Lesson-IV The Learning Principles

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Lesson 4: Principles of Learning

(2 hours)


The complex nature of the

teaching profession is
guided by fundamental
principles governing the
educative processes and
outcomes. A
familiarization and
thorough understanding
of these teaching and
learning principle needed
better enable the teacher
to adapt effective ways
and means of teaching.
This, in effect, brings
about the desired results
of learning, which is the
learner’s acquisition of
knowledge and the
development of skills and
the formation of primitive

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should have:
1. explained who is a professional teacher.
2. discussed the personal and professional qualities of an effective teacher.
3. described the 21st century teacher.

Content Input
Learning is the acquisition of a knowledge-base used with fluency to make sense of
the world, solve problems and make decisions. By knowing some principles on how learning
takes place, teacher will be guided on how to teach.

Below are some principles of learning from Horne and Prime (1990) as cited by
Corpuz and Salandanan:

Principles of Learning
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner.
The process of learning is primarily controlled by the learner and not by the teacher (group
leader)… learning is not only a function for a learner.
No one directly teaches anyone abything of significance… people can learn what
they want to learn, they see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear.
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevant ideas. Students more
readily internalize and implement concepts and ideas which are relevant to their needs and
It is necessary that teacher relates lessons to the needs, interests, and problems of
the learners.
3. Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence of experience. People become responsible
when they have really assumed responsibility, they become independent when they have
experienced independent behavior, they become able when they experienced success, they
begin to feel important when they are important to somebody, they feel liked when
someone like them.
If experience is the best teacher, then teacher should make use of experiential learning.
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process, . Cooperation fosters learning. “two
heads are better than one.” People enjoy functioning interdependently but they also enjoy
functioning interdependently.
Teacher should make use more of cooperative and collaborative approaches. This
way, students are taught to live together and learn interdependently.
5. Learning is an evolutionary process. Behavioral change requires time and patience… implicit
in all the principles and conditions for learning is an evolutionary model of learning.
Then as teachers and learners, let us learn to be patient. Things that are worthwhile
in life take time.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process. Behavioral change often calls for giving up the old
and comfortable ways of believing, thinking and valuing. It is not easy to discard familiar
ways of doing things and incorporate new behavior.
It may be good to make our students realize that learning is a difficult task. It is
accompanied by sacrifice, inconvenience and discomfort. But also leads to inner joy.
7. One of the richest resources for learning is the learner himself. Each individual has an
accumulation of experiences, ideas, feelings and attitudes which comprise a rich vein of
material for problem solving and learning.
As a teacher, you must draw these learners’ ideas, feelings and experiences. You
midwife the birth of new ideas.
8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual. Learning is affected by the total
state of the individual. People are feeling beings as well as thinking beings and when their
feelings and thoughts are in harmony learning is maximized.
9. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual. Each person
has his own unique styles of learning and solving problems. Some personal styles of learning
and problem solving are highly effective, other styles are not as effective, and still others
maybe ineffective.
It pays to allow students to learn in accordance with their unique learning styles and
multiple intelligences.

For more information browse the website Seven Principles of Good Teaching – UTC.edu

Laws of Learning
It is worth including other principle/ laws of learning by Thorndike (1932).

Law of Effect
- Learning is strengthened when accompanied by a pleasant or satisfying feeling.
- Learning is weakened when associated with an unpleasant feeling.
- Learning takes place properly when it results in satisfaction an dthe learner derives
pleasure out of it.
Law of Exercise
- Things most often repeated are best remembered.
- Students do not learn complex tasks in a single session.
Law of Readiness
- Individuals learn best when they are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to
learn, and they do not learn well if they see no reason for learning.
The Law of Primacy
- Things learned first create a strong impression.
- What is taught must be right the first time.
The Law of Recency
- Things most recently learned are best remembered
The Law of Intensity
- The more intense the material taught, the more it is likely learned.
The Law of Freedom
- Things freely learned are best learned.
- The greater the freedom enjoyed by the students in the class, the greater the
intellectual and moral advancement enjoyed by them.
Check For Understanding

In order to apply the 9 principles of effective teaching and learning, scribble some
practices occurring in a classroom that necessitate the application of the principles
discussed. Use the prescribed sequences as your guide to develop this essay. Then, think-
pair-share. Allow a classmate or some of your classmates to read your work an dask for
feedback. Your teacher may ask you to read your work in class.

Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning As a prospective teacher, I will…..

Learning is an experience which occurs inside

the learner and is activated by the learner.

Learning is the discovery of the personal

meaning and relevant ideas.

Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence

of experience.

Learning is a cooperative and collaborative

process, . Cooperation fosters learning.

Learning is an evolutionary process.

Learning is sometimes a painful process.

One of the richest resources for learning is the

learner himself.

The process of learning is emotional as well as


The process of problem solving and learning are

highly unique and individual

Completion of the Model

Choose one principle that turned out to be your favorite among the nine. Write it in
the center. In circle 1,2,3, describe how it guides the teacher to become effective; then in
circle numbers 4,5,6, describe how it contributes to effective learning. Have your work
evaluated by a learning partner.


2. 5.


Wrap-Up Activity

Make a synthesis journal about the elements of learning which you learned in the
unit such as the learner, teacher, learning environment and the principles of learning and

What I Read What I Learned What I Can Use It

Learner’s Background

Teacher’s Attribute

Conducive Learning
Principles of Effective
Teaching and Learning

Now that you have undergone all the lessons on the unit, you are now to take the
Unit Test. The Unit Tes will be uploaded in your MVLE on Sept. _____, 2020.

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