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Class Ticket A&C I PVD

1. The most important factor in regulating the caliber of blood vessels, which determines
resistance to flow, is:
a. Hormonal secretion
b. Independent arterial wall activity.
c. The influence of circulating chemicals
d. The sympathetic nervous system
2. With peripheral arterial insufficiency, leg pain during rest can be reduced by:

a. Elevating the limb above heart level

b. Lowering the limb so it is dependent
c. Massaging the limb after application of cold compresses
d. Placing the limb in a plane horizontal to the body
3. Buerger's disease is characterized by all of the following except:

a. Arterial thrombosis formation and occlusion

b. Lipid deposits in the arteries
c. Redness or cyanosis in the limb when it is dependent
d. Venous inflammation and occlusion
4. A significant cause of venous thrombosis is:

a. Altered blood coagulation

b. Stasis of blood
c. Vessel wall injury
d. All of the above
5. When caring for a patient who has started anticoagulant therapy with warfarin (Coumadin),
the nurse knows not to expect therapeutic benefits for:

a. At least 12 hours
b. The first 24 hours
c. 2-3 days
d. 1 week
6. Mike, a 43-year old construction worker, has a history of hypertension. He smokes two packs
of cigarettes a day, is nervous about the possibility of being unemployed, and has difficulty
coping with stress. His current concern is calf pain during minimal exercise that decreased with
rest. The nurse assesses Mike's symptoms as being associated with peripheral arterial occlusive
disease. The nursing diagnosis is probably:

a. Alteration in tissue perfusion related to compromised circulation

b. Dysfunctional use of extremities related to muscle spasms
c. Impaired mobility related to stress associated with pain
d. Impairment in muscle use associated with pain on exertion

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Class Ticket A&C I PVD

7. Intravenous heparin therapy is ordered for a client. While implementing this order, a nurse
ensures that which of the following medications is available on the nursing unit?

a. Vitamin K
b. Aminocaproic acid
c. Potassium chloride
d. Protamine sulfate
8. A nurse has an order to begin administering warfarin sodium (Coumadin) to a client. While
implementing this order, the nurse ensures that which of the following medications is available
on the nursing unit as the antidote for Coumadin?

a. Vitamin K
b. Aminocaproic acid
c. Potassium chloride
d. Protamine sulfate
9. The client is admitted with a venous stasis leg ulcer. A nurse assesses the ulcer, expecting to
note that the ulcer:

a. Has a pale colored base

b. Is deep, with even edges
c. has little granulation tissue
d. has brown pigmentation around it.
10. A client comes to the outpatient clinic and tells the nurse that he has had legs pains that begin
when he walks but cease when he stops walking. Which of the following conditions would the
nurse assess for?

a. An acute obstruction in the vessels of the legs

b. Peripheral vascular problems in both legs
c. Diabetes
d. Calcium deficiency
11. Which of the following characteristics is typical of the pain associated with DVT?

a. Dull ache
b. No pain
c. Sudden onset
d. Tingling
12. Varicose veins can cause changes in what component of Virchow's triad?

a. Blood coagulability
b. Vessel walls
c. Blood flow
d. Blood viscosity

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Class Ticket A&C I PVD

13. A patient is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Which
signs and symptoms would suggest that his aneurysm has ruptured?

a. Sudden shortness of breath and hemoptysis

b. Sudden, severe low back pain and bruising along his flank
c. Gradually increasing substernal chest pain and diaphoresis
d. Sudden, patchy blue mottling on feet and toes and rest pain
14. A nurse is caring for a patient with a diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis (DVT). The
patient has an order to receive 30 mg enoxaparin (Lovenox). Which injection site should the
nurse use to administer this medication safely?
a. Buttock, upper outer quadrant
b. Abdomen, anterior-lateral aspect
c. Back of the arm, 2 inches away from a mole
d. Anterolateral thigh, with no scar tissue nearby
15. After teaching a patient with newly diagnosed Raynaud's phenomenon about how to manage
the condition, which action by the patient demonstrates that the teaching has been effective?
a. The patient exercises indoors during the winter months.
b. The patient places the hands in hot water when they turn pale.
c. The patient takes pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) for cold symptoms.
d. The patient avoids taking nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

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