing Technician

3113.0803 Automated Optical Inspection Machine Operator

3113.0901 Cluster In-Charge

3113.1001 LED Luminaries Testing and Measurement

3113.1002 LED Light Repair Technician

3113.9900 Electrical Technicians, Other 3113.90

Family 3114 Electronics Engineering Technicians

3114.0100 Electronics Technician 3114.10

3114.0200 Television Chassis Inspector/Television Technician 3152.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3114.0601 BSS Support Engineer

3114.0701 Field Maintenance Engineer

3114.0801 ICT Engineer

3114.0802 ICT Technician

3114.0804 Broadband Technician

3114.0901 Installation Engineer – L2 & L3

3114.0902 Installation Engineer Installation Engineer – SDH


3114.1101 Product Specialist Engineer

3114.1201 Transmission Engineer

3114.1301 Network Management Engineer

3114.9900 Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering 3114.90

Technicians, Other

Family 3115 Mechanical Engineering Technicians

3115.0101 Mechanical Engineering Technician/Supervisor 3115.10

R&D Testing

3115.0102 Maintenance Technician – Mechanical

3115.0103 Maintenance Technician Assistant – Mechanical

3115.0104 Body Shop In-Charge

3115.0105 Workshop Manager

3115.0201 Automotive Engineering Technician/Testing 3115.20


3115.0202 Test Engineer Product/Vehicle

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3115.0301 Executive, Proto Manufacturing

3115.0401 Method Study Executive

3115.0501 Manager Maintenance Mechanical &


3115.0601 Master Auto Service Technician/Auto Service


3115.0602 Auto Service Technical Manager/Auto Service


3115.1000 Aeronautical Engineering Technician 3115.30

3115.1100 Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration Engineering 3115.40


3115.1200 Die Designer 3115.50

3115.1301 Tool Designer

3115.1302 Tool Room Supervisor

3115.1400 Loco Foreman 3115.60

3115.1500 Yard Foreman, Railway 3115.65

3115.1600 Train Examiner 3115.70

3115.9900 Mechanical Engineering Technicians, Other 3115.90

Family 3116 Chemical Engineering Technicians

3116.0100 Laboratory Assistant, Glass and Ceramics 3116.10

3116.0200 Laboratory Assistant, Food & Beverages/ Chemist/ 3116.20

Analytical Supervisor/Lab Chemist

3116.0300 Laboratory Assistant, Chemical Engineering 3116.30


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3116.0400 Core Analyst, Petrol and Natural Gas 3116.40

3116.0500 Laboratory Assistant, Petroleum and Lubricants 3116.50

3116.0600 Chemist, Water Purification/Water Treatment 3116.60

3116.9900 Chemical Engineering Technicians, 3116.90

Other/Chemical Process Technicians

Family 3117 Mining and Metallurgical Technicians

3117.0100 Rock Slicer 3117.10

3117.0200 Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction Technician 3117.20

3117.0300 Laboratory Assistant, Metallurgical 3117.30

3117.9900 Mining and Metallurgical Technicians, Other 3117.90

Family 3118 Draughtpersons

3118.0100 Draughtperson, Architectural 3118.10

3118.0200 Draughtperson, Civil 3118.20

3118.0201 Plumbing Draftsman

3118.0300 Draughtperson, Electrical 3118.30

3118.0301 Draftsman

3118.0302 Physical Design Engineer

3118.0401 Draughtperson, Mechanical 3118.40

3118.0402 Draughtsman – Mechanical

3118.0500 Draughtperson, Structural 3118.50

3118.0600 Draughtperson, Topographical 3118.60

3118.0700 Lithographic Designer 3118.70

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3118.0800 Tracer 3118.80

3118.0900 Blue Printer 3118.85

3118.9900 Draughtpersons, Other 3118.90

Family 3119 Physical and Engineering Science Technicians Not

Elsewhere Classified

3119.0100 Laboratory Assistant, Engineering 3119.10

3119.0200 Forensic Science Technician 3119.20

3119.0300 Fingerprint Expert 3119.30

3119.0400 Handwriting Expert 3119.35

3119.0500 Impression Taker 3119.37

3119.0600 Weather Observer 3119.40

3119.0700 Methods, Time and Motion Study Technician 3119.50

3119.0800 Fire Prevention Officer 3151.10

3119.0900 Fire Officer 3151.20

3119.1000 Fire Inspectors, Other 3151.90

3119.1100 Laser Technician 3139.10

3119.9900 Optical and Electronic Equipment Controllers, 3139.90


Group 312 Mining, Manufacturing and Construction


Family 3121 Mining Supervisors

3121.0100 Supervisor and Foreman, Mining and Quarrying 8118.10

3121.0200 Supervisor and Foreman, Well Drilling 8118.15

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3121.0300 Supervisor and Foreman, Mineral Treating 8118.20

3121.0400 Overman, Colliery 8118.25

3121.0500 Sirdar, Colliery 8118.30

3121.0600 Mud Supervisor 8118.35

3121.0700 Well Pulling Supervisor 8118.40

3121.0800 Gas Supervisor 8118.50

3121.9900 Supervisors and Foremen in Mining and Mineral 8118.90

Processing Plant Operation Activities, Other

Family 3122 Manufacturing Supervisors

3122.0100 Supervisors and Foremen, Metal Making, 8128.10

Converting and Refining

3122.0200 Foreman, Blast Furnace 8128.20

3122.0300 Stock House Foreman 8128.30

3122.0400 Supervisor and Foreman, Metal Treating 8128.40

3122.0500 Supervisor and Foreman, Metal Drawing and 8128.50


3122.0601 Assembly Line Supervisor

3122.0800 Supervisor and Foreman, Glass Forming and 8138.10

Related Activities

3122.0900 Supervisor and Foreman, Ceramics and Related 8138.20


3122.1000 Supervisor and Foreman, Wood Preparation and 8148.10


3122.1100 Supervisor and Foreman, Paper Pulp and 8148.20


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3122.1300 Supervisor and Foreman, Chemical Processing and 8158.10
Related Activities

3122.1400 Supervisor and Foreman, Petroleum Refining and 8158.20

Related Activities/Operator/Engineering Assistant
(Mechanical/Electrical/Civil/Chemical) Related

3122.1600 Boiler Supervisor 8168.10

3122.1700 Supervisors and Foremen, Stationary Engine and 8168.20

Related Equipment

3122.1800 Supervisor and Foreman, Stone Cutting and 8218.10


3122.1900 Supervisor and Foreman, Machine Tool 8218.20


3122.2000 Supervisor and Foreman, Rubber Goods Making 8238.10

3122.2100 Supervisor and Foreman, Plastic Products Making 8238.20

3122.2200 Plastic Moulding Shop Supervisor

3122.2300 Plastic Moulding Shift In-Charge

3122.2400 Supervisor and Foreman, Wood Working 8248.10


3122.2500 Supervisor and Foreman, Carpentry, Cabinet 8248.20

Making and Related Wood Working Processes

3122.2600 Supervisor and Foreman, Paper and Paper Board 8258.10

Product Making

3122.2800 Jobber (Textile) 8268.10

3122.2900 Supervisor and Foreman, Hosiery 8268.20

3122.3000 Supervisor and Foreman, Tanning and Pelt 8268.30


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3122.3100 Supervisor and Foreman, Shoemaking 8268.40

3122.3200 Supervisor and Foreman, Harness and Saddle 8268.50


3122.3300 Supervisor and Foreman, Leather Goods Making 8268.60

3122.3400 Supervisors and Foremen, Textile-Related 7435.05


3122.3450 Scouring Supervisor, Wool 7431.26

3122.3500 Supervisors and Foremen, Tailoring and Dress 7433.05


3122.3551 Production Supervisor – Sewing

3122.3600 Supervisor and Foreman, Brush Making 7424.05

3122.3800 Supervisor and Foreman, Tobacco Preparation, 8279.10

Cigar and Cigarette Making

3122.3900 Supervisor and Foreman, Tobacco Product Making 8279.20

3122.4000 Supervisor and Foreman, Material and Freight 8290.10


3122.4100 Supervisor and Foreman, Checking, Sorting, 8290.20

Packing and Related Activities

3122.4200 Supervisor and Foreman, Welding and Flame 7218.10


3122.4300 Supervisor and Foreman, Sheet and Structural 7218.20

Metal Working

3122.4401 Casting Line In-Charge

3122.4402 Casting Line Supervisor

3122.4501 Forging Shop Shift In-Charge

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3122.4502 Forging Shop Supervisor

3122.4601 Press Shop Shift In-Charge

3122.4602 Press Shop Supervisor

3122.4701 Welding Machine Setter

3122.4702 Welding Supervisor

3122.4900 Supervisor and Foreman, Blacksmith 7228.10

3122.5000 Supervisor and Foreman, Tool Making/Die Making 7228.20

3122.5200 Supervisor and Foreman, Machinery Fitting and 7238.10


3122.5300 Supervisor and Foreman, Motor Vehicle Repairing 7238.20

3122.5400 Supervisor and Foreman, Aircraft Repairing 7238.30

3122.5600 Supervisor and Foreman, Electrical and Electronic 7248.10


3122.5700 Engineering Supervisor, Telephone 7248.20

3122.5800 Sub-Inspector, Telephone 7248.30

3122.5900 Charge Hand, Rack Wiring (Telephone Equipment) 7248.40


3122.6000 Line Supervisor, Electrical 7248.50

3122.6200 Supervisor and Foreman, Precision Instrument 7318.10

Making (Except Electrical)

3122.6300 Supervisor and Foreman, Musical Instrument 7318.20


3122.6400 Supervisor, Jewellery, Engraving and Precision 7318.30

Metal Workers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3122.6501 Wax Model Making Supervisor

3122.6502 Product Development Manager

3122.6503 Planning Supervisor

3122.6504 Blade Sawing Supervisor

3122.6505 Laser Supervisor

3122.6506 Bruting Supervisor

3122.6507 Blocking Supervisor

3122.6508 Polishing Supervisor

3122.6509 Final Assortment Supervisor

3122.6511 Supervisor Faceting and Polishing

3122.6600 Supervisor and Foreman, Photolitho, Photo 7348.10

Engraving and Dark Room Operations

3122.6700 Supervisor and Foreman, Printing and Related 7348.20


3122.6900 Supervisor and Foreman, Food 7418.10

Processing/Production Supervisor

3122.7000 Juice Clarification Supervisor 7418.20

3122.7100 Supervisor and Foreman, Brewing, Aerated Water 7418.30

and Beverage Making

3122.7200 Supervisor and Foreman, Dairy Products/Dairy 7418.40


3122.8001 Rubber Nursery Supervisor

3122.9900 Manufacturing Supervisors, Other

Family 3123 Construction Supervisors

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3123.0100 Work Supervisor, Construction 7138.10

3123.0200 Supervisor and Foreman, Insulation 7138.20

3123.0300 Supervisor and Foreman, Plumbing and Pipe 7138.30


3123.0301 Plumbing Foreman

3123.0302 Plumbing Supervisor

3123.0400 Electrical Supervisor, Wiring, 7138.40

3123.0500 Supervisor and Foreman, Painting 7148.10

3123.0600 Painting and Surface Treatment Line In-Charge

3123.0700 Painting Supervisor

3123.9900 Supervisors and Foremen and Related Trades 7148.90

Workers in Painting, Building Structure Cleaning,

Group 313 Process Control Technicians

Family 3131 Power Production Plant Operators

3131.0100 Stationary Engine Driver, Steam 8161.10

3131.0200 Stationary Engine Driver, Internal Combustion 8161.20

3131.0300 Turbine Operator, Steam 8161.30

3131.0400 Turbine Operator, Hydel 8161.40

3131.0500 Power Plant Operator 8161.45

3131.0600 Electrical Switch Board Operator 8161.50

3131.0700 Oiler and Greaser, Stationary Engine and 8161.60


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3131.0800 Nuclear Plant Control Operator 8161.65

3131.0900 Breaker Tender 8161.70

3131.1000 Hopper Attendant/Hopper Machine Operator 8161.72

3131.1100 Load Dispatcher 8161.80

3131.9900 Power Production Plant Operators, Other

Family 3132 Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant


3132.0100 Ice Maker 8163.10

3132.0200 Reservoir Caretaker 8163.20

3132.0300 Gas-Compressor Operator 8163.30

3132.0400 Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator 8163.40

3132.0500 Heating Plant Superintendent 8163.50

3132.0600 Pump Station Operator, Waterworks 8163.60

3132.0700 Air Compressor Operator 8169.10

3132.0800 Ammonia Compressor Attendant 8169.20

3132.0900 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Plant 8169.30


3132.1000 Pumpman 8169.40

3132.1100 Exhaust Fan Operator 8169.50

3132.1200 Blower Operator 8169.60

3132.1300 Incinerator Operator 8169.65

3132.9900 Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant Operators,


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3133 Chemical Processing Plant Controllers

3133.0100 Process Man, Chemical 8152.10

3133.0200 Furnace Operator (Chemical) 8152.60

3133.0300 Boiling Tub Operator (Chemical) 8152.65

3133.0400 Batch Still Operator, Chemical 8154.10

3133.0500 Continuous Still Operator, Chemical 8154.20

3133.0600 Bleaching Operator, Chemical 8159.30

3133.0700 Chemical Process Operator (Radioactive 8159.50


3133.0800 Hot Cell Technician 8159.52

3133.9900 Chemical Processing Plant Controllers, Other

Family 3134 Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining Plant


3134.0100 Continuous Still Operator, Petroleum 8155.10

3134.0200 Still Man Gas Plant/Gas Plant Operator (Petrol 8155.20


3134.0300 Pump Man (Petroleum Refining) 8155.30

3134.0400 Control Man (Petroleum Refining) 8155.40

3134.0500 Blender (Petroleum Refining) 8155.50

3134.0600 Paraffin Plant Operator (Petrol Refining) 8155.60

3134.0700 Pump Station Operator 8155.70

3134.0800 Treating Plant Operator 8155.75

3134.9900 Petroleum Refining Workers, Other 8155.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3135 Metal Production Process Controllers

3135.0500 Mixerman 8121.30

3135.0600 Convertor Blower/Convertor Blower Technician 8121.35

3135.0700 Convertor Man/Convertor Blower Technician 8121.40

3135.0900 Furnace Operator (Non-Ferrous Metal) 8121.47

3135.1100 Furnace Operator, Open Hearth 8121.55

3135.1200 Furnace Operator, Second Hand, Open Hearth 8121.60

3135.1300 Furnace Operator (Smelting & Refining) 8121.70

3135.1401 Shift In-Charge Furnace Ferro Alloys

3135.1700 Roller, Merchant Mill/Mill Operator 8122.16

3135.1800 Roller, Sheet Mill/Mill Operator 8122.20

3135.1900 Operator, Hot Rolling Mill (Non-Ferrous 8122.28

Metal)/Mill Operator

3135.2000 Roller, Hot Rolling Mill (Non-Ferrous Metal)/Mill 8122.32


3135.2001 Fluid Management Operator Rolling Mills

3135.2002 Process Operator Rolling Mills

3135.2003 Coil Packaging Machine Operator Rolling Mills

3135.2300 Operator, Strip Mill (Non-Ferrous Metal) 8122.42

3135.2500 Seamless Pipe and Tube Roller 8122.46

3135.2600 Furnace Man, Reverberatory, Pulverised Coal 8122.48


3135.3001 Heat Treatment Shop Supervisor

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3135.3100 Centrifugal Casting Machine Operator 8122.72

3135.3900 Control Man, Billet/Process Controller 8124.10

3135.9900 Metal Production Process Controllers, Other 8121.90

Family 3139 Process Control Technicians Not Elsewhere


3139.0100 Digester Operator, Paper Pulp 8142.20

3139.0200 Beaterman, Paper Pulp 8142.55

3139.0300 Machineman, Paper, Wet End 8143.15

3139.0400 Machineman, Paper, Dry End 8143.25

3139.0500 Calenderman, Paper 8143.65

3139.1400 Robotic Machine Operator 8172.10

3139.1501 Autocomponent Assembly Fitter

3139.2001 Assembly Supervisor

3139.5001 Quality Control Inspector

3139.5002 Quality Controller

3139.9900 Industrial Robot Operators, Other 8172.90

Group 314 Life Science Technicians and Related Associate


Family 3141 Life Science Technicians (Excluding Medical)

3141.0100 Laboratory Assistant, Zoological 3211.10

3141.0200 Laboratory Assistant, Botanical 3211.20

3141.0300 Taxidermist 3211.30

3141.9900 Life Science Technicians (Excluding Medical),

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


Family 3142 Agricultural Technicians

3142.0101 Micro Irrigation Technician

3142.0201 Bare Foot Technician (BFT)

3142.9900 Agricultural Technicians, Others `

Family 3143 Forestry Technicians

Group 315 Ship and Aircraft Controllers, and Technicians

Family 3151 Ship’s Engineers

3151.0100 Chief Engineer, Ship 3141.10

3151.0200 Second Engineer, Ship 3141.20

3151.0300 Third Engineer, Ship 3141.30

3151.0400 Fourth Engineer, Ship 3141.40

3151.0500 Fifth Engineer, Ship/Junior Engineer 3141.50

3151.9900 Ship and Aircraft Controllers and Technicians, 3141.90


Family 3152 Ship’s Deck Officers and Pilots

3152.0100 Captain, Ship/Master 3142.10

3152.0200 Chief Officer, Ship 3142.20

3152.0300 Second Officer, Ship 3142.30

3152.0400 Third Officer, Ship 3142.40

3152.0500 Harbour Master 3142.50

3152.0600 Pilot Ship/Bay Pilot/Harbour Pilot/Channel Pilot 3142.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3152.0900 Ferry Officer 3142.85

3152.9900 Ship’s Deck Officers and Pilots, Other 3142.90

Family 3153 Aircraft Pilots and Related Associate


3153.0100 Chief Pilot, Aircraft 3143.10

3153.0200 Check Pilot 3143.20

3153.0300 Pilot, General 3143.30

3153.0400 Aircraft Pilot, Specialized 3143.40

3153.0500 Pilot, Glider 3143.50

3153.0600 Chief Navigator, Aircraft 3143.60

3153.0700 Check Navigator, Aircraft 3143.65

3153.0800 Navigator, Aircraft 3143.70

3153.0900 Chief Flight Engineer 3143.80

3153.1000 Check Flight Engineer 3143.82

3153.1100 Flight Engineer 3143.84

3153.9900 Aircraft Pilots and Related Associate 3143.90

Professionals, Other

Family 3154 Air Traffic Controllers

3154.0100 Air Traffic Controller Specialist 3144.10

3154.0200 Traffic Controller, Air Service 3144.20

3154.9900 Air Traffic Controllers, Other 3144.90

Family 3155 Air Traffic Safety Electronics Technicians

Sub- 32 Health Associate Professionals

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


Group 321 Medical and Pharmaceutical Technicians

Family 3211 Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Equipment


3211.0100 X-Ray Technician 3133.10

3211.0101 Radiology Technician

3211.0200 Bio-Medical Equipment Technician 3133.20

3211.0501 Medical Equipment Technician

3211.0801 Cardiac Care Technician

3211.9900 Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Equipment 3133.90

Technicians, Other

Family 3212 Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians

3212.0101 Operation Theatre Technician 3211.40

3212.0201 Dialysis Technician 3211.50

3212.0301 Anaesthesia Technician

3212.0501 Histotechnician

3212.0601 Phlebotomy Technician

3212.0602 Blood Bank Technician

3212.0701 Medical Laboratory Technician

3212.9900 Dialysis Technician Life Science Technicians, Other 3211.90

Family 3213 Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants

3213.0100 Pharmacist 3228.10

3213.0101 Pharmacy Assistant

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3213.0200 Laboratory Assistant, Pharmaceutical 3228.20

3213.9900 Pharmaceutical Assistants, Other 3228.90

Family 3214 Medical and Dental Prosthetic Technicians

3214.0100 Mechanic, Dental 7311.80

3214.9900 Medical and Dental Prosthetic Technicians, Other

Group 322 Nursing and Midwifery Associate Professionals

Family 3221 Nursing Associate Professionals

3221.0100 Nurse, General 3231.10

3221.0200 Nurse, Industrial 3231.20

3221.0300 Nursing Attendant 3231.30

3221.9900 Nursing Associate Professionals, Other 3231.90

Family 3222 Midwifery Associate Professionals

3222.0100 Midwife 3232.10

3222.0200 Midwifery Attendant 3232.20

3222.0300 Lady Health Visitor/ASHA Worker/Anganwadi 3232.30


3222.9900 Midwifery Associate Professionals, Other 3232.90

Group 323 Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Associate Professionals

Family 3230 Traditional and Complementary Medicine

Associate Professionals

Group 324 Veterinary Technicians and Assistants

Family 3240 Veterinary Technicians and Assistants

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3240.0100 Vaccinator, Veterinary 3227.10

3240.0200 Stockman 3227.20

3240.0300 Animal Keeper 3227.30

3240.0400 Laboratory Technician, Artificial Breeding 3227.40

3240.9900 Veterinary Technicians and Assistants, Other 3227.90

Group 325 Other Health Associate Professionals

Family 3251 Dental Assistants and Therapists

3251.0101 Dental Assistant 3225.10

3251.9900 Dental Assistants and Therapists, Other 3225.90

Family 3252 Medical Records and Health Information


3252.0101 Medical Records and Health Information


Family 3253 Community Health Workers

3253.0101 Diabetes Educator

3253.0201 Frontline Health Worker

3253.9900 Community Health Workers, Other

Family 3254 Dispensing Opticians

3254.0100 Optician, General 3224.10

3254.0200 Optician, Contact Lens 3224.20

3254.9900 Dispensing Opticians, Other

Family 3255 Physiotherapy Technicians and Assistants

3255.0101 Assistant Physiotherapist

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3256 Medical Assistants

3256.0101 Refractionist

3256.0202 Vision Technician

3256.9900 Medical Assistants, Other 3221.90

Family 3257 Environmental and Occupational Health

Inspectors and Associates

3257.0100 Sanitary Inspector 3222.10

3257.0300 Environment Science and Protection Technician, 3214.10

Including Health

3257.0400 Environmental Compliance Inspector 3214.20

3257.0500 Environmental Engineering Technician 3214.30

3257.0600 Health, Safety and Environment Officer

3257.9900 Environment Science and Protection Technicians, 3214.90


Family 3258 Ambulance Workers

Family 3259 Modern Health Associate Professionals Not

Elsewhere Classified

Sub- 33 Business and Administration Associate

Division Professionals

Group 331 Financial and Mathematical Associate


Family 3311 Securities and Finance Dealers and Brokers

3311.0100 Broker, Share Market 3411.10

3311.0200 Jobber, Share Market 3411.20

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3311.0201 Equity Dealer

3311.0202 Mutual Fund Agent

3311.9900 Securities and Finance Dealers and Brokers, Other 3411.90

Family 3312 Credit and Loan Officers

3312.0100 Finance Agent 3411.50

3312.0101 Loan Approval Officer

3312.9900 Credit and Loan Officers, Other

Family 3313 Accounting Associate Professionals

Family 3314 Statistical, Mathematical and Related Associate


3314.0100 Economic Investigator 3433.10

3314.0200 Statistical Assistant 3433.20

3314.9900 Statistical, Mathematical and Related Associate 3433.90

Professionals, Other

Family 3315 Valuers and Loss Assessors

3315.0100 Valuer 3417.40

3315.0200 Claims Inspector, Railways 3417.50

3315.0300 Appraiser, Customs 3417.60

3315.0501 Warranty In-Charge

3315.9900 Valuers and Loss Assessors, Other 3417.90

Group 332 Sales and Purchasing Agents and Brokers

Family 3321 Insurance Representatives

3321.0100 Insurance Agent 3412.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3321.0101 Sales Officer (Auto Insurance)

3321.0102 Sales Consultant (Auto Finance)

3321.0200 Insurance Adjuster, Examiner, Surveyor and 3412.20


3321.0201 Finance, Insurance and Registration


3321.9900 Insurance Representatives, Other 3412.90

Family 3322 Commercial Sales Representatives

3322.0101 Sales Representative, Technical 3415.10

3322.0200 Commercial Traveller, General 3415.30

3322.0300 Canvasser, Sales 3415.40

3322.0500 Sales Supervisor, Wholesale Trade 3415.60

3322.0601 Key Accounts Sales Manager

3322.0701 Regional Parts Manager

3322.0801 Area Manager (Auto Components)

3322.0802 Sales Officer (Auto Components)

3322.0900 Sales Supervisor, Retail Trade 3415.70

3322.1001 Territory Sales Manager

3322.1002 Territory Sales Manager (Used Vehicles)

3322.1101 Customer Relationship Manager

3322.1102 Regional Manager – Customer Care

3322.1201 Regional Sales Manager (Pre-Owned Vehicles)

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3322.1202 Sales Lead (Pre-Owned Vehicles)

3322.1203 Sales Consultant (Pre-Owned Vehicles)

3322.1301 Sales Manager

3322.1302 Sales Consultant (Institutional


3322.1303 Sales Consultant (Retail)

3322.1304 Sales Consultant

3322.1305 Floor Manager

3322.1306 Store Manager

3322.1400 Other Sales Supervisor 3415.80

3322.1501 Regional Sales Manager (RSM)

3322.1601 Regional Dealer Development Manager/Network

Expansion Manager

3322.1701 Marketing Manager – Line of Business

3322.1702 Marketing and Social Media Manager

3322.2101 Regional Retail Finance and Insurance Manager

3322.2501 Service Supervisor

3322.2502 Service Advisor

3322.2503 Service Office Manager

3322.2504 Service Office Executive

3322.4001 Pre-Delivery Inspection In-Charge

3322.4002 Pre-Delivery Inspection Supervisor

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3322.5001 Plumbing Products Sales Officer

3322.5002 Plumber Aftersales Service

3322.6001 Export Executive

3322.6011 Export Assistant

3322.9900 Commercial Sales Representatives, Other 3415.90

Family 3323 Buyers

3323.0100 Buyer 3416.10

3323.0101 Merchandiser – Gem & Jewellery

3323.0102 Merchandiser – Apparel

3323.0200 Purchasing Agent 3416.20

3323.0301 Vendor Development Executive

3323.0401 Purchase Executive

3323.0501 Purchase Executive – Solar

3323.0601 Associate – Supply Chain Management

3323.0602 Supply Chain Field Assistant

3323.9900 Buyers, Other 3416.90

Family 3324 Trade Brokers

Group 333 Business Service Agents

Family 3331 Clearing and Forwarding Agents

Family 3332 Conference and Event Planners

Family 3333 Employment Agents and Contractors

Family 3334 Real Estate Agents and Property Managers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3334.0100 Property Dealer 3413.10

3334.0200 House Agent 3413.20

3334.9900 Estate Agents, Other 3413.90

Family 3339 Business Service Agents Not Elsewhere Classified

3339.0200 Brand Manager 2419.50

3339.0300 Auctioneer 3417.10

3339.0400 Crier, Auction 3417.20

3339.0500 Conductor, Auction Sale 3417.30

3339.0601 Delivery Management Cell Agent 3429.10

Group 334 Administrative and Specialized Secretaries

Family 3341 Office Supervisors

3341.0200 Overseer, Postmen 4142.10

3341.0400 Supervisor, Telephone 4142.20

3341.0500 Monitor, Telephone 4142.25

3341.0600 Supervisor, Wireless 4142.30

3341.0700 Headlight Keeper 4142.35

3341.0800 Section Officer 3431.10

3341.0900 Inspectors and Supervisors, Other (Clerical) 3431.20

3341.1000 Office Assistant 3431.30

3341.1100 Briefing Assistant 3431.40

3341.1200 Sub-Post Master 3439.10

3341.9900 Office Supervisors, Other 3439.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3342 Legal Secretaries

Family 3343 Administrative and Executive Secretaries

Family 3344 Medical Secretaries

Group 335 Government Regulatory Associate Professionals

Family 3351 Customs and Border Inspectors

3351.0100 Inspector, Customs 3441.10

3351.0200 Supervisor, Customs 3441.20

3351.0300 Searcher 3441.30

3351.9900 Customs and Border Inspectors, Other 3441.90

Family 3352 Government Tax and Excise Officials

3352.0100 Inspector, Excise 3442.10

3352.9900 Government Tax and Excise Officials, Other 3442.90

Family 3353 Government Social Benefits Officials

3353.0100 Village Level Worker 3443.10

3353.0200 Patroller, Women 3443.20

3353.9900 Government Social Benefits Officials, Other 3443.90

Family 3354 Government Licensing Officials

Family 3355 Police Inspectors and Detectives

3355.0100 Inspector, Police 3450.10

3355.0200 Sub-Inspector, Police 3450.20

3355.0300 Detective 3450.30

3355.9900 Police Inspectors and Detectives, Other 3450.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3359 Government Regulatory Associate Professionals
Not Elsewhere Classified

Sub- 34 Legal, Social, Cultural and Related Associate

Division Professionals

Group 341 Legal, Social and Religious Associate


Family 3411 Legal and Related Associate Professionals

3411.0100 Legal Assistant 3432.10

3411.0200 Shirestedar 3432.20

3411.0300 Petition Writer 3432.30

3411.9900 Legal and Related Associate Professionals, Other 3432.90

Family 3412 Social Work Associate Professionals

3412.0100 Blood Donor Unit Assistant 3460.10

3412.0200 Equal Opportunity Officer 3460.20

3412.9900 Social Work Associate Professionals 3460.90

Family 3413 Religious Associate Professionals

Group 342 Sports and Fitness Workers

Family 3421 Athletes and Sports Players

3421.0100 Professional Sportsman/Professional, Athlete 3475.20

3421.0200 Jockey 3475.30

Family 3422 Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials

3422.0100 Athletic Coach 3475.40

3422.0201 Sports Coach 3475.45

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3422.0300 Riding Instructor 3475.50

3422.0400 Umpire 3475.60

3422.0500 Marker/Groundsmen & Women 3475.70

3422.9900 Sports Coaches, Instructors and Officials, Other 3475.90

Family 3423 Fitness and Recreation Instructors, and

Programme Leaders

3423.0101 Fitness Trainer/Fitness Instructor

3423.0200 Physical Training Instructor/Physical Education 3475.15


3423.0501 Lifeguard

3423.9900 Fitness and Recreation Instructors and

Programme Leaders

Group 343 Administrative Associate Professionals

Family 3431 Photographers

3431.0100 Photographer, General 3131.25

3431.0200 Photographer News 3131.30

3431.0300 Photographer, Aerial 3131.35

3431.9900 Photographers, Other 3131.90

Family 3432 Interior Designers

3432.0100 Interior Designer 3471.50

3432.0200 Decorator 3471.10

3432.0501 Bathroom and Kitchen Designer

3432.9900 Decorators and Commercial Designers, Other 3471.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 3433 Gallery, Museum and Library Technicians

Family 3434 Chefs

3434.0100 Head Cook/Head Chef 5122.10

Family 3435 Other Artistic and Cultural Associate


3435.0100 Tattoo Artist 3471.30

3435.0200 Stuntman 3474.25

3435.0300 Prompter 3474.47

3435.0400 Merry-Go-Round Operator 3474.80

3435.0500 Floral Designer 3471.60

3435.9900 Other Artistic and Cultural Associate 3474.90

Professionals, Other

Sub- 35 Information and Communications Technicians


Group 351 Information and Communication Technology

Operations and User Support Technicians

Family 3511 Information and Communication Technology

Operations Technicians

3511.0101 Domestic Biometric Data Operator

Family 3512 Information and Communication Technology

User Support Technicians

3512.0100 Data Recovery Planner/System Administrator 3121.35

3512.0101 Domestic IT Helpdesk Attendant

3512.0200 Desktop Publishing Operator 3121.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3512.0202 Associate— Desktop Publishing (DTP)

3514.0300 Programming Assistant/Junior Software Engineer 3121.20

3512.0401 Disk Duplicator

3512.0501 IT Co-Ordinator in School

3512.0601 Associate – Clinical Data Management

3512.0700 Medical Transcriptionist 3121.40

3512.0702 Associate – Medical Transcription

3512.0801 Engineer – Technical Support

3512.9900 Information and Communication Technology User 3121.90

Support Technicians, Other

Family 3513 Computer Network and Systems Technician

3513.0100 System Administration Assistant/Junior System 3121.10


3513.0200 Computer Security Specialist 3121.30

3513.0301 Infrastructure Engineer

3513.9900 Computer Network and Systems Technician,


Family 3514 Web Technician

Group 352 Telecommunication and Broadcasting


Family 3521 Broadcasting and Audiovisual Technicians

3521.0100 Cinematographer 3131.10

3521.0200 Movie Cameraman 3131.15

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3521.0300 Cameraman, Animation 3131.20

3521.0401 Sound Recording Equipment Operator/Sound 3131.40


3521.0501 Film Editor/Editor 3131.50

3521.0511 Sound Editor

3521.0600 Supervisor, Broadcasting Audiovisual Projection 3132.10

and Sound Equipment Operations

3521.0700 Television Broadcasting Station Operator 3132.20

3521.0800 Radio Operator, Broadcasting Station 3132.30

3521.0900 Cinematograph Operator 3132.40

3521.1000 Public Address Equipment Operator 3132.50

3521.1100 Station Officer, Overseas Communication 3132.55

3521.1200 Station Technical Assistant, Overseas 3132.60


3521.1300 Wireless Operator 3132.65

3521.1400 Radio Operator, Ship 3132.70

3521.1500 Radio Operator, Aircraft 3132.75

3521.1600 Control Tower Operator, Aerodrome 3132.76

3521.1700 Radar Operator 3132.80

3521.2000 Signaller, Ship 3132.83

3521.2100 Light Keeper, Light House 3132.84

3521.9900 Broadcasting and Audiovisual Technicians, Other 3132.90

Family 3522 Telecommunication Engineering Technicians

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

3522.0100 Telecommunication, Technician 3114.20

3522.0200 Line Inspector, Telephone 3114.30

3522.0300 Telephone Inspector 3114.40

3522.0400 Wireless Inspector Electronics 3114.50

3522.9900 Telecommunication Engineering Technicians,


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 4 Clerks/Clerical Support Workers

Sub- 41 General and Keyboard Clerks


Group 411 General Office Clerks

Family 4110 General Office Clerks

4110.0100 Clerk, General 4190.10

4110.0200 Clerk, Enquiry 4190.20

4110.0300 Copyright Clerk 4190.30

4110.0400 Copy Holder 4190.35

4110.0500 Timekeeper 4190.60

4110.0600 Timekeeper, Motor Transport 4190.70

Group 412 Secretaries (General)

Family 4120 Secretaries (General)

4120.0100 Private Secretary 4115.10

4120.0200 Personal Secretary 4115.20

4120.0300 Panchayat Secretary 4115.30

4120.9900 Secretaries, Other 4115.90

Group 413 Keyboard Operators

Family 4131 Typists and Word Processing Operators

4131.0100 Secretary/Back Office Support 4111.10

4131.0200 Reporter 4111.20

4131.0400 Braille Typist 4111.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

4131.0500 Teleprinter Operator 4112.10

4131.0600 Computer Operator 4112.20

4131.9900 Typists and Word Processing Operators, 4112.90


Family 4132 Data Entry Clerks

4132.0401 Data Entry Machine Operator 4113.35

4132.0402 Domestic Data Entry Operator

4132.0600 Coding Machine Operator 4113.50

4132.0800 Duplicating Machine Operator/Photocopier 4113.65

4132.0900 Embossing Machine Operator 4113.70

4132.1000 Addressing Machine Operator 4113.80

4132.1300 Bookkeeping Machine Operator 4114.30

4132.1400 Bill Processing Clerk 4114.40

4132.9900 Data Entry Clerks, Other 4114.90

Sub- 42 Customer Services Clerks


Group 421 Tellers, Money Collectors and Related


Family 4211 Bank Tellers and Related Clerks

4211.0100 Cashier, General 4211.10

4211.0200 Cashier, Bank 4211.20

4211.0301 Cashier, Cash Counter 4211.30

4211.0302 Cashier, Gem & Jewellery

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

4211.0400 Teller, Bank 4212.10

4211.9900 Bank Tellers and Related Clerks, Other 4212.90

Family 4212 Bookmakers, Croupiers and Related

Gaming Workers

4212.0100 Booking Clerk, Recreation 4211.60

4212.0200 Bookmaker 4213.10

4212.9900 Bookmakers, Croupiers and Related Gaming 4213.90

Workers, Other

Family 4213 Pawnbrokers and Moneylenders

4213.0100 Moneylender 4214.10

4213.0200 Pawn Broker 4214.20

4213.9900 Pawnbrokers and Moneylenders, Other 4214.90

Family 4214 Debt Collectors and Related Workers

4214.0100 Bill Collector 4215.10

4214.0201 Debt Recovery Agents

4214.9900 Debt Collectors and Related Workers, Other 4215.90

Group 422 Client Information Workers

Family 4221 Travel Consultants and Clerks

4221.0100 Travel Consultants & Organizers

4221.0200 Flight Attendants and Travel Stewards

4221.0300 Reservation Clerk, Transport/Reservation 4211.40


4221.0400 Booking Clerk, Transport/Concierge 4211.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

4221.9900 Travel Consultants and Clerks, Others 4211.90

Family 4222 Contact Centre Information Clerks

4222.0101 Technical Support Executive – Non-Voice

4222.0102 Technical Support Executive – Voice

Family 4223 Telephone Switchboard Operators

4223.0100 Telephone Operator, Trunk 4222.10

4223.0200 Telephone Operator, Local 4222.20

4223.0300 Telephone Operator, PBX 4222.30

4223.9900 Telephone Switchboard Operators, Other 4222.90

Family 4224 Hotel Receptionists

4224.0100 Receptionist (Hotel)/Front Office Associate 4221.10

4224.9900 Hotel Receptionists, Other

Family 4225 Inquiry Clerks

4225.0100 Complaint Attending Clerk/Customer Service 4221.30

Desk/Customer Service Executive

4225.9900 Inquiry Clerks, Other 4221.90

Family 4226 Receptionist (General)

4226.0100 Reception Clerk/Front Desk 4221.20


4226.0201 Showroom Hostess/Host

Family 4227 Survey and Market Research Interviewers

Family 4229 Client Information Worker Not Elsewhere


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Sub- 43 Numerical and Material Recording Clerks


Group 431 Numerical Clerks

Family 4311 Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks

4311.0101 Bookkeeper General/Accounts Executive 4121.10

(Recording and Reporting)

4311.0200 Bank Clerk 4121.30

4311.0300 Ledger Clerk 4121.40

4311.0401 Accounts Executive (Accounts Payable &


4311.0500 Audit, Clerk 4121.50

4311.0600 Clerk, Cost Accounting 4121.60

4311.0700 Bill and Accounts Collector 4121.70

4311.0801 Rubber Nursery Office Assistant

4311.9900 Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks, Others 4121.90

Family 4312 Statistical Finance and Insurance Clerks

4312.0100 Statistical Clerks 4122.10

4312.9900 Statistical Finance and Insurance Clerks, 4122.90


Family 4313 Payroll Clerks

4313.0101 Accounts Clerk/Accounts Executive (Payroll) 4121.20

4313.0201 Accounts Executive (Statutory Compliance)

Group 432 Material Recording and Transport Clerks

Family 4321 Stock Clerks

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

4321.0100 Store Keeper 4131.10

4321.0101 Spare Parts Operations Executive

4321.0102 Inventory Clerk

4321.0103 Inventory Manager

4321.0104 Storage Assistant

4321.0200 Store Distributor 4131.20

4321.0301 Stock Verifier 4131.30

4321.0302 Incoming Inspection Technician

4321.0401 Manager Stores Operation

4321.0402 Spare Parts Operations In-Charge

4321.0501 Store Ops Assistant

4321.0601 Warehouse Picker

4321.0602 Warehouse Binner

4321.0603 Warehouse Packer

4321.0604 Kitting and Labelling Executive

4321.0701 Warranty Processor

4321.9900 Stock Clerks, Other 4131.90

Family 4322 Production Clerks

4322.0101 Inventory Manager (Wholesale)

4322.0201 Junior Rubber Technician/Technical


Family 4323 Transport Clerks

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

4323.0100 Yard Master, Railway 4133.10

4323.0200 Head Train Recorder 4133.20

4323.0300 Traffic Regulator, Tram 4133.27

4323.0400 Controller, Tram 4133.30

4323.0500 Traffic Timetable Inspector, Tram 4133.40

4323.9900 Transport Clerks, Other 4133.90

Sub- 44 Other Clerical Support Workers


Group 441 Other Clerical Support Workers

Family 4411 Library Clerks

4411.0100 Library Clerk 4141.10

4411.0200 Braille and Talking Books Clerk 4141.20

4411.0300 Preservation Assistant, Archives 4141.30

4411.9900 Library Clerks, Other 4141.90

Family 4412 Mail Carriers and Sorting Clerks

4412.0100 Mail Guard 4142.40

4412.0200 Postman 4142.45

4412.0300 Village Postman 4142.47

4412.9900 Mail Carriers and Sorting Clerks, Other 4142.90

Family 4413 Coding, Proofreading and Related Clerks

4413.0100 Coding Clerk 4143.10

4413.0200 Proofreader 4143.20

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

4413.9900 Coding, Proofreading and Related Clerks, 4143.90


Family 4414 Scribes and Related Clerks

4414.0100 Braille Transcriber, Hand 4144.10

4414.9900 Scribes and Related Clerks, Other 4144.90

Family 4415 Filing and Copying Clerks

Family 4416 Personnel Clerks

4416.0101 Associate – HRO

Family 4419 Clerical Support Workers Not Elsewhere


4419.0100 Publicity Assistant 4190.25

4419.0102 Business Correspondent

4419.0200 Patwari 4190.40

4419.0300 Patrol, Irrigation 4190.50

4419.0400 Bailiff 4190.55

4419.0500 Office Boy/Peon 4190.80

4419.0600 Daftry 5132.10

4419.0800 Process Server 5132.30

4419.9900 Clerical Support Workers, Other 5132.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 5 Service and Sales Workers

Sub- 51 Personal Service Workers


Group 511 Travel Attendants, Conductors and Guides

Family 5111 Travel Attendants and Travel Stewards

5111.0100 Chief Steward, Ship/Chief Cook 5111.10

5111.0200 Steward, Ship/Mess Man 5111.20

5111.0300 Air Hostess 5111.30

5111.0400 Flight Steward 5111.40

5111.0500 Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisor 5111.50

5111.0600 Air Crew Member 5111.60

5111.9900 Travel Attendants and Travel Stewards, 5111.90


Family 5112 Transport Conductors

5112.0100 Guard, Passenger Train 5112.10

5112.0200 Guard, Goods Train 5112.20

5112.0300 Brakesman, Railway 5112.30

5112.0400 Conductor Guard, Railway 5112.40

5112.0500 Ticket Collector, Railway 5112.42

5112.0600 Travelling Ticket Examiner, Railway 5112.44

5112.0700 Ticket Examiner, Motor Transport 5112.46

5112.0800 Passenger Guide, Railway 5112.50

5112.0900 Conductor, Tram 5112.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5112.1000 Bus Conductor 5112.70

5112.9900 Transport Conductors, Other 5112.90

Family 5113 Travel Guides

5113.0100 Travel Agent 5113.10

5113.0200 Tourist Guide 5113.20

5113.9900 Guides, Other 5113.90

Group 512 Cooks

Family 5120 Cooks

5120.0200 Cook, Institutional 5122.20

5120.0300 Cook, Domestic 5122.30

5120.0400 Cook, Ship 5122.40

5120.0500 Kitchen Porter/Steward 5122.50

5120.0600 Pantry Man 5122.60

5120.9900 Cooks, Other 5122.90

Group 513 Waiters and Bartenders

Family 5131 Waiters

5131.0100 Butler 5123.10

5131.0200 Steward, Hotel 5123.20

5131.0300 Bearer, Domestic/Household Workers 5123.30

5131.0401 Waiter, Institutional/Food & Beverage 5123.40

Service –Steward

5131.0500 Wine Waiter 5123.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5131.9900 Waiters, Other 5123.90

Family 5132 Bartenders

5132.0100 Barman 5123.60

5132.9900 Bartenders, Other

Group 514 Hairdressers, Beauticians and Related


Family 5141 Hairdressers

5141.0100 Hairdresser (Ladies) 5141.10

5141.0202 Hair Stylist 5141.15

5141.0201 Assistant Hair Stylist

5141.0300 Barber 5141.20

5141.9900 Hairdressers, Other

Family 5142 Beauticians and Related Workers

5142.0100 Beautician 5141.30

5142.0101 Assistant Beautician

5142.0200 Manicurist 5141.40

5142.0201 Pedicurist and Manicurist

5142.0300 Skincare Specialist 5141.45

5142.0400 Make-Up Man 5141.50

5142.0500 Dresser, Stage & Studio 5141.60

5142.0600 Wigman 5141.70

5142.0700 Bath Attendant 5141.80

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5142.9900 Beauticians and Related Workers, Others 5141.90

Group 515 Building and Housekeeping Supervisors

Family 5151 Cleaning and Housekeeping Supervisors in

Offices, Hotels and Other Establishments

5151.0101 Housekeeper (Institutional)/Housekeeping 5121.10


5151.0201 Janitor/Housekeeping Attendant 5121.15

5151.0202 Room Attendant

5151.0300 House Stewards/Domestic Help 5121.30

5151.0400 Matron, Housekeeping 5121.35

5151.0500 Linen Keeper 5121.50

5151.0600 Hotel and Restaurant Keeper/Hotel and 5121.60

Restaurant Owner

5151.0701 Supervisor, Front Office/Customer Service 5121.25

Executive (Meet and Greet)

5151.0800 Room Bearer/Bell Boys/Bell Hop/Hotel 5121.70


5151.9900 Cleaning and Housekeeping Supervisors in 5121.90

Offices, Hotels and Other Establishments,

Family 5152 Domestic Housekeepers

5152.0100 Housekeeper (Domestic) 5121.20

5152.9900 Domestic Housekeepers, Others

Family 5153 Building Caretakers

5153.0100 Caretaker, Building 9141.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5153.0200 Caretaker, Monument 9141.20

5153.0300 Caretaker, Burial Places and Cremation 9141.30


5153.9900 Building Caretakers, Other 9141.90

Group 516 Other Personal Services Workers

Family 5161 Astrologers, Fortune Tellers and Related


5161.0100 Astrologer 5151.10

5161.0200 Palmist 5152.10

5161.9900 Astrologers, Fortune Tellers and Related 5152.90

Workers, Other

Family 5162 Companions and Valets

Family 5163 Undertakers and Embalmers

5163.0100 Undertaker 5143.10

5163.0200 Embalmer 5143.20

5163.0300 Grave Digger 5143.30

5163.9900 Undertakers and Embalmers, Other 5143.90

Family 5164 Pet Groomers and Animal Care Workers

Family 5165 Driving Instructors

5165.0101 Commercial Vehicle Driver Trainer

Family 5169 Personal Service Workers Not Elsewhere


Sub- 52 Sales Workers


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Group 521 Street and Market Salespersons

Family 5211 Stall and Market Salespersons

5211.0100 Advertising Sales Agent/Advertising 5230.10


5211.0200 Shop Attendant/Sales Assistant 5230.20

5211.0300 Telemarketing Sales Person/Telemarketing 5230.30

Sales Operator

5211.0301 Sales Executive – Dealership

5211.0302 Telecaller

5211.9900 Stall and Market Salespersons, Other 5230.90

Family 5212 Street Food Salespersons

5212.0100 Milkman 9111.10

5212.9900 Street Food Vendors, Other/Khomchawala, 9111.90

Dhabawala, Chat Thelawala

Group 522 Shop Salespersons

Family 5221 Shopkeepers

Family 5222 Shop Supervisors

5222.0100 Sales Supervisor, Wholesale Trade 5220.10

5222.0101 Area Parts Manager (APM)

5222.0201 Sales Supervisor, Retail Trade/CRM 5220.15


Family 5223 Shop Sales Assistants

5223.0100 Shop Assistant 5220.40

5223.0101 Order Processor

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5223.0102 Jewellery Retail Sales Associate (Basic)

5223.0103 Jewellery Retail Sales Associate (Advanced)

5223.0104 Plumbing Products Sales Assistant

5223.0105 Trainee Associate

Group 523 Cashiers and Ticket Clerks

Family 5230 Cashiers and Ticket Clerks

Group 524 Other Sales Workers

Family 5241 Fashion and Other Models

5241.0100 Model, Fashion 5210.10

5241.0200 Model 5210.20

5241.9900 Fashion and Models, Other 5210.90

Family 5242 Sales Demonstrators

5242.0101 Technical Demonstrator (Sale)/Area 5220.25

Technical Lead

5242.0102 Sales Associate

5242.0201 Customer Care Executive (Relationship


5242.0301 Customer Care Executive (Repair Centre)

5242.0401 In-Store Promoter

5242.0501 Associate Network Engineer 5220.20

5242.0502 Associate Operations Engineer

5242.9900 Sales Demonstrators, Other 5220.90

Family 5243 Door-to-Door Salespersons

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5243.0100 Newspaper Boy 9113.10

5243.0200 Order Supplier/Supplier 9113.20

5243.0300 Home Deliveryman 9113.30

5243.0401 Distributor Sales Representative

5243.0501 Field Sales Executive (FSE)

5243.0502 Sales Executive (Broadband)

5243.9900 Door-to-Door and Telephone Sales Persons, 9113.90


Family 5244 Contact Centre Salespersons

5244.0100 Operator, Call Centre 5220.22

5244.0101 CRM Domestic Voice

5244.0102 Associate – CRM

5244.0103 Customer Relation Executive

5244.0201 CRM Domestic Non-Voice

5244.0202 Associate Customer Care (Non-Voice)

5244.0203 Collections Executive

5244.0301 Customer Care Executive

5244.0302 Remote Helpdesk Technician

5244.0303 Customer Care Executive (Call Centre)

Family 5245 Service Station Attendants

5245.0101 Petrol Pump Salesman/Fuel 5220.45

Serviceman/Fuel Dispensing Attendant

Family 5246 Food Service Counter Attendants

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 5249 Sales Workers Not Elsewhere Classified

5249.0101 Key Account Service Manager

5249.0200 Salesman, Wholesale Trade 5220.30

5249.0201 Commercial Manager (Zonal/Regional)

5249.0202 Commercial Executive/Officer

5249.0301 Salesman, Retail Trade 5220.35

5249.0400 Wholesale Dealer 5220.50

5249.0500 Retail Dealer 5220.55

5249.0600 Selling Agent 5220.60

5249.0700 Stockist 5220.65

Sub- 53 Personal Care Workers


Group 531 Child Care Workers and Teachers' Aides

Family 5311 Child Care Workers

5311.0100 Ayah, Institutional 5131.10

5311.0200 Child Care Worker 5131.30

5311.0300 Governess 5121.40

5311.0400 Ayah, Domestic 5131.20

5311.9900 Child Care Workers, Other 5131.90

Family 5312 Teachers' Aides

Group 532 Personal Care Workers in Health Services

Family 5321 Healthcare Assistants

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 5322 Home-Based Personal Care Workers

5322.0101 Home Health Aide

5322.9900 Home-Based Personal Care Workers, Other 5133.90

Family 5329 Personal Care Workers in Health Services

Not Elsewhere Classified

5329.0101 General Duty Assistant

Sub- 54 Protective Service Workers


Group 541 Protective Service Workers

Family 5411 Fire Fighters

5411.0100 Fire Fighter 5161.10

5411.9900 Fire Fighters, Other 5161.90

Family 5412 Police Officers

5412.0100 Police Constable 5162.10

5412.0200 Sepoy, Customs 5162.20

5412.0300 Constable, Excise 5162.30

5412.9900 Police Officers, Other 5162.90

Family 5413 Prison Guards

5413.0100 Warder, Jail 5163.10

5413.9900 Prison Guards, Other 5163.90

Family 5414 Security Guards

5414.0101 Security Officer 5169.10

5414.0102 Assignment Manager

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

5414.0111 Security Supervisor

5414.0121 CCTV Supervisor

5414.0151 Armed Security Guard

5414.0171 Personal Security Officer

5414.0200 Home Guard 5169.20

5414.0400 Watchman 9152.20

5414.0501 Gateman/Unarmed Security Guard 9152.30

Family 5419 Protective Services Workers Not Elsewhere


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 6 Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery


Sub- 61 Market-Oriented Skilled Agricultural

Division Workers

Group 611 Market Gardeners & Crop Growers

Family 6111 Field Crop and Vegetable Growers

6111.0100 Cultivator, General 6111.10

6111.0101 Paddy Farmer

6111.0200 Cultivator, Crop 6111.20

6111.0201 Wheat Cultivator

6111.0301 Maize Cultivator

6111.0401 Pulses Cultivator

6111.0501 Soybean Cultivator

6111.0601 Cotton Cultivator

6111.0701 Sugarcane Cultivator

6111.0800 Cultivator, Fruit 6112.10

6111.0851 Coconut Grower

6111.0852 Friends of Coconut Tree

6111.0901 Banana Farmer

6111.1001 Mango Grower

6111.1101 Citrus Fruit Grower

6111.1200 Viniculturist 6112.20

6111.1300 Cultivator, Vegetables 6111.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

6111.1401 Bulb Crop Cultivator

6111.1501 Solanaceous Crop Cultivator

6111.1601 Tuber Crop Cultivator

6111.1801 Chillies Cultivator

6111.1901 Coriander Cultivator

6111.2000 Fieldman, Agriculture 6111.50

6111.9900 Field Crop and Vegetable Growers, Other 6111.90

Family 6112 Tree and Shrub Crop Growers

6112.0100 Pruner, Tea Gardens 6112.30

6112.0200 Tapper, Palm Juice 6112.40

6112.0201 Neera Technician

6112.0300 Tapper, Rubber 6112.50

6112.0400 Budder 6112.65

6112.0501 Tea Plantation Worker

6112.0601 Coffee Plantation Worker

6112.0701 Bamboo Grower

6112.0801 Rubber Nursery Worker – Budder

6112.0802 Rubber Nursery Worker – General

6112.9900 Tree and Shrub Crop Growers, Other 6112.90

Family 6113 Gardeners, Horticultural and Nursery


6113.0100 Planter 6113.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

6113.0200 Nurseryman 6113.20

6113.0301 Gardener, General 6113.30

6113.0400 Groundsman 6113.40

6113.0501 Greenhouse Fitter

6113.0601 Floriculturist – (Open Cultivation)

6113.0602 Floriculturist – (Protected Cultivation)

6113.9900 Nursery Workers and Gardeners, Other 6113.90

Family 6114 Mixed Crop Growers

6114.9900 Mixed Crop Growers, Other 6114.90

Family 6115 Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Cultivators

Family 6116 Agriculture Information Management

6116.0101 Agriculture Extension Executive

6116.0102 Agriculture Extension Service Provider

6116.0112 Community Service Provider

Group 612 Animal Producers

Family 6121 Livestock and Dairy Producers

6121.0100 Farmer, Livestock 6121.10

6121.0201 Farmer, Dairy/Dairy Farmer/Entrepreneur 6121.15

6121.0300 Livestock Worker, General 6121.20

6121.0400 Herdsman 6121.25

6121.0500 Livestock Workers/Other Livestock Workers 6121.30

6121.0601 Dairy Farm Worker, General/Dairy Worker 6121.35

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

6121.0700 Milker 6121.40

6121.0800 Milker, Machine 6121.45

6121.1000 Stableman 6121.55

6121.1100 Elephant Keeper 6121.60

6121.1200 Shearer, Sheep 6121.65

6121.1300 Shearer, Animal, Other/Shearer, Other 6121.70


6121.1400 Grass Cutter 6121.75

6121.9900 Dairy and Livestock Producers, Other 6121.90

Family 6122 Poultry Producers

6122.0101 Farmer, Poultry/Broiler Farm Supervisor 6122.10

6122.0200 Farmer, Poultry Breeding 6122.20

6122.0301 Poultry Farm Worker, General/Broiler Farm 6122.30


6122.0401 Hatchery Operator/Hatchery In-Charge 6122.40

6122.9900 Poultry Farm Workers, Other 6122.90

Family 6123 Apiarists and Sericulturists

6123.0101 Beekeeper 6123.10

6123.0201 Rearer, Silkworm/ Sericulturist 6123.20

6123.9900 Apiarists and Sericulturists, Other 6123.90

Family 6129 Animal Producers Not Elsewhere Classified

6129.0100 Farmer, Fur-Bearing Animals 6129.10

6129.0200 Mixed Animal Producers 6124

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

6129.9900 Animal Producers and Related Workers, 6129.90


Group 613 Mixed Crop and Animal Workers

Family 6130 Mixed Crop and Animal Workers

6130.0100 Artificial Breeding Technician 6130.10

6130.0201 Seed Grower/Quality Seed Grower 6112.60

6130.0202 Seed Processing Worker

6130.9900 Mixed Crop and Animal Workers, Other 6130.90

Sub- 62 Market-Oriented Skilled Forestry, Fishery

Division and Hunting Workers

Group 621 Forestry and Related Workers

Family 6210 Forestry and Related Workers

6210.0100 Forester 6141.10

6210.0200 Forest Guard 6141.15

6210.0300 Forest Fire Watcher 6141.20

6210.0400 Foresters and Related Workers 6141.25

6210.0500 Gatherer Lac 6141.30

6210.0600 Gatherer, Medicinal Herbs 6141.35

6210.0700 Gatherer, Firewood 6141.40

6210.0800 Cane Cutter 6141.45

6210.0900 Thatch Cutter 6141.50

6210.1000 Log Feller 6141.55

6210.1100 Wood Cutter 6141.60

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

6210.1200 Marker, Log 6141.65

6210.1300 Sandalwood Extractor 6141.70

6210.1400 Estimator, Timber 6141.75

6210.1500 Sorter, Timber 6141.80

6210.1600 Log Driver 6141.85

6210.1700 Charcoal Burner, Wood 6142.10

6210.1800 Digester Operator, Wood 6142.20

6210.1900 Distiller, Turpentine and Eucalyptus 6142.30

6210.2000 Lac Treater 6142.40

6210.9900 Forestry and Related Workers, Other 6141.90

Group 622 Fishery Workers, Hunters and Trappers

Family 6221 Aquaculture Workers

6221.0101 Shrimp Farmer

6221.0102 Hatchery Production Worker

Family 6222 Inland and Coastal Waters Fishery Workers

6222.0100 Fisherman, Inland Water 6152.10

6222.0200 Fisherman, Estuaries, Coastal and 6152.20


6222.9900 Inland and Coastal Water Fishery Workers, 6152.90


Family 6223 Deep Sea Fishery Workers

6223.0101 Fisherman, Deep Sea/Marine Capture 6153.10


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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

6223.9900 Deep Sea Fishery Workers, Other 6153.90

Family 6224 Hunters and Trappers

6224.0300 Trapper 6154.30

6224.0400 Tracker 6154.40

6224.0500 Fish Overseer 6159.10

6224.0600 Fisheries Inspector 6159.20

6224.0700 Fieldman, Fish 6159.25

6224.0800 Yard Officer 6159.30

6224.0900 Fish Hatcher 6159.35

6224.1000 Fish Curer 6159.40

6224.1100 Fish Meal Maker 6159.45

6224.1200 Rock Pilot 6159.50

6224.1300 Man Duck 6159.55

6224.1400 Net Maker 6159.60

6224.9900 Hunters and Trappers, Other 6159.90

Sub- 63 Subsistence Farmers, Fishers, Hunters and

Division Gatherers

Group 631 Subsistence Crop Farmers

Family 6310 Subsistence Crop Farmers

6310.0100 Tree Trimmer and Pruner 6200.10

6310.9900 Subsistence Crop Farmers, Others 6200.90

Group 632 Subsistence Livestock Farmers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 6320 Subsistence Livestock Farmers

Group 633 Subsistence Mixed Crop and Livestock


Family 6330 Subsistence Mixed Crop and Livestock


Group 634 Subsistence Fishers, Hunters, Trappers and


Family 6340 Subsistence Fishers, Hunters, Trappers and


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 7 Craft and Related Trades Workers

Sub- 71 Building and Related Trade Workers

Division (Excluding Electricians)

Group 711 Building Frames and Related Trades


Family 7111 House Builders

7111.0100 Hut Maker 7121.10

7111.0200 Thatcher 7121.20

7111.9900 Builders, Traditional Materials, Other 7121.90

Family 7112 Bricklayers and Related Workers

7112.0100 Stone Mason 7122.10

7112.0200 Bricklayerer, Construction 7122.20

7112.0201 Plumbing Mason

7112.0300 Bricklayer, Refractory 7122.30

7112.0400 Paviour 7122.40

7112.0500 Tar Supervisor 7122.50

7112.0601 Assistant Mason

7112.9900 Bricklayerers, Other 7122.90

Family 7113 Stonemasons, Stone Cutters, Splitters and


7113.0200 Stone Cutter, Hand 7113.20

7113.0300 Stone Dresser, Hand 7113.30

7113.0400 Stone Carver 7113.40

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7113.0500 Stone Polisher, Hand 7113.50

7113.9900 Stone Splitters, Cutters and Carvers, Other 7113.90

Family 7114 Concrete Placers, Concrete Finishers and

Related Workers

7114.0100 Concrete Moulder 7123.10

7114.0200 Cement Finisher 7123.20

7114.9900 Concrete Placers, Concrete Finishers and 7123.90

Related Workers, Other

Family 7115 Carpenters and Joiners

7115.0100 Carpenter, General 7124.10

7115.0200 Carpenter, Construction 7124.20

7115.0201 Assistant Shuttering Carpenter

7115.0300 Carpenter, Structural 7124.25

7115.0400 Carpenter, Village 7124.30

7115.0500 Joiner, Wood 7124.35

7115.0600 Loftsman, Ship Building 7124.40

7115.0700 Shipwright 7124.45

7115.0800 Lascar Stager, Ship Building 7124.50

7115.1100 Carpenter Worker, Boat Building 7124.65

7115.1200 Carpenter, Boat Building 7124.70

7115.1300 Caulker, Boat Building 7124.75

7115.9900 Carpenters and Joiners Operatives, Other 7124.90

Family 7119 Building Frame and Related Traders

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Workers Not Elsewhere Classified

7119.0100 Well Digger 7129.10

7119.0200 White Washer 7129.20

7119.0301 Assistant Scaffolder

7119.9900 Building Frame and Related Trades 7129.90

Workers, Other

Group 712 Building Finishers and Related Trades


Family 7121 Roofers

7121.0100 Tile Layer, Roof 7131.10

7121.9900 Roofers, Other 7131.90

Family 7122 Floor Layers and Tile Setters

7122.0100 Tile Setter 7132.10

7122.0200 Concrete Mixer (Mosaic Tile) 7132.20

7122.0300 Tile Presser (Mosaic) 7132.30

7122.0400 Planer (Mosaic Tile) 7132.40

7122.0500 Mosaic Layer 7132.50

7122.0600 Parquetry Floor Layer 7132.60

7122.9900 Floor Layers and Tile Setters, Other 7132.90

Family 7123 Plasterers

7123.0100 Plasterer 7133.10

7123.9900 Plasterers, Other 7133.90

Family 7124 Insulation Workers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7124.0100 Building Insulator, Hand 7134.10

7124.0200 Acoustical Insulator 7134.20

7124.0300 Insulator, Boilers and Pipes 7134.30

7124.0400 Insulator, Refrigeration and Air- 7134.40

Conditioning Equipment

7124.9900 Insulation Workers, Other 7134.90

Family 7125 Glaziers

7125.0100 Glazier (Construction) 7135.10

7125.0200 Glazier, Vehicle 7135.20

7125.0300 Picture Framer 7135.30

7125.9900 Glaziers, Other 7135.90

Family 7126 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters

7126.0101 Plumber, General 7136.10

7126.0102 Plumber, Operations

7126.0103 Plumber, General – Installation and Repair

7126.0104 Plumber, General Helper

7126.0105 Plumber, General Assistant

7126.0106 Plumber, Maintenance and Servicing


7126.0107 Plumber, Maintenance and Servicing

7126.0201 Pipe Layer/Plumber Pipeline 7136.20

7126.0301 Pipe Fitter 7136.30

7126.0400 Straightening Machine Operator (Iron & 7136.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


7126.0500 Puncher, Metal 7136.50

7126.0600 Pneumatic Chipper 7136.60

7126.9900 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, Other 7136.90

Family 7127 Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration


7127.0100 Mechanic, Refrigeration and Air- 7233.50


Group 713 Painters, Builders, Structure Cleaners and

Related Trades Workers

Family 7131 Painters and Related Workers

7131.0100 Painter, Building 7141.10

7131.0101 Assistant Painter and Decorator

7131.0200 Painter, Steel Structure 7141.20

7131.0300 Painter, Industrial 7141.25

7131.0500 Paper Hanger/Wallpaper Fixer/Decorator 7141.40

7131.9900 Painters and Related Workers, Other 7141.90

Family 7132 Spray Painters and Varnishers

7132.0100 Painter, General 7142.10

7132.0201 Painter, Spray/Painting Technician (Spray 7142.20


7132.0202 Auto Spray Painter/Painter

7132.0203 Auto Body Painting Technician – Surface


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7132.0204 Automotive Body Painting Technician

7132.0205 Auto Spray Painter Assistant/Painter

7132.0300 Metal Sprayer 7142.25

7132.0400 Painter, Sign and Letter 7142.30

7132.0500 Painter, Brush 7142.40

7132.0600 Painter, Wood Work and Furniture 7142.50

7132.0700 Painter, Glass 7142.60

7132.0900 Painter, Mate 7142.80

7132.0901 Automotive Paint Shop Assistant

7132.9900 Varnishers and Related Workers, Other 7142.90

Family 7133 Building Structure Cleaners

Sub- 72 Metal, Machinery and Related Trades

Division Workers

Group 721 Sheet and Structural Metal Workers,

Moulders and Welders, and Related

Family 7211 Metal Moulders and Core Makers

7211.0100 Moulder, General 7211.10

7211.0101 Press Shop Operator

7211.0102 Press Shop Assistant/Helper

7211.0200 Moulder, Machine 7211.20

7211.0201 Casting Technician – Sand Moulding

7211.0300 Moulder, Vertical Pipe 7211.30

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7211.0400 Rammer, Vertical Pipe Moulding 7211.40

7211.0500 Core Maker, Moulding (Hand) 7211.50

7211.0600 Core Maker, Vertical Pipe 7211.60

7211.9900 Metal Moulders and Core Makers, Other 7211.90

Family 7212 Welders and Flame Cutters

7212.0100 Welder, Gas 7212.10

7212.0101 Plumber (Welder)/Plumbing (Sanitary

Fixtures) Fitter Assistant

7212.0102 Plumber (Welder) Assistant

7212.0105 Tungsten Inert Gas Welder

7212.0111 Repair Welder

7212.0200 Welder, Electric 7212.20

7212.0300 Welder, Machine 7212.30

7212.0301 Welder

7212.0302 Welding Technician

7212.0303 Gas Metal Arc Welder/Metal Inert

Gas/Metal Active Gas/Gas Metal Arc

7212.0400 Gas Cutter 7212.40

7212.0402 Plasma Cutter – Manual

7212.0500 Brazer 7212.50

7212.0501 Soldering and Brazing Operator

7212.0600 Lead Burner 7212.60

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7212.0700 Welder, Resistance 7212.65

7212.0801 Welding Assistant

7212.9900 Welders and Flame Cutters, Other 7212.90

Family 7213 Sheet Metal Workers

7213.0101 Sheet Metal Worker, General/Sheet Metal 7213.10

Worker – Hand Tools and Manually
Operated Machines

7213.0200 Sheet Metal Worker, Structural 7213.20

7213.0201 Auto Engine Repair Technician

7213.0301 Dent Remover/Auto Body Repair 7213.30

Technician/ Denter

7213.0302 Auto Body Technician/Denter

7213.0400 Tinsmith/Whitesmith 7213.40

7213.0500 Tin Coater 7213.50

7213.0600 Machine Feeder and Off-Bearer 7213.60

7213.9900 Sheet Metal Workers, Other 7213.90

Family 7214 Structural Metal Preparers and Erectors

7214.0300 Boiler Fitter 7214.30

7214.0400 Tubesmith, Boiler 7214.40

7214.0500 Boiler Maker 7214.50

7214.0600 Erector, Structural 7214.60

7214.0700 Fitter, Structural 7214.65

7214.0800 Fitter, Construction 7214.70

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7214.0900 Riveter 7214.80

7214.1000 Riveter (Railroad Equipment) 7214.82

7214.1101 Assistant Bar Bender and Fixer

7214.9900 Structural Metal Prepares and Erectors, 7214.90


Family 7215 Riggers and Cable Splicers

7215.0100 Rigger 7215.10

7215.0101 Rigger: Rigging of Heavy Material

7215.0200 Slinger 7215.20

7215.0300 Splicer (Rope and Cables) 7215.30

7215.9900 Riggers and Cable Splicers, Other 7215.90

Group 722 Blacksmiths, Tool Makers and Related

Trades Workers

Family 7221 Blacksmiths, Hammersmith and Forging

Press Workers

7221.0100 Blacksmith 7221.10

7221.0200 Village Blacksmith 7221.20

7221.0300 Power Hammer Operator 7221.30

7221.0301 Forging Operator

7221.0400 Hammer Man 7221.40

7221.0500 Stamper/Forging Operator 7221.50

7221.0600 Farrier 7221.60

7221.0700 Wire Drawer/Wire Drawing Machine 7221.70


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7221.0800 Metal Spinner/Metal spinning Machine 7221.80


7221.9900 Blacksmiths, Hammersmith and Forging 7221.90

Press Workers, Other

7222 Tool Makers and Related Workers

Family 7222.0100 Marker, Metal 7222.10

7222.0200 Tool Maker 7222.20

7222.0300 Jig and Fixture Marker 7222.30

7222.0400 Jig Borer 7222.40

7222.0500 Die Maker 7222.50

7222.0600 Die Sinker, Hand 7222.60

7222.0700 Locksmith 7222.70

7222.0800 Pattern Marker, Metal Foundry 7222.80

7222.0900 Armourer 7222.85

7222.9900 Tool Makers and Related Workers, Other 7222.90

Family 7223 Metal Working Machine Tool Setters and


7223.0100 Tool Setter, General 7223.10

7223.0200 Tool Setter, Press 7223.20

7223.0300 Setter, Drop Forging Machine 7223.30

7223.0400 Setter, Automatic Machine 7223.40

7223.0401 Assembly Line Machine Setter

7223.0500 Mechanist, General/Machinist 8211.10

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7223.0501 Machine Shop Master Technician/Setter

7223.0502 Machine Shop Supervisor

7223.0601 Turner/Conventional Turning 8211.15

7223.0700 Turret and Capstan Lathe Operator 8211.20

7223.0701 Lathe Machinist

7223.0800 Shaper 8211.22

7223.0900 Planer 8211.24

7223.1000 Planer, Edge 8211.26

7223.1100 Slotter 8211.28

7223.1201 Miller/Operator – Conventional Milling 8211.30

7223.1300 Gear Cutter 8211.32

7223.1400 Heavy Duty End Mill Operator 8211.34

7223.1500 Driller Metal, General 8211.36

7223.1600 Radial Driller 8211.38

7223.1701 Borer/Operator Boring Machine Operator 8211.40

7223.1800 Cylinder Borer 8211.42

7223.1900 Rifling Machine Operator 8211.44

7223.2000 Bending Machine Operator 8211.46

7223.2100 Glazer 8211.50

7223.2200 Grinder, Tool and Cutter 8211.55

7223.2300 Power Press Operator, Metal 8211.60

7223.2400 Sheet Metal Machine Operator 8211.61

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7223.2500 Ball Filling Machine Operator 8211.62

7223.2600 Ball Lapping Machine Operator 8211.64

7223.2700 Dividing Machine Operator 8211.66

7223.2800 Die Copying Machine Operator/Die Sinking 8211.70

Electric Discharge Machine Operator

7223.2900 Profiling Machine Operator 8211.75

7223.3000 Metal Stamper 8211.80

7223.5001 Machining Technician/CNC Operator

7223.5002 CNC Operator – Machining Technician

7223.5003 CNC Operator – Machinist

7223.5004 CNC Operator - Vertical Machining Centre

7223.5005 CNC Setter-cum-Operator – Vertical

Machining Centre

7223.6001 CNC Setter-cum-Operator – Turning

7223.6002 CNC Operator – Turning

7223.6003 CNC Programmer

7223.9900 Metal Working Machine Tool Setters and 8211.90

Operators, Others

Family 7224 Metal Polishers, Wheel Grinders and Tool


7224.0100 Grinder, General 7224.10

7224.0102 Fitter – Fabrication

7224.0200 Grinder, Crankshaft 7224.20

7224.0300 Roll Grinder 7224.25

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7224.0400 Surface Grinder 7224.30

7224.0401 Grinder – Hand-Held and Power Tools

7224.0402 Operator – Conventional Surface Grinding


7224.0500 Thread Grinder 7224.35

7224.0600 Honer/Honing Machine Operator 7224.40

7224.0700 Lapper 7224.45

7224.0701 Super Finishing Technician

7224.0801 Polisher 7224.55

7224.0900 Saw Grinder, Hand 7224.65

7224.1100 Metal Bluer 7224.80

7224.9900 Metal Wheel Grinder, Polishing and Tool 7224.90

Sharpeners, Other

Group 723 Machinery Mechanics and Repairers

Family 7231 Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Repairers

7231.0100 Mechanic, Automobile 7231.10

7231.0101 Maintenance Technician – Service


7231.0102 AC Specialist

7231.0103 Automotive Body Technician Level 3

7231.0104 Automotive Body Technician Level 4

7231.0105 Brake Specialist

7231.0106 Clutch Specialist

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7231.0107 Auto Service Technician – Mechanic

7231.0108 Auto Service Technician – Helper

7231.0200 Engine Tester 7231.20

7231.0201 Test Technician

7231.0300 Tractor Mechanic 7231.30

7231.0400 Fitter Automobile 7231.40

7231.0401 Mechanic Fitter

7231.0500 Mechanic, Motor Cycle 7231.50

7231.0501 Auto Service Technician (Two and Three


7231.0900 Cleaner Motor Vehicle 7231.60

7231.9900 Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Other 7231.90

Family 7232 Aircraft Engine Mechanics and Repairers

7232.0100 Airframe Erector 7232.10

7232.0200 Mechanic Aircraft, Propeller 7232.20

7232.0300 Engine Tester, Aircraft 7232.30

7232.0400 Engine Tester, Helper, Aircraft 7232.40

7232.0500 Mechanic Aircraft Engine, Field 7232.50; 7232.70

Service/Filed Mechanic Aircraft

7232.0600 Mechanic Aircraft, Engine Overhauling 7232.60

7232.9900 Aircraft Mechanics, Other 7232.90

Family 7233 Agricultural and Industrial Machinery

Mechanics and Repairers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7233.0100 Fitter, General 7233.10

7233.0101 Maintenance Fitter – Mechanical

7233.0102 Machinist

7233.0121 Fitter Levelling, Alignment & Balancing

7233.0200 Fitter, Bench 7233.20

7233.0300 Mechanic, Petrol Engine 7233.22

7233.0301 Bearing Maintenance

7233.0400 Mechanic, Diesel Engine 7233.24

7233.0401 Belt Conveyor Maintenance

7233.0402 Conveyor Operation and Maintenance

7233.0600 Mechanic, Gas/Diesel Engine 7233.26

7233.0700 Mechanic, Earth Moving Machinery 7233.28

7233.0701 Mobile Equipment Maintenance

7233.0800 Mechanic, Road Roller 7233.30

7233.0900 Mechanic, Turbine 7233.32

7233.1000 Mechanic, Stationery Steam Engine 7233.34

7233.1100 Mechanic, Maintenance, Chemical 7233.36

Plant/Technician, Maintenance, Chemical

7233.1200 Millwright 7233.38

7233.1300 Mechanic, Pump 7233.40

7233.1301 Plumber (Pumps & E/M Mechanic)

7233.1400 Mechanic, Dairy Maintenance 7233.42

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7233.1500 Mechanic, Mining Machinery 7233.44

7233.1600 Mechanic, Textile Machinery 7233.46

7233.1700 Mechanic, Printing Machinery 7233.48

7233.1800 Mechanic, Sewing Machine 7233.52

7233.1900 Lamp Repairman, Mines 7233.55

7233.2000 Mechanic, Repairman (Domestic 7233.58


7233.2100 Fitter, Stationery Steam Engine 7233.60

7233.2200 Fitter, Marine 7233.62

7233.2300 Fitter, Railway Carriage and Wagon 7233.63

7233.2400 Fitter, Loco 7233.64

7233.2500 Loco Cleaner 7233.65

7233.2600 Fitter, Bicycle 7233.66

7233.2700 Fitter, Signal 7233.70

7233.2800 Agriculture Engineering Technician 7233.80

7233.2901 Fitter: Hydraulic and Pneumatic System

7233.9900 Machinery Mechanics and Fitters, Other 7233.90

Family 7234 Bicycle and Related Repairers

Sub- 73 Handicraft and Printing Workers


Group 731 Handicraft Workers

Family 7311 Precision Instrument Makers and Repairers

7311.0100 Mechanic Precision Instrument, General 7311.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7311.0101 Technician Instrumentation

7311.0200 Watch Repairer 7311.20

7311.0300 Assembler (Clock & Watch) 7311.25

7311.0400 Mechanic Precision Instrument, Mechanical 7311.30

7311.0401 Fitter Instrumentation

7311.0500 Viewer, Workshop 7311.35

7311.0600 Mechanic, Atomizer and Fuel Pump (Diesel) 7311.40

7311.0800 Mechanic, Optical Instrument 7311.60

7311.0900 Calibrator, Glass 7311.65

7311.1000 Calibrator (Instrument & Apparatus) 7311.67

7311.1001 Calibration Technician

7311.1002 Calibration Engineer

7311.1100 Calibrator, Other 7311.70

7311.1200 Orthopaedic Appliances and Limb 7311.75


7311.1400 Instrument Maker, Other 7311.85

7311.9900 Precision Instrument Makers and Repairers, 7311.90


Family 7312 Musical Instrument Makers and Tuners

7312.0100 Musical Instrument Maker (String ) 7312.10

7312.0200 Harmonium Maker 7312.15

7312.0300 Harmonium Key Maker 7312.18

7312.0400 Harmonium Fitter 7312.20

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NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7312.0500 Bellow Man (Harmonium) 7312.22

7312.0600 Reed Fitter (Harmonium) 7312.25

7312.0800 Finisher (Harmonium) 7312.30

7312.1000 Organ Tuner 7312.35

7312.1200 Piano Tuner 7312.43

7312.1300 Tabla Maker (Musical Instrument) 7312.45

7312.1400 Drum Maker, Musical 7312.50

7312.1500 Clarinet Assembler 7312.55

7312.1600 Bagpipe Maker 7312.58

7312.1700 Brass Musical Instruments Assembler 7312.60

7312.1800 Musical Instrument Repairer 7312.65

7312.9900 Musical Instrument Makers and Tuners, 7312.90


Family 7313 Jewellery and Precision Metal Workers

7313.0100 Roller, Gold and Silver 7313.10

7313.0101 Jewellery Polisher

7313.0102 Plater

7313.0103 Filer and Assembler

7313.0201 Wire Maker, Gold and Silver/Component 7313.15


7313.0202 Gemstone Thread Maker

7313.0301 Gold Curer, General/Gold Refiner 7313.18

7313.0401 Gold Curer, Mint/Gold Melter and Refiner 7313.20

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7313.0500 Gold Foil Maker 7313.22

7313.0600 Leaf Maker, Gold and Silver 7313.25

7313.0700 Goldsmith 7313.28

7313.0701 Polisher and Cleaner

7313.0702 Goldsmith Enameller

7313.0703 Goldsmith Frame Maker

7313.0801 Jewel Setter/Setter 7313.30

7313.0802 Metal Setter

7313.0803 Wax Setter

7313.0804 Wax Tree Maker

7313.0901 Gem Sorter 7313.35

7313.0902 Rough Assorter

7313.0903 Rough Marker

7313.1001 Gem Slicer/Gemstone Rough Cutter 7313.45

7313.1101 Gem Cleaver 7313.50

7313.1201 Inclusion Plotter

7313.1202 Planner

7313.1300 Gem Grinder, Hand 7313.55

7313.1301 Manual Bruter

7313.1302 Auto Blocker

7313.1303 Gemstone Facet Maker

7313.1304 Table Cutter

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7313.1305 Manual Blocker

7313.1306 Auto Bruter

7313.1400 Gem Polisher, Hand 7313.60

7313.1501 Diamond Assorter

7313.1502 Polished Diamond Grader & Assorter (Basic)

7313.1503 Polished Diamond Grader & Assorter


7313.1504 Bottom Polisher

7313.1505 Gemstone Girdle Polisher

7313.1506 Gemstone Polisher

7313.1601 Gemstone Pre-Shaper

7313.1602 Gemstone Final Shaper and Calibrator

7313.1701 Gem Driller 7313.68

7313.1702 Window Opener

7313.1800 Jewellery Engraver 7313.70

7313.1900 Engraver 7313.71

7313.2200 Embosser, Sheet 7313.75

7313.2300 Inlayer, Metal 7313.78

7313.2401 Rubber Mould Maker

7313.2402 Wax Piece Maker

7313.2501 Boiling In-Charge

7313.2601 Final Quality Inspector

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7313.9900 Jewellery, Goldsmith and Silversmith 7313.90

Workers, Other

Family 7314 Potters and Related Workers

7314.0100 Mould Maker, Pottery and Porcelain 7321.10

7314.0200 Caster, Pottery and Porcelain 7321.15

7314.0300 Clay Toy Maker/Hand Moulder 7321.20

7314.0400 Moulder, Hand (Ceramics) 7321.25

7314.0500 Maker (Pottery and Porcelain)/Jigger and 7321.30

Jolly Operator

7314.0600 Turner Pottery and Porcelain 7321.35

7314.0700 Bricks and Tile Moulder, Hand 7321.40

7314.0800 Abrasive Wheel Moulder 7321.50

7314.0900 Potter (Pottery and Porcelain)/Potter's 7321.60

Wheel Operator

7314.1000 Granulator Attendant (Cement) 7329.20

7314.1100 Clay Maker (Pottery) 7329.25

7314.1200 Checker (Ceramics) 7329.35

7314.1300 Sorter, Brick and Tile 7329.40

7314.9900 Abrasive Wheel Formers, Potters and 7321.90

Related Workers, Other

Family 7315 Glass Makers, Cutters, Grinders and


7315.0100 Blower, Glass 7322.10

7315.0200 Blower, Laboratory Apparatus 7322.12

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7315.0300 Blower Helper (Glass) 7322.14; 7322.16;


7315.0600 Mouldman (Glass) 7322.20

7315.0700 Bender (Glass) 7322.22

7315.0800 Gatherer (Glass) 7322.24

7315.0900 Drawer (Glass) 7322.26

7315.1000 Bead Maker (Glass) 7322.28

7315.1100 Optical Worker 7322.29

7315.1200 Lens Grinder 7322.30

7315.1300 Edger (Optical glass) 7322.32

7315.1400 Lens Polisher (Optical) 7322.34

7315.1500 Lens Centerer and Edger (Optical Glass) 7322.35

7315.1600 Wheel Grinder (Glass) 7322.38

7315.1700 Edge Finisher (Glass) 7322.40

7315.1800 Cutter, Glass Bangles 7322.45

7315.1900 Cooling Man (Glass) 7322.50

7315.2000 Glass Cutter, Other 7322.55

7315.2100 Joiner, Glass Bangles 7322.60

7315.2200 Crusher Attendant, Stone 7329.10

7315.2300 Grinder (Stone and Clay) 7329.15

7315.2400 Sorter, Glass Products 7329.30

7315.9900 Glass Makers, Cutters, Grinders and 7322.90

Finishers, Other

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 7316 Signwriter, Decorative Painters, Engravers

and Etchers

7316.0100 Engraver, Glass 7323.10

7316.0200 Glass Etcher 7323.20

7316.0300 Sand Blaster (Glass) 7323.30

7316.0400 Volume Man/Calibrating Technician 7323.40

7316.0500 Waxing Man (Glass)/Helper 7323.50

Calibrator/Decorator, Glass

7316.0600 Glass Enameller 7324.10

7316.0700 Hand Painter (Ceramics) 7324.20

7316.0800 Decorator (Ceramics) 7324.30

7316.0900 Spray Painter, (Ceramics) 7324.40

7316.1000 Glazer, Pottery and Porcelain 7324.50

7316.1100 Mirror Silverer 7324.60

7316.1200 Signwriter, Decorative Painters, Engravers 7324.90

and Etchers, Other

Family 7317 Handicraft Workers in Wood, Basketry and

Related Materials

7317.0100 Lamp Shade Maker 7331.10

7317.0300 Furniture Maker, Bamboo 7424.10

7317.0400 Furniture Maker, Reed 7424.15

7317.0500 Furniture Maker, Cane 7424.20

7317.0600 Caner 7424.25

7317.0700 Basket Maker 7424.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7317.0800 Mat Weaver, Bamboo 7424.35

7317.0900 Mat Weaver, Grass and Leave 7424.40

7317.1000 Broom Maker 7424.45

7317.1100 Chick Maker 7424.50

7317.1200 Khas Thatti Maker 7424.55

7317.1300 Brush Material Preparer 7424.60

7317.1400 Brush Maker, Hand 7424.65

7317.9900 Basketry Weavers, Brush Makers and 7424.90

Related Workers, Other

Family 7318 Handicraft Workers in Textiles, Leather

and Related Materials

7318.0100 Candle Maker 7332.10

7318.0200 Candle Moulder 7332.20

7318.0300 Carpet Weaver (Carpet & Rug) 7332.30

7318.0400 Knitting Machine Operator, Automatic 7332.40

7318.0500 Hand Printer, Textile/Hand Block Printer 7332.50

7318.0600 Hand Dyer 7332.60

7318.0800 Repairer, Fabrics/Fabric Mender 7332.80

7318.0900 Bale Breaker Tenter, Cotton/Blow Room 7431.10


7318.1000 Batching Worker, Wool 7431.12

7318.1100 Wool Sorter 7431.14

7318.1200 Selector, Jute 7431.16

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7318.1300 Grader, Coir 7431.18

7318.1500 Waste Machine Man (Cotton Textile)/Waste 7431.22

Collection Machine Operator

7318.1800 Scouring Man, Wool/Wool Washing and 7431.28

Scouring Operator

7318.1900 Cooker (Silkworm) 7431.30

7318.2000 Softener Feeder and Receiver, Jute 7431.32

7318.2100 Root Cutter, Jute 7431.34

7318.2200 Teaser (Feeder and Receiver) Jute 7431.40

7318.2300 Fibre Preparer, Coir 7431.42

7318.2700 Cardtenter, Cotton/Carding Tenter 7431.50

7318.2800 Set Framer, Silk 7431.52

7318.2900 Sliver Lap Man/Combing Preparatory 7431.54


7318.3400 Comb Minder/Combing Preparatory 7431.66


7318.3500 Gill Box Man 7431.68

7318.3600 Spreader Feeder, Jute 7431.70

7318.3700 Spreader, Receiver, Jute 7431.71

7318.3800 Breaker Feeder, Jute 7431.72

7318.4000 Finisher Feeder, Jute 7431.75

7318.4200 Hand Spinner (Cotton and Woollen Textile) 7432.20

7318.4300 Piecer 7432.22

7318.4500 Spinner, Jute 7432.26

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7318.4600 Spinner, Coir 7432.28

7318.4700 Twister 7432.30

7318.4800 Doffer, Spinning/Ring Spinning Doffer 7432.32

7318.4900 Knotter, Silk 7432.40

7318.5000 Beam Gaiter 7432.42

7318.5100 Lacer, Hand 7432.45

7318.5200 Lattice Pegger 7432.50

7318.5300 Reacher, Hand (Textile) 7432.52

7318.5500 Weaver Power Loom 7432.55

7318.5800 Weaver, Handloom 7432.58

7318.5900 Carpet Weaver, Hand Knitting 7432.59

7318.6000 Carpet Clipper, Hand 7432.60

7318.6100 Carpet Embosser 7432.61

7318.6200 Carpet Repairer 7432.62

7318.6300 Coir Weaver (Matting) 7432.63

7318.6400 Net Maker, Hand 7432.70

7318.6500 Crochet Worker, Hand 7432.72

7318.6600 Knitter, Hand 7432.74

7318.6700 Braid Maker, Hand 7432.76

7318.9900 Handicraft Workers in Textiles, Leather and 7432.90

Related Materials, Others

Family 7319 Handicrafts Workers Not Elsewhere


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Group 732 Printing Trades Workers

Family 7321 Pre-Press Technicians

7321.0100 Compositor, Hand 7341.15

7321.0200 Impositor 7341.20

7321.0300 Distributor (Letter Press) 7341.25

7321.0400 Composing Room Operatives 7341.30

7321.0500 Stereo Matrix Moulder 7342.10

7321.0600 Stereotype Caster 7342.20

7321.0700 Electrotyper 7342.30

7321.0800 Lithographic Artist 7343.10

7321.0801 Circuit Imaging Operator

7321.0802 Circuit Imaging Operator – Photo Imaging

7321.0900 Retoucher, Lithographic 7343.15

7321.1000 Mounter/Mounting Machine Operator/CNC 7343.20

Mounting Machine Operator

7321.1200 Cameraman, Photomechanical 7343.30

7321.1300 Microstat Cameraman 7343.35

7321.1400 Photostat Camera Operator/Photocopier 7343.40


7321.1500 Transferor, Photomechanical 7343.45

7321.1600 Etcher Photo Engraving 7343.50

7321.1700 Barman, Lino Machine 7343.60

7321.9900 Pre-Press Technicians, Others 7343.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 7322 Printers

7322.0200 Lino Operator 7341.35

7322.0300 Mono Operator 7341.40

7322.0400 Mono Caster 7341.45

7322.0500 Type Caster 7341.50

7322.0600 Maker-Up, Photo Type Setting 7341.55

7322.0700 Photo Type Setting Machine Operator 7341.60

7322.0800 Type Dresser 7341.65

7322.0900 Roller Maker, Paper Printing 7341.70

7322.1000 Braille – Duplicating Machine Operator 7341.80

(Printing & Publishing)

7322.1100 Stencil Cutter, Silk Screen Printing 7346.10

7322.1200 Silk Screen Printer 7346.20

7322.1300 Printing Jobber 7346.30

7322.1400 Colour Maker (Textile Product) 7346.40

7322.1500 Precision Printing Worker 7346.50

7322.1600 Frontman 7346.60

7322.1700 Pressman (Flatbed, Letter Press) 8251.10

7322.1800 Machineman, Hand Printing 8251.20

7322.1900 Machineman, Automatic Printing 8251.30

7322.2000 Machineman, Rotary Printing 8251.40

7322.2100 Machineman, Offset Printing 8251.45

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7322.2200 Machineman, Direct Lithographic Printing 8251.50

7322.2300 Pressman, Roto Gravure 8251.60

7322.9900 Printers, Others 8251.90

Family 7323 Print Finishing and Binding Workers

7323.0100 Book Binder 7345.10

7323.0200 Map and Chart Mounter 7345.20

7323.0300 Book Mender 7345.30

7323.0400 Book Binding Worker 7345.40

7323.9900 Book Binders and Related Workers, Other 7345.90

Sub- 74 Electrical and Electronics Trades Workers


Group 741 Electrical Equipment Installers and


Family 7411 Building and Related Electricians

7411.0100 Electrician, General 7137.10

7411.0101 Access Controls Installation Technician

7411.0102 CCTV Installation Technician

7411.0200 Electrician (Mines) 7137.15

7411.0301 Wireman, Light and Power 7137.20

7411.0500 Meter Sealer, Electrical 7137.35

7411.0600 Electrician, Stage and Studio 7137.40

7411.9900 Building and Related Electricians, Other 7137.90

Family 7412 Electrical Mechanics and Fitters

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7412.0100 Mechanic, Precision Instrument, Electrical 7241.10

7412.0101 Automation Specialist

7412.0102 In-Circuit Testing Machine Operator

7412.0103 Automated Optical Inspection Operator

7412.0104 Bare Board Testing Operator

7412.0200 Electrical Fitter 7241.20

7412.0201 Fitter – Electrical and Electronic Assembly

7412.0202 Mechanical Fitter

7412.0203 Fitter Electrical Assembly

7412.0300 Adjuster, Relays 7241.30

7412.0400 Armature Winder 7241.40

7412.0500 Coil Winder, Machine 7241.50

7412.0600 Electrician, Aircraft 7241.60

7412.0701 Electrician, Automobile 7241.70

7412.0801 Maintenance Assistant/Helper

7412.0901 Potting and Curing Operator

7412.1001 Mechanical Fitter – Control Panel

7412.1002 Site Engineer – Control Panel

7412.9900 Electrical Mechanics and Fitters, Other 7241.90

Family 7413 Electrical Line Installers and Repairers

7413.0100 Lineman, Light and Power 7245.10

7413.9900 Electrical Line Installers, Repairers and 7245.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Cable Jointers, Other

Family 7419 Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Mechanics and Fitters and Related
Workers Not Elsewhere Classified

7419.0100 Senior Functioner (Telephone Equipment 7249.10


7419.0200 Junior Functioner (Telephone Equipment 7249.20


7419.0300 Wiring Inspector and Bank Tester 7249.30

(Telephone Equipment Manufacturing)

7419.0400 Inspector, Assembly (Telephone Equipment 7249.40


7419.0500 Battery Servicing Man 7249.50

7419.0600 Operator, Impregnation Plant (Telephone 7249.60

Equipment Manufacturing)

7419.9900 Electrical and Electronic Equipment 7249.90

Mechanics and Fitters and Related Workers,

Group 742 Electronics and Telecommunication

Installers and Repairers

Family 7421 Electronic Mechanics and Servicers

7421.0100 Electronics Fitter, General 7242.10

7421.0101 Fitter Electronic Assembly

7421.0300 Electronic Mechanic 7243.10

7421.0401 Field Technician: Air-Conditioner

7421.0501 Field Technician: Refrigerator

7421.0601 Field Technician: Washing Machine

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7421.0701 Field Technician: Other Home Appliances

7421.0801 Field Technician: UPS and Inverter

7421.0901 Field Technician: Digital Camera

7421.1001 Field Engineer – RACW

7421.1101 Repair Assistant: Switches

7421.1201 Auto-Tester Capacitor

7421.1202 Testing Technician

7421.1301 TV Repair Technician

7421.1302 Field Engineer TV

7421.1401 Solar Panel Installation Technician

7421.1402 Solar Photo Voltaic System Installation


7421.1403 PV System Installation Engineer

7421.9900 Electronic Fitters, Mechanics and Servicers, 7243.90


Family 7422 Information and Communications

Technology Installers and Servicers

7422.0100 Installation Mechanic 7244.10

7422.0200 Maintenance Mechanic 7244.20

7422.0201 Fault Management Engineer

7422.0202 Grass Root Telecom Provider (GRTP)

7422.0203 Handset Repair Engineer (Level II)

7422.0204 Infrastructure Engineer

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7422.0400 Lineman, Telephone and Telegraph 7244.40

7422.0600 Fault Controller, Telephones 7244.60

7422.0700 Carrier Attendant (Telephone) and 7244.70


7422.0800 Cable Jointer 7245.20

7422.0801 Optical Fibre Technician

7422.0802 Optical Fibre Splicer

7422.0900 Radar Mechanic 7243.20

7422.1000 X-Ray Mechanic 7243.30

7422.1001 Installation and Service Engineer

7422.1100 Television Installation Man 7243.40

7422.1200 Cable Television Installer 7243.45

7422.1201 Set-Top Box Installer/Service Technician

7422.1202 DTH Set-Top Box Installer and Service


7422.1203 DAS Set-Top Box Installer and Service


7422.1300 Television Service and Repairman 7243.50

7422.1302 Television Repair Technician

7422.1400 Radio Technician (Radio Manufacturing) 7243.60

7422.1500 Radio Mechanic 7243.70

7422.1600 Radio Craftsman, Installation 7243.75

7422.1700 Radio Craftsman, Maintenance 7243.80

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7422.1801 Site Surveyor/R F Site Surveyor

7422.1901 Assembly Line Operator

7422.2001 Field Technician: (Computing and


7422.2002 Installation (Computing and Peripherals)

7422.2101 Field Technician: (Networking and Storage)

7422.2201 Test and Repair Technician

7422.2301 Smartphones Repair Technician

7422.3001 Tower Technician

7422.9900 Information and Communications

Technology Installers and Servicers, Other

Sub- 75 Food Processing, Woodworking, Garment

Division and Other Craft and Related Trades

Group 751 Food Processing and Related Trade


Family 7511 Butchers, Fishmongers and Related Food


7511.0100 Butcher 7411.10

7511.0200 Slaughterer 7411.20

7511.0300 Sausage Maker 7411.30

7511.0400 Briner 7411.40

7511.0500 Pickler (Meat Product) 7411.45

7511.0600 Shactor 7411.50

7511.9900 Butchers, Fishmongers and Related Food 7411.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Preparers, Other

Family 7512 Bakers, Pastry Cooks and Confectionery


7512.0100 Baker (Baking Products) 7412.10

7512.0200 Mixing Machine Attendant 7412.15

7512.0300 Ovenman (Bakery Products) 7412.20

7512.0400 Sweet Meat Maker 7412.25

7512.0500 Candy Maker 7412.30

7512.0600 Panman (Confectionery) 7412.35

7512.0700 Plate Worker, Confectionery 7412.40

7512.0800 Chocolate Maker 7412.50

7512.0900 Conche Operator (Sugar & Confectionery) 7412.60

7512.1000 Yeast Maker (Beverage) 7412.70

7512.9900 Bakers, Pastry Cooks and Confectionery 7412.90

Makers, Other

Family 7513 Dairy Products Makers

7513.0100 Dairy Worker, General 7413.10

7513.0200 Separator Man 7413.20

7513.0300 Butter Maker 7413.30

7513.0400 Cheese Maker 7413.40

7513.0500 Ice-Cream Maker 7413.50

7513.9900 Dairy Products Makers, Others 7413.90

Family 7514 Fruits, Vegetables and Related Preservers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7514.0100 Oil Expeller Man 7414.10

7514.0200 Oil Crusher Operator, Animal-Driven 7414.20

7514.0300 Grinder, Hand (Food Grain) 7414.30

7514.0400 Pounder, Hand (Food Grain) 7414.35

7514.0500 Parcher (Food Grain) 7414.36

7514.0600 Washing Machine Attendant, Cleaner (Food 7414.38


7514.0700 Cook, General (Food Canning and 7414.40


7514.0800 Condiment Maker (Food Canning & 7414.50


7514.0900 Cannery Worker (Can & Preservation) 7414.52

7514.1000 Pickler (Can & Preservation) 7414.54

7514.1100 Preservative Filler, Machine (Can & 7414.56


7514.9900 Fruits, Vegetables and Related Preservers, 7414.90


Family 7515 Food and Beverage Tasters and Graders

7515.0100 Tea Taster 7415.10

7515.0200 Liquor Taster 7415.20

7515.0300 Taster (Food) 7415.30

7515.0400 Grader, Meat 7415.40

7515.9900 Food and Beverage Tasters and Graders, 7415.90


Family 7516 Tobacco Preparers and Tobacco Products

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


7516.0100 Tobacco Curer 7416.10

7516.0200 Tobacco Grader 7416.15

7516.0300 Blender, Tobacco 7416.20

7516.0400 Conditioner, Tobacco 7416.25

7516.0500 Cigar or Cheroot Roller 7416.30

7516.0600 Cigar or Cheroot Roller Helper 7416.35

7516.0700 Bidi Maker 7416.40

7516.0800 Furnace Man, Bidi 7416.45

7516.0900 Bidi Checker 7416.50

7516.1000 Snuff Maker 7416.55

7516.1100 Chewing Tobacco Maker 7416.60

7516.9900 Tobacco Preparers and Tobacco Products 7416.90

Makers, Other

Group 752 Wood Treaters, Cabinet Makers and

Related Trades Workers

Family 7521 Wood Treaters

7521.0100 Kiln Operator, Wood 7421.10

7521.0200 Impregnator, Wood 7421.20

7521.0300 Wood Bender 7421.30

7521.0400 Wood Treater 7421.40

7521.0500 Grader (Wood Working) 7421.50

7521.9900 Wood Treaters, Other 7421.90

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 7522 Cabinet Makers and Related Workers

7522.0100 Furniture Maker, Wood 7422.10

7522.0200 Cabinet Maker 7422.15

7522.0600 Body Builder, Automobile 7422.25

7522.0700 Coach Builder, Railway 7422.28

7522.0800 Body Builder, Other Vehicles 7422.30

7522.0900 Wood Marker 7422.35

7522.1000 Pattern Marker, Wood 7422.38

7522.1100 Cooper 7422.40

7522.1200 Wood Carver, Hand 7422.42

7522.1300 Inlayer, Wood 7422.45

7522.1400 Toy Maker, Wood 7422.48

7522.1500 Pith Worker, Wood 7422.50

7522.1600 Picture Frame Maker 7422.52

7522.1800 Sports Goods Maker, Wood 7422.58

7522.1900 Wood Lacquerer 7422.60

7522.2000 Wood Polisher 7422.62

7522.2100 Paper Board Maker 7422.65

7522.9900 Cabinet Makers and Related Workers, Other 7422.90

Family 7523 Wood Working Machine Tool Setters and


7523.0100 Wood Machinist, General 7423.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7523.0200 Wood Turner, Machine 7423.15

7523.0300 Wood, Turner Hand 7423.20

7523.0400 Shaper Wood 7423.25

7523.0500 Router, Wood 7423.30

7523.0600 Planer, Wood 7423.35

7523.0700 Four Cutter 7423.40

7523.0800 Wood Sawyer, Hand 7423.42

7523.0900 Moulder, Wood 7423.45

7523.1000 Mortiser Operator 7423.50

7523.1100 Tennoning Machine Operator 7423.55

7523.1200 Jointer Machine Operator 7423.60

7523.1300 Driller Wood 7423.65

7523.1400 Dowell Machine Operator 7423.70

7523.1500 Wood Wool Machine Operator 7423.80

7523.1600 Wood Carver, Machine 8241.10

7523.1700 Fret Saw Machine Operator 8241.20

7523.1800 Sander Operator 8241.30

7523.9900 Wood Working Machine Setters and Setter 8241.90

Operators, Others

Group 753 Garment and Related Trades Workers

Family 7531 Tailors, Dressmakers, Furriers and Hatters

7531.0100 Tailor, General 7433.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7531.0101 Sampling Tailor

7531.0200 Dressmaker/Ladies Dressmaker 7433.15

7531.0300 Coat Maker 7433.20

7531.0400 Trouser Maker 7433.25

7531.0500 Shirt Maker 7433.30

7531.0700 Hat Maker, General 7433.40

7531.0900 Cap Maker 7433.50

7531.1000 Wig Maker 7433.60

7531.1200 Tailor, Fur 7434.10

7531.1300 Pattern Maker, Fur 7434.20

7531.1400 Grader and Matcher, Fur 7434.30

7531.1500 Cutter, Fur 7434.40

7531.1600 Nailor, Fur 7434.50

7531.9900 Tailors, Dressmakers, Furriers and Hatters, 7434.90


Family 7532 Garment and Related Pattern Makers and


7532.0100 Designer (Garment) 7435.10

7532.0200 Designer, Leather Articles 7435.15

7532.0300 Case Finisher (Leather Product) 7435.18

7532.0500 Frame Maker, Cap 7435.25

7532.0600 Master Cutter (Garment) 7435.30

7532.0700 Cutter, Hand (Textile Product) 7435.35

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7532.0900 Cutter, Machine (Textile Product) 7435.40

7532.0901 Garment Cutter (CAM)

7532.0902 Advance Pattern Maker, Garment


7532.0903 Layerman

7532.1000 Cutter, Garment (Leather) 7435.45

7532.1001 Cutter, Goods and Garments (Leather)

7532.1100 Cutter, Gloves (Leather) 7435.50

7532.1200 Button Hole Maker 7435.55

7532.1300 Cutter Tent 7435.60

7532.9900 Garment and Related Pattern Makers and 7435.90

Cutters, Other

Family 7533 Sewing, Embroiderers and Related


7533.0100 Sewer, Hand 7436.10

7533.0201 Hand Embroiderer, General 7436.15

7533.0300 Hand Embroiderer, Zari/Hand Embroider, 7436.20

Traditional Crafts

7533.0600 Darner 7436.35

7533.0700 Sewer, Tent (Hand) 7436.40

7533.0800 Umbrella Maker 7436.45

7533.0900 Umbrella Examiner 7436.50

7533.1000 Sail and Awning Maker 7436.60

7533.1100 Tailor, Tent (Machine) 7436.70

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7533.1200 Doll Maker 7436.80

7533.9900 Sewers, Embroiderers and Related Workers, 7436.90


Family 7534 Upholsterers and Related Workers

7534.0100 Upholsterer, Furniture 7437.10

7534.0200 Upholsterer, Orthopaedic Appliances 7437.20

7534.0300 Upholsterer, Vehicle 7437.30

7534.0400 Cushion Maker 7437.40

7534.0500 Mattress Maker (Spring) 7437.45

7534.9900 Upholsterers and Related Workers, Other 7437.90

Family 7535 Pelt Dressers, Tanners and Fellmongers

7535.0100 Sorter, Hides and Skin 7441.10

7535.0200 Flayer 7441.15

7535.0300 Lime Pitman, Leather 7441.18

7535.0400 Dehairer, Hand 7441.20

7535.0500 Flesher, Hand 7441.22

7535.0600 Delimer 7441.24

7535.0700 Scudder, Hand 7441.26

7535.0900 Fluffer, Hand 7441.30

7535.1000 Staker, Hand 7441.32

7535.1100 Bark Pitman (Tanning) 7441.34

7535.1200 Drum Man (Tanning) 7441.36

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7535.1300 Leather, Currier 7441.38

7535.1400 Dyer, Leather 7441.40

7535.1500 Embosser, Leather 7441.42

7535.1600 Seasoner, Leather 7441.44

7535.1700 Pelt Dresser, General 7441.46

7535.1800 Pelt Grader 7441.48

7535.1900 Pelt Flesher 7441.50

7535.2000 Pelt Plucker and Trimmer 7441.52

7535.2100 Pelt Dyer, Hand 7441.55

7535.2200 Pelt, Stitcher 7441.60

7535.9900 Pelt Dressers, Tanners and Fell Mongers, 7441.90


Family 7536 Shoemakers and Related Workers

7536.0100 Shoemaker, Hand 7442.10

7536.0200 Shoemaker, Orthopaedic 7442.12

7536.0300 Shoe Repairer, Cobbler/Shoemaker Cobbler 7442.14

7536.0400 Pattern Maker (Footwear) 7442.16

7536.0500 Cutter, Hand 7442.18

7536.0600 Skiver, Hand (Footwear) 7442.20

7536.0800 Laster, Hand 7442.32

7536.1200 Counter Moulder 7442.45

7536.1500 Sole Stitcher, Hand 7442.60

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7536.1600 Heel Attacher, Hand (Footwear) 7442.65

7536.1700 Trimmer, Hand 7442.70

7536.1800 Harness Maker 7442.72

7536.1900 Saddler 7442.75

7536.2000 Leather Cutter, Hand 7442.76

7536.2100 Stitcher, Hand 7442.78

7536.2200 Assembler, Hand 7442.79

7536.2300 Suitcase Maker 7442.80

7536.2400 Purse Maker 7442.81

7536.2500 Whip Maker 7442.82

7536.2600 Belt Maker 7442.83

7536.2700 Horn Comb Maker (Hand) 7442.85

7536.9900 Shoemaker and Related Workers, Other 7442.90

Group 754 Other Craft and Related Workers

Family 7541 Underwater Divers

7541.0100 Diver, Pearl 6152.30

7541.0200 Diver, Chank 6152.40

7541.0300 Coral Breaker 6152.50

7541.0400 Shell Gatherer 6152.60

7541.0500 Seaweed Gatherer 6152.70

7541.0600 Dress Diver 7216.10

7541.0700 Skin Diver 7216.20

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7541.9900 Underwater Divers, Other 7216.90

Family 7542 Shotfirers and Blasters

7542.0100 Shotfirer 7112.10

7542.0101 Person Handling Explosives

7542.0200 Safety Lamp Checker 7119.10

7542.0300 Cobber, Mica 7119.20

7542.0400 Sickle Dresser, Mica 7119.30

7542.0500 Screener, Mica 7119.40

7542.0600 Knife Dresser, Mica 7119.50

7542.0700 Film Splitter, Mica 7119.60

7542.0800 Deep Cell Attendant 7119.70

7542.9900 Shotfirers and Blasters, Other 7112.90

Family 7543 Product Graders and Testers (Excluding

Food and Beverages)

7543.0101 Cloth Examiner/Fabric Checker 3152.10

7543.0201 QC Executive – Sewing Line

7543.0202 Quality Assessor

7543.0300 Examiner, (Footwear)/Quality Controller 3152.30

7543.0301 Measurement Checker

7543.0302 Inline Checker

7543.0400 Examiner, Dry Cleaning/Fabric Inspection 3152.40


7543.0500 Examiner, Wood Working 3152.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7543.0701 Incoming QC Technician

7543.0702 Final Product QC Technician

7543.0801 Functional Tester

7543.0802 Performance Tester

7543.0803 Reliability Tester

7543.0804 Safety Testing Technician

7543.0901 Functional Tester – Medical Devices

7543.1001 Functional Tester – RAC

7543.1002 Functional Tester – TV

7543.1003 Safety Testing Technician – TV

7543.1004 Safety Testing Technician – RACW

7543.1005 Performance Tester – RACW

7543.1006 Performance Tester – TV

7543.1101 Testing Technician

7543.2001 Quality Inspector – Forged, Casted or

Machined Components

7543.3001 Quality Control Inspector – Calendering

7543.3002 Quality Control Inspector – Dimension


7543.3003 Quality Control Inspector – Extrusion

7543.3004 Quality Control Inspector – Statistical

Process Control

7543.3005 Quality Control Inspector – Visual


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

7543.4001 Factory Compliance Auditor

7543.5001 Sampling Co-Ordinator

7543.9900 Product Graders and Testers, Others

Family 7544 Fumigators and Other Pest and Weed


Family 7549 Craft and Related Workers Not Elsewhere


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 8 Plant and Machine Operators, and


Sub- 81 Stationary Plant and Machine Operators


Group 811 Mining and Mineral Processing Plant


Family 8111 Miners and Quarriers

8111.0100 Miner, Coal Cutting Machine 8111.10

8111.0200 Driller, Machine 8111.20

8111.0300 Wagon Driller 8111.30

8111.0400 Diamond Driller 8111.40

8111.0401 Rig Mouted Drill Operator

8111.0500 Pick Miners 7111.10

8111.0600 Miner, Metal 7111.15

8111.0700 Miner, Mica 7111.20

8111.0800 Miner, Coal 7111.25

8111.0900 Quarryman, Stone/Quarryman, Non-Metal 7111.30

8111.1000 Quarryman, Other 7111.35

8111.1100 Main Header Colliery 7111.40

8111.1200 Stone Cutter, Mines 7111.45

8111.1300 Roof Bolter, Mining 7111.47

8111.1400 Mine Cutting and Channelling Machine 7111.49


8111.1500 Timberman, Mines 7111.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8111.1600 Creeperman, Colliery 7111.55

8111.1700 Stowing Worker 7111.60

8111.1800 Packer, Rock 7111.65

8111.1900 Sampler, Mining/Sampler Metal/Non-Metal 7111.68

8111.2000 Groove Cutter, Mining 7111.70

8111.2100 Bratticeman 7111.72

8111.2200 Driller, Hand 7111.74

8111.2300 Shaft Worker 7111.75

8111.2400 Banksman 7111.76

8111.2500 Jackman 7111.77

8111.2600 Scraper Driver, Mines 7111.78

8111.2601 Sprinkler and Other Vehicle Driver

8111.2700 Shovel Operator, Mines 7111.80

8111.2800 Trammer, Mines 7111.85

8111.2901 Wire Saw Operator

8111.9900 Mines, Quarrymen and Related Workers, 7111.90


8112 Mineral and Stone Processing Plant


Family 8112.0100 Crusher Operator, Mineral 8112.10

8112.0200 Pulveriser Operator 8112.15

8112.0300 Stamp Mill Operator 8112.20

8112.0400 Cynideman 8112.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8112.0500 Precipitator 8112.40

8112.0600 Washing Plant Operator 8112.45

8112.0700 Stone Sawyer, Machine 8112.50

8112.0800 Stone Cutter, Machine 8112.55

8112.0900 Stone Polisher, Machine 8112.60

8112.1000 Pipe Machineman, Stoneware 8112.62

8112.1100 Thread Cutting Machine Operator, 8112.65


8112.1200 Cone Operator (Mine & Quarry) 8112.70

8112.9900 Mineral and Stone Processing Plant 8112.90

Operators, Other

Family 8113 Well Drillers and Borers and Related


8113.0100 Well Drillers, Petroleum and Gas 8113.10

8113.0200 Derrickman 8113.15

8113.0300 Mudman 8113.20

8113.0400 Cementer 8113.25

8113.0500 Well Puller 8113.30

8113.0600 Scaperman 8113.35

8113.0700 Gauger 8113.40

8113.0800 Well Driller, Machine (Other than 8113.45

Petroleum and Gas)

8113.9900 Well Drillers and Borers and Related 8113.90

Workers, Other

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 8114 Cement, Stone and Other Mineral Products

Machine Operators

8114.0100 Polishing Machine Operator (Mosaic) 8212.10

8114.0200 Batching and Mixing Plant Operator 8212.20


8114.0300 Concrete Mixer Operator 8212.30

8114.0500 Cast Stone Maker 8212.50

8114.0600 Lead Brush Maker (Abrasive Wheel) 8212.60

8114.0700 Fettler (Brick & Tile) 8212.70

8114.9900 Cement and Other Mineral Products 8212.90

Machine Operators, Other

Group 812 Metal Processing and Finishing Plant


Family 8121 Metal Processing Plant Operators

8121.0300 Larry Car Driver, Furnace 8121.20

8121.2300 Shearing and Upcoiler Operator (Non- 8122.36

Ferrous Metal)/Coil Operator

8121.2400 Flattening Machine and Flying Shear 8122.38

Operator (Non-Ferrous Metal)

8121.2500 Slitting Machine Operator (Non-Ferrous 8122.40


8121.2700 Roller, Second Hand, Strip Mill (Non-Ferrous 8122.44


8121.3000 Charger, Reveraberatory, Pulverised Coal 8122.50

Fired/Reverberatory Furnace Operator

8121.3100 Melter Reveraberatory – Furnace, 8122.52

Pulverised Coal Fired/Reverberatory

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Furnace Operator

8121.3300 Slag Flusher 8122.56

8121.3301 Casting or Foundry Assistant/Helper

8121.3701 Heat Treating Furnace Operator 8122.64

8121.3801 Assistant Casting Technician

8121.4200 Die Casting Machine Operator 8122.74

8121.4201 Pressure Die Casting (PDC) Operator

8121.4300 Casting Machine Operator (Non-Ferrous 8122.76


8121.4400 Casting – Operator Helper (Non-Ferrous 8122.77


8121.4500 Spun Pipe Machine Operator 8122.78

8121.4600 Core Maker, Machine 8122.80

8121.4700 Annealer, Metal 8123.10

8121.4800 Hardener, Metal 8123.20

8121.4900 Temperer, Metal 8123.30

8121.5200 Looper, Metal Drawing 8124.15

8121.5500 Seamless Pipe and Tube Drawers 8124.40

8121.5600 Extrusion Press Operator 8124.50

8121.5800 Metal Drawing Operatives 8124.90

8121.9900 Metal Processing Plant Operators, Other 8124.70

Family 8122 Metal Finishing, Plating and Coating

Machine Operators

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8122.0100 Electroplater 8223.10

8122.0101 Surface Treatment Technician

8122.2000 Enameller, Chemical 8223.20

8122.3000 Reeling Machine Operator 8223.30

8122.3500 Galvanizer/Operator – Electroplating, 8223.35


8122.5500 Metal Sprayer 8223.55

8122.6000 Sample Checker, Metal Making 8223.60

8122.6200 Shot Blaster 8223.62

8122.6700 Picker 8223.67

8122.6900 Hardness Tester, Metal 8223.69

8122.7000 Speeder Machine Operator (Abrasive 8223.70


8122.7100 Sizing Machine Operator (Abrasive Wheel) 8223.71

8122.7200 Abrasive Coated Cloth and Papermaker 8223.72

8122.7300 Skiving Machine Operator (Abrasive) 8223.73

8122.7400 Belt Press Operator (Abrasive) 8223.74

8122.7500 Roll Winding Machine Operator (Abrasive) 8223.75

8122.7600 Sheet Cutter (Abrasive) 8223.76

8122.7700 Slitting Machine Operator (Abrasive) 8223.77

8122.7800 Clicker Press Operator (Abrasive) 8223.78

8122.7900 Splint Feeder (Match) 8223.79

8122.8000 Splint Drying Chamberman (Match) 8223.80

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8122.8100 Levelling Machine Attendant (Match) 8223.81

8122.9900 Metal Finishing, Plating and Coating 8223.90

Machine Operators, Other

Group 813 Chemical and Photographic Products Plant

and Machine Operators

Family 8131 Chemical Products Plant and Machine


8131.0100 Crusher Operator, Chemical 8151.10

8131.0200 Miller/Mill Operator (Chemical) 8151.20

8131.0300 Pulveriser Operator, Chemical 8151.30

8131.0400 Mixing Machineman Attendant (Chemical) 8151.40

8131.0500 Compounding Man (Match) 8151.45

8131.0800 Sieving Machine Attendant, Chemical 8151.60

8131.0900 Grading Machine Attendant (Abrasive) 8151.65

8131.1400 Drying Chamber Attendant 8152.30

(Drugs)/Chamber Operators

8131.1500 Drying Chamber Attendant (Match 8152.35

Boxes)/Chamber Operators

8131.1700 Size Maker (Abrasive) 8152.45

8131.1800 Paste Maker 8152.50

8131.2100 Ammonia Operator/Ammonia Plant 8152.70


8131.2200 Heat Treater 8152.75

8131.2300 Filter Press Operator 8153.10

8131.2400 Filter Press Operator (Ceramics) 8153.15

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8131.2500 Strainer, Liquid 8153.20

8131.2600 Box Filtration Operator 8153.30

8131.2700 Hydro Extractor Operator 8153.40

8131.2800 Crude Oil Treater (Oil Field) 8153.50

8131.2900 Gauger (Cement) 8153.60

8131.3000 Disc Operator (Abrasive) 8153.65

8131.3100 Crude Oil Treater (Petrol & Gas) 8153.70

8131.3200 Brine Maker (Chemical) 8153.80

8131.3501 Autoclave Operator 8154.30

8131.3600 Evaporator Operator 8154.40

8131.3700 Reactor Convertor Operator 8154.50

8131.3800 Converter Operator (Grain Feed Mills) 8154.60

8131.3900 Distiller (Chemical) 8154.65

8131.4000 Continuous Machine Operator (Match Box 8222.10


8131.4100 Receiver (Match) 8222.20

8131.4200 Box Making Machine Operator (Match) 8222.30

8131.4300 Box Filling Machine Operator (Match) 8222.40

8131.4400 Friction Machine Operator (Match) 8222.50

8131.4500 Box Closing Machine Operator (Match) 8222.60

8131.4600 Bandroll and Labelling Machine Operator 8222.70

8131.4900 Coke Oven Operator, Controller 8159.12

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8131.5600 Charcoal Burner, Beehive Kiln (Chemical) 8159.25

8131.5800 Producer Gas Plant Operator 8159.28

8131.5900 Bale Cutter Operator, Rubber 8159.34

8131.6000 Masticator, Rubber 8159.36

8131.6100 Straining Operator (Rubber Reclaim) 8159.38

8131.6200 Mixer, Rubber/Mill Operator 8159.40

8131.6300 Solution and Dough Making, Operator, 8159.42


8131.6400 Synthetic Fibre Maker 8159.45

8131.6500 Refining Machine Operator (Oils and 8159.54

Fats)/Oil and Fat Plant Operator

8131.6600 Hydrogenation Operator (Oil & Fats)/Oil 8159.56

and Fat Plant Operator

8131.6700 Deodorizer 8159.58

8131.6800 Crystallisation Attendant 8159.60

8131.7000 Tablet Machine Operator 8159.62

8131.7100 Tablet Coater 8159.64

8131.7200 Ampoule Machine/Plant Operator 8159.66

8131.7500 M.B. Tester 8159.72

8131.7600 Optical Examiner, Ampoules 8159.74

8131.7700 Acid Plant Operator 8159.76

8131.7800 Sulphur Burner 8159.78

8131.8000 Acid Concentrator 8159.80

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8131.8100 Acid Worker, Other 8159.82

8131.8200 Cell Room Attendant, Chemical 8159.84

8131.8300 Gas Storage Attendant 8159.86

8131.8400 Soap Machine Attendant 8159.87

8131.8500 Extraction Attendant, Chemical 8159.88

8131.8700 Laboratory Attendant 8229.10

8131.8800 Agarbatti Maker 8229.20

8131.8900 Pencil Maker 8229.30

8131.9000 Assembler, Marking Devices (Pen & Pencil) 8229.40

8131.9900 Chemical Products Machine Operators, 8229.90


Family 8132 Photographic Products Machine Operators

8132.0100 Printer Photographic 7344.10

8132.0200 Developer, Photographic 7344.20

8132.0300 Developer, Automatic (Photofinishing) 7344.25

8132.0400 Enlarger, Photographic 7344.30

8132.0500 Retoucher, Photographic 7344.40

8132.0600 Photographic Dark Room Operatives 7344.50

8132.0700 Printing Machine Operator, Photographic 8224.10

8132.0800 Film Developing Machine Operator 8224.20

8132.0900 Photographic Film and Papermaker 8224.30

8132.1000 Linoleum Maker 8224.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8132.9900 Photographic Products Machine Operators, 8224.90


Group 814 Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products

Machine Operators

Family 8141 Rubber Products Machine Operators

8141.0100 Calendar Machine Operator 8231.10

8141.0101 Pre- and Post-Calendering Operator

8141.0200 Cord Dipping Operator 8231.15

8141.0300 Extruding Machine Operator (Rubber) 8231.20

8141.0301 Feed Extruder Operator

8141.0302 Tube Extruder Operator

8141.0400 Rubber Fabric Cutting Machine Operator 8231.25

8141.0500 Slitting Machine Operator (Cycle Tyre) 8231.30

8141.0600 Bead Maker (Rubber Tyre) 8231.35

8141.0700 Profiling Operator (Cycle Tyre) 8231.40

8141.0711 Continuous Curing Operator

8141.0712 Roto Curing Operator

8141.0713 Injection Moulding Operator

8141.0714 Transfer Moulding Operator

8141.0715 Internal Mixer Operator

8141.0716 Kneader Operator

8141.0800 Finishing Operator (Rubber Tyre) 8231.45

8141.0900 Sealing and Valve Fitting Operator 8231.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8141.1000 Finishing Operator (Rubber Tube) 8231.60

8141.1100 Sheet Maker (Rubber) 8231.65

8141.1201 Moulder (Rubber)/Compression Moulding 8231.67


8141.1301 Calenderer Rubberised Fabric/Operator- 8231.70

Textile Coating

8141.1400 Hose Maker (Rubber Goods) 8231.72

8141.1500 Latex Worker 8231.74

8141.1600 Latex Foam Cushion Maker 8231.76

8141.1701 Tyre Builder/Radial Building Operator 8231.80

8141.1702 Tyre Building Operator – Commercial


8141.1703 Tyre Building Operator – Passenger Vehicles

8141.1800 Tyre Moulder 8231.81

8141.1801 Tyre Moulding Operator

8141.1900 Band Builder (Tyre Building) 8231.83

8141.2000 Trimmer (Tyre Building) 8231.84

8141.2100 Tyre Repairer 8231.85

8141.2200 Moulder, Rubber Tube 8231.86

8141.2300 Cycle Tube Reverser 8231.87

8141.2400 Rubber Stamp Maker 8231.88

8141.9900 Rubber and Rubberised Product Makers, 8231.90


Family 8142 Plastic Products Machine Operators

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8142.0100 Tablet Machine Operator 8232.10

8142.0200 Laminating Press Operator (Plastic) 8232.15

8142.0300 Extruding Machine Setter (Plastic) 8232.18

8142.0400 Extruding Machine Operator (Plastic) 8232.20

8142.0501 Injection Moulding Machine Operator 8232.25


8142.0502 Moulding Operator

8142.0503 Encapsulation Operator

8142.0600 Compression Moulding Machine Operator 8232.30


8142.0700 Bottle Blowing Machine Operator (Plastic) 8232.35

8142.0800 Vacuum Plastic Forming Machine Operator 8232.40

8142.0900 Embossing Machine Setter (Plastic) 8232.45

8142.1000 Embossing Machine Operator (Plastic) 8232.50

8142.1100 Printing Machine Operator (Plastic) 8232.60

8142.1200 Button Maker 8232.62

8142.1300 Mould Setter (Plastic) 8232.65

8142.1301 Plastic Moulding Technician or Operator

8142.1400 Moulder, Hand (Plastic) 8232.70

8142.1500 Cementer (Plastic) 8232.75

8142.1600 Plastic Fabricator 8232.80

8142.9900 Plastic Products Making Operatives, Other 8232.90

Family 8143 Paper Products Machine Operators

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8143.0100 Cardboard Box Maker 8253.10

8143.0200 Envelope Maker, Machine 8253.20

8143.0300 Cellophane Bag Maker, Machine 8253.30

8143.0400 Flower Maker, Paper 8253.40

8143.0500 Papier Mache Moulder 8253.50

8143.9900 Paper Product Makers, Other 8253.90

Group 815 Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine


Family 8151 Fibre Preparing, Spinning and Winding

Machine Operators

8151.0100 Garnett Machineman, Woollen 8261.10

8151.0300 Rag Machineman (Woollen Textile) 8261.20

8151.0400 Doubling Machine Operator (Textile) 8261.25

8151.0500 Combing Tenter 8261.30

8151.0600 Spinner, Frame (Textile)/Ring Frame Tenter 8261.35

8151.0700 Drawing Tenter 8261.40

8151.1000 Reeler Textile 8261.70

8151.1100 Reed Man 8261.77

8151.1200 Healdman (Textile) 8261.79

8151.1300 Reeler, Silk 8261.80

8151.1400 Yarn Tester 8261.81

8151.1500 Warping Boy (Textile)/Wrapper 8261.82

8151.1600 Pin Setter (Textile) 8261.83

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8151.1700 Roller Coverer 8261.84

8151.1800 Winder Textile/Winding Operator 8261.85

8151.1900 Size Mixer (Textile) 8261.86

8151.2000 Waterproofer, Textile 8261.87

8151.2100 Weighter, Silk 8261.88

8151.2200 Fetler (Woollen Textile) 8261.89

8151.9900 Fibre Preparing, Spinning and Winding 8261.90

Machine Operators, Other

Family 8152 Weaving and Knitting Machine Operators

8152.0100 Drawing Man 7432.10

8152.0200 Doffer, Fly Frame/Speed Frame Operator 7432.12

8152.0300 Knitting Jobber 8262.10

8152.0400 Card Cutter 8262.20

8152.0500 Mat Shearing Operator 8262.25

8152.0600 Flat Knitter, Machine/Knitting Machine 8262.30

Operator – Flat Knitting

8152.0700 Sock Knitter/Knitting Machine Operator – 8262.35

Socks Knitting

8152.0800 Sock Knitter, Automatic Machine 8262.40

8152.0900 Knitter, Machine/Knitting Machine 8262.45


8152.1000 Looperman, Hosiery 8262.50

8152.1100 Warp Knitter/Knitting Machine Operator – 8262.55

Warp Knitter

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8152.1200 Weaver, Lace (Machine) 8262.60

8152.1300 Braid Maker, Machine/Braiding Machine 8262.65


8152.1400 Lace Maker (Machine) 8262.70

8152.1600 Warp Tying Machineman 8262.80

8152.1700 Wrapper 8262.81

8152.2000 Front Sizer (Cotton Textile) 8262.85

8152.2100 Back Sizer 8262.86

8152.9900 Weaving and Knitting Machine Operators, 8262.90


Family 8153 Sewing Machine Operators

8153.0101 Sewing Machine Operator, General 8263.10

8153.0102 Stitcher (Leather Goods and Garments)

8153.0103 Specialized Sewing Machine Operator

8153.0200 Button Hole Maker, Machine 8263.20

8153.0300 Eyelet Holing Machine Operator 8263.30

8153.0400 Button Stitching Machine Operator 8263.40

8153.0500 Embroider, Machine 8263.45

8153.0600 Embroidery Machine Operator (Semi- 8263.50


8153.0601 Embroidery Machine Operator (Zig Zag


8153.0701 Framer – Computerised Embroidery


National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8153.0702 Helper – Parts Making (Leather Goods and


8153.0703 Helper – Finishing Operations (Leather

Goods and Garments)

8153.9900 Sewers and Embroiders, Other 8263.90

Family 8154 Bleaching, Dyeing and Cleaning Machine


8154.0200 Kierman (Textile)/Package Dyeing Machine 8264.50


8154.0300 Scouringman, Woollen Yarn 8264.55

8154.0500 Washing Machineman 8264.60

8154.0600 De-Gummer, Silk 8264.62

8154.0700 Carbonizer, Textile 8264.64

8154.0800 Scutcherman, Bleaching 8264.66

8154.0900 Dyed- Yarn Operator (Textile) 8264.67

8154.1000 Jiggerman (Cotton Textile)/Jigger Machine 8264.68


8154.1100 Dye Automation Operator (Textile)/ Dyeing 8264.69

Machine Operator

8154.1200 Wool Dyer 8264.70

8154.1500 Dyer Garment 8264.75

8154.1700 Damping Machine Attendant 8264.77

8154.1800 Calenderman (Cotton Textile) 8264.78

8154.1900 Miller 8264.79

8154.2000 Raising Machineman (Textile) 8264.80

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8154.2100 Stentering Machineman/Stentering 8264.81


8154.2200 Cropper 8264.82

8154.2300 Padding Machineman/Padding Mangle 8264.83


8154.2400 Brushing Machineman (Textile) 8264.84

8154.2500 Crabbing Machineman (Woollen Textile) 8264.85

8154.2600 Sanforizing Machineman 8264.86

8154.2700 Singeing Machineman/Singeing Machine 8264.87


8154.9900 Bleaching, Dyeing and Cleaning Machine 8264.90

Operators, Other

Family 8155 Fur and Leather Preparing Machine


8155.0100 Dehairer, Machine/Dehairer Machine 8265.10


8155.0201 Flesher, Machine/Fleshing Operator 8265.20

8155.0300 Scudder, Machine/Scudding Machine 8265.25


8155.0400 Hide and Skin Setter, Machine/Setting 8265.30

Machine Operator

8155.0500 Hide Splitter, Machine/Splitting Machine 8265.32


8155.0501 Splitting and Sammying Operator (Leather)

8155.0601 Hide Shaver, Machine/Shaving Operator 8265.35

8155.0700 Staker, Machine/Staking Machine Operator 8265.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8155.0801 Leather Buffer, Machine/Buffing Operator 8265.45

8155.0900 Leather Glazer, Machine/Glazing Machine 8265.50


8155.1000 Rolling Machine Operator (Leather) 8265.60

8155.1101 Tanner, Rotary Drum, Continuous Process 8265.70

(Leather Manufacturing)/Drum Operator

8155.1102 Post Tanning Machine Operator

8155.1200 Leather Measuring Machine 8265.80

Man/Measuring Machine Operator

8155.1201 Helper – Wet Operations (Multi-Skilled)

8155.1202 Helper – Dry Operations (Finished Leather)

8155.1203 Helper – Finishing Operation(Finished


8155.9900 Fur And Leather Preparing Machine 8265.90

Operators, Other

Family 8156 Shoe Making and Related Machine


8156.0100 Pounding Machine Operator (Footwear) 8266.10

8156.0200 Heel Breaster, Machine 8266.12

(Footwear)/Machine Operator – Heel

8156.0400 Heel Builder, Machine (Footwear)/Machine 8266.16

Operator – Heel Building

8156.0500 Sole Rounding Machine Operator 8266.18

8156.0600 Nailer, Machine/Machine Operator, Nailing 8266.20

8156.0701 Cutter, Machine/Cutter (Footwear) 8266.22

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8156.0800 Leather Cutter, Machine 8266.23

8156.0900 Welt Sewer, Machine/Machine Operator, 8266.25

Welt Sewing

8156.0901 Stitching Operator (Footwear)

8156.1001 Skiver, Machine/Skiving Operator 8266.26

8156.1401 Laster, Machine/Lasting Operator 8266.32

8156.1500 Sole Stitcher, Machine 8266.35

8156.1600 Seat Laster, Machine/Lasting Machine 8266.36


8156.1700 Splitter, Machine/Splitting Machine 8266.38


8156.1800 Heeler, Machine/Heel Attacher 8266.40

8156.1900 Heel Compressor, Machine (Footwear) 8266.42

8156.2000 Sole Leveller, Machine 8266.45

8156.2100 Trimmer, Machine 8266.50

8156.2200 Edge Setter, Machine 8266.55

8156.2300 Edge Burnisher 8266.60

8156.2400 Heel Padding Machine Operator 8266.65

8156.2500 Eyeleting Machine Operator 8266.68

8156.2501 Pre-Assembly Operator

8156.2600 Riveting Machine Operator 8266.70

8156.2601 Helper – Bottom Making (Footwear)

8156.2602 Helper – Upper Making (Footwear)

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8156.2603 Helper – Finishing (Footwear)

8156.9900 Cutting, Lasting and Sewing Machine 8266.90

Operators, Other

Family 8157 Laundry Machine Operators

8157.0100 Washing Machine Operator 8264.10

8157.0200 Drying Machine Operator 8264.20

8157.0300 Dry Cleaner, Machine 8264.30

8157.0400 Presser, Machine/Ironing Operator 8264.40

8157.0401 Pressman

Family 8159 Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine

Operators Not Elsewhere Classified

8159.0100 Folder, Machine/Folding Machine Operator 8269.10

8159.0200 Splicing – Machine Operator, Automatic 8269.20


8159.0300 Balling – Machine Operator (Textile) 8269.30

8159.0400 Press Operator 8269.40

8159.9900 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers and 8269.90

Related Machine Operators, Other

Group 816 Food and Related Products Machine


Family 8160 Food and Related Products Machine


8160.0300 Pasteurising Plant Operator (Dairy) 8272.10

8160.0400 Mixing Tank Operator 8272.20

8160.0500 Dairy Processing Equipment Operator 8272.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8160.0700 Miller, Food Grains 8273.10

8160.0800 Husker, Machine (Food Grains) 8273.20

8160.0900 Rollerman, (Food Grains) 8273.30

8160.1000 Flour Mill Operator 8273.40

8160.1100 Siever, Machine 8273.50

8160.1200 Oil Crusher Operator, Power 8273.60

8160.1300 Filter Press Operator (Oil) 8273.65

8160.1500 Wafer Baking Machine Operator (Baking) 8274.10

8160.1600 Cooker Operator 8274.20

8160.1700 Cutting Machine Operator (Confectionery) 8274.30

8160.1800 Chocolate Maker, Helper 8274.40

8160.1900 Flake Miller, Wheat and Oats (Grain-Feed 8274.50


8160.2000 Noodle Press Operator 8274.60

8160.2200 Peeling Machine Operator (Food Canning 8275.10

and Preserving)

8160.2300 Pitting Machine Operator (Food Canning 8275.20

and Preserving)

8160.2400 Fruit Press Operator (Food Canning and 8275.30


8160.2500 Seaming Machine Operator (Food Canning 8275.40

and Preserving)

8160.2600 Retort Operator (Food Canning and 8275.45


8160.2700 Processing Man (Food Canning and 8275.50

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


8160.2800 Panman (Food Canning and Preserving) 8275.55

8160.2900 Exhaust Box Operator (Food Canning and 8275.60


8160.3000 Foodstuff Freezer 8275.65

8160.3100 Peanut Blancher 8275.70

8160.3200 Dehydrator Tender (Canning & 8275.72


8160.3300 Refining – Machine Operator (Oil & Grease) 8275.74

8160.3400 Crusher Operator, Sugarcane 8276.10

8160.3500 Filter Pressman 8276.20

8160.3600 Dorr Clarifier Operator 8276.30

8160.3700 Evaporator Operator, Sugar 8276.40

8160.3800 Panman, Sugar 8276.50

8160.3900 Crystalizerman 8276.60

8160.4000 Centrifugal Man 8276.65

8160.4100 Magmaman 8276.70

8160.4200 Cutter Driver 8276.71

8160.4300 Cane Carrier Driver, Mill House 8276.72

8160.4400 Raw Juice Tank Pump Attendant 8276.73

8160.4500 Juice Measuring Man 8276.74

8160.4600 Lime Juice Tank Attendant 8276.75

8160.4700 Juice Heater Man 8276.76

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8160.4800 Juice Heater Helper 8276.77

8160.4900 Carbonation Man 8276.78

8160.5000 Carbonation Storage Tank Attendant 8276.79

8160.5100 Sulphitation Man, Sugar 8276.80

8160.5200 Eliminator Attendant, Sugar 8276.81

8160.5300 Settling Tank Man, Sugar 8276.82

8160.5400 Works Poor Attendant 8276.83

8160.5500 Gur Maker 8276.85

8160.5700 Tea Maker 8277.10

8160.5800 Withering Loft Attendant (Tea) 8277.15

8160.5900 Roller Attendant 8277.20

8160.6000 Pulp Houseman (Coffee) 8277.25

8160.6100 Peeling Machine Attendant (Coffee) 8277.30

8160.6200 Firing Machine Attendant (Tea) 8277.35

8160.6300 Tea Blender 8277.40

8160.6400 Coffee Blender 8277.45

8160.6500 Coffee Roaster 8277.50

8160.6600 Roaster, Cocoa Bean 8277.60

8160.6800 Brew Master 8278.10

8160.6900 Malt Maker 8278.12

8160.7000 Masher 8278.14

8160.7100 Fermentation Man 8278.16

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8160.7200 Yeast Maker 8278.18

8160.7300 Malt Vinegar Maker 8278.20

8160.7400 Filterman 8278.25

8160.7500 Pasteuriser, Brewery 8278.30

8160.7600 Syrup Plant Operator 8278.35

8160.7700 Syrup Maker 8278.40

8160.7800 Syrup Mixing Plant Operator 8278.45

8160.7900 Syruper 8278.47

8160.8000 Bottling Plant In-Charge 8278.50

8160.8100 Bottle Washer, Machine 8278.55

8160.8200 Carbonator Machine Attendant 8278.60

8160.8300 Filler, Aerated Water 8278.65

8160.8400 Filler, Aerated Water, Hand Machine 8278.70

8160.8600 Drier and Cooler Operator, Tobacco 8279.30

8160.8700 Cutting Machine Operator, Tobacco 8279.40

8160.8800 Cigarette Making Machine Operator 8279.50

8160.8900 Stingy Cigarette Slitting Machine Operator 8279.60

8160.9900 Food and Related Products Machine


Group 817 Wood Processing and Papermaking Plant


Family 8171 Pulp and Papermaking Plant Operators

8171.0100 Chipperman, Paper Pulp 8142.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8171.0200 Grinder, Paper Pulp 8142.15

8171.0400 Sorter, Paper Pulp 8142.25

8171.0500 Cutter, Paper Pulp 8142.30

8171.0600 Liquor Maker, Paper Pulp 8142.35

8171.0800 Causticman, Paper Pulp/Causticizing 8142.45


8171.0900 Bleacher, Paper Pulp 8142.50

8171.1100 Agitator, Paper Pulp 8142.60

8171.1200 Machine Operator, Paper 8143.10

8171.1400 Wire Boy, Paper 8143.20

8171.1600 Cutter, Paper 8143.30

8171.1700 Finisher, Paper 8143.35

8171.1800 Vat Man, Handmade Paper 8143.40

8171.1900 Transferor, Handmade Paper 8143.45

8171.2000 Tub-Sizer, Handmade Paper 8143.50

8171.2100 Drier, Handmade Paper 8143.55

8171.2200 Presser, Handmade Paper 8143.60

8171.2400 Calenderman, Handmade Paper 8143.70

8171.2500 Coating Machine Operator, Hardboard 8143.80

(Paper Goods)

8171.9900 Pulp and Papermaking Plant Operators, 8143.90


Family 8172 Wood Processing Plant Operators

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8172.0100 Wood Sawyer, Machine, General 8141.10

8172.0200 Wood Sawyer, Edger 8141.20

8172.0300 Band Saw Operator 8141.25

8172.0400 Circular Saw Operator 8141.30

8172.0700 Veneer Cutter 8141.55

8172.0800 Peeling Machine Operator 8141.60

8172.0900 Barrel-Lathe Operator, Outside (Wood 8141.62


8172.1000 Wood Chopping Machine Operator 8141.65

8172.1100 Core Laying Machine Operator 8141.70

8172.1200 Core Layer, Plywood 8141.75

8172.9900 Wood Processing Plant Operators and 8141.90

Related Workers, Other

Group 818 Other Stationary Plant and Machine


Family 8181 Glass and Ceramics Plant Operators

8181.0100 Blowing Machine Operator (Glass) 8131.10

8181.0200 Machineman, Sheet Glass 8131.15

8181.0300 Pressman (Glass) 8131.20

8181.0400 Pressman (Ceramics) 8131.22

8181.0500 Extruding Press Operator, Clay 8131.23

8181.0600 Rollerman (Glass) 8131.25

8181.0700 Pressman (Abrasive) 8131.28

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8181.0800 Tube and Rod Drawer (Glass) 8131.30

8181.1000 Polisher (Glass Manufacturing) 8131.37

8181.1100 Modeller, Pottery and Porcelain 8131.40

8181.1200 Furnace Man, Glass/Furnace Operator 8131.50

8181.1400 Annealer (Glass Product) 8131.65

8181.1500 Kiln Man, Pottery and Porcelain 8131.70

8181.1600 Kiln Loader, Pottery and Porcelain 8131.72

8181.1700 Kiln Man, Brick and Tile 8131.75

8181.1800 Kiln Loader, Brick and Tile 8131.77

8181.1900 Bricklayer (Brick & Tile) 8131.79

8181.2000 Graduating Machine Operator (Glass) 8131.80

8181.2100 Batch Mixer (Glass) 8139.10

8181.2200 Abrasive Mixer 8139.15

8181.2300 Mixing Machine Operator (Abrasive) 8139.20

8181.2400 Ball Mill Operator (Cement & Ceramics) 8139.30

8181.2500 Pug Mill Operator (Ceramics) 8139.40

8181.2600 Shaving Machine Operator (Abrasive) 8139.50

8181.2700 Slip Maker (Ceramics) 8139.60

8181.2800 Glaze Maker 8139.65

8181.2900 Edge Operator (Abrasive) 8139.70

8181.3000 Wet Disk Operator (Abrasive) 8139.75

8181.3100 Burner Cement 8139.80

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8181.3200 Clay Modeller 8139.82

8181.3300 Fiberglass – Machine Operator 8139.85

8181.3400 Furnace Helper

8181.9900 Glass and Ceramics Plant Operators, Other 8139.90

Family 8182 Steam Engine and Boiler Operators

8182.0100 Boiler, Tindal 8162.10

8182.0200 Boiler, Attendant 8162.20

8182.0300 Boiler, Fireman 8162.30

8182.0400 Boiler House Operatives 8162.40

8182.0500 Serang, Engine Room/Engine Bosun 8162.50

8182.0600 Tindal, Engine Room 8162.60

8182.0800 Fireman, Locomotive 8162.75

8182.9900 Ships’ Engine Room Ratings, Other 8162.90

Family 8183 Packing, Bottling and Labelling Machine


8183.0100 Building Insulator, Machine 8290.30

Family 8189 Gem and Jewellery Machine Operators

8189.0100 Gem Grinder, Machine 8290.50

8189.0200 Gem Polisher, Machine 8290.60

8189.0301 CAM Machine Operator

8189.0401 Laser Sawing Machine Operator

8189.0405 Blade Sawyer

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8189.0501 Casting Machine Operator

8189.0601 Symmetry Analyser Machine Operator

8189.0701 Pantograph Machine Operator 7313.72

8190.0100 Saw Grinder, Machine 8290.40

Sub- 82 Assemblers

Group 821 Assemblers

Family 8211 Mechanical Machinery Assemblers

8211.0100 Assembler, Workshop Machine and 8281.10


8211.0101 Mechanical Sub-Assembly Technician

8211.0200 Assembler Printing Machinery 8281.15

8211.0300 Assembler, Textile Machinery 8281.20

8211.0400 Assembler, Refrigerator and Air- 8281.25

Conditioning Unit

8211.0500 Assembler, Stationary Petrol Engine 8281.30

8211.0600 Assembler, Stationary Diesel Engine 8281.35

8211.0700 Assembler, Tractor 8281.40

8211.0800 Assembler, Turbine and Steam Engine 8281.45

8211.0900 Assembler Loco Engines 8281.50

8211.1000 Erector, Machine and Equipment 8281.55

8211.1100 Assembler, Continuity 8281.60

8211.1200 Assembler, Automobile 8281.65

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8211.1201 Vehicle Assembly Fitter

8211.1202 Fitter-Mechanical Assembly

8211.1300 Assembler, Motor Cycle 8281.70

8211.1400 Assembler, Frame, Aircraft 8281.75

Family 8212 Electrical and Electronic Equipment


8212.0100 Battery Assembler 8282.10

8212.0200 Assembler Dry Cell (Battery Manufacturing) 8282.20

8212.0300 Battery Repairer 8282.30

8212.0400 Assembler, Electrical Accessories 8282.40

8212.0401 Cutting, Crimping and Connector Assembly


8212.0402 Electrical Assembly Operator

8212.0500 Electric Motor Winder 8282.50

8212.0600 Calibrator, Electrical 8282.60

8212.0700 Assembler Precision Instrument 8283.10

8212.0800 Assembly Operator (Telephone Equipment 8283.20


8212.0900 Assembly Operator (Radio Manufacturing) 8283.30

8212.1000 Form Layer, Cable (Telephone Equipment 8283.40


8212.1100 Cable Maker, Rack Wiring (Telephone & 8283.50

Telegraph Equipment Manufacturing)

8212.1200 Operator, Rack Wiring (Telephone & 8283.60

Telegraph Equipment Manufacturing)

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8212.1301 RAC Assembly Operator

8212.1401 Assembly Operator – TV

8212.1501 Mechanical Assembly Operator

8212.1601 Manual Insertion Operation

8212.1602 Through Hole Assembly Operator

8212.1603 Pick and Place Assembly Operator

8212.1604 Reflow Oven Soldering Operator

8212.1605 Stencil Printing Operator

8212.1606 Component Preparation Operator

8212.1607 Box-Building Assembly Technician

8212.1701 Wire Bonding Operator

8212.1702 Die Bonding Operator

8212.1801 Assembly Operator Capacitor

8212.1802 Winding Operator

8212.1803 Vacuum Plant Operator

8212.1804 Coating, Curing and Marking Operator

8212.1805 Masking Machine Operator

8212.1806 Pressing Machine Operator

8212.1807 Manual Soldering Technician

8212.1808 Wave Soldering Machine Operator

8212.1901 Welding Operator

8212.1902 Silicone Painting Operator

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8212.1903 Sorting Operator

8212.1904 Capping Machine Operator

8212.2001 Energy Meter Assembly Operator

8212.2002 PLC Assembly Operator

8212.2003 UPS Assembly Operator

8212.2101 Final Assembly Operator-Magnetics

8212.2201 Assembly Operator – PMD and X-Ray

8212.2202 Box Assembly Operator

8212.2301 Module Soldering Operator

8212.2302 Module Assembly Technician

8212.2401 Electrical Technician

8212.2501 Inner Layer and Pressing Operator

8212.2502 Drilling Operator

8212.2503 Routing Operator

8212.2504 Solder Masking & Legend Printing Operator

8212.2601 Electronic Sub-Assembly Technician

8212.2701 PCB Assembly Operator

8212.9900 Electrical and Electronic Equipment 8283.90

Assemblers, Other

Family 8219 Assemblers Not Elsewhere Classified

8219.0100 Assembler, Bicycle 8284.10

8219.0200 Assembler, Sewing Machine 8284.20

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8219.0300 Assembler (Plastic Product) 8284.30

8219.0400 Assembler, Metal Furniture 8284.40

8219.9900 Paper Board, Textile and Related Products 8286.90

Assemblers, Other

Sub- 83 Drivers and Mobile Plant Operators


Group 831 Locomotive Engine Drivers and Related


Family 8311 Locomotive Engine Drivers

8311.0100 Loco Driver, Mines 8311.10

8311.0200 Driver, Railway Engine (Steam) 8311.20

8311.0300 Driver, Railway Engine (Diesel) 8311.30

8311.0400 Driver, Railway Engine (Electrical) 8311.40

8311.0500 Driver, Shunting (Loco) 8311.50

8311.0601 Locomotive Driver

Family 8312 Railway Braker, Signal and Switch


8312.0100 Signalman, Railway 8312.10

8312.0200 Shunting Worker 8312.20

8312.0300 Points Man, Railway 8312.30

8312.0400 Traffic Shunter, Railway 8312.40

8312.0500 Braker, Passenger Train 8312.50

8312.9900 Pointsmen, Signalmen and Shunters, 8312.90

Railways, Other

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Group 832 Car, Van and Motorcycle Drivers

Family 8321 Motorcycle Drivers

8321.0101 Driver Auto Rickshaw 8321.10

8321.0200 Despatch Rider 8321.20

8321.0201 Delivery Associate/Two Wheeler Delivery


8321.9900 Motorcycle Drivers, Other 8321.90

Family 8322 Car, Taxi and Van Drivers

8322.0100 Driver, Car 8322.10

8322.0101 Chauffer, Driver Personal

8322.0102 Chauffer, Cab Driver

8322.0201 Driver, Taxi 8322.20

8322.0301 Driver, Ambulance 8322.30

8322.0501 Light Motor Vehicle Driver

8322.9900 Car, Taxi and Van Drivers, Other 8322.90

Group 833 Heavy Truck and Bus Drivers

Family 8331 Bus and Tram Drivers

8331.0100 Tram Car Driver 8323.10

8331.0200 Trolley Driver 8323.20

8331.0300 Driver, Bus 8323.30

8331.0301 Commercial Vehicle Driver

8331.0302 Commercial Vehicle Driver – Assistant

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8331.0400 Driver, Fire Brigade Vehicles 8323.40

8331.0500 Driver Road Test 8323.50

8331.0501 Test Driver

8331.0600 Signalman, Tram 8323.60

8331.9900 Bus and Tram Drivers, Other 8323.90

Family 8332 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers

8332.0100 Driver Truck 8324.10

8332.0200 Tram Car Driver (Mines) 8324.20

8332.9900 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers, Other 8324.90

Group 834 Mobile Plant Operators

Family 8341 Mobile Farm and Forestry Plant Operators

8341.0101 Tractor Operator, Farm 8331.10

8341.0200 Operator, Farm Machines 8331.20

8341.0201 Harvesting Machine Operator

8341.0300 Tractor Driver, Construction 8331.30

8341.9900 Farm Machinery Operators, Other 8331.90

Family 8342 Earth Moving and Related Plant Operators

8342.0101 Bulldozer Operator 8332.10

8342.0200 Scrapper Operator 8332.12

8342.0301 Scrapper Loader Operator/Loader Operator 8332.14

8342.0400 Grader Operator 8332.16

8342.0501 Power Shovel Operator/Excavator Operator 8332.18

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8342.0600 Bucket Wheel Excavator Operator 8332.20

8342.0700 Trench Digging Machine Operator 8332.22

8342.0800 Dragline Operator 8332.24

8342.0900 Dredger Operator 8332.26

8342.1000 Boom Driver 8332.28

8342.1100 Pile Driver 8332.30

8342.1201 Dumper Operator/Dumper/Tipper Operator 8332.32

8342.1202 Dumper Operator

8342.1300 Scoop Truck Operator 8332.34

8342.1400 Tripler Machine Operator 8332.36

8342.1500 Conveyor Operator 8332.45

8342.1600 Spreader Operator 8332.50

8342.1700 Road Roller Driver 8332.55

8342.1800 Bitumen Mixing Machine Operator 8332.60

8342.1900 Sand Blast Operator, Construction 8332.65

8342.2001 Excavator Operator

8342.2101 Mobile Equipment Operator

8342.2201 Stoking Car Operator Ferro Alloys

8342.9900 Earth Moving and Related Plant Operators, 8332.90


Family 8343 Crane, Hoist and Related Plant Operators

8343.0100 Driver, Steam Crane 8333.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8343.0200 Crane Operator, Diesel Electric 8333.12

8343.0300 Crane Operator, Pneumatic 8333.14

8343.0400 Crane Operator, Hydraulic 8333.16

8343.0500 Mobile Crane Operator 8333.18

8343.0501 EOT Crane Operator

8343.0600 Crane Operator, Gantry 8333.20

8343.0700 Overhead Crane Operator 8333.22

8343.0800 Derrick Crane Operator 8333.24

8343.0900 Derrick Crane Operator, Magnetic 8333.28

8343.1000 Crane Driver, Hammer Head 8333.30

8343.1100 Winchman 8333.32

8343.1200 Hoist Operator 8333.35

8343.1300 Bridge Opening Operator 8333.38

8343.1400 Winding Engineman 8333.40

8343.1500 Haulage Engine Driver 8333.50

8343.1600 Crane and Hoist Operators, Other 8333.60

8343.1700 Aerial Ropeway Operator 8333.65

8343.1800 Liftman 8333.70

8343.9900 Crane, Hoist and Related Plant Operators, 8333.90


Family 8344 Lifting Truck Operators

8344.0100 Lift Truck Operator 8334.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

8344.0201 Fork Lift Truck Operator/Fork Lift 8334.20


8344.9900 Lift Truck Operator, Other 8334.90

Group 835 Ships’ Deck Crews and Related Workers

Family 8350 Ships’ Deck Crews and Related Workers

8350.0100 Serang, Deck/Bosun 8340.10

8350.0300 Seaconny/OS (Ordinary Seaman) 8340.20

8350.0400 Lascar/OS (Ordinary Seaman) 8340.25

8350.0500 Driver, Launch/Tug Master 8340.30

8350.0600 Boatman 8340.40

8350.0700 Rudderman 8340.50

8350.0800 Oarsman 8340.60

8350.9900 Ships’ Deck Ratings, Barge Crews and 8340.90

Boatmen, Other

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Division 9 Elementary Occupations

Sub- 91 Cleaners and Helpers


Group 911 Domestic, Hotel and Office Cleaners and


Family 9111 Domestic Cleaners and Helpers

9111.0100 Domestic Servant 9131.10

9111.0200 Char Dust Cleaner and Salvager 9131.20

9111.0300 Cleaner, Home Restoration Service 9131.30

9111.9900 Domestic and Related Helpers, Cleaners and 9131.90

Launderers, Other

Family 9112 Cleaners and Helpers in Offices, Hotels and

Other Establishments

9112.0100 Dusting Man, Office; Farash, 9132.10

Office/Housekeeping Attendant

9112.0200 Cleaner Hospital 9132.30

9112.9900 Helpers and Cleaners in Offices, Hotels and 9132.90

Other Establishments, Other

Group 912 Vehicle, Window, Laundry and Other Hand


Family 9121 Hand Launderers and Pressers

9121.0100 Dhobi 9133.10

9121.0200 Laundry Workers (Marker, Sorter) 9133.20

9121.0300 Dry Cleaner, Hand 9133.30

9121.0400 Spot Remover 9133.40

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

9121.0500 Rug Cleaner 9133.50

9121.0600 Presser, Hand 9133.60

9121.0700 Dry Cleaner, Spot 9133.70

9121.9900 Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Pressers, 9133.90


Family 9122 Vehicle Cleaners

9122.0100 Cleaner, Window 9142.10

9122.0201 Washer

9122.0301 Driving Assistant

9122.9900 Vehicle, Window and Related Cleaners, 9142.90


Family 9123 Window Cleaners

Family 9129 Other Cleaning Workers

Sub- 92 Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery

Division Labourers

Group 921 Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery


Family 9211 Crop Farm Labourers

9211.0100 Ploughman 9201.10

9211.0200 Labourer, Agriculture 9201.20

9211.0300 Picker (Tobacco) 9201.30

9211.9900 Farm Hands and Labourers, Other 9201.90

Family 9212 Livestock Farm Labourers

Family 9213 Mixed Crop and Livestock Farm Labourers

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 9214 Garden and Horticultural Labourers

Family 9215 Forestry Labourers

9215.0100 Labourer, Plantation 9202.10

9215.0200 Tappers 9203.90

9215.9900 Forestry Labourers and Related Workers, 9202.90


Family 9216 Fishery and Aquaculture Labourers

Sub- 93 Labourers in Mining, Construction,

Division Manufacturing and Transport

Group 931 Mining and Construction Labourers

Family 9311 Mining and Quarrying Labourers

9311.0100 Mines, Quarrymen, Related Workers 9311.10

9311.0101 Mazdoor/Helper

9311.0200 Digger (Mine & Quarry) 9311.20

9311.9900 Mining and Quarrying Labourers, Other 9311.90

Family 9312 Civil Engineering Labourers

9312.0100 Labourer, Other 9312.10

9312.0200 Track Repairer (Rail Transport) 9312.20

9312.9900 Construction and Maintenance Labourers, 9312.90


Family 9313 Building Construction Labourers

9313.0100 Well Digger Helper 9313.10

9313.0201 Helper Bar Bender and Fixer

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

9313.0301 Helper Mason

9313.0401 Helper Carpenter – Shuttering & Scaffolding

9313.0501 Helper Electrician

9313.0601 Helper Laboratory and Field Technician

9313.0701 Helper Painter and Decorator

9313.9900 Building Construction Labourers, Other 9313.90

Group 932 Manufacturing Labourers

Family 9321 Hand Packers

9321.0101 Packer, Hand 9322.10

9321.0102 Packager and Despatcher

9321.0201 Labeller 9322.20

9321.0205 Tagger and Labeller

9321.0300 Stenciler 9322.30

9321.0400 Stamper, Hand 9322.40

9321.1101 Weigher 9322.76

9321.1102 Issuing and Return In-Charge

9321.1103 Diamond Bagger and Flueter

9321.1200 Counter 9322.80

9321.1300 Container Washer, Machine 9322.85

9321.1401 Machining Assistant or Helper

9321.9900 Hand Packers, Others 9322.90

Family 9329 Manufacturing Labourers Not Elsewhere

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004


9329.0100 Khatedar, Salt Production 9322.50

9329.0200 Mukadam, Salt Production 9322.55

9329.0300 Salt Reclamation Worker 9322.60

9329.0400 Checker 9322.70

9329.0500 Tester 9322.72

9329.0600 Sorter 9322.74

9329.0701 Accessory Fitter

9329.0801 Parts Picker

Group 933 Transport and Storage Labourers

Family 9331 Hand and Pedal Vehicle Drivers

9331.0100 Driver, Cycle Rickshaw 9331.10

9331.0300 Hand Cart Man 9331.30

9331.0400 Traffic Hand, Gliding 9331.40

9331.0600 Transport Equipment Operators and 9331.60

Drivers, Other

9331.0700 Transport Service Operator 9331.70

9331.9900 Hand Pedal Vehicle Drivers, Other 9331.90

Family 9332 Drivers of Animal-Drawn Vehicles and


9332.0100 Horse Carriage Driver 9332.10

9332.0200 Cart Driver 9332.20

9332.0300 Mahout 9332.30

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

9332.0400 Pack Animal Driver 9332.40

9332.0500 Supervisor, Animal-Drawn and Manually 9332.50

Operated Transport Equipment

9332.9900 Animal and Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers, 9332.90


Family 9333 Freight Handlers

9333.0100 Loader and Unloader 9333.10

9333.0101 Loader/Loading and Unloading Operator

9333.0201 Warehouse Worker

9333.0202 Loader, Transport


9333.9900 Freight Handlers, Other 9333.90

Family 9334 Shelf Fillers

Sub- 94 Food Preparation Assistants


Group 941 Food Preparation Assistants

Family 9411 Fast Food Preparers

Family 9412 Kitchen Helpers

9412.0100 Kitchen Helper 9132.20

Sub- 95 Street and Related Sales and Services

Division Workers

Group 951 Street and Related Service Workers

Family 9510 Street and Related Service Workers

9510.0100 Boot Polisher 9120.10

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

9510.0200 Bill Poster 9120.20

9510.9900 Shoe Cleaning and Other Street Services 9120.90

Elementary Occupations, Other

Group 952 Street Vendors (Excluding Food)

Family 9520 Street Vendors (Excluding Food)

9520.0100 Hawker 9112.10

9520.9900 Street Vendors, Non-Food Products, Other 9112.90

Sub- 96 Refuse Workers and Other Elementary

Division Workers

Group 961 Refuse Workers

Family 9611 Garbage and Recycling Collectors

9611.0100 Garbage Collector (Motor Transport) 9161.10

9611.0201 E-Waste Collector

9611.9900 Garbage Collectors, Other 9161.90

Family 9612 Refuse Sorters

Family 9613 Sweepers and Related Labourers

9613.0300 Sweeper, Dry 9162.10

9613.0400 Sweeper, Wet 9162.20

9613.0500 Sweeper, Sewer 9162.30

9613.9900 Sweepers and Related Labourers, Other 9162.90

Group 962 Other Elementary Workers

Family 9621 Messengers, Package Deliverers and

Luggage Porters

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

9621.0300 Caddie 9151.30

9621.0400 Bellhop (Hotel & Restaurant) 9151.40

9621.0500 Porter, Baggage (Hotel & Restaurant) 9151.50

9621.0600 (Letter Box Peon) Post Man 9151.60

9621.0700 Mail Carrier 9151.65

9621.0800 Runner, Mail 9151.70

9621.0900 Sorter, Mail 9151.75

9621.1200 Hotel Concierge 9152.10

9621.1300 Water Carrier 9162.40

9621.9900 Messengers, Package Deliverers and 9151.90

Luggage Porters, Other

Family 9622 Odd Job Persons

Family 9623 Meter Readers and Vending Machine


9623.0100 Vending Machine Attendant 9153.10

9623.0200 Coin Collector 9153.15

9623.0300 Meter Reader 9153.20

9623.0301 Municipal Water and Sewage Assessor

9623.0401 PUC Attendant

9623.0501 Tyre Inflation Attendant

9623.0601 Quick Care Point Attendant

9623.9900 Vending Machine Money Collectors, Meter 9153.90

Readers and Related Workers, Other

National Classification of Occupations – 2015 Concordance Table

NCO 2015 NCO 2004

Family 9624 Water and Firewood Collectors

Family 9629 Elementary Workers Not Elsewhere


9629.0100 Usher 9152.40

9629.9900 Doorkeepers, Watchpersons and Related 9152.90

Workers, Other


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